Which hand do men wear? What wrist is the watch usually worn on? On which hand the men's watch is worn.

Etiquette stipulates many things, including which hand the men wear the watch on. The rules of behavior and wearing of personal wardrobe items exist for a reason, so it is important to understand where this or the rule came from, this is the only way to understand whether it is important to follow it today.

Which hand should men wear a mechanical watch?

The rule to wear a watch on the left hand has existed for more than a dozen years. This is due to several peculiarities:

  1. The watch dial is covered with glass, so this accessory is worn on the hand, which is less involved in everyday work. This helps to reduce the likelihood of damage to the glass and therefore the mechanism. By the way, nowadays there are watches for left-handers, but in Soviet time there was simply no such thing.
  2. Previously, there were only mechanical wrist watch... The screw with which the movement was wound is located in such a way that it is much more convenient to wind the watch with the right hand than with the left.

In our time, there is no longer a consensus of opinion on which hand is correct to wear a watch. A man can independently choose what is more convenient for him. After all, today you can buy a variety of watch models, and not all guys prefer to use mechanical devices. And the glass that protects the dial is now being made more durable.

Which hand should you wear an electronic watch on?

If we talk about electronic wristwatches, then they appeared on sale relatively recently, so there is no single rule on this issue. But, if we are talking about sports models, then it is customary to wear them on the left hand for right-handers, and on the right-handed ones. This is due to the usual measures for their own safety. Sports watches are often equipped with additional sensors and timers, sometimes manufacturers indicate how to wear this useful accessory correctly so that it functions correctly.

During active sports or during hiking trips a person should put the accessory on the hand that is less involved in various actions. Compliance with the rule on which hand you need to wear the watch can keep in order not only the mechanism of this useful accessory from damage, but also the life of a person. However, there are exceptions. If a man is used to wearing a watch on the other hand, then it is better not to change his own rules for the sake of generally accepted norms. The habit of looking at the other hand can contribute to the fact that in a critical situation precious seconds will be lost. Although experts recommend observing generally accepted safety rules when playing sports and tourism, they do not deny the fact that your own can be too strong and ineradicable, and also that you should not always overdo yourself and force yourself to do what is inconvenient.

Who and why wears a watch on the right hand?

During the existence Soviet Union, a person who put on a mechanical watch on his right hand considered dangerous. It was a kind of distinction by which the pickpockets thieves recognized each other. Whether this fact is historical, or just a romantic invention, is not known. But, in many sources it is said about this. Nowadays, of course, there is no such mark of distinction among malefactors. Now no one will think badly of a man who wears a watch on right hand.

If you do not think about the old legend, then wearing a watch on the right hand would rather say that a person is left-handed. It is often more comfortable for left-handers if the accessory is on this hand.

In connection with the emergence mobile phones and modern gadgets, watches have lost their practical value, so they are often used as a stylish accessory. Men's watches have become an essential attribute of a successful and busy person who values ​​his time and does not use it in vain. Quite often the question arises: which hand to wear them on? There are many rules that contradict each other, but each of which has a right to exist.

Which hand should men wear a watch on: a practical point of view

From a practical point of view, right-handers are better off wearing the watch on their left hand, and left-handers on the right, due to the fact that working arm is constantly active, which can interfere with performing any actions, and also the risk of breaking the clock increases. In addition, special watches for left-handers or right-handers appeared on sale, the difference of which is that the mechanical crown is located on the right for those who prefer to wear the watch on the left hand and vice versa.

In the event that the crown for the winding is at the bottom, this will improve the water resistance of the watch and reduce the possibility of water getting into the movement, which is another plus.

Which hand do men wear a watch on: a mystical view of the problem

Contrary to practicality, supporters of the mystical theory argue that a man, regardless of whether he is right-handed or left-handed, should only wear a watch on his right hand. This is explained by the teachings of ancient Chinese healers, who believed that in a man the energy impulses responsible for the work of the heart come from the left hand, and in a woman - from the right. If a man will wear a watch on his left hand, it will knock down his heart rate and worsen his health. Therefore, in order to balance the energy in the body, it would be correct for a man to wear this accessory on his right hand.

What do psychologists say?

Psychologists have also provided explanations for how wearing a watch can affect a person's character, career, and personal life. So, in their opinion, a man who puts on a watch on his right hand is more purposeful, active and achieves his goals faster. He is ready for life's difficulties and is easier to bear failure. On the right hand, watches are also worn by creative people: actors, musicians, artists, stylists, photographers, etc.

If a man puts a watch on his left hand, then subconsciously begins to program himself for failure. This is due to such a stereotype that everything "left" is bad. For example, the phrases "walk to the left", "left income", "got up from the left foot" are associated with something wrong, illegal and unsuccessful.

How are politicians worn?

Many politicians and prominent personalities wear watches on their right wrist. Thus, the President of Belarus A. Lukashenko spoke about his childhood hobby for playing the button accordion, during which he developed the habit of wearing a watch on this hand, and President of the Russian Federation V. Putin said that it is more convenient for him to wear a watch on his right hand due to the fact that the head for plant does not rub brush.

Among the politicians who wear watches on their right hands, Israeli Prime Minister E. Olmert was also noticed. Photos of male stars such as Bruce Willis, Ashton Kutcher, Robert Pattinson, David Beckham, Eminem and others are further proof of this conclusion.

In addition, a watch worn on the right hand is more noticeable to others, therefore, in order to demonstrate a chic "new thing" and strengthen the status of a stylish and financially secure man, you need to listen to this fact. In business etiquette, the rule to wear this accessory on the left hand has long been outdated, but the fact that one cannot often glance at the watch has been preserved.

Having considered all of the above rules, we can conclude that there is no specific answer on which hand a watch should be worn by men. Everything is determined by the degree of convenience, practicality and personal preferences.

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Etiquette dictates its own rules. By not obeying them, you automatically become cultureless. Even the dilemma of which hand to wear the watch on also requires fulfillment. general rules etiquette. Few people know that watches are not only a decoration. They can also have a beneficial effect on our energy field.

How did the wristwatch appear?

Today, for many, watches perform the function of a necessary accessory that emphasizes their individuality. The predecessor of modern watches is pocket watches.

Back in 1886, they were created in the form of a bracelet. However, at first they were used by women as jewelry... At that time, men did not appreciate enough, And only in the First world war representatives of the strong half turned their attention to this necessary accessory. For the first time, officers began to wear them, since their use was more convenient than usual pocket watches.

Why wear a watch when everyone has a smartphone?

Indeed, a paradox: why wear a watch if a person practically does not let go of a smartphone? Today, watches have become more of an accessory function. They display business style person, often simply complementing it. A creative and interesting strap on the watch, a feature of the model, the technology of the LED display - all these elements only indirectly draw attention to the watch.

Few people think about which hand to wear a watch on. Therefore, they put them on as it is convenient, in accordance with the clothes. However, it is worth knowing that there are specific rules for wearing watches for both men and women. But in order not to miscalculate and not get trapped in an intelligent society, you should know on which hand the watch is worn according to etiquette.

Amazing theories

There are several theories about wearing a wristwatch.

1. Utilitarian theory studies the issue of convenience when wearing a wristwatch. According to its "axioms", the accessory must be worn on the "free" hand, which would not create inconvenience to a person during work. By the way, if you put the watch on the "working" hand, then there is a great risk of causing any damage to them. Therefore, a right-handed person should wear a watch on his left hand, and a left-handed person should wear a watch on his right.

In ancient times, left-handers were mistaken for non-humans. It was believed that such people are the heirs of the devil. And in the days of the USSR, children were retrained at school and forced to write with only their right hand. That is why the Soviet watch manufacturers focused on the right-handed population, while providing for the location of the crown on the right.

Today, statistics show that left-handers make up about 35% of the total population. However, out of habit, the watch continues to be produced on the right side.

2. The mystical theory is based on the teachings of "Fukuri". It claims that energetically important points are located on the wrists of both hands: cun, guan and chi. These points are directly related to human health. The cun point is directly connected with the heart, in men it is located on the left, and in women - on the right. Believe it or not this theory, but there is another mystical connection associated with the question of which hand to wear the watch.

Many forensic scientists notice quite frequent supernatural coincidences. If the owner of the watch dies, then it stops. Whether this is true or fortuitous is unknown. Therefore, if you are superstitious, then think about which hand to wear the watch. More on this below in the article.

Which hand do men wear?

Almost all representatives of the stronger sex are rather condescending to various accessories, considering this to be a woman's occupation. Although today this fact has already become stereotyped. Almost every man has a watch on his wrist. Moreover, they wear them for various reasons, mainly associating them with professional activities, where it is necessary to emphasize social status.

Men who do manual labor put the watch on the hand that is least involved in the work. An office worker usually doesn't care which wrist the watch is on. But if you follow the rules of business etiquette, then a man should wear a watch on his left hand. And those who prefer to emphasize their position in society usually wear them on the right ..

Which hand do women wear?

A watch on a woman's thin handle also emphasizes not only personal business qualities, but also femininity.

Many stylists believe that this is an essential attribute of style and elegance. In favor of etiquette, a woman should wear a watch on her right hand.

Energy and Clock: What's the Connection?

Ancient Chinese medicine says that a woman needs to make every effort to raise the energy points that are located on the wrist of her right hand. Accordingly, the question of which hand to wear the watch on is automatically eliminated. On the right, of course. By the way, strong energy points are ways to influence the work of internal organs.

Of course, no one has canceled the rules of business etiquette. Therefore, it is necessary to take them into account in the question: "On which hand do girls and men wear watches?" Usually women do not attach much importance to this issue, obeying only on their own look great.

By the way, if a woman's right hand is already “cluttered” with rings, then the watch should be worn on the left hand. So outwardly, the effect of a "stylish dump" will not be created. This rule also applies when wearing bracelets.

From the point of view of psychology, if a woman seeks to demonstrate her independence, then she should wear a watch on an active hand. This will only emphasize efficiency and professionalism. Many girls put their watches on their right hand subconsciously, as they strive to show everyone their dedication, without attaching importance to their past.

As for men, they need to remember that watches should be changed every five years. Very expensive accessories should be worn for special occasions. When buying such an expensive item, you should make sure of the originality of the brand.

A woman's wardrobe must include different styles clothes, respectively, and several models of watches. So, for a business meeting, it is better to choose an accessory classic design, but for a party or meeting with friends - a brighter creative design.

Another rule: the watch case is no larger than the wrist. Since a huge watch looks rather ridiculous on a thin female handle, and, conversely, a watch with a small dial cannot be worn on a large hand.

Most importantly, remember that a wristwatch should be comfortable for you and not provide any discomfort. They should fully reflect your inner content and emphasize your individuality, helping to form the opinion of others about you.

Society dictates its own rules. We must behave correctly in relation to others, know at least the elementary rules of etiquette, be able to maintain a dialogue and choose clothes and accessories in accordance with the moment. A wristwatch is the perfect complement to any look. But, not everyone knows how to wear them correctly. In addition, many simply do not follow fashionable novelties and they do not know that, for example, men's skeleton watches look like this. But, today, we will not talk about fashion and models.

The clock on the right: what does it mean?

In fact, everyone who wants to draw the attention of others to their jewelry should also wear wrist accessories on their right hand. So, you can draw attention to your choice, taste and personality.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there are no universally accepted rules of etiquette for wearing wrist jewelry for either men or women. You can wear them however you like. But, everything should be in place. So, for an office or business meetings, you should not buy flashy or too large accessories, because they distract the interlocutor's attention and interfere with the person's concentration.

Psychologists believe that the left side symbolizes the past, the negative, and the right side, on the contrary, only the future and positive attitude... The wearing style can also be attributed to this category. Therefore, if you are a woman or a man who go to your goal no matter what, then wear a watch on your right hand - this is exactly what will characterize you the best way possible.

Do you know why in China it is customary to wear wrist mechanisms on the right? Because, in accordance with ancient Chinese philosophy, a large number of energy points are located on the left wrist, including the point that is responsible for the work of the heart. The Chinese believe that the strap can harm human health by squeezing this area.

But, let's digress from philosophy and psychology and give one more original example... It turns out that by putting on a wristwatch on your right hand, you protect yourself from theft. And all because this way of wearing is common in criminal circles. And pickpockets do not steal from “their own”.

There are many signs associated with wrist watch... For example, they say that you cannot give them as a gift. It is believed that this is for separation. But, if in return you offer the donor a coin (regardless of its denomination), then the situation will have the opposite effect. Few people know that they can become a real talisman. If earlier they belonged to your ancestors, they will bring good luck and protect you.

We carry on the left: values ​​and etiquette

Historically, it so happened that wristwatches are usually worn on the left side. It is no secret that most of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, not left-handed, and many of them find it more convenient to wind up the mechanism and fasten the strap with their right hand. In addition, wearing it on the left wrist allows you to protect the product from mechanical damage, since whatever the right-hander does, he does with his right hand, while the left-hander does the opposite.

In the business environment, it is customary to wear wrist accessories on the left side, and this applies to both men and women. Buy a product that is not too provocative, which can be almost completely hidden under the cuff of a shirt. Following these rules will allow you to make a good impression on your business partner, to demonstrate to an outsider your restraint and level of upbringing.

So, among the main reasons that induce people to choose the left hand for wearing a wristwatch, it is worth highlighting:

  • it is much more convenient to wind up both mechanical women's watches and products for men, for this you don't even need to take it off;
  • a right-hander will be able to fasten the strap of the device much faster by helping himself with his “working” hand;
  • this allows you to save an expensive product from damage (by the way, as one sign says, a stopped mechanism is a problem for their owner, so do not forget to start it);
  • It is said that jewelry on the left wrist is a sign of a creative nature, which is why even many left-handers prefer this side.

Which hand to wear?

For those who have not yet decided how to wear jewelry, stylists recommend alternately putting on a wristwatch on one or the other hand. After a while, you will be able to understand which option you like best.

The main thing is not what wrist they will be worn on, but that the jewelry you bought matches the event, setting or dress code. And, of course, don't forget about the size. Large accessories will look too rough on a miniature wrist, and vice versa - you should not choose a small dial for a large brush.

Wristwatches entered our life in the 20s of the twentieth century. With the development of new technologies, it seemed to everyone that they had outlived their own, became a relic of the past, because now you can see the time on a mobile, laptop, tablet and other gadgets with which we have become inseparable. But it turned out - no, watches are worn, although, of course, not everyone you meet.

Now this thing has a slightly different meaning. It is not a chronometer in the first place, but a fashion accessory, an integral part of a gentleman's business suit, as well as a fashionable lady's image.

V higher spheres society, the trained eye of the man in the street can determine your status and creditworthiness in a minute, just by looking at your watch. We will not delve into such aspects, whether it is necessary to wear a watch at all, what brand of watch is better to choose and how to choose the right watch. Now we will discuss the question on which hand a woman should wear a watch, is it really so important to adhere to generally accepted norms.

What hand should women wear? Practical considerations

It is believed that women wear watches on their left hand:

  1. This is primarily due to practicality, because most people have a right hand. So that they do not interfere with work, the watch was worn on the left hand.
  2. There was one more important aspect: before, chronometers were mechanical, therefore, they required frequent winding. Naturally, turning the miniature crown of the winding mechanism is more convenient with the right hand. Yes, and open-fasten the strap as well.

Important! For left-handers, the opposite is true, but earlier this part of society was little considered. Therefore, the norm has somehow taken root that girls should wear watches on their left hand. It was even recorded in strict rules etiquette in the middle of the last century.

Now many models do not require winding, you just need to change the battery in time. Therefore, on which hand to wear the watch is up to you, based only on personal convenience and practicality.

Psychology of the issue

Psychologists believe that a person has left hand symbolizes the past, and the right one symbolizes the future. Based on these considerations, if you strive to build your future, keep up with the times, open up new horizons in your personal life and in business, you should wear such an accessory on your right hand.

Psychologists noted the following picture:

  1. Purposeful, self-confident, business women wear stylish watches on their right hand. They are not afraid of obstacles and difficulties, they go through life confidently and with their heads held high.
  2. Women who value stability and love romance prefer wearing watches on their left hand.

What else should you know? Bioenergy issue

Representatives of Chinese medicine, rooted in the distant past, assure that there are certain energy points on the human body. They can be manipulated to affect health. It is difficult for our compatriots to understand exactly how, but it really works!

Probably everyone has heard of healing acupuncture and the magical results of acupuncture. Eastern folk healers are well aware that the human body, and especially the limbs, are dotted with such points. If you know where to push, you can get rid of pain, or improve the work of a specific organ in the human body.

The body, from their point of view, is permeated with special meridians through which it circulates Vital energy... In certain places, there are reflex points that are shallow under the skin, which can be affected by acupressure or acupuncture.

There are also such energy nodes on the wrist under the thumb. According to the ancient Chinese teachings "Fukuri", the active points responsible for the work of the heart in men and women are on different hands:

  1. For men - on the left, so they must wear bracelets and watches on the right hand.
  2. And for women, such points are on the right hand, so it is advisable to wear the watch on the left, so as not to interfere with the work of the heart with a tight strap or other details.

Important! The energy flow must circulate freely and unhindered. This is the guarantee of the correct and stable operation of our "motor", the ancient Chinese believe. Believe it or not - everyone's personal business.

Aesthetics and style

If you have already decided on which hand to wear the watch, then do not forget about some rules that fashion dictates.

For a woman, a manual chronometer is, first of all, an accessory, so it should be combined with the style of clothing in general:

  1. If you are going for a walk with your child to the park, heading to the gym, or, wearing a tracksuit, going with friends to nature, then it is quite possible to get by with a simple electronic watch on a silicone bracelet.
  2. Are you going to the celebration? Then the accessory must be graceful and elegant.
  3. It is undesirable to hang the same hand with watches, bracelets, noticeable rings. Spread the decorations evenly.
  4. For a party and a disco, you can pick up a creative watch with an unusual dial and a strap decorated with rhinestones, chains, beads and other similar details. Young ladies nowadays prefer watches with multi-tiered bracelets.
  5. According to etiquette, the dial must match the wrist of the “mistress”. Tiny watches look ugly on full hand and “Kremlin chimes” on a slender handle.

As you can see, there are no strict rules as to which hand a woman should wear a watch on, so be guided, first of all, by your own comfort and personal preferences.