Strong brutal man. "Brutal man" - who is he? Brutal man - hunter and male

Many girls are crazy about brutal men, considering them their ideal and dreaming of meeting one of them at least once. Strong, sexy, passionate and rude - this is how a woman imagines a brutal man.

And yet, who is he really? How to distinguish such a man in a crowd?

Brutal as a type of man

By the words "real man" most often they mean just brutals. These are the representatives of the stronger sex who behave like a man, do not give up slack and know how to protect not only themselves, but also those dear to them. They look the same.

Others can be scared off by the arrogance, straightforwardness and vulgarity of a brutal man. He is essentially a hunter and is ready to use brute force if necessary.

But at the same time brutal Is a gentle person you can rely on. Such a man will become a real support for any woman, a faithful friend for people close to him. The main life principle for him is honor and truth. Brutal always says what he thinks, but at the same time respects the feelings of the other person and will not express his opinion if he was not asked about it.

To top it all off, the brutals do not care at all about the opinions of others. They may be angry with him or admire him, adore or hate him, but a brutal man is not interested in the emotions of people that he is not interested in. He values ​​his time, knows his own worth and will not waste his attention on a "dummy".

However, if a brutal man is really interested in a woman, he will do everything to achieve it and appropriate it to himself ... But only if he considers her worthy of his love. Different methods will be used: from courtship to outright ignorance, but one of them will definitely be successful.

There are also so-called pseudo-brutals ... They create the illusion of brutality and assert themselves at the expense of female weakness. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and drive such in the neck, because you deserve more.

What kind of woman is a brutal man suitable for?

A brutal young man is suitable for those who love self-confident, courageous men who immediately show who is the boss. A woman by her nature chooses a man-leader: the most attractive, handsome, strong. This happens on a subconscious level, instinctively.

Pretty much every girl is drawn to the bad guy. ... And it happens involuntarily. Even if she is looked after by a good, gentle, promising man who is ready to drown her in love and prosperity, to become a wonderful husband for her and an excellent father to their common children. A woman can respond to his advances, but as soon as a brutal woman appears on the horizon, she falls in love with him. Instantly or after a while, it depends on the man.

Keeping a man like that is quite difficult.... If the girl ceases to meet his requirements, he quickly loses interest in her. But, of course, not in those cases when the brutal is head over heels in love and cannot imagine life without his chosen one.

Therefore, we take the situation into our own hands and go ahead! Let him understand that you are the one.

What is attractive about brutal men?

A woman in brutalism is attracted primarily by his masculinity. Many people imagine such a man as a rude, rude biker with three days of stubble on his face. And in many cases it is (with the exception of bikers, of course), but in fact, this opinion is erroneous. A brutal young man will not be rude for no reason, and his appearance is not a criterion for brutality.

Of course, she also plays an important role, but the main feature of a brutal man is his inner world, his attitude towards a woman and those around him in general. They are only interested in those the fairer sex, who took place, know how to properly present themselves and turn his head ... , which will be able to intrigue and fall in love with him without much effort. This also attracts girls. Which of them does not want to be "the one" for her man?

Girls will always curl around such a guy... This is due to its understated charm, the incredible power of its charm and attractiveness. His strength, masculinity, resilience attract women, because in the depths of their souls any of them wants to be weak and feminine, finally take a break from independence and let a man lead.

If we return to their appearance, then women go crazy from the body of brutals. Their confident, unhurried gait, fit athletic figure and piercing gaze do their job. Such a man always cares about his appearance so that he meets their own requirements and inner world.

What good qualities do brutals have?

Despite the harshness and roughness of his nature, with those close to him, brutal is caring itself. He will not allow anyone to offend his woman, he will never raise a hand on her. And this applies not only to his relationship, but also to people close to him. A brutal man by nature is a patron, so behind his back - like behind a stone wall, you don't have to worry about anything.

Brutals are already accomplished personalities... If they do not like the fact that a woman works, they will not allow her, because they themselves are able to provide for her needs and for herself. Refusal of such an offer can severely hit a man's pride.

Brutal guy with his girlfriend will become a support, a strong male shoulder. He will make an excellent husband and a good father, but this largely depends on the woman herself. If she creates an atmosphere of happiness and comfort, surrounds her man with love and support in all endeavors, he will not go anywhere and will do everything to make her as happy as possible.

The word "brutality" is firmly entrenched in the modern Russian language, but very few do not know the history of its origin and the exact meaning. People confuse the concepts of masculinity and brutality, however, the combination of behavior and psychophysical differences that are characteristic of men is a gender characteristic, a distinctive feature of the strong half of humanity.

Masculinity is inherent in any man, although it is expressed in different ways. The term brutality is much broader and describes certain traits of a masculine character, features of appearance. So masculinity and brutality are not synonymous.


Some linguists are inclined to believe that the concept of "brutality" is derived from the name of a famous historical character. The Latin noun brutum ("foolish animal") was the name given to the Roman patricians Junius, one of whom Mark Junius Brutus is the treacherous murderer of Julius Caesar.

Latin brutalis means "carnal, animal, treacherous"; brutus - "heavy, rude, pointless, dumb." Later, in many European languages, the term acquired the meaning of "bestial, cruel". In French, brutal also means “cruel, brutal, harsh”. The German word brutality means "insensitive, merciless, cruel, callous." The word has a similar meaning in English. In addition, this term is also translated from English as "ruthless, inhuman, disgusting, a man with bad manners." The Slavic peoples (Ukrainians, Belarusians) have the word brud (previously they said brutus), which literally means "dirt".

In architecture after World War II, the style of brutalism (non-rutalism) was formed in England, which is characterized by massive concrete structures, rough simple forms. The Russian language borrowed the root "brutal" from English or French. The word "brutality" (insolence) is first encountered in documents from the 18th century. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the term also characterized the negative traits of a person (rudeness, cruelty, callousness). For example, in some works, Lenin spoke of his successor (Stalin) as too brutal (vicious, cruel) person.

During the Soviet period, this word was forgotten, it was used very rarely. Only in 1991 was the term given a definition by the Knizhnoe Obozreniye newspaper. Then this word was described as "brutal, harsh, cruel, rude." Since then, in many dictionaries of a later edition, its meaning has not changed, and in the "Modern Dictionary of Foreign Words", published in 2002 by the authors of L.M. Bash, G.L. Vecheslova, A.V. Bobrova and others, the definition was replenished with such epithets as "rude, stupid, straightforward."

In modern Russia, in colloquial speech, the term has become widespread in a completely different interpretation, has lost its original negative meaning. Therefore, some linguists believe that this word belongs to the category of neologisms (new words).

The transformation of the concept took place thanks to the cinema, in which the main character has the characteristic appearance of a brutal man:

  • trained body;
  • stubble;
  • sometimes slight neglect;
  • scars, etc.

At the same time, outwardly, the hero is very attractive, and behind the rudeness lies nobility, deep decency, honesty and subtle nature.

This image, of course, appeals to both men and women. As a result, men tend to imitate a brutal image (at least outwardly), and women admire him. A typical example of a cinematic hero is James Bond, federal agent Seeley Booth (popular American TV series "Bones"). In the minds of modern women, a stable stereotype has developed that a brutal man is someone with whom a woman can feel protected, who will always take care of her. Such a man is a reliable companion, with whom problems and hardships are not terrible, he is courageous and at the same time sexy.

Today, a charismatic man, a born leader who has a strong, strong-willed character and appropriate appearance, is called brutal. Such a person is characterized by decisiveness, firmness, purposefulness, resilience, reliability, others take into account his opinion. The behavior of a brutal man reflects his belief that he is the master of the situation, he does not have to show cruelty and aggression towards others.

In all countries, the term initially had a negative meaning, but in modern society the semantic load has completely changed, now brutality means masculinity, strength of character, charisma, a strong masculine principle, rudeness, which does not repel, but attracts.

Any man should have a bit of brutality in him. The brutality in a man allows the lady to feel that she is behind him like a stone wall. But what kind of concept is “brutal”? And what are the criteria for this very "brutality"?

What does the direct meaning mean

"Brutalis" (brutalis) in translation from Latin is interpreted as "animal, animal, carnal", in the version "brutus" (brutus) the translation will be "heavy, rough, stupid". But this does not mean at all that a brutal man should be a stupid, rude and brutal male in the end, always thirsty for flesh. In the Russian version of brutality, everything is much cleverer.

What is meant by the concept

Let's see what the phrase "brutal man" means. So, what qualities should be inherent in a male representative to be called "brutal":

1. Physique. The body of a man should not resemble an animal, but it is the man who must be determined by the silhouette in it. If a man is thin, does not play sports and does not take care of himself, he is far from being brutal.

2. Hot-tempered nature. Only not the one in which there is no place for judgment. A man should always be ready to stand up both for himself and for his lady of the heart, and this should show through in everything, in his look, habits, behavior and in his very character. And about this should be known to others.

3. Manners are kept. No, he doesn't have to be arrogant. But he should not behave awkwardly in order to be ridiculed even furtively. Brutal men are unhurried, but purposeful. They are not snobs, but they do not shield themselves either.

4. No macho. Macho-man is from another area. From another area and Casanova with ladies' men. A brutal man is by no means a womanizer. He never sticks to women, unless he decides to meet in a serious way, and never flaunts his appearance, although he is not used to getting lost among the crowd. Nor can it be called the "golden mean". A brutal man out of categories. Rather, he is above them all, because if he wants to, he will be able to put things in order in any "cohort". But there must be really serious reasons for this.

5. Natural masculinity. In a brutal man, there should be a bit of natural masculinity. No, not animal habits, inclinations or other unrestrained reflex habits. He should stand above reflexes, but they should not be alien to him and, when necessary, should always be “at hand”. But only in strictly considered, thoughtful and appropriate situations. Otherwise, the man will be not so much brutal as an unrestrained and eccentric rowdy.

6. Appearance. The fact that a man has brutality does not mean at all that he should not be groomed like an animal. No, their appearance should be one hundred percent, and regardless of whether they are wearing a suit, uniform or ordinary casual T-shirt with shorts. And even if he is slightly unshaven (which happens often), two or three days of stubble does not look out of place on him and does not mean that he is not well-groomed. Rather, he has such a habit and style.

Let's summarize

So, from all of the above, you can understand that a brutal man is one who is always fit, is in good physical shape, does not give anyone a descent and does not allow anyone to make fun of himself or his lady. He is moderately restrained, thoughtful and judicious, but when necessary he can instantly turn into a real furious destruction machine. In a word, this is exactly the type of man behind whom any woman will be like a stone wall. That's how brutality she is.

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A serious-minded man who dreams of a friendly family and children, is this not the dream of every representative of the fairer sex?

How often do we hear the phrase “brutal man” from our friends or other women, but no one even often thinks about what this word carries in itself and what meaning is hidden inside it.

What does a brutal man mean

Initially, a brutal man is a tough, inhuman and rude person. Such a person puts himself at the head of everything and does not tolerate someone who doubts this.

But over time, brutality began to change its meaning, like the very phrase of a brutal man, and lately, every time it has been acquiring more and more positive meaning in its pronunciation. At this point in time, it is more associated not with strength against the person, as it was before, but with the strength of a man in general, in his masculinity and ability to resist people.

Women want to be with such men, because they are very sexy, self-conscious and always attract the attention of the opposite sex. Some Macho, as the people say.

But as always, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. It is very difficult to understand a brutal man, most often he does not need a serious relationship and a girl hoping for such is simply doomed to failure of all her life plans.

Such a person can be rude, because he does not value people as such and puts himself above the heads of his fans. A man just knows that his persona is always in demand and he is free to do what he wants and when he wants.

Thus, we found out that a brutal man is a man whom almost all the ladies dream of, whom he comes to in dreams and their dreams, but such a person is not suitable for family life until he realizes his life and does not descend to earth from heaven.

If you want passion, frenzied love and everything that favors this, then such a man is right for you, all these traits are characteristic of him, the traits of a person who can give you all this.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, as you already understood, the meaning of a word has several meanings, both good and bad. When starting to communicate with a man of this type, you had better at the initial stage find out which explanation of brutality to refer to and think several times whether it is worth connecting your life with such a man.

The most brutal men in the world

Most men wonder why they treat girls with all their hearts, give them gifts, confess their love to them, but they don't appreciate it. At the same time, some impudent guy behaves the way he wants, and the girl just sticks to him. And everything is very simple - he has a quality that you do not have - brutality. Today we are with you and will have a conversation about this quality.

What is brutality

Brutality is cruelty and rudeness. Several centuries ago this concept sounded like that. The reader probably now might think that it is necessary to become an inhuman rude person. No, it’s not like that. If you become an inhuman rude person, you will create the impression of some vile person with whom you should not communicate at all. Trust me, you won't look better in front of girls.

Now, in the modern world, the word brutality has become synonymous with masculinity. It is this quality that a real man should have. Brutal guys never suffer from a lack of female attention and a disadvantaged ego. Now this word is starting to take on a more positive meaning for you!

The following actors are the embodiment of brutality:

  1. Jason Stateham.
  2. Brad Pitt.
  3. Tom Cruise.
  4. Ashton Kutcher.

So, brutality has quite a few signs... They can be conditionally divided into two large groups:

  1. External.
  2. Internal.

Let's talk in more detail about all the signs of a brutal man.

What a brutal young man looks like

Brutal men look special. In today's world of glamorous clothing and effeminate boys, simple masculine simplicity in clothing is considered something special. So, external signs of brutality:

  1. Simple clothes.
  2. Slight sloppiness.
  3. Strong and confident look.
  4. Erect posture.
  5. Muscular body.

Simple clothes here mean ordinary things that can be very stylish. The main thing is that they are unambiguously masculine. If you put on trousers, a shirt and shoes, you will look like a man. And if you're wearing skinny jeans, a rhinestone T-shirt and unisex sneakers, then not so much. So, a brutal young man wears exclusively men's clothes. And any deviation from this style is considered non-traditional sexual orientation.

Slight sloppiness manifests itself in such trifles as:

  1. Three-day stubble.
  2. A little shaggy hair.
  3. Broken knuckles on fists.
  4. A protruding collar on the shirt.

Such sloppiness should give the guy sexuality, and not take it away. This does not mean that you need to become a slob, bite your nails and not wash. A real man should be accurate, but not pedantic..

A strong and confident look attracts the attention of girls. Remember, if you saw a girl you liked and started looking at her with a smile, without looking away, she will smile and be slightly embarrassed. However, this will be a sign that she likes you.

And what will happen if you yourself lower your eyes and are ashamed to look at a pretty girl? That's right, you will give the impression of a weak guy. Confident people always make eye contact when talking.

Straight posture - the most important sign of brutality... Can you imagine Jason Stateham walking hunched over with his shoulders pressed against him? Of course not! And why? Because he's brutal! A straight back and a confident gait are essential indicators of self-confidence. Most often, they begin to judge a man by them.

It's not worth talking about a pumped-up body. You don't have to be a steroid monster. But the v-shape, wide chest and biceps should be accentuated by your clothing.

What is the character of a brutal guy

Whatever appearance may be, one entourage does not make sense without inner qualities. In nightclubs, you can often see a guy who is dressed in a simple way, having fun in the center of the dance floor, and the attention of all the girls is drawn to him. And a guy who is well dressed, but hesitates to prove himself, remains out of work, and realizes that the next evening was not a success.

The psychological qualities of a brutal man play a very important role here:

  1. Self confidence- this means that in any situation the guy feels calm and comfortable. He is not afraid of conflict situations and conversations with strangers. That is why such people quickly gain respect, they are often the soul of the company.
  2. Persistence- the most important quality of a real man. Imagine that a guy gets rejected by a girl he cares about. What will he do - go home with lowered hands, or find a way out of the situation, make the girl laugh and direct the conversation in a different direction? Obviously the second answer. Persistence is also very important in business and career development. After all, it is quite difficult to imagine a successful man who has no money. In other words, persistence is what distinguishes a brutal man from a non-brutal man.
  3. Dominance- in a relationship with a girl, a brutal man will be the main one. The initiative comes from him. It is he who suggests how you can spend your time. At the same time, he should not shut up the girl's mouth, but he should be the initiator. He does not bend under the girl. If he feels how the girl is trying to put pressure on him, he will either put her in her place in plain text, or he will find such words that the girl herself will forget about the unpleasant conversation. It is such men who can make girls happy, and unfortunately, gentle and kind men are often used.
  4. Justice- a brutal man will never offend those who are weaker than him, and also will not be able to pass by such a situation. This is unacceptable for him.
  5. A responsibility- for every word and deed he is responsible. Moreover, he realizes that everything that happens in this world is the result of his previous actions. In case of failure, he will not be discouraged. After all, his position is the master of life, not a victim of circumstances.
  6. Active life position- if a man is not satisfied with something, he will not be silent about it. However, he will not impose his opinion on anyone either.


Of course, we have presented to you a certain collective image of a brutal guy. There are no ideal people, and every man has done things for which he is ashamed. The main thing is that the qualities that we talked about above should prevail over the qualities of effeminate boys.

If you find drawdowns in the qualities of a brutal man, work on them. And you yourself will notice how the female attention in your address will become much more. I wish you success!


And what do girls think about the qualities that a brutal man should have? You will learn the answers from this video.