Interpretation of the books of the Old Testament. Psaltir

Psalm 71.

The previous Psalm was written by David when he was already old, and this, it seems, because at that time Solomon was preparing to take a crown. That psalm was a prayer of the king about himself, and this one - about his son and the heir, and the two prayers of David, the son of Jesseev, ended with his psalms (what we read in conclusion). If during this life we \u200b\u200bhave the presence of God and good hopes that the heirs will come after us, who will praise God on Earth, when we will praise him in heaven, then this is enough. This psalm is entitled "On Solomon". Perhaps David dictated him, or rather, the blessed spirit dictated his king shortly before his death when he was a divine command of the order of inheritance and ordered to proclaim the king of Solomon (3 Tsar.1: 30, etc.). Although the name of Solomon is used here, but prophesies about the kingdom of Christ. David knew that God promised him from the fetus Cresll him to erect Christ in the flesh and put on his throne (Acts 2: 30). He here he testifies to the glory of his kingdom and consotes himself in the death hour, anticipating that his family will not be so close to God, will not be so great and pious, as he would like. David in Spirit

(I) begins with a brief prayer for the heir to the throne (Article 1).

(Iii) finishes Psalm praise to God Israel (Article 18-20). Sicking this psalm, we must disappear on Christ, glorifying it as a king, and (as a subject of this kingdom) to rejoice in our own bliss.

About Solomon.

Verse 1.

This verse is a prayer for the king, or rather, about the royal son.

I. We can apply these words to Solomon: "God! give your truth to the king of your truth and the king's son; Make it with a man, king, make it a good husband and a good king. "

1. This is the prayer of the Father about his child - the blessing of the dying, the testament of the Patriarch to his children. The best thing we can ask God for your children is that he gives them wisdom and grace to know his duty and fulfill him. It is better than gold. Solomon learned to pray for himself as his father prayed for him: he asked God not wealth and honors, but a wise and measuring heart. David consisted that his own son would be his heir, but even more, that, it seems, he will be fair and righteous. David gave him a good education (Pri.4: 3), he taught a court and truth, but he did only after God gave him his courts. Parents cannot give grace to their children, but their prayer can lead them to God of grace, and they will not look for the Lord in vain, as an answer will be received on prayer, or she will return to them with consolation.

2. This is the prayer of the king about the heir. Throughout his reign, David worked the court and justice, and now he prays his son to do the same. The same concern about your descendants should be and we, seeking those that come after us, could serve God more and better than we are in our time. The one who does not care what will happen to the world and the church after his death, weakly loves God, and a person who is in the power of a limited selfish spirit.

3. This is a prayer for the subordinate king. It seems that David wrote this psalm for general use so that the people singing him, prayed for Solomon. The one who wants to have a peaceful and quiet life must pray for the kings and the authorities so that God will give them his courts and the truth.

II. We can apply this verse to Christ. It is impossible to say that the one who applies to us needs our petition, but

(1) It is the prayer of the Old Testament Church about the sending Messiah - Tsar of the Church, the prayer for the king of the Holy Mountain of Zion, about which King Kings said: "You are my son" (Ps.2: 6.7). "Hurry the arrival of someone who is awarded all the courts," and therefore we must rush the second coming of Christ when he will judge the universe in truth.

(2) These words express the satisfaction of all the true believers of the authorities that the Lord Jesus received from the Father: "Let him own all the power in heaven and on earth and let him be the Lord of our righteousness. May he be a great manager of the Divine Grace for all his subjects; Come her to him to give it to us. "

Poems 2-17.

These verses are a prophecy about the prosperity and infinity of the Kingdom of Christ, the prototype of which was the Board of Solomon. It follows (1) as a petition, reinforcing prayer: "God! Darue the king of your court and your truth, and then he will judge the righteous people of your people and thus will answer the goals of his elevation (Article 2). Give him your grace, and then your people entrusted to him will benefit from this rule. " According to the love of your God to Israel ... He put you to the king above him - the court and the truth (2 Par.9: 8). We can fight God in faith, begging about grace, which we believe, will benefit His Church.

(2) as a gracious answer to prayer. As a prayer of faith, we give answers to God's promises of mercy and the promises of grace, God responds to our prayers of faith. It is clear that this prophecy refers to the kingdom of the Messiah, since many of these passages cannot be applied to the reign of Solomon. There is no doubt that at the first time in the management of the kingdom was attended by the world and righteousness, but shortly before the end of his rule there were difficulties and wickedness. The kingdom, which is said here, will continue until the sun shines, and Solomon's Board soon fade. Therefore, even Jewish interpreters agree that it is said about the kingdom of the Messiah.

Let's pay attention to the numerous and precious promises given here, which can be fully accomplished only during the reign of Christ, although some of them were partially fulfilled during the Board of Solomon.

I. It will be a righteous board (Article 2): "Yes, you judge the righteous people of yours" (cf. IS.11: 4). All the laws of the Kingdom of Christ are consistent with the Eternal Principles of Justice; The Court of Conscience, which should assist against the harsh conditions put forward in violation of the law, is undoubtedly the court of justice, and for sentences of this court there are no exceptions. Peace and the world of this kingdom will be supported by truth (Article 3), for the world becomes like a river only when the truth is like sea waves. God will righteously judge the Universe (Acts.17: 31).

II. It will be a peaceful board: "May the world will bring the world to people and the hills of the truth" (Article 3), that is, says Dr. Hammond, Supreme and secondary court during the reign of Solomon. At that time there will be an abundance of the world (Article 7). The name Solomon means "peaceful", and that was his reign, because at that time Israel rejoiced victories overwhelmed during the previous board, and kept serenity and peace. But the world is in a special way the fame of the kingdom of Christ, for as long as he is, he is mitrit of people with God, with him and with each other and destroys any hostility, as it is our world.

III. The poor and in need during this board will be taken under the custody of the state: "(He) judges the righteous of yours" (Article 2). By the poor, those who were brought to poverty with their kind conscience are. They will take care of them in a special way, to judge, paying particular attention to their situation and at a particularly rewarding the merits who caused them evil. He judges the beggar of the people and save the sons of the wretched (Article 4). This statement is persistently repeated in Article 12 and 13, implying that Christ will undoubtedly come out for their offended beggars. He will save a beggar, which is granted the grace of his oppressants, and the oppressed, who does not have an assistant, because it is an honor to help them, since they scream to him, and he promised to help them in response to their prayers. They pray for themselves (Ps.9: 35). He will be mercy to a beggar, who gives himself to the power of His mercy, and there will be no strict to him. He will save the souls of poor, and this is all what they wish. Blessed Spirit, for their kingdom of heaven. Christ is the king of beggars.

IV. Proud oppressants will be achieved by merit: "He is humming the oppressed, will take power with them so that they cannot harm and punish everything caused by them evil." This is the ministry of the good king - Parcere Subjectis, Et Debelrere Superbos - to regret the defeated and humble proud. The devil is a great oppressor, whom Christ smirrites and whose kingdom will destroy. He will kill his heart with the spirit of his mouth (IS.11: 4) and relieve the souls of their people from cunning and violence (Article 14). Christ will save them from the power of Satan, who, being an old snake, tried to lure them into the network, and, being a growling lion, with the help of violence tried to scare and absorb them. And so precious will be the blood of them before the eyes of him, that no her drop will be shed because of the deception or violence of Satan and his tools, remaining without retribution. Christ is a king, who, although sometimes calls on his subjects to fight for him to the blood, nevertheless does not shed her abundantly, but only after a long reflection, so that she serves him or their glory and filled the bowl of their enemies.

V. During the reign of Christ, religion will flourish (Art. 5): "Will be afraid of you, the dock will be the sun and the moon." Solomon built a temple, and during his board for some time the fear of God was maintained and the worship of God was committed, but it lasted not long. Therefore, these words talk about the kingdom of Christ, all the subordinates of which keep the fear of God, as the Christian religion has a direct tendency and has a tangible impact on the support and promotion of natural religiosity. Faith in Christ will approve and support the fear of God, and this is an eternal gospel, which is preached: "... Fight God and give him fame" (OP.14: 7). And since the Board of Christ is developing awe before God, then it contributes to an increase in justice and charity among people (Article 7): "On the days of his righteous," righteousness will flourish everywhere, and the righteous will be preferred everywhere. Righteousness will prevail and command, it will be in force and respect. The law of Christ, written in the heart, will encourage a person to be honest and fair, repulse to others. Similarly, he will lay out people to live in love, will make an abundance of the world and interpret swords on the plows. Holiness and love will be forever to stay in the kingdom of Christ, they will never fade, as his subordinates will be afraid of God, the octop will be the sun and the moon. Christianity, being confessional, is rooted in this world and will exist until the end of times, and rooted in the heart of a person due to its strength, will be there, while the sun, the moon and the stars (that is, body sensations) will not be faded. Despite all changes in the world and in life, the kingdom of Christ will support himself and (if the fear of God will be, while the sun and the moon will shine) the abundance of the world. The world in the church and the world in the soul should flow parallel to their cleanliness and piety until they exist.

Vi. The Board of Christ will be enjoyable for all his faithful and loving subordinates (Article 6): "He will come down thanks to the grace and consolations of his spirit, like rain on the bezed meadow, who fed to grow better." The Gospel of Christ purifies how rain, which softens petrified soil, fills in moisture what he dried and makes it green and fruitful (Isa. 55:10). Let our hearts drink from the rain converging on them (EU.6: 7).

VII. The kingdom of Christ will spread very far and will be very big if we think:

1. On the magnitude of its territories (Article 8): "He will have from the sea to the sea (from the southern sea to the northern, from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean), from the River (Euphrate or Nile) to the ends of the Earth." Solomon's possessions were very extensive (3 Tsar.4: 21) in accordance with God's promises (Gen. 15: 18), but the name of the river is not mentioned here, so that thanks to these expressions we realize that the universal monarchy of the Lord Jesus is meant. His gospel was or will be preached to all nations (Mat.24: 14), the kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of our Lord (Rev. 11:15), when the fullness of the pagans will enter it. Its territories will spread to such countries,

(1) who were previously strangers for him: "The inhabitants of the deserts living away from all roads and rarely hearing the news will hear good news about the Redeemer and redemption that can be found through it, and will fall before Him; They will believe in him, will take him, worship him and take him to themselves. " Before the Lord Jesus, we must either be bowed - and then we will live forever, or he will crush us - and we will perish.

(2) who were bent and opposed him: "His enemies will lick the dust; They will be crushed and plunged into dust. From annoyance they will nibble land; They will be so exhausted with hunger that they will be glad to Prahu - Snake Food (Gen. 3: 15), as they come from his seed. " So why he will not rule above if his enemies lay down and will be defeated in a similar way?

2. The advantages of those who pay him tribute. He will reign not only about those who live in the desert - farmers and cattle, - and above those who live in the palaces (Article 10): "Tsari Farsice and islands, which are located furthest from Israel and are the islands of pagan (life .10: 5), will bring him tribute to him as a fatal Lord, thanks to which they carry their crowns and own their lands. " They will look for his favor and show interest in him to hear his wise sayings. This prophecy was literally in Solomon (since all the kings of the land were looking for Solomon to listen to his wisdom, and each of them made from herself as a gift, 2 Par.9: 23,24), as well as in Christ, when wise men from the east who may have occupied a prominent position in their own country, came to bow and brought her gifts (Mat. 2:11). They will present themselves to him that is the best gift that we can bring Christ, and without which no other gift is accepted (Rome.12: 1). They will bring him a tribute - spiritual victims of prayer and praise will offer them to Christ, as their God, will be laid on Christ, as his altar who sanctifies every gift. Their appeal to God is called the offering of pagans (Rome.15: 16). Nevertheless, earlier or later worship him all the kings or in order to fulfill his duty to him, or to take his death sentence (Art 11). They will fall before Him or as voluntary subordinates, or as defeated prisoners who rely on His mercy or expect his court. And when the kings will obey, then the peoples will follow them: "... All nations will serve him; Everyone will be invited to serve him; Representatives of all nations will be involved in the ministry and will bring Fimiam named after him, pure sacrifice "(Mal.1: 11; Optional 7: 9).

VIII. He will read and love all his subordinates (Article 16): "He will live; His subjects will wish him a long life (king! Will we live!), having a good stimulus for this, as he said: "I live, and you will live"; And it is too long for him that he is always alive to apply for them (EHR.7: 8.25). He will live and flourish;

(1) His gifts will be presented. Although he can live without them, as it does not need any gifts or ministries, nevertheless will give him from the gold of Arabia: gold, the most expensive metals, the gold of Sava, which was considered the best gold, since the best one needs to be brought to the best. The one who possesses the wealth of this world who has a lot of gold, must give it to Christ, should serve him to them and create a good. Chmit of the Lord from your estate.

(2) and will pray for him inequaintantly. The people prayed for Solomon, and it made himself and his reign of a great blessing for them. The duty of subjects is to pray, petition and thank the kings and power, but not in order to please, as is often done, but for the sake of public well-being. But how does this apply to Christ? He does not need our prayers and does not get anything from them. But the Old Testament Saints prayed for his coming and prayed constantly, calling him "the one that should come." And now, after he came, we must pray for the success of His Gospel and spread His kingdom that he calls a prayer about himself ("Osnna Son Davidov, prosperity of his kingdom!"), As well as his second coming. This verse can be found like this: "And they will pray through it inener or for it." Whatever we ask for a father, it should be done in the name of Christ and with hope for his petition.

(3) Him, his wisdom, justice and grace, you need to praise and the highest Slavora - His subjects will bless him every day. Praying every day of his name, we give him the honor. The subjects should be a good response about their government, which is a blessing for them; And much more, all Christians should glorify Jesus Christ, who has praise him every day, since everyone has, they are obliged to him.

IX. During this reign, the number of food and people - fruits from the ground and the number of people inhabiting cities (Article 16) will increase.

(1) The country will become rich: there will be an abundance of bread on Earth, at the top of the mountains, where they were previously grown a little, and now the fruits will be worried about how the forest is on Lebanon; Wheat will be like a Tolstoy tree, high and strong, like Lebanese cedar. Even on the tops of the mountains, the Earth will produce a lot of fruits, which speaks of the greatest abundance (Gen..41: 47), and will (as Scripture says), like grass on the roofs, who will not fill his hands on his hands. These words can also talk about the wonderful impact of the seed of the Gospel in the days of the Messiah. The abundance of this seed, sowned on the barren and fierce soil of the pagan world, will produce a wonderful harvest, assembled for Christ, fruit, solid, like Lebanon. Niva beat and drove to the harvest (Ioan.4: 35; Mat.9: 37). A huge tree grows out of mustard pea.

(2) The population of cities will increase - people will multiply in the cities as grass on earth, by quantity and freshness. The Gospel of the Church - the city of God among people - will have all the signs of prosperity; It will add a lot of people who will be happy.

X. This kingdom will be eternal to the honor of his ruler and for the bliss of his subordinates. The Lord Jesus will reign forever, and these words speak only about him, and not about Solomon. Only Christ will be afraid of ... in the childbirth of the birth (Art. 5), the Ministry of Heaven will not break the moon (Art.7).

(1) The honor of the rulers is immortal and will never be larger (Article 17): "There will be the name of it forever, despite all the evil attempts of the Darkness forces to eclipte him and stop his genus." It will be saved; It will be eternal; He will spread. As the names of the earthly rulers continue to live through the heirs, and the name of Christ in it itself. FILIABITUR NOMEN EJUS - its name will be transmitted to the subsequent generation. All nations, while this world is worth, bless him, bless God for him, will constantly talk about him and consider themselves happy in it. Until the end of times, until the most eternity, his name will be extolled and live on the mouths of people; It will be confessed every language, and each knee will strive before it.

(2) People will be happy everywhere; This bliss will be eternal and perfect.: "... It will be blessed in it all truly and forever tribes of earth." This verse is clearly referred to the promise, this fathers, which says that all the earth tribes will be blessed in the Messiah (Gen. 12: 3).

Poems 18-20.

Such a glorified prophecy of the Messiah and his kingdom, which sounded in the previous verses, must comply with sincere prayers and praise, which is present here.

I. The heart of the Psalm operator is filled with gratitude for the prophecy and promise (Article 18.19). Every word of God is unshakable, and we can with satisfaction can rely on it, so we have a sufficient reason to pay praise for his words, although they have not yet fulfilled. We must admit that God is worthy of praise for all those great things that he committed for the world for the church, for the sons of human, for their own children in the kingdom of providence and in the kingdom of grace, in full strength and confidence that are transferred to the Redeemer's hands . We must encourage themselves and all their inside to praise it well and wish that others come in the same way. The Lord God is blessed, that is, blessedly, the name of the glory of His forever, because only in the name of it we can add at least something to His glory and bliss, but at the same time above all sloopfulness and praise your name! Let it be blessed forever, and it will be blessed forever, as it deserves eternal blessings, and we hope that it will be. These verses teach us to bless the name of Christ and bless God in Christ, for everything he did for us is done through him. We must bless it

(1) Lord God is a self-existing and self-sufficient person and our Almighty God.

(2) As the Israeli God, who has joined the covenant with this people, who worships him, and fulfills him, to accomplish the truth of Jacob and grace Abraham.

(3) How to God, which is one creative wonders in creation and providence and especially in redemption, which surpasses all other things. Cases of human little, simple and insignificant, but even we can not do without it. But God makes all its strength, and his affairs are wonderful, as they will cause the eternal amazement of saints and angels.

II. He jealously prays, so that this prophecy and promise was accomplished: "Yes, his whole earth will be filled with, when the kings of Farsice and the islands will bring him a tribute." It is sad to think about how scarce on Earth Glory God, as little ministry and honors, he receives from the world for which it is such a generous giving agent. And everyone who wishes to pay the honors to God and serve for the well-being of humanity, can not not want the Earth to be filled with glory and properly ascended to him with gratitude. Let every heart, every mouth, each meeting will be filled with the highest glory to God. We will see how Zeznut David in this prayer, how fully the heart participates in it, if you pay attention to

(1) How he finishes prayer to double printing: "Amen and Amen; Again and again I say, I repeat these words and let all others say the same. May it be so. Amen on my prayer, Amen on the prayers of all the saints dedicated to this goal: "Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will come."

(2) How he completes the life of this prayer (Article 20). This is the last Psalm, written by David, although he is not raised by the latest Psalm Assembly. The psalmopevets composed him, being on his deathbed, and, together with the last breath, he said: "May God be glorified, yes the kingdom of the Messiah will approve - and this is enough for me, I wish nothing more. These words ended the prayers of David, Son Jesseev. Rud, Lord Jesus, Ruds quickly. "

71:1-4 About Solomon. God! give your truth to the king of your truth and the son of the king
2 Yes, you judge the righteous people of your and beggar on the court;
3 May Mountains will bring the world to people and hills the truth;
4 Yes, it judges the nasty people, and save the sons of the wretched and humriter the oppressed, -
The last prayer of David on the Board of Solomon in Israel. The main thing is that the people of any country need - in the skillful leadership and the ability to solve all problems with the benefit for the people of the country and the state as a whole. The people always have internecine problems and without the ability to rightly judge everyone without a multiplying - the ruler of the country can not do. And it is good that the court in Israel and the state management focused on the same ruler: being aware of all the problems, it is always possible to solve public affairs, taking into account the whole picture of society.

71:5 and they will be afraid of you, the bottom of the sun and the moon will be in childbirth.
The skillful reign of the king chosen by God and with his support - glorify God along the entire land in that looking at the prosperity of God's state in comparison with human crises - everyone will be able to appreciate God's board and wish to live with such a rule. Actually, the goal of managing the country under the leadership of the Heavenly Ruler is to this in Israel and should have been going to - RESOMO.4: 6-8.
The glorification of Jehovah in this way - in fact, in fact, the prosperity of God's state - was originally part of the intention of God, and in the new world order - will be fulfilled.

71:6,7 It will come down like rain on a beveled meadow, like drops, irrigating land;
7 During his days, the righteous will defeat him, and there will be an abundance of the world, the Ministry does not have the moon;
If it were not for words The Ministry does not break the moon (The moon will not cease its existence) - one would have these words to attribute to the prediction of the Board of Solomon, because, with it, Israel flourished and was famous for the abundance of the world. However, he is not eternal, it means that such well-being is predicted further than Solomon and for the reign of the eternal "Solomon" - Jesus Christ.

71:8-11 he will have from the sea to the sea and from the river to the ends of the Earth;
9 will fall before it the residents of the deserts, and his enemies will lick the dust;
10 kings of Farcis and Islands will bring him tribute; Tsaria Arabia and Sava will bring gifts;
11 And all the kings worship him; All nations will serve him;
His dominion will spread to the whole land and will not be left on her the king, who would not submit to Christ, and will not be any wicked, which could be exalted with him. Not only the kings of the earth, but all nations will be submissive by Christ.

Here is a thought: in the new world order of God on Earth there will be a chaotic mention in the actions on the management of land management, it will be arranged in the same way as now with the heads of the organizers of the Company's life and with the people in this society. With the difference only that the kings of the land are conquered by Christ in Absolute, which means that the will of God will be performed on it as in heaven. That is why the society of the Earth will be able to become happy.

71:12-14 For he will delight beggar, blatant and oppressed, who does not have an assistant.
13 will be merciful to a poor and wretched, and the souls of poor will save; 14 from cunning and violence will save their souls, and the blood will be precious to their eyes before;
When the Board of Christ, the life of all who did not have the strength in the age of this for themselves to stand up for themselves: in beggars and poor. Jesus will put an end to the space of the place under the sun by pushing the elbows and procession on the heads of the poor and poor. No one else uses devilish methods for self-imparting for someone else's account: everyone will have the opportunity to ensure their own well-being so much how hard-seeking hands will be hung up to well-adequate.

71: 15,16 And it will live, and will give him from the gold of Arabia, and will pray for him in general, every day bless him;
16 will be an abundance of bread on Earth, at the top of the mountains; The fruits will be worried about the [Forest] on Lebanon, and people are breeding in the cities as grass on earth;
During the reign of Christ - Christ will be exalted in the minds and hearts of living on earth, his righteousness and the ability to lead - will be appreciated, the whole earth will thank it (not to compare with that attitude he was presented in the first coming). Thanks to the ability of Christ to organize everything for the benefit of the people - the whole earth will be involved in order to give a person good fruits, even inaccessible mountains conjugate a person and bring him benefits.

71:17 there will be the name of it forever; The docume is the sun, his name will be passed; And they will be blessed in it [tribes], all nations will be pleased with him.
The name of God's king of Jesus Christ will be blessed in the lips and hearts of the grateful happy society of the Earth - forever. It would be: Only with it they will be able to know that there is a true life that God has planned to give a person initially without suffering, fatigue and death, because after Adam ruled such an inheritance for a person - no one since then cannot even know joy since then From God's plan of life: thorns and wolves, diseases, exhaust and old age catastrophically spoil all the impression about the process of human life.

71:18–20 Blessed Lord God, God Israel, is the most creative wonders,
19 And blessedly, the name of His glory is forever, and the whole earth will be filled with Gleva. Amen and Amen.
20 The prayers of David, the son of Jesheev.
And for all this future well-being with prosperity in eternity - it is clear to whom to thank: the God of Israel Jehovah is he is he is the chief architect of such a world order in which everyone can become happy and in which the proposal to live forever - will not seem proposal to burn forever in torment Problems. Because today, people with horror are removed from the offer to live forever: the devil and this was successful, creating such living conditions on Earth that every desire to live - is destroyed, and at the mention of eternity - exclaim "Oh, no !!! Just not that. For what is so punished?! "

So, all these predictions are about Christ, although the partial elements of him - they were fulfilled on his son, Solomon.

For the inscription of the Slavic Bible, this Psalm seems to be owned by David and written them about Solomon, thus, thus, the prayer of the king for his son, the heir to the throne. In the Jewish Bible, he is the inscription of the Solomon Psalm (Russian translation is incredible). From the fact that historical books do not speak anything about David's death prayer for Solomon, silence about which case, important on the merits of its content, as the will of the Jewish beloved king, incredibly if only such a fact existed in reality, then from what is here The terrain of Farsiis and Sava, unknown during David, and those who were known known only at Solomon, when he started busy trade relations (;), and from the second came to him the queen () and David, because he could not know about them and To speak out of conditions and the situation of their time, finally, from the fact that the character of reasoning is not possessed than the Psalms of David, it represents a great similarity with Solomon's prayer at Gavayon (), it must conclude that the writer Psalm was Solomon. The very same Psalm presents the image of the ideal of the king and the reign, which Solomon painted himself and what would he want to implement.

If he prays about himself in the third person, it is not unusual in Psalti. For example, David in PS. 17 minutes about herself in the third person; Psalms 19, 20 they are written about themselves from the face of the people. The inspection of LXX-TI, attributing this psalm David, is likely to be explained by the fact that after this Psalm has sequisition, "The prayers of David ended", i.e., this psalm ends with a meeting of David's song, why they replaced the inscription in the sense "Psalm about Solomon". But this prescription is literally impossible. In previous to LXX-th psalm meetings there are psalms belonging to the sons of Korean (43-48), Asaf (49) and this testing indicates only the predominant, the dominant abundance of David's psalms in this collection, on the latter, as a writer A Potiori, and not only only.

God! Darue the son of the king to approve the truth and peace to approve the truth, and his reign is beneficial as the beneficial rain for the Earth (1-6). His kingdom will be eternal and will spread around the world and over all nations, as it will protect the beggar of violence (7-14). It will be prayed in advance; His reign will be full and external goods and all the tribes please it (15-17). Blessed Lord forever! (18-19).

. God! give your truth to the king of your truth and the son of the king

. yes, it judges the righteous people of your and beggar on the court;

"Court", "Pravda A" - expressions synonymous, meaning the desire of Solomon to be in the court cases strictly fair, which make up their decisions in harmony with the merits of the case, and not by any external, random, at least a lot to their bombing motives. Such, for example, the solution of the controversial business of two damnits (see). His decisions, as relying only for justice, should be, therefore, and impartially: they are the same for all people, as notable and strong, so weak and poor (" ").

. may Mountains will bring the world to people and the hills of the truth;

. yes, it judges the nasty people, and save the sons of the wretched and humriter the oppressed, -

"May Mountains will bring the world to people and the hills of the truth" - Let peaceful life and justice dominate in the life of people, let any feel calm, in confidence that his truth will always find protection, and "oppressive b", who lives in a deceased, will receive a kara. "Mountains" and "Hills" - the terrain of elevated, far visible; Let them dominate the legality, like mountains and hills visible from everywhere. By parallels with 6 ch. 1-2 art. kn. The Prophet Michea () under the mountains and hills you can intelligible the most important classes of the Jewish people, due to their prevailing position capable of crushing the lower. Then the same expression will mean - let the feelings of legality and justice will be learned and the highest class.

. and they will be afraid of you, the bottom of the sun and the moon will be in childbirth.

. It will come down like rain on a beveled meadow, like drops, irrigating land;

. during his days, the righteous will blossop, and there will be an abundance of the world, the Ministry will not have the moon;

"The doconst will be the sun and the moon, in childbirth". The sun and the moon, the experiencing generations of people and always unchanged, are symbols of strength, eternity. Let the reign of this king be eternal and unchanged, as invariably and always shine sun and the moon; Let his reign (legitimacy, peace and justice) are indisputably increasing from generation to generation, in all childbirth. Let his reign will be the same as a sign of divine favor to the king and the people, which was rune for Gideon; Let his reign will be as beneficial as rain is useful for plant and animal world. - "The righteous will defeat, and there will be an abundance of the world" - Let his reign of his prevailing, dominant larding will have justice and completeness of the world ("abundance of the world").

. he will have from the sea to the sea and from the river to the ends of the Earth;

. the inhabitants of the desert will fall before him, and his enemies will lick the dust;

. the kings of Farsice and the islands will bring him a tribute; Tsaria Arabia and Sava will bring gifts;

"From the sea to the sea" - from the Mediterranean Sea, the western border of Palestine, to the "Sea", probably Indian in the East, "from the River", so called the usual Euphrates - the northern border of the world famous then the ancient Jew of the world, "To the ends of the Earth" - To the extreme, ultimate border of the world from the south. The point is that the ownership of this king will hug the whole world. - "The residents of the desert will fall before it., I.e., wild peoples, independent of any lords and self-governing tribes. - "Lick the dust." Eastern peoples (Assyrius, Egyptians and Hindus) had a custom as a sign of special respect to kiss on Earth traces of the ruler's feet. Let the enemies will have the king signs of the deepest reverence. "Tsari Farsis" - Farsis - a city in Spain, "Islands" - Islands of Phoenician possessions in the Mediterranean Sea, west from Palestine. "Sav a A" - with Heb. Sheva. Some of this area is found in the happy (South) Arabia (which, in parallelism of the opposite of speech probably), others - in Africa, it is in the current Abyssinia. The power of this king will spread not only to the Earth of Peoples. , but also to the most nations; let all nations and kings obey him. Here the geographical points of the East and the West are taken here as extreme points for the image of the countries of the whole world.

. for he will delight beggar, blatant and oppressed, who does not have an assistant.

. There will be mercy to a poor and wretched, and the souls of poor will save;

. from cunning and violence will save their souls, and the blood will be preciously in their eyes;

. and it will live, and will give him from the gold of Arabia, and will pray for him in general, every day bless him;

The spread of the dominion of this king will be achieved, however, not by conquests, not violent means, but by peaceful - voluntary submission to him all nations, by virtue of the consciousness in them, that only his reign is the kingdom of peace and justice. - "The blood will be precious to their eyes." "He will guard the righteous from violence and save and cherish their lives (" blood "- carrier of life), i.e. in his kingdom the righteous prevails and will dominate. Therefore, the name of this king will always be readable, he will live in popular memory, he will be brought as a gift to Arabian gold, which differed in its value for the abundance of nuggets, and from day to day they will pray for him and his rule.

. there will be an abundance of bread on Earth, at the top of the mountains; The fruits will be worried about how forest on Lebanon, and people are breeding in the cities as grass on earth;

. there will be his name [Blessed] forever; The docume is the sun, his name will be passed; And they will be blessed in it [all the tribes of the earth], all nations will be plenty of him.

Since the king's reign will be peaceful and will post all countries and peoples, then hostile relations between the latter should stop. All the efforts of a person will go to the direction of the development of a peaceful culture, which will reach such a degree of height that "There will be an abundance of bread ... at the top of the mountains". A person will find a way to process naked and fruitless vertices, where the vegetation will appear so valuable in its fruits, which will surpass the rich pine forests of Lebanon, famous around the world, as the best material for the construction of ships and delivered significant income to Jews. - "People like grass will be multiplied in the cities". The population in cities under peaceful conditions will increase so that it will be numerous as grass. - "And they blesses in it." - through this king, through the mastering of the foundations of his reigning well-being ( "Blessed") Go to all residents and peoples of the Earth.

. Blessed Lord God, God Israel, is the most creative wonders,

. and blessedly, the name of the glory of His forever, and will be filled with glorifying his whole earth. Amen and Amen.

18-19 Poems do not belong to the writer Psalm, they represent the addition of the compiler of the Psaltiri songs, which we meet at the end of each collection of Psalms.

Psalm 71, as we said, presents the image of the ideal of the king and the reign, which Drew Solomon and to the possible approach to which he made an effort. But the famous, historic Solomon only began his reign in the spirit specified by the Psalm. There were no wars with him, the Jews used external contentment - everyone had his own vineyard and his tent, as well as respect among the interpremits; Judicial decisions he hit his contemporaries and his name became famous worldwide. In the second half of his life, he, as you know, deserved even condemnation from God. Yes, and essentially drawn here the ideal is not clear for a person at all. The king is drawn by the eternal (5th Art.), Its possessions are all the land and peoples (8-11), his kingdom is a complete embodiment, the implementation of the world (12 and 16). Such a reign can belong only to God. Solomon painted the ideal of the kingdom found the exercise in Jesus Christ, whose teaching is the teaching of love and all-believe, the kingdom of him is the kingdom of peace and truth and its appointment - to spread throughout the earth and forever.

The historic Solomon is only partially, at the beginning of its activities carried out his ideal, which will be achieved and only can be achieved in the kingdom of Christ. Therefore, all the content of the Psalm has a transformer-messianic meaning. Then 16 verse, in addition to the direct sense already specified by us, may have the following. Naked vertices can be denoted by general pagan peoples who did not have the falsity of their religions, nor the right teachings about God, nor sublime morals, almost did not have the righteous.

With the adoption and assimilation of the Christianity, they will have more than on Lebanon, that is, among the Jews, which was really done, since the Jews of the teachings of Christ did not accept, and the pagans were readily followed and followed.

About Solomon, Psalm David. Transfer: About Solomon, Psalm David. The highest senses of this Psalom song are not dedicated to Solomon - such a general opinion of interpreters: "Only about the Messiah, and not an ordinary earth king, it could be said that his kingdom would spread throughout the land (Art. 8) that he will be dominated above all kings and nations (Art. 9-11) and that he himself will live forever (Art. 5,7.17) "(GR). As an epigraph to interpretation, you can take the words of the Lord: "... And here, here is more Solomon" (Lux. 11, 31). Then what role did the Saint Psaltiri commentators lay on Solomon? EP. Irina summed up their opinions: "This Psalm was always considered a messianic, but so that the same one of all attributed him to Solomon, contemplating the sample of the Messiah; Other exclusively to Christ, and under Solomon in the inscriptions, the Messiah, Tsar of the World Other some of the words of Psalm were delivered to Solomon, and others - to Christ" (AND ABOUT). So, consider these three positions.

1. Solomon is present In Psalm, not as a complex live person, but as Prim. In the conversion, the highest and the best is involved in Solomon: the wise king Solomon is the builder of the temple, and Christ is the embodied divine wisdom - the creator and head of the church, the king of the sky and land. ABOUT transformer-Messianic The character of the Psalm said, for example, the prot. Gregory and A. P. Lopukhin. The first one writes: "You can not doubt that the first and nearest subject of prayer was King Solomon. On this basis, this psalm is considered among transformer-messianicas the coming prophecy of the Messiah, the eternal king of glory, the prototype of which is shown here in the face of the famous king of Israel Solomon"(GR).

2. SVT. Athanasius, Blaz. Feofilakt, EP. Irinae believes that David speaks only about the Messiah, and it makes it "to admit the Psalm exclusively Messianic " (AND ABOUT). "That the real psalm does not confuse Solomon, this, I think, recognize Jews, who want to say the truth, the more Patchers of faith. For, first, Solomon did not possess the limits of the Earth, did not collect Dani from the Western and Eastern peoples; Moreover, as a person, having agreed on time, the end of life, and not even glorious. And the Psalm shows that the one whom he prophesies, the oldest sun and the moon "(FC). Solomon is not a prototype of Christ, but only name . Name "Solomon" translated as " peace, peace ":" God speaks through Nathan David: " Solomon name to him and ladies in the days of his world"(1 Pupina2: 9). This name also has the Lord of Christ. The great preacher of the truth Paul calls: " He is our world, who pretended from both of both and destroying standing in the middle of the barrier"(EF.2: 14)" (FC). Christ destroyed the barrier between the pagans and the Jews, connecting them in their church, so they gained access to the father. He turned into nothing a great mediance - between God and Man: Christ combined them in itself, so that the burden became accessible to Church. Going to the cross, the Lord reconciled with God sinned mankind. David sings only Christ, whom will be called the son of David on incarnation. And he will tell about himself: "... And here, here is more Solomon"(Lux. 11, 31).

3. Zigaben proposes not to make violence over text, pulling up everyone The image to the height of Messianic meanings, "Earring forcibly to contemplate what is said purely - historically, but both (* stories and what prophecy contemplated) Giving decently - the corresponding meaning "(in Yez). Some words should be attributed to Solomon, and others - to Christ. However, all the images of Psalm are easily and naturally erected to Christ and the New Testament meanings - irresistible difficulties begin when the commentator is trying to explain the text purely historically.

Prot. Grigory noted that "some of the newest researchers and interpreters of the Psaltiri (somehow: holy. N. Vishnyakov, holy. N. Kamensky, Andrei Parhomovich, etc.) ... They are possible that this psalm is drawn up by Solomon." A. P. Lopukhin continues their thought: Solomon prophesies itself about itself - in the third person. However, it is impossible because the Psalmist speaks of eternity and the initially of the king. Ancient interpreters and most modern are considered the author of Psalm Tsar David. And we, following them, believe that psalm is a prayer and prophecyDavid. about himDivine SonLord Jesus Christ . On this prophecy are built theology and Slavostov Psalm. Main senses - messianic .

Art. 1-2. God, the truth of your prince, and the truth is your son Tsarev: Sudiuti by you, in truth, and yours in court. Transfer: God, your judgment is given to the king, and the truth is yours - the son of the king, and he judges the people of your truth and poorly by law! "God, the truth of your prince, and the truth is your son Tsarev." "King "And" Son Tsarev "- one person . 1. Prot. Gregory believes that David prays and about Solomon(history plan) , and about Christ(prophetic plan). In terms of history: "King, as well as the son of Tsarev, he calls Solomon" (GR). 2. Only "Christ is both the king, and the son of Tsarev" (AV).

Does God need prayer? In prayer we need it, but here the Prophet prays not about the Word, but about man Jesus. David "asks God to be given Christ, as a man, the advantages he had in the Divine. So, Christ spoke about the Father, that he gave his son all sort of court (JN5,22); also: dana meall power in the sky and on the earth (Matt. 28.19) "(Yez). And the Father will give Jesus the court and power. Why does David ask for the predetermined? Prayer, he sucks his will with the will of God and prophesies: one God will give Jesus Divine Court I. Divine Truth. "The Son, which is a tenderness of truth, is referred to as the truth in humanity" (AB).

"Your Court" . 1. "Your Court" \u003d "True yours" . Word "court" In Slavic, it may be: "justice", « truth". The court of God is the phenomenon of God's truth, the Divine reasoning about the soul of man. We are constantly under the trial of God, on this court it is satisfied with the fishery of God about the salvation of everyone. The sentence of truth follows every thought and a person's act and is sometimes read in the subsequent events of his life. Behind the feature of the earth is a person receives the eternal definition of the last trial: onesnae or wise. David asks that the entire court (and commercial, and the last) is given to the Son of Human.

2. Court truth may be called decision of the Empty Council on a Congority and Cross : "It is determined to you, the only beacon the son of your excitement on Earth. Therefore, it will be given by the end of the ancient by the court of yours "(AB). Give me to be predetermined by you, Father. The decision took the Holy Trinity, but the Father is the source of everything, therefore: "Lady ", Father, the king of Christ is incarnated to save the cross the world and resurrect. The truth is not only the decision of the Empty Council, but also his execution by Christ . By doing its main thing, going to the cross, the Savior said: " nowcourt There is peace to Now the prince of this world will be expensed.(In. 12, 31). Court suggests separation: Department of truth from inappropriate, grains from the whores, good from the evil. Wedl: Babylon is a mixture of good and evil, and the court of God is separation. The Savior judges not only and not so much people as the perpetrator of their fall. What does the truth come from heaven? - "The predominance of Satan over us. Therefore, based on the crucifix, Christ said: Now, the court is the world; Now the prince of this world will be expelled(In. 12, 31) "(AB). Who follows the expelled, turns into the exile from the kingdom.

3. In PCSD: court "The Psalmopevets here (* Ps. 71, 1) calls the very ability to judge." Christ is able to judge a person because connects divine Growing, wisdom with human nature. St. Maxim Confessor says: "As God, nor the Father, nor the Son is judged by anyone, for and a person does not become the judge of unreasonable animals, but people. And the fact that the Father gave the court to the Son, then this is not because the son of God, but because of the fact that he became a man. Son judges everyone through a comparison of their life with her life among us as a person. And again: His word judges, i.e. The doctrine that he revealed with his own business. " And sv. Maxim recalls in this regard: "And if anyone hears my words and does not believe, I do not judge him, for I came not to judge the world, but save the world. Rejecting me and not taking words myhe has a judge to himself: word I said it will judge his last day "(In. 12.47-48). So, father gives court Son and son - Word. Everything you need and saving openly in the gospels and penetrates the heart of the man of the Holy Spirit. Legislator and Teacher I installed spiritual laws, opened them to a person and teaches them. He is true Judge and court, i.e. Measure of things For believers. Christ - embodied truth. Comparing himself, we know our darkness and our sins, and it shows the way out of our gloom. Comparing his life with his word, we can work on themselves: our conscience will rely on this word. Through the Gospel, a person recognizes the will of God quite definitely, clearly, hard. Evangelical word and will judge us, it, i.e. Attitude towards him, will put a person on holiday or oh - by the court sentence - in eternity. BUT on the ground: The one who rejects the light of the Gospel is still more, and himself voluntarily goes into his darkness. God does not ruin, but saves.

4. Life is continuouslitigation (court) His opponents of him: Divor, death and hell, and Christ (court and truth) came to: "Sudiuti by people who are in truth, and you are in court." Christ \u003d truth will come judge people with their enemies (devil, death, hell) and produce Among the people themselves separation - By their attitude towards God, his word and his truth. Christ with his word (" come "(to me) or " go from me "(Matt. 25, 31-46)) will make the last division. Christ "There is our world"(Eph.2: 14) , but brought a split sword: Some rushes to him, and others from him. Approved in a false will be driven by the followers of the truth.

People are yours \u003d beggars yours. 1. These are meek, who relieves the people who live by his word, and not themselves. It " holy spirit", Which belongs to the heavenly kingdom. Even recreated on the royal throne, they believe that nothing in themselves does not have, therefore addressed to the omnipotenth. With his property, they consider their sin and fight him. 2. "Under the name of the beggars, of course, everything pretty, oppressed by sin mankind ... " (GR). 3. "Some say that people calls the people of Jewish, as a former once of God, and nishchimicalls a new people from the pagans, as a bellish of God and Virtue "(Yez).

Yours People Dai Your - Your court \u003d your truth : Let's go to the world of the king of Christ. The court over the world and the prince will happen on the cross ( "in a court" \u003d on Calvary). Thanks to the godfather, the evil will lose strength, death - a sting, hell - victory, demons - power over souls, then the prayers of the king of David will be fulfilled.

The next verse helps to make sure that David does not understand the last sentence, but arrival of salvation. He matters , to peace and the truth of God - Christ - settled in the world, and so that perceived This world and reconciled with God. Focus on adoption Truth and the world: Art. 3. Yes, the world will be perceived by People, and the hills of the truth. Transfer: Yes, the Mountain Mountains Mountains, sent to people, and the hills can be true!

Mountains and hills. 1. Mountains and Palestine Hills, as if animated, should take from the Savior Watching peace and truth. "This is an impersonation showing change in all"(FC). David says about people: « peace Lyuda" The world of Christ is intended man.However, the whole creation, which God subordinated to the beloved creation, will once stop wrap and suffer from falling out of his Mr. (Rome. 8, 22), it will be elevated after man- Reverend and saints, which is likened to grief. Here is the image of the rescued worldIn which Christ entered: "... everywhere, throughout the land, the world and the truth is how the fruits of the fertile kingdom of the Messiah (cf. Rom 14:17)" (GR).

truth just walked about hand with Court (2 Art.), And now comes with a gracious miremanating from the conciliatory. Christ is true (Court), therefore the word it became the sword that cuts Death from life, evil from good. It's " penetrates the separation of the soul and spirit, compositions and brains, andjudge Thinking and the intentions of heart"(Heb. 4, 12). The truth court separates us from evil to reconcile with God. Christ is the world , so I reconcile a person with God, and the best of people ( "the mountains" ) His world still on Earth: "David commands the mountains here to receive peace from Christ, and the hills will get the truth so that the mountains serve the housing peaceful, rejecting those who love the demons who were compelled on the mountains, and the hills - to righteously submitted to Christians like slaves of the creator His "(Yezh). So, who will follow Christ, will be separated from the power of resistance and acquire the authentic world and the truth.

2. On the mountains and hills, idolaters served at the heights of the Earth. And David prays so that the place of the former pagan dishonesty has become a holy place, So that the pagan world addressed Christ: "However, we see a change in the mountains and hills. For, instead of the unclean unknown, the gospel's truth will reaping the angelic life with the angelic life and, understanding people, try to work out the divine reconciliation "(FC).

3. Eusevia pushes: Mountains - Archangels, and the hills - the Angels of God: "Saven Archangels and Angels He (* David) Considers for the future to live in peace with the People of Christ and treat him righteously, as the heritage of the Lord of Christ" ( Yez). Angels "Ancons, because of the wicked everywhere, did not dwell on Earth," and now they are "commanded to perceive the world with all people" (AB).

When the world and the truth of Christ can be perceived by the world? When Suddeya will judge a man with a slander: Art. four. Judging by the poor people, and will save the sons of poor and smirrite slander. Transfer: He will judge people of the poor, and will save the sons of people of poor, and smirrites a slander. Hereinafter (5, 6 and 8 st.) Olmined, which is easily replenished: Psalm talks about Queen \u003d Son Tsareva (1 Art.), I.e. oh Christ . "King" = "Son Tsarev" (i.e. Christ) - a subject of action. The court is indicated as litigation man with his eternal opponent and how separation: Judge Christ savings Some I. smysheet Others. Court of God. has a consequence 1) salvation of beggar and poor, whom drives and despises the world (" saves the Sons of Debogi "), 2) humility Sorrow those who are used to acting in it slander and dishes (" smirrit slander "), And victory over the devil. Christ saves the cross, resurrection and grace of sacraments. So the Divine True comes. Beggar and mild. The Nice King David was counted against them. Nasty do not have and pray, asking for divine benefits , but decorative (not hub)we work, settling before God and confessing your poverty. Christ produces a court for the sake of them, the righteous who inflicted the sake of Christ: " judging by the poor people " They are opposed "Klyatnik": « Slander Named an ancient enemy of the human race - a Division, who was still slandering on God himself, when he said Eve that God forbade people to eat the fetus from the tree of knowledge of good and evil by envy. He and every person tries to destroy lie and slander why and is called diawnthat (from Greek) and then the slander "(GR, the same ya). Then: " smith " = win. The slanderer may be a person who liked the Father of Lie. Of such a Lord spring smys - for their repentance, i.e. For benefit for them. So, David showed that the king and the Lord on the court saves someone and humble others. To judge (although incomparably in power, strength and perfection) may also be a wisdom, a pious king, for example, Solomon. However, many subsequent poems 71 Ps. Cannot be attributed to the king Solomon - with all the glory of it.

So, 5 tbsp. prophesy about the eternal being of the king: Art. five. And will be with the sun, and before the moon of the kind of childbirth. Transfer: And he will be with the sun and before the moon from the kind in the genus. « And will be with the sun " That king and son of Tsarev unchanged and eternal As the sun, and before the creation of the Moon, for is the creator of them. "This, who reacted in the coming of his own on land on earth is and summarker"(AB). And also: "... All the sayings of these verses need to be understood in the prophetic sense of the Messiah, the coming Savior of our Lord Jesus Christ" (GR). It is impossible to demand from the poetic text of literal accuracy: the sun is not forever, but there was no more significant and unchanging subject concomitvement of Divine Being. In addition, the Jews believed shining forever approved (GR). Therefore, with the constancy of the Sun, David compares the being of the one who is eternal in the absolute sense and incomparably.

The king was " and before the moon of genovers " 1. God Word cartoon : He existed before creationsveTI and the infinite kind of childbirth of all the creations of earthly. « Kind of birth "- infinitely. If "the time calls the space of time, in the continuation of which one human genus, or a person" (YED), then " rod birth » David called an unlimited set of these time segments. 2. The sun - Eternal God, moon - Church: "... p one moon can intelligible church of Christian, ahead and before the face of which is Christ in childbirth, that is, always. And as the moon binds its light from the Sun, so, according to the same, the church receives the mental light from the sun of the truth - Christ and, enlightening the municipality in the darkness, shows the missing path "(Didim in Yez).

Next, David speaks no longer about the eternal and original words, but about Jesus, who came to the world - from heaven, about the sacrament of the award: Art. 6. It will rain it raining on the fleece, and the drop is capsule on Earth.Transfer: He will join, like rain on a fleece, like droplets falling on the ground.David prophesies about conception and christmas Savior world.

Conception Bogomladsez were mysterious for the world and unnoticed for the Virgin: "As a rune, taking rain, does not make any noise, and drops of dew, falling on the ground, do not feel any feeling in hearing; So there was a masterful conception, irrevocably for living with Marieu of the wrap "(FC). Neither Joseph nor the world was suspected of what happened. Zigaben makes an emphasis: this sacrament was imperceptibly and for the Virgin itself: "By the words are depicted mystery of the incarnation of God's wordsdescended in the womb without any sensationSimilarly, how the rain is increasing on the fleece of wool ... "(Yezh). Zigaben writes in a note: "Virgo is named fireman like comething from Adamwhom the Gospel Parable calls Oven, I am lost from hundreds. It opened on it that was committed at the request of Gedeon, which meant Earth and Fleece, alternately irrigated, then the remaining non-yenel ... "(in Yez). Once God called Gideon through the angel: " Save Israel from Madianian's hands; I send you"(Court. 6.14). Gideon was not then the judge of Israel, but only the youngest son in the house of his father, and he belonged to the poorest knee - Manascia. " And the Spirit of the Lord embraced Gideon"And he gathered warriors from his own knees, and then asked about a completely definite sign and got it: first he was covered with dew Runo (shredded wool), which Gedeon spread on the gum (the land around remained dry), then dew covered the whole land around Rune, leaving the last dry (court. 6, 34-40). And the new judge saved the people from his enemies - performed the appointment of proud: judge \u003d protect, save by the power of God. "In accordance with this explanation of the fathers, and the Holy Church in liturgical chants names the Most Holy Virgin Virgin Mary "Rule animated, gideon provided" (See Canon Saturday Akathist Most Holy Virgin, Song 6, Tropear 2) "(GR).

The sign of dew ohlohlo from God - from heaven Divine word came out: "When everything was surrounded by a quiet silence, and the night had reached the middle, went out of the heavens from the royal thrones to the middle of the deceased land, the Almighty word is yours like a formidable warrior. It carried a sharp sword - the constant command "(Prem. 18,14-16). 6 tbsp. prophesy and about conception, andabout birth Christ, who came to us in the silence of the Bethlehem night. Zlatoust emphasizes humility and meek worldBorn: "He came not with noise, without producing confusion, did not hesitate the earth, not throwing a lightning, not shaking the sky, not sending many angels, without dissolving the solid and not going on the clouds, but peacefully wearable in the wiring of the Virgin during nine-month-old time, It is born like a sail of a carpenter, relies in the nursery and poor panels, suffers the persecution and runs with his mother in Egypt "(grave. Conversations on PS 49). Teacher - Wanderer who " does not have to take a head"(Luke 9,58). He gets tired, craves, tolerates heat and cold. The silence of the meek spirit, silence of passions, humility is needed both to connect to Earth and for climbing the cross: only going through humility can be ascended to the Father.

In 7 tbsp. David develops the image of the previous 6 tbsp., I attached it to the properties of the inclined: the rain quietly gets off the sky and will reach in the sun: Art. 7. Ascensing his truth in the bottom of his truth, the moon will be fed by Dongezh. Transfer: Ears in the days of his truth and great world, noforever Moon will not take. Here is a fruit First coming: The king quietly comes to Earth, and the promised truth will reach it (" takes it in the bottom of his truth "), And the world will appear (" many Worlds » ) - in his face. " In the days of it " - one) on the days of his sermonWhen he walked with students in Palestine, 2) on days from the first to the second coming (from Christmas to a terrible court). Divine truth Conjugate S. mir , not with anger; she is eskey In the words of the teachings and cases of the grace of the Savior. The Lord will bring the world to the souls fighting against own Evil, not against the near. These righteous people will forgive, cleanse sins, recrimine with his father. The Lord will prioritize the cross and burdened with the burden of the cross, as it will divide his severity with them. Jesus will reconcile the grieving trouble by making her step in the kingdom. He reconciles dying with death, as he will meet their souls behind the threshold. The world of the Lord will seize in the soul of a holy man, reflecting in its purity dazzling light of the deity. From this world, thousands will be saved and become united in Christ. Mer. Anthony Surozhsky said: "It is enough to see the radiance of eternal life on the face of a person, so that everything could change." In the saints, it will reach the truth and the world that may be perceived by people.

The king is eternal (" And beyond with sun "(5 tbsp.)), Cartoon (" and formerly, Moon kind of birth "(5 Art.)) In the Divine, and his kingdom will reach and" in his days ", « dongezh fits the moon " 1. Can the Calvary put an end (limit) of the shine of truth and the world? No, there is a place for their victory. The limit of the divine truth and the world on this earth I will not put Calvary, but the pipe of the archangel and a terrible court. Days when the Lord walked on the roads of Palestine, - only start acceleration, dawn of the truth and the world of Christ, and his kingdom will be on this earth In the church of the militant " before the condation of the worldwhen "The sun will fade, and the moon will not give his light" (Matt. 24:29) "(gr, following Feodorite, Essiew, Zigaben). From The time of his coming and sermons, which was so brief, which is named days, before The last day of the world, a person can know and take the truth and the world of Christ in his church on the ground . In words "In the bottom of his "David hints that it is not about the church of the triumphant, which belongs to eternity (so no time frames are distributed on it), but Church of militant that "In the Dnie". Dongezh With such an interpretation of context acquires the value of the limitAnd in the next interpretation it is excluded.

2. David opposed the actions of the opposite forces: in the days of the preaching of the Lord, they will last his truth and peace, and in the meantime dongezh ") power will be taken away from resist, evil will lose force: "... Moon, that is, resoning power, It takes away, with the gradual ending and exhaustion of Glory. For, in deities. Cyril noble Prince - Divor It was glorified throughout the Universe "(in Yez) among the Gentiles. It was symbolized by the moon, the mistress of the night with its incomprehensible "fake" light, which means the wisdom of the world. Dehes. Kirill continues: "But his (* devil) glory destroyed the prince, taking the sin of this world. In the days of it Alsreech truth Beyond faith I. many World - Upon appeal to God. Well said: takes away. For, as a job, the devil took a man; Now takes place by himself "(in Yez).

3. True and the world will reach especially gracious« in the days of it », when the Savior will walk on the groundAnd a person can see his God. These days will end on Friday on the eve of Easter Judah, and the date of Easter is associated with descending of the Moon. And Easter Christian should celebrate on the first Sunday after the full moon when decreases, " takes away»Moon. Cross puts the limit only exceptional days. However, Calvary does not take the truth and the world, but approves them, hitting Satan - Father Lies and the opponent of God.

Showing about the time - the time of the existence of the church, militant on Earth, - David moves to the ferris spatial limits. Christ will have not separate countries, but all the earth: Art. eight. And it has from the sea to the sea, and from the rivers to the end of the Universe.Transfer: And it will rule from the sea to the sea, and from rivers to the limits of the universe.The power of the king of Christ will spread « up to the end of the Universe " , - those. inhabited part of the Earth in which a man settled. "This means that the kingdom of Christ, or Holy Church, will spread throughout the Earth" (GR). The kingdom of Solomon did not extend so far.

Next, the Prophet continues to the song on the glory of the king of Christ. Up to 9 tbsp. David did the focus on the properties of the Divine and human nature of the Savior and his mission: he is the king of the Universe, Sudde, True, and the world; Eternal, the original God who took the flesh. Now the Prophet reveals, as the pagan world respond to the coming of the Lord, who and what gifts will bring him - what kind of fruit will increase the church. Art. nine. Efilane will fall before it, and his perishes are polished. Transfer: Ethiopians are brings before him, and the enemies of his dust of the earth are polit. "Eastern peoples (Assyrius, Egyptians and Hindus) had a custom as a sign of special respect for kissing on Earth traces of the ruler's foot. Let the enemies will have the king signs of the deepest respect "(Lopukhin). Christ fell and worship extremely low, hard, with reverence - how to God - efiolane . 1. These are "Residents of Ethiopia - the countries of African deserts (with the Jewish word" Efilation "and translated;" Residents of the desert "), where Nubia and Abyssiniy. These semi-trivial and recurrent peoples who are hostile (progress) relate to any citizenship and peaceful life - even they will obey ... "(GR). David prophesies on the enlightenment of pagans.

2. " Efioplas"David calls people living wicked: They were wild, living without God, like distant tribes. So they are intended for salvation, and they are prone to the truth and grace of King Glory. And they will fall to him so sincerely, with such a diligence that their face will burst into roadside dust. So there will be their repentance. "Or, according to Cyril, you can understand that enemies of the gospel sermon, changing, will lie to the land of holy temples "(in Yez). "Before that the enemies are conjugated to him, which will not think about it with him, why, in a figurative sense, depicted by falling on earth and through it expressing their humility" (AB). David prophesies about repentance of sinners.

3. "You can understand and demons under the ethioplas. For the demons will be more part in the form of Efiopes because of the darkness and gloomy of them "(Yez). They "hooked up, humble and diverge" (Yezh). The saints will pour them, and "they will seem to rise from the impossibility of the land" (Yezh). David prophesies about victory over demons.

And the peoples, and the kings worship Christ as King and God, wanting to serve him: Art. 10-11. The king of Fariyskisty and the islands of the gift will bring, the king of Aravsty and Sava Gifts will lead: and worship him Wsi Tsaria Zemsty, VSI languages \u200b\u200bwill work him. Translation: Tsari Farusky and the islands of Gifts will bring him, the kings of the Arabian and Savsky gifts will be delivered to him. And they worship all the kings of the earth, all nations will serve him.

« Tsarie FarcSeta - The same as the kings of Farsis, who were the rulers of individual cities and regions in Spain, where the Phoenician trading colonies were located. However, the names of Farsis Jews were called at all the seaside remote countries. (...) Sava (or Savea) - the so-called country lying southeast of Palestine, in the Persian Gulf, where the Saveev tribe lived "(GR). Farsis and Islands "Bring ", And kings of Arabia and Sava "Lead" \u003d deliver their gifts on the caravans - as a sign of honor and humility of the king. Here David says not about Dani in the treasury of Solomon, but about the fruits of love, worship and works of Christian rulers and peoples Heavenly king. - on earth and in eternity. David is just repelled from Solomon, but speaks of Christ, "To which" will attain" (See Matt. 8:11) "And all the kings of the earth and all nations (especially languages) worship " will serve him, some, according to BLZH. Feodorite, - voluntarily in real life, and all - on the resurrection, ... then " it worshiped him all the knee of heaven and earthly and hell"(FLP. 2:10)" (GR).

Church of Christ covers the whole land now, prays about the whole world, although not everyone accepted Christ. David prophesies about the completeness and perfection of worship, which will come in blessed eternity, however, he also speaks on the beginning of worship, about the firstborn of the Church of Christ - from the pagan world. They will be Magni from the East, which will bring gold, incense and Smirnu born to the king and become an adequate to Jerusalem and the world. They worship the infant on the face of all the peoples of the Earth. And then these peoples that have not known God before will bring their hearts and works by Lord. History says that the peoples "with faithfully conquered Christ, bowed to him like god, I. brought gifts through the magicians like king"(Yez). According to some interpreters, the Magi performed the ancient prophecy recorded in words 11 of Art. 71 PS.

Why pagans loving " freedom", And sinners, tied to their sin, voluntarily and happily worship Christ, wish to serve him, not the flesh, not their own worshius. They will find in it the winner of their strong enemy and their Savior: Art. 12-14. Yako save the beggar from strong, and the wretched, should be no assistant. Splits the beggar and the poor, and the souls of poor will save: from Likhva and from the inappropriate to save their souls, and honestly the name of him before them. Translation: For it will save him from strong, will save wretched, devoid of help. It raises the beggar and illegal, and the souls of poor will save. From the korear and from the wrongness to save their souls, and in honor there will be a name for them. Beggar and mild. The prophet called human nature, as former then without God, "(Yezh). David talks about those who aware his poverty I. work For the compassion of righteousness. A person cannot transform his nature, and the world hostile to God, he is not an assistant in this: " jesha do not be assistant ». The world is strong for evilBut with even greater right "strong he (* David) calls the devil here, as always who has always made violence" (GR). "From extreme, he says, and to the extreme limits of the universe, he will worship the peoples and kings, due to the fact that they saved them from the prevalence of Satan"(AB)," From cruel diavolskago torment "(Yez), -" yako save the thread from strong ».

David prophesies: Christ " splits the beggar and worship, and the souls of poor will save " God shits and saves humble striving for righteousness. And then the Psalm operator opens some particular part of: God eliminates the most ordinary, rooted and therefore dangerous sins: " from Lyhava and from inappropriate ». « Likhvoy It is called growth, the increment of money interest, in a figurative sense - emptyness, Srebrolubiewhich, according to the apostle, is "The root of all angry" (1 Tim. 6:10). Under the name lost Here you need to intell like every sin, because who sinters, he does a lie or in relation to himself, or in relation to the neighbor "(GR). The power of the Lord hates sin, resists him and becomes righteous. The sacraments of the church possess such force that they transform a person: they purify and from the most ordinary sins: Srebroluby and self-deception. Or: "Someone says that he does not have sin in thought, but a sin in action. For, having sinned, we pay the growth of the devil, and we do wrong with themselves in thought. Therefore, first, he takes a likhva, and then the most definite. For, in the 1st, it is necessary to keep sin in action, and then from the thought produced by us "(in Yez). So, Christ saves their people from their sins.

« And honestly the name of him before them. " "What is the name? The name of Christ, according to which we are called Christians. This name is so high and worth it that, instead of any other advantage of his one, enough to testify our nobility, in that, however, if we connect with the Pressenger name Christian and the life worthy of this name "(GR). Give the honor to Christ - to honor him as a perfect God and the perfect person. The words will be attributed to it: " Lord alive

Art. fifteen. And it will be alive, and will give him from the Zlata Arabian, and it will be posed about him, they will bless him all day. Translation: And it will live, and bring Gold Arabian as a gift; And it will be praying for him in general, everyone will bless him every day. " And alive will be alive " Baby Jesus was doomed to death by order of wicked herds, but the fishing of God " alive will be alive": He will not be killed with babies, but will fulfill everything (AB). As it was at the beginning of life, it will be at the end of her: Jesus, the king of glory, worship on the cross, but resurrected and alive will be alive eternal In the resurrection flesh, and his kingdom will not be the end (LC. 1, 33) (GR and in Yez).

« And will give him from the Zlata Arabian " 1. These words "clearly mean gifts"(AB). Gifts, brought by Milwem Baby Christ, are giving gifts to the king of the reverest of all subsequent times. "You can think that the name of Arabia prophet designated and all other countriesfrom which the gifts and victims of Christ Arabian gold and other jewels will be applied in his temples or in general in favor of his church, From all the kings and peoples, who were connected through faith to the spiritual kingdom of his "(GR). 2. However, it is not said here about the precious metal: the reverend will bring the king of the feats of love and prayer, and the martyrs are also their lives. Here is a genuine spiritual gold. Why is gold named Arabian? "In ancient times, Arabia had a lot of wonderful gold; And therefore it was called from others happily, and the Greeks gold "(Yezh). But Zigaben sees in 15 tbsp. Prophecy about the preaching of the apostle Paul: Having received the blessing from the Lord to go to the pagans, he went to Arabia. He's writing: " Did not go to Jerusalem to the used apostles formerly; And went to Arabia (Gal.1, 17) "(Yez). And there preached Christ to the inhabitants of those places, and they took faith, it becomes better "Gust Arabian".

« And it will be posed about him, all day will bless it " . Who pouring? Church \u003d Zlato Arabian. In prayer "Our Father" We pray for God: about what belongs to God - about his name, about his kingdom and his will. We confess your desire before him: so that people revere in the name of God, so that the kingdom of God became and the kingdom of righteous, so that the entire Holy Will of God, even if it brings a prayer suffering. A man sincerely prays about God and blesses him when he knows him and his business when he treats him as a person for himself. Enlightened peoples will constantly remove the tsar-Christ of the Thanksgiving prayers and the Slavs " on the general distribution of his kingdom, about the goodness of the Holy God's Churches and the eternal salvation of her Through Christ the Savior of All. Always committing such a prayer, they all day will bless him. There will be every day, thanks daily and glorify the king of Christ for the liberation of them from slavery to the devil and for all his great grace "(GR).

Art. 16. There will be a statement on the Earth on the Viers of the Mountains, it will be extruded by Lebanon, the fruit of him will be thrown: and we will embarrass the Grass of the earth. Translation: There will be hardening it on Earth, on the tops of the mountains; Herba ridges will be ascended above the creation of it, and the residents of the hail as the grass is embarrassing. " There will be a statement on the land on the verse of the mountains " What "statement" ? What will approve the Lord? one. Church - « on the Earth, Apostles and prophets - on the tops of the mountains this Earth (AV), i.e. Among the Saints Church and the Reverend God. "Lord Jesus Christ will approve and reinforce we assured in it, it makes them high and extomed, as if standing on the most tops of the mountains "(BLZH. Feeodorite in GR). The church will be based on a stone that Christ is, and approved by him. "Statement" You can perceive as an object (as something subject to approval: the church is approved) and How subject ("Statement" \u003d Approving: The Lord claims). Approval of all Christians, small and high, laity (" on land") And monks (" on Vierh Gor."), Will be Christ:" Christ says, there will be a statement on earth, or for inhabiting land, claiming hesitated devil. BUT - on top of the mountains - means that Christ will be approved to the very top of the mountains, which is attached about devotees and asketswho live on the top of the mountains, which also claims Christ "(Yezh). 2. Relying on Jewish text, prot. Gregory believes that it is about approval bread, about fruits CALES: On a blessed land, a luxurious wheat will grow on bare dry vertices. And those tops, and the forest of gold mines on them will be higher, closer to God than the vertices of Lebanon with their cedars. Although not about the ears says David: the wheat of this is God, the grains of her - the souls of the human, who the Lord will gather his own.

« Supports the Fruit of His ». « Lebanon - Jerusalem, and the fruit of the Savior - Church"(Eusevia in Yez). The fruit that the Lord will increase is the church and salvation of it, and the selected wheat among other fruits is the Holy Church. They will exceed them above all, which the Old Testament Righteous could think about, to the sky of God. Or: " Lebanon is Jerusalem, and his fruit is a gospel word. Therefore, he says that the gospel sermon will be higher than the service of the sub-banner "(AB). And incomparably the above "wisdom" of the pagan.

"And I will embarrass the Grand Grand Grass. . Those who should become good fruit will embarrass: the people who come to the kingdom will flare from His His \u003d From His Church: "... From any city, the Christians were thrown and cried as grass - because of the great many of them" (Yezh). "And this again means the church, which is written: preslavian verbose about you, hail of God (Ps. 86, 3) "(AB, the same in Eusevia in Yez). They will flare so much as those field lilies that exceeded the beauty of the robe of a glorious Solomon. We remember the words of the Lord: " Look at the field lilies, how they grow: neither work, nor they are hiding; But I tell you that Solomon in all the glory was not dressed as any of them"(Matt. 6, 28-29). The holy church is Christ more Solomon. And they, unlike grass field, will live forever - in the kingdom of glory.

Holy life and mouths will be worthy of blessing and praise the name of the Savior: Art. 17. There will be a name of him blessed forever, before the sun is his name, and the whole knee of the earth will be blessed in it, VSI languages \u200b\u200bwill be pleasing him. Translation: It will be the name of it blessed forever; before the sun dwells his name; And they blesses them all the tribes of earthly, all nations praise him. " It will be the name of him blessed forever. " David extends to the glance from his time until the end of times and prayer prophesies: name Lord Jesus Christ (Bogochloveka) and The words (God), Tsar and son Tsarev (1 tbsp.), it will be blessed Will and the task of a person - bless the blessed.

Then David draws a glance back and argues that the word ( Divine The name of the Second Face of the Holy Trinity) was before the sun. AND above Always, always: " before the sun is the name of it " Some interpreters (Yez, GR) call it a blessed and forever stay of God: Sy, sad : «" AZ EMS SYY., "said the Lord Moses. - Sie my eternal name"(Exercise 3: 14,15). This is the name of the Lord, which is previously creating peace, stays before the sun and will be blessedfrom all childbirth in eyelids. Through it will receive the blessing of God all the peoples of the earth, which will be said: "Get blessed by my father, inherit the kingdom prepared by you from creating peace" (Matt. 25:34). This blessing means there is nothing but an excuse and adoption of God about Christ. In turn, received the blessing will be mutually glorifying and please the Lord Jesus, who "One of the Holy Trinity, asked Father and the Holy Spirit" (Song "Only Begotten Son and the Word of God" on the liturgy): vSI languages \u200b\u200bplease be his"(GR). Or otherwise: before the creations of the world, "Before the Sun" took place decision of the Empty Council about the salvation of the world and about the Savior, the God-Self, whose name Jesus, i.e. Savior .

In this name Jesus Christ : « And the whole knee of the earth will be blessed in it, the teachers are pleased with him. " "Blessed - means - covered, marry grace. Because we are believers called Christians, the sim name is glorified. This God promised to Abraham that blessed in his seed All nations: and bless you all the nations of the earth (Gen..26: 4). And Paul says that this seed abrahama is christ (Gal.3: 16). Why and all nations will, say, glorify it "(Yezh).

The next sloopfulness, "According to the latest scientists, Psalmov's interpreters (holy. X. Horde, holy. N. Vishnyakov, A. Parhommeovich, etc.), does not apply to this Psalm, but the collector of Psalms in one book" (GR) . David just prophesy: \u200b\u200b" There will be his name blessed forever " And then he or an unknown collector of Psalms bless the Lord God of Israel, bringing it to him the gift. Thus, he performs this prophecy of 17th.: Art. 18-19. The Lord God of Israel is blessed, the wonders are one, and the name of His glory is blessed and in the age of century, and its gloss will be fulfilled: Budi, Budi. Translation: Blessed Lord God Israel, a single, creative wonders, and blessedly glorious name His forever! And marks his all the earth. Maybe it will be so. Psalmist blesses 1) Unitedin three persons God and the name of His glory - Jesus Christ, 2) or he means only Christwho is dedicated to this Psalom Song: "Not other than God, like the same Messiah, Christ God, about which prophesies the whole psalm and which One works miracles both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament- one is one not in distinguishing three people of Holy Trinity, but in distinguishing others, false gods - pagan "(GR).

"The name of His Glory " one. Name of glory (Son)His (Father or One in three faces). "Cyril name calls Son" (in Yez). "The glory should spread throughout the land, as the prophet Isaiah, who saw the throne of the Lord of Glory, surrounded by heavenly seraphims, and heard they appealed to each other: "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Savaof! Full the whole earth of His Glory"(IP 6: 1,3) "(GR). « Lord Savaof» applies to all the persons of the Holy Trinity, and to Son of God., so belongs and to the embodied Christ.

2. The name of His glory - Bogochlovka - This name suffering: Jesus Norazhai, King Jewish (John 19, 19) was written over crucified as his fault, as the cause of execution and dishonor. In the dishonor of the cross - the reason for the glory of the Savior: " Glory Christ is the entry of His and suffering in humanity. For the SIM, he became famous for believers, which, being God, subjected to us for us. And there is a name in the ceremony - Christ. For Christ means God and the man who is blessed in seven century and glorify, as he said above, and in the future, much more, when no one will gloom him and, therefore, when everyone, and people and demons, conquer Christ. We can say that the name of Glory is described as described instead - it, or the name of Glory - instead - nicely "(Yezh).

« And the glory will be fulfilled all the land ». « Slava His "- Glory of Christ (Yezh). "Budi, Budi "- It means the same thing that -" yes,", but for translation from Jewish:" amen and Amen!"" (GR). Grace will come to the church, militant on earth, but fullness Glory will be available only for the church of the triumphant: "And the heights: what repeats - yes,? Wishing the speedy approach of our freedom and hope of righteous. For when the Earth fulfills the glory of Christ, then the real world will end and the kingdom of heaven will appear "(Yezh).

Total content 71 Ps. King Solomon on which the test indicates - the protography of Christ or only the name: Solomon \u003d "Peace", "Mirny" Lord - "Our World" (EF, 2, 14); He will come to reconcile in the Church of his former pagans and Jews - with each other and with God. David prays about the king of the truth and the world, about proud and satisfying (1-4 s). It will not come for a court sentence, but for a court-rescue. Court - 1) True, the continuous divine justice, followed by the arrangement of saving fisheries; 2) Decision of the eternal Council of the Lord on Earth and the fulfillment by His Christ: " nowadays the world to the world " (In. 12, 31), "he will say in front of the Cross about the rapid defeat of Satan; 3) the litigation of mankind with an opponent of him (inil, death and hell); 4) The court is separation, the sword that is cut off evil. This Tsar Sudde is eternal and completely patched in the Divine (5 Art.), But Krotko will be born - as a person - in the silence of the Bethlehem night. His arrival - a revolution - David compares with a quiet, life rain (Art. 6). In his church, militant on earth, will reach (Art. 7) peace and truth; They will stay until the sun and the moon shine (" dongezh takes the moon " ) (Art. 8). "They make up weapons to which the Messiah king will conquer the whole world" (IO): the space of land, peoples and times - from Christmas to the Judgment Day. Through Christ, the pagan world will turn to the One God: "The Wild ( Efiolane ) and hostile peoples (Art. 9) bowed before him; Western ( king FarcSeta ) and southern ( queen of Arassia ) The kings, the kings from all over the world will bring her gifts, worship him and submit (Article 10-11) "(IE). These are gifts - spiritual: heart and life, repentance and obedience to the Word of him (Art. 15). He is a deliverant of eternal enemies and the Savior from sins; It is a righteous and unilent, hopes of beggar and poor (STT. 12-14). This king is not subject to death: enter it to defeat, and will rise, and "Alive will be" (15 Art.). He will be the Saints, approved by him (Art. 16), and the whole church of him. They are wheat of God, the fruit is the fringe. They will be extruded and embarrassed in the kingdom: will be higher than the Old Testament Righteous and will be put on heights in the kingdom of fame (Art. 16-17). The Church of the Saints will bless the name of God and the Savior of His Lord Jesus Christ. And now she sings: " Blessed Lord God Israel " (One in the Trinity) and " blessed name of his glory "- the name of the Lord of the glory of Jesus Christ (18 Art.). He king sky and land, so « his whole land will be fulfilled "(Art. 18).



Psalter. Slavic translation from Greek. Russian translation from Greek. - Ed. Verrotsky V.D., Kustovsky E.S., Serdyuk V. M.: "Pilgrim", 2000.

Psalm with parallel translation into Russian. - M.: Orthodox Holy Tikhonovsky Humanitarian University, 2005.


Athanasius Great, SVT. Interpretation on Psalms. - SVT. Athanasius the Great. Creation in 4 volumes, M., 1994 - Abbreviated Av.

Gregory Nissky, SVT. On the inscription of Psalms. - GN.

Grigory Razumovsky, prot. Explanation of the Holy Book of Psalms. - M.: Orthodox Holy Tikhonovsky Humanitarian University; 2010 - C.

Zigaben Euthymy. Clear psalm. M., 2002 - Yez.

John Zlatoust, SVT. Conversations on Psalms. - M.: Orthodox Holy Tikhonovsky Theologian Institute, 2003 - Gala.

Irina (Orda), EP. Human guide to understanding the Psalti. - M.: "District"; St. Petersburg: North-West Center for Orthodox Literature "Dioptra", 2000. (by ed. 1882);\u003dbook&id\u003d856 - AND ABOUT.

Lopukhin Alexander Pavlovich. A well-known Bible or comment on all the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. The book of the Prophet Jeremiah. - - Lopukhin.

Rev. Maxim Confessor. Questions and difficulties.- Moscow: Pilgrim, 2008.

Trinity sheets. Interpretation of the Gospel. - M.: "Blagovest", 2002.

Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. -

Feeodorite kirski, BLZH. Psalm with an explanation of the meaning of each verse. M., 1997 - FC.


Klimenko L.P. Dictionary of portable, shaped and symbolic use of words in Psalti. - Nizhny Novgorod: "Christian Library", 2012 - SC.

Complete Church Slavonic Dictionaryrat. Gregory Dyachenko. - - PCSD.

Church-Slavic dictionary prot. A. Swirlin. - Publishing house: "Grad Kitem", 1991 - Ss.


SVT. Athanasius - St. Athanasius the Great, Archbishop Alexandria.

SVT. Vasily - St. Vasily Great, Archbishop Caesarea Cappadocya.

SVT. Grigory - St. Gregory Nissky.

Prot. Grigory - Archpriest Grigory Razumovsky.

Zlatoust - St. John Zlatoust, Archbishop Constantinople.

EP. Irina - Bishop Irina (Horde).

BLI. Feodorite - Blessed Feeodorite Kirki (or: Kirsky).

Zigaben - Eutemy Zigaben.


We comment, as a rule, only Slavic Text , not the text of the Russian translation. The latter is responsible for the convenience of the perception of the Church-Slavic language. If there is a need additionally allocate any thought in quoted Text interpretation, we will emphasize her one trait . Our comments and explanations, interrupting citation will be concluded in brackets with an asterisk (*) .

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Interpretation of Psalm 71.

In Septuagint (and in the Old Slavonic Bible), this Psalm is mistakenly attributed to David (apparently, and on the basis of what was said in the last verse of Psalm) and perceived as David's prayer about his heir ("inscription" - about Solomon). In fact, we have one of two psalms (Ps. 126), written by the king of Solomon (in the Jewish text it is directly indicated in the inscriptions to Psalm, which in Russian text is incorrectly about Solomon). In ps. 71 Reflects the nature of the reign of Solomon, but it is also said about the thousand-year reign of the Messiah.

It deployed a picture of a blessed theocratic rule, carried out by the righteous "chosen" of God. The Psalmopevets expresses confidence that this king will rule according to the laws of the world and justice, in the interests of oppressed and helpless, and that many kings will obey him, and all nations will bless him (verse 17).

A. Prayer for Fair "Courts" (71: 1-7)

PS. 71: 1-4. Solomon asks God to give the king (apparently to himself) the ability to judge rightly and righteously - in the interests of people who have the heritage of God, including those of them who are poor and helpless. Images of "Mountains" and "Hills" in verse 3 (compare Mih. 6: 1-2) may make an idea of \u200b\u200bwidespread righteous life under the management of the king's god. Some, however, believe that these "mountains" and "hills" symbolize high-ranking people in Israel, regarding which and expresses the king wish, so that they also do not oppress the beggars, but they carried the world and truth.

PS. 71: 5-7. The phrase "will be afraid of you" clearly refers to the divine ruler. The beneficial fear of him "will be", passed from generation to generation (in childbirth), while the sun and the moon shine. But if the verse 5 compare with verse 17, then here you can see such a thought: the psalmopevets would like the name of the righteous earthly king and his kind reputation of him did not fade into the coming generations. The board is compared with the beneficial effect of rain, irrigating land (verse 6). Therefore, the righteous will flourish in his days ... and there will be an abundance of the world (verse 7).

B. Yes, everything and the whole righteous board will be subordinate (71: 8-11)

PS. 71: 8-11. The psalmopev predicts that his kingdom will spread from the sea (Mediterranean) to the sea (probably the Indian Ocean) and from the River (Euphrate, who determined the northern border of the world, familiar to the ancient Jews) to the ends of the Earth (mean the southern borders of this world). Under the "residents of the desert" were understood as wild nomadic tribes who did not know statehood. Will lick the dust - it is implied to the ancient foot of the Lord's footprints in the sign of the enemies of him (verses 8-9).

Tsari Farsis and Islands ... Farsis was in the southwestern part of Spain; Under the "Islands", most likely, the islands in the Mediterranean, belonging to the Phoenicians. Under Arabia (in the Jewish text of the Sheva) was understood as the south-western part of it, which corresponded to today's Yemen; Sava is the same as Seva in life. 10: 7; was in Upper Egypt. The rulers of all these places will pay the tribute to the king, challenged in Psalm.

B. The justification of his dominion (71: 12-20)

PS. 71: 12-15. The spirit of violence and murder is alien to this king; On the contrary, he will save the life (soul) of poor. Judging by the verse 14, in particular the phrase "precious will be the blood (pledge of life) of them before the eyes of him," he will spread his kingdom "from the edge and to the edge of the Earth" not through conquests, but by peaceful means; Seeing the advantages of this king, his mercy, the peoples voluntarily submit to him and will gladly give him from Gold Arabia (especially highly appreciated, in particular, because of the abundance of nuggets in him), and praying for him inener and bless him.

PS. 71: 16-17. The board of the righteous king will be an abundance of bread on Earth. This will happen because the forces of his subjects will not be used to war, but on the "affairs of the world", in particular, to the development of agriculture; With it, even the peaks of the mountains will be processed and sowed, and the fruits of crops will delight the eyes, as his wonderful cedar forests at Lebanon please. The growth of the population in cities, similar to the growth of grass on earth, will be significant, which happens only in peacetime.

And they will be blessed in the righteous king tribes, i.e., other nations; "Blessed" in the meaning that the principles of his reign will benefit from them. And they will "be plentiful" to him, that is, in turn bless him.

PS. 71: 18-20.. Poems 18-19 are a Slav (belonging to the verse 20, not author PS. 71, and the compiler of the II Book of Psalms), however, each of the books of Psaltiri ends. Recall that the II book includes Psalms 40-71.

So, in the PS. 71 A picture of the ideal reign was drawn, to which Solomon was at first (his prayer at Gavayon in 3-king. 3: 5-10). Indeed, his reign was peaceful, wise and fair "courts" he was gaining glory in all the then world; Israel flourished when it flourished. But in the second half of life, this king took little about the departing of God. It is impossible not to admit that the ideal kingdom shown here is unattainable for a person. Create it set only to God. Hence the sound of "Messianic notes" in certain verses of Psalm: this is the "Eternal Tsar" (verse 5), and possessing it, spreading to the "All Earth" (verses 8-11), and truly the blessed nature of his reign (verse 12 and 16 ).

Note in verse 20, that David's prayers ended on this, who had already been said, as already mentioned, the reason to consider it the author and this Psalm, in fact, only the fact that in this collection (II Book of Psaltiri) the works of David prevail. Recall that the Psalms included in it 43-48 belong to the "Sons of Korean", and PS. 49 - Asaf. In addition, in subsequent books, Psaltiri, the reader will meet another 18 psalms written by the king David (PS. 85; 100; 102; 107-109; 121; 123; 130; 132; 137-144).