In which pot is better to plant dracaena. Ready dredge: pros and cons

In order for dracaena to feel comfortable in a new place, it needs a well-drained substrate, light, breathable, absorbing a sufficient amount of moisture, with a slight acidity of 6-6.5 pH.

Ready dredge: pros and cons

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made substrate in the store; it will not be difficult to find the soil for the dracaena. The problem is that most of these soils contain peat. It quickly absorbs water, but almost does not give it away, so the soil dries out quickly, and the plant does not receive enough moisture.

REFERENCE : As a compromise, you can choose a universal primer for indoor plants... For growing dracaena, it is suitable, but still not optimal.

How to prepare potting soil yourself?

To provide dracaena the necessary conditions it is better to prepare the soil yourself. You can take sod land as a basis, add leafy soil, humus and coarse sand to it in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.

Pest control

To make sure that the transplanted plant is not threatened by diseases and pests, the land must be cultivated before replanting. Here are a few simple ways how to do it:

  • steam bath;
  • boiling water treatment;
  • watering with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • processing in a microwave oven.


To prevent stagnation of liquid from forming in the soil, which is detrimental to the roots of dracaena, there must be a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. Suitable for this the following materials:

  • expanded clay;
  • broken brick;
  • clay shards;
  • gravel.

Transplant process

At home, a young dracaena needs a transplant every year, a little grown up - once every 2-3 years as the root system grows. There is nothing complicated in it. Before transplanting, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • another pot;
  • priming;
  • drainage;
  • scissors or pruning shears.

ATTENTION! Watering should be stopped about 3 days before transplanting. This will make it easier to remove the flower from the old pot.

How to choose a pot?

For a dracaena with a height of 40-50 cm, you will need a pot with a diameter of about 20 cm; for each subsequent transplant, you need to choose a container 2-3 cm wider than the previous one. The material and shape of the pot do not play a big role, but the most comfortable are clay or ceramic containers, the height of which is slightly larger than the diameter.

You should not choose a pot that is much larger than the previous one. The root system of the plant will not be able to immediately master too much volume, and this will lead to stagnation of moisture and acidification of the soil.

When is a transplant required?

Determine when the dracaena needs to be transplanted into new pot is simple enough. This must be done if:

  • it's time for a planned transplant;
  • the plant has outgrown the previous pot and on its surface, and roots are visible in the drainage holes;
  • the soil is selected incorrectly and does not fit dracaena;
  • there is a suspicion that the soil is infected with pests, fungus or mold;
  • there was waterlogging of the earth and rotting of the roots;
  • over-fertilization has resulted in plant disease.

ATTENTION! It is better to replant dracaena in early spring. This period is most favorable, since the plant enters the stage of active growth and adapts most easily to changes.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting

The sequence of actions is quite simple, if you follow it, there should be no problems.

  1. Prepare everything you need. Wash the pot and tools with soap and scald with boiling water.
  2. Carefully remove the dracaena from the old pot and carefully examine the roots. All damaged areas of the roots must be cut off with a secateurs, and the cut sites must be treated with crushed activated carbon or iodine.
  3. Put 2–3 cm of drainage on the bottom of the pot, and then add a small layer of earth.
  4. Place the plant in the center and sprinkle gently with earth so that it fills in any voids between the roots.
  5. Water thoroughly.

To help dracaena restore damaged roots, you can use one of the means that stimulate plant growth, such as "Kornevin" or "Zircon".

Do I need to replant immediately after purchase?

A flower bought in a store always needs a transplant, but you should not rush into it. If the plant is doing well, does not turn yellow and does not show signs of illness, it is better to wait until spring.

In any case, it is necessary to give the dracaena at least 2-3 weeks to adapt to the new conditions, and only after that start transplanting, otherwise the plant, weakened by moving, may not endure additional stress.

Post-transplant care

The rules remain the same, but for a weakened plant, it is especially important to maintain temperature and humidity, as well as adherence to the watering regime. It is important to avoid direct sunlight, drafts, and excess moisture or drying out of the soil.


Transferring to a new pot - important stage in the life of indoor plants. The growth and health of the dracaena depends on how this procedure is carried out. If everything is done correctly, very soon she will delight her owner with new leaves and lush green crown.

Dracaena transplant video gallery


Dracaena.How to transplant usoe rasteniia pain




Dracaena. My purchases. How should a purchased plant be transplanted?



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Basic rules for choosing a pot for dracaena

Any florist should know how to choose the right dracaena pot. After all, it depends on how the plant will develop, how comfortable it will feel. The wrong capacity for growing such a flower will have a bad effect on its development. And in some cases, this can even lead to very rapid death of the plant.

The proper development and growth of dracaena largely depends on the choice of a pot for it.

Dracaena looks very much like a palm tree. And the basic subtleties of caring for these plants are also very similar. That is why the choice of a container for dracaena, as well as for a palm tree, is an important factor. Before going to the store, there are a few rules to read.

Choosing the size and shape of the pot

When choosing a container for growing dracaena, it is always necessary to build on the fact that root system in an adult plant, it is quite long. It consists of one main root, from which branches extend. In this case, the main root of the flower will constantly grow downward, while the lateral roots will not grow much.

For an adult dracaena, you need a tall and narrow pot.

This is considered a key principle in choosing the shape and size of the pot for such a plant. Ideal option high capacity will be considered. But its width should be small. After all, otherwise, closer to the edges of the pot, the earth will for a long time remain unfilled with roots, will begin to sour. And this can provoke the development of root rot in dracaena.

When choosing the height of the container, you need to understand that for a plant with a height of about 40 cm, a container with a width of about 15-17 cm will be quite enough.In this case, you should not buy a wider pot. As for the height of the pot, it should be such that when the plant is planted in the ground, the root freely fills the entire space, while not twisting or bending too much.

So, if the size of the pot is too large, then the root system will not be able to fill it, as a result, the roots will not have enough air and the flower will start to hurt a lot. If the container is too tight, it will be difficult for the plant to take the necessary nutrients from the soil, since its root system will be in a twisted state all the time. The flower will stop growing and the tips of the leaves will begin to turn yellow and dry.

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Pots for adults and young dracaena

When buying a container for a room dracaena, it is important to take into account the age of the plant and the previous conditions of detention. So, if there is a need to transplant an already adult into a new container healthy plant, then you need to choose one that will be tight, but at the same time the previous one will freely enter. The best option it is considered if the diameter of the new pot is about 2-3 cm larger than the old one.

Small pots are needed for young plants and cuttings.

If it is necessary to transplant a young dracaena from plastic cup or a transport pot in a permanent container, then you should choose a pot whose diameter is about 2-2.5 cm larger than the previous one. But it should be borne in mind that in this case, the height should be about 4-5 cm more than in the previous pot or glass.

But in the event that you want to plant a freshly rooted dracaena sprout, then it is recommended to choose a very narrow pot, the height of which, ideally, should be about 10-15 cm. In this case, the container should be very stable, since the insufficiently developed root system of such young plant will not be able to quickly gain a foothold in the soil, but the trunk of the dracaena is quite heavy.

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Material selection

As for the material for a pot for a plant, this does not really matter. Both ceramic, clay and plastic containers are quite suitable. But for a young flower, it is preferable to choose a ceramic or clay pot that is sufficiently stable.

If you decide to buy a container made of clay or ceramics, you should immediately check for drainage holes. If this is one hole, then it should be wide enough so that excess water can easily pour through it into the pan. However, drainage stones should not fall out through this hole.

When choosing a pot, you need to check if it has drainage holes.

But if there are several holes at the bottom of the container, then they should be small in diameter, but also quite free, without sharp edges and flaws. So it will be possible to protect the root system of the flower from deformation and rotting in the future.

In the event that it is decided to buy an ordinary inexpensive plastic pot, then you should immediately check the strength of the bottom. When pressed, it should under no circumstances bend. This is especially true for containers, the drainage holes at the bottom of which are planned, but have not yet been made. Indeed, due to the poor quality of plastic, the bottom of the pot may crack when developing holes, and then you will have to go for a new container.

And in office premises, and there will be room for dracaena in the apartments. They are beautiful, varied in shape and color, and easily fit into the interior. But the appearance of these plants depends on the correct care for them.

Photos dracaena

It is a pleasure to admire the dracaena! It is not surprising that flower growers are happy to photograph their plants and post these pictures on the Internet.

Photo gallery: types of dracaena

Growing rules

Dracaena - unpretentious plant... But there are certain nuances of its transplantation and development, which should be considered before starting breeding.

The material on how to grow Dracena Sander will also be useful:


A place near a window with good lighting, without direct sunlight and drafts, is ideal for these plants.

Optimum temperature

The plant will develop well at temperatures from 18 to 24 degrees in summer, not lower than 12 degrees in winter, without sudden changes. In the summer you can take it out into the fresh air.

Air humidity

Dracaens are comfortable with moderate and high humidity, therefore, it is useful to spray them, wipe the leaves, please with a warm shower.


Dracaena needs uniform constant soil moisture, but without waterlogging, otherwise the roots can rot. Water in the summer when it dries up upper layer soil. V winter time watered much less often (about 1 time in 2 months), but do not allow the earth to dry out completely. The soil is loosened slightly between waterings to allow air to penetrate to the roots. Water needs settled room temperature.

To water dracaena, you need to use water at room temperature.

Top dressing

In the period from April to August, once every 2 weeks, they are fed with fertilizers for indoor flowers, added to the water for irrigation, then feeding is limited, in winter they are almost never fed. Otherwise, the rest period will be violated, which will lead to depletion of the dracaena.


Vegetative propagation of all types of dracaena is performed using pieces of the trunk, layering, apical cuttings.


Pruning dracaena allows you to give the plant its original shape

Dracaena transplant

A transplant is called a complete replacement of the earth during transplantation with the possible transfer of the plant to another container. This is an effective tool for giving the plant new strength.

The basis for making a decision to transplant is the following:

  • in dracaena, the entire pot is occupied by roots. This is evidenced by the fact that water is hardly absorbed during irrigation, the roots protrude above the surface. For young dracaena, this state occurs once a year, and for adults, once every 5 years;
  • dracaena grows poorly, the leaves change color, which indicates a possible problem with the roots or with the soil.

Pot selection

The new pot should be 2 cm wider than the old one. A guideline is also the following: for plants with a height of 40 cm, a pot with a diameter of at least 15 cm is needed. Ceramic and plastic pots are suitable. If the reason for replanting is the need to simply replace the soil, then the pot can be left the same, but it must be disinfected. There should be holes in the bottom of the pot for excess water to drain.

You can create an original plant pot yourself:


The pot is filled with new soil, since elements harmful to the plant can accumulate in the old soil. You can use commercially available formulations for palm indoor flowers. But it is cheaper and more useful to prepare the mixture on your own: 3 part of sod land, 1 part of humus, 1 part river sand, 1 piece of leafy land. The soil should be somewhat damp. Check optimal humidity you can by squeezing a little soil in the palm of your hand. The lump should crumble when touched.

Transplant time

The best time to transplant is late winter - early spring, it can be transplanted until August. In the rest of the months, it is better not to touch the plants.

Dracaena transshipment

Transshipment is a type of transplanting, when a plant is taken out of a pot along with a lump of earth and, without affecting the roots, is transferred (rearranged) into a new larger pot. The voids are filled with prepared earth.

This method is used in autumn time(if necessary) if the condition of the plant is good and no land replacement is required. The transshipment is more gentle for the plant, therefore it can be applied several times a year.

Features of the transplant after purchase

If there are comments to outward appearance dracaena, or the capacity and soil does not inspire confidence, the plant is transplanted immediately with the replacement of both the pot and the earth. If the plant is cheerful, and the pot is not bad, it is better not to injure the dracaena unnecessarily, and transplant it after a month by transferring it.

Big dracaena transplant

It is better not to replant large dracaenas unless absolutely necessary, since they will take root with difficulty, and the transfer of a huge tree is laborious. It is better to gently loosen the top layer of moist soil (about 4 cm) once a year, trying not to touch the roots, select it and replace it with new soil.

Post-transplant care

After transplanting, the plant experiences severe stress, it takes time for the root system to get used to new conditions, so that new roots begin to form. The first watering is plentiful. Excess water, having moistened the entire earthen lump, should collect in the pan. The transplanted dracaena are watered infrequently, because the root system has not yet entangled an earthen ball, and the water is slowly absorbed and evaporated.

The next watering is performed after the top layer of the earthen coma dries out (2-3 cm). After 10 days, you can give a single root stimulant "Kornevin" (1 gram / liter of water). The plant is placed in a shady place for a week, sprayed to avoid drying out. After that, plant care becomes standard.

The ability to combine transplant with pruning

Both transplanting and pruning are stressful for the plants. When transplanting, the dracaena builds up new roots; when pruning, the existing roots work to form new shoots. These procedures should not be combined unnecessarily.

The need for such actions arises if it is necessary to save the diseased dracaena. It is pruned and transplanted into new soil. This can only be done in spring active growth. The living crown is put on rooting.

The material on the fight against diseases and pests of dracaena will also be useful:

Photo gallery: stages of transplanting dracaena

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting Dracaena

To get a healthy and viable plant as a result of transplanting, follow the following algorithm:

  1. We water the dracaena abundantly one day before the transplant.
  2. Choosing a pot of the right size.
  3. Pour drainage (expanded clay or small pebbles) on the bottom of the prepared pot.
  4. We fill in a thin layer of earth. We moisturize slightly.
  5. We water the dracaena one day before the transplant.
  6. Carefully remove it from the old container by tapping or cutting the container.
  7. We clean the roots from the ground, trying not to injure them. We cut off the decayed roots.
  8. Moisten the roots.
  9. We put the dracaena in the center of the pot, add earth, shaking the plant and slightly tamping it.
  10. The soil should cover all the roots of the dracaena and be about 3 cm below the edge of the container, the root collar should be at the level of the soil.
  11. Water the plant abundantly.
  12. We add earth if the roots are bare.
  13. Can be covered with drainage or moss.

Rooted dracaena cuttings are planted in a similar way, excluding root washing. If the cutting was rooted in the ground, then the earthen lump can be saved.

During transplantation of dracaena, it is necessary to cut off excess roots and remove their rotten parts.

Possible problems

A transplant can harm the dragon tree if it needed watering at the time of transplanting or was just watered.

For the first 2 weeks, the plant tries to adapt to new conditions, so it can drop and lose leaves. But if the plant continues to suffer, it is necessary to analyze:

  • if there is waterlogging - check if the drainage hole is clogged;
  • whether there is drying out - check the moisture content of the soil at the wall of the pot;
  • if the air in the room is too dry.

Dracena can be helped by adjusting the irrigation and irrigation regime, creating a microclimate - covering the plant with a perforated plastic bag for a week. It can be sprinkled with Zircon growth stimulant (2 drops per 200 ml). If the plant continues to die, repeat the entire transplanting process.

Sometimes dracaena is confused with another plant of the dracaena family -. You can distinguish them by their roots. In dracaena they are orange, in cordilina they are white. Cordilina forms a lot of root growth.

Please dracaena proper care- and she will give you the pleasure of beauty.

The dracaena pot should be the size of the plant: not large and not small.

Small pot for dracaena

In a pot small size dracaena will be too cramped, due to lack of space, it will not be able to grow and develop. If the dracaena root system is highly developed, then it displaces all the soil from the pot, and, accordingly, the plant has no place to get nutrients and minerals from.

Large pot for dracaena
If the dracaena pot is very big size then this can lead to the death of the plant. Water will stagnate in a large pot with abundant watering. A large volume of soil will not have time to dry out completely between waterings. Excess moisture in the pot and constantly moist soil leads to the fact that the roots of the dracaena do not have enough air, they begin to choke and rot. This causes the plant to die.

How to choose the right pot when planting or replanting dracaena?

The correct dracaena pot should match the size of its roots. Its volume should slightly exceed the volume of the plant's root system. The roots in it should be free, but not very much. Some growers recommend choosing a pot 2-3 cm larger than the volume of the roots in height and width. An important condition the correct pot for dracaena when planting is the presence of a good drainage system... Water should flow out of it without problems in order to provide a good microclimate for the roots of the plant and to prevent stagnation of water in the pot. The material from which the flowerpot is made is of no fundamental importance: it can be either plastic or ceramic.

In which pot should the dracaena be transplanted?

It is necessary to transplant the dracaena from one pot to another approximately once every one to two years and do not leave the dracaena in the pot in which you bought it in the store: the shipping soil in which the flower is sold absorbs too much moisture and dries very badly ... And constant soil moisture, as mentioned above, can lead to the death of the plant.

Dracaena is a popular large-sized houseplant, a spectacular false palm tree with a high stem that gradually grows stiff. Dracaena is grown not only in residential premises, but also in offices and in large shopping centers... In order for the plant to remain healthy and attractive for a long time, it needs favorable conditions of maintenance and good care... In our article we will talk about how to properly transplant the dracaena, how not to damage the roots of the dracaena during transplantation, and also how to take care of it after this procedure: how to water the dracaena after transplanting, when to start fertilizing the substrate, what to do if after transplanting, the dracaena turns yellow.

When to transplant dracaena

Dracaena is transplanted in such cases:

  • immediately after purchase, if the plant was sold to you in a plastic pot and you prefer ceramic;
  • when the roots of the plant have mastered the entire space of the pot and began to hang down from the drain holes;
  • if the substrate in the pot has become unusable from chronic waterlogging or for any other reason;
  • with damage to the root system.

Dracaena transplantation at home is carried out at the end of winter or early spring: at the beginning of active growth, the plant tolerates the procedure more easily and takes root faster in a fresh substrate. Young plants need to be transplanted more often than adults, and it is better not to disturb large old dracaena with a transplant at all, just change the top layer of the substrate 5 cm thick in the pot annually to fresh soil.

Pot and substrate for dracaena

When preparing for a transplant, the question arises of which pot to transplant the dragon tree. It is advisable to choose a container for this plant in the form of a glass, and each subsequent pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one in diameter: the dracaena root system increases in volume by an average of 1-2 cm per year. It is undesirable to take a pot "for growth", since at first the dracaena will master the roots of an earthen lump, and only after that the development of terrestrial organs will begin. As for the material from which the pot should be made, it only depends on your taste, since for dracaena there is no difference whether it is ceramic or plastic. But drainage holes for water drainage must be in the pot.

Wash a new container before use. warm water with soap.

When choosing a substrate, keep in mind that the soil mixture optimal for dracaena should be loose, drained and slightly acidic - pH 6.0-6.5. From garden soil have to refuse, because it contains too much mineral salts... You can buy ready-made substrate for palm trees in garden pavilion, but you can compose the soil yourself from two parts of leafy land, adding half a part of peat and one part of compost and sod land to it. Some growers believe that the substrate should contain more sod land than leafy land: add one part of humus, river sand and leafy earth to 3 parts of sod.

Dracaena flower transplant

A healthy plant is transplanted using the transshipment method. A layer of drainage material is placed in a new pot, then filled one quarter with fresh substrate. When preparing for the procedure, do not water the dracaena for several days, so that it is easier to remove it from the old pot, but damaging the roots. Draw a knife between the earthen lump and the wall of the dish in which the dracaena grows, take out the flower and look at its roots. If they are healthy, transfer the dracaena together with the earthen clod into a new dish, but if it seemed to you that some roots are damaged, dry or affected by rot, carefully cut them off with a sharp sterile instrument, sprinkle the wounds with crushed charcoal and only then complete the transplant: place the dracaena in a new pot and fill the remaining space with fresh substrate by tapping on the pot so that there are no voids in the roots, then tamp the surface, water the plant, and when the soil settles, add as much substrate as needed. However, you do not need to fill the pot with soil to the top: leave the sides 3-4 cm high.After transplanting, the root collar of the dracaena should be at the same level as it was before.

Dracaena after transplant

A plant weakened by a transplant needs care and attention. Place the flower in a place where no one will touch it, provide access to light and clean air, but protect it from direct sunlight and drafts. Maintain the temperature in the room at least 25 ˚C and organize regular moistening of the substrate with settled water at room temperature so that between waterings the top layer has time to dry 2-3 cm deep.In ten days after transplanting, pour the dracaena with a solution of 1 g of Kornevin in 1 liter of water ... The water flowing into the sump must be drained. Do not forget to spray the dracaena foliage as well. As soon as the plant recovers from the transplant, it will be possible to return to its usual care.