Construction finishing machines checklist. Finishing construction machines

The types and parameters of construction machines and equipment were adopted in the development of the technological part of the course project. The required number of machines of each type can be determined in the following ways:

1) Based on the machine intensity of the work:

N i = M i / T m * K ner,

Where: M i - machine intensity of work for each type of machine, machine-hour

T m - the estimated number of hours that the machine can work for a given period of time

K ner - coefficient of uneven performance of work

2) According to the planned rates of the annual output of machines:

N i = V i / P i * K ner,

Where: V i - the amount of work for the machine

P i - machine output per year

3) According to aggregated indicators for 1 million rubles of the annual construction and installation work program

Tab. No. 9: List of construction machinery and equipment for the construction of a system of protective structures

In addition to what is listed in the table, equipment will be required for the following types of work:



Maintenance and repair of machines

Loading and unloading in warehouses.

2.5. Construction plan and temporary base

When placing temporary objects on the construction plan, the following are taken into account: General requirements to design and estimate documentation (SNiP 11-01-95), requirements for construction plans as part of POS (SNiP 3.01.01-85), requirements fire regulations(SNiP 2.01.02-85), recommendations of reference books on the design of construction management.

When placing temporary structures and communications, the following requirements are taken into account: maximum alienation of the territory for temporary use, preservation of land and protection water resources, interconnection and interaction of temporary objects.

Due to the short duration of construction (up to 3 years), inventory mobile wagons, container and collapsible structures were adopted for the placement of temporary objects. The main temporary base of the construction site is planned to be located near the drainage pumping station.

The site for the temporary base includes: objects of the administrative and amenity complex, industrial facilities, parking for construction machines and repair facilities, open and closed warehouses and sheds, bases of subcontractors.

In addition to the main temporary base, it is envisaged to create a temporary field camp near the quarry of soil extracted for filling the dam.

The composition of the main objects of the field camp: the wagon-office of the foreman, wagons for workers and a watchman, a wagon-warehouse for valuable inventory, etc.

After graduation construction works all areas allocated for temporary use must be released from temporary objects and structures, waste materials, construction waste and reclamation.

Rice. 6: Scheme of the construction site plan for the construction of structures to protect the territory from flooding and waterlogging

1. Upland Canal

2. Crossing the canal

3. End discharge from

4. Dike embankment

5. Route horizontal

6. Inspection wells

7. Drainage pumping station

8. Site for the temporary base

at the pumping station

9. The road to the base of the General Contractor

11. The road to a career

12. Quarry of soil for the dam

13. Temporary dumps of vegetative soil

14. Field camp of machine operators at a quarry

The composition of the objects of the administrative complex and their number is determined depending on the number of employees of various categories and norms for 1 employee.

Organization of management of construction of a system of protective structures

The general contractor for the construction organization must be selected by the investor by the customer on the basis of a tender (tender) or through direct negotiations. Construction companies participating in the competition must meet the following requirements: positive reviews or characteristics of customers who previously used the services of the prospective general contractor, experience in the construction of water management and hydraulic structures, availability of licenses, compliance of capacities in value terms with the volume of construction and installation work in the reporting year according to the financing schedule, staffing with qualified personnel workers (engineers) and administrative and managerial personnel, equipment with modern construction equipment and its condition, compliance of the production base of the construction company with the level of modern requirements, the financial condition of the construction company.

Taking into account the composition of the objects and the specifics of the work, it is possible to recommend the creation of 3 construction sites. In accordance with the financing schedule, the construction company must have a capacity of at least C g max 2000 * K 2012 = 10.8 * 6.74 = 72.8 million rubles.

Nature conservation and protection measures environment during construction work

During the period of any construction work, disruptions to the natural or formed anthropogenic landscape are inevitable, and the likelihood of contamination of the territory, open water bodies, groundwater and the atmosphere is high.

When preparing, performing and at the stage of completion of work in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection, the following measures are provided:

A) for the protection and protection of land resources:

Minimum alienation of the territory for temporary use for temporary objects: warehouses, parking lots;

Maximum preservation of the existing vegetation cover and woody vegetation;

Removal and preservation of the soil layer from all areas disturbed during work;

Placement of quarries and permanent dumps of excess soil for reclamation and improvement of the relief of the adjacent territory by backfilling gullies, hollows, ravines;

Traces of temporary roads in conjunction with the existing boundaries of the land;

Construction of temporary roads with gravel and sand cover in order to be able to use them during periods of precipitation;

Maintaining temporary roads in good condition, which will save roadside lanes from being allowed by moving vehicles;

Leveling and restoration of all disturbed areas after the end of work with filling a soil layer of at least 0.1 m.

In order to protect the territory from contamination with waste and residues building materials collection and disposal of waste materials obtained along the way is envisaged.

Refueling of machines with fuel and lubricants should be carried out at designated areas using special fuel-filling equipment, which will avoid contamination of the earth's surface and soil cover.

B) for the protection of water resources:

In the buffer zone of water sources, it is allowed to carry out work on the objects located in it in accordance with the project;

Temporary bases, parking lots, material warehouses must be moved outside security zones;

It is not allowed to drain working fluids from used machines onto the surface of the entire territory.

C) for the protection of the atmosphere.

In order to avoid pollution of the atmospheric air, it is provided:

Watering of dump roads in order to reduce dustiness;

Elimination of waste without incineration, but by means of disposal for fuel and for other purposes;

Maintaining internal combustion engines in a technically sound condition, which will reduce the emission of combustion residues into the atmosphere in the form of CO, CH oxides, soot, soot, smoke, etc.


Lipetsk College of Construction,

Architecture and industry technology

Methodical instructions for the implementation of practical work No. 10

Specialty 270103

"Construction and operation of buildings and structures"

Discipline: "Construction machines and means of small-scale mechanization"

spray guns "


cyclic commission special. 270103

NS. No. ___ dated _______ 2009


A.I. Marchenko

Teacher Aleshina T.V.


Topic: “Machines for finishing works. Paint sprayers and

spray guns "

Purpose of work: 1. Get acquainted with the types, purpose, device of machines

for finishing works.

2. To study the types, purpose, device, principle of operation

Visual and tutorials: methodological instructions for practical work, full-scale models, videos, educational literature.

Work order:

· Familiarize yourself with the procedure for performing the work;

Familiarize yourself with the types, purpose, device of machines

for finishing works;

Study the purpose, device, principle of operation of paint sprayers and spray guns according to models and materials of educational literature or guidelines;

· answer Control questions:

1) What machines are used in construction for plastering works?

2) What machines are used in construction for painting work?

3) What machines are used in construction for finishing floors?

· Study the design of paint sprayers and spray guns according to the given diagrams and models;

· Provide in the report a description of the purpose, device, principle of operation of paint sprayers and spray guns;

Protect practical work:

sobia, answers to security questions, description

purpose, device, principle of operation

paint sprayers and spray guns.

Machines for finishing works

Finishing works include plastering, facing, painting, parquet, mosaic, glass and wallpaper.

Plastering stations and plastering units are used to mechanize plastering work.

Plastering stations are intended mainly for the preparation and pumping of solutions at the construction site. They are carried out, as a rule, mobile in the body of a caravan or in a van on skids. Such a station consists of a skip hoist, a mortar mixer and a mortar pump with a hopper and vibrating sieve. The solution is supplied to the floors through the grout pipes, which, in turn, consist of metal or rubber-fabric risers, rubber-fabric hoses and fittings.

Plastering unit consists of a mortar mixer 5, a vibrating sieve with a hopper and a mortar pump 1, mounted on a trailer. The unit is designed for receiving and processing the solution delivered from the mortar unit, as well as for supplying it to workplaces and applying it to the surface to be treated, for which it is equipped with mortar ducts and a nozzle.

Rice. 1 Plastering unit:

/ - mortar pump; 2 - valve block; 3 - air damper; 4 - bypass valve; 5 - mixing ladle; 6 - receiving hopper; 7 - drive; 8 - drawbar; 9 - control panel

Injectors. Two types of nozzles are used: mechanical (compressorless), operating due to the pressure developed by the mortar pump, and pneumatic action.

Rice. 2. Nozzles:

a - compressor room with central air supply; b - the same with an annular air supply; в - non-compressor; g - diaphragm; 1 - solution line; 2- clamp;

3 - pipeline; 4-valve; 5 - knee; 6 - nipple; 7 - gasket; 8, 15 - nozzles;

9 - annular groove; 10 - bushing; 11, 13 - housings; 12 - nozzle; 14 - pipeline

Diameter of rubber hoses or steel pipes 32-85 mm.

The plaster layer is treated with a trowel tool, which is made with a pneumatic and electric drive.

Pneumatic trowel consists of a pneumatic motor 1, a reducer 4 and replaceable working discs 5. The motor and the reducer are mounted in an aluminum casing, which also serves as a handle. To wet the surface to be smoothed, the design of the machine is provided with a tap and a rubber tube 3 for water supply. The engine power of the machine is 0.15 kW, the rotational speed is Idling 8.0 s -1, weight 1.5 kg.

Fig. 3. Pneumatic trowel: 1 - pneumatic motor; 2 - handle; 3 - rubber tube for water supply; 4 - reducer; 5 - disk; 6 - scapula; 7 - duct union

Electrically driven plastering machines consist of an asynchronous three-phase electric motor of increased frequency, a reducer, large and small discs rotating in opposite directions.

Painting works include preparation of paint formulations, preparation of surfaces for painting and application of paint formulations.

Painting compositions and semi-finished products for painting works in the form of concentrates, pastes and dry mixtures are prepared in factories or in central workshops. At the facilities, mobile painting stations are used to bring the compositions to the required consistency. In some cases, color-coded on-site workshops are equipped, equipped with small grinders, paint grinders, mixers, etc.

Mobile painting station. The mobile painting station includes a receiving hopper for chalk paste and lime paste, a mixing tank, a twin-shaft mixer, a vibrating sieve, compressors and a mortar pump for supplying putty and paint composition to the painting site. For the processing of dried putty waste, there is a paint grinder, a glue machine and a heater. The station is equipped with spatulas, spray tanks, electric spray guns, painting rods, paint spray guns, hose sets, paint rollers and brushes.

Paint grinder. Of the grinders, the most common are millstones. The paint grinder shown in Fig. 4 is arranged and operates as follows: the material from the hopper 1 is fed by the screw feeder 2 to the grinding organs, the first stage (preliminary grinding) of which contains a disc 3 with holes and a knife 4, the second stage (final grinding) - flat interchangeable millstones 5. The crushed material falls into the bowl 6, from where, under the action of centrifugal forces created by the blades of the disc 7, it is unloaded.

The predetermined degree of grinding is provided by pressing the millstones, which is carried out by rotating the flywheel 8 mounted on the body 9. The rotation drive of the working bodies of the paint mill is made from the electric motor 10 through a V-belt

transfer 11.

Fig. 4. Millstone paint grinder

Meloterki intended for grinding chalk. The grater consists of an electric motor /, on the shaft of which a rotor 7 is planted, equipped with two rows of fender pins 3 and 4, a stationary rotor with pins 6, a cylindrical casing 2 with a branch pipe for the outlet of ground chalk and a loading hopper 5.

Fig. 5. Meloterka

When the finger rotor rotates, the chalk in it is crushed by rubbing it through the slots of the stationary rotor.

Melters have a capacity of up to 350 kg / h of dry chalk with a grinding fineness of 0.02-0.035 mm, the largest diameter of the chalk pieces being loaded is 60 mm.

Vibrating sieve serves for filtering different colors... It consists of an electric motor, an eccentric clutch 6 and a connecting rod 5, connected to the bracket 2, on which the housing 4 with a set of sieves 3 is installed. The filtered solution is fed into the housing 4.

Fig. 6. Vibrating sieve

When the shaft of the electric motor rotates, the connecting rod provides an oscillatory movement of the bracket 2 with sieves 3, as a result of which the paint poured into the housing is filtered. The productivity of the vibrating sieve is 660-720 kg / h, the vibration frequency of the sieves is 2800 min-1, the vibration amplitude is 0.8 mm.

Mixer. For the preparation of putty, putty and colorful pastes, a two-shaft mixer is used. The trough-shaped bunker contains two horizontal

parallel shaft with helical blades. The shafts are driven by an electric motor through a V-belt transmission and two pairs of gears.

Fig. 7. Twin-shaft agitator

Emulsifier pump prepare emulsions, mix paint compositions and pump them over. It is made in the form of a screw pump placed in vertical pipe... The pipe has holes that, when turned, can be aligned with the holes in the pump casing or overlap them. In the first case, the paint composition is mixed, in the second, it is pumped.

Surfaces are painted with painting units, which include a compressor, a spray tank, a spray gun and hoses for air and paint supply.

Compressor. Piston and diaphragm compressors are used in painting units. Working pressure of reciprocating compressors up to 0.7 MPa, air supply up to 30 m 3 / h.

Fig. 8. Compressor

a - diagram; b - general form: 1 - air collector, 2 - oil-moisture separator; 3 - pressure regulator; 4 - block of cylinders; 5 - piston; 6 - manometer; 7 - air cleaner; 8 - pipeline; nine - safety valve; 10 - electric motor; L - compressor crankcase

Injection tank provides the supply of paint compounds under compressed air pressure to a pneumatic spray gun. It is a hermetically sealed vessel, consisting of a cylindrical body 1 with a spherical bottom and a removable cover 3. The tank is equipped with a stirrer 2 with a drive. A reducer 4 for pressure regulation, taps 5, a safety valve and a pressure relief valve are mounted on the tank lid. The capacity of the paint injection tanks is 0.02; 0.04; 0.06; 0.10 m 3, the largest operating pressure 0.4 MPa.

Rice. 9. Paint injection tank

Spray gun designed for painting works by air spraying. Air enters through pipe 8 through nipple 7, pressing the trigger opens the air valve and air enters the head through the channels of the body. The air flow is changed by the regulator 6.

In addition to the spray gun considered, spray guns with suspended tanks are also used.

Fig. 10. Spray gun: 1 - head; 2 - union; 3 - case; 4 - complete needle; 5 - needle regulator; 6 - air regulator; 7 - nipple; "- a tube for air; 9 - handle; 10 - trigger; L - air valve; 12- nipple for paint; 13- nozzle; 14 - replaceable tip

To apply low-viscosity paint compositions to the surface, electrospray guns and hand-held spray guns are used.

Electrospray gun has a diaphragm compressor and works as follows. During the course of the connecting rod 9 downward, the solution is sucked in. At reverse course the connecting rod, the solution is squeezed out through the delivery valve 14 into the hose 16 to the fishing rod 11, which sprays paint. To regulate the maximum working pressure, a safety valve 12 is used.

Electrospray guns have a capacity of up to 250 m2 / h, drive power 0.18-0.27 kW, weight 21-25 kg.

Rice. 11. Electrospray gun:

a - general view; b - kinematic diagram: / - electric motor; 2 - diaphragm pump; 3- suction hose connection; 4 - bypass hose fitting; 5 - pressure hose fitting; 6 - filter; 7 - suction hose; 8 - crankshaft; 9 - connecting rod; 10- bypass hose; 11- fishing rod; 12 - bypass valve; 13 - suction valve; 14 - discharge valve; 15 - diaphragm; 16 - pressure hose; 17 - toothed clutch; 18 - connecting sleeve

Manual spray gun. The device of a hand-held spray gun is shown in Fig. 12. At the beginning of work, the filter 5 is lowered into a vessel with a painting composition and the reservoir 1 is filled with a pump 2 with a small amount of the composition. Then the filter is removed from the composition and, having made 15-20 double strokes of the pump rod, the spray gun is filled with air. After that, the end of the suction hose 4 with the filter 5 is lowered into the paint composition and the pump creates the necessary pressure in the tank, which ensures the supply of the paint composition to the nozzle 9.

The productivity of the hand-held spray gun is 200 m 2 / h, the working pressure is up to 0.6 MPa, the capacity of the tank is 3.0-10 ~ 3 m 3, and the weight is 5.0 kg.

Fig. 12. Manual spray gun:

1 - reservoir; 2 - pump; 3 - suction valve; 4 - suction hose;

b - filter; 6 - discharge valve; 7 - crane; 8 - fishing rod; 9 - nozzle

Parquet and mosaic floors are treated after installation to give them a smooth surface. Parquet floors are planed, rubbed and sanded, while mosaic floors are only sanded.

Machine for scraping wooden floors consists of a knife drum 4 with two knives 5, a running gear, including a front 2 and two rear 8 rollers, mounted on a traverse 1, and a control mechanism. An electric motor 3 is built into the drum. The thickness of the removed shavings is regulated by raising or lowering the traverse 1 using a nut 6 and a rod 7. The productivity of the machine is 15-25 m 2 / h, the power of the electric motor is 1.5 kW.

Parquet grinders the parquet floors are finally finished. The machine consists of grinding drum 4, an electric motor 5, a vacuum cleaner 2, travel wheels and a control mechanism. The sanding drum and the fan are driven by an electric motor with V-belts 3. A sanding cloth is installed on the drum, which is fixed by clamping rollers. To lift the drum at start-up, put the control lever 1 in the uppermost position. The required surface finish is achieved by adjusting the pressure of the grinding drum on the surface to be treated.

If the car leaves irregularities on the floor, then the position of the side wheels is changed, for which they turn the car upside down, determine which of the wheels is lower, and, by moving them, set both wheels in the same position. If after that the machine leaves irregularities, it is determined from which end of the drum the skin heats up more and the corresponding running wheel is raised. Using a converter attachment, the machine can be connected to a single-phase network.

The parquet grinder has a capacity of 40-160 m 2 / h, a drum rotation frequency of 27.5 s-1, an electric motor power of 2.2 kW, and a weight of 70 kg.

Floor polishing machine intended for cleaning and polishing parquet floors. The main parts of the machine are an electric motor 5, a gearbox 4 with a flange 3 and a removable disk 2 with brushes /. The productivity of the machine is 100 m 2 / h, the power of the electric motor is 1.1 kW.

Mosaic Grinder serves for grinding and polishing floors made of marble, mosaic, granite and other materials. The working body of the machine is six triangular abrasive discs 5, fixed in holders 4 on two traverses 6. Rotation to the discs is transmitted from the electric motor 2 through the gearbox 1. For uniform pressure on each abrasive disc, the traverse 6 is connected to the faceplate 7 through a shock absorber 3. Machine productivity 12 m 2 / h, electric motor power 3.0 kW.

Fig. 16. Mosaic Grinder

Similar information.


Mortar mixers (mortar mixers): drum volume up to 60 liters, productivity up to 2 cubic meters per hour, electric motor power up to 1.5 kW, weight up to 200 kg.

Mortar pumps: productivity 1-6 cubic meters / hour, weight 120-500 kg, delivery range - horizontally 50-300 m, vertically 15-100 m, electric motor power 1-7.5 kW.

Plastering stations (for large volumes of work);

The plastering unit (for small volumes of work) prepares and delivers the mortar itself;

Vibrating sieves for sifting the solution - on a cover;

Before the mortar pump;

Plastering machines: capacity up to 50 m2 / hour, weight 2-2.5 kg, electric motor power 0.2 kW;

Shotcrete installations (to obtain a layer of increased density -


Electro-pneumatic hammer (for notching surfaces, etc.);

A crumbling machine complete with a compressor;

Unit for applying shagreen plaster;

Installation for the use of gypsum dry mix (grout, putty);

Delivery of the solution to the object by dump trucks, mortar trucks;

Supply (transportation) of the solution to the workplace

vertically: lifts, small cranes (for small volumes);

horizontally: hand carts (one-, two- and three-wheeled), motorized carts, motor scooters, Rioni tractors, walk-behind tractors, etc.


Facing stone cutting machine (with water supply for cooling);

Hand-held drilling machines (for drills Æ 6,8,10,13,23 and 32);

Manual grinders(straight, angular and flexible shaft) with various grinding wheels(subdivided by abrasive material,

the granularity of the material and the bond - ceramic, bakelite and vulcanite);

Electric pneumatic hammers;

Manual machine for cutting facing stone ("Bulgarian");

Mortar mixer with drum volume up to 60 l;

For vertical and horizontal transport of materials - the same as for

plastering works.


Hand-held spray guns - productivity up to 200 sq. M. / Hour, weight 5 kg, fishing rod - 1 piece;

Electrospray gun - 2 fishing rods and a color scheme that pumps an electric pump;

Shepelenko unit - for 4 or more rods - electrospray gun;

Painting station - productivity up to 1500 m

up to 50 m vertically, up to 120 m horizontally;

Painting units (portable, mobile, pneumatic, pistols and without

air spray - high pressure);

Putty machines (putty is applied by spraying or with a hollow trowel),

productivity up to 700 l / h, works complete with a compressor;

Grinding machines;

Color workshop (or station on site) consisting of:

Paint mills - productivity 100-400 kg / hour, weight 100-200 kg, power

electric motor 2-5 kW;

Drying devices (for chalk);

Meal graters - productivity up to 300-400 kg / h, weight up to 120 kg, power

electric motor up to 6 kW;

Vibrating screens - productivity up to 700 kg / h, weight up to 10 kg, power

electric motor from 2 kW;

Glue machine;

Mixers (for putty and putty) - capacity up to 500 l / h, weight 60 kg;

Pump emulsifier O-58;

Vortex disperser SO-128;

Acoustic installation for water-in-oil emulsions (no serial) - (ultrasonic emulsifier);

Dispensers (capacitive manual and automated);

Monorail with a hoist or light beam crane or light truck for transporting materials in containers and containers around the premises and loading and unloading from vehicles;



Gluing trucks with pumps for supplying to floors;

Roller with a tray for applying glue to wallpaper;

Cutting machines;

Upholstery table;

Glue makers;

Containers for transportation of cut wallpaper (small - for a set of wallpapers for a room - apartment, large - for small containers);

Mobile upholstery station: cutting capacity 600 m / h and trimming 600 m / h.


Vacuum suction cups one-, two- and three-plate, incl. on the traverse;

Pistols for driving studs or nails;

A syringe for applying putty;

Glass cutting table;

Container for cut glass;

Glass washing and wiping machines;

Putty machines for making putty and applying it to the folds of bindings.

Carpentry and joinery.

Joiner's table included;


Manual Circular Saw;

Planing machine;

Cycling machine;

Electric planer;


Electric grinder.

Floor arrangement.

Monolithic floors:

Installation for vibration vacuuming of concrete, consisting of: a vacuum compressor with oil

water separator, hoses and mats with a mesh, as well as a vibrating screed and smoothing

Installation for self-leveling floors included: plaster and trowel or

grinding machines vacuum cleaners, industrial pneumatic priming nozzles,

putty and cover layers;

Mosaic grinders: single-spindle, multi-spindle,

mounted several single-spindle based on a wheeled tractor, auto or

electric forklift, vibrators, compressor, hand grinders and sludge cleaner;

Rolled (linoleum) floors:

set consisting of: grinders, industrial vacuum cleaners, installations for straightening waves on linoleum (electric iron), differential rollers and pillars, bees, etc. for welding joints of rolls.

Piece wood floors:

set consisting of: carpenter's table (circular, jointer, plane, drilling, slotter), planer, hand-held electric: saw, plane, jointer, industrial vacuum cleaner, sharpener.

for a deeper study of the topic:

1. A.V. Meshaninov and others. Equipment, tooling and means of small-scale mechanization for finishing works 1989-240 p. / cipher in bibl. OSU 69.002 / 03M-56 /.

2.D.M. Weinzweig Lecture materials / lecture notes / under the section “Basics of Automation construction production"On the discipline" Mechanization and automation of construction production ", 1997-16 p. Orenburg, OSU.

3. V.A. Sukhachev, R.A. Kargamanov Means of small mechanization for the production of construction and installation

Moscow: Stroyizdat 1989-384 p. / cipher in bibl. OSU 69.002 / 03 / S-91 /.

4. D.M. Weinzweig Manual on the mechanization and automation of construction production for the specialty 03/29/00. ASG Part 5 Specifications basic construction machines, OSU Orenburg, 1998-152 p.

/ cipher in bibl. OSU 69: 65.011.54 / 075.8 / B14 /.

5. Machines for finishing works Construction machinery reference book 1984 / code in bibl. OSU 69.003 / 03 / M17 /.

6. Builder's Handbook Construction of floors.

7. Builder's Handbook Finishing work in construction.

8. Typical catalogs of standard sets for the brigade: plasterers, painters, upholsterers, etc. / in methodical. cabins. MASP and TSP audit. 3134a OSU /.

Manual machines.

Manual is called a machine equipped with a built-in motor, during which the weight of the machine is fully or partially taken up by the operator's hands. The main movement is carried out from the engine (feed, control of the mode and duration of the operation are performed manually).

Manual machines allow:

Increase labor production (5-8 times or more);

Reduce labor intensity (and significantly);

Improve the quality of operations performed;

Improve working conditions for workers.

Manual machines are classified:

By appointment.

Processing of various materials (wood, metal, stone, etc.);

For different types works (assembly, stone, roofing, finishing, etc.);

Universal with a set of nozzles.

By the type of drive.



Motorized (from internal combustion engines);


Pyrotechnic (assembly powder pistols).

By the method of converting power supply.


Mechanical (there is an intermediate

conversion mechanism);


Spring loaded.

By the principle of action.

Continuous power (drilling, circular saws, grinding);

Impulse-power percussion (hammers, concrete breakers, impact-surface

perforators, etc., rotary percussion).

According to the mode of operation.

Lung (drilling machines, etc.);



Super heavy (impact machines).

According to the class of protection against electric shock.

Class 1 - rated voltages more than 42 V and at least one metal part accessible by touch is separated from live parts only by working insulation.

2nd class - the same as 1st class, but has double or reinforced insulation (there must be a ˆ sign).

Class 3 - rated voltage less than 42 V, powered from independent sources or from a converter or transformer with separate windings.

By design.

(machines with rotating working bodies)

Straight lines (the axes of the rotating body and the drive coincide or parallel);

Angular (axes are at an angle).

By execution and speed regulation.


Not reversible;

Single speed;


By the nature of the movement of the working body.

With a rotary motion (circular saws, drilling machines, slotters, etc.);

Reciprocating motion (scissors, jigsaws, rammers, hammers, etc.);

With complex movement.

Manual machines are assigned an index consisting of alphabetic and numeric parts.

By the index, you can determine the type of drive, the machine group by purpose and its design features.

The letter part of the index of driven hand-held machines characterizes the type of drive:

IE - electric

IP - pneumatic

IG - hydraulic

ID - with an internal combustion engine

IR - for attachments, tool heads and auxiliary equipment regardless of the type of drive.

The digital part of the index has four digits:

The first one denotes the group number,

The second is the number of the subgroup of the classification table.

The letters after the digital part of the index indicate the serial modernization of the machine and the type of its special design.

Manual machines should, as far as possible:

Electro-, noise-, vibration- and mechanically safe;

Have low weight and dimensions;

Meet the requirements of technical aesthetics;

Supplied, stored and issued as a set;

Provide manufacturability and high level unit-by-unit unification (which improves their technical and operational qualities, including labor intensity and cost).

Finishing construction machines

Plaster mixing units are designed to receive the ready-made mortar brought from the mortar unit, maintain the mortar in a suitable form for use, transport it to workplaces and apply it to the surface to be treated using special nozzles.

The plaster mixing unit (Fig. 71) is a cyclic mixer bucket, a vibrating sieve with a hopper and a mortar pump mounted on a common frame.

The plaster-mixing unit is controlled from a central control panel, which provides both autonomous activation of individual machines in the operation, and a complex one for the entire unit. To facilitate the movement of the plastering unit, its frame can be installed on a pneumatic wheel drive.

Rice. 71. Plaster mixing unit:
1 - mortar pump, 2 - valve block, 3 - air cap, 4 - bypass valve, 5 - mixer bucket, 6 - receiving hopper, 7 - unit drive, 8 - drawbar, 9 - control panel

Productivity of units 2 and 2.4 m3 / h.

The set of plaster mixing units includes mortar lines, a nozzle and the necessary tools.

Nozzles for applying plaster solutions (Fig. 72) are divided into compressor, operating with compressed air, and compressorless, operating due to the pressure developed by the mortar pump.

Compressor nozzles are available with both central and annular compressed air supply. Ring-flow compressor nozzles consist of a body, to the shank of which a mortar line is connected by means of clamps. The air pressure line is fastened with a clamp to the valve, which is connected by an elbow to the nipple and gasket to the body. Air from the elbow to the nozzle is supplied through the annular groove P.

Compressor-free injectors can be direct-flow or with swirlers. The straight-through nozzle produces a flat torch and allows for use with harsher solutions.

Swirl nozzles impart a rotary motion to the solution. The solution is discharged from the nozzle in the form of a cone-shaped torch.

To facilitate the design, the body of 13 nozzles is made of Eraser, the head is made of fiberglass, which resists dynamic loads well. In the rubber diaphragm, holes are made with a length of 15-33 mm according to the type shown in the figure. Such nozzles make it possible to obtain a torch up to 180 cm long at an angle of departure of 30-40 °.

Electric and pneumatic plastering machines are used for grouting a layer of mortar applied to the surface of a building structure.

Plastering machine: 1 - electric motor, 2 - gear reducer, 3 - ring, 4 - disc

Electrically driven plastering machines (Fig. 73) consist of a body, on the upper part of which is fixed an asynchronous three-phase electric motor of increased current frequency, and on the lower part there are several duralumin rings and discs rotating in different directions, lined with plastic, wood or felt overlays.

Productivity of machines up to 50 m2 / h at a disc rotation speed of 475/720 rpm. The power of the electric motors installed on the machines does not exceed 0.2 kW, the weight of the machines is 2.7 kg.

Plaster-sealed machine pneumatic drive includes a rotary pneumatic motor, gearboxes and working disks made of wood-laminated plastic or textolite. The surface to be treated is moistened with a spray gun.

The performance of a plastering machine with a pneumatic drive is 40-85 m2 / h with an engine power of 0.2 hp, an air flow rate of 0.4 m3 / min, an idle speed of 480 rpm and a weight of 1.5 kg.

The machine for grinding putty applied to the plastered surface is equipped with a 0.18 kW electric motor. Spindle speed 1000 rpm, weight 1.7 kg. Structurally, machines of this type are made according to the type of plastering and trowelling machines.

A mobile painting station (fig. 74) is designed for painting. Semi-finished products in the form of chalk paste and lime dough are fed into a receiving hopper, from which they are fed by means of a vertical screw conveyor into a mixing tank equipped with a vertical paddle mixer driven by an electric motor. The water from the tank is piped to both the mixing tank and the glue machine. A twin-shaft agitator located near the tank makes it possible to prepare a liquid putty, which is fed to a vibrating sieve. It is located above the receiving hopper of the mortar pump, with the help of which the putty and paint composition are supplied directly to the places of painting. Flexible hoses are connected to compressors allowing multiple spray guns to operate simultaneously.

Dried putty waste is recycled by adding a glue solution using a grinder mounted on a workbench. For sifting dry constituent materials are used.

Rice. 75. Centrifugal mill:
1 - a branch pipe with a tap for water supply,
2 - casing, 3 - loading hopper, 4 - switch, 5 - motor flange

The prepared solutions in the painting station are heated with a heater 10. Other tools and equipment of the painting station include spatulas with steel and plastic tips, spray paint tanks, electrospray guns, machines for sanding propped surfaces, fishing rods for painting high-lying surfaces, paint spray guns, diaphragm compressor, hose kits, paint rollers and brushes.

Centrifugal mills (Fig. 75) are designed for grinding chalk, which is used to prepare paint compounds, putties and putties. The most common are rotary chalk graters that process both dry and wet chalk. A finger rotor is mounted on the shaft of the electric motor 6, rotating in a cylindrical casing, to the cover of which a stationary rotor with conical slots is attached from the inside.

Rice. 76. Twin-shaft mixer:
1 - electric motor, 2 - pulley, 3 - flywheel, 4 - hopper with gear * rum, 5 - steering wheel, 6 - frame

This rotor, with a clearance not exceeding 1 mm, fits into the free space between the deflector pins mounted on the tine rotor. The chalk fed through the hopper 3 is captured by the inner fingers of the rotating rotor and, under the action of centrifugal forces, is crushed and frayed, gradually passes through the slots of the stationary rotor and is ground again between it and the outer fingers of the rotating rotor. For the production of wet grinding, water is fed into the melter through a special hose to the inlet pipe.

With a grinding fineness of 20-35 microns, the productivity in the center of the mill is 120 kg / h, the power of the electric motor is 2.8 kW, and the mass of the grater is 90 kg.

Agitators are devices for preparing putties, putties and paint compounds, used both in color workshops and directly on construction sites... Both single and double shaft mixers are manufactured.

A two-shaft mixer (Fig. 76) includes a mixing hopper mounted on a frame, inside of which two shafts with spiral blades fixed on them rotate towards each other. The composition prepared in the mixer is discharged from the drum using swivel mechanism equipped with a steering wheel. Productivity of the mixer is 120 l / h with a volume of one batch of 40 l.

The stirrer for the preparation of water and paint compositions is a supporting annular frame, on the racks of which the cylindrical body is fixed in a vertical position. An electric motor is located under the housing, which drives a shaft with mixing blades fixed to it through a gearbox. The agitator productivity is 350-400 l / h with a housing capacity of 63 l.

Paint grinders are used for the preparation of putties, chalk pastes and fine colors. By design, paint grinders are subdivided into disc, roller and millstones, and by the type of drive - into manual and mechanical.

In disc paint mills source materials under the action of centrifugal force, they fall into the gaps between the rotating and stationary discs and are frayed. The productivity of disc paint mills is 40 kg / h.

In roller mills, the material is mixed and ground between two smooth rollers rotating towards each other.

Rice. 78. Vibrating screen:
1 - hopper, 2 - frame, 3 - vibrator,

Burr grinders in construction are the most common. They provide the fineness of grinding in the range of 20-35 microns. A burr grinder (Fig. 77) with a productivity of 100 kg / h consists of a hopper, inside of which there are rotating blades that feed the mixed composition to the millstone. The blades and millstones are driven by a shaft connected by a gearbox to an electric motor. Materials are ground between a rotating millstone 6 and a stationary millstone, the distance between which (and, consequently, the fineness of grinding) is regulated by a flywheel. The prepared composition is discharged through an unloading chute.

Vibrating screens (Fig. 78) with a capacity of up to 720 kg / h are used to improve the quality of paint compositions. They consist of support frame and a vibrator 3 located on it, connected by a bracket that transmits vibrations to the sieve body.

The installation for applying liquid putty (Fig. 79) with a pneumatic drive consists of two identical sealed tanks connected to a source of compressed air. The putty displaced from the tanks is fed through a hose to the nozzle of the fishing rod, into which compressed air is additionally supplied. When using low-viscosity formulations, an additional supply of compressed air is not necessary. The installation provides filling up to 200 m2 / h at an air pressure of 0.7 MPa.

In systems with a motorized drive, the composition is atomized due to the swirl in the nozzle channel. The complexity of installations of this type is compensated by their greater efficiency, since the loss of material for spraying is reduced.

Rice. 79. Installation for applying liquid
putties: 1 - tank, 2 - neck, 3 - air line, 4 - connection for air supply to the fishing rod, 5 - connecting hose, 6 - safety valve, 7 - cover, 8 - lever, 9 - distributor, 10 - fishing rod

Spray guns are used to apply low-viscosity water-chalk and water-lime compositions to surfaces prepared for painting. Spray guns are produced with both manual and electric drives. Colorful compositions are fed to nozzles, where they are sprayed under a pressure of 0.5-0.6 MPa and applied to the surface to be painted.

Rice. 80. Manual spray gun:
1 - filter, 2 - sleeve, 3, 4 - valves, 5 - body, 6 - pump, 7 - reservoir, 8 - hose, 9 - tap, 10-12 - pipes, 13 - nozzle

The hand-operated spray gun (Fig. 80) consists of a reservoir in which the pump is located; suction and discharge valves; a suction hose with a filter that is lowered into a container with a paint composition. When the pump is running, the ink composition is sucked into the reservoir, forming the required pressure in it. The paint composition is fed through the hose 8 and pipes 10-12 to the nozzle. Spray gun performance up to 200 m2 / s

Electric spray guns allow you to create the pressure necessary to supply the paint composition with the help of an oscillating diaphragm driven by a connecting rod mechanism. The performance of electrospray guns (when working with a fishing rod) is 250-260 m2 / h with an engine power of 0.18-0.27 kW and a mass of 16 to 25 kg.

Pneumatic spray guns are widely used for the production of local painting works and allow you to get both conical and wide flat flares. The productivity of spray guns when working with paints and varnishes is 20-50 m2 / h, when working with putty up to 85 m2 / h, when working with paints up to 400 m2 / h.

In a pneumatic spray gun (fig. 81), compressed air exiting the nozzle sprays the paint.

Paint sprayers are available in two versions - for work with spray paint tanks or removable tanks.

Rice. 81. Pneumatic paint sprayer:
1 - tank, 2 - body, 3 - needle spring, 4 - needle adjuster, 5 - fitting, 6 - valve spring, 7 - rod, 8 - trigger, 9 - needle, 10 - nozzle, 11 - head, 12 - adapter , 13 - union nut

Injection tanks are designed to supply paint to spray guns. With the help of compressed air supplied from the compressor, a pressure of 0.4 MPa is created in the tanks. The capacity of the spray tanks is 16-63 liters.

Air purifiers are used to remove oil, moisture, and particulate matter from the air entering spray guns. Their weight is up to 4 kg. They work at a compressed air pressure of up to 0.5 MPa.

Painting units are used for the complex production of painting works and consist of a compressor, a spray tank and a spray gun.

Compressor units are designed to produce compressed air, develop a pressure of about 0.3-0.6 MPa and provide a capacity of up to 30 m3 / h.

The machine for gouging wooden skids (fig. 82) includes a working body in the form of a rotating knife drum. The position of the drum relative to the floor is adjusted by turning the lever 6. Planing width 200 mm, productivity up to 35-40 m2.

A machine for cutting parquet rivets (Fig. 83) is a small circular saw with a diameter of 200 mm, mounted on a frame with a table.

Rice. 83. Machine for cutting parquet rivets:
1 - circular saw, 2 - table

Machines for grinding parquet and other wooden floors (Fig. 84) are produced with a productivity of 35-60 m2 / h. Grinding is carried out using a drum 6 or with the end of a disk installed relative to the floor with an inclination of approximately 3 °. This provides good conditions both for cooling the disc and for suction of dust generated during operation. The dust is sucked off by a centrifugal fan built into the machine.

Floor polishing machines (fig. 85) are used for final finishing wooden floors and equipped with three or six rotating brush discs located in the working body. Grinding width in one pass 200-250 mm. With an engine power of 1.1 kW, the productivity of the floor polishing machine is 100 m2 / h.

Rice. 84. Machine for grinding parquet floors: 1 - control lever, 2 - handle, 3 - cloth bag for collecting dust, 4 - electric motor, 5 - body, 6 - sanding drum

Mosaic grinders (Fig. 86) are designed for grinding and polishing floors made of hard materials (marble, mosaic, granite). The working body is two runner blocks with three abrasive stones inserted into each of them. The circular rotation of the runner blocks and the axes of the stone holders provide complex movement of the abrasive stones.

Machines for grouting cement screeds, smoothing and ironing concrete floors are produced with a productivity of 40-50 m2 / h.

The working body of the machine consists of two trowel discs rotating in opposite directions.

Rice. 85. Floor polishing machine

Rice. 86. Mosaic grinding

The machine for applying primers to floors (fig. 87) is a mobile hopper with spray rods powered by a compressor.

Vibratory rollers (fig. 88) for smoothing linoleum laid on mastic consist of two drums and a vibrator fixed on the frame. The productivity of such a vibratory roller is 100-150 m2 / h with a width of the processed strip of 450 mm.

A semiautomatic device (Fig. 89) for welding linoleum sheets to each other is produced with a capacity of up to 16 m3 / h. The sheets are welded with heated compressed air, which melts the edges of the sheets and the supplied PVC welding rod.

Wallpaper trimming machines cut the edges of the wallpaper while rewinding the roll.

The mechanisms for spreading the wallpaper with paste are set in motion by pulling the wallpaper between the test roller and the spreading roller.

Cutting machines facing tiles equipped with fast-running emery and diamond cutting discs.

Automatic pistols for fixing glass with triangular plates and syringes for applying putty allow you to mechanize glass work.

Thermoses are used for receiving, storing, heating and distributing hot bitumen during roofing work. The thermos is a vessel with double walls, between which there is a layer thermal insulation material... At the bottom of the thermos is located gas-burner working on liquefied gas.

Compressor units (Fig. 90) are designed to supply heated to 180-200 ° C

Rice. 87. Machine for mechanized application of primer: 1 - hopper, 2 - spray rod

Rice. 88. Vibratory roller for smoothing linoleum: 1 - frame, 2 - drums, 3 - vibrator, 4 - electric hose

Rice. 89. Semiautomatic device for welding linoleum: 1 - frame, 2 - handle, 3 - guide tube, 4 - feed roller, 5 - welding rod, 6 - reducer, 7 - electric motor, 8 - handle, 9 - power cable, 10 - fitting with a tap, 11, 13 - guide and rolling rollers, 12 - heating element

Rice. 90. Scheme compressor unit for transportation of hot bitumen:
1 - installation for feeding bitumen, 2 - pipeline, 3 - thermos for storing hot bitumen, 4 - compressor, 5 - valve for dispensing bitumen to floors

Rice. 91. Device for rolling and rolling roll materials:
1 - roll holder, 2 - lever, 3, 4, 7 - axles, 5 - oiler, 6 - frame, 8 - handle, 9 - knife, 10 - rolling element

bitumen for the roof. Such an installation allows, with an installed power of 44.1 kW, to supply up to 10 m3 of heated bitumen or mastic per hour to the roof.

Roll cleaning and rewinding machine roofing materials equipped with a 2.2 kW motor. Its productivity is 600 m3 / h.

The device for rolling and rolling of rolled materials (Fig. 91) consists of a frame 6, rolling elements 10, levers 2, a roll holder / and knives 9. The productivity of the device is 400 m2 / h.

The machine for removing water from the base of the roof is equipped with a receiving tank with a capacity of up to 20 liters. By creating a strong vacuum in the tank, you can intensively suck the water available on the roof into it through the fishing rods.

The machine for drying the base of the roof provides heat generation up to 60-80 thousand kcal / h, which is enough to process 50 m2 of roofing per hour. After removing the ice, the productivity of the machine is doubled.

TO Category: - Construction machines device