Where did the peak come from. Who is the Queen of Spades, and does she really exist?

Since childhood, everyone has known terrible stories about the Queen of Spades, and many are interested in who she is? History of the Queen of Spades? How to call The Queen of Spades? The legend of the Queen of Spades - who she is: mystical spirit Or a figment of the human imagination? In this article we will try to answer many questions that interest you.

So, who is the Queen of Spades? There are many different sources and people who talk about different things. But the bottom line is that the legend of the Queen of Spades came from a deck of cards, the Lady of Spades was identified as bringing bad luck, compared with a witch. Thus, the lady was gaining mystery and mysticism. There were also people who began to believe in its materiality. Legends and stories spread about the Queen of Spades as the spirit of a woman living in the looking glass. The stories of people dispersed around the world, gaining an unfavorable energy weight from hundreds of scary stories about her. Thus, the Queen of Spades became not only an image on a playing card, but also an image of a bad, evil spirit.

If you believe in the materiality of thought, can a legend endowed with so many negative energy, to become something real, a reality not from our world, the embodiment of what we believe in? Most likely yes.

How to summon the Queen of Spades? And why? Someone talks about the fulfillment of desires, someone that the challenge is just child's play for fun. There are many various descriptions call, so, we will try to describe in detail the most popular methods. But remember that summoning a creature not from our world is not safe entertainment. And it’s not a fact that the called entity will turn out to be a lady, and not a spirit who wants to take revenge for the fact that you disturbed his peace.

Method 1
With red lipstick at midnight, a staircase with a door on top is drawn on the mirror. The light is extinguished and the candle is lit. Three times the words are pronounced: "Queen of Spades, come." If you hear footsteps, laughter, the sound of heels, or see an image moving inside a mirror, the staircase is immediately erased.

Method 2
You need to perfume yourself with perfume, go outside and stand in front of high-rise building. Look into the dark windows of the third floor and repeat three times: "Queen of Spades come / show / appear" ...

There are many descriptions of calling a lady and finding their various variations is not difficult. But ask yourself the question: do you need it? Do you want to attract evil spirits to you? After all, many people indulged in her call, and then suffered misfortunes in their lives, and some scary stories ended in death. Depending on the person's faith, everyone will be able to find an answer for themselves in this story: is it imagination or a vengeful spirit...

    As children, we used to scare each other with the Queen of Spades. They also called a swearing dwarf.

    And the Queen of Spades seemed to be called with the help of the Queen of Spades card. She had to be put under the pillow and something said (like I call you, Queen of Spades). Those who dared to do so did not wake up in the morning, and the stigma of Spade's suit remained on their body.

    But this is purely childish performance, as it was before.

    Well, first of all, the Queen of Spades is just a woman from a deck of cards. However, either she was depicted on the cards somehow ominously, or the suit of spades symbolizes unkindness with her black color, but it has become customary to identify the queen of spades with a witch who brings bad luck. And so the rumor about this terrible woman went around the world. People even began to invent legends about the Queen of Spades, as a spirit that lives in the looking glass, which can even kill. This is how the image of the Queen of Spades gained mystery and unfavorable energy from hundreds of conversations and legends. Thought, as they say, is material, so you should not think that children are lying when they say that they saw the Queen of Spades (especially since children's energy is the strongest). After all, if you do not believe in not, this does not mean that e does not exist at all. It exists, for those who do not believe in. And they are able to see e. Otherwise, how can one explain the following story, I don’t remember who told it to me.

    One day, two girls decided to call the Queen of Spades, for which they put a card with her image on the floor, put 2 chairs opposite each other and tied them with a thread. Then the girls joined hands, sat on chairs and began to repeat the Queen of Spades, come to us, after which one of them itched her leg, in order to scratch which the girlfriends had to unhook their hands. When they held hands again, they noticed that a bright spot was running along the thread, which, having reached one girl, went over to not, then the friends saw that the clothes were burnt in place of this spot, and there was a small burn on the skin. After a few seconds, burns began to appear on the bodies of the girls, and they rushed to the street, where they met the grandmother of one of them. Grandmother explained to them that it was impossible to disturb the queen of spades, for which it was impossible to unhook the hands, thereby allowing the lady to leave her circle, and whoever did this would face a long and painful death. When they returned to the room, it smelled of burning, and all the walls were brown incomprehensible stains.

    Whether it is worth believing in the authenticity of this story is not for me to decide. However, this is not the only proof that the woman from the deck of cards exists. The Internet is full of options on how to call the Queen of Spades. It is believed that it mainly comes from the mirror, and for it to come, you don’t need much, in some cases lipstick and candles are enough, in some a few sweets, the main thing is that it should be midnight and, of course, sincere faith in is existence. However, it is highly recommended to stop calling the mysterious stranger as soon as you notice her appearance. So you can try, if you are not afraid, of course.

    The Queen of Spades is considered one of the guises of Kalmava, Mary, the Mistress of the cemetery. Also called her Mother Nature, the Queen of the Elves and even the wife of the devil. These ideas are partly conveyed in Pushkin's famous novel The Queen of Spadesquot ;, where the Queen of Spades embodies the cruel fate that punishes the protagonist.

    Calling a lady is dangerous. But it is believed that she can grant wishes ... But if called several times, she can even strangle ...

    The Queen of Spades is mystical character card deck. Pushkin's story of the same name is dedicated to her. The Queen of Spades is asked for the fulfillment of desires. She personifies the cruel fate of fate. However, often it is not worth calling. And of course, it is up to you to decide whether to believe in its real existence.

    The Queen of Spades is a mystical image created by the imagination of people. The Card Queen of Spades is identified with bad luck. There are legends and stories about her, as about a woman living in the Looking Glass. They try to call her spirit and ask for the fulfillment of desires. In my opinion, everything is a fairy tale, with a hint of mystery and mysticism.

    You can believe or not believe various legends, be an atheist or, on the contrary, a deeply religious person. It depends on you. But since all this cannot be reliably verified, it is better to exercise reasonable caution and respect.

    The image of the Queen of Spades has always personified evil, the world of unkind spirits. Initially, he contacted the cards. We all remember well the work of A. S. Pushkin The Queen of Spadesquot ;, as well as the opera of the same name by P. I. Tchaikovsky, where one of the variants of the legend of the Queen of Spades is presented.

    The Queen of Spades personifies the evil forces that a person turns to in moments of despair, when for the sake of fulfilling his desires he is ready for anything and does not think about the consequences. But the Queen of Spades is not a good fairy, if she grants wishes, then retribution comes.

    This should not be forgotten.

    I heard that the Queen of Spades is personified in legends with the wife of Satan himself. She is an evil spirit coming from the Looking Glass, which is not very kind to living people. They see her differently, since they all represent her differently: someone sees an old woman, someone sees a woman in black, there are references to a black bird, as well as a naked girl. I think it all depends on what shape the person is in. expects to see her.

    Most likely, the Queen of Spades is an egregore, a soul that comes to life due to human emotions and ideas.

    Actually, the Queen of Spades, it's playing card black suit, which is considered a symbol of death or serious illness. In fact, this mystical story became widely known thanks to the story of the same name by A.S. Pushkin and opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky. The prototype of Queen of Spades served as Princess Golitsyna.

    I always have an even relationship to the suit of spades in my cards. Although, to be honest, if the Queen of Spades hits, I always remember Pushkin. There are a lot of mystics around this lady, maybe somewhere there is some truth. I would not call the Queen of Spades. but it won’t hurt to protect yourself once again. No need to wake up famously.

    What is the legend of the Queen of Spades? Who is she?

    Perhaps, since childhood, everyone has heard scary stories about the Queen of Spades. Many are wondering who is the queen of spades, how to call the queen of spades?

    There are many different stories and terrible stories about the Queen of Spades - but, of course, there is no way to know which of them is the most real, and in general it is impossible to say whether something is hidden behind them.

    Legend of the Queen of Spades, as it is believed, takes its origin from the usual deck of cards. The card of the lady of spades is sometimes compared with a witch, a sorceress who brings bad luck. Perhaps just once someone lost a big fortune, and this coincided with the fact that the Queen of Spades card played a fatal role in this. And then, over time, the story acquired additional details and turned into a terrible, terrible legend, a horror story)

    Many people identify the Queen of Spades with an evil spirit, with the spirit of a woman who supposedly lives in the looking glass.

    Calling the Queen of Spades is highly discouraged. The fact is that the other world, the world of evil spirits, is just waiting for some curious person to turn to the spirits and try to summon them himself. As a rule, evil spirits do not disturb people if they themselves do not meet them, and God does not allow them to do anything and make physical contact with this world, with people. But if we take it upon ourselves to call and invite them to our house, they will come with pleasure - but, as you know, you will not receive goodness and help from them. And if they help, in return they will demand much more than you would like to give. And to ward off evil spirits is much more difficult than to summon them, so it’s better not to do this at all, especially out of idle curiosity.

    The Queen of Spades is the spirit of an old lady. An evil and merciless spirit. Called out of curiosity. Fulfills the desire for wealth. Capricious spirit. If you don't like it, you will start to dream. Children believe in the Queen of Spades. Adults read Pushkin about the Queen of Spades.

Black rites and witchcraft rituals have always attracted unknowing inhabitants. And with the release of the film of the same name “The Queen of Spades: The Black Rite” and many films of fantastic content, the spirit of an evil woman turned into a demonic character that really exists for many fans of spiritualism and magic in the other world.

But how safe it is to access the space unknown to science, why it is impossible to call the Queen of Spades and other entities, people do not think.

Origin of the Queen of Spades

A fictional image, a black witch or a dead dark female soul, no one knows whether the Queen of Spades really exists and what she looks like. There is a lot of controversy about the origin of the character. And real story the queen of spades is surrounded only by fictional legends:

  • symbolic image of A. S. Pushkin. It still remains a mystery: or remorse killed young man or is it revenge dead soul old women;
  • the devil's wife. The famous harlot Magdalene, who, after meeting with Jesus Christ, repented and began to lead a righteous lifestyle. The mother did not accept her daughter's choice and took on a demonic appearance;
  • the legend of a gypsy woman who was foretold the death of her daughter Eliza. Trying to save the narcissistic beauty, the mother locked and hid her from the whole world. But the girl fell in love and drowned in the river after the death of her chosen one. Mother began to take revenge on all people.

No one knows the name of the Queen of Spades and whether she was real. From the stories and horror stories of alleged eyewitnesses, it is known that nothing good can be expected from an evil spirit. Even in fortune-telling, the queen of spades is an uncompromising, influential and aggressive woman.

When you can and why you can not call the Queen of Spades

To magical ritual crowned with success, it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge of communication with evil spirits, create an appropriate atmosphere and fulfill all the necessary conditions, accurately choose the time and the right place for the event. When can I perform a ceremony to call the Queen of Spades:

  • midnight. The fear that people experience after dark attracts evil forces;
  • full moon. Devilry, werewolves and undead souls are activated during this period;
  • Friday the 13th. The best day to summon the Queen of Spades. It is believed that on this day people are surrounded by evil spirits.

Too much imagination and excitement can provoke visual hallucinations. Here is one of the main reasons why not call the queen of spades at night and alone. It is better to invite friends or like-minded people.

How and why you can not call the Queen of Spades at home

If you are a superstitious and too suspicious person, you are afraid of the dark, it is dangerous to carry out any magical actions. Only people who are self-confident and strong in spirit can perform a full ceremony called the "Queen of Spades":

  • place two mirrors opposite each other on the table;
  • draw with lipstick on one reflective surface 13 steps and a door at the top;
  • put one candle near the mirrors, take the second in hand;
  • turn off the lights;
  • say the magic words: "Queen of Spades appear!". If the Queen of Spades is scary, it is better to put out the candles and lower the mirrors with their surface to the table, turn on the lights. If the spirit is calm, you can ask him to fulfill cherished desire or ask about something important.

An indispensable attribute of any ritual action is a source of light, since in the dark it will not be clear what to do. The reflective surface is an excellent conductor for otherworldly entities, and the soul is infused into the image of the Queen of Spades. That is why you cannot call the Queen of Spades without cards, candles and a mirror.

How and why you can not call the Queen of Spades on the street during the day

It is hard to believe that on a sunny day you can turn to the dark forces for help. They prefer night, moon and bad weather. And in the conditions of life in a large metropolis, it is quite noisy and crowded. But, if the ceremony is not carried out correctly on the street during the day, why can't you call the queen of spades at home:

  • close the curtains tightly. Exclude sunlight from entering the room, create twilight;
  • place a mirror on the table. Sit opposite;
  • take paper. Draw an equilateral triangle. Do not try to look for ways to draw the Queen of Spades on a sheet;
  • put the card in such a way that the Queen of Spades is displayed in the mirror;
  • repeat three times the spell: "Queen of Spades, come!".

The mirror darkened and a figure appeared, ask a question or make a wish. After the action, turn the mirror surface to the table, calm down and open the curtains, turn on the light. Any unpleasant sound, evil laughter or loud steps during the ritual indicate that the queen of spades has appeared and negative consequences await the fortuneteller in the future.

Since time immemorial, there have been numerous beliefs and traditions among the people; someone considers them just myths, someone gives them a serious sacred meaning, most people do not have a definite opinion on this issue.

On the one hand, modern science completely denies the existence of " subtle world”, and on the other hand, the brightest luminaries of the same science (take Albert Einstein, for example) are keenly interested in spiritualism and various mystical teachings. It is unlikely that the world is as simple and unambiguous as school physics textbooks claim.

There is always room for the miraculous and the inexplicable in life, whether or not most people believe it.

"The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence."

This epigraph begins the world-famous story of the great Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In the finale of this work, the Queen of Spades plays a fatal role in the fate of the protagonist.

Popular beliefs - bizarre and diverse - agree on one thing: the Queen of Spades is. Nevertheless, it is believed that contact with her can be successfully used in some types of divination.

From the depths of the Middle Ages, a mystical belief has come down to us that the Queen of Spades is not only a card from the deck, but also a certain demonic female entity, which, however, is directly associated with a playing card.

The Queen of Spades has the characteristic appearance of a young witch or fortune teller. It is customary to portray her as a pale brunette beauty with a detached face. Actually, many of those who, according to them, managed to summon the Queen of Spades describe her slightly differently.

Specialists in parapsychology explain this by the fact that the image of the Queen of Spades is transformed by consciousness and personal experience every person who comes into contact with her. People say that she can appear in various guises, but it is always easy to recognize her. Official science denies the existence of the Queen of Spades.

One of the cards of the playing deck, namely the Queen of Spades, with long time ago associated with the witch and witchcraft, she was credited with the fatal property of bringing bad luck and breaking human destinies.

Over time, this vivid image began to be exploited in literature, and eerie legends began to circulate among the people about the Queen of Spades as the spirit of a woman coming from behind the looking glass. Gradually, the legend took on more and more concrete form, more and more people claimed to have personally met the Queen of Spades.

Some believe that over time this belief gained such an energy charge that it turned into the so-called egregor - the embodiment of the emotions and thoughts of a large number of people.

Do egregors really exist? modern science does not provide a definitive answer to this question. From the occult point of view, everything that we are able to see, even in our imagination, somehow exists in some mysterious dimension - the so-called "subtle world".

To call the Queen of Spades, a few minutes before midnight, a staircase with a door at the top is drawn on the mirror with scarlet lipstick (you need to have a wet towel on hand to right moment erase stairs). After that, the light is put out and a candle is lit in front of the mirror, there should be complete silence in the house at this time.

Exactly at midnight, peering intently, you need to say loudly and distinctly three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” After that, you can hear the sound of high heels or women's laughter, while a moving female figure appears in the mirror, descending the painted staircase.

As soon as this happens, you must immediately erase the drawn staircase, depriving the Queen of Spades of the opportunity to penetrate our world, and it is very important that she does not have time to go down to the bottom step.

Remember that even such a precaution does not give solid guarantees: very little is known about the inhabitants of the subtle world, living in the depths of the looking glass or the human subconscious. To avoid unnecessary risks, it is better not to make such experiments.

There is a belief that the mystical power of the Queen of Spades can be used in divination. There are several ways of divination involving the Queen of Spades. Below are two of the most popular and easily implemented methods.

Method one.

In the dead of night, we put the queen of spades from the deck of cards in front of the mirror, we light candles on both sides of her: black to the left and red to the right of the card. Looking closely in the mirror, we say three times: “Queen of Spades, come, look at your card.” If successful, a vague image of a woman will appear in the mirror.

While the Queen of Spades is distracted by her image on the map, she can be asked questions, but if she looks directly at you or if you feel uncontrollable fear, stop the session by changing the candles. Then extinguish the candles and turn the card face down.

Method two.

An hour before midnight, we put a glass of cognac in front of the mirror and put three chocolate candies. Before leaving the room, we say in a whisper: “Queen of Spades, come, take a treat.” After that, we turn off the light and leave the room, closing the door tightly.

Returning exactly at midnight, we light a wax candle in front of the mirror and say loudly: “Queen of Spades, I call you! Taste the treat, accept the invitation!”

You need to look in the mirror so as not to see your own reflection in it, but to see only a glass, sweets and a candle. If you notice movement in the mirror, you can ask questions. To end the session, cross the mirror with a burning candle, then extinguish the candle by pressing the wick against the mirror.

Attention! Even if you do not believe in the existence of otherworldly forces, be extremely careful when calling the Queen of Spades. Both mystics and psychologists unanimously claim that divination and spiritualism can lead to unpredictable consequences.

This story happened to me recently, or rather, on January 25, 2013. I am in school, in the 7th grade. My school is from 8:00 to 16:30. On Friday I have six lessons and after them a lot of free time.

After six lessons, I, Dasha, Lina, Rita, Tanya got bored. AT recent times we were addicted to reading horror stories from this site. Dasha and I offered, but only Rita went with us. Everyone knows that for the ceremony you need a mirror and blood site (red lipstick). We had a double-sided (folding) mirror and a needle. We went into the women's restroom, which has no windows, and closed the door. Rita agreed to pierce her finger, but no matter how much we tried to squeeze blood onto the mirror, it was all to no avail.

Then we asked the teacher of labor scarlet gouache. She didn't ask why and gave it to us. We returned to the toilet, Rita drew a door and a ladder down from it. While Rita was drawing a ladder, Dasha saw a dark silhouette behind me next to the sink, and at that time the light blinked. She shook her head, looked in the same direction, but saw nothing. Thought she did. Dasha turned off the light, closed the door and sat next to us. Three times we said: "Queen of Spades, come" and began to wait. It was dark, even gouge out your eyes. I didn’t even see my friends, but when I looked where the mirror was, I was shocked. The circle of the mirror, on which there was a drawing, was clearly visible in complete darkness. And suddenly a light came on in the door on the mirror. I felt that Dasha turned around and suddenly shouted “Run!”. We all ran out and began to ask Dasha what happened. She said that when she turned around, she saw a black woman. We erased the drawing from the mirror, returned the gouache, threw out the mirror and ran to tell Tanya and Lina everything.

When we told, Tanya and Lina also wanted to call this ghost. I want to say that Tanya is a master of evocations and is very sensitive to otherworldly forces. We took a red crayon for drawing on paper and a one-sided round mirror. On the way, Tanya and Lina were furious and in the toilet they also joked and made fun. They were noisy, and we could not call in any way and became angry. But at last they calmed down. Rita drew a door and a ladder on the mirror, we turned off the lights on the site from the phones and said three times: “Queen of Spades, come!”. I, Dasha and Rita were standing in front of the door, and Lina and Tanya were near the door, ready to run at any moment. I look at Tanya. For some reason, she slowly opened the door. I started to get angry because nothing would happen. Here we all hear how Dasha said in her own voice: “Damn!”, And then screamed in a terribly scary growling voice: “Close the door!”. We ran out of the closet in the blink of an eye. Dasha came out behind us, holding her throat, and asked: “What happened?”. Tanya and Lina said that they saw the black silhouette of a woman behind Dasha and began to open the door, and then she disappeared, and Dasha began to scream. Tanya said that the Queen of Spades knew how to move in and then moved into Dasha, because she did not remember how she screamed.

We decided to experiment again, but stay in the toilet for no more than ten seconds. site Sturley erased the old drawing, and Rita drew a new one, turned off the light and said magic words. Rita and I were standing in front of the door, and Dasha, Lina and Tanya were at the door. After 5-7 seconds, a light came on in the door on the mirror. Tanya, Lina and Dasha screamed, and we all ran out, except for Rita. Tanya turned on the light in the toilet, and we went in there. They asked Rita why she didn't run out, but she replied that she didn't remember. So the Queen of Spades was in it. Tanya, Dasha and Lina said they saw the black silhouette of a woman near the washbasin. I took the mirror from Rita, went to the sink and washed the drawing clean. I gave the mirror to Rita, and she put it in her pocket. Rita threw the chalk into the wastebasket, but it didn't hit, so I picked it up.

We talked and the girls left. I took the bag, and Rita came up to me and said: “Look at the mirror.” I looked and was dumbfounded. A gallows was drawn on the mirror, moreover, with the same small one that I have in my hands. Rita said she saw a man with no arms. I run to the girls. I wanted to call them to have a look. But I hear a loud sound behind me. I turn around and see a mirror on the floor, but since I have poor eyesight, I did not see if it was broken, and went to look. And Dasha, Tanya and Lina ran. I saw that it had broken, but without looking at it, I sat down to look at the drawing. But he disappeared. And while I was sitting like that, Dasha and Lina looked around and saw the black silhouette of a woman behind me. We ran to the class, and Rita said that she did not control her hands, and Tanya had a scratch on her hand, and she did not remember when she made her website. Lina ran her finger over her palm and where she ran, an orange mark remained, when she applied snow to the mark, it disappeared.

Nothing else happened to us.