The combination of chk, chn, thu, nsch, schn. The combination of chk chn, low, rsh, thu, schn, nsh


1. Write, where necessary, instead of skipping b a sign.

Den ..., oven ... ka, night ...

2. Insert the desired combination of letters into the words: Blue ..... and, bird ....... a, worm ..... ki.

3. Learn the word: prick ... a., Zhu ... ... a, schё ...... a

4. Insert the required letter combinations into the sentences.

The sun is playing on the water ... bunnies.

Pte ... .ik sits in a crumb ... .th nest.

5. Get small ones out of large objects.

Line -

Cat -

Virgo -

6. Cross out those letter combinations that cannot be written

Ovo (sc / sc) oh, hi (sc / sc) ik, limo (night / low) ik

7. Guess riddles, write down the answer words

Colorful sisters

We are bored without water.

Uncle, long and thin,

Carries water with a beard,

And the sisters will paint the house and smoke with him.

(paint and brush chk a)

What is it at the checkmark?

A string on a stick.

Wand in hand

A thread in the river. ( udo chk a)

V wooden house

Gnomes live.

Such good-natured people

Distribute lights to everyone.

(sleep chk and)

There are dense lumps on the branches

Sticky leaves do not sleep in them.

(on chk and)

Guess what kind of bird:

Dark little girl

White from the belly

The tail is spread apart into two tails.

(lasto chk a)

With a delicious name,

It is never sad

Looks merrily around

He is Dunno's best friend.

(By LF uk)

1. Read it. When do they say that?

    A bad friend is not a helper in business.
    The chicken is brave in its street.

  • Find letters in the words for unpaired soft hissing consonants. Pronounce these sounds.
  • Write off. Underline letter combinations in words chk, schn... What do you need to know about writing them?


Sandbox, dream, fishing rod, helper, swallow, mail, flower girl, predator, mast, matches, stove, milk, powerful.

  • Remember why in the selected letter combinations the softness of consonants is not indicated in the letter [h "] and [SCH"].
  • Write down the words with different letter combinations in order:
    1. with chk,
    2. with chn,
    3. with NS,
    4. with sc.

3. Read it. What does each of these words mean?

Dandelion, donut, tip, pancake, glass, chick.

  • Speak the words. What consonant sound do you hear in words before the sound [h "]: hard or soft? Guess why you need to remember the spelling of the letter combination LF.
  • Write down the words. Underline the letter combination LF.

Letter combinations chk, chn, thu, schn, low- this is spelling.

These letter combinations are written without b(soft sign): then chk a, re chn oh, by NS ah, help sc hic, pte LF hic.

4. Read it.

    The mouse stood on tiptoe
    He is not tall,
    He plays the violin
    Squeaks quietly.
    I. Tokmakova

  • What means stand on tiptoe? How can you say in another way that someone short? Why did the poetess use the word nags?
  • Write off. Underline the letter combination chk.

5. Read it. Write off. Underline the extra word on each line. Explain your answer.

  1. Mast, post, match, dream, read.
  2. Apple, crust, donut, slippers.

6. Read it. In what two groups can words be combined? Explain your answer.

Male [n "] cue, crumb [h"] ny, star [h "] ka, pi [s"] mo, hi [u "] ny, pa [l"] to, girl [h "] ka, si [l "] ny, birch [n"] ka, kry [l "] tso, speech [n"] ka, spi [h "] ki, stupa [n"] ki, tarelo [h "] ka.

  • Write down, denoting the highlighted sound with a letter or letters.
  • Underline the learned spelling in words.
  • Match the selected words with the same root.

T a rail

7. Read it. Name the fairy tales.

  1. Sn..sla chicken testicle: the testicle is not simple, but z..lotoe.
  2. The daughter began to grow up among the old people by leaps and bounds. She is whitened ... as if in a dream .., blond to the waist.
  3. L..sichka walked along the d..rozhke, found a rolling pin.
  • Explain the spelling of words with missing letters.
  • Write off any sentence by inserting the missing letters. Underline letter combinations chk, chn.

8. Speak the words.

bored, on purpose, an assistant, to, of course, a birdhouse, scrambled eggs, what

  • Check the spelling dictionary if you pronounced the words correctly.
  • Verbally form a sentence with any word.

9. Read it. Title the text.

I have a magic shelf. It is attached to the window.

Sprinkle cereals or bread crumbs on the shelf - pigeons and sparrows will fly. I will strengthen the pieces of bacon on the shelf - titmouses will arrive. I'll put a rowan brush on the shelf - bullfinches and waxwings will fly in.

Make yourself a magic shelf! Let different birds come to visit you.

(N. Sladkov)

  • Why are three parts highlighted in the text?
  • Write down any sentence that says which birds flew to the magic shelf. Underline the learned spelling in words.

10. Read an excerpt from M. Tsvetaeva's poem On the Boulevard. Write off.

    In the sky - evening, in the sky - clouds,
    In the winter gloom boulevard.
    Our girl tired,
    She stopped smiling.
    Keep small pens
    Blue ball.

  • Underline the learned spelling in the highlighted words.

TOPIC: "Letter combinations CHK, CHN, CHT, SCHN, LCH"

goals: develop spelling skills for words with combinations of CHK, CHN, CHT, SCHN, LCH; learn to define the spelling in a word; develop thinking.

planned results: students will learn to write combinations of CHK, CHN, CHT, SCHN, LCH in words; justify the spelling of words with this spelling; distinguish between soft consonants, after which a soft sign is written or not; find spelling errors in someone else's and own work.

Equipment: presentation on the topic of the lesson, cards with additional tasks medium and high difficulty.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

The bell rang

We begin the lesson.

Sit down, see if you have everything ready for the lesson?

II. Knowledge update

a) Spelling minuteSLIDE number 2

Write off. Underline combinations of letters with a soft hissing consonant in words.

Cha with, cha th, cha ynik, thicket , cha st, fresh cha , cha shka;

- What rule did you remember while completing the task? (Often)

How do you understand the word thicket? (Dense dense forest, thicket)

b) Vocabulary workSlide number 3

Language, linguist, linguistic.

Read a group of words.

How do you understand the words, explain?

Language- An organ in the oral cavity in the form of a mobile soft outgrowth, which is an organ of taste;

Linguist- Scientist, specialist in linguistics;

Tongue - Sharp-tongued, loving to talk, argue, swear.

Write down the words. Put stress, define unchecked vowel. - What do they have in common?

How can you call these words in one word?(these are cognate words)

What other root words can you find?( uvula )

III. Self-determination to activity - Slide number 4

What three groups can words be divided into?

Bol ... count ... tso night ... noy

elk ... con ... ki predatory ... ny

den ... fell ... then the end ... chik

What are the consonants before the missing letter?

What can you say about them?( these are soft consonants )

How is the softness of consonants indicated in writing?( letters I, E, E, Y, I and a soft sign)

How to indicate the softness of a consonantvfirst column? ( soft sign )

In the secondcolumn?( soft sign )

- What is common in spellingin the first and second column?

( a soft sign denotes the softness of a consonant, but in the first column - at the end of the word, and in the second - in the middle of the word )

Name the sounds before the missing spellingin the third column.

What can you say about them?( these are also soft consonants )

What letter we put to indicate the softness of consonantsin third column? ( we will not put any letter )

Why?( in letter combinations ЧН, ЧК, ЧТ, ЩН, ЛЧ, the soft sign is not written )

IV. Textbook work ( 2nd part )

with. 3 - read what we will learn.

US 4 - Read the title of the topic of today's lesson.( Letter combinations CHN, CHK, ChT., SCHN, LCH)

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

US 4 exercise 1

Pl. O .hoy friend is not in business O assistant.

On sv O her little street and chicken xp a sconces.

Read the proverbs. Explain when they say so. Insert the missing letters. What other familiar spellings have we met?(vowel checked)

Name words with unpaired sibilant consonants( assistant, street, chicken )

Write off. Complete the last mission. What combinations did you highlight?

( Letter combinations SCHN, CHK )

page 4 exercise 2 - What it means conditional icon on the fields?( You need to reflect on the question and express your opinion )

- Read the words. What words require explanation?( mast )

Mast - high post on the ship for the sails.

- Answering questions after the exercise.

Do the exercise yourself.(4 students at the blackboard)

a) with the Cheka, udo chk a, lasto chk ah, sleep chk and, ne chk a;

b) with CHN, pesos chn itza, color chn itza, young chn th;

c) from Thursday, me NS a, by NS a, ma NS a;

d) with SHN, help sc hic, hee sc hik, mo sc th.

How to pronounce sounds in letter combinationsCHN, NCH, CHK, CHT, SCHN? ( soft )

Can we say that these are dangerous places in the word? What is the danger?

( the sound is pronounced softly, but the b sign is not written )

What are the names of such dangerous places in the words of the Russian language? ( spelling )

Physical training "Turtle" slide number 5

For the development of students' speech

A turtle walked across the field ( let's go fingers )

And all trembled with fear ( hands in a cam, fists are shaking )

Bite, bite, bite! Bite, bite, bite! ( thumb and forefinger "bite")

I'm not afraid of anyone! ( negation - forefinger )

Vi. Getting to know the rule

US 5 - Read what information about the language Aunt Owl tells us.

W. s. 5 exercise 3SLIDE number 6

Complete the exercise task

Dandelion - plant with yellow flowers, with milk juice and fluffy seeds that are carried by the wind.

Donut - round fried pie (with jam);

Nestling - diminutive to the chick;

Tip - diminutive for the word end;

Pancake - the name of the sweet dish

Glass - small glass.

Answer the questions below the exercise. Do the exercise yourself.

Vii. Consolidation of the studied material Slide number 7

1. Exercises in writing words with the learned spelling.

- Guess riddles, write down the answer words

Colorful sisters

We are bored without water.

Uncle, long and thin,

Carries water with a beard,

And the sisters will paint the house and smoke with him.

(paints and brush chk a)

What is it at the checkmark?

A string on a stick.

Wand in hand

A thread in the river. ( udo chk a )

In a wooden house

Gnomes live.

Such good-natured people

Distribute lights to everyone.

( sleep chk and )

There are dense lumps on the branches

Sticky leaves do not sleep in them.

( on chk and)

Guess what kind of bird:

Dark little girl

White from the belly

The tail is spread apart into two tails.

( lasto chk a )

With a delicious name,

It is never sad

Looks merrily around

He is Dunno's best friend.

(By LF uk )

VIII. Reflection Slide number 8

Kon ... ki, poch..that, chick ... chick, lesser, predator ... big ... noy,

- Write down the words in which the soft sign is not written. Underline the spelling. ( on NS ah, pte LF hic, hee sc hic, glasses )

- Self-test. One student reads the words, the rest clap their hands if they agree.

IX. Result SLIDE number 9

- What is the name of the spelling that we met in the lesson? (Combinations of ChK chn ....

- What you need to remember when writing words with this spelling? (We write without a sign

Knowledge tree

We sit at a desk if we are not sure of our knowledge;

we get up if we have mastered the material well;

raise our hands if we are confident in our knowledge

NS. Homework

US 5 Rule by heart; with. 5 exercise 4; ex. 5;

I. Cloud, girl, squirrel, daughter, swallow, deceiver, granddaughter, shirt, bug, flowers, night, accurate, cloudy, sunny, lemon, eternal, durable, racer, powerful, tip.

II. Chick, jerboa, mustard plaster, birdhouse, excellent student, habit, water, kidney, bone, glass, hearty, cloudy, dairy, nut, flour, ordinary, nocturnal, drover, helpless.


1. A candle burned brightly on the table. 2. The chick fell out of the nest. 3. I send you my hearty greetings. 4. People used to use sundial... 5. The kids built a sand castle. 6. Birds pecked juicy berries. 7. The cake has a golden brown crust. 8. At the end of the sentence you need to put a full stop. 9. A good habit is to temper cold water... 10. Children brought flowers to the Eternal Flame.

1. The father repairs the car wrench, 2. It's boring to sit around. 3. Rainwater flows down into the barrel. 4. The granddaughter for the Bug, the Bug for the granddaughter. 5. Moths fly into the light. 6. I came to school right on call. 7. Grandma drinks heart drops. 8. Swallows made a nest under the roof. 9. A sunbeam is jumping on the wall. 10. Father has urgent work.


1. Write down the words. Next write words formed from them with a diminutive meaning.

Chick, cat, dog, night, roll, socks, goat, cloud, water, star, squirrel, fox.

2. Listen to excerpts from poems and riddles. Write out words with combinations of chn, chk.

On the winter road, boring

The three greyhound runs

One-sounding bell

Thunders tiresomely.

(A. Pushkin)

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe.

(I. Krylov)

Endless road

Runs off into the distance like a ribbon.

(S. Yesenin)

Cute titmouse

Small in height,

So do not grieve to live

They can wear a mitten.

(A. Prokofiev)

I’m for a candle, a candle in the stove ...

(K. Chukovsky)

But momma has a habit

It's always wrong to say.

I tell her about the bird,

And she told me about the coat.

(A. Varto)

Yellow lumps

They run after the quota.

Light like cotton wool

Who is this? (Chickens)

Not a tree, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a man, but a story. (Book)

The black dog guards the whole house. (Lock)

White chickens are sitting on a red bar. (Teeth)

Trembles a little in the breeze

The tape is out in the open.

The narrow tip is in the brook

And wide - in the sea. (River)

Far away my knocking is heard around.

I am an enemy to worms, and a friend to trees. (Woodpecker)


Emphasize tin with combinations of low, chn, chk.

Great harvest in our garden! Sweet apples, red cherries, juicy pears. Birds flew in. They also want to feast on berries and fruits. On the tops of the trees from the cherries, only bones were left.

Little sister

My little sister Lizochka was born. I help my mother look after her. Every day I go to the dairy kitchen and bring bottles of milk. Mom warms milk in the kitchen, and I show Lizochka toy animals. She pulls her hands to them and smiles.


I usually use ballpoint pens... They have appeared recently. Than only people did not write before! Wooden sticks on clay tablets. Goose feathers with ink. Much later, the pens familiar to us appeared. They are comfortable and durable. They are sometimes called eternal feathers.


The weather outside was dull and damp. People finished their usual business. Nightlights shone in small dots in some of the windows. It was quiet and silent. And suddenly the sound of a violin bow was heard. The street musician played a sad and sad melody. The night city listened to a lullaby.

Basic goals:

  • Help to learn that the sounds (h) (u) are always soft, so their softness does not need to be labeled.
  • Develop spelling vigilance, cognitive interests of children.
  • Raising love for nature native land, wintering birds.

Demo material:

  1. Cards with words carnivorous, reading, bricklayer, welder, dandelion
  2. Slide 1. Dandelion.
  3. Slide 2. Predators.
  4. Slide 3. Proverb card: __________ is the best teaching
  5. Slide 4. Mason.
  6. Slide 5. Welder.
  7. Slide 6. -chk- , -chn- , -NS- , -LF- , -shn- , -rsch- without b .
  8. Card. -chk- , -chn- , -NS- , -LF- , -shn- , -rsch- without b .
  9. Slide 7 with words:
  10. dream, candle, squirrel,
    predator, tip, arrow,
    racer, chick, Zinochka,
    collector and basket.

    1. Slide 8 with illustrations of wintering birds (tit, bullfinch)

    1. Motivation for learning activities

    Check it out my friend
    Are you ready to start the lesson?
    Is everything in place, is everything all right?
    A book, pen and notebook?

    - Let's smile at each other, I am glad to see your faces, your smiles again and I think that today will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck and good luck to you! How do you want to see today's lesson?

    2. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in a trial educational action

    Watch cup cloud stockings

    - Which letter is most common in calligraphy? ( Letter h .)
    - What rule should we remember when writing words with this letter? ( ha, chu)
    - Underline these combinations in words.

    3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty

    Spelling exercises (p.13 No. 5)

    №5. .

    - Find spelling in words, underline them.

    Independent work children. Examination

    (.№5 Fingers, mushroom, Marshak, shawl, train, beak, inhabitant, Kazan, ribbon.)

    - Let's go back to the last word. Read it. What spelling did we repeat? What are we going to work on today?

    4. Building a project for a way out of difficulty

    - So, what goal should you set for yourself? ( Learn the spelling of the combination -chk- .)

    - Name the topic of the lesson. ( Spelling combinations -chk- , -chn- .)

    - And how are they written? ( Children's answers.)

    - Today we learn not only the spelling of combinations -chk- , -chn- ... And we will also learn other combinations that are written without b , but we will recognize them by guessing riddles. We write down the answers in a notebook. Guess the riddle:

    1. On a green fragile leg
    A ball has grown by the path.
    The breeze rustled
    And he scattered this ball. (Dandelion) -LF-

    2. What combination is written without b? Underline it.
    What kind of animals are they: bear, wolf, fox, tiger? (Carnivorous) sc Slide 2

    3. Complete the proverb: __________ is the best teaching. ( Reading) NS Slide 3

    4. Who is this? (Mason's drawing) ( Mason) nsch Slide 4

    5. Who does Louise's dad work for? (Drawing of the welder). ( Welder) rsh Slide 5
    Underline these combinations.

    - We found out what other combinations are written without b ? Why are they written without b , now we will prove it.

    - Pronounce hissing sounds in these words.

    - Say the sound [h ’]. What sound is that? ( Consonant soft.)

    - Does [h ’] have a paired consonant in hardness?

    - Is it necessary to indicate the softness of this consonant? Why? ( He's always soft.)

    - How the combinations are written -chk- , -chn- in words on the board?

    - Who can deduce the rule itself from our observations? ( The sound [h ’] is always soft, so its softness is not indicated in writing. Combination -chk- , -chn- , -NS- , -rsch- , -chn- , -shn- written without a soft sign.)

    - Let's read the rule in the textbook.

    - How can you write this rule? ( without b )

    - Hang a card with a theme on the board: -chk-, -chn-, -cht-, -nch-, -scn-, -rsh- without b.

    Physical education

    Exercises for attention

    "Screw", "Ball and Pump"

    5. Implementation of the completed project

    1. Exercise for the development of writing. Please, guys, listen to the beginning of the fairy tale "Chanterelle with a rolling pin."

    The chanterelle was walking along the path. Found a rolling pin. I knocked on the hut. They let her in. The little fox-sister lay down on the bench. She hid the rolling pin under the stove.

    - Write down answers to questions using words with combinations -chk- , -chn- ... Remember the spelling of these phrases, look at the plate.

    - What did the fox find? ( Chanterelle found a rolling pin.)

    - Where did she go to sleep? ( She went to bed on a bench.)

    - Where did the fox hide the rolling pin? ( The chanterelle hid the rolling pin under the bench.)

    - Underline combinations -chk- , -chn- ... How are they spelled? ( Are written without b .)

    6. Primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech

    The game:
    Who will remember the words more.

    - Read several times, remember and tell your neighbor these words.

    Who reads the fastest
    And remembers words:

    dream, candle, squirrel,
    predator, tip, arrow,
    racer, chick, Zinochka,
    collector and basket.

    - Tell each other these words. Check yourself. Find combinations that do not spell the b. Pay attention to the spelling sign.

    - Who remembered the words more? Tell everyone. What combinations are written without b ? Come up with a sentence with one of the words. Write the best sentence in a notebook. Well done!

    7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard

    - Now let's write a selective dictation.

    - Please tell me what wintering birds do you know? One of them came to visit us.

    Slide 3 (titmouse)

    - I'll read you a poem. From this poem, write down words with a combination and -chk-.

    (One student works at the blackboard.)

    A titmouse flew to us
    She sat down right under the window.
    This little bird
    We are looking forward to it.
    And so that it becomes easier for her,
    After all, the worms have disappeared
    For her, pieces of bacon
    We'll hang on bitches.

    - Have you hung up the bird feeders? How do you feed them?

    - Spelling checker -chk- ... What words did you write down? ( Titmouse, birdie, worms, pieces, swirls.)

    - Who is having difficulties? What is the reason for this?

    Who did it all? Well done! Put yourself "+", "?" or "sun".

    8. Incorporation and repetition

    - Very often the words, of course, on purpose, boringly people say with -chn- -shn- ... Now we will practice correctly pronouncing these words using the example of one poem.

    Children pronounce together with the teacher.

    I certainly didn’t on purpose
    He pushed the cat into the buffet.
    And certainly not on purpose
    I ate a kilogram of candy.
    And certainly not on purpose
    I smashed my mother's vase
    And not at all on purpose
    Spilled jelly on the carpet ...
    It was just very boring ...
    But now I'm obedient!

    - What words met with combinations -chn- ? Memorize their pronunciation and spelling.

    9. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson

    - What was your goal in the lesson? ( Find out what other combinations are written without b. )

    - Did you manage to achieve your goal?

    - Are you satisfied with your work in the lesson?

    - Let's repeat the rule related to these combinations again. Don't put a soft mark between -chk- , -chn- , so as not to offend the swaggering h, once again, giving it softness. This, of course, is not a law of nature, but a rule, and it must be respected in order to become a literate person.

    10. Homework

    - Write 2 words each with the studied combinations.

    xn - i1abbnckbmcl9fb.xn - p1ai

    Examples of words with combinations of thu, chk, chn, low, nsh, schn, rsh

    Here are some examples of words with consonant combinations "Thu", "chk", "chn", "nch", "nsch", "schn", "rsch".

    The sound of words with combinations of consonants "cht", "chk", "chn", "nch", "nsh", "schn", "rsh"

    In many words of the Russian language, there are combinations of soft unpaired consonants [ч ’] and [Щ’] with other consonants. When pronouncing words, these soft consonants affect nearby sounds and soften them. There is an assimilation (assimilation) of consonants on the basis of softness. For example, let's listen to how the following words sound:

  11. boob nch ik [b u b ’e n’ h ’and k];
  12. ban nsch ik [b a n 'sch' and k].
  13. In words with combinations of consonants with the preceding [ч ’] and [Щ’], the softness of these sounds is clearly heard, for example:

  14. to chk a [do ch'k a];
  15. ch ets [h ’t’ ets];
  16. graceful [and z 'and sch'niy'];
  17. point [point].
  18. Spelling of words with combinations of consonants "cht", "chk", "chn", "nch", "nsh", "schn", "rsh"

    Despite the indicated soft sound of the considered consonant combinations, their softness in writing is not indicated by a soft sign. To write such words correctly, we are guided by the spelling rule.

    Examples of words with consonant combinations

    1. NS- postman, reading, reader, dream, dreamy, daydreaming, insignificant, almost, mail, postal, something that, something, that, something, something, nothing, respectable, respect;
    2. chk- candle, kidney, night, point, stove, river, cloud, swallow, cloud, handbag, sweetheart, shop, mommy, brush, bridle, porch, lid;
    3. chn- midnight, midnight, brick, boatman, stove-maker, excellent student, juiciness, urgent, accuracy, towel, cleaning, metropolitan, stove, flower, gloomy, sunny, everyday, bar, bottle, Christmas tree.
    4. We mean that in some words, according to the orthoepic norm of the Russian literary language, the sound combination [шн] is pronounced, although only the combination of letters is spelled correctly "Chn" for example:

      4. LF- a sarafan, a bottle, a pocket, a pendant, a spray, a fountain, a donut, a whisk, a dandelion, a tip, a booth, a balcony, a salt marsh, beg, nurse, finish, ranch;

      5. nsch- racer, ringleader, beater, beacon, ice cream driver, driver, deceiver, drummer, bathhouse attendant, bricklayer, concrete worker;

      6. sc- powerful, powerful, power, helper, weak, gracefulness, essence, vital, future, vegetable, housing;

      7. rsh- janitor, welder, clerk, collector, borshchok, typesetter, conspirator, pretender, lamplighter, debater.

      Rules chk chn words of exception

      Theme. Spelling combinations chk, chn

      Target. Help children learn that [h '] is always soft, so softness does not need to be labeled.

      I. Organizing time

      Teacher. Guys, today in the lesson we will get acquainted with letter combinations chk and chn in words. Let's practice writing these words.

      Teacher. Let's start the lesson with calligraphy.

      On the board, the teacher shows the correct spelling of letters and connections.

      Teacher. Guys, take a close look at the board and in your notebooks. Which letter is most common in calligraphy?

      Teacher. Right. And what rule should we definitely remember when writing words with this letter?

      Teacher... Please underline this combination in words cup, clock, cloud .

      Children are doing the task.

      IV. Explanation of the new material

      The words are written on the board:

      Teacher. Read the words from the first column.

      Children read words.

      - Now read the words from the second column.

      Children carry out the task of the teacher.

      - Say [h ’]. What sound is that?

      Children... A consonant, soft.

      Teacher. Does [h ’] have a paired consonant for hardness?

      Teacher... Do I need to indicate the softness of this consonant?

      Children. He is always soft.

      Teacher. How the combinations are written chk, chn in words on the board?

      Children. No soft sign.

      Children. The sound [h ’] is always soft, so its softness is not indicated in writing. Combinations chk, chn are written without a soft sign.

      The teacher posts a table with the rule: “Combinations chk, chn written without b (hummock, river )».

      Students copy words off the blackboard and highlight combinations chk, chn .

      V. Consolidation of the passed material

      Teacher. And now, guys, we will try to compose and write combinations of words, changing the word in parentheses according to the pattern. So let's take a look at the board.

      Sample: fast (river) - river; (fairy tale) is a fairy-tale hero.

      Red (squirrels), sly (fox), nimble (tits), golden (egg), small (dogs); (juice) watermelon, (luck) day, (river) tram, (Christmas tree) toys.

      Vi. Writing development exercise .

      The teacher tells the beginning of the fairy tale "Fox with a rolling pin".

      The chanterelle was walking along the path. Found a rolling pin. I knocked on the hut. They let her in. The little sister lay down on the bench. She hid the rolling pin under the stove.

      After listening to the beginning of a well-known fairy tale, the children write down the answers to the questions, using words with combinations in them chk, chn .

      1. What did the chanterelle find?

      2. Where did she go to sleep?

      3. Where did the fox hide the rolling pin?

      Children write the answers to the questions on the board and in notebooks, emphasize the combinations chk, chn .

      Vii. Working with cards.

      The teacher distributes cards with a poem written on them.

      Teacher. Guys, from this poem you need to write out words with a combination chk .

      A titmouse flew to us.

      She sat down right above the window.

      This little bird

      We are looking forward to it.

      And so that it becomes easier for her,

      After all, the worms have disappeared

      For her, pieces of bacon

      We'll hang on bitches.

      - What are the words with the combination chk have you discharged?

      Thirty-three little hillocks!

      A bump, a kidney, an asterisk!

      Christmas tree and squirrel,

      Cloud, pike, arrow,

      Barrel, night, match,

      River, pen, bird.

      Bun and stitch

      Candle, stove, period!

      Urgent, street, night,

      Accurate, comic, riverine.

      We know for sure

      These quatrains can be used as a physical exercise with various movements.

      IX. Work on the correct pronunciation of words.

      Teacher. Very often words of course, on purpose, boring people pronounce with chn , although correct pronunciation these words with wn ... Now we will practice correctly pronouncing these words using the example of one of the poems.

      Children read a poem with the teacher.

      I certainly didn’t on purpose

      He pushed the cat into the buffet.

      I ate a kilogram of candy.

      And certainly not on purpose

      I broke my mother's vase.

      And not at all on purpose

      Spilled jelly on the carpet ...

      It was just very boring ...

      But now I'm obedient!

      X. Guessing riddles

      Teacher. Guys, I'm going to make riddles now, and you have to write the answer words in a notebook.

      Were bored without water

      Uncle is long and thin

      Carries water with a beard,

      And the sisters with him

      Draw a house and smoke.

      On a green fragile leg

      A ball has grown by the path.

      And he spread this ball.

      I don’t know,

      What is it at the checkmark?

      A string on a stick.

      A thread in the river.

      - So, what answers did you write?

      Children. Paints and brush, dandelion, pen, fishing rod.

      XI. Didactic game.

      Teacher. And now we are going to play the game “Who is this? What is it?"

      Part of the assignment is written on the board.

      Teacher. There is a filament in the first kidney.

      Teacher... The second kidney is made of metal.

      Teacher... This "peak" is not sharp.

      Teacher. Guys, what new did you learn in the lesson today?

      Children. Today in the lesson we learned how to write words with combinations correctly chk, chn .

      Teacher. Let's reiterate the rule associated with these combinations.

      Children... Combinations chk, chn write without a soft sign.

      Teacher. Don't put a soft mark between chk, chn so as not to offend the swaggering h, once again giving it softness. This, of course, is not a law of nature, but a rule (like the rules road traffic), and must be respected in order to become a literate person.

      Spelling of combinations of CHK, CHN.

      Spelling of combinations of CHK, CHN.

      Lesson objectives: - to help children learn that the sound [h`] is always soft, so its softness does not need to be indicated.

      To consolidate children's knowledge of the spelling of words with combinations of chk, chn.

      1. Organizational moment.

      Dear Guys! Today we have an unusual Russian lesson. Guests came to us. Let's welcome them. Sit down guys.

      Look out the window. What is the weather today? Let's smile at each other so that cloudy weather doesn't get into our class.

      2. Calligraphy.

      It seems to me that someone did not smile. One gloomy cloud made its way to us. Do you want to see her? (showing).

      What did the cloud cover? She hid the calligraphy assignment from us. In order for her to leave, you need to listen attentively to the word cloud. Let's say the word together.

      Cloud. What sound do you hear in the middle of a word? [h] What letter represents this sound? (h)

      Let's find this letter on our helper - the Ribbon of letters.

      What do we know about the letter H? (consonant). And what about the sound [h]? Unpaired, deaf, always soft.

      Well done. The cloud opened the task for us. Let's write an uppercase and a lowercase letter h.

      Let's love this letter, we need it today in the lesson.

      Guys, the cloud does not go away. Perhaps we still need to remember something. What is the rule in the word cloud? (chk is written without b)

      Why don't we write a soft sign? (the h sound is always soft). What other consonant is the letter h friends with? (n - chn)

      Let's write these two combinations on the next line.

      What did you write on the second line? (chk, chn)

      Words with combinations of chk chn - this is the topic of our lesson.

      3. Vocabulary work.

      In the autumn forest there is a white beauty in a yellow sarafan. (Birch)

      That's right, it's a birch. How did you guess?

      Let's pronounce words by syllable. (I point it on the board).

      Let's write this vocabulary word. (Dictionary: birch,)

      Look closely at the word. Which syllable is stressed? (ryo) Why? (syllable with vowel yo)

      Which letter should we remember? (e)

      We know a lot of vocabulary words. In which vocabulary is there a combination of Cheka? (Girl - showing a card with a closed letter o)

      Write down this word, put stress and highlight the vowel you want to remember.

      Check what you have written.

      Conclusion: chk, chn is also found in dictionary words.

      4. Work on the material covered.

      The wind blew again. Leaves flew from our birch and fell next to an unusual house where words live with combinations chk, chn. Words cannot get into the house, they are not allowed by “b”, who also wants to live in this house. We need to correctly distribute the words in the windows and then the "b" will disappear.

      Write down the words in two columns in a notebook, underline combinations of chk, chn.

      Consonant sounds. Combinations of letters ЧН, ЧК, ЩН

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      In this lesson, we will learn how to correctly write words with combinations of letters CHK, CHN, SCHN, we will understand why the soft sign is not written. We will do a speech warm-up, learn how to form words with such letter combinations and perform many interesting tasks.

      Speech warm-up

      At the beginning of the lesson, we will conduct a speech warm-up:

      Ш is always a hissing sound.

      The balloon was blown away suddenly:

      On the stones the snake hisses:

      W - w - w - w - w - w - w - w - w - w!

      The Black Sea is rustling:

      F - of course, a buzzing sound.

      This beetle buzzes brilliant:

      And the saw also buzzes:

      And a flying bee:

      F - f - f - f - f - f - f - f - f - f - f!

      H - will remind this sound,

      How the iron starts up steam:

      How the trailers are in a hurry:

      How sorry the baby is:

      H - h - h - h - h - h - h - h - h - h - h - h!

      I brush things cleanly:

      The wind picks off the leaves:

      Щ - we sweep the rubbish with a brush:

      U - u - u - u - u - u - u - u - u!

      We pronounce sounds clearly:

      We already know that sounds F, W, H, U- consonants. And also Ж, Ш, Ч, Щ - hissing. Hissing consonants are unpaired in terms of hardness and softness. Therefore, the sounds Ж and Ш are always hard, and the sounds Ч and Щ are always soft. We are already familiar with the rules: ZHI-SHI write with the letter I, CHA-SHA write with the letter A, CHU-SHU write with the letter U. Today we will learn about the peculiarities of writing letter combinations CHK - CHN - SCHN.

      Features of writing letter combinations CHK - CHN - SCHN

      In combinations CHK - CHN - SCHN, the soft sign is not written, because the sounds Ч and Щ are always soft. There is no need to indicate their softness.

      Let's read a poem that will help us remember this rule:

      Christmas tree and squirrel,

      Urgent, street, night,

      Accurate, comic, riverine.

      We know for sure

      Where is CHN, and where is CHK.

      Soft sign not written

      Even if you hear it!

      Consolidation of knowledge in practice

      Let's look at the pictures and name the items. Let's write down words with a combination of CHK.

      Let's check what happened: a cloud, a titmouse, a candle, a river, a match, a stove.

      Let's call fairytale heroes, in whose names there is a combination of Cheka.

      Rice. 7. Little Red Riding Hood (Source)

      This is Red Chapo chk a, Inch chk a, Rusalo chk a. In the words of Cipollino, Pinocchio, Princess there is no combination of Cheka.

      Let's change the highlighted words so that the combination of CHK appears in them.

      Carnivorous Pike, fresh milk, redhead squirrel, Kind heart, white dog, bright candle, young branch.

      Predatory schu chk ah, fresh milk chk oh redhead white chk oh good heart chk oh white soba chk a, bright light chk a, young veto chk a.

      Let us select related words for these words that answer the question which? Let's select the letter combinations that we used.

      Apple chn th pie

      Wheat chn th bread

      Ogure chn boiled juice

      Ovo sc oh salad

      But chn oh train

      Yes chn season

      Hee sc th beast

      We used letter combinations ЧН-ЩН.

      Let's write off, inserting the required letter combination: my ... th car, sunny ... th day, then ... th science, re… th water, ne ... th pipe.

      Check: mo sc th car, sun chn th day then chn ah science, re chn th water, ne chn th pipe.

      Let's combine words into phrases.

      Let's check what happened:

      In the next lesson, we will learn that identical consonants that are written in a word in a row are called doubled. We will learn the rules for their writing and hyphenation of words with double consonants.

    5. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M .: Education, 2012 (
    6. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M .: Balass.
    7. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M .: Bustard.
  19. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M .: Education, 2012. Perform exercise. 114 P. 78, exercise. 116 S. 79.
  20. Match these words with relatives words that answer the question which? Highlight the letter combinations that you used.
  21. Strawberries - ……… .cake; apple - ……… jam; vegetables - …… juice; oven - ……… pipe; capital - ……… clinic; dwelling - …… complex.

Spell out the word correctly. Underline the spelling. For example: before chk a, re chk a, mo sc th.

Think up and write down 3 more words for this spelling.

Vowels after sibilants.

Spell out the word correctly. Underline the spelling. For example: small shi , pencil shi , we shi ... Think up and write down 3 more words for this spelling.

An unstressed vowel in the root, not checked by stress

Spell the word down correctly. Remember how it is written. Indicate the stress, underline the vowel. Write down three words of the same root. For example: yag O yes yag od ka, yag O bottom.

Unstressed vowel in the root, checked by stress. (A, O, I, E, Z)

Write the test word, then the test word. Put emphasis. Select the root. Underline the unstressed vowel in the root with one stroke. Think up and write down 3 more words for this spelling. For example: garden - with a dy, they say O dost, m O lodeny - m O l O doy.

Doubled consonants in a word.

Spell out the word correctly. Divide the word for hyphenation. Write down three words of the same root. Underline the double consonant. For example: gru nn a, group-pa, gru nn ovoy, load nn a.

Spelling a preposition with words (space).

From the sentence in which the mistake was made, write out the word along with the preposition. Prove that a preposition with a word is written separately. Designate a spelling.

For example: to _ shore; to the (which?) shore, to the (steep?) shore.

Spelling prefix with words.

Write out the word. Highlight the prefix. Form from this word the same root words with different prefixes. For example: Per rode, at rode, on rode.

Vowels and consonants in prefixes.

Spell out the word correctly. Highlight the prefix in it. Write down 3 more words with the same prefix. For example: P O flew, n O watched, n O pulled.

Capital letter in proper names.

Spell out the word correctly. Write down 3 more words with the same spelling, underline them.

For example: AND leah, NS etrov, M urka, V olga, M osqua.

The soft sign ь, denoting the softness of the consonants.

Spell out the word correctly. Underline the soft b and the consonant in front of it. Write down 3 more words with the same spelling. For example l b , those n b , NS n b Ki.

Separating soft sign b.

Spell out the word correctly. Select the root. Underline the soft sign and vowel. Think up and write down 3 more words for this spelling. For example, in ew ha, leaf ya , nightingale s .

Dividing hard mark b.

Spell out the word correctly. Select the prefix and root. Underline the spelling. Think up and write down 3 more words for this spelling. For example: Eat h, oh m, by dye bldg.

Paired voiced and voiceless consonants.

Spell the word down correctly. Check the consonant. Underline the spelling. Think up and write down 3 more words for this spelling. For example: moro shl - moro s , Iago Yes - lago d ka, about si t - about sit ba.

Unpronounceable consonants.

Spell the word down correctly. Pick up a few words of the same root for it. Select the root. Check the unpronounceable consonant. Designate the root. Do this: stars Yes , stars before chka - stars d ny.

Connecting vowels in compound words.

Write out the word. Select the root. Underline the vowel. Write down 3 more words with this spelling. Do this: water O cart itself O flight, arrivals e move.

A soft b at the end of nouns after sibilants.

Spell out the word correctly. Determine the genus. Write down 3 more words with this spelling.

For example: Ray (m.r.), hut, comrade, doctor. Night (noun), power b , tish b , youth b .

Not with a verb. (spelling space)

Write out the verb with not. Write down 3 more words for this rule. Underline the spelling.

For example: not _ came, not _ learned, not _ knew.

Homogeneous members of the proposal.

Write out a sentence. Designate homogeneous members and the word on which they depend. Remember what you know about punctuation marks and conjunctions between homogeneous members. Follow the proposal outline.

For example: Strong wind tore off leaves from trees, scattered them along the way.

Spelling unstressed case endings nouns.

Write out the noun. Put it in its initial shape. Find the declination. Highlight the ending, check with help words. Pick and write down 2 examples.

Do this: to the edge e (on mom e , 1 floor), to the clearing e (on mom e , 1 fold.).

Spelling of unstressed case endings of adjectives.

Write out the adjective along with the noun it refers to. Put a noun question to the adjective. Determine the gender, number and case of the adjective by the noun. Highlight the ending of the adjective. Pick and write down 2 examples. Do this: to the forest (how oh ? distant his- m.r., sing., D. p.).