What is a literary tale. The concept of a literary tale

Fairy tales are a very important genre in literature. It is with him that young children begin to familiarize themselves with the world of prose and poetry. But what do they mean, what is the history and specificity of the author's tales? Consider all this below, as well as a list of Russian literary tales with their authors and features.


A fairy tale is a genre in literature, usually based on folklore. It can be both prosaic and poetic. However, this is mainly folklore prose, and each nation has its own fairy tales. The main difference for them is usually the presence mythical creatures and / or fantasy, fantastic, magical elements.

But unlike folklore works, fairy tales always have an author. Often there is an obvious struggle between good and evil, bad and good. Usually there is the main character- "favorite" of the author and, as a consequence, the reader. And there is also an antihero - a mythical villain.


As mentioned above, fairy tales originate from folklore. However, not always, since they can also be purely author's. They have appeared long ago in the form of folklore works passed down "from mouth to mouth". In Russia long time this is how their folk tales existed and spread.

Some works can be attributed to very old fairy tales. For example, many folk tales Ancient Rus and church parables of the Middle Ages, in many ways reminiscent of the genre we are considering.

Further in Europe, fairy tales began to appear in the usual understanding for people: the brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault and many others. But on the territory modern Russia earlier (and still) Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was very popular. In the 18th century, in general, many writers liked to take the basis from folklore and thus create new works.

In the XX century, more more fairy tales... Such great writers as Maxim Gorky, Alexey Tolstoy and others were known as the authors of this genre.


Authors' tales are also called literary. As already described above, they are distinguished from folklore by the presence of an author. Of course, even very old folk tales had their own creators, but the authors as such were lost, because for centuries the stories passed orally from one people to another, sometimes even significantly changing, since each person could interpret and retell in different ways, and so for a long time.

Another difference between an author's tale and a folk tale is that it can be in poetry or in prose, while the second is only in prose (initially it was only oral). Also, in folklore, the theme of the confrontation between good and evil is usually touched upon, while in literary works this is not necessary.

Another difference is that folk tales have more superficially described characters, while in literary ones, on the contrary, each character is pronounced and individual. In folklore there is still an inception, a saying and a kind of speech turns. They also tend to be even smaller than the literary ones. This is all due to what was transmitted orally, so much was lost, and the size was shortened, because it was forgotten over the generations. But nevertheless, the tendency to different speech patterns, characteristic only of Russian fairy tales, has been preserved. For example, "lived-were", the epithet "good fellow", and in Pushkin: " the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state ", etc.

The most amazing: precise definition the author's fairy tale does not exist as such. Yes, it originated from folklore and changed greatly, which helps in defining this term. Fantastic creatures have survived, which change depending on the people. As a rule, fairy tales are small in size. There is always fiction in them. But you can always find some kind of morality, which is main goal fairy tales. This distinguishes it from fantasy, where the emphasis is not on morality, but on the narration of the plot, which also differs in that it more adventure, events taking your breath away. Also fantasy works and epics are long in size. And the world described in them usually does not have a folklore basis under it. It is often a fiction of an author who completely created his own reality. In fairy tales, on the contrary, there is fiction, but it is within the framework the real world.


Many researchers divide literary tales into several categories. E. V. Pomerantseva, for example, divides them into 4 genres:

  • adventure novelistic;
  • household;
  • about animals;
  • magical.

And here is also the domestic folklorist V. Ya.Propp divides fairy tales into more categories:

  1. About inanimate nature, animals, plants, objects. Everything is simple here: tales about this tell, respectively, about animals or inanimate nature as the main element. It is interesting here that such works are rarely Russian or European. But such tales are often found among the peoples of Africa and North America.
  2. Cumulative fairy tales refer to such works where repeated plot repetitions are made until the denouement reaches a climax. This makes them easier for children to perceive. A striking example is the stories about the turnip and the bun.
  3. Household (novelistic) genre tells about different people by character. For example, a fairy tale about an evil deceiver or about stupid man.
  4. Boring fairy tales are created to lull children to sleep. They are very short and simple. (For example, a fairy tale about a white bull).
  5. Fictions about something that could not be in reality. It is worth noting that all fairy tales have a share of fiction, but fiction is the most: talking animals, humanized bears (they live like people, communicate, etc.). As a rule, all subspecies overlap with each other. Rarely does a piece belong to only one of them.

In Russian fairy tales, heroic, soldier branches are also distinguished.

The most interesting thing is that fairy tales as a genre are studied very seriously. In Europe, A. Aarne wrote the so-called "Index of Fairy Types" in 1910, where there are also divisions into types. Unlike the typology of Propp and Pomerantseva, well-known European tales about fooled devils and anecdotes are added here. Based on the works, Aarne created his own index of fairy tales and S. Thompson in 1928. A little later this typology, but with the introduction of Russian (Slavic) species, was studied by the folklorist N. P. Andreev and many other researchers.

Above, we examined the main subspecies, which relate more to folk art. Authors' tales, as a rule, are much more complicated, and it is not easy to type them into a specific subgenre, but they borrowed a lot from folklore and the types described above as from the basis. Also, from many sources, plot motives are taken as a basis. For example, the popular hatred of the stepdaughter and stepmother in the works.

And now let's move on to the lists of folk and literary tales.

Fairy tales for grade 1

The list is long, since children begin their acquaintance with reading with stories and fairy tales, because they are small and easy to memorize and master. In the first class, it is recommended to read:

  1. Small folk tales. Often they are about animals: "Cat and Fox", "Gingerbread Man", "Crow and Cancer", "Geese-Swans", as well as "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Porridge from an Ax", "A Man and a Bear", " Cockerel-golden comb, "Frost", "Bubble, straw and bast shoe", "Teremok", "By the pike's command", etc.
  2. Charles Perrault, Little Red Riding Hood.
  3. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and other short stories.

Literary tales: grade 2, list

  1. Folk tales in the processing of A. N. Tolstoy.
  2. Works by the Brothers Grimm, for example "The Bremen Town Musicians".
  3. E. L. Schwartz, "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots".
  4. C. Perrault: "Puss in Boots" and "Little Red Riding Hood".
  5. The Tales of Hans Christian Andersen.
  6. And also small works by A.S. Pushkin, D.N.Mamin-Sibiryak, P. Ershov, P. Bazhov, K. D. Ushinsky, etc.

List of literary tales for grade 3

In these classes, fairy tales are also read, but they are longer, and there are also fewer folk tales, and more literary ones. For example, everyone famous fairy tale Lewis Carroll on Alice Through the Looking Glass. And also the larger fairy tales of Mamin-Sibiryak, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Pushkin, Bazhov, Zhukovsky, Tchaikovsky, Perrot, Andersen and many others.

4th grade

List of literary tales:

  • V. M. Garshin, "The Tale of the Toad and the Rose";
  • Zhukovsky V. A., "The Tale of Tsar Berendey", "There are clear skies and waters";
  • E. Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time".

Grade 5

Literary tales in high school, reading programs are much less common than in grades 1-4, but nevertheless there are such works. For example, the tales of Andersen and Pushkin, which are also found in primary school. The list of grade 5 literary tales does not end there. There are also works by Zhukovsky, Schwartz and many others for children of this age.

Instead of a conclusion

A fairy tale is a very interesting genre that is still being studied by various researchers, and children read by school curriculum... Initially, they were only folk, transmitted orally. But then the author's literary tales began to appear, which usually take as a basis folklore plots and characters. Such works are small, they have fiction and a special story. But this is what makes the fairy tale genre special and distinguishes it from others.

Previously, the word " fable". Word " fairy tale"Assumes that they will learn about him," what it is "and find out" why "she, a fairy tale, is needed. A fairy tale with a purpose is needed for the subconscious or conscious teaching of a child in a family to the rules and goals of life, the need to protect their "area" and a dignified attitude towards other communities. It is noteworthy that both the saga and the fairy tale carry a colossal information component passed down from generation to generation, the belief in which is based on respect for their ancestors.

Folk tale

A folk tale based on a traditional plot belongs to prose folklore (fairy tale prose). The myth, having lost its functions, has become a fairy tale. Originally, the tale that stood out from the myth was opposed to the myth as:

  1. Profane - sacred ... The myth is associated with ritual, therefore, the myth, at a certain time and in a certain place, reveals secret knowledge to initiates;
  2. Unstrict accuracy - strict reliability ... The departure of the fairy tale from the ethnographic nature of the myth led to the fact that the artistic side of the myth came to the fore in the fairy tale. The fairy tale "became interested" in the fascination of the plot. The historicity (quasi historicity) of the myth has become irrelevant for the fairy tale. The events of the fairy tale take place outside the geographical context within the framework of the fairy tale geography.

A folk tale has its own specific poetics, in the establishment of which A.I. Nikiforov and V. Ya. Propp insisted. The texts of this genre are built using the clichés established by tradition:

  1. Fairy formulas - rhythmic prosaic phrases:
    • “Once upon a time…”, “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state…” - fabulous initials, beginnings;
    • “Soon the tale will tell itself, but not soon the work will be done” - middle formulas;
    • “And I was there, drinking honey and beer, flowing down my mustache, but it didn't get into my mouth”, “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”, - a fairy ending, finale;
  2. "Common places" - whole episodes wandering from text to text of various fairy-tale plots:
    • The arrival of Ivan Tsarevich to Baba Yaga, where prose is interspersed with rhythmic passages:
      • The clichéd description of the portrait is "Baba Yaga, a leg of bone";
      • Clichéd formula questions-answers - “where are you taking the path-road”, “face me, back to the forest”, etc .;
    • The clichéd description of the scene: “on the Kalinovy ​​bridge, on the currant river”;
    • The clichéd description of the actions: moving the hero on the "flying carpet";
    • Common folk epithets: "red maiden", "good fellow".

A folklore tale meets three requirements of folklore beingness (general folklore characteristics):

  1. Orality.
  2. Collectivity.
  • antagonist (pest),
  • donor
  • assistant
  • princess or her father
  • sender
  • hero
  • false hero.

Propp creates the so-called. metascheme of a fairy tale, consisting of 31 functions. E.M. Meletinsky, following Propp's research on the genre definition of a fairy tale, combines Propp's fairy-tale functions into large structure-forming units in order to more accurately give a genre definition of a fairy tale. The scientist says that a fairy tale is characterized by such common units presented in all fairy texts as ελ ... EL, where the Greek letters are the test of the hero of the fairy tale by the donor and the reward of the hero (Baba Yaga gives Ivan Tsarevich a magic ball for that he behaved correctly). The Latin letters, in Meletinsky's formula, denote a battle over an antagonist and a victory over him (in the role of an antagonist, Koschey the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych appears in the fairy tale). Victory over the antagonist is unthinkable without the help of a magic remedy received earlier from the donor. Meletinsky proposes to single out not only the genre of a fairy tale, but also to distinguish between its genre types, introducing additional units to determine the genre types of a fairy tale:

  • presence / absence of an object of struggle independent of the hero (O - O)
  • obtaining a marriage partner and a wondrous object (O¹ - O²)
  • getting an object by the hero for himself or for the king, father, family, his community (S - S_)
  • factor family character main collision (F - F)
  • revealing a fairy tale with a distinctly mythological coloring of a demonic world hostile to the hero (M - M).

Thanks to these units, five groups of fairy tales can be distinguished:

    1. O 1 SˉFˉM - heroic tales of the serpentine type (AT 300-301).
      • O 2 SˉFˉM - heroic tales of the quest type (АТ 550-551).
    2. OˉSFˉM - archaic tales of the type "children at the cannibal" (AT 311, 312, 314, 327).
      • O 1 SˉFM - tales about the persecuted families, given over to the power of forest demons (AT 480, 709).
      • OˉSFMˉ - tales of family persecuted without mythical elements (AT 510, 511).
    3. O 1 SFˉM - fairy tales about wonderful spouses (AT 400, 425, etc.).
      • O 2 SFˉMˉ - tales of wonderful objects (AT 560, 563, 566, 569, 736).
    4. O 1 SFˉMˉ - tales of wedding trials (AT 530, 570, 575, 577, 580, 610, 621, 675).
    5. O 1 SˉFˉMˉ - (AT 408, 653).
      • O 2 SˉFˉMˉ - (AT 665).

Using the above classification of types of a fairy tale, one must bear in mind that in many fairy tales there are, so-called. second moves (twists and turns), which is expressed in the fact that the main character of the tale briefly loses the object of his desire.

Meletinsky, distinguishing five groups of fairy tales, tries to solve the problem of the historical development of the genre in general, and plots in particular. The constructed scheme O - Oˉ, M - Mˉ, F - Fˉ, S - Sˉ, in many respects corresponds to the general line of development from myth to fairy tale: demythologization of the main collision and highlighting family origin, the narrowing of collectivism, the development of interest in personal destiny and compensation for the socially disadvantaged. All stages of this development are present in a fairy tale. The tale contains some motives characteristic of totemic myths. The mythological origin of the universally widespread fairy tale about marriage with a wonderful "totem" creature who temporarily shed its animal shell and assumed a human form is quite obvious ("The husband is looking for a disappeared or abducted wife (a wife is looking for a husband)" SUS 400, "The Frog Princess" 402, " The Scarlet Flower "425 ° C, etc.). The tale of visiting other worlds to free the captives who are there ("Three Underground Kingdoms" SUS 301 A, B, etc.). Popular fairy tales about a group of children falling into power evil spirit, monsters, cannibals and escaping thanks to the resourcefulness of one of them ("Boy-with-a-finger at a witch" SUS 327 B, etc.), or about the murder of a mighty serpent - a chthonic demon ("Winner of the Serpent" SUS 300 1, etc.). In a fairy tale, a family theme is actively developed ("Cinderella" SUS 510 A, etc.). A wedding for a fairy tale becomes a symbol of compensation for the socially disadvantaged ("Sivka-Burka" SUS 530). The socially disadvantaged hero (younger brother, stepdaughter, fool) at the beginning of the tale, endowed with all the negative characteristics from his environment, is endowed at the end with beauty and intelligence ("The Little Humpbacked Horse" SUS 531). A distinguished group of fairy tales about wedding trials draws attention to the narration of personal destinies. The novelistic theme in a fairy tale is no less interesting than the heroic one. Propp classifies the genre of a fairy tale by the presence of "Battle - Victory" in the main test or by the presence of "Difficult problem - Solving a difficult problem". The everyday fairy tale became the logical development of the fairy tale.

Short story

Short story(or, social) has the same composition as a fairy tale, but qualitatively different from it. The tale of this genre is firmly connected with reality, there is only one, earthly world, and the features of everyday life are realistically conveyed, and main character - trickster, an ordinary person from the folk environment, fighting for justice with those in power and achieving his goal with the help of ingenuity, dexterity and cunning.

Anecdotal tale

Anecdotal tale, highlighted by A. N. Afanasyev, differs from the anecdote in that the tale is a detailed narration of the anecdote.


Fables are fairy tales built on nonsense. They are small in volume and often look like rhythmic prose. Fables are a special genre of folklore, which is found among all peoples as an independent work or as part of a fairy tale, buffoonery, bylichka, epics.

Collecting fairy tales

In Europe, the first collector of fairy tale folklore was the French poet and literary critic Charles Perrault (1628-1703), who published the collection "The Tales of Mother Goose" in 1697. In 1704-1717, an abridged edition of the Arabian fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights", prepared by Antoine Galland for King Louis XIV, was published in Paris. However, the beginning of the systematic collection of fairy tale folklore was laid by representatives of the German mythological school in folklore, primarily by the Brothers Grimm, members of the circle of Heidelberg romantics. It was after they published in 1812-1814 the collection "Home and Family German fairy tales”, Which was sold in large circulation, writers and scientists from other European countries showed interest in native folklore. However, the Brothers Grimm had predecessors in Germany itself. For example, back in 1782-1786, the German writer Johann Karl August Museus (died in 1787) compiled a five-volume collection "Folk Tales of the Germans", but it was published only in 1811 by his friend poet

A fairy tale is one of the main types of oral folk art. A fictional story of a fantastic, adventure or everyday character.

A fairy tale is a work in which the main feature is "an attitude towards disclosing the truth of life with the help of a conditional poetic fiction that elevates or reduces reality."

A fairy tale is an abstracted form of local tradition, presented in a more concise and crystallized form: The original form of folklore tales are local traditions, parapsychological stories and tales of miracles that arise in the form of ordinary hallucinations due to the invasion of archetypal contents from the collective unconscious.

The authors of almost all interpretations define a fairy tale as a type of oral storytelling with fantastic fiction. The connection with myth and legends, which M.-L. Von Franz, takes the tale beyond the limits of a simple fantasy story. A fairy tale is not only a poetic fiction or a play of fantasy; through the content, language, plots and images, the cultural values ​​of its creator are reflected in it.

For a long time, fairy tales were close and understandable to the common people. Fantasy was intertwined with reality. Living in need, people dreamed of flying carpets, palaces, and self-assembled tablecloths. And always in Russian fairy tales, justice triumphed, and good triumphed over evil. It is no accident that A. Pushkin wrote: “What a charm these fairy tales are! Each is a poem! "

The composition of the fairy tale:

1. Initiation. (“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, lived-were ...”).

2. The main part.

3. The ending. ("They began to live - to live well and make good money" or "They arranged a feast for the whole world ...").

Any fairy tale is focused on a socio-pedagogical effect: it teaches, encourages action, and even heals. In other words, the potential of a fairy tale is much richer than its ideological and artistic significance.

The fairy tale differs from other prosaic genres in its more developed aesthetic side. The aesthetic principle is manifested in idealization goodies, and in the vivid image of the "fairy world", and the romantic coloring of events.

The wisdom and value of a fairy tale lies in the fact that it reflects, reveals and allows one to experience the meaning of the most important universal human values ​​and the meaning of life in general. From the point of view of everyday meaning, the tale is naive, from the point of view of life meaning, it is deep and inexhaustible.

The most important ideas, main problems, plot pivots and, most importantly, the alignment of forces that carry out good and evil, in fact, are the same in fairy tales. different nations... In this sense, any fairy tale knows no boundaries, it is for all mankind.

On this basis, a classification of types of fairy tales arises, although it is not completely uniform. So, with the problem-thematic approach, tales dedicated to animals, tales of unusual and supernatural events, adventure tales, social tales, anecdote tales, shape-shifting tales and others are distinguished.

To date, the following classification of Russian folk tales has been adopted:

1. Fairy tales about animals;

2. Fairy tales;

3. Household tales.

Animal Tales

In fairy tales about animals, fish, animals, birds act, they talk to each other, declare war on each other, make peace. Such tales are based on totemism (belief in a totemic beast, the patron saint of the clan), which resulted in the cult of the animal. For example, a bear that became a hero of fairy tales, according to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, could predict the future. Often he was thought of as a terrible, vindictive beast, not forgiving insults (the tale "The Bear"). The further the belief goes, the more confident a person becomes in his abilities, the more possible his power over the animal, the "victory" over him. This happens, for example, in the fairy tales "The Man and the Bear", "The Bear, the Dog and the Cat". Fairy tales differ significantly from beliefs about animals - in the latter, fiction associated with paganism plays an important role. The wolf is wise and cunning in beliefs, the bear is terrible. The fairy tale loses its dependence on paganism, becomes a mockery of animals. Mythology turns into art in it. The tale is transformed into a kind of artistic joke - a criticism of those creatures that are meant by animals. Hence - the proximity of such tales to fables ("The Fox and the Crane", "Animals in the Pit").

Fairy tales

Fairy tales of the magical type include magical, adventure, heroic. Such tales are based on a wonderful world. The wonderful world is an objective, fantastic, unlimited world. Thanks to unlimited fantasy and the wonderful principle of organizing material in fairy tales with a wonderful world of possible "transformation", striking in their speed (children grow by leaps and bounds, every day they become stronger or more beautiful). Not only the speed of the process is surreal, but also its very nature (from the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden." usually occur with the help of magical creatures or items.

Household tales

The reproduction of everyday life in them becomes a characteristic feature of everyday fairy tales. Conflict everyday fairy tale often consists in the fact that decency, honesty, nobility under the guise of simplicity and naivety oppose those qualities of personality that have always evoked sharp rejection among the people (greed, anger, envy).

Sections: Primary School

V recent times against the background of ever-increasing attention to the problems of Russian national culture, there is an increase in interest in one of the main and favorite genres of oral folk art- to the fairy tale. A literary tale by its nature is a genre of individual, not collective, creativity. A lot of research works are devoted to its study. Tracing the history of the formation of the genre, it is easy to see that fairy tales, including literary ones, often served as visual material for solving pedagogical problems. According to the "Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary" we will give definitions of such concepts as "fairy tale", "literary tale".

"A fairy tale is a narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly with the participation of magical, fantastic forces."

"A literary tale is a narrative genre with a magical and fantastic plot, with real and (or) fictional characters, with real and (or) fabulous reality, in which, at the will of the author, aesthetic, moral, social problems of all times and peoples ".

Despite the fact that the dictionaries already have specific definitions, it is necessary to consider the main stages of the formation of a literary tale.

The situation with the interpretation of the concept of "literary tale" can be briefly presented as follows: fairy tales are different, "but in science: there is still no single classification." There are a large number of definitions of a literary tale as a genre, it is conventionally accepted to divide them into two types.

The first type of definitions is a listing of individual characteristics that are usually inherent in a literary tale: this is an author's, artistic or poetic work, based either on folklore sources, or invented by the writer himself, but in any case subject to his will. In specific works, these characteristics may be partially absent, such definitions are rather cumbersome and inapplicable to all literary tales.

Second type is an attempt at a universal definition. A literary tale is such a genre literary work, in which in a magical-fantastic or allegorical development of events, and, as a rule, in original plots and images in prose, poetry or drama, moral-poetic or aesthetic problems are solved.

The most frequently cited definition belongs to the well-known researcher of Scandinavian literature L.Yu. Braude. In her article "On the history of the concept of" literary tale "" she writes: "A literary tale is an author's, artistic, prose or poetic work, based either on folklore sources, or purely original; fairytale heroes and, in some cases, targeted at children; a work in which magic, a miracle plays the role of a plot-forming factor, serves as the starting point for characterizing the character. "

The specifics of the genre of literary fairy tales are described by L.V. Ovchinnikova: "A literary fairy tale is a multi-genre type of literature, realized in an endless variety of works by different authors. Each of the genre types of a literary fairy tale has its own dominant. The poetics of a multi-genre phenomenon - the author's fairy tale as a whole is defined as literary-folklore poetics," dialogical ", conditionally symbolic ".

Often, when defining the genre of a literary fairy tale, it is almost completely identified with folklore: "With genre differentiation, which is equally characteristic of folklore and literature, there are some genres common to both varieties of poetic art. The difference is fixed terminologically only by adding the word" literary "" ...

It is known that a literary tale is a genre that has absorbed features of folklore and elements of literary genres. Indeed, a fairy tale as an independent genre exists both in folklore and in literature, the poetry of the people and their wisdom have merged in it. However, the age of literary and folklore tales is not the same.

The origin of the latter is lost in ancient times, while in literature the fairy tale is one of the youngest genres. There are different opinions about the time of the emergence of the genre of the Russian literary tale: some researchers (M.N. Lipovetsky, L.V. Ovchinnikova, I.P. Lupanova, R.V. Jesuitova, T.G. Leonova) call the 19th century, others ( E.V. Pomerantseva, N.V. Novikov) - XVIII century. Let us consider the 19th century as the period of the formation of the classical literary tale.

One of the "starting points" of children's literature is oral literature as an integral part of folk culture, conveyed by storytellers and singers. The word "fairy tale" is often found as a term denoting those types of oral prose, which are primarily characterized by poetic fiction, they saw in it "one fun" worthy of the lower strata of society or children.

"A literary fairy tale was perceived as a folk tale in its entirety, in all its genre varieties." The thesis gave reason for some researchers to identify two different genres: an example formulated by M.N. Lipovetsky: "A literary tale is, in principle, the same as a folk tale, but unlike a folk tale, a literary tale was created by a writer and therefore bears the stamp of the author's unique creative individuality."

However, according to I.P. Lupanova, a literary tale as an author's work has a number of structural distinctive features that are not characteristic of folklore, carries an individual semantic and poetic load. I.P. Lupanova revealed that the author's fairy tale is mainly characterized by "not only and not so much the development of plots and motives widespread in Russian folklore, as the desire to master the system of images typical for a folk tale, its language and poetics."

"One of the most specific features of a modern literary tale is the atmosphere of a" fairytale reality ", that is, the dissolution of a" miracle ", its normality with complete unreality, supported by artistic devices that create an" illusion of authenticity. "

Based on the works of I.P. Lupanova, M.N. Lipovetsky, T.G. Leonova, E.M. Neelova, T.A. Chernysheva, V.A. Bakhtina, L.Yu. Braude, Yu.F. Yarmish, et al., Let us highlight the main features of the literary tale genre:

  • a literary tale reflects the worldview and aesthetics of its time in their specifically folk manifestation;
  • it is characterized by:
  • the use of images typical of a folk tale, peculiarities of poetics and language;
  • free combination of elements of reality and fiction;
  • the presence of a grotesque world;
  • the presence of a playful beginning in one way or another;
  • the pursuit of psychologization of images carried out in different ways;
  • the clearly expressed position of the author, storyteller (sometimes - in one person);
  • preservation - as in the folk tale - of the social assessment of the depicted;

It should be noted that by a literary tale it is customary to mean works of three types of structures: a prosaic tale, a poetic tale, and a dramatic tale.

From the point of view of genus, all literary tales can be divided into epic, lyrical and dramatic.

"The author's fairy tale is a borderline genre, it reveals patterns inherent in both folklore and literature," and "the most essential of this genre is due to the fact that a literary fairy tale grew on the basis of folklore, inherited its genre characteristics, developing and transforming them." Here you can talk about genre evolution. Undoubtedly, the folklore tradition is the very factor that initially forms the emergence of a new genre in literature, and subsequently its genre-specific modifications.

Over time, the canons of traditional folklore tales were destroyed, transforming into new genre forms of literary tales. It is not for nothing that today there are already various forms of the latter: fairy tales intended especially for children, fairy tales that accumulate information about ritual and folklore traditions of the past, universal fairy tales for children and adults, etc. In addition, a literary tale can not only exist in the form of a separate work, but also be integrated into the structure of a text of another genre. A literary fairy tale is always a fairy tale of its time, and even for one and the same author, its structure can differ significantly.

According to the degree of "distance" from the sample of oral literature, a literary tale, according to L.V. Ovchinnikova, goes through the following stages:

  • recording of folk tales;
  • processing of folklore recordings of fairy tales;
  • author's retelling;
  • an author's tale (it has its own internal form, folklore is used with a different, artistic and original semantics);
  • stylization and parody (this is a path from literary reality towards a folklore model with a different artistic and pedagogical task);
  • a literary tale itself, it does not even contain a hint of well-known folklore plots, of stable images, is alien to its intonation and speech structure.


  1. Abramyuk S.F. Folklore origins of the composition of a modern literary tale // Problems of children's literature. - Petrozavodsk, 1971.
  2. Bakhtina V.A. Literary tale in scientific understanding of the last twenty years. - Ufa, 1979.
  3. Braude L.Yu. Scandinavian literary tale. - M., 1979.
  4. Lipovetskiy M.N. Poetics of a literary tale. - Sverdlovsk, 1992.
  5. Literary encyclopedic Dictionary... // Under total. ed. V.M. Kozhevnikov and P.A. Nikolaev. - M., 1996.
  6. Lupanova I.P. Russian folk tale in the works of writers of the 1st half of the 19th century. - Petrozavodsk, 1959.
  7. Lupanova I.P. Modern literary tale and its critics // Problems of children's literature. - Petrozavodsk, 1981.
  8. E.N. Neelov Crossing age boundaries. Notes on the "adult" content of K. Chukovsky's fairy tales. // PDL. - Petrozavodsk, 1976.
  9. L. V. Ovchinnikova Specificity of the genre of a literary tale. - M., 2001.


A fairy tale is an epic story, predominantly of a prosaic nature, with a focus on fiction. It reflects the most ancient ideas of the people about life and death, about good and evil, is designed for oral transmission, therefore the same plot has several options. The phenomenon of a fairy tale, its charm lies in a specially organized narration, in the use of fairy formulas, symbolic imagery.

Fairy tales are folklore (folk) and literary (have a specific author). The folk tale has its own specific poetics, the texts of the fairytale genre are built with the help of the cliches established by tradition: "Once upon a time, they were ...", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ..." I was there, drinking honey-beer, flowing down my mustache, but I didn't get into my mouth. "

A folk tale has intra-genre varieties:
ϖ tales about animals, plants, inanimate nature and objects;
ϖ fairy tales;
ϖ legendary tales;
ϖ short story (everyday) fairy tales;
ϖ fables;
ϖ cumulative tales;
ϖ boring fairy tales.

In fairy tales about animals, the plots are occupied by a comic narrative about the tricks of animals. Fairy tales about animals are the most ancient, during this period people still deified animals, drew strength from them. For example, "Zayushkina's hut", "Cat, rooster and fox", "Fox and crane".
Fairy tales are the most ancient. They have preserved the remnants of some of the most ancient pagan ideas, for example, belief in the owners of forests, seas, mountains, elements (Baba Yaga, the serpent Gorynych, Morozko), the cult of ancestors (a deceased father gives a horse). V fairy tales there are always images of heroes - defenders for the disadvantaged, fighters for truth and justice. These are fairy tales: "By the Pike's Command", "Sivka-Burka", "Flying Ship".
Legendary tales are later. They emerged in the middle of the 19th century. Their roots are to be found in myths or religious literature. Many of the legendary tales have resulted from the adaptation (adaptation) of epic and epic narratives. These are such tales as: "Vasilisa the Beautiful", "Marya Morevna", "The Frog Princess".
In everyday fairy tales, wonderful events take place (a person acts as the main character). The hero of the everyday fairy tale is a representative of the folk environment, fighting for justice. These tales are about clever, clever and wise counselors. For example, "The gentleman and the man", "The seven-year-old daughter", "Porridge from the ax", "The funeral of the goat."

Fables are fairy tales built on nonsense. They are small in volume and often look like rhythmic prose. Fables are a special genre of folklore, which is found among all peoples as an independent work or as part of a fairy tale, buffoons ("Listen, guys ...", "Ermoshka is rich ..."), stories, epics ("Sadko", "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - robber "," Nikita Kozhemyaka ").

Cumulative tales are based on the repeated repetition of some link. They are distinguished by the richness of the language, often gravitating towards rhyme and rhythm. As a rule, cumulative fairy tales were told to young children in order for them to learn to speak faster - listening to repetitions, it is easier for a child to remember individual words or expressions. These are such tales as "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Ryaba Chicken", "Cockerel and a Bean Seed".

A boring fairy tale is a fairy tale in which the same piece of text is repeated many times. Such a tale is like a chain with big amount repeating links, the number of which depends only on the will of the performer or listener. The links can be fastened with the help of a special phrase "shouldn't we start the fairy tale over again", after which the fragment is repeated over and over again. In some of the boring tales, the narrator asks a question to which the listener must answer, which is used for the next repetition of the tale. The plot of the tale does not develop, the connecting question causes only bewilderment and annoyance in the listener.

For example:
Once upon a time there were two peacocks
That's half of the fairy tales.
Once upon a time there were two geese
That's the whole story.

Russian folk tale is a unique phenomenon in world culture. It is a complex, very skillfully constructed piece that testifies to the great talent and skill of its creators. Let our children be brought up on fairy tales, grow up with them and become smart, kind, strong, like fabulous heroes.
For thousands of years the tale has accumulated spiritual experience of the Russian people. Influenced miraculous power on human soul... She brought up. Helped to become wiser, to realize the main truths human life, to form the foundations of morality,morality, according to the laws of which children will live.