Come up with an everyday fairy tale. How to come up with a fairy tale for a child? How to come up with a fairy tale about animals or people, everyday or magic? Lion and beasts

How to write a fairy tale?

1. First, read and memorize the signs of a fairy tale.

Signs of a fairy tale:

The tale is more often written in prose, but it can also be poetic;

She talks about magical events;

Gives a generalizing picture of the real world;

In her, good triumphs over evil;

The hero goes through a series of trials, from which, after experiencing difficulties, he emerges victorious;

The tale expresses the people's dreams of a better life;

The fairy tale loves bright artistic techniques;

A fairy tale often uses a special beginning and ending.

2. Give examples artistic means, often used in fairy tales:

Hyperbola- artistic exaggeration.


Antithesis- opposition


Adage- kind of introduction or ending in folk tale; usually not related to its content

Joke- a humorous, witty expression, usually in a poetic form or a saying

Repeat- admission to artistic speech, consisting in a double or multiple repetition of the same sounds, words, etc. in a certain sequence.

3. Answer the questions:

1) What do fairy tales tell about?

2) Who are the heroes in animal tales?

3) What is narrated in everyday fairy tales?

4) Fairy tales in which fantastic (magical) events take place are called magical. Does the hero in fairy tales always cope with difficulties on his own, or is he sometimes helped by a magic assistant? Give an example.

Writing a fairy tale about animals

4 ... Make a table in a notebook and fill it in with your examples: imagine the qualities and traits of people through the animals corresponding to these qualities. (Hint: use the stories of the fables you know).

Human qualities Animal


wisdom owl, snake


stupidity donkey

5 ... Remember the habits and behavior of the animals you named.

6. Using the named verbs, compose the plot of a future fairy tale about animals, having previously selected its heroes.


In a dense and beautiful forest, in big house The Horse, Rooster, Cow, Hen, Dog and Cat lived together.

The rooster woke everyone up at dawn and took care of the Hen, the Horse plowed the land, sowed wheat and reaped the harvest. The cow gave milk to everyone. The dog was guarding the house. The cat lulls everyone in the evening before going to bed. They lived and made good.

A lonely pig came across their house. I saw how the Horse, Cow, Rooster, Chicken, Dog and Cat live, and envied them. For a long time she asked the friendly and hardworking animals to take her into a large family. They agreed. The Pig was delighted, grunted loudly. Animals ask her: "What can you do?" The Pig answers: “I can eat everything. I know how to dig large holes. I know how to get fat quickly. " The Horse, Cow, Rooster, Chicken, Dog and Cat were upset and say: "We don't need such skills!" The Pig got offended and dug deep holes in the yard. And then she went into the field plowed and sown by the Horse, trampled, ate all the wheat and ate so much that she could not budge. And a peasant was walking past the field. He saw a fat pig, and drove with a stick to his country house- do stew and sausage.

And again the Horse, Cow, Rooster, Chicken, Dog and Cat began to live and live and make good.

7. Find the signs of the genre in the fairy tale. Underline and write down their names.

8 ... Write the animal story on a separate sheet. Make illustrations.

We write a social and everyday fairy tale

9 ... List what character traits you dislike the most. Opposite each quality or group of qualities and character traits, draw and write down a portrait of a person whose appearance corresponds to this quality or character trait (use epithets, comparisons, hyperboles in the portrait).

10. Come up with a plot of a household fairy tale.

For example.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived two brothers: one was Greedy (he was very greedy), and the other was Generous (he gave everything he had to people).

(Include a portrait of the brothers in the tale).

Continue the story by answering the questions:

How did others feel about the brothers? (Use the antithesis, choose the antonyms: loved - hated, respected - despised, came to visit - bypassed, etc.)

What can happen to the wealth of the Jade? (Options: fire, flood from a terrible downpour, hurricane, attack by thieves).

How did the people repay Generosity for generosity and kindness?

How did people punish Greedy?

What do you think the fairy tale should end with if good in it should overcome evil? Should Greed change?

Did the brothers begin to live together and make good money and share with people?

Title the tale.

11. Find features of this genre in a fairy tale you have written with the help of questions, underline and sign them.

12. Write a fairy tale yourself. Make illustrations.

Writing a fairy tale

And now the fun begins. Create and record any fantastic events. But remember, they must be based on real events.

And if aliens act in your fairy tale, they should still look like people, since the subject of depiction in literature is always a person's life, his relationship with other people, with power, with society, with the world around him.

13. Now try to write a fairy tale.

Use these tips:

In a fairy tale, you can talk about the transformations of heroes, the resurrection from the dead, endow animals with human speech, invent images of fantastic creatures or use the images of heroes you know from myths, legends, beliefs and beliefs.

Remember that in fairy tales there may be a magical assistant to the protagonist.

The story often uses three-fold repetition.

The hero in a fairy tale goes through a series of tests, receives an award for courage, courage, kind-heartedness, ingenuity, and hard work. And the evil, selfish are punished.

You can use the image of a path-path, which plays the role of a person's fate.

The strength of the hero, his assistants and his enemies can be exaggerated.

Remember, there must be a happy ending in a fairy tale.

Don't invent too many heroes. It will be difficult for you to link their actions into one plot.

Follow the usual composition and required elements fairy tales: fabulous inception, repetitions, fantastic events, sayings, jokes, folklore epithets (a beautiful girl, a good fellow, a dark forest, high mountains, dark forests, blue sea, silk herbs, red sun, etc.), a fabulous ending.

When describing characters and events, try to express your attitude to what is happening.

14 ... Make illustrations for your fairy tale.


Yarochka Ozernaya, 6 years old

One spring, early in the morning, when the sun had just woken up, an amazing story happened to my grandfather Vanya. It was like that.

Grandpa Vanya went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

He walks slowly, hums a song under his breath, looks for mushrooms with a stick under the Christmas trees. Suddenly he sees a hedgehog sitting on a tree stump and crying bitterly. The hedgehog's leg was broken and hurt. Grandpa took pity on the hedgehog, shook his leg, treated him to a sweet candy. Grandfather was very fond of candy, because he had no teeth and he could not chew real candy. The hedgehog really liked grandfather's candies. He thanked him and ran to his children.

But a few days later, the hedgehog with his sons brought grandfather on his back a lot, a lot of mushrooms and asked to live with his grandfather under the house with his whole family. Together they ate sugar mushrooms and sucked delicious candies.


If a hedgehog settled in your house, what would you treat him to?
Why did the hedgehog want to live with his grandfather?
Have you ever seen a hedgehog? What is the character of this forest animal?
What forest gifts can you make candy? Come up with some forest candy recipes and sketch them.
o All children are little hedgehogs. Each hedgehog should tell how and how he will help his grandfather.


Lilya Pomytkina, 7 years old, Kiev

Little fairies lived in the flower meadow. They lived together and loved to help people, especially children.

Once on flower meadow a little girl came. She cried bitterly because her finger was cut. She did not notice anyone and nothing except pain. Then the fairies surrounded her with a tight ring and flapped their wings in unison. The girl felt relieved and stopped crying. The fairies asked the sun's rays to dry the girl's tears as soon as possible, and she began to listen to everything around. She heard the smell of flowers, buzzing insects and birds singing. And the fairies whispered to her that the world around was beautiful, that the wound on her finger would soon heal, and one should not be very upset.

One little fairy brought a tiny plantain leaf and put it on the wound. Another asked ladybug play the game "Rain or Bucket" with the girl. And the third - called the breeze to smooth the girl's disheveled hair.

And the girl felt so good that she began to smile and play with the fairies. After that, the girl always came to the fairies' clearing if she felt bad.

When she grew up big, she did not forget the clearing with fairies and in difficult moment always called the little fairies for help.


How would you help a girl if you were fairies?
Give the children cards with the names of different qualities. Children need to figure out how the fairies taught someone this or that quality.
Remember any difficult situation in your life and think about how different heroes of the fairy tale could help you in this situation, for example: fairies, breeze, sun rays, etc.
Imagine that the good fairies invite you to the forest fairies' festival. Draw this holiday and tell about it.


Makarova Olya, 8 years old

Once upon a time there was a boy named Kolya. He had new shoes. But his shoes lived very badly. Kolya didn’t take care of them: he didn’t wash, didn’t clean and threw them anywhere. The shoes did not know what to do. Then they decided to take Kolya to a shoe factory so that he could see how much work needed to be done in order to sew such wonderful shoes. The next day, the shoes took Kolya to the factory so that he could watch the shoes emerge from a piece of leather. The factory was huge, and Kolya was surprised how many craftsmen and machines were needed to sew shoes. Then an important woman came up to them. She greeted and asked the shoes how they were doing and whether Kolya was taking care of them. The shoes sighed sadly, but said nothing. They didn't want to complain about their master. Kolya felt very ashamed, and he thanked an important woman for her work.
Since then, Kolya has always kept his shoes, because he saw how much work it takes to sew such shoes.


How will Kolya take care of his shoes after this incident?
Tell us how you take care of your shoes.
What qualities should an owner have in order for his shoes to enjoy life?
Talk to your favorite shoes, and then tell everyone what she told you about.
How can a shoe reward a person for their care? Create and draw a fairy tale of how your shoes cared for you.
Talk with the children about how to care for their shoes at different times of the year and in different weather.


Vnuchkova Dana, 8 years old

Once upon a time there was a little spider. He was all alone and was very sad that he had no friends. One day he decided to go and find some friends. It was spring, the sun was warming, and dew was glistening on the grass. Two moths were flying over the green meadow. One is white and the other is red. They saw a small spider, and the white moth asked him:
- Why are you so sad?

Because I have no friends, ”the spider answered.

But moths are not friends with spiders, because spiders cannot fly, ”said the white moth.

And the red moth said:
- Let's be friends with you, I will teach you to fly.

The spider was very happy and agreed. From then on they became friends and flew together over the meadow. A moth on its wings, and a spider on hot-air balloon from the cobwebs.


Imagine that you are traveling above the ground with a spider in a balloon made of cobwebs. Draw your journey and tell about it.
Tell about a friend of yours who taught you something.
What can a spider teach moths?
Give the children cards with pictures of different insects. Each on behalf of his insect must tell what he can teach any other insect. For example: what an ant can teach an earthworm, a butterfly can teach an ant, etc. Then the children draw how different insects taught each other.
Divide the children into groups of three. One child in the group is a spider, the other two are moths. Children should come up with small replays about the friendship between a moth and spiders.


Yana Dankova, 8 years old

It was a sunny day. The sun was shining brightly. There were dewdrops on the bush, like gold. Then I went to the bush and wanted to take them. As soon as I touched it, everything disappeared. And I was very sad, but the sun saw that I was crying, and whispered to me: "Don't cry. Everything will be fine, just don't cry." When I heard these words, I was so happy that I wanted to jump and sing songs. And suddenly I saw the same dew drops on the bush. I went to the bush, sat on a pebble and looked at the golden drops.


How would you calm a girl down in the place of the sun?
Has the sun ever calmed you? Tell and draw how the sun has helped you in different situations.
Imagine that the sun gave the girl magic dew drops. Each drop could fulfill one of her wishes. Draw the girl's wishes fulfilled. From each other's drawings, the children tell what desires and how the droplets fulfilled.

Verba and its leaves

Sasha Timchenko, 8 years old

I was walking through the park and saw a flock of leaves. They fell to the ground. The willow became sad. And the leaves that fell from her also became sad. But when they fell to the ground, they wrote a sentence: "Sweet willow, you loved us, and we love you too."


Give the children picture cards. different trees and ask them, on behalf of these leaves, to thank the tree for taking care of them.
You can give the children cards with pictures of different trees and ask them to say goodbye to their leaves on behalf of these trees.
Think up and draw a fairy tale about how a flock of leaves decided to travel to southern countries with migratory birds.


Naumenko Regina, 9 years old

Once upon a time there was a girl named Nadezhda. Hope was as beautiful as a rose. Her face was white, with pink cheeks, and her eyes were emerald. But her character was very prickly. She often pricked people with her ridicule, like thorns. Once Nadezhda fell in love with a very handsome young man. She never injected him and spoke to him affectionately. But it so happened that her beloved young man forgot about her and did not want to come to her anymore. Nadezhda was very sad, but did not want to say anything bad about the young man. Girlfriends persuaded Nadezhda to prick the young man. They spoke:
“Since he has forgotten you, prick him with your thorns.

I love him and do not want to harm him, - answered Nadezhda.

But Nadezhda could not live without her beloved. Then she pricked herself, her red blood was shed, and Nadezhda turned into a wonderful red rose.


Cards with pictures are given to children different colors... Each child in turn names any one quality with which this flower is associated with him. Then the children draw a magical bouquet of those flowers that will teach a person certain qualities.
Draw the roses of Faith, Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace, etc., and tell how these roses helped people.
What do you think, if Nadezhda's beloved had not left her, her character would have changed?
Draw Hope and her beloved in the form of certain flowers.


Playful Mariyka, 9 years old

There lived a pretty little girl in this world. She was very beautiful, with white hair, blue eyes and a kind, gentle heart. One day mommy went to work, and took her daughter to a neighbor to look after her.

The neighbor was a single woman and had no children. She treated the girl to cookies and went for a walk with her. The neighbor held the girl by the hand and boasted to all the passers-by what a beautiful daughter she had. The girl never deceived anyone and did not like it when others deceive. She realized that their neighbor would very much like to have a daughter. And after the walk, when my mother came home, the girl told her everything.

Mom thought for a long time and came up with. She baked a huge, delicious cake and invited a neighbor. A neighbor came and was very happy with the pie and such nice people. They sat and talked for a long time, drank tea, ate pie. And when the neighbor decided to leave, the girl gave her a fluffy white puppy... The puppy squeaked and licked its new owner right in the nose. The neighbor burst into tears with happiness. And since then they have always walked together - a neighbor with her puppy and a girl with her mother.


Come up with a recipe for the cake that mom and her daughter baked, and draw it.
What was the girl's mom like? What would you do if you were in her place, after the girl told you about the neighbor's cheating?
Come up with any fun game, which was played in the park by a mother with her daughter, a neighbor and a puppy.
Draw the kind hearts of the girl's mother and her daughter.


Misha Kozhan, 8 years old

My grandmother lived in a big city. She loved nature so much that she planted a small oak tree under her window. He was so small that he could not bear the weight of a titmouse if it sat on his twig. Grandmother took care of her oak tree and greeted him every morning, looking out of the window. And my grandmother had a little grandson who often came to visit her. Together they walked to their oak tree and looked after him. Then they sat side by side, and the grandmother read fairy tales to her grandson. Every summer they took pictures by the oak, and then rejoiced watching the baby and the tree grow. The oak tree had many new branches, and it no longer bent under the weight of the birds.

Dubochk was always looking forward to his grandson coming to visit his grandmother. He loved to listen to grandmother's fairy tales with him and later retell them to his friends: the birds, the sun, the wind and the rain. Once the grandson came to his grandmother, but they did not come out to the oak tree and did not even greet him. Dubochk waited, waited, but did not wait. Then he asked the sparrow to look in the window and find out what was the matter. Sparrow flew in upset and told that his friend was in bed, he had heat and a sore throat. Dubochk was very alarmed and called all his friends for help.

The raindrops gave the boy living spring water to drink, the sun's rays warmed his throat, the breeze cooled his hot forehead, and the birds sang such a wonderful song that he immediately felt cheerful. And the disease receded.

Thank you, oak, for your help, ”the boy said to his friend the next day.

Soon the boy went to school. Both of them grew and grew prettier, to the delight of their grandmother. The boy listened to fairy tales and thought that when they both grew up and became big, he would come to the oak tree with his children and would also read fairy tales to them under the wide dense foliage of the oak tree. This thought made my soul feel warm and calm.


Think of and draw a story that your grandmother told her grandson and an oak tree.
Draw a tree with which you are friends or dream to be friends, and tell about it.
Divide the children into groups and ask them to think of and draw different situations when the oak tree and the boy will come to each other's aid.
Give the children cards with pictures of different inhabitants of the earth - trees, flowers, animals, birds, etc. Children should, on behalf of those who got them on the cards, tell how and how they would help the boy to recover.


Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

The enchanted garden slumbers in winter silence. Snowflakes-fluffs are quietly sleeping under the spreading branches of cherries. The snowflakes had an interesting dream. It’s as if they are circling around the cherry, and the cherry says to them: "How funny you are, my beloved children," - and then strokes them and hugs them. The fluffy snowflakes felt tender warmth and instantly woke up. They were sad, because they were not children, they were cherry, and the cherry consoles them: "Do not be sad. As the sun warms up, you will become droplets and merrily slide down to my roots."

And so it all happened. The souls of fluffy snowflakes fell in love with their kind comforter. In the spring they rolled down to her roots and became her real children: some with a leaf, some with a flower and a cherry. The dream of fluffy snowflakes has come true.


Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

All cherries were ripe, only one berry remained green and small. She saw next to her a beautiful, red berry and said to her:
- Let's be friends.

The red cherry looked at her and replied:
- I don’t want to be friends with you. I am so beautiful and red and you are green.

I saw a green cherry, a large cherry and said to her:
- Let's be friends.

I won’t be friends with you, you are small, but I am big, ”the large cherry replied.

The little cherry wanted to make friends with a ripe berry, but she did not want to be friends with her either. So the little cherry was left without friends.

Once all the cherries were collected from the tree, only the green one remained. Time passed and she matured. There was not a single berry on a single tree, and when the children found a cherry, they were very happy. Divided it into all and ate it. And this cherry turned out to be the most delicious.


Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

Once upon a time there was Winter. On the eve of the New Year, her daughter was born. Winter did not know what to call it. She told everyone about the birth of a winter baby and asked what name to give her, but no one could come up with a name.

Winter became sad and went to Santa Claus to ask for help. And he replies: "I cannot help. I have no time, I am preparing for the New Year."

Meanwhile, my daughter ran to mother Zima and said:
- The wind is very kind. He helps everyone. I told him that I wanted to learn to dance, and he taught me. Here, look, - and she started dancing.

Daughter, you dance very beautifully, - Zima praised her daughter.

Mom, but why are you so sad? Probably tired, preparing for the New Year?

No, it's just that I have a lot to do, - my mother answered, - and you run and play.

Zima told him everything, and invited her to fly to the Wind to ask Sneg what to name her daughter.

They flew to the Snow, and Winter says:
- Snow brother, you probably know that my daughter was born?

I know, because I do not appear on earth by myself, but thanks to your daughter. She helps me.

Help me come up with a name for my daughter, - asked Winter.

I know what name to give her - Snowflake. On my behalf - Snow.

This is how they called Winter's daughter Snowflake. And they all cheerfully celebrated the New Year together.


Come up with your own names for different seasons and explain why you named them that way.
What would you name a snowflake if you didn't know its name?
What other kids does Mama Zima have, and what are their names? (Blizzard, ice floe, frost, snow maiden, etc.) Draw winter gifts that different children of Winter will prepare for people. From each other's drawings, children guess which children of winter gave people certain gifts.
What things should Mom Winter do for the New Year? Draw the most important winter things to do.

Not all children enjoy listening to fairy tales. Especially boys. But you need to teach the child to listen, otherwise in the future he will not have enough attentiveness and perseverance. And therefore, many parents are wondering how to come up with a fairy tale on their own so that it is interesting to their baby. In fact, there is nothing difficult about writing stories. And you can even write down the ones you especially like later.

Where to begin?

First you need to find out what exactly your child is interested in, since the fairy tale will be focused on him and his interests. Additionally, you can read some of the most popular stories from your childhood. Already on the basis of all this, you can draw up an approximate plan for the development of events in a fairy tale. And of course, you need the main characters.


Modern children are quite developed, with early years they learn the world, animal including. Many kids adore various representatives of the fauna, which prompts parents to write with such characters in the main roles. Before talking about animals, ask which ones your child likes. For example, some love elephants and hippos, while others love crocodiles or lions. A fairy tale must be kind, instructive and have a scientific basis. That is, the description of animals should be as they are in wildlife. This will further form a certain type of thinking in this matter.

Fairy tale characters

One of the most interesting characters are fabulous creatures and characters. Before you come up with a fairy tale, again you need to consult with the child to find out who he likes best. For example, boys usually like various superheroes and animated boy toys (cars, trains, airplanes, and others). Girls, on the other hand, prefer fairies, sorceresses, princesses and other beautiful heroines. How to come up with a fairy tale about them yourself? If fantasy is not enough at all, then you can simply retell one of the cartoons that the child likes. Although the baby will be able to recognize such a small deception. Therefore, before coming up with a fairy tale, you should not just watch cartoons, but also think over the concept of the main characters' adventures on your own. For example, the same Spider-Man can be sent to visit Cheburashka, and Gena the Crocodile - to a swimming competition with Turtle Tortilla. In fairy tales, you can mix characters so that the child can pay attention to different characters.


If you have free time and desire, then you can draw a whole book where invented stories with illustrations to them will be written. The child will appreciate it. The process of creating such magic will bring a lot of joy. And some children even begin to experience a special feeling of importance and significance, because he makes his own fairy tale. This is real magic. Before you come up with a fairy tale, ask your kid what exactly he wants: just a story for the night or a whole homemade book. Already starting from this, you can plan your actions.

Fast writing

Many parents who are wondering how to come up with a fairy tale on their own do not even immediately come to the idea that the easiest option is to tell about their own child. That is, in a comic form, there is a story about how mom and dad were really looking forward to their son or their daughter, they were glad of his / her appearance, they began to buy toys, deal with their baby. In children's perception, this will be regarded as a real fairy tale and magic. There is no need to invent anything here: you just need to tell about your love for the child in a special manner.

Favorite toy and story about it

How can you come up with a fairy tale yet? Surely the kid has a favorite toy with which he spends the most time. Tell your child about it before bed. This will be the very tale he was waiting for. For example, how his favorite little train rides on the rails, misses his friend when he is in the kindergarten or at a party, how he loves his rails, without which he simply cannot go. The kid will be interested to learn about the "life" of his toy. In addition, it will not bring him anxiety before going to bed, which means the night will pass peacefully.

Household and instructive legends

Before you come up with an everyday fairy tale, pay attention to what your baby is fond of, and what does not interest him at all from the everyday environment. You need to write exactly what the child does not like, but present it in such a way as to intrigue him. For example, those who do not like to clean up toys after themselves should tell a fairy tale about how toys worry and cry at night, because they are not in their beds (boxes, boxes, bags). Write a story about how good it is when the room is tidy, how magical creatures that come out at night praise the child for being neat and meticulous. In such a comic form, a certain congestion for neatness and obedience is formed. If persuasion and threats cannot be achieved, then a fairy tale is able to persuade even the most

What cannot be told?

Under no circumstances should you compose horror stories so as not to scare the baby. The ending of a fairy tale should always be pleasant, kind and good. Only in this way will the child sleep well, see normal dreams. It is noteworthy that child psychologists recommend telling such tales that end with the same phrase. For example, "and they lay down in their beds and fell asleep." If from an early age you compose stories with such an ending, then a certain reflex will be developed, signaling the end of the day, readiness for sleep. It's like brushing your teeth daily in the evening or taking a bath / shower. The brain will immediately tune in to sleep, even if the baby is very active or overexcited. You cannot compose fairy tales with punishments. That is, there is no need to tell what "babayki" or "evil aunts" are carrying away. First, various fears will develop, which are already enough in early age... Secondly, such tales do not bring pleasure and tranquility. But this is their main task!


You can write about anything. Even if there is very little fantasy or fatigue overcomes. How to come up with a bedtime story yourself quickly? Just talk about how the kid spent the day. For example, "Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha, who got up every morning and went to the kindergarten ..." And then just retell the whole day of her daughter or son. In addition, older children themselves suggest what they would like to hear before going to bed. Don't be afraid to experiment! If the fairy tale "did not go" right away, then just change it to another on the fly. Yes, and those you read earlier as a child fairy tales you can also retell it in your own words, and not from a book.

Good day, dear readers!

Fairy tales I have always loved, and not only to listen, but also to compose. Why did I decide to write exactly about how to come up with a fairy tale myself? Firstly, as I said, I have been doing this for a long time, and I really like it! Why do I give advice? I did not send many fairy tales to the light, so to speak, but at least two of them found a response in the hearts of not only the readers, but also the impartial jury. The first of them was written during a difficult period of my life, when my eldest son was seriously ill. It was a fairy tale "", for which the Nestle company, which organized a fairy tale contest, gave me washing machine for the 1st place taken. Thanks to them to this day! At that time it was very, very important to me!

And today I invite you visit a fairy tale, a fairy tale invented by you!

So, what is a FAIRY TALE?

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

A fairy tale is a fictional story in which anything can happen that is inconceivable in real life, and which, as a rule, ends well and happily!

And they lived happily ever after!

A fairy tale is a kind helper in raising a child and yourself! With the help of a fairy tale, one can not only believe, but also embody magic and miracles in reality ...

A fairy tale can become a cherished magic wand in the hands of, oh, sorry, in the mouth of a caring mother. After all, she is the main pill in. What is fairy tale therapy? This treatment is a fairy tale. What diseases are treated with a fairy tale? A fairy tale treats severe and light forms of aprizites, nehochuhits and leniites... And besides, a fairy tale is the most pleasant medicine in all medicine, which everyone will like!

Every mother, by her nature, is capable of fairy tale therapy from birth. After all, the mother intuitively knows how and in what form to present the baby with this or that life lesson... Why not mother's tale: persuading the baby not to take off his hat on the street, to say that the ears must be hidden, otherwise the prankster wind will take and take away the ears for a while ... And what are we going to do without the ears? After all, in order to return them, you will have to drink bitter medicines and lie in bed all day ...

Every mother in her shower (she may not even know about it) is real and the best in the world storyteller.


In order for your own fairy tale to be born, you need a little imagination, desire and time! Well, what shall we try?

Wake up your imagination.

Imagination, like talent, slumbers in each of us. True, for some, it slumbers, and for others, it sleeps soundly. But this is fixable. The main thing is to believe in your creative streak and push it a little, and then, if you wish, it will slowly move along the rails. fabulous ideas gradually accelerating its course.

Imagination- this is the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary, the creation of images and plots, the revival of the inanimate and unreal. Imagination works on certain raw materials, the processing of which creates a fairy tale. Raw materials for the imagination can be found everywhere. These can be life situations (failures and problems, successes and achievements). Paintings by artists, classical and contemporary music, images from the world of cinema and already well-known fairy tales can serve as a source of inspiration. Solitude with nature is capable of awakening ideas even in the head "tired" of worldly worries.

Talking to your child can help stimulate your imagination. With leading questions, the kid himself will answer what and how should happen in the fairy tale. Compose a fairy tale with children- fun and educational. After all, they have the most interesting and vivid imagination!

Unleash your imagination and bring life to life. Let the door speak, the bed starts playing before going to bed, or the road runs away from under your feet ...

Dream about yourself by describing the dream as a fairy tale. But! Attention! This method is able to bring a MIRACLE from unreality to reality and make your dream come true. So be positive!

And also awaken inspiration can be done through meditation. Meditation- This is relaxation of the body in order to "release" and control your thoughts and emotions. During and after meditations, kind and gentle stories are born.

A magic mantra for inspiration will help you feel the state of flight and soaring. Fill your soul with energy, strength and inspiration.

Come up with a main character

The protagonist of the fairy tale- the pivot around which events and miracles revolve. The main character can be your child, or a boy or a girl, whose behavior is very similar to your baby. The main character can be a favorite toy, a cartoon character, an animal or a bird, a car, an ordinary pine cone, dishes, a table, a computer, or a telephone. Anything!

Give the hero some common and unusual qualities. For example, to revive the table is already unusual in itself, but at the same time you can still do your homework on it, moreover, traveling around the world.

Sketch a plan for a future fairy tale

That is, prepare in advance. Think about what or who your story will be about. What exactly do you want to convey to the listener. Write a plan. The plan should include:

  • The beginning of the story (where? Who? When?)
  • Incident (what happened? Conflict, problem)
  • Overcoming difficulties (solving riddles, finding a way out of the situation)
  • Outcome (return or other completion of the tale)

Of course, this is a very, very rough plan. Well, here's a sample plan for everyone famous fairy tale"Kolobok":

  1. House of grandparents. Grandfather asks grandmother to bake a bun.
  2. The baked gingerbread man comes to life and runs away.
  3. The gingerbread man successfully runs away from danger in the form of a hare, a wolf and a bear.
  4. And there is a hole in the old woman, the fox has outwitted the kolobok.

A very interesting and easy planning of a fairy tale can be embodied in creating a baby fairy tale. Fairy tale - baby, this is a very small tale, a couple of paragraphs long. A baby fairy tale is invented literally on the go. For example: baby fairy tale about a balloon.

Once upon a time there was a ball. For a very long time he lay small and deflated in big box with other balls of the same kind, dreaming of seeing bright sunlight one day. And then one day, he was in the hands of a man. The man began to inflate him. The ball began to grow, becoming larger and larger. He was no longer wrinkled and ugly. Now it was a big red balloon, ready to fly into the sky. But man, gave it little child... And the kid was holding the ball firmly in his hand.

I liked the ball so much that he really didn’t want to play with the child. And all the time he tried to break free. And then a breeze blew, and the ball, taking advantage of the opportunity, twitched and escaped from small palms. The ball soared into the sky. And he flew higher and higher. He was so happy about his freedom that he began to laugh out loud. So much so that he could not stop until he burst and fell back to the ground ...

If you train on baby fairy tales, then over time you will easily come up with voluminous and interesting fairy tales!

Redo an old tale

Take any fairy tale as a basis and change something in it. Introduce a new character into the fairy tale or endow the old one with new character traits or capabilities. For example, let Masha, lost in the forest, find herself not in the house of tidy bears, but in the house of three pigs. Or, the bun will not be appetizing and fragrant, but callous and angry, from which all the animals ran and hid, and only the fox came up with a way to save the forest dwellers (for example, return the bun to grandparents and make croutons out of it).

Children are always interested in what happens next? For example, who did Buratino become when he grew up? Or, what happened to Alyonushka and her monster husband after the wedding, and what would happen if the scarlet flower scattered the seeds and multiplied?

Or, take a number of associative words from a fairy tale and add some completely different word to them. For example, the tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". The associative array can be as follows: wolf, kids, goat, cabbage, voice and add a new word - telephone. Well, what happens now in history?

Play word games

The words- cells of a fabulous creation. You can play with them, maybe something new will be born.

Take two different words(you can ask someone to tell you the words, or poke your finger in a book at random). And come up with a couple of stories with these words.

For example, take the words - castle and deer... Here are the plots you can think of:

1. A deer came to the princess's castle every day at the same time and tried to reach the apple tree behind the fence.

2. In the castle of one king there lived a beautiful deer who could speak.

3. Once upon a time there was an amazing deer who wore a whole castle on its horns.

Take contradictions and come up with a story. For example, fire and water, incomplete work and redistribution, a beautiful and ugly princess, a microplane and an airplane, a king and a servant, summer and winter.

Write out a few headlines from magazines, newspapers, and books. Stir and pick three of them at random. Find common ground and write a story. Sometimes from the seemingly gibberish itself, a brilliant work is born, for example, "Alice in Wonderland" by L. Carroll.


Find a listener and tell him a story

The storyteller definitely needs those who love fairy tales. Tell a fairy tale in simple words and simple sentences... Use vivid descriptive imagery and as many adjectives as possible. Play actively in intonation and voice, speaking louder and mysteriously quieter.

Tell your essay to your loved one, mom, friend, neighbor. And best of all to the most grateful listener -! Share it without even asking to rate it. You will see the assessment of your fairy tale in their eyes…. And most likely she will inspire you to new feats!

Meet my latest fairy tale ""! Perhaps it will be yours Starting point to the country of Good Storytellers!

The talent of a storyteller will not be born by itself. He is like a grain in the ground, in order to grow, he needs efforts and time. However, it is worth it to turn into a beautiful one day Blooming tree... A tree that looks nothing like anyone else and is beautiful in its own way!

Here the fairy tales end, and who listened - Well done!