The plot of the work 13 is the feat of Hercules. "The thirteenth feat of Hercules" main characters

“All the mathematicians that I had to meet in school and after school were sloppy people, weak-willed and quite brilliant.”

But one mathematician in our school was different from all the others. He was neither weak-willed nor slovenly.

“His name was Kharlampy Diogenovich. Like Pythagoras, he was of Greek origin. He appeared in our class since the new school year ...

He immediately established exemplary silence in our class. The silence was so terrible that sometimes the director frightenedly opened the door, because he could not understand whether we were there or had fled to the stadium.

The stadium was next to the school yard ... "

Children often ran to the stadium, which irritated the headmaster very much. But not from math lessons!

The teacher knows how to subtly ridicule a delinquent student. No one wants to be the object of his wit.

He “imperiously and calmly held the class in his hands ... It was almost useless to copy from him, because he immediately recognized the copied work and began to ridicule it ...

student retreating from school rules, - not a lazy person, not a lazybones, not a hooligan, but simply funny man. Or rather, not just funny, perhaps many would agree to this, but some kind of offensively funny. Funny, not realizing that he is funny, or the last to know about it ...

The whole class is laughing at you. Everyone laughs against one."

Once the object of ridicule is the hero-narrator. He failed to solve his homework. And he waved it off: probably the answer in the textbook is wrong!

“Next to me sat a quiet and modest student. His name was Adolf Komarov. Now he called himself Alik and even wrote Alik on his notebook, because the war had begun and he did not want to be teased by Hitler. All the same, everyone remembered his name before, and on occasion reminded him of this.

I liked to talk, and he liked to sit quietly. We were put together to influence each other, but, in my opinion, nothing came of it. Everyone stayed the way they were."

Adolf solved the problem. The hero becomes more and more uncomfortable. But suddenly a nurse comes into the classroom. The school is vaccinated against typhoid. It's better to be vaccinated than to be ridiculed with your unsolved problem!

“I was not afraid of injections, because they gave me a lot of injections for malaria, and these are the most disgusting of all injections in existence.”

But the white coats are looking for the fifth "A". The boy is studying in the fifth "B".

- Can I show them where the fifth "A" is? I said, emboldened with fear.

This class was in one of the outbuildings at school yard, and the doctor could really get confused ... "

The doctor says that class "B" will be given injections in the next lesson. The boy, hoping to avoid embarrassment in the math class, invents that class "B" in the next lesson is going to the museum in an organized manner.

The doctor and nurse decide to go to the fifth B. Many children are afraid of injections, especially Alik Komarov.

“With every minute he became stricter and paler. He kept looking at the doctor's needle...

His back was as hard as a board from the tension...”

Alik almost fainted during the injection. The narrator, nicknamed the "painter" by the doctors, behaves heroically.

But here is the procedure.

“Open the window,” said Kharlampy Diogenovich, taking his seat. He wanted the spirit of hospital freedom to leave the classroom with the smell of medicine.

- As you know, Hercules performed twelve labors ... - he said. — One young man wanted to correct Greek mythology.

And accomplished the thirteenth feat...

We immediately understood from his voice what a false and useless feat it was, because if Hercules had needed to perform thirteen labors, he would have performed them himself, and since he stopped at twelve, it means that it was necessary and there was nothing to climb with your amendments.

— Hercules performed his exploits like a brave man. And this young man did his feat out of cowardice ... "

The trickster is still called to the board. In the home task, we are talking about an artillery shell.

“An artillery shell…” the schoolboy mutters.

Kharlampy Diogenovich makes fun of him:

- Did you swallow the projectile? Then ask the military instructor to clear mines for you ...

The whole class laughed.

“Sakharov laughed, trying not to stop being an excellent student during laughter. Even Shurik Avdeenko, the gloomiest person in our class, whom I saved from the inevitable deuce, laughed.

Komarov laughed, who, although he is now called Alik, but as he was, he remained Adolf.

“Since then, I have become more serious about homework ... Later, I noticed that almost all people are afraid of seeming ridiculous. Women and poets are especially afraid of seeming ridiculous...

Of course, being too afraid of looking funny isn't very smart, but it's far worse not to be afraid of it at all."

"The thirteenth feat of Hercules" the main characters of the story by Fazily Iskander

"13 feat of Hercules" main characters

  • The narratormain character, 5-B grade student
  • Kharlampy Diogenovich- mathematic teacher
  • Shurik Avdeenko- study poorly. When the teacher laughs at him, calling him a "black swan," Avdeenko "sits furiously bending over his notebook, showing the powerful efforts of the mind and will thrown into solving the problem." He has a sullen, tanned face, and is long and awkward. Shurik is not even happy when he is finally given an injection. The narrator calls him "the darkest man in our class".
  • Alik Komarov- Most afraid of injections. Alik's real name is Adolf, but the war started, the boy was teased, and he wrote "Alik" on his notebook. He is a "quiet and humble student". The narrator says of him: “He was sitting over his open notebook, neat, thin and quiet, and because his hands were on the blotter, he seemed even quieter. He had such a stupid habit - to keep his hands on a blotter, from which I could not wean him. While Alik is being injected, freckles appear on his face. He is reddish, and the narrator thinks that the boy would probably be teased as red if there was no real redhead in the class.
  • Sakharov- excellent student. Even while laughing, he tries not to stop being an excellent student. The narrator says this about him: “- Correct,” he nods his head to me with such disgusting confidence on an intelligent, conscientious face that I immediately hated him for his well-being..

Each hero of this story is remembered for a long time, because the author highlights the main, main features of the appearance and character of the hero, and focuses on them, emphasizing Avdeenko's gloom several times, Sakharov's well-being and Alik's modesty and invisibility.

"13 feat of Hercules" characteristic of the protagonist

The protagonist of the story is a smart, mischievous and crafty boy. He, like many boys, loves to play football, sometimes he cannot cope with the task, laughs with everyone at his classmates, whom Kharlampy Diogenovich puts in a ridiculous position.
The hero treats classmates in a friendly way, with irony. The narrator is observant and accurately describes the main features of his friends. He notices the constant well-being of Sakharov, who, even laughing, tries to remain an excellent student, notices the modesty and invisibility of Alik Komarov and the gloom of Shurik Avdeenko. But Kharlampy Diogenovich has no favorites in the class. Anyone can be funny. And here comes the moment. when the class laughs at the main character.
The main character did not cope with the task in mathematics. Instead of asking for help from his comrades, he up the lessons and fell to football, convincing himself that the answer in the textbook is wrong. Then he tried to evade responsibility for his actions by tricking and deceiving doctors into giving injections during a math lesson. When he finds himself at the blackboard and does not find the strength to honestly admit that he did not solve the problem, Kharlampy Diogenovich understands why the doctors came specifically to the mathematics lesson. The teacher does not punish the student with laughter, but his cowardice. He says that the narrator performed "the thirteenth feat of Hercules", that is, a feat that actually did not exist, which is not a feat at all. Yes, he changed the situation, but he changed it not out of noble motives, but out of cowardice.
The hero during the development of events experiences a variety of feelings. At first, he resents the "wrong" task. Then his conscience calmed down. After a conversation with Sakharov, he got scared: “I got scared and scolded myself for first agreeing with the football player that the task was wrong, and then disagreeing with the excellent student that it was right. And now Kharlampy Diogenovich probably noticed my excitement and will be the first to call me. After calling the duty officer, the hero breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to the teacher for the respite. Then he experienced cowardly hope and disappointment when "the sudden hope that had lit up our class with its snow-white robe disappeared." He became insolent with fear and boldly offered to show where the fifth "A" was, even thinking up an excuse for himself. He then lied to the doctor that their class was going to the museum, and slyly convinced them to return to the fifth B. He himself cowardly ran forward in order to "eliminate the connection between himself and their arrival." The hero felt some gloating when the nurse rubbed his back with cotton after the injection. After the doctor left, the boy was alarmed when the teacher began to click the beads of his rosary: ​​"I felt that there was a smell of some kind of danger in the air." From the look of Kharlampiy Diogenovich, “my heart slammed into my back,” says the narrator. He did not go to the blackboard, but “slagged” towards it. The hero never wanted to become funny, but the teacher proved that cowardice and lies are actually funny, and no tricks can help hide these bad qualities.
In conclusion, the narrator says: “Since then, I have become more serious about homework and have never meddle with the football players with unsolved problems.”
The author has a philosophical attitude to his hero: a little detached and ironic. At the end of the story, the author speaks no longer on behalf of a fifth grader, but on behalf of a person who has already become an adult, and says that the method of Kharlampy Diogenovich taught him a lot: a person with a good sense of humor."

Teacher characteristic

Mathematic teacher — «<…>There was one mathematician in our school who was different from all the others.<…>
His name was Kharlampy Diogenovich. Like Pythagoras, he was of Greek origin.
The main weapon of Kharlampy Diogenovich is to make a person funny, to educate with laughter. Nobody wants to be funny.
The teacher revealed to the whole class what the main character was hiding from himself: all his cunning actions were dictated by cowardice. And there was nothing to argue. The deuce, which he so diligently tried to avoid, would have been just a salvation for him, but this was also unrealizable. Better a deuce than the laughter of the whole class. "The long-awaited bell, like a funeral bell, tore through the laughter of the whole class."

Option 1

A new mathematics teacher Kharlampy Diogenovich appears at the school. From the first minutes of his appearance at school, he manages to establish "exemplary silence" in the lessons. Kharlampy Diogenovich immediately intrigued his pupils by the fact that he never raised his voice, did not force him to study, did not threaten to call his parents to school. Humor was his main weapon. If the student was somehow guilty, Kharlampy Diogenovich joked with him, and the whole class could not help laughing.

Once a student of the 5th "B" class (from whom the narration is being conducted), having not learned his homework, came to a lesson with Kharlampy Diogenovich. The boy was very afraid that after going to the blackboard with his homework, he would become a target for his teacher's sparkling humor. Some time after the start of the lesson, a doctor entered the classroom along with a nurse who were vaccinating against typhus among the students of the school. They were looking for 5 "A", but mistakenly entered a parallel class. To protect himself from going to the blackboard, the student-narrator volunteered to take the doctors to the lesson by 5 "A". Moreover, while they were walking through the corridors of the school, the "valiant" fifth-grader managed to convince the doctors to start vaccination in 5 "B". Thus, he managed to save himself and his classmates from the inevitable deuce and humor of the teacher.

After the doctoral "executions" that disrupted the lesson, there was very little time left before the bell bell, and during this period Kharlampy Diogenovich decided to listen to the solution of the homework from our fifth grader. The hero, who had just saved the class, could not escape either the sarcasm of his teacher or the laughter of his classmates. Since then, he has become much more responsible in approaching homework. This feat was not due to courage, but due to cowardice, due to the fact that he did not homework mathematics.

Option 2

In Fazil Iskander's story "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules", the story is told on behalf of a boy who studies in the fifth grade of a men's school in Georgia.

The story takes place during the war. We learn about this from the narrator himself, who teases his desk mate named Adolf.

The protagonist of the story is a smart, mischievous and crafty boy. He, like many boys, loves to play football, sometimes he cannot cope with the task, laughs with everyone at his classmates, whom Kharlampy Diogenovich, the teacher, puts in a ridiculous position.

The hero treats his classmates in a friendly manner, with irony. The narrator is observant and accurately describes the main features of his friends. He notices the constant well-being of Sakharov, who, even laughing, tries to remain an excellent student, notices the modesty and invisibility of Alik Komarov and the gloom of Shurik Avdeenko. But Kharlampy Diogenovich has no favorites in the class. Anyone can be funny. And then the moment comes when the class laughs at the main character.

The main character did not cope with the task in mathematics. Instead of asking for help from his comrades, he played football before the lessons, convincing himself that the answer in the textbook was wrong. Then he tried to evade responsibility for his actions by tricking and deceiving doctors into giving injections during a math lesson. When he finds himself at the blackboard and does not find the strength to honestly admit that he did not solve the problem, Kharlampy Diogenovich understands why the doctors came specifically to the mathematics lesson.

The teacher does not punish the student with laughter, but his cowardice. He says that the narrator performed "the thirteenth feat of Hercules", that is, a feat that actually did not exist, which is not a feat at all. Yes, he changed the situation, but he changed it not out of noble motives, but out of cowardice.

Very short for a reader's diary

The work "The Thirteenth Feat of Hercules" by Fazil Iskander was published in 1964. From the very beginning of the work, a certain similarity with the stories is visible. Ancient Greece. The very title of the work tells the reader that the story will be connected with myths. Everyone knows about the twelve labors of Hercules, so it is interesting to read what the new labor of Hercules was. In the end, it turns out that this is not a feat at all.

For the main idea of ​​the work, you can take the fact that in fact laughter makes it possible to look at a person with different sides, to see hidden features, helps to recognize mistakes so that you do not make them in the future.

Read the summary of Iskander The thirteenth feat of Hercules

The next academic year is coming, and a new teacher of mathematics Kharlampy Diogenovich comes to school. This man immediately stood out among his colleagues, was very serious and intelligent. An incredible silence and discipline reigned in his classroom. The director could not get used to the fact that the new teacher could calm the children in such a way, and that the children were in the classroom during the lesson.

The class calmed down only at the sight of the teacher at the door of the office, and the silence lasted until the end. From time to time laughter was heard from the class, it was Kharlampy Diogenovich who sometimes distracted the children with his jokes, laughed himself and amused the children. Once a student was late for his lesson, and Kharlampy paid him respect as the main one, gave him the way to the class, and after that he came up with the nickname "Prince of Wales". Another feature of the teacher was that he did not scold the students and did not call their parents to him.

When it came time to write the control, everyone wrote with their own minds and did not copy off, because they knew that Kharlampy Diogenovich would immediately figure out the deceiver and, in addition, would laugh. So, once the narrator himself became a reason for ridicule. Before one of the next lessons of mathematics, he could not solve the problem. The narrator did not manage to cope with the task that was given home, he went to school. There he found out that other students also did not quite succeed in the task, and not all of them had the same solution as the answer. This calmed the narrator a little, and he, forgetting about the tasks, went to run and chase the ball.

Before the lesson, the narrator was sure that the smartest student in the class, Sakharov, of course, coped with the task. As it turned out, the boy with whom the narrator was sitting also had a solved problem. Then the lesson began and the narrator was determined that he would be called. But at the beginning of the lesson, when everyone was waiting for the survey to begin, a doctor and a nurse came into the classroom, they had to find the "A" class, since they were supposed to be vaccinated. The narrator, not at a loss, volunteered to help them find a class, to which the teacher agreed. While seeing off the doctors, he found out that they want to give injections to their class through the lesson, and therefore he tells the doctor that he and the class were just about to go to the museum. The narrator ran ahead of the doctor to the office, and found that Shurik Avdeenko was standing near the blackboard trying to solve the problem, but he failed to give an explanation. The teacher ordered Shurik to go to his place, and praised him for the right task Adolf.

Soon the doctors came and said that the children needed to be vaccinated and asked the teacher to let them go from the lesson. Avdeenko was the first to undergo the procedure. Everything went well, the boy was not afraid, but rather rejoiced, because instead of a task, he went for an injection. Komarov Adolf turned pale, he was frightened, and despite the consolations of his desk mate, he could not calm down. After the injection, he became even worse, and the doctors were even forced to give the boy ammonia. The narrator at this time was proud of himself, and boasted that he did not feel pain at all, but this was only boasting. After the vaccinations, the doctors left.

There was still time before the end of the lesson and the teacher decided to tell the children about the exploits of Hercules, and another person who decided to add a feat to the thirteenth, thereby changing the mythology of Greece. The teacher only explained that the feat was due to cowardice, and for what purpose, he asked the main character to tell. And then the teacher calls the boy to the blackboard and asks for an explanation of how he solved his homework. The narrator kept trying to play for time, but this did not help, on the contrary, he looked ridiculous and funny.

This incident had a positive effect on the student, after which he became more accommodating and responsible for the performance of his work. Reasoning, the boy realized that it is bad when a person ceases to be afraid to seem ridiculous. After all, this may not affect him in the best way.

Picture or drawing The thirteenth feat of Hercules

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The story "The thirteenth feat of Hercules" was written by Fazil Iskander in 1964. Like all the works of this famous writer, it is permeated with humor and subtle irony. Despite the small prose form, the story raises important issues of honor and responsibility for one's actions. If there is no time to read the story in the original, then you can read brief retelling and analysis of the work. Check out summary"The thirteenth feat of Hercules" by Iskander, who is his main character.

The hero of Iskander's work is a smart and observant boy. And the narrator is an adult who chuckles, remembering himself in school age. As a boy, he did not yet realize what an important lesson that taught him wise teacher mathematics.

The Iskander schoolboy only wanted to outwit the teacher, whom he respected and feared at the same time..

At the beginning of the year, a new mathematics teacher came to the school, who was different from other, usually absent-minded and slovenly teachers of this exact science. His name was Kharlampy Diogenovich. In an incomprehensible way, he influenced the students so much that there was always silence in his lessons and absolute discipline was maintained. If earlier the director was afraid that schoolchildren might run away from classes to a nearby stadium, then with the advent of a new mathematician, the children did not even think about this.

Kharlampy Diogenovich never raised his voice, did not threaten to call his parents to school, and did not intimidate the students in any way. His method, oddly enough, was humor, with which he ridiculed the delinquent schoolboy. The teacher could, skillfully using inconsistencies, make a person look ridiculous. At the same time, the entire mutual responsibility of the disciples fell apart and the guilty person found himself without support, alone with his misconduct.

For example, a mathematician who was late for a lesson, entering the classroom, let himself in front of him as a “dear guest”, followed his gaze while he shyly scuttles to his desk and uttered an ironic comparison: “Prince of Wales”. The class laughed, and the student, after such a shame, involuntarily repented and tried not to fall into such a stupid position anymore.

But here Kharlampy Diogenovich goes to his table, sits down, and the class immediately falls silent. The lesson starts. All children are gathered, preparing to receive knowledge or answer homework. Nobody wants to be ridiculed.

It is the same on the tests - the mathematician does not walk between desks, peering intently at the children's notebooks and does not listen to every rustle.

He sits calmly in his place, turning over the rosary. But no one thinks to write off, because Kharlampy Diogenovich from the first line recognizes the written off work and laughs at it in front of the whole class.

So, for example, a student of Avdeenko, on the next control, in order to write off, sat in a strange position, stretching his neck. He looked funny and ridiculous. The mathematician immediately compared him to a swan that could break its neck, and jokingly asked Sakharov, an excellent student, to sit next to Avdeenko, so that the latter's neck would not be hurt after all.

Important! By this method, the teacher wanted to awaken in the student a feeling dignity. Being funny is much more offensive than even being branded as a bully or a lazybones.

Useful video: a brief retelling of F. Iskander "The 13th feat of Hercules"

Vaccination will not save

FROM Following his method, Kharlampy Diogenovich was fair with everyone, he made no exception for anyone. And once the protagonist of the story also could not escape the punishment of laughter. The boy could not solve the problem given at home.

Instead of thinking logically, he began to compare his result with the ready-made answer, but the numbers did not converge in any way, and he waved his hand at the problem, hoping that before the lesson he would copy off someone's solution.

He came to school two hours earlier and, having learned that a classmate had not done his homework either, calmly ran to play football. But then the time for classes came up and it turned out that basically the guys coped with the task, even the weak Komarov, the neighbor of our hero on the desk. Justifying himself, the boy began to argue with the excellent student Sakharov about the correctness of the decision. This was accidentally seen by Kharlampy Diogenovich.

The lesson began, and the hero waited in horror for the teacher to call him to the blackboard. But the mathematician was in no hurry. The door suddenly opened and a doctor and a nurse entered the classroom. The school was just vaccinating children against typhus. Our hero was already delighted, but the doctors needed, first of all, not their class, but 5 "A". Then the boy, himself surprised at his impudence, offered to take the doctors to the wing where the parallel class was studying. After all, this would have delayed his shame with an unlearned lesson for a few minutes. Kharlampy Diogenovich, raising his eyebrows, released the hero to help the medical workers.

On the way to the wing, the boy, having entered into a taste of unpunished lies, told the doctors that it was better for his class to get injections immediately, because the next lesson was planned to go to the museum. The doctors heeded his advice and returned to the classroom, where Shurik Avdeenko, a C student, was standing at the blackboard and agonizing over the task.

Interesting! Our hero, having brought the doctors, felt like a real savior of the unfortunate Shurik.

The teacher, shrugging his shoulders, gave way to the doctors, and sat down at the desk with a sad and slightly offended face. The first on the list was the gloomy Avdeenko, and the hero's neighbor on the desk, thin Alik Komarov, began to worry and tremble with fear. The boy tried in every possible way to calm him down, bragging that he, as a chronic "painter", was given a "thousand" of injections - and nothing. But the phrase that injections are not scary, the main thing is that they don’t hit the bone, it seems, only aggravated the situation.

When Alik became ill during the vaccination and was put on a chair, our hero decided not to miss the chance, and shouted that it was urgent to call " ambulance”, hoping, apparently, to extend the time until the end of the lesson. The teacher looked at him angrily, and the nurse simply gave Komarov a sniff of ammonia, and he immediately came to his senses.

All the secret becomes clear

When the doctors vaccinated all the children and left, there were still a few minutes left before the end of the lesson. Usually in such a situation, Kharlampy Diogenovich, turning over his rosary, told the children something instructive from Greek mythology.

This time he turned to the exploits of the famous strongman Hercules. As you know, he had 12 legendary feats. But today, according to the teacher, a certain young man decided to supplement the mythology with the thirteenth.

This, perhaps, is commendable, but only Hercules was a real hero and performed feats for the sake of people. And this young man did his feat out of cowardice,” said the teacher. “Let's find out in the name of what this feat was accomplished…” Then our hero of the story, who did not suspect what the teacher was getting at, suddenly realized that the hour of reckoning had come.

Kharlampy Diogenovich called the boy to the blackboard and began to ask the solution to the problem. But he, of course, could not say anything, except for the first two words from her condition: “Artillery shell ...” The hero repeated these words three times, praying to God that the bell would ring from the lesson soon, but there was still no ringing and the boy’s position became more funnier. “Did you accidentally swallow an artillery shell? Kharlampy Diogenovich asked with sincere curiosity. The class burst into laughter, and the lesson bell sounded like a funeral bell for the hero through this laughter.

Important! After this incident, the boy began to take his homework more seriously. He was not offended or angry at the teacher, but, on the contrary, was grateful to him for the lesson, for the fact that the mathematician could heal children's souls with laughter, while forming healthy self-criticism skills and adequate self-esteem in the children.

Useful video: "The thirteenth feat of Hercules" - in 5 minutes!


This material will help you compose a summary of the story about the 13th feat of Hercules, if there was such a task in a literature lesson. You can easily cope with the retelling of the work, as the main storyline is set out in some detail. From the story, every student can learn a useful lesson for himself, which is that homework should always be done and treated responsibly.

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