Krylov's fables are positive and negative characters. The mockery of laziness in the fable I

To complete the task of Part 2, choose ONLY ONE of the suggested topics (2.1-2.4). In the letterhead from-ve-tov, indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write-p-shi-te-no-nie in a volume of at least 200 words (if the volume of chi-no-niya less than 150 words, then it is estimated-ni-wa-em-Xia 0 points).

Describe-paradise-tes on the text of li-te-ra-round-pro-of-ve-de-nii, teach-you-wai-te-zi-tsiyu av-to-ra, attract-kai- those not-about-ho-di-my theo-re-ti-ko-li-te-ra-round-ny-tia, ra-open-wai-those own-ny-ny-de-ny Problems. In co-chi-ne-nii according to li-ri-ke not-ob-ho-di-mo pro-ana-li-zi-ro-vat at least two st-ho-to-re-nii.

2.4. How to reveal in the ly-ric of A.S. Push-ki-on the theme of creativity, poet and e-zii (for example, 2-3 -ho-you-re-niy)?


Comments to the so-chi-no-no-yam

2.1. What role do the images of plants and animals play in The Lay of the Regiment of Igo-re-ve?

It is difficult to name another kind of thing, in which the events of people's lives and because of the change in the nature were would be so closely merged. And this is fusion, the unity of people and the nature of usi-li-va-et, the meaning of pro-is-ho-dya-shche-go, usi-li-va- et drama-tism.

Grass and de-re-vya from-zy-va-yut-sya on the way of-the Russians: the grass is nik-no, de-re-vya from grief to the ground or ro- nyat-woo. The author of the "Lay" notes those changes in nature, which are called out in it by the way man-ve-th -skoy history. Oleg's inter-personal wars will lead to the abandonment of arable lands. In the fate of the Russian-ro-da, they take part in the rivers, then the zo-woo-s of Prince Igor to the be-de, then the sympathy -shchie and in-my-ha-yu-shchie him. Na-blu-da-tel-ness of the av-to-ra is especially vividly manifested in the description of flight. Igor had to run away in the main way at night, and during the day to hide in the dense coastal behind-the-growing steppe rivers. Oh, do-not-do-do-wait-whether they are sensitive to the approach of the man, the seagulls. According to their ve-de-niyu, Igor could judge whether everything was okay.

The knowledge of the steppe nature is ska-zy-va-va-sya and where the author of the Lay says that the woodpeckers, with their knock, showed Igor the way to river. The steppe river, behind-straight-tav-shu-yu-sya in deep-bo-coy to-l-not, from-whether it is not visible, not visible and the trees growing in the steppe only along the banks of rivers, but on the presence of de-re-viev, and then-to-va-tel-but, and the rivers, Igor pointed out da-le ko audible in the steppe "tekt" woodpeckers.

Between nature and man-ve-com, there are boundaries. People are a hundred-yang-but compare-ni-va-yut-sya with birds and beasts: with tu-ra-mi, so-ko-la-mi, vo-ro-na -mi, ku-kush-koi.

The union of nature and man-ve-ka, with such force, unveiled in the poem, is a union in a-ti-ti. Pri-ro-da for the av-to-ra of the "Lay" - a gigantic re-zer-woo-ar of e-ti-t-ch means and his own-u-different "mu-zy- cal-co-lead-de-nie ", attaching an especially-ben-but-strong, e-ti-tic sound to its action.

2.2. What are the features of the class-si-tsiz-ma with-su-shchi com-medi DI Fon-vis-zi-na "Not-to-grow"?

Klas-si-cizm - li-te-ra-round-n-right-le-ny, os-but-van-noe on the principle of tsi-pah phi-lo-sof-sko-ra-tsi-o -na-liz-ma, ide-a-le gar-mo-nii and measures, strict co-blu-de-nii norm-ma-tiv-no-sti in po-e-ti-ke, under- ra-zha-nii ob-raz-tsam antich-noy layer-weight-no-sti, faith in the human mind. Gar-mon-niya content-zha-niya and form, strict division of ger-ro-ev into positive and negative, is -pol-zo-va-va-nie of the "shouting" fa-mi-lii, the rule-vi-la of the "three unities", co-observance of the hierarchy of the zhan-ditch - this is the basis new features of the class-si-tsiz-ma.

Russian class-si-cism from-li-cha-et sa-ti-ri-che-skaya to-right-laziness pro-from-ve-de-niy, pre-ob-la-da-niy na-tsi-o-nal-no-is-to-ri-che-te-ma-ti-ki over the antichnoy.

D.I. in-ra-chi-va-yut-sya in the house of the state-po-zhi Pro-sta-co-voy and the action pro-out-goes in the course of 24 hours. But the author of the com-media on-ru-sha-is the unity of the action, since in the pro-of-ve-de-nii there are two conflicts: the by-how and the co- al-no-po-li-ti-che-sky. The heroes of the com-media are divided into negative ones (gos-po-zha Pro-sta-ko-va, gos-po-din Sko-ti-nin) and po-lo -zh-tel-nyh (Milon, Sta-ro-dum, Sophia). The author na-de-la-et ge-ro-ev "go-in-rya-schi-mi" fa-mi-li-i-mi: Prav-din, Sko-ti-nin, Vral-man. The real-life heroes - Sta-ro-dum, Sophia, Milon - speak in the correct li-te-ra-round language, their speech is tel-on; but the heroes use simple speech words, swear words, their speech is more lively

Co-media has a vos-pi-ta-tel-tel-ness, since in it the most important questions are pi-ta-nia citizens-da-ni-na, ob-ra-zo-va-nia, moral-no-sti, pro-from-to-la of the burghers. Ko-me-diya no-si-la evil-bo-day-ha-rak-ter, because D.I. right, not-before-stat-ki training. This play became the forerunner of the com-media of A. S. Gri-bo-edo-va "Woe from Wit."

2.3. What is the peculiarity of the fable genre (for example, 2-3 fables by I.A.Kry-lo-v)?

Basnya - sty-ho-creative or pro-for-and-che-li-te-ra-round pro-of-ve-de-nra-in-teacher-no-go, sa -ti-ri-che-go ha-rak-te-ra. At the end of the fable, there is a short nra-teaching-clue - so na-zy-va-e-ma-ral. Dey-stu-yu-shi-mi-ts-mi usually you-come-get-live, plants-te-niya, things. In the fable, you-laugh-and-va-are like-ro-ki people. In the fable of Kry-lo-va "Wolf on the hound," he-ro-em a hundred-but-wit-Xia Wolf, but this, of course, is al-le-go-riya. Al-le-go-riya - ino-ska-za-nie - is one of the ha-rak-ter-ny features of the fable. In the form of the Wolf, you-laugh-and-va-are-che-lo-ve-che-ki-ro-ki: cunning, greed, plodding, deceit other. Aren't there few people like the Wolf, who are not averse to go-la-to-mate at someone else's expense, but in case of danger, there will be any way -ba-mi you-tw-chi-vat-Xia and try-to-thrash out-to-run on-ka-za-nia. In the fable "Vo-ro-na and Li-si-tsa" you-sm-i-va-yut-sya-tse-me-rie, under-ha-lim-isstvo, not-ability-from-whether -start sincere inclination of feelings from start-ups.

Oso-ben-no-sti of the fable genre:

a) the main characters of the fable are the pre-sta-vi-te-li of the zh-so-no-go world, the names of the zh-so-zh-p-shu-s with a capital letter, so so-zom, the author pro-a-dit pa-paral-lel with the world of people and come-be-ha-et to such a pri-e-mu, as ol-tse-ts-re-nie;

b) in the name of the fable, most often in the key-but-against-ty-in-the-becoming-le-ny, from-here-yes even-division-ge-ro-ev into -living and negative;

c) the author does not describe the lane, because he himself lays out the ri-sti-ka does not require-bu-it-Xia, this is a-stra-and-va-chi-ta-te-la for a definite development of syu-same-ta and for-mi-ru-et he has a definite chi-ta-tel-go-ri-umbrella of expectation, therefore, already in the beginning of the ve-de-niya chi-ta-tel from-da-et their sim-pa-tii ka-ko-mu-or-so-na-zhu;

d) the language of fables is simple and close to one thief, this makes a fable accessible to a wide circle of chi-ta-te-lei;

e) in the fable, use-pol-zu-et-sya al-le-go-rya; such a language of fables in li-te-ra-tu-ro-ve-de-nii was called "ezo-pov language" (named after ro-do-na-chal-no-ka fables of the ancient che-ho phi-lo-co-fa Aesop);

f) in na-cha-le pro-of-ve-de-nia, or at the end of the obligation-for-tel-to-mo-ral, for some reason, or as a conclusion of av-to- ra and, next-to-va-tel-but, it is worth a special-nya-com from the very text of a hundred fables, or a morale for-key-che-na in words of one from the lane.

2.4. How to reveal in the ly-ri-ke A.S. Push-ki-na the theme of creativity, poet and po-e-zii (for example, 2− 3 sti-ho-you-re-niy)?

The theme of the poet and, e-zii, was the leading one in Push-ki-na's work throughout his life. The ideals of freedom, creativity, inhalation, happiness were me-ny, but the theme remained e-th-th-th calling and n-knowledge of the poet and by-e-zii in public life. In the poetry and the crowd (1828), there is the thought of abusiveness, from-to-femininity and not-to-kup -no-sti-creator, about-whether-cha-is-sya desire-no-blah-no-gift crowd everywhere to look for practical use ("Stove hot-shock you do-ro-same"). The motive of the scolding of the poet sounds-chit and in the poetry-nii "Arion" (1827), in the basis of ko-t-ro-go lies ny anti-tic myth about the ancient Greek singer Ari-o-no. The same idea, but more e-ti-ti, is clearly expressed in the poem "Pro-rock" (1826). The lyric hero "vl-chit-sya" in "empty-no-gloomy", "we languish in the spiritual thirst", thirst for creativity. Suddenly, it appears that se-ra-fim, the messenger of God, na-de-la-yu-si of the poet with over-hearing, over-sight, that is in-li-zi-ru-et on-the-spirited, spiritual life of the poet, the torment of his co-existence and creativity.

Lesson topic: Fable I.A. Krylova "Dragonfly and Ant".
Lesson type: lesson acquaintance with a literary work.
Lesson objectives:
to acquaint students with IA Krylov's fable “Dragonfly and Ant”;
teach to establish causal relationships; make a generalization; teach to see and feel behind the lines of the work deep meaning fables;
develop the right expressive speech, skills of expressive reading, dramatization, Creative skills; develop the ability to work in pairs, groups of replacement composition;
foster responsiveness, the ability to empathize, compassion.
Teaching methods:
By the nature of educational cognitive activities: problem-search.
By the way of organizing the implementation of cognitive activities: verbal, visual, practical.
According to the degree of pedagogical management on the part of the teacher: methods of indirect management of the educational and cognitive activity of students with the help of information sources.
Forms of organization learning activities: frontal, steam room, group, individual.
Planned results:
Subject: the student will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the personality of Ivan Andreevich Krylov and his fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant".
During the classes
... I. Organizing time.
Everyone sat down in their places
No one is cramped
I'll tell you a secret
It will be interesting
Guys! In the lesson, we will continue to make our little discoveries.
II. Knowledge update:
Expansion of knowledge about the work of Krylov I.A.
An entry appears on the board: Navi Volyrk (slide)
- What writer in his youth took such a pseudonym?
- What did you learn about Krylov in the last lesson?
I.A. Krylov is a great Russian writer. The life of a fabulist as a child was unusually poor. As a nine-year-old boy, when his father died, he had to go to work, rewrite papers, take care of the family. Little Ivan did not have to study, but the mother herself drew up a plan for the education of her son, followed his studies. Since childhood, Ivan Andreevich had a thirst for knowledge, he loved to read, reflect on what he had read. His intensive independent studies brought extraordinary results: when he became an adult, he was considered one of the most educated and enlightened people of his time. He managed to become a diversely talented person: playwright, publisher, musician, artist. More than two hundred fables were created by the fabulist.
2. Repetition of knowledge about the features of fables.
- Let's remember what a fable is?
On cards for individual work cross out unnecessary - that which does not apply to
genre of fables:
A funny, funny piece.
A short story.
This means people, their actions and behavior.
Makes me think.
. Contains a conclusion - morality. Heroes are people.
The heroes are usually animals.
People's shortcomings are ridiculed.
Magic heroes and events.
Conclusion from the board: (on the slide)
- Read what's left in your definitions.
-You have already guessed that in the lesson we will meet with the fables of I.A. Krylov. But with
which one, you will find out by guessing the riddles.
Epat creation problem situation and problem formulation.
- Guess riddles:
The airplane is light, fast Above the flower flies fragrant. Wings, tail and eyes. This is a miracle ... (Dragonfly.) An illustration of a dragonfly is hung on the board.
He will build a real house from twigs, from pine needles, without a saw and without nails. Who is the builder? ... (Ant.) An illustration of an ant is hung on the board.
The way of life of a dragonfly and an ant in nature is found out.
- Who has seen a dragonfly in nature? What does she do in the summer?
Flies. Flutters, sits down, catches midges, mosquitoes.
Speech warm-up:
Over a meadow where goats graze
Dragonflies flutter on transparent wings.
(Different ways of reading: "buzzing reading", reading with surprise, with an angry, cheerful intonation, with acceleration, with deceleration).
The character of the dragonfly is established. (Cheerful, playful.)
Speech warm-up:
Without a job for the life of me
An ant cannot live.
(Different ways of reading: "buzzing reading", reading with surprise, with an angry, cheerful intonation, with acceleration, with deceleration). - And what kind of ant? (Strong, hardworking.)
- Guess what kind of fable we will study? ("Dragonfly and Ant")
III. Message of the topic and objectives of the lesson
- Who will formulate the topic of the reading lesson?
IV. Statement of the educational problem.
- What tasks will we set for ourselves? (learn to expressively read a fable, determine its morality, draw conclusions)
Creation of the "tree of predictions"
-Let's try to predict what characters the heroes of the fable will have?
- Who will be goodie and who is negative?
- We will plant dragonflies with those qualities that will be inherent in a Dragonfly on the branches of a tree, and under the tree we will arrange an anthill from the qualities characteristic of an Ant.
Words about a dragonfly appear on the tree: beauty, carefree, cheerful, etc., about an ant: a hard worker.
-Let's check our predictions and listen to the text of the fable, which will be performed by the artist I. Ilyinsky
V. Primary perception of the text. 1. Listening to a fable in audio recording.
2. Conversation
- Did you like the fable?
- What is it about? Who did you like?
- Did our assumptions coincide? (Not all)
In the morning, the dragonfly woke up, stretched, smiled (stretching, smiling), One - she washed her face with dew (imitate washing), Two - gracefully circled (spinning), Three - bent down and sat down, four - flew, Stopped by the river, circled over the water. 3. Reading a fable by students.
Now you will read the fable, let's get ready for reading.
Po-pry-gu-nya pro-core-miO-look-nut-Xia o-bo-gray
Suddenly-lo get-together-so-dead-ve-lo need-daO-dru-che-na- What word is superfluous in the first column?
-What word is superfluous in the second column?
- What word answers the question Who ?, What?
- The first column reads ..., reads from bottom to top ... .VI. Analysis of a literary work
1. Choral reading "Earth-Heaven".
Work on lexical meaning words. (If you very carefully analyze the fable, focusing on each word, then you can understand any work, despite the huge number incomprehensible words and expressions.)
Working with illustrations.
Put illustrations in correct order... Sound each of them. Choose how you want to work individually, in pairs, in a group.
Reading in chains, in pairs.
Selective reading.
- Read how the Dragonfly is shown at the beginning. What has she been doing all summer?
- Read how the Dragonfly lived well in the summer.
- What happened with cold winter for a Dragonfly?
- Why isn't she singing?
- Compare appearance Dragonflies in summer and autumn according to illustrations.
To whom did the Dragonfly go for help? With what request did she turn to Ant? How did her words sound?
What did the Ant say to her? How should one understand the words of Ant: “You sang everything? This case. So go and dance! "
6. Reading a fable by roles. (To draw the attention of the children to the fact that the Dragonfly's speech sounds pitiful, pleading. Ant's speech is confident, instructive). actors in a fable?
Questions about the content of the fable, its allegorical, instructive nature.
- Why was the Dragonfly left homeless? Maybe she was in trouble? (She did not take care of housing in the summer: she sang, lost, danced all the time, as the author says)
- Did the need and hunger come for the Ant? Why?
An ant once carried two blades of grass for doors (8 claps) In a clearing under a bush, an ant builds a house (slopes to the left - to the right). , take it. (squats)
8. Characteristics of the characters (Work in pairs).
- Let's characterize the characters in the fable - Do you feel sorry for the Dragonfly or not? Explain your answer.
- What would you do if you were Ant? Why?
- What did I.A. Krylov want to tell us with his fable? (It is necessary not only to have fun, but also to work. He who does not work does not eat.) - In what words is the main idea of ​​the fable? Read them. How do you understand them?
- By the example of the Dragonfly and the Ant, whose actions are depicted in the fable? (In fact, using the example of insects, the author wanted to express the essence of people's actions. People sometimes act as thoughtlessly as the Dragonfly in this fable. The dragonfly is a lover of an easy life, entertainment, not thinking about the future, living in the present day) - We know that fables were not written for the sake of dragonflies and ants. Ivan Andreevich Krylov in his fables gave us advice on how to live. He wanted the people who read his fables, and therefore you and I, to become smarter, kinder and better.
- What does this fable teach us? (condemns carelessness, unwillingness to think about tomorrow, frivolity, boastfulness)
- Does this happen in life? Give examples.
IX. Consolidation of the studied material.
Selection of proverbs for the fable. Group work - Collect proverbs.
- What proverbs express main idea fables?
In a hurry, you will make people laugh.
Try on seven times, cut once.
Business is time - fun is an hour.
The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do.
You will lie in summer, in winter you will run with a bag.
He who has fun in the summer cries in the winter.
Lesson summary:
- We were able to answer main question lesson?
- What vices does Krylov condemn in the fable “Dragonfly and Ant? (laziness, frivolity)
- Was the lesson useful for you? How?
-Do I need to study fables?
- What did the fable teach you?

Sections: Primary School


  • Educational:
  1. To interest students in the personality and creativity of I.A. Krylova
  2. To consolidate the concepts of literary theory: fable, morality, creativity.
  • Developing:
  1. To develop students' speaking skills.
  2. Promote emotional perception of fables.
  3. Practice your expressiveness skills.
  • Educational: To foster a love of literature, the ability to distinguish between positive and negative in the actions of the heroes of I. Krylov's fables.


  • Textbook: L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanov "Native speech" Grade 3 Part 1 M .: Education, 2007
  • computer, monitor, multimedia projector, screen, presentation on the topic: “The work of I.A. Krylov. Fable "The Crow and the Fox", cards for individual work.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

- Sit down, guys, let's start the lesson.

Slide 2

II. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

- Let's remember what creativity is?

(Creativity is human activity aimed at creating unique values.)

Slide 3

III. Author Message

- February 13, 1768 - the great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov was born. The place of birth is not exactly known, possibly Moscow, Troitsk or Zavolzhye. Throughout his life, Krylov wrote 205 fables. Krylov, in addition to fables, enthusiastically created plays for the theater, articles for magazines, stories and even librettos for operas. November 21, 1844 - Ivan Andreevich Krylov dies.

Slide 4

- The remarkable Russian sculptor Pyotr Karlovich Klodt made the characters of the fables in bronze. In 1855 in Summer garden Petersburg, a monument to the great fabulist was erected. Krylov is depicted sitting in a chair, he is pensive. And next to him, just below, are the figures of the characters of his fables. This monument was built with money collected throughout Russia.

- Why do people highly honor the memory of the great fabulist?

Slide 5

Exhibition of books.

- Let's remember what fables I.A. Krylov? Consider books.

Slide 6

- What is a fable?

(A fable is a short poetic story with an allegorical meaning.)

- What do all fables have in common?

- Where is the main meaning of the fable? (In morality.)

- What is morality?

(Morality is morality in fables.)

Slide 7

IV. Homework check

- Now we will hear how you prepared an expressive reading of fables at home.

- Which of the guys did you like reading the most and why?

Slide 8

V. Message of the topic of the lesson

- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with one more fable by I. A. Krylov “The Crow and the Fox”. Listen to her. (Appendix 2.)

(Children listen to the recorded fable ..)

Slide 9

Vi. Vocabulary work

  • Veshunina- a fortuneteller (according to old folk ideas: predicting misfortune with his cry.).
  • Perching- to climb with effort, it is hard on something high.

Slide 10

Vii. Work on the content of the fable

  1. Read the fable again to yourself (textbook, pp. 137-138.).

Slide 11

  1. Dictionary - the other way around

They said more than once - how many times they told the world
Not for the benefit - but everything is not for the future
Found it by chance, without much difficulty - God sent
Very close - close
Looks without stopping - the eye does not take away
Lost the ability to reason sensibly - dizzy
It became difficult to breathe - breath stole in the goiter
Very loud - at the top of your lungs
Disappeared, disappeared - she was

Slide 12

  1. Selective reading

- Describe what a crow looks like. Can a crow be called the most beautiful bird of the forest?

Children describe a crow from a drawing.

- What does the fox say about her? Read from the text.

("Sweetheart, how pretty!
What a neck, what eyes!
Tell, really, fairy tales!
What feathers! What a sock!
And, it is true, there must be an angelic voice! ".)

- Why did Fox praise Raven so much? (To take the cheese away from the Crow ..)

- In what words is the moral of the fable?

("How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile, harmful,
But everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in his heart "..)

Slide 13

- I will name the qualities, and you tell me who they characterize: the Fox or the Crow.

Flattering, prone to flattery (To the fox.)
Vain, striving for fame, for honor (To the crow.)
Arrogant (To the crow)
Insincere (To the fox)
Ambitious, fame-loving (To the crow)
Untrue, deceitful (To the fox)
Cunning (To the fox)
Silly (To the crow)
Flattering (To the fox)
Confiding (To the crow)

- Tell me, what kind of crow?
- And the fox?

Slide 15

VIII. Work on expressiveness in parts


How many times have they told the world, |
That flattery is abominable, | harmful; ||
but only not for the future, ||
And a flatterer will always find a corner in his heart. |||


God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere; |
On a spruce crow perching, |
I was about to have breakfast, ||
Yes thoughtful, | and kept the cheese in my mouth. |||

Unfortunately, the Fox ran close by; ||
Suddenly the cheesy spirit stopped Lisa: ||
Fox sees cheese, | Cheese captivated the fox. ||
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe; ||
Twirls its tail, | does not take his eyes off the Crows |
And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing: ||

(When reading the third part, draw the children's attention to the abundance of words with an affectionate suffix, this will help to reveal the character of the Fox)

"Darling, | how good! ||
What a neck, | what eyes! ||
To tell, | so right, | fairy tales! ||
What feathers! | what a sock! ||
And right, | there must be an angelic voice! ||
Sing it, | light, | do not be ashamed! ||
What if, | sister, |
With such beauty and you are a craftswoman to sing, - ||
After all, you would have had a king-bird! "|||

(This part shows the Crow in the most unsightly form. I was delighted with the flattering speeches of Lisa (show this with the expressiveness of reading)

Veshchunina's head was dizzy with praise, |
From joy in the goiter the breath stole, - ||
And Lisitsyn's friendly words |
The crow croaked into the crow's throat: ||

Cheese dropped out || - with him there was such a cheat. |||

Slide 16

IX. Reading a fable by roles

- Let's listen to the fable again.

Try to convey more accurately the cunning Fox and the stupid Crow.

(Two students come to the blackboard and read the fable again)

Slide 17

X. Anchoring


- What heroes of fables are encrypted here?

I-I-A (Fox)
-O-O-A (Crow)

Slide 18

T-E-O-A (Dragonfly)
-U-A-E- (Ant)

Slide 19

B-Z- -N- (A monkey)

Slide 20

Black box

- In the black box there is an object with which you can see "what kind of mug is that." (Mirror)

In the black box is an object that the heroine of one of the fables got herself from half a dozen? (Glasses)

Slide 21

Work on cards(Application)

- Guys, I have prepared for you interesting illustrations for grandfather Krylov's fables with titles and excerpts from them. But while we were at recess, all the cards were mixed up by a draft. Even now I can't figure out what's what. Help me please. We'll do this.

Slide 22

- You will try to establish from which fable these words are.

Connect with arrows the lines from the fables, with the names of the works from which they are taken.

The couple who completed the task take hands and raise them up. (Working in pairs)

- Let's check ourselves.

Slide 23

Lost and found

- Objects are lost in the fables. Determine which fable they are from.

Cheese - "A Crow and a fox"
Glasses - "Monkey and glasses"
Mirror - "Mirror and Monkey"

Slide 24


  1. Who "wanted to get into big bullies" without a fight? ( Pug.)
  2. Remember and name, the heroine of the fable "Quartet". (Monkey)
  3. Who had both a table and a house ready for the winter under the sheet? ( Ant.)
  4. One of the heroes of the fable, who "took the load with the load." (Swan)
  5. Who praised the Rooster “without fear of sin”? (Cuckoo)
  6. She was left without dinner because of her stupidity. ( Crow)
  7. The heroine who saw her image in the mirror. ( A monkey)
  8. Another of the heroes who "took the load with the load." ( Cancer)

Slide 25

XI. Outcome

- Now each of you will think about your role in the lesson ...

How would you rate your work, choosing for assessment “very active”, “active”, “good”?

- What knowledge and skills did you acquire during the lesson?

- What vices did Krylov like to "pinch"?

- Was the lesson useful for you? How?

- Do I need to study fables?

- What do they teach?

Slide 26

XII. Homework

- To memorize the fable of I.A. Krylova "The Crow and the Fox"