The script for the graduation party in kindergarten based on the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom". Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom (New Year's scenario)

L. Yurasova, Nizhny Novgorod Region

A theatrical game program for children in a school for elementary grades, a house for birds.

Schoolboy Vovka,
Vasilisa the Wise,
Vasilisa the Beautiful,
Mary the Artisan.

(Music intro. Voice-over plays in the background of the music.)

In one ordinary school,
In one ordinary class, the boy Vova studied -
Lazy, braggart terrible!
skipped classes,
Didn't complete assignments.
And he received deuces For all his "effort".
The labor lesson was at school - they made a birdhouse.
All children, except Vovka,
Got five.
He's faster than everyone, somehow,
Did everything wrong.
And no matter how much you boast
The birdhouse collapsed.
He came home from school
Grumble under your breath.
And talking to myself,
He asks a question.
(Music ends.)

Schoolboy Vovka. And why is everyone picking on me? Both teachers and parents ... Everyone only commands At school they only demand: “Tell me the table of the mind of the knife .... Don't fidget, don't talk, don't cheat! How can you sit still when neighbor Mishka brought a book with pictures about astronauts. Of course, there is no time for control. You come home - and it’s not better there: “Take out the trash, brush your teeth, tidy up the room, do your homework!” Tired!
And today at the lesson of labor we decided to make houses for birds. I don’t understand why birds need these houses, as if they will live there! I'd rather go for a walk in the yard. So I made this unfortunate house, but I didn’t like my birdhouse. But I did it the fastest! Mu, think, fell apart, there ..., this ..., well ..., there was not enough nail. So they themselves are to blame: they should have said right away that they would need nails. I would, perhaps, make such a house for birds - ostriches could live comfortably!
In general, if I want, I'm not just a birdhouse, I can build a whole house. Large, multi-storey
pata had: mom and dad, sister, grandparents, even Murka and Tuzik.
That is wisdom - to build a house! Yes, for me it's time to spit. It's all just boring and uninteresting. Here in fairy tales, everything is much simpler. He said: "By the command of the pike, by my will ...". And it's done! If I had a magic wand, or a golden fish, or a genie I know... If only I could get into a fairy tale. (Sits down on a chair, yawning and stretching.) I would build something like that there..., I would prove to everyone..., I would..., I.... (Falls off.)

Music saver. The lights dim in the hall. On the background of the music sound the words behind the scenes

Our Vovka fell asleep soundly.
And we will tell you about
As a dream he had a dream - He found himself in a fairy tale.
there in distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state Once upon a time there were three girls - Clever and craftswomen.
(The girls take turns taking the stage.)
Vasilisa the Wise - reasonable, smart.
Vasilisa the Beautiful - like the sun is clear.
Marya the Artisan is a needlewoman, but a clever one.
They all knew about Vovka And they did not approve of him.
(Music ends.)

Vasilisa the Wise. What is there to think and guess
We need to save the boy.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. We will save him from laziness,
Let's send him on a good path.
Marya the Artisan. Let's show you the right path. Well, the guys will help us.
Vasilisa the Wise. Hello, good fellows, yes girls are red!
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Hello dear guys!
Mary the Artisan. Let's help Vovka get rid of laziness?
Vasilisa the Wise. Where do we start?
Vasilisa the Beautiful. How difficult it is to help lazy and loafers. They do not want to do anything: they are waiting for others to do the work for them. They have no goal, no cherished dream.
Marya the Artisan. Wait, he said he wants to build big house for his family, it means that he has a good heart, and all is not lost.
Vasilisa the Wise. Yes, but he thinks that in a fairy tale everything is done by itself and no effort is needed. Just wave your wand magic words say, and everything will instantly appear before his bright eyes.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. How can we convince him that without knowledge and diligence nothing happens even in a fairy tale.
Mary the Artisan. There is no need for cunning here. Guys, we hope for your help.
(The girls gather in a circle, whispering. They take out a caftan and a scepter from behind the wings.)
Vasilisa the Wise. Hey, prince-father, wake up!
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Get up, our clear falcon!
Schoolboy Vovka. What's happened? What's the matter? Who you are?
Vasilisa the Wise. I am Vasilisa the Wise. Vasilisa the Beautiful. I am Vasilisa the Beautiful. Mary the Artisan. I am Mary the Artificer.
Schoolboy Vovka. And I? Where I am?
Everything. In the distant kingdom. Good morning, prince-father!
(The girls bow. Vovka falls unconscious on a chair.)
Vasilisa the Wise. What he, however, faint-hearted.
(They wave handkerchiefs at him.)
Schoolboy Vovka (waking up). What's this? Am I in a fairy tale? In the distant kingdom?
Everything. Certainly!
(They put on him a caftan and hand over a scepter.)
Schoolboy Vovka. That's great! I'll tell my classmates - they won't believe me! And who are they?
(Pointing to the boys.)
Marya the Artisan. Inhabitants of our state.
Schoolboy Vovka. And you, then, these fabulous sorceresses?
Everything. Yes!
Schoolboy Vovka. And what, you can fulfill any desire?
Everything. Certainly.
Vasilisa the Wise. We even know your cherished wish.
Schoolboy Vovka. Interesting! Which?
Vasilisa the Beautiful. You want to build a house for your whole family.
Schoolboy Vovka. Well, the house too, but I would also like ...
Marya the Artisan. It's commendable, well done! If your comrades know about it, they will respect you.
Vasilisa the Wise. And how parents will be glad that their Vovka is such a caring boy.
Schoolboy Vovka. Respect, speak... Here it is necessary to think.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. And what a long time to think. If you decide, you must act.
Schoolboy Vovka. Well home is home. I agree. Take action!
Mary the Artisan. We'll get started with confidence! Let's get down to business together. Don't be lazy, don't yawn - start building together!
Schoolboy Vovka. Hey, wait, wait! What job? What building? But what about the magic wand?
(The girls look at each other in surprise.)
Vasilisa the Wise. So we don't have it. We gave her for a while to the three-eighth kingdom. Elections to the Boyar Duma are scheduled there, so the latest magic technologies are required.
Schoolboy Vovka. Me too, fairytale kingdom! They don't even have their own magic wand. Take it back soon. How about without a wand?
Vasilisa the Beautiful. So they will not return it to us now. We concluded an agreement that if we ask for a wand before the deadline, we will have to pay the ransom.
Schoolboy Vovka. What is a ransom?
Marya the Artisan. Rebuses, riddles, yes puzzles are different. Whoever copes with all the tasks, he will take the wand.
Schoolboy Vovka. So figure it out quickly!
Vasilisa the Wise. We can't do it alone.
Schoolboy Vovka. Why one? See how many people are in your kingdom-state.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Maybe you can help us?
Schoolboy Vovka. Riddles to guess? It's possible, it's me. Where are your puzzles, puzzles?
Marya the Artisan. Yes, they are all spelled out in the contract. And the contract is kept in the chest.
(Musical intro. To the music, a chest is brought onto the stage, a note is attached to it.)
Schoolboy Vovka. There's a note here. (Reads.) Open the chest, get the drawing,
Tell me what the devil looks like?
(Pulls out a blueprint.)
Schoolboy Vovka. It kind of looks like a house.
Marya the Artisan. And really, look, guys, this is the blueprint of the house.
Schoolboy Vovka. I don't understand what this shit is about.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. How about? After all, it is with the drawing that the construction of any building begins. A
so that the children can better see the drawing of the future house, we will increase it.
Everything. Once! Two! Three! Look!
(They unfold one of the screens on the stage reverse side. On it is located big blueprint Houses. Behind the screen are cardboard mock-ups in the form of elements of the future house.)
Schoolboy Vovka. Some cubes. What are they for?
Vasilisa the Wise. I think we should take another look in our chest and find another clue. Look, here's the envelope.
He takes out a note from the envelope, reads it.) Guess? This is a house. It's just very empty. For complete order, you need to solve riddles.
Gather the pieces of the house
All of them have known each other for a long time.
Find them in riddles
Place on your drawing.
Mary the Artisan. This means that these are not just cubes, but integral parts of the future home.
Vasilisa the Wise (looking into the chest). And here are the envelopes with riddles. Well, let's solve them all together. And then Vovka's wish will come true.
(The competitive program consists of several rounds, each of which has certain tasks. Vasilisa the Wise reads riddles and notes from the backniami. Vasilisa the Beautiful and Marya the Artisan help the children Solve riddles, organize the children for the game, explain the rules and conditions. Vovka actively participates with interest in everything that happens)

1 round

The whole house stands on it alone.
For the home, the essence of the foundation is he.
Only nine letters are hidden in it -
Let's call the answer soon. (Foundation)
CLUE. Your task ahead of time:
Solve the crossword puzzle.
Who is ahead of others
This round will win.
Envelopes-hints for you - Open without fear.
Think, don't rush
Write the letters in the boxes.

TASK - GAME "Running-Crossword".

Organize 2 teams of g people.
Props: 2 blackboards, 2 white crayons, 18 envelopes, cardboard cards with letters according to the size of the envelope. Rules of the game.
1. In one half of the hall, the teams line up in two lines.

2. Near each team is a box or basket with q envelopes.

3- In each numbered envelope, one letter, from these letters it is necessary to compose the word "foundation".

4- In the other half of the hall there are two black boards, on each of them d numbered cells are drawn.

5- The participant takes the envelope and runs to the board, opens the egg, takes out the letter, writes it in the box with the corresponding number. So in turn, the team members must write the word “foundation” on the board.

The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins.

Tokens are given to the winners.
(The cardboard part - the “foundation”, is glued to the drawing.)

2 round

Saves us from the rain, Covers our house from above. Look up, up! Well, of course it's... (Rooftop) CLUE. Here's a dexterity challenge
Accuracy and precision.
Let's build roofs together
And we will find out whose is higher, the material at hand is here,
Well, those who want to eat?

TASK-GAME "Whose roof is higher."

3 or 4 people participate.
Props: matches, toothpicks or wooden sticks; 2 roof mock-ups made of cardboard; ready-made house of matches. Rules of the game.

1. Participants stack matches in the form of a well, as shown on the finished house.

2. At the command of the hosts “Finished!”, The children put cardboard mock-up roofs on top.
The winner is the participant who built the highest house with a roof.
Tokens are given to the winners. During the competition there is a game with the audience.

There is no end to the line
Where are the three dots...
Who will come up with the end
He will be ... (well done)
Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write in me.
You can also draw.
11 I am called ... (Notebook)
I love directness
And she's straight.
(make a straight line I help everyone.
Something without me Guess, friends
Who am I? ... (Line)
He looks like a brother to the button accordion.
Where there is fun, there it is.
I won't suggest.
Everyone knows ... (Accordion)
It will boldly float into the sky, Overtaking the flight of birds.
The man controls it.
What's happened? … (Airplane)
There are no clouds on the horizon
But an umbrella opened up in the sky. A few minutes later I descended ... (Parachute)
On a clear morning by the road Dew glistens on the grass.
There the pedals turn the legs,
And two wheels are running.
The riddle has an answer.
This is my ... (Bicycle)
For me to take you
I don't need oats at all. Feed me gasoline
Give rubber to the hooves.
II then, raising the dust,
Will run ... (Car)

(A roof is attached to the house diagram.)


Naughty and strict
He walks without touching the floor.
Who will come out or come in
She always shakes her hand. (Door)
Happy is he who firmly believes - Friendship will open the door to everything I want to set you a task - Collect handshakes.

TASK - GAME "Collect handshakes"

2-3 people participate.
Rules of the game. Participants are given a certain time during which they must shake hands with those sitting in the hall. Whoever gets the most handshakes wins.
A door is attached to the diagram of the house.)

4 round

Look into it - you will see the yard,
And in the yard there is a big fence.
Behind the fence is an old house.
Trees, birds and flowers,
And you will see the clouds.
And the distance of meadows, and the expanse of fields,
With him, the house becomes brighter. (Window)
HINT We are happy with the morning dew,
We are glad for the sun in the yard!
Happy Masha, Kolya,
Petit - Here's the fun for the kids!
Gently touch the glass Sunny bunnies,
What did the girls and boys see through the window?
Solve the riddles
Write riddles.

TASK - GAME "What did you see in the window?"

Organize 2 teams of 5 people.
Props: 2 posters, 2 markers, riddles on cards. Rules of the game.
1. Participants are given cards with riddles about nature, the street, animals, etc.
2. The guys take turns running up to the posters and writing riddles.
The speed and correctness of the answers are evaluated. (A window is attached to the diagram of the house.)

5 round

What is the house made of?
It might be brick
Wood and concrete.
There are from clay, from straw.
Whatever the house is
If only they lived peacefully in it.
There are three pieces of the house left.
Did you like mysteries?
Guess three words - you coped with the task.

TASK - GAME "Folk Wisdom"

Hall game.
Props: cards with proverbs.
11 rules of the game.
1. The presenters read the proverbs.
2. The guys explain their meaning and, together with the facilitators, name the key words.

11s a treasure is needed when the family is in harmony. (Love)
Lead the house - do not shake your beard. (hard work)
If there is fun in the house, so it is light in the heart. (Joy, fun)
(Three bricks are attached to the house diagram.)

Schoolboy Vovka. Finally, we have solved all your puzzles. Now the magic wand is in our pocket!
Vasilisa the Wise. Why do we need a magic wand? We built our house without her.
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Patience and a little effort!
Schoolboy Vovka. That's how you are! Wrapped around my finger. And, to be honest, I myself liked to work. This is much more interesting than waving a magic wand!
Marya the Artisan. Well done, you figured it out! Now you will definitely be respected. Whoever is not lazy will eat and clothe himself, and whoever is lazy will sit hungry.
Vasilisa the Wise. And it's time for us to return to the fairy tale.
Schoolboy Vovka. How about me?
Vasilisa the Beautiful. Here's a magic ball for you.
He will show you the way home.
Schoolboy Vovka. Then I will run, otherwise my parents must have been waiting for me.

To you, sorceresses, a low bow, which helped you to believe in yourself. And you guys thank you very much for help.


Be healthy!

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Graduation party based on the fairy tale "Vovka in Far Far Away"

slide 1

Sounds of music come out educators

Leading : Dear parents! Dear guests!
Today is a special day -
And sad and cheerful
After all, our children have grown -
They go to school.
Today we are excited
It's impossible to keep everyone
In the heart and soul of all
A little worrisome.
Until the solemn moment
There are a few seconds left:
Only the sounds of the minuet will burst -
Graduates will enter our hall.

slide 2

The composition “To the Music of Vivaldi” by S. Nikitin-P. Morea sounds, the graduates enter the hall in pairs and perform welcome rearrangements to the music. At the end, everyone lines up in a semicircle.

Children :

    Today we came to the bright hall.
    How many holidays we had!
    Santa Claus met everyone at the Christmas tree.
    And the parsleys started dancing here.

    We have welcomed spring and autumn here.
    Dancing, reciting poetry
    They learned to sing beautifully, played,
    And now they've come to say goodbye.

    Today we came to the bright hall
    We have a special day today.
    Graduation ball begins.
    Let's go to school soon, first grade!

    Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning,
    Today is graduation day.
    And we are proud of our garden,
    After all, it is like a home for us.

slide 3

Song "Kindergarten - a magical land"

Leading : Dear Guys!
Today is your last holiday in kindergarten.
And how hard it is to part with you.
And let you out from under the wing into the light!
You became relatives, you became friends,
And better than you, it seems, can not be found!
Today, guys, we congratulate you!
You go to school to learn, to make friends.
We wish you all success, health,
And never forget your kindergarten.

Children :

    OK it's all over Now. The time has come
    Which we have all been waiting for.
    We gathered for the last time
    In this cozy room.

    Our kindergarten is a magical ocean,
    For five years we went swimming,
    We know he gave us happiness
    And we loved him with all our hearts.

    Kindergarten gave us warmth,
    And drove sorrow into the shadows,
    A good spirit has always reigned here,
    It's a holiday every day!

    We learned what friendship means
    What does it mean to protect the weak
    What you need to be brave and dexterous,
    And we need to help adults!

    Farewell, our beloved kindergarten!
    You raised us carefully.
    You gave us health and strength,
    Now it's time for us to go to first grade.

    Thank you, dear kindergarten, for affection and care,
    For the fact that mom went to work calmly in the morning!
    For the fact that we ran merrily to our glorious home,
    And we, as dear guests, were joyfully welcomed here!

    And now we are with kindergarten
    Forever goodbye -
    Now we need to study
    We are going to school.

    We celebrated the holiday many times in this hall,
    But such as this, we have not yet known.
    The best holiday: sad and cheerful.
    Kindergarten escorts us to school today!

slide 4

Leading : Guys, do you remember how four years ago, for the first time, your mother brought you to kindergarten?

    Why, you didn’t bring us -
    They took us in wheelchairs!
    We often sat on the handles,
    They didn't want to stomp their feet!

    I remember crying every day
    I was waiting for my mother, I looked out the window.
    And (name) walked with a pacifier,
    And (name) wore diapers.

    I used to eat badly
    Spoon fed me
    The bib saved us from porridge,
    From tea, soup, curdled milk.

    And if we didn't sleep
    they rocked us on the handles.
    Listening to "bayushki-bayu"
    we closed our eyes.

    And remember, I'm made of sand
    build big cities?

    Oh boy, don't!
    We all baked Easter cakes -
    Not very smoothly, as they could,
    and we played with you
    fed each other.

    We loved throwing sand
    loved (name) to hug.
    They were such fools
    fought with arms and legs.

Leading: Just like these kids who came to visit you. We welcome them with applause!

The guys come in to the music junior group

    We are kids,
    We have come to congratulate you!
    You enter the first class
    Don't forget kindergarten!

    We are funny, funny
    You were like that!
    We grow up a little
    Let's go to first grade!

    Your caregivers
    Much effort was spent
    Every day and every hour
    Everyone took care of you!

    But it's time to say goodbye
    School is waiting, it's time to study.
    We want to wish you...

Together : All fives get!

Vedas .: Dear graduates, the kids want to invite you to dance.

Dance with the kids "We will touch the baby with a tiny hand." After the dance, adult children give balloons to the kids, who leave to the music. (curtain closes) Children sit on chairs.

slide 5

Ved.: On this wonderful holiday, I want to give you a book so that you learn to read and be able to read all the fairy tales of the world.

(Vovka enters the hall, sings a song and waves his briefcase)

Ved.: Hello boy! Who are you and where are you going.

Vovka : My name is Vovka Vatrushkin (reluctantly). I'm going to school.

Vedas. : Are you glad that you are going to study?

Vovka : Yes, what joy can there be? Sit, read, solve problems - boring things! That would be to get into the Far Far Away kingdom. There you don’t have to go to school and you don’t have to do anything yourself either - after all, there is a goldfish that fulfills all desires and a pike. Just say! "At the pike's command, at my will" - and everything will be for you! And there is also a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet, walking boots and flowers - seven flowers ...

Vedas. : Wait, wait, Vovka! Today we will help you get into such a kingdom.

Vovka A: I wonder how you can help me?

Vedas: We have magic book fairy tales.

Vovka : Magic? It's great!

Vedas : We will send you on a journey through fairy tales, we just want to warn you: Be attentive, polite, kind, so as not to get into trouble. After all, there are different adventures waiting for you.

Vovka : Don't worry, I won't be lost, I would just like to get to Far Far Away!

slide 6

Vedas : Now the guys and I will say magic words - and a miracle will happen! “Book, book, open, fairy tale, fairy tale, begin! »

(magic music sounds, the book opens)

Slide 7

Vovka steps aside and looks. Ladies and gentlemen (all children) enter, the Waltz dance, after which they sit on chairs.

Slide 8

Then the king enters, he paints the fence. Under the song.

Tsar : I have mountains of gold,
And eat what to eat, and eat what to drink,
But I paint, I paint fences -
There must be order in the kingdom!

Vovka : “Hey, King-lord!
What do you work alone?
Kings are not supposed to
The servants can handle it!

Tsar : (Looks) What kind of miracle Yudo is this? Where is your hello? »

Vovka : Okay, hello!

Tsar : You, kid, where did you come from,
To advise kings?
The king must work hard
To not get lazy at all!

Vovka : Well, well, what kind of king are you then,
Kohl always work!

Tsar : What do people say in the kingdom,
If the king will be an idler?

Vovka : To receive guests with honor -
This is royal work!

Tsar : You are young, but lazy,
And besides, he's talkative,
Why did you come to my fairy tale?

Vovka : Ah! To not go to school. After all, you don’t have to do anything here, just wish - and everything will be for you!

Tsar : And what do you want?

Vovka : Cake, ice cream, lemonade ...

Tsar : Look what you are! Well, okay, I'll give you what you ask, but first help me paint the fence.

Vovka : What more! It hurts!

Slide 9

Tsar : I do not need such lazy people in my kingdom!
Hey guard! Step to me
And read my order!

(children appear - servants)


    Who does not work, but eats -
    That's not the place for that!

    All loafers, lazy,
    Negligent and talkative -
    Together : Get out of the palace!

Tsar : Here is my royal law!

Vovka : Looks like it's time to blow your feet!

(music sounds servants chasing Vovka, the king takes a bucket and leaves with a sigh "e-he-he!")

Vedas : Guys! But if you were in the place of Vovka and the Tsar ordered you to make something, would you be able to do it?

Slide 10

Orchestra "In the Blacksmith"

Vedas : You are great! You can be allowed into Far Far Away Kingdom.

slide 11

Vovka (runs in, out of breath, wipes his forehead): Ugh! Barely took his legs! I thought they would catch up, cut off his head! It's good that I got into another fairy tale in time!

(music “Sea” - “Aquarium” sounds.) (An old woman is sitting, a broken trough is in front of her, Vovka appears)

Vovka : Hello, grandma! What are you sitting
Are you looking at the blue sea?

Old woman : Hello dear man!
Here I sit for a century!
The path to the kingdom is closed to me,
Do it, granddaughter, I have a trough:
The old man ran away from me
After my tricks!

Vovka : Trough, not my problem,
I have another matter.
Where is the goldfish
What wishes - fulfills?

Old woman : The sea is there, but without difficulty -
You will never catch!

(girls in blue capes with blue scarves appear on the stage) "Dance sea ​​waves»

slide 12

(Vovka appears and screams)

Vovka : (screaming) Where are you goldfish?
I'll make a wish:
Give me some jam!
Have you heard? Do it!

(fish appeared on the sea)

Rybka : Who is this
Commanded me?
Did not throw a net into the water,
Do you want rewards, slacker?
Get out of the story!
This is where I can help!

(Vovka leaves the sea disappears)

slide 13

Round dance Vasilis.

    Let's work well
    Let's count for the lesson
    How many cinder blocks do you need
    To build the palace on time.

    We need to calculate
    How water flows from pipes
    What follows from here
    Honor to arithmetic.

Vasilisa :

    Vasilisa we are sisters,
    All hands of a craftswoman,
    If someone asks for advice
    We will give an answer like this:

    Only he lives, does not grieve,
    Who is close friends with science,
    It's impossible without her
    Science and I are friends!
    Let's start our advice!
    Together : Vasilisushki! Hey!

    Let's start our advice!
    I read in the starry sky -
    Our Koschei is seriously ill!
    We should help him
    And drive the disease away!

    I walked along the magical path,
    I found a healing bush,
    From it the decoction is as follows -
    Just a sip - and you're healthy!

Vovka crawls out from behind a bush.

Vovka : Well well! Here is a miracle!
How many beautiful girls!
Yes, in painted crowns!
Yes, in gold dresses!
These, I will boldly say,
They can do nothing!
Need to sleep all day long
To be such a beauty!
And they, neither give nor take,
Everyone knows how to conjure!

Vasilisa : Who is hiding in the bushes?

Vovka : It's me, visiting you!

Vasilisa : We welcome good guests!

Vovka : And that's what I need from you!
A couple of magic words
To say - and the table is ready.
And on it - a pie with jam,
And another treat -
Gingerbread, my favorite cake,
Samovar, of course ...

    We understand your order
    Let's start teaching now.
    And it will turn out from Vova
    The best chef in the world.

So this is it ... Let's take the flour ...

Vovka : Stop! To study? I can not!
I would just, without learning
Get jam pie!

    Here's a hint for you
    You go to another fairy tale.
    You shout: “Two from the casket!
    Identical from the face! »

    You just give them orders
    Everything will be done at the same time.

Chorus : Wow, go on that path!
Good way to you! Goodbye!

Disperse in different sides to the music of Vasilis.

Slide 14

In the center of the stage is a casket.

Leading : Here, not salty slurping,
Vovka is walking tired...
What to do? How to be?
Vovka needs to hurry
To catch the brothers from the casket,
And the desire to guess
To make his dream come true.
Always mess around!

Vovka : Here is that cherished casket!
Oh yes Vovka! Well done!
Hey you! Two from the chest
Identical from the face!
Get out, get out!
Meet the owner!


    What does our master want?

    And what are you dreaming about now?

Chorus : Everything is ready to do at once!
Give, my friend, the order!

Vovka A: Well, first of all, I want to…

    Wait! I'm running!

Chorus : For you, we, so to speak,
Let's cross our fingers!

Vovka : Well well! Blimey!
Bend your fingers!

Brothers : Aha!

Vovka : So I want to eat
about six kilograms
Delicious all kinds of sweets,
This will be my lunch.
For dinner I want...
Bend over!

Brothers : We bend!

Vovka : Huge chocolate cake!
It is clear?. That's okay!
Waffles, gingerbread, jam,
Yes! And sweet cookies!
This is my third order!

Brothers : Busdelano! Now!

Brothers song.

Vovka :

Enough, enough, you see, sing,
Themselves, I suppose, overeat
And cakes, and sweets,
Well, where's my lunch?


    Here you go, my friend, sweets!

    There is nothing tastier!

    Here are the cakes, hold on!

    Put it right in my mouth!

    Here's the cookie, here's the jam!

    This is a miracle treat!

Vovka : Stop! Where! And what about me!

Brothers : We'll eat everything for you!

Vovka : What nonsense is this!
Will you go for me?

Brothers : Yes!

Vovka : No, patience is over!
Get out of the box!

Music. The brothers fly into the chest.

Vovka : And here I was not lucky! Where will I go? Ah, I’ll go into the forest, right along the path to a completely different fairy tale.

slide 15

(opens the curtain, looks at the hut on chicken legs)

Vovka : Interesting, hut. And who lives in it? (knocking). Is there anyone at home?

Baba Yaga: Who is knocking there, who does not let grandmother sleep?

Vovka : It's me - Vovka Vatrushkin!

Baba Yaga: Vovka? Oh well, I'll take a look now leaves the house and approaches Vovka) Oh, what a handsome fellow you are, it's good that you came. Milok, help grandma. My technique is broken, and without it, what kind of Baba Yaga am I?

Vovka : Are you a real Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga : And then, how! Haven't you ever seen me in fairy tales, haven't you read about me in books?

Vovka : Yes, I saw it, only there you are evil, but here you seem to be kind.

Woman Yaga (hugs Vovka): Oh, my dear, my anger is over! Then, I'm still no longer young, how many people can be tortured. So I decided to be kinder to people. It's good that we met. Vovka, are you tech savvy? The technique failed me, once again there is nothing to fly to the dances on, help me, my dear, to repair.

Vovka : (Twirls the broom, looks at it) No, I can't! I can't do anything.

Baba Yaga: Oh you fool! Is it possible to live without knowledge? Eh! In my childhood, knowledge was everything! I would have studied poorly, I would never have learned my trade, I would not have been a sorceress. No one would know me, big or small. And now everyone knows how a great artist. Oh, you upset me.

Leading : Baba Yaga, don't be upset, you will have a new broom! Hold on!

Baba Yaga : Vovka! Well, do you know anything? Can you answer questions?

Vovka : Of course I can! In technology, I do not understand, but to answer questions - it's me easily!

Baba Yaga: listen carefully! Every student should bring to school...

Vovka : Wig!

Children : Diary!

Baba Yaga: To write with pens, we will prepare ...

Vovka : Bed!

Children : Notebook!

Baba Yaga: Pencil so as not to disappear - remove it ...

Vovka : Into the basement!

Children : To the pencil case!

Baba Yaga: Who walks with a bag of books in the morning to school ...

Vovka : Conductor!

Children : Student!

Baba Yaga: In the corridor, the clatter of feet, then calls everyone to the class ...

Vovka : Pie!

Children : Call!

Baba Yaga : Well, Vovka, he said that he knew everything, but he himself did not give a single correct answer. It is evident that you are a loafer and a loafer. What are you doing all day long?

Vovka : I'll tell everyone in confidence that more than anything in the world I love to lie on the couch.

Baba Yaga : Do you know what happens to such lazy people? They become clumsy and often get sick.

Leading : But this does not threaten our guys, they love to move and dance.

Dance "I am the best, you are the best!"

Baba Yaga: This is what made me happy! Enough energy for me until the next meeting with you at school. And to you, Vovka, my advice: “Go to school and study,” I’ll come and check (leaves).

Leading : You understood everything, Vovka, you need to study, and not travel through fairy tales. Well, are you staying in the Kingdom of Far Far Away?

Vovka : No, I'd rather go to school, learn my mind!

slide 16

Leading : Well done! You got it right. “Fairy tale, return to the book, book of fairy tales, close!” (book closed)

Well, to know more
Learn to read, my friend!
Also get rid of laziness
Don't waste your time!

Vovka : Yes, perhaps, to begin with, I will read the Primer, take me with you to school. I promise that I will be a diligent student, and I will never be lazy. I realized that without knowledge we are nowhere!

Leading : Well, guys, let's take it?

Children : Yes!

Slide 17

Leading : So our holiday is coming to an end.

Child : Soon our group will be empty,
All farewell words will subside.
Golden rustling carousel
Leaves will swirl in autumn.

Leading : On a long journey for knowledge, for science,
You will go to the autumn hour,
But I want you guys to know
Here in the garden, we are glad to see you!

(children go to the formation to the music)

Children : read congratulatory eulogies.

    Everyone needs to say "THANK YOU" to Svetlana Viktorovna -
    Kindergarten manager!
    Always take care of us!
    We are ready for first class!
    We want to go to school
    And thank you for everything!

Slide 18

You today, kindergarten,
"Thank you" we say
And all your workers
Thanks a hundred times!

Song "Farewell"

    Our dear kindergarten,
    You have become our home.
    We say goodbye to you
    And we're a little sad.

    In our house will live
    naughty kids,
    They be friends and do not grieve
    We wish from the bottom of our hearts!

    Goodbye, our nanny,
    Educators, toys and swings,
    We're leaving because
    Grow up and mature!

After the children sit on the chairs

Leading : the floor is given to the head of the DC for the presentation of diplomas and gifts.

Scenario of the performance 2 A class "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom"

Prepared by the teacher of GBURK "KUVKILI" Kharchenko Ekaterina Aleksandrovna


In some glorious realm

In the lyceum state

Amazing people live

Every day goes well for them

Cool lady:

Not high and not low

All scientists, artists

Everyone is attentive, obedient

Sweet, kind and humble

And for you at this good hour

Prepared a story


The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

You guys have a lesson

On the slide: "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom".

Roles played by:

Hosts: Anatoly Reizvih, Dmitry Orlov, Alexandra Sannikova, Sofia Yatsenko.

Vovka: Silkin Ivan.

Mother: Ksenia Kabanets.

Tsar: Nikita Vorontsov

Grandmother: Kulikova Alina.

Goldfish: Daria Zamyatina, Daria Serdyuk, Ariadna Usatenko.

Vasilisa: Visloushkina Irina, Dobrovolskaya Nadezhda, Revinskaya Zlata, Shachanina Xenia.

Brothers from the casket: Daniel Zaitsev, Vladimir Tikhonov.

Embers: Daniil Kravchuk, Nikita Motser.

Furnace: Model Polina.

Vovka in the distant kingdom.

Music at the entrance.


Good afternoon my friends!

I am very glad to see you

you in a cozy bright room.

Thank you all for calling

We'll tell you a fairy tale

Well, we'll get started.

House number four

The lazy man lived in his apartment,

They called him Vovochka ...

He didn't listen to anyone...

Scene 1:


Vovochka! Come here!

Oh, you're in trouble!

With a son, just a punishment

It takes a lot of effort -

He does not want to study!

Soon to pass the exam,

So as not to waste time in vain,

Let's start with the alphabet!


I'm coming! Now!

What happened to us again?


Oh son, stop sleeping!


I'll stay in touch

Or I'll go to the playstation hall.


If you are lazy,

I will be angry with you!

OK OK! I read

I know everything without a primer!

Mom leaves.

Vovka song.

Oh, why do I need science

I'm quite smart as it is.

I would lie down and lie down,

And dream all day!

Oh, what books in vain leafing through,

It's better to sleep an extra hour

Sleep from all diseases

Ten times better!

Let him read books

Who can't live without them

Let them work

All nights and days!

I'll look at the pictures...

In some kingdom

In a distant state

Once upon a time there lived a king,

Great Sovereign...

Oh, I wish I could be king now

Everything would be nothing to me!

I wouldn't do anything

Don't scold me...

There is no better thing in the world

Than to sit all day doing nothing...

Falls asleep. Curtain.

Scene 2


Oh! And he dreamed

And Vova had a dream...

That he lives in a wondrous kingdom,

great state,

And all Vova on the shoulder -

What I want, I turn back!

On the stage is the Tsar with a brush. Paints the fence and sings.

Song of the king.

I have mountain cakes

And eat what to eat, and eat what to drink.

But I paint, I paint fences,

So as not to pass for a parasite.

Vovka enters.


Hey king lord

Are you working alone?

Kings are not supposed to

Work. Forbidden!

But where has it been seen that the king

Did you fix your inventory yourself?


You, little one, where are you from?

To advise kings?

If you were already big

Off your head right now!


Well, what kind of king are you then,

Kohl always work?

Receive guests with honor

This is the work of a king!


You are young, but lazy

And besides, he's talkative!

All lazy bums,

Sneaky and talkative

Drive out of the kingdom!

Here is my royal law!

Music. The wolf flies away. Curtain.

On the left is the sea, in the center is Babka. Vovka enters.


Hello grandma!

What are you sitting, looking at the blue sea?


Hello dear person!

Here I sit for a century.

The path to the kingdom is closed to me ...

Make me, granddaughter, a trough

The old man ran away from me

After my tricks.


The trough is not my problem!

I have something else!

Where is the goldfish

What wishes fulfill?


The sea is there, but without difficulty

You will never catch!

Grandma leaves. Music Sound of the Sea. The dance of the fish.

Rybka 2:

Hey my fish friends

Swim up quickly

Look what a boy

In our fairy tale at the door


Hey, you! Golden fish!

I will make a wish.

Give me jam!

Have you heard? Do it!

Fish 3:

She is not a simple fish at all,

Like the sun, golden!

Likes to sing and dance

Don't let your friends get bored.


You little fish don't turn around

Don't skimp on wishes

I have jam, but sweeter,

Well, let them bring a spoon!


Whoa! And you caught me!

You threw a net into the sea!

Who is this here

Commanded me!

Addressing fish:

What kind of nasty guy is that?

He speaks very rudely

Chorus of fish:

Get out of the story!

We can help with this!

Magical music. The wolf flies away. Curtain. We don't turn off the music.


Well, please

The sprat is unhappy.

Scene 4:

Round dance Vasilis.

Let's work well

Calculate per lesson

How many cinder blocks do you need

To build the palace on time.

We need to calculate

How water flows from pipes

What follows from here

Honor to arithmetic.

Vasilisa we are sisters,

All hands of a craftswoman,

If someone asks for advice

We will give an answer like this:

Only he lives does not grieve,

Who is close friends with science,

It's impossible without her

Science and I are friends!

Let's start our advice!

Together: Vasilisushki! Hey!

Let's start our advice!

I read it in the starry sky

Our Koshchey is seriously ill!

We should help him

And drive the disease away!

I walked along the magical path,

I found a healing bush,

From it the decoction is

Just a sip - and you're healthy!

Vovka crawls out from behind a bush.


Well well! Here is a miracle!

How many beautiful girls!

Yes, in painted crowns!

Yes, in gold dresses!

These, I will boldly say,

They can do nothing!

Need to sleep all day long

To be such a beauty!

And they, neither give nor take

Everyone knows how to conjure!


Who is hiding in the bushes?


It's me, visiting you!


We welcome good guests!


And that's what I need from you!

A couple of magic words

To say - and the table is ready.

And on it - a pie with jam,

And another treat -

Gingerbread, my favorite cake,

Samovar, of course ...

We understand your order

Let's start teaching now.

And it will turn out from Vova

The best chef in the world.

So this is it ... Let's take the flour ...


Stop! To study?. I can not!

I would just, without learning

Get jam pie!

Here's a hint for you

You go to another fairy tale.

You shout: “Two from the casket!

Identical from the face! »

You just give them orders

Everything will be done at the same time.


Go on that path!

Good way to you! Goodbye!

Disperse in different directions to the music of Vasilis. Curtain.

Along the edges - a stove and a chest, in the center - a tub of dough and firewood.


Here, not salty slurping,

Vovka is walking tired...

What to do? How to be?

Vovka needs to hurry

To catch the brothers from the casket,

And the desire to guess

To make his dream come true.

Always mess around!


Here is that cherished casket!

Oh yes Vovka! Well done!

Hey you! Two from the chest

Identical from the face!

Get out, get out!

Meet the owner!

Music "Chpok".

What does our master want?

And what are you dreaming about now?


Everything is ready to be done!

Give, my friend, the order!

So, first of all, I want...

Wait! I'm running!


We are for you, so to speak,

Let's cross our fingers!

Vovka: Well, well! Blimey!

Bend your fingers!

Brothers: Yep!


So I want to eat

about six kilograms

Delicious all kinds of sweets,

This will be my lunch.

For dinner I want...

Bend over!


We bend!


Huge Chocolate Cake!

It is clear?. That's okay!

Waffles, gingerbread, jam,

Yes! And sweet cookies!

This is my third order!


Busdelano! Now!

Brothers song.

We are two brothers from the casket,

Identical from the face

Oh, it would be a job for us

We can do everything for one or two.


Just say

You show,

We'll get the moon from the sky

Just order!

We can tell a story

We can clean everything in the house

We can dig a garden.

Sleep for the owner.



Enough, enough, you see, sing,

Themselves, I suppose, overeat

And cakes, and sweets,

Well, where's my lunch?

Music "Trytyty".

Here you go, my friend, sweets!

There is nothing tastier!

Here are the cakes, hold on!

Put it right in my mouth!

Here's the cookie, here's the jam!

This is a miracle treat!


Stop! Where! And what about me!


We will eat everything for you!


What nonsense is this!

Come for me!



No, patience is over!

Get out of the box!

Music "Chpok". The brothers fly into the chest.


Oh, how to eat something hunting!

Meet at least someone

Who would feed me

Caressed, but sheltered.

Song of the oven.

Pies, pies, Hey people, don't come through!

I won’t deprive anyone, I’ll feed pies!

To you from the stove - mother

delicious pancakes!

rouge pie,

Buns and gingerbread!

Here in the tub of this dough,

There is very little room for him.

Knead it, my friend

And you get a pie!


Hello beautiful fellow!


Oh, how unhappy I am!

Help me dear!

I heard about pies...

Well, so what? Give me

Your vaunted loaf!


I'm happy to feed you

It would be necessary to chop wood,

They melt the stove,

Knead the dough in a bowl

Make a pie out of it

And here, on fire!


Whatoo! Work for me again!

Oh, you have to call brothers!

Hey, you two from the box!

Identical from the face!

Music "Chpok".


What do you want, master?

Marmalade? Chocolate?

What can we please?


Knead! And chop!

Music "Chpok", Music "Trytyty".


Well, who will understand you?

All wrong! Vice versa!

(change places)


And not tired, brothers,

Doing bullshit?

No thanks for your hard work!

So I'll be left without food!

Clumsy! All clear!

Get back!

Music "Chpok".


I'll have to myself.

How to prick something? I don't understand...

Well hatchet, well, come on!

Once! Again! Ah ah ah!

I got a bad ax!

I almost lost my leg!

To bake a cake now

We'll put the dough in the oven!

How to knead it? By hand?

Whoo! How disgusting!

The oven seems to be smart

Bake your own cake!

Music "Chpok". The dough flew over the oven. Introduction to the oven.


I won't cheat anyone

I'll feed you pies...

Heh heh heh! Friend, listen!

The pies are ready! Eat!

Music "Chpok". The coals fly out.


    Hey buddy, look

What a miracle coals

From the heat of the heat, only from the stove,

We are dirty rings

    You bite our barrels

And quickly bring to the table

Just something for heartburn

Definitely grab it. Ha ha ha

    If you are a little lazy,

Eat crumbs from the table

Forget about cakes and meatballs

Enjoy your diet

    How to eat a pie

Drink some water, my friend

Starvation Malakhov cures all diseases

Even thinking on an empty stomach is easier and more useful


I worked ... What is it!

It doesn't look like a pie!


At work - the result!

You're lazy - that's a fact!

Not knowing and not knowing

You won't get a loaf!

Well, to know more

And also - get rid of laziness!

Don't waste your time!


And, perhaps, the stove is right!

I'll read the primer first!

Scene 5:


Vovka is ours, albeit in a dream,

Understood the truth completely.

wonderful lesson

Received our Vovka for the future.

What will happen when he

Finally wake up (dream)


Vovochka! You are sleeping again!


Oh, why are you screaming like that?


So sleep your whole life!


It was just a dream!

What can he mean!

I don't want to sleep anymore!

I want to know everything!


A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

After all, it is often said,

Having received such a lesson,

We will study.


We are terribly interested

Forgive the weirdo

What we don't know

We will know for sure.


How many colors in the world

And bright lights

How many fairy tales in the world

And true friends.


Everything is complicated and simple

And mysteriously in it,

And we will find answers to all questions.


Look at this world!

It is not invented by us.

Let's color the world of childhood

Bright pencils.

He is naive like a child

And his eyes are clear.

World of boys and girls

Fairy tales of peace and kindness!

Final song "Visiting a Fairy Tale".


new Year

"Adventures of Vovka from Far Far Away

in the New Year's forest "...

(junior link)

Place of work: Samara region, city of Oktyabrsk GBOU secondary school No. 9

Position: teacher elementary school

New Year's songs:

    « A Christmas tree was born in the forest” Balagan Limited;

    The blizzard swept up;

    Father Frost;

    Christmas story;

    There is a new year in the world;

    We believe in childhood we calendar

New Year's dances:





    boogie boogie;

    gypsy girl

      cowboy, Dance of the Snowflakes

New Year games:


    Father Frost;

    Snow Maiden;



    Little Red Riding Hood;

    Vasilisa the Wise;

  1. Baba - Yaga;

    Damn angel;

    Jack Sparrow;

    Yagin is the grandson of Babi - Yagi;

  2. Two from the chest

Musical accompaniment

    The children enter to the music Christmas toys»;

    Sounds of music enters Little Red Riding Hood;

    Dance "Boogie Boogie";

    The song "We believe in the childhood we calendar";

    Gun shots are heard, Baba Yaga runs in;

    Weeping is heard;

    Dance "We will now go to the right";

    Music sounds dancing Baba - Yaga and Yagin;

    The song "There is a new year in the world";

    Vovka enters on a children's bicycle;

    Song The blizzard swept up;

    Music sounds. Enter Vasilisa the Wise;

    Dance with handkerchiefs (under the Russian folk song “Kalinka”);

14. Musical game "Lavata";

15. Enter the king;

16. Baba flies in - Yaga and Yagin grab Vovochka;

17. Enter Damn those what;

18. Song New Year's fairy tale;

19. Shrek enters;

20. Dance of the Gypsy;

21. Music two from the casket;

22. Baba-=Yaga runs in and chases the Christmas tree;

23. Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest";

24 Enter Jack Sparrow;

25. Disco music with a soap gun sounds;

26. Dance "Twist";

27. Song Santa Claus;

28. Entrance of Santa Claus;

29. Dance of the Snowflakes;

30. Dance Letka-enka;

31. Music for the game Freeze and Mitten;

32. Song;

33. Chimes.

Event progress

(Children enter to the music of "Christmas toys")

Malvina Hello everyone in this room!

I hope there are no indifferent people here!!!???

Pinocchio- So you are a cheerful people

And our holiday will pass at the level.

Malvina - I ask you, my friend, be free

Sing, dance, don't be lazy today

Pinocchio- Let's open your eyes wide,

Now you will see miracles.

1, 2, 3 fairy tale come to us.

We repeat everything after me.

(Music sounds, Little Red Riding Hood enters)

Little Red Riding Hood:If long, long, long

If long on the track

If long on the path

You can jump and jump...

- Today my most cherished dream will come true. I'm going to the New Year's party.

I even learned the New Year's dance, if you want, I'll teach you. Well, repeat after me.

(Boogie boogie dance)

Here you go! You yourself know this dance, but why didn’t they say right away. Okay, then we'll learn a new New Year's song.

Hold hands together

Get into a round dance.

And let's show you

How little people dance.

(song "We believe in the childhood we calendar")

(Shots are heard from a pistol, Baba Yaga runs in)

Little Red Riding Hood: Guard, help, save.

Baba Yaga: What a disgrace, gold, yell, make noise. Grandma is disturbed from sleeping. And this, what a miracle - Yudo.

Little Red Riding Hood:(cries, stretches out his hands to Baba Yaga) Granny Yagusenka.

Baba Yaga: Wait, how do you know me? Who is she?

Little Red Riding Hood: How from where, because I'm your great-granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood.

Baba Yaga: Ai, ai, ai ... Shame on you girl, you lie and don't blush. My great-granddaughter has a red hat and pies with jam.

Little Red Riding Hood: And what's that?

Baba Yaga: Here the hag did not recognize the old native blood. Come to me, my yacht, I will kiss you. She grew up like that, got prettier then like a beauty. Why were you screaming like that? Who scared you so?

Little Red Riding Hood: Do not know! Something was scary.

(heard crying)

Baba Yaga: Well, here it is again burst into tears!

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, it's not me crying, but someone else!

Baba Yaga: Boy it's not you crying? Girl, why are you crying? Who hurt you? Not you?

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, it's like our Christmas tree is crying!

(run up to the Christmas tree and unfold the package)

Baba Yaga: Oh, another relative! Yes, how small, but how grimy, and how pretty. Well, all in me!!! My dear granddaughter! M-ah! (kissing on both cheeks)

Yagin: Grandma, why did you leave me! You don't like Al at all. Ah-ah!!! I want to eat, I want to mess around!

Baba Yaga: On you dear little candy! Oh, with these children one hassle! Am I a babysitter? Malvinochka, Pinocchio, you calm him down!!!

Malvina: What would be fun with us,

Let's go to the dance now.

Let's dance a dance just class.

(Dance "We'll go right now")

Yagin: How many guys are here! And I didn't say hello. I'll go say hello.

Begins to greet and get to know each child

Little Red Riding Hood: (pulls Yagin by the hand): What are you doing? So you will say hello until retirement.

Yagin: So how should it be? I can't do it any other way.

Little Red Riding Hood: Learn! You go to the middle and shout loudly: “Hello!” Clear?

Yagin: Yeah. I'm going to try now. (Goes to the middle and shouts) Hello! Clear?

Little Red Riding Hood: And "understandably" could not be said.

Yagin(to some child): And "clearly" could not be said.

Little Red Riding Hood: Here is the nonsense. Yes, I'm not talking to him, but to you.

Yagin:(to another child): What a mess. Yes, I'm not talking to him, but to you.

Malvina: Dear guests, you don’t know where our New Year’s fairy tale is, where are the gifts, where is Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: Where! On your beard! What stupid questions you ask! We need Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. We are just fine without them. Now let's have a party and hang out with the kids.

(Music sounds dancing Baba - Yaga and Yagin)

Little Red Riding Hood: Ouch! Look, we have a telegram under the tree. (read together with Malvina and Pinocchio together)


Dear residents of school number 2.

If you want to New Year's holiday go to the distant kingdom, find a magic Christmas tree and ask her for the voice of a fairy tale.

Then Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come to you.

Pinocchio: And who will go to this kingdom now!? A?!

Yagin: Here you are and go nosy !!!

Pinocchio: Why are you calling yourself a little pot-bellied!

Little Red Riding Hood: Well, stop swearing at you! Let's better sing a New Year's song and decide which of us will go to the distant kingdom.

(Song "There is a new year in the world")

( Vovka enters the hall on a children's bicycle, all disheveled)

Baba Yaga: Oh, guys, who came to us? Some kind of slacker? Our friend!?

Vovka: Who's the slob? Is that me? And don't be a slob at all!

Yagin: And who are you?

Vovka: I am Vovka Morkovkin and I am going to the distant kingdom. I want a "royal life"! Just do it and do nothing. Here life will come ... And what do you need.

Malvina: You are exactly what we need. We need the voice of a fairy tale from a distant kingdom. And then at our holiday there is no Santa Claus, no Snow Maiden, no gifts.

Vovka: Yes, it's easy to say - go. And where to go?

Pinocchio: Well, something, and it's as easy as shelling pears, you have to say the magic words. Guys, let's help Vovka read the magic words.

Children read: ENE, BEN, SLAVES.

Malvina: Oh, guys, we can't leave Vovka alone, in case he still needs our help. He doesn't know anything, he can't do anything. And the road to the distant kingdom is long, with obstacles, will we go with him? Let's ask Little Red Riding Hood to help him.

Baba - Yaga and Yagin: Yes, we spend it together with the Red hat. Let them travel. We will clear the path for you with panicles, and you follow us. Don't turn anywhere.

(Baba - Yaga and Yagin run away)

Little Red Riding Hood: And to make it more fun for us on the road, we will take a New Year's song with us.

(Song "Swept up a blizzard")

(They walk around the Christmas tree with Little Red Riding Hood)

Vovka: Oh, I'm already tired of walking! I'll get to the distant kingdom and ask the magician if he would teach me all kinds of magic.

(Music sounds. Vasilisa the Wise enters)

Vovka: Hey, who are you?

Vasilisa the Wise: Vasilisa the Wise!

Vovka: Who, who-oh-oh?

Vasilisa the Wise: Vasilisa the Wise!

Vovka: Where are you from?

Vasilisa the Wise: From the distant kingdom of the state.

Vovka: Blimey!!! That's where I need it. Come on, teach me some wisdom.

Vasilisa the Wise: Yes please! Let's start with the simplest. We will teach you how to build geometric figures.

Dance with handkerchiefs (to the Russian folk song “Kalinka”)

Vovka: Is that so what? (walks with a headscarf and dances)

Vasilisa the Wise: You have not mastered this wisdom. Let's move on to the next (singing)

Let's work well
We need to do the math
Where to multiply, where to add,
Honor to arithmetic.

Vovka snorted, snorted, nothing! It will be… (shouting) Two hands! No, two legs!

Children give the correct answer.

Vasilisa the Wise:(praises children) See how your friends count, learn from them.

Vasilisa the Wise: And you, my friend, still need to learn.

Vovka: I do not want! I won't! They teach me, even here, in a fairy tale, they piled on! ...

Vasilisa the Wise: Oh man! You didn’t hit a finger on a finger, but you’re aiming for wizards in the same place. Don't be like this!

Vasilisa stamps her foot, turns and leaves.

Vovka: Well, it’s not necessary, I can do without your wisdom, Vasilisa, unfortunate-ah! (grimacing, sticking out his tongue). I will learn how to spell myself.

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm not a magician yet, but I'm learning. But I know the game "Lavatu". Repeat after me!!!

Musical game "Lavata"

(Sounds of music appears King)

The Tsar appears, without a crown, with a rag and a bucket. He approaches the Christmas tree and begins to wipe it and sing a song:

I have mountain cakes!
And eat what to eat, and eat what to drink.
But mine, I wash everything in the house,
So as not to pass for a parasite!

VOVKA: Tsar! And the king!?

TSAR: Oh my God! (music sounds - a commotion, on which the Tsar puts on a crown and sits on a throne, which is carried out by two servants.)
Oh! How scared I was! I already thought our fairy tales who took to read! And I'm like this!

VOVKA: No it's me! And why are you cleaning everything here, you are the King!? And kings are supposed to do nothing!

TSAR: I know, but you will die of boredom from idleness!

VOVKA: You do not understand anything in the Royal life! Tsar, you want a cake, you want ice cream, and he paints the fence!

TSAR: Ah, that's it! Parasite, then appeared? Hey guard! Cut off his head!

(Baba flies in - Yaga and Yagin grab Vovochka)

Baba - Yaga and Yagin: Yep, you got the fool!!! I decided to help Malvinochka and Pinocchio and the kids. You will not have a holiday and a spectacle. Knit him.

Malvina: What's going on, somebody help me.

Pinocchio: Boys stomp your feet. Girls clap your hands.
Little Red Riding Hood: I'm not a magician yet, but I'm learning. Now I will help Vovka the carrot.

One, two, three, come to the rescue.

(Damn angel flies )

Little Red Riding Hood: This is what I made!!! Who is this!?

Damn angel: No, well, what are you fighting about!? I didn't know you needed it. Well, what was my name. What do you need. Who's in charge of the party here?

Yagin: Like who we are!!! You saw how I decorated the hall!! All by myself.

Damn angel: Baba Yaga rules the holiday!!! (rubs hands) Cool. Well, then I'll hang out with you (dancing) Madam, I invite you. (sees what a terrible Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga: Well, don't! I'm shy!!!

Damn angel: Okay, let's sing a better song.

(Song "New Year's Tale")

Little Red Riding Hood: Wait, wait! Help our Vovochka.

Crap: Who is Vovochka?

Little Red Riding Hood: Morkovkin. We are going with him to the distant kingdom for the voice of a fairy tale.

Crap: What does Baba Yaga say? You need help or you don't.

Baba Yaga: What are you!!! Beleny ate too much. You help us, you idiot!!!

Malvina and Pinocchio: Help, save!

(Shrek enters)

Shrek: Who called for help? hello residents fairyland.

Children say hello

Baba Yaga: Ouch! Moms! Hey, who's so green!

Yagin: He turned green with anger. He is angry with us, probably, save yourself, who can.

(throw Vovochka and run away)

Shrek: Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
Congratulations, friends!
We wish you gifts
Lots of happiness and warmth!

Play with me a little guys. And then I'm all alone and alone.

Shrek is playing

"On thehotsouth"

Playing on the motive of the song "Fried Chicken".
We are in the south
in the hot south
The sun shines all year round.
And everyone is dancing
Everyone is having fun
When they meet New Year!

Everyone sings a song, and then the host says: "Right hand!" And this means that they still sing this song again, but at the same time they will shake right hand. With each successive performance of the song, new tasks are given: the right shoulder, left hand, left shoulder, head, left leg. With each new repetition, everyone should "shake" more and more parts of the body.

N, well done! Well pleased me.

Redbeanie: Guys, let's teach Shrek "Gypsy Girl" to dance.

(Dance "Gypsy Girl")

Shrek: Guys, Santa Claus dreams of me at night! Such a thin, bald, hunchbacked, bow-legged and blind.

Vovochka: What are you!!! Our Santa Claus is written beauties. With a white beard and a warm fur coat. Only now we do not have it on holiday.

Vovka. Hey, two from the casket are identical from the face!

Two from the casket: (jumps out of the box). Hello!

Vovka. Hello. So are you really going to do everything for me?

Vovka. Aha! Then make me: first - a cake,

Second: what are you? What will you bend your fingers for me?

Two from the casket: Aha!

Vovka. Good! Second, candy!

And thirdly: well, bend down! And thirdly - ice cream! Well, hurry up!

Two from the casket: Will be done!

Two from the chestin the casket they throw dummies - sweets up, imitate to Russian folk music that they "eat sweets"

Vovka. Hey, hey, ale! Are you going to eat candy for me?

Two from the casket: Aha!

Vovka: Well, no, then get back to the chest.

Little Red Riding Hood: What are you! Why didn't you ask them about the Christmas tree? What are we going to do now!!!

Vovochka: A! Well, we're fast. (opens chest)

Two from the casket: (jumps out of the box). What do you need!

Vovochka: Find us a Christmas tree from a distant kingdom.

Little Red Riding Hood and Vovochka: You are welcome!

(Music sounds, Baba-Yaga, Yagin run in and chase the Christmas tree)

drives the Christmas tree

Baba Yaga: Stop camel thorn!

Christmas tree - stick! Hedgehog granddaughter!

Brought me to the edge!

Christmas tree: Help me!

Baba Yaga: I will kill!

The new year will come soon.

No one will buy me a Christmas tree!

Christmas tree: Ouch! She will kill me!

Baba Yaga: We know, I'll kill you!

(runs with an ax)

Shrek: Grandma would be ashamed!

Baba Yaga: Let the ghoul bite you!

Away, not like I stomp,

Jump, spit, blow, slam...

Shrek: I'm bursting with laughter now!

Baba Yaga: Well, nasty well, hold on!

Bone with your foot

I'll bury you in a snowdrift!

Shrek: You're pissed off grandma. List of whom they fear, probably lost? A?

Baba Yaga: So now, now! (See list). Aha! Here is Shrek No. 1. I'm afraid of everything. Okay, I was kidding!!!

Shrek: The glorious holiday continues. We sing the song together.

(Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Baba Yaga- Well, all the darlings, now you will definitely dance with us. Well, fir-tree come here! We will now pull out all the needles for you, shreds will now fly through the back streets.

Enter Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow Something, gentlemen, you are not very similar to desperate pirates. Where did I end up? Isn't this the Bay of Lost Ships?? (frustrated) We're about to have the fourth council of the pirate brotherhood. Why are you here at all? What do you have here?

Children say new year

Ha, I see the whole gang is here. I suspect that the meeting of the new year will be pirate-like fun and easy. And, piranha by the scruff of my neck, I am glad to welcome adventurers and treasure seekers! Thousand sea devils, Baba Yaga and her granddaughters

And now, with great pirate pleasure, I announce the beginning of our New Year's ...


Yagin: We haven't hung out here for a long time. We need a cool soap party.

(Soap gun disco music sounds)

Herringbone: So stop the mess. Now Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come to us. And you've caused a stir here.

Jack Sparrow: This is who the word was given here. Well, I went from here to my kingdom. Let's dance my favorite dance "Twist".

(Dance "Twist")

Herringbone: Well, you all pissed me off. Heed my order. And well, a song about Santa Claus, sing the kids.

(Song Santa Claus)

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter)

Father Frost:

Hello guys!
I remember exactly one year ago
I saw these guys.
The year has flown by like an hour
I didn't even notice.
And here again among you,
Dear children!
Santa Claus did not forget you,
Brought the winter game.
Guys stand in a circle
Listen carefully.
Let's play the game
Praise our tree.

The game"Christmas treesthere are"

We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest different Christmas trees grow, both wide and low, tall, thin.
Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up.
"Low" - squat and lower your arms.
"Wide" - make the circle wider.
"Thin" - make a circle already.
And now let's play!
(The host plays, trying to confuse the children)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, look, something is not all right with us here ... The Christmas tree is not on fire. And so I want the magic lights to light up on it.

Father Frost: Yes, you are right granddaughter, a mess! Now we will fix everything together with the guys!
Oh, yes, the Christmas tree is beautiful,
How fluffy, good!
To light up the tree
colorful lights,
Let's say together: one, two, three!

Santa Claus and children(chorus): One, two, three!

The lights on the tree are lit

Father Frost: So who spoiled the holiday here, who didn’t want me to come to the holiday, who was kicked out of the holiday.

Crap: It's not my fault, I just came here.

Yagin: We are not to blame either.

Jack Sparrow: I didn't go here at all.

Baba Yaga: No, well, it's normal again, as always, is Baba-Yaga to blame?

Father Frost: Well, admit it, who opened the station here bazaar???

Vasilisa: Confess in a good way, otherwise let's look at a saucer with an apple. It not only shows the present, but also the past, it has its own memory of 100 gigabytes.

Baba - Yaga, Jack Sparrow, Yagin fall to their knees and ask

everyone is forgiven and at Grandfather.

Forgive us assholes

And let us go on a holiday.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, would come up with a game
Entertain the kids!

Father Frost: There are not enough games in the world.
Do you want to play, kids?
The song sounds, everyone sings, Santa Claus shows the movements, the children repeat the movements of Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Oh how hot I got
I'm not used to living in warmth.
Snowflakes - chills, silver ice floes,
Hurry fly to me, cool Frost.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's help grandfather and circle around him like snowflakes so that he doesn't melt with us!

(Dance of the Snowflakes)

You can ask girls (and boys if they want) to dance like snowflakes. It is important to choose gentle waltz music.

Father Frost: Well, thank you! Respect grandfather!
And now I'm in order
I'll give you riddles.

They come to us in winter
And circle around the earth.
Very light fluff.
These are white ... SNOWFLAKES.

Snow Maiden: Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
After all, on the street ... FROST

We made a snowball
They made a hat on him
The nose was attached, and in an instant.
It turned out ... SNOWMAN.

Snow Maiden: He flies from the sky in winter,
Don't go barefoot now
Every person knows
What is always cold ... SNOW

And now in a fun dance

Let's stomp our feet,

Let the parents help

We will be clapped together!

(Dance Letka-enka)

Father Frost: Well done boys!
Frequent forest,
Blizzard field
The winter holiday is upon us.
So let's say together:
"Hello, hello, New Year!"
Songs were sung and danced
All riddles solved.
And now it's time to play.
Show your skill.

Games with Santa Claus

Father Frost: Come on, kids, make yourself comfortable, show your hands.

Children hold out their hands.

Father Frost: Since they didn’t let me sleep, I’ll freeze all the guys!

Runs in a circle trying to grab the children by the hands. Children hide their hands behind their backs.

(Dance music sounds for the game I'll Freeze)


Snow Maiden: Come on, Santa Claus, I'll take a look at your mitten.

Santa Claus gives.

Snow Maiden: And now - catch up!

Children pass the mitten around (or toss it to each other). Santa Claus her

is catching up.

(Dance music sounds for the game Mittens)

Jack Sparrow: So, attention! Everyone is getting ready to meet the scariest, scariest and most fire-breathing dragon in the world! Thunders rumble, lightning flashes, the lights go out, terrible, terrible music sounds in everyone's ears. Adults who are scared can close their eyes.

(music sounds dragon flies)

Father Frost: Don't be afraid guys! Jack the sparrow joked! Touch our symbol of the year, and the year will be fruitful for you by 5 and 4, happy and rich in good deeds.

Snow Maiden. Friendship - great power! Hold on, guys, hold hands tightly and let's all sing a fun New Year's song together.


Father Frost: Sorry, friends
You need to say goodbye.
It's time for everyone to go home.
Good luck to you guys!
Goodbye, kids!

Snow Maiden: There comes a breakup
But we mean:
Parting - goodbye
In the new, next year!


Tsar: Everything happens in life
Happiness happens, trouble happens ...
All is well that ends well.
We must always believe in the good.

Jack Sparrow: Goodbye, Old year!
It's sad to leave.
Here comes the new one:
The clock strikes twelve
Do not delay the shooter's run,
Faces brightened ... And on the old, gray snow
New snow falls.

Vasilisa: Time flies, hear the tick-tock

The arrows are not in our power to hold

And, saying goodbye, we say this:

Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden We wish you to have fun under the tree now. Well, it's time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, goodbye.

Father Frost Solve difficult problems

Go ahead boldly

And may you new luck

Brings a Happy New Year.





"Issue R U K N I K - SHOW"

"Vovka in Far Far Away"






KURSK - 2010

The event is held on a holiday last call for 11 grades. The participants - artists are the graduates themselves. This costume performance is a gift to the school and teachers.

The stage is themed and decorated balloons. On the walls, in addition to balloons, comic ads are hung (see appendix).

Participants are dressed in fabulous costumes according to their roles.


Please send me a bottle sunflower oil: lay sideways. Kolobok.

Lost dentures. The one who found and returned gold. Koschei the Deathless.

seeking effective remedy from moths, as the flying machine is out of order. Old man Hottabych.

A lonely dreamer, 12 meters tall, weighing 4 tons, will give fiery love to a tender three-headed girlfriend. Dragon.


Even yesterday I didn’t think about what school means to me? This is a special world in which an atmosphere of kindness and cooperation reigns. This is the world of communication! It is so multifaceted - it contains my friends, my teachers ... It was here that I realized that in any situation the most important thing is to remain human. It was here that we discovered ourselves, believed in our strength, realized our dreams. Yesterday it was my world...

Graduates come out and sing all together (K. Orbakaite "The world in which I live."

SONG "The World I Live In"

The world I live in

school called.

If you want, I'll take you with me

He everyone smiling .

Will give he you love,

Will teach he you laugh,

Look colorful rain

The wind sings with inspiration.

You didn't even notice that you were walking on a rainbow

Into my world, how beautiful and bright it is!

Will give he you love ,

Will teach he you laugh,

You will forget about sadness and pain,

You will swim in the clouds.

The phonogram of the melody from the program “Visiting a fairy tale” (“Come visit us as soon as possible”) sounds. They take out the scenery: a fence.


One simple story

Or maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

We remember her from childhood

Or maybe not since childhood,

Or maybe we don't remember

But we will remember.


Against heaven on earth

A man lived in a village.

There lived a man, and with him three sons.

The older one was smart,

The average was this way and that,

The younger one was called Vovka.


At 8.30 the brothers go to school,

Only the cheerful bell rings,

Already sitting at the desks

They look at teachers.


Behind the window of the sun light

And he has no grief!

He sleeps and does not lead with his ear.

Won't go to school again?

- Lazybones, get up,

Get dressed, wash up!

And hurry to class.

- Yes, now I, well, now ...

Vovka enters, in his hands is the book "Fairy Tales"; examines the pictures, one of them shows the king on the throne; admires.

School, school! Lessons every day! What kind of person can stand it? (Looks at book)

“This is the life of a king!” No computer science, no physics. Just do it, don't do anything!

The Tsar enters with a brush and a can of paint in his hands, paints the fence.

Why are you painting the fence? You are the king!

“Yes, you will die of boredom. And you, my dear, do you like to mess around? Hey guard, cut off his head! Parasite…

Vovka hiding, running away.

The scenery is changing. A picture is hung on the curtain - the sea and the Goldfish.

Rybka enters, Vovka runs out to the music of Y. Antonov “Sea, Sea”.

- Hey, Goldfish-a! What, don't you hear?

- What do you need? (sleepily)

- I would like you to…

— What-oh? Have you wove a net? Did you catch me? (throws out).

- Wow, think! (runs away)

- Here's a bum! And how do they teach you at school?!

The fish is reading a poem.

I woke up in a dark night

It was only three o'clock.

I was terribly scared

That the lesson has already begun.

I got dressed in two minutes

Grabbing a pencil case from the table.

Papa ran after

He caught up with me at the door.

Woke up the whole apartment!

Nobody could sleep!

Even my grandmother dreamed

What is her lesson.

There was no reason for us to worry.

When they arrived at the school

Everyone around us was smiling

They rejoiced heartily.

She was standing on the porch.

This is how it is now!

Congratulations on the holiday,

She invited us to school.

— Dear Elena Gennadievna, thank you for the kindness and soul that you have invested in us! Flowers

The scenery changes: three birches and birds are painted. Three Vasilises the Wise come out (young men act in their role).

- Who are you?

We are Vasilisa the Wise! We have a gathering of young Vasilis for the exchange of wisdom.

“Oh, I would also like to exchange some wisdom!”

Chastushki (Vasilisa sing)

1. Oh let's go now

Let's look back.

Let's remember everything that happened to us

And we all smile.

2. How darkness was the lessons

On our schedule

Teachers are crazy

Led our efforts.

3. Oh, you are our Russian language,

We are not up to smiles:

Exam to be taken

Don't make mistakes!

4. The world of literature is complex

We got it the hard way.

We'd rather watch a movie

Leave the text for later.

5. Mathematics is a subject

Very entertaining

And the teacher according to him -

Simply wonderful!

6. Mathematics is mine

Yes, science is exact.

We are on the subject

All were willing.

7. We want to confess to you

Without much modesty

That we will solve all the problems

Increased complexity.

8. Memory, logic, attention

Important in everyone's life.

If we do not learn the formula,

At night we dream of you!

9. I love life safety

Very, very strongly

I look in chemical protection

Very sexy!

10. We have something to eat in the dining room

It is necessary for sure.

Stand in line -

Little change!

11. The warm evening has come,

Everyone went out for a walk.

And we teach lessons at home,

We write exercises.

- I do not want! At school they teach - they teach, even here, in a fairy tale, they piled on!

- You, you see, need to go to Far Far Away.

What didn't I see there?

- And there are two from the casket, identical from the face. They will do everything for you.

— Wow! And how to get there?

- You go straight and do not turn anywhere, good riddance!

Potpourri of songs about school life. Performed in groups of 2-3-5 people.

Song ("The Song of the Bears")

Somewhere in the world

There is such a school

There are children studying

Everything in the world is.

The teacher spins the globe

Sleeping under the ice of the sea

The teacher spins the globe

I sleep in class.


They sleep under the ice of the sea.


I sleep in class.


If there is silence in the classroom,

Flies don't fly

So we have physics

Someone is being called.

If everyone rustled

Know the teacher is moving

All cheat sheets must be hidden

And close all books.

Physics teacher ("Apples in the snow")

You write the formulas on the board carelessly,

Chalk gently touching a large black board.

The formulas on the board... You understand them so well

To us, they are like white spots on the wall.

Formulas on the board, formulas on the board

You explained them to us, we could not understand

The more we look at them

The more we want to sleep.


Scene "Exam".(3 students and a “teacher” participate).

1 student. What is the exam now?

2 student. I do not remember. The main thing is that the latter.

3 student. Let's hear the question, and it will become clear.

Teacher. Well, question five. What exam are we taking today?

1st. Oh, the five broke!

2nd. Again no luck!

3rd (counting on fingers). Passed physics, literature too ...

Teacher. Question four. Who wrote the textbook?

1st. Writer.

2nd. Scientist.

3rd. A group of scientists.

Teacher. I see… Question three. What is my name?

1. You have a very beautiful name.

2. And your middle name is also beautiful.

3. And last name. And you yourself are very ...

Teacher. Not bad. Last question. Where are we?

1. The main thing is that we like it here.

2. Because we are with you.

3. And all together - in our school!

Biology teacher ("It's all right, beautiful marquise")

And in our school there is such a teacher -

We are always interested in him.

We study fauna and flora

And we will never forget:

That worms live in the ground

And the fish swim in the water

The spider hunts flies

The dog has a keen sense of smell.

that we contain water,

But this, right, is not a problem.

that we breathe in oxygen

And we are growing from year to year.

For all this, thank you very much,

Our Olga Vasilievna!



Here he is walking along the forest path,

The boy's legs were tired.
Finally, before Vovka, the kingdom

Cheerful state.

Vovka comes out, towards - "two from the casket."

Hey, two from the chest, the same from the face!


    Hello. Are you really going to do everything for me?


    Well then ... Make me, firstly, cakes, secondly, sweets ... and pass the exam for me, huh? ..

    Buit done! (unwrap and eat candy)

    Will you eat candy for me? Then get back to the chest!

Advice is given by two graduates.

Tips for graduates.

    Always smile during exams. This will give you confidence and mislead the examiners.

    Use a cheat sheet like a dangerous medicine: only in small doses.

    From time to time, cough into your fist and rub the area of ​​​​the heart, hinting at poor health, undermined in preparation for exams. This way you will pity the teachers at the exam.

    If you feel that you cannot immediately answer the question, do not rush to report it. Let the examiners guess.

    And generally speaking. Don't think that teachers dream of failing your exam. After all, they love us very much and sincerely wish us only the best!


Informatics ... She burst into our lives like a hurricane. We got up with her, fell asleep with her ... And so from Monday to Thursday, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. But all this is after school, but on ...

Song to the teacher of computer science ("It hurts me, it hurts")

In a computer science class

Heart beats like a bird

It's dark and cold in the classroom

The class is like a dungeon.

Let's fall into the arms of darkness

And let's go where we don't know

It's only you, only you, only you.

It hurts us, it hurts

How to go home as soon as possible?

In order not to give tickets to you with a creaking soul.

It hurts us, it hurts! Can't resist tears

The black wind of the polls took away our happiness a long time ago!



physical education teacher

We had a special passion for physical education lessons. It was just before this lesson that everyone was making amazing discoveries about their state of health. Natural selection took place here: all the frail and sick were sharply eliminated, and the strongest survived until the beginning of the lesson.

Two boys and two girls come out. The song is sung by young people.

Take a deep breath, open your arms

Don't rush, three, four,

Cheerfulness of spirit, grace and plasticity.

General strengthening, sobering in the morning,

If he is still alive, gymnastics.

If you are in the gym

Not tired of pushing

Start running and squats.

Away from outside influences, study in silence,

Sport, alas, does not tolerate neglect.

The poem is read by the girls.

Run in place. The mouths were closed.

We start three or four.

And for the tenth time in a row

In physical education, we are going to pass the test.

And Olga Kontantinna is unaware,

Why are we late for class?

At the sight of a teacher, the heart beats often,

And running with a heartbeat is so dangerous.

We are all in love with physical education,

But our love is secret

And maybe sometimes it seems

She is very inconspicuous.


Thanks to the subject of life safety and teachers Sergey Kuzmich and Alexander Nikolaevich, we learned to shoot and march perfectly. And we also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the features of service in the ranks Russian army. The exercises were held on the basis of Post No. 1.


Three recruits with backpacks. Meet the lieutenant.

    And the watchkeeping at Post No. 1 begins with the issuance of uniforms and acquaintance with the command staff. Comrade recruits! I have little time, so I will speak without thinking. Your last names.




Ensign. What are you, brothers?

They. No way!

He. Ah! namesakes!

Ensign. Boots should be cleaned in the evening in order to put them on in the morning with a fresh head. (looks at recruits) Do any of you know how to cook? Be the chef! (Puts him a cap and an apron). Another one comes out in uniform, his trousers are short, his shirt dangles.

The recruit. Comrade ensign, look what you gave me. Trousers only to the knees, the shirt dangles, the sleeves are long, the boots slosh! Look scary.

Ensign. It's all right, youth. A warrior must inspire fear.

Delivery of flowers.


A poem for a German teacher.Reading student

We had an object like this -

German is called.

And usually it is for us

And so it begins.

"Guten Tag! Liebe Kinder!

Welker tag ist hoite?”

Vera Tikhonovna,

Remembering how we studied German,

We're a little upset.

Goethe, Schiller and Heine

We will take it to life in our hearts.

We can understand something in German

We can sing English songs

Life itself will offer to teach us everything,

And today we can thank you.

Delivery of flowers. Tatyana Anatolyevna, Vera Tikhonovna, please accept as a sign of gratitude.

Song to the head teachers (“The most important thing is the weather in the house”)

(Performed by two girls and a boy).

What is our first lesson today?

I don't remember the schedule.

There is only one sure way to find out:

The administration will save me.

Most importantly -

Director at school

And the head teacher is also the head,

Help us all only can

Favorite Administration.

Poem for head teachers

Reading a graduate

We bow to Olga Sergeevna.

Who among us is not in love with you?

You are sincere and strict,

And yet you are smart.

Know that our 11th grade will not forget you.

Zinaida Egorovna will have to work hard

And go around the school many times,

So that among boys and girls

Find a suitable replacement for us.

Elena Gennadievna supervised us

All the years spent here at school.

We felt your master's eye,

That I saw disorder and adversity.


Words to the director

A young man is reading

Elena Vasilievna! How you want

And we all believe that you are our patron,

Our guardian and our comforter,

And if necessary, then our patron.

To argue amicably at school work -

Everything is your mother's concern.

More luck to you, less excesses,

To argue the matter in the educational process.

Song for the Director (Invite the Lady to Dance by Pugachev)

Performed by young men

We tell you in the morning

Gratitude words -

The kindest, smartest, most strict.

We confess now

To you in my great love.

You came to us for a lesson -

Hurry, call!

Look, look, look!

You have an outstanding teacher.

Everything is refined, fashionable, and blush, and slender.

She succeeded at the director's post - yes.

We spent here with you

How many days, do not count.

We studied, well, and you led.

Imperceptibly we grew

And we came to the final.

So take a look at us

We are your best release!


Vovka comes out. There is a stove (disguised graduate).

Who wants hot pies, with cabbage, with jam?

    Oh oven! Give me something to eat, will you?

    Yes please! Just chop wood first, kindle the stove and knead the dough.

    Is this what I owe myself? Ah, I wish I could do that! It's good that we had technology lessons at school!

To the teacher of labor. ("Even rustles are not heard in the garden")

Not a rustle is heard in the workshops,

Because we are noisy.

We saw it and we hammer it,

Everything will be fixed at school by our class.

In the summer we did repairs at the school,

Pasted wallpaper everywhere.

It's good that there is a lesson on labor,

Because we love him so much!

Presentation of flowers to Galina Nikolaevna and Vladimir Ivanovich


If school is our second home, then classroom teacher- the second mother. We were lucky because we had as many as four mothers: Tatyana Vladimirovna, Maria Ivanovna, Natalya Vasilievna and Rimma Vladimirovna! And, as expected, each of them has invested in us a piece of their kindness, love, their heart. And it is thanks to them that we have become so beautiful and smart!

How much effort they spent to unite us into one friendly family! How much energy and patience they needed to stop us from walking! But how many interesting things we did together and how many diplomas we received!

Thank you dear ones for everything!


Song ("Quadrille") (two sing, two dance)

Everyone knows the Russians

Vanyusha, Tanya, Mani,

That all the work at school -

Hard, stressful work.

But still not in vain.

class leader,

Behind you, like a banner,

The students are coming.

active, playful,

Serious, agile

Everything is always beautiful

You are awesome moms!

Even if they are somewhat similar

But you are still different

Nobody can say

Who is the best of you.

But there is something very important

Each one has a highlight

And everyone gets sick

For your favorite class!

Final verses Three people read in turn

1. The teacher is a fabulous person.

And he is fabulously modest, gentlemen,

He has strictness and tact,

And he never seeks benefits.

2. The language of someone else's resentment and sadness

The teacher understands from a young age,

He was taught to inspire hope -

And this is his main subject.

3. Forgive us, teachers,

For the tears shed for us

For an evil prank and an unfinished lesson.
For all the joy that we have not given you.

PoemsReading girl

Once a first-grader - a boy,

Coming home from school for the first time

Parents asked: “How are you?

Did you like your first class?"

The son taunted his parents in response:

- Did you like it? But that's all the details.

So why didn't you just tell me?

That they go to school for 10 years?!

And 10 years passed faster than a fairy tale,

The boy did not have time to look back -

And there is no teacher's pointer in the hands,

I was worn out to the last crumb of chalk.


So Vovka became a man. After all, the school teaches and educates.

The school is teachers and students school programs and textbooks.

This is the supply manager, and technical workers, and cooks.

School is absolutely everything, the whole world ...

Yesterday it was our world...

final song (all the graduates come out and sing together)

The school world won't repeat itself

My heart was suddenly empty.

It's time for us to say goodbye

And there is a reason for sadness

After all, they are already pumping others

Our school swings.

School, school, we miss you

How quickly we have grown up!

And notes with doves - Chorus

They fly to us from childhood,

Trouble our memory

Nowhere to get away from them.

It is a pity that these years of childhood

They won't come back to us

But your dear faces

They remain in our heart!

We learned, we fell in love

With you we shared secrets

Those ten years have flown by

The farewell bell rang.

Opening doors in september

You are already the other guys.

School, school, we don't believe

That everything is gone forever.


    Phonogram of the song "My World" by K. Orbakaite (lyrics by N. Platitsyna, music in Sushko).

    Phonogram of the song "Quadrille" (lyrics by E. Temnikova, music by V. Temnov).

    Phonogram of the song “Even rustles are not heard in the garden” (lyrics by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Solovyov-Sedoy).

    Phonogram of A. Pugacheva's song "Invite the lady to dance" (lyrics by D. Rubin, music by A. Ivanov).

    Phonogram of the song "Weather in the House" by L. Dolina (lyrics by M. Tanich, music by R. Gorobets).

    Phonogram of V. Vysotsky's song "Charging" (words and music by V. Vysotsky).

    Soundtrack of V. Kazachenko's song "It hurts me, it hurts" (lyrics by S. Kuznetsov, music by A. Rozanov).

    Soundtrack of L. Utyosov's song "Everything is fine, beautiful marquise" (lyrics by A. Bezymensky, music by Ray Ventura).

    Phonogram of M. Muromov's song "Apples in the Snow" (lyrics by A. Dementiev, music by M. Muromov).

    Phonogram of the song "A Song About Bears" (lyrics by L. Derbenev, music by A. Zatsepin).

    Soundtrack of the melody from the TV show "Visiting a Fairy Tale" (author unknown).