Stupid people quotes. Statements about nonsense

Statements about nonsense

Who is stupid and understood it, he is no longer stupid. Publishing Sir

Keep your secret - wise, but wait for it to keep others, is stupid. Samuel Johnson

Most people prefer to hear deft swabs than honest fools. Fukidide

Stupid believes every word, prudently attentive to their ways. Solomon

Stupidity, even reaching what she was eager, never satisfied. Mark Tully Cicero

Stupidity, not reinforced by ambiguity, does not give any results. George Bernard Show

Stupid and wise, looking at the same tree, see different trees. William Blake

It is better to meet a person to be a bear, devoid of children, rather than a fool with his stupidity. Solomon

If a fool and gives sure good advice, then execute it follows a smart person. Gothhold Efraim Lessing

Do you wish the dead, but you will not teach stupid. Daniel Sharpener

For old age, people get both more stupid and smarter. Francois de Larochefuky

Fools stupid, blinds blind by those who did not educate children. Sebastian Brand.

Stubbornness and excessive fervor in dispute - the most famous sign of nonsense. Michelle de Monten.

Silence does not always prove the presence of the mind, but proves the lack of nonsense. Pierre Boast.

No fool is happy, no sage is unhappy. Epicur

Upper is a fool who does not reveal the mouth; In this sense, it is preferable to a chatty fool. Jean de Labryuer

A smart woman has millions of natural enemies: all stupid men. Maria Ebner Eschenbach

Permide is one of the most shameful types of nonsense. Georg Christoph Lakhtenberg

It is not dangerous sincere, especially if you are stupid stupid. George Bernard Show

There is nothing absurd of stupid human prejudices and the division of hypocritical rigor. Guy Petronia Arbiter

I consider it extreme nonsense to choose not the best for imitation. Guy Pliny Cecilius (Junior)

Many make more efforts to hide their mind than to hide their stupidity. Jonathan Swift

A fool is a person who does not have enough mind even to be narcissistic. Jean de Labryuer

Women without male society fade, and men without female are stupid. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The painting in the museum hears more nonsense than anyone in the world. Jules Gangar

The importance is the shield of fools. Onor Gabriel Ricketti Mirabo

On a reasonable, the reprimand acts, rather than on a stupid one hundred shots. Solomon

Idleness - joy stupid. Philip Dormer Stenkhop Chesterfield

How deep roots are nonsense! Mark Tully Cicero

The friendship is not fastened by the mind - it will easily dissolve her and stupidity. William Shakespeare

Who himself speaks of his virtues, that ridiculous, but who is not aware of them - stupid. Philip Dormer Stenkhop Chesterfield

If nonsense is missing on the face - it means it is present in the mind, and in a three-year size. Charles Lam.

Everyone can be mistaken, but fascinating only fool in delusion. Mark Tully Cicero

Only fools and dead man never change their opinions. James Russell Lowell

Fools say nonsense, people are intelligent to commit them. Maria Ebner Eschenbach

The fool will fuss in might and main, the tricky, - smart retains calm, taking care of a great thing. Ancient indium, unknown author

Stupid does not like knowledge, but only to shoot your mind. Solomon

Oh! It was so long ago! I was then young and stupid. Now I am old and stupid. Heinrich Heine

Stupidity would not be genuine nonsense, if it were not afraid of the mind. Nikola-Sebastian Shamf

It is better to listen to the argument of smart, rather than instructing stupid. Daniel Sharpener

Reasonable more benefit from enemies than a fool of friends. Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

Win - a stupid lesson. Do not win, but to convince - this is what is worthy of glory. Victor Marie Hugo

No more successful combinationthan a little nonsense and not too much honesty. Francis Bacon

A fool can not be kind: for this he has too little brains. Francois de Larochefuky

All fools are stubborn, and all stubborn are stupid. Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

Who says a lot, he says a lot of nonsense. Pierre Cornel

As reasonable people are often very stupid, so fools sometimes differ in realness. Heinrich Heine

Everyone speaks about a fool and brake, that he is a fool and boasts; But no one tells it to him, and he dies, not knowing about himself what everyone knows. Jean de Labryuer

Three quarters of madness for calibration are simply nonsense. Nikola-Sebastian Shamf

The world is full of fools, but no one stupidly notices, does not even suspect. Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

It is difficult to believe how much mind is used to proof nonsense. Friedrich Goebbel

Whoever does not respect himself, he is unhappy, but the one who is too pleased is stupid. Gi de Maupassan

Fools notice only missing people and do not pay attention to their dignity. They are like flies that strive to sit only on the inflamed part of the body.

An indulgent attitude towards nonsense is inherent to every smart person.

Avicenna (Ibn Sina)

How from the blinders hidden the sun is clear light,
So for fools, there is no way to truth.

Ali Apsheroni

In the world of people, sometimes to wisely do, you will have to be sure to pretend to be a stupid person, but the one who too abuses this way, it is sooner or later turns into a fool. The thing is that it is an easy way to solve problems, and without complex work Over time, the mind, Potusknev, fades.

Ludochiko Ariosto

The whole person loses over the years: youth, beauty, health, impulse of ambition. And only one nonsense never leaves people.

Honore de Balzac

Stupidity is so impassable that it is impossible to explore it up to the bottom, no otzok is born in it, it absorbs without return.

Nikola Bouoye

Any fool will find an even greater fool who will admire them.

Pierre Boast.

A stupid justice as if scrupped on the mountain, where everything seems to him, just as he himself seems to be a small one.

Francis Bacon

There is no more successful combination than a little nonsense and not too much honesty.


A fool is always convinced that no one will give him a smart person by catching him.

A fool who has a big memory, performed thoughts and facts; But he does not know how to draw conclusions and conclusions, but in this whole essence.

Guy Valery Katull

There is nothing more stupid stupid laughter.

Heinrich Heine

Anyone has the right to be stupid.

The fool is the one who is trying to cover his own insignificance merit of their ancestors.


The fool knows only what happened.


A fool who kills an excess of mind.

John Damaskin

The powerless enemies are always called stupid.

Daniel Sharpener

Do you wish the dead, but you will not teach stupid.

As dogs and pigs do not need zlata and silver, so stupid - wise words.

Democritis Abdersky

Not a word, and misfortune is a teacher of fools.

Fools of prudence teach misfortune.

Samuel Johnson

He was in a new stupid, and therefore many recognized him great.

Vitautas Karalyus

Stupidity must be checked like an air ball: blow up until it burst.

Jean de Labryuer

If the fool was afraid to say nonsense, he would not be a fool.

Francois VI de Larancyfo

There is nothing more stupid desire to always be smarter than everyone.

There are no more endless fools than those who are not completely deprived of the mind.

Georg Lichtenberg

Some people have the ability to seem stupid before they detect the mind. Girls have this gift especially often.


From Book Wisdom Fool dumber twice.

Ashot Nadanyan

He was a master for all his hands: he knew how to make a nonsense, to bear ahine, grind nonsense and blow nonsense.

Alexander Pupup

All fools do not wait to ride someone.

Bertrand Russell

The retelling of a stupid man what is saying smart, never happens right. Because it unconsciously turns what he hears, that he can understand.

Erich Maria Remarque

Born stupid is not ashamed, it is ashamed only to die fool.

Oscar Wilde

Whenever a person admits nonsense, he does it from the most noble motives.

Herbert George Wells.

Always stupid no one happens, sometimes it happens.

Sasha black

There is a mind skeptical, critical, practical, ironic, etc. Stupidity is only one.

A stupid man can always be found in stupid eyes. But women's eyes ... damn it knows! Not that depth is not that tomost; Not that thought is not something curiosity ... And suddenly the fool!

Stupidity all values \u200b\u200bturns into caricatures: Instead of pride, she is arrogance, instead of the public - herdness, instead of art - amateur, instead of love - flirt, instead of glory - success.

Anton Chekhov

One is intelligent than a thousand stupid, and one smart word accounts for 1000 stupid, and this thousand dries, and therefore, the cities and villages are approaching. Most, mass will always remain stupid, always she will drown; Smart let give up hope to raise and exalt it to himself; Let it be better to help material strength, let him build railways, Telegraphs, phones - and with this he will win and move the life forward.

Nicolas de Champhic

Three quarters of madness for calibration are simply nonsense.


When the people are stupid, they are easy to manage.

Friedrich Shiller

Against stupidity, the gods themselves fight powerless.

Sholom Aleichem

The patient will recover, drunk rubbed, black-haired - it will see, but the fool will remain a fool.

Bernard Show

Stupidity, not reinforced by ambiguity, does not give any results.

The mind is not only an IQ indicator, not only knowledge and intellectual development. A smart person is distinguished from stupid something much more important, deep. Stupid people can have two higher education.

Many scientists and psychologists put the word "stupid" into the approximate equality of the word "unhappy", because the source of happiness is we ourselves. A man must have enough mind to do everything for movement to happiness. You need to watch motivating movies, read books, communicate with pleasant people. A clever man chooses a setting for himself, and not content with what has.

Sometimes also between the word "stupid" and "cowardly" can be put a sign of an exemplary effect, because those who never risks remain in a broken trough. Do not be afraid to risk, because we are created in order to rejoice in victories and learn from your own mistakes during lesions. Do not back back if something happens not as you need. Go ahead, boldly, without inflatable.

Symptom first: Noncompatacy

Even the one who is not familiar with the rules of etiquette is able to apologize and behave in such a way that in the elite society will not appear as a shame. Non-apartments do not recognize their unpretentiousness or, on the contrary, it is proud of it. They explain this by the fact that they do not need to be brought up, because they do not want to adapt to the rest. They do what they want, behave as it is convenient. They defiantly violate the rules that are easier than simple. Such people will never be truly successful because they do not know how to look at themselves from.

Sign of the second: indifference to others

Stupid people do not want to think about others. We are talking Not about random passers-by who needs help, but even about their loved ones. When parents need help, stupid children are looking for excuses, and smart people are looking for opportunities. People nearly do not care about where they live and how. This does not mean that you need to go to politics. You only need to learn a little more time to give people who live with you, be friends with you. Stupid people do not listen to other people's advice - they simply do not have someone else's wisdom.

Sign of Third: Attracting attention

Stupid people love attention, so try to attract it with stupid actions. It can be crumbs, fights. Such people speak very loudly where it is undesirable - on the bus, in the queues. They need to show themselves, to draw attention.

Sign Fourth: Narcissism

A fool prefers to conduct a dialogue only about himself. For example, you are talking about what bothers you. You told our story at work or at a familiar person. He, instead of somehow supporting you, because this topic is important to you, it begins to talk about myself. It is terribly infuriated, but a person does not understand this. Of course, there is a chance that he or she is not stupid, but the chance is small. In any conversation, the fool speaks only about himself, about his problems. Any conversations for him or for her are reduced only to mention themselves. They also say that daffodils fools love to do "Selfie". Partly it is right, but do not think about a girl who is photographed in the mirror that she is stupid. One of the other does not depend.

Fifth sign: no brakes

Stupid people do not know how to stop when you get drunk, conflict, argue, joke. A stupid man can joke constantly. This is true, because he or she wants to watch how everyone laughs and honors his hero or heroine.

Sign Sixth: Show your superiority

Stupid men love to lay down those who are less and not dangerous for them in physical terms. Girls make it ridicule over those who do not correspond to their ideas about beauty. In the process, stupid people can combine. Most often they work a pack, because alone is difficult to maintain themselves with their thoughts about superiority. For this you need viewers and followers, the same stupid.

Sign of seventh: confidence is right

Fools, in their opinion, are never mistaken. They are the smartest, most courageous, flawless. Stupid ladies are the most beautiful, the most charming. Of course, it sometimes works on the arm, because it is a true faith. A stupid person will argue before the formation, until his opponent agrees with the right. It is impossible to convince a fool, even if the whole world tells him that he or she is not right or not right. Zero flexibility, zero diplomacy. This is the top of nonsense, its most pure manifestation.

Sign of the eighth: cowardice or excessive courage.

When a person does nothing, because it is afraid to lose - it's stupid. It is often useful, but in most cases plays only a negative role. A stupid man can, on the contrary, rushes into battle, losing everything. This can include addiction from excitement. Bets, cards, casino. If it is in excess, then the person is unimaginably stupid, either Totally unhappy, which is less common.

Sign of ninth: no golden middle

For fools there are only stupid and smart, beautiful and no, friends and enemies, wealth and poverty, good and bad. If someone looked at them, then this man immediately becomes an enemy. If someone was mistaken, then this mistake makes another person in his eyes a complete idiot. If a fool sees a man who does not drive a car, the latter becomes only a guy parody for him. Most fools consider themselves with the males of the first category, Alpha males, and the ladies consider themselves goddess that should not work, but should sit at home and do nothing. There are practically no such people to correct, it is unrealistic.

The only exit stops seemingly or be a stupid person - it is learning to look at everything from the outside. Learn to look at yourself from the side to at least a little understand those who surround you. Very often it will not help, because the stupidity corrected incredibly difficult, but some it can save from Fiasco in many situations. Remember that no one is perfect and you too. We all slaves their habits. But these habits should be diplomatic.

A person may be lazy, unwinding, disappointed in anything, but only the signs described above do it truly stupid. At the same time, it can have higher education And finish school well, have a decent job. Stupidity does not always prevent a person in the most obvious way. Only useful habits Will help you become smarter in life. One of these habits is the ability to be self-critical. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

  • The "cruelty" of a person's knowledge, better "kindness" of a fool.
  • The loyalty of the coward il fool is not a support of Mr. Vishakhadatta
  • All fools do not wait to ride someone. PoP A.
  • All fools are stubborn, and all stubborn are stupid. Gracian-I-Morales
  • All people loses over the years: youth, beauty, health, impulses of ambition. And only one nonsense never leaves people. Ariosto L.
  • Stupid thought wisdom would come to him over the years.
  • Stuffy tend to see other people's vices, but forget about their own. Cicero
  • A fool can be found in two signs: he talks a lot about things, for him useless, and speaks about what they do not ask him. Plato
  • Fools notice only missing people and do not pay attention to their dignity. They are like flies that strive to sit only on the inflamed part of the body. Abu-Faraj Bin Harun.
  • Strong that person who remains always unchanged. Volter.
  • Stupid, who will not know fools, and still stupid the one who, recognizing, will not leave them. Dangerous with superficial communication, they are destructive with trusting intimacy. Gracian-I-Morales
  • Stupid, who between dancers and himself starts in a dance. Lucilius
  • If the sage gets to fools, he should not wait for the honor from them, and if the fool of his chatter defeats the wise men, then there is nothing surprising in this, for the stone can split the diamond. Saadi
  • As dogs and pigs do not need zlata and silver, so stupid - wise words. Daniel Sharpener
  • Who is stupid and understood it, he is no longer stupid. Public
  • Who is stupid, this is not a smart tips. Public
  • Who with stupid, viciously contacted his wife, did not combine with a woman - with trouble. Saadi
  • Sage stretches to good and peace, the fool stretches to war and stretch. Rudaki
  • Lies and cunning - refuge fools and panties. Chesterfield F.
  • The sage is happy, I can satisfy a little, and a fool of everything is not enough; That is why almost all people are unhappy. Larochefuky
  • Wise knows how to do and where there is no experience; Stupid mistaken and in what he studied. John Damaskin
  • There is nothing more stupid desire to always be smarter than everyone. Larochefuky
  • It is not necessary to be ignorant, but Ignorant to pretend sometimes not bad. With a fool for nothing to be a sage, with insane - prudent; Everyone speaks in his language. Gracian-I-Morales
  • Not a word, and misfortune is a teacher of fools. Democritus
  • Not that stupid, who does not know, but the one who does not want to know. Skovorod G. S.
  • None of the fools are happy, none of the wise men is unhappy. Cicero
  • One of the unpleasant properties of our time is that those who are experiencing confidence, and those who have at least some imagination and understand the doubts and indecision. Bertrand Russell
  • The wit often borders with full nonsense. Emil Zol
  • Praise is useful smart, harmful stupid. Petrarka
  • I found myself a fool to be considered a sage, and who says that he is a sage, he is a fool. Brand S.
  • Bee, won steel sting - does not know that she disappeared. So fools, the launching poison - do not understand what they are doing.
  • Reasonable more benefit from enemies than a fool of friends. Gracian-I-Morales
  • An indulgent attitude towards nonsense is inherent to every smart person. Abu-Li-Faraj
  • Smart struggling with old age, the fool becomes her slave. Epichette
  • Stubbornness and excessive fervor in dispute - the most famous sign of nonsense. Michelle Monten
  • Fresh and loud laughter is a sign of nonsense and bad education. Chesterfield

Tags to quotes about nonsense: Fool, stupidity

It is correct to silent and look cretin, than to break silence and destroy any suspicion of that. Common sense and dementia - one else does not cancel. Especially since the representative of the strong floor in the years.

Looks are not dishonor. The recklessness is that there is a real nonsense. You should not tremble from anything, with the exception of real threats. Refusal to agree with the threat - this is the main of the recklessness.

If I communicate with you, then I turn into a fool.

I revealed the cause of your sufferings. This is your excessive trust. Any nerazuma on the planet is performed just with a similar type of physiognomy. Split in smiles, Sudaries. Laugh.

There is only a couple of eternal matters: the universe and stupidity. However, about the universe of complete trust I do not have.

Milosity is necessary for women to be desirable for men; nerazumy then to beautiful ladies pulled to men.

Light madness is God's blessing, but it is not worth using it above measure.

The reason is able to detect any stupidity, but there is no such intelligence, which, despite anything, could not be disfigured with nonsense.

The fact that people are customary to call the fate is, in essence, only the aggregate of those who were foolishly secured by them.

Stupidity does not always make a person evil, but the malice always makes a person stupid.

Miser pays twice. Dumb pays three times. Loch pays constantly.

If you scored a jamb, and did not make your heel ... Congratulations: You are an asshole, you are not sweet to live.

To succeed in this world, it is not enough to be stupid enough - you still need to have good manners.

The dream of the mind gives rise to monsters.

Recording in the medical cutting: "There is no mental illness. Just a fool. "

Poor wisdom is often a slave rich nonsense.

You are so stupid that I do not even need to insult you.

Sometimes I am convinced that stupidity has a triangle shape and that if eight multiply eight, it will be madness or a dog.

I thought you had exhausted all the stock of my stupidity, but you continue to surprise me.

Stupidity is the most excuse of defects, for it does not have laid eggs.

Fool is a disease or not? It would be nice if it were a disease: there would be hope for healing.

Smart will not say, the fool - it does not gues ...

If you argue with an idiot, it obviously does the same thing ...

Do not say nonsense - the enemy ends!

Only a truly good woman is able to commit a truly stupid act.

Fools are such a people who are always right.

In the morning I make plans, and I do stupidity in the afternoon.

Given the stupidity of most people, a widespread point of view will be rather stupid than reasonable.

People are limited ... much less make nonsense than smart people.

each dull is your meaning!

Stupid people everywhere ... But if they are around you ... So you are in credit.

Lord Goring. Often it is the same.

I thought you were a fool, and you completely fucking!

It is said that if a person bitches the vampire, he himself becomes a vampire .... So why do I have that feeling that all the rams were bitten ???

There are no stupid questions, there are stupid people.

We have to say thank you fools, on their background we look smart.

The human brain is 80% consisting of a liquid. Many have from brake

Why should I be nervous due to the fact that God fell into mind.

Stupidity is a crime mother, but the fathers are often ingenious.

Stupidity does not exempt from the need to think.

I was always lucky to Mudakov - straight some kind of win-win lottery)).

There is nothing stupid to life in which there was not a single stupidity ...

Then I was very weak, very proud, like all the weak and very stupid, like all the pride.

Stupidity should not be done even boredom.

Many would say that heroism is ... Stupidity. Do something that, thinking, you would not do. Since it is not in your interest.

Give the road to fool! On city streets especially works)

Stupidity never passes the borders: where it stops, there is its territory there.

This is not nonsense. Stupidity is that Charlie Chaplin took second place in the Clone Competition Charlie Chaplin in Germany.

Pay attention to stupid people Life is not enough ...

Lady Chiltern. Do you call it mind? In my opinion, it is nonsense.

He took the stupidity to the master: "Is it possible to redo the wisdom?". The master replied: "Still remain."

Intellect is a disgusting thing. A man without brains is absolutely confident in the high level of its development. Smart is very well aware of what he, in essence, idiot.

In stupidity, women is the Higher Bliss of the Men.

A journey to stupidity will certainly turn into a hymn by the mind.

Sometimes the stupidity is masked under kindness, and sometimes under honesty - when suddenly pulls to choose old secrets, saying not to say that, overflowing from empty to empty ...

The woman is a bad creature and stupid, but it's funny and cute, she season with its secureness and sweeten the dreary importance of the male mind.

Maybe he sounds stupid, but it is nonsense that it is best to remember.

The more I do nonsense, the more popular I become.