Famous fairy tales about animals. Animal story for the night

Welcome everyone to the quiz dedicated to Teacher's Day. The teacher is our everything. The teacher's work is honorable and grateful. There is always a special attitude towards the teacher - he is trusted, he is appreciated.

The Teacher's Day quiz consists of three blocks. The first block consists of serious questions, the second - of comic ones. The third block is devoted to questions about the school as a whole.
All questions have been answered.

1. At the beginning of our quiz, I want to give you a riddle. Who are we talking about?

He comes to school early
He has big plans:
Teaching children to write
Think, calculate, decide.
Answer: it's about the teacher

2. What great teachers do you know?
Answer: L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, A. V. Lunacharsky, A. M. Gorky, S. Ya. Marshak

3. What movies, stories, novels dedicated to teachers do you know?
Answer:"French Lessons" - a story by Valentin Rasputin, "The First Teacher" - a story by the writer Chingiz Aitmatov, the film "Big Break"

4. Do you think World Teacher's Day is celebrated?
Answer: Yes, this holiday was established under the auspices of UNESCO in 1994. This day is October 5, Teacher's Day is celebrated in more than a hundred countries around the world.

5. Which student is the teacher's favorite?
Answer: several answers are possible. One of the bottoms could be: “A student who studies well makes timely homework. Student with diligent behavior.

II. The second block of the quiz is comic

1. In what case does the student say: “What am I, Pushkin?”
Answer: so it is said in the case when the respondent does not know the answer to the question. Most likely, it is believed that Pushkin (he is a genius!) Knew everything

2. How does the student respond to a question that, in his opinion, was not previously explained by the teacher?
Answer:"we didn't go through"

3. In what case do they say: “Play school?”
Answer: we are talking about a childish game taking place outside the school walls. Both teachers and students in such a school are game characters

4. What rhyme does the elementary school teacher say when the children make a lot of noise?
Answer:"Chok-chok, hooked teeth"

5. What are the five characters of children's stories, cartoons, counting rhymes, fairy tales, whose names (names) begin with the letter "H"?
Answer: Chipollino, Chip (and Dale), Chizhik-Pyzhik, Chuk (and Gek), Chapaev, "Scarecrow" and others

III. The third block of the quiz - questions about the school

1. What does the expression: "Ready for the lesson" mean?
Answer: this means that the homework has been completed, and the rules, theorems have been learned, the paragraph has been studied

2. Who is a good player and who is a drummer? How do they differ from each other?
Answer: practically nothing, this is a student who studies without triples. Grades for the quarters and for the year he has only good and excellent

3. The spur is one of the elements that serve to control the horse. What does this word have to do with school?
Answer: so in colloquial language means the word "cheat sheet"

Finally, an important "teacher's" holiday is coming. After official events, you can relax a little and joke. A good joke, laughter, fun not only cheer up, but also contribute to health.

A funny quiz for Teacher's Day is especially suitable for those who like to smile. The answers to the questions are given at the end of the quiz.

1. From which fable of I.A. Krylov's words:
“Is enlightenment useful?
Useful, there is no word about that;
But we call enlightenment
We are often the luxury of seduction ... "

2. When they are called upon to study hard, to acquire knowledge, what is the name of what is usually “gnawed” (according to a well-known phraseological unit)?

3. What is the relationship between the student who did not achieve good results and the stars?

5. What kind of food is usually mentioned when there are any restrictions on misbehaving students?

6. What is the name of the memory test game?

7. What expression do teachers use when they say that you need to read something from beginning to end?

8. How does the teacher respond to the pain caused to him?

9. In what box do we postpone things for a while?

10. What is the usual name for a student who reads a lot, studies diligently (usually wears glasses)?

11. What do students say when they are tired of studying, “complaining about their heads”?

12. What is the school's common name for an "unsatisfactory" grade?

13. What shoes did students wear to school in the 50s and 60s?

14. What do teachers usually screw up when they take drastic, restrictive measures?

Quiz Answers

1. Fable "Chervonets"
2. Gnawing at the granite of science
3. "There are not enough stars from the sky"
4. Answer: Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin from Valery Medvedev's story "Barankin, be a man!"
5. About sweet food. "Leave without sweets"
6. "Take it, but remember"
7. "From cover to cover"
8. “But it doesn’t hurt me, the chicken is happy ...”
9. Shelving
10. Nerd
11. "The tower is demolished, the roof is going"
12. Bagel
13. In bots
14. Screw nuts

Game - quiz for teachers

"Way to success".

Compiled by: Music Director

MBDOU "Teremok"

Vlasova Tatyana Anatolyevna

Game - quiz "The path to success."

Modern system preschool education pays great attention to the role of professional competence of teachers. The requirements for the personality and professional activity of a teacher require high professional mobility, readiness for creative self-realization, mastery of the art of professional communication, the ability to apply pedagogical technologies, think freely and take responsibility for solving the tasks assigned to him. It depends on how easily the teacher overcomes the period of entry into professional activity, whether the teacher will succeed as a professional, whether he will remain in the field of preschool education.
In order to bring up a modernly educated, enterprising child, ready to make decisions independently, capable of cooperation, professionally competent teachers are needed.
Within the framework of the stated topic, we invite you to take part in business game"Way to success". Game progress:
Divide into two teams by lot (two kinds of sweets).)

educators must constantly be aware of the life of society, the perestroika processes in it, be erudite be able to express professionally their opinion, conduct qualified pedagogical conversations with their parents pupils.

All of the above qualities of modern educator we will try to develop and consolidate in today's lesson in the form of a competition between two teams. You will be offered a series of exercises and games.

Warm up:

1. Draw on your face the feeling with which you came to the hour today.

2. What definitions do you think children associate with the word « educator » .

3. In one row, draw 10 identical circles. Put a dot in one of the circles.

If you put a dot in 1-5 circles, you are a king; at 6-8 a servant, at 9-10 a friend.

1.Task: Let's conduct a quiz on the topic "Russian Folk Games"

I ask you questions, you answer them at a fast pace in turn:

What attributes are used in Russian folk games? (stick, handkerchief, ball, toy)

the main role v folk game? (leader)

What determines the entire course of the game, regulates the actions and behavior of children? (rules of the game)

Why do you need a rhyme in the game? (to choose a driver)

Where are Russian folk games used? (in the organization of holidays, matinees, entertainment, walks)

What physical qualities are brought up in Russian folk games? (courage, dexterity, endurance)

Where does it come from speech material for folk games? (from folklore)

What is a signal to action in a folk game? (word)

2. Well, of course, remember the Russians folk tales

In the name of which fish can you cast spells? (Pikes.)

Which the new kind transport was invented by Emelya? (Stove.)

Who helped Ivan Tsarevich get the firebird? (Gray wolf.)

What woke Finist - the Clear Falcon from a witch's dream? (Comb, feather taken out of hair, burning tear.)

Who broke the tower? (Bear.)

- What number is most often found in fairy tales? (Three.)
- What should you say when you are in front of Ba6YI-Yaga's hut? (“Hut, hut, stand back to the forest, front to me.”)

What does Baba Yaga fly on? (In a mortar and on a broom.)

What birds helped Baba Yaga? (Swan geese.)

What do you need to shout in an open field so that a heroic horse gallops? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, as
leaf in front of grass.)

What rivers flow in fairy tales? (Dairy.)

Which new way did the fox invent fishing? (On a wolf's tail.)

Without whom, the turnip would not have been pulled? (Without mouse.)

What can happen if you don't listen to your sister while walking?

(You can become a goat.)
3. Task:
- Who plays the leading role in the upbringing of a preschool child? (family)
- What are the legislative documents that indicate the priority role of the family in raising a child (the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Family Code)
- What is the role of kindergarten in raising children? (help, support, guide, supplement educational activity families)
- In what areas of knowledge should a teacher be competent for full communication with parents? (medicine, pediatrics, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, rhetoric, etc.)
- What are the forms of work with the family? (parent meetings, questionnaires, written and oral consultations, conversations, days open doors, parental mail, stand design, invitation to classes, general leisure activities with the invitation of parents)
- What are the main activities of children in the preschool educational institution, in accordance with the FGT (playing, communicative, labor, motor, cognitive research, musical and artistic, perception fiction as a special type of children's activity and productive).
- What principles should the educator be guided by in their professional activities (individual approach, taking into account age characteristics, humanism, openness, sub-sub relations, confidentiality, etc.)
- What are the forms of work with children? (node, joint, group, subgroup, individual, excursions round table)

2. The same as the chant. (Melody)

3. Text for a piece of music. (The words)

4. Public performance of musical works. (Concert)

5. Fashionable, popular tune. (Smash hit)

5. Task:

Requirements for the music corner:

Compliance with age, requirements of the Program, GEF;

Convenient location, accessibility;

Availability technical means(music center, tape recorder, etc.) and musical material;

Availability of illustrative material to familiarize children with different types of musical instruments;

A variety of children's musical and noise instruments;

Aesthetics of the equipment and the corner itself;

Safety of equipment and materials;

Diversity didactic games on different types musical activities and their compliance with the age characteristics of children;

The presence of portraits of famous musicians in accordance with the program;

Creativity (creativity) of teachers in the design of the corner.

5. Task:

Types of musical activity in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Early age(2-3 years):

1. Listening

3. Musical-rhythmic movements

junior and middle preschool age(35 years):

1. Listening

3. Songwriting

5. Playing for children musical instruments

6. Development of dance and game creativity.

Senior preschool age (5-7 years):

1. Listening

3. Songwriting

4. Musical-rhythmic movements

5. Dance creativity

6. Playing children's musical instruments

7. Musical and game creativity.

6. Task:

Music lesson consists of several sections:

1. Introductory part: movements in various formations (columns, lines, links, pairs, in a circle), walking, running, dance steps (jump, straight, side gallop, fractional, round dance step, etc.). Movements to music create a cheerful, cheerful mood, improve posture, coordination of arms and legs.

2. Listening to music

3. Singing and songwriting -

4. Learning to play children's musical instruments (acquaintance with the sound of instruments performed by an adult, selection of familiar melodies on various instruments

7. Task:

Teachers often make the following mistakes in class:

1. The teacher sits with a blank look

2. The teacher interrupts the performance

3. Give verbal instructions on a par with music. leader (although there cannot be two centers of attention)

4. Violates the course of the lesson (enters and leaves the hall)

8. Task:
- overslept for work
-on the carpet at the head;
- puts the children to sleep, but the children do not obey;
- Unexpectedly during the walk it began to rain heavily;
-during a walk, you noticed on the site angry dog;
- you persuade the child to eat;
- you cross the road with pupils;
-v kindergarten the fire alarm went off;
- the end of the working day, no one comes for the child;
You have learned that you have received a substantial salary increase.
9. Task: chamomile on the topic "modern preschool teacher - what is he?" (who will name more)
Calculation of results, announcement of winners.
"There lived a sage who knew everything. One person wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his hands, he asked: "Tell me, sage, what kind of butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?" And he himself thinks: "He will say alive - I kill her, the dead one says - I will release. " The sage, after thinking, answered: "Everything is in your hands." We took this parable not by chance. After all, everything is really in our hands, do not be afraid to create, look for something new, learn the unknown. Thanks for participating! All the best

Quiz for teachers.

    Russian language. The word Wednesday has two meanings: "day of the week" and "what is around, environment." In what case and in what exactly is the difference between these two meanings manifested?

    Geography. What is the name of the river in the African country of Zaire?

    Literature. For what work did Ivan Alekseevich Bunin receive the Nobel Prize?

    Story. What was the name of the talented noyon, who at the beginning of the 13th century managed to subdue all the Mongol and neighboring Turkic tribes?

    Mathematics. In summer, a kilogram of strawberries costs 80 rubles. Masha bought 1 kg 750 grams of strawberries. How many rubles of change should she receive from 200 rubles?

    Social science. Government carried out on the basis of division into three branches. Which?

    Physics. Natural reservoirs freeze first near the coast, and then in the center. How can this be explained?

    Chemistry. Some elements of the periodic table have the names of states and cities: ruthenium (Latin Russia - Ruthenia), polonium (Poland), gallium (Thalia - the old name of France), scandium (Scandinavia), etc. Why is it called Copper?

    English language. Make a translation of "A cat in gloves catches no mice"

    Music. What is the most famous ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky dedicated to birds?

    Physical Education. What were the first ice skates made of?

    LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. First aid for a snake bite.

    Biology. What animal gives the fattest milk?

    Informatics. What is the name of the device that replaces the mouse on a laptop?

    Yakut literature. In honor of whom was the ballad of S. Vasilyev "Uluu Ilmen" written?

Minsiria Akhmerova
Intellectual game-quiz for teachers "Connoisseurs of safety rules"

Intellectual quiz game for teachers« Safety experts»

Goal and tasks:work improvement teachers in educational fields « Safety» , "Health"; activation of knowledge safety fundamentals educators, the formation of positive communication skills teachers development of the ability to work in a team.

« Safety is not just the sum of knowledge and skill right behave in different situations.

Life is the most precious value that a person possesses. He is looking for the meaning of his existence during the time allotted to him, makes plans, strives for their implementation, creates and creates. And the main task of a person is to save this life, because it is priceless.

Often, the preservation of one's own life and the lives of one's loved ones turns out to be dependent on the knowledge of the simplest rules providing first aid in case of various accidents, readiness for any surprises that the surrounding nature and its inhabitants are fraught with, from the ability even in the most difficult situation quickly orient and accept only the right decision. Basics security human life must know EVERY! And everyone should understand how important it is to take timely precautions themselves and instill self-preservation skills in their children in order to save life and health, and hence the future.

Formula security says:

anticipate danger;

avoid if possible;

act if necessary.

"The sky is blue, the sun is clear,

It's good to live in the world!

Only accidents

Joy can darken.

So that these misfortunes do not happen

We will repeat for clarity

Remember we are all adults

Safety regulations

So, dear teachers!I offer you a quiz game on topic: « Safety experts» .(For teachers can be subdivided).

Warm up. "Fabulous safety, or Journey to the fairy-tale world»

You need to specify those safety regulations that violated fairy-tale heroes.

1. What rule violated Kai from a fairy tale "The Snow Queen"(Do not cling to transport).

2. What safety regulations the princess from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin did not know "The Tale of the Dead Princess"(Do not take treats from strangers).

3. What mistake did the heroes of fairy tales make "Little Red Riding Hood", "The wolf and the seven Young goats"(Do not open the door to strangers, i.e. strangers).

4. Who did one of the heroes of the fairy tale turn into after drinking dirty water from a puddle? What is this fairy tale ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"- listen to your elders.

5. Why with a kolobok ( "Kolobok") and a rooster from a fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox" trouble happened (Don't talk, don't trust strangers).

6. What rule the hero of the fairy tale did not observe personal hygiene "Moydodyr"?

7. What regulations hygiene violated Masha from a fairy tale "Three Bears"?

II. Solving the crossword puzzle.

1. The state of the body, expressed in the violation of its normal life, life expectancy, and its ability to maintain its homeostasis. (DISEASE)

2. The normal function of the body at all levels of its organization. (HEALTH)

3. Violence or the threat of its use against individuals or organizations, as well as the destruction (damage) or threat of destruction (damage) property and other material objects. (TERRORISM)

4. Promoting someone or something; actions or means that facilitate, simplify something. (HELP)

5. Wand (stalk, straw) of combustible material, equipped with an incendiary head at the end. (MATCH)

6. Uncontrolled combustion process causing material damage, harm to life and health of people, interests society and the state. (FIRE)

7. A set of circumstances, conditions that create certain relationships, conditions or situations. (SITUATION)

8. Probability, the possibility that some undesirable event may occur. (DANGER)

9. Optical device carrying light information, designed to regulate the movement of motor vehicles, as well as pedestrians at pedestrian crossings and other participants traffic. (TRAFFIC LIGHTS)

10. A specially equipped point for waiting for a bus and boarding and disembarking passengers. (STOP)

11. Crossing roads or lanes at the same level. (CROSSROADS)

12. Independence, ability or ability to act without any interference. (INDEPENDENCE)

III.Decision pedagogical situations.

1. Once it happened that grandfather was walking around the field, collecting useful herbs. A violent thunderstorm began, and it began to rain. There was a lone tree in the field and grandfather rushed to it to take cover from the rain. Correct grandfather chose the solution? Why?

2. Near the roadway and bus stop girl played ball. From an awkward movement, the ball rolled onto the roadway. Rate the girl's actions. What would you do?

3. Children walked on the embankment. They had fun played catch up. During the game, the guys noticed a bag, near which there was no one. What can be dangerous for strangers, left unattended objects? What should be done in such cases?

4. The boy came to rest in the summer to his relatives. He had not been with them for a long time. The summer turned out to be hot, and the boy decided to go swimming in a nearby pond. What should a boy do for his security in this situation.?

5. On a fine day, having asked for time off from their parents, the guys went for a walk. During the game, a man approached them and began to treat them with sweets. What should children do?

6. A child ran away from the group in which you work as an educator. Your actions?

7. Parents did not pick up your pupil on time. What needs to be done?

8. By the end of the working day, a mother came to the group to pick up her child. An hour earlier, the father had already taken the baby, but he did not agree with his mother and forgot to inform her about the whereabouts of the child. An expressive mother, without calling her husband, arranged teacher scandal. How will you react?

IV.Express survey "Quickly answer - look do not yawn!"

Each one takes turns asking questions. teacher. The pace is very fast.

What information should a police officer provide when contacting a citizen? (position, rank, surname, show service certificate, indicate the reason for the appeal)

The full name of the institution where you work.

What is today's date?

Name of your maternal grandmother.

What is the name of the president of our country?

Call the emergency number.

Address and phone number of the kindergarten.

Name of the chief specialist in early childhood education.

V. Provide first aid.

For teachers several situations are suggested.

1. Stung by a snake. The man provides first aid. First he applies a tourniquet. The wound is then washed with a disinfectant solution. e. a solution of potassium permanganate. Gives to drink. Then they run together to the infirmary. Question: What two actions were performed on the victim not properly?

Answer: 1. When bitten by a snake, a tourniquet should not be applied. 2. The victim should not move independently.

2. Kolya rode a bicycle and fell on the asphalt. He received bruises on his knee. What should be done?

3. Dasha and her friend decided to drink tea until mom and dad came home from work. Dasha's friend accidentally spilled boiling water and burned her hand. The hand blushed. How to help the girl in this case?

In closing, I would like to thank everyone teachers. Your knowledge and skills are the key the safety of you and your loved ones!