Andersen's most popular fairy tales. Fairy tales and stories

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the island of Funen. Andersen's father, Hans Andersen, was a poor shoemaker, mother Anna, was a laundress from a poor family, she had to beg in her childhood, she was buried in a cemetery for the poor. In Denmark, there is a legend about the royal origin of Andersen, because in early biography Andersen wrote that as a child he played with Prince Frits, later King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among the street boys - only the prince. Andersen's friendship with Prince Frits, according to Andersen's fantasy, continued into adulthood, until the latter's death. After the death of Frits, with the exception of relatives, only Andersen was admitted to the coffin of the deceased. The reason for this fantasy was the stories of the boy's father that he was a relative of the king. From childhood, the future writer showed a penchant for dreaming and writing, often staged impromptu home performances that caused laughter and mockery of children. In 1816, Andersen's father died, and the boy had to work for food. He was an apprentice first to a weaver, then to a tailor. Andersen then worked in a cigarette factory. In early childhood, Hans Christian was an introverted child with big blue eyes who sat in a corner and played his favorite game, puppetry. Andersen was fond of puppet theater later.

He grew up as a very subtly nervous child, emotional and receptive. At that time, physical punishment of children in schools was common, so the boy was afraid to go to school, and his mother sent him to a Jewish school, where physical punishment of children was prohibited. Hence Andersen's forever preserved connection with the Jewish people and knowledge of its traditions and culture.

In 1829, Andersen's published fantasy story "Hiking from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern End of Amager" brought fame to the writer. Little was written before 1833, when Andersen received a cash allowance from the king, which allowed him to make his first trip abroad. Since that time, Andersen has written a large number of literary works, including in 1835 - "Tales" that glorified him. In the 1840s, Andersen tried to return to the stage, but without much success. At the same time, he confirmed his talent by publishing the collection "A Picture Book without Pictures".
The fame of his Tales grew; The 2nd issue of "Tales" was started in 1838, and the 3rd - in 1845. By this time he was already a famous writer, widely known in Europe. In June 1847 he first came to England and was honored with a triumphant welcome.
In the second half of the 1840s and in the following years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to become famous as a playwright and novelist. At the same time, he despised his fairy tales, which brought him the fame he deserved. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more fairy tales. The last tale was written by Andersen on Christmas Day 1872.
In 1872, Andersen fell out of bed, badly hurt himself and never recovered from his injuries, although he lived for another three years. He died on 4 August 1875 and is buried in the Assistance Cemetery in Copenhagen.

Information sheet:

Andersen's most popular fairy tales are known all over the world. Sometimes his characters are sad or unhappy, but always kind and fair. Which of them the child will like more, you will find out by reading the entire collection.

How to read Andersen's fairy tales?

To understand what the writer's works teach, you need to read them more carefully, trying to discern the writer's thought behind the fairy tale plot and try to explain the meaning of the fairy tale to a child of any age. The beauty of Andersen's children's books is that a simple narrative can hide surprisingly deep ideas.

Which fairy tales to read, the older child will decide for himself. For the younger, parents should choose small works with a positive ending to the plot, where good triumphs over evil. Otherwise, an impressionable child can be very upset. For reading at night, choose the best to ensure your baby has a restful sleep.

Feature of the storyteller's creativity

The writer was from a very poor Danish family, and for a long time tried to be famous. He began his literary experiments early, but fame came at the age of thirty, when the first collection for children came out and received rave reviews.

How many troubles he had to endure in his life is unknown. Apparently, therefore, Andersen writes a lot about the simplest objects, decorating them with a fabulous essence, which was so lacking in life. The description of what is happening is not always joyful and positive, but the characterization of everyday events from a fabulous angle and the author's imagination is simply amazing.

We offer complete collection Andersen's fairy tales, the list of which is quite large. Among them, perhaps the most famous The Snow Queen" and many others. Free reading and printing options. Well structured text, easy to understand. Short and long tales without abbreviations.

On the roof of the outermost house in one small town nest of a stork. In it sat a mother with four chicks, which stuck their little black beaks out of the nest - they had not yet had time to turn red. Not far from the nest, on the very ridge of the roof, stood, stretched out at attention and tucking one leg under him, dad himself; he tucked his leg in so as not to stand idle on the clock. One would think that it was carved from wood, before it was motionless.

"That's important, that's important! he thought. - There is a sentry at my wife's nest! Who knows that I am her husband? They might think that I am dressed up here on guard. That's important!" And he continued to stand on one leg.

Children were playing in the street; seeing a stork, the most mischievous of the boys sang, as best he could and remembered, an old song about storks; everyone else followed suit:

Stork, white stork,

What do you stand all day

Like a clock

On one leg?

Or do you want kids?

Save yours?

You're busy in vain, -

We will catch them!

We'll hang one

Let's throw another into the pond,

We'll kill the third

The youngest is alive

On the fire we will throw

And we won't ask you!

Listen to what the boys are singing! - said the chicks. "They say they'll hang us and drown us!"

You don't have to pay attention to them! their mother told them. - Just don't listen, nothing will happen!

But the boys did not let up, they sang and teased the storks; only one of the boys, named Peter, did not want to stick to his comrades, saying that it was a sin to tease animals. And the mother consoled the chicks.

Never mind! she said. - Look how calmly your father is standing, and it's on one leg!

And we are scared! - said the chicks and deeply, deeply hid their heads in the nest.

The next day, the children again poured out into the street, saw the storks, and again sang:

Let's hang one

Let's throw another into the pond ...

So they hang us and drown us? - the chicks asked again.

Yes, no, no! - answered the mother. "But soon we'll start school!" You need to learn to fly! When you learn, we will go with you to the meadow to visit the frogs. They will squat in front of us in the water and sing: “qua-qua-qua!” And we will eat them - that will be fun!

And then? - asked the chicks.

Then all of us, storks, will gather for autumn maneuvers. That's when you need to be able to fly properly! It is very important! Whoever flies badly, the general will pierce with his sharp beak! So, try your best when the learning begins!

So they will stab us after all, as the boys said! Listen, they're singing again!

Listen to me, not them! - said the mother. “After the maneuvers, we will fly away from here, far, far away, beyond the high mountains, beyond dark woods, v warmer climes, in Egypt! There are triangular stone houses; their tops rest against the very clouds, and they are called pyramids. They were built a long time ago, so long ago that no stork can even imagine! There is also a river that overflows, and then the whole coast is covered with silt! You walk on your own mud and eat frogs!

O! - said the chicks.

Yes! Here's the charm! There, all day long, you only do what you eat. But while it will be so good for us there, not a single leaf will remain on the trees, it will be so cold that the clouds will freeze in pieces and will fall to the ground in white crumbs!

She wanted to tell them about the snow, but she didn't know how to explain it well.

And these bad boys will also freeze in pieces? - asked the chicks.

No, they will not freeze in pieces, but they will have to freeze. Will sit and be bored dark room and they won't dare stick their nose out into the street! And you will fly in foreign lands, where flowers bloom and the warm sun shines brightly.

A little time passed, the chicks grew up, they could already get up in the nest and look around. Father the stork every day brought them nice frogs, little snakes, and all sorts of other goodies that he could get. And how he amused the chicks with various funny things! He took out his tail with his head, clicked his beak, as if a ratchet was sitting in his throat, and told them various swamp stories.

Well, now it's time to start learning! - the mother told them one fine day, and all four chicks had to crawl out of the nest onto the roof. My fathers, how they staggered, balanced their wings, and yet they almost fell off!

Look at me! - said the mother. - Head like this, legs like this! One-two! One-two! This is what will help you make your way in life! - and she made a few flaps of her wings. The chicks jumped clumsily and - bam! - everything is so stretched! They were still heavy to lift.

I do not want to study! - said one chick and climbed back into the nest. - I do not want to fly to warmer climes!

So you want to freeze here in the winter? Do you want the boys to come and hang you, drown you or burn you? Wait, I'll call them now!

Ay, no, no! - said the chick and again jumped onto the roof.

On the third day they were already flying somehow and imagined that they could also stay in the air on spread wings. “There is no need to wave them all the time,” they said. “You can also rest.” They did so, but ... they immediately plopped onto the roof. I had to work again with wings.

At this time, the boys gathered in the street and sang:

Stork, white stork!

How about we fly off and peck out their eyes? - asked the chicks.

No, don't! - said the mother. - Listen to me better, this is much more important! One two Three! Now let's fly to the right; one two Three! Now to the left, around the pipe! Fine! The last flapping of the wings was such a wonderful success that I will let you go with me to the swamp tomorrow. Many other lovely families with children will gather there - so show yourself! I want you to be the cutest of all. Keep your heads up, it's much prettier and more impressive!

But do we really not take revenge on these bad boys? - asked the chicks.

Let them shout whatever they want! You will fly to the clouds, see the country of the pyramids, and they will freeze here in winter, they will not see a single green leaf or a sweet apple!

But we will still take revenge! - the chicks whispered to each other and continued learning.

The most fervent of all the children was the smallest, the one that was the first to sing a song about storks. He was no more than six years old, although the chicks thought that he was a hundred years old - after all, he was much larger than their father and mother, and what did the chicks know about the years of children and adults! And now all the revenge of the chicks was to fall upon this boy, who was the instigator and the most restless of mockers. The chicks were terribly angry with him and the more they grew up, the less they wanted to endure insults from him. In the end, the mother had to promise them somehow to take revenge on the boy, but not until just before they flew off to warmer climes.

Let's see first how you will behave on big maneuvers! If things go wrong and the general pierces your chest with his beak, the boys will be right. We'll see!

You'll see! - said the chicks and diligently began to exercise. Every day things were getting better, and finally they began to fly so easily and beautifully that it was just a pleasure!

Autumn has come; storks began to prepare for departure for the winter to warmer climes. That's how the maneuvers went! Storks flew back and forth over forests and lakes: they had to test themselves - after all, a huge journey was ahead! Our chicks excelled and got on the test not zero with a tail, but twelve with a Frog and a snake! It could not have been better for them than this score: after all, frogs and snakes could be eaten, which they did.

Collection of the most famous and beloved by all fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen for your kids. Plots of their fairy tales Andersen First of all, I took it not from books, but from the memories of my youth and childhood. Anderson Tales First of all, they teach love, friendship and compassion, and for a long time they settle in the souls of adults and children. It is also worth noting one fun fact, the name of this wonderful author is often mispronounced in our country, trying to find it in libraries and the Internet " Anders fairy tales", which of course is incorrect, as it is written in Danish as Hans Christian Andersen. On our website you can find online Andersen's list of fairy tales, and enjoy reading them absolutely free.

On the roof of the outermost house in a small town nestled a stork. In it sat a mother with four chicks, which stuck their little black beaks out of the nest - they had not yet had time to turn red. Not far from the nest, on the very ridge of the roof, stood, stretched out at attention and tucking one leg under him, dad himself; he tucked his leg in so as not to stand idle on the clock. One would think that it was carved from wood, before it was motionless.

The master was the godfather to tell. How many different stories he knew - long, interesting! He also knew how to cut out pictures and even drew them very well himself. Before Christmas, he usually took out a blank notebook and began to paste in it pictures cut out of books and newspapers; if they were not enough to fully illustrate the planned story, he himself added new ones. He gave me a lot of such notebooks in my childhood, but I received the best one in that "memorable year when Copenhagen was lit up with new gas lamps instead of the old ones." This event was noted on the first page.

This album must be saved! my father and mother told me. - It should be taken out only in special cases.

Every time a good, good child dies, an angel of God descends from heaven, takes the child in her arms and flies with him on his big wings all his favorite places. On the way they pick up a whole bouquet different colors and take them with them to heaven, where they bloom even more magnificently than on earth. God presses all the flowers to his heart, and kisses one flower, which seems to him the sweetest of all; the flower then receives a voice and can join the chorus of blessed spirits.

Anna Lisbeth was a beauty, just blood and milk, young, cheerful. The teeth sparkled with a dazzling whiteness, the eyes burned like crazy; she was easy in dancing, even easier in life! What came of it? Dirty boy! Yes, he was ugly, ugly! He was given to be raised by the excavator's wife, and Anna Lisbeth herself ended up in the count's castle, settled in luxurious room; dressed her in silk and velvet. The breeze did not dare to smell on her, no one - a rude word to say: it could upset her, she could get sick, and she was breastfeeding the count! The count was as gentle as your prince, and handsome as an angel. How Anne Lisbeth loved him!

Grandma is so old, her face is all wrinkled, her hair is white-white, but your eyes are like stars - so bright, beautiful and affectionate! And what wonderful stories she does not know! And her dress is made of thick silk fabric with large flowers - it rustles! Grandma knows a lot, a lot of things; she lives in the world a long time ago, much longer than dad and mom - right!

Grandmother has a psalter, a thick book bound with silver clasps, and she often reads it. Between the sheets of the book lies a flattened dried rose. She is not at all as beautiful as those roses that grandmother has in a glass of water, but grandmother still smiles most affectionately at this particular rose and looks at her with tears in her eyes. Why is the grandmother looking at the dried rose like that? You know?

Every time grandmother's tears fall on a flower, its colors revive again, it again becomes a lush rose, the whole room is filled with fragrance, the walls melt like fog, and grandmother is in a green, sun-drenched forest!

Once upon a time there was an aeronaut. He was unlucky, his ball burst, and he himself fell and crashed. He had parachuted his son a few minutes before, and it was happiness for the boy - he reached the ground safe and sound. He had all the makings to become the same balloonist as his father, but he had neither the balloon nor the means to acquire it.

However, it was necessary to live with something, and he took up magic tricks and ventriloquism. He was young, good-looking, and when he matured and let his mustache grow and began to walk in good dresses, he could at least pass for a natural count. The ladies liked him very much, and one girl fell so directly in love with him for his beauty and dexterity and decided to share his wandering life in foreign countries. There he appropriated the title of professor - he could not be content with less.

Once upon a time there was a man; he once knew many, many new fairy tales, but now their supply - according to him - was depleted. The fairy tale, which is itself, did not come again and did not knock on his door. Why? In truth, he himself did not think of her for several years and did not expect her to visit him. Yes, of course, she did not come: there was a war, and for several years there were weeping and groaning in the country, as always during the war.

Storks and swallows returned from a distant wandering - they did not think about any danger; but they appeared, but their nests were no more: they burned down along with the houses. The borders of the country were almost erased, enemy horses trampled ancient graves. Those were hard, sad times! But they also came to an end.

Once upon a time there was one small sea fish from a good family;

I don't remember her name; let the scientists tell you. The fish had one thousand eight hundred sisters of the same age; they knew neither father nor mother, and from the very birth they had to take care of themselves, to swim, as they know, and swimming was so much fun! There was plenty of water to drink - a whole ocean, there was no need to worry about food either - and there was enough of it, and now each fish lived for its own pleasure, in its own way, without bothering to think.

The sun's rays penetrated the water and brightly illuminated the fish and the whole world of the most amazing creatures that swarmed around. Some were monstrous in size, with such terrible mouths that they could swallow all eighteen hundred sisters at once, but the fish did not think about it - not one of them had yet to be swallowed.

In Florence, not far from Piazza del Granducca, there is a lane called, if I have not forgotten, Porta Rossa. There, in front of the vegetable stall, stands a bronze boar of excellent workmanship. Fresh flows from the mouth, pure water. And he himself turned black from old age, only his muzzle shines like polished. It was she who held on to hundreds of children and lazzaroni, who offered their mouths to get drunk. It's a pleasure to watch how a handsome half-naked boy hugs a skillfully molded beast, putting fresh lips to his mouth!

Works are divided into pages

Andersen's fairy tales are loved by both adults and children. The list of fairy tales is huge, and we have selected the most interesting and memorable. Reading the works of Hans Christian, it is difficult to understand how he could write fairy tales in such a way that each of them is still relevant and does not leave his lips.

NameTime Popularity
08:20 90
14:24 80
04:20 400
16:11 70001
06:26 300
02:55 70
04:40 60
30:59 40000
19:37 95000
03:56 200
03:00 2000
07:34 4000
21:13 250
07:36 5000
12:18 50000
18:56 7000
08:36 3000
17:29 50
01:36 60000
26:49 40
07:04 30000
42:32 90000
07:42 10000
04:08 30
07:49 500
03:26 20
08:14 6000
56:37 110000
17:39 10
14:30 10
12:22 350
07:18 20001
10:37 10
06:12 100
24:12 8000
03:50 10
13:34 10
02:59 1200
05:38 350
08:54 1000

The Danish writer Andersen became famous throughout the world mainly thanks to four fairy tales.

Andersen's Tales - a list of the most popular:

  1. Ugly duck. It is believed that the tale of the fate of the duckling is like a description of the life of little Hans Andersen, because he was also unsightly on the outside and very dreamy on the inside.
  2. The king's new dress. This tale, as Hans himself admitted, was borrowed by him from a third-party source, but gained such fame that Andersen's tales begin to read from it.
  3. Princess on the Pea. One of the first fairy tales that parents read to their daughters, it tells about a little princess, so sensitive that even forty featherbeds will not prevent you from feeling a pea.
  4. Shadow. A small philosophical essay, just right for reading and understanding for children of senior school age.

Andersen's fairy tales are also complemented by the Snow Queen with countless adaptations, Ole Lukoye, Thumbelina and many, many other immortal works.

about the author

The writer-storyteller was born in 1805 in a very poor Danish family. From childhood, he was a dreamer and dreamer, which was encouraged by his father. Andersen was not married, he had no children, he invested all his love in the theater, this hobby of his brought him many humiliations, he often had to beg to take him to the play, so he failed to make money with his favorite work. Andersen wrote the main tales after 1833, when he went on a trip with the money of the king. He tried to write plays and novels, but only fairy tales brought him popularity, which, although he wrote, he said that he despised them ...

Oh no, because Andersen had no intention of becoming a storyteller! All his dreams were about acting career, hectic life and other joys. However, it so happened that a thin and completely ugly boy, excellent at singing and reciting poetry in public, thanks to his appearance, was not destined to become a famous actor. Hans' life itself has become like one of his many stories, in which the hero has to go through many hardships before achieving something really worthwhile, such as Andersen's fairy tales have become, the list of which, by the way, contains his own autobiography under the uncomplicated title “Fairy Tale of my life".

Andersen's life was not fun or easy, he was always very lonely, even among friends. However, there is no place for sadness in his stories and, as Len's fairy tale says, that the song never ends and this is the most wonderful thing! We know about it, and therefore we are the happiest of all! Andersen's fairy tales are pleasant and easy to read, because through them you can understand what it means: to be happier than everyone.