Science is not given a Nobel Prize. Why the Nobel Prize in Mathematics is not awarded

The prize, which was established by Alfred Nobel, is awarded for significant achievements in the field of physiology and medicine, chemistry, physics, literature, as well as in strengthening the general community of nations. But there is one area for which this award is not being awarded. This area of ​​science is called mathematics.

Why is the Nobel Prize not given to mathematicians?

The first prizes established by Nobel found their owners after his death in 1901. In his will, the man who invented the dynamite clearly outlined his last will. He wanted his fortune to be used for the Nobel Prize. Having included in his list the exact sciences and literature, as well as the defense of peace, Nobel, nevertheless, did not include mathematics there. There are several versions explaining why he did this. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Unrequited love. According to some reports, Alfred Nobel was in love with Sophia Kovalevskaya. But the lady of the heart chose another, or rather the mathematician Mittag-Leffner. According to other sources, Nobel was in love with Anna Desri, but this woman was also married to the mathematician Lemarge;
  • Tactless behavior. It is believed that Alfred Nobel disliked his colleague Mittag-Leffner not at all because he crossed his love path, but because he persistently asked everyone for money for the construction of Stockholm University;
  • Helping people. Despite the fact that Nobel was called the "Dynamite King", the outstanding engineer and playwright was a rather peaceful person. He believed that dynamite would help countries contain each other's aggression, as is done today with the help of nuclear weapons. So he instituted the Peace Prize by removing mathematics from the list for economic reasons. Indeed, according to Nobel, mathematics was not a practical science.

The love triangle or rationalism have pushed mathematics from its pedestal - now it doesn't matter anymore. It is important that this award is given to those who have really accomplished something great in their field.

Nobel Prize and its features

Thanks to additional fees, to date, the Nobel Prize is given to economists. Every year, heated controversy erupts around the awards. But, meanwhile, the first laureate of the award was Jean-Henri Dunant, who received it for being considered an exemplary peacemaker. He managed to stop the senseless massacre of prisoners of war. Helped organize medical care for them.

Nobel's fortune was not so great that before today all laureates could receive approximately $ 1.5 million. Therefore, each at one time different bankers in Sweden took the management of the Nobel Foundation into their own hands, making the project even more prestigious and monetary.

As before, the prize continues to be awarded in Stockholm and Oslo. On the anniversary of the death of the great scientist on December 10, the Swedish and Norwegian crowned heads present certificates and checks to all those who won this year in the designated areas.

After that, a celebration is arranged for all the participants. The event then closes until next year. Not only Swedish scientists and writers can receive the award, it is available to people from any country. The main thing is that the contribution of a particular person is really big and important.

The Nobel Prize is not Alfred Nobel's only achievement. During his life, the scientist created more than 300 inventions, among which dynamite was one of the first. Has Nobel brought the world more good than harm? Let everyone answer this question himself. After all, it is rather difficult to get an unequivocal answer to it.

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The Nobel Prize (Swedish Nobelpriset, English Nobel Prize) is one of the most prestigious international prizes, awarded annually for outstanding Scientific research, revolutionary inventions or a major contribution to the culture or development of society.


On November 27, 1895, in Paris, Alfred Nobel signed latest version of his famous testament, according to which most of his fortune should go to the creation of a fund and the establishment of an award to encourage discoverers in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, as well as writers and those who have done the most for the world in the previous year, regardless from nationality. The Science and Literature Prizes were to be presented in Sweden and the Peace Prize in Norway. This will was the beginning of the history of the Nobel Prize, the fund of which amounted to 31 million kroons.

Nobel Prizes are awarded annually (since 1901) for outstanding work in physics, chemistry, medicine and physiology, economics (since 1969), for literary works, for activities to consolidate peace.

The Nobel Prizes are awarded to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Stockholm (physics, chemistry, economics), the Royal Carolina Medical and Surgical Institute in Stockholm (physiology and medicine) and the Swedish Academy in Stockholm (literature); in Norway, the Nobel Committee of Parliament awards the Nobel Peace Prizes. Nobel Prizes are not awarded posthumously.

The first Nobel banquet took place on December 10, 1901, simultaneously with the first award ceremony. The banquet is currently being held in the Blue Hall of the City Hall. 1300-1400 people are invited to the banquet. Dress code - tailcoats and evening dresses. Chefs from the Town Hall Cellar (a restaurant at the Town Hall) and cooks who have ever received the title of "Chef of the Year" are taking part in the development of the menu. In September, three menu options are tasted by members of the Nobel Committee, who decide what will be served "at the Nobel table." Only dessert is always known - ice cream. And then until the evening of December 10, no one, except for a narrow circle of initiates, knows what kind.

The Nobel concert is one of the three components of the Nobel week, along with the presentation of prizes and the Nobel dinner. It is considered one of the main musical events of the year in Europe and the main musical event of the year in the Scandinavian countries. The most prominent classical musicians of our time take part in it. The Nobel Concert is broadcast on several international TV channels on December 31 every year. According to Nobel's will, the prize was to be awarded for discoveries, inventions and achievements made in the year of the award. This provision is de facto not respected.

Award rules

The main document governing the rules for awarding the prize is the statute of the Nobel Foundation.

The prize can only be awarded to individuals and not to institutions (other than peace prizes). The Peace Prize can be awarded both to individuals and to official and public organizations.

According to § 4 of the statute, one or two works can be awarded at the same time, but the total number of awarded should not exceed three. Although this rule was only introduced in 1968, it has always been de facto followed. In this case, the monetary reward is divided between the laureates as follows: the prize is first divided equally between the works, and then equally between their authors. Thus, if two different discoveries are awarded, one of which was made by two, then the latter receive 1/4 of the monetary part of the award. And if one discovery is awarded, which was made by two or three, everyone receives an equal share (1/2 or 1/3 of the prize, respectively).

Also in § 4 it is stated that the prize cannot be awarded posthumously. However, if the applicant was alive at the time the prize was announced (usually in October), but died before the presentation ceremony (December 10 of the current year), then the prize remains with him. This rule was adopted in 1974, and before that the prize was awarded twice posthumously: Erik Karlfeldt in 1931 and Dag Hammarskjold in 1961. However, in 2011, the rule was broken when, by the decision of the Nobel Committee, Ralph Steinman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or medically, because at the time of the award, the Nobel committee considered him alive.

According to § 5 of the statute, the prize may not be awarded to anyone at all if the members of the relevant committee have not found worthy work among those nominated for the competition. In this case, the prize money will remain until the next year. If the prize was not awarded next year, the funds are transferred to the closed reserve of the Nobel Foundation.

What amount are we talking about?

At the time of Alfred Nobel's death, the prize was over SEK 31 million. Currently, the capital of the Nobel Prize Fund is estimated at about USD 500 million.

Why is there no Nobel Prize in Mathematics?

The mathematicians themselves believe that one cannot do without their science anywhere. Alfred Nobel forgot to mention the subject. I decided that along with physics and chemistry, it goes without saying.

Ordinary people have a different explanation why the Nobel Prize in mathematics is not awarded. This is an abstract science that is not useful to everyone. What does humanity get from a new way of solving a complex equation? .. Therefore, the subject was not included in the list of nominations.

The press "loved" anecdotes in which the decision of the founder of the Nobel Prize is explained by personal motives. The names of the proposed theories:

  • Franco-American version. The Swedish mathematician Mittag-Leffler persistently courted Alfred Nobel's wife. Moreover, the latter began to reciprocate the scientist, which offended the dignity of the inventor of dynamite. The founder of the prize took revenge on his rival by deleting "pseudoscience" from his will.
  • Swedish version. There was a conflict between Nobel and Mittag-Leffler. And the reasons are not related to the betrayal of the testator's wife. The inventor understood that the prize in mathematics would go to Leffler. After all, the latter is a leader in his field. Nobel did not allow this.

The people also "love" the story of the theater. A certain admirer allegedly kissed the hand of Nobel's wife Sophie so enthusiastically that he did not notice how he stepped on the unlucky spouse's foot. Later, Alfred found out that the boyfriend was a professor of mathematics.

Such versions are considered anecdotal in the scientific world. And there is official evidence of this. Alfred Nobel was not married. Mittag-Leffler existed. The Swedish mathematician sought to get the talented woman Sophia Kovalevskaya (in the anecdotes - "wife") accepted at Stockholm University for a professorship. And Nobel, as one of the sponsors, did not allow this.

Later, Leffler persuaded the inventor to leave part of the fortune to the university. The mathematician was overly persistent, which annoyed Nobel. The scientist has achieved nothing. He only angered the founder of the prize: the latter struck Stockholm University out of his will.

Historians and scientists themselves have more plausible versions of why the "nobel for mathematicians" is not available:

  • The founder of the prize was engaged in chemistry, physics and medicine in life, was fond of literature. He fought for the strengthening of peace. Participated in anti-slavery societies. Therefore, these five areas were included in the list of nominations.
  • Nobel instituted a prize only for experimental sciences for those achievements that brought real benefits to people. Theoretical subjects were not included in the will. It is impossible to objectively assess their discoveries. To check the result experimentally - too.

Einstein's theory of relativity is of little use to mankind: the discovery is significant only for a certain circle of people. But his own theory of the photoelectric effect made a tangible contribution to the development of the entire society. Therefore, the scientist received a prestigious award for the latter.

What are they comforted with?

The mathematicians themselves are not very offended that Nobel bypassed their science. The Nobel Prize is a socially significant award, with huge cash prizes and a magnificent ceremony. It is difficult to call it purely scientific. Scientists who have made a tangible contribution to science do not always rise to the podium. Their achievements are more important for society.

Other prestigious prizes are awarded to mathematicians. And here the nominees are those who made a huge contribution to the mathematical science.

Fields Prize

Most prestigious award in mathematics. The nominees receive a cash prize and a gold medal. Founder - John Fields, President of the VII International Congress of Mathematics (1924). It has been awarded on an ongoing basis since 1936 to 2-4 scientists.

Abel Prize

Formally (but not in meaning), the Abel Prize is closer to the "Nobel Prize". Awarded since 2003 on the initiative of the Norwegian government. Named after Niels Henrik Abel.

The winner of the Abel award is a scientist who made a significant contribution to the development of mathematics (without reference to age). The value of the prize is comparable to the value of the "Nobel Prize" (over 1 million US dollars). Awarded annually.

The Nobel Prize is not available to mathematicians. The real reasons are unlikely to be related to the personal motives of its founder. Mathematical discoveries have no practical relevance... And this is one of important conditions receiving a "Nobel Prize".

When were the first Nobel Prizes awarded?

The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901. Nobel allocated 94% of his fortune to the prize fund. His will was contested by family members and was later approved by the Swedish government.

How many people became Nobel laureates?

The Nobel Prize has been awarded 567 times. However, more than one nominee received it several times. In total, 860 people and 22 organizations became laureates.

Were there years when the Nobel Prize was not awarded?

Were. Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has not been awarded 49 times. Most of the prizes not awarded fell on the years of the First (1914-1918) and Second (1939-1945) World Wars. In addition, the charter of the Nobel Prize Foundation states that if “… none of the works is of sufficient importance, the prize money should be postponed until next year. If for the second year in a row there are no worthy discoveries, then the funds will go to the fund. "

In what areas are Nobel Prizes awarded most often?

The Nobel Prizes in physics were most often awarded for discoveries in the field of elementary particle physics, in chemistry for discoveries in biochemistry, for medicine for genetics, for economics for macroeconomics, and for literature for prose.

Scientists from which countries have most often become Nobel laureates?

In first place is the United States of America with 257 laureates. The second - Great Britain with 93, the third - Germany with 80. Russia has 27 laureates. According to the rules of the Nobel Committee, this does not include people, for example, who were born in Russia or the USSR, but who made discoveries in another country. Or writers who wrote in Russian, but who by that time were citizens of other countries, for example, Ivan Bunin in 1933 or Joseph Brodsky in 1987.

And at what age do you become Nobel Prize winners?

In various ways: Malala Yusufzai became the youngest laureate last year. She received the Peace Prize at the age of just 17. The oldest was 90-year-old Leonid Gurvich, who received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2007.

Are there women among the laureates?

There are, although they are in the minority. In total, women have received awards 47 times. And only one of them - Marie Curie - received it twice: once in physics, the other in chemistry. So there are 46 women in total for the Nobel Prize.

Was it so that the Nobel Prize was refused voluntarily?

Certainly. But only twice: French writer Jean-Paul Sartre turned down the Literature Prize in 1964 because he did not recognize any official awards at all. And the Vietnamese politician Le Duc Tho refused the Peace Prize in 1973, saying that he did not consider it possible to accept it due to the situation in the country.

And forcedly?

There was such a thing. Adolf Hitler banned three scientists: chemist Richard Kuhn, biochemist Adolf Butenandt and bacteriologist Gerhard Domagk from accepting the award. Later they were able to receive medals and diplomas, but not prize money.

The Soviet poet and writer Boris Pasternak first agreed to accept the Nobel Prize, but then, under pressure from the authorities, refused it.

And posthumously?

Yes and no. The status of the Nobel Foundation determines that the prize can only be awarded to a living person. However, if at the time of the announcement of the result he was still alive, and had already died by the direct presentation of the prize, then he is still considered a Nobel laureate. In 2011, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Ralph Steinman. After the announcement of the result, it turned out that he had already died three days ago. After the meeting of the board of the Nobel Committee, it was decided to keep him on the list of laureates, because the Nobel Commission of the Royal Karolinska Institute did not know about his death at the time of the decision.

Were there any family Nobel Prizes?

And how! And the greatest contribution to this small list was made by the Joliot-Curie family. The following family winners came out of it: two married couples: Marie and Pierre Curie and Irene Joliot-Curie and Frédéric Joliot, mother and daughter: Marie Curie and Irene Joliot-Curie, and father and daughter: Pierre Curie and Irene Joliot Curie.

The Nobel Prize is named after Alfred Nobel, a Swedish engineer and inventor of dynamite and flammable mixtures used in weapons. During his life, he saved up a lot of money and, before his death, bequeathed to annually present a monetary reward to people who make a scientific breakthrough in a certain area or take a large part in maintaining peace on the planet (the so-called Nobel Peace Prize). Areas awarded include: physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature, economics *. It is strange not to see mathematics among the above disciplines: after all, from school we are told that mathematics is the most important of all sciences, which literally rules the world.

The most widespread version of why Alfred Nobel bequeathed not to award the Nobel Prize to mathematicians, says that one day the inventor caught his wife with a famous mathematician. Nobel remembered this incident for life and decided to take revenge on all mathematicians without including this science in the final list for awards. This story is curious and original and is very popular with mathematics teachers, but hardly has anything to do with reality. This can be easily verified by examining the biography of Alfred Nobel and discovering that he was never married! But what if it was not his wife, but the girl he loved?

Indeed, the Swede once made a marriage proposal to a certain Alexandra, but was refused. There is no reason to believe that Alexandra later married a mathematician. Moreover, there is a version that the girl did not refuse Alfred, but died of the disease. Be that as it may, this story happened when Nobel was young, and time, as you know, heals. So it is unlikely that the inventor carried a grudge against the girl throughout his life.

There is evidence that Alfred Nobel at one time closely communicated with his secretary Bertha Kinski, but later she left and married another. However, Alfred and Bertha were more friends than lovers, and kept up a correspondence even after Bertha's departure, so there is no question of any offense.

In 1876, Nobel met a young girl named Sophie Hess. The girl turned out to have a difficult character and for a long time blackmailed Alfred into marrying her, and in her correspondence she called herself nothing but "Madame Sophie Nobel", misleading people. Soon, the relationship between Nobel and Sophie ended and she married the captain, who either abandoned her after the birth of a child, or simply drowned. It is possible to finally destroy the version of insults and betrayal by the fact that the inventor continued to take care of Sophie and her child until the end of his life. There is no information about other women in the life of Alfred Nobel.

So what prompted the famous inventor to delete mathematics from the list of sciences, if talk of cheating is fiction?

They say that Nobel could have done this because of his dislike of the mathematician Mittag-Leffler, who too obsessively begged the inventor for funds for Stockholm University, which at that time was one of the main mathematical institutes in Sweden.

Perhaps mathematics was not included in the list due to the fact that in those years there was already an award for achievements in the field of mathematics and Alfred Nobel did not want to compete with it. By the way, the award was established by the same Mittag-Leffler.

But, most likely, Alfred Nobel simply did not consider mathematics as a science in which any significant discoveries can be made in the future. He himself was interested in physics, chemistry and literature, on which he wrote many works. He did not dispute the importance of medicine for all mankind. But mathematics, in which no discoveries took place for a long time, he did not recognize as a science that moves progress forward. It turns out that Alfred Nobel just made a list of sciences that, in his opinion, are worthy special attention as helping in the development of mankind. And, it should be admitted, he had every right to do so.

* The Nobel Peace Prize in Economics was established in 1969 by the Bank of Sweden.

This interesting: maybe, Alfred Nobel never would and not decided to establish the prize, if would not one happening, made his revise his will. Howthen once v 1888 year newspapermen, having received erroneous information, wrote note under heading « Dealer death dead«, which approved, what Alfred Nobel died. Information not corresponded reality, but Alfred Nobel saw, what people remember his exclusively fromper creation dynamite, which the he was selling v various country and fromper whom perished a bunch of people v military conflicts. Inventor was shocked reaction on the my doom and wanted, to descendants remembered his per good deeds, That's why v his will decided to establish The Nobel the prize, especially highlighting the prize the world, which on this day annually hand over man, which the introduced the greatest contribution v preserving the world on the planet.

Alfred Nobel bequeathed 94% of his fortune to the organization of the award in five areas of interest that he was interested in. Further more about what the prize is awarded for, what Alfred Nobel is generally known for and why there is no Nobel Prize in mathematics.

What Alfred Nobel is known for

Many people know Alfred Nobel only as the person whose name the prize is named after, which is annually awarded in several directions. This one was born a famous person in the first half of the nineteenth century, and died four years before its end. Alfred Nobel owns 355 different patents, the most famous of his invention is dynamite. This Swedish chemist, inventor, engineer and entrepreneur was also involved in charity work.

Alfred Nobel lived part of his life in Russia, from his youth he spoke fluently four languages: English, German, French and Russian. After seven years of living in St. Petersburg, Alfred's father sent him to study in the United States, as the Russian chemist Nikolai Zinin advised him to do. Along the way, the young man visited several European countries, and when he arrived in the United States, he worked for the inventor John Ericsson, who designed the battleship Monitor, the locomotive Noverti and became the owner of several more patents. His first American patent for gas meter Nobel filed in 1857, but the first patent he received was for defining methods for producing gunpowder (1863).

Upon his return to Russia, Alfred Nobel took over the affairs of the family firm, which fulfilled orders for the Russian army. The prosperity of the company was facilitated by the Crimean War, but after it the factories could not return to normal production, and the family declared itself bankrupt. Nobel's parents returned to Sweden, and he devoted himself to the study of explosives. In 1863 he invented the detonator, in 1867 - dynamite. In total, he patented 355 inventions.

The history of the establishment of the Nobel Prize

In 1888, when Nobel's brother died, the newspapers mistakenly announced the death of Albert himself, not his brother. When he read his own obituary "The Merchant in Death is Dead" in a French newspaper, he seriously thought about how he will be remembered by mankind. After that, he decided to change his will.

Nobel's will assumed that all movable and immovable property of the compiler should be converted into monetary units, which should be placed in a reliable financial institution... All income should belong to a specially created fund, which will distribute them in the form of cash bonuses to those who have brought the greatest benefit to human society over the past year. It was his special desire that the nationality of the candidate was not taken into account when awarding the prizes.

At first, the paper was received with skepticism. Relatives of Alfred Nobel called themselves insulted and demanded that the document be officially declared illegal. The Nobel Foundation and the presentation of the prizes were organized by the executors of his will - the secretary R. Sulman and the lawyer R. Lilekvist. Later, individual institutions were identified, which were engaged in the awarding of individual prizes. When the Swedish-Norwegian union was dissolved, the Norwegian committee became responsible for awarding the peace prize, and the Swedish organizations for the rest.

Rules for awarding them. A. Nobel

The statute of the Nobel Foundation defines the rules for awarding the prize. Only individuals and not organizations can be nominated (except for the Peace Prize, which can be awarded to both individuals and official organizations). In one year, one or two discoveries in the same field may be encouraged, but the number of laureates should not exceed three. The rule was officially added in 1968, but in fact it has always been respected.

What is the Nobel Prize for? Per outstanding discoveries in five directions: physics, chemistry, medicine and physiology, literature, assistance to the establishment of peace in the world.

Among several candidates, the monetary reward is divided in this way: first in equal parts between the works, then according to the same principle between their authors. For example, if two discoveries are awarded, then the allocated money is first divided by two. The first work has two authors - half is divided again equally, and the second - one - half is awarded to him.

Also, the award should not be awarded posthumously. But if the laureate was alive when the Nobel Prize was awarded, but was carried to another world before the ceremony, then the prize remains with him. This rule came into effect in 1974. Up to this point, the Nobel Prize was awarded twice posthumously: to Dag Hammarskjold (by the way, he was the first to refuse the prize during his lifetime, referring to the fact that he held a position in the Nobel Committee, and that he is little known outside Sweden) and Eric Karlfeldt - the 1961 Peace Prize laureate of the year. According to the approved rule, the prize was retained for William Vickrey. This was the only time that the Nobel Committee deviated from the rule, awarding Ralph Steiman posthumously, since at the time of the nomination the committee considered him alive.

If the members of the Nobel Committee in this year did not find worthy candidates, the prize may not be awarded. In this case cash persist until next year.

Areas in which prizes are awarded

Alfred Nobel indicated in his will that the interest from the contribution must be divided into 5 equal parts, which are intended:

  • to the one who will make the most important discovery or invention in the field of physics;
  • someone who will make an improvement or important discovery in the field of chemistry;
  • someone who will make a discovery in the field of physiology or medicine;
  • to the one who will create the most outstanding literary work;
  • to the one who will make the most important contribution to the cohesion of nations, the reduction of the number of armies, the abolition of slavery, the promotion of peace conferences.

This is how Alfred Nobel determined what to give the Nobel Prize for.

But Nobel refused the prize to famous mathematicians. When asked why there is no Nobel Prize in mathematics, he himself could not answer, since the will (as it should) was made public after his departure to another world. Be that as it may, the inventor and entrepreneur provided awards in only five areas.

Why there is no Nobel Prize in mathematics has been asked before, but the committee is not going to expand the list of prizes, for which it has been criticized more than once. Its representatives answer that since only five directions were allocated in the will of the founder of the award, it means that the awards will be given in five each. No more, no less.

Russian Nobel laureates

The list of Russian laureates includes persons who at the time of the awarding of the prize had citizenship of Russia, the USSR, Russian Empire, regardless of their real nationality at that time. I. Pavlov became the first Nobel Prize laureate from Russia for his discoveries in physiology digestive system... I. Mechnikov (for works on immunity), I. Bunin (Nobel Prize in Literature), N. Semenov (chemistry), B. Pasternak (literature), P. Cherenkov, I. Tamm and I. Frank (physics), L. Landau (physics), N. Basov, A. Prokhorov (physics), M. Sholokhov (literature), A. Solzhenitsyn (literature), A. Sakharov (peace prize) and others.

Why there is no Nobel Prize in mathematics

Still, the Nobel Prize in mathematics is not awarded. Why is there no Nobel Prize in Mathematics? Alfred Nobel noted in his will that he chose all disciplines after a balanced and deliberate analysis. But the train of thought of the inventor and the entrepreneur remained unknown.

The most likely version of why mathematicians are not awarded the Nobel Prize is the following fact: Nobel insisted that inventions should provide real benefits to all of humanity, and mathematics is still an exclusively theoretical science. After all, the majority of the population does not care whether Fermat's theorem is proven or not. But if the queen of sciences goes to the application to physics or chemistry, outstanding scientists are awarded in these disciplines.

Privacy Versions

There is also a version that Alfred Nobel's wife allegedly cheated on him with a mathematician. It was for this that the scientist got angry with the queen of sciences and did not add her to the will. In fact, Nobel was not married at all, and this is just a memorable explanation. At forty-three, he advertised in a newspaper saying that he was looking for a housewife, translator and secretary all rolled into one. Bertha Kinski responded to the ad. But soon she left for Austria and got married, and relations with Alfred remained extremely friendly.

By the way, it was Berta Kinski who advised Nobel to include the Peace Prize in his will. Later, the Nobel Foundation presented this prize to herself.

Another version is Alfred Nobel's dislike for the mathematician Mittag-Leffler. Then it was he who was one of the most likely contenders for the first prize. The reasons for the enmity are not exactly known. Some sources claim that Mittag-Leffler tried to court Nobel's fiancée, others that he annoyingly demanded donations to Stolkholm University. It can be assumed that this was also the reason for the exclusion of the queen of sciences from their list.

"Ghosts" of the Nobel Prize in Mathematics

Although there is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics, there are several awards that replace it. The equivalents are the Fields and Abel Prizes, as well as the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economics.