How to tell children about wwii. Methodological manual "children about the war"

Irina Dzagoeva
The Great Patriotic War: How to Tell Children about the Feat?

Generations go by replacing each other,

But the memory of the past does not know oblivion.

And the menacing lines cry out from granite:

"Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten"

Time goes by, but we keep the memory of Great Patriotic War... It doesn't matter at all how to call it - patriotic education, history lessons or information for general development, but children need to be told about the exploits and glory of their ancestors, about the terrible threat hanging over our country, and about great Victory.

We must never forget about feat of our warriors-defenders, who defended the world in a cruel war.

Many memorials were erected, monuments dedicated to the heroes wars... Many streets in Russian cities are named after them. Many songs, poems have been written, stories, stories and novels about Great patriotic war... And the main task of teachers and parents is to form in children a sense of pride and patriotism, to foster love and respect for veterans and defenders of the Motherland, to acquaint children with the military traditions of our people and monuments of the military glory of Russia.

How tell children about the war?

If necessary tell children about the war?

Is that tell need - no doubt about it. But when to start such a difficult conversation, what to say and what to leave "behind the scenes"- in this, parents and teachers should rely on their experience, on the age-related characteristics of the child's perception of information and the recommendations of psychologists.

FOR WHAT? The patriotic feeling will not arise by itself. He needs to be educated from early childhood, nurtured, cultivated. And without the help of adults, the child will not be able to distinguish the main thing from the life around him, prioritize, adjust the senses correctly.

WHEN? As a rule, the first time in general outline talk about war with four - five-year-old children, but, of course, the main indicator should be the child's interest in this topic.

AS? What words can be found to tell a preschooler about the suffering of young children who later became heroes? How to convey the essence of what was happening in those distant years competently and evoke in a little soul a sense of pride, compassion, reverence, patriotism?

Talking to young children about war is not worth telling about all the horrors and sorrows. Our task is to gently explain to the child the essence of wars without going into details.

For instance, telling about the blockade of Leningrad - to explain children that the enemies surrounded the city, and the people ran out of food, and it was difficult to deliver it to the city. People were starving, they were given a small piece of bread, that our grandparents had to defend their country and their children.

Try to convey to the children the main thought: war is bad, and scary. War is hard for everyone, and for the country that attacked, and for the one that is defending.

Talk about how people defended the country without sparing themselves. So that we can live in peace. Sincerely say that you are very grateful to our grandfathers and grandmothers for their feat.

It is very important to vaccinate children gratitude and respect for veterans. Therefore, you can make a postcard in advance for the veteran, inside which to write: "Thank you!"... On a holiday, May 9, present it to a participant wars.

At this age, children perceive well the information given on specific examples and stories. Therefore, you should not sprinkle an abundance of abstract words, but give an example from the life of pioneer heroes (for a start, modern children it is necessary to explain who the pioneers are).

Visual and tactile sensations are also very important for children. You can show old photos of those who participated in war family members of pupils, their orders and letters, tell their stories... There are other things, living testimonies of the past, that can make children proud of their country: monuments to military glory, eternal flame, Victory Park.

Reproductions of famous paintings can be viewed with children. military theme, watch movies about war... It is worth sparing the child's psyche and avoiding scenes of violence and bloodshed. This can make a lasting impression on the child's psyche, cause trauma.

However, do not overdo it with the heroic "component" wars... The preschooler must understand war- it's bad and scary that everything normal people fear wars and want to live in peace... And about wars must be remembered first of all in order to prevent new ones.

In this age children tragic perception of the world and events is not characteristic, due to the lack of formation of the emotional sphere.

Child psychologists say: to convey information to a child at this age, you need to turn to the game. Perfect option- find or develop a game in the process of which children will learn about war... If there are many children, then you can divide them into teams, each of which will have its own flag, uniform (or at least some distinctive element)... As you explain the rules of the game, you will have a great opportunity to say many things for children: for example, remember memorable dates, the names of hero cities, the names of wartime heroes, etc. By the way, this game will be interesting not only for boys, but also for girls.

Good films are a great help in conversations about war.

Very important rule discussing films about war- do not rush to answer the questions of children. "Is that why he is being awarded and he is crying?", "Why did they win, but the music is still sad?" Ask: what do you think? how would you explain yourself? Pause, let the child complete the chain of meanings himself.

One of the most effective and informative methods of upbringing moral and patriotic feelings in preschoolers through joint activities of children, parents, and teachers, through expanding the general outlook is PROJECT activity... It is possible to use it with children younger age... This is the very living environment that allows you to create a natural situation of communication and practical interaction children and adults.

1. Children maintain an interest in the history of their country, to Great Patriotic War are consciously respectful of merit and feats of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Parents, active and interested project participants, realize the importance of patriotic education of preschoolers, develop the child's need for knowledge, communication with adults and peers, through joint project activities.

3. Educators exercise innovation activity, raise the professional level.

Expected results:

1. Organization of an appropriate developing subject-spatial environment in DL groups.

2. Implementation of communicative - dialogue relationships of preschoolers with adults and peers as an aspect of the child's personal development.

3. Creation of a single value-semantic cooperation between teachers and parents.

4. Incorporation into holistic pedagogical process various forms and methods of work to familiarize children with the history of their native country, the heroic past of the people.

5. Communication of the preschool department with social organizations (museums, libraries)

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How interesting and accessible to tell children about the Victory Day holiday? We will help you with this. We will tell the story of the Day holiday in an accessible way.

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The Great Patriotic War was the most severe test of the material and spiritual strength of our people. The victory in this war is one of the most glorious dates in the heroic history of our Motherland.

“We all come from childhood,” said the famous French pilot and writer Saint-Exupery. This is, of course, so. Only childhood is different. For some, it is cloudless, peaceful; for others, it is harsh, difficult, with adversity.

The childhood of many generations was darkened by the war. It began on June 22, 1941. At dawn, without declaring war, violating the Peace Treaty, Hitler's troops broke into the territory of our country.

War is explosions and devastation, hunger and bombing, shell shock and despair ... War brings many different troubles. Instead of learning, building happy life, to enjoy the peaceful sky overhead, people had to endure hardships and losses.

To everyone his dear and sweet. For us, for the Russians, there is nothing dearer and dearer than holy Russia, the land where we were born, watered, nourished, where our ancestors lived. Not to love your Motherland, not to defend it, is the same as not recognizing your father, mother, clan, tribe.

The inhabitants of our huge country stood up to defend their homeland. Someone fought on the front lines, who selflessly worked in the rear, doing everything for the front, for victory. Nobody thought about their life. All had one thought - to defend the Motherland.

The mobilization, deployment of strategic reserves, their massive use in decisive sectors of the front, allowed our Armed Forces by the end of 1941 to eliminate the enemy's superiority in the number of divisions, to create conditions for changing the balance of forces and for seizing strategic initiative.

We won the war. And this is great happiness. May 9, 1945 is the Day of the Great World Historical Victory of our country and its Armed Forces over fascism. The Armed Forces, with their victories, have written heroic pages into world history... The peoples of Europe, with the assistance of the Soviet Army, also gained freedom. A significant part of humanity has opened up broad paths for development, blazed by the heroism of the Russian people.

On Victory Day, we congratulate our veterans, participants in the Great Patriotic War, real defenders of the Motherland, who in the most severe, most difficult years, when the country was under the threat of losing independence, fought for freedom - their relatives and friends, friends, compatriots, their native land ... On the bright day of our Victory Day, we are overwhelmed with feeling national pride... This pride is legitimate, natural and understandable. We are proud of the deeds of glorious patriots at the fronts, in factories and factories, in scientific organizations, in the fields where grain was grown. We are proud of the people who have glorified and glorified our Motherland.

Compiled by: Iris Revue

Children play war game. Some are "ours", some are fascists. And always "ours" win. It `s naturally. But still, what is the right way to present children with information about a real war?

How, without traumatizing the tender souls of children, to tell children about the war? And, most importantly, to convey to them all the pain of people and the joy of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Veterans are leaving ...

Modern adult moms and dads, probably, are nevertheless closer to the theme of war, veterans, May 9. After all, almost every family was directly involved in the Great Patriotic War.

As young adults, today's adults listened to the authentic stories of grandparents about the life and hardships of that time. In kindergartens, schools, they devoted a lot of time to patriotic education.

Films, books, stories of real participants in hostilities helped children to feel the whole situation. And how often it happened that when playing "war", the guys never agreed to be fascists, everyone wanted to be for "ours."

Now many veterans have left us irrevocably. It is no longer possible to hear firsthand stories about the blockade and famine. But history cannot be rewritten. Children need to know and honor the feat of their ancestors at any time.

What kind of victory is this?

Depending on age, it is necessary to present information to children. Victory Day is very solemnly celebrated in our country. Kids often ask questions about what kind of holiday it is, who defeated whom, why with tears in their eyes.

Therefore, it is necessary to tell children about the Great Russian Victory. This will help reading the relevant books, watching films.

Start from scratch

Nevertheless, war is a very controversial and difficult topic. Accordingly, the question arises of how all the pain and horror, without traumatizing or frightening them.

Here it is necessary to listen to the words of child psychologists, who advise starting with general information... Gradually present more and more profound knowledge.

The main thing is to convey the idea that World War II is the most terrible and big war in the history of mankind, which aimed at enslaving many people, and simply exterminating many.

Children must understand that the Soviet army and the entire Soviet people helped to cope with the Nazis, liberating not only Russian lands and people, but also many European states.

Is war bad?

When considering how to tell children about the war, it is important to answer the necessarily arising question: "Is war bad?" One might get the impression that by fighting, you can get benefits.

When speaking to children about war, it is worth emphasizing that, as a rule, people in power start it. But do not think that, for example, the entire German nation is bad.

Presenting information to children about the Great Patriotic War, it should be told that many people in Germany also lived very badly. Not all people supported Hitler, and for this they were punished.

Modern children, even toddlers, often play computer "shooters". This is where the misconception often arises that war is like a game. I didn’t like the ending, I started all over again. And the players have multiple lives. It is necessary to give truthful information to children about the war, to tell and show with the help of books, films, how many people died, and they cannot be revived.

Let's start a conversation

You should start talking about the war already in As psychologists recommend, you should not show all the horrors and bloodshed.

How to tell children about the war? Start with the concept itself. What's this? Why do people fight and what do they want to get?

Show in films how ordinary people live during the war, what they have to experience.

Having told about the essence, you can proceed to the story about the Great Patriotic War. A child should feel pride and respect for his people and his belonging to a glorious nation.

Victory attributes

How can children be told about the war so that they can understand that this also applies to their families? Surely in many houses there are carefully kept medals, orders of grandfathers and grandmothers. Many carefully keep old photographs, letters and other things of the war years.

Show all this to the baby. Tell us who is in the photos, explain why you received the medals.

If there are museums of military glory in your city, be sure to take your child there. Experienced guides will tell interesting stories about the war to children and you too.

Visiting the museum, you can visually show your child military uniforms, see dugouts and military equipment. So the kid can really imagine the life and life of a soldier.

Celebration with tears

Before the holiday on May 9, many parents begin educational conversations and classes with children. For children primary grades the war is also talked about at school.

It is very good to work with the teacher. In the classroom, children read books, listen to the teacher's stories, and conduct various activities.

Themed weeks can also be held at home. Be sure to find and read poems about war to children. You can even learn some of the most interesting ones.

Do handicrafts with the kids, discuss the books you read about the war. Children need to feel the festive mood, pride in the Russian victory.

Be sure to get ready and go to the Victory Parade. Put flowers at the monuments with your baby, listen to songs about the war. It will be interesting for children to see how veterans are honored, how soldiers proudly walk, what military equipment exists to protect the state.

It is very good if veterans live in your environment. Together with your child, make a gift in the form of a postcard and present it. Listen to the stories of a veteran and offer your help in solving everyday problems.

George Ribbon

Surely, children, seeing beautiful striped ribbons on the streets, will ask why they are worn.

This is another reason to tell children about the attributes of the holiday, why they are worn and what they mean.

The St. George ribbon is a symbol of our victory and a symbol of the holiday. Those who wear it show respect for the memory of the victims and show that they remember and honor the veterans.

More recently, a wonderful tradition has emerged when ribbons are handed out on the streets. This action was carried out with the aim of reminding people of the heroism of the warriors, so that the people think and take care of the veterans.

The tradition has taken root. Now our children can also put on the St. George ribbon and feel like a part of a big holiday.

Be sure to tell the kids why the St. George ribbons are of this color. They were awarded together with the medal "For Victory over Germany".

Orange and black represent fire and smoke. This is the valor, courage and courage of the soldier who received the medal.

Adults are simply obliged to read stories about the war to children, to give all possible information for their understanding. And, most importantly, there is not a single family that was not touched by the Great Patriotic War. Someone's grandmother or grandfather fought, someone worked for the good of the front, someone survived the blockade.

Home Conversations

Get the old one Where your grandparents are depicted. Tell us which of them belongs to whom. Tell interesting story about their lives during the hostilities.

Then read poems about the war. It will be useful for children to hear about how and when the Nazis attacked our homeland. That it happened suddenly, in the morning and without warning.

Find and display paintings or photographs military equipment those times, soldier's greatcoats, destroyed towns and villages.

It is very informative to measure and show 125 grams of bread. After all, it was food for the whole day and nothing else could be obtained. And despite this, I had to go to the factory every day and make shells for the front, to provide rear services. After all, it was impossible to win without support. The entire people stood up to defend the Motherland.

Then be sure to let the songs about the war hear. Older children can be encouraged to memorize some of them. Watch a war movie. Just look at it yourself first. Don't leave your child alone with a book or movie. Be sure to be together and discuss what you see or read.

Make no mistake when speaking

  1. There is no need to tell too much horror and show bloodshed.
  2. Preschoolers should not talk about concentration camps, about tortured children and hunger when they ate dogs and cats. Because of this, babies can experience nightmares and nervous tics. But in schools it is already necessary to provide such information.
  3. There is no need to give false information. Of course, the main thing for preschoolers is to know that the Russian people have won. But older children should already understand that not everything was so smooth, that the Russians were not at all ready for war and even almost surrendered Moscow.
  4. Do not be afraid to show great emotionality, to show how this topic can be unpleasant, how you are afraid of war. And if the always fearless dad suddenly admits that he is afraid of the outbreak of war, then this will make a much greater impression on the children than just a story about the life of soldiers.

Consider the child's age

The main thing in conversations and stories on such a topic as war is to take into account the age and psyche of the child. Talking about such a topic, one cannot ignore the concept of death. It is important to understand that children are ready to hear about this no earlier than 5-6 years old. It is at this age that the baby can already ask and ask questions on this topic himself. Do not hide the truth, but you also do not need to intimidate the child.

Think about it, because our children can hardly meet real veterans and hear true stories. Toddlers can only be familiar with the "children of war." But they cannot know much due to their age and convey all the pain and horrors of hostilities.

Yes, almost all families were affected by the war. Many of our ancestors bravely fought the enemy, endured all the torments and hardships. This should never happen again. And to prevent this from happening, children should know everything about that time. There is no need to be silent. Tell your children about the war, about the Great Victory, about the courage of the Russian people.

Conversations, books, films, rare meetings with veterans - all this is that unbreakable thread that helps us to connect with the past. Don't tear it apart. It must be remembered and honored.

June 22 - on the day of memory and grief, in many cities of Russia events are held, timed to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Poems about the beginning of the war

Tatiana Lavrova.

On that terrible day, the earth rushed into the sky.
The roar froze the blood in my veins.
Colorful June immediately disappeared into fiction,
And death, suddenly, pushed aside life, love.

Put on gymnastics and overcoats
Yesterday's boys are the color of the country.
The girls sang goodbye songs
They wanted to survive in the terrible hour of the war.

The war, like a lump, rolled along the roads,
Carrying devastation, hunger, death and pain.
There are very few of them left alive,
Those who accepted the first, most terrible battle!

They went on the attack for the truth, for the Fatherland,
For peace, for mother and father, for a good home.
To protect against the horrors of fascism
Rights to a life that was crumbling around.

Lilacs, carnations, delicate tulips ...
The beginning of summer, life is in full swing.
Love is alive, the wounds are healed
But this June day has not been forgotten!

June. Russia. Sunday.
Dawn in the arms of silence.
A fragile moment remains
Until the first shots of the war.

In a second the world will explode
Death will lead the parade,
And the sun will go out forever
For millions on earth.

A mad barrage of fire and steel
Will not turn back on its own.
Two "supergods": Hitler - Stalin,
And between them is a terrible hell.

June. Russia. Sunday.
A country on the brink: to be not to be ...
And this eerie moment
We will never forget ...

Vadim Shefner

Don't dance today, don't sing.
In the late evening pensive hour
Wait silently at the windows,
Remember those who died for us.

There, in the crowd, among loved ones, in love,
Among the cheerful and strong guys,
Someone's shadows in green caps
They rush to the outskirts in silence.

They can't stay, stay -
This day takes them forever
On the tracks of marshalling yards
They are blown away by trains.

Hailing them and calling them is in vain,
They won't say a word in return
But with a sad and clear smile
Look after them intently.

That longest day of the year

K. Simonov

That longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
Gave us a common misfortune
For all, for all four years.
She so pressed the mark
And laid so many on the ground,
That twenty years and thirty years
The living cannot believe that they are alive.
And straightening a ticket to the dead,
Someone close is driving everything
And time adds to the lists
Someone else, someone else ...

Goodbye boys!

B. Okudzhava

Oh war, what have you done mean:
Our courtyards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being,

On the doorstep they barely loomed
And they went after a soldier - a soldier ...
Goodbye boys! Boys,
Try to get back

No, don't hide, you be high
Do not spare any bullets or grenades,
And you do not spare yourself, and yet
Try to go back.

Oh, what have you done mean war:
Instead of weddings - parting and smoke.
Our girls dresses are white
They gave it to their sisters.

Boots - well, where can you go from them?
Yes, green wings epaulettes ...
You don't give a damn about gossips girls
We'll settle scores with them later.

Let them talk that you have nothing to believe in,
That you go to war at random ...
Goodbye girls! Girls,
Try to go back.

Tvardovsky A.T.

Everything, everything counts in the heart,
Everything has become a memorable meta.
It stood young, in bloom,
Barely parting with spring, summer;
It was morning silence
The air was juicy mixed with honey;
Dripped off the roofs in droplets
Dew through drain pipes;
And the shepherd's horn at this hour,
And the first early smell of hay ...
Everything, everything is in our memory,
Everything down to the details is priceless:

How long is the dry garden
Kept a cool shade dusk;
How the choir began to grumble -
Springs of yesterday's generation;
Like a radio somewhere in the house
On June this day entered
Not yet with what he is talking about
Russia was to broadcast;
Like capitals and villages
The beginning of the day flowed in labor;
How we lost this day
And the world - minute by minute;
How we stepped over the line
Where other work has been assigned to us, -
Everything, everything in the world counts,
And the bill has not yet been paid.

We said goodbye to a peaceful day
And we are in the fire of slaughter
From the bitter memory of him
It hurt for four years.
It hurts just the same now
When our day is in full bloom again
With all the pain of sorrowful loss,
That there is nothing in the world to return.
In our hearts, that pain is alive
And pre-war ours were
We are even at the time of celebration
They did not stop loving, they did not forget.
Didn't step back an inch
From our commandment of peace:
Widow or mother will not allow to lie,
Whose souls were broken by grief ...

For the happiness of all people
We are full of unyielding faith -
Save our day in years, in centuries,
Our peaceful day, June is green.

Pre-war waltz

Felix Laube

Peaceful sky over the fortress of Brest,
In a cramped apartment, happy faces.
Waltz. The political instructor invites the bride
A brand new cube glistens on the buttonhole.

And outside the window, outside the window, the beauty of the new moon,
Weeping willows whisper with Bug.

Still alive, still alive
Still alive, everything, everything, everything.

Looks at Nevsky from the Utyosov poster,
"Volga-Volga" is on in cinemas.
Again Kronstadt sees off the sailors:
Their training trip will not last long.

And behind the stern, behind the white night, meditation,
Seagulls circling over the Gulf of Finland.
Forty-first year, early June.
Still alive, still alive
Still alive, everything, everything, everything.

Past the facade of the Bolshoi Theater
Trams are rushing to rest, ringing.
In the tenth grade exams tomorrow,
The eternal flame near the Kremlin does not burn.

Everything is ahead, everything is still, everything is the day before:
Twenty sunrises remained happy:
Forty-first year, early June.
Still alive, still alive
Still alive, everything, everything, everything.

The pre-war waltz recalled a lot,
Waltz resurrected faces dear to us,
With whom the front road brought us,
From whom we had to part forever.

Years passed, and again outside the window a quiet evening.
Friends gaze silently from the portraits.
In our memory today and forever
They are all alive, they are all alive
They are all alive, everything, everything, everything ...

Despite the passage of time, relentlessly alienating us from the great event of 68 years ago, Victory Day , May 9 , continues to be a holy holiday for all generations. This day gives an incredible sense of pride for our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, for our people.

Victory in the Great Patriotic War it cost us dearly - at the cost of health, youth and life of our ancestors. And in memory of their great feat before humanity, we are responsible for fostering respect for the great holiday in our children.

First of all, children should know that they were born in a state that took the brunt of the blow from Nazi Germany and made the most significant contribution to the victory over fascism. After all, being proud of the feat of your people is a great happiness, and not being proud is a manifestation of ignorance and cowardice.

So what to tell children about Victory Day?

Defenders of the Fatherland Day

How to tell a child about the war?

Sooner or later, you will have to tell your child about what war is, why they celebrate May 9 and February 23 in Russia. As a rule, for the first time, parents talk in general terms about the war with four or five-year-old children, but, of course, the main indicator should be the child's interest in this topic. A convenient occasion for such a conversation can be the eve of Defenders of the Fatherland Day or Victory Day.

Of course, you cannot talk about the war at once, and you will periodically return to this topic, answering children's questions, telling more and more as the child grows up.

Show the evidence of the past around your child to awaken an interest in the topic of war. Even if there are no veterans among your relatives and friends, who, of course, are the best storytellers, you can show your child memorials, take him to the Eternal Flame and tell him that it is always on fire, reminding people of those who died in the war.

Before talking directly about the war, remind or tell your child that there are many countries in the world, they are inhabited different people who speak different languages... It will be easier if you have already traveled together to travel, and the child has an idea of ​​the existence of different nations. Without going into details, especially if you are talking with very young children, explain that each country has a government that, to the best of its ideas about good and evil, governs the country and its people.

It is important to emphasize that war is a conflict of governments, not peoples, which is resolved, however, at the expense of the population of countries. Speaking about wars in general and the Great Patriotic War in particular, it is worth emphasizing that the reason for what is happening is not that one of the nations is “bad”. Explain to your child that the population of all countries participating in the war suffers huge losses, and, for example, for the civilian population of Germany, the Great Patriotic War was the same tragedy as for the Russians. The most striking examples are, of course, family ones. You can show your child photographs of grandparents or family friends known to him and tell him about those who fought at the front or worked in the rear.

In a conversation with young children, of course, one should not talk in detail about the horrors of war, about concentration camps. Your task is not to scare the child by giving him food for neuroses and nightmares, but to enlighten. Speaking about the blockade of Leningrad, there is no need to go into details, it will be enough to say that the Nazis blocked the entrances to the city so that no food could be delivered there, and the residents of the city were forced to starve.

It is worth not only telling the child about the war, but also showing him films and books on the military theme. In addition to well-known children's books, such as "Malchish-Kibalchish" by A.P. Gaidar, "Son of the Regiment" by V.P. Kataev, "My Dear Boys" by L.A. Kassil, "Girl from the City" by Voronkova L.F. , an older child can be shown quite "adult" films about the war - "Only old men go to battle", "The dawns here are quiet", "The soldier's father". The list is endless, since we have many wonderful books and films that tell about this difficult period in history.

An older child should be told about the famous diary of Tanya Savicheva. This diary is a scanty record of a twelve-year-old girl undergoing blockade in Leningrad, and contains, in fact, only a list of deaths in her family. The last entry in it: "The Savichevs all died, only Tanya was left." The diary, now kept in the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, figured at the Nuremberg trials as one of the indictments against fascism. Stories about adults and even about young graduates who are forced to fight in the war may sound abstract to a child, while the story of a girl close to him in age cannot but touch the heart.

The main thing is to be honest. Admit to your child that war is a difficult topic of conversation, that you, like all people, are afraid of war. Children feel the sincerity of their parents and honest words will have a much greater effect than special "educational speeches".

How interesting and accessible to tell children about the Victory Day holiday?

We will help you with this. We will tell the story of the Victory Day holiday in an accessible way, we will bring to your attention poems dedicated to Victory Day.

Victory Day

May 9

Victory Day is a holiday

The day of the defeat of a brutal war

Day of defeat of violence and evil,

Day of resurrection of love and kindness.


Sasha took out his toy gun and asked Alyonka: "Is I a good military man?" Alyonka smiled and asked: "Will you go to the Victory Day parade in this form?" Sasha shrugged his shoulders, and then replied: "No, I will go to the parade with flowers - I will give them to real warriors!" Grandfather heard these words and stroked Sasha's head: "Well done, granddaughter!" And then he sat down next to me and began to talk about the war and victory.

On May 9 we celebrate Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers put on orders, go to a meeting with their veteran friends. Together they remember what the war years were like.

The second World War started in 1939. It covered more than 60 countries of the world! She came to our country on the terrible morning of June 22, 1941. It was Sunday, people were resting, planning their day off. Suddenly the news struck like a thunder: “The war has begun! Fascist Germany, without declaring war, launched an offensive ... "All adult men put on military uniform and went to the front. Those who remained joined the partisans to fight the enemy in the rear.

During the long war years, people could not live in peace. Every day brought loss, real grief. More than 60 million people have not returned home. Half of the dead are residents of the former Soviet Union... Almost every family has lost a grandfather, father, brother or sister ...

The Ukrainian and Russian people paid a dear price for their participation in this terrible war. The war did not spare either the elderly or the children.

The attackers mocked the inhabitants of the captured cities and villages. Our warriors fought bravely against the invaders. They could not forgive burnt houses, destroyed monuments national culture... And it hurt them even more for their dead relatives and friends. The soldiers were not afraid of hunger or cold. Perhaps they were scared too. But the dream of victory, a peaceful life constantly supported them.

It was 1945. The Great Patriotic War against the fascist invaders was approaching a victorious end. Our fighters fought as best they could. In the spring, our army approached the capital of Nazi Germany - the city of Berlin.

The battle for Berlin lasted until May 2. Particularly desperate was the storming of the Reichstag, where the leaders of Germany had gathered. On May 8, 1945, representatives of the German High Command signed an end to the war. The enemy surrendered. May 9 became Victory Day, a great holiday for all mankind.

Now, on this day, festive fireworks are sure to bloom with millions of flowers. They congratulate the veterans, sing songs for them, recite poetry. Flowers are being brought to the monuments to the victims. We always remember that peace on earth is the most important value.

Poems for Victory Day for children

Let there be peace

Let the machine guns not scribble

And the terrible guns are silent,

Let the smoke not swirl in the sky

Let the sky be blue

Let the bombers on it

Do not fly to anyone

People, cities do not die ...

Peace on earth is always needed!

Together with grandfather

The morning fog has melted

Spring flaunts ...

Today grandfather Ivan

I cleaned up the orders.

We go to the park together


A soldier, gray-haired like him.

They will remember there

Your brave battalion.

They will talk heart to heart

About all the affairs of the country,

About wounds that still hurt

From the distant days of the war.

Even then we were not in the world

When fireworks thundered from end to end.

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world,

When there is a fire storm in a military storm,

Deciding fate for future centuries,

You fought a sacred battle!

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with Victory.

May soldiers, glory to you forever

From the whole earth, from the whole earth!

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world in which we live!



Remember how the thundering of the guns thundered,

How the soldiers died in the fire

In the forty-first, forty-fifth -

Soldiers for the truth went to battle.

Remember, in our power and thunderstorms and wind,

We are responsible for happiness and tears,

On the planet, our children -

A generation of young people lives.

The soldiers

The sun hid behind the mountain

The river rifts are fogged up,

And on the way to the steppe

From the heat, from the evil heat

The gymnastics on the shoulders played;

Your battle banner

The soldiers shielded them from the enemies with their hearts.

They did not spare life,

Defending the fatherland - the native country;

Defeated, defeated

All enemies in the battles for the Holy Motherland.

The sun hid behind the mountain

The river rifts are fogged up,

And on the way to the steppe

Soviet soldiers went home from the war.