Strong prayer not to divorce your husband. Orthodox prayer for the family

How to pray to get over a breakup, divorce

(If you don't know how to pray)

Here we tried to tell you about the main points that need to be considered in order for your prayers to be beneficial. But if you want to learn how to pray really well, best remedy that's what our online course "The Art of Personal Prayer" is for.

1. Remember who the God you are praying is.

For a non-church person, God is, as a rule, something abstract, "a higher mind." But in reality, reason is not the main quality of God. One preacher remarked that Satan was also a good fit for the definition of "higher intelligence." And the main quality of God is LOVE. Therefore, in order not to “be mistaken in the address” of your prayers, you must try to learn as much as possible about the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Best source for this - the Gospel.

2. Remember who you are.

You are a creation of God, beloved by the Creator. Endowed with an immortal soul that is dearer than the entire material world. But you, like all people, are a creature that has gone astray, making mistakes, unable to even pray to Him correctly without God's help. Unable to bring anything good into this world without the Father's help. Realize your sinfulness, poverty and ask God to help you pray.

You cannot deceive God. You cannot give anything to God. The only thing He wants from you is repentance and a sincere intention to improve.

3. Pray humbly.

It's very hard for you. But God is not to blame for this. He did something for you that is difficult to imagine - he allowed people to crucify Himself on the cross. Therefore, do not murmur, do not feel sorry for yourself. Ask God not dejectedly and not demandingly, in both - pride. He Himself wants to give everything you need, only humility is required of you. That is, the readiness to accept any will of God with confidence, the consciousness that it is good for us.

4. Pray in faith.

Praying without faith in the fulfillment of what is asked is useless. When you pray in faith, not a single word of prayer is wasted. It is as easy for God to fulfill every word of your prayer as it is for you to say it. If your faith is still small, ask the Father for faith.

5. For God to listen to you, obey Him.

Any evil we have is unpleasant to Christ. Our evil is His wounds on the cross. Therefore, if we do not try to be kind, to fulfill His commandments, our requests will be unjustified impudence. And especially we must get rid of all evil before prayer itself and at its beginning. If we are angry with a person, forgive. If we murmur against God, fate is to humble ourselves. To cleanse yourself of everything that weighs on your conscience. And we will immediately feel how wings grow in our prayer.

6. God can be asked for anything that is definitely good.

If we ask for something that may not be pleasing to God (and therefore not useful to us), then each request must be ended with the words "But let it be not as I want, but as You please." But if you only ask for this, your prayers will be of little benefit to you.

7. Keep yourself respectful.

If you attended a reception with the president of your country or other influential person, most likely you would behave respectfully. During prayer, you communicate with the One who is immeasurably more influential than any earthly ruler. Therefore, if you are praying in solitude, you need to stand reverently. If you are in public, just avoid vulgar, too free positions, and be respectful within yourself.

8. When praying, do not deliberately draw in front of you visual images of God.

This is dangerous. (Looking at an icon of Jesus Christ does not mean presenting God to you.)

9. What words to pray?

Long prayers prayer rules, are good when there is no pain expressed by a certain thought. If there is such a hurting thought, it will distract you from the words of the prayer. Therefore, in this case, it is better to pray with short prayers directed against this thought. Almost any painful thought is a lie thrown at you by demons, and only with God's help can you defeat it.

The rule read in time of sorrow
(The Monk Ambrose of Optina, based on the Psalms) The Psalms were written by the king and the prophet David, who, while still an unknown youth, defeated the giant Goliath. The Psalms of David - the most read by the Orthodox part Old Testament... There is also a Russian translation of them, but they are usually read in the Slavic language. You do not need to know the Slavic language to read them.

I am so glad that there are saints in our Church ... Such special people who, on the one hand, are the same as we are. With their difficulties and joys, with their characters and destinies. There are so many of them that one can easily find the biographies of some such saints, whose life path close and understandable to you. Among them there are hermits, and silent, and monks, and family, theologians and the illiterate, rich and poor, there are even drunkards, fornicators and robbers. Someone through their whole life carried a special Divine chosen by God, someone, on the contrary, towards the end of their life came to faith and tried to beg forgiveness for themselves. I can't imagine how you can live without the patron saints.

If God is the Father, then the saints are our elder brothers and sisters, from whom we can take an example and with whom we can talk about everything in the world. Sometimes in life there are such difficult situations that I myself can’t believe that they can be solved. And you ask your beloved saint: “You ask God there, please. And let it be according to your faith. And then my strength is gone. My faith is over. "

More than once I have come across such intricate problems that, through the prayers of the saints, were resolved almost by themselves, and even in some way that I myself would never have thought of. It often happened that help came from where it never even occurred to expect it ...

So it was with my marriage. Now I am going over in my head all the milestones of this wonderful story and I myself am surprised how many coincidences accounted for one square centimeter of my life. Is it a coincidence?

Now I am seriously convinced that the second time I got married only thanks to the grace of God through the holy prayers of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

Mother is a true example of humility and meekness, worldly wisdom and such complete trust in God that one can only wonder. But she is our contemporary. My grandparents were already quite conscious personalities when Matronushka was still carrying her feat on our long-suffering land. And now, after her physical death, mother does not cease to beg God for consolation to all who come to her and call her in their prayers.

This story began several years ago. Then I lived next to the Church of the Deposition of the Robe on Donskaya Street. The temple, which Blessed Matrona loved so much that she even bequeathed to her funeral service there.

I remember very well this evening in May, exactly 2 years ago. At dinner, my husband unexpectedly said that he had thought for a long time, and came to the conclusion that we needed to get a divorce. Just like that, just like a bolt from the blue. Divorce! Boggles the mind. Just a shock. I refused to believe my ears, eyes, common sense. This cannot be, because it can never be.

He continued to say something that he had not loved for a long time, that only obligations remained, that there was no future. I sat half-forgotten, looked around and ... It seems that the only thought that flashed through my head then: I must go to the Intercession Monastery and pray. There were no more thoughts. Only fog and misunderstanding, in which I sat for a day, looking at the wall and very rarely blinking.

I remember that I drove to work, where they gave me as much time off as needed without question, and went to the Intercession Monastery to see Matronushka. Of course, then I wanted only one thing: for HE to return. To come home and see that everything is the same. Or wake up and realize that it was just a dream. It was with this thought that I went there for the first time.

Yes. I must say that in 2 years of my life in Moscow I never bothered to get to the Intercession Monastery. I kept getting ready, getting ready, and I would have gotten it all that way, if it hadn't been for the collapse of my personal life.

Matronushka was very calm and quiet that day. There is a very small queue, and also trees, birds, flowers, silence and good weather. I was some kind of alien element with my bleeding soul in this celebration of life. I remember reading the akathist, but instead there was a bundle of nerves inside, open wound, every word got there and burned, and was given in pain. "Rejoice, guard of an honest marriage!" Perhaps it will still be?

In front of the shrine with the relics of my mother, I finally burst through. For the first time in days, I burst into tears. Tears - in three streams, accompanied by heartbreaking howls and inconsolable sobs. I sobbed, and could not stop, and along with the roar came out all the horror of the last days.

The kind girl who gave out flower petals to visitors, looked at me and silently took out a full-fledged and real flower from somewhere out of the box. Maybe she wanted to comfort me. But she did not even know what a miracle this flower became for me.

So fragile and delicate and beautiful. It is with this that the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted on my favorite icon "The Fadeless Color". A long time ago my grandmother gave it to me with instructions - to pray to the Mother of God for a groom. But then this prayer was no longer relevant for me. But now ...

When I gained strength and told dad that his daughter had been abandoned, dad first ordered me to go to Matronushka and look for consolation there. For me, his words turned out to be something like God's revelation. You need to know my dad to appreciate what is happening. To be honest, I did not think at all that he knew about the existence of the blessed eldress. And he not only knew, but was sure that it was there that his child needed to look for support.

But then I was left completely alone in a strange city. All my relatives were far away. But, thank God, there were always friends around. And many prayers went up for me. I felt them then literally physically. Imagine that there is complete confusion in your soul, pain, longing, unwillingness to live, some bad thoughts that rush in your head at the speed of light. Unreal confusion! And suddenly, as if someone threw the clouds over me, and the sun appeared. And it became calm. I was madly waiting for these moments when I could catch my breath, because there was another forgetfulness ahead.

I came to the Intercession Monastery, sat on a bench, read books, watched people, looked at mothers hurrying somewhere, admired the kids. I felt like I was falling into the world normal people... And outside the monastery was a real bedlam. First of all - with my long-suffering head.

Then I still hoped that my husband could return. I was ready to forgive everything, accept, and move on. But, God had completely different plans for me.

Summer passed, autumn followed, winter came. And with her came the realization that my family life was over. One day in November, I reached the point of no return. So, it was necessary to learn to live anew. Change the plan of action.

It was then that I remembered about my grandmother's admonition and began to pray for a new husband.

During my forced loneliness, I thought about my path for a long time. And I realized that I am a family man. And without my family, my salvation seemed to me literally impossible. Therefore, first of all, I wanted to meet a person who also looks at the family as a place of salvation. I remember that I even described what kind of spouse I want to meet. She wrote everything from a pure heart and at the same time lamented that such a thing in the world must not exist. But I understood that there was no more room for error. That you can no longer compromise with yourself. I understood too well what “not my person” is.

I rode the subway, walked the crowded streets and thought: where are you hiding, my man? What are you doing now? What questions do you have to solve now? Maybe you're looking for me somewhere too now?

I looked at married couples on the subway, and I thought that they had already met each other. And I - not yet. I understood that meeting in such a huge city is such a miracle! And often it was hard to believe that such a meeting could happen.

Once I complained to a friend that I was most afraid that I would be alone for the rest of my life. She answered me, laughing merrily: “Do you really think that the Lord wishes evil for his children? Everything will be fine! " And I believed.

Of course, I didn’t sit idly by. I communicated, got acquainted, I learned to love God, neighbors and myself. I read, understood, most of all I did not want a repetition of this tragedy. And I understood that I would be alone until I worked on the mistakes.

Of course, I prayed for my husband. More often than not, this prayer was such a cry from my sleepless nights: “Lord, do something! I can not take it anymore". And if not for the faces of the saints who looked at me from the icons, if not for the feeling of their presence, if not for their holy prayers, I certainly would not have gotten out, would not have survived, I would have broken and surrendered.

One day, on an ordinary summer day, I received a letter from a stranger young man... He read my essay on the difficulties of divorce on the Internet, and just wrote it. I decided to find out how I'm doing. Quite by chance, a conversation ensued, as a result of which this good man volunteered to help me with the repair of my new apartment.

Just then I took off new apartment on Taganka, not far from the Intercession Monastery. But the new home needed cosmetic repair... And I alone could not cope.

Good man also turned out to be responsible. He helped me to go to hardware stores, choose wallpaper, putty, glue, change sockets. That is, in reality, he did all this himself, and I only entertained him with my conversations, but I cooked food. The renovation was barely going, the house was old, and new pitfalls were constantly emerging.

If not for this repair, who knows how our future fate would have developed. We did not build any plans on each other, we had our own companies, our own established social circle ... Although, some inner voice constantly told me that this young man should not just be let go. For some reason, it should come in handy.

In the summer, I finally filed for a divorce and received an official document that now I am not anyone's wife at all, but even a completely free girl. In memory of the previous marriage, wedding ring, which I decided to give to Matronushka a long time ago.

Once, on a warm September day, I decided to go to Pokrovsky, bow to the relics of the blessed old woman, and finally fulfill my promise. My new friend also decided to come with me. It turned out that he also reveres Blessed Matrona and even prays to her for the order of his life.

Already in front of the shrine with the relics of St. I took my ring out of the matron's bag, looked at it and remembered how my ex-husband and I bought it, remembered the wedding and the joy of my dear father, and his words: "So that for life!" I remembered how happy I was looking at this ring. My whole married life flashed before my eyes, and it became as sad as at a funeral. I saw off the era. I burst into tears, and again I could not calm down. Only the tears were already completely different. My sorrow is light. A good man consoled me as best he could, and then I thought: “What a kind and helpful guy. Lord, send him a good wife, he deserves her. "

A month passed, then another. Finally, the renovation was coming to an end ... And one day we suddenly realized how we got attached to each other. That what we have been looking for for so long has been in our life for a long time, we just have to lend a hand.

For me, every day of these two years is filled with miracles: meetings, conversations, prayers, travel. It seems that it was then that I began to recognize this wonderful world. It seems that it was then that I began to learn to rejoice. And imperceptibly for myself, I turned into "we".

Now we go to the Intercession Monastery together and thank Mother for helping us meet and find each other.

Holy Blessed Mother Matrono, pray to God for us!

A strong, happy family is what a self-respecting person should strive for. When it's okay at home, the beloved second half is waiting, the children - hardly anything can interfere with the mood.

However, when disagreements begin in the family, the situation is very difficult to control, if you let it go, the disintegration of the family becomes only a matter of time.

Popular prayers for family

The biggest problem for Orthodox families, especially young ones, is the lack of patience and humility. Any couple's family life should be based on these principles. It is unlikely that you can find at least one pair that would initially ideally fit each other.

V family life you should always expect scandals, quarrels, lapping - this is normal.

In difficult moments, prayer for the preservation of the family will help to avoid family breakdown. If Orthodox Christians ask for heavenly powers from a pure heart, they will surely respond and direct the spouses in the right direction. Moreover, prayers will help in restoring the family when the breakup has already occurred, but the divorce has not yet taken place.

Be sure to follow the rules

Any appeal to heavenly powers, including prayer for the preservation of a disintegrating family, must be carried out in accordance with the rules of the Orthodox Church. One of the fundamental rules is that both spouses must be baptized. If you belong to a Christian church, be sure to be baptized, this will allow you to achieve the greatest efficiency your prayers.

Family harmony can only come about if you take the process seriously. It is recommended to memorize the words of the prayer for reconciliation, read it on the territory of the church, opposite the icon of the saint to whom they decided to turn.

It is desirable that both spouses pray, it is in this case that a favorable outcome can be expected with one hundred percent probability.

However, even if only one of them will pray, there is a great opportunity to resolve the situation. As you read the prayer, focus on the vision of happy family, remember how happy you were before, project this image into the future.

Find the Right Prayer

When not everything is going well between the spouses, the number of scandals has become more frequent, it is recommended to choose the appropriate prayer. She is able to smooth out sharp corners, cool the brawlers' heads, calm them down, push them to a calm dialogue.

An excellent option would be to write the words of the prayer on paper, then put it in a secret place where holy water is kept, church candles... It is recommended that holy water be regularly collected and kept in a bottle. After cleaning it is sprinkled on the corners of the apartment.

To bring harmony in the family, you can read a miraculous prayer for the elimination of troubles to the martyrs and confessors Abiy, Guria, Samon.

Prayer to the Martyrs Guri, Samon and Aviv

“Oh, glorious martyrs Guria, Samone and Aviva! To you, as quick helpers and warm prayer books, we, weakness and unworthy, come running earnestly praying: do not despise us, who have fallen into many iniquities and sinning all the days and hours; instruct on the right path of delusion, heal the afflicted and sorrow; keep us in a blameless and chaste living; And as in ancient times, so also now are the patrons of matrimony, abide in love and like-mindedness, this affirming and rescuing from all evil and disastrous circumstances. Protect, O many powerful confessors, all Orthodox Christians from adversity, evil people and the wiles of the demon; Protect me from accidental death, pleading with the All-blessed Lord, but great and rich mercy to us, His humble servant, will add. Do not deserve to be worthy with unclean lips to call upon the magnificent name of our Creator, if it is not you, the holy martyr, you will be an intercessor for us; For this reason we have recourse to you, and we ask for your intercession before the Lord. Likewise, deliver us from the famine, the flood, fire, sword, invasion of aliens, internecine strife, deadly ulcers and every soul-destroying situation. To her, Passion-bearers of Christ, arrange for us with your prayers all that is good and useful, and that you have piously passed a temporary life and acquired an unashamed end, we will be rewarded with your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just Justice God, the Judge of the article, and that we will ceaselessly glorify with the Father and the Holy Spirit throughout the ages. Amen".

Thanks to the saints, you can forget about quarrels, conflicts, abuse for a long time. The more often you think about solving the problem, read the words of the prayer, the more noticeable the effect will be. When all the worst has already happened, and the other half has left the walls of the house, it is still possible to solve the problem. If you believe that love still lives in your hearts, praying for family reunification will help. It is worth addressing directly to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is one of the most powerful intercessors of ordinary people.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the most splendid of the Lord, our warm intercessor and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad in a real life, pray to the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth in all my life, in deed, in word, with my thoughts and all my senses; and in the exodus of my soul, help me, the accursed one; pray the Lord God, all creatures of the Sacker, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment; so I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

The Most Holy Theotokos is able to help you restore harmony in the family. Orthodox Christians revere this saint and often ask for help in family matters. It is better to read a prayer to her directly opposite the icon.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "About family"

“To the Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my spouse and our children peace, love and unquestioning about all that is good; do not allow anyone from my family to parting and grievous parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance. And our home and all of us living in him, save from fiery heat, thieves' attack, every evil of the situation, different kinds of insurance and devilish obsession. Yes, and we, separately and separately, openly and intimately, will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen. Holy Mother of God, save us! "

Positive changes in the family are just around the corner

It is important to understand that prayer is only one way to solve a problem. The participation of both spouses is very important in saving the family. The more real effort you put into unleashing the tangle of problems that caused the trouble, the sooner you will see the first positive results. It is advised for greater efficiency to act together and say prayers also together.

But one should not be limited only to prayer: it alone, even the most effective, will not help. Talk to each other, make an effort to solve the problems that have arisen and analyze how to prevent them in the future.

Video: Prayer for the Preservation of the Family

- a real natural disaster of our time. According to statistics, every second marriage falls apart, despite the fact that even 10 years ago every third one broke up. Divorces of married people have become more frequent. Broken life, lost hope for many to build personal happiness, unhappy children who are more likely to adopt such a model of adult behavior, the inevitable diminution of the role of the family and family values ​​in society - these are just the most obvious consequences of divorce.

To find out the main reasons for the destruction of the family, and most importantly - to advise how to preserve it, the priest Pavel Gumerov, the rector of the Moscow church in honor of the saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, Nadezhda Grigorievna Khramova, Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Anthropology and Psychology of the Ural State Technical University gathered , and Farida Nutfullovna Savelyeva, candidate of technical sciences, school teacher and president public organization"Parents, teachers and scientists for the traditional moral Russian school." In an abbreviated form, this conversation was included in the latest issue of the magazine for parents "Grapes", and in full - on the site, with the kind permission of the editorial office of the magazine.

Farida Savelyeva: Today we can talk about divorce as an epidemic that is raging not only in our country, but throughout the world. I wanted to start the conversation by considering the reasons for this phenomenon, leaving the lion's share of time to discuss issues of preventing divorce.

The institution of marriage is strong where religious and national traditions are preserved or where the state ideology is strong. For example, in Europe, which has lost faith, where, say, in England Christian holidays are already canceled, the family almost died. And in Muslim countries, young people create families and give birth to children. V Soviet time in our country, faith was persecuted, but the state sovereign ideology was strong, which, among other things, protected family values.

V modern Russia the highest birth rate in the Caucasian regions and ... c. Well, everything is clear with the Caucasus, family traditions are strong there, and in the northern borders, where I happened to be, this is mainly the merit of the local authorities. They closely monitor what is shown on TV. A lot of pro-family social advertising, programs and videos about family, marriage and large families. Many schools have special programs about family life. I attended one of these schools when I gave lectures in the city of Nyagan.

Other assistance is provided to families. Of course, both the standard of living and the percentage of young people in the total population of this autonomous region higher than in other regions. But this is not the most important thing.

The question arises: what prevents us from preaching the same family values ​​and pursuing a pro-family policy in other regions of Russia? We cannot formulate our national idea in any way. So here it is: the revival of faith, morality and family. Only this can save the country.

Our current Constitution states that Russian Federation- a de-ideologized state, but, unfortunately, in fact it allows certain groups to promote programs that increase vice and rampant passions in society. As a result, the status of family and marriage in the minds of people is gradually decreasing: if a person is determined to get pleasure from marriage, a change of partners is inevitable. Today we are dealing with a whole generation of young people brought up in such a way that they perceive marriage and family life as legal possession of each other, which gives rise to many mutual claims among the spouses.

: We have come to the most, perhaps, the main reason for this state of affairs: in the whole world now dominates, which is sharpened precisely for the reduction of the family. The more lonely, isolated members of a society, the more such a society consumes computers, telephones, cars, apartments, and so on. It is generally focused on disposability - everything, including human relations: I didn’t like my wife or husband, nothing, I’ll find another (another) - I’ll change it, like a car, refrigerator or other thing!

There was a reassessment of values, their substitution with surrogates, people cease to see value in what earlier, in the recent past, for a person was the meaning of life and happiness: a strong family, children, loyalty, love, friendship, interesting job, which not only feeds you, but is also needed by the people that you like. In our society, there is a great deficit of love - we are selfish, scattered and the same in the family: we are far from patience, humility, compassion, unable to "bear each other's burdens."

When they say that people get divorced because of betrayal, drunkenness, incompatibility of characters and other things, in fact they name just the consequences of the named reasons, and not the reasons themselves. Today people, creating a marriage, do not know why they are doing it; they have a very poor idea of ​​what a family is, how to build relationships, raise children, etc.

However, father, very often divorces occur just for trivial reasons: mutual grievances, reticence, rudeness, taunts, lack of attention. Negligence, indelicacy, and disrespect in relationships are destructive for a marriage, when spouses do not know how to see values ​​in each other and for each other. Devaluation of the work of a spouse can be very offensive; Mockery and familiarity in a relationship, sooner or later, can lead first to coldness and closeness in relationships, and then to their final break. For some reason, we tend to behave respectfully only with others, especially with bosses.

Young people often do not understand what is inevitable - they arise a priori due to the imperfection of each of the spouses. In addition, young spouses are often not ready for parenting; there are more and more families in which women do not want to have children. Infertility and the birth of sick children also turn out to be tests that not every family can withstand.

Despite the seeming subjectivity and even far-fetched motives for divorce, they are often not unfounded: unfortunately, more and more families are found in which one of the spouses likes such a vice as drug addiction or unrestrained drunkenness, and he does not want to change. Another, and sometimes the whole family, is immersed in the service of this vice. Then, it seems to me, marriage becomes not saving for the other spouse and children. Pain, grievances, insults and beatings can lead to a dead end - and divorce, or at least moving around, can help sober up the marriage!

In the event that a drunken husband swings an ax at his wife and children, divorce is apparently inevitable: there is a threat to life. But if you “wish” to find a reason for divorce, you can see an alcoholic in every second man! We must pray for our husbands, help them cope with passions, understand the reasons for drunkenness.

: For any person, divorce is always a tragedy in every sense. If it happens at a young age, the tragedy consists, first of all, in the fundamental loss of faith in another person, in the very possibility of the presence of love between people, trust in them - for the rest of his life a scar of anxiety, distrust, and sometimes even anger remains in the soul. Second marriage, as a rule, comes with suspicion, claims, reproaches, because it carries in itself to a large extent an element of fear of marriage and distrust of the next spouse.

If divorce happens on average and mature age, this is an even greater tragedy, especially for a woman, although a man, despite his less responsive psychophysics, often loses his creative power, his life is schematized.

One psychotherapist who worked in a crisis center in St. Petersburg, where people end up after very difficult events: accidents, catastrophes, etc., said that most of the patients there are women who have survived divorce - this does not pass without leaving a trace. Divorce is a great shock, a tragedy.

Divorce is a very individual situation, here you need to think a lot, be sure to consult with a priest and specialists. You cannot make hasty decisions. The Lord Himself tells us: “He who divorces his wife, except for the guilt of adultery, gives her a reason to commit adultery” (Matthew 5:32). It is terrible when treason and betrayal occurs, but, as a rule, people, without realizing it, create the conditions accompanying it. I became convinced of this in practice: when you start, together with the person who came with this misfortune, to spin back the chain of events and relationships, it turns out that many mistakes were made and those who are left behind. By the way, it is impossible to return a husband or wife to the family if you do not see and realize your own mistakes and blunders in marital relations! Even divorce is not always the death of a marriage. It happened that people, having re-evaluated each other, understanding, forgiving and accepting the other, literally falling in love again, after a divorce, reconcile and live even better than before the divorce.

The modern woman has forgotten how to console her husband, and the man has forgotten how to support his wife. All this does not allow the relationship to grow into a single family structure! We must always remember about a respectful attitude towards each other: there is nothing more dear than a husband - to a wife, and a wife - to a husband, these are the closest people who can both support like no one else, but also hurt with the same force! And there is no greater task here than teaching people to live together!

Farida Savelyeva: Are there rules for the relationship between spouses that ensure a stable happy marriage?

: First of all, it is known from time immemorial family tradition daily meeting and seeing off the spouses: the one leaving home was never left unattended, without a kiss, without an agreement for the evening, how long and where you go, etc. Thus, as it were, they calculated the spiritual-bodily distance that had to be covered with prayer for another. Farewell when leaving home also means “forgive”: we kind of confess our imperfection, ask for forgiveness for all our flaws; but the most important thing is the confirmation of our unity. If a wife asks where and how much her husband leaves, this does not mean that she controls her husband - she wants to be mentally always close to her husband!

It would be good if the spouses introduce this rule into their relationship - this brings the family together very much. For example, when I leave the house on business, my wife gathers the children and says: "Say goodbye to dad, take a blessing!" I come - too, everyone meets me and greets me. This is the merit of my wife.

Another wonderful tradition that should be revived in families is a joint meal, at least in the evening! This also works for the unity of spouses and families.

By the way, the writer of the 16th century, Archpriest Sylvester, a bright and educated man, writes in the famous Domostroy: “And it is not suitable for a husband and wife to have breakfast separately, unless someone is sick; eat and drink always at the right time. " A meal is the time when the family got together, it was possible to communicate, discuss current affairs. Elsewhere in this book it is also said: "The master must consult his wife about all matters of the household."

Another important thing is to discuss parenting issues together. True, here it is especially important to find the right time for this, not to pour out the problems of the day on the tired husband returning from work!

It is very important to remember that you need to discuss family problems with your spouse when you have very good, friendly relations, when you are disposed to, otherwise the words will be misunderstood. How is it usually with us? The spouses are silent and endure to the last, and they begin to talk about serious issues when it is already completely "hot". And, of course, nothing good comes of it. Everything happens in a raised voice, is perceived as a personal insult and ends in a quarrel.

In order for our words to be better perceived and not offended, we must remember that there is also such a thing as “I-message”, that is, to say to another not “You should do homework with a child, because I am breaking up with three children” or “You have must be clean, everything must be prepared ", etc., and" I would be pleased if ... "," I ask you ... "," I would like to ... "," I am worried about this and that ... " To voice your own wishes without pretensions, without categoricalness, thereby not offending or offending anyone. Believe me, this works much more efficiently than making a demanding remark with reproach and irritation ten times. It is necessary for the other to feel your affection for him - you cannot reproach the other spouse with even his direct family responsibilities! And, of course, do not forget to thank for what you have done, even if it is a very simple and common thing, because family happiness, joy just consists of good, pleasant moments and words.

It is necessary to remove minor disagreements in time, discuss them, not save up, not leave for later. It is also important to understand that male and female perceptions of problems are completely different. Of course, mastery comes over the years, but of course, nothing is given without effort - you have to work hard on all this!

: When we were in love, we could do anything for the sake of our loved ones, we said to each other pleasant words, gave gifts, gave each other a lot of attention and time - who is stopping us from doing this now, in family life ?! Before marriage, did we expect barbs, sarcasm, reproaches from another? - No, they were expecting the joy that they felt during the period of falling in love, only to an excellent degree. So “let's say compliments to each other, because it's all love happy moments", - remember Okudzhava's song?

It is important not to forget that we got married to serve each other, to please the other person, and to enjoy family life ourselves. And the global task is to learn to receive joy not from the fact that someone has done something to you, but from what you have done for the sake of another person! When you learn this, you will have such a joy, with which nothing can compare, and nothing else will be needed: no gifts, no praise! In fact, it is the fulfillment of the commandment of God that you serve God by serving your neighbor. Why did the Lord create Eve for Adam? After all, he was in paradise, the Lord took care of him, fed him, communicated directly with him, why is it not good for a person to be alone? Why would he have another wife? - I would have lived for myself, communicated with the Lord, what is even higher ?! No, the Lord gives Adam a wife because man alone turns into an egoist, begins to live only for himself - that is, he turns into a consumer. When another is near, serving him, we serve God, Who needs nothing from us, except our humble and contrite hearts! God needs an expression of this love for Him through love for our neighbor - and this is our spouse, children, mother, father ... And the main thing is to preserve this ability to give joy in the midst of difficulties in building a family hearth that begins after the candy-bouquet period. It is very good to start every morning with a prayer: "Lord, help me give this person more joy and less upset him." It fills your life and the life of your loved ones with meaning and happiness!

Many spouses do not live a full, joyful life in a family, but somehow sluggishly exist, go with the flow or wait for something all the time. I remember in one modern film the main character, a policeman, says with bitterness: “My wife and I did not live, but all the time we were waiting for something. At first they waited for us to earn money for an apartment, then for a car, fasting they waited for the baby to be born: we had no children for five years; after they waited for their daughter to grow up. Or maybe it was necessary not to wait, but to live? " That is, to receive joy from every day of family life.

This is precisely the main condition for the union of husband and wife "into one flesh, into one soul"! There are also known cases when distortions appear in family life with the acquired wealth and luxury, and while they were overcoming difficulties together, the spouses had healthy relationships.

If a person does not have disinterested joy from what he gives to another, sooner or later he will begin to reckon: you are for me, I am for you. And then resentment and dissatisfaction with your family life and your soul mate are inevitable.

Farida Savelyeva: What advice can you give to those who are already thinking about divorce?

Finding the best partner in life, as a result of which the spouse betrays, yields one result: the loss of oneself. In our time, the family (one and for life) is an eternal reminder of the Lord Jesus Christ, who, calling us to perfection, called monogamy the ideal. If the situation is not burdened with life-incompatible problems, then the marriage can always be saved. I would tell them: “Your life will not get better with a divorce. Don't think that the second attempt will be more successful. Because if you haven’t solved the problems of the tests that are going on with you in the first family, you will definitely meet them in the second, only in a doubled version! If you have brought yourself to the ultimate question of divorce, remember that this is not the end, but a temporary difficulty that can and must be overcome! "

For those who are on the verge of divorce, I would advise to seek an understanding of how they got to this crisis point, to comprehend their mistakes, and in particular their own, then it will be possible to get out of the point of misunderstanding and hostility to each other. In family life, as in spiritual life, everything is not smooth. We sometimes go uphill, then downhill. The most important thing is not to bring the situation at the lowest point to the limit, not to make rash, hasty decisions at this time, not to think that this is all - the end of life. And such thoughts sooner or later visit almost all spouses. And you need to know that this is a devilish temptation. Divorce - you will bitterly regret it, then you will understand that it was not good reason for divorce. In marriage, disputes, misunderstandings are almost inevitable, but one must remember that anger can be defeated by starting with irritation - such rash decisions, as a rule, come in irritation and anger. It is necessary to renounce emotions, anger, jealousy - these are very bad counselors. We need to calm down. You need to contact a specialist, because a divorce condition is already a disease that needs to be treated! Nothing will pass by itself. Memories are very helpful, but as it was at the beginning of the marriage. What, we lived 15 years, and all this time it was so terrible and bad ?! Alexander Prokhanov has a story called "Multicolored Dress". The wife leaves the man. This man constantly changed jobs: he drilled wells, then he built an oil pipeline, then he worked on a truck, then he was fishing. They constantly ran with their wife all over the country, moved without having their own home, home comfort without having given birth to children. Finally, the wife leaves, she wants simple happiness, her home, a real family. At first, the abandoned husband is not very worried, they say: “Well, let him roll! And there are many other women ... ”But after a while he begins to remember the time when they were young, beautiful and, loved each other and enjoyed life. He recalls the sorrows and joys that they experienced together. He remembers how he once gave his wife a multi-colored dress and how beautiful she was in it. He finds this already old and tattered dress and realizes very sharply and clearly: everything that he did all these years: his work, searches and aspirations - all this was in the name of his wife and together with her - without her everything is meaningless. And he decides to find her at all costs, because without her he has no life.

If you cannot change the situation, now find a solution, do not rush to make harsh, rash actions - give room to God and time, and the Lord will put you in new conditions that will show the way.

But in any case, try to delay the divorce: this is a tragedy for you, for your spouse, for your children - absolutely for everyone! The life of children will become completely different, and they will build their own family, taking into account the tragedy they have experienced.

Spouses quarrel - reconcile, but what are they to blame for ?! It turns out that they are making hostages a completely innocent, unprotected creature - a child.

Blessed Augustine said: "The family is the remnant of paradise on earth." A person creates a family for happiness and builds paradise in his family with his own hands. Every day you need to give joy to your loved ones: to speak good words, praise, thank, help each other, forgive. On the contrary, during the day one should in every possible way avoid bad, unkind words, coldness, inattention, resentment, empty remarks, irritation and anger. The third important rule is the ability to see as much as possible in your loved ones and your family life. good sides, appreciate them and not try to remake everyone according to their own understanding and desire. Also, to be able to forgive the shortcomings of others, not to make a tragedy out of them. And the last thing. Do a common family business. is a single organism living one life where all members help each other.

And one more piece of advice to those who are going to get married: you need to enter into marriage with the feeling that this is forever, and accept the chosen one as a person given to us by God, including to correct your own shortcomings.

Amount of records: 251

Hello! Help please, I live recent times with a heavy heart. We have been married for 11 years with my husband. They got married. They raised two children. But they did not live in harmony. It was a rare day without abuse and insults. For the last 7 years, my husband has been working as a truck driver and has run into huge debts. I haven't been home for months. I gave birth to two children, but he never came to the hospital for one. There were more important things to do. And my husband did not have time for a family. He did not give money at all. I, as I could, fed the family, dressed, supported. Thank you, my parents helped me a lot, both with children and financially. For this, apparently, he strongly dislikes them. The husband was in the house as a guest. Rarely and for a couple of days. I was fornicating on the track, and I was treating unpleasant diseases from him. Itself did not change. For me, this is disgusting even in thought. I loved him, forgave a lot: insults, humiliations, and reproaches that I was a disabled person. There were good moments in our life, but few. I have not seen love and respect from my husband, and I cannot tell you anything about a happy family life. And lately everything was really bad. Wake up at night, and let's start talking about divorce. He asked several times to collect his things. I didn’t explain anything. Well, I could not resist. I collected his things and put him at the door. He left. And a month later he started another family, lives with another woman. He says that it is right for me, since I kicked him out myself, but he forgot about his words and requests for divorce and refuses. For three months my soul was completely calm. I was surprised at myself, I was left without a husband, but I am not grieving. And then everything collapsed at once, and such a turmoil on my soul and a heaviness on my heart, I cry. I don’t know what to pray to the Lord for my husband to return to the family - but I’m afraid that we will not see happiness, but again there will be insults, reproaches and foul language. I know that I should wish that woman and husband happiness, since they feel good together, but there is confusion and melancholy in their souls. Do I love my husband or just jealous? I really need your advice, how to be, how to understand yourself? Please advise which icon to turn to? Maybe there is an admonishing prayer that would help me put everything in its place?


Dear Lyudmila, you broke up with your ex-husband, he has a different life. Another family. For a start, try not to just remember him, except in prayer, accustom yourself to the fact that you now have a different life. With time, I hope you will be able to forgive your ex-husband, and then you will be able to create a new family. But you have to pray. First of all, by common prayers. Train yourself to daily morning and evening prayer, go to church every Sunday. If you wish, you can add prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her "Seven-shot" icon. God bless you!

Archpriest Andrei Efanov

Hello! My husband and I are divorced, but not debunked. How can we end a church marriage?


Hello Christina! Church marriage is a union blessed by God. And in Holy Scripture it is clearly said: “What God has united, let not man separate” (Matthew, 19; 6). That is, a church marriage cannot be “broken off”. The Church, due to human weakness, can bless a spouse who is not guilty of divorce to enter into a second marriage. This requires the permission of the ruling bishop. If you are not going to remarry soon, then leave everything as it is.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello father! Help! My husband left me for another girl (we are not married). We have a little baby. Please tell me if I have the right to pray that he will return to the family, if so, how? And he also became completely uncontrollable, does what he wants, began to drink, smoke and sometimes use soft drugs. How can I pray for him to change his mind? I love him very much, he has changed dramatically, I wish him well, how can I pray for him?


Marina, you can pray for your husband in church on Sunday. It's the most important. At home, you can also mention him daily in morning and evening prayers. You can read the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. But ... the "uncontrollable" husband will return to you, and what will you do? Where to run from him when he is under the influence of drugs will be dangerous for you and the child? Shouldn't we consider it a grace of God that he left you to "bring up" another girl? Now she will live with him, and also, God willing, will remember the Lord. Do you feel sorry for yourself? That they were left alone with the child, that it was hard both physically and financially, that it was a shame to be betrayed? Do not be afraid! Go to the church for confession, correct your mistakes: you chose the wrong one with whom you could live and from whom you had to give birth. Now we need to walk the path of sorrow, but God will not leave. Cheer up! And do not ask Him for what you cannot bear.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello! The fact is that I fell in love with the person very much, even lived with him, and did not even swear almost, began to go to church every Sunday. But now, after confession, already the second father says that it is better for us to part. So painful and insulting, because we love each other, and I am ready, and he is ready for any problems in life, together we will overcome them. And here's the thing. The fact that we lived in a civil marriage, it is something I know that it is a sin to have a very close relationship before the wedding ... I constantly repented. Father even advised to abstain from the sacrament for now ... since it is impossible not to sin. I also said, and the father knew that I had two children from another man, we lived together for about 8 years, but there was little happiness, he drank, raised his hand against me and the children, frightened, threatened, I somehow forgave and I forgave until my feelings were completely extinguished ... Now I can treat him like a friend. When I left him, and we divorced 2 years ago, we just got back together and lived together again. But when she went to another, he began to believe and received baptism. Now he goes to church and prays. All priests insist that they must return to their ex-spouse, since he is the father of the children. We parted with that, he really won't understand why I packed my things and left back to ex-husband, because there is no love ... And the husband is happy, he is already planning a wedding. I have been in tears for 3 days. What to do, how to be ... Such terrible thoughts creep in ..


Lydia, if there is no love for the first husband, then, I think, there will be no good. How do children relate to their father? How did they accept your cohabitation, another person? It is difficult for me to say something definite. You are rushing about, running back and forth, which means that you yourself have not decided. While you will live separately with the children, observe life, your feelings. Pray, live like this for 3-4 months, and make a decision.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Hello, father! I have been married for 5 months, married. I have such a problem, after my marriage my wife began to control me in this and did not allow me to communicate with women from the past, on this basis we had a lot of quarrels, but I furtively continued this communication, I did not change. But the other day my wife saw this call to a woman from the past, I swore that I did not call, I deceived. But she found out the truth and said that she could not live with a liar. Is it a sin, communicating with women just like that, and that, because of this, you need to get a divorce? In general, my wife left me and filed for divorce. Who is to blame for us, maybe her impatience and jealousy over trifles? She is in the church with me. What am I supposed to do?


Alexey, if "women from the past" were intimate with you, then your wife can be understood. I don't think that contacts with young ladies will remain harmless. Put yourself in the shoes of your wife: she meets innocently with former roommates ... Would you care? I advise you to limit your relationship with the opposite sex and make peace with your wife.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good day! They lived with my husband for 25 years, married for 15 years, God gave 2 sons. But in 2010, my husband left for another woman. He said that the children and I are the closest people to him. When he was leaving, he said that his head had been blown away, he could not do anything with himself, his legs were carrying him there. He does not communicate with children. How can I help him? How can I get out of depression? Or maybe leave everything as it is, but my soul and heart ache. Psychologists cannot help me, I break down and cry. I ask you, give advice, please. Thank you.


Hello Irina. Psychology is trying to change your attitude to what is happening. As a rule, these changes imply the removal of all responsibility and worries. For a Christian, this is, at the very least, not useful. The sorrows that happen to us must be taken in the same way as you would take from the hands of a doctor a disgusting medicine, which alone can save you from a fatal illness. Because suffering is the cure for eternal death. And God gives them to us. Correct use medicines are the key to recovery. In sorrow, one should thank God, simply and artlessly: "Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God." Repeat always when sorrow and tears begin from self-pity. Through this, you will receive great benefit and relief. God help you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello, tell me, can I get debunked if my husband does not love my child from his first marriage? My husband and I do not agree on anything at all. Constant misunderstanding. We are just perfect different people... But this is not the main thing, I would agree to endure and forgive him. But the child suffers. He interferes with her husband, the husband is constantly angry with him, and we constantly quarrel over the child. In addition, I want another child, and my husband is not in any. Should I, then, be married just because I made a mistake and got married? I'm just afraid for the psyche of the child. I already spat on myself.


Let's start with the fact that it is impossible to raise and educate a child by “spitting on oneself”. The child will not respect such a parent, which means that he will not listen. Of course, you can dissolve the marriage (and the church one too). Nobody condemns you to serfdom, but you will have to ask God for forgiveness for the folly when creating a family, for hasty vows at the altar, if you are a believer and understand the meaning of a church blessing.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Good day! My mother-in-law disliked me, and instigates her husband to leave me with the child. The thing is, she wants us to do everything she wants, down to every little thing. I don’t want to obey her, and my husband completely depends on her words, as she says, she does so, we have scandals every day because of this, I get nervous, cry, he became cold, angry, inattentive, constantly offends me, child practically does not devote time. It seems to me that he is already ready to leave us. Advise me how to be. We are not married (my mother does not allow him, because she wants a divorce).


Hello Svetlana. Adult children should live in their own home, separate from their parents, and visit them on holidays and to provide assistance in need. There is no need to fight with the mother-in-law, believe me, you will only make it worse for yourself. In any family, even without the participation of parents, two egoisms always collide, and their happiness depends on how much they can reconcile themselves to each other. But, when the third egoism also appears, hold on here. We do not have a commandment - “let people love you”, or “demand love for yourself”, but we have another commandment - “let people love one another” (John 13:34), show love yourself. Do not demand humility from others, humble yourself. Then all adversity will subside. The Lord allows you to suffer a little, not as He suffered, but just a little. Be patient, complacent, and benefit. And life will get better, and the soul will get better. God help you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

I wanted to know if my husband and I are divorced, but got along and love each other, can we get married?


Hello Ksenia! Currently, weddings take place only after marriage registration at the registry office. Therefore, most likely, you will not be married without a stamp in your passport. Check this question with your temple. If you are determined to be together for the rest of your days, then why not sign again before the wedding, this procedure does not take much time.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father! Sorry to distract you, but I really need your help. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, not married, no children. During this time, there were three frozen pregnancies. I don’t know why God doesn’t give us children, but we want it so. I even wrote to the Khilandar monastery that it is on Mount Athos, and the monks sent us the vine of St. Simeon. But there is a condition: the marriage must be married. The husband previously spoke about the wedding, and now he is silent. And so the other day we quarreled, and he reproached me that I have no children. I felt offended, because I try, go to the doctors, I want a child from him, and then the reproach ... It became very painful, and when I decided to talk to him, he said that he did not want to live like that, and that I would leave ... So I don't know what to do next, I have been married for 6 years, and why there are no children, and why does he not support me, but on the contrary? After all, we must fight, ask God. On the one hand, I don't want to divorce him, but on the other hand, maybe that's why there are no children, that they shouldn't be together, so why then did God bring us together in life? True, everything is not like with people: there is no housing, it seems to be there, but it is not completed, with work - I do not have it, he has it permanent, I depend on his work, because he has such a job, that today in one city, and tomorrow in another, and I cannot be realized, and there are no children. The impression is that it turns us strongly, but whether these are tests that must be endured, or I don’t know. Help, father, please, in my situation, thank you very much. May God protect you!


Hello Marina! Of course, you must carry this cross together. You need to go to church, confess and receive communion, correct your life, pray for the gift of a child. Everything is possible for God, but we must give the opportunity to be fulfilled by the will of God, and not necessarily seek the fulfillment of our desire. Not only you, but also your husband needs to break himself and trust God. Perhaps the Lord expects this step from you. Pray to the Mother of God in front of Her icon of Feodorovskaya, read the akathist. At the wedding, God gives great grace spouses to create a family if they approach the sacrament with faith. But the husband must come to this decision himself; one cannot force him to marry for the sake of his wife. God help you to go through all the trials together and save your family!

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father. My daughter is married, in church, her husband does not, and does not go to church, and does not pray. They have a child. Her husband is constantly rude to her, constant nagging, insults. She suffers a lot from him. She doesn't want to live with him. I endured everything until the question touched the child. He yells at the child, swears in front of the child. Recently there was a case: it is cold, the car stalled and would not start. We drove with the child to the temple. I called him, he answered: "And what have I to do with it?" The fact that his child is freezing in the car, he said: "Well, so what?" She passed out. He has not called back and has not called for several days. Interested in nothing. My daughter is with me now. How should she be? She says that while it was only about her, she endured. Now she is touching the child, and she does not want to live with him anymore.

Olga Anatolyevna

Hello Olga Anatolyevna. It is necessary that your daughter herself turn to her confessor for advice - after all, you write that she is church-going. Patience and love are required from you. There is not a single person without sin. We are all equally guilty before God. God help you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Father, hello. At 18 I got married and got married. In the future, the husband got a mistress, she became pregnant, and he went to her. Now I am 27 and I met a man. But the thought that I took an oath to love and be with one person all my life does not leave me alone. Can you please tell me what can be done?


Hello Nina! Adultery is the only basis for divorce mentioned in the Gospel. It is a sin that in itself destroys the family. If you have already decided on your feelings and decided to remarry, then you need to take the blessing for the second marriage from your ruling bishop. It can be obtained by contacting the diocesan administration at the place of residence (for residents of Moscow, you need to apply to the Moscow Patriarchate) with a petition addressed to the ruling bishop, having with you a certificate of dissolution of a civil registered marriage and, if preserved, a certificate of wedding.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, please tell me, maybe I'm doing something wrong? Divorced for 8 years, still no one, why GOD DOESN'T GIVE ME HUSBAND, WHAT IS THE REASON, I REALLY NEED HIS PRESENCE!


Hello Ekaterina. Everything has its time. Believe me, God gives you what you need to be saved. It is up to you whether to accept it or be dissatisfied. When the ancient Jews, seeing that all the surrounding nations have kings, envied them and began to demand a king for themselves, God said to the prophet Samuel: "They did not reject you, but Me." And he gave the people King Saul, a tyrant and a psychopath. The people suffered a lot from him. But when he humbled himself, he received another king, a just and God-fearing David. Persistent begging from God for earthly well-being (health, husband, work) is similar to the example given with the requirement of the king by the Jews. God knows what we need even before our petition. But if we humble ourselves and thank God for what He gives us, whether we like it or not, then we will have everything necessary for temporal and eternal life, and we will not suffer. God help you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Father, hello! Forgive me for wasting your time and trying to somehow solve my problem. We have been married to my husband for 25 years. Our marriage is crowned. The spouse is a big drinker. It started small, and then his binges began to reach 2 weeks. Tried to be coded for 3 years. But after 3 years everything started all over again. Now he is most likely a chronic alcoholic. Drinks for three days, sober for four. And so every week. By himself, he is not a rowdy, he does not beat or swear, but he constantly drinks. He is, so to speak, a quiet alcoholic. A normal, calm family life does not work out. I am constantly annoyed, became very nervous. I tried to talk to him, persuade, swear, pour out his stash. He seems to understand everything that this is bad, even goes to church, takes communion, but he still does it in his own way. Even after communion, the next day comes drunk. He flatly refuses to be treated. My son is already 21 years old, thank God, he does not follow his father's example yet, but I don’t know what will happen next. Please advise what to do. Give up everything and get a divorce, because there is no more strength to endure, or to carry your cross to the end and endure, after all, are we married? In advance, thank you very much for answer.


Hello Svetlana! Of course, you can get a divorce (one of the reasons for the dissolution of a church marriage is medically certified chronic alcoholism), but what will fix it? "Coding" through hypnosis is frowned upon by the Church and can exacerbate the defect. If your husband is a believer, invite him to go to the city of Serpukhov, Moscow region, to see the miraculous icon Holy Mother of God Inexhaustible Chalice. Order a magpie for your husband, order a prayer service, take water from this prayer service with you. Let the husband drink this water and ask God and the Mother of God for help. The main thing is that he himself wants to fight his passion. You, too, will strengthen your prayer for him. WITH God's help everything is possible. God help you!

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good afternoon. I would like to ask for advice in the following situation. I am 34 years old, I have not been married and have no children. But personal life is not at all glued. I met with many, but everything ended very quickly. Until recently, she lived with a young man for 8 months, we planned a wedding, a child, but were waiting for his divorce. V New Year his wife said: "Go, live separately, and find yourself another woman" ... And so he found me. We lived for six months, on August 13, their divorce took place, they both even refused a month for reconciliation. And now this ex sees us together, and she starts hysterical, she starts calling him, crying, manipulating the child. And he loves his son very, very much (he is 12 years old). And the son is very drawn to him. He came to us, and was very happy when he stayed overnight with us, his mother, naturally, did not know that dad was not alone. And so, in hysterics, she invites him to start everything from scratch. And he, without thinking twice, leaves for her. On the third day after the divorce! I can't find a place for myself, because we almost had our own family, I was left without work in a strange city and without money. I gave up everything for him and was left with nothing. Moreover, I was in depression, from which I have been unable to get out for almost two months ... But everything was so great that I could not even think that I would be left with nothing again. Father, I know that this is a sin, but I also believe in the presence of magic and witchcraft, maybe I am wearing corruption or a crown of celibacy? How to be? I am in complete despair, what if someone wished me harm and now my life does not work out? I know there is a concept of humility, but how? I'm a young girl, and I also want simple female happiness.


Hello Olga. For simple happiness, the Commandments of God are given. As a child-loving Father, the Lord God warned us against possible mistakes... Do not commit adultery, that is, do not love a married man - and you will not suffer. There is no need to look for any damage, because you ruined your own life by violating the Seventh Commandment. Now we need to fix it. Decide according to the circumstances where to live and how to earn a living, and do not listen to married people anymore: the spouses have quarreled, time will pass, and they reconcile. God bless.

Priest Sergiy Osipov