Russian empire at the peak of his greatness. Great and powerful empires of the world

1. British Empire (42.75 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 1918

British Empire (British Empire) is the largest of ever existing states in the entire history of mankind with colonies on all lively continents. The greatest Empire Square has reached in the mid-30s of the 20th century, then the land of the United Kingdom extended at 34,650,407 km² (including 8 million km² of elderly lands), which is about 22% of the earthly sushi. The total population of the empire was approximately 480 million people (about one fourth part of humanity). It is a heritage of Pax Britannica that explains the role of English language As the most common in the world in the spheres of transport and trade.

2. Mongolian Empire (38.0 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 1270-1368.

Mongolian Empire (Mong. Mongolyn Esen Gүran; mid-demarcation Large in world history related territory from the Danube to Japanese Sea and from Novgorod to South-East Asia (Square OK. 38,000,000 square kilometers). The capital of the state became Karakorum.

During the heyday, the extensive territories of Central Asia, Southern Siberia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China and Tibet were included. In the second half of the XIII century, the disassemble of the empire on the uluses began, at the head of which there were chingizids. The largest fragments of Great Mongolia were the Empire Yuan, Ulus Juchi ( Golden Horde), the state of Hulaghaidov and Chagatai Ulus. Great Han. Hubilai, who accepted (1271), the title of Emperor Yuan and moved the capital to Hanbalyk, claimed the primacy over all the uluses. By the beginning of the XIV century, the formal unity of the empire was restored in the form of a federation of actually independent states.

In the last quarter of the XIV century, the Mongol Empire ceased to exist.

3. Russian Empire (22.8 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 1866

Russian Empire (Rus. Dorief Rossіyskaya Imperіya; Also the All-Russian Empire, the Russian State or Russia) is a state that has existed from October 22 (2) of November 1721 to the February Revolution and the Republic of 1917 by the Provisional Government.

The Empire was proclaimed on October 22 (2) on November 22, according to the results of the Northern War, when the Senators of the Russian king Peter I took the titles of Emperor of the All-Russian and Father of the Fatherland.

The capital of the Russian Empire from 1721 to 1728 and from 1730 to 1917 there was St. Petersburg, and in 1728-1730 Moscow.

The Russian Empire was the third in the area of \u200b\u200bever existed states (after the British and Mongolian Empires) - stretched to the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Black Sea in the south, to Baltic Sea In the West and the Pacific Ocean in the East. The head of the empire is the Emperor All-Russian, possessed nothing limited, absolute power until 1905.

September 1 (14), 1917, Alexander Kerensky proclaimed the country to the country (although this issue was the competence of the Constituent Assembly; 5 (18) January 1918, the Constituent Assembly also announced Russia to Russia). However, the legislative body of the Empire - the State Duma - was dissolved only 6 (19) October 1917.

The geographical position of the Russian Empire: 35 ° 38'17 "- 77 ° 36'40" Northern Latitude and 17 ° 38 "East Longitude - 169 ° 44" Western Longitude. The territory of the Russian Empire by the end of the XIX century - 21.8 million km² (that is, 1/6 of the sushi) - she ranked second (and the third of ever existed) in the world, after the British Empire. The article does not take into account the territory of Alaska, which was part of its composition from 1744 to 1867 and held an area of \u200b\u200b1,717,854 km².

The regional reform of Peter I for the first time divides Russia on the province, organizing the management, supplying the army to the provincial and recruits from the places, improving tax collection. Initially, the country is divided into 8 provinces led by governors, endowed with judicial and administrative authorities.

The provincial reform of Catherine II divides the empire by 50 provinces, divided by the counties (only about 500). To help the governors created treated and judicial chambers, other states and social institutions. Governors were jumped by Senate. At the head of the county there is Captain-Corp. (elected by the county noble assembly).

By 1914, the empire is divided into 78 provinces, 21 areas and 2 independent districts, where 931 city is located. Russia includes the following territories of modern states: all CIS countries (without the Kaliningrad region and the southern part of the Sakhalin region of the Russian Federation; Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi regions of Ukraine); Eastern and Central Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Lithuania (without Memel Territory), several Turkish and Chinese regions. Part of the provinces and regions was combined into Governor-General (Kiev, Caucasian, Siberian, Turkestan, East Siberian, Pria Amur, Moscow). Bukhara and Khiva Khanate were official Vassals, the Uryanhayan region is located on the protectorate. Within 123 years (from 1744 to 1867), the Russian Empire also belonged to Alaska and Aleutian Islands, as well as part of the Pacific coast of the United States and Canada.

According to the Universal Census of 1897, the population was 129.2 million people. The distribution of the population in the territories was as follows: European Russia - 94 244.1 thousand people., Poland - 9456.1 thousand people, Caucasus - 9354.8 thousand people, Siberia - 5784.5 thousand people, average Asia - 7747.1 thousand people, Finland - 2555.5 thousand people.

4. Soviet Union (22.4 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 1945-1990.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the USSR, the Soviet Union is a state that has existed since 1922 to 1991 in Eastern Europe, North, part of Central and East Asia. The USSR occupied almost 1/6 part of the dyed land sushi; At the time of decay was the largest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe country of the world. Educated in the territory, which by 1917 was held by the Russian Empire without Finland, parts of the Polish kingdom and some other territories.

According to the 1977 Constitution, the USSR proclaimed a single union multinational socialist state.

After World War II, the USSR had land borders with Afghanistan, Hungary, Iran, China, the DPRK (from September 9, 1948), Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Finland, Czechoslovakia and sea with the United States, Sweden and Japan.

The USSR was created on December 30, 1922 by the Association of the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Belarusian SSR and the Transcaucasian SFSR in one state association with a uniform government, the capital in Moscow, executive and judicial authorities, legislative and legal systems. In 1941, the USSR entered into the Second World War, and after her, along with the United States, was a superpower. The Soviet Union dominated the global system of socialism, and was also a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

The collapse of the USSR was characterized by an acute opposition between representatives of the Central Union Power and the newly elected power in the field (the Supreme Councils, the Presidents of the Union republics). In 1989-1990, the "parade of sovereignty began". On March 17, 1991, in the 9th of the 15 republics of the USSR, a All-Union referendum on the preservation of the USSR was held, in which more than two thirds of the voting citizens spoke for the preservation of an updated union. But after the August coup and the conservation of the USSR, the preservation of the USSR, as state education, became in fact impossible, which was stated in the Agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed on December 8, 1991. Officially, the USSR stopped its existence on December 26, 1991. At the end of 1991 the Russian Federation was recognized by the state-former Union of SSR In international legal relations and took its place in the UN Security Council.

5. Spanish Empire (20.0 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 1790

Spanish Empire (IMPERIO ESPAñOL) - the totality of territories and colonies that were under direct control of Spain in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. The Spanish Empire on the top of his power was one of the largest empires in world history. Its creation is associated with the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries, during which it has become one of the first colonial empires. The Spanish Empire existed from the XV century to (in the case of African possessions) of the late XX century. Spanish territories united in the late 1480s with the unia of the Catholic kings: King Aragon and Queen Castilskaya. Despite the fact that the monarchs continued to rule each of their lands, their foreign policy was common. In 1492, they captured Granada and completed the reconquist on the Iberian Peninsula against Mavrov. The entry of Granada to the Kingdom of Castile completed the union of Spanish lands, despite the fact that Spain was still divided into two kingdoms. In the same year, Christopher Columbus carried out the first Spanish research expedition to the West through the Atlantic Ocean, opening a new light for Europeans and creating the first overseas Colonies there. From now on, the Western Hemisphere has become the main goal Spanish research and colonization.

In the XVI century, the Spaniards created settlements on the Islands of the Caribbean Sea, and the conquistadors destroyed such state entities as the empires of the Aztecs and the Incas on the mainland, respectively, North and South America, using contradictions between local peoples and applying higher military technologies. Subsequent expeditions expanded the boundaries of the empire from modern Canada to the southern tip of South America, including Falkland or Malun Islands. In 1519, the first round trip started by Fernal Magellan in 1519 and completed by Juan Sebastian Elkane in 1522 was to achieve the fact that the Columbus failed, namely the Western way to Asia, and as a result included in the sphere of the Far East . Colonies were created on Guam, in the Philippines and the nearby islands. During his Siglo de Oro, the Spanish Empire included the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, a significant part of Italy, Earth in Germany and France, a colony in Africa, Asia and Oceania, as well as large territories in North and South America. In the XVII century, Spain controlled the empire of such a scale, and its parts were so far away from each other, which was not able to achieve anyone earlier.

At the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries, expeditions were taken to search for Terra Australis, during which a number of archipelasses and islands were opened in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, including Pitcairn Islands, Marquis Islands, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and New Guinea, who were Announced the property of the Spanish crown, but they were not successfully colonized. Many of the European possessions of Spain were lost after the War of the Spanish inheritance in 1713, but Spain retained its overseas territories. In 1741, the important victory over the UK at Cartagena (Modern Columbia) extended the Spanish hegemony in America until the XIX century. In the late XVIII century, Spanish expeditions in the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean reached the coasts of Canada and Alaska, founding the settlement on the island of Vancouver and opening several archipelagos and glaciers.

Spain's French Occupation by the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1808 led to the fact that Spain's colonies became cut off from the metropolis, and later the independence movement in 1810-1825 led to the creation of a number of new independent Spanish republics in South and Central America. The remnants of the Spanish four hundred years of the Empire, including Cuba, Puerto Rico and Spanish East India, continued to remain under Spanish control until the end of the XIX century, when most of these territories were annexed US after the Spanish-American War. The remaining Pacific Islands were sold in Germany in 1899.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Spain continued to keep only territories in Africa, Spanish Guinea, Spanish Sahara and Spanish Morocco. Spain left Morocco in 1956 and provided the independence of Equatorial Guinea in 1968. When Spain left the Spanish Sahara in 1976, this colony was immediately annexed by Morocco and Mauritania, and then in 1980 - completely Morocco, although technically, by the UN decision, this territory remains under control of the Spanish administration. To date, Spain had only the Canary Islands and two enclaves on the North African coast, Cause and Melilla, administratively parts of Spain.

6. Qing Dynasty (14.7 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 1790

The state of the Great Qing (Daicing Gurun.svg Daitsin Gurun, Kit. Trad. 大 清國, Pall.: Yes Qing) - Multinational Empire, created and managed by Manchules, in which China was later included later. According to traditional Chinese historiography - the last dynasty of monarchical China. It was founded in 1616 by the Manchurian clan Aysin Göro on the territory of Manchuria, currently called Northeast China. In less than 30 years, all China, part of Mongolia and part of Central Asia turned out to be under its authority.

Initially, the dynasty was called "Jin" (金 - gold), in the traditional Chinese historiography "Hou Jin" (後 金 - Late Jin), according to the Jin Empire - the former state of Zhurzheney, from which Manchuras was taken out. In 1636, the name was changed to "Qing" (清 - "Clean"). In the first half of the XVIII century. The Qing government was able to establish the effective management of the country, one of the results of which was that in this century the most rapid growth rate of the population was observed in China. The Qing courtyard conducted a politics of self-insulation, which in the end led to the fact that in the XIX century. Particularly in the composition of the Empire Qing China was forcibly opened by Western powers.

Subsequent cooperation with Western powers allowed the dynasty to avoid collapse during the Taipinov's uprising, to conduct relatively successful modernization and so on. Consistent until the beginning of the 20th century, however, it also causes growing nationalist (antimunchurian) sentiment.

As a result of the Xinhaus Revolution, which began in 1911, the Empire of Qing was destroyed, the Chinese Republic was proclaimed - the National State of Hantsev. The widowing Empress Lunjue renounced the throne on behalf of the young the last emperor, PU and, February 12, 1912.

7. Russian Kingdom (14.5 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 1721

Russian kingdom or in the Byzantine version, the Russian kingdom - russian statewhich existed between 1547 and 1721. The name "Russian kingdom" was the official title of Russia in this historical period. Also official was the name of the RꙋSѧѧ

In 1547, the Sovereign of All Russia and grand Duke The Moscow Ivan IV Grozny was crowned with the king and accepted the full title: "The Great Sovereign, God's Grace Tsar and the Grand Duke of All Russia, Vladimir, Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov, Ryazan, Tverskaya, Yugorsky, Perm, Vyatski, Bulgarian and other", subsequently With the expansion of the borders of the Russian state, "King Kazan, Tsar Astrakhan, King Siberian," and All Northern countries of the Lord "was added to the title.

According to titulas, the Russian kingdom was preceded by the Great Principality of Moscow, and his succession was the Russian Empire. In historiography, there is also a tradition of periodization of Russian history, according to which it is customary to talk about the emergence of a single and independent centralized Russian state in the era of the Board of Ivan III of the Great. The idea of \u200b\u200buniting Russian lands (including those found after mongolian invasion As part of the Great Principality of Lithuanian and Poland) and recovery Old Russian state Traced throughout the existence of the Russian state and inherited by the Russian Empire.

8. Yuan Dynasty (14.0 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 1310

Empire (in the Chinese tradition - dynasty) yuan (their yuan uls.png Mong. Their Yuan Uls, the Great Yuan State, Dai Ön Yeke Monggor Ulus.png Dai Ön Yeke Monggor Ulus; Kit. Ex. 元 朝, Pinyin: Yuáncháo; Vietn. NHÀ NGUYêN (Nguyên triều), house (dynasty) Nguyen - Mongolian state, the main part of the territory of which was China (1271-1368). Founded by grandson of Genghis Khan, Mongolian Khan Khubilam, who completed China's conquest in 1279. The dynasty fell as a result of the uprising of the red dressings 1351-68. The official Chinese history of this dynasty is recorded upon subsequent dynasty mines and is called "Yuan Shi".

9. Omeyad Caliphate (13.0 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 720-750.

Omeyada (Arab. الأمويون) or Umayya Banu (Arab. بنو أمية) - Caliph-based Dynasty, founded by Moavia in 661. Omeyads of the Sufanid and Marvanis branches of the Damascus Califat until the middle of the 7th century. In 750, as a result of the uprising of Abu Muslim, their dynasty was overthrown by Abbasides, and all the omyiades were destroyed, except for the grandson of Khalifa Hisham Abd Ar-Rakhman, who founded the dynasty in Spain (Kalifat). The ancestor of the dynasty was Omaja Ibn Abdshams Son Abdshams Ibn Abdmanafa and the cousin Abdulmuttalyba. Abdshams and Hashim were twin brothers.

10. Second French Colonial Empire (13.0 million km²)
The highest flourishing - 1938

The evolution of the French colonial empire (year is indicated in the upper left corner):

French Colonial Empire (FR. L'Empire Colonial Français) is a set of colonial possessions of France between 1546-1962. Like the British Empire, France had colonial territories in all regions of the world, but its colonial policy was significantly different from British. The remains of the once extensive colonial empire are modern overseas departments of France (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, etc.) and the special territory of Sui Generis (New Caledonia Island) The modern heritage of the French colonial era is also the Union of Francophone (Francophonia).

Incredible facts

Throughout the history of mankind, we saw how born and go into non-existence of the empire, for decades, centuries and even thousands of years. If this is true that history repeats itself, then perhaps we can extract errors and it is better to understand the achievements of the most serious empires - long-livers in the world.

Empire is a complex word to determine. Although this term is very often scattered, it is nevertheless often used in the wrong context and distorts the political location of the country. The simplest definition describes a political unit that monitors other political authority. Basically, these are countries or groups of people who control political solutions less than the power of the unit.

The term "hegemony" is often used along with the empire, but they have significant differences, as well as the differences between the concepts of "leader" and "hooligan" are obvious. Hegemony works as a coordinated set of international rules, while the empire produces and implements these regulations. Hegemony is the dominant influence of one group over other groups, however, requires the consent of the majority in order for this leading group to remain in power.

What empires in history existed longer, and what can we learn from them? Below we consider these kingdoms of the past, as they have formed, as well as factors that ultimately led to their fall.

10. Portuguese Empire

The Portuguese Empire remembers that it possesses one of the strongest fleets, which the world has ever seen. An less well-known fact is that it is not "left" from the face of the earth until 1999. The kingdom existed for 584 years. It was the first global empire in history, acting on four continents, and she originated in 1415, when the Portuguese captured the Muslim city of North Africa Kueta (Cueta). Expansion continued as they are promoted to Africa, India, Asia and America.

After World War II, in many areas, efforts on decolonization were activated, thereby many European countries "went out" from their colonies around the world. Up until 1999, this was not happening with Portugal, when she finally refused Macau in China, signing about the "end of the" Empire.

The Portuguese Empire managed to expand so much due to the presence of excellent weapons, maritime superiority, as well as the ability to quickly build ports for commerce with sugar, slaves and gold. She also had enough strength in order to conquer new peoples and get lands. But, as in the case of most empires throughout the history, conquered areas, ultimately, they sought to regain their lands back.

The Portuguese empire collapsed for several reasons, including international pressure and economic tension.

9. Ottoman Empire

At the peak of his power, the Ottoman Empire was located on three continents, covered a wide range of cultures, religions and languages. Despite these differences, the empire was able to flourish for 623 years, from 1299 to 1922.

The Ottoman Empire received its beginning as a small Turkish state, after the weakened Byzantine Empire left the region. Osman I pushed the boundaries of his empire internship, relying on strong judicial, educational and military systems, as well as on a unique method of transferring power. The empire continued to expand and, in the end, conquers Constantinople in 1453 and distributes its influence in Europe and North Africa. Civil wars at the beginning of the 1900s, which followed immediately after the First World War, as well as the Arab uprising, were a signal to the beginning of the end. Upon completion of the First World War, the Sevres contract divided most of the Ottoman Empire. The last point has become turkish war For independence, as a result of which in 1922, Constantinople fell.

Inflation, Competition and Unemployment are given as key factors of the death of the Ottoman Empire. Each part of this massive empire was culturally and economically diverse, and their inhabitants, ultimately, wanted to escape to the will.

8. Khmer Empire

Little, which is known about the Khmer Empire, however, its capital of Angkor, as they said, was very impressive in many respects thanks to Angkor-Wat, one of the world's largest religious monuments built in the zenith of its power. The Khmer Empire began its existence in 802 by AT., when Jayavman II was proclaimed by the king of the region, which currently owns the territory of Cambodia. 630 years later, in 1432 the Empire came an end.

Part of what we know about this empire, we got out of stone frescoes found in the region, as well as some information was obtained from the Chinese diplomat Zhou Daguan (Zhou Daguan), who traveled to Angkor in 1296 and published a book about his experience. Almost all the existence of the empire, she tried to capture all new and new territories. Angkor was the main home of knowing in the second period of the existence of the Empire. When the power of Khmer began to weaken for control over Angkor, the neighboring civilization began to fight.

There are many theories as to why the empire collapsed. Some believe that the king adopted Buddhism, which led to the loss of workers, degeneration of the water system, and, ultimately, very weak harvests. Others argue that the Thai kingdom of Sukhatia won Angkor in the 1400s. Another theory says that the last drop was the transfer of power to the city of Oudong (Oudong), while Angkor remained abandoned.

7. Ethiopian Empire

Taking into account the time of the existence of the Ethiopian Empire, we are surprisingly a little known about it. Ethiopia and Liberia were the only African countries who managed to confront the European "fight for Africa." The long existence of the empire began in 1270, when the Solomonide dynasty overthrew the dynasty of Zapv, stating that it was the right to this land that King Solomon bequeathed. Since then, the dynasty later turned into an empire, by combining new civilizations under its domination.

All this went up until 1895, when Italy declared the war of the Empire, then the problems began. In 1935, Benito Mussolini ordered his soldiers to invade Ethiopia, as a result, the war raged there for seven months, with the result that Italy was declared the winner in this war. From 1936 to 1941, the Italians ruled the country.

The Ethiopian Empire has not expanded his borders and has not exhausted its resources as we have seen in previous examples. Rather, Ethiopian resources have become more powerful, in particular, we are talking About the huge coffee plantations. Civil wars contributed to the weakening of the empire, however, at the chapter of everything, though, it was the desire of Italy to expand, which led to the fall of Ethiopia.

6. Empire Kamane

We know very little about the empire and about how her people lived, most of our knowledge we received from a text document found in 1851 called Girgam. Over time, their main religion became Islam, however, as it should be, the introduction of religion could cause the internal struggle in the first years of the Empire's existence. Empire can be created approximately 700 and existed until 1376. It was located on the territory of the current Chad, Libya and part of Nigeria.

In accordance with the found document, Zagawa People (Zaghawa People) founded their capital in 700 in the city of Nzhimi (N "Jimi). The history of the empire is divided between the two dynasties - Duguwa and Sayfawa (he was a driving force that Ied Islam). Its expansion continues And at that time, when the king declared a sacred war, or jihad, all the surrounding tribes.

The military system developed to facilitate Jihad was founded on the state principles of the hereditary nobility, in which the soldiers received a part of the lands disheveled by them, while the land was listed for them for many more years, even their sons could dispose of them. Such a system led to the unleashing of a civil war that weakened the empire and made it vulnerable to the attack of external enemies. The invaders of Bulala (Bulala) were able to quickly capture power over the capital and, in the end, in 1376 to take on the management of the empire.

The lesson of the Empire can show how incorrect solutions provoke an internal conflict, as a result of which sometimes mighty people become defenseless. This development of events is repeated throughout history.

5. Sacred Roman Empire

The Sacred Roman Empire was considered as the revival of the Western Roman Empire, she was also considered a political counterweight of the Roman Catholic Church. Its name, however, comes from the fact that the emperor was chosen by voters, but he was crowned with Pope in Rome. The empire existed from 962 to 1806 and occupied a rather extensive territory, which is now Central Europe, first of all, this is most of Germany.

The empire began its existence when Otto I was proclaimed by the King of Germany, however, he later became known as the first emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire. The empire consisted of 300 different territories, however, after the thirty-year-old war in 1648, it was fragmented, thereby planted seeds of independence.

In 1792, an uprising took place in France. By 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte forced the last emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Franz II to renounce the throne, after that, the empire was renamed the Confederation of the Rhine. As the Ottoman and Portuguese Empire, the Sacred Roman Empire consisted of various ethnic groups and smaller kingdoms. Ultimately, the desire of these kingdoms to gain independence led to the disintegration of the empire.

4. Empire Silla

Little is known about the beginning of the existence of the Empire of Silla, however, to the sixth century it was a very difficult arranged society based on the origin in which the pedigree solved everything since the clothing that can be put on a particular person and ending work activitiesHe is allowed to do. Although this system helped the empires initially get a large number of land, it ultimately led to its decline.

Empire Silla originated in 57 BC and occupied the territory that currently belongs to North and South Korea. KIN PARK HYEOKGEOSE (Kin Park Hyeokgeose) was the first ruler of the Empire. During his board, the empire constantly expanded, gaining an increasing number of kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula. In the end, a monarchy was formed. The Chinese dynasty Tang and Silla Empire were in a state of war in the seventh century, however, the dynasty was defeated.

The century of civil war among high-ranking families, as well as among the defeated kingdoms, made the empire did the doomed. In the end, in 935, our Era Empire ceased to exist and became part of the new state of the Core, with whom the war was carried out in the 7th century. Historians do not know about the exact circumstances that have led to the death of the Empire Silla, however, total point The view is that the neighboring countries were unhappy with the continuing expansion of the empire through the Korean Peninsula. Numerous theories converge on the fact that smaller kingdoms have hit the sovereignty.

3. Venice Republic

The pride of the Venetian Republic was its massive navy, which allowed her to quickly prove his power of Europe and the Mediterranean, won such important historical cities like Cyprus and Crete. The Venice Republic existed amazing 1100 years, from 697 to 1797. It all started when the Western Roman Empire fought with Italy, and when the Venetians declared Paolo Lucio Anafesto (Paolo Lucio Anafesto) with her duke. The empire has experienced several significant changes, however, it consistently expanded, and became the fact that it is now known as the Venetian Republic, coming, among others, with the Turks and the Ottoman Empire.

A large number of wars have greatly weakened the defensive forces of the empire. The city of Piedmont soon conquered France, and Napoleon Bonaparte captured part of the empire. When Napoleon put up an ultimatum, in 1797, Ludoviko Manin (Dog Ludovico Manin) surrendered, and Napoleon began to manage Venice.

The Venetian Republic is a classic example of how the empire, which extends to huge distances, is not able to protect its capital. Unlike other empires, it was not killed by civil wars, but the war with their neighbors. A highly appreciated Venetian Navy, which was once invincible, spread over too far distances and was not able to protect his own empire.

2. Empire Kush.

Empire Kush existed approximately from 1070 to AD. Until 350 years and occupied the territory that currently owned by the Republic of Sudan. Throughout his long history, very little information has been preserved about the political structure in the region, however, there are evidence of monarchies in last years existence. Nevertheless, the Empire Kush led several small countries in the region, Saves Power at the same time. Economy of the Empire strongly depended on the trade in iron and gold.

Some evidence suggests that the Empire is attacked by the desert tribes, the other scientists believe that excessive dependence on iron led to the deforestation of forests, forcing people to "disperse."

Other empires fell, because they used their own people or neighboring countries, however, the theory of deforestation believes that the Empire Kush fell due to the fact that he destroyed her own lands. And takeoff, and the fall of the empire turned out to be fatally connected with the same industry.

1. Eastern Roman Empire

The Roman Empire is not just one of the most famous in history, it is also an empire that existed longer than all. She passed through a few eras, but, in fact, it was launched from 27 BC. Until 1453 AD - a total of 1480 years. The republics preceded by her were destroyed by civil wars, and Julius Caesar became a dictator. The empire expanded into the territory of modern Italy and most of the Mediterranean region. The empire had a lot of power, but the emperor Diocletian in the third century "introduced" a key factor providing long-term success and prosperity of the empire. He determined that two emperors can control, thereby facilitating stress associated with the capture of a large number of territories. Thus, the foundations were laid for the possibility of the existence of the Eastern and Western Roman Empires.

The Western Roman Empire was dissolved in 476, when the German troops rebelled and overthrew the imperial throne of Romulus Augustus. Eastern Roman Empire after 476 continued to flourish, becoming more known as the Byzantine Empire.

Class conflicts led to the civil war of 1341-1347, which not only reduced the number of small states that were part of the Byzantine Empire, but also allowed the unrestraining of the Serbian Empire for a short period of time to rule in some territories of the Byzantine Empire. Social shocks and plague contributed to the further weakening of the kingdom. In combination with growing riots in the empire, a plague and social turmoil, she, in the end, fell, when the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople in 1453.

Despite the strategy of the co-associate of Diocletian, which, undoubtedly, significantly increased the "life expectancy" of the Roman Empire, has suffered the same fate as other empires, whose mass expansion in the end, provoked various ethnic peoples to fight for sovereignty.

These empires have existed longer than all in history, but each of them had their weaknesses, let the use of land or people, none of the empires were unable to restrain social unrest caused by class contradictions, unemployment or lack of resources.

It is in history that you can find answers to many questions of our time. Do you know about the biggest empire ever existed on the planet? Travelask will talk about the two global giants of the past.

The biggest empire on the area

The British Empire is the largest of ever existing states in the history of mankind. Of course, here it is not only about the continent, but also colonies on all inhabited continents. Just think: it was even less than a hundred years ago. At various times, the Square of Britain was different, but the maximum is 42.75 million square meters. km (of which 8.1 million sq. Cm - territory in Antarctica). This is two and a half times more than today's territory of Russia. This is 22% sushi. The highest flourishing of the British Empire fell in 1918.

The total population of Britain in the most peak was about 480 million people (about one fourth part of humanity). That is why English is so common. This is a direct legacy of the British Empire.

As the state originated

The British Empire grew over a long period: approximately 200 years. The twentieth century became the culmination of its growth: at this time the state had various territories on all continents. For this it is called the empire, "the sun never goes over."

And it all started in the XVIII century quite peacefully: with trade and diplomacy, occasionally from colonial captures.

The empire contributed to the spread of British technologies, trade, English and its form of government around the world. Of course, the basis of power was the Navy, which was used everywhere. He provided freedom of navigation, fought with slavery and piracy (slavery in Britain was canceled at the beginning of the XIX century). This allowed to make the world more secure. It turns out instead of striving for power over the extensive internal territories for the sake of resources, the empire relied on trade and control over strategically important points. It was this strategy that made the British empire of the most powerful.

The British Empire was very diverse, it included territories on all continents, which created a great diversity of cultures. The state included a very heterogeneous population, thanks to which he received the ability to manage various regions either directly or through local rulers, these are excellent skills for the government. Just think: the power of Britain spread to India, Egypt, Canada, New Zealand And many other countries.

When decolonization of the United Kingdom began, the British tried to introduce parliamentary democracy in the former colonies and the rule of law, but it was not possible everywhere. The influence of the UK on its former territories is noticeable today: most colonies decided that the Commonwealth of Nations replaces them the empire in a psychological plan. Commonwealth members are all former dominions and state colonies. To date, it includes 17 countries, including the Bahamas and others. That is, they recognize the monarch of Great Britain in fact by their monarch, but the Governor-General is in place. But it is worth saying that the monarch title does not imply any political power over the kingdoms of the Commonwealth.

Mongol Empire

The second in the area (but not by power) is the Mongol Empire. It was formed as a result of the conquests of Genghis Khan. Its area is 38 million square meters. KM: This is a little less than the area of \u200b\u200bBritain (and if we consider that Britain belonged to 8 million square meters. km in Antarctica, then the figure looks even more impressive). The territory of the state has stretched from the Danube to the Japanese Sea and from Novgorod to Cambodia. This is the largest continental state in the history of mankind.

It existed for a long time: from 1206 to 1368. But this empire has largely influenced the modern world: it is believed that 8% of the population of the planet is the descendants of Genghis Khan. And it is quite likely: only the eldest son of Temudzhina had 40 sons.

During the heyday, the Mongol Empire included extensive territories of Central Asia, Southern Siberia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China and Tibet. It was the world's largest land empire.

Her elevation is amazing: a group of Mongolian tribes, not exceeding a million people, managed to conquer the empires, which were literally hundreds of times larger. How did they achieve this? Thoughtful tactics of action, high mobility, the use of technical and other achievements of captured peoples, as well as the correct organization of the rear and supply.

But here, of course, no diplomacy and speech could be. Mongols cut out completely cities that did not want to obey them. From the face of the earth, there was no one city srate. Moreover, Temudzhin and his descendants destroyed the great and ancient states: the state of Khorezmshakhov, the Chinese Empire, the Baghdad Khalifat, Volga Bulgaria. Modern historians say that approximately 50% of the total population died at the captured territories. Thus, the population of the Chinese dynasties was 120 million people, after the invasion of the Mongols, it decreased to 60 million.

The consequences of the invasion of the great Khan

Temujin commander to 1206 united all the Mongolian tribes and was proclaimed Great Khan over all the tribes, having received the title "Genghis Khan". He captured North China, devastated Middle Asia, conquered the entire Central Asia and Iran, raving the whole region.

The descendants of Genghis Khan ruled the empire who captured most of Eurasia, including almost the entire Middle East, individual areas of Eastern Europe, China and Russia. Despite all the power, the present threat to the domination of the Mongolian Empire was a hostility between its rulers. The empire broke up into four Khanate. The largest fragments of Great Mongolia were the Empire Yuan, Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde), the State of Hulaghaidov and Chagatai Ulus. They, in turn, also suffered collapse or were conquered. In the last quarter of the XIV century, the Mongol Empire ceased to exist.

However, despite such a short primacy, the Mongol Empire influenced the association of many regions. So, for example, the Eastern and Western parts of Russia and the Western regions of China remain united to this day, albeit in other forms of boards. Forces scored and Rus: Moscow during the Tatar-Mongolian yoke was given the status of a tax collector for the Mongols. That is, the Russian residents collected tribute and taxes for Mongols, while the Mongols themselves in Russian lands were extremely rare. In the end, the Russian people received military power, which allowed Ivan III to overthrow the Mongols under the start of the Moscow principality.


  • Area: 13 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 720 - 750.

The feudal state existed from 661 to 750. The ruling dynasty is Omeyada. The capital was in Damascus. Head of State - Caliph. In his hands, spiritual and secular power was concentrated, which was inherited. The Omeyad Khalifat continued the conquest policy of the righteous caliphate and won North Africa, part of the Pyrenean Peninsula, Central Asia, Sind, Tabarian and Goudzhan.


  • Area: 13 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 557

One of the largest in the history of mankind of ancient states in Asia, created by the tribes of the Turkish led by the rulers from the genus Ashin. During the greatest expansion (end of the 6th century), controlled the territory of China (Manchuria), Mongolia, Altai, East Turkestan, Western Turkestan (Central Asia), Kazakhstan and the North Caucasus. In addition, the Danniki Kaganat had Sasanid Iran, the Chinese states Northern Zhou, the Northern Qi since 576 and from the same year the Turkic Kaganat rejects the North Caucasus and Crimea from Byzantium.


  • Area: 14 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 1310

The Mongolian state, the main part of the territory of which was China (1271-1368). Founded by grandson of Genghis Khan, Mongolian Khan Khubilam, who completed China's conquest in 1279. The dynasty fell as a result of the uprising of the red dressings 1351-1368.


  • Area: 14.5 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 1721

The official name of the Russian state in the period from 1547 to 1721. The predecessor of the Russian kingdom was the specific Russia, as well as the Moscow Principality. In 1547, Prince Ivan IV (Grozny) was crowned with the first Russian king. He dissolved all the devals and declared himself the only king. The Russian kingdom, therefore, received centralized management and hope of stability in the country.


  • Area: 14.7 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 1790

Was the last imperial dynasty of China. It is the rules of the country from 1644 to 1912 with a brief restoration in 1917 (the latter lasted only 11 days). The epoch of the Qing was preceded by the Ming Dynasty and the Republic of China followed. The Multicultural Qing Empire existed for almost three centuries and formed a territorial base for the modern Chinese state. Qing China reached the greatest sizes In the XVIII century, when he distributed his power to 18 traditional provinces, as well as the territory of modern northeast China, inner Mongolia, external Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet.


  • Area: 20 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 1790

The totality of territories and colonies that were under direct control of Spain in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. The Spanish Empire on the top of his power was one of the largest empires in world history. Its creation is associated with the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries, during which it has become one of the first colonial empires. The Spanish Empire existed since the XV century until the end of the 20th century.


  • Area: 22.4 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 1945 - 1991

The state that has existed since 1922 to 1991 on the territory of Eastern Europe, the North, of Central and East Asia. The USSR occupied almost 1/6 part of the dyed land sushi; At the time of decay was the largest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe country of the world. Educated in the territory, which by 1917 was held by the Russian Empire without Finland, parts of the Polish kingdom and some other territories.


  • Area: 23.7 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 1866

It was the largest continental monarchy from ever existed states. According to the Universal Census of 1897, the population was 129 million people. During the February Revolution of 1917, the monarchy collapses. During the Civil War of 1918-1921, there is a general collapse of statehood, in the territory of the former Russian empire, up to 80 short-lived states are formed, by 1924 most of this territory are united in the USSR.


  • Area: 38 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 1265 - 1361.

The state that established in the XIII century as a result of the conquests of Genghis Khan and his successors and included the largest airborne territory in world history from the Danube to the Japanese Sea and from Novgorod to Southeast Asia. During the heyday, the extensive territories of Central Asia, Southern Siberia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China and Tibet were included. In the second half of the XIII century, the disassemble of the empire on the uluses began, at the head of which there were chingizids. The largest fragments of Great Mongolia were the Empire Yuan, Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde), the State of Hulaghaidov and Chagatai Ulus.


  • Area: 42.75 million km 2
  • The highest flourishing: 1918

The largest of ever existing states in the entire history of mankind with colonies on all lively continents. The total population of the empire was approximately 480 million people. Currently, the United Kingdom preserves sovereignty over 14 territories outside the British Islands. In 2002, they received the status of British overseas territories. Some of these territories are uninhabited. The rest have self-government various degrees and depend on the UK in the field of international affairs and defense.

Seek power over the world - the dream is at least half of the villains from comics and superhero blockbusters. Some less bloodthirsty individuals (controversial statement, of course), make the seizure of new lands with an old-fashioned way: send dreamers or adapture adapture, and then select the territory from others. However, sometimes (okay, what is already here - extremely rare) conquerors offer mutually beneficial cooperation and peaceful coexistence. In the modern world, no one has taken the courage to lead the new empire (underground and criminal landmarks are not considered), but in the middle of the twentieth century no one thought that the era of empires approached the end. Let's start from 500 to our era and follow the history of the history of the 25 most grand empires of our planet. To simplify understanding, the selected dates indicate the peak of the development of the state. The superpower of the 20th century did not enter the list, because they did not name themselves with "empires."

Empire Ahemenides - 500 years before the Nativity of Christ

Persians, so strongly unloved by the Spartans, made a lot of good

Being on the 18th line of the hit parade of empires large square, The power of the achemenides (or the Persian Empire at number one) is already impressive. In the zenith of power, in 550 before the birth of Jesus Christ, the territory of the achemenides reaches the area of \u200b\u200b3.5 million square kilometers. Under their authority there were lands of almost all modern states of the Middle East and part of modern Russia. No less interesting is the fact that at Kiru is great, the architecture, culture, culture and post offices were growing rapidly in the empire. Progress is worthy praise. And every self-respecting ruler did the same thing.

Empire Alexander Macedonian - 323 years before the Nativity of Christ

Great conquering Alexander

Alexander the Great created the state, who overthrew the Agemenid Empire from the pedestal of power (Hello Spard) and completed the construction of an Hellenistic powerful Union, glorifying ancient Greek civilization in centuries, along with Aristotle and mass orgies. In the zenith of power, the Macedonian Empire spread over 3.5% sushi, which makes it the 21st largest for the history of mankind (the losers still survived Alexander, but it did not help them strongly).

Empire Maurev - 250 years before the Nativity of Christ

Indian imperialism does not want?

The death of Alexander Macedonsky turned out to be a complete surprise for his associates, mired in gnawing for pieces of empire. At this time, the far lands were provided by themselves, which did not miss the opportunity to take advantage of local rules: India and the nearest territories were captured by the Empire of Maurev, which as a result became the most powerful state education on the Industan Peninsula. Under the control of the wise and calculating Ashoka the Great, the Power of Maurev occupied about 3 million square kilometers and was the 23rd magnitude of the empire in the chronicles of human development.

Hunna - 209 years before the Nativity of Christ

Possible ancestors of the Huns of time did not lose in vain

During the IV and III centuries BC China was divided into several small specific princes, constantly fighting among themselves. Of course, war among sidewal peoples attracted steppes like Korshunov. Hongna nomadic tribes with ease spent raids on the province weakened by feudal fragmentation in the north. In the era of the greatest power, Hunnu's empire occupied 6% of the land area and was the 10th greatest power in the annals of history. She was so invincible that the Han dynasty needed decades of compromise and marriage agreements in order to keep the invaders in the cord.

Western Han Dynasty - 50th to the Nativity of Christ

The period that gave the beginning of the Chinese state

Speaking about the Han dynasty, you should not forget about the western part of it, which has reached the peak of power after a century after Eastern. Of course, its territory is incomparable with the conquests of Hunn, but the area of \u200b\u200b3.8 million square kilometers with a population of 57 million people makes it imbued with respect and put the Western Han on the 17th line of the hit parade of empires. In his desire to expand the borders, Han pushed the Hongna to the north and seized the territories of modern Vietnam and Korea. Thanks to the diplomatic talent of the diplomat and traveler Zhang Zyan, the contacts of the dynasty were expanded to Rome, and the Great Silk Road was opened.

Eastern Han Dynasty - 100th

Junior to take from the genus Han

The Eastern Han Dynasty existed almost two centuries, passing through the riots, conspiracies, political crisis and an unstable economy. Despite the seeming weakness, this empire was 12th largest in the entire history, jumping over the predecessor. Dynastic territories occupied 4.2 million square kilometers (4.4% of Sushi Square).

Roman Empire - 117

Ava Caesar and other imperial spars - everything went from Rome

Because of the wide fame, the Roman Empire is considered almost worse in the world (thanks to the American Cinema and Chronicles of Caessees) - the legions of the soldiers, the Roman Senate, the almost modern standard of living and other wonders of the Great Factory. Of course, at the peak of power, Rome was led by the most extensive and perfect political and social structure in Western civilization. The total area of \u200b\u200bsuspended Senate and the emperor of the land did not exceed 2.6 million square kilometers, putting the homeland of Guy Julia Caesar only on the 24th place in the list of the largest empires. One way or another, the modern world would not be if not an ancient Roman state.

Turkic kaganat - 557 year

Empire that came from nowhere

The Turkic kaganate occupied the territory on which the central and northern China are now located. The history of the occurrence of the tribe-conqueror is unclear, but also as the people of Hunna for 600 years before them, nomads subjugated the territory of internal Asia, the Silk Road and by 557 there were about 4% of the Sushi surface area. This puts them on the 15th place in the list of the largest empires.

One of the biggest: righteous calipheat - 655

The first Muslim state

The righteous caliphate became the first state education in history based on the following religion. In this case, Islam. He was born in less than half a century after the death of the Prophet Mohammed, in order to unite the scattered Muslim communities. A bit of time was separated by Khalifat from power over Egypt, Syria and the territory of the former Persian Empire. During the greatest power, the area of \u200b\u200bthis state was almost 4 million square kilometers, making it the 14th largest in the entire history of human genus.

Omeyad Khalifat - 720

Shine and greatness of the Arab world

Khalifat became one of the four largest state entities in the Arab world. He grew up during the Civil War among Muslim currents in 661. In addition to control over the lands of the Middle East, the territories of North Africa and Southern Europe were in the hands of Califa. In this power there was 29% of the inhabitants of the planet (62 million people) and the area was 7.45% of the generallylanetary, making the Omeyad Khalifat eighth in the magnitude of the empire in history.

Abbasid Khalifat - 750

Empire created by descendants of the Prophet

The power of the power of Omeyadov was short-lived: the Khalifat existed for 30 years, and then was captured by the abbasids, which the descendants of the younger uncle of the Prophet Mohammed were taken to the uprising (as they themselves declared, of course). According to the abbasides, their "cleaner" pedigree gave them the right to power over the faithful. After a successful coup in 750 of our era, the abbasid caliphate existed for four centuries and to acquire many unions, including with China. Although this empire did not exceed the size of the Omeyad Caliphate, but under the control of the descendants of Mohammed, there were about 8 million square meters of land, which puts their possessions to the seventh step in the list of the greatest empires. However, the power and sizes did not help the state under the Natio of the Haling of the Genghis Khan army in 1206.

Tibetan Empire - 800

Diplomacy - Tibet's main weapon

In the territory of the Tibetan Empire, at the time of her heyday, no more than 3% of the population of the globe lived. And this is that in the West, Muslim giant states were born in full swing and died, and in the East, the rules of the Tang Dynasty, consisting of Arabs in the monolithic union. It can be said that the Tibet of that time was surrounded by a pack of predators who dreamed of grabbed a piece from him. And only thanks to diplomacy and good military training soldiers, the Tibetan empire existed 200 years. Oddly enough, her ruined the growing influence of Buddhism and civil Warnot external enemies.

Tang Dynasty - 820

Dawn chinese culture and art

The Tang Dynasty became the first state education in China, who chose cosmopolitanism and the exchange of cultural experience with other powers. By the period of the Golden Century Tan, the invention of the printing machine, engraving, the flourishing of painting and literature. Two poet, Lee Bai and Du Fu, who are considered among the greatest in Chinese history, lived precisely during the reign of the Tang dynasty. This empire existed not long (in comparison with other Chinese dynasties) - only three centuries, from 618 to 907, but its contribution to world culture and art can not be underestimated. The territory of the dynasty was 3.6% of the overall area.

Mongol Empire - 1270

One of the biggest empires and families

Although the name of Genghishan and is known to almost every resident of the Earth, not everyone understands how much his empire was huge. At the peak of power, the Mongol Empire held an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 19 million square kilometers (for comparison, the four Roman empires or three territories of the United States would be occupied). Therefore, it is not surprising that the state of Genghis Khan "took silver" in the ranking of the largest powers in history.

Golden Horde - 1310

Main Enemy of Medieval Rus

Genghis Khan was far from fool and clearly understood that his power was holding on the authority of the leader. In order to ensure the empire stability and prosperity, he divided the subject territories among many of its children, thereby ensuring the law of the prestiplotia and the separation of power. Thus, even individual parts of the Khanate were the most powerful state entities. The glittering and powerful "process" of the Mongolian Empire was the Golden Horde, which occupied 4.03% of the world sushi.

Yuan Dynasty - 1310

The empire who has ever been in the summer without reaching maturity

Thanks to the military talents of one of the numerous grandchildren of Genghis Khan, first the northern lands of China, and then the rest of its territory were combined under the Board of the Yuan dynasty. By 1310, the power of Yuan became the largest independent part of the Mongolian empire with an area of \u200b\u200b8.5 million square kilometers. To the shame of the descendants of the Great Conqueror, Yuan also became one of the list of innocent Empires: Bunta, who distinguished himself throughout the XIV century led to the overthrow of the authorities in 1368.

Ming dynasty - 1450

The world's largest fleet is an explicit reason for pride

The Ming Dynasty, as expected, adults on the wreckage of the left empire - the Yuan dynasty. Although it was pressed from the north of the Mongols, mines still owned 4.36% of Sushi Square and occupied the 13th place in the list of the largest powers. This period also became known for the construction of the largest Chinese (and world) fleet and the rapid development of maritime trade almost with the whole world.

Ottoman Empire - 1683

Turkish power has always been distinguished by stability (until today)

Istanbul at the time was still called Constantinople, becoming the capital of the Turkish (or Ottoman) empire called the whole Christian world. And at least the area of \u200b\u200bthis power was not so big as its predecessors, the Ottoman Empire showed the wonders of amazing "survivability." This power successfully developed, flourished and fought for more than six centuries, beating from the attacks of the West and the East from the XIII century, until he fell during the First World War, giving way to the Republic of Turkish republic in 1922.

Qing dynasty - 1790

Last sighs of the empire before the red epoch

Qing, the last Imperial Dynasty of China, left an impressive memory of himself: 10% of the territory of the planet and almost 400 million inhabitants, including Thailand and Korea. The Qing Dynasty was in power for almost four centuries, while the uprising in February 1912 did not prompted the last emperor to abandon the throne. It was these events that were allowed to be born in the world in the world, successfully applied a combination of socialist board with the capitalist economy - the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Spanish Empire - 1810

Temporary queen of the seas

Spain, for a long time The remaining European powers remained in the shadow, by the end of the XVIII century owned the huge territories throughout the land. Thanks to the most powerful fleet (for a long time invincible Spanish Armade), Madrid kept under his control most of the islands of the Caribbean, almost all of South America, part of Central and North America, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East and even Europe.

Portuguese Empire - 1820

European elderly long-lived among sea powers

The Portuguese Colonial Empire has become the first state with a developed link between the metropolis and the overseas provinces, but did not grow to the sizes of the Spanish Empire - at its disposal it was "total" 3.69% of the Sushi Area. At the same time, the Portuguese Empire became the longest in Europe: for the sixth centuries, she stated their rights to land outside the territorial borders of the state and ceased to exist only on December 20, 1999.

Brazilian Empire - 1889

Gray horse among world powers

Binding as part of the Empire of the colonies of Portugal, the Brazilian Power began its way in 1822, declaring independence. The young state immediately attracted attention that the military conflicts with Uruguay and Great Britain gave rise to military conflicts. Oddly enough, Brazil came out of both disputes the winner, stating itself to the whole world as a country with a progressive view of management and foreign Policy. By 1889, the Brazilian Empire held most of South America (7 million square kilometers).

Russian Empire - 1895

Earth of huge territories and great victories

The Russian Empire has become a colossal size by the state officially existed from 1721 to 1917. Born as an agricultural country with ancient history and culture, by the XIX century Russia has become a powerful power standing in one row with the most developed countries of that time, raising the level of the population from 15.5 to 171 million people (in 1895). Under the rule of the Russian emperor, not only invoking Russian lands, but also Finland, Baltic, Poland, almost all Asia. Russia received "bronze" and honorable third place in the ranking of the largest empires in human history.

Second Empire (France) - 1920

Another attempt of the French to become the rules of the planet

To compete with Spain, Britain, Portugal, the United Provinces, France, it was necessary to go through a significant way in the colonization of overseas lands. The first step to this was the conquest of Algeria in 1830. By the 20th of the 20th century, France belonged to Earth in Africa, Southeast Asia, South America and the Middle East. Under the rule of the French turned out to be 7.7% of the world area and 5% of the population of the Earth.

British Empire - 1920

The greatest powers of all times and peoples

Maybe it is obvious, but it is no less surprising: the British Empire was the most powerful and the largest empire For the existence of a person on the planet Earth. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe subject-to-wear English crown of land was 26 million square meters (and this more than 30% exceeds the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mongolian Empire). Under the rule of the British was a quarter of the world of the planet. The result of such a global expansion was the penetration of English and culture in all, even the most remote corners of the world.

Most people consider the graduation of British imperialism to transfer Hong Kong China in 1997. However, if you look at the map of the world unbiased, Britain still controls most of the world, although it makes it more unobtrusive. And perhaps, it was the foggy albion that reached world domination.

Of course, the story knows other empires - Aztecs, Maya, Toltec, the ancient Egyptian and Greek civilizations, the Knos and Myckene culture, the Etrusca Empire. However, they all, although they made an incredible contribution to culture, art, science and development of humanity, but were not issued by sizes. About them, ancient civilizations, as the source of wisdom and progress, should be said separately.