The meaning of the word wad in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language ushakov. “Why is there a dream in a dream? If you see Brod in a dream, what does it mean? Wade as spelled

Wade ... Spelling dictionary-reference

VBROD, adv. (usually with chap. go over, go over). Walking along the bottom of the river (in a shallow place); ant. by swimming (average ford in 2 digits). Wade across the river. It's not deep here, you can wade. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

wade- wade, adv. He wade across the river ... Together. Apart. Hyphened.

wade- ford Tourists crossed the river ford But: ford, before, with n. They entered the ford ... Spelling difficult adverbs

Adverb qualities. are. 1. Along the bottom in a shallow place (about crossing a river, lake, etc.). 2. Used as an inconsistent definition. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Adverch, number of synonyms: 1 ford (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

wade- wade, adverb ... Russian spelling dictionary

Adverb In a shallow place, along the bottom (rivers, lakes, etc.); do not swim. Cross over to. Cross the river to ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Adverb Wandering, moving along the bottom of a river, lake, etc. in a shallow place. [Over the stream] it was necessary to wade, to the great despair of the doctor, because his horse stopped in the water every time. Lermontov, Princess Mary. [Sanya] slides along ... ... Small academic dictionary

wade- adv. In a shallow place, along the bottom (rivers, lakes, etc.); do not swim. Wade across. Wade the river ... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Free Shooters, Mine Reed. Mine Reed's first novel, WAVE ARROWS, published in 1850, describes the events of the war between Mexico and the United States (1846-1848) and tells the story of the adventures of a brave and noble captain ...
  • Wade time, Yulia Rezina. Julia Rezina was born in Moscow. Candidate of Medical Sciences. For many years she has headed research expeditions on icebreakers in Arctic navigation. The author of two poetic ...

What is Brod dreaming of in a dream?

Dream interpretation 2012

Wade is a reflection of the desire to find the easy way (also an opportunity).

Go over (someone goes over)- the need to understand that difficulties are easily surmountable.

Seeing is the need to find an easy solution, it exists.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why did Brod dream in a dream?

Go ford in a dream- means that you can expect a new, more important and responsible job.

Dream interpretation of the future

If you go through clean water- this is to participate in fleeting, but refined joys;

If you dream on clear, foaming water- your most cherished wish will soon come true, but if the water is dirty- disease threatens.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Brod - short-term joys.

Cross the clear river- fulfillment of a cherished desire.

If the water is dirty- sadness, malaise.

See children wading or cheerful, joyful people- successful and profitable business.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

Wading river crossing- symbolizes in a dream changes and overcoming the obstacles associated with this. Often such dreams are dreamed before the end of a stage of work. Such a dream for girls- may dream before getting married soon. In this case, it is especially good if the water in the river is fast, deep and clean. This promises her fullness of feelings and real happiness.

See others wading across the river- is a sign that some changes are coming soon.

Cross the river with clean water yourself- portends the successful completion of some business, especially if in a dream you did not soak your feet. The deeper the river and the faster the current- the more difficult the case will be.

Cloudy, dirty water when wading- a sign of the disease.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Brod - to a hindrance in business.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

To see in a dream how people wade along the river and cannot reach the opposite bank in any way- the hope that you will live better will not come true.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in may, june, july, august

See in a dream how you wade the river- to complete loneliness.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you wade clean water- this means that you will take part in fleeting, but subtle joys.

The most common type of crossing is wading through the river. Brod is a section of a river that allows the passage from one bank to another along the bottom of the river.

Seat selection

The location of the fords can be determined by topographic maps, from inquiries of local residents and by external signs. These signs of a ford are:

Roads, paths and ruts that converge at the river on both banks of it and lose track in the water;

Places with sloping banks, where the river expands and forms floods;

Places of small ripples on the surface of the water.

Expansion of the river in its straight section

Impassable sections of the river are characterized by the inaccessibility of approaching the water barrier: steep or steep slopes, rockfalls, canyons, many deep channels, highly swampy, viscous, muddy banks and the bottom of the river, pits and eddies. The river is wide, deep and has a strong current.

Passable rivers have a shallow depth and average current, wade alone, in pairs and in small groups.

When organizing a crossing, it is necessary to take into account unfavorable meteorological conditions (rain, snow), which negatively affect the passage of water obstacles, as well as the air temperature, because after crossing it will be necessary to dry clothes and keep warm.

Wading through mountain rivers with a current speed of more than 3-4 m / s with a rocky bottom is possible:

  • to a person - at a depth of knee;
  • riding horses - at belly depth;
  • for a cart in harness - not higher than the axis of travel.

When fording across flat rivers, it is necessary to establish the absence of whirlpools, deep pits, silt, mud, snags, flooded trees and other objects that can cause serious complications during the crossing.

Organization of a crossing over mountain rivers is much more difficult. In this case, one should proceed to an examination of the general nature of the river: determine the width of the channel, the possible depth, the state of the bottom and the speed of the current. Then choose the place of approach and the conditional place of the exit to the opposite bank. To ensure security, outline the locations of the interception posts; determine the availability of local ferry facilities, the number of special equipment (main and auxiliary ropes, carabiners and harnesses) for guiding the ferry and organizing insurance, the size of the group, its physical and psychological condition, technical training. Only after that the tactics of overcoming the water obstacle are determined.

Intelligence service

After choosing the place of the ford and determining the speed of the current, they begin to conduct reconnaissance. It is carried out by one of the members of the group with compulsory insurance, which can be a strong pole (stick) 2-2.5 m long. The crossing person begins to move slightly at an angle to the current, leaning on the pole. You should move sideways to the current, and not face or back to it. At the next movement, the pole is rearranged upstream (it will be pressed against the bottom by the pressure of water). Putting a pole downstream and leaning on it is a blunder. In this position, it is not a safety device, it can easily be thrown off by the current, after which an inevitable loss of balance will follow and a fall into the water may occur. Also, you cannot lean heavily on the pole, "hang" on it. Make sure that at any given time you have two points of support, i.e. you cannot take a step and rearrange the pole at the same time.

At 20-30 meters downstream, an interception post should be set up (in case of drift by a rolling current). At 100 m from the place of the crossing downstream, the river bed should be free from protruding stones, fallen trees and other objects that could cause injury to the person who fell into the water.


Water is not a natural environment for humans, so you should not underestimate any body of water, even a shallow one. Unfortunately, there were cases when people died in reservoirs with stagnant water less than 20 cm deep. To maintain balance, you need to pick up a strong pole 2-2.5 meters long. The legs should be rolled up or undressed completely to dress dry on the other side. It is better not to take off your shoes - this will provide better traction to the bottom than bare feet. Loosen the straps of the backpack, unfasten the buckle of the backpack waistband so that it is easy to reset it. Sometimes it is advised to turn out the pockets of your trousers so that they do not sail in the water. Of course, all things and documents must be protected from water. If there is no special waterproof bag or liner in the backpack, you can use plastic bags (at least two, stacked towards each other).

Start of movement

The first to cross the river is the most experienced and physically strong participant. After he went ashore, all the other participants pass in turn. The tourist who crossed the river first should be ready to help his companions. For safety reasons, it is recommended to wade the river in one place and along the same path. Unauthorized choice of a ford location is unacceptable.

Bushes and reeds that are encountered on the way should be moved apart with your hands, your feet should not be taken out of the water, but moved carefully in the water.

If one of the participants is not very confident in overcoming a water hazard, he must be insured by allocating a more experienced participant to help him.

A group wading together must follow the strongest. Each person should hold the one in front by the belt and follow him trail in trail. You can walk side by side, holding on to a pole with your hands, which will also allow balance. Move forward straight to the shore. The force of the flow will be experienced only by the first person walking in this coupling, and the group as a whole will provide balance to each of its members.

Do not take large steps, rearrange your legs with sliding movements, move with an additional step, feeling the bottom in front of you with a pole in search of holes and testing the reliability of the ground under your feet.

It is necessary to rest on the pole from the side of the water pressure. You should not look into the water as you can lose your balance. It is necessary to look at the place of exit from the water, relying on hands and feet.

Crossing difficult rivers can be forded in pairs and in line. This method is as follows: two or three to five people, hugging their shoulders tightly, move somewhat against the current. The safety of such a crossing depends on the consistency of the movements of those crossing. The moment one takes a step, the other supports him. With the next movement, you need to find a comfortable place for your leg so that it does not slip. It is desirable to carry out the movement with side steps. To improve the belay, the first one in the line rests on a pole.

When crossing in a circle, those crossing, tightly embracing their shoulders, form a circle and move counterclockwise.

On a difficult section of the river, in addition to a pole, the cross uses a safety rope. The first is secured by the main and auxiliary ropes, which are fastened with a carabiner to the chest harness from the side of the chest. When moving, the safety ropes are at a certain angle relative to one another - the main one is upstream, the auxiliary one is below. Each rope is held by two tourists and given out as needed. When the guide fails, the main rope is not pulled out, but only held or slightly protruded. Pulling up the fallen to the shore is carried out with an auxiliary rope.

After the first tourist has crossed, the main rope is fixed to a reliable object and pulled by the belayer at the chest level of the crossing. Thus, the rope serves as a railing, with the help of which the safety of the further crossing is carried out. The movement is carried out in side steps, with the support of the hands on the stretched railing, always downstream of the rope and facing the direction of the current. In case of a strong current at the crossing, before starting to move, the tourist is attached to the railing (main rope) with a carabiner or a safety loop located on his chest harness (from the side of the chest). The last participant unties the rope and attaches to it. The auxiliary and main ropes are secured with a karabiner from the chest side. Leaning on a pole, the tourist crosses the river.

You can cross mountain rivers over stones and masonry, while you need to be very careful, since stones are usually slippery and you can easily fall into the water and get serious injuries.

When you have to cross very fast mountain rivers, at the crossing point you need to pull a rope (wire, cable), holding with your hands on which you can safely overcome the fast current. It should be borne in mind that you can wade mountain rivers and streams up to the waist. If their depth is greater, then it is dangerous to wade such rivers without special devices. It is safest to wade through mountain rivers in the early morning, as at this time they have the smallest depth.

Safety engineering

When crossing a river, the following basic safety rules must be observed:

  • when choosing a crossing point, it is necessary to take into account the approach to the river, the state of the channel, the depth and strength of the current, the time of day and climatic conditions, the availability of the necessary special equipment, and it is also necessary to conduct reconnaissance with compulsory insurance;
  • cross the river at the chosen place;
  • it is prohibited to cross in other places by yourself;
  • when crossing with the organization of rope ropes, move to the side of the ropes, downstream, with side steps;
  • for self-belay, do not use loops with grasping knots - attach to the rope railing only with a carabiner, through the chest harness or loops from it;
  • when moving in a line, around, in a column, the grip of each other by the shoulders must be strong;
  • for insurance downstream, it is imperative to set up interception posts;
  • never wade a river if there are other ways to get to the other side.
  • Choose your location carefully;
  • avoid high banks that are difficult to climb out of the water;
  • go around any obstacles in the water;
  • be careful with the snag. You can step on it and lose your balance. If the current pushes you against an obstacle, you will fully feel its power and, perhaps, will not be able to go further;
  • the current intensifies on the outside of the bends, and the steep banks can be washed, which prevents the exit from the water;
  • look for a flat section of the river bed - a pebble bottom is best for wading across a river.

    VBROD, adv. (usually with chap. go over, go over). Walking along the bottom of the river (in a shallow place); ant. by swimming (average ford in 2 digits). Wade across the river. It's not deep here, you can wade. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Move on, move on, past. passed, passed; passed over; passing over and (vernacular) passing over, owls. (to go to (1)). 1. what and through what. Walking, move, cross from one side of something. to the other, from one end to the other. The troops crossed ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    VBROD, adv. Along the ford, along the bottom in a shallow place, do not swim. Cross the river to. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Adverb In a shallow place, along the bottom (rivers, lakes, etc.); do not swim. Cross over to. Cross the river to ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    wade- adv. In a shallow place, along the bottom (rivers, lakes, etc.); do not swim. Wade across. Wade the river ... Dictionary of many expressions

    oversize- wade ... Dictionary of Russian archaisms

    - - scientist and writer, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of chemistry at St. Petersburg University; was born in the village. Denisovka, Arkhangelsk province, November 8, 1711, died in St. Petersburg on April 4, 1765. At present ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Dzungarian Alatau- Contents 1 Administrative affiliation 2 Geography 3 Climate 4 Administrative obstacles 4.1 Registration ... Tourist encyclopedia

    Caucasian War of 1817 1864 ... Wikipedia

    CROSSING, crossing, crossing the ford or across the river, crossing the ford. | I barely crossed the room, across the street, barely crossed, out of weakness. | To ferment from place to place, wander, stagger; wander. | Ferment, ferment, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Crossing the river ford.

If there are rivers along the route of the hike, most likely you will have to wade them. In this case, it is important to choose the right place for the ford. In order to most safely cross the river, there are several rules:

1. Establish the general nature of the river(determine the width of the channel, possible depth, bottom condition and current speed) and meteorological conditions (rains or melting snow can very quickly raise the level of a river, especially a mountain one).

You can determine the speed of the current as follows: separate from your friend by about 10 meters. Let the one of you who is upstream on command throw a chip into the water, and the second participant (standing below) will time the time. The speed of the current will be equal to the distance divided by the time. Do not forget that it is dangerous to cross the river at a speed of over 3-4 m / s.

2. Decide where you will come to the shore, and in which, approximately, you are going to get out on the other side;

3. To maximize security ferry, select the locations where the interceptors will be located (participants who will help the fallen and carried by the current to get ashore) and inspect the area for the presence of local crossing means.

Find the place of the ford on a flat river it is possible according to the following criteria:

  • The river widens in a straight section of flow;
  • Shallows, islands or rifts are visible above the surface
  • Clearly indicate ford paths or roads crossing the river.

If you are going to cross a flat river, for safety reasons, be sure to check for snags, whirlpools, flooded trees, etc. at the crossing point.

The passage of a mountain river is more difficult: here the condition of the group (both physical and psychological), and the technical training of tourists, and the availability of special equipment (main and auxiliary ropes, carabiners and harnesses) affect the crossing. In addition, it is difficult to determine the very place of the ford.


In order to make sure that the ford is safe, conduct reconnaissance. This is done as follows: One of the group members takes a strong pole 2-2.5 meters long and begins to move slightly at an angle to the current, leaning on the pole. In the next step, the pole is rearranged UP WITH THE FLOW. Necessarily from above - by the pressure of water it will be pressed to the bottom.

If you neglect the condition and place the pole downstream, it can be thrown off by the current, leading to loss of balance and unplanned bathing. If your group is carrying out reconnaissance of a crossing, then it is highly recommended to deploy interceptors 20-30 meters downstream.


To reduce the risk of injury when wading rivers, it is important to apply the following rules:

  • Before crossing, make sure that you have the necessary special equipment, investigate the nature of the river, conduct reconnaissance;
  • Cross the river only in the place that your group was prospecting;
  • Make the transition only dressed and shod;
  • Attach to the rope rail only with a carabiner, through the chest harness or loops from it;
  • It is highly undesirable to use loops with grasping knots for garters to the railings, this can lead to jamming during the transition;
  • Do not forget that the safety of each participant in a line, pair, column or circle is up to you. Hold your partner tighter by the shoulders.
  • Do not forget to post interceptors downstream of the river.


When crossing the river, it is advisable to do the following: The most experienced and physically strong participant is the first to cross the river without a backpack, always in shoes. Naturally, the one going first should swim well. After he went ashore, all the other participants pass in turn. Moreover, if someone from the group feels insecure, then for the purpose of insurance, he is transported with a more experienced partner.

If you are going ahead, it is advisable to help those who remain in the passage and secure them. For safety reasons, it is recommended to wade the river in one place and along the same path. Unauthorized choice of a ford site can lead to injury.


If your group has to wade a difficult section of the river, in addition to the pole, use two ropes for passing, each of which is held by two people. In order to secure the first one, fasten the main and auxiliary ropes to his chest harness with a carabiner.

Then belayers need to separate so that the main rope is upstream, and the auxiliary rope is lower. If a tourist who is crossing the river slips, the main rope will keep him from the slope downstream, and with the help of the auxiliary rope he can be pulled up to the bank.

If you are the first to cross the river, after going ashore, fasten the rope to a reliable object at chest levels. This will create a railing to help the others get across.

It is best for the following trail to move by holding onto the railing, facing the current. The safest way is to walk with a side step. If the current is very strong, for additional belay, attach a carabiner or safety loop to the railing.

If you are going to be the last to cross, do not forget to untie the rope after the other participants have crossed and fasten it to the chest harness. Cross over using the pole.


  • All around- when the group, embracing the shoulders, stands in a circle and crosses the river moving counterclockwise.
  • Column- the whole group is transported at the same time. In order to use this method, you need to find out who is the strongest in the group, who is the second in strength, etc. The strongest is the first to stand, behind him is the second strongest ... In the middle of the column, place the weakest and least experienced. Grasp the person in front firmly with both hands. The very first holds a pole in his hands. At his command, the whole group, with side steps, enters the water facing the current. With this method of movement, the main water pressure is taken over by the one in front, and the rest support it.
  • Couple- in this case, two tourists hug each other by the shoulders and walk at a slight angle against the current, while the one walking first can lean on a pole. Do not forget that the safety of your partner in this case depends only on you. The moment one takes a step, the other supports him.
  • Line- the same as a couple, only with a lot of people.

Have a successful crossing!