Types of digitalis. Foxglove is large-flowered, rusty, woolly, yellow, ciliate. The use of digitalis in the household. Infusion of foxglove leaves

Other plant names:

foxglove Ural, foxglove large-flowered, thimble grass, nagyagach, creeping flower.

The plant got its name from the similarity of its colors - bells with thimbles.

A brief description of the large-flowered foxglove:

Foxglove large-flowered (Ural, large-flowered) Is a perennial herb. The stem is straight, unbranched, 40 to 120 cm high, covered with soft hairs.

Bees and birds are common pollinators: both have color vision, so they choose attractive colored flowers. Some flowers have patterns called guiding nectars that appear in the ultraviolet spectrum visible to bees but not to humans. Flowers also attract pollinators with their scent. The position of the stamens ensures that the pollen grains are transferred to the pollinator's body. By collecting nectar from several flowers of the same species, the pollinator transfers pollen between them.

Other flowers are fertilized by the wind and do not need to be attracted by pollinators, which tend to have discrete aromas. Flowers that are pollinated by the wind are called anemophiles. Thus, the pollen of entomophilous flowers is usually sticky and coarser, still containing a significant portion of the protein. Anemophilous flowers usually have a small, very light graininess and little nutritional value for insects.

A rosette of spear-shaped leaves emerges from the rhizome in spring, along the edge of toothed leaves. Leaves are alternate, pale green, pubescent, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, irregularly serrate, smooth above, covered with small silvery hairs along the veins below. The lower ones sit on long petioles, the middle ones - on short ones, the upper ones fit tightly to the stem. Leaf length from 5 to 20 cm, width from 2 to 6 cm.

There is much controversy regarding flower liability for allergies. The flower is divided into parts that are. Bowl: Leaves are formed, usually green and called sepals. Corolla: formed by modified colored leaves called petals. Stamens: These are modified leaves formed by the stamens, dust collectors and fillets. Therefore, since the anther is part of the stamen and the set of stamens and androc, this means that the androcepic part of the flower is responsible for the production of pollen.

Soon after fertilization of the flower, the sepals, petals, stamens, stigma, and stele dry out and fall off. The ovary of the penis and eggs develop. The ovary becomes a fruit, the eggs become seeds. There are four types of fruits. Simple fruit: he nestles with one ovary with orange, grape and peach. Many fruits: These fruits are formed from the ovaries of many flowers growing on a single branch. Like a pineapple. Pseudo-fruits: cashews, apples and strawberries claim to be fruits, right? They seem to be, but they are not true fruits, because the true ones come from the ovary of the flower.

The flowers are large, up to 3–3.5 cm long, collected in a simple raceme, yellow to almost brown, inside with brown specks, emerge from the axils of spear-shaped bracts on pedicels. Sepals are spear-shaped, glandular. Corolla tubular-bell-shaped, covered with glandular hairs outside. The fruit is an ovoid capsule. Blooms from June to July (sometimes to September).

And in this case, the fruits develop in a flower stalk and come from the recipient. Compound fruit: There are flowers that have only one ant and others that have more than one loop, and when the flower has more than one loop, it is called a compound fruit.

When someone talks about flowers, angiospasm is soon associated, that is, all angiosperms have flowers to reproduce. Color reproduction can be sexy, i.e. reproduction by gamete. Plants can reproduce asexually and sexually, but in the case of flowers, they reproduce only sexually, because the genetic load is exchanged and sex gametes appear. Flowers are reproduced by pollination, when the flower is not hermaphrodite, the pollen must be somehow weighed onto another flower, and soon nature will arrange some way to get to another flower.

Growing places:

In the wild, foxglove is found in sparse deciduous forests, along their edges, between shrubs. Distributed in the Urals, in Western Siberia, in the foothills of Altai, in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Ukraine. Large-flowered digitalis is a light-loving forest plant that can grow in partial shade. Inhabits light forests, clearings in forest edges. Now it is successfully cultivated as a medicinal, ornamental plant.

The flower has to pollinate in some way, and the way it reproduces is by pollination and has several ways to pollinate the flower. Self-pollination, autogamy or direct pollination: transfer of pollen from androcepar to the same flower. It is rare and occurs in peas, tobacco, cotton, and many grains with the exception of corn and rye.

Anemophilic plants produce large amounts of pollen, such as corn, which produces 50 million pollen grains. The wind is able to carry pollen from long distance... Anemophilous plants need a lot of pollen because most of the pollen will evade and not reach the plant, and the more pollen, the more likely it is that it will reach the plant.

Other types of foxglove are also used in medicine: foxglove purple, rusty, woolly, ciliated, Shishkina.

Foxglove blank:

For medicinal purposes, only the leaves collected during flowering are used. In the first year of plant life, the leaves are harvested 1-3 times per summer, in the second - no more than 1 time, immediately after flowering. Dried at a temperature of 50-60 ° C in the shade in the air, or in a dryer, or in attics under a metal roof, with good ventilation, spreading out in a thin layer and constantly stirring.

Pollination by insects or pollination of ethynomophile: Insects are attracted to nectaries, which reproduce nectar, rich aromas and bright colors of flowers. During a visit to a flower, the insect tries to rub involuntarily into the stamens, and they cover the pollen and look for another flower to touch the stigma of another flower.

In tropical regions, the hummingbird is the most famous. Water test or hydrophilic pollination: The pollen fell into the water and soon got into another plant and was pollinated. A flower, a reproductive organ of some plants that produces fruits, which in turn surround the seeds.

The chemical composition of large-flowered foxglove:

The leaves contain cardiac glycosides digitoxin, gitoxin, gitonin, purpureoglycosides A, B and C, steroid saponins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, anthraquinones, potassium salts and other substances. The saponins included in the foxglove leaves contribute to an increase in the solubility of cardiac glycosides and the rate of their absorption through the gastric mucosa. Cardiac glycosides are little destroyed by stomach enzymes and are well absorbed in the alimentary canal, excreted mainly by the kidneys.

A flower is a terminal branch consisting of a modified stem: a flower axis or vessel. The flower axis has one to four types of specialized attachments or modified leaves, usually arranged vertically in the most developed flowers and in spirals in the most primitive ones.

In a typical color, the outer screw or bowl is formed by several sepals. The next curl, androtium, groups several stamens that produce pollen in the anthers, which is necessary for reproduction. The innermost screw is the gynecum, formed by several fruits, often welded in a pistil. Each drop contains at least one placenta, which contains eggs or immature seeds. The bowl and corolla together form the perianth. The relative position of the flower pieces is variable.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of the large-flowered digitalis (digitalis of the Ural).

Pharmacological properties of large-flowered foxglove:

Pharmacological properties foxgloves are defined by her chemical composition.

Foxglove is considered the best remedy in the treatment of severe circulatory disorders, chronic heart failure of various origins, paroxysmal tachycardia. The main value of digitalis glycosides is that they have a beneficial effect on the heart, especially when weakened. In therapeutic doses, digitalis causes an increase in systolic contractions of the heart and an increase in the tone of the heart muscle. In this case, the duration of the systole decreases. The systolic effect is associated with the direct influence of digitalis on the heart muscle, on its tissue metabolism.

In a hypoglinic flower, sepals form the lower verticulum, and then, in ascending order, by petals, stamens, and pistils. In a pergina flower, a bowl is surrounded by ginetium, while other floral pieces are inserted into the border. In the epigenic flower, the corolla is anchored in the hynetium, while the other flower pieces are in the upper part of the ovary.

Alopecia, the general name for a division or type that contains plants with a flower that make up the dominant plant life form. This group includes almost all shrub and herbaceous plants, most trees other than pine and other conifers, and more specialized plants such as succulents, epiphytes, and aquatic plants.

To the direct systolic action of the digitalis, the diastolic is also added. It manifests itself in lengthening diastole and slowing the pace of heartbeat. Due to this, the intervals between individual systoles increase, and during an extended diastole, more blood enters the ventricles. The stroke volume of the heart increases, blood flow increases.

The most characteristic element of angiosperms is the flower, the function of which is to ensure the reproduction of the plant through the formation of seeds. They are formed from an ovum surrounded by an ovary, which, as the fertilized seed grows, develops until it becomes a fruit.

They are native to tropical and subtropical regions and are usually kept in greenhouses; few are rough enough to withstand the hot summer. Jasmine is part of the group deciduous shrubs and lianas and perennial woody stems characteristic of temperate and tropical regions. It is grown for its flowers, attractive and fragrant. It enjoys sunshine and fertile, well-drained soils.

Digitalis lowers the conduction along the Riesz bundle, as a result of which the interval between the contractions of the atria and ventricles is lengthened.

Under the influence of foxglove, the vessels of the abdominal organs narrow and the muscles, skin, brain and kidneys expand. The blood pressure is normalized. With congestion and low blood pressure, it rises as cardiac activity improves, with high blood pressure it decreases slightly.

The fruit of the plant is a mature and thickened ovary. A grain of pollen grows into a stigma, grows in style and penetrates the egg, where it can be fertilized. If fertilization occurs, the egg develops into a seed and vessel that protects the bulge of the ovary and forms the flesh or flesh of the fetus.

Chamomile grows slowly; reaches a height of up to 20 cm, and the flower is 2.5 cm in diameter. Some varieties are grown as ornamental. The flower is formed by up to four types of modified leaves. The cups that surround the button are the outermost parts. Next come the petals, which attract pollinators both in color and in the smell emitted by certain glands. More internally, there are one or two rounds of pollen-forming ducts, which are the male reproductive organs. The pistils formed by stigma, style, ovary and egg are the innermost parts.

Digitalis also has a diuretic effect and improves digestion.

The use of digitalis in medicine, digitalis treatment:

Digitalis and its preparations improve the general condition of heart patients, relieve discomfort in the area of ​​the heart, reduce congestion, increase the blood flow rate, lower the pulse, stop shortness of breath and edema.

Karpel receives a grain of pollen and, if fertilization occurs, forms a fruit. Flowering plants use wind, insects, birds, bats and other mammals to transfer pollen from the male to female part... Many plant species have evolved in close association with some of the animals that provide pollination; in the rainforest there are plants pollinated exclusively by certain species of insects, birds or bats. Are bees looking for products that offer flowers? sweet and sweet nectar? and pollen, a source of protein, vitamins and minerals.

With disorders nervous system, tincture is useful for hysteria.

With valvular heart disease, atrial fibrillation, hypertension, digitalis is prescribed as a diuretic for edema. This is one of the most important potent cardiac remedies.

V folk medicine the essential extract exhibits antitumor and antibacterial activity.

When a bee puts its head in the nectar glands at the base of the flower, the pollen sticks to its body or hind legs. When a bee visits the next flower, pollen usually falls on the organs of the latter. This is how cross-pollination occurs. Pollination, the passage of pollen from the stamens or male structures of the flower to the stigma of the pistil, which is the female structure. When the pollen passes from the stamen to the stigma of the same flower, they say in self-pollination or autogamy; Cross-pollination or alogamy is the passage of pollen from stamens from one flower to another from the same plant or another plant from the same species.

Dosage forms, method of administration and dosage of large-flowered digitalis preparations:

Effective drugs and forms used in the treatment of many diseases are made from digitalis leaves. Let's consider the main ones.

Digitalis is used in the form of powders, tablets, water infusion, alcohol tincture and special neogalene preparations, cleared of ballast substances, cordigit, digitoside, digipuren, lantoside, digitoxin, gitalene.

Our technical equipment includes

Wind is the most common cross-pollination agent. Bees and other insects, birds and the bats also carry pollen.

Here you can get the following services

The horticultural trade follows the general political situation.

Horticulture appears to be largely stable and optimistic despite many economic and political uncertainties in the markets. Despite Brexit, the Russian embargo and terror, the world of flowers and plants still revolves, although not always after traditional orbits.

Infusion of foxglove leaves:

Brew 200 ml of boiling water, 1 g of chopped leaves, leave for 1 hour, drain. Assign to adults inside 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day. For children, an infusion of leaves is prepared in a ratio of 0.1–0.4 g per 100 ml of water. Assign 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon, depending on the age of the child. Infusion and decoction are used as a diuretic and sedative for cardiac edema, hypertension, as well as for ascites, hemorrhoids, jaundice, rheumatism.

Specifications recent years in world trade still persist. Their growth in value terms corresponds exactly to 5.3% of the total growth. The fact that the import quota is growing faster than its value shows that the trend towards higher quality products in recent years is no longer maintained. On the other hand, a long-term transition process continues for supplier countries.

Compared to the previous year, this is a decrease of 3.1%. At the same time, it is worth noting an increase of 5.1%, which applies to all assortments of flowers and plants. Overall balance shows a trade surplus of about 300 million euros in flowers and plants.

Foxglove Leaf Powder:

The foxglove leaves, crushed into fine powder, are prescribed internally for adults at a dose of 0.05-0.1 g per dose 2-3 times a day.

The maximum dose of foxglove powder for adults: single - 0.1 g, daily - 0.5 g. Leaf powder is used externally as a wound healing agent for bone fractures.

Russia and Switzerland remain the countries with the strongest demand for European flowers and ornamental plants... Secondary opinion is that the decline in exports to Russia is offset by growth in other target markets. That's why more and more more countries such as Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates or even Japan, will increasingly search. The ranking of the various sales markets in terms of sales value remains unchanged.

Especially the export value in the Netherlands, but also in Germany, is at a record high and could make the industry optimistic. Brexit - what's new in the West !? For suppliers and traders from the Netherlands, as well as Germany, Italy, Denmark and Belgium, the British were one of the most important trading partners. This corresponds to 80 percent of all cut flowers imported by the British and 70 percent of all imported plants.

Contraindications for foxglove large-flowered:

All parts of the foxglove large-flowered are very poisonous, especially the leaves. Digitalis is contraindicated in compensated heart defects, coronary insufficiency, cardiac conduction disturbances, abrupt changes in the heart with degeneration of the heart muscle and severe atherosclerosis, in endocarditis with a tendency to embolism.

Digitalis is cumulative. Prolonged use of even small doses leads to a dangerous accumulation of its active principles and to poisoning.

The main symptoms of cardiac glycoside poisoning:

- disorders of cardio-vascular system: bradyarrhythmia, extrasystole, atrial and ventricular fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrioventricular block, ventricular fibrillation, hypotension;

- disorders of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, loss of consciousness, delirium, convulsions;

- disorders of the urinary system: oliguria, anuria;

- disorders of the digestive system: nausea, hiccups, indomitable vomiting, colicky pain in the stomach, diarrhea;

- disorders of the respiratory system: shortness of breath, shortness of breath, cyanosis;

- violation of thermoregulation: chills, cold extremities;

- disorders of other systems: scratching and burning in the throat, oral cavity.

Help to the victim in case of poisoning with cardiac glycosides:

In case of poisoning with glycosidic plants, gastric lavage (through a tube) should be carried out with a suspension of activated carbon (20-30 g per 1 liter of water) or 0.2-0.5% tannin solutions. Saline laxatives are introduced (magnesium, sodium sulfate up to 25 g); cleansing enemas. Prescribe potassium chloride (2–2.5 g intravenously drip in 0.5 liters of 5% glucose solution, but not more than 1.5 liters per day).

As antiarrhythmic agents (with atrial fibrillation), you can use novocainamide (3-5 ml of a 10% solution intravenously; 0.5-1 g regularly every 2 hours), quinidine sulfate (0.2 g 3-4 times a day ); with extrasystolic arrhythmia, atrioventricular block, the appointment of a 0.1% solution of atropine sulfate (0.5-1 ml subcutaneously) is indicated, with paroxysmal tachycardia - inderal (0.025 g 3-4 times a day).

A pacemaker is also used to eliminate atrioventricular blockade.

To eliminate the general toxic and toxic effect on the myocardium, a 5% solution of unitiol is injected (1 ml / 10 kg of body weight according to the scheme: 1st day - 3-4 times, 2nd - 3 times and 3-7- e day - 1-2 times intramuscularly), potassium chloride (in powder 1 g, 2-4 powders in milk on the 1st day and 1 powder 3 times a day on the following).

Prescribe caffeine-sodium benzoate (1–2 ml of a 10–20% solution subcutaneously), camphor (1–2 ml of a 20% solution subcutaneously), cordiamine (1 ml subcutaneously or intravenously). Of the antihistamines and desensitizing agents, diprazine is shown, 0.25 g, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. When excited, chloral hydrate is administered in an enema (0.5 g) and chlorpromazine (1-2 ml of a 2.5% solution intramuscularly).

Hypoxia is eliminated by oxygen therapy: if urination is disturbed, aminophylline is used (10 ml of 2.4% solution intravenously); to combat dehydration of the body, isotonic sodium chloride solution and 5% glucose solution are parenterally administered, by drop, intravenously.

The introduction of emetics (with vomiting - swallowing ice in small pieces), as well as adrenaline and norepinephrine hydrotartrate, which cause ventricular fibrillation, is contraindicated.

The use of foxglove in the household:

Foxglove leaves are used in folk veterinary medicine in the form of powder, bolus, porridge, water infusion (1: 400). Doses inside: cattle - 2–6 g; horses - from 1 to 5 g; small ruminants and pigs - 0.2–1 g; dogs - 0.03-0.5 g 2-3 times a day for 4-6 days.

Digitalis preparations are prescribed according to certain schemes under the supervision of a veterinarian.

A bit of history:

The foxglove, which was once born in the mountain forests of Germany, was mentioned in the German herbalist Lern ​​Fuchs in 1543. In it, this plant was called "digitalis", as it is called to this day. The purple or yellow (depending on the species) digitalis flowers look like thimbles or caps. In Germany they were called elf hats, in France - a glove Blessed virgin Mary, in Ireland - with a witch's thimble - as if witches, going to the Sabbath, put them on their fingers. A German legend told about the origin of the foxglove from thimbles taken by an evil stepmother from an orphan whom they inherited from their mother. The stepmother secretly buried them in the garden, and next spring on this place, hitherto unprecedented flowers grew, in which the orphan recognized her mother's thimbles. But to remind them that they grew out of a feeling of hatred, an evil genius poured a terrible poison into them.

Their toxicity was known in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, when it was believed that foxglove juice is included in witches' ointment. The significance of this poison was not known until 1775, when the English physician Whitering discovered that a decoction of foxglove leaves helped with edema caused by heart failure. But Whitering was so insecure about the remedy he discovered that, fearing to poison his wealthy patients, he used it to treat the poor. Only in 1824, when Leroye extracted digitaline from it, does digitalis become a commonly used medicine.

Gradually, digitalis was studied and entered medicine as one of the most valuable medicines for severe heart disease. Its poisons turned out to be glycosides, and 17 of them have already been isolated from foxglove purple.

Microscopy.When examining the leaf from the surface, cells of the upper epidermis are visible with almost straight or slightly sinuous walls, occasionally with bead-like thickenings; cells of the lower epidermis are more sinuous. The stomata on the lower side of the leaf are numerous, less often found on the upper side, surrounded by 3-6 cells of the epidermis (anomocytic type). The hairs are simple and capitate; they are found on the underside of the leaf along the large veins. Simple hairs are rare, very large, slightly warty, 2-8 cells, with thin walls; individual hair cells are often collapsed. Capitate hairs with a bicellular (sometimes unicellular) head on a short unicellular (occasionally bicellular) stalk.

Numerical indicators. Whole raw materials. The biological activity of 1 g of raw material should be 50-66 ICE or 10.3-12.6 KED; humidity not more than 12%; total ash no more than 7%; crushed particles passing through a sieve with holes 2 mm in diameter, no more than 2%; other parts of the plant (stems, fruits and flowers) not more than 2%; organic impurity no more than 1%; mineral impurity no more than 1%.

Quantitation. The activity of foxglove leaves is determined biological method on frogs or cats compared to the State Standard Sample (SRS) of foxglove extract.

Test on frogs. The test is carried out on grass frogs by injecting solutions into the lymphatic femoral sacs (under the skin) or into the heart (into the ventricular cavity), or on watery ones, injecting solutions into the heart (into the ventricular cavity) or into a vein.

An analytical sample of raw materials is crushed to a particle size passing through a sieve with holes of 7 mm in diameter, and dried in an oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 40-60 ° C. The crushed and dried raw materials in the amount of 5 g are extracted with 110 ml of 95% alcohol in a Soxhlet apparatus for 6-8 hours. The extract is collected in a cylinder with a capacity of 100 ml and the volume is brought up to the mark with 95% alcohol (1:20).

Standard and test samples are prepared on the day of the experiment.

For subcutaneous administration, 6 ml of water (1: 4) is added to 2 ml of GSO of digitalis extract.

For intracardiac or intravenous administration, 2 ml of water are added to 2 ml of GSO of digitalis extract, evaporated in a boiling water bath to 2 ml and the volume is made up to 8 ml with water.

20 ml of alcohol extract (1:20) of foxglove leaf is evaporated in a boiling water bath to 2 ml and the volume is brought up to 20 ml with water. The resulting haze or sediment is not filtered off, but 1-2 drops of a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution are added. The thus obtained alcohol-water extract (1:20) is tested on frogs.

Having determined the smallest doses of the standard and test samples causing systolic cardiac arrest in most frogs (in milliliters per grass frog weight or milliliters per 1 g water frog weight), the ICE content in 1 g of foxglove leaf is calculated.

Test on cats. An infusion is prepared from crushed and dried foxglove leaves in a ratio of 1: 200. To do this, 1 g of leaves is placed in an infundir apparatus, poured over 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes in a water bath at a temperature of 90 ° C and shaking frequently. Then the infusion is cooled and filtered. 1.8 g of sodium chloride is added to the filtrate and the volume of the infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with water.

A standard sample of digitalis extract is diluted on the day of the experiment with 0.9% sodium chloride solution in a ratio of 1:30.

Set the lethal dose of the infusion in milliliters per 1 kg of the cat's weight (for each animal separately) and calculate the activity of the infusion in comparison with the GSO of the foxglove extract or calculate the CED content in 1 g of dry leaves.

Package.Whole raw materials are packed in cloth bales not exceeding 50 kg net or in fabric or linen-jute-kenaf bags not exceeding 20 kg net; chopped - in fabric or linen-jute-kenaf bags, no more than 20 kg net; powder - in multi-layer paper bags no more than 20 kg net with subsequent packing in fabric or linen-jute-kenaf bags.

Storage. List B.

Shelf life 2 years.

Foxglove leaf activity is monitored annually.

Cardiac (cardiotonic) remedy.