We make woodpiles and woodpiles with our own hands. Do-it-yourself woodburner: the optimal design for storing logs

This article contains information on how to build a firewood for a summer residence, by what criteria to choose one or another type of structure, the size of the structure and the material of its manufacture. The main stages of building a firewood storage are also described. This information will help you make the right choice, because it raises the most important questions.

A firewood in the country is necessary, not only for order in the yard, but also for drying firewood so that they are ready for growing at any time Source roomester.ru

Types of firewood

Each cottage owner uses it in his own way. Someone comes there occasionally, for someone it is needed only in the summer season. There are those for whom the dacha is actually a house in which they live all year round. Regardless, everyone needs firewood. They act as raw materials for heating or are used only for kindling a fireplace, a bath. In any case, they need to be stored somewhere. For this there is a special woodshed or woodshed. The spelling of the words is somewhat different, but they have the same meaning - a shed for firewood. This outbuilding is of several types.

    Canopy... This is the simplest type of construction. It consists of several supports (at least four), over which a roof is made. At the bottom, a floor is being erected, raised above the ground. If this building is supposed to store a large amount of firewood, it is divided into sections. Thanks to this approach, the wood will not be mixed. Partitions are sometimes made between sections.

A small canopy can be used as a woodshed. Source nehomesdeaf.org

    Extension to the wall of the house... This design is also not complicated, since it already has one part - the wall of the country house. In such a street firewood, the roof and floor are necessarily performed. Side walls are optional. This type should not be used if the house is made of wood. The building will be too fire hazardous. In addition, beetles that feed on wood are very often found in the firewood. They can switch to absorbing the wood from which the wall of the house is made. If the choice is made in favor of an extension, it is necessary to treat the surface of the wall with a special preparation that protects against pests. And in the design of the firewood, provide a sheet of metal that will separate it from the house.

A small extension to the house is finished with the same material as the entire building Source pinterest.com

    Separate design... This is the most solid structure that is built in the event that you need to store a large amount of firewood. It can be done in different ways. The simplest one is a few pillars with an overhanging roof. Jumpers are installed between them, the floor is made below. To keep snow as little as possible in winter, plywood sheets are attached from the back and sides. Most often, the walls of such a structure are made of boards, between which they must leave gaps of 2 to 10 cm in size. Thanks to this, the firewood is ventilated. The front wall is usually missing. Although sometimes it is, and a door is made in it. In fact, you get a full-fledged shed, which is designed to store logs.

A large wood log is suitable if firewood needs to be prepared for winter heating of the house. Source anglicanaorlu.org

What are they built from?

The best material for building a firewood in the country is wood. These can be boards and beams, logs and wood-based panels. Plywood is sometimes also used. Structures made of this material look aesthetically pleasing, harmoniously fitting into the country landscape. However, it must be borne in mind that before use, the tree must be treated with agents that reduce the degree of flammability and exposure to harmful insects.

Also, firewood storage can be made of bricks or blocks. This is the most reliable, durable option, but it is expensive in terms of costs. Polycarbonate will be much cheaper, but you cannot make a closed structure out of it, since there will be no ventilation in it. However, polycarbonate can be used to make a roof or side walls. It is easy to install and transmits light well.

Metal frame with polycarbonate canopy Source oz90.ru

Another material for building firewoods is metal. It makes the structure strong, but it needs to be protected from corrosion. In addition, it is best to make only a frame from metal, and large sheets for such buildings will not work. They get too hot in the sun, which will create the effect of an oven inside the wood log. This is not suitable for storing firewood. But from metal you can make an excellent forged structure, which will be not only useful, but also a decoration of the suburban area.

A wrought iron log attached to the wall of the house Source kovka-na-zakaz.ru

In general, when building devices for storing firewood, combined options are often used. For example, if the firewood is made of wood, the roof is covered with slate. Or the frame is made of metal, and the roof is made of polycarbonate. Various material combinations can be selected.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design and construction of small architectural forms on a turnkey basis. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Criterias of choice

In order to understand what kind of woodshed to build in the country, you need to know the selection criteria. The most important thing in this, of course, is the availability of funds. After all, you might want a forged metal structure, but there simply won't be enough money for that. But these are self-evident things. The main thing is decide on four points:

    dimensions buildings;

    place location;


    materials for the manufacture of.

As for the size, here you need to take into account how much time is spent in the country. If these are rare forays in order to cook a shish kebab, a very small building is needed. If in the summer the summer cottage is fully utilized and there is a fireplace that is kindled in the evenings, you should think about a larger storage facility. And it is better to provide for decent dimensions in the event that the cottage is heated with firewood all winter. But the storage is always necessary so that the wood does not get wet in the rain.

So that there are no problems with heating in winter, firewoods should be equipped so that the firewood does not fall under precipitation. Source www.tproekt.com

When the size has already been determined, you need to understand where to put the firewood. To do this, you need to think about the following:

    If firewood is intended only for barbecue, it is desirable that the store was next to it. However, do not place the firebox too close to prevent sparks from flying through.

    If at the summer cottage there is a vegetable garden and generally green spaces, the structure shouldn't shade them... This is especially true for large structures. In this case, the option of an extension to the house is well suited.

    The structure should be good approach however, it should not be in the very center of the lot. It will look disharmonious.

    The soil on which the woodshed will be shouldn't be fertile.

    If the summer cottage has an uneven surface, the firewood storage cannot be placed in lowlands... Moisture accumulates there, which adversely affects the firewood. In addition, it will be difficult to reach the structure during or immediately after rain.

    Since firewood will be brought by transport, you need to choose for the storage most accessible place... Otherwise, the logs will have to be carried for a long time.

    It is desirable that the surface was flat... Otherwise, additional work will have to be carried out to level it.

Firewood is stacked on a prepared pallet, which should rise above the ground Source roomester.ru

Now you need to choose the type of structure in which the firewood will be stored. This takes into account the two previous criteria, that is, size and location. But there are some common points. For example, you can make a log cabin with open walls, that is, one frame, floor and roof. Or you can make two walls on the sides or add a third wall at the back. If the storage is small, there is a gazebo-type design option. And if, on the contrary, this is a massive structure, you can build a full-fledged barn with a door. When the species is determined, the last thing is decided - the choice of material. This can be a metal wood log or any other options.

Wooden logs built into the foot of a small hill Source houzz.com

Video description

The stages of building a firewood are shown in the video:

On our site you can get acquainted with the most popular projects from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Construction stages

Any construction has clear stages. If the storage is built from wood, they are as follows:

    The marking of the site is being done... The places where the corner and intermediate logs will be installed are outlined. Pits are dug under them, the depth of which should reach half a meter. Their size is at least 30 x 30 cm. About 15 cm of crushed stone is poured into them.

    The tree is treated with an antiseptic... The lower part of the supports is wrapped in roofing felt. The logs are set in holes and concreted. They must go to a depth of at least a quarter of a meter. Thanks to this, the structure will be durable and will not collapse even from the strongest gusts of wind.

    To make the roof slope, the rear logs are set 3 cm higher than the ones in front.

    The base for the floor is installed- transverse lags. They are attached to the supporting logs so that they do not touch the ground. There should be a distance of at least 10 cm from the ground. In this case, there will be good ventilation, and the wood will not come into contact with moisture.

    Boards are laid on top of the logs... 2 cm is left between them for ventilation.

    From three sidesupholstered with boards, between which a gap of up to 15 cm is left.

    The roof support system is being built: rafters, cross beams.

    The woodshed is covered with slate, roofing felt or other material.

    For aesthetics, painting is performed wood or varnished.

Large wooden firebox with a door, varnished Source eurolain.ru

In principle, these stages are characteristic of construction not only from wood. In any case, the markup is done first, the base is made, the floor, then the walls and the roof. If a door is provided, it is installed last.

Video description

Firewood options in the country may be different, examples in the video:


When building a storage for logs, there are important nuances that must be observed:

    the roof should be with a bias to drain the water;

    it is necessary that she perform outside the structure by 25 cm or more;

    in any kind of firewood there must be a wooden floor installed at a distance from the ground;

    wood or iron used in construction, processed special formulations.

If these points are met, the structure is durable, and the firewood is well protected from moisture.

Firewoods can be a reflection of a whole art

The woodshed can be arranged in the form of a small fairy-tale house Source remboo.ru

Honeycomb for storing firewood Source pinterest.com

Round small firebox for storing firewood for the barbecue Source pinterest.es

The artist will always find time for art, even when stacking firewood in the firebox Source pinterest.com

The head of a funny little man will entertain, but you should take care of protecting it from the rain Source classifieds24.ru

"Fallen tree" looks almost like a real one from a distance Source pinterest.com

Firewood can be folded according to Feng Shui Source roomester.ru

A firebox with a window can become a partition in a recreation area Source lavozdenadie.com

Built-in firebox in the barbecue area Source pinterest.com


In order for the woodcutter to harmoniously fit into the summer cottage and fulfill its intended purpose well, it is necessary to make a choice, taking into account all the criteria. After construction, such a structure will not require additional maintenance. You just need to carefully fold the firewood in it and then use them as needed.

Residents of private houses and owners of summer cottages cannot do without firewood. They need to be dried, stored and stored somewhere. To protect firewood from dampness, a shed or a more serious structure is erected for them. How to make a woodshed without outside help, what is required from tools and materials, what type of woodshed is most suitable for your site - this article is devoted to these questions.

We dance from the stove

We do not start with buying materials, choosing a location, and not even with a drawing. Initially, you need to understand how much firewood will be required for the season. Why do you need them?

For stove heating at home? Kindling a sauna? Organizing picnics in nature or a home fireplace? All these needs require a different amount of firewood.

The choice of design depends on the volume to be stored. Do you go to the country house only on weekends to steam and barbecue? Then harvest no more than one and a half "cubes".

In this case, there is no need to build a fundamental structure. It is enough to do with a light free-standing canopy or fold the woodpile with your own hands, for example, against the wall of a country house or a bathhouse. Here's how to do it.

Do you constantly live in a house that is heated by a stove? Here the calculation of the need for firewood will be different.

It is believed that heating a living space of 100 sq. m will burn up to 2.5 cubic meters of firewood per year. But it's always best to have a two-year supply on hand. After all, wooden blanks reach the minimum moisture content only after a year of storage. They are the ones that burn the best and the longest.

Those that have recently been cut down are not suitable for kindling. Such firewood is still damp, smoke and heat from them is "zero". They must be allowed to rest. The fuel supply should be enough to heat the house, a bathhouse, a barbecue.

In villages, up to 12 "cubes" are harvested at a time. These are several cars. For warehousing and storage of large volumes, a simple canopy is indispensable.

Below you will find a description of different types of woodburners - built-in and capital. And also advice on how to stack firewood in the country, so that they retain their combustible properties for as long as possible and do not spoil the appearance of the site.

Types of buildings, material, tools

A woodshed is a structure for drying and storing firewood. It can be made attached to a building or free-standing in an open space. Temporary or permanent. On a columnar foundation or on block supports. From iron, wood or building debris. Type, size, material and estimate - depends on the specific firewood needs and budget.

For carpentry work, you will need a beam or metal pipe, nails, bricks or cinder blocks, a hammer, a hacksaw, pliers, a plumb line, a screwdriver, metal corners, a suitable material for sheathing and waterproofing. Any woodshed is a four-post frame mounted on a solid base.

When the woodshed has a foundation and a door, it is a woodshed. It is often connected to a common roof along with an outdoor shower and toilet. It turns out a convenient household block, organized according to the "three in one" principle. Doors to each sector are made separately. How such a combined woodshed looks like can be seen in the photo.

Getting started, it is important to set the level accurately. Otherwise, the structure will bend over time and become unusable.

So that it does not drip on your head

Whichever drawing you draw, the requirements for any type of firewood are the same. Freshly cut firewood should dry well in it, dry - not get wet in the rain and snow. This means that it is necessary to ensure good ventilation (ventilation), but protect the structure from dampness. And direct sunlight.

The latter seems strange, but experienced people confirm: firewood that has been lying in the sun for a long time does not burn well in the stove and gives little heat. Provide lighting. It will come in handy in the evening.

Choosing the right place for storing firewood is extremely important. Arrange a woodpile or a woodsman where a car with firewood can drive up to it as close as possible. When unloading, it is hardly convenient to drag logs across the entire area.

The approach to the wood storage should be comfortable and clean. If you are not sure of your design talents, place a wood-burning stove on the back of the house so that it does not become an eyesore. Choose a construction site on a flat and dry place.

Economical and not difficult

The variant with the structure adjacent to the main building has several attractive points.

  • Firstly, it is convenient to have firewood always at hand.
  • Secondly, it is economical. Much less material is required than in other types of woodburns.
  • Thirdly, a woodpile installed along the wall will serve as an additional thermal protection for the interior.

But there are also disadvantages of the attachment type. Rainwater flowing down from the roof will moisten the upper rows of firewood. This flaw can be easily corrected by lengthening the slopes of the main roof with a wide visor. It will protect the wood from snow and rain.

A visor is made from several end boards knocked together. If this is not possible, cover the woodpile with plastic wrap, tarpaulin, or a piece of roofing material. Large bark plates are suitable for this purpose.

We make an extension for firewood

It is good if the adjacent territory is asphalted or paved with tiles. Then the bottom rows of the wood stock will remain dry. For better ventilation, install several bricks or cinder blocks as supports in the corners of the future base.

Place a piece of plywood or a storage pallet on top of them. There may be several of them, depending on the amount of firewood. For strength, fasten the pallets together with metal staples or steel wire. Punch holes in the bottom.

The elevation can be made of a wooden or metal frame, tightened with a dense waterproofing material (roofing material). To keep the woodpile stable, fix it at the ends with two pairs of poles, nailing them to the base with nails. Place the logs in a stack, parallel to each other. Thicker end towards the retaining wall.

A woodpile folded like a crate will be much more stable. Each subsequent row is folded perpendicular to the lower one. Round timber or lumps are laid along the edges, split into two halves. This is the simplest type of woodshed. Even a teenager can handle his device.

If conditions and your abilities allow, the frame is made more durable. Dig four metal pipes or beams into the ground to a depth of 30 cm. These will be racks. We pour them around the circumference with crushed stone, we compact.

Treat the part of the timber in contact with the ground with an antiseptic impregnation to protect it from decay. Trim the uprights on two or three sides - whichever you prefer. This is the so-called "strapping". A floorboard (25 mm) or a rail, polycarbonate sheets is suitable for it.

For fasteners, we use screws or nails, two on each side. The main thing is that there is a gap between the sheets or boards for free air ventilation. This will keep the wood from damp.

On top of the corners, a roof is attached from any available roofing material. There is a trick here. We make the rear pillars 20-30 cm higher. So we get a roof with a slope, along which water will roll down without spoiling our firewood. The floor is packed on long boards (logs), laid on posts made of bricks or cinder blocks.

On top of them, the main covering of a board of a larger diameter is laid so that the floor is not pressed through by the weight of the woodpile. If there is little firewood, plywood can be used as a base. There should be several block or brick supports under the logs.

Lay out the bottom row of the stack with meter-long firewood. When everything is ready, cover the wooden parts of your masterpiece with an antiseptic on the first layer, after drying - paint with an additive from pests or polyurethane varnish.

It is important to take one more precaution. If the house near which you are building the log storage is wooden, you need to think about how to protect it from wood bugs and dampness. To do this, leave space for ventilation between the wall and the logs. Protect the section of the wall in the right place from bark beetles with a steel sheet.

I had to meet a woodshed near the house, the frame of which was welded from an iron corner. Such a design is not afraid of dampness, you can not be afraid that a strong wind will turn it over. However, the cost of material and welding work is much higher than that of the designs described above.

Capital and durable

A closed wood storage can be arranged at a distance from the house or bath. It will be much safer for fire reasons. They can be quite simple - from several pillars or capital ones.

Earlier, we agreed that we choose a dry and level place for the wood storage. As a rule, freestanding woodsheds or wood sheds, especially for a large stock, are made on the foundation. This is necessary if the soil on your site is soft - clay or loam.

We start by digging a ditch with a depth of 20 to 80 cm around the perimeter of the future building. It depends on how much the soil freezes in winter in your region. We put sand and crushed stone (at least 10 cm) into the recess. We compact each layer well. Involve household members in this activity.

We concretize all the support pillars. We start covering with boards or other material only after the solution has solidified well. Pits in the ground for the posts are easy to make with a drill.

Remember not to place the woodpile directly on the ground. The bottom rows of firewood will rot over time. And when the snow begins to melt, your whole structure will float. On the Internet, you can see a photo of a wood warehouse without a foundation.

In this case, the topsoil is removed throughout the entire perimeter. Dry sand is poured, after which it is compacted tightly. The top is covered with paving slabs. An elevation for firewood on such a basis is made of bars and crossbars of the lower row of a wood stack.

In addition to the roofing materials listed above, soft tiles or galvanized iron are also suitable for the roof. Do the size of the roof with a margin of 30-50 cm. The size of the capital shed depends on the amount of firewood you need.

Let's go back to the columnar foundation option. The building on it can be square or rectangular. Four end support posts can be metal or from a bar, unrooted logs.

This will create a rustic woodshed. Using a timber, treat its lower part, which will be in the ground, with an impregnation to protect it from rotting. A budgetary tool is machine oil.

The wall trim may not be continuous, but only up to half. Buildings look aesthetically pleasing, with slats stuffed like blinds, with a slope or in the form of an oblique lattice.

The optimum construction height is 2 meters. The roof can be single or gable. When building a woodshed, always remember the need for ventilation in it.

From greedy hands

Separate freshly cut wood from dry wood for convenience and better preservation. For large quantities of stock, this is necessary. Inside the woodshed, leave a passage in the middle. Do not bring it close to the back wall. Logs are stacked along it in one or two rows. On one side of the passage - dry, on the contrary - damp.

Lay long boards vertically between rows at equal intervals. These will be sections. Arrange the logs in them by type of wood or size. Sometimes there is a need to hide your stock under a lock.

For the canopy of the door in the center of the front wall at the construction stage, two additional supports from a bar are installed. Loops are fixed on one of them. It is not necessary to redo the door. An old room or a half from a closet will do.

Everything will fit

For a small stock, which is used only for a fireplace or barbecue, you can adapt a metal or wooden rack. It will provide convenient sectional storage of firewood. There is a place for the shelving on a large porch with a canopy, on a closed veranda, under a roof canopy against the wall.

Firewood can be stored under an outdoor staircase or porch. The main thing is that the storage place is well ventilated, protected from above from precipitation and from below from moisture. Was located away from open sources of fire.


Now that you have read to the end and learned how to make a woodcutter with your own hands, it's time to move from words to deeds. Draw up a drawing, decide on the size, estimate, and proceed to the construction. Happy work.

Photo of a woodshed

Almost all owners of country houses keep stocks of firewood on their plots. They can be stored in different ways. Most often, firewoods are created - special structures for storing natural fuel.

Freestanding fire boxes with a pitched roof:

With a gable roof:

Photos of a variety of wood logs integrated into the wall:

What are they made of

A wood log for a summer cottage or a private house will require the following arsenal of materials:

  1. 6 cinder blocks. Required for the foundation.
  2. Logs or beams. The goal is the floor frame.
  3. Boards. The goal is to finish the floor.
  4. Beam for the frame.
  5. Planks to hold this frame.
  6. Boards for roof truss elements.
  7. End boards. The goal is a visor.
  8. Roof.
  9. Boards for the roof itself.
  10. Sets of nails.
  11. Metal corners.
  12. Self-tapping screws.

The most common material for creating the walls and floor of a firewood is wood. Best suited for its roof: polycarbonate, slate or corrugated board.

If the firewood is kept closed, the firewood needs good ventilation.

The list of required tools includes:

  • electric drill;
  • shovel;
  • screwdriver;
  • plumb line;
  • axe;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • square.

Varieties of woodsmen

The parameters of the firewood and its appearance are determined by the amount of firewood intended for use throughout the season. The simplest version for DIY assembly is canopy with floor and three walls... The floor is slightly raised above the ground. Such a design is positioned on a site separately or attached to an economic block, a bathhouse or a house.

This type of wood log can be made strong and reliable with your own hands by using strong logs. Its roof is created without complicated techniques: the slate is laid on the floor beams.

The roof can be complicated if desired. For example, do it with two ramps.

Options for simple but comfortable awnings:

A more sophisticated but effective polycarbonate option:

Options for a decorative solution for a gable roof for a freestanding firewood:

Freestanding wood boxes with internal decorative elements, they are simply inserted when laying firewood:

Design with a twist - convex side walls.

Miniature firewoods can easily replace a bedside table, stand, stool, bench, wall decor element.

Options for a beautiful masonry firebox:

A place for firewood, if their supply is small, can also be provided in the original places:

Drovnik - "string bag":

Non-standard wood options:

Small woodsheds. Pros - mobility and ease of manufacture.

From concrete trays:

The nuances of creating various options

Sauna with a wood log under one roof

According to the templates, a bathhouse with a wood log is created on a single foundation. A small extension is being built. All required communications are supplied. Such a block can be previously included in the project for the construction of a bath. It will become another room for her. In this situation, the following criteria are imposed on the bath:

  1. The presence of separate entrances and exits for this extension. This is how the safety of the guests of the bath develops.
  2. Different branches of water supply are led to this block, to the toilet and the steam room.
  3. The heating system is additionally equipped.
  4. The roof for the woodshed and the sauna is joint. This will maximize its effectiveness.
  5. Regular analysis of fire safety.

The optimal solution is the use of a ready-made personal or exemplary project. It can be used for independent construction or with the involvement of specialists.

Detached shed-woodshed

To erect this species, you need a slight elevation and a dry, shaded place. Firewood should not lose its qualities. They must be well ventilated and protected from ultraviolet radiation.

Construction work begins with the creation of a frame. If a template drawing is used for work, then you can get a structure where firewood, various utensils and other things will be stored.

Here's how to do it right:

  1. Digging in pillars. Suitable versions of the posts: wood or metal. They are covered with rubble. It is permissible to fill them with concrete. They are compacted thoroughly.
  2. The floor is centered at least 10 cm above ground level. On the bricks, the positions of the lag and roofing material.
  3. Boards are mounted with nails.
  4. Sheathing of the finished frame is in progress. Boards are used. Gaps remain between them. This gives the wood the necessary ventilation. The technique of nailing the boards: checkerboard layout or parallel to each other.
  5. The roof is obtained with one slope. Its edge protrudes at least 30 cm. This is how the firewood gets protection from precipitation.

In the course of work, the wood must be treated with special preparations that protect it from mold, insects, fungi and the influence of moisture. Excellent appearance has a braided version.

Option against the wall or a utility block with a wood log. It is attached to a building or utility block. And the wall here becomes insulation. This is the main advantage of this option. And its disadvantage is water running down the walls and dripping from the roof. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for the defense of firewood from various waters.

First of all, there is a competent choice of location. If you concentrate a log shed against the south wall, direct sunlight will strongly affect the wood. The firewood will burn faster and become loose. For this reason, the best position is at the north wall. So the wood will still be provided with good ventilation.

How we work

Making a firewood here is identical to the stages of building a stand-alone version. If you have the necessary materials (slate, boards, etc.), the parameters of the firewood are determined based on the parameters of the material. The stacking of firewood in it is carried out so that the wood dries naturally, and the logs, stacked in rows, fix each other.

There is a misconception that it is not necessary to have a floor in the firewood. In its absence, there will be no natural air current, moisture will accumulate below, and the lower layers of firewood will become damp. Having created a high-quality floor once, it will be possible to change it in 15 years. And the wood is always guaranteed dry.

Frame wood log for a bath. This is the most functional option. It is lightweight and provides high quality air flow. Such a building is well ventilated, the coolness remains inside it, providing a quick release of moisture accumulating there. And wood does not lose its qualities.

The following configuration is acceptable here: the firewood is not completely finished, and the cladding of one or two walls is obtained from a wooden lattice. Outwardly, it will look like a gazebo, and often this option is suitable for a firebox for a fireplace (outdoor).

If you often visit the country in winter, then for the firewood you need to create a defense in the form of wooden shutters.

Often, in order to save money, wooden frames are upholstered with metal. In practice, this is impractical. Due to the metal sheets, proper ventilation is not obtained, a greenhouse effect is formed. Therefore, it is better not to skimp here and build the entire woodshed out of wood.

Two walls can be left open. Be sure to install ventilation slots in the boarding.

Design options for freestanding firewoods that support the style of the house and site. Beautiful firewoods:

With partial surface staining.

Entourage - black. Although the design itself is extremely simple.

Stages of work:

  1. Digging beams into the ground. They are required for the frame. They are poured with concrete and compacted powerfully.
  2. The frame is carefully treated with a moisture protection agent.
  3. Rafters are created from the boards. They are also treated with a protective agent.
  4. To obtain a high-quality functional roof, apply a layer of roofing material. Place the slate on it. The slate should extend 20 cm beyond the edges of the walls.

Ondulin can be used instead of slate or in combination with it. For their installation, nails with wide hats are used.

The floor is made according to the following principle: bricks, roofing felt and logs are placed at a certain distance from each other. A good floor is obtained from planks that are tightly placed against each other.

To develop the rigidity of the building, braces are created along the side walls.

There is a small nuance here - the accumulation of water on the roof of the woodshed after rains, its flowing down. It is required to make a bend for her. A great option here is a drainage ditch.

This log can be set to the same colors as other buildings on the site, it can be varnished without changing the color of the wood.


A wrought wood log can be made very worthy in terms of aesthetics. To develop its attractiveness, you can use paints and varnishes, garden decorative elements, for example, lighting or various figures.

This is a portable modification. She is quite elegant. It is used to move a small amount of wood to a combustion source. Forged versions are usually made of metal. Wooden products are also met. Such products can be purchased at special outlets. You can make a personal order according to your tastes and wishes.

The main requirements for the forged version are as follows:

  1. Ease.
  2. Harmonious design fit.
  3. Convenience of moving firewood.

Other metal options

Firewoods combined with barbecue:

Round wood racks:

Alternative or just beautiful firewoods at their summer cottage

If you do not have the time to build a firewood on your own, or you simply do not have a desire for this work, you can use alternative options: constructions of a different profile. They are perfect for storing wood stock.

The most popular alternatives are:

  • Structures from warehouses used to move various goods - pallets. Usually they are folded in the form of a cube, attached to each other. And on top they are covered with roofing material, or a film.

  • Unused rabbitry. The grids and doors that form its front side are removed from it. And after that, you get a good wood log for storing firewood.

  • Firewood rack:

This option is reminiscent of the famous Callax shelving unit from Ikea.

Pricing issues

The most sensitive issues here, as in other construction, are price issues. The costs are due to the type and size of the planned woodshed. The following is some summary of the types of wood logs and the costs of setting them up.

  1. Woodshed with a sauna under a single roof. In different regions of the country, the cost of it can vary significantly. They are also influenced by the types and sizes of materials used, as well as the dimensions and configuration of the planned building. The average price parameters are as follows:
    • 18-20 sq.m. (a bathhouse and a firewood are taken into account), material - an unprocessed log, expenses: 500,000 - 600,000 rubles,
    • material: foam block, gas block or brick, expenses: 900,000 - 1,000,000 rubles.
    • material - glued laminated timber, expenses: 1,100,000 - 1,200,000 rubles.
    • profiled timber, costs: 400,000 - 500,000 rubles,
    • simple timber, 300,000 - 400,000 rubles.
  2. Forged modifications. Today their assortment is pretty decent. The price range of these products: 4500 - 17,500 rubles. These are average values.
  3. Wireframe versions. Here, too, much depends on the ideas of the owners. The creation of such structures usually costs from 8,000 to 24,000 rubles.


Thus, the firewood is a rather useful construction. It is not so difficult to build it yourself. You can purchase ready-made structures or use structures of a different profile, for example, adapt to a firewood, as in the photo below.

DIY instructions on video

Sufficient quality material for making a beautiful and not too complicated wood log. And having looked for roof options, you can make your original model based on the given structure.

What distinguishes the numerous summer cottages and residential plots with houses from each other? You will say that a lot and no one is alike.

You are right, but there are some common features. For example, it is important who owns the property. A good owner can always be identified by neat, solid buildings, cleanliness and order. Such a barn will look beautiful, and the compost heap will not spoil the appearance of the site.

And still a lot about a person can be said by a woodcutter for a summer residence or a manor. Today we will pay special attention to this structure, because it can be found in almost every owner of a private house.

Beautiful woodsman on the site - various options

Today, wood heating has not lost its relevance. Even if it is profitable and convenient to use gas in the country, then it is the duty of every good owner to insure himself and provide for the possibility of heating with firewood. Yes, and prepared logs are useful for a barbecue.

What are the criteria for a good woodcutter? First, it must fully fulfill its main function - the preservation of firewood from various unfavorable environmental factors. Those. the woodpipes should always remain dry, without signs of decay. Secondly, this structure should not spoil the surrounding landscape.

And now let's talk about what the utility block in question consists of and what it is. Its type and size will depend on the amount of firewood that you need to use during the season.

The simplest structure is a canopy, which has three walls and a raised floor. It can also be free-standing or attached to a house or shed.

Also, a woodshed can look like a closed gazebo, where there is a door. In addition, you can provide it as part of a barn, having planned everything in one complex in advance.

Materials for construction can be different, the main thing is that the structure protects from rain and is well ventilated. The most budgetary option is made of wood. However, for the roof, it is better to use another material that is stronger and more durable, for example, slate, polycarbonate, metal and other roofing options.

A log log looks very nice, especially if the house and other buildings on the site are made of the same material.

Walls can also be made of polycarbonate, the main thing is to leave gaps and openings for ventilation.

A forged woodshed looks very elegant and rich. Surely you could see these on sale. They are not large in size. On the contrary, its dimensions are quite small. Such a wood log looks especially beautiful near an outdoor fireplace or next to a barbecue. Yes, and at home near the fireplace it is not a shame to put it.

Since we are talking about ready-made options, it is worth saying a few words about the cost, because not every owner will have the time to independently carry out all construction and installation work. For example, a good large log log, more like a gazebo, 2 × 5 m in size and about 2 m in height will cost you 60,000 rubles. This is an approximate price, there are more expensive options, but you can find cheaper ones.

In addition, the cost is usually quoted only for the design. For its installation, painting and other work, they will take about 10,000 rubles more.

A wrought-iron woodshed will cost about 5,000-10,000 rubles. However, this is not the final price, it all depends on the complexity of forging, craftsman, design, etc. Even if you decide to build a woodshed to store a large amount of firewood in order to heat the house during the cold season, we recommend purchasing a wrought-iron woodshed for outdoor barbecue lovers, as well as those who have a fireplace.

Here are a few more examples of unusual solutions for wood logs that will surely attract your attention.

How to make a wood log with your own hands?

If you nevertheless decide that the purchase is not worth the money that the seller asks for, and having free time allows you to do all the work yourself, then feel free to start bringing the fireman to life, and we will try to help you in this matter.

Let's consider the option when our structure is adjacent to the wall of the house.... First, we determine the place for installation. We advise you to choose not the southern wall, which seems logical at first, but the northern one. Why? For wood preservation, ventilation is much more important than drying in direct sunlight, which will make the wood loose and burn very quickly.

And as an additional insulation of the wall is suitable. The disadvantage of this option is that water along the walls and from the roof of the house will fall on the roof of the firewood, so it is worth considering this point.

We will build from wood. We dig in the pillars (they can be not only wooden, but also metal), concrete them or fill them with gravel, compact them tightly. Then we make the floor, which should be at least 10 cm above the ground level. To do this, we lay bricks at a certain distance, on them - roofing material and logs.

After that we nail down wooden boards. We sheathe the resulting frame with boards, and you do not need to fit them tightly to each other, leave small gaps, which will contribute to airing. You can play up this moment in an interesting way, for example, nail pieces of planks in a checkerboard pattern.

We make a single-pitched roof, in addition, it should protrude 20-30 cm from the wall with its edges. Roofing material - roofing felt and slate.

The second version of the woodshed is a separate independent design... Choose a dry, elevated place for her. In this case, the construction of a firewood should also begin with the construction of a frame. The size of the building can be different, it all depends on how much firewood you store and what else besides them. We propose the following option, the plan of which is presented below.

You can make your own version based on our drawing. Using the plan discussed above, you will have a large log shed where you can store other things (for example, a bicycle, various tools, etc.). The stages of construction are the same as for the construction of a woodshed attached to the house.

When working with wood, remember that it must be treated with protective compounds (from rot, fungus, pests, moisture, etc.).

You can give a decorative look to the structure not only by painting, but also using climbing plants, various decorative elements in the form of wooden figures, lanterns, etc.

Most of the owners of private houses in our country heat their homes with a wood-burning stove. Many people use them in summer cottages and baths. The stove should be heated only with dry wood, but often when buying them, the owner receives them raw. To dry wood fuel before the onset of the autumn-winter season, many put them in a woodpile. However, this is far from the best solution for storing firewood. The best thing to do is arrange a wood log.

The firewood in it will dry out faster, while being reliably protected from precipitation. If you do not want to face a situation where the firewood is wet, then you should think about creating a woodshed in your area. The design of this structure is quite simple, so you will not have big difficulties with the construction of this object with your own hands.

Choosing the type of wood log

Before choosing this structure, the owner of the site must decide what dimensions the future structure will have. They depend on how much firewood the owner plans to store in the woodshed throughout the year.

You also need to decide how much money you are willing to spend on the construction of a firebox on your site. Another important point: you need to decide whether a firewood will be built from scrap materials or you will use new ones. Today, there are a variety of types of these buildings. Photos on the Internet allow you to see all their variety. What kind of wood logger will turn out depends largely on your financial capabilities, as well as your imagination and ability to work with a tool. The most common at the moment are the following types of wood logs:

  • canopy;
  • woodshed arbor;
  • woodshed-shed.

Canopy. This is the simplest wood fuel storage option. The firewood shed as the main elements of its structure has three walls, a floor, a roof, which is a shed. To keep the firewood well and not get wet not only from rain, but also from moisture coming from the ground, it is necessary to arrange a raised floor. A firewood shed can be erected as a stand-alone structure, or you can create an extension to a shed or house.

Alcove. The woodshed has an elegant look, which is erected in the form of a gazebo. Using it on his site, the owner has the opportunity for convenient storage of firewood. They will always be dry and the owner can easily access them at any time. This building, in addition to its functionality, is also distinguished by a beautiful view. The construction of such a building on the site is a good opportunity to decorate the courtyard, which will look more attractive.

Barn. A woodshed on your site can also be erected in the form of a barn. Such a building differs from a traditional utility block only in its smaller size. The structure includes entrance doors. To ensure high reliability of the structure, it is best to build a woodshed-shed on a small foundation. In addition to firewood, tools can be stored in this structure. To do this, you need to install shelves. The construction of such a woodshed is quite fast. A variety of materials can be used to create it:

  • boards;
  • plywood;
  • slate
  • profiled sheet.

When arranging such an object, one should not forget about waterproofing. It is imperative that moisture does not come into contact with the firewood stored inside the structure. This can be achieved by installing a waterproofing gasket in the roof of the firewood.

Most people in private homes use wood burning stoves... However, some home heating is carried out using a fireplace. They also need a convenient storage for firewood. Therefore, such homeowners are beginning to wonder how to build a firebox with their own hands. A fire box in the country or in a country house should be considered as a kind of stand that allows you to conveniently store fuel for the fireplace. Thanks to this storage, the owner is always provided with convenient access to the firewood.

A variety of materials are used for the manufacture of firewood. This design can be indoor or outdoor. A do-it-yourself firebox, placed in a dwelling, provides the owner with the opportunity, without disturbing the interior, to store firewood. In addition to this, the owner, who places a firebox in his house, acquires a decorative element that adds originality to the interior of his house. If you need a wood-burning stove for a fireplace with your own hands, you should definitely look at projects on the network. They will help you decide on the structure and design of the firewood storage.

Choosing a place for a firewood on the site

In order for it to be possible for the convenient use of a firewood in the country, it is necessary choose the right place to place it. There are some nuances here that should be found out in advance. First of all, a shed for firewood or another type of structure that you plan to build on your site must be located a short distance from the house. In this case, you do not have to carry firewood into the house from afar. It is also not worth putting a firewood very close to the country house.

The place must be chosen in such a way that the car with firewood could drive as close as possible to the structure. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort in order to drag raw firewood in storage... If your house does not have a fireplace and a wood-burning stove, then it makes sense to place a wood-burning stove closer to the bathhouse or to the place where you have a barbecue.

When constructing a woodshed you can't do without a drawing if you want to create a functional structure and use it not only to store fuel for a wood-burning stove, but also to place your tools there. Using the drawing before starting construction, you can easily determine the area of ​​the building, since each owner needs a different supply of firewood on the site. Experts give calculations, according to which about 2.1 cubic meters of dry pine wood or 1.7 cubic meters of birch firewood are required to heat a 100 square meter house for autumn and winter.

Materials and tools

In order to build a woodshed with your own hands in the country, you should see a photo on the Internet before starting work. They will allow you to quickly determine the design of the object. Materials and tools should be prepared in advance. To carry out the work you will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • plumb line;
  • twine;
  • ladder.

If we talk about materials for building a firewood, then boards are usually used. If you want to save money on the construction of this object, then you can use the material that you have left on the site after the construction of the house. Or you can dismantle the structures you do not need that are present on the site. In this case, you will receive free material for the construction of a firewood.

Woodman with his own hands: progress of work

Stationary woodcutter is the most common firewood storage option. Usually it is built using a columnar foundation as a base. The base will be considered reliable and durable if the holes for the posts are dug below the freezing depth. In the process of creating such a foundation, the columns are poured with concrete. In the dug holes, it is necessary to create a pillow consisting of sand and gravel. Each layer must be carefully tamped.

The installation of posts for the foundation of the firebox cannot be carried out directly on the ground. In this case, the entire structure in the spring, when the soil thaws and swells, will "walk".

On the created foundation, posts of bricks or blocks should be installed, which are fastened with mortar. Four posts will be enough for a small firewood.

The strapping is carried out using a frame made of timber... To create it, a material with a section of 150x200 mm is used. A metal corner is used to stitch the frame, and self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. You can not use the corners, but do only with fasteners, but then you need to use long self-tapping screws. The timber must be treated with special compounds before creating the strapping, which will protect it from fire and the effects of insects. Also, do not forget about waterproofing. To do this, just put a few pieces of roofing material.

Using corners, we carry out the installation of the vertical frame of the firewood. First you need to mount the rear pillars, and then install the middle and front ones.

Next step we carry out the upper strapping, and also we nail the rafters to the firewood for the roof device. In order to simplify the assembly of the vertical frame of the timber as much as possible, it is necessary to fasten the timber with braces during the installation work.

At the place where the firewood will be located doorway, two additional beams should be installed. A door will subsequently be hung on them. If the choice is made in favor of a lockable shed with a wood log, then there is no need for a door.

Next, you need to cover the horizontal frame with a floorboard. An exact fit of the boards is not required. During operation, gaps should be left. In this case, good ventilation of the stored firewood will be ensured. In order to exclude injuries when the legs get into the gap, they should be made small.

Best for roofing choose a lean-to design... The most suitable roofing material is corrugated board. If there is a desire and financial capabilities, then you can easily arrange a gable roof. For its device, you can use any roofing material. Everything here largely depends on the budget allocated for the construction of a firewood.

When arranging a woodshed, it is necessary to build a visor. In this case, drops of rain and snow will not fall on the wood. For the manufacture of the visor, you can use the end board, which is fixed to the front roof board with dies. The end part of the dies should be cut off at an angle, and then an end board should be nailed to them, which can be fixed in the wall using props. The simplest is this design of the visor. Without making serious efforts, every person who knows how to work with a tool can do it.

Then we trim the walls of the firewood using boards or bars. Having chosen the bars, they can be filled with a step of 25-30 mm. The boards are nailed with a slight gap. In this case, natural ventilation of the structure is provided.

Next, it is necessary, using an antiseptic composition and fireproofing impregnation, to process all wooden parts. When the applied compounds are dry, they can be painted over or applied with polyurethane varnish. After completing this work, the owner receives a beautiful structure that will serve for a long time.


Many people use a wood-burning stove to heat their private household. In order for the fuel to always be dry, you need a woodshed. If you have a need for such a structure on the site, then instructions from experienced craftsmen, which can be easily found on the Internet, will help you to find out how to build a woodshed. Many owners of suburban areas who need a firewood for their summer cottage with their own hands, photos on the network will help to get an idea of ​​how different types of these structures look like. Thanks to the photo, the summer resident will be able to quickly make a choice in favor of a suitable woodshed.

Making a firewood on your site is not a big problem. The first step is to get acquainted with firewood storage projects. Having chosen the appropriate option, you need to draw a drawing, and then engage in construction. In order to do everything correctly during construction, you must follow the recommendations in the instructions for the construction of this object. In this case, upon completion of the work, you will receive a reliable firewood, in which your firewood will always be dry.