How to assemble a smoke generator for cold smoking. A simple do-it-yourself smoke generator for cold smoking: drawings and useful tips

Cooking smoked is not only a tasty result, but also an interesting process that requires creativity, skills and experience. Many people do not want to buy ready-made smoking systems, so they decide to create a smoke generator with their own hands. At first glance, it may seem that this is a rather difficult task, but in fact it is not. If you have the desire and a small list of materials and tools, you can independently build an excellent smoking installation, with which the taste of the holidays will acquire completely new shades.

Interestingly, smoked products can be useful not only for direct consumption at holidays held in nature. Smoking is also known as an excellent preservation method. Products processed in this way (meat, lard, fish) can perfectly retain their useful and gustatory qualities for a long period of time. That is why many people often want to get a smoker for a smokehouse in order to use it to prepare food for storage.

Before you get to work, it is recommended to understand what the unit in question is. A smoke generator is a device that creates a directed stream of smoke that appears during the combustion of fuel, which in the majority of cases is firewood. The approximate structure of a typical smoke generator is as follows:

  • The device must be provided with an inlet for the flow of smoke emanating from the combustible fuel.
  • A connection is supplied to it, through which air is supplied with increased pressure. It is created through the use of a compressor.
  • Under the influence of the compressor, the flow of smoke rushes to another part of the device and exits into the smokehouse.

A smoke generator is a small cylindrical device whose task is to distill the smoke from combustible wood into a smokehouse. The device is quite simple and easy to manufacture, its design does not require large expenditures and the use of complex tools.

The peculiarity of this type of apparatus is its very high value of PKD. Since the smoke follows the air flow from the compressor (which should not be too large), there is practically no loss of useful working substance. Anything can be used as a smoke distillation tank:

  • body of an old fire extinguisher;
  • an old aluminum milk can;
  • non-working thermos

The best option would be to use a steel pipe with a diameter of approximately 8–10 centimeters and a length of no more than half a meter. At too long a distance, the smoke will lose its temperature, speed of movement, dissipate and lead to inefficient operation of the device.

Manufacturing basics

In general terms, the process of creating a smoke generator with a steel pipe looks like this:

  1. First, it is closed on both sides with plugs. On the one hand, you can weld the pipe tightly, on the other hand, leave a tight cover through which fuel for combustion will be loaded into the installation.
  2. On one side, on the side (where the fuel will lie), a large hole (rectangular or round) is made through which firewood and wood chips should be ignited.
  3. On the other side of the pipe, a hole is made and a branch pipe is connected to it. It is needed to supply air under pressure from the compressor, due to which the smoke will be drawn out of the apparatus and supplied to the right place.

In order for the smoke generator for the smokehouse created in this way to work well, you need to position the nozzle for the outlet of the working substance in the optimal position. It is recommended that it be located above the burning zone, as this will help overcome several significant negative effects:

  • The size of the combustion chamber will not be limited in height, it will be possible to lay more wood chips or firewood.
  • Rapid combustion of fuel due to too much thrust.
  • It will be much easier and more efficient to regulate draft with a nozzle located above the combustion level.
  • Unburnt chips getting into the nozzle, due to which it may become clogged and cleaning will be required.
  • The working life of the nozzle will be significantly reduced if it is located in the combustion zone.

Constant exposure to a high-temperature flame contributes to the rapid wear of the material and the loss of its working and strength characteristics. If you follow these recommendations, then the owner will definitely get an excellent do-it-yourself smoke generator that can work for a long time and bring benefits to its owner.

A simple do-it-yourself smoke generator

To make a good apparatus with which it will be possible to carry out cold smoking of food, you need very little material and improvised tools. An ordinary steel pipe with a diameter of 10 cm will make an excellent combustion chamber. On the one hand, it should have a brewed part, on the other, an opening lid. On the side of the brewed part, a small hole is made to ignite the fuel, on the side of the lid - a hole for connecting a pipe, through which the smoke will be sent to the smokehouse.

Other key components of the plants still need to be made.


The smoke generator for the smokehouse does not require a high power compressor. Here it is enough to use the simplest device with a power of only 4-5 watts. Such compressors are actively used for aquariums. Their cost is low, and the efficiency of work is quite sufficient to create a fully functional smoke generator.

For those who want to save money, there are also options here and create your own compressor, and here is one of them. To implement it, you need a regular computer fan and a five-liter plastic bottle. The compressor development process is as follows:

  • In the bottle, you need to cut the bottom and insert a cooler with a PC into the hole. You can fix it with screws or pieces of ordinary wire.
  • A hose must be attached at the place where the bottle cap is screwed on.
  • It is important to do this so that the connection is tight, otherwise its operation may be in doubt.

That's all. A homemade compressor is ready and the smoking plant will become even more budgetary.

Smoking chamber

It is important to think over the design of the smokehouse itself, where the products that need to be processed will be located. Anything can act as the desired reservoir:

  • a rectangular box with a door welded from metal sheets;
  • old metal barrel.

If an old non-working refrigerator was lying around on the farm, then it is ideal as a smokehouse. To put smoke into this device, you can simply lead a hose to it from the nozzle.

Important nuances

In order for the smoke generator for the smokehouse to function as it should, you need to carefully consider some of the features of its operation. This applies primarily to such things as adjusting the combustion draft, collecting ash and combating unwanted condensate.

In a simple design of a smoking generator, one significant problem may arise - it is difficult to regulate the intensity of the combustion process in it. The main options for influencing this parameter are: adjusting the power of the compressor and arranging the so-called blower. The first option is often not possible, since the system will use a simple or home-made compressor. It remains only to spend some effort on the construction of the blower.

When making a smoke generator with your own hands, the best way to adjust the draft is to create a variable area damper. It is done like this:

  1. A hole is made in the lower part of the steel pipe body (smoke generator body) and a short piece of pipe is welded to it.
  2. In this pipe, you need to make two parallel holes into which a steel bar is inserted.
  3. To the bar itself, a round or square plate should be made (depending on the pipe used for blowing) and installed inside the structure.

Now the thrust in the device is adjustable - just turn the rod in the blower, increasing or decreasing the level of opening of the plate.

Additional settings

If regular use of the smokehouse is planned, then it would be useful to provide an ash pan in order to periodically, without any extra effort, remove the residues after the burnt fuel. It can be made from a pipe of a slightly larger diameter than that used in the apparatus, with a door mounted on the side. Between the combustion chamber and the ash pans there is a metal mesh through which the ash falls down and is periodically removed.

When you need to use a smokehouse in the cold season, you will have to face the problem of condensation in the nozzle. This can be bypassed as follows. The branch pipe, instead of being output perpendicular to the body of the device, descends to the ground, where a pair of pipes is welded to it:

Smoke generator with ash pan

  • one looks down and removes condensed liquid from the device;
  • the other rises again and passes the smoke further into the smokehouse.

If you are going to make a smoke generator with your own hands, it is recommended to think about this moment in advance. Cold smoke will easily rise up the tube and enter the product processing chamber, and the residual moisture will simply drain through the lower tube into the provided container and will not create any problems.

Making a smoke generator from an electric stove

For those who do not like complex solutions, there are always easier options. The most elementary do-it-yourself smoke generator can be made using a simple electric stove. It is done like this:

  • A metal container is placed on the electric stove (which is no longer needed on the farm) with sawdust poured into it.
  • A wide metal “case” is installed on top of the tile, for example, from a barrel without a bottom and top.
  • In the upper part of the barrel, a primitive fastening is created to accommodate the products (stretched wire, crossed rods, etc.).
  • The tile turns on, smoke begins to stand out.

Smoking takes about 3-4 hours. The advantages of the method are the absence of problems in the manufacture of a smoking cabinet, the whole design is extremely simple and very cheap.

If you are going to make a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands, then there is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to stock up on a small supply of material, a steel pipe, and also a welding machine, and the idea will come true in a matter of hours.

The difficulty is that smoking is a lengthy process and requires not only the proper equipment, but also a substantial supply of firewood if you are using a traditional firewood smoker. Such smoking lasts up to several days with constant burning in the firebox.

But inventive thought also found a way out of this situation - a smoke generator for a smokehouse. The main and only purpose of the smoke generator is the production of a significant amount of smoke and its supply to the smoking cabinet, where the blanks for smoking are placed. As a result of the interaction with the smoke of specially marinated meat, fish or poultry, a number of chemical reactions occur in the products, turning them into highly digestible and very tasty products.

A smoke generator for a smokehouse is a fairly simple, but extremely effective device that can be made with your own hands from improvised materials. The whole attraction of the smoke generator is that it can work in automatic mode. In the smoking cabinet, the temperature is not too high, so you should not be afraid that the products will burn.

Smoke generator design

Conditional drawing of a smoke generator

The source of smoke is sawdust, shavings or wood chips slowly smoldering inside the generator. The secret of the installation is how to ensure a constant and even burning and how to introduce smoke into the smoker cabinet. To assemble a smoke generator for a smokehouse in a home workshop, you will need:

Components are readily available and inexpensive

As you can see, the list is not very long, while all the components can be easily bought in a store or, after a good search, found in your own garage or home workshop. Drawings and instructions for assembling a smoke generator for a smokehouse are in abundance on the Internet.

To build a smoke generator with your own hands, you will also need a welding machine, a grinder and some skills in working with them. The main difficulty lies in welding the chimney fitting to the pipe, making firebox doors and removable top and bottom covers. But first things first.

Smoke generator assembly steps

First of all, it is necessary to cut off a piece 0.5 - 0.8 m long from the pipe intended for the body. Under its external dimensions, the bottom and cover are made from sheet metal. The bottom should have side walls so that the body fits tightly inside and the ashes from the burnt sawdust do not spill out. In the side of the body, just above the bottom shoulder, several holes are drilled, which serve to ignite the fuel and provide oxygen for combustion. Their diameter is 0.6 - 0.8 cm.

A hole must be made in the smoke generator housing for ignition and oxygen access

For ease of use and stability of the smoke generator, legs 15–20 cm high or a flat area are welded to the base.

In the case of a removable bottom, the doors for the firebox in the side wall are not needed. If the bottom is provided with a deaf one, then it is necessary to make side doors on hinges, with slots for air flow, like oven ones. This is a little more difficult, but it is quite possible to do it yourself. The top cover is deaf, without a chimney and ventilation holes. It should also fit snugly onto the pipe and be equipped with a handle - a bracket for opening the smoke generator.

A chimney is welded in the upper part of the body, at a distance of 5 - 8 cm from the pipe cut. The fitting is welded perpendicular to the wall and should protrude from the wall by 6 - 8 cm. Before welding, it is necessary to cut the thread for the fitting (tee) on its outer end. After connecting the chimney, a tee and two pipes are connected to it - one goes down, the other to the smokehouse.

One of the options for the smoke generator for a smokehouse with a tee

A tube from the compressor is connected to the fitting going down, and a connecting pipe leading to the smoking cabinet is connected to the side fitting. As a fan, you can use a compressor from an aquarium, a cooler from a computer, or something similar - it is important to create a not too powerful, but constant air flow directed to the container in which smoking takes place.

The compressor can be made from a cooler and a bottle

As an option, the tee can be connected to the cover of the smoke generator without affecting the integrity of the side wall. In this case, the lower fitting is connected to the lid, the rear - to the air duct from the compressor, the front - to the smokehouse.

Top mounted tee smoke generator

That's all - the smoke generator for the smokehouse is ready.

How it works

A do-it-yourself smokehouse with a smoke generator is very mobile and compact. When not in use, it can be stored in a garage, basement, even a closet. It depends on what is used as, in fact, a smokehouse. Any metal box of a suitable size can be used for the camera. If there is no ready-made, then you can do it yourself without any problems. The sizes of the box are different, depending on what volumes of products you will be smoking.

For home smoking, the optimal dimensions are 1.0 / 0.6 / 0.6 m (H / W / D). From above, the box is closed with a lid with a built-in thermometer and several small (0.3 -0.5 mm) holes to create draft. The upper part of the smokehouse in working order should be above the smoke generator - this creates additional natural draft, and even when the fan stops, the smoke will enter the chamber without delay.

Now you need to collect everything:

  1. We install the generator on a fireproof base - a metal table, a concrete slab or floor, ceramic tiles. This must be done for fire safety reasons. In addition to the fact that the smoke generator gets quite hot, pieces of burning wood chips may fall out of it.
  2. We load approximately 0.5 - 1 l of dry wood chips, sawdust, shavings of deciduous trees into the smoke generator (coniferous trees are not used for smoking) and close it tightly with a lid.
  3. We connect the compressor nozzle and connect the chimney to the smoking chamber.
  4. Ignite the fuel through the side hole.
  5. We turn on the fan.

The smoking process has begun. A tee with a fan acts as an injector. A vacuum is created in the chimney pipe, which causes smoke to be drawn in from the generator, and a rather noticeable air-smoke flow is directed towards the smoking cabinet. At the same time, air flows into the furnace from the outside, through the side openings in the smoke generator. Combustion is maintained by itself and no human intervention is required.

By means of a thermometer inserted into the smokehouse, the temperature inside the cabinet is controlled.

By increasing or decreasing the length of the chimney, you can adjust the smoking temperature, therefore, use hot or cold smoking. For hot smoking, the smoke generator connection is directly connected to the smoking chamber.

The dimensions of the smoke generator are averaged. When building it with your own hands, you can proceed from the available materials and components. For example, cans, pans, any cylindrical metal containers can be used as a body. Any pipe that is resistant to high temperatures is suitable as a "chimney" (but a metal hose is best). Without a fan, the smoke generator also works, but not as efficiently - the natural draft is too weak and the smoking process stretches over time.

There are many ways to prepare meat products at home, one of them is cold smoking. With this method, fragrant fish or poultry are obtained, which are stored for a long time due to special processing conditions. An important element of this process is a smoke generator for cold smoking.

It has a clear principle of operation, which requires a heater and a certain amount of prepared sawdust. Due to thermostats, it is possible to keep the process of smoke formation under control. You can make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands - drawings, photos for this are offered on the pages of the site.

Application at home

Cold smoking is an environmentally friendly process, since there are no harmful ingredients or questionable procedures with harmful preservatives in the base. Due to the passage of smoke from meat, fat or fish, bacteria are removed and harmful microorganisms die, which positively affects the taste properties and shelf life of products.

Inside the smoke generator for cold smoking, the photo and video of which are presented on this page, wood chips or sawdust of a certain fraction are heated. Due to the oxygen-free process of burning them, dense smoke is produced. It is forcibly redirected to a special container, where semi-finished products are located.

The whole procedure is simplified due to all kinds of process automation. As a result, the owner receives fragrant products that are superior in many respects to store goods.

The developed do-it-yourself smoke generator for a cold-smoked smokehouse uses smoke at a temperature of 20-250C for processing. The duration of the process depends on various factors and takes from one to 3-5 days. Before laying the products, they are treated with salt and various spices.

The device consists of a body with electric starters, a supply area for wood chips, a small tube on top that removes accumulated smoke in the right direction. Dosing of wood chips is limited by a limiter, so the heater is not overloaded with excess sawdust.

After working out, the ash gets into a special container, the device also contains an element that controls the temperature regime and the addition of wood chips. The unit has a setting to ensure the stability of the regime to maintain the sawdust exclusively in a smoldering state, preventing burning.


A high-quality cold-smoked smokehouse with a do-it-yourself smoke generator created must be economical, since its continuous operation is not designed for one day. The normal parameter is the consumption of electricity at the level of 4 kW per day, which can be achieved when using a heater of 1 kW and thermal switches. Power is supplied from the household network.

Up to one and a half kilograms of material is easily placed in a container for wood chips or sawdust. This mass is enough for stable and continuous operation for 24-36 hours for a volume of about 1 m3.

Principle of operation

To make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands, you need to understand its operation. Due to the fact that the air flow is driven through the supply pipe, a vacuum is formed, entraining smoke through the technological opening. The main advantage of this assembly is maximum autonomy.

The smoke generator circuit consists of three main components:

  • main container;
  • smoke ejector;
  • air blower.

The main container is used for the sawdust smoldering process. With its small volume, it will be necessary to add chips with sawdust more often, since the device supports the combustion process continuously. Making a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands begins with the selection of this container. For her, an old discharged fire extinguisher is suitable.

The most comfortable cavity size will be with an inner diameter of 10 ± 2 cm and a length of 50 ± 5 cm. The container is placed in a vertical position, and the bottom is drilled to obtain a hole with a diameter of 10 mm. The compressor will be connected through it, and the upper part must be hermetically sealed without gaps.

This element of a do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse in a smoke generator can be located in the upper zone and in the lower one in relation to the container. In the bottom layout, it can contribute to the attenuation of the chips, and also needs to be added more often. Due to such features, the battery life of the device is reduced.

Natural draft is not formed when the ejector is installed at the bottom, since the smoke transmission and reception tanks have the same level. It will be possible to get rid of the disadvantages of this arrangement with the upper location of the ejector relative to the sawdust container.

Air supply

The air supply in the system is carried out by a compressor for a do-it-yourself cold-smoked smoke generator. As this unit, any air blower is suitable, for example, used in aquariums. Power is allowed from 5-6 watts. In some cases, home-made devices made of plastic and a fan from a computer are used.

Preparation of wood material

The basis for obtaining a quality product is the types of wood used. It is undesirable to use resinous conifers, which will add bitterness to the final product. Also, during the use of fine fraction raw materials, the design is supplemented with a spring in the receiving tank so that the sawdust is mixed.

When using coarse chips, the need for a spring is eliminated, since the smoke passes through it more freely. By adjusting the length of the tube between the generator and the working area of ​​smoking, the desired temperature of the smoke flow is selected.

On sites such as YouTube, do-it-yourself cold-smoked smoke generators are offered to be made using various containers: from a metal barrel to a cardboard box. However, maximum tightness can be obtained from an old refrigerator. It may not withstand hot smoking, and good thermal insulation is provided for cold smoking.

Before laying inside the products, they must be dried from the marinade.

Excess moisture leads to a lengthening of the process in time due to its long evaporation.

  1. A temperature of 30-35 0 C will slightly speed up the process, while the quality of the product will not decrease.
  2. It is more comfortable to work with the device in dry windy weather with low humidity.
  3. Sawdust of alder, vine, cherry is added to the smoke generator. Due to the use of this wood chips, the aroma and pleasant golden color of the product will be provided.
  4. The installed electric heating element inside will accelerate the process of smoke formation.

Rules for the safe use of cold smoked smoke generators

The device must comply with fire safety standards. During an emergency situation, the automation must independently disconnect the device from the power supply. Electrical wiring must be structurally removed from high-temperature zones. It is desirable to treat the body of the smoke generator with heat-resistant paint. The structure must be securely supported and placed on a flat, level surface.

Simple and traditionally used in all culinary cultures of the world, cold smoking technology is designed to obtain appetizing appetizers from fish and various types of meat.

Own smokehouse in the house or in the country diversifies the process of cooking delicacies, especially when it comes to avid fishermen and hunters.

This device, which is simple and reminiscent of a simple stove, can be assembled from improvised means in various situations.

Do-it-yourself collapsible smokehouse

You can build a temporary smokehouse right at the fishing spot, or make a stationary structure in the courtyard of the house, which will give scope for culinary imagination and allow you to enjoy the unique smoked taste without harming your health.

The main principle of smoking is long-term fumigation with smoke at a certain temperature of pre-salted products.

Therefore, before you start studying various recipes for smoked fish or sausages, you need to get a smokehouse - a chamber in which smoke will be produced in the right mode and with the right properties.

The main working device of the smokehouse is a smoke generator, which can be made from improvised means.

A food chamber can be built by giving a second life to a damaged refrigerator, gas stove, metal barrels and cylinders.

A portable and collapsible homemade smokehouse is most convenient to use. It can be dismantled and stored, as well as taken out for picnics, hunting and fishing.

The prefabricated design allows you to introduce improvements, replace parts and containers. For the manufacture of such a smoking apparatus, you will need an old gas cylinder, two metal barrels, steel plates and rods, 5 half-meter sections of pipes with a diameter of 10 cm, from tools - a grinder, a drill and a welding machine.

The gas cylinder becomes a furnace, smoking chambers are cut out of metal barrels, in which metal nets and rods for products are installed.

A chimney is mounted from the pipes, into which a home-made smoke generator is inserted - a device for the production and supply of smoke to the chambers with products. The temperature of the smoke is regulated by the length of the removable pipe.

The principle of operation and assembly of the smoke generator

Before you make a smoke generator with your own hands, you need to imagine the principle of operation of the smokehouse: in the furnace, due to constant heating, combustible material smolders, the smoke, passing through the pipe, cools to the desired temperature - from 20 to 40 degrees Celsius, depending on the product being processed.

It also cleans from harmful impurities and condensate settles, after which the smoke enters the smoking chamber to fulfill its purpose.

The body of the smoke generator for smoking can be any metal utensil, for example, a can or a deep pan, in the lid of which you need to drill a hole for a fitting - a part connected to the chimney.

Sawdust intended for combustion is placed on the bottom of the container, on the side, at a height of about 3 cm from the bottom, an ignition hole must be provided.

Then, a connection for an aquarium compressor is made in the housing, and opposite the firebox, a hole for a chimney is made, which is connected to a chamber with products.

The photo shows what a homemade smokehouse with a smoke generator might look like.


Variety of smoke generator designs

The appearance and functionality of a homemade smoke generator depends on the situation. Temporary structures can be built in 5 minutes, but with a more serious approach, you can get factory quality and aesthetics.

The smoke generator compressor can be installed both at the bottom and at the top of the housing. Instead of an aquarium processor, you can use any other electric pump with a power of 4-5 watts.

The main purpose of the compressor is to supply oxygen for combustion, so craftsmen can adapt coolers and fans from various devices for this purpose.

There are many options for selecting a housing, it can be made from a heat-resistant pipe, various options for outlet pipes can be used, the design can be supplemented with a container for collecting condensate, an ordinary water tee is used as an ejector.

You can improve the ignition point by attaching a metal spiral to the bottom of the body.


DIY smoke generator photo


To carry out the process of smoking products, equipment and technology are required. It is possible to mount a structure that performs this with your own hands. Homemade device perfectly copes with its function. The smoke generator for cold smoking at the same time will correspond to individual needs.

This is a method of culinary processing of food products, in which they acquire excellent taste qualities. Their shelf life is extended. Spices and firewood from various tree species will make meat, fish, and poultry dishes varied.

Cooking food by smoking is a long process. A traditional appliance requires a certain amount of firewood and must work for several days. Burning continues uninterrupted. The smoke generator for cold smoking produces smoke, which is fed into the cabinet with processed blanks. As a result, products pre-marinated with a special method are transformed into delicious dishes ready to eat.

The cold smoked smoke generator device has a simple design, which you can mount yourself. . Materials for this are sometimes at hand. The temperature inside the smoke cabinet is not very high, so the products do not burn. Smoke is obtained from smoldering sawdust, wood chips or shavings. The task is to make the combustion constant, uniform and somehow feed it into the cabinet. You can set up automatic operation.

A simple design is arranged as follows.

  • Fuel (firewood) is smoldering in one of the chambers.
  • The chamber, in which the food products are hung, is connected to it by a cylinder with a soldered branch pipe having a branch. Air moves through it under low pressure.
  • The flow moves to the second chamber, followed by smoke from the smoke generator.

The combustion chamber, equipped with a device that creates a stream of smoke and air directed to the products, is nothing more than a smoke generator. Its size should be optimized according to the principle: the larger it is, the longer the process. To make it with your own hands, an aluminum milk can, a fire extinguisher body, and an old thermos are suitable.

But the best solution- create a smoke generator from a steel pipe with parameters: diameter up to 10 cm, length - 0.5 m. One side must be closed with a lid by welding. The second is open, but a hole is made on the side for ignition. You will also need a side hole for connecting a branch pipe (short tube - outlet), through which the air driven by the compressor will flow.

The location of the pipe is important. Optimally, it should be located farther from the combustion area for the following reasons.

  • If this is not the case, then the combustion chamber will have height restrictions, which will cause the wood to fade.
  • And also the service life of the smoke generator can be reduced. Intensive smoke extraction means fast combustion.
  • The draft inside the smoker will decrease, especially at times when the compressor is not working.
  • If the nozzle is low, chips can get inside, block the passage.
  • In the high temperature area (bottom) at the nozzle, the service life may be reduced.

There are other options for manufacturing the intermediate part. Pipes can be connected using a thread with a tee - a fitting between them.

Principle of operation

The smoke generator for cold smoking produces smoke going through a cylinder with a branch pipe and a branch pipe to the chamber with products. The pressurized air pulls it along. At the same time, it is completely absorbed by the product and does not leave the device. That is, it is consumed without loss. The larger the volume of the combustion chamber, the longer the products are smoked.

The smokehouse consists of two parts: for burning fuel and hanging products. Firewood should only smolder, so there should be little fresh air with oxygen in this chamber. These parts are connected by a pipeline through which smoke flows. The more it is, the more intense the smoking occurs. There should be a hole in this middle part so that excess smoke can be expelled. With its help, a rarefied atmosphere is created.

When smoking products for several hours, it is necessary that the fuel constantly smolder. Firewood is added, which forces you to be nearby. By making a smoke generator with your own hands, it is possible to eliminate this need.

When the smoke from burning firewood ends up in a chamber with hung products, they are impregnated, which gives the effect of canning. And also acquire a peculiar taste and appetizing aroma. The steps of the device are as follows.

  • The smoke generator is loaded to a volume of up to 1 liter with wood chips or sawdust, sealed with a lid.
  • The compressor nozzle is connected, the chimney is combined with the smoking chamber.
  • Through the side hole, we set fire to the wood.
  • The fan turns on. The smoking has begun.

The principle of operation of a smoking smoke generator is implemented using an injector, the role of which is played by a tee with a fan. A rarefied atmosphere is formed in the chimney, which draws out the smoke. The stream goes to the smoking cabinet. The side openings of the smoke generator provide a simultaneous supply of external air. Thanks to this, combustion occurs without human intervention. The built-in thermometer controls the temperature inside. If the length of the chimney is changed, the conditions are adjusted from hot to cold smoking.


In order to make a smoke generator for cold smoking yourself with your own hands, you need to prepare the following components.

  • The pipe is square or round stainless steel up to 120 mm in diameter.
  • Pipe sections (diameter from 2.5 to 4 cm, length - up to 0.4 m) for the smoke channel during hot smoking.
  • Corrugated plastic hose (pipe) up to 3 m long or a metal sleeve with a diameter similar to that of a chimney. This is necessary for cold smoking.
  • Electric fan as part of the compressor. You can take it from the aquarium.
  • A tee fitting designed for pipelines with diameter-to-size pipes.
  • Switch, wires for connecting to the mains.
  • Temperature meter (thermometer).