Chimney insulator from wood. How to insulate a pipe in a bath - proven insulation methods

In any private house there is a stove or a fireplace, as well as its own bathhouse. The chimney almost always goes to the roof of the structure. Its durability, as well as fire safety, directly depends on the correct and reliable insulation of the chimney. For this reason, the question arises, how to insulate a chimney and what material to use to insulate a metal pipe? How to do it right with your own hands?

Sauna chimney insulation

The issue of chimney pipe insulation often arises among owners of private houses. Such work must be carried out in order to protect the structure from fire and destructive factors:

  • overheat;
  • leakage at joints.

Experts recommend carry out such work in a complex, applying hydro- and fire-prevention thermal insulation. When choosing material for insulation, first of all, you need to think about the safety of the family. A live fire in an enclosed space always carries a danger to people's lives. If you do not perform high-quality and reliable protection of the ceiling, it can easily ignite.

Traditionally, wood is used to build a bath. It is easily flammable. Most people naively think that metal sheeting on the ceiling can serve as fire protection and therefore chimney insulation is not performed. Metal sheets heat up and do not save from overheating and ignition. Sometimes the chimney is insulated with red brick, but this material is not the most suitable design for a wood bath.

A large selection of modern materials allows you to choose the most suitable and securely insulate the chimney. Some of the most sought after and popular include:

Also for the bath red brick used. It withstands high temperatures well and retains heat for a long time. When using red brick, the laying must be done correctly. The duration of the operation of the structure will depend on its quality. It is inappropriate to save here, since the cost of repairs will cost several times more.

What to use for winding a metal chimney?

In the old days, people used clay and asbestos, as well as other improvised natural materials, to insulate the chimney in the bath. The main thing in any material for insulation is poor thermal conductivity, so that ignition does not occur from high temperatures. The chimney and stove heat up very quickly and it is therefore important to properly insulate the chimney pipe for fire safety purposes.

Inside the structure with insulation at the time of heating condensation will not accumulate, which is very important. It will cool slowly, not break down so quickly, and its service life will be longer.


The article mentioned the material Teploizol and now we will dwell on its description in more detail. This is a relatively new type of insulating material. It is made from polyethylene foam. It is hidden between two layers of foil. It perfectly withstands elevated temperatures and is suitable for insulating chimneys. Manufacturers produce Teploizol thickness from 2 to 10 mm. The thicker the thermal insulation, the higher temperatures it can withstand:

  • 2-5 mm - withstands temperatures from -30 o C to +100 o C;
  • 5-10 mm - permissible operating temperature from -60 ° C to +150 ° C.

The upper foil layer protects the pipe from strong heating. The material is easy to work with. It is easy to work with it on your own. The pipe is wrapped with Teploizol using wire or metallized tape.


Folgoizol is also an excellent choice for chimney insulation. It consists of a foil in two layers and a heat insulator. Due to the reflective properties of the foil, the material can keep up to 90% of the heat in the bath. In the list of similar materials, he takes first place. For its manufacture, thick food foil is used. In addition to excellent insulating properties, it also has other effective properties, for example, it is not afraid of UV, high temperatures. Folgoizol withstands temperatures from -65 ° C to +175 ° C.

Folgoizol is harmless to health, since food foil is used for its production. Often it is used not only for insulating chimneys, it is also used to cover the walls and ceiling of the bath. It is considered an ideal insulation, hydro and vapor barrier for saunas and baths.

Sandwich pipes

Sandwich pipes can serve as a good solution for insulating a metal chimney. Manufacturers claim that such insulation will be reliable and safe. Installing this design , you can not think about isolation. It will consist of several sections, which are easily and quickly assembled into a single whole. With your own hands, you can quickly assemble the entire structure and install it. It is suitable for a metal pipe in a bath or sauna with an iron stove.

By their design, sandwich pipes resemble a pie with several layers. Inside there is a layer of stainless steel, and after it a layer of mineral wool or basalt insulation. Outside, the pipe is covered with a layer of galvanized steel. This design is a modern method of built-in chimney insulation in finished form. It will perform two important functions at once:

  • do not overheat outside;
  • do not accumulate soot.

Such designs great for saunas, but for baths with a brick stove, you need to look for another option.

Insulation for a traditional Russian bath

The wooden structure of the roof may ignite when in contact with a hot pipe. To avoid a fire in the bath, it is isolated. Most often, mineral wool, fixed with wire, is used for this purpose. From above, the pipe is plastered with a clay-sand mortar and covered with a layer of galvanized steel roofing. Fix it with self-tapping screws and then carry out the installation. Insulation helps the roof and hardwood floor to protection against overheating and fire. With proper insulation of the pipe and its sealing, moisture will not enter the attic.

It is recommended to insulate the pipe outlet in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling and roof with asbestos sheets. They have good protection against high temperatures. The walls near the inside of the pipe are upholstered with galvanized metal sheets. Ordinary iron ones are not suitable for such work, as they are susceptible to corrosion. It is desirable to make a box around the pipe in the place where it passes through the ceiling. Expanded clay is poured inside the box, which will serve as a good fire protection for the wooden floor. Expanded clay will also contain heat. Experts recommend, in addition to chimney insulation, not to forget about the ceiling, walls and stove in the bath.

It is recommended before starting work on insulating a metal chimney pipe, its outer part treat with heat-resistant sealant. Special sealant withstands temperatures up to +1000 ° C. The applied agent will not allow insulating materials to slide on the outer surface of the metal pipe.

The article will discuss how and with what to isolate the chimney pipe. Several practical methods are presented.

Chimney pipe insulation is required to prevent leaks and overheating. Simply put, it allows you to increase the life of the structure. Experts recommend performing complex work, which includes hydro and fire insulation.

Sauna chimney

When performing insulation of a chimney in a bath, the safety of people should be a priority. The main threat indoors comes from open flames. Therefore, it must be protected, having previously made the overlap resistant to high temperatures.

Basically, baths are built from wood, a highly flammable material. A very common misconception is the belief that sheeting the ceiling with metal sheets is sufficient. But in reality, such protection is not enough. After all, the upholstery will still heat up, which can lead to ignition. A popular solution to the problem is to insulate the chimney with red brick. But this is not suitable for every bath design.

There are currently two good options for chimney insulation:

  • Folgoizol. A bath with such insulation will not lose heat, everything works like a thermos. At the same time, it warms up quite quickly, keeping the temperature for a long time.
  • Teploizol. The material is used for winding the chimney.

A popular solution is the use of sandwich pipes, which demonstrate a high degree of safety. The construction of the insulation consists of several sections that can be easily combined with each other. This option is also suitable for saunas with a metal stove.

It is important to responsibly approach the brickwork in the bath. The duration of the operation of the building directly depends on its quality. You can not save on materials or work. After all, the need for repairs in the future will be associated with much higher costs.

Winding of a metal chimney

“How to wrap a metal chimney pipe in a bath?” - a popular question among gardeners. After all, there are many materials used for this cottage. The absence of combustible substances in the coating is a paramount nuance that must be taken into account. It is preferable to use a quality material that has all the necessary properties. It must also be completely safe to use.

The most common materials:

  1. glass wool;
  2. Fibrous building materials;
  3. Mineral wool.

Insulation of a metal chimney

Insulation of chimneys of a metal chimney is a separate topic for discussion. After all, it contains a number of nuances, which will be discussed later. This is a very difficult task, so it is recommended to perform it during the construction of the bath. It is more difficult to work with a finished building, because it may require rebuilding the roof.

A good solution would be to use sandwich pipes. This design is easy to manufacture, in addition, the cost of specialists will be reduced. However, the material itself does not belong to the budget. But the service life and quality fully justify its cost. Sandwich pipes are additionally insulated with mineral wool.

How to isolate the chimney, everyone decides for himself. It is important to remember that such insulation allows you to protect the chimney from the negative effects of combustion products, as well as moisture. If you do not worry about insulation in time, then there is a risk of destruction of the bath. After all, acid-enhanced condensate slowly destroys building materials. It poses the greatest threat in the spring, when the pipe begins to thaw (in more detail: "").

Box manufacturing

About how to insulate the iron pipe of the chimney, it was said earlier. Now you can move on to the next step. Many people think that making a chimney box is too difficult a task. In reality, this is not so. It is enough to approach the work responsibly, with knowledge of the matter.

Required tools:

  • Drill;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Compass;
  • metal sheets;
  • Self-tapping screws.

Stages of work:

  1. Hole preparation. Along the edges, it is necessary to fix the bars, which will act as a support for the body.
  2. Two blanks are cut from a metal sheet. They are given a U-shape. Then the finished parts are screwed to the ceiling using self-tapping screws.
  3. Again, two blanks are made, but they are already fixed on standing sheets with a small spade. It turns out a solid frame in the ceiling.
  4. Now the bottom is made for the box from a metal sheet. In the center of the workpiece there should be a hole for the chimney, here you need a compass.
  5. The box contains four fasteners of two centimeters. They are cut and bent perpendicular to the bottom.
  6. Walls are attached to the bottom. Now a chimney is inserted into the box, it is additionally fixed with clamps. The voids are filled with an insulating layer.

Chimney installation

Installing a chimney is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. There are many nuances that should be taken into account. If the chimney is not installed with sufficient quality, this can lead to property damage, as well as creating discomfort for the people inside, and harming their health.

Stages of work:

  1. The preparatory stage, where a project of work is selected, materials are purchased, and the form of construction is determined. There are straight chimneys, as well as designs with various bends.
  2. Now you can start assembling the chimney. Pipe joints, elbows and tees must be fastened with clamps.
  3. Passing the chimney through the roof using a special tool. To begin with, the level of the slope of the roof is determined, based on the data obtained, a suitable place is selected. It cuts a hole for the workpiece. From above, everything is insulated with a roof cut, and from the inside - with a cover sheet. See also: "".
  4. A special apron is fixed on the branch pipe. The pipe is extended to the required dimensions, its top is partially insulated with a special cover in the form of an umbrella. It will prevent atmospheric precipitation from entering the chimney.

Chimney fixture

The workpiece must be brought to the roof through the attic. All cracks, especially voids between the roof and the pipe, are filled with waterproofing. When removing the workpiece, you must remember safety precautions.

An elbow is used to secure the chimney pipe. It is designed to control the vertical arrangement of the structure. To give everything reliability, the pipe is additionally attached to the wall, using suitable brackets. Usually they are included in a ready-made set. They can also be made by hand, it is best to use metal corners as the basis for them.

As soon as the insulating structure is in place and securely fixed, it is necessary to close the chimney pipe with an umbrella. It is designed to protect the structure from precipitation, poplar fluff and fallen leaves. It is also necessary to think in advance how to cover up the chimney pipe, in order to avoid leaks.

Replacing a brick pipe with a metal one

If a brick chimney is not enough, it can be further extended with a metal pipe. The task is laborious, but quite realizable. It is important to approach it with all responsibility.

To begin with, a flat steel platform with a pipe is made. Moreover, its diameter should be the same as the diameter of the metal pipe that is planned to be used. The site must be securely fixed. It is fixed with dowels and screws. Sealing will add additional reliability.

Work order:

  • On the brickwork, you need to mark the points at which the mount will be installed. They can not be placed on the masonry seam. It is advisable to place them closer to the center of the brick, and not on its edge.
  • Holes are drilled in the marked places to accommodate the dowels. At the same points, holes are made on a flat platform, self-tapping screws will go there.
  • A refractory sealant is applied to the brick base, then a steel platform is placed there. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the dowels. It is important to monitor the fit and uniformity.
  • Now it remains to wait for the sealant to dry completely and proceed directly to extending the chimney using a metal pipe.

Important installation details:

  1. If the length of the pipe section above the roof exceeds 1.5 m, it is recommended to equip it with special stretch marks that strengthen the structures (read also: "").
  2. It is impossible to install a branch pipe, the length of which from the stove to the head is more than 5 m.
  3. Installing special plugs allows you to get rid of condensate.
  4. The section of the chimney above the roof must be longer than 1.5 m.
  5. Do not narrow the pipe when installing the chimney.
  6. Nearby structures made of flammable materials should not be heated to a temperature of 50 o C.
  7. The chimney must not be placed near electrical wiring.

The decision on how to insulate a metal chimney pipe should be made based on the budget, as well as the needs of the structure. It is important to approach the task as responsibly as possible, performing work in full compliance with all norms and nuances. Then the insulation of the chimney will last a long time without any complaints.

In this article, we will talk about how it is better to wrap a metal chimney pipe in order to isolate it from fire and at the same time insulate it. In general, in order to isolate the chimney, you need to know certain rules. In general, insulation allows you to extend the life of the chimney.

Positive factors of an insulated chimney

After building a house, carrying out work on the insulation of the roof, its insulation, it's time to take on the waterproofing of the channels. In such work there are several positive aspects at once, which we will get acquainted with later. So, the insulation of the chimney pipe allows:

  1. Reduce the consumption of thermal energy, it is noticeably reduced.
  2. Save and secure the transition itself through the roof.
  3. Ensure high wear resistance of the structure.
  4. Create a certain interior style without relying on a pipe.

In principle, this work should not cause any particular difficulties, but it is still worth understanding that in order to properly insulate, you need to choose the type of insulation that is suitable specifically for your home and performs the functions assigned to it.

The choice of material for thermal insulation

There is no particular difference between being in the house or insulating the chimney in the bath. The choice of insulation must be approached extremely responsibly and in no case, do not purchase cheap materials that cannot last the prescribed period. The main requirements than to isolate, you need to focus on two factors:

  • not combustible;
  • not toxic.

The choice can be stopped on basalt, stone or mineral wool (glass wool). These types of insulation, due to their characteristics, can tolerate quite serious temperature changes, in addition, such a material endures even direct exposure to fire. In addition, the presence of pores allows you to keep warm.

There are also so-called multifunctional types of insulation - thermal insulation and foil insulation. They are great for insulating the chimney in the bath, as the temperature there rarely exceeds 150-200 degrees.

Basalt insulation

Given its distribution and popularity, we need to talk about it a little more. So, as already mentioned, it tolerates high temperatures and even direct exposure to fire. Therefore, it is possible to “cover” and isolate the channel throughout, even at the junctions with a heat source. In addition, for a chimney on the roof, the use of such wool is simply necessary, because it is recommended to make a thermal “layer” between the ceilings from it. After all, it is non-flammable and perfect for a chimney.

Basalt heat-insulating shell for chimneys

However, despite such wide opportunities and positive aspects, it also has disadvantages:

  • There is no sufficient tightness, and all because of the presence of technological seams.
  • High price.
  • Harm to health during installation can follow if you tear off a piece from the material and gut it, the dust formed will not have a positive effect on the respiratory tract.
  • The ability to pass steam does not allow its use in some cases.

Stainless steel casing

The parts of the casing are fastened together with self-tapping screws. The casing itself should be formed from metal profiles, if you use metal sheets, then in principle you can take wood, but judging by experience, it is better to install the base from the profiles.

Pipe insulation with stone wool and metal sheet

For the manufacture of a box in the ceiling, you need to use a sheet of "stainless steel". Four identical p-shaped sheets of metal are cut out of it, with prepared holes. They are interconnected with self-tapping screws and screwed to the ceiling. After that, you need to prepare the bottom for this casing, use a similar material for it. A square is cut according to the dimensions, a hole is made in it for a pipe of the desired diameter. After that, we fix the bottom, insert the pipe and lay the insulation.

For this kind of work on the thermal insulation of chimney pipes, wood can also be used. Often they take as a basis wooden bars, which are sheathed with OSB panels. Also, after installing the pipe in a specially cut hole, the voids are filled with insulation.

Shields made of wood and metal, expanded clay inside

Slag-reinforced concrete insulation slabs

The specifics of concrete slabs have some differences, namely, the use of cotton wool in this case is not recommended. You can isolate with bricks, tiles. In the absence of a brick, you can take glass wool for a cinder block slab. Also, do not forget about the features of the finish, in this case it is even recommended to use special solutions that can isolate no worse and are resistant to temperature changes.

The specifics of insulation work

The specificity includes a certain stage, which depends on what insulation material was chosen and what the floor consists of. Pay attention to the manufacture of the chimney itself. If it is metal, then you will not have serious problems, it will be enough to use the above plan. But, nevertheless, the main thing is to choose the right insulation for the chimney.

Regulatory requirements for the installation of thermal insulation

Regulatory rules include compliance with safety standards during work. This includes the use of special protective equipment:

  • Glasses.
  • Gloves.
  • Respirator.

Also, take care of the tool. When working with insulation, you will need various devices, without which you simply cannot do anything.

The main methods of insulation

Insulation of a metal chimney, in particular, we have already discussed above. Determine what the casing will be made of in the floor and on the roof. Pay special attention to the places of insulation near the direct outlet of the pipe, in those places the greatest temperature difference is observed.

Steel chimney insulation technique

There is no particular difference between the insulation of a stainless channel and the like. Also pay attention to the transition directly in the house, as well as in the insulated part of the roof. Often, many owners are careless about arranging the channel in the attic, and in fact, in most cases, it is from there that the fire begins to spread. On the advice of many experts, it is better to carry out thermal insulation of the channel in an unheated room to the fullest.

Gas boiler chimney insulation

In this case, it is required to isolate the same places that were discussed above. You can use the same materials for this as for solid fuel boilers. That is, stop your choice on basalt or asbestos-cement slabs, with a layer of "stainless steel" covered on top.

Types of insulation of chimney structures
Options for fire insulation of smoke extraction systems
Chimney waterproofing methods
Chimney pipe insulation
Insulating materials for bath pipes
Plastering a pipe made of bricks
The use of asbestos-cement sheets
Insulation of single metal pipes
Floor insulation

When building your own home ownership, as a rule, they equip a fireplace or stove. Therefore, the problem of chimney outlet is so relevant. Properly and reliably made insulation is important for a chimney, otherwise it is impossible to be sure about the fire safety and comfortable stay of family members in the house.

If the stove has already been laid out, and the smoke exhaust structure rises above the roof of the building, this does not mean that the work on its arrangement has been successfully completed. Before using the heating unit, you still need to decide how to insulate the chimney pipe on the roof and, as a result, protect your home from leaks and fire.

It is advisable to think about this problem before the furnace design is drawn up and then the insulation will turn out to be more reliable. As for the previously built chimney, such work is almost always associated with changes made to the design of floors and roofs. Regardless of the decision how to insulate the chimney on the roof, all the expenses incurred will be offset by a sense of security, and hence comfort.

To insulate the pipe for the furnace should be from negative factors:

  • from possible overheating of the chimney structure;
  • from leaks that occur at the joints.

Therefore, when deciding how to wrap the chimney pipe, increased attention should be paid to fireproof thermal insulation and waterproofing. Experts recommend to carry out isolation measures in a complex manner. This will help solve not only the above problems, but also improve the operating conditions of the furnace unit.

For example, if a chimney running through an unheated attic space is thermally insulated, the possibility of overheating of wooden roofing elements is reduced and the risk of condensation, which leads to corrosion, increased soot deposits or pipe destruction, is reduced. Waterproofing the smoke exhaust structure will protect the truss system and ceilings from rotting.

Options for fire insulation of smoke extraction systems

The simplest and most reliable, but expensive way to insulate a chimney is to install a sandwich chimney made of metal or ceramic.

In such designs, the inner pipe, designed to remove smoke, is made of heat-resistant steel or ceramics, while non-combustible materials are used for its thermal insulation - mineral, stone or basalt wool (see also: "Types of heat-resistant pipes, advantages, technical characteristics"). The outer part of the chimney sandwich is made of steel or expanded clay concrete blocks.

Kits for prefabricated chimneys include elements for fixing the structure, revision, maintenance and for connecting heating units. Their installation is simple, but you still need to follow the instructions so that safety is fully ensured.

There is another option used when installing a furnace unit - the construction of a brick chimney. Due to the low degree of thermal conductivity of bricks, its walls will not heat up to extremely high temperatures and, as a result, additional measures related to its insulation will not be required (for more details: “How to insulate a chimney, which insulation to use”). It will only be necessary to correctly perform the fire-prevention cutting of floors and roofs.

In order to save money and reduce weight, sometimes the construction of a brick chimney is completed with the installation of a ceramic or metal pipe. In this case, thermal insulation is produced according to the technology described below.

When such work is performed for single pipes, boxes made of non-combustible materials can be used. Chimneys of this type are allowed to operate without thermal insulation, but fire-prevention cutting is required in accordance with the rules.

Chimney waterproofing methods

Waterproofing of chimneys should be created in the place where they are displayed on the roof. The further they are located from the ridge, and the larger the pipe, the more difficult the operating conditions will be.

Atmospheric precipitation in the case when the insulation of the chimney pipe is insufficient, begins to penetrate inside the building. As a result, leaks occur, rot and the floors are destroyed.

The method of waterproofing, as a rule, depends on the shape of the pipe and the material from which the roofing is made. For round products, either metal or polymer cuts are used, and for pipes having a rectangular cross section, aprons and abutments made of metal are used.

Chimney pipe insulation

Before insulating the pipe on the roof, you should make sure that the requirements prescribed in SNiP 2.04.05-91 are met, and if any shortcomings are found, eliminate them:

  1. To ensure the required traction force and prevent the furnace gases from exceeding the temperature, the height of the pipe should start from 5 meters.
  2. When the roofing is made of roofing material, slate or other combustible material, a spark arrester is installed on top of the pipe, which is a metal mesh with small cells.
  3. Between combustible elements, such as ceilings, rafters and walls, and the chimney, a gap of at least 25 centimeters must be left.
  4. From the upper ceiling of the stove to the ceiling, a fire-prevention distance is maintained. For metal units, it is at least 150 centimeters, for brick ovens with a two-row overlap -50 centimeters, with a three-row overlap -25 centimeters, provided that the ceiling surface above the heater is finished with non-combustible materials.

In the place where the brick chimney crosses the ceiling, fluff is arranged with a thickness of 1 - 1.5 bricks.

Insulating materials for bath pipes

Since bath buildings are often built of wood, these objects need to be insulated from chimneys, stoves, ceilings, walls, as this material is highly flammable. It is necessary to think about how to secure the pipe in the bath by making the thermal insulation of the smoke exhaust structure so that it cools more slowly and condensate does not collect on it. See also: "How and with what to isolate the chimney pipe - the best time-tested solutions."

It will be a mistake to decide to isolate the pipe in the bath by attaching a sheet of iron to the ceiling, since it gets very hot. As an option, how to overlay the chimney, use refractory red brick, but in this case, you need to strengthen the foundation.

When solving the problem of how to wrap a metal chimney pipe in a bath, experts distinguish foil and thermal insulation.

Plastering a pipe made of bricks

The outer surface of brick pipes heats up slightly, so they are plastered to improve operating conditions and extend their service life. The most affordable option for insulating chimneys made of bricks is plastering with mortar using lime and cement. In its composition, instead of sand, you can add slag crumb, previously sifted.

The layer of plaster, when there are a lot of irregularities on the pipe, turns out to be quite thick, therefore, at first it is better to repair all the existing differences and cracks on the surface with a solution, and then cover it with a reinforcing mesh.

Plastering is performed in two layers, using the entire pipe. The first time the solution is brought to the density of sour cream and applied by spraying and not leveled. For the next layer, the composition is made thicker. It is applied with a trowel and then rubbed until a smooth surface is obtained.

The use of asbestos-cement sheets

Such a method of insulation for chimney pipes made of bricks, such as lining pipes with asbestos-cement materials, is several times superior to plastering in terms of heat saving. Asbestos-cement slabs are glued to the outer surface using a cement-lime mortar.

After preparing the composition, the smoke-removing structure is reinforced with a mesh, and the first layer is applied by spraying. When it dries, asbestos-cement slabs are cut according to the size of the pipe. The next layer of the mixture is applied to the pieces of insulation and attached to the surface of the chimney.

But this method has a big drawback - asbestos contains carcinogens and therefore it cannot be used in residential areas.

Insulation of single metal pipes

The most dangerous option for arranging a chimney in terms of fire safety is a pipe made of metal products, which is not protected by a heat insulator. The distance between it and wooden or plastic elements should be at least 60 centimeters.

But even the presence of such a gap is not able to protect against burns in case of accidental contact - for this reason, it is advisable to insulate the pipe until problems arise.

When deciding how to wrap a pipe in a bath or house, if it is single, it is the use of non-combustible insulation, for example, basalt wool, which is protected from above with metal or plaster. This heat insulator has a melting point of 1000 degrees.

The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. Mats of 5 cm thickness, consisting of basalt wool, are overlapped around the pipe and fixed with steel wire.
  2. They wrap the heat-insulated chimney with a reinforcing mesh, fix it and apply plaster on top in two layers.
  3. Instead of plastering, you can use sheet iron, which is rolled up and riveted at the point where the edges meet.

Floor insulation

There is a certain procedure for insulating the chimney pipe in the ceiling:

  1. In the ceilings and the roof, holes are made for laying a smoke exhaust structure so that a distance of at least 25-35 centimeters remains from their edge to the pipe walls (read: “How and with what to close the gap between the pipe and the roof - different options for different materials”).
  2. The edges of the holes are covered with metal or asbestos-cement sheets or a heat-insulating box is equipped.
  3. The space near the pipes is densely filled with heat-insulating wool.
  4. Wooden structures located near the chimney passages are covered with special flame retardant compounds.

Having figured out how to insulate and how to wrap a pipe in a bath or house, you can do this work without much effort.

But even a well-insulated chimney should be operated correctly:

  • clean soot at least 3 times a year;
  • remove ashes from the stove in a timely manner;
  • do not burn foreign objects and materials in the unit.

Sauna chimney
Winding of a metal chimney
Insulation of a metal chimney
Box manufacturing
Chimney installation
Chimney fixture
Replacing a brick pipe with a metal one

The article will discuss how and with what to isolate the chimney pipe. Several practical methods are presented.

Chimney pipe insulation is required to prevent leaks and overheating. Simply put, it allows you to increase the life of the structure. Experts recommend performing complex work, which includes hydro and fire insulation.

Sauna chimney

When performing insulation of a chimney in a bath, the safety of people should be a priority. The main threat indoors comes from open flames. Therefore, it must be protected, having previously made the overlap resistant to high temperatures.

Basically, baths are built from wood, a highly flammable material. A very common misconception is the belief that sheeting the ceiling with metal sheets is sufficient. But in reality, such protection is not enough. After all, the upholstery will still heat up, which can lead to ignition. A popular solution to the problem is to insulate the chimney with red brick. But this is not suitable for every bath design.

There are currently two good options for chimney insulation:

  • Folgoizol. A bath with such insulation will not lose heat, everything works like a thermos. At the same time, it warms up quite quickly, keeping the temperature for a long time.
  • Teploizol. The material is used for winding the chimney.

A popular solution is the use of sandwich pipes, which demonstrate a high degree of safety. The construction of the insulation consists of several sections that can be easily combined with each other. This option is also suitable for saunas with a metal stove.

If the question is how to insulate the chimney pipe in a traditional Russian bath, then the best solution would be to use red brick. This material is resistant to fire, able to retain heat for a long time. See also: "How and how to make pipe insulation in a bath - materials and methods."

It is important to responsibly approach the brickwork in the bath. The duration of the operation of the building directly depends on its quality. You can not save on materials or work. After all, the need for repairs in the future will be associated with much higher costs.

Winding of a metal chimney

“How to wrap a metal chimney pipe in a bath?” - a popular question among gardeners. After all, there are many materials used for this cottage. The absence of combustible substances in the coating is a paramount nuance that must be taken into account. It is preferable to use a quality material that has all the necessary properties. It must also be completely safe to use.

The most common materials:

  1. glass wool;
  2. Fibrous building materials;
  3. Mineral wool.

Insulation of a metal chimney

Insulation of chimneys of a metal chimney is a separate topic for discussion. After all, it contains a number of nuances, which will be discussed later. This is a very difficult task, so it is recommended to perform it during the construction of the bath. It is more difficult to work with a finished building, because it may require rebuilding the roof.

A good solution would be to use sandwich pipes. This design is easy to manufacture, in addition, the cost of specialists will be reduced. However, the material itself does not belong to the budget. But the service life and quality fully justify its cost. Sandwich pipes are additionally insulated with mineral wool.

How to isolate the chimney, everyone decides for himself. It is important to remember that such insulation allows you to protect the chimney from the negative effects of combustion products, as well as moisture. If you do not worry about insulation in time, then there is a risk of destruction of the bath. After all, acid-enhanced condensate slowly destroys building materials. It poses the greatest threat in the spring, when the pipe begins to thaw (in more detail: “Why does condensate appear in the chimney pipe and how to get rid of it”).

Box manufacturing

About how to insulate the iron pipe of the chimney, it was said earlier. Now you can move on to the next step. Many people think that making a chimney box is too difficult a task. In reality, this is not so. It is enough to approach the work responsibly, with knowledge of the matter.

Required tools:

  • Drill;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Compass;
  • metal sheets;
  • Self-tapping screws.

Stages of work:

  1. Hole preparation. Along the edges, it is necessary to fix the bars, which will act as a support for the body.
  2. Two blanks are cut from a metal sheet. They are given a U-shape. Then the finished parts are screwed to the ceiling using self-tapping screws.
  3. Again, two blanks are made, but they are already fixed on standing sheets with a small spade.

    How is chimney insulation made?

    It turns out a solid frame in the ceiling.

  4. Now the bottom is made for the box from a metal sheet. In the center of the workpiece there should be a hole for the chimney, here you need a compass.
  5. The box contains four fasteners of two centimeters. They are cut and bent perpendicular to the bottom.
  6. Walls are attached to the bottom. Now a chimney is inserted into the box, it is additionally fixed with clamps. The voids are filled with an insulating layer.

Chimney installation

Installing a chimney is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. There are many nuances that should be taken into account. If the chimney is not installed with sufficient quality, this can lead to property damage, as well as creating discomfort for the people inside, and harming their health.

Stages of work:

  1. The preparatory stage, where a project of work is selected, materials are purchased, and the form of construction is determined. There are straight chimneys, as well as designs with various bends.
  2. Now you can start assembling the chimney. Pipe joints, elbows and tees must be fastened with clamps.
  3. Passing the chimney through the roof using a special tool. To begin with, the level of the slope of the roof is determined, based on the data obtained, a suitable place is selected. It cuts a hole for the workpiece. From above, everything is insulated with a roof cut, and from the inside - with a cover sheet. See also: "How to insulate a chimney pipe - proven and reliable options."
  4. A special apron is fixed on the branch pipe. The pipe is extended to the required dimensions, its top is partially insulated with a special cover in the form of an umbrella. It will prevent atmospheric precipitation from entering the chimney.

Chimney fixture

The workpiece must be brought to the roof through the attic. All cracks, especially voids between the roof and the pipe, are filled with waterproofing. When removing the workpiece, you must remember safety precautions.

An elbow is used to secure the chimney pipe. It is designed to control the vertical arrangement of the structure. To give everything reliability, the pipe is additionally attached to the wall, using suitable brackets. Usually they are included in a ready-made set. They can also be made by hand, it is best to use metal corners as the basis for them.

As soon as the insulating structure is in place and securely fixed, it is necessary to close the chimney pipe with an umbrella. It is designed to protect the structure from precipitation, poplar fluff and fallen leaves.

Replacing a brick pipe with a metal one

If a brick chimney is not enough, it can be further extended with a metal pipe. The task is laborious, but quite realizable. It is important to approach it with all responsibility.

To begin with, a flat steel platform with a pipe is made. Moreover, its diameter should be the same as the diameter of the metal pipe that is planned to be used. The site must be securely fixed. It is fixed with dowels and screws. Sealing will add additional reliability.

Work order:

  • On the brickwork, you need to mark the points at which the mount will be installed. They can not be placed on the masonry seam. It is advisable to place them closer to the center of the brick, and not on its edge.
  • Holes are drilled in the marked places to accommodate the dowels. At the same points, holes are made on a flat platform, self-tapping screws will go there.
  • A refractory sealant is applied to the brick base, then a steel platform is placed there. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the dowels. It is important to monitor the fit and uniformity.
  • Now it remains to wait for the sealant to dry completely and proceed directly to extending the chimney using a metal pipe.

Important installation details:

  1. If the length of the pipe section above the roof exceeds 1.5 m, it is recommended to equip it with special stretch marks that strengthen the structures (read also: “Methods for installing a chimney on the roof of a house - the advantages and disadvantages of different options”).
  2. It is impossible to install a branch pipe, the length of which from the stove to the head is more than 5 m.
  3. Installing special plugs allows you to get rid of condensate.
  4. The section of the chimney above the roof must be longer than 1.5 m.
  5. Do not narrow the pipe when installing the chimney.
  6. Nearby structures made of flammable materials should not be heated to a temperature of 50 o C.
  7. The chimney must not be placed near electrical wiring.

The decision on how to insulate a metal chimney pipe should be made based on the budget, as well as the needs of the structure.

It is important to approach the task as responsibly as possible, performing work in full compliance with all norms and nuances. Then the insulation of the chimney will last a long time without any complaints.

How is non-combustible thermal insulation of chimneys made

During the construction of many modern houses or country houses, fireplaces or stoves are erected. In this case, the question arises about the exit of the chimney to the roof surface. The roof chimney must be insulated. What is meant by this?

  • Firstly, the pipe is best taken out in the right place on the roof.
  • Secondly, the junction of the pipe with the roof must be hermetically sealed in order to prevent possible leakage.
  • Thirdly, the chimney is usually heated to a very high temperature.

Therefore, it is necessary to protect the combustible roof from possible melting or even ignition.

Choosing the best place for the exit of the pipe to the roof

It is recommended to remove the chimney in the region of the roof ridge. Since the ridge is the least susceptible to moisture stagnation, and the roofing cake in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge is usually minimal.

In the presence of a ridge beam, difficulties arise with the removal of the pipe. To maintain the strength of the truss system, it must be constructed without a ridge beam. Or you need to use two beams at the same time, between which the chimney will pass.

Alternatively, you can pass the pipe not through the ridge, but next to it. In this case, the strength of the truss system will not be violated, and the pipe will be on the slope of the roof. It is strongly not recommended to bring the pipe into the roof valley, that is, in the lowest place where the slopes converge together. In this place, the phenomena of stagnation of water and snow are most often observed, which can lead to a leak at the junction of the pipe with the roof. When the stove or fireplace is located away from the desired outlet of the pipe to the roof, a curved chimney elbow is used as an adapter.

Chimney waterproofing

Chimney insulation device

How to fix a pipe on a roof , providing leak protection?

  • On top of the pipe exit to the roof surface, a drainage gutter made of stainless steel is placed.

    Competent thermal insulation of chimneys, what should it be?

    It will divert water flowing down the slope from the pipe.

  • Additionally, waterproofing aprons are used that are installed around the chimney. One part of the apron is adjacent to the pipe, and the other part lies on the roof.
  • The places of contact of the apron material with the roof are insulated with sealant.
  • The upper part of the apron must be brought under the roofing material. The sheet of roofing material should overlap the apron to avoid possible leaks.
  • The bottom of the apron should overlap the roofing material.

Chimney from heat-insulated pipes

Modern chimneys are made from multilayer heat-insulated pipes with an outer layer made of stainless steel. Especially for them, special roofing passages are produced, which are a steel base sheet and an apron cap attached to it. The chimney pipe passes through this apron. The apron is attached to the pipe with a steel clamp having a heat-resistant gasket. Such aprons provide a seal between the roofing material and the pipe.

Roof protection against contact with a hot pipe

The main task facing the builders in the process of bringing the pipe to the roof surface is the fire safety of the house. Cutting the pipe on the roof is of great importance.

According to regulatory documents, the temperature of the heated pipe should not exceed +50 degrees at the point of contact with a combustible roof.

When using a brick pipe, this issue can be solved by increasing the thickness of the pipe walls. The recommended wall thickness is 35-40 centimeters. This thickness of the pipe guarantees the safety of the roof in terms of ignition.

The roofing cake is a layer of successively placed layers:

Roofing pie device

  • vapor barrier,
  • insulation,
  • waterproofing,
  • roofing material.

It is highly undesirable to violate its integrity, in order to avoid water getting inside the roof, and the gradual destruction of the entire pie.

It is necessary to provide a gap (space) between the chimney and the roof.

For this purpose, an additional box is made from wooden rafters and cross beams, located between the pipe and the roof.

  • The distance between the walls of the box and the chimney should be about 15 centimeters.
  • This gap is filled with some non-combustible material.
  • All components of the roofing pie are cut and fixed with nails or staples to the rafters and cross beams, and the waterproofing is pressed with a crate or counter crate.
  • If necessary, all suspicious joints can be sealed with sealant.

This will ensure the insulation of the chimney in the ceiling.

Competent waterproofing of the chimney with fire safety of the entire structure and the right choice of the place where the chimney exits to the roof are the main conditions, the fulfillment of which guarantees your home safety and the proper level of comfort.

The stove is folded, and the chimney proudly rises above the roof of the house. Do you think the work is done? Not at all - it's time to think about how to insulate the chimney pipe and protect the house from fire, and the roof from leaks. Well, if you thought about this issue even in the process of designing the furnace - in this case, the insulation of the chimney will be reliable and safe. It is more difficult to isolate an already built chimney, sometimes this work entails a change in the design of floors and roofs. However, the costs will be compensated by a sense of security and comfort.

It is necessary to isolate the chimney from two negative destructive factors: from overheating of the structures and from leakage at the joints. Therefore, in the article we will consider two types of chimney insulation:

  • Fireproof thermal insulation;
  • Waterproofing.

It is recommended to immediately carry out complex insulation, solving not only the main problems, but also improving the operating conditions of the furnace. For example, insulating a pipe running through an unheated attic reduces the risk of overheating wood roofing and reduces the risk of condensation, which can lead to excessive soot deposits, corrosion, or pipe failure. Waterproofing the pipe will help to avoid rotting of the truss system and ceilings, as well as the destruction of the pipe if it gets wet.

Ways of fire insulation of chimneys

The easiest and most reliable, but not always the cheapest way is to install a ceramic or metal sandwich chimney. In such chimneys, the inner pipe, which performs the function of removing smoke, is made of heat-resistant steel or ceramic and is thermally insulated with non-combustible heaters: mineral, stone or basalt wool. The outer layer of the sandwich chimney is made of steel or ready-made expanded clay concrete blocks.

Prefabricated ceramic chimney - a safe solution to the problem

Prefabricated chimneys are equipped with elements for fastening, revision, maintenance, as well as for connecting several heaters. Installation of such a chimney is not difficult, but requires compliance with the instructions, only then it will be completely safe.

Thermal insulation of the sandwich pipe

Video - sandwich diaphragm for pipe passage through floors

Another insulation method used in the construction of the furnace is a brick chimney. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the brick, its walls do not heat up to dangerously high temperatures, so no additional measures to insulate such a chimney are required, except for the correct implementation of the fire-prevention cutting of floors and roofs. To save money and facilitate construction, a brick chimney is sometimes finished with a metal or ceramic pipe. In this case, they are thermally insulated according to the technology described below.

Thermal insulation of metal and ceramic single pipes is possible using ducts made of non-combustible materials and mineral non-combustible thermal insulation - stone or basalt wool. It is possible to operate such chimneys without thermal insulation, but the implementation of fire cutting according to all the rules is mandatory in any case.

Methods for waterproofing chimneys

Chimney waterproofing is installed at the point of its exit to the roof. The larger the pipe and the farther from the ridge it is located, the more difficult operating conditions await it: when it rains, more abundant water flows, in winter - increased snow load. Rain and melt water with insufficient waterproofing penetrates inside the house, leading to leaks, rotting of wood and destruction of concrete and brick structures, including the chimney itself.

The method of waterproofing depends largely on the shape of the pipe and the type of roofing. For round pipes, metal or polymer cuts are used, for rectangular pipes, metal aprons and junction strips are used. How to waterproof the pipe is described in detail in the article, and then we will talk about the technology of thermal insulation of the chimney.

Chimney pipe insulation

Before proceeding with the insulation of the chimney pipe, it is necessary to check compliance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91 and, if necessary, correct the shortcomings:

  • The height of the pipe to ensure good draft and allowable flue gas temperature at the outlet should be 5 meters or more;
  • If the roofing refers to combustible materials - slate, ondulin, roofing material - a spark arrestor - a fine-meshed metal mesh - must be placed on top of the pipe;
  • The distance between the chimney pipe and combustible structures - floors, walls, truss system - must be at least 250 mm;
  • A fire-prevention distance must be maintained between the upper ceiling of the furnace and the ceiling. For metal stoves, it is at least 1.5 meters, for brick stoves with a two-row overlap - 0.5 meters, with a three-row ceiling - 0.25 meters, provided that the ceiling above the stove is finished with non-combustible materials;
  • In places where a brick chimney passes through the ceiling, fluffing is performed - thickening the pipe. Fluff thickness - 1-1.5 bricks.

Plastering a brick pipe

The brick pipe does not heat up much from the outside, so it must be insulated as soon as possible in order to improve operating conditions and extend the service life. The most affordable way to insulate a brick chimney is to plaster with cement mortar or a mortar based on cement and lime. Instead of sand, you can add sifted slag chips to it.

The composition of the solution:

  • 1 bag of cement (25 kg);
  • 2 buckets of slaked lime;
  • 10 buckets of sand or a mixture of sand with slag chips;
  • 5 buckets of water.
  1. To prepare the solution, 3.5-4 buckets of water are mixed with a bag of cement and 2 buckets of slaked lime - fluff. After thorough mixing, sand and slag chips are added in parts, as well as the remaining rate of water. The resulting composition should be used in cool weather for 5 hours, and in hot weather - for 1-2 hours, so you can cook it in parts.
  2. With large irregularities in the pipe, the plaster layer turns out to be quite thick, therefore it is recommended to first close up all the cracks and differences with the indicated solution, and then cover the pipe with a reinforcing mesh.
  3. Plastering is carried out in two layers. For the first layer, the solution is diluted somewhat stronger, to a creamy state, and applied by spraying: a certain amount of mortar is taken on a trowel or spatula and sprinkled on a brick surface cleaned of dust and slightly moistened. The first layer is not leveled.
  4. For the second layer, a thicker solution is needed. It is applied with a trowel and rubbed to a smooth surface. It is necessary to plaster the entire pipe from the floor to the ceiling or roof.

Sheathing of brick pipes with asbestos-cement sheets

This method exceeds plastering in terms of heat saving by 2-2.5 times and consists in gluing asbestos-cement boards on cement-lime mortar on the outer walls of the pipe.

  1. According to the above technology, a plastering solution is prepared.
  2. The pipe is reinforced with mesh and the first layer of mortar is sprayed on. Dry it up.
  3. Cut asbestos-cement sheets to the size of the pipe. A second layer of mortar is applied to asbestos cement sheets and glued to the surface of the chimney.

The disadvantages of this method include the low environmental friendliness of asbestos - it releases carcinogens, so it is impossible to use this method of isolation in living rooms. In a non-residential attic, thermal insulation of the chimney with asbestos will reduce the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the chimney and significantly reduce the formation of condensate, as well as improve its fire protection.

In addition, a brick pipe can be sewn up with sheet iron using a layer of insulation. How to do this, you can learn from the video.

Video - sheathing the pipe with sheet iron

Insulation of metal single pipes

The most dangerous version of the chimney in terms of fire protection is a metal pipe that is not protected by a heat insulator. The distance from such pipes to wooden and plastic structures should not be less than 0.6 meters. But even observing this distance will not protect you from burns if accidentally touched, so it is better to insulate the pipe without waiting for problems.

Uninsulated metal pipe is a common cause of fires

The easiest way to insulate a single pipe is to wrap it with a layer of non-combustible insulation, such as basalt wool, and protect it from above with metal or plaster. The melting point of this material approaches 1000 degrees, which is much higher than the temperature of the smoke.

  1. Basalt wool mats with a thickness of at least 5 cm are wrapped around the pipe with an overlap and fastened by wrapping it over with steel wire.
  2. They wrap the heat-insulated pipe with a reinforcing mesh, fix it, and plaster it according to the technology described above in two layers with a cement-lime composition.
  3. Plaster can be replaced with thin sheet iron by rolling it along the diameter of the insulated pipe and riveting it at the junction of the edges.

Insulation of passages through floors and roofs

The most critical sections of the chimney insulation are passages through the floors, so they are given special attention. It is necessary to isolate the passages when using any chimney: both a sandwich pipe, and brick, and metal in isolation.

Passes are carried out subject to the following conditions:

  • In the ceilings and roof, holes are made for the passage of the pipe in such a way that there is a distance of at least 25-35 cm from its edges to the walls of the pipe.
  • The edges of the hole are treated with asbestos-cement or metal sheets, a box is arranged for thermal insulation.
  • The space around the pipe is filled with stone or basalt wool without the formation of voids and gaps.
  • Wooden structures located in the immediate vicinity of the chimney passages are treated with flame retardant compounds.

Insulation of passages through floors with basalt wool

Having figured out how to insulate the chimney pipe, you can easily do this work, but remember that even an insulated chimney pipe requires proper operation: clean soot at least three times a year, remove ash from the furnace in a timely manner, do not burn in it not intended for the firebox materials and objects (garbage). All this is the key to a long and safe service of the chimney.