What is characteristic of business style speech. Business style

The main sphere in which official-business style is functioning is administrative and legal activities. This style meets the needs of society in the documentary of various acts of state, public, political, economic life, business relations between the state and organizations, as well as between members of the Company in the official sphere of their communication. Thetests of official-business speech style are of a huge variety of genres: Charter, Law, order, disposal, contract, instruction, complaint, recipe, various kinds of statements, autobiography, explanatory note, questionnaire, statistical report, etc.

The expression of legal will in business documents defines properties, main features business Speech and socio-organizing language consumption. Official-business style genres perform an information that prescribes, stateing functions in various fields of activity, so the main form of realizing this style is written.

Despite the differences in the content of individual genres, the degrees of their complexity, official-business speech has common style features: the accuracy of the presentation that does not allow differences in interpretation; Details of presentation; stereotype, standard standing; User-prescribing nature of the presentation. It is possible to add such features such as the official, the rigor of the expression of thought, objectivity, logicality - which is peculiar to scientific speech.

The function of social regulation that plays the most important role In official-business speech, it makes it imposing to the relevant texts to the requirement of unambiguing reading. In this regard, for each text, such accuracy of the presentation of information that would not allow various interpretations. The official document will fulfill its purpose if its content is carefully thought out, and the linguistic design is impeccable. It is this purpose that the linguistic features of formal business speech are determined, as well as its composition, rubrication, allocation of paragraphs, and so on., I.e. Standard design of many business documents (Personnel record sheet, questionnaire, receipt for paying housing and communal services, etc.).

The lexical composition of official-business style texts has its own characteristics associated with these features. First of all, words and phrases are used in these texts. literary languagewho have a pronounced functional and stylistic color, such as the plaintiff, the defendant, the protocol, job description, imprisonment, passenger traffic, delivery, identity card, researcher, etc., among them a significant number of professional terms. Many verbs contain the topic of prescription or cruise: to prohibit, resolve, decide, oblige, designate, and so on. It should be noted that in official-business speech there is the highest percentage of infinitive consumption among verb forms. It is also associated with the imperative nature of official-business texts.

Consider an example:

"When studying any international agreement, and in particular, agreements on the elimination of double taxation, first of all, it is necessary to clearly determine the scope of its action in two aspects:

Taxes on which the Agreement shall apply;

The territory to which the Agreement applies "

Even in this short passage, there are words and phrases with official-legal color (international agreement, double taxation, taxes), expressing the definition of the phrase "it is necessary to determine", such features as the severity of the expression of thought, impartial statement, full of impersonality.

For official-business style, a tendency to reduce the number of words values, up to narrow terminology. Therefore, often in the texts of this style are exactly the definitions of the words applied and concepts. Invalid polred (multi-consciousness), metaphorical use of words, the use of words in portable values, synonyms are used to a small degree (as a rule, belong to one style) - supply \u003d supply \u003d provision; solvency \u003d creditworthiness; wear \u003d depreciation; Assignments \u003d subsidies, etc.

Typical for the business language are complex words formed from two or more words: the tenant, the employer, the material and technical, the above, the following, etc. The formation of such words is explained by the desire of the business language to the accuracy of the transmission of the meaning and unambiguing interpretation. The same purpose is the phrases of the "non-diphomatic" nature, such as destination, higher education institution, tax return, joint-stock company, housing cooperative, and so on. Simplicity of similar phrases and their high repeatability lead to custom-wing language Meansthat gives the texts of formal business style standard character.

Consider an example:

"Notary engaged private practice, there must be a member of the notarial chamber, to make all the notarial actions provided for by law on behalf of the state, have the right to have an office, to open settlement and other accounts, including currency, to have property and personal non-property rights and obligations, hire and dismiss workers, dispose of the incoming income, act in court, arbitration court on his own behalf and perform other actions in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation and republics as part of the Russian Federation "

This text is inherent in many typical features of business style: stylistically marked words and phrases (notary, notary chamber, accounting account, arbitration court, etc.); "Dol-Women-prescribing" The nature of the presentation, transmitted by infinitive designs (should be, must be committed, have the right to have other); Composite construction, subordinate to the main topic of this proposal - the presentation of the rights and obligations of the notary, engaged in private practice; impartial statement of the facts set out as they are significance; Full absence of any assessment.

Official-business speech reflects not individual, but social experience, as a result of which its vocabulary is extremely summarized in semantic terms, i.e. Fixed everything is plentiful, concrete, unique, and typical advanced on the foreground. For an official document, legal entity is important, so preference is given to the generic concepts: arrive (come, fly, come), vehicle (bus, aircraft, car), settlement (village, city, village). When the name is called, the names of the nouns are used, denoting the person on the basis of a person due to any attitude or action (teacher Sergeyev, the witness of the hammer, the rector of the university).

For business speech, the use of exclusive nouns (budget replenishment, living space, population service, measures) and communities (given specified, aligned). Sophisticated defiating pretexts are widely used (in part, on line, on the subject, to avoid, upon reaching, upon return).

Usually the offer contains a sufficiently large amount of information and is designed to re-read. Simple proposals are often complicated by homogeneous members, which is due to the need to exhaust the subject of the message. Passive structures are actively used; Complexed proposals with pressing condition:

"The procedure for maintaining a meeting and research of additional evidence if they were presented to the appeal instance, determined by the presiding party. general rule Initially, the explanations of the persons participating in the case and their representatives are heard. First, the person who submitted an appeal, and his representative. In the case of appealing decisions, both parties are the first plaintiff. "

In this passage, the first sentence is complex with the pressing condition. In subsequent proposals, several communities (participating, submitted), passive verb (hear), a complex deemed preposition (in the case of). Strict logic and accuracy of presentation determine the sequence of actions in the presented situation. This text fulfills the role of regulations and establishes the procedure for consideration of the appeal.

Business speech is characterized by impersonality of presentation and lack of assessment .. There is an impartial statement, a statement of facts in a logical sequence. Therefore, the 1st face is permissible only in a limited number of situations where legal relations are established between a private person and organization or state, for example, when issuing various powers of attorney, with the conclusion of an employment agreement, etc.

Russian language and culture of speech: Lectures of Trofimova Galina Konstantinovna

Lecture 1 features of official-business style. Business man speech

Features of official-business style. Business man speech

1. Features of official-business style.

2. Culture of business communication.

3. Terms of successful business communication.

4. National features of business communication.

Everyone is known to the fairy tale of two bearings, which shared the found cheese. They did not trust each other and asked the fox to share cheese. As a result, the fox ate the whole cheese, and the bearings did not get anything. The story of two sisters, who had only one orange was also instructed. They cut it in half. It turned out that one of the sisters needed a peel, and the second is juice. Each of them would receive twice as much if they took into account the interests of each other.

For success in communication it is very important to take into account the interests, values \u200b\u200bof the addressee, its expectations and goals, as well as the sphere of communication. This principle is especially important in business communication, which serves officially business style.

Official-business style serves the scope of official-business relations, i.e., relations that arise between state bodies between organizations or within them, between organizations and individuals in the process of industrial, legal activities.

The formal business sector uses the language of people related to the interests of the case, which have the necessary powers to establish business relations, permit business problems. Therefore, they talk about business communication.

Oral business is addressed to the interlocutor and involves the possibility of influencing him. For this purpose, it is used, except for verbal, non-verbal language. Business communication has its vocabulary-grammatical and stylistic specificity.

The formal-business speech vocabulary uses a large number of international vocabulary, standardized expressions, single words, nouns with generic meaning, also abbreviations, comprehensive words. Verbs and verbal education are widely used - communion, verbalism, exclusive nouns and adjectives.

Syntax is characterized by the presence of incomplete, impersonal proposals, appeals, connecting structures, simple offers, inner words and phrases. Prepositions and passive structures are used, a large number of homogeneous membership members.

Business communication requires the strict use of speech structures, standard, is not allowed, and so on. Business communication involves possession professional language, knowledge of terms peculiar to a certain area of \u200b\u200bcommunication (legal, diplomatic, managerial).

The main requirements for the oral speech of a business person are as follows:

- accuracy and clarity (use of words in the right value, exception foreign wordsused without needed)

- brevity (without repetition, tautology),

- concreteness,

- correctness

- regulation,

- logicality

- argument,

- Standard of speech wording.

Business communication may be necessary (when without interpersonal contacts joint activity It is impossible), desirable (certain contacts contribute to the more successful implementation of tasks), neutral, undesirable (it makes it difficult to achieve the goal).

Business people have to constantly communicate with people standing on different steps of the service staircase. Therefore, they speak about the vertical and horizontal relationships. Vertical is a subordination relationship, they are due to social status, administrative and legal norms and are characterized by subordination of the younger senior by rank. In Russia, the vertical dialogue has historically formed.

Horizontal relationships involve participation in joint activities on the principles of cooperation, mutual understanding, taking into account common interests. Currently, in the business of Russia, the transition to subordination and partnerships is observed.

The specific feature of business communication is its regulation, that is, the subordination of the established rules and restrictions. There are so-called writing and unwritten rules of conduct. Regulatory (Protocol) involves compliance with the norms business etiquettewhich reflects the accumulated experience, moral attitudes of certain social groups and people of different nationality. The protocol prescribes how to behave in a business environment, at a meeting, negotiations, as well as how to dress, what to give, how to conduct business correspondence and much more. A very important place is paid to the speech etiquette. Currently, a whole system of speech formulas has been created for each speech situation.

The regulation of business communication means both the limitations of its temporary framework. Business meetings have a strict regulation. To do this, it is planned in advance the circle of problems discussed and careful preparation for the meeting is carried out.

When communicating it is very important to create a favorable psychological climate. This is recommended for this:

- Welcome to the interlocutor with a sincere smile, a benevolent look, contact him by name-patronymic or using adopted in a particular country.

- Show your desire to understand the position of the interlocutor, to focus on the result expected by the interlocutor.

- Try to identify positive traits interlocutor.

- Consider emotional condition interlocutor.

- emphasize the equality of positions, behave calm and confidently.

- Emotionally maintain a conversation.

- Express sincere approval (all people love when they are praised, they talk about the merits).

- Speak compliments. Any business conversation, commercial negotiations can be started with them. The more there is a person of compliments, the more he gets.

An important feature of business communication is strictly compliance with its role-playing roles: the boss - subordinate, partners, colleagues, etc.

According to psychologists, each of us is in communication presents one or another type. Depending on the role in communication, the type of character is distinguished by various groups. Currently created entire systems for identifying the type of person based on various signs.

So, the American psychologist Everett Shoste believes that the manipulator sits in every person. It allocates the following types:

- dictator (dominates, orders, manages),

- the victim of the dictator (obeys orders),

- Calculator (deceives, lying, trying to overcome),

- stuck (it is eager to be a matter of worries, forces to do everything),

- bully (exaggerating aggressiveness, manages with threats),

- Nice guy (kills kindness, moralist),

- Judge (I do not believe anyone, critized),

- Defender (cares about others, overly emphasizing it). On the basis of them allocated 4 types of people in business communication:

- Active - plays the role of man full of strength;

- Passive - prevents stupid and helpless ("Sirota Kazan");

- Competitive - fighter in the tournament;

- Indeline - plays a role, knocking concessions.

Curious is the so-called psychoometer approach to the personality typology, which substantiated American psychologist S. Dellingger. This approach is based on what a geometric shape prefers a person.

For example, "Square" loves to work, loves stability and order, live according to plan. Its speech is logical, consistent, thorough, monotonous, with stamps and terms.

"Triangle" - the leader, energetic, decisive, pragmatist, ambitious, non-indocitiated, detonator of interpersonal relations. Speech is logical, clear, focused on the essence of the case, fast.

"Rectangle" is dissatisfied with himself, inconsistent, support for support. Speech - linking, emotional, unclear.

"Circle" strives for harmony of relations, friendly, strives to empathize, trying to please everyone, often indecisive. Speech - often deviating from main topic, smooth, emotional.

Zigzag loves to sharpen the conflict, withered, seeks to independence, feels the mood of people, is increasing, expressive, does not bring the matter to the end. Speech is inconsistent, associative, bright.

Successful business interaction is determined by how the goal is set, the interests of partners are identified, strategy and tactics are chosen.

In business communication, such qualities are appreciated as commitment, loyalty to the word, organization, compliance with moral norms

In practical activities, there are different forms of business communication: conversation, negotiations, meetings, presentations, telephone conversations, briefings. All of them have their own characteristics and scope, but the process of flowing is about the same.

As a rule, the following stages are allocated in business communication: the establishment of contact, orientation in a situation, discussion of issues, decision making, achievement, exit contact.

Very important is to establish contact. Sometimes in establishing contact person interfere:

- the effect of the halo - the person is positively attributed to all the good, with a negative attitude towards a person - everything is bad, even his positive acts are regarded in this case as negative;

- the effect of typing - a judgment about a person is made from the point of view of his own experience or the opinions of others;

- The effect of primaryness - the first impression of a person is the strongest and hard to turn it.

Pluses and cons communications are demonstrated in business communication. individual features man. Therefore, in business communication need self-analysis and constant control. In ancient Rome, according to custom, behind the commander-triumphorator, a slave was put, which during the procession shouting the phrase: "Beware, so as not to fall", thus reminding him that he is just a person.

In the process of business communication, different techniques are used to help achieve the goal. (Chaldini described them in the book "Psychology of Influence".)

The principle of contrast when the difference is exaggerated. (It is perfectly used by sellers. They show the expensive goods first, and then cheap, first bad house, and then good, but not the best, and the one you want to sell.)

The principle of mutual exchange. People try to pay services rendered. (Give a gift for a sample, forcing the then buy not the right thing at all.) In this case, a person feels obliged and often gives more than they made him.

The principle of social proof. People are focused on other people in a similar situation. The principle of participation in advertising of famous athletes, politicians. This principle takes into account that only 5% of people are initiators, the rest of the simulators.

The principle of goodwill. People are more willing to fulfill the requirements of those who like it or sign. This is primarily due to physical appeal. In this case, a person automatically attribute positive qualities. We like people similar to us.

Lunch method. During food, people are more willing to take positive decisions, go for concessions. Therefore, many contracts are signed, and decisions are accepted during business lunch or dinner.

In oral speech of business people, it is necessary to take into account the etiquette norms. Specialists advise: never apply to your personal life and do not ask about someone else's. And they themselves politely evade conversations on personal topics. So, communicating on business, it is not recommended to maintain talk about politics, religion, ask questions about income, salary.

The rate of internationalization of the economy, new electronic communications leads to the expansion of international contacts, the emergence of a large number of joint ventures, interaction between representatives of business circles of different countries. Currently, knowledge and understanding national features All participants in communication is the most important condition for the effective solution of emerging problems.

Each people have their own traditions of business communication, which find expression in language, movements, gestures, etc. So, the US culture is characterized as informal, individualistic, materialistic, time-oriented time. In Japan and China, more time is paid to the group, not individual. There is more important submission and cooperation. In Latin America or Saudi Arabia There are great importance to tradition, ceremony, it is assumed to first talk about the topic not related to the case and only then go to the issue of discussion.

Each people have features that need to be taken into account in business communication.

Characteristic features of Americans - energy, independence, enterprise, hardworking. They are patriots. Their philosophy is to earn as much as possible and faster. Their style is distinguished by high professionalism, they are individualists, love to act without looking at the bosses. They are democratic, often behave informally, love jokes, honesty and frankness appreciate, they protect time and differ in punctuality. Do not like pauses, decisions take quickly and rarely change it.

The British are considered honest, reasonable, courteous. They are characterized by restraint, closure, business suit and enterprise. They prefer not to affect personal topics, they are conservative, the national passion is gardening. They solve problems not by phone, but, as a rule, with the help of letters. Their word can be trusted. Multilitudes is regarded as a violation of the rules of communication, imposing his opinion.

The Japanese are very polite, so they do not say "no," looking into the eyes is considered an uncompatory, not a handshake, but worships, the more important guest, the more bows. Negotiations they lead the team, never make decisions immediately. If politeness is manifested in relation to them, they usually go for concessions. Russian journalist V. Flowers in the book "Fifteenth Stone Garden Reangi" brings an example of negotiations between Japanese and american companies. When the Americans talked about their company, the possibilities and benefits of cooperation, the Japanese nodded their heads and were chinno. And then they began to ask questions that seemed not relevant to the case. The Japanese believed that the Americans were put on them, and Americans surprised the requests of the other party and their questions. Negotiations were discontinued.

Thus, business communication involves knowledge of speech etiquette, rules for building business conversations and meetings, knowledge of the norms of the literary language, the use of the necessary speech formulas according to the situation. Business communication efficiency also depends on knowledge psychological characteristics Personality, which reflects the language, from the knowledge of the national features of business people.

1. O.what you need to remember, preparing for a business conversation?

2. What techniques are more often used in business communication, what techniques do you use to achieve the goal?


Approximate questions for interview

1. Why do you want to work in our company?

2. What is your work experience?

3. What do you say about the company and about her head?

4. Are you ready to work as much as you need?

5. What salary do you want to get?

6. What student were you?

7. What goal do you want to achieve?

8. How do you spend your free time?

10. Why did you leave with the previous work?

11. Your strengths and weaknesses.

12. What is the most important thing for you in life?

13. Do you like to work in a team?

When compiling Summary

1. All information should fit on one page.

2. Text summary is visible on the computer.

4. The title must be highlighted.

5. Summary is drawn up beautifully and on good quality paper.

6. All names are written completely.

7. Let the information that emphasizes your advantages and may affect the employer's solution.

8. The numbers are recorded in reverse chronological order.

9. Exclude excess accidental information. 10. Avoid blots, grammatical errors.

From the book the history of world and domestic culture Author Konstantinova with B.

19. Features of the culture of the new time. Science and technology. The spiritual life of a person from the beginning of the XIX century. There is a sharp change in the habitat of a person - an urban lifestyle begins to prevail over rural. In the XIX century A rapid process begins. Changes thinking

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China Eyes of Business Man

From the book Russian [stereotypes of behavior, traditions, mentality] Author Sergeeva Alla Vasilyevna

Fundamental foundations of business etiquette in China

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§ 2. The style of business communication "Less words, more of the case" "Moscow was not immediately built» Russian sayings What the path to mutual understanding in business cooperation of the French with Russians? For a start, it is necessary to analyze the peculiarities of your own culture. Very important

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Lecture 15. Features of ancient cultures 1. Primitive cultureperiod of cultural antiquity (primitive culture) is determined by the following framework: 40-4 thousand years BC. e. Inside this period, it is allocated: 1) ancient age (Paleolith): 40-12 thousand years BC. e.; 2) Middle Agent

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1. Biosocial features of a person Contemporary science considers a person as a special biosocial being with a specific anatomical structure, consciousness, a self-rugge speech, the social character of life and activity. Evolution process

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Lecture 3 Features of oral and written speech. Speech etiquette plan1. Features of oral speech. Construction of oral speech.2. Features of written speech. Etiquette and its functions. Ethics of oral and written speech. Features of Russian speech etiquette. Formulas speech

From the book of the author

Lecture 1 Scientific style of speech. His linguistic and structural features of the plan1. Scientific style of speech and it under styles.2. Termin.3. Language features of scientific style.4. Methods and methods for creating scientific text. How much of the spheres of human activity is

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Lecture 3 Features of the course work. Bibliographic description of the plan1. Couplery Features.2. Category heading, bibliographic description. In the higher educational institution, the student has to do an independent scientific work, make experiments,

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Section 4 Official Business Speech Culture

From the book of the author

Lecture 3 Features of written speech in business communication. Types of documents, their design, language and style plan1. The norms of the document (text and linguistic) .2. Speech etiquette document.3. Language and style of private documents.4. Language and style of service documentation. Currently

Official business style speech

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 Language signs of official-business speech style. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.1 Lexic signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.2 Morphological and word-forming features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1.3 Syntactic signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 genre variety of official-business speech style. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

List of sources used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Official-Business Style is a style that serves the legal and administrative and social spheres of activity. It is used when writing documents, business papers and letters in government agencies, court, as well as in different types of business oral communication.

The most important functions of this style - the message and impact are implemented in such official documents as laws, decisions, decrees, orders, contracts, agreements, business correspondence, applications, receipts, etc. This style is also called administrative, as it serves the scope of official, business relationship, area of \u200b\u200blaw and public Policy. Another name is a business speech - it indicates that this style is the most ancient of the book styles, its origins - in the business speech of the era of the Kiev state, in which legal documents (contracts, "Russian truth", various certificates) were created already in X century.

Official-business style stands out among other book styles with its stability, closure and standardizedness. Despite the large variety of business documents, their language is strictly subordinate to the requirements of official-business presentation: the accuracy of the wording of legal norms and the need for absolute adequacy of their understanding, the composition mandatory elements Registration of a document providing its legal rule of law, the standardized nature of the presentation, stable forms of the location of the material in a certain logical sequence, etc.

For all forms of business letters, it is certainly strictly compliance with the literary norm in all language levels: it is unacceptable to the use of vocational-phraseological means of a spoken, spurant nature, dialective, professional and slang words; non-leaturated options for formation and word formation; Spoken syntactic structures. Official-business style does not accept expressive elements: estimated vocabulary, high or reduced words (joking, ironic), figurative expressions. The most important requirement for the language of the document is the objectivity and "inconsistency" of the presentation of the facts.

Official-business style functions mainly in writing, but its oral form is also excluded - the speeches of state and public figures at the solemn meetings, meetings, receptions. The oral form of business speech characterize the full pronunciation style, the special expressiveness of intonation, logical stress. The speaker may admit some emotional risk of speech, even the inclusion of the impressionable language means, without breaking, however, the literary norm. Invalid increments, non-leaturated pronunciation.

In the official papers, the set of used language means is predefined. The brightest feature of the formal business style is the language stamps, or the so-called cliches (Franz. clich.). The document does not expect the individuality of his author to manifest itself, on the contrary, the more clicked the document, the more convenient to them to use (see below, see below)

Official-business style is the style of documents of various genres: international treaties, state acts, legal laws, decisions, charters, instructions, service correspondence, business paper, etc. But, despite the differences in the content and diversity of genres, official-business style as a whole is characterized by the general and most important features. These include:

1) accuracy eliminating the possibility of inotoscience;

2) Language standard.

These features find their expression a) in the selection of language means (lexical, morphological and syntactic); b) in the design of business documents.

Consider the features of vocabulary, morphology and official-business style syntax.

2 Language Signs of Official Business Speech Style

2.1 Lexual signs

Official-business speech detects to the extreme-generalized semantic relations of vocabulary, where everything is eliminated by a peculiar, concrete, unique, and on the foreground is typical. For an official document, a non-live flesh of this phenomenon is important, and its "legal" essence.

Official-business speech reflects not individual, but social experience, as a result of which her vocabulary is generalized. In the official document, pre-mail is given to generic concepts with wide and poor semantics, with a limited number of semantic signs:

room (Wed: Apartment, Workshop, Hangar, Lobby, Shelter, Resident, Apartments), Face (Wed: Individual, Person, Male, Girl, Guy, Small, Host, Taste, Passion), Parent (Wed: Mother , Father, Dad, Mother, ancestor), a soldier (Wed: Soldier, Lieutenant-General, Artilleryrist, Rogin, Warmork, Served, Sailor), Recovery (Wed: Reprimand, Fine, Arrest, Cut, Tightening), arrive ( Wed: come, come, sailing, rush, fall, harness, pick up) and others.

Lexical (vocabulary) official-business style system, in addition to general and neutral words, includes:

1) Language stamps (offseleamism, cliche): raise the question, on the basis of a decision, incoming-outbound documents, control over the execution is assigned by expiration.

2) Professional Terminology: arrears, alibi, black cash, shadow business;

3) Archaisms: i certify this document.

In an official-based business style, there is no use of multivalued words, as well as words in portable values, and synonyms are extremely rarely used and, as a rule, belong to one style: supply = delivery \u003d provision, solvency \u003d creditworthiness, wear \u003d depreciation, allocation \u003d subsidy and etc.

2.2 Morphological and word-forming signs

Word-forming and morphological features of official-business style are inextricably linked with the common signs: the desire to accuracy, standardized, non-personal and urgent-prescribing nature of the presentation.

The inappropriateness of the expressive coloring of official speech makes it impossible to use interjection, modal words, a number of particles, words with subfixes of subjective assessment adjectives in a comparative and excellent degree. Nouns, denoting positions, are usually in the form of a male race (Accountant, Director, Laboratory, Postman, Controllerand etc.).

In official-business speech, the highest among all functional styles percentage of infinitive from other verb forms is observed. This is due to the target installation of most official-business documents - to express the will of the legislator. Let us give an example from the "Convention on the Rights of the Child": "The child has the right to freely express his opinion; This right includes freedom to look for, receive and transfer information and ideas of any kind, regardless of the grant in oral, written or printed form, in the form of works of art or with the help of other funds for choosing a child".

Of the hidden forms, the forms of the present time are most often used here, but otherwise, in comparison with the scientific style, the value. This value is usually defined as real prescriptions. The verb form indicates not a constant or common effect, and the action that the law is prescribed to produce under certain conditions:

"The accused is ensured by the right to defense."

When designating a face in an official-based business style, the names of the nouns denoting the person on the basis of which caused by any action or attitude, which is intended to accurately designate the "roles" of the participants of the situation: respondent, tenant, employer, reader, guardian, adopter, plaintiff, witness, etc.

Nouns, denoting positions and titles, are used in the form of a male race and in the case when they relate to female people: smirnov police worker, defendant and the like.

From word-forming models of nouns, ungalled formations are widely represented, including on-point sometimes with prefix and non-compatibility, non-recognition, solution, execution. For example: "Children left without parental care and educational institutions, medical institutions, institutions of social protection of the population and other similar institutions are entitled to: content, education, education, comprehensive development, respect for their human dignity, ensuring their interests .... "(Family Code of the Russian Federation, p.149).

Bottoming of nouns with suffix can be considered a bright admission of official-business style: "Cooking for a crime recognizes the search and adaptation of funds or tools or intentional creation of conditions for the commission of crimes ...."

Official-business style is rich in designs with the verb, taking on pure grammatical functions. The number of verbs acting as grammatically supporting words and employees to express almost only grammatical values \u200b\u200bare calculated by many tens: lead (campaigning, installation, observation, negotiations, preparation, searches, development, investigation);make (additions, corrections, clarifications); give (consultation, appointment, justification, explanation, refutation, refusal, evaluation, instructions, permit, clarification, order, recommendation, consent, indication); conduct (voting, meeting, research, testing, searches); pass (examination, learning, check) etc.

Extremely characteristic of official speech are the methods of compulsory-formation - the base and the phrase, the battle, resulting in the lexicon of the business language of two- (or more), root formations are represented by a very extensive collection: wedding, offense, taxation, land use, passenger transportation, disability, tenant, rental, dachademan, paper producer, cultural and entertainment, material and technical, repair and construction, administrative and economic, autumn-zimiy, bakery, apartment-submissible, high-paid, trans portoned, low-paid , low-income, man-ruble, ships-day, passenger-place-mileand many others.

A business style addiction to difficult words is easily explained: they are transparent in structure and meaning, possess idiomatic effects. To even greater, the needs for semantically clear names are the phrase, the number of names created by this method by official-business style has many thousands of units: vehicles wage, official, confectionery, securities, travel paper, reception office, executive committee, cashless payments, labor injury, corporal damage, public seats, professional disease, catering, enterprise of high demand, training without separation from production, right For rest, search warrant, downgrade, defeat in rights ....

With a special visibility, the convenience of "analytical" models is expressed in the component of the Giant Plast of Official Names of the Nomenclature of Institutions, Professions, posts, etc.: chief Researcher, Deputy Commander of the Regiment on the Engineering Service, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University). Transcaucasian railway, Volyn household chemical plant, deputy of the State Duma ...

Introduction 3.

1. Official-business style. four

1.1. Avenue official-business style 5

1.2. Ringuistic features of official-business style 6

2. Culture of business communication. eleven

Conclusion 17.

List of references 18.


Official-business style would be incorrect and unfair, inaccurately called the stationery. This is a variety of Russian literary language. And this style is appropriate, having his means of expression, ways to call items and phenomena, and even in its own way expressive. Observing the norms of official-business speech, we give tribute to non-stamps and offices, and the objectively established tradition of building speech in accordance with the expressed content, environment and purpose of the statement. Among the book styles of the language, official-business style is highlighted by its relative stability and closure. Over time, it is naturally subjected to some changes caused by the nature of the content itself, but many of its features, historically established genres, specific vocabulary, phraseology, syntactic turnover give it a general conservative character. A characteristic feature of the official-business style is the presence of numerous speech standards in it - cliche. If in other styles, the patterns are often often acting as a stylistic disadvantage, then in an official-business style in most cases they are perceived as quite natural belonging. Many species of business documents have generally accepted forms of presentation and location of the material, and this undoubtedly facilitates and simplifies the use of them. It is not by chance that in certain cases of business practice, ready-made blanks that need only to fill out. Even envelopes are made to inscribe in a certain order (different in different countriesBut firmly installed in each of them), and it has its advantage for writing, and for postal workers. Therefore, all those speech clichés that simplify and speed up business communication are relevant in it. Modern official-business style belongs to the number of book styles and functions in the form of a written speech. The oral form of official-business speech - performances at the solemn meetings, meetings, receptions, reports of state and public figures, etc. Official-business style serves purely official and extremely important areas of human relationships: relations between state power and population, between countries, Between enterprises, institutions and organizations, between personality and society. In fact, the person is in the sphere of action of official-business speech. The main purpose of my work is to consider the descriptions, features, species of formal-business style in modern society, as well as consider the role of the most important component in everyday work as documentation.

1. Official-business style.

Modern official-business style (hereinafter referred to as) style is a functional type of Russian literary language used in the sphere of public relations. Business speech serves as a means of communication of states, a state with a separate person and society as a whole; means of communication of enterprises, institutions, organizations; The means of official communication of people in production and in service sector.

Official business style belongs to the book-written styles of the literary language. It is implemented in texts of laws, orders, decrees, orders, contracts, acts, certificates, certificates, powers of attorney, in the business correspondence of institutions. The oral form of formal business speech is represented by a performance and a report at meetings and conferences, a judicial speech, a service telephone conversation, oral orders.

The general extrallinguistic and actually linguistic features of this style include the following:

1) accuracy, detail of the presentation;

2) standardized output;

3) the required-prescribing nature of the presentation (voluntativity).

Indeed, the language of laws requires, first of all, accuracy that does not allow any discrepancies; The speed of understanding is not important, since interested person, if necessary, read the article of the law and two, and three times, striving for a complete understanding. Standardization of the presentation is manifested in the fact that the heterogeneous phenomena of life in a business style fit into a limited number standard Forms (questionnaire, certificate, instruction, statement, business letter, etc.).

Business speech is impersonal, stereotype, there is no emotional start.

The specific property of the business speech is the expression of will. So, in management documentation, we are constantly meeting with the first-person of the verb (please, I propose, I order, congratulations), with the forms of modal, must (should be necessary, it is necessary, it is proposed).

1.1.Figid official-business style

Depending on the application of the business speech and the stylistic originality of the corresponding texts, it is usually isolated inside three litels:

1) diplomatic (types of documents: international treaties, agreements, conventions, memorandum, notes, communiqué, etc.; oral forms are practically not applied);

2) legislative (types of documents, as laws, decrees, civil, criminal and other acts of state value; The main oral form is a judicial speech);

3) management (types of documents: Charters, contracts, orders, orders, applications, characteristics, power of attorney, receipt, etc.; oral forms - report, speech, service telephone conversation, oral order).

Diplomatic litter. This kind of style serves an area of \u200b\u200binternational relations. The scope of documentation of the diplomatic litigation is the right and more than in other litters. - Politics, as it is associated with the implementation of the international policy of the state.

Legislative line. Legal documents are distinguished by greater stylistic and language homogeneity than other subsidiaries. In these texts, it is possible to note the widespread use of legal terminology (appeal, plaintiff, tribunal, inviolability, breadwinners). In the legislative flooring, an abstract vocabulary is used and expressively emotional linguistic means, estimated vocabulary. Estimated words of this kind as Tuneseds, the criminal acquires the terminological importance in legal texts. There are many antonyms here, since the legislative speech reflects the opposite interests, contradicts and compares the concepts: rights and obligations, labor and recreation, personal and public, plaintiff, and the defendant, crime and punishment, registration of marriage and termination of marriage, adoption of the child and deprivation of parental rights, voluntarily and forcibly, hold and accrued.

The language of laws had a great influence on the formation of the entire official-business style, he was evidentially the basis of business speech. Of course, the language of laws must be a model for the language of management documentation. But the management line, as well as diplomatic, possess its norms and linguistic diversity, due to the content and composition of documents.

Management line. The scope of application of the management line is a variety of administrative and departmental, production relations. Types of documents of the management litigation largely differ among themselves in the compositional, stylistic and linguistic terms.

In the texts of the management litigation, along with neutral and book vocabulary, words and stable phrases are used with the color of official-business style (the following, proper, lower, housing tax, one-time allowance, notify). The management line has its own administrative and managerial terminology, for example: name of institutions, posts, types of service documents. Due to the fact that this subtile serves various areas of public and industrial activities (culture, study, trade, agriculture, various industries), in the texts of the liter, the most diverse terminology is used. In service texts, it is not recommended to use synonyms, replacing direct names of objects and actions. Unlike the legislative line, there is little antonyms here. In the texts of the management line, abbreviations, comprehensive words, various means of codification (names of institutions and enterprises, brands of machines, etc.) are often used. Only in the texts of the management line are used forms of verb in the 1st face, sometimes personal pronouns. This is due to concretization, with an exact indication of the author of the text (I order, please send me, I inform). In the management line, the verbs in the imperative inclination are not used and relatively rarely - structures with words should. The value of the change is mitigated in the texts with the use of such revolutions, how to impose into the duty, oblige, entrust the duty.

1.2. Ringuistic features of official-business style

Vocabulary and phraseology. One speech detects to the extreme-generalized semantic vocabulary, where everything is eliminated, the very peculiar, concrete, unique, and a typical one is put forward to the fore. For an official document, a non-live flesh of this phenomenon is important, and its "legal" essence. One speech prefers generic symbols with wide and poor semantics, with a limited number of semantic signs:

room (Wed: Apartment, Workshop, Hangar, Lobby, Shelter, Resident, Apartments), Face (Wed: Individual, Person, Male, Girl, Guy, Small, Host, Taste, Passion), Parent (Wed: Mother , Father, Dad, Mother, ancestor), a soldier (Wed: Soldier, Lieutenant-General, Artilleryrist, Rogin, Warmork, Served, Sailor), Recovery (Wed: Reprimand, Fine, Arrest, Cut, Tightening), arrive ( Wed: come, come, sailing, rush, fall, harness, pick up) and others.

Treatment and morphological features. Word-forming and morphological features of one style are inextricably linked with the common signs: the desire for accuracy, standardizedness, non-personal and urgent-prescribing nature of the presentation.

Of the hidden forms, the forms of the present time are most often used here, but otherwise, in comparison with the scientific style, the value. This value is usually defined as real prescriptions. The verb form indicates not a constant or common effect, and the action that the law is prescribed to produce under certain conditions:

"The accused is ensured by the right to defense."

When the name of the face is called in one style, the names of the nouns denoting the person on the basis of the evidence due to any action or attitude, which is designed to accurately designate the "roles" of the participants of the situation: respondent, tenant, employer, reader, guardian, adopter, plaintiff, witness, etc.

Nouns, denoting positions and titles, are used in the form of a male race and in the case when they relate to female people: smirnov police worker, defendant and the like.

From word-forming models of nouns, ungalled formations are widely represented, including on-point sometimes with prefix and non-compatibility, non-recognition, solution, execution. For example:

"Children left without parental care and educational institutions, medical institutions, institutions of social protection of the population and other similar institutions are entitled to: content, education, education, comprehensive development, respect for their human dignity, ensuring their interests .... "(Family Code of the Russian Federation, p.149).

Bottoming of nouns with suffix can be considered a bright admission of one style:

"Cooking for a crime recognizes the search and adaptation of funds or tools or intentional creation of conditions for the commission of crimes ...."

One style is rich in structures with the verb, taking on purely grammatical functions. The number of verbs acting as grammatically supporting words and employees to express almost only grammatical values \u200b\u200bare calculated by many tens:

lead (campaigning, installation, observation, negotiations, training, searches, development, investigation ...);

make (additions, corrections, clarifications ...);

give (consultation, appointment, rationale, explanation, refutation, refusal, evaluation, instructions, permit, clarification, order, recommendation, consent, indication ...);

pass (examination, learning, checking ..) etc.

Extremely characteristic of official speech are the methods of compulsory-formation - the base and the phrase, the battle, resulting in the lexicon of the business language of two- (or more), root formations are represented by a very extensive collection:

wedding, offense, taxation, land use, passenger transportation, disability, tenant, rental, dachademan, paper producer, cultural and entertainment, material and technical, repair and construction, administrative and economic, autumn-zimiy, bakery, apartment-submissible, high-paid, trans portoned, low-paid , low-income, man-ruble, ships-day, passenger-mile and many others.

A business style addiction to difficult words is easily explained: they are transparent in structure and meaning, possess idiomatic effects. To even greater, the need for semantically clear names is the phrase, the number of names created by this method of one style has many thousands of units:

vehicles, wages, officer, confectionery, securities, travel paper, admission item, executive committee, cashless payments, labor injury, bodily damage, public seats, professional disease, catering enterprise, high demand goods, training without From the production, the right to rest, a search order, a decrease in office, defeat in rights ....

With a special visibility, the convenience of "analytical" models is expressed in the component of the Giant Plast of Official Names of the Nomenclature of Institutions, Professions, posts, etc.: chief Researcher, Deputy Commander of the Regiment on the Engineering Service, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University). Transcaucasian Railway, Volyn Factory of Household Chemicals, Deputy of the State Duma ...

Syntax. From the syntax structures having the color of one style, we note phrases, including complex ransoms: in the part, on the line, on the subject, to avoid, as well as a combination with the pretext of the software expressing the time value: upon return, upon reaching. For example:

"Civil capacitance arises in full with the onset of the age of majority, that is, upon reaching the eighteen age".

Simple sentences in one style are often complicated by homogeneous members, the number of which can reach 8-10 or more, due to the need to exhaust the subject of the message. For example:

"Objects of the total ownership of the peasant farm is the property: land, plantings, economic or other buildings, ameliorative and other facilities, productive and working livestock, bird, agricultural and other equipment, equipment, vehicles, equipment and other property ..."

As in the scientific style, the passive construction and complex proposals with union bonds are widely used here, and complex proposals are occupied by a large place (26% among all complex proposals, which is 4 times higher than their consumers in scientific speech).

The syntax of one style is known "Handing of a PAID case", i.e. Use of complex combinations with several dependent components in the form of a genitive case (R.P.) without an excuse. Examples: For the use of social impact measures, for the purpose of wide publicity of the work of the Ministry of Higher Education ...

Thus, the process of standardization of business speech covers all levels of language - both vocabulary and morphology, and syntax. As a result, there is a steady speech stereotype, perceived by speaking as a special, functionally oriented type of language ignoring texts, i.e. Special functional style.

Those who sees in the standardization of business speech "depletion" and even "damage" of the literary language in the standardization of business speech. The development of the business language corresponds to the general laws of the evolution of modern society, for example, increasingly working, the implementation of machine processing, transmission and storage methods.

Negative language phenomenon should be considered not to standardize one style, but the use of verbal stamps in the oral and written speech. A type of stamp, increasingly penetrating into the living speaking speech, is the so-called "office" (by the definition of K.I. Chukovsky), the use of non-prescription expressions from business papers.

The coloring one of the style has, first of all, lexical and phraseological units of the language (notify, transmit, plaintiff, protocol, housing, prosecutor's supervision, one-time allowance). The use of the title "Office" in relation to this vocabulary and phraseology in all cases seems unfair, since this name is detected by a negative-emotional color. It is more expedient to delimit two concepts and, accordingly, two terms: "vocabulary with the color of one style" and "office".

The first name reflects the place of the corresponding layer of vocabulary in the system of the outbuilding language, its functional-style color. The second name, "Office", refers to the same lexical units, but when they are used in speech with other stylistic color, for example, in colloquial speech, or in the language of the artistic work. If at the same time they are used unintentionally, by chance, their use must be regarded as a violation of the stylistic norm, like a speech error.

The very same style, as well as scientific, alien, emotional expressive nestness. Indeed, there are no additional, additional estimates of the speaker (writing) in the linguistic means of the style, which would be enjoyed on the language units, beyond their lexical, nominative or grammatical significance. On the contrary, the language units selected here, as already mentioned, are designed to ensure that it is exactly possible to definitely convey the corresponding concepts, facts.

2. Culture of business communication.

Business conversation is an oral speech contact between people associated with the interests of the case that have the necessary authority to establish business relations and solving business problems. A business conversation is primarily an oral business speech that has significant differences with its written form. First of all, the business conversation is a direct communication that suggests a specific interlocutor (or interlocutors), which makes it possible to directly affect it (or on them). The presence of the interlocutor allows the use of facial expressions, gestures, intonation and other communication techniques, which significantly distinguishes the oral business on its written form.

Direct communication excludes the possibility of preliminary thinking, and therefore the business conversation is full of relaxed forms of communication, as well as some grammatical and stylistic features. So, for this type of business speech, a certain departure is characterized by the usual morphological norms of an overhangistric language, which in business communication are often considered as an excess that does not allow exactly and briefly conveying the meaning of the statement. To be correct, words should be used in strict accordance with their value. Meanwhile, errors in the wording are the most common speech lack of participants in business conversations. Take such an example: "Weather accompanied the discharge of platforms" (instead of "favored"). In this case, the word is used without taking into account its semantics. Such errors occur as a result of stylistic carelessness of speaking, inattentive attitude to the word or bad knowledge of the language.

Using words without taking into account their semantics often changes the value of the statement. For example: "The construction of the main building of the plant coincided with a sharp deterioration of climatic conditions." The speaker meant, of course, the weather conditions (bad weather), the climate cannot change in a few months, during which the construction of the said factory body was conducted.

The use of words without taking into account their semantics can cause illuminance and even the absurdity of statements. So, in the phrase "Decade of the technical book will take place for five days," the speaker forgot or did not know that the word "decade" means "ten days." But more often, improper typing leads to logical errors, which are usually expressed in the substitution of the concept.

Not always speaking skillfully enjoy in their speech by antonyms. Consider the following quite often sounding in business conversations phrase: "By virtue of weak control ...". Here, the first of the words of the antonymic pair, speaking in the function of the preposition, should not be preserved the original vocabulary, but because of the close neighborhood of his Antony, this value "manifested", and the compatibility of incompatible concepts was the cause of the illogic of statements.

A negligent attitude to the language may cause speech failure - skipping the words necessary for an accurate expression of thought: "The department begins exactly at 12 o'clock" (the "meeting" is missing). Speech failure usually arises when speaking rushing and does not follow the correctness of the statement, which makes serious damage to the semantic side of speech.

In some cases, the skipping of words can completely distort the thought: "To speed up the loading of the goods, you need to combine all port services" (it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto combine the efforts of all port services).

The cause of stylistic errors is very often an unsuccessful selection of synonym. For example, in the phrase "you need to protect the goods from drying" Instead of the verb "to protect", it would be necessary to use it synonym for "save".

If the speaker finds it difficult to give an accurate definition of this or that concept, an unjustified absence of synonyms may occur, which express the thought of approximately generating speech redundancy, for example: "Our employees have many passes and absenteeism. We should provide rhythmic and uninterrupted work. "

Very often in the business conversation there is a mixing of paronyms (i.e., words having similarities in the morphological composition and, therefore, in sound, but differing in value), which leads to gross lexical errors. Most often it causes a violation of lexical compatibility, for example: to bow the head (it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto incline); Beautiful and practical clothing (it is necessary: \u200b\u200bpractical).

A lexical error consisting in replacing the necessary word to be replaced by a distorted version. So, instead of the adjective "extraordinary" they say "non-obedient", instead of "zoim-like" - "mutually".

Rough lexical errors in speech can be caused by false associations, which often arise under the influence of the wrong choice of paronym. Often confusing the words "Statute" and "Status", "Test" (i.e., give official approval on the basis of the inspection) and "oppositor" (i.e., to expose tests, sample before use). For proper use of words in speech, it is not enough to know enough of them, it is necessary to take into account the lexical combination of words, i.e. Their ability to connect with each other. An involuntary violation of lexical combativity is a very common lack of oral speech. So, often they say: the meeting is convened, the conversation is read, complete the obligations, strengthen attention, increase the horizon. Often you can hear the phrase "satisfying modern needs", in which combined combinations satisfy the requirements and meet the needs. Or another example: "From the supplier recovered material damage in favor of the customer" (material damage can be reimbursed, money may be charged).

It is impossible to combine the words to combine with books or combine high, solemn speeds with ordinary, neutral, for example: "After that, he became a champion of saving on each operation" (it would be easier to say: "He suggested saving on each operation").

The brevity is the most important requirement for any form of business speech, since this speech is characterized as we have already noted, a purely applied character in submitting reported information. This means that the speaker does not abuse the time and patience of the listener, avoiding unnecessary repetitions, excessive detail and verbal garbage. Each word and expression serves here the goals that can be formulated as follows: if possible, more precisely and in short, set out the listeners the essence of the case. Therefore, words and phrases that do not carry any semantic load should be completely excluded from business speech.

Multili, or speech redundancy, most often manifested in the use of unnecessary words, which indicate not only stylistic negligence, they also indicate a fuzziness, the uncertainty of the idea of \u200b\u200bspeaking about the subject matter, which often goes to the detriment of informativeness, the darkening of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe statement.

Multilia is manifested in various forms. So, very often, the participants of the business conversations ominously explain to all the well-known truths or repeatedly repeat the same thoughts, thereby inadvertently tightening the business conversation.

Speech redundancy can take the shape of a pleonism, under which the simultaneous consumption of loved ones in meaning is understood and therefore an extra words (to predicate in advance, dark darkness, the main essence, everyday everyday, valuable treasure, etc.). Often, the pleonazms are born when the synonyms are connected (long and long; bold and courageous; only; however, nevertheless). A variety of pleonism is tautology, that is, the repetition of the same in other words. Casual conversations of business people are literally filled with repetitions of the same or loved ones by the meaning of words, for example: "In August", "schematic plan", "five people of miners", "seven pieces of transformers", etc.

Tautology may occur when repetition of single-handed words (telling the story), as well as with the compounds of the Russian and foreign language word, duplicating its meaning (first debuted, memorial souvenir). The latter typically indicates that the speaker does not understand the exact meaning of the borrowed foreign language word. So the combinations of the "inner interior", the interval of the break, "Young Wunderkind", "Miser Trivia", "Leading Leader", etc.

However, individual combinations of this type were so entrenched in speech, which cannot be considered to be speechless. These, for example, include such as "time period", "monumental monument", "real reality", "exhibits of the exhibition", "Bukinistic book".

The speech redundancy of business speech should also include the use of without the need of foreign words, which duplicate Russian words and thereby unreasonably complicate the statement. Why, for example, to say "nothing extraordinary" when you can say "nothing special"; Instead of "ordinary" - "ordinary", instead of "indifferent" - "indifferent", instead of "ignore" - "not notice", instead of "limiting" - "limit", instead of "approximately" - "approximately", instead of "functioning" - "Act", instead of "diversification" - "diversity", instead of "deterministic" - "define", instead of "oppositor" - "check", etc.

Incorrect or parallel use of foreign language vocabulary leads, as a rule, to unnecessary repetitions, for example: "Industrial Industry" (in the word "Industry" the concept of "industrial") is already concluded, "to force the construction of accelerated pace" ("forcing" and means "to lead accelerated The pace ")," suffer full fiasco "(" Fiasco "and there is a complete defeat).


In conclusion, we will summarize the results of the abstract. In the course of business communication, information is exchanged, opinions and views between people. Communication is there is an interaction. This is a way to learn other people, the world around. The basis of business communication is all moral principles of communication. You need to be able to emphasize all the importance that one or another interlocutor is for you. The concept of communicative culture in business communication is interaction leading to the establishment of psychological contact with partners when perception and understanding between them will be established. There are important knowledge of people's interaction features to be able to send partner's actions to the desired result for you. Generally accepted norms for any type of communication, and business in particular, contain requirements for its participants. This include politeness, correctness, modesty, tact, accuracy and preventability..

In a row of book styles, officially business style is outlined most clearly. It serves legal and administrative activities when communicating in government agencies, in court, in business and diplomatic negotiations: Business speech provides the scope of official-business relations and is functioning in the field of law and policies. Official-business style is implemented in texts of laws, decrees, orders, instructions, contracts, agreements, orders, acts, in the business correspondence of institutions, as well as in legal references, etc. Despite the fact that this style is subjected to serious changes under the influence of socio-historical shifts in society, it is allocated among other functional varieties of the language with its stability, traditional, closure and standardity. Analysis showed that standard syntactic speeds, clispusted expressions, structural-composite features, etc. are the result of internalized selection, the use of those structurally syntactic capabilities of the language that best meet the tasks facing the business letter. And it is these features that arose under the influence of extralyinguistic factors and due to the internal laws of language development, the face of the genre is determined. business correspondence, eliminating it from other genres of official-business style and maintaining its thematic and genre atthence for decades.


1. Rakhmanin L.V. Stylistics of business speech and editing service documents: studies. Manual for media. specialist. studies, institutions. 3rd ed., Act - M.: Higher. Shk., 2004.

3. Leonova G.V. On some features of the use of borrowed words in business speech // Secretarial business. - 2007, number 4;

4. Basovskaya E.N. Language difficulties related to the preparation of documents // Secretarial. - 2007, № 1

5. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person: directory. - M.: Flint, Science, 2005. S. 100

6. Rachmanin L in the style of business speech and editing service documents of the studies. Manual for media specials studies of establishments 3rd ed., Act. - Higher. Shk., 2004. P. 16.

7. GOST R. 1.5-92 State system Standardization of the Russian Federation General requirements for the construction of the presentation, design and content of standards P. 42. Reduction.

8. Culture of Russian speech. Textbook for universities ed. Graudina L.K., Shiryaeva E.N.

Business. Of course, language ...

  • Officially - business writing speech

    Essay \u003e\u003e Foreign language

    Transformations of the state apparatus of Russia. Russian officiallybusiness writing speech has centuries-old traditions and deep ... and the patterns of the formation of special styles The language serving the sphere of official - business relationship, identify features ...

  • Formal business style It is intended to serve legal relations between citizens and the state, in connection with which it is applied in various documents: from state acts and international treaties before business correspondence. The most important functions of the style - message and Impact - implemented in such official documents as laws, decisions, decrees, orders, contracts, agreements, statements and many others. This style is called yet administrativeSince he serves the scope of official business relations, the area of \u200b\u200blaw and public policy. Other his name - business speech - It suggests that this style is the most ancient of the books, and its origins should be sought in the business speech of Kievan Rus, since legal documents (however, Russian, various treaties, certificates) were created already in the X century.

    The official-business style is highlighted by its stability, closure and standardized. Despite the large variety of business documents, their language strictly obeys the requirements of official-business presentation. It provides for the accuracy of the wording of legal norms and the need for absolute adequacy of their understanding; The composition of the required elements of the design of the document providing its legal rule of law; standardized presentation; Resistant forms of material location in a specific logical sequence, etc.

    For all forms of business letters, it is certainly strictly compliance with the literary norm in all language levels: it is unacceptable to the use of vocational-phraseological means of a spoken, spurant nature, dialective, professional and slang words; non-leaturated options for formation and word formation; Spoken syntactic structures. Official-business style does not accept expressive elements: estimated vocabulary, high or reduced words (joking, ironic), figurative expressions. The most important requirement for the document language is objectivity and inconsistency of the presentation of the facts.

    Official-business style functions mainly in writing form, however, is not excluded and oral, in particular, the speeches of state and public figures at the solemn meetings, meetings, receptions. The oral form of business speech characterize the full pronunciation style, the special expressiveness of intonation, logical stress. The speaker may admit some emotional risk of speech, even the inclusion of the impressionable language means, without breaking, however, the literary norm. Invalid increments, non-leaturated pronunciation.

    Vocabulary Official speech characterizes the widespread use of special words and terms (legal, diplomatic, military, economic, sports, etc.). The desire for brevity determines the appeal to abbreviations, comprehensive names government agencies and suprupral entities, as well as institutions, organizations, societies, parties, etc. ( RF, CIS, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Airborne Forces, Air Force, FDI, Housing and Commellents, LDPR, MUP, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, Rosstat). Since the structure of state bodies, the names of parties and social movements are subject to change, then many new words appear and this part of the vocabulary is constantly updated, replenished.

    In business and official texts, words and expressions are used, not accepted in other styles: the above, the following, the above, proper, is prohibited, deed, punishability etc. This includes sustainable phrases: preventive measure; appeal; act of civil status; act of disobedience; House arrest et al. Regular use of such words and expressions that do not have synonyms contributes to the accuracy of speech, excludes inoto.

    Morphological The features of the official-business style are largely determined by its name: there is an absolute predominance of the registered parts of speech with a minor use of verbs. The inappropriateness of the expressive coloring of the official speech makes it impossible to use interjection, modal words, a number of particles, words with subfixes of subjective assessment, the names of adjectives in a comparative and excellent degree. National names, denoting positions, are usually used in the form of a male race ( accountant, Director, Laboratory, Postman, Controller etc.).

    High frequency of exclusive nouns is a consequence of consolidation sustainable turns Speech (synonymous verb expressions): the procedure for the preparation and execution of the transport plan; In order to improve the procedure for tax fees etc. In such revolutions, the speech often arises a chain forms of the genitive case of nouns names ( clarification of the crime conditions; Passport regime compliance check), which gives the phrase heavywealth and sometimes makes it difficult to perceive.

    The names of adjectives and communities in business speech often act in the meaning of nouns ( patient, resting, the following); Productive brief forms of adjectives ( must, obligate, is required, it is necessary, accountable, underwent, responsible). Appeal to such forms is dictated by the prescribing nature of the business speech: Calling experts is obligatory to establish the causes of death (UPC RSFSR).

    Indicatively, the selection of pronoun in business speech: personal pronouns are used here i, you, he, she, they By virtue of the complete lack of individualization of speech and concreteness, the accuracy of the statement. Instead of index pronomies this one, such etc. Words are used this, present, corresponding, known, specified, the above, the following etc. Undefined pronouns in business speech at all: someone, somehow, anything etc.

    To characterize the verbs in the official speech is also important its nominal order, which causes the high frequency of verbs ligaments ( is becoming carried out), the replacement of the verb faithful by the combination of auxiliary verb with the name of the noun, calling the action ( assist; control; care etc.). In comparison with other book styles, business style has the lowest frequency of verbs: there are only 60 words for each thousand words (in scientific style - 90, in artistic speech - 151). The prescribing nature of the official-business style, the predominance of the statement and descriptive types of speech on the narration and reasoning determines its static, the ousting of the verbal forms by the exclusive names of nouns.

    Among the semantic groups of verbs presented in a business style, the main role is assigned to the words with the meaning ( it should be due, imputed, undertakes), as well as abstract verbs indicating being, availability ( is available). See, for example:

    Persons who were on constant upbringing and content obligeddeliver the content to persons actually by their cultivation if the last aredisabled and need help and cannot get content from their children or spouses.

    In official speech, the non-personal forms of verbs are more common - communion, verbalism, infinitives that are particularly often acting in the importance of the imperative inclination ( take into account; make a suggestion; Recommend, remove etc.).

    Forms of the present time execute the function of the prescription: Enterprises are responsible ...; The employer is responsible for the property (Such verb forms are called this prescription).

    Forms of future time, in context, various shades (musting, prescriptions; opportunities close to necessity) are acquired in context; Borders will bethose that they existed on October 1, 1941 g. (i.e. are established by the Treaty); Military command allocate ... (\u003d "Must be allocated"). Another meaning of the future, typical of business texts, is the future conditional (irreal), which is usually found in complex proposals with the apparent conditions: Insurance amount is paid if during the year comingpermanent disability.

    It is quite consistent with the tasks of the business speech and the functioning of the forms of the past time. One of the typical values \u200b\u200bis the underlined statement, a pronounced fixation of the reporting in writing (agreement, contract, etc.):

    Ukraine confirms that she translatedfunds ... at the account of the repayment of a part of the debt for previously delivered Russian gas; We, the undersigned..., inspected, measured, diminisheddrawings I. adoptedsomboy shield house (Act).

    The verbs of the imperfect species as more distracted by meaning than the verbs of the perfect species prevail in the genres of business speech of general nature (constitution, codes, statutes, etc.). Forms of the perfect species are used in texts of more specific content (orders, orders, protocols of meetings, decisions, acts, agreements). Such forms of verb are used in combination with modal words in the meaning and express categorical order, permission ( must report; have the right to prescribe; obliged to convey; We undertake to provide), as well as a statement ( the ministry looked at measures, made a proposal; organized, paid, completed etc.).

    Syntax official-business style reflects the impersonal nature of business speech ( Complaints are filed by the prosecutor, the transportation of goods is produced ...). In this regard, suffolding structures are widely used, which allow us to abstract from specific performers and focus on the actions themselves ( The competition is enrolled ...-, Accepted ten patients; 120 applications are registered; The execution date of the order is extended under the condition ...).

    The syntax structures in the official speech are saturated with clispanised turnover with inflammatory pretexts: for purposes, in connection, on the line, on the basis of and etc. ( in order to improve the structure; in connection with these complications; on lisha cooperation and mutual assistance; based received ). Such clichés are a specific feature of formal business style. The use of such syntactic structures is necessary to express model situations; They facilitate and simplify the compilation of typical texts.

    In official-business documents, writing unions are more common than the subordinates (as the law, the Charter prescribes, and does not explain, proves). At the same time, a feature of business speech is the predominance of complex syntactic structures: a simple proposal is not able to reflect the sequence of facts to be considered in the formal business plan.

    Enfinitive designs are played a large role in formal business style (especially in texts of laws, where it is motivated by the target task - to specify the conditionality of the legal norm). A characteristic feature of business speech is also the use of infinitive and impersonal proposals with the meaning of the application. In order to achieve LAKONISM and accuracy, parallel syntactic structures are often used (involved and particle inclusive turns, designs with exclusive noun).

    For business style syntax, a strict and certain order of words is characterized in a sentence, which is due to the requirement of logical, sequence, accuracy of the presentation of thought. A stylistic feature is also predominant use. indirect speech. A direct speech in an official-business style is resorted only in cases where the literal citation of legislation or other documents is required.

    In the design of official-business style texts, paragraphic membership and refinement play a major role; requisites - Permanent Document Content Elements: Names, Dates, Signatures, as well as a graphic design adopted for this document. All this is of paramount importance in office work, indicates the literacy of the proprietary document, its professionalism and culture of speech.