The dream bull is chasing. Why does the bull dream - various interpretations

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a well-fed bull means that you will become a leader in your environment and women will look for your company. Seeing fat bulls in a green pasture promises you success and a high position in society, which you did not dare to dream of before. If the bulls bowed to the grass, this means that your condition will decrease somewhat, and your friends will turn away from you. If you see selected thoroughbred bulls, this portends a happy marriage to a wealthy bride or union with your former, faithful lover. Seeing a dead bull is a sign of sadness. If the bulls drink water from a clean pond or stream, a sweet and devoted woman may appear next to you. If a woman has such a dream, she will accept the offer of her devoted lover.

Why is the bull dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

illness, sadness if red or black; the bull is chasing, the calf - to the inheritance; a white bull or a white buffalo is a great income; raised on the horns - unusual glory; bull (generally) without color - benefit in terms of the size of the animal.

See a bull in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

The symbol has a double meaning. Usually, the bull personifies the masculine principle, the solar regenerative power dedicated to all the heavenly gods, as well as fertility, the masculine productive force, royal origin. In other cases, it symbolizes the earth and feminine natural strength. When the bull becomes lunar, the goddesses of the moon - Astarte and Europa ride it, and it means the taming of the male and animal nature. A bull rider or bulls carrying a cart are attributes of the solar warrior associated with the sky, the storm, and solar deities. The bull's roar symbolizes thunder, rain and fertility. Being the epitome of productive male power, the bull is associated with the fertile powers of the sun, rain, storm, thunder and lightning, therefore, with both dry and wet elements. Heavenly deities very often appear in the form of a bull, and the goddesses are depicted with him as a spouse. The sacrifice of the bull and taurobolium take place in the worship of Attis and Mithra, as well as in the ancient celebrations of the New Year. Bull symbolism is common in Sumerian and Semitic cults. The bull man is usually a guardian, protecting either the middle, or the treasure, or some kind of door. It protects against evil and is usually apotropic. The bull's head is the most important part, because it contains his life principle means sacrifice and death. Stabbing a bull on New Year symbolizes the death of Winter and the birth of a creative life force. In Buddhism, the Bull personifies personality, ego and is an attribute of the god of the dead Yama, who is sometimes depicted with the head of a bull or buffalo. Among the Celts, bull gods symbolize strength and power. For the druids, the bull is the sun and the cow is the earth. Among the Chinese, the bull is considered one of the animals of the Twelve Earthly Branches. In Christianity, the bull personifies cruel power and is the emblem of St. Eustathius, tortured in copper bull , and St. Tesla. Among the Egyptians, the bull Apis was the avatar of Osiris and "the second life and servant of Ptah." He was also worshiped in the form of Mnevs or Merver. It was dedicated to the solar god Ra, who, in the form of a heavenly bull, fertilized the sky goddess Nut every day. The earth god Heaven was also the bull of the heavenly goddesses. The bull's thigh was considered the phallic leg of Set, symbolizing fertility, strength, and the North Pole. Among the Greeks, the bull was considered an attribute of Zeus as a heavenly god, as well as Dionysus, who was depicted with horns, and sometimes with the head of a bull, when he personified the male principle. Dedicated to Poseidon, whose cupbearers in Ephesus were "bulls". As a wet force, the bull was an attribute of Aphrodite. For the Jews, Yahweh is the "bull of Israel", therefore, he represented the power of Yahweh. Among the Hindus, it is a symbol of strength, speed, fertility, and the reproductive power of nature. Shiva travels on the bull Nandina, the guardian of the West. The bull is also an attribute of Agni - the "Powerful Bull" and the form of Indra in his fertile aspect. The bull also symbolizes the vital, all-embracing breath of Ayditi. The strength given by the catfish is often equated with the strength of the bull. Rudra unites with the cow goddess. For Iranians, the bull personifies the soul of the world, and its productive forces are associated with the moon and rain gracious clouds. The bull was the first animal created and the first animal killed by Ahriman. From the bull's soul came the disputes of all that was subsequently created. In Minoan culture, this is the Great God. The bull was sacrificed to the god of the earth and earthquakes: “He who shakes the earth will rejoice in the bull,” - Homer. In some cultures, it was believed that the bull causes earthquakes by hitting the ground with its horns, and then everyone hears its roar. In Crete, he appears to represent the reproductive forces of nature. In Mithraism, the bull is considered the solar god, and the sacrifice of the bull was the central ceremony in Mithraism. Also personifies the victory over the animal nature of man and life that has gone through death. A bull with a lion is a symbol of death. In ancient Rome, the bull was considered an attribute of Jupiter, the God of Heaven, dedicated to Mars, an attribute of Venus and Europe, as lunar deities. Europe, as a symbol of dawn, was carried across Heaven by a solar bull. Among the Scandinavians, the bull is an attribute of Thor and is dedicated to Freya. Among the Sumerians and Semites, the heavenly bull plowed a deep furrow across the sky. Ramman, Ashur and Hell Hell rode bulls and were called "the bulls of heaven." Marduk, or Merodach, is identified with Gudibir, "the bull of light." The sun, Enlil, or Enki, is "the fierce bull of heaven and earth." The moon god Sin also takes the form of a bull. The Hittite sun god Teshub takes on the form of a bull and is one of the aspects of Ea as the god of magic, and is often depicted in Sumerian art as the guardian of the entrance. The Syrian and Phoenician Baal, or Bel, the solar god of the fertility of the soil and herds, was symbolized by a bull. The Akkadian "guiding bull" begins the zodiacal year. Winged bulls represent guardian spirits. Zodiacal meaning of the bull - Taurus is a symbol of the sun and the creative power of spring.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

You will become rich and fortunate. A black bull with large horns warns of the violent nature of your enemies.

To dream of a buffalo

according to the dream book of animals

Among the American Indians, buffalo and bison mean supernatural power, strength, resilience and whirlwind. In Buddhism, the god of the dead, Yama, is sometimes depicted with the head of a buffalo or appears in his image. In Taoism, Lao Tzu rode a buffalo. Before disappearing, he was seen riding a green buffalo. Sometimes a buffalo takes the place of a bull in "Pictures of Ten Grazing Bulls", where he, like a non-regenerating nature, in the process of domestication, gradually turns from absolutely black to dazzling white, and in the tenth picture he completely disappears.

Dreamed of a buffalo

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman sees in a dream that she is killing buffaloes, it means that she will take up some very important business and, having shown willpower, abandoning material wealth, will win the approval of men and receive what she has long desired. In addition, a buffalo seen in a dream portends the appearance of powerful, but stupid enemies. They will openly oppose you, but your tact and diplomatic behavior will help you defeat them.

See a minotaur in a dream

according to the dream book of mythical animals

There are various assumptions regarding its symbolism: the wild passions of nature, the solar bull, the principle of moisture, the miasm, destroyed by the solar hero Theseus. The maze symbolizes the winding and dangerous path life, and the thread is the divine instinct in man. Crete emblem.

Dreamed of a mule

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are riding a mule, it means that you will get involved in things that will cause you the greatest anxiety. But if you calmly reach your destination, very significant results of a lot of work await you. If a young woman sees a white mule in a dream, this portends to her that she will marry a rich foreigner or a rich, but uncultured person. If she dreams of a running mule, she will not have an end to her gentlemen, but she will not receive a single offer of a hand and heart. If in a dream a mule hits you with a hoof - this is a sign of disappointment in love and marriage. To see a dead mule - portends a broken engagement and a deterioration in society.

Dreamed of an ox

according to Miller's dream book

Oxen in a dream promise you real and loyal friends, as well as the enjoyment of some delightful party. After such a dream, you can count on a long good health and in difficult moment- very reliable support.

The meaning of a dream about a bison

according to Freud's dream book

The bison symbolizes the character of your partner: kind, but with a rare hypertrophied feeling dignity, which often reflects negatively on you, because it gradually develops into megalomania. If you dreamed about a dead bison, in real life this promises you release from a long-boring partner (partner). You will wonder whether it is worth breaking off a boring relationship, because a feeling of pity will intervene. If in a dream you ran away from a bison, it means that in reality you do not tolerate violence against your will. Any encroachment on your freedom by someone else always ends in a terrible scandal and a showdown. How do you think of a relationship with the opposite sex, if you do not allow its representatives to interfere in your life? If in a dream you stroked a bison, this suggests that in reality you set out to subjugate a person who is distinguished by a very proud and self-willed character. Your venture will be unsuccessful, since to subjugate the will of such a person is an activity that is initially fruitless and absolutely useless.

See horned animals in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

A horned animal personifies an authoritarian man or, if the presence of horns in an animal is absurd, a shift in authority or speaks of your rejection of this authority due to its unfoundedness. Try to define your feelings about a horned animal - does it resemble someone in real life? The presence of horns in an animal that in reality does not have them, for example, a horned dog, indicates tension in sexual relations. Don't you think that someone nearby is guided by ambiguous motives in their relationship with you? The horned animal also represents danger from another person who is trying to suppress you with their strength and authority. At the same time, you may feel a kind of sexual excitement, but the very fact of the presence of this imposed influence is important here.

Seeing a harnessed bull in a dream is a sign of ingratitude towards your loved ones.

The bull in a dream personifies an embittered and powerful enemy, and sometimes an overbearing leader. Therefore, to see him in a dream is always a warning of danger. You should be more careful in your affairs, actions and try not to displease your leadership.

A white bull in a dream is a sign of good luck and wealth.

Seeing grazing bulls in a dream is a harbinger of a strong position in society and universal respect, if only the bulls are not exhausted. A grazing goby in your dream predicts that you will soon receive an inheritance.

Seeing bulls at a watering hole is a sign of love joys and devotion of a beloved.

A tribal bull in a dream means a quick and successful marriage with a rich, domineering, stubborn and strong person.

Killing a bull in a dream is a very good omen, foreshadowing that you will be able to avoid danger and your life will not change for the worse. Sometimes such a dream predicts suffering.

Seeing him dead is a change in circumstances, which, on the one hand, will help you succeed, and on the other hand, it will give you many unpleasant minutes and grief.

If in a dream a bull attacks you, then you will be lucky in love and happiness, which will be painful, but will give you a lot of pleasure, but they will be overshadowed by slanderous rumors about you.

If in a dream a white bull raised you on its horns, and you were not afraid, then glory awaits you, which you yourself will be surprised at.

Slaughtering a bull in a dream means that you have to be patient to long time until the unsuccessful period passes.

Seeing fighting bulls or a bullfight in a dream means that love and recognition from fans awaits you, who can make you happy if only you want to.

If you enjoyed watching the progress of the bullfight, then soon you will take part in a protracted dispute between your competitors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dream interpretation - Bull

If in a dream you see a huge bull fighting a bullfighter, it means that in reality you will gain well-deserved recognition and many of those who, until recently, treated you with coolness, will look for your company.

Seeing well-fed bulls on the pasture - your position will reach such a level that you never dreamed of before.

A bull digging the ground with a hoof - you will suffer losses, both material and others, for example, the loss of friends.

A herd of dirty bulls wandering along a dusty road is a chance to successfully marry or get back someone who once underestimated you.

Seeing bulls at a watering hole on the river bank on a summer day is an opportunity to gain true friend and a lover in the face of a man who is impeccable in all respects. For a young girl, this means that she will accept the proposal of her lover.

Why does a woman dream of a bull? Such strange dream may be different meanings... The authors of some dream books believe that a dream with a bull portends success in society and career growth at work. If the animal is black, this indicates the girl's leadership qualities. If a bull grazes on a beautiful green meadow, wait for financial replenishment. If the bull attacks, the interpretation is no longer so rosy. Let's try to figure out why the black bull dreams of the fair sex.

Important: remember the plot of the dream in detail. Better write it down so you don't miss out on details. Then it will turn out to compose the most accurate interpretation.

Meanings of bull dreams in popular dream books

  • If a woman dreamed of a huge bull with big horns, this promises her a good future. The author of Miller's dream book claims: a meeting with a person who occupies a high position in society will soon take place. He will become a life partner and change a girl's life for the better.
  • Freud argued that if in a dream you are attacked by an aggressive animal, this promises the emergence of a new sexual partner. Soon a woman will meet an interesting man who will win her heart. He will become a companion of her life, a father of children. The bigger and angrier the bull in a dream, the better the chosen one will be.
  • Do you see the angry bull kicking and going to attack? To interpret the dream, remember your emotions at the moment. Have you tried to tame and calm the animal? Wait for signs of attention and beautiful courtship, great love. Running away and trying to defend yourself? A new relationship will not bring joy, you are not yet ready to seriously change your life.

Let's summarize: The authors of most dream books believe that a dreaming bull promises changes in personal life if it appears in a woman's dreams. Moreover, despite the aggressive nature of sleep, these changes will be favorable. The larger and angrier the animal, the more happiness will come into life.

What if a man dreams of a bull?

Sometimes dreams in which the main character- bull, and the stronger sex also dreams. In this case, the interpretation can be as follows:

  • The animal attacks, hits with a hoof, tries to win... This means that in real life you are quite confident in yourself, you are in good physical shape and have every chance of success. Now the peak of your form is a great time for new achievements and making fateful decisions.
  • A scary huge animal, from the look at which you experience intense fear- a sign of high risk in current affairs. Your emotions can get in the way. Try not to conflict, get angry, or argue. Your rage can affect the outcome of your affairs, making it extremely unfavorable for you.
  • Nostradamus believed that if a man dreams of a very weak and tired bull, but trying to attack at the same time, it is worth giving yourself a rest. You are overworked - try to take a break from work

As can be seen from the interpretations, sleep with a bull is unfavorable for a man, in contrast to a woman.

Interpretations from other dream books

There are less popular interpretations, but which can also be considered:

  • Black bull with huge horns portends a certain advantageous offer for you. If you agree, life will change dramatically for the better. The offer can relate to both financial matters and changes in personal life. Be prepared and don't be afraid to agree
  • The most unpredictable interpreter Vanga believed that the dreaming bull promises tremendous financial growth, career success, perhaps even in politics
  • Bull white people dream who do not enjoy their sex life. Especially if the animal has no horns. And if the bull also attacks, it means that subconsciously you are ready to look for a new partner and reciprocate the courtship of a worthy gentleman
  • Esoterics believed that the attack of a bull in a dream is a symbol of sexual aggression. The girl is better off being vigilant - probably attacked by a rapist
  • Fighting the bull in the arena dreams of idle gossip and implausible speculation. You will be covered with a wave of public contempt - well-wishers will try

Public recognition is what a dream with a black bull promises. This animal is a symbol of prosperity, financial well-being, health and love. Therefore, to see such a dream is joyful. In most cases.

The interpretation of dreams causes a lot of controversy among the compilers of dream books. Each book interprets the meaning of dreams in different ways. Most often, people dream. Next, consider why a dream is that a bull with horns attacks a person?

Attacking me: general meaning

    Modern dream book

    Treats the bull's attack as expectation of betrayal or deception by relatives.

    The reason for the attack in a dream of an animal on a person is also important. So, a bull sick with rabies, rushing at a person dreaming of an unpleasant incident which can be avoided by exercising foresight.

    If an angry, furious bull lashed out through the fault of another person, then this a dream portends deception or fraud... The culprit of the troubles that happened to him will be the person himself.

    Dream interpretation of Wangi

    Interprets attack of a big bull as a warning to a man... He should be more careful not to get into big trouble. If a person dreamed of a bull with huge horns, then this promises him a great danger awaiting him in the near future. You need to be careful and patient in order to protect yourself from unpleasant changes in your life.

    Miller's dream book

    Treats an attack with horns on a person as hope of victory in a complex and confusing business.

    Esoteric dream book

    Seeing a bull in a dream means the emergence of future difficulties in achieving the goal... When interpreting sleep according to esoteric dream book you need to remember the color of the attacking animal.

    A black bull who attacked a person is interpreted as the need to fear various conflicts and provocations, because they can forever tarnish a reputation.

    Bloody attacking bull promises imminent health problems... A white bull who attacked after certain provocations means that a person does not appreciate good attitude to yourself from others. If a herd of bulls wants to attack you, then a person will have to make a difficult choice.

    Loff's dream book

    Predicts avoiding a very big threat, in the event that a person defeated the animal that attacked him. If a person killed a red bull that attacked him, then this portends an imminent loss of close friends or material losses.

    Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

    Treats the attack of the black bull as quick victory over troubles... If a person was attacked by a big black bull, then this foreshadows material losses for him due to his own stupidity. A black bull going to a person portends a quick victory over serious troubles.

Interpretation for a woman and for a man

Freud's dream book interprets the attack of an animal in a dream for a woman as an imminent change in her personal life. According to him, she will meet, soon, a person with whom she wants to start a family.... Her new chosen one will be influential and will be able to provide her with serious support. The dream book says that the more furious the bull is, the more attractive the future chosen one will be.

If a woman sees in front of her an evil animal beating with a hoof, then the new chosen one will in every possible way seek her location and spoil her with his attention. Dreams with an angry animal foreshadow a quick marriage and replenishment in the family.

If a woman dreams that a bull attacked another person, then this means that she will have to witness the clarifications of strangers. You should not interfere with them, because people will make peace, and she will have to stop communicating with them.

If an animal injured a girl or woman in a dream, then this portends an imminent break in relations through no fault of hers. Another interpretation of such a dream is that women spread gossip about her behind their backs.

A bull attacking a pregnant woman means fear of becoming dependent on other people... It can also be seen as a subconscious fear of distrust before a new relationship. Despite the rather complex interpretation of this dream, it can be a clue for a woman. She should understand herself and avoid mistakes made in the past.

Violently attacking a male bull indicates excellent physical condition. A bull attacking a man is also interpreted as a period of adoption. important decisions... If the animal has an unpleasant appearance, then this predicts serious risks in life. Showing perseverance in everyday affairs, you should not conflict with others, as this can bring failure in all endeavors.

A black bull who attacked a man in a dream predicts him a solid career advancement and financial profit.

Dream interpretation of Wangi predicts a political career and great success in business to the man who saw him in a dream. Modern dream books they promise a person who sees a black bull in a dream a serious profit on deposits, especially if the animal is well-fed and looks good.

If a man saw in a dream that a bull with horns attacked his woman, then this portends the appearance of a rival in their relationship... You should not quarrel over trifles, so as not to push your chosen one to another man. If the man saw that the bull that attacked his girlfriend killed her with horns, then this predicts a quick disagreement due to numerous rumors.

If he's chasing someone

The modern one says that if an angry animal is chasing a person, then this portends problems at work. Competitors are trying to defeat the dreamer. If an angry beast is chasing a person, then this indicates a possible dissatisfaction with the authorities due to constant oversights at work.

For non-working women to run away from a bull in a dream, means conflict situations with relatives older in age.

If a woman is chased by a bull, then this portends the appearance of a new fan in her life... A pregnant woman who sees a bull chasing her in a dream will soon give birth to a son.

A bull chasing in a dream portends a male representative inheritance... The 21st century dream interpretation defines the chase of a bull for a person as a defeat in the fight against competitors.

Hornless goby

The most popular interpretation of this dream is that a person is dissatisfied with his personal life. If you have seen such a dream, you should think about changes in your personal life and changing your sexual partner. You should not waste time on a hopeless relationship and start looking for a more worthy candidate.

For women, such a dream serves as a reason to fear possible violence... Especially if the attacking animal is too aggressive.

Modern dream book interprets the attack of a hornless animal as a victory over all enemies... The meanings of dreams are always interpreted in different ways. Do not dwell on the negative meanings of the dream. Positive attitude will help you easily overcome all the troubles.

By different dream books the interpretation of what the bull is dreaming of is significantly different. Sometimes opposite meanings are attributed to this symbol, and this is not at all surprising. Indeed, in reality, bulls reflect vitality and tenacity, and at the same time are dangerous animals.

Dream interpretation: seeing a bull in a dream

Dream interpretation of Gustav Miller interprets a fat bull in the pasture as a sign of tremendous success. Well-groomed animal drinking clean water, means good luck in the personal sphere.

According to Vanga's dream book the head of a bull foreshadows difficult and hard work. Also, a dream indicates the resolute and purposeful nature of the sleeper.

Suggests that active actions are justified in the near future. If the animals behaved aggressively, in reality someone admires the dreamer's independent strong character.

Dream interpretation of Medea says that he will have to be responsible for his actions if an evil bull is seen in a dream. It is advisable to think over actions before taking them.

A dreaming bull to a man signals that he is prone to rudeness during sexual intercourse.

According to Freud's dream book mating bulls and cows symbolize lack of satisfaction in intimate relationships. The plot points to the need to solve this problem.

Gypsy source interprets a dreaming herd of cows and bulls, which is being looked after by a dog, as good changes in fate. They will touch on the personal and business side of life.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century indicates that to kill a bull in a dream means in reality to become a famous and wealthy person. An animal calmly standing in a pen or stall portends family well-being. Mooing warns of danger.

Modern dream book interprets fresh bull meat as a deterioration in well-being. When a bull is on a leash in a dream, women can receive an offer to marry or a gift from a spouse. Men will make a good deal or receive material rewards.

Why is the black bull dreaming

A dark-colored animal can represent adverse events if the bull was aggressive. Calm - means positive progress in business.

Peaceful big a black bull in a dream portends that it will be possible to take a leadership position in the environment. A miniature dark animal signifies a change in outlook.

Angry Black Bull Woman with horns warns of the appearance of an unpleasant and obsessive admirer. The cavalier will annoy with manifestations of his sexual interest. A calm animal symbolizes that troubles can be easily dealt with.

Generally attack the black bull in a dream is a warning to everyone. Fate has prepared trials ahead.

Dreamed black bull on the bullfight who was defeated asleep is a very good sign. All problems will be overcome, and troubles will turn into success.

Why does a woman dream of a bull

A friendly white bull portends to women of childbearing age an increased likelihood of conception in the near future. The plot advises those who want to experience motherhood to use the chance.

Pregnant to a woman, a dreaming bull tells the gender of the baby. The birth of a boy is more likely.

A quick financial improvement promises married to a woman a bull in a dream if he was well-fed and phlegmatic. A thin animal means material difficulties and the need to control spending.

Bull lonely a woman is a good sign. In reality, a longtime admirer confesses his feelings and even proposes to marry.

If a bull is dreaming girl, her fiancé will be respectable and wealthy. Aggressive beast indicates someone's claims to have an intimate relationship with the dreamer.

When calmly grazing herd a woman dreamed of bulls, you can rejoice. In reality, it will turn out to achieve a high social status and implement ideas.

A reflection of internal complexes is the plot in which the woman had to run away from a bull in a dream. The lady is in vain ashamed of her appearance and social status.

A dead animal means depressed mood and sadness.

Why dream that the bull is attacking

When a bull behaves aggressively in a dream, the interpretation most often contains a warning. At the same time, it is an indicator of the level of inner power.

If a bull with horns attacks a woman in a dream, she will have to face strong passion. An acquaintance with an influential person is possible, and subsequently the meeting will have a fateful meaning.

For men attack a bull in a dream means good physical shape. The dream predicts that at the moment the energy is on the rise.

With a sense of fear run away from a bull means competition will intensify in reality. You will have to try hard to win back a good place at work or in a business environment.

When people wonder why they dream that the bull chasing me, it is worth considering one more meaning of the plot. This is how the numerous gossips about the sleeping person are displayed. If you felt horror in a dream, you can suddenly get sick in reality. There are nuances depending on what color the bulls were running after you in a dream. Red animals - to work difficulties. If you dream of a white bull running among the herd - to sadness. The motley animals herald participation in a major event.

Interpretation of a dream by the look of a bull

In an attempt to figure out what the bull is dreaming of, one cannot do without a detailed analysis of its appearance. Character, suit and other differences are important.

Dreamed of a good-natured bull with horns- good sign. In the team, it will turn out to achieve a leading position.

It's bad if you dreamed about a bull without horns... This is disharmony in intimate relationships. Violence towards the dreamer is also possible.

Good sign when furious the bull in the dream is in the arena. This is how a significant superiority over rivals and ill-wishers is projected.

Evil the bull symbolizes danger. Great care must be taken to avoid risk.

The dreamed mad bull. In case of quarrels, it is advisable to control emotions, not to get personal, so as not to aggravate the conflict.

Also butting the bull symbolizes backbiting about the sleeping person. Ill-wishers are ready to present every act in a bad light.

Tiny attack the bull portends small problems. Through perseverance, it will be possible to derive great benefit from their solution.

Good symbolism is contained in a dream White bull chewing green grass in the pasture. Favorable events are ahead. If he dreamed of in a lake or a clear river, a significant event awaits. A white bull with horns signifies strong leadership qualities inherent in a sleeping person. This moment great for carrying out plans.

Red the bull encourages you to think about excessive pride in yourself. The dream suggests that selfishness can destroy good relationships.

The symbol of vivid emotions is ginger bull. These are joyful events, and for girls, an animal of this color means an early marriage.

Peaceful big the bull in a dream personifies self-confidence. There are good reasons for this feeling.

Huge the bull testifies that success and recognition of others will soon be achieved. Hard selfless work will serve as the reason.

Dreamed small a goby means that the sleeping one is too modest. Excessive shyness can be harmful in business.

When a bull is dreaming, it is advisable to take into account all the nuances. The meaning of the dream will tell you about the threatening dangers and chances provided by fate.