The style of an official business speech. Formal and business style of speech

Business vocabulary

1.2 Features of the official business style

Officially, business style is a functional variety of the Russian literary language used in the field of public relations. Officially, business speech is typical for state, official documents, the state with an individual and society as a whole; means of communication between enterprises, institutions, organizations; a means of official communication between people in production and in the service sector.

Officially business style refers to the writing styles of the literary language. It is implemented in the texts of laws, orders, orders, contracts, acts, certificates, powers of attorney. The oral form of the official business style of speech is represented by a speech: reports at conferences, reports at meetings, court speech, office telephone conversation.

General stylistic features officially business speech are:

Accuracy of presentation;

Detail of presentation;

Stereotype, standard presentation.

The strict official tonality is also associated with the prescriptive or stating nature of official documents, and the standard, uniformity of design - with the uniformity and frequent repetition of official business situations (in addition, the presence standard forms documents facilitates paperwork, prevents the appearance possible mistakes). Specificity provides for the indication in official documents of specific actions, persons, dates, the absence of vague, insufficiently clear formulations.

Emotionally expressive coloration is alien to the official business style itself, as well as to the scientific one. Indeed, in the linguistic means of the official business style there are no additional, additional assessments of the speaker (writer), which would be layered on linguistic units in excess of their lexical, nominative or grammatical meaning... On the contrary, the linguistic units selected here are recognized in order to convey the corresponding concepts and facts as accurately and unambiguously as possible.

Official business style texts represent a huge variety of genres: charter, law, order, order, contract, instruction, complaint, recipe, various kinds of statements, as well as many business genres (autobiography, questionnaire). The expression of legal will in business documents determines the properties, basic features of business speech and the socially organizing use of language. The genres of the official business style perform informational, prescriptive, stating functions in various fields of activity.

The content of the conversation can be forgotten, memorized incorrectly, misunderstood, and even intentionally distorted. But if the text has been preserved in writing (and recorded according to all the rules), then anyone who reads it can be sure of the accuracy of the information it contains. There are a number of circumstances when the storage of written information is not only desirable, but also necessary.

There are three sub-styles of the official business style, depending on the area of ​​application of business speech, and the stylistic originality of the corresponding texts:

1 Diplomatic substyle - serves the area of ​​international relations, politics, as it is associated with the implementation of the international policy of the state. Diplomatic activity has always had a pronounced ritual character. Types of documents: agreements, notes, conventions.

2 Legislative sub-style - serves mainly the area of ​​legal documents, is distinguished by greater stylistic and linguistic homogeneity than documents of other sub-styles. Legal terminology: appeal, plaintiff, immunity. There are many antonyms here, since legislative speech reflects opposing interests, contrasts and juxtaposes the concepts: rights and obligations, work and rest, voluntarily and compulsorily, withhold and accrue. The language of laws had a great influence on the formation of everything officially - the business style, it was primordially the basis of business speech. Types of documents: decrees, civil and criminal acts.

3 Management substyle - serves the area of ​​administrative-departmental organizations, industrial relations. The managerial substyle has its own administrative and managerial terminology (names of institutions, positions, types of official documents). Only in the texts of the managerial substyle are used the forms of the verb in the 1st person, sometimes personal pronouns. This is due to concretization, with an exact indication of the author of the text. In the texts of the management sub-style, along with neutral and bookish vocabulary, words and stable phrases with the coloring of the official business style are used. Types of documents: charters, contracts, orders, orders, receipts.

The genres of the official business style, like other styles, according to M.M. Bakhtin certain “relatively stable thematic, compositional and stylistic types of“ works. ”In an official business style (comparatively, for example ...

Compositional and linguistic features of contracts and their preservation during translation (based on contracts of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University)

Business vocabulary

Officially, business style is a functional variety of the Russian literary language used in the field of public relations. Officially, business speech is typical for state, official documents ...

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Linguo-stylistic features of legal texts

Basic Functional Styles in the Language Means System

The formal business style serves the sphere of relations arising between government agencies, between different organizations or within them, as well as between organizations and individuals in the process of their official ...

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Features of the official business vocabulary

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To the features of the official business style of English language include: traditional expression; lack of emotionality; the coded nature of the language system (including abbreviations); general syntactic way of combining ...

Official business style and scope of its functioning

The official business style is characterized by the functions of expression of the will, the obligation, presented in the texts by a wide range of imperativeness from the genres of orders, decisions, orders to requests, wishes, suggestions ...

Consideration of the official business style as a functional style of the Russian language

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Functional styles of the Russian language

The formal business style serves the legal sphere, i.e. used in the field of business and official relations between people and institutions, in the field of law, legislation ...

Topic 3.4.


1. Official business style: features, scope, language features. Substyles and genres of formal business style.

2. Registration of an application, explanatory note, power of attorney, receipt, resume, autobiography, characteristics. Use of formulas of politeness in the document.

List of basic educational literature

1) Glazunova, O. I. Russian language and culture of speech [Text]: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions/ O. I. Glazunova. - 2nd ed., Erased. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2015 .-- 243 p.

2) Redenko, A. M. Speech culture and business communication in diagrams and tables [Text]: tutorial / A. M. Rudenko. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2015 .-- 334p.

3) Chernyak, V. D. Russian language and culture of speech [Text]: textbook for bachelors / [Chernyak V. D. et al.]; under the general ed. V. D. Chernyak; Russian state pedagogical un-t them. A. I. Herzen. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2014 .-- 505p.

4) Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for students of the specialty 031202.65 "Translation and translation studies" / author-compiler E.A. Elina / Saratov State Social and Economic University. - Saratov, 2010 .-- 92 p.

1. Official business style: features, scope, language features. Substyles and genres of formal business style.

Formal business styleIs a kind of literary language that functions in the field of management, as well as in the legal, administrative-public and diplomatic fields.

Basic substyles formal business style and corresponding genres :

1) legislative sub-style and its genres: charter, constitution, decree, law, decree;

2) managerial, or administrative and clerical(actually official-business) or just stationery and its genres, which, in turn, are subdivided into:

a) personal documents: application, autobiography, resume;

b) administrative and organizational documents: contract, agreement;

c) administrative documents: order, order, instruction, decree;

d) information and reference documents: certificate, act, memo (service) note, explanatory letter;

3) genres business correspondence: request letter, request letter, response letter, confirmation letter, letter of guarantee, commercial letter, complaint, invitation, message, cover letter;

4) genres diplomatic sub-style: treaty, communiqué (official communication about events of an international character), note (political official notification document sent by the authorities of one state to the authorities of another), statement, memorandum (this is an official legal, most often diplomatic, document in which one side reminds the other side about the fulfillment of a promise or demands to fulfill something).

Characteristic features of the formal business style :



Accuracy of presentation,


Reliability and argumentation,

· Compliance with standards.

Business Style Regulatory Requirements

Service documents represent written speech, therefore, we do not consider the orthoepic norms characteristic of oral speech.

Compliance spelling norms mandatory for any kind of written speech. A feature of the document language is the wide use of abbreviations(abbreviations). For example:

When listing at the end of a sentence, abbreviations are allowed ( etc., etc.,etc., etc., those..

You can shorten the names of academic degrees and titles and the names of positions ( Prof., Assoc., Ch. engineer, head. chair etc.)

Reduced geographic concepts (city ​​- g., river-r., village - pos.)

Compound words are written in a mixed way ( 50th anniversary, 40-meter, 60 ton etc.)

Only legalized abbreviations of the names of organizations, enterprises and institutions are used. In each case of using abbreviations, you need to ensure that they are understandable to the addressee and that the possibility of other interpretation is excluded. Different types of abbreviations in one document are not allowed. For example, the word "lord" cannot be abbreviated in one place - "G. Ivanov ", and in the other - "Mr. Ivanov".

Lexical features of the official business style language

1. The specifics of the sphere of communication and the requirement of accuracy in the presentation of information determine the use in the text terms... First of all, this is legal and economic terminology ( right, individual, legal entity, promissory notes, property, tax, financing, payments, trade margin, loan etc.). In addition, technical terms ( energy carriers, raw materials, rolled metal products etc.). At the same time, key terms and terminological phrases are not replaced by synonymous units, which determines their repetition in the text.

2. Accuracy of speech is achieved through the use in texts names of people st, and they are given either in full passport form ( Stepanov Oleg Nikolaevich), or indicating the surname and both initials ( Stepanov O.N.). Also widely represented nomenclature vocabulary- names of enterprises, organizations, documents, positions, goods; often in this case, abbreviated forms are used ( Ministry of Emergency Situations, Private Enterprise "Cherkashin", Board of Directors of LLC "Quadro", Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, general manager, executive secretary, senior seller, gasoline A-76, writing paper "Snowflake" A4 format etc.).

3. Due to the requirement of accuracy, the texts include digital data- dates (as a rule, in full form, indicating the date, month, year: 24. 12. 2004 ), the number of sums of money (often simultaneously in two versions - digital and verbal: 980 (nine hundred eighty) rubles), room numbers ( room 1-101), etc.

4. The standardization and conservatism of the official business style is manifested in the widespread use of units of a special lexical group - bureaucracy... Stationery belongs to the official business style; wholly appropriate mainly within the framework of a given style, they give it its originality. Clericalisms can be as separate words ( face in the meaning of "person", real in the meaning of "this", proper) and stable phrases ( take up duties, the contract enters into force, relieve from office, inform, provide material assistance, for family reasons and many others. etc.).

5. The strict formality of tone presupposes full refusal of colloquial vocabulary. Colloquial variants of words can be used in oral business communication, however, in written texts they are replaced with official variants: car of the VAZ model…. instead of rapping. "nine",payment statement instead of rapping. payment order.

6.The formality of the presentation is due to the refusal emotionally evaluative vocabulary... Assessment wears rational character, to express it, either words with a neutral connotation or bureaucracy are used. For example, the phrase works disgusting is inappropriate in the official business text, this meaning will be expressed differently: doing work unsatisfactory, does the job extremely poor quality .

7. Generalization in the formal business style is manifested in active use words denoting general, generic concepts... In this case, more specific designations are often replaced with more general ones: room, hall, workshop, auditorium - premises(in this case, a concretizing definition can be used: office / study / living quarters);coats, jackets, fur coats, hats - outerwear items(possibly with clarification: winter range / demi-season range);come, come, flyarrive... In general, when creating an official business text, there is often a tendency “from general to specific”: first, a more general designation is given, then it can be concretized. Wed snippet of the statement: I ask you to give me a day off on 03/21/2004, the need for which is caused by family circumstances (seeing a young son to a sanatorium); here first with a cliche for family reasons given general definition reasons, then in brackets - its specification.

Grammatical features of the official-business language

1. Frequently used double words(sometimes from the category of terms): employer, undersigned, above, tenant, taxation, housing maintenance, life support etc.

2. Like the language of science, the official business style is characterized by bookishness and grammatical complexity, which is expressed in the widespread use of derived verbal forms, such as:

a) verbal nouns on –Th / –th (elimination from eliminate,signing- from sign) and on –s / –sia (compensation- from compensate,accreditation- from accredit); verbal nouns make up a significant part of the lexical composition of the official business text;

b) participles(company, carrying out supplies; meeting participants, signatories contract; product, realizable from a warehouse; contract, signed meeting participants); constructions with short passive participles(during the meeting accepted solution; installed timing);

v) gerunds(by concluding a contract, the company undertakes);

G) passive verbs(control carried out by independent experts instead of independent experts carry out control; payment guaranteed; signature certified notary).

3. Forms of adjectives typical for book, written speech are widely used:

a) short forms of adjectives:this approach ineffective instead of this approach ineffective ;

b) comparative compound form:the supply of medical equipment is more important than ... instead of the supply of medical equipment is more important than ...;

4. The striving for an official tone of presentation, generalization and a bookish character of expression of thoughts leads to the fact that specific constructions in which two words are used to denote one concept:

a) construction [verb (participle, participle) + noun], used instead of a typical verb for colloquial speech in a personal form (or participle, gerunds): repair instead of to renovate,unload instead of unload,payer instead of paying; striking a blow instead of hitting etc.;

b) construction [adjective + noun] used instead of a single noun: cash instead of money,renovation work instead of repair,problem situation instead of problem etc.

5. Specific to the formal business style is the design [pretext on+ instrumental noun]:upon arrival, upon delivery.

6. A very characteristic feature formal business speech use in syntactic constructions complex abbreviated prepositions and prepositional combinations... Below are examples with the most common of them, indicating in which case form the dependent word should be used:

in a relationship complaints(p.p);

by virtue of the prevailing circumstances(r.p.);

during the specified period(r.p.);

in view of increased incidence of theft(r.p.);

to avoid fires(r.p.);

in spite of decree(d.p.);

until debt repayment(r.p.);

due to the decision(r.p.);

at the expense of fund resources(r.p.);

concerning contract(r.p.);

as goods receipts(r.p,).

because of departure of the head of administration(r.p.);

with the aim of financial assistance(r.p.);

according to timetable(d.p.);

according to requirements(d.p.).

7. The syntax of official business texts is complex. Long sentences with various complicating designs are widely presented. The most common are:

a) sentences complicated long chains of homogeneous members of the sentence:In accordance with the provisions of Art. 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is recognized as an entrepreneurial independent, at your own risk activities aimed at the systematic receipt of profit from use property sales goods, fulfillment works or rendering services; quite often, when making proposals with homogeneous members, the method of rubrication is used: In academic buildings and dormitories, students are prohibited from:

smoking(except for specially designated places);

use alcoholic beverages;

use narcotic and toxic substances in any form.

b) sentences complicated isolated definitions, often in the form of participial phrases(often there may be two or more of them in a sentence): Participant, voted against increase authorized capital Societies, has the right to make an additional contribution in proportion to its share in the authorized capital and in accordance with the procedure, determined by the decision of the Company ;

c) sentences complicated adverbial phrases:When considering a case, the court takes into account any circumstances that are important for determining the results of the transaction, not limited to circumstances listed in paragraphs 4-11 of article 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

d) sentences complicated additions, applications, explanations:Tax control includes relations in which production is carried out (or a service is provided) for one (single) person, while the person acts as a seller of goods of one company (for example, a distribution network);

e) suggestions with a genitive word chain(the prevalence of this construction is due to the predominance of nouns in official business texts, including verbal ones): In accordance with Federal law"About general principles organization(r.p) local government(r.p) In Russian federation» the municipality has the right to conclude civil law contracts with legal entities or individuals; We would like to inform you that the Department of the Scientific Library(r.p.) USU(r.p .) started to create an electronic filing cabinet(r.p .) printed works(r.p.) teachers(r.p.) and employees(r.p.) Ural University(r.p.) for the period from 1990 to the present;

f) long sentences with various complicating structures: In accordance with Art. 929 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a property insurance contract, one party (the insurer) undertakes to compensate the other party (the insured, the beneficiary) for losses due to the contractual fee (insurance premium) upon the occurrence of an event (insured event) provided for in the contract, caused as a result of this event, or losses, related to other property interests, having paid the insurance indemnity within the amount specified in the contract (insured amount).

2. Registration of an application, explanatory note, power of attorney, receipt, resume, autobiography, characteristics. Use of formulas of politeness in the document.

Knowledge of the specifics of the managerial (administrative and clerical) substyle of the official business style of speech is mandatory for each of us, since in everyday practice we often face the need to draw up certain business documents: write statements and powers of attorney, submit an autobiography and resume, send official letters ... Each genre has certain requirements, the observance of which helps us to more successfully achieve our goals. Consider the functional and structural and linguistic features of individual genres of administrative and clerical sub-style.

The relationship between individuals and legal entities is based on the exchange of information, which can be presented orally and in writing. The written form of relations prevailing in the official-business style is also called the documented form, because it is based on the preparation of a document.

Within the framework of the official business style of speech, you can define document how information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified. The document displays information about persons, objects, facts and events.

Let's highlight main document functions:

1) informational (provision and storage of information);

2) communicative (exchange of information);

3) legal (the possibility of using it in court as written evidence).

By origin documents are divided into two groups:

service(official) and


Service documents are drawn up in a certain order by a legal entity or an individual and affect the interests of the organization. Personal documents concern the interests of a specific person.

According to the form of presentation documents can be divided into the following groups:

- individual(having a free form of presentation, for example, an explanatory note);

- stencil(with a permanent part printed on the form and spaces to fill in variable data, for example, a certificate);

- typical(samples for drafting the text of a new document, for example, a statement).

What do the paperwork requirements include?

Any document consists of a number of elements (date, text, signature), etc., which are called details.

Similar information.


Currently, the term "rhetoric" is used in a narrow and broad sense. Rhetoric (in the narrow sense) is the designation of a philological discipline that studies the theory of eloquence, ways of constructing expressive speech in all areas of speech activity (primarily in various oral and written genres). Rhetoric (in a broad sense) is called neorhetoric or general rhetoric. Its rapid and productive development is caused by the emergence of new linguistic sciences - text linguistics, semiotics, hermeneutics, the theory of speech activity, psycholinguistics. Neorhetoric is looking for ways practical application these disciplines, is developed at the intersection of linguistics, theory of literature, logic, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, psychology.

The purpose of the work is to master the culture of business speech and communication, develop their own style of service relationships, and form an image.

For a management specialist, a merchant, achieving this goal means acquiring the most important component of professional activity.

Thus, speech, the ability to communicate, etiquette are the main "tools" for creating the image of a business person, that is, self-presentation, constructing their image for others. A noble image guarantees a leader, an entrepreneur half of the success and constant job satisfaction. We must not forget that harmonious communication is always based on the awareness of the importance for being and the observance of ethical standards, such as tact, delicacy, respect for the honor and dignity of the individual, justice. Intelligence as a quality of internal culture - a tolerant attitude towards the world and towards people - is invariably reflected in external behavior, manifested in charm.

Features of the formal business style

The modern official business style is a functional variety of the Russian literary language used in the field of public relations. Business speech serves as a means of communication between states, the state with an individual and society as a whole; means of communication between enterprises, institutions, organizations; a means of official communication between people in production and in the service sector.

The formal business style refers to the book-writing styles of the literary language. It is implemented in the texts of laws, orders, decrees, orders, contracts, acts, certificates, certificates, powers of attorney, in business correspondence institutions. The oral form of an official business speech is presented by a speech and report at meetings and conferences, a court speech, an official telephone conversation, an oral order.

The general extralinguistic and linguistic features of this style include the following:

1) accuracy, detail of presentation;

2) standardized presentation;

3) the obligatory-prescriptive nature of the presentation.

Indeed, the language of laws requires, first of all, accuracy, which does not allow for any discrepancies; speed of understanding is not important, since an interested person, if necessary, will read the article of the law two or three times, striving for complete understanding. The standardization of the presentation is manifested in the fact that the heterogeneous phenomena of life in a business style fit into a limited number of standard forms.

Business speech is impersonal, stereotyped, and lacks an emotional element.

A specific property of business speech is the expression of will. Voluntativity in texts is expressed semantically (by choosing words) and grammatically. So, in management documentation, we constantly meet with the first person forms of the verb (I ask, I suggest, I order, I congratulate), with the modal forms, the obligation (it should, it is necessary, it should be, it is proposed).

Depending on the field of application of business speech and the stylistic originality of the corresponding texts, three sub-styles are usually distinguished within the OD:

1) diplomatic (types of documents: international treaties, agreements, conventions, memoranda, notes, communiqués, etc .; oral forms are practically not used);

2) legislative (types of documents such as laws, decrees, civil, criminal and other acts of state significance; the main oral form is judicial speech);

3) managerial (types of documents: charters, contracts, orders, orders, statements, characteristics, powers of attorney, receipts, etc .; oral forms - report, speech, office telephone conversation, oral order).

Diplomatic sub-style. This type of OA style serves the field of international relations. The scope of documenting the diplomatic sub-style is law and to a greater extent than in other substyles. - politics, since it is associated with the implementation of the international policy of the state.

Legislative substyle. Legal documents are stylistically and linguistically more consistent than documents in other sub-styles. In these texts, one can note the wide use of legal terminology.

The legislative subtype uses abstract vocabulary and there is practically no expressive-emotional language means, evaluative vocabulary. Evaluative words of this kind, like parasite, criminal, acquire terminological meaning in legal texts. There are many antonyms here, since legislative speech reflects opposite interests, contrasts and juxtaposes the concepts: rights and obligations, work and rest, personal and public, plaintiff and defendant, crime and punishment, registration of marriage and dissolution of marriage, adoption of a child and deprivation of parental rights, voluntarily and compulsorily, withhold and accrue.

The language of laws had a great influence on the formation of the entire official business style; it was originally the basis of business speech. Of course, the language of laws should be a model for the language of management documentation. But the managerial substyle, like the diplomatic one, has its own norms and linguistic diversity, due to the content and composition of documents.

Management substyle. The scope of the managerial sub-style is a variety of administrative - departmental, industrial relations. The types of documents of the managerial sub-style differ to the greatest extent in compositional, stylistic and linguistic terms.

In the texts of the management sub-style, along with neutral and bookish vocabulary, words and stable phrases with the coloring of the official business style are used (undersigned, proper, following, housing tax, lump sum, notify).

The managerial substyle has its own administrative and managerial terminology, for example: the name of institutions, positions, types of official documents. Due to the fact that this sub-style serves different areas of social and industrial activity, a wide variety of terminology is used in the texts of the sub-style. It is not recommended to use synonyms in service texts, replacing them with direct names of objects and actions. Unlike the legislative substyle, there are few antonyms here. In the texts of the management sub-style, abbreviations, compound abbreviations, and various means of codification are often used.

Only in the texts of the managerial substyle are used the forms of the verb in the 1st person, sometimes personal pronouns. This is due to concretization, with an exact indication of the author of the text. In the managerial substyle, verbs in the imperative mood are not used and, relatively rarely, constructions with the words must, must. The meaning of obligation is softened in the texts by the use of such phrases as to impose an obligation, to oblige, to impose an obligation.

Formal business style- the functional style of the Russian language, which is characterized by a number of common features: brevity of presentation, standard arrangement of material, wide use of terminology, presence of special vocabulary and phraseology, weak individualization of style. Thus, it is a style that, through the use of strict standards, is a means of written communication in the field of business relations.

The official business style in the Russian language stood out before other written styles due to the fact that it has long served the most important spheres of state life: foreign relations, the consolidation of private property and trade. The need for written confirmation of contracts, laws, records of debts, registration of the transfer of inheritance began to form a special "language", which, having undergone many changes, retains its main distinctive features.

Business documents appeared in Russia after the introduction in the 10th century. writing. The first written documents recorded in the chronicle are the texts of agreements between Russians and Greeks in 907, 911, 944 and 971. And in the XI century. the first set of laws appeared Kievan Rus"Russian Truth". In the language of this code of laws, it is already possible to single out the features of word use and the organization of speech, which belong to the characteristic features of the business style. This is a high terminology, the predominance of composition over subordination in complex sentences, the presence of complex structures with compositional conjunctions "a", "and", "yes", "same", as well as non-union chains. Of all types of complex sentences, constructions with a conditional clause are most widely used.

Today, the official business style remains, first of all, the style of documents: international treaties, state acts, legal laws, decrees, statutes, instructions, official correspondence, business papers etc. Many types of business documents have generally accepted forms of presentation and location of the material. Therefore, one of the main features of the official business style is the presence in it of numerous clichés that simplify and speed up business communication.

The formal business style is divided into several sub-styles: the diplomatic sub-style, the documentary sub-style, and the everyday-business sub-style. Each of these sub-styles occurs in different types business documents. The diplomatic sub-style is used in the drafting of government statements, diplomatic notes, credentials and is distinguished by specific international terms. The documentary sub-style is associated with the activities of official bodies; it is characterized by the vocabulary and phraseology of various codes and acts. Everyday business style can be found in business correspondence, therefore, the severity of the drafting of texts is somewhat weakened in comparison with other substyles.

The syntactic features of these sub-styles are not very different from each other, and the main points can be noted in all documents written in a formal business style. Let's move on to their analysis.

So, the syntactic features of the official business style include:

Business writing is dominated by simple, complete sentences. A feature of their functioning in an official business style is that in documents they often transmit information that is equal in volume to the information transmitted using complex sentence... This is achieved due to the greater length and semantic content of the sentence.

For example: If taxes are not paid before the specified deadline, the payer is deprived of the right to re-nominate for a loan.

This syntactic feature of the official business style is due to the need for a clear presentation of information. Direct word order allows you to most accurately and simply express your thoughts. Also, declarative sentences with direct word order are best readable, which makes business-style documents more understandable.

Direct word order is also often established as mandatory by means of various clichés inherent in the writing style of certain documents. For example, when drawing up a vacation application, you write: "Please provide me with an annual paid vacation of 28 calendar days." This sentence, written in big word order, is a typical syntactic construction that allows you to save time when writing this statement.

Most of the official business texts are official documents intended to convey any information. This is due to the narrative nature of the presentation, and as a consequence - the predominance of narrative sentences in the text.

  1. The tendency to use two-part sentences. One-part sentences are rarely used, most of them are infinitive.

Two-part sentences are used in official documents more often, since they allow you to most fully express the idea, which is one of the main tasks of the official business style.

One-part infinitive sentences, in turn, indicate the necessity or inevitability of certain actions. In combination with the particle "not" and when using an imperfect verb, an infinitive sentence can also mean the prohibition of any action. For example: No smoking on school grounds.

The main goal of the official business style is to express the instructions of the state, body, authorized person, ascertain the status, state of affairs in this area. Therefore, when drawing up documents of this kind, it is very important to follow the logic and make the document convenient for subsequent information retrieval. Rubrication and paragraph division thus help to achieve the set goals.

The emphasized connectivity of parts of a complex sentence is achieved using conjunctions, adverbs, pronouns and introductory words. Such a connection between the parts of the proposal is necessary for a clear presentation of information, for conveying the necessary information to the reader. Conjunctions, pronouns, adverbs and introductory words act as logical clamps of a sentence. Thus, the author of the document shows that despite the fact that each part of the sentence carries its own semantic load, the sentence itself expresses a whole idea.

Passionate constructions are used in business-style texts to describe various official government procedures.

For example: "The Attorney General Russian Federation appointed and dismissed by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. "

Passive constructions are often used in a formal business style, especially in various instructions and job descriptions. They help to depersonalize the person about whom in question and most accurately describe the various business processes.

  1. Affirmation through negation.

Affirmation through negation allows you to express the position of one or another government body, company or person. Affirmation through negation can be found in business correspondence, various kinds of reports and other official business documents.

For example: the ministry does not object to the adoption of this amendment to the law.

Thus, having considered the main features, we can conclude: a typical unit of the official business style can be called a two-part declarative sentence with the correct word order.

  1. The practical part.

For the practical part of the abstract, I chose an article from the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 67.1. Features of management and control in business partnerships and companies.

  1. Management in a full partnership and limited partnership is carried out in the manner prescribed by this Code.
  2. To the exclusive competence of the general meeting of participants economic society along with the issues specified in paragraph 2 of Article 65.3 of this Code, include:

1) change in the size of the charter capital of the company, unless otherwise provided by the laws on business companies;

2) making a decision on transferring the powers of the sole executive body of the company to another business company (managing organization), or individual entrepreneur(to the manager), as well as the approval of such a managing organization or such a manager and the terms of an agreement with such a managing organization or with such a manager, if the charter of the company does not refer to the resolution of these issues within the competence of the collegial management body of the company;

3) distribution of the company's profits and losses.

  1. The adoption by the general meeting of the participants of the business company of the decision and the composition of the participants of the company who were present at its adoption shall be confirmed in relation to:

1) public joint stock company a person maintaining the register of shareholders of such a company and performing the functions of a counting commission;

2) a non-public joint stock company by notarization or certification by a person who maintains the register of shareholders of such a company and performs the functions of a counting commission;

3) a limited liability company by notarization, unless another method (signing of the minutes by all participants or part of the participants; using technical means that make it possible to reliably establish the fact of a decision; in another way that does not contradict the law) is not provided for by the charter of such a company or by a decision of the general meeting members of the company, adopted by the members of the company unanimously.

  1. A limited liability company has the right to check and confirm the correctness of the annual accounting (financial) statements, and in cases provided for by law, is obliged to engage an auditor who is not related to property interests with the company or its participants (external audit). Such an audit can also be carried out at the request of any of the participants in the company.
  2. To check and confirm the correctness of the annual accounting (financial) statements, a joint-stock company must annually engage an auditor who has no property interests with the company or its members.

In the cases and in the manner prescribed by law, the charter of the company, the audit of the accounting (financial) statements of a joint-stock company must be carried out at the request of shareholders, whose aggregate share in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company is ten percent or more.

Let's start parsing the text according to stylistic features. In order to maintain the logic of the story, I decided to keep the numbering of stylistic features.

  1. A large number of simple complete sentences.

The text selected for parsing contains seven sentences, of which four sentences are completely simple and complete. Also, in none of the sentences, including complex ones, have I found elliptical structures, all sentences are complete and widespread.

  1. The predominance of sentences with direct word order.

In six out of seven sentences of the analyzed text, we observe direct word order, where the subject precedes the predicate. In the second sentence of the text, we see that the predicate comes before the subjects. This helps the authors of the Civil Code to draw the attention of readers to the fact that the listed items refer only to "the exclusive competence of the general meeting of participants in a business society."

  1. Narrative character of presentation.

All seven sentences are narrative. The style of writing the civil code does not imply the presence of interrogative or exclamation sentences.

  1. The tendency to use two-part sentences. One-part sentences are rarely used, most of them are infinitive.

All seven sentences are two-part, which fully confirms the feature of the official business style that I identified in the theoretical part.

  1. Rubrication simple sentence... Using paragraph articulation.

This feature is very vividly presented in the text I have selected. We observe the rubrication of sentences in the second and third sentences of the text. The text also uses paragraph articulation.

  1. The presence of a pronounced connection between parts of a complex sentence.

In our text, there are only four sentences in which there is a subordinate relationship between the parts. In two of them one can observe the pronoun “other”, emphasizing the connection between the parts.

  1. A large number of passive constructions.

In the text, you can find a large number of passive constructions expressed by reflexive verbs and passive participles.

  1. Affirmation through negation.

In this text, statements through negation are not used, which is due to the semantic direction of this article of the civil code. The text describes the rights and obligations of the joint-stock company, therefore, all the formulations are extremely clear.


After analyzing the text written in an official business style, we can confirm the relevance of all syntactic features listed in the theoretical part.

  1. Thus, the typical unit of formal business style is a two-part declarative sentence with the correct word order.
  2. When analyzing the text, we had the opportunity to make sure that the modern formal business style really includes a number of syntactic features inherent only in this style of speech.
  3. When performing the practical part, I found confirmation of all the features of the style I listed in the theoretical part, with the exception of the assertion through negation, which is due to the semantic peculiarity of the text.

List of used literature:

  1. D.E. Rosenthal Reference book on the Russian language. Practical stylistics. Moscow: ONYX 21st Century Publishing House: Peace and Education, 2001. - 381 p.
  2. Solganik G. Ya. Dronyaeva TS Stylistics of the modern Russian language and the culture of speech: Textbook. A guide for students. Fac. Journalism - 3rd ed., Erased. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 256 p.
  3. Language and business communication: Norms, rhetoric, etiquette. M .: NPO "Economics", 2000
  4. Stylistic encyclopedic Dictionary Russian language [electronic resource] / edited by M. N. Kozhina; members of the editorial board: E. A. Bazhenov, M. P. Kotyurova, A. P. Skovorodnikova - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M .: FLINT: Nauka, 2011 .-- 696 p. - ( 20%20style 20language% 20official% 20business% 20style & f = false)
  5. Constitution of the Russian Federation with comments for study and understanding / Lozovsky L. Sh., Raizberg BA - 2nd ed., Rev. And add. - M .: INFRA-M, 2012 .-- 113 p.

The discussion is closed.

Official business style (ODS) serves the sphere of official relations, in which communication participants perform certain social functions. Situations during such communication are as typical as possible, which gives rise to the standard speech behavior of their participants, therefore many documents are ready-made forms, in which only the passport data of the document submitter must be entered.

The term "official business style" is used to denote the peculiarities of the language of official (organizational and administrative) and diplomatic documents. The main function of the official business style is that, requiring a certain form in the written presentation of the content, it gives the text the character of a document and translates the various aspects of human relations reflected in this text into the category of official business documents.

The main features of ODS are the accuracy of the wording, the standard arrangement of the material, the regulation (a limited set of linguistic means), severity and simplicity, information richness, written form of presentation and impersonality of the statement.

UDF is subdivided into three sub-styles - legal, diplomatic, and clerical-business. Each of them is reflected in a variety of genres. The genres of the legal sub-style include the constitution, code, law, charter, decree, the genres of the diplomatic sub-style - credentials, note of protest, declaration, communiqué; the genres of clerical and business sub-style - order, contract, notification, order, as well as all types of documents personal (statement, complaint, receipt, power of attorney, letter, memo / service / explanatory note, autobiography, etc.).

Of the linguistic features of the official business style, the following should be highlighted. On the lexical features of the UDF includes the presence of stable expressions and terms denoting the realities of social life, as well as clericalisms that immediately catch the eye, are imprinted and later emerge in a spontaneous and unprepared form in colloquial speech ( proper, undersigned, hear, plaintiff, individual, consumer and etc.). In the texts of the ODS, there is no emotionally expressive vocabulary, evaluative and introductory-modal words ( good, bad, like it, want it, probably, maybe, etc.). Words used in texts are characterized by limited lexical compatibility, for example, a service letter not written, a compiled.

In morphological terms use of short forms adjectives with the meaning of obligation ( obliged, responsible, accountable) and participles ( the decision is made, the candidacy is supported), an abundance of canceled prepositions and conjunctions ( respectively, in continuation, for purposes, due to the fact that). To express imperativeness, infinitive constructions are used, reinforced by adverbs and modal words ( it is necessary to make repairs, I order to take measures, it is necessary to proceed to ... etc.).

To syntactic features texts of the UDF include the active use of passive constructions ( the order is completed, it is not possible, the negotiations are completed) and an abundance of sentences with homogeneous members and separate turns, various kinds of stamps and cliches with elements of archaism ( according to the deed, the punishability of the act).

For ODS texts, sentences with inversion are characteristic - the subject with an objective meaning follows the predicate ( Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience). Sentences with participial and adverbial phrases allow you to make the text informatively rich. The texts are dominated by constructions with "stringing" the genitive cases of nouns without prepositions ( Any form of restriction of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation is prohibited.).

Official business texts are characterized by a high degree of segmentation, which makes it possible to clearly structure the text, subdividing it into articles, paragraphs, paragraphs, subparagraphs. The text is built according to a template (form), which includes all the elements that are required for a given genre.

UDF texts, or documents, occupy a significant place in the life of a modern person. They regulate our social life, so we feel the need for them on a daily basis. That is why each of us must be able not only to correctly interpret the document, but also to draw it up correctly. The author who compiles this or that document must use in it those language means that the genre of the document requires of him, and not "invent" his own, different from standard phrases.

The document is created in accordance with the genre model of the text with an invariable composition, which includes obligatory thematic blocks, that is, requisites.

For example, an application for employment contains the following details:

1) an indication of the addressee (name of the manager and the company);

2) an indication of the addressee;

3) the name of the genre of the document (application);

4) the main content of the request (please accept me ...);

5) indication of the date of preparation of the document;

6) signature (handwritten signature).

It is necessary to strictly observe the requirements for the location of details in relation to each other. In the application, the addressee and the addressee are indicated in the upper right corner of the sheet. The name of the document (with a capital letter and without a dot at the end, if the addressee with the preposition "from", or with a lowercase letter and with a dot at the end, if the addresser without the preposition "from") is located in the middle, and the main content - along the width of the sheet. The date is placed on the bottom left, and the signature is on the right, on the same line as the date. In this case, empty lines are left between the details. Free space is left under the date and signature for the resolution. Resolutions are also in the upper left corner.

The formal business style is the most common style that functions not only in clerical office work and diplomacy, but also in any official relationship, for example, in production, at a university, in medical institutions, in a newspaper, etc.

When compiling documents, generally accepted stable speech turns are used: I ask for your permission to ...; I, the subscriber below ...; the information is given ... that ... really ...; let me invite you ...; I, living at ..., trust ...

The correct use of verbs such as trust, assure, guarantee, declare, notify, insist, confirm, notify, offer, order etc. These verbs are used in the first person plural or singular in sentences without a subject, as well as in the third person singular when mentioning the addressee, for example: “I ask”, not “I ask”; “Commit”, not “we commit”.

The author of the document should be able to accurately and concisely state his point of view on the issue of interest to him. To do this, he must know linguistic means expressing cause-and-effect and other logical relationships, which, first of all, include complex conjunctions and canceled prepositions: for a reason, for a purpose, for a reason, in order to avoid, in accordance with, according to, thanks, in view of etc.

In official business papers, it is necessary to correctly use etiquette formulas of treatment, indicating the respectful attitude of the addressee to the addressee: Thank you for ..., We kindly ask you ..., Unfortunately ... It should be borne in mind that in business letter second person pronouns ( You, your) are written with a capital letter, while in ordinary written speech such a spelling contradicts the norms of Russian spelling.

In official business papers, familiarity with the addressee is not allowed ( Expensive…), indication of the timing of the response in the ultimatum form ( I ask you to answer me immediately ...) or refusal to the addressee's request without giving reasons.

Typical mistakes in business speech include the following violations:

1) unmotivated use of foreign words ( prolong instead of extend; appeal instead of address);

2) the use of archaisms ( which instead of which the, this year instead of this year);

3) misuse of paronyms ( graduated from university instead of graduated from university; to acquaint with the products instead of familiarize with the products);

4) violation of the norms for the use of prepositions ( thanks, according to, in spite of, according to combined with dative case; due to, during differ in their spelling from prepositional-case combinations an experienced detective is involved in the investigation; there are rapids along the river).

Here are two options for writing a statement.

Option 1 (application from whom):

prof. A.M. Shammazov

from a second year student

Faculty of Technology

Nikolaev Denis Yakovlevich.


I ask you to transfer me to a correspondence course for family reasons. An extract from the academic transcript of the tests I passed and exams is attached.

07/25/2012 Personal signature

Option 2 (whose statement):

To the rector of the Ufa State

Petroleum Technical University

prof. A.M. Shammazov

second year student

Faculty of Technology

Nikolaev Denis Yakovlevich


In connection with the request of the company, which sent me at its own expense for training, I ask to transfer me to the specialty "Drilling of oil and gas wells". A letter from the HR Department of Burintech LLC is attached.