Implementation of the strategy of the state anti-drug policy in schools. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of anti-drug policy

In order to consolidate the efforts of federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation to suppress the spread of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors on the territory of the Russian Federation, I hereby decide:

1. To approve the attached Strategy of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation until 2020.

2. The Chairman of the State Anti-Drug Committee to include in the annual report on the drug situation in the Russian Federation data on the implementation of the Strategy of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation until 2020.

(Clause 2 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 28.09.2011 N 1255)

3. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

The president

Russian Federation


Moscow Kremlin


Presidential decree

Russian Federation




List of changing documents

(as amended by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.2014 N 483,

from 07.12.2016 N 656, from 23.02.2018 N 85)

I. Introduction

1. The need to adopt the Strategy of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation until 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) is due to the dynamics of changes taking place in Russia and in the world, the emergence of new challenges and threats associated primarily with the intensification of transnational crime, the growth of terrorism, extremism, the emergence of new types of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (hereinafter referred to as drugs), the strengthening of negative trends, such as a steady decline in the population of Russia, including a decrease in the number of young working-age population due to the expansion of the illegal distribution of drugs.

The national security strategy of the Russian Federation recognized the activities of organized criminal organizations and groups, including transnational ones, associated with the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as one of the main threats to state and public security.

2. The current drug situation in the Russian Federation is characterized by an increase in the scale of illicit trafficking and non-medical consumption of highly concentrated drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, amphetamine-type stimulants, drugs with psychotropic effects, as well as their influence on the spread of HIV infection, viral hepatitis, which is a serious threat to the security of the state, the country's economy and the health of its population.

In a number of Russian regions, there is an increase in the spread of drugs made from local herbal raw materials and medicinal preparations containing narcotic drugs and which are on sale, new types of psychoactive substances are emerging, contributing to the formation of dependent forms of behavior.

The effectiveness of the state anti-drug policy is negatively affected by the absence of a state system for monitoring the development of the drug situation.

Preventive activities, medical care and medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts are not organized effectively enough. The potential of public associations and religious organizations is not used sufficiently.

It is necessary to take comprehensive and balanced measures that would not only significantly reduce non-medical drug consumption and the consequences of their consumption, but also contribute to the destruction of financial, organizational, informational and other drug dealer networks.

II. General Provisions

3. The strategy has been developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law in the field of combating illegal drug trafficking and their precursors, taking into account domestic and foreign experience. The strategy defines the goal, principles, main directions and tasks of the state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation.

The Strategy develops and concretizes in relation to the field of anti-drug activities the relevant provisions of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation and the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

4. The state anti-drug policy is part of the state policy in the field of ensuring national security and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

The general goal of the state anti-drug policy is to significantly reduce the illegal distribution and non-medical consumption of drugs, the scale of the negative consequences of their illegal circulation for the life and health of citizens, state and public security.

The objectives of the Strategy are to suppress the illegal distribution of drugs and their precursors on the territory of the Russian Federation, to reduce non-medical drug use.

Decisions and measures taken by the state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of combating illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors are aimed at ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation, taking into account the principles of state policy in the sphere of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of countering their illegal traffic, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Clause 4 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

5. Achievement of the general goal of the state anti-drug policy is carried out on the basis of a balanced and reasonable combination of measures in the following areas:

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

a) reducing the supply of drugs by purposefully suppressing their illegal production and trafficking within the country, countering drug aggression;

b) reducing the demand for drugs by improving the system of preventive, curative and rehabilitation work;

c) development and strengthening of international cooperation in the field of drug control.

6. Main strategic objectives:

a) development and implementation of a state system for monitoring the drug situation in the Russian Federation;

b) creation and implementation of a nationwide set of measures to suppress the illegal distribution of drugs and their precursors on the territory of the Russian Federation;

c) creation of an effective system for protecting the territory of the Russian Federation from the illegal movement of drugs and their precursors across the state border of the Russian Federation;

(clauses "c" as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

d) ensuring reliable state control over the legal circulation of drugs and their precursors;

e) creation of a state system for the prevention of non-medical drug use with the priority of primary prevention activities;

f) improvement of the system of rendering drug addiction medical assistance to drug addicts and their rehabilitation;

g) improving the organizational, regulatory and legal and resource support of anti-drug activities;

h) activation of anti-drug propaganda using the mass media and modern information technologies;

i) development of a set of additional measures to counter the legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained as a result of illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors, as well as their use for financing terrorism.

(clauses "and" introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

7. The state anti-drug policy is a system of strategic priorities and measures, as well as the activities of federal bodies of state power, the State Anti-Drug Committee, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, aimed at preventing, identifying and suppressing illegal trafficking of drugs and their precursors, prevention of non-medical drug use, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

The strategy of the state anti-drug policy is the officially adopted main directions of state policy that determine the measures, organization and coordination of the activities of federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies in the field of trafficking in drugs and their precursors and countering their illicit trafficking.

8. Anti-drug activities - activities of federal government bodies, the State Anti-Drug Committee, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies to implement the state anti-drug policy.

Anti-drug activities are directed by the President of the Russian Federation.

9. Subjects of anti-drug activities are:

a) the State Anti-Drug Committee, coordinating the activities of federal executive bodies and anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as organizing their interaction with executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, public associations and organizations for the implementation of the state anti-drug policy;

b) anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in municipalities, ensuring coordination of the activities of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, as well as organizing their interaction with public associations for the prevention of non-medical drug use and their counteraction illegal traffic within the framework of their powers;

c) the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which ensures the fulfillment of functions for the implementation of the state anti-drug policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of trafficking in drugs and their precursors, as well as in the field of countering their illicit trafficking;

(clauses "c" as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.12.2016 N 656)

d) The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of organizing medical prevention, medical care and medical rehabilitation for people who use drugs and drug addicts, as well as in the field of pharmaceutical activities, including issues of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors;

e) other federal executive bodies ensuring the implementation of functions to counter the illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors, as well as measures to prevent non-medical drug use within the powers granted to them by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

f) senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising, within the framework of their powers, the management of anti-drug activities on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

g) executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ensuring the implementation of the state anti-drug policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

h) local self-government bodies, within their competence, organize the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.

10. Public associations and religious organizations have the right to participate in the prevention of non-medical drug use and the rehabilitation of drug users.

11. The objects of anti-drug activity are:

a) the population of the country, primarily children, adolescents, young people and their families, especially those at risk of being involved in the illegal circulation of drugs and their precursors, as well as people who use drugs for non-medical purposes, and their families; drug addicts in need of treatment and rehabilitation, and their families; employees of certain types of professional activities and activities associated with sources of increased danger;

b) organizations and institutions involved in the legal circulation of drugs and their precursors;

c) organized criminal groups and communities involved in the illegal circulation of drugs and their precursors.

III. Improving the system of measures to reduce

drug supply

11.1. The main factors that have a negative impact on the drug situation in the Russian Federation are:

a) the active distribution of synthetic drugs, the growth of their world production, the emergence and distribution of new types of drugs;

b) large-scale production of opiates on the territory of Afghanistan and their subsequent illegal movement across the state border of the Russian Federation;

c) the emergence of new forms of illegal activities associated with the use of information, communication and other high technologies;

d) an increase in the illegal production of synthetic drugs on the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of modern information and communication technologies for their distribution and propaganda;

e) expanding the practice of using international postal services for organizing drug smuggling channels and the capabilities of organizations specializing in international delivery of goods;

f) the distribution of drugs made from local herbal raw materials, and the abuse of drugs with psychoactive effects, which are available on the market;

g) insufficient effectiveness of the organization of preventive activities, comprehensive rehabilitation and resocialization of drug addicts, incomplete use of the potential of public associations and religious organizations in the implementation of anti-drug policy and prevention of non-medical drug use;

h) the use of new types of financial instruments and monetary surrogates in the illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors, which poses a threat to the economic security of the Russian Federation.

(Clause 11.1 was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

12. The system of measures to reduce the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking is a set of measures by the federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to counter the illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors, developed within the framework of interagency cooperation with the coordinating role of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

12.1. The system of measures to reduce the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking is designed to ensure:

a) blocking the channels of illegal import of drugs and their precursors into the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) destruction of the infrastructure used for the illegal production, transportation and distribution of drugs and their precursors within the country;

c) elimination of the raw material base of illegal drug production on the territory of the Russian Federation;

d) preventing the flow of drugs and their precursors, as well as potent substances from legal to illicit trafficking;

e) suppression of criminal ties with the international drug business;

f) destruction of corruption ties that contribute to the illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors;

g) suppression of the circulation of new types of drugs, as well as new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances and intoxicating substances.

(Clause 12.1 was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

13. The strategic goals of the state anti-drug policy in the field of reducing the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking are:

a) counteraction to the illegal movement of drugs and their precursors across the state border of the Russian Federation;

(subparagraph "a" as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

a.1) improvement of law enforcement measures to suppress the activities of organized criminal groups (criminal communities) involved in the illegal circulation of drugs and their precursors;

(Clause "a.1" was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

e) undermining the economic foundations of drug-related crime;

(subparagraph "d" as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

14. The system for protecting the territory of the Russian Federation from the illegal movement of drugs and their precursors across the state border of the Russian Federation includes a set of measures aimed at:

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

a) strengthening the border regime through organizational-technical and administrative-legal regulation;

b) intensification of international cooperation in order to reduce the cultivation of narcotic plants and the production of drugs in Afghanistan, as well as the scale of the import of synthetic drugs from abroad and the illegal movement of drugs and their precursors in transit countries;

(subparagraph "b" as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

c) increasing the efficiency of border and customs control, including through the development of cooperation between law enforcement agencies of the states - participants in anti-drug activities.

(clause "c" was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

15. Reducing the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking is carried out using the economic capabilities of the state, allocating for these purposes a sufficient amount of financial, material and other resources, including resource support of state bodies countering the illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors, by developing a system of their technical equipment.

Organizational measures to reduce the supply of drugs

16. When implementing measures to reduce the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking, the Russian Federation proceeds from the need to constantly improve law enforcement measures to suppress the activities of organized criminal groups (criminal communities) operating in the sphere of illegal trafficking in drugs and their precursors.

In order to ensure the reduction of the supply of drugs in illicit trafficking, the comprehensive development and improvement of the activities of state authorities involved in countering the illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors are being ensured.

Measures are being taken to strengthen social guarantees for employees of state authorities engaged in anti-drug activities.

The Russian Federation provides scientific and technical support for anti-drug law enforcement activities, equipping state bodies that counter the illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors with special means and equipment.

A program of measures is being developed to create and develop a system of professional training in the field of anti-drug activities.

Cooperation of law enforcement and other government agencies with citizens and civil society institutions is ensured to assist law enforcement agencies in countering the illegal circulation of drugs and their precursors, detecting places of growth of wild drug-containing plants and the facts of their illegal cultivation, identifying and suppressing corruption ties that contribute to illegal drug trafficking and their precursors.

Law enforcement measures to reduce

drug supply

17. In order to significantly reduce the supply of drugs on the territory of the Russian Federation, the system of combating organized crime is being improved.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

To solve the problems of destroying the infrastructure of illicit production and transportation of drugs and their precursors, drug distribution networks on the territory of the Russian Federation, a plan of law enforcement measures is being drawn up, taken in cooperation with state bodies countering the illicit trafficking of drugs and their precursors.

17.1. The system for combating organized crime provides:

a) improvement of methods for detecting, preventing and suppressing crimes related to drug trafficking and their precursors, committed by organized criminal groups (criminal communities);

b) development and implementation of mechanisms to prevent the participation of citizens in the activities of organized criminal groups (criminal communities) related to the illegal circulation of drugs and their precursors;

c) the formation of mechanisms for identifying the facts of illegal drug trafficking and their precursors and countering organized criminal groups (criminal communities) in this area using modern information technologies.

(Clause 17.1 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

19. The participation of the Russian Federation in the implementation of measures to strengthen the "security belts" around Afghanistan in order to suppress the illicit import of opiates is ensured.

Coordinated interstate preventive and operational-search measures are being taken to identify and eliminate channels of international drug trafficking.

The solution to the problems of ensuring anti-drug security is achieved by strengthening the state border of the Russian Federation and the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union, increasing their technical equipment, creating and improving mechanisms for controlling goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

Mechanisms for making decisions about not allowing entry into the Russian Federation or about the undesirability of stay (residence) in the Russian Federation of foreign citizens or stateless persons posing a threat to state and public security are being improved.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

Targeted measures are being taken to ensure general safety in sea areas. A system of measures is being created to control the infrastructure of sea freight and passenger traffic.

Measures are being taken to identify new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances in order to suppress their illegal traffic in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

Measures are being taken to curb drug trafficking in places of cultural and leisure activities.

20. The safety of the legal drug turnover in the Russian Federation is ensured by improving the state mechanism for monitoring its implementation, especially over the turnover of precursors.

A system of measures is being formed to ensure the development and production of new drugs containing drugs (in oily forms, plasters and others), the extraction of which is not readily available and the use of which for non-medical purposes is difficult.

When solving the tasks of destroying the raw material base of illegal drug production in the Russian Federation, the system for detecting illegal crops and foci of growth of wild-growing drug-containing plants is being improved, scientific methods are being developed for the use of chemicals to destroy drug-containing plants, as well as reducing the content of psychoactive substances in them.

20.1. The strategic objective of law enforcement agencies in undermining the economic foundations of crime related to drug trafficking and their precursors is to exclude the proceeds from such trafficking from economic activities and prevent them from being used to restore and expand the infrastructure necessary to resume these illegal activities.

(Clause 20.1 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

20.2. The activities of law enforcement agencies to undermine the economic foundations of crime related to illegal trafficking in drugs and their precursors are aimed at:

a) prevention of the use of proceeds obtained as a result of illegal trafficking in drugs and their precursors for the financing of terrorism and extremist activities;

b) counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime;

c) improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime;

d) suppression of the functioning in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" of information resources used for the distribution of drugs and the implementation of payments through electronic means of payment, including payment cards, and monetary surrogates;

e) improving the forms and methods of detecting and recording crimes in the sphere of illegal drug trafficking and their precursors, committed using modern information technologies, including electronic means of payment, as well as new methods of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime;

(e) Development of new tactics to undermine the economic foundations of crime related to drug trafficking and their precursors.

(Clause 20.2 was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

Improving the regulatory framework for reductions

drug supply

21. The Russian Federation implements measures aimed at improving legislation in the field of trafficking in drugs and their precursors and in the field of combating their illegal trafficking in order to protect the health of citizens, state and public security.

When implementing these measures, the implementation of the best international experience of regulatory regulation is ensured.

In order to reduce the supply of drugs, there is a tightening of administrative responsibility for illegal drug use, criminal responsibility for crimes related to the illegal circulation of drugs and their precursors, including for the sale of drugs in correctional institutions, as well as in institutions or places used for conducting educational, sports, cultural, entertainment and other public events.

The Russian Federation ensures the adoption of measures aimed at stimulating social activity by informing the state authorities countering the illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors about the facts of their illicit trafficking.

Systemic measures are being taken to improve the conditions for the activities of state bodies that counter the illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors, to undermine the economic foundations of drug crime.

Legal mechanisms are being formed to counteract new forms and methods of committing crimes in the sphere of illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors using modern information technologies.

(the paragraph was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

IV. Improving the system of measures

on drug demand reduction

22. The system of measures to reduce the demand for drugs, aimed at improving the health of the population of the Russian Federation by reducing the consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and reducing the adverse social consequences of their use, is based on the priority of preventive measures of a public, administrative and medical nature and includes:

a) the state system for the prevention of non-medical drug use;

b) narcological medical care;

c) medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts.

23. The main threats in this area are:

a) widespread in society a tolerant attitude towards non-medical drug use;

b) an increase in the number of people involved in non-medical drug use;

c) insufficient efficiency of the organization of the provision of drug addiction medical, pedagogical, psychological and social assistance to drug addicts;

d) a decrease in the number of specialized drug addiction medical institutions, a low number of drug addiction rehabilitation centers (departments) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as an insufficient number of medical psychologists, social work specialists, social workers and other personnel involved in the implementation of medical and social rehabilitation;

e) insufficient availability of medical and social rehabilitation for drug addicts;

f) an increase in the number of people who have undergone treatment, rehabilitation and have returned to non-medical drug use;

g) displacement of personal orientations towards consumer values;

h) the range of offers on the labor market is not wide enough to ensure youth employment;

i) poor organization of leisure activities for children, adolescents and youth.

State prevention system

non-medical drug use

24. The state system for the prevention of non-medical drug use is a set of measures of political, economic, legal, social, medical, pedagogical, cultural, physical culture, sports and other nature, aimed at preventing the emergence and spread of non-medical drug use and drug addiction.

The strategic goal of preventing non-medical drug use is to reduce the scale of non-medical drug use, create a negative attitude towards illegal drug trafficking and consumption, and significantly reduce the demand for them.

25. Achievement of the named goal is carried out by solving the following main tasks:

a) the formation of a negative attitude in society towards non-medical drug use, including by conducting active anti-drug propaganda and countering activities to promote and illegal advertising of drugs and other psychoactive substances, raising the level of awareness of the population about the negative consequences of non-medical drug use and responsibility for participating in their illegal traffic, conducting a competent information policy in the media;

b) organization and implementation of preventive measures with risk groups of non-medical drug use;

c) organization of preventive work in organized (labor and educational) teams;

d) development of a system for early detection of illegal drug users, in particular through annual medical examination;

e) creating conditions for involving citizens in anti-drug activities, forming, stimulating development and state support for the activities of the volunteer youth anti-drug movement, public anti-drug associations and organizations involved in the prevention of drug addiction;

f) formation of personal responsibility for their behavior, which leads to a decrease in the demand for drugs;

g) formation of psychological immunity to drug use among schoolchildren, their parents and teachers.

26. State authorities at all levels, local governments, public associations and religious organizations, citizens, including specialists from educational organizations, medical and cultural institutions, and volunteers of youth organizations, are involved in the formation of a system for the prevention of non-medical drug use.

Prevention measures for non-medical drug use are intended for all categories of the population, primarily for children and young people in unfavorable family and social conditions, in difficult life situations, as well as for people at risk of non-medical drug use.

27. One of the preferred directions of anti-drug activities is the inclusion in the main and additional educational programs of general educational organizations, professional educational organizations, educational institutions of higher education and organizations of additional professional education of sections on the prevention of substance abuse, as well as programs aimed at the appropriate target audiences (hereinafter - target programs). At the same time, the implementation of targeted programs should cover the following age and social groups:

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.2014 N 483)

a) children and adolescents under the age of 17 inclusive (students of educational organizations and convicts in educational colonies of the penal system of Russia);

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.2014 N 483)

b) youth under the age of 30 inclusive;

c) the working population;

d) conscripts and military personnel.

28. When carrying out preventive measures, preference should be given to a combination of individual and group methods of work, as well as methods of direct and indirect (indirect) impact on people from risk groups of non-medical drug use, mastering and disclosing the resources of the psyche and personality, supporting the young person and helping him in self-realization of one's own life purpose.

It is also necessary to develop mechanisms of social partnership between government agencies and Russian companies and corporations, public associations and organizations in carrying out anti-drug preventive measures.

Narcological medical care

29. The provision of narcological medical care to persons who allow non-medical drug use is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens.

30. The current state of the system of narcological medical care is determined by:

a) insufficient effectiveness of drug addiction medical care;

b) the reduction in the number of specialized state drug addiction medical institutions and the deterioration of their staffing;

c) insufficient financial and technical support for drug addiction medical care.

31. The strategic goal of the state policy in the development of drug addiction medical care is the timely identification and treatment of persons who illegally use drugs, improve drug addiction medical care for drug addicts, increase its availability and quality, and reduce mortality.

32. The main measures to improve the efficiency and development of drug addiction medical care:

a) preparation and approval of the procedure for the provision of drug addiction medical care and standards for the provision of drug addiction medical care;

b) improving the foundations of legislative, economic and other support for the organization of compulsory forms of medical care for patients with drug addiction, including issues of interdepartmental interaction and its information support;

c) formation of the state program of scientific research in the field of drug addiction;

d) prevention of the use in the Russian Federation of substitution methods for treating drug addiction with the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances included in lists I and II of the list of narcotic drugs, as well as legalizing the use of certain drugs for non-medical purposes;

e) improvement of methods for diagnosing drug addiction, examination, treatment of drug addicts;

f) regular training of specialists in the field of drug addiction medical care, raising the level of awareness of primary health care professionals on the organization of drug addiction medical care;

g) improving the financial support for the activities of specialized state drug treatment institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, drug treatment units of medical institutions of municipalities at the expense of budgets of all levels;

h) taking measures to strengthen social guarantees for the staff of the narcological service.

Rehabilitation of drug addicts

33. Rehabilitation of drug addicts is defined as a set of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal and social measures aimed at restoring physical, mental, spiritual and social health, the ability to function in society (reintegration) without using drugs.

34. The current state of the rehabilitation system for persons with drug addiction is determined by:

a) imperfection of the regulatory framework for the rehabilitation of drug addicts;

b) insufficient financing of the rehabilitation link of drug addiction medical care at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

c) an insignificant number of narcological rehabilitation centers, as well as rehabilitation departments in the structure of existing narcological institutions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and a low level of their staffing;

d) poor development of the system of motivation of persons who allow non-medical drug use to participate in rehabilitation programs, as well as the mechanism for selecting participants for inclusion in rehabilitation programs;

e) insufficient effectiveness of medical and social measures ensuring the restoration of socially significant resources of the personality of a patient with drug addiction and his further socialization in society;

f) the lack of conditions for social and labor reintegration of participants in rehabilitation programs.

35. The strategic goal of state policy in the field of rehabilitation of drug addicts is the formation of a multi-level system that ensures access to effective rehabilitation programs for people with drug addiction, restoration of their social and social status, improvement of the quality and increase in life expectancy of drug addicts.

36. The main directions of development of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts in the Russian Federation are:

a) organization of drug rehabilitation centers (departments) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

b) financing of narcological dispensaries and other specialized narcological institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for organizing the activities of narcological rehabilitation units;

c) strengthening the staff of narcological rehabilitation centers (departments) and subdivisions in order to provide a brigade form of work with patients with drug addiction;

d) systematic training and retraining of specialists (psychiatrists-narcologists, psychotherapists, medical psychologists, social workers, specialists in social work) on the issues of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;

e) increasing the availability of medical and social rehabilitation for patients with drug addiction, as well as for those seeking medical help who use drugs with harmful consequences;

f) organization of a system of training and employment of drug addicts who have undergone medical and social rehabilitation;

g) development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the work of drug rehabilitation centers (departments), as well as non-medical rehabilitation organizations;

h) improving the methods of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;

i) the formation of a legal framework that ensures the use of the potential of traditional religious confessions, non-governmental and public organizations in the state system of rehabilitation assistance;

j) introduction of a system of state control over the activities of non-medical rehabilitation institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal form;

k) formation of an effective mechanism of state support for scientific research in the field of rehabilitation of drug addicts, development and implementation of innovative programs for the rehabilitation and reintegration of drug addicts;

l) formation of a system for informing the population about the range of rehabilitation services provided at the state, regional and municipal levels;

m) creation of mechanisms to motivate persons who allow non-medical drug use to participate in rehabilitation programs;

n) creation of mechanisms for purposeful work with relatives of persons participating in rehabilitation programs, ensuring the formation of a socially positive environment for the rehabilitated;

o) development of mechanisms of state support for institutions that ensure social and labor reintegration of participants in rehabilitation programs.

37. The main activity for the development of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts is the preparation of a program for the development of medical and social rehabilitation, within the framework of which it is planned to introduce into the activities of regional drug rehabilitation institutions low-cost technologies and hospital-replacing forms of providing rehabilitation assistance, including the organization of medical and labor workshops, as well as equip them with equipment for the provision of consultative, diagnostic and rehabilitative medical care.

V. Main directions of development

international cooperation

38. The strategic goals of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of drug control are:

a) the use of mechanisms of multilateral and bilateral cooperation with foreign states, regional and international organizations, including the expansion of the necessary legal framework;

b) strengthening the existing system of international drug control on the basis of the relevant UN Conventions, UN Security Council resolutions, decisions of the General Assembly and other bodies of the UN system.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

39. Achievement of these goals ensures the deployment of an effective system of international anti-drug cooperation of the Russian Federation as a mechanism for coordinating the efforts of all participants in the fight against drug trafficking.

40. The priority areas of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of drug control are:

a) countering the global drug threat, taking into account the principled position of the Russian Federation on the central coordinating role of the UN and its Security Council in the fight against new challenges and threats in this area;

b) concentration of the main efforts on combating the smuggling of opiates and cannabinoids from Afghanistan and the countries of Central Asia into the Russian Federation;

c) increasing the role of Russia in providing technical assistance to Afghanistan and other countries of Western and Central Asia in countering the Afghan drug threat;

d) conducting purposeful work to predict and eliminate threats to the national security of the Russian Federation from other types of drugs, including synthetic ones;

e) development of regional cooperation in the field of drug control using the potential of such international organizations and structures as the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on the Assessment of Measures to Combat Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, the Eurasian Group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism, and others, including in the context of strengthening the "belts" of anti-drug and financial security around Afghanistan;

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

f) a comprehensive study of the problems associated with drug control, including the problem of reducing the supply of drugs and the demand for them, and the development of measures to solve these problems at various international platforms;

(subparagraph "e" as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

g) taking measures with the participation of representatives of the G20 in the field of control over the trafficking of drugs and their precursors;

(clause "g" was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

h) development of international cooperation in order to identify and seize the proceeds from illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors.

(clause "z" was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

Vi. Organizational, legal and resource support

anti-drug activities in the Russian Federation.

Mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy

41. Improvement of organizational, legal and resource support of anti-drug activities in the Russian Federation is carried out in order to increase the level of coordination of subjects of anti-drug activities and the quality of their work in the field of combating drug trafficking in the Russian Federation, prevention of non-medical drug use, treatment and rehabilitation of people who use drugs. drugs.

42. Improving the organizational support of anti-drug activities will be facilitated by:

a) creation of a state system for monitoring the drug situation in the Russian Federation;

b) development and implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation, state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal programs in the field of counteracting drug abuse and their illicit trafficking;

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

c) enhancing the role of anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the part concerning the legislative consolidation of the obligatory execution of decisions of the commissions for territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies;

d) delineation of powers between federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies on the organization and implementation of measures aimed at preventing non-medical drug use and crime associated with the illegal circulation of drugs and their precursors, as well as anti-drug propaganda;

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

e) creation of a mechanism for interaction between law enforcement and other state bodies with citizens and civil society institutions on the issues of counteracting non-medical consumption and illegal distribution of drugs;

43. Improving legal regulation of anti-drug activities provides for:

a) improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the main strategic directions of the state anti-drug policy;

b) improvement of the criminal law legislation of the Russian Federation in the part concerning the harmonization of dispositional structures with the measures of criminal punishment depending on the severity of the crimes committed, wider use of administrative precedence, ensuring the flexibility of the punishment system, which provides for the differentiation of responsibility;

c) the introduction into the legislation of the Russian Federation of norms providing defendants with drug addiction and those found guilty of committing crimes of small or medium severity related to the illegal circulation of drugs and their precursors, the opportunity to choose between treatment and criminal punishment;

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

c.1) improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation, establishing the responsibility of convicts recognized as drug addicts for evading the obligation imposed on them by the court to undergo drug addiction treatment and medical and (or) social rehabilitation, as well as the mechanism for monitoring the fulfillment of this duty by this category of persons;

(Clause "Article 1" was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

e) amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation, providing an opportunity to include issues related to the activities of local self-government bodies in the field of prevention of non-medical drug use and anti-drug propaganda in the list of issues of local importance;

f) improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information and informatization in the part concerning the development of mechanisms that prevent the promotion of drug use, as well as allow more active use of the mass media in promoting a healthy lifestyle;

g) adoption of measures stimulating the development of an international legal framework for cooperation, improvement and harmonization of national legislations of the states - participants in anti-drug activities;

h) creation of legislative and legal conditions to guarantee the conduct of anti-drug propaganda and prevention in the media;

i) legal regulation of the activities of non-medical organizations of various forms of ownership, individuals in the field of prevention of non-medical drug use and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

44. The system of strategic planning documents (state programs of the Russian Federation, state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal programs developed in order to implement the state anti-drug policy) is formed by the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Anti-Drug Committee, interested federal government bodies with the participation of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislative acts of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

45. The information basis for the implementation of the Strategy is intended to ensure the creation of a unified interdepartmental databank of interested federal government bodies, containing information that allows to promptly respond to changes in the drug situation in the Russian Federation and make informed operational decisions.

46. ​​Control over the implementation of the Strategy is carried out by the State Anti-Drug Committee, and the results of control are reflected in the annual report to the President of the Russian Federation on the drug situation in the Russian Federation.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

The implementation of the Strategy at the federal level is carried out according to the plan of relevant measures.

The State Anti-Drug Committee at its meetings hears officials of federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of the Strategy.

The implementation of the Strategy at the regional and municipal levels is carried out in the form of state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal programs developed in order to implement the state anti-drug policy.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

Expected results and risks

46.1. Expected results of the implementation of the state anti-drug policy:

a) a significant reduction in the supply of drugs and the demand for them;

b) a significant reduction in the scale of the consequences of illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors.

(Clause 46.1 was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

47. Expected results of the implementation of the Strategy:

c) creation and functioning of the state system for monitoring the drug situation in the Russian Federation;

d) creation and functioning of the state system for the prevention of non-medical drug use;

e) a modern system of treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts;

g) an effective system of measures to counter drug trafficking into the territory of the Russian Federation;

h) reliable state control over the legal circulation of drugs and their precursors;

i) organizational, regulatory and resource support of anti-drug activities.

48. Managed risks: decrease in the level of arrangement and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation; reduction of the number of specialized drug addiction medical institutions and the number of psychiatrists-drug addicts, psychologists, social workers; decrease in the availability, quality and effectiveness of measures for the prevention of non-medical drug use, treatment and rehabilitation of people who use drugs.

Partially manageable risks: formation of a tolerant attitude towards illegal drug use in society, discrediting the activities of federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, countering illegal drug trafficking; strengthening efforts to legalize drug substitution therapy and promoting drug use under the guise of syringe exchange programs; an increase in the number of people involved in illegal drug use.

Unmanageable risks: an increase in crime (including international) in the sphere of illicit trafficking in drugs and their precursors with the emergence of new channels of smuggling; an increase in the level of illegal migration; the emergence in the illicit circulation of new narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances with a narcogenic potential.

Countermeasures: improving anti-drug activities based on assessing the nature, scale and consequences of the impact of adverse factors on the achievement of the general goal of the state anti-drug policy and solving the tasks of the Strategy.

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2018 N 85)

Final provisions

49. The strategy covers the period 2010–2020.

The implementation of the measures envisaged by the Strategy is ensured by consolidating the efforts and resources of the entire society, government bodies at all levels, public associations and citizens.

To solve the tasks set by the Strategy, it is envisaged to ensure a consistent and stable increase in spending on state support for anti-drug activities in all areas.

50. Financing of expenditures for state support of anti-drug activities is carried out at the expense of allocations from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and other sources of funding not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Created: 10.08.2011
Updated date: 10.04.2018


FSKN of Russia





The need to develop the Concept of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation is due to changes in the geopolitical situation in the world, globalization and, as a consequence, the intensification of the activity of transnational crime, the emergence of new challenges and threats associated, first of all, with the spread of heroin and "synthetic drugs", a significant lag in the legal framework from the current dynamics of the development of the drug situation in the country, as well as new tasks facing the state system of anti-drug activities.

The main reason for the growing heroin pressure on the Russian Federation lies beyond its borders - in the military-political and economic situation in Afghanistan, which has given rise to a large-scale export of opiates to Russia. Currently, the world produces 2 times more opiates than 10 years ago, and almost all of this production (94%) is concentrated in Afghanistan.

The current drug situation in the Russian Federation is characterized by the expansion of the illegal spread of non-medical drug use, which poses a serious threat to the health of the nation, the country's economy, law and order and state security.

Drug expansion, organized by international criminal communities, is increasingly becoming the main source of drug trafficking in the country.

The national security strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on May 12, 2009, recognized the spread of drug addiction and the activities of transnational criminal groups and organizations associated with the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as one of the sources of threats to national security.

The restructuring of the drug market continues towards highly concentrated drugs such as heroin, cocaine, amphetamine-type stimulants, which contribute to the rapid development of physical and mental addictions, personality degradation, and the emergence of serious somatic complications.

The main threat is posed by opiates produced in Afghanistan, which are used by up to 90% of drug addicts.

Cocaine, synthetic drugs, cannabinoids, as well as narcotic drugs made from local herbal raw materials and from drugs that are freely commercially available, are becoming more widespread.

To date, the gaps in the normative legal regulation of anti-drug activities have not been eliminated, the provisions of the UN anti-drug conventions have not been fully implemented, Russian legislation has not been fully brought into line with international obligations.

The period of validity of the Guidelines and the main directions of activity in the Russian Federation on combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and their abuse for the period up to 2008, approved by the decision of the meeting of the members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation in 1999 in the development of the Concept of state policy in the field of counteraction to drug abuse and their illicit trafficking, approved in 1993 by the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation.

Due to organizational and legal lack of regulation, the current drug user registration system based on the principles of voluntariness and anonymity of treatment does not reflect the real state of affairs. Due to imperfect accounting of drug users, there is no objective system for recording deaths directly or indirectly related to drug use. For this reason, as well as due to the lack of an effective system of research and assessment of the drug situation, the concerned federal executive bodies do not have real data on the prevalence of drug addiction, the capacity of the drug market, sources of illegal income.

The losses of society from drug addiction, including the negative impact on the demography and health of the nation, the volumetric negative socio-economic consequences are incomparable with the measures being taken today, including financial ones, to suppress it, by organizing the prevention and treatment of drug addicts.

In the context of the demographic crisis, a further increase in the number of drug addicts, most of whom are young people of reproductive age, can lead to the degradation of the nation.

1. General Provisions

The Concept of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) is an officially adopted system of fundamental views that determine the measures and organization of practical activities of the state in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, as well as countering their illicit trafficking. The problem of the spread of drug addiction in the Russian Federation is considered as a threat aimed at all spheres of life, including national security, life and health of citizens, moral and ethical foundations of society. The Concept formulates the main goals and directions of the state anti-drug policy.

The Concept is a fundamental document for the development, improvement and adjustment of the state anti-drug policy and is aimed at coordinating the activities of state authorities, local governments, public associations in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors and countering their illicit trafficking.

The main provisions of the Concept develop the provisions of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 and the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020.

State anti-drug policy is a system of activities of state authorities of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, local self-government bodies of municipalities, anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public organizations and religious associations, aimed at preventing, detecting and suppressing illegal traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, prevention of drug addiction, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Anti-drug activities - activities of state authorities of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, local self-government bodies of municipalities, the State Anti-Drug Committee, anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public organizations and religious associations for the implementation of the state anti-drug policy.

The goal of the state anti-drug policy is to reduce the level of drug addiction in society through the establishment of strict control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to their illicit trafficking and consumption, the formation of a system of measures to provide sufficient and effective assistance to drug addicts, the formation of a society of intolerance towards non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

This goal is achieved by solving the following main tasks:

Reducing the supply of drugs by eradicating their illegal production and trafficking within the country and reducing the level of external drug aggression;

Reducing the demand for drugs by organizing systemic interaction of preventive mechanisms, incl. propaganda, medical, rehabilitation and legislative work.

The main directions of the state anti-drug policy:

Implementation of a nationwide complex of measures to suppress the illegal distribution of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Elaboration of measures to adequately counter their illegal import into the territory of the Russian Federation;

Development and strengthening of international cooperation in the field of anti-drug activities on a multilateral and bilateral basis;

Ensuring reliable state control over the legal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors;

Development and implementation of the state system for monitoring and assessing the development of the drug situation in the Russian Federation, as the basis for the effective implementation of the state anti-drug policy;

Creation of a state system for the prevention of drug addiction, as well as treatment and medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts, including minors;

Improving the organizational and legal support of anti-drug activities;

Subjects of anti-drug activities and their powers:

Anti-drug activities are directed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The State Anti-Drug Committee coordinates the activities of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies of municipalities and anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the state anti-drug policy.

Anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ensure coordination of the activities of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of municipalities for the prevention of drug addiction and counteraction to illegal drug trafficking within the framework of their powers;

The Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation carries out the functions of implementing the state anti-drug policy, legal regulation, control and supervision in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of countering their illicit trafficking;

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, and other federal executive bodies carry out the functions of countering the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors within the limits provided to them by the President of the Russian Federation or The Government of the Russian Federation of powers.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation exercises control over the international activities of all executive bodies performing functions in the above-mentioned sphere, in order to carry out a single foreign policy line of the Russian Federation in the international arena.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation oversees the implementation of legislation in the field of anti-drug activities.

Top officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, within the framework of their powers, exercise control over anti-drug activities on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation carry out the implementation of the state anti-drug policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Public organizations and religious associations of religious trends traditional for the territory of the Russian Federation carry out the prevention of the spread of drug addiction and the rehabilitation of drug addicts within their powers.

The legal basis for the fight against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors are: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, Federal law of January 8, 1998 N 3-FZ "On narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances", federal laws, presidential decrees Of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, normative legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, normative acts of federal executive bodies, normative acts of local self-government bodies of municipal formations.

Along with the main directions of anti-drug activities carried out by the federal executive authorities, federal and regional targeted programs are being implemented in the field of combating drug abuse and drug trafficking.

Decisions and measures taken by public authorities in the field of combating drug trafficking are based on the principles of openness, concreteness, preemptive action, ensuring equality of all before the law and inevitability of responsibility, relying on the support of society, legality, observance of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens.

2. System of measures to reduce the supply of drugs

2.1. Measures to Combat Illicit Drug Trafficking on the Territory of the Russian Federation

The fight against drug trafficking is carried out on the basis of a nationwide set of measures, including of a preventive nature, aimed at suppressing this type of criminal activity, first of all, to identify and suppress the activities of transnational criminal groups and organizations associated with the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances ...

These measures include:

Strengthening the coordination of anti-drug activities of law enforcement agencies and special services to combat illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

Identification and suppression of organized criminal communities (criminal organizations);

Undermining the economic foundations of organized drug-related crime, countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime;

Identification of places of possible production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as persons reasonably suspected of involvement in illegal drug production, and the organization of their operational control;

Identification and destruction using modern scientific and technical means of illegal crops and centers of natural growth of wild plants containing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, clandestine laboratories and equipment used for the illegal manufacture of drugs;

Reclamation and return to agricultural use of lands infested with wild plants containing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

Training and strengthening the staff of state bodies involved in combating drug trafficking;

Technical and technological re-equipment of drug control bodies and other law enforcement agencies, carrying out activities in the field of combating the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors adequately to the existing drug threat;

Development of a system for identifying new types of narcotic substances in order to classify them and resolve the issue of inclusion in lists I, II, III of the List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Creation of a system for identification of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances seized from illicit trafficking;

2.2. Measures to combat drug trafficking

The main direction of countering the illegal import of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances into the territory of the Russian Federation is the elimination of drug trafficking (illegal movement of drugs) from Afghanistan.

The spread of drugs, primarily of the opium group, in the Russian Federation is associated with the development of the drug situation in Afghanistan, where, according to UNODC expert estimates, about 94% of the total amount of opiates produced in the world is produced, at least 35% of which is illegally supplied to the territory of the Russian Federation.

Since November 2001, the volume of opiate production in Afghanistan has grown 44 times; Afghanistan has essentially turned into a drug state, the main source of income for which is the production and sale of opiates.

Afghan drug trafficking is a global threat on a global scale, the main blow of which is primarily directed at the Russian Federation.

Other areas of the fight against drug trafficking are combating the illegal import of cocaine from Latin America into the Russian Federation, synthetic drugs from European countries and China, cannabinoids from Morocco, and marijuana and hashish from Central Asia.

The fight against drug trafficking is carried out through the implementation of the following measures:

Improvement of the arrangement and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation, primarily in the main directions of drug trafficking;

Strengthening the border and customs control of goods arriving through transport channels;

Improvement of the system of personal registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons crossing the state border of the Russian Federation;

Strengthening control over the production, import and export of precursors to block the channels of their delivery to Afghanistan, the states of Europe and Central Asia, Turkey;

Expansion of cross-border cooperation with subdivisions of competent departments of neighboring states;

Creation, together with the competent authorities of the interested states, of a system for analyzing the drug situation in order to increase the effectiveness of countering transnational criminal groups and organizations associated with the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

Organizing, together with foreign partners, the fight against cross-border crime, suppression of the activities of organized criminal groups specializing in drug smuggling in order to increase the effectiveness of countering Afghan drug trafficking at distant approaches;

Development of cooperation in the field of personnel training for the competent authorities of foreign states;

Development of a set of measures to strengthen control over the routes of possible drug transportation in the main directions of drug trafficking;

Improvement of migration legislation.

2.3. Strengthening international cooperation

The global nature of drug trafficking, which does not recognize state borders and serves as a financial base for organized crime, terrorism, corruption, poses a real threat to the life and health of mankind, to the national security of states.

The problem of the spread of drugs in Russia is an integral part of the world problem of drug addiction, which requires coordinated and balanced actions by the entire world community.

One of the priorities of the Russian Federation in addressing global problems in the context of strengthening international security is targeted countering drug trafficking, cooperation with other states in a multilateral format, primarily within specialized international bodies, and on a bilateral basis.

The legal basis for international cooperation in the field of combating illicit drug trafficking is formed by the UN universal conventions: the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs as amended by the 1972 Protocol amending the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances years and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 and other international normative legal acts to which the Russian Federation is a party.

The United Nations (UN) and its Security Council play a central coordinating role in the fight against drug trafficking.

The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism (EAG) are considered as one of the main interstate instruments designed to counter regional challenges and threats, including the fight against illicit trafficking. narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Countering the illegal supply of drugs from the territory of Afghanistan is the main task for Russia in the anti-drug sphere, since almost 100% of heroin and opium on the Russian illegal drug market are of Afghan origin.

The main goals of the Russian Federation's anti-drug policy in this area are to prevent the penetration of drugs from Afghanistan into Russia, the creation and strengthening of anti-drug and financial "security belts" around it, which are designed to ensure the suppression of the smuggling of Afghan drugs and the import of precursors for the production of heroin into Afghanistan, as well as the elimination in cooperation with the authorities of Afghanistan created there the drug industry.

The international activities of the Russian Federation in the field of combating drug trafficking will be aimed at solving the following tasks:

Giving the Afghan drug threat the status of a global threat to the world community along with terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and international piracy;

Giving drug-related criminal formations, in accordance with the norms of international law, a status similar to terrorist ones, having formed the corresponding internationally recognized sanctions list of such formations, organizations and persons leading them;

Strengthening anti-drug cooperation with the competent authorities of interested states, as well as specialized structures of the UN system, other international and regional organizations, increasing its impact and effectiveness, primarily in the fight against the Afghan drug threat;

Strengthening efforts by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan to assist the government of this country, provincial reconstruction teams, their activities to implement the national and provincial anti-drug strategies and action plans of the government of Afghanistan, the introduction of alternative crops, the development of agriculture in general to undermine socio-economic the foundations of the drug industry;

Preparation and implementation, using the political potential of the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO, of the Roadmap for International Assistance in Drug Control in Afghanistan, which defines the individual stages and directions of international cooperation in this area, the amount and sources of necessary funding, and sets the expected results and indicators of the effectiveness of the respective programs ;

Enhancing the role and effectiveness of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan in countering the illicit production and trafficking of narcotic drugs in this country;

Facilitating the organization of targeted donor assistance to drug transit countries, including through the mechanisms of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), with the provision of monitoring its effectiveness;

Implementation of a set of measures to further implement the concept of creating anti-drug and financial "security belts" around Afghanistan in order to prevent drug smuggling from this country and import into its territory precursors for the production of heroin, to combat the legalization (laundering) of criminal proceeds from the drug business, including the implementation of measures aimed at strengthening border control on the border between Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as on the borders of states adjacent to Afghanistan, primarily Tajikistan;

Strengthening anti-drug and financial security belts around Afghanistan in cooperation with the CSTO, CIS, SCO, EAG, and other regional and international organizations;

Strengthening multifaceted interaction between the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO, including the development of agreed political positions on the most important issues of combating drug trafficking;

Development of a mechanism for using the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces of the CSTO member states to combat drug trafficking;

Expanding the use in the fight against illicit drug trafficking and their precursors of the potential of the Coordinating Council of Heads of Competent Authorities for Countering Illegal Drug Trafficking of the CSTO Member States (hereinafter referred to as the CSTO), trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as countering their illegal traffic;

Ensuring the interests of the Russian Federation in missions, programs, events and operations in the field of anti-drug activities carried out within the framework of international, regional and sub-regional organizations;

Preparation and implementation of international operations and measures agreed with foreign partners, including the further regular conduct of the international preventive and preventive operation "Channel" as part of the implementation of the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council of September 5, 2008 on giving it the status of a permanent Regional Anti-Drug Operation;

Improvement of the international legal framework for interaction with foreign states and international organizations on anti-drug cooperation;

Expansion of cross-border cooperation with neighboring states located on the routes of Afghan drug trafficking;

Improvement of mechanisms for international exchange of experience in the anti-drug sphere;

Development of anti-drug cooperation, including on issues of training and advanced training of representatives of competent authorities, with the countries of Central Asia, Afghanistan and countries-producers and transit countries of cocaine, drugs of the conabioid group and synthetic drugs in the interests of the Russian Federation;

Provision of international legal assistance in criminal cases initiated on the facts of illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors;

Organization of control on the external sections of the borders of Belarus and Kazakhstan and the creation of conditions to ensure the necessary level of protection of the future common customs territory;

Creation of mechanisms for international exchange of experience in the field of drug addiction prevention.

2.4. Measures to control the legal circulation of drugs and their precursors

The main direction of activities to control the legal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors is to prevent the diversion of drugs from legal to illegal circulation. To solve this problem, it is necessary to implement measures that include:

Improvement of licensing requirements for activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors;

Control over the observance of the state monopoly on the main activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

Strengthening control over the activities of legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) carrying out, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors;

Improvement of control over the turnover of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances from the moment of their import into the customs territory of the Russian Federation or production in the territory of the Russian Federation until they enter the pharmacy, treatment-and-prophylactic, educational research, expert and other institutions carrying out activities related to the turnover of narcotic drugs. drugs and psychotropic substances;

Expansion of interaction between state authorities exercising control over the legal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, providing for joint activities in order to prevent the leakage of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances into illegal circulation;

Increasing the level of information and analytical activities of public authorities, improving the mechanism for collecting, processing and analyzing incoming information on the legal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, creating unified databases (including on the formation of needs for narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors used in legal turnover);

Revision of the List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, in order to bring it into conformity with the norms of international law (in relation to a number of potent substances) and within the framework of the creation of a unified system of non-tariff regulation in the customs union;

Development of domestic production of narcotic drugs (including pharmaceutical substances), as well as analytical (standard) samples of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in order to replace their imports;

Improving control over the circulation of codeine-containing drugs;

Organizing the study of commodity flows, assessing the need for legal controlled drug products and streamlining the free circulation of drugs used in the manufacture of drugs in an artisanal way.

3. System of measures to reduce drug demand

3.1. Research and assessment (monitoring) of the drug situation in the Russian Federation

Monitoring of the drug situation is carried out as part of the regular study of socio-economic, demographic, international, rule-making, law enforcement processes and phenomena in Russia and in the world.

The organization of monitoring the drug situation provides for:

Development of a unified state system for monitoring and evaluating the development of the drug situation in the country (at the federal and regional levels) using modern information technologies for data transmission and processing;

Ensuring the completeness and reliability of information about the objects of research;

Development of basic criteria that provide a unified approach to assessing the results of research on the drug situation.

The main objects of monitoring the drug situation:

The reasons and conditions contributing to the spread of drug addiction and offenses related to drug trafficking, the effectiveness of measures to eliminate them;

The scale of the spread of illegal drug use based on departmental statistics and the results of sociological research, including in order to determine the level of latency;

Criminological aspects of the distribution and illicit drug use, including the determination of the main trends and patterns of development of crime in the sphere of illegal drug trafficking, assessment of the ratio of the number of registered grave and especially grave crimes to the number of registered crimes in the sphere of illegal drug trafficking;

Effectiveness of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of persons who illegally use drugs;

Based on the results of monitoring the drug situation:

The tendencies and scenarios for the development of the drug situation in the Russian Federation and its regions are determined in order to identify areas with a high level of drug addiction of the population, to assess the impact of drug addiction on socio-economic development and security;

3.2. Drug Prevention Measures

The purpose of prevention is to prevent the emergence and spread of drug addiction and the formation of a negative attitude towards drug addiction in society.

Prevention of drug addiction includes a set of measures of a political, economic, legal, social, medical, pedagogical, cultural and educational, health and fitness and other nature.

The organization and implementation of measures for the prevention of illegal drug use and drug addiction should be carried out by state authorities of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, including their subordinate structures and institutions, local self-government bodies of municipalities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal institutions, organizations and institutions of other forms of ownership, public organizations and religious associations.

Prevention is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary, and in modern terminology - universal, selective, indicative.

Primary (universal) prevention of drug addiction is aimed at preventing the start of drug use by persons who have not previously used them.

It is targeted at the general population, including children, adolescents and youth, and is social in nature.

Primary prevention tasks include:

Reducing the risk group of drug use, early identification of persons predisposed to drug use;

Formation of a negative attitude of children, adolescents and youth to drugs;

Formation of personal responsibility for their behavior, which leads to a decrease in the demand for drugs;

Formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of hygienically appropriate skills and behavior habits;

Formation of a negative attitude of children, adolescents, youth and adults to drugs.

Secondary (selective) prevention of drug addiction is selective and is aimed at people who occasionally use drugs, as well as people who use drugs with harmful consequences, that is, with signs of drug addiction. It is aimed at reducing the duration of drug exposure on the human body, completely stopping further drug use, preventing the formation of a chronic disease, as well as restoring the individual's personal and social status.

The tasks of secondary prevention include:

Timely identification of drug users;

Ensuring the availability and quality of drug treatment medical care;

Providing qualified psychological, pedagogical and social assistance;

Identification of risk groups among various segments of the population for targeted preventive work;

Conducting mandatory scheduled and unscheduled medical examinations of risk groups and professional groups whose work is associated with sources of increased danger in order to identify drug addiction pathologists.

Tertiary (indicative) prevention of drug addiction is focused on drug addicts and is predominantly of a medical nature. It is aimed at preventing further drug use, reducing the harm from drug use, helping patients to overcome the disease, as well as preventing the recurrence of the disease in drug addicts who have stopped using drugs.

In order to improve the prevention of drug addiction, the following measures are being taken:

Creation of a state system for the prevention of drug addiction and related offenses;

Organization of general special and individual prevention of drug addiction and prevention of drug crime in the system of educational work in educational institutions of various types and types, the introduction of compulsory educational courses on the prevention of addictive behavior, spiritual, moral and legal education;

Strengthening the health of the population, reducing morbidity, creating conditions for the formation of motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle;

Development of a system for early detection of illegal drug users and persons prone to their use in different segments of the population (schoolchildren, students, conscripts, military personnel, athletes, employees of enterprises and organizations) to carry out targeted preventive work, including the introduction of mandatory testing for drug use;

Organization of educational work and anti-drug propaganda for various target groups of the population of the Russian Federation;

Organization of state support for mass sports, creation of conditions for the involvement of children and youth in systematic physical education and sports;

Organization and development of a volunteer youth anti-drug movement;

Organization of state support for the activities of non-governmental organizations and associations involved in the prevention of drug addiction;

Increasing the effectiveness of preventive measures with groups of increased risk of non-medical drug use;

Organization and implementation of events aimed at forming the motivation for treatment and rehabilitation among illegal drug users and persons prone to drug use;

Study and implementation into practice of the most effective forms and methods of preventive work, the results of scientific research in the field of drug addiction prevention;

Creation of centers for psychological and pedagogical diagnostics aimed at the timely identification of illegal drug users and persons prone to their consumption; creation and strengthening of the material and technical base and human resources of the Centers for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction of minors who abuse drugs in order to timely identify persons prone to drug abuse. to their consumption, and the provision of qualified psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to them;

Methodological support of the activities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of municipalities, aimed at managing measures for the prevention of drug addiction and offenses related to drug trafficking;

Improving the professional level of specialists in the education system, health care, social protection, law enforcement agencies, other departments, as well as employees of public (non-governmental) organizations on the prevention of drug addiction;

Strengthening the material and technical base and personnel of drug addiction medical institutions, organizations and institutions working in the field of treatment and rehabilitation of people with drug addiction, prevention of drug addiction and offenses related to drug trafficking;

Organization of effective state support for museums, libraries, clubs, houses of culture in the regions (strengthening the material and technical base, information support, attracting specialists and teachers), i.e. creating conditions for the mass involvement of children, adolescents and youth in creative pursuits;

Organization and improvement of the work of public drug addiction posts in educational institutions of all types and types;

Organization of interaction with public associations, religious confessions and other non-governmental organizations for the prevention of drug addiction;

Legislative consolidation of the use of testing, for the purpose of detecting drugs in the human body, and the use of the results as a basis for legal consequences and restrictions on individual rights of citizens in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Development of drug addiction treatment methods using innovative technologies;

Increasing the availability of qualified psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance (including preventive correction) for families and young people;

Development of a system of preclinical counseling, including medical and genetic counseling;

Development of a research base in the field of drug addiction prevention in the education system, health care, social protection, law enforcement agencies;

Development of criteria for assessing and introducing mandatory examination of educational and preventive programs implemented by non-governmental organizations for compliance with legal, medical, spiritual and moral standards and the requirements of preventive activities;

Legislative and organizational support of liability of legal entities specializing in leisure and entertainment activities for failure to take appropriate measures to prevent the facts of drug trafficking.

3.3. Measures for the provision of drug addiction medical care to drug addicts

The main goal of the development of narcological medical institutions is to increase the availability and quality of medical drug treatment, which contributes to the full, timely identification and involvement in treatment, and medical and social rehabilitation of people who illegally use drugs.

Drug addiction medical care for drug addicts includes examination, counseling, diagnosis, treatment and medical and social rehabilitation.

At the same time, diagnostics of drug addiction, examination, counseling and medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts are carried out in institutions of state and municipal health care systems that have received a license for the specified type of activity in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Treatment of drug addicts is carried out by institutions of the state and municipal health care system.

Patients with drug addiction, while providing them with drug treatment, enjoy the rights of patients in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens.

When applying for drug addiction medical care, citizens must be warned of the socio-legal consequences associated with their diagnosis of drug addiction, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including:

Restrictions on engaging in certain types of professional activities and activities associated with a source of increased danger, including a ban on the possession of weapons, as well as driving vehicles;

Establishing medical supervision for drug addicts;

Setting up the appropriate type of accounting, monitoring and carrying out preventive work by employees of the internal affairs bodies.

The organization of the provision of specialized medical care in narcological dispensaries and other specialized medical institutions (with the exception of federal specialized medical institutions, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation) belongs to the powers of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carried out by them independently at the expense of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The development of drug addiction medical care provides for:

Preventing the introduction of harm reduction programs, including, inter alia, substitution therapy, opening injection rooms, and others;

Ensuring the availability of drug addiction medical care;

Ensuring the preparation and implementation of the procedure for the provision of drug addiction medical care to drug addicts, as well as the standards for its provision;

Ensuring the organization of the procedure for medical supervision of patients with drug addiction;

Increase in the number and material and technical support of specialized drug treatment institutions;

Targeted financing of narcological dispensaries and other specialized narcological institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the nomenclature of healthcare institutions approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

Systematic training and advanced training of specialists in the field of drug addiction medical care (psychiatrists-drug addicts, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, medical psychologists, social workers, doctors of other specialties, as well as primary health care specialists);

Strengthening the human resources of narcological dispensaries and other specialized narcological institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, included in the nomenclature of healthcare institutions approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, as well as federal specialized narcological medical institutions;

Development and implementation of modern methods for the diagnosis of drug addiction, examination, treatment of drug addiction patients;

State support for scientific research in the development of new methods for diagnosing drug addiction, examination, treatment of drug addicts and their rehabilitation;

Development of ambulance and emergency medical care, taking into account the narcological profile;

Improvement of the system of rendering drug addiction treatment to drug addicts in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

3.4. Measures for the implementation of the rehabilitation of persons with drug addiction

Rehabilitation is a set of medical, psychological, pedagogical and social measures aimed at restoring physical, mental, spiritual and social health, socially significant resources of a person's personality and further socialization in society of a person who illegally uses drugs and has applied for medical and other help. It should be aimed at reducing the negative medical and social consequences of the disease, preventing disability and improving the quality of life of both the person being rehabilitated and his immediate environment.

Medical-psychological and medical-social rehabilitation is aimed at restoring the physical and mental health of persons suffering from drug addiction or seeking medical help and diagnosed with the use of narcotic and toxic substances with harmful consequences. It is carried out only by medical institutions of psychiatric and drug addiction treatment.

Psychological, pedagogical and socio-psychological rehabilitation is aimed at restoring the psychological, spiritual and social health of patients with drug addiction and can be carried out by non-medical institutions and organizations of state or other forms of ownership, including with the involvement of the rehabilitation potential of public organizations and associations of religions traditional for Russia.

The tasks of rehabilitation of persons with drug addiction include:

Formation of motivation to participate in rehabilitation programs;

Suppression of the main syndrome of drug addiction - a pathological craving for drugs through the consistent complex use of pharmacological, psychotherapeutic, socio-therapeutic and other measures;

Prevention of the medical and social consequences of drug abuse;

Medical and social prevention of disruptions or relapses of the disease;

Formation of responsibility for their behavior, as well as motivation to lead a sober and healthy lifestyle;

Formation or restoration of communication skills and skills of systematic work (study);

Formation of a real life perspective, including purposeful activities and social interests;

Psychotherapeutic work with relatives of patients, aimed at expanding their knowledge about the medico-social consequences of drug use, teaching them the skills of psychological assistance to drug addicts, monitoring their condition in order to prevent relapses of the disease, as well as overcoming codependency;

Restoring family relationships;

Improving the quality of life of drug addicts.

Medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts is carried out in institutions of state, municipal or private health care systems that have received a license for the specified type of activity in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Currently, medical and social rehabilitation is considered as one of the priority areas of health care, thanks to which a really high efficiency of drug addiction medical care, including long-term therapeutic remissions, is ensured.

The social effect of the implementation of medical and social rehabilitation is expressed in improving the quality and increasing the life expectancy of drug addicts, maintaining or restoring their labor potential, reducing social and psychological tension in society due to the growing spread of drug addiction.

The main strategies for the development of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts in the Russian Federation are:

Development of a network of narcological institutions for medical and social rehabilitation of patients;

Targeted financing of narcological dispensaries and other specialized narcological institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, included in the nomenclature of healthcare institutions approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, for organizing the activities of narcological rehabilitation centers or departments;

Increasing the efficiency and availability of medical and social rehabilitation for drug addicts, as well as for people who use drugs who seek medical help, with harmful consequences;

Ensuring the preparation and implementation of the procedure for organizing medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts, as well as the standards for its provision;

Organization of a system of training and employment of drug addicts who have undergone medical and social rehabilitation;

Strengthening the personnel potential of drug addiction rehabilitation centers (departments) in order to ensure the brigade method of working with drug addicts;

Systematic training and retraining of specialists (psychiatrists, narcologists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists, social workers) on the issues of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;

Development of evaluation criteria and methodology for monitoring the effectiveness of the work of narcological rehabilitation centers (departments);

Development and implementation of modern methods of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;

State support for scientific research in the field of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;

Improvement of interagency cooperation in the field of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts, including the interaction of medical, educational, social institutions and public organizations;

Strengthening state control over the activities of non-state, including confessional, rehabilitation organizations in order to prevent violation of the current legislation in the field of protection of civil rights;

Settlement of licensing and control issues for social rehabilitation of non-state and confessional rehabilitation organizations, determining the terms of rehabilitation in state and non-state centers, providing social insurance for the period of drug addict rehabilitation, occupational therapy, employment and job quotas.

4. Improving the organizational and legal support of anti-drug activities

Improving organizational forms and methods of anti-drug activities includes:

Creation of a unified information and analytical center for assessing the drug situation in the Russian Federation;

Creation of drug situation analysis centers in federal districts;

Development and implementation of interdepartmental information resources on the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as countering their illegal circulation;

Improvement of the system of identification and registration of drug addicts;

Provision of financing for the activities of federal targeted anti-drug programs and targeted anti-drug programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Methodological support for the activities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of municipalities on the organization of a system for the prevention of drug addiction and offenses related to drug trafficking, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts at the regional and municipal levels;

Strengthening the material and technical base and organizing the training of personnel of state and municipal bodies and institutions subordinate to them, carrying out activities in the field of prevention of drug addiction and offenses related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts;

Introduction of additional measures of social protection of persons engaged in the fight against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors;

Development of measures for the organization and financing of scientific research to identify the causes of drug addiction, trends in its spread and methods of rehabilitation;

Involvement of non-state enterprises and organizations, as well as citizens in the fight against the spread of drug addiction and the development of a network of institutions for medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts.

The development of a legal framework for anti-drug activities is the basis for reliable protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, as well as compliance with international legal obligations of the Russian Federation and human rights, and includes:

Differentiation of responsibility of persons guilty of drug-related offenses, while maintaining strict penalties for the most dangerous acts;

Clarification of the volumes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances used as qualifying signs;

Isolation of the smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, as well as their analogues, precursors, tools or equipment used for the manufacture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, and the smuggling of potent and poisonous substances into an independent corpus delicti;

Strengthening responsibility for the sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues in a correctional institution, educational institution or places used for educational, sports and social events, places of leisure and recreation;

Strengthening responsibility for the sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues using a person under the age of criminal responsibility as an intermediary;

Strengthening responsibility for the dissemination on the Internet of materials containing the promotion of drug use;

Improvement of control measures for the legal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances used for the purposes provided for by the Federal Law "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances";

Establishment of requirements for the circulation of medicines containing small quantities of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors;

Strengthening the responsibility of legal entities or individuals for organizing activities aimed at generating interest in narcotic drugs, promoting the harmlessness of their consumption by using the names of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their images and other actions performed for these purposes;

Establishment of liability of legal entities (administrations of entertainment establishments) in case of revealing the facts of sale of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for conniving at the spread of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (creating conditions for the commission of crimes related to drug trafficking);

Adoption of normative legal acts on organizing the exchange of information between interacting departments in order to eliminate shortcomings in promptly informing law enforcement agencies about persons involved in drug trafficking;

Creation of conditions conducive to the passage of drug addiction treatment as an alternative to imprisonment for persons with drug addiction who have committed minor or moderate crimes;

Legislative consolidation of the concept of analogues of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, development of uniform criteria for expert assessment of substances for classifying them as analogues of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, amendments to the current legislation in order to limit the turnover of analogues of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

Changes in the procedure for issuing permits for the right to own weapons and the rights to drive vehicles, including in terms of medical examinations for drug use;

Establishment of the contingent of persons subject to testing for drug use;

Establishing the categories of officials authorized to send for medical examination persons in relation to whom there is reason to believe that they are in a state of narcotic intoxication or have used narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription;

Enhancing the role of anti-drug commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of legislative consolidation of the obligatory execution of decisions of the commissions for territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, business entities registered in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Adoption of normative legal acts regulating the joint work and functions of federal executive bodies in the field of combating drug trafficking and preventing drug addiction of the population;

Adoption of normative legal acts providing for the inclusion of issues related to the activities of local self-government bodies in the field of drug addiction prevention in the list of issues of local importance;

Strengthening responsibility for the sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues, especially for persons related to the suppression of the trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as those working in the fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals and education and (or) using official position;

Development of a regulatory legal framework that defines the rules and procedure for medical examination of persons for intoxication.


The implementation of the measures stipulated by the Concept is possible only with the consolidation of the entire society, all government and administrative bodies, public associations and organizations.

- Strategy of the state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2010 N 690.



IV. Improving the system of measures to reduce demand

for drugs

State system for the prevention of non-medical drug use

24. The state system for the prevention of non-medical drug use is a set of measures of political, economic, legal, social, medical, pedagogical, cultural, physical culture, sports and other nature, aimed at preventing the emergence and spread of non-medical drug use and drug addiction.

The strategic goal of preventing non-medical drug use is to reduce the scale of non-medical drug use, create a negative attitude towards illegal drug trafficking and consumption, and significantly reduce the demand for them.

  • 25. Achievement of the named goal is carried out by solving the following main tasks:
    • a) the formation of a negative attitude in society towards non-medical drug use, including by conducting active anti-drug propaganda and countering activities to promote and illegal advertising of drugs and other psychoactive substances, raising the level of awareness of the population about the negative consequences of non-medical drug use and responsibility for participating in their illegal traffic, conducting a competent information policy in the media;
    • b) organization and implementation of preventive measures with risk groups of non-medical drug use;
    • c) organization of preventive work in organized (labor and educational) teams;
    • d) development of a system for early detection of illegal drug users, in particular through annual medical examination;
    • e) creating conditions for involving citizens in anti-drug activities, forming, stimulating development and state support for the activities of the volunteer youth anti-drug movement, public anti-drug associations and organizations involved in the prevention of drug addiction;
    • f) formation of personal responsibility for their behavior, which leads to a decrease in the demand for drugs;
    • g) formation of psychological immunity to drug use among schoolchildren, their parents and teachers.
  • 26. State authorities at all levels, local governments, public associations and religious organizations, citizens, including specialists from educational, medical, cultural and educational institutions, and volunteers of youth organizations participate in the formation of a system for the prevention of non-medical drug use.

Prevention measures for non-medical drug use are intended for all categories of the population, primarily for children and young people in unfavorable family and social conditions, in difficult life situations, as well as for people at risk of non-medical drug use.

  • 27. One of the preferred directions of anti-drug activities is the inclusion in the basic and additional educational programs of general educational institutions and vocational education institutions of sections on the prevention of substance abuse, as well as programs aimed at appropriate target audiences (hereinafter referred to as targeted programs). At the same time, the implementation of targeted programs should cover the following age and social groups:
    • a) children and adolescents under the age of 17 inclusive (students, pupils of educational institutions and convicts in educational colonies of the penal system of Russia);
    • b) youth under the age of 30 inclusive;
    • c) the working population;
    • d) conscripts and military personnel.
  • 28. When carrying out preventive measures, preference should be given to a combination of individual and group methods of work, as well as methods of direct and indirect (indirect) impact on people from risk groups of non-medical drug use, mastering and disclosing the resources of the psyche and personality, supporting the young person and helping him in self-realization of one's own life purpose.

It is also necessary to develop mechanisms of social partnership between government agencies and Russian companies and corporations, public associations and organizations in carrying out anti-drug preventive measures.

Narcological medical care

  • 29. The provision of narcological medical care to persons who allow non-medical drug use is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens.
  • 30. The current state of the system of narcological medical care is determined by:
    • a) insufficient effectiveness of drug addiction medical care;
    • b) the reduction in the number of specialized state drug addiction medical institutions and the deterioration of their staffing;
    • c) insufficient financial and technical support for drug addiction medical care.
  • 31. The strategic goal of the state policy in the development of drug addiction medical care is the timely identification and treatment of persons who illegally use drugs, improve drug addiction medical care for drug addicts, increase its availability and quality, and reduce mortality.
  • 32. The main measures to improve the efficiency and development of drug addiction medical care:
    • a) preparation and approval of the procedure for the provision of drug addiction medical care and standards for the provision of drug addiction medical care;
    • b) improving the foundations of legislative, economic and other support for the organization of compulsory forms of medical care for patients with drug addiction, including issues of interdepartmental interaction and its information support;
    • c) formation of the state program of scientific research in the field of drug addiction;
    • d) prevention of the use in the Russian Federation of substitution methods for treating drug addiction with the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances included in lists I and II of the list of narcotic drugs, as well as legalizing the use of certain drugs for non-medical purposes;
    • e) improvement of methods for diagnosing drug addiction, examination, treatment of drug addicts;
    • f) regular training of specialists in the field of drug addiction medical care, raising the level of awareness of primary health care professionals on the organization of drug addiction medical care;

g) improving the financial support for the activities of specialized state drug treatment institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, drug treatment units of medical institutions of municipalities at the expense of budgets of all levels;

h) taking measures to strengthen social guarantees for the staff of the narcological service.

Rehabilitation of drug addicts

  • 33. Rehabilitation of drug addicts is defined as a set of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal and social measures aimed at restoring physical, mental, spiritual and social health, the ability to function in society (reintegration) without using drugs.
  • 34. The current state of the rehabilitation system for persons with drug addiction is determined by:
    • a) imperfection of the regulatory framework for the rehabilitation of drug addicts;
    • b) insufficient financing of the rehabilitation link of drug addiction medical care at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • c) an insignificant number of narcological rehabilitation centers, as well as rehabilitation departments in the structure of existing narcological institutions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and a low level of their staffing;
    • d) poor development of the system of motivation of persons who allow non-medical drug use to participate in rehabilitation programs, as well as the mechanism for selecting participants for inclusion in rehabilitation programs;
    • e) insufficient effectiveness of medical and social measures ensuring the restoration of socially significant resources of the personality of a patient with drug addiction and his further socialization in society;
    • f) the lack of conditions for social and labor reintegration of participants in rehabilitation programs.
  • 35. The strategic goal of state policy in the field of rehabilitation of drug addicts is the formation of a multi-level system that ensures access to effective rehabilitation programs for people with drug addiction, restoration of their social and social status, improvement of the quality and increase in life expectancy of drug addicts.
  • 36. The main directions of development of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts in the Russian Federation are:
    • a) organization of drug rehabilitation centers (departments) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • b) financing of narcological dispensaries and other specialized narcological institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for organizing the activities of narcological rehabilitation units;
    • c) strengthening the staff of narcological rehabilitation centers (departments) and subdivisions in order to provide a brigade form of work with patients with drug addiction;
    • d) systematic training and retraining of specialists (psychiatrists-narcologists, psychotherapists, medical psychologists, social workers, specialists in social work) on the issues of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;
    • e) increasing the availability of medical and social rehabilitation for patients with drug addiction, as well as for those seeking medical help who use drugs with harmful consequences;
    • f) organization of a system of training and employment of drug addicts who have undergone medical and social rehabilitation;
    • g) development of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the work of drug rehabilitation centers (departments), as well as non-medical rehabilitation organizations;
    • h) improving the methods of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts;
    • i) the formation of a legal framework that ensures the use of the potential of traditional religious confessions, non-governmental and public organizations in the state system of rehabilitation assistance;
    • j) introduction of a system of state control over the activities of non-medical rehabilitation institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal form;
    • k) formation of an effective mechanism of state support for scientific research in the field of rehabilitation of drug addicts, development and implementation of innovative programs for the rehabilitation and reintegration of drug addicts;
    • l) formation of a system for informing the population about the range of rehabilitation services provided at the state, regional and municipal levels;
    • m) creation of mechanisms to motivate persons who allow non-medical drug use to participate in rehabilitation programs;
    • n) creation of mechanisms for purposeful work with relatives of persons participating in rehabilitation programs, ensuring the formation of a socially positive environment for the rehabilitated;
    • o) development of mechanisms of state support for institutions that ensure social and labor reintegration of participants in rehabilitation programs.
  • 37. The main activity for the development of medical and social rehabilitation of drug addicts is the preparation of a program for the development of medical and social rehabilitation, within the framework of which it is planned to introduce into the activities of regional drug rehabilitation institutions low-cost technologies and hospital-replacing forms of providing rehabilitation assistance, including the organization of medical and labor workshops, as well as equip them with equipment for the provision of consultative, diagnostic and rehabilitative medical care.

In order to consolidate the efforts of federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation to suppress the spread of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors on the territory of the Russian Federation, I hereby decide:

1. To approve the attached Strategy of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation until 2020.

2. The Chairman of the State Anti-Drug Committee shall include in the annual report to the President of the Russian Federation on the activities of the State Anti-Drug Committee data on the implementation of the Strategy of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation until 2020.

3. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev

The situation with drug use among young people in Russia continues to remain catastrophic, so it can be argued that state security is under threat. This is confirmed by the presence of a steady trend towards an increase in drug use with a simultaneous decrease in the age of the student youth who take drugs. According to the information and analytical Center for Sociological Research of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the share of those who have tried the drug at least once in the age group 12 - 22 is 44.8%. The age of the “first drug trial” since 1991 has decreased by 6 years. In 1991, young people started trying drugs at the age of 16-17 on average, and in 2001 at the age of 11-13. The urgency of this problem has been repeatedly pointed out by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, believing that, in addition to law enforcement agencies and medical institutions, it is necessary to include secondary school in the field of anti-drug prevention, since a stable immunity to drug addiction can be formed under the condition of systematic anti-drug work, starting from primary school age.

Looking through the numerous materials covering the indicated problem from different positions, we, unfortunately, found an almost complete absence in them of any systematic presentation of the pedagogical point of view on the problem in general and on its particular aspects. One gets the impression that a powerful front of fighters against the "white death" has been formed, if you look at how numerous the structures involved in this activity are and how many programs, decrees, decisions are made on this matter by the leadership of various levels. However, the school still remains on the sidelines of the implementation of the nationwide idea called "the fight against drugs." Of course, episodic events in this direction are also held in schools, but systematic and planned work is not yet visible, and after all, the school is the main link in the space of this problem, on whose activities the success of solving the problem depends to a large extent. Which confirms this conclusion. First, the annual decrease in the number of drug addicts by an average of two percent may be included in the interval of statistical error (truly effective work is carried out only by the Federal Drug Control Service, where the result is measured in tons of confiscated drugs and, unfortunately, lives lost among the fighters of this invisible front ). Secondly, the main documents regulating the activities of the school are the Law on Education and State Standards for General Education. However, they do not touch upon this issue.

But the roots of these problems are in this area and the possibilities for preventive work are very great. It is the school that can lay the moral and aesthetic immunity, which will help a person in the future to resist the drug temptation. Therefore, it is necessary to create a system of pedagogical measures focused on the formation of this immunity, which in the future can ensure absolute rejection of the drug culture and avoid its destructive influence. And here it is not enough to be limited only by administrative measures, individual measures, work in the field of legal education. It is necessary to include in this activity the content component of education, using the potential of intellectual education. Then various aspects of illicit drug use will be addressed in subject-based curricula.

Of course, the aspects of anti-drug prevention should not be artificially tied to the curriculum, they should find their organic place in the school curriculum, but in general form a system that has yet to be built, and then propose additions to the State Standards of General Education. Since this task is difficult to accomplish (Gosstandart is approved by the State Duma), at the first stage it is necessary to develop a concept and program "Anti-drug prevention based on the content of education in educational institutions of the general education system", also providing for the inclusion in the concept of developing a program for the system of advanced training of educators.

The program for preparing teachers for work in the field of drug addiction prevention should be systemic and multifaceted, including consideration not only of problems and situations of a purely pedagogical plan, but also aspects that reveal the historical, social, aesthetic, philosophical and, as a result, psychological determinants of the current situation in the modern world. which objectively led to an unfavorable trend in drug use.

According to numerous sociological studies, one in two states that he learns about drugs from the press. First of all, it is the press, as well as certain television programs and television films, that are an inexhaustible source of information about the properties of various types of drugs; places of their purchase and sale; prices for various types of drugs; the advantages of using certain drugs over others; places where drugs of plant origin are grown; euphoric sensations after taking drugs; ways and methods of developing narcotic drugs.

Such advertising has a detrimental effect, first of all, on adolescents with their not yet formed psyche, more quickly influenced by stimulating interest in consuming this potion. Even positive information about the seizure of, for example, two kilograms of drugs worth 150 million rubles, can be perceived by a certain contingent as an advertisement for easy ways to make money.

Information about the possibility of getting rid of drug addiction is especially harmful. We are talking about advertising various private drug treatment clinics, "guaranteeing" getting rid of this ailment eight out of ten who applied for help. At the same time, according to the conclusion of narcologists, the chances of complete rehabilitation are equal to no more than 5% of all drug addicts. On average, 99% of drug addicts after treatment return to the same problems within a year. In a situation of almost absolute freedom of the press (a book by a very famous musician and TV presenter is posted on the Internet, praising the effect of marijuana on the musical creative process), only a school can debunk this kind of information, revealing its commercial origins.

The main argument of specialists studying the problem is that the population, and primarily schoolchildren, should be informed about the properties of these substances (useful and harmful to humans), about the reasons for their illegal consumption, about the symptoms of drug addiction as a dangerous disease, about legal consequences of their non-medical consumption, etc. Consequently, students should have full (not fragmentary, gleaned from the street environment, but scientific, substantiated and systemic) knowledge about drugs, and this knowledge should be formed at all stages of schooling. But many materials on this topic warn against intimidating students with drug prophylaxis. There is no line between awareness and intimidation. That in this case, the danger that threatens drug users cannot be communicated. Let's draw an analogy: it is known that many plants are poisonous, and a snake bite can also be deadly (or high-voltage wires with signs on the poles, "Do not climb - it will kill!"). So in these cases, too, “intimidation” cannot be avoided by telling children about the names and properties of these objects. In our opinion, there is no intimidation where there is knowledge acquired in active educational activities. Some authors require that children not even be told the names of drugs, which will make them completely defenseless in situations when they are faced with unknown drugs or chemicals. Of course, the boundaries of this knowledge should be outlined.

So, the structure of the pedagogical concept of preventive work aimed at preventing drug use among students of general education schools should include the following components:

1. an objective description of the current situation in the field of illegal drug use and substantiation of the range of problems, both purely pedagogical and psychological, social, legal, economic, epistemological, in the field of scientific and technological progress and global informatization;

2.psychological support, including psychological substantiation of the specifics of personal qualities that contribute to the development of drug addiction, preparation of recommendations and manuals for subject teachers and class teachers, revealing the psychological aspects of the problem, technologies for psychological monitoring of the team's orientation towards a healthy lifestyle, recommendations and available technologies of psychological training, aimed at the development of the volitional sphere of students;

3. pedagogical support, including substantiation of personality-oriented, interdisciplinary and activity-based approaches in preventive work; selection of content from curricula and programs of all disciplines studied at school, semantically related to the problems of prevention; recommendations of teaching methods and techniques with an emphasis on enhancing students' independent work; preparation of appropriate teaching aids and subject complexes for the organization of educational and educational work; innovative scientific and methodological activities;

4.technological support, providing conditions for the inclusion of innovative computer didactics in the sphere of preventive work, which should be accompanied by both the educational process and the sphere of educational work, as well as communicative interaction with the pedagogical community, a local information environment of the educational institution is created with anti-drug content;

5. sociological, which analyzes the negative processes and trends of modern society, creating the preconditions for the development of drug culture and the involvement of students in this area of ​​young people and adolescents; substantiates the role of the media, computer networks and other means of telecommunications in solving and exacerbating the problems associated with drug addiction; the impact of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, in particular global informatization, on the psychoemotional sphere of a person is considered; recommendations on social pedagogy for teachers and students are being developed, aimed at solving problems of preventive work;

6. normative and legal, including a codified statement of the foundations of Russian and international legislation in the field of drug trafficking, aimed at the development of students of different age groups; the dynamics of the situation with the spread of drug addiction among the youth is analyzed, methodological recommendations are developed for school police inspectors on the organization of anti-drug prevention among schoolchildren;

7. economic, revealing the economic aspects of the problem and their impact on the situation in society in general and on the youth audience in particular; offering personal ways out of problem economic situations and economic ways to combat the spread of drug addiction; recommendations are developed for students on measures of economic counteraction to the spread of drug culture among the youth;

8. informational, systematically presenting information on all issues of anti-drug prevention, organizing interaction between all participants in the educational process in an educational institution.

Making a conclusion in the concept of drug addiction prevention is currently carried out only within the didactic-technological approach based on the use of innovative computer didactic technologies: students' independent study of the effects of drug use, which is stimulated by the use of computers; inclusion of the content of anti-drug prevention work in the process of studying scientific disciplines, which is necessary for the formation of "drug immunity" among young people.

Achieving an optimal model for a full-fledged revival of Russia is closely related to the stability of the social system, a significant reduction in various threats to national interests, cultural values, and humanistic traditions. Today, one of the main tasks on the way to strengthening Russian statehood is to ensure national security, eliminate external and internal threats to Russia's security. One of the most dangerous threats is drug addiction.

Anti-drug activity is presented as a constantly ongoing social process based on a legal basis, complex interaction of theory and social practice, state and public institutions and aimed at reducing drug addiction in society and reducing drug crimes.

In the modern world, and in particular in the Russian Federation, the scale of the drug threat has reached the same level with such problems as international terrorism and local wars. In this regard, anti-drug policy is of particular importance.

Anti-drug policy as a sphere of public life includes relations between its subjects, managerial and organizational activities, the functioning of legal and socio-political institutions.

Consideration of anti-drug policy as a conscious activity in the legal and social spheres provides for the achievement of a specific result, reflecting the level of effectiveness of countering drug aggression, the availability of reliable legal instruments in order to counter the destructive tendencies of social development in Russia.

Achieving the goal of reducing drug addiction and reducing drug crime, which means resolving the main issue of anti-drug policy, reflects the need for a constant system of state pressure measures, mobilizing various civil society institutions and the Russian public to strengthen the fight against drug trafficking and drug trafficking.

Since ancient times, drug use and drug trafficking have been an integral part of social relations and are regulated by the norm. From the monuments of law of ancient civilizations, numerous evidences have come down to us about the legal norms governing activities related to narcotic drugs. For example, the Manu dharmashastra (II century BC - II century AD) contains a strict prescription for observing the rules of class consumption of soma: "Whoever has a three-year supply of food sufficient to support servants, or even more, is worthy to drink soma." ... Since the reign of Tamerlane (1336-1405), drug users and especially drug traffickers have been subject to severe penalties. For over a century, Chinese authorities have made desperate drug control efforts (Edicts 1729, 1799, 1808, 1809, and 1815).

The problem of drugs and legal opposition to their spread from century to century geographically expanded. It should be noted that the national legislation of all states provides for a large number of regulations to combat drug trafficking and the spread of drug addiction.

The right to use drugs, given the fact that they cause an unusual state of mind, had only a select few and for a specific purpose. For a long time, bans were imposed on the distribution of drugs, and their unauthorized use entailed the most severe punishment. Thanks to these restrictions and prohibitions, many peoples have protected themselves from the destructive effects of drug addiction.

In order to understand the structure of modern Russian legislation aimed at combating drug trafficking, it seems necessary to trace and comprehend the history of its formation, which goes back several centuries, and also to define what we call narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are substances of synthetic or natural origin, drugs, plants included in the List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation. This list is indicated in Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances". Depending on the danger and control measures applied by the state, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are classified as follows:

Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is completely prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is limited and in relation to which special control measures are established;

Psychotropic substances, the circulation of which is limited and in respect of which certain control measures can be excluded.

The executive power, represented by the Government of the Russian Federation, approves the List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 1998 No. 681).

Now let's move on to the analysis of the formation of state policy in relation to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

On the territory of Russia, since the adoption of Christianity, control over the use of drugs, in general, has been exercised by the church. Violators of the rules for handling the potion according to the Charter of Prince Vladimir Monomakh "On tithes, courts and people of the church" (XI-XII centuries) were ordered to be subjected to cruel persecution, including deprivation of life. Gradually, the functions of control over drug trafficking were transferred from church to secular authorities - to officials of the Robber and Zemsky Prikaz. In general, the history of Russian drug laws can be divided into 3 stages.

The first is the laws of the period of control (1915-1990). In the Russian Empire, control over drug trafficking until 1917 was entrusted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Police Department and the Medical Department dealt directly with these issues. The growing problems of drug addiction prompted the monarchist authorities to adopt on June 7, 1915, the first in the history of Russia, a special anti-drug criminal act - the Decree "On measures to combat opioid smoking." This law was signed by Nicholas II and operated in the Far East. In addition to criminalizing actions related to drug trafficking, clinics for the treatment of drug addicts were opened in large Russian cities. In 1918, the Decree on the nationalization of pharmacies selling drug-containing drugs came into force, and in 1924 - the Decree on the criminal responsibility for the distribution of drugs. The resolution of the Council of People's Commissars in 1938 established the rules for the consumption, sale and transportation of drugs, poisonous and potent substances. From 1952 to 1962, an article was introduced into the republican criminal codes, providing for liability for the sale, storage and transportation of drugs. In 1963, the USSR joins the "Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs" (1961), adopted by the UN and providing an international drug control system. The convention only allowed illegal drugs to be used for medical and scientific purposes. A positive role was played by the Decree "On strengthening the fight against drug addiction", put into effect in 1974 by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The decree had a pronounced complex coordinating character and was not a recommendation document for the regions, but a binding one, having the force of law. The decree was supplemented with important legislative provisions. On their basis, a norm was introduced into the Administrative Code of the RSFSR that permits bringing to a fine or administrative arrest for illegal drug use without a doctor's prescription or possession (purchase) of drugs without the purpose of selling (for oneself) in small quantities. By the beginning of the 1980s, the problem of drug addiction in Soviet Russia began to worsen, the scale of the illegal trade in homemade drugs, as well as the number of people who admit their non-medical consumption, increased. Drug trafficking began to threaten to turn into a serious criminal problem. Given the scale of the problem, its successful solution became possible only if coordinated national measures of a preventive, social, organizational, medical and legal nature were taken. In this regard, in October 1982, a closed resolution of the CPSU Central Committee was adopted on organizing the fight against drug addiction, but no real practical measures were taken in this direction. Four years later (January 30, 1986), the CPSU Central Committee again adopted a resolution "On serious shortcomings in the organization of the fight against drug addiction", the implementation of which was given more serious attention to government bodies and the public. Thus, by the beginning of the 90s, an effective, interconnected system of legal measures to combat drug addiction had developed in the USSR: administrative responsibility, criminal liability, compulsory and voluntary medical measures. A unified legal framework was created for the ministries and departments responsible for this area.

The second stage is a period of liberalism and attempts to decriminalize drug laws. On October 25, 1990, the USSR Constitutional Supervision Committee with its Conclusion No. 8 (2-10) "On legislation on the issue of compulsory treatment and labor re-education of persons suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction" actually began a liberal round in the drug policy of Russia. According to the Conclusion, "drug use was equated to an inalienable human right, which is not obliged to take care of one's own health before anyone." It was emphasized that such a person's obligation cannot be ensured by coercive measures. The previous legal provisions were losing their force, thereby destroying the common legal space necessary for the coordination of anti-drug forces, and creating conditions for the dominance of narrow departmental sectoral interests. In 1991, the deputies of the Supreme Soviet considered that legal liability for illegal drug use without a doctor's prescription (both criminal and administrative) was incompatible with a new democratic Russia and the creation of an open society. From 1987 to December 5, 1991, for illegal drug use (without the permission of a doctor), according to the Administrative Code of the RSFSR, a fine or arrest of up to 15 days was imposed. On December 5, 1991, the deputies canceled this norm. At the same time, they canceled criminal measures for repeated illegal drug use within a year after the administrative punishment. Previously, these measures were carried out, although not often, but the threat of their use significantly constrained the growth of the number of drug addicts. In 1996, when the consequences of the state's liberal attitude towards illegal drug consumption sharply exacerbated the drug situation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation prepared a bill “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances,” according to which the use of drugs without a doctor’s permission was again prohibited. The law, having passed the stages of the legislative process, was not signed by the President of the Russian Federation. In 1996, Russia was forced to adopt a new Criminal Code. As amended by the liberals from the State Duma, an attempt is made to decriminalize the possession and acquisition of drugs on a small scale. However, this attempt failed due to the position of the Standing Committee on Drug Control of the Ministry of Health of Russia, which, under the influence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, reacted to liberal innovations in criminal legislation by revising its protocols on the size of the “large size” by significantly reducing it, and actually reducing it to “small size” ".

The third stage is the period of the beginning of a return to control over illegal drug use.

The lack of consistency in the country's anti-drug policy complicated the drug situation so much that in 1998 the bill “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances,” proposed in 1996, was adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President of Russia. To overcome departmental disunity and the domination of the departmental approach over the state one, in 1998 the Russian state absolutely correctly proclaimed two specific goals in the field of drug control in this law:

A gradual reduction in the number of drug addicts;

Reducing the number of offenses related to drug trafficking.

But the absence in Russia for a long time of a basic federal law in the field of legal regulation of drug trafficking has already had a negative impact on the formation of an effective state and legal policy aimed at counteracting drug addiction in society. The new Federal Law in 1998 restored the ban on the consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription in the Russian Federation, with this change in legislation, society began to slowly return to the lost understanding of the need for practical control over the most insignificant, from the point of view of combating drug trafficking, and the most important one, from the point of view of effective prevention of drug addiction, the stage of drug trafficking - their consumption without a doctor's prescription. Russian society is going through a difficult transitional period in its development on the way of establishing a rule of law and acquiring the status of a full-fledged participant in the processes taking place in the modern civilized world, the purpose of which is the development of democracy, the establishment of human rights and the dignity of the individual. Any transitional period is associated with the disorganization of state structures, the loss of the usual spiritual guidelines, the confrontation of political forces, these processes are developing today in our society in extremely complex and aggravated forms. The instability of the functioning of the emerging state system stimulates the growth of social tension and the aggravation of the crime situation.

Let us consider the currently existing anti-drug legislation as documents, the content of which concentrates the essence of the implemented state anti-drug policy, namely:

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Chapter 25 deals with crimes against public health and public morals;

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Chapter 6 - Administrative offenses infringing on health, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and public morality;

Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances". This federal law established the legal foundations of state policy in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and in the field of countering their illicit trafficking in order to protect the health of citizens, state and public security. At the same time, he determined the directions of state policy in the area under consideration, which play the role of priority legal restrictions:

State monopoly on the main activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

Licensing of all types of activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances;

The procedure for the cultivation of narcotic plants;

The procedure for the export and import of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances under state control;

The procedure for the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical purposes.

With the adoption of this law, for the first time in our country, a procedure was established for compiling lists of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances subject to control in the Russian Federation. The Law "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances" positioned Russia as a subject that actively forms and implements the state-legal policy of counteracting drug addiction in the country. The law was developed in the spirit of the recommendations of the UN Drugs Program and received its approval. By adopting the law, Russia has demonstrated that its official policy is aimed at tough state opposition to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

This law determined that “the state policy in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and in the field of combating their illicit trafficking will be aimed in practice at establishing strict control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, at a gradual reduction in the number of drug addicts, as well as at reducing the number of offenses related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances ”.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 81 (clause 6 "b"): termination of the employment contract by the employer in connection with the appearance of the employee at work (at his workplace or on the territory of the organization - the employer or the facility where, on behalf of the employer, the employee must perform a labor function) in a state of alcoholic , narcotic or other toxic intoxication.

The search for new, promising ideas for overcoming drug addiction in Russian society should be carried out from the standpoint of the theory of conflict. Drug crime is only one of the parties to the social conflict, in the resolution of which the relevant state policy plays a decisive role. At the same time, countering drug crime, in contrast to combating it, includes not only the activities of law enforcement agencies to prevent, detect, suppress, disclose and investigate crimes, but also targeted activities carried out by various departments, public organizations, individual citizens, that is, all society. Insufficient effectiveness of counteraction to drug addiction in Russian society is the result of the development of a conflict that arises and develops between legal restrictions and legal opportunities in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. On the one hand, the state forms quite definite restrictions on the possibilities of citizens regarding the use and distribution of drugs, and on the other hand, it is obliged (but does not always do this) not only to protect the rights of citizens, but also to encourage their social and legal activity aimed at counteracting drug addiction in society. ...

Unfortunately, the most effective form of implementation of anti-drug policy - based on partnership between the state and society - has not yet received noticeable development and distribution in Russia. This weakness of the state anti-drug policy makes its results minimal in modern Russian society. And this could be of fatal strategic importance for the future of Russia. By the state-legal policy of counteracting drug addiction in society, we mean the implementation, within the framework of the legislatively established legal restrictions, of a set of measures of a regulatory, organizational, managerial, psychological, pedagogical, medical and socio-economic nature, aimed at solving problems caused by the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs. substances.

In accordance with this, an effective anti-drug policy should proceed not only from legal restrictions in the sphere of trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, but also be based on the idea of ​​partnership between public authorities and individuals on the basis of harmonizing state and personal interests, creating conditions for the development of all groups of the population. As you know, partnership between the state and the individual is the goal of the welfare state. The Constitution of the Russian Federation has defined social protection, social assistance to its citizens as one of the attributes of Russian statehood. Counteraction to drug addiction as a function of the state is of a managerial nature, based not on the suggestibility and suppression of the will of citizens, but on their conscious participation in socially valuable anti-drug activities based on their own social and legal activity, prompted by legal incentives and developed within the framework of legal restrictions. The effectiveness of state and legal policy is largely determined by the state's awareness of the problem that needs to be addressed, as well as the actual state of affairs in society. A managerial decision, of course, should be based on knowledge of the situation, factors, and their interrelationships. Information contributes to the implementation of all management functions (planning, organizational, control, regulatory, distribution), and, in addition, allows us to model the process of proposed actions, to obtain the so-called information equivalent of the result in order to amend the program of action of the control system. Only a systematic approach makes it possible to integrate heterogeneous particular problems, bring them to one common denominator and thus present the most complex group of problems as a single problem, find a single integrative quality, the very foundation on which the building of the system is built. Without the common unity of all elements of the drug addiction counteraction control system, the integrating and regulating role of the state, an integral, logically harmonious, purposeful design and action of the process under consideration is impossible. The combination of the general, the particular and the individual in the system is a necessary basis for its functioning, which becomes possible as a result of the universal connection of the elements of the system as an objective fact of the actual legal life of society. The principle of consistency creates the preconditions for creating conditions in society that make it possible to quickly identify problem situations and take targeted actions to localize them, as well as use the mechanism for coordinating and integrating interests and needs.

Thus, the goal of the state anti-drug policy is to establish a healthy and safe lifestyle in society based on the formation of positive and life-affirming (alternative drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism) values ​​and ideals, spirituality and morality, citizenship and patriotism, respect for the law, and overcoming legal negativism.

In order to fully reveal the concept of "anti-drug policy", it is necessary to consider the priority directions and principles of state policy in the field of counteracting drug addiction in society, which will be discussed in the next paragraph.