Features of the language of service documents. Registration of business papers

The features of the official business style noted below are an objective fact of the language, their use in the texts of documents is natural and fixed by tradition. A violation of the functional and style norm is the use of linguistic means that are not inherent in business style, which contradict the requirement of consistency, accuracy and brevity of the language of business papers and documents. First of all, these are words and phraseological units of vernacular and colloquial and emotionally expressive coloring.

In the language of business papers and documents, the following are widely used:

    Terms and professionalisms in accordance with the subject and content of official documents. First of all, these are legal, diplomatic and accounting terms ( import, contract, delay, surcharge, offer, demand etc.).

    Non-terminological words, used mainly in administrative and clerical speech ( proper, due, above, undersigned, transmitted, present (this) etc.).

    Nouns - names of people based on their characteristics conditioned by some action or relation ( tenant, witness, tenant, plaintiff, defendant etc.). Nouns denoting positions and titles are used in business speech only in the masculine form witness Fedorov, police officer Savelyeva, professor Yemelyanova etc.).

    Verbal nouns. Among them, a special place is occupied by nouns with the prefix not- (non-fulfilment, non-finding, non-fulfillment, non-compliance, non-recognition etc.).

    Compound denominative prepositions, expressing standard aspects of the content ( for the purposes of etc.).
    Pretext on from prepositional to indicate time intervals ( upon reaching the age of eighteen etc.).

    Set phrases of attributive-nominal type with coloring of official business style (lump sum, higher authorities, established procedure, preliminary review etc.).

    "Split" predicates (to provide assistance, to reconstruct, to investigate etc.) in contrast to their parallel verb forms ( help, reconstruct, investigate etc.).

    "stringing" the genitive case in a chain of nouns ( ...for the application of measures of public influence; ...in order to widely publicize the work of state control bodies etc.).

    Affirmations through negation, in which the addressee authorizes administrative actions. The initiative for these actions does not come from the addressee ( The Ministry does not object..., the Collegium does not reject..., the Academic Council does not reject... etc.).

    Passive voice if necessary, emphasize the fact of the action ( payment is guaranteed; proposal approved; documentation returned etc.).
    Active voice
    is used when it is necessary to indicate a specific person or organization as a subject of legal responsibility ( Plant "Elektrostal" disrupts the supply of raw materials; The head of the cooperative did not ensure compliance with safety standards etc.).

Speech development lesson in grade 9

Topic: "Business papers"

Lesson type: combined

Lesson Objectives:


  1. to consolidate and deepen students' knowledge of the theory of official business style;
  2. to form the ability to draw up and draw up various documents (application, power of attorney, appeal, autobiography) necessary in everyday life;
  3. improve the speech and writing literacy of students.


  1. develop coherent speech of students;
  2. to form in schoolchildren the ability to think logically, to highlight the main thing, to generalize what has been learned;
  3. develop the skills of students to work in a team.


  1. to develop the skills of business literary speech of schoolchildren;
  2. encourage students to express their thoughts;
  3. develop interest in the subject


  1. continue the formation of general educational skills and abilities (skills of planning a response, self-control);
  2. consolidate the studied material;
  3. to form the ability to listen and understand the text;
  4. contribute to the development mental processes(logical thinking, attention). Lesson structure
  1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Linguistic workout.
  2. Communication of the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  3. Preparation of official business documents:

1) the word of the teacher;

2) a conversation to familiarize students with one of the types official business speech- a statement;

3) checking the assimilation of knowledge (comparison of simple and complex statements);

4) consolidation of knowledge and the formation of the ability to draw up complex statements (collective preparation of an application);

5) acquaintance with the power of attorney;

6) familiarization with the appeal, design features;

7) communication of information about the autobiography;

8) consolidation of knowledge about autobiography, the formation of the ability to analyze and compose texts of autobiographies.

  1. Summing up the lesson.
  2. Homework assignment.

Lesson equipment:

  1. Samples of business papers.
  2. Handout.
  3. D.E. Rosenthal. Directory. practical style.
  4. Notebooks.


In the official relations of people, one cannot do without official expressions and words.

K.I. Chukovsky. Live like life.

  1. Linguistic workout.

The task. Determine in what styles of speech synonyms are used.

  1. a) eliminate the fire (official business), b) put out the fire (colloquial, neutral), c) win the battle with fire (artistic, journalistic);
  2. a) take a nap (colloquial, colloquial), b) be in the arms of Morpheus (artistic), c) be in a state of sleep (official business);
  3. a) meeting (artistic, colloquial, neutral), b) shooter (colloquial, slang), c) summit (official business, journalistic).

Explain the meaning of the word summit . (Meeting of Heads of State, Government)

  1. Repetition of information about the official business style.
  1. Remember what you know about formal business style.

(The official business style is used in the official correspondence of citizens with institutions, as well as institutions with each other, for the preparation of state documents (decrees, laws) and business papers.

  1. Name the style features of the official business style.

(Accuracy of presentation: full name of state institutions, organizations, enterprises, specific designation of dates, values, quantities, sizes, etc. Standard (template) in the design of business papers.

  1. What is the peculiarity of using language tools?

(Vocabulary: words only in the literal sense, special terms (diplomatic, legal, etc.). Morphology: verbal nouns, verbs in n.f. and imperative, prepositions: in business, in order, in connection, in view. Syntax: standard turns of speech.)

Clarification in the dictionary of the meaning of words business , official .

(Official - 1. Official, governmental, established by the government, associated with the performance of state functions. 2. Outgoing from the government, government body, official quite authoritative. 3. Peculiar to government acts, business papers. Business - adj., by meaning. associated with official activities, work.)

  1. Communication of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

It is no coincidence that we settled on the definition of an official business style and its features. The topic of our lesson is "Business Papers". You must learn how to write various business documents that are necessary in everyday life.

  1. Drawing up official business documents.
  1. Teacher's word.
  1. So the word is official means "government, official, official." “The language of laws requires, first of all, accuracy and the impossibility of any rumors,” said L.V. Shcherba. Therefore, words with a figurative meaning, as well as emotionally colored and colloquial vocabulary, are uncommon in official documents. The official style is characterized by precisely those specific words, set phrases and phrases that are commonly called clericalisms. For example: in pursuance of a decision, in order to avoid accidents, I attach to the application, present a certificate, place of residence, according to the order, ascertain, annul, make an offer (s), give preference, after the expiration of the contract, after graduation, etc.

The form of each type of document is also stable, generally accepted, standard. Remember, for example, the application form, certificates, receipts, etc.

A stamp in an official style is justified, appropriate: it contributes to an accurate and concise presentation of business information, facilitates business correspondence.

It is characteristic that even the implacable enemy of clericalism K.I. Chukovsky in his book on the language "Live as Life" (an epigraph on the board) wrote: "... with official relations of people, one cannot do without official expressions and words."

But at the same time, he advised the compilers of the Business Papers manual to end the book with a stern warning: “Remember once and for all that the forms of speech recommended here should be used exclusively in official papers. And in all other cases - in letters to relatives and friends, in conversations with comrades, in oral answers at the blackboard - it is forbidden to speak this language.

  1. A conversation to familiarize students with one of the types of official business speech - a statement.

In everyday life, very often one has to deal with the need to draw up papers of various kinds, write explanatory notes, powers of attorney, receipts, and various statements. Such documents should be drawn up competently, clearly, briefly and clearly, in compliance with certain standards.

When you entered school, your parents wrote an application for your admission. You will have to write an application for grade 10 yourself.

When and for what reason are applications written? (The most common applications are for employment, for dismissal from work, for leave, for admission to an educational institution or public organization, on the provision of living space, etc.)

Working with handouts. Reading statements.

  1. What are the components or details (details - mandatory components of a business letter or document) that make up the application?

Recording components in a notebook.

  1. To whom is the application? (Name of the institution or official to whom the application is addressed, in D.p.)
  2. From whom? (Last name, first name, patronymic in R.p.)
  3. Title (statement)
  4. Text of the statement.
  5. What is included?
  6. Date and signature.
  7. The address. (Given from above after indicating the surname before the heading or after indicating the number below).

The name of the addressee is located in the upper right corner of the sheet, then the surname and initials of the applicant are immediately given in the genus. case without preposition; sometimes the address and passport details of the applicant are attached. Word statement capitalized and placed in the middle of the line. What follows is the text of the statement, short and clear. A little lower on the left is the date, and on the right is the signature of the applicant.

Sample application.

Director of MOU "Secondary School No. 1"

Ivanova I.I.

9 B class student

Frolova Yu.P.


I ask you to allow me to miss school on November 17 and 18, 2004 in connection with participation in sports competitions

To the mandatory word ask do not add words very convincing . Do not write at the end of the application"I ask you not to refuse the request".

  1. Comparison of simple and complex statements.
  1. What is the difference between a simple statement and a complex one? (The request and its motivation are detailed in the complex, the list of attached documents is indicated (their name, by whom, when, where issued and the number of the document is noted).

Director of the Economic Business College Sergeev Vladimir Vladimirovich Popov Igor Alexandrovich, residing at the address: Moscow Region, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, 10, apt. five


I ask you to accept the documents for admission to the Economic Business College at the department of "Management", because I want to become a public relations manager. This year I graduated from the 9th grade of the secondary school No. 1 in Orekhovo-Zuyevo.

The following documents are attached:

  1. Autobiography.
  2. Certificate of basic general education No. (number is indicated) dated June 25, 2013, issued by the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 1" in Orekhovo-Zuevo.
  3. Three photographs.
  4. Medical certificate.
  5. Certificate of residence.
  1. Collective drafting of the applicationfor admission to 10th grade.

Teacher addition.

  1. Quite often there are disputes about how to write M.I. Lvova in the application. or from Lvova M.I. And there is no wrong in this dispute. Usually, the authors of manuals on business speech prefer the first, more traditional form, without a pretext. But a form with a preposition is allowed. The use of the preposition is believed to correspond to the usual grammatical connection: a statement to whom from whom, just as, for example, a letter to whom from whom.

With regard to stylistic, it is somewhat inconvenient to use the traditional form in cases where two surnames are nearby and both are in the genitive case: To the head of the shop Sidorova Lvova MI Statement. But with t.z. rules for compiling business papers and grammatically it is absolutely correct. However, it will not be a mistake to overcome the stylistic inconvenience: To the head of the shop, Sidorova, from Lvova M.I. statement.

But there is one more subject for dispute: how to write the word statement - lowercase or uppercase? This question also cannot be answered unequivocally.

If we proceed from grammar - from the fact that the entire initial part of the document is one sentence, then it is fair to note that the word statement should be written in lower case. But if you pay attention not only to the grammatical side, but also to the visual form of the document, then the word statement turns out to be the title. After all, it is usually written in the center of the line, separately, after the name of the author of the statement, which is always written on the right (sometimes with additional information). And if the word statement - the heading, then it can be written with a capital letter.

And it won't be a mistake.

5 . Introduction to power of attorney.

  1. Let's turn to the next document - the power of attorney. The ability to draw up such a document will certainly be needed in life. In addition, many modern schoolchildren work in their free time. This means that a situation may arise in which you have to entrust the receipt of money to a reliable person.

Power of attorney

I, Nikolay Pavlovich Zaitsev, trust Maxim Nikolayevich Zaitsev to receive the salary due to me for April 2005.

My passport: (data).

Passport data Zaitsev Maxim Nikolaevich: (data).

  1. Introduction to the appeal
  1. Another important document is the appeal. Writing an appeal can be useful if you disagree with the assessment of a written exam paper. Of course, filing an appeal is a last resort, in most cases such issues are resolved at the school where you study. Another thing is that the preparation of such a document may be needed later, when you become university applicants.

Appeal in Latin appeal right, complaint.

Chairman of the Appeal Commission of the Kashirsky District Sergeev V.V.

a student of secondary school No. 56 Nikulin I.D.


Please reconsider my mark in Russian language due to the fact that I

I do not agree with the errors credited to me on the 2nd and 3rd pages of the essay.

  1. Providing information about the autobiography in order to familiarize students with this genre of business style

Autobiography (Greek Autos - myself, bios - life, grapho - I write) - a description of my life. This word is fixed in the Russian language, it replaces three words.

An autobiography is written upon admission to an educational institution, to work, etc. It details the main, important moments of the life and work of the writer.

The curriculum vitae is as follows:

  1. Title (autobiography) in the center.
  2. Full Name.
  3. Date and place of birth.
  4. Parents (full name of father and mother, occupation of parents).
  5. School entry and graduation date.
  6. The beginning and subsequent time of work and an indication of the place (if working).

7) Public work (what kind of work did and does it currently).

8) Indicate, if any, special incentives, awards for study (or work), social activities.

9) Date of compilation and signature.

  1. Reading an autobiography with subsequent analysiswhile focusing on isolated applications.


I, Andrey Nikolaevich Berestov, was born on December 5, 1989 in Moscow in the family of an employee.

My father, Nikolai Vladimirovich Berestov, is an engineer; mother, Berestova Irina Viktorovna, is a nurse.

In 1995 he entered the school where he studied for four years. At the end elementary school moved to St. Petersburg, in connection with the transfer of parents. Upon arrival at a new place of residence, I was admitted to St. Petersburg Secondary School No. 507, where, in agreement with the administration, I was enrolled in the 5 B class. Here, for two years, he was elected as a physicist of the class. In 2000, due to an injury, he was relieved of his duties as a fizorg.

In 2001, I was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree for participation in the Mathematical Olympiad.

Currently I'm in the 9th grade, I'm in the school ensemble.

February 10, 2002 A. Berestov

8. Consolidation of knowledge about the autobiography.

Compilation of an autobiography (orally).

  1. There are 2 types of autobiographies: an autobiography is an official document and an autobiography is a literary work.

The business autobiography is sustained in a calm, business-like tone. It follows a strict chronological sequence of presentation of facts, it is written official language according to a certain plan. Answers to the points of the plan are accurate. Vocabulary is neutral, all words are used in their direct meaning. The word order is direct, the sentences are narrative. Colloquial vocabulary, characteristic of colloquial speech, is absent.

Creative autobiographies are written quite differently. Writers and poets are completely free in the choice of material and linguistic means for an autobiography, in determining its composition. Creating a true picture of life, they use a variety of artistic and visual means.

  1. Summing up the lesson.
  1. What did you learn in the lesson? What else are you having trouble with?

VI. Homework: Write an autobiography in the form of an official document.



In response to your request, we send you a catalog of our publications for 2013.

Appendix : one instance of the directory.

Confirmation letter

We acknowledge receipt of your letter No. ... from ..., in which you ask us about the long-term plan of our publications for 2013.

We inform you that the plan will be completed in the near future. As soon as it is printed, one copy will be sent to you immediately.


We bring to your attention that our publishing house has just published ... (publishings are listed).

Invitation letter

September 15 this year at 12 o'clock in the office of the editor-in-chief of the publishing house, a discussion of the long-term plan will be heldpublications of translated literature for 2012-2013.

We send you a draft plan and ask you to send a representative to participate in the meeting.

Director of secondary school No. 1 in Dalsk Strizhov P.S.

Explanatory letter

Due to the fact that bus traffic on the Volzhansk-Dalsk highwaywas terminated due to ice, I, a 7th grade student Sidorov S., missed two school days (November 16 and 17).


Construction site No. 6 Gavrilov A.M. technique Savelyeva I.A.


According to your instructions, on the first floor of a house under construction, all work must be completed during February. However, due to the lack of transport, the construction was not provided with lumber. Contrary to the planned plan, the floors on the ground floor have not yet been laid.

I ask you to take measures to ensure the construction of lumber.

Watch Handling Instructions.

  1. Before using the alarm clock, start the spring, for which the key must be rotated to failure in the direction indicated by the arrow on the cover at the key hole.
  2. Turn the button for the hour and minute hands only in the direction indicated on the cover.
  3. Set the moment of the bell signal according to the signal arrow with the button, the direction of rotation of which is indicated by the arrow at the hole. First, set the arrow to the desired time, then start the bell spring, for which rotate the key in the direction indicated by the arrow on the cover.

To stop the signal, press the call stop button. To preliminarily turn off the signal, you must press the call stop button and at the same time turn the starter key in the indicated direction until the first click.

  1. Watches must be handled with care. Sudden shocks and impacts can damage the watch.
  2. The alarm clock is recommended to start every day at the same time.
  3. To avoid voiding the warranty, it is not recommended to open the watch movement, lubricate, disassemble or repair it yourself.

Preparation of business papers (applications, powers of attorney, explanatory note, autobiographies, summaries) is carried out after practical classes on the topic “Styles of modern Russian literary language. Official business style of speech. Norms of business communication”, corresponding topic 6.4. “Documentation Rules. Drafting private business papers. The topic number is affixed according to the work program for this discipline. The complexity of the task is 10 hours. After checking the assignment by the lead teacher, the student can receive up to 5 points.

For the competent preparation of business papers, it is necessary to study the theoretical material on topic 6.4. “Documentation Rules. Drafting private business papers.

Topic 6.4. Documentation rules. Drafting private business papers.

Statement- a document containing a request of a person addressed to an organization or an official of an institution.


I ask you to allow me to pass the exams ahead of schedule due to the need to travel to the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant to collect material for my master's thesis.

(date) (signature)


Please make me a photocopy of L.S. Vygotsky’s book. "Questions of the theory and history of psychology", v.2. - M., 1982, necessary for scientific work.

(date) (signature)


1. Location of application details:

A dot is put after the word statement if there is no preposition from;

The text of the statement is written from the red line;

The date is formatted as follows: 05 December 2008 or 05.12.2008.

2. Registration of the name of the addressee:

If it is the name of an organization, then it is put in the nominative case; if this is the name of an official - in the dative case (initials are put first, then the surname).

3. Cliche forms:

The request is expressed: I ask + the infinitive (allow, allow, etc.); I ask for your permission (consent) + for what? (for enrollment, for departure, etc.);

Constructions for entering argumentation: in view of the fact that ..., in connection with the fact that
that, on the basis of the fact that, because ..., since ..., considering
(what), etc..

A power of attorney is a document confirming the right of a trustee to act on behalf of the principal (who issued this document).

power of attorney.

I, Smirnov Igor Alexandrovich, living at the address: 300000, Tula, st. Tolstoy, house 3, apartment 12, (passport 70 00 546078, issued by the Kirov police department of Tula on November 10, 1977) I trust Alexandra Ivanovna Shashkova, residing at the address: 300000, Tula, st. Tolstoy, building 3, apartment 19, passport (series, number, issued ...) to receive my salary for October 2001.

(date) (signature)


1.Location of details of the power of attorney:

The name of the addressee is written at the top with an indent of a third of the line;

The word power of attorney is written in capital letters and a period is put after it, if the name of the addressee is indicated before; if there is no addressee, then the word power of attorney is written in lower case and a dot is not put after it;

The text of the power of attorney is written from the red line;

The date is on the left, the signature is on the right.

2. In the text of the power of attorney, please note:

In the full name of the principal and authorized person, indicating the address and passport data;

For punctuation marks.

3. Cliche forms:

I, full name, address, passport, trust (who?) Full name, address, passport, + infinitive ( obtain, represent rights in court, drive a vehicle etc.).

memorandum- a document addressed to the head of the institution, informing about the occurring phenomenon, fact, event, about the current situation, about the work performed.

Explanatory letter- a document explaining the content of individual
provisions of the main document or explaining the reasons for any event, fact, act.

The design of these documents is very similar, so it is advisable to consider one of them.

report note.

I bring to your attention that the student of the group 295041 Fedorov E.L. missed without good reason 10 hours in the course "Introduction to the specialty".

In connection with the above, I ask you to take appropriate measures.

(date) (signature)


1. Location of details of the memorandum:

The name is written at the top with an indent of a third of the line;

Surname, name and patronymic of the applicant - under the addressee, with or without a pretext from him;

After the words memorandum a dot is put if there is no preposition from;

The text of the memorandum is written from the red line;

The date is on the left, the signature is on the right.

2. Cliche forms:

To state a fact, describe an event (stating part of the memorandum): I bring to your attention that ...;

For the part containing a request based on the stated facts: I ask + infinitive (take appropriate measures, sort out this issue, allow the purchase of literature, etc.);

Autobiography can be written as a service document and as a literary biography. In the first case, purely official information is reported in it: year and place of birth, education, place of work, place of residence, marital status. In the second case, the author can include any information about his life in his autobiography.


From 1980 to 1988 studied at general education school № 53.

From 1988 to 1992 studied at vocational school No. 72, where he received the specialty of an installer.

From 1992 to 1994 studied at the Architecture and Construction College.

From 1995 to the present, I have been working in the Moscow Construction Department (SMU) No. 6 as an assembler-builder.

From 2000 to the present, I have been studying at the University of Culture in the evening department.

Married. I don't have children.

I live at the address: Moscow, Lenin Ave., 32, apt. 70.

(date) (signature)

Summary - a brief written summary of biographical data characterizing the educational background, professional activities and personal qualities of a person applying for a particular job, position. The main task when writing a resume is to advantageously(and at the same time extremely objectively) present yourself and your working (service) biography.


Address: 113093, Moscow, 1st Shchipovsky per., 20, apt. 407

Phone: 237-42-03


Obtaining the position of head of the Russian part of the international project for the study of ethical issues arising in joint ventures (Russian-American and Russian-Canadian)


1976 - 1980 Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, received the degree of candidate of economic sciences

1963 - 1968 Moscow State University, received a diploma in economics and mathematics

Experience in administrative and research activities:

1991 to present Deputy Director of the UNIDO/Russia Training Center Director of the International Agency "Personnel" (MAC) The IAC is a division of the Training Center and provides recruitment services for joint ventures, training programs for entrepreneurs and managers in Russia and abroad, it employs 20 specialists
1989- 1991 Director of the International Personnel Center (ICC). The MCC was a consulting firm with 80 employees in the parent organization and 170 in 16 branches and carried out recruitment, training programs, and publishing activities. In 1991, the MCC split into several independent firms.
1968- 1989 Head of the Scientific and Methodological Department (1972 - 1989), Senior Researcher (1970 - 1972), Researcher (1968 - 1970) Research Institute of Economics and Informatics in Moscow

Teaching experience:

Social work:


More than 40 articles in scientific journals and other publications on economics, business games and personnel management

Ownership foreign languages:

English (good), German (pretty good)


residing at the address: Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 17, apt. 2, telephone 900-27-

Target: I am looking for a job with the possibility of further promotion in the field of business administration with the application of knowledge in computer processing of information.

Education: Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, department of economic cybernetics, graduated in 2001. Specialization in business administration.

Additional activities: Treasurer of the Student Mutual Fund in the third year (carried out financial calculations, collected fees, handled all documentation).

Deputy headman in the fifth year (responsible for interaction on learning process and social work). He graduated from the courses of guides-translators in 1999 with a degree in English. Ranked second in all-Russian competition student work on programming.

He spoke at the international conference in Paris "Development of small businesses in countries with economies in transition" in December 1998.

Work experience: Summer 1999 and 2000. Travel agency "Alice". Guide-interpreter (led excursion groups to the museums of the Moscow Kremlin and conducted bus tours in Moscow and the Moscow region).

Summer 1998. Worked in a team of builders as a painter and participated in the preparation of financial documents (contract of work, act of acceptance of the object), during the week he acted as a foreman.

Questions for self-control on topic 7.3:

1. What is an application?

2. What are the features when applying?

3. What is a power of attorney?

4. What is the list of details for a power of attorney? What are the features of the location in the document?

5. What are the features of compiling an explanatory note? Match the given genre with the statement. Note their similarities and differences.

6. How is a CV different from a resume? What are the features of the compilation and design of these genres of the official business style of speech?

After the necessary study of the theoretical material, you can begin to draw up business documents. Business documents are executed in handwritten or typed on a computer version:

1) statement addressed to the rector of TulSU with a request to grant an academic leave (to extend the terms of the examination session, to allow them to pass the exams ahead of schedule). When compiling this document, please note that the request must be clearly formulated, justified and supported by the necessary arguments;

2) power of attorney to the post office No. ...., in which you trust a certain person to receive a parcel that has arrived in your name. When compiling this document, please note that the parcel received by the post office of a certain date is registered under a certain number;

3) explanatory note in the name of the dean of your faculty with an explanation of the reasons for missing a certain number of classes in a certain discipline;

4) autobiography;

5) summary. When compiling an autobiography and resume, it is preferable to provide information about a person who has already received an education, has worked in several positions, has certain merits and distinctions.

The indicated documents must be handed over to the teacher for verification no later than the beginning of the test week. The first day of the credit week is the last day of accepting business papers for verification. Points for completed and passed after last day assignments are not credited.

If the assignment on the topic “Drawing up business papers” on the day of the beginning of the test week is not completed, the student is not allowed to take the exam. Students perform and hand over debts for independent work in accordance with the schedule developed by the department. In case of non-fulfillment of the task with any number of points received in the course of the current certification, “not allowed” is put down in the examination sheet, and a debt is formed.

1. Bylkova S.V. Russian language and culture of speech: a manual for universities / S.V. Bylkova, E.Yu. Makhnitskaya. - M.: Rostov-n / D: March, 2005. - 304 p.

2. Vvedenskaya L. A. Russian language and culture of speech for engineers: textbook. allowance for universities / L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaev. - Rostov-n / D: Phoenix, 2003. - 384 p.

3. Vvedenskaya, L.A. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook. allowance for universities / L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaev. – 18th ed. - Rostov- n / D .: Phoenix, 2006. - 544 p.

4. Golub I. B. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook. allowance for universities / I.B. Golub. – M.: Logos, 2007. – 432 p.

5. Goldin, V.E. Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for universities / V.E. Goldin, O.B. Sirotinin, M.A. Yagubova; ed. ABOUT. Sirotinin; Saratov. GU im. N.G. Chernyshevsky. - 3rd ed., erased. - M.: URSS, 2003. - 216 p.

6. Dantsev, A.A. Russian language and culture of speech for technical universities / A.A. Dantsev, N.V. Nefedov. - 3rd ed., add. and reworked. - Rostov-n / D .: Phoenix, 2004. - 320 p.

7. Ippolitova N.A. Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for universities / N.A. Ippolitova, O.Yu. Knyazeva, M.R. Savova. – M.: Prospekt, 2007. – 440 p.

8. Kazartseva O.M. Culture of verbal communication: theory and practice of teaching: textbook for universities / O.M. Kazartsev. – 5th ed. -M.: Flinta, 2003. - 496s.

9. The culture of Russian speech: an encyclopedic reference dictionary / under the general. supervisor: L.Yu. Ivanova and others; RAN. Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003. – 840 p.

10. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / S.I. Vinogradov [and others]; ed.: L.K. Graudina, E.N. Shiryaev; RAN. Institute of Russian language them. V.V. Vinogradov. - M. : NORMA: INFRA - M, 2001. - 560 p.

11. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person: Handbook-workshop. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2002. – 315 p.

12. The culture of oral and written speech of a business person: a Handbook for self-education / N.S. Vodina, A.Yu. Ivanova, V.S. Klyuev and others - 4th ed. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2002. – 315p.

13. The culture of Russian speech: an encyclopedic reference dictionary / under the general. supervisor: L.Yu. Ivanova and others; RAN. Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003. – 840 p.

14. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / S.I. Vinogradov, L.K. Graudina, V.P. Danilenko and others; Ed. OK. Graudina, E.N. Shiryaev; RAN. Institute of Russian language them. V.V. Vinogradov. - M.: NORMA, 2005. - 560 p.

15. Murashov A.A. Culture of speech: teaching aid / A.A. Murashov; Ros. acad. education; Moscow socio-psychological inst. - 2nd ed., erased. - M. MPSI; Voronezh: Modek, 2004. - 576 p.

17. Rud L.G. Culture of speech: a textbook for universities / L.G. Rud, I.P. Kudrevatykh, V.D. Old man; ed. V.D. Old woman. - Minsk: Higher School, 2005. - 271 p.

18. Russian language and culture of speech: Workshop on the course: textbook. allowance for universities / V.I. Maksimov [and others]; ed. IN AND. Maksimov. - 2nd ed., erased. – M.: Gardariki, 2005. – 304 p.

20. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / A.I. Dunev, M.Ya. Dymarsky, A.Yu. Kozhevnikov and others; Ed. V.D. Chernyak. - M.: Vyssh.shk., 2004. - 509 p.

21. Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for universities / V.I. Maksimov [and others]; ed. IN AND. Maksimova, A.V. Golubev. - M .: Higher. education, 2006. - 356 p.

22. Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for universities / V.I. Maksimov [and others]; ed. IN AND. Maksimov. - 2nd ed., erased. – M.: Gardariki, 2007. – 408 p.

23. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / V.I. Maksimov, N.V. Kazarinova, N.R. Baranova, A. F. Ivanov; Ed. IN AND. Maksimov. – M.: Gardariki, 2002. – 412 p.

24. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / V.I. Maksimov, N.V. Kazarinova, N.R. Baranova, A. F. Ivanov; Ed. IN AND. Maksimov. – M.: Gardariki, 2004. – 413 p.

25. Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for universities / O.Ya. Goykhman [i dr.]; ed. O.Ya. Goykhman. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2006.–240 p.

26. Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for Wednesdays. prof. education / V.I. Maksimov [and others]; ed. IN AND. Maksimov. – M.: Gardariki, 2005. – 256 p.

27. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook for universities / M.V. Nevezhina [i dr.]. - M.: UNITI, 2005. - 351 p.

28. Skvortsov, L.I. Culture of Russian speech: dictionary-reference book: textbook. allowance for universities / L.I. Skvortsov. – M.: Academy, 2003. – 224 p.

7. Guidelines for the preparation of creative work and its protection

Creative work in the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" on a given topic and its defense are carried out until the 14th week of the semester. The total labor intensity of creative work is 20 hours. The design of the text of a creative work is estimated at a maximum of 10 points; presentation, report (defence) - 10 points. Thus, the maximum number of points scored by a student for this type of work is 20.

Themes of creative works

creative works written on the topics listed below. Topic numbers are assigned to each student who has chosen this type of work, the teacher leading the discipline, in accordance with the lists of groups.


Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………
1. Business paper: key concepts ……………………………………………...
2. Document functions ……………………………………………………………………
3. Types of Documents ……………………………………………………………………
4. Varieties of management documents …………………………………….
5. Main properties of the document …………………………………………………….
6. Algorithm for compiling business papers ……………………………………...........
7. Drafting and language design certain types documents…………
7.1. Application………………………………………………………………………
7.2.Power of attorney………………………………………………………………….
7.3. Autobiography ……………………………………………………………….
7.4.Summary ………………………………………………………………………...
7.5. Service note……………………………………………………….......
Exercises ……………………………………………………………………………..
List of used literature ………………………………………………..
Annex 1. Language models of business papers ……………………………………
Appendix 2. Sample resumes ……………………………………………………..
Annex 3. Sample memos ………………………………………
Appendix 4. Sample applications ………………………………………………….
Appendix 5 General rules use of abbreviations ……………………..
List of the most commonly used conditional abbreviations …….
List of the most commonly used abbreviations ………………...


The culture of speech implies adequate speech behavior in any specific situation. Business communication skills as a special kind of speech activity include, among other things, the ability to correctly create and execute business papers. A significant place is given to the formation of these skills within the framework of the university courses "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" and "Stylistics and Literary Editing", since one of the main requirements for a modern specialist is the knowledge of the principles of drafting documents and the ability to choose appropriate language tools for this purpose.

These methodological recommendations, designed to help students master the topic "Official Business Style", especially the section "Business Papers", have a pronounced practical orientation. In this regard, we limited ourselves to only the necessary minimum of theoretical information about the main types of business documentation and the principles for compiling certain genres of official business papers.

We saw our main task in forming students' understanding of the essence of the rules and algorithms for compiling and formatting texts of documents in accordance not only with language norms, but also with the specific requirements of the official business style. The development of the relevant skills necessary for the preparation and editing of various kinds of documents is facilitated by the exercises included in the methodological recommendations, which involve both the analysis of the facts of language and speech, and independent work for drafting the document.

The main attention is paid to reference and information documents (application, autobiography, power of attorney, resume, memorandum and explanatory notes), which, in our opinion, are the most in demand in any professional field. When characterizing the resume, several factors were taken into account, including the urgent need for a student and a university graduate to master this genre, the absence of a unified, generally accepted sample of this business paper, and, finally, the very specificity of this genre, which consists in combining the features of a document, on the one hand, and PR text, on the other hand.

The theoretical basis for the data of the methodological recommendations was the information contained in GOST, in reference and educational literature.

Guidelines addressed primarily to NSTU students, teachers of linguistic disciplines, people involved in the organization and management of production, as well as everyone who wants to improve the culture of business communication.


DOCUMENTATION Regulated process of recording information (on paper or other media) according to established rules
Document Information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified. Documents are combined into unified documentation systems
business paper A document that is in circulation in the administrative and managerial sphere
Requisites Mandatory compositional parts established by law and administrative documents (GOST) for each type of document
FORM A set and a certain sequence of details that are characteristic of a particular type of document and ensure its legal force
Blank document standard sheet papers with details identifying the author (compiler) of the document. There are two types of forms: angular and longitudinal, differing in the location of the details that precede the text of the letter
sender (compiler) A requisite containing the name of the sending organization and / or the person who compiled / signed the document
Destination A requisite containing the name of the organization / person to whom this document is sent. Usually located in the upper right corner
title (document name) Props reflecting the communicative purpose of the addresser. Allows you to judge the purpose of documents; determines the composition of the details and the structure of the text. Usually printed in capital letters/capital letters
main body (actual text) The main attribute of the document containing the main information. Most often it is made in the form of a coherent text, sometimes in the form of a stencil (linear record with spaces), questionnaires, tables. Connection possible different forms
Document date Details indicating the date of signing the document, its approval; as well as the date of the event recorded in the document. Dating methods: digital and combined
signature The actual signature (signature) of the originator, sender, witness, etc. In most cases, it is assumed that the signature will be decrypted
Chancery Words and set phrases, grammatical forms and constructions traditionally used in the official business style (primarily in its administrative and household style)
Standardization Establishment on a national scale of optimal rules and requirements for the development and execution of documents
Unification Bringing something (in this case, documentation) to a single system, form, uniformity






Reliability (objectivity of information) Reflection of the informative content of the actual state of affairs; unbiased evaluation of events
Accuracy of word usage The use of words in strict accordance with their lexical meaning
Conciseness of wording An expedient amount of included information that is necessary and sufficient for the implementation of a specific communicative task. Brief and clear speech design of the content, containing only what is necessary to understand the subject of speech
Legal integrity Legal significance, giving grounds to serve as evidence in court
Language standard Expressing thought in a uniform way; the use of stable language turns in the coverage of typical situations of business communication
impersonal-neutral tone of presentation The desire for an impersonal presentation of information: the absence or limited use of linguistic means of expressing the subject of speech; the practical absence of evaluative vocabulary
Compliance with the norms of official business etiquette The choice of composition and the selection of language means corresponding to the genre.



general rules for applying

The application is usually made in handwritten form on A-4 paper or a stenciled form. Contains the following details:

v The name of the addressee (indicating the position, surname and initials) is written at the top with an indent of a third of the line *.

v Surname, name, patronymic of the applicant is written under the addressee without a preposition from (preferably) or with a preposition from .

v Document name - word Statement - written in the center of the sheet.

v Body text is written in red line. It contains the wording of the request (complaint, proposal) with a brief argument on the merits of the case and, possibly, indicating the specific terms and conditions of the desired solution.

v Indication of availability of required documents attached to the application.**

v The date is usually on the left, the applicant's signature is on the right.



ask+ verb infinitive (allocate, allow, allow, accept etc.)…

Argument input constructs: in view of the fact that ..., due to the fact that ..., due to ..., on the basis of the fact that ..., given (what?) ...

Required documents attached

Date Signature


Addressee - institution, enterprise, educational institution, etc.

Types of power of attorney: official (official) and personal.


The composition and informative-semantic model of autobiography and resume are basically similar. The difference in their informative content is due to the greater dependence of the content of the resume on the addressee (proposed employer).


general rules for writing an autobiography

The autobiography is compiled in the first person in any form, with one's own hand, but without blots and corrections, with the obligatory coverage of the following issues:

v Date and place of birth, social origin, citizenship.

v Stay in educational institutions (where and when he studied). Received education, specialty.

v Start labor activity, transition from one job to another (when, where, by whom he worked).

v Whether he served in the Armed Forces (when, where, by whom).

v Participation in public life. Awards, promotions (if any).

v Marital status, brief information about the next of kin.

v Other information (at compiler's discretion).


A document presented in person or sent/sent upon employment and containing brief information about biographical data, educational background, professional activities, certain skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities of a person. The recipient is a potential employer.

A resume is a kind business card certifying the applicant for a vacant position. The purpose of the resume is to present yourself as a person and your work biography as advantageously (and at the same time objectively) as possible.

A resume is a relatively young genre in Russian business communication, which is why a single standard has not yet been developed for it, and writing a resume is to some extent a creative process. Nevertheless, there are general rules for compiling a resume and one can name typical informative blocks of this genre of business speech.


This is a common name for a memorandum and an explanatory note, since the composition and the informative-semantic model of a memorandum and an explanatory note are basically similar. The difference in their informative content is due to the difference in the social status and role of the compiler of these memos.


Addressed to the management, an information and reference document, the purpose of which is to inform about the situation, any fact, the results of the performance of a particular work, task. Compiled both on the author's own initiative and at the direction of the management. It may contain the compiler's suggestions on the issue under discussion.

The addressee is the head of the department or institution.

The communicative goal is to encourage the leader to make a certain decision.

Details of the memorandum

v Name of the enterprise (institution) and structural subdivision.

v Addressee (name of the official, his surname, initials).

v Document genre name (title).

v An optional heading that precedes the body text and more specifically reflects the informative content of the document.

v The main text, which, as a rule, consists of two semantic parts: the first part describes the events or facts that gave rise to the compilation of this document; the second part contains conclusions and suggestions.

v Date (if not provided on the company's stamp or letterhead).

v Indication of the position, last name and initials of the compiler.

v Personal signature*. Full name.


1. An accompanying document explaining the content of certain provisions of the main document (report, plan, project, etc.) Another name for this business paper is an explanatory note.

2. An independent document containing an indication of the reasons that led to any violations:

To the failure to fulfill any task, assignment;

To violation of labor or production discipline.

In any case, the text of the explanatory note must contain convincing arguments.


Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Will the addressees of these statements coincide?

In the texts of which statements will the argumentative part be absent?

In what situations is it supposed to be provided (attachment to the text of the application)

other documents?