Installation of heated floors. Warm floor as a heating method: Practice

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With the arrangement of its country sites, as a rule, the hosts highlight the place for their car. True, it is not always appropriate to build a garage, since it requires significant investments and quite a long time. If the site is visited from time to time, then an excellent solution in this case is a canopy for a car from a tree, the construction of which is also dedicated to this article.


Canopy for cars from wood has many advantages. First of all, it reliably protects the car from the effects of sunlight and precipitation, while easily and quickly installed, thanks to which each home master can build it.

It must be said that many consider tree not enough durable material in comparison, for example, with metal. But in reality, if it is properly handled wood, the construction will last for a very long time.

Wood canopies for cars may have the design of the following types:

Wooden canopies for the car are usually covered with the same roofing as the house.
Due to this, the design harmoniously fits into the architectural ensemble of the site.

Construction of a canopa


Before building a wooden canopy for the car with your own hands, you need to create a project of a future design. Starting this work, first of all, should be decorated with the size of the structure. Parameters primarily depend on the size of the car and the number of vehicles.

All structural features of the facilities should be displayed on paper. In addition, the size of the main elements of the building must be specified in millimeters. To properly draw up a drawing, you can pre-examine the existing projects of wooden canopies for cars.

Today we will talk about how to independently make a carp for the car because the owners of summer cottages using cars to visit them are wondering the protection of their "steel horse" from the effects of the sun and atmospheric precipitation and just canopy can solve this problem.

The car is like and is able to easily stand up under the scorching sun, but the impact on its paintwork of ultraviolet rays is negative.

In the conditions of country sites, it is not always appropriate for the construction of a full-fledged car parking garage, given that it will cost expensive, take part of the territory of the site.

But the exit for those who want to protect the car in the country there is. Many use a carport for a car that can protect the car from the sun, rain, etc.

Why canopy?

Canopy is really the optimal option for a country house or dacha. There are several advantages of using such buildings before the garages:

  • Building will cost cheaper than garage because there are no many materials;
  • The construction is performed quickly;
  • Able to protect the car from precipitation and the sun;
  • The car is available, you do not need to constantly open-close the gate;
  • Used not only for parking cars, always under it you can install chaise lounges, chairs, tables.

Canopy may be a temporary construction, if in the future it is supposed to build a full-fledged garage, but finances do not give it yet. And it can be installed on the location of the future garage.

Even if the country area is used only in summer and the garage is not provided, canopy can be used to repair the car, which is convenient, especially during the rain.

Constructive species

Two types of canopies are usually built in the cottage sites, each with their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Stationary separate building;
  2. An extension to home or other building.

The stationary canopy is installed in a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe site, and is a separate building. In the future, it can be used as an indoor area for recreation.

The dimensions of such a construction depend on the territory allotted under it can be designed for 2-3 cars.

With a creative approach, it can be an architectural addition to the buildings of the building and fit into the general appearance. But it may be necessary to need an additional sidewall to protect against oblique rain.

A canopy in the form of an extension is used more often in areas where the territory is insignificant. It is convenient, compact, and requires fewer materials for manufacture. If the sidewall is required, then only on the one hand, since the role of one sidewall will perform the wall of the building.

But when it is installed, it is possible to drill the wall to bind a carcass to the wall.

Sequence of actions when building

The algorithm of action when erecting any type of canopy is the same.

It is worth noting that there are now fully sold metallic canopies, which are just enough to assemble correctly, but it will cost more than manufactured with their own hands.

Types of material for covers

Fabric awning.

For covers, various materials are used. The cheapest and simple is a tarpaulin or tissue awning.

In general, to manufacture awesome canopy may be very simple. It is enough to make a collapsible frame, pull the awning on it and canopy ready.

The advantages of the awning is the rate of construction, the possibility of changing its location and dismantling, for example, for the winter period.

But the reliability of such a structure is low, the material will make the material over time and start rushing.

Such a canopy requires periodic costs to purchase a new awning. But it is possible to periodically update the canopy periodically, given that the awnings are made with patterns, different colors.

Professional flooring.

It is one of the popular materials to cover the canopy. In terms of cost, it refers to the average price category. What service does not require, it is enough to correct it to install it on the frame. Great for permanent canopies, you can pick up any color, well inscribed in general entourage.

But professional flooring is a metal material, so the frame should be durable to keep the coating.


One of the most sought-after materials covering such buildings. Comparatively inexpensive, quite durable and easy. Used to cover the canopies of the most different shape, since the polycarbonate sheet can easily bend. For coverage, both sheets of cellular polycarbonate and monolithic are used.

Cellular polycarbonate - lightweight, more flexible, but less durable. It is required to properly want it to make the stock of moisture from the cell. Monolithic polycarbonate is not very flexible, but in strength above. It is possible to position the sheets of monolithic polycarbonate in any position.

The features of polycarbonate, as the shelter material is the correctness of its fixing on the frame. In case of violation of the rules of fasteners of polycarbonate sheets, cracks and rapid destruction of sheets are possible.

Metal tile.

Also used as a material for carp coating for cars.

But this material is one of the most expensive and use it appropriate only in the manufacture of the design as an extension to the house if the house also covers with this material. In this case, the flooring will harmoniously fit into the general appearance.

Frame manufacturing material

Suns are divided and based on the framework of the framework of the frame. As already noted, there is the possibility of acquiring a prefabricular design, which includes all the elements, from the racks to the shelter material.

The construction of such a canopy is very fast, while it is strong enough.

Make a team framework can be independently. To do this, are purchased in the required amount of metal structures (channel or corners) and hardware.

Then markup, cutting structures to the components, drilling holes for fastening elements, after which the assembly is made.

Prefabricated structures are very convenient because it allows you to use them only seasonally, and if necessary, completely dismantle.

But such a frame is installed on the foundation blocks so that it is possible to dismantle it.

Metal canopies are also collected from metal structures, but welding is used to fix the components. This type will already be a constant building, since it is not possible to disassemble the frame.

But when building such a design is optimal, concreting racks.

Prefabricated and metal frames serve for a very long time, they do not require much maintenance, only occasionally paint and that's it.

Wooden frames are the cheapest and simple in the assembly. To build, you will need only measuring instruments, hammer, nails in the desired amount and saws.

Some make combined frames. Racks are made of wood, and the roof frame is made of metal structures connected by the welding machine. Then this frame is fixed on racks, and then the shelter is made by the selected material.

But the wooden frame is not so durable as metal, it is enough for a dozen years, no more, then it will be necessary to build it.

Additionally, periodic maintenance is required, reduced to the processing of wooden elements with protective materials that prevent the debate of the tree.

Forged frames are the most expensive. The components of them are made in specialized forge. An independent assembly of such a carcass is also often impossible and it is made by qualified workers.

But such a canopy is unique and will be a practically separate architectural solution in a country house. In the conditions of a small summer cottage area, the forged design is inappropriate and expensive.

Size definition

Any construction, and canopy for the car, too, begins with a selection of type and sizes. Consider the location of the car.

If the canopy is an extension to the building, and the car in it will be located a longitudinal wall, then the size of the design will be less than with perpendicular car setting.

But on the other hand, with a perpendicular position of the machine, a canopy, corresponding to the length of the wall, can accommodate several vehicles at once.

The dimensions of the building are calculated from the size of the car, and for this it is better to use the size of the largest car itself, which will be put.

The car should not go under a canopy on the side of the carcass carrying parts - this will provide not only the convenience of access, but also more will protect the car from sunlight and rain.

The length of the construction should exceed the length of the car by more than 1 meter, if it is a common passenger car.

For example, the length of the sedan or hatchback is 4.0 m, the canopy should be in length of 5.0 m.

For large minivans and SUVs, when determining the length, it is better to add to this parameter of a car at least 1.5 m.

The same applies to the width, the distance between the carrier parts of the frame must be 1 meter more than the width of the car.

If the canopy is built for two or more cars, it is necessary to calculate the average width, add to this value from the extreme car to the frame rack (at least 50 cm) and 1 meter distance between cars.

For example, the construction is made for 2 cars - one of them is 2.0 m wide, and the second - 2.5 m. The average value of the width is 2.25 m, the two distances 50 cm from cars are added to this value and 1 M is the distance between the car. As a result, the width of the canopy should be at least 4.25 m.

But with a height, it is important not to overdo it. Under the canopy, the car should be freely entering even with boxing on the roof, but at the same time it is not worth the high construction too.

The optimal is the height of 2.5 meters, but for large SUVs it can be more. If the construction is very high, it will not be able to protect the car from oblique rains.


Now directly about the erection of the canopy.

  • Initially prepared the site;
  • After that, carrier racks are installed. Their amount is determined from the size of the construction. To reduce the load on the design, it is necessary to install on the rack every 2 m of the length of the canopy. That is, the construction of 4 m long for one side should have 3 racks, and all of them will be 6;
  • Before making a roof frame, its form is determined. The roof can be direct with a bias on one or two sides, wave-like, in the form of the arch, etc. It all depends on the fantasy and shelter material.

We will analyze the simplest design - a separate wooden canopy for one average of a measured car with a polycarbonate coating and a single-way slope. The length of the canopy is 5 m, width - 3.5 m.

So, at first the platform is prepared - it is rareled, concreted or asphalted, but you can just fall asleep with rubble.

Since the length is 5 meters, it is better to set 4 racks with a distance of 1.25 m. This will allow you to maximize the load, if the racks are 3 per side, you will have to use massive wooden columns so that they can hold the load.

On the one hand, the rack should be higher at 10-15 cm than on the other to ensure a slope.

After installing the racks on them on them along the carrier beams are fixed. Each beam must be a length equal to the length of the construction. To give the strength of the design, the disclosures are made between racks and beams.

Lags made of boards are moving into these beams and secure. It remains right to put on the lags of polycarbonate sheets and consolidate them with the help of self-sufficiency.

The final stage is a decorative finish, the treatment of wooden elements with water repellent and protective means. When needed from polycarbonate sheets, walls are made, attaching them with the side to the racks.

This is the simplest of canopies that can be built in the country area. With the right organization, such a construction is erected in just a day, in the presence of necessary materials and tools.


As the reviews of those who have already acquired a canopy in the country area, this building is very comfortable and practical. Many use canopies not only for parking cars, but also as a shaded area for recreation.

Constructs used among confused canopies, a large amount. Someone preferred wooden canopies, some have made combined, but many prefer metal structures. What did they do - depicted in the photo.

So, if you want to protect your car from the sun and the rain during your stay in the country, and there is no full-fledged garage of money and time, you should pay attention to the carports for the car.

They are built quickly, their functions are performed perfectly, and it will be hidden.

Which canopy build - choose to you, the benefit of them, as well as materials from which they are built - a large number. But you may not doubt that such a building will be useful.

In the old days, the traveler, returning home, first of all started the horse in the stall, and then he himself climbed into the house. Now the horses of iron, oats are not asked, but they are also required from the hail and dampness. And it is not necessary to build a major garage for the car. At the cottage, a wide, reliable canopy, which can be built with your own hands from available materials: wood, cellular polycarbonate and profile pipe. This is an interesting task for skillful hands, and that work aroused, we attached a photo and detailed drawings to the article.

Why can not leave the car in the open sky

Even the cliffs are destroyed under the influence of the environment, and a complex technique - especially. Of course, the car will not come into disrepair in a week, but the day after its age will shorten the following factors:

  • raindaries sooner or later will be covered in such places where rust will be able to put;
  • grad will inevitably leave dents on the roof and the hood;

Canopy reliably protect cars from precipitation
  • dust will score all the cracks, for example, in grooves for glass, in the framework of mirrors and headlights, which will affect the appearance of the car;
  • summer Sun burns out paints on the upholstery of the seats and left in the salon, worsen the physical properties of the tires.

The country canopy for the car is shading and good ventilation, lack of leaves and bird kleks on the windshield.

To build it for your favorite: it's simple, functionally and reliable.

Council. Position the canopy in such a place on which water does not cause - and you will be satisfied with the state of rubber.

Materials for the shed

Constructively, the canopy consists of two parts: the frame and roof, and the most responsible part of the work is the construction of a reliable framework. It should be pretty thinking about the choice of material to base the future canopy, since it will be harder to replace it than the roof. There are three options for selection.

The roof of the canopy is usually performed either from the profiled sheet or from a cellular polycarbonate. In the second case, the canopy will look aesthetically air, but in the area where the likelihood of a large hail is high, it is desirable to immediately acquire a more expensive polycarbonate variety with a special protective film.

Council. If you replace the polycarbonate on a durable awning and remove it for the winter, then an eternal problem: how to carve time to come to the cottage to remove the snow - it will be solved by itself.

Preparation of the site

If you do everything around the mind, then you should start with the organization of a place not over the car, but under it. By choosing a convenient area of \u200b\u200barrival, you need to cut all the dermis, remove the ground to a depth of 12-15 cm and make a pillow from sand and rubble with the use of remarks. Along the way, you can equip a small bias, and if the area is lowlands, then drainage pipes around the perimeter. After the canopy is ready, any parking coating can be laid on this pillow.

Under a heavy SUV it is recommended to equip the reinforced concrete tie. To do this, build a male formwork, poured up to the middle of the concrete, put the reinforcement grid and attach concrete. To complete hardening such a platform will need at least a month.

Plans canopy for cars - where to start

Any construction work suggests the presence of drawings. Put the machine to the place intended for it and thoroughly measure the length and width of the future canopy. Ask the location of the supports, check if they will disturb parking and opening the doors. Please note that the roof can be issued for the perimeter of the supports by 0.5-1 m.

Distribute all this on paper in projections side and from above and calculate the required amount of material. Add about 10% so that you do not have to break away from work and go buy.

In addition to the steel pipe (or wooden bar - what they have chosen on the frame), it will take a concrete to fill the base of the supports, and from the tools:

  • saw, hammer, nails (for working with a timber);
  • bulgarian and welding machine (to work with a pipe);
  • level and plumb;
  • pegs and twine (any long rope, cord);
  • shovel;
  • clamps;
  • self-tapping screws with a press washer;
  • screwdriver.

We build a canopy - step by step instructions

When working, be sure to use the level and plumb, thoroughly measure and check all lines. The sequence of operations during the construction of the frame is such.

Attention! If you have a pipe-bend and want to get a beautiful semicircular roof, keep in mind that the professional flooring is not suitable in this case, only polycarbonate.

What to lay out the floor under the canopy

What will be resting the wheels of the car depends on your preferences and general cottage style. Options may be as follows:

  • grass (Saw or Rolled Lawn);
  • gravel crumb;
  • paving slabs;
  • clinker brick;
  • asphalt.

Another excellent option is an ecopark. These are either special tiles with a hole in the center, or a rigid plastic grille. The tiles are placed on a sandy pillow with a rubber hammer, seams and holes fall asleep with sand or sand and soil, lean the lawn grass. You can not hurry - the wind will apply seeds.

Parking Place of Paving Tile

Under the grille, the soil is usually prepared in this way: a sand-gravel pillow, geotextile, 2-3 cm of sand. Lattice modules are laid, it is plugged, the soil is plugged and they are sown with a lawn mixture, as a rule, from blackness, oatmeal and wildfish. The advantages of the ecopars are that instead of gravel or concrete proper on your yard you will receive another section of the lawn, but there will be no ruts from the car.

The construction of a canopy in the country area justifies itself even in the absence of a car. Under it you can put motorcycles, bicycles, boats, kayaks, cars and just a garden inventory.

Canopy for cars do it yourself: video

How to make a carport for cars: photo

Maintaining a carport for a polycarbonate machine with their own hands, photo examples

A canopy under the car is a simple, reliable and practical way to protect the iron horse from precipitation, "surprises" of birds, sunlight, leaves. At the moment there are many options, how to make a carport for the machine, they differ in size, shape, manufacturing material.

The article will be discussed about the technical features of the construction, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various designs, which materials it is better to choose. And also offer drawings and phased instructions, how to build a canopy for the car with your own hands.

Review of structures

Canopy in essence is a simple, small architectural form, consisting of vertical supports, roofs and platforms. Since the structure is accommodated near the house, it should be combined with a common ensemble or harmoniously fit into the landscape of the site.

Materials for a canopy under the car - supporting design

Make a canopy for the car with your own hands is possible from almost any materials, their choice depends on your capabilities and budget to build. We will analyze the most popular projects:

  • Canopy under the car from wood, it can be a bar, glued or profile, logs, trunks. Wooden designs are very simple in manufacture, do not require special tools, but fires, they require careful processing with antiseptics and fire-resistant mixtures.
  • Metal canopies under the car, perhaps the most popular type of construction. The frame is made of pipes, boil from metal products or this is a beautiful forged product. The construction of a metal canopy requires special welded equipment and skills to work on it or attracting specialists. The construction is durable, reliable, durable, the only negative is corrosion, so metal parts must be protected from dampness.

Polycarbonate canopy under the car, photo of a comfortable and ergonomic idea

  • Building on stone, concrete, brick columns - canopies under the car are more massive relative to previous options, but do not require additional processing and more simple in operation.

Canopy for car, photo of a combined construction of wood and stone

IMPORTANT: Fire retardant compositions are funds 1 and 2 groups according to GOST 16363 / NPB 251, which must necessarily have a certificate and testimony of SanEpidezor. For responsible, carrier elements, only the composition of the highest group can be used, according to the nomenclature of visual control, the transparent mixture has pink color.

Types of roofing and materials

A canopy for a car with a single roof is the easiest way to equip a place for a comfortable parking lot. It is important here to correctly make Mauerlat - strapping on the upper headguards of the pillars and the rafter system, which should withstand wind loads and the pressure of snow on the roof. If there is less than 4500 mm between the support pillars, you can do without additional supports, if more, you will have to make additional backups. For a canopy under the car, the minimum roof slope 25o, but the final slope depends on the choice of roofing material.

It is useful to know: when the roof is biased in 25to per meter, 300 mm altitude is added to the length, so there should be 5 m bends under the machine, then the rear posts must be higher than: 5 * 300 \u003d 1500 mm.

Manufacturing a canopy for the machine with their own hands - Photo Example, how to make a single wooden design

Rightly canopies equip the two-screw or holm roof, these are already large and complex buildings designed for multifunctionality, for example, the first floor under the car, and the second is a gazebo.

Types of roofing materials for a single sump system:

  • proflist;
  • ruberoid;
  • soft tile;
  • metal tile;
  • ondulin;
  • slate;
  • polycarbonate;
  • awning.

Under the arched, the arched roof is equipped with a canopy under the car from polycarbonate. This is usually a metal arcuate design, welded under a farm from profile pipes or a forged product. It is important to calculate the strength and construction of the bearing elements. Polycarbotat cannons can be considered universal, they look easily, almost invisible on the site, so fit into any architectural composition.

Mobile canopies under the car

Now you can buy compact, folding canopies for the car. Introduces a metal frame with a tentile roof. The assembly scheme is simple, set the design by the effort of 1-2 people in 1-2 hours.

Canopy for the car at the cottage, with your own hands, the marquis can be installed in 2-4 hours

This option is convenient for cottages and trips to nature. Included, side walls made of soft glass or awning.

Mobile canopy for the car in the country, can always be collaborated or transfer to another place


The platform for a canopy under the car can be simply filled with a crushed stone, but more devoid hosts arrange a concrete slab, brushed with natural stone or paving slabs. To not be destroyed, it is necessary to prepare the site: remove the upper fertile layer of the soil, squeeze the bottom with sand and rubble, to catch. Do not forget about the bias and drain so that the water is not stood on the site.

It is useful to know: to protect the car more reliably, it is recommended to equip the axes with additional side walls.

The platform is better to do in the ground level if it is higher, do not forget to foresee

Placement features

A canopy for the car can be a separate construction attached to the house, Hozblock, a garage or adjust the fence. The choice of place depends on the conditions on your site. It is better if the design will stay on independent supports, but if necessary, one of the parties can make a console type.

Construction of a canopy for the car with their own hands - an example, how to attach the design to the house

Which canopy is better

Each type of materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, the tree is susceptible to rotting and burns, metal rust, special welded equipment is necessary, moreover, these materials require constant care. From the brick and stone to build troublesome, the skills on laying, efforts for the kneading concrete, and temporary costs are larger than to equip a wooden and metal canopy.

Forged products are luxury and elegance of your home.

Here the choice depends on your opportunities, the easiest way to build out of wood, but if you are fine with the metal, it is quite likely to cook the framework to you much more manifest.

Professional flooring - does not fade, it does not require painting, not peeling

As for roofing materials, of course, faster and easier to use a sheet hard format: polycarbonate, professional flooring, slate. Ruberoid will cost much cheaper, but for mounting it will take the drying cut, just as for soft tiles. The most appropriate option is a professionalist and polycarbonate, which is called "not expensive and angry", but if they compare them, the professional flooring is subject to corrosion over time, but the polycarbonate does not have such drawbacks. Plus he misses the light, so the space will not be darkened if you can attach to the house.

A huge color palette makes polycarbonate universal material for the roof of small architectural forms

Technical Side Question

The support pillars on wooden canopies for the machine are made from a bar 150 * 150, 100 * 100 mm, or a rounded log with a radius of 150-200 mm. For metal structures, a round steel tube with a diameter of 100 mm or profiled with an edge of 80 * 80 mm is suitable. Between the supporting structures, the distance is 1.5-2.0 m, in some cases three-meter spans are allowed, but such options require complex engineering calculations.

Canopies for a car from polycarbonate, photo project parking for 2 cars

For running - a pipe profiled 40 * 80 mm, for large canopies under the car - 80 * 80 mm, for Mauerlat 100 * 100 mm or 150 * 150 mm, for a metallic crate - pipe 40 * 40 mm, for a soling system from wood - edged Board 100 * 40 mm.

Canopy for a tree made of wood, drawing photo with parking sizes under one car


Ergonomic Sport Size for the Middle Car 5 * 2.3 m, universal dimensions are considered to be 6.6 * 3.6 m, suitable for minibuses, SUVs, crossovers. So that the canopy for 2 cars was convenient, but at the same time did not occupy an additional place on the site, optimally dwell on the size of 6.3 * 5.9 m.

Canopies for polycarbonate machine, photo Console design

The height of the canopy directly depends on the height of the car plus the top trunk with things. It will be too low that will be inconvenient when leaving the car, therefore it is advisable to make a height of 1.9 - 2.2 m, if you make the construction above, then the precipitation will fall on the site.

Construction of a carport for the car with their own hands, drawings of parking, adjacent to the gate

According to standards, the sizes of the canopy under the car must be 1 m greater than the car in length and 1-2 m wide. A canopy for two cars in the width is calculated as follows: the sum of the breadth of two machines + 1 m from each outer side + 0.8 m between cars.

How to make a canopy under the car with your own hands, a photo-idea of \u200b\u200ba simple design under Farm Polono

For self-building, ready-made projects with dimensions and recommendations can be downloaded on the Internet. We offered some practical options, how to make a carport for the car do it yourself. If you do not fit the finished project yourself, you can perform the drawings on the basis of the ready-made, changing the size.

The main bearing elements for a wooden canopy under the car

How to build a carport of polycarbonate for the car do it yourself

We will build a simple metallic design with a single roof and polycarbonate roof.

Project with dimensions and materials for the manufacture of construction

We choose a place, we carry around the perimeter by the columns according to the drawing, stretch the rope. Remove the soft layer of soil, the digging of approximately 300 mm deep into the depth. Over the sides every 1.5 - 2 m, they dig holes for support pillars, a depth of 700-100 mm, depends on the height of the groundwater and the nature of the soil.

Dno align, lay sand and crushed stone, a layer of 100 mm, we will not be tamed so that there are no traces of the middleweight person. We set the formwork, knit the reinforcing frame, for the stove, only corrugated rods 8-12 mm, cell 100 * 100, 200 * 200 mm. Separately reinforcing pillars. To do this, there are 200 mm concrete on the bottom of the pit, and insert the reinforcement into it, the frames can be made to pre-tie the rods in the form of columns and wrap the rubberoid to 2 layers.

It is useful to know: You can separately not to fill a column foundation, but immediately concrete into the ground carrier racks: a metal pipe or a bar, but this option is less practical, since the material in the ground will collapse even with a protective layer.

Pour the concrete, for the slab enough thickness 100 mm, waiting for the formation of concrete. Since the base will not be loaded, in a week you can start to basic work.

With the help of corners and brackets to the column foundation, the support metal racks, with a diameter of 50-100 mm, check the vertical on the plumb, install the covers to save the geometry. Check the height of the posts, if necessary, subscribe to keep the roof slope.

Methods, how to fix the support vertical racks

We make the strapping on the upper headings, metal profile 40 * 40 mm weld to the base. Further, the additional strapping is perpendicular to the racks, thus we get a rectangular triangle for the farm. Using the rental of a smaller cross section weld the ribs of the string system. Perpendicular to lapse rafters from square metal products, every 800-1200 mm, canopy over the edge of the strapping 200-300 mm, weld. All parts we clean with a rigid metal brush, my solvent. After drying, the soil and paints.

A variant of a simple rafter system that is easy to make with your own hands

Tip: Fasteners Choose from galvanized steel, so it will be possible to avoid corrosion and subsequent destruction of materials.

The polycarbonate sheet is placed on the rafter system, it is better to use a cellular, not cast, it is more resistant to mechanical damage. The comfortable thickness of the sheet is 6-12 mm, the color depends on the rest of the site design.

Fresh polycarbonate on special press nuts, in order to avoid water flow, every 300-400 mm. The edges are closing end straps.

How to fix polycarbonate to the rafter system

In this design, polycarbonate can be easily replaced by a straightener, suitable material with a thickness of 0.5 mm.

How to fix a professional

If necessary, such a design can be seen on the sides of a wooden grille or hang curtains from awning, tarpaulin, soft glass.

In our galleries, see the original and practical ideas, how to make a carport for the car. Finished projects are not a guide to action, but to inspire our readers to build a "house" for the iron horse.

Canopies for the car from a professional flooring, photo design on a metal frame

Canopy for the cottage for the car: Material, location, manufacture

Practically, not one modern yard does not cost without a convenient garage or canopy. A simple construction serves as reliable protection against atmospheric phenomena and protects your car from the sun, early rotting and corrosion. Would you like to make a carport for a cottage for the car? In fact, such a design does not require much money and effort. It can be done with his own hands. Let's figure out how to build a simple garage or functional canopy that will securely protect your car. And also find out what materials can be used for such construction.

Competently, the planned design of the courtyard area will make it possible to create a whole plantation for recreation in a private site.

Introduction: Carpenters for cars, features and nuances

Let's first figure it out why it is better to make a carport for the car to the country. First of all, when there is no cover above the car, then the rain drops can penetrate the inside of the case, which over time will provoke the appearance of rust. In addition, hail may leave dents on the surface of the machine, and the dust will be bored in all the slots. At the same time, the sun rays can smear the upholstery on the seats.

The attachment can stand aside, or torture any objects. Powerful supports are a guarantee of fastening reliability.

The village canopy is rather light, but it is enough to cover the car that is not constantly at the cottage. Design for the car can be built very quickly. At the same time, the construction can be made from the profile tube, from Ontulin or from boards, and simpler options from the fabric.

Simple design of fabric covers from sunlight and becomes protection in rainy weather

You can also purchase a ready-made version from the manufacturer, for example, folding or national team. You can make options from the reasonable materials. What do different canopies look for cars you can look at the photo.

The builder can be collected from individual purchased items

If you decide to build such a construction under the car yourself, then you need to know about such features:

  • before proceeding with work, you need to perform preparatory work, including projects and drawings. It is necessary to take into account the volume of the required material, as well as permissible loads, sizes, cost and location;

Drawing option for designs into two places
  • after drawing up an approximate estimate, you need to purchase the necessary materials. Also consider the consumption of additional materials that may be needed;
  • it is important to decide where the design will be. And also, what should be its height depending on the dimensions of the car. Preparatory work includes the preparation of the foundation and leveling of the site. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the bias of the territory, seating and groundwater occurrence;
Sample constructions
  • the most difficult stage is construction construction. The installation of the frame, construction and covering is performed.

Welding frame elements

You can make a beautiful canopy with goal. Also, a similar device can be one part with with a hozblock or complement the shed. You can build a console design option, and ordinary forms can be applied for a simple structure.

The shelter attached to the Hozblock is very convenient

Arrangement of the carport for the car on the country

Before starting any construction work, you need to think about the place for a canopy. From the selected area you need to remove the turf to a depth of 12-15 cm, and then build a pillow from rubble and sand. In this case, you can build a small bias, as well as drainage structures around the perimeter. Then it is necessary to put any parking coating on the pillow. If the machine is too heavy, then you can install a reinforced concrete screed.

Stony coating

Depending on the method of location, on the construction site can be autonomous, as well as used as an extension to the garage, bath or hozble. Also enjoy the popularity of the gallery that connect the house and the gate.

Separate devices are on metal or wooden supports. If the design is adjacent to another building, it can have such Opportuning options:

  • boytock-support, when it is held out of the sides on a bar, and the second on the supports;
  • console -Obrovan - fasteners are performed using brackets or corners;
  • the console version is recommended for small designs.

Console device option

Canopy for the car before the garage

Now consider the options for the pre-arms and the features of their erection. The most common option is when the canopy is placed in front of the garage gate. It can be done on one or two cars. This design can be built between the garage and the house. In the photo you can see the most popular ideas. Sometimes used a combination of a garage with a canopy.

Design Option Before Garage

Solving how to make a light canopy, you can place it on the side of the main design. For the construction of the roof, materials such as a metal profile, pipes, as well as a wooden bar are used. And the roof can be performed from polycarbonate, corrugated flooring or metal tile. Part of the canopy can be placed above the garage. Similar structures may be such species:

  • open have a common wall with a garage;

This looks outdoor design.
  • closed have three walls. At the same time, sheathing is performed using wood, awning tissues or lining. If necessary, canopy can be covered.

Closed shelter

In addition, such buildings can be collapsible or stationary. Often, the garage with a canopy is built under the duplex roof, this option is recommended for a wooden frame. If the arched design, then you can use a metal frame with supports.

Garage or canopy - what is better: the answer to this question depends on the financial resources, the purpose of the design and the materials used. The most convenient solution is the combined option.

Sheds for cars attached to the house: photo

An extension near the house is popular, as the adjoining designs are easier to install. You can also use a simpler fastening. Before deciding how to build such a canopy and how to fix it with the wall, you need to deal with the materials.

The construction frame around the house is often made from a wooden bar or metal pipe. Also, structures near the house are built of brick or stone, and also poured cement supports.

Design option near the house

The cargo project in front of the house involves the presence of strong supports that can withstand the severity when snowing with the main roof of the house. How to make beautiful designs can be viewed in the photo.

Any such design consists of a roof and frame. Particular attention should be paid to the base. You can choose such a material:

  • wood piety in processing and it does not require any complex tools. But this material requires special care. A tree with time is covered with a fungus, buys and cracks. It must be protected by special impregnations;

Spacious and durable canopy of wood
  • the steel profile tube is installed using a welding unit. Such material may last long time;

Steel elements
  • the combined version involves the use of steel frame with wooden slats.

Combined building

For the roof, a more aesthetic solution is the use of cellular polycarbonate, and you can also apply a profiled sheet.

Features of canopies for 2 cars

Using canopies, you can build practical structures for two machines. When choosing a certain design, two cars need to choose the right size. The photo presents the best options for such buildings. You can combine such a construction with a hozblock. The spacious design under two machines has dimensions 8 to 6. The standard width must be at least 2.5 meters.

Two car two-tie constructions

How to cover a carport for the machine

When choosing a canopy, you should focus on the general architectural style of other buildings. It is important to determine the materials. An important point is the cover. The choice of material depends on the type of roof. Options are often used:

  • a single option is the easiest to install. It is recommended for designing separate buildings;

Single roofing
  • two-tight designs are also used for autonomous structures and for awning buildings;

Double roof remarkably gets rid of precipitation
  • arched roofs are used for attached and separate canopies.

Arched canopy not only well protects the surface from precipitation, but also is a decor when making the courtyard area

For the structure of structures from a duct roof or with a single-table roof, materials such as metal tile, slate, professional flooring, ondulin or polycarbonate are used. To make arched structures using rolled metal and polycarbonate.

The easiest option is a single roofing. In this case, the slope slope is approximately 25 degrees. For scanty structures, hard sheet material is suitable.

Polycarbonate canopies for cars

From polycarbonate you can build robust designs into two cars or for one. Such material has many advantages, such as available prices. Polycarbonate can be placed over any canopy under the car. At the same time, simple designs in the cottage can be easily done with your own hands.

Polycarbonate is an excellent material for creating any attached structures. In this case, it is used to cover the large sector of the courtyard

Solving how to make a structure must be taken into account and the material of the framework of the framework, as well as the thickness of the polycarbonate. In the photo you can see how similar designs look like 2 cars or one.

Polycarbonate is put on the frame design and secured with special fasteners. Using this material, you can build a garage with a canopy over the machine.

Carport for car

Canopy under the car from the professional leaf is one of the most popular. Such a coating can be easily done with your own hands. In addition, such a design has a small weight. It can be firmly fixed on the frame, which will ensure its stability at strong wind gusts.

Such material can be applied as a tent shelter. What a canopy looks like a barnstall can be viewed in the photo.

Professional flooring is quite popular material for creating shelters

Before work, you need to do though most simple drawings. The installation is quite simple. Regardless of the design option, it is necessary to put the sheets of professional flooring. First the first part is attached, and its edge is screwed by self-drawing. You can also take advantage of retirement with rubber gasket. After that, another sheet of brass is installed. In the joints of the joint, two more self-pressing are screwed.

Drawing for arched design

Canopy for Machine Machine

In the photo you can see options from metal tile. Having drawings under the hands, you can make simple designs with your own hands. If the roof is made for the main building from such a material, you can make a bounted canopy under one roof. In this case, you can make a completely closed design to install the car.

If a single-sided roof is used for an autonomous canopy, then you can put the walls on a solid base from tiles, cement or concrete. Often different manufacturers offer turnkey designs. At the same time, the price depends on the size of the structure and the materials used.

Metal tile allows you to create original design

Materials frame for car

When erecting a canopy, it is important to choose the right material for the frame system. The selected option will depend on the autonomous design or it is adjacent to the house or gazebo.

Sheds from wood

Wooden canopy is quickly built and you can build it with your own hands. The construction of a bar can serve for many years if it is treated with special protective compositions. The wood frame for the car can be covered with polycarbonate, slate, tiles or ondulin.

From wood you can create powerful reference elements

Budget materials on the country include wooden bars. They are characterized by a high operational period. In order for the material to serve for many years, it should be treated with antiseptic drugs.

Canopy on a wooden frame has such advantages compared to metal structures:

  • environmental friendliness and safety of material;
  • small weight design;
  • simplicity of processing and editing;
  • low cost.

Wooden Console Type Building

Solving how to make a cover for cars, you need to take into account that they are stationary. Also, the project for giving may look like an extension to the house. There are different ways to install wooden poles. To increase their support, support needs to be additionally concreted. A single canopy can be applied as an addition to the existing structure. Setting such structures requires certain drawings. One edge of the structure relies on the wall of the building, and the second - on the racks.

Autonomous structures for cars are based on four racks. The photo presents different options for such structures. If the installation of several machines is assumed, the number of supporting elements increases.

Drawing for a single-pole

When erecting wooden structures, some rules will help you:

  • the construction of the supports must be performed from a rounded log or profiled bar. For the construction of the rafter system, the bars of a small diameter will be needed;
  • the roofing material must be chosen taking into account the slope of the skate and the device of the rafter design. Polycarbonate is recommended for the flooring of various configurations. Profile floor can be applied for single-sided duplex roofs. For soft tiles, we need a solid doom;
  • the coating should have a certain inclination of 5-10 degrees.

Building from Bruus.

As a rule, canopies attached to the building are performed for the entire length of the adjacent wall. The average design height of the tree should be about 2-2.5 meters.

Metal carport

You can make a functional and reliable metal canopy with your own hands. Most often, the shelter uses a channel, a corner, as well as an ordinary or profile tube. Installation can be made from lightweight materials to which awning or ondulin is stacked. For capital framework systems, erectifier or metal tile can be used.

Beautiful ideas for the cottage you can look at the photo. Metal elements are quite reliable and can serve for many years. You can use ready-made solutions, such as collapsible or prefabricated. They are most often standard sizes.

To independently build metal structures, drawings are needed. Installation can be made from metal corners, chawls and pipes.

Watering facilities are popular. Such buildings belong to expensive, and specialists are required for their erection. To make a high-quality design, you need to consider the size of the machine, the installation of the frame system and the coating materials. When combining all these characteristics, you can build a high-quality building.

Compact metal construction

Canopy for the car do it yourself

How to build a high-quality canopy depends on the set of factors. First you need to turn the perimeter of the future platform. To the extension under the car was durable, you need to pour the foundation under support and make concreting pillars. Canopy for cars in the country can be built on a pile-screw foundation or on a ribbon. To raise the foundation under the poles, you will need sand, cement, crushed stone, supporting elements, shovel and concrete mixer.

If you do not know how to make a foundation, then the drawings will help you. First, it is necessary to remove the turf and proceed the deepening around the perimeter of the future facilities. How to install poles for canopy depends on the material used. Pubs dig up under supports. This work can be done by the brown. Then the racks are installed and poured cement composition with the addition of rubble. After that, it is necessary to pour a ditch to the entire perimeter at the ground level. If you want to know how to install the shelter for the machine at the cottage, then, remember that you need to give the foundation for a couple of weeks.

Marking for foundation

An extension involves the installation of a quality platform. At the same time, it must be filled with rubble and lay paving slabs.

When selecting the material, consider the design of the construction near the house and the building itself. If everything is made of timber, then an excellent design option from boards. If the entire country ensemble is erected using a corrugated floor, then the rest of the designs are made from the same material.

The roof for the car from polycarbonate is able to pass the sunlight, which gives the ease of the whole building. At the same time, a polycarbonate of various thickness and a varied color palette can be used for the building in the courtyard. For coating, different roofing materials are applied.

We are building a design by the project in which we take into account the shape of the roof (single-sided, two-screw or dominant option), as well as the height of the structure and wind and snow loads. This is especially important if the canopy attached to the house.

In the table you can see important moments of the building process.

PictureImportant stepsDescription

Creating a metal carcassMetal frame can be welded. For this purpose, a profiled pipe, a welding unit and a Bulgarian is useful.

Erecting wooden frameA simple variant of the bar. To do this, you will need bolts and nuts, hacksaw, the key for the size of the bolt and the bar. All elements are processed by antiseptic compositions.

Installation of supportThe locations of the pegs are measured with pegs and twine. Packs for racks need to dig up to 50 cm. At the bottom, it is recommended to welded the pieces of reinforcement for greater resistance. Supporting parts are placed in the recess and fill with concrete.

Installation of roofing elementsAll over the perimeter of the frame you need to perform a strapping from above and below. Before welding, parts can be secured by clamps. It is necessary to make a large number of corners, and then attach them to the frame. Then these elements are fixed by screed. In this case, they will perform the functions of the crates and ribs of stiffness.

Finishing workMetal Cover two layers of anti-corrosion paint, and the tree is an antiseptic. The roofing material is stacked on top of the corners, which is fixed on the frame.

How to lay out outdoor coating under a canopyThe budget option involves the use of a rolled lawn or inhabited grass. You can also apply gravel crumb, clinker brick or paving slabs.

In the photo you can see what the construction of girlfriends looks like. And also on the video below, you can see step-by-step installation of such a design.

If you want to be cheap to build a canopy for the yard, you can make structures from fabric or from a banner. Deciding how to build construction, consider different options and projects. You can see the garden option of canopies. How to build a design in the garden or in the courtyard you can see in a step-by-step master class.

When constructing designs, remember these rules:

  • the best distance between the supports is 1.15 meters, and the design length is selected depending on the number of cars;
  • choosing a height, do not forget that the dimensions need to be taken into account with the trunk;
  • supports can be made from a bar, concrete or brick;
  • the most inexpensive, durable and durable materials include polycarbonate and corrugated flooring.

Canopy can be decorated with wooden lattices, as well as beautiful wrought elements. For decorating light buildings, you can use beautiful plants, grape vines and plenty plants.

Beautiful decor

Construction of garage

  • Brick garage - from 16 000 rub / m2
  • Feno-gas-concrete garage - from 11 000 rub / m2
  • Frame garage - from 8000 rubles / m2
  • Garage of profiled timber - from 12 000 rub / m2
  • Garage of glued timber - from 16 000 rub / m2
  • Garage of the rounded log - from 13 000 rub / m2
  • Garage from R / B Plate - from 24 000 rub / m2
  • Metal garage (LSTK / Professional flooring) - from 5 500 rubles / m2

Construction of a canopa

  • Canopy for a car from polycarbonate on iron pillars - from 3300 rubles / m2
  • Console canopy for car - from 4700 rubles / m2
  • Worn canopy for a car - from 5100 rubles / m2
  • Canopy for a car from a professional flooring - from 4000 rubles / m2
  • Canopy for a car from metal tile - from 4100 rubles / m2
  • Canopy for a car from wood - individually


Slinge system from 300.00 rubles. m2.
Okeekhet from 150.00 rubles. m2.
Cross-cutting board from 150.00 rubles. m2.
Fronteon sewing siding, block house, clapboard, etc. from 300.00 rubles. m2.
Laying under the undercoal hydraulic isolation from 100.00 rubles. m2.
Laying Ruberoid from 100.00 rubles. m2.
Laying ondulina from 250.00 rubles. m2.
Laying metal tile from 300.00 rubles. m2.
Laying flexible tile from 400.00 rubles. m2.
Laying OSB - Plywood from 200.00 rubles. m2.
Warming of roofing rods from 150.00 rubles. m2.
Installation of the drain system from 250.00 rubles. p.M.

Prices for the foundation for the garage

  • Ribbon foundation (height 60cm - thickness 30cm) - from 3000 rubles / mp
  • Ribbon foundation (height 80cm - thickness 40cm) - from 4350 rubles / mp
  • Monolithic plate (height 20cm) - from 3500 rubles / m2
  • Monolithic plate (height 30cm) - from 4360 rubles / m2

Cost of one screw pile with screwing and concreting

  • pile thickness 89 mm. + Height 1.5m - 3 000 rub.
  • pile thickness 89 mm. + height 2.5m - 3,200 rubles.
  • pile thickness 89 mm. + height 3m - 3 300 rubles.
  • pile thickness 108 mm. + height 1.5m - 3 100 rubles.
  • pile thickness 108 mm. + Height 2.5m - 3,400 rubles.
  • pile thickness 108 mm. + height 3m - 3 500 rubles.

Electric installation work

Assembly, installation and installation of electrical panels Units. change Cost
Installation of outdoor electric shield pC. from 800 rubles.
Installing a hidden electric shield pC. from 1500 rubles.
Installation of an electric shield without electric power meter pC. from 2000 rubles.
Installation of an electric shield with an electric power meter pC. from 2500 rubles.
Installation and disconnection of spread boxes 3 Units. change Cost
Up to 4 cables for open electrical wiring for soft material (wood) pC. 350 rub.
Up to 4 cables for open electrical wiring for solid material (brick / foam concrete / concrete) pC. 400/450/500 rub.
Up to 4 cables for electrical wiring under GPSO2 pC. 350 rub.
Up to 4 cables for hidden electrical wiring in foam concrete / brick / concrete pC. 500/550/600 rub.
From 5 cables for open electrical wiring for soft material (wood) pC. 450 rub.
From 5 cables for open electrical wiring for solid material (brick / foam concrete / concrete) pC. 500/550/600 rub.
From 5 cables for electrical wiring under GPSO2 pC. 450 rub.
From 5 cables for hidden wiring in foam concrete / brick / concrete pC. 600/650/700 rub.
Installation (gasket) of power cable up to 4 mm2: 2 Units. change Cost
Opened directly on the wall using the bracket m / p. 50 rubles.
Open in a corrugated tube on soft material (tree) m / p. 100 rubles.
Open in a corrugated pipe for solid material (brick / foam concrete / concrete) m / p. 150/150/150 rub.
Opened in the Cable Channel for Soft Material (Tree) m / p. 100 rubles.
Opened in Cable Channel for solid material (Brick / Foam concrete / concrete) m / p. 200/200/200 rub.
Hidden in foam concrete m / p. 300 rub.
Hidden in brick m / p. 350 rub.
Hidden in concrete m / p. 400 rubles.
Installation of a new electric motor (socket / switch) 1 Units. change Cost
Open electrical wiring for soft material (tree) pC. 200 rubles.
Open wiring for solid material (Brick / Foam concrete / concrete) pC. 250/250/250 rub.
Wiring under GPSoukarton pC. 250 rubles.
Hidden wiring in foam concrete pC. 300 rub.
Hidden wiring in brick pC. 350 rub.
Hidden wiring in concrete pC. 400 rubles.

Finishing work

  • Installation of a set of electricians inside the garage - from 10 000 rubles.
  • Production of garage concrete floors - from 25,000 rubles.
  • Replacement. Production of wooden floors - from 20,000 rubles.
  • Internal decoration of the garage dry eurryagon - 800 rubles. for m2.
  • Making a metal gate with a gate, painting - from 30,000 rubles.
  • Set of lifting-section gates + installation - from 45 000 rubles.
  • Cosmetic repair inside the garage - from 1500 rubles. for m2.