How violets affect family relationships. Is it true that violets on the windowsill destroy privacy? Is it possible to keep violets at home: folk signs, superstitions

In the article you will learn about all the signs associated with indoor violets. Also read information on how best to keep them at home.

Many legends are known among the people about various colors, in particular, there are quite a few invented folk signs and superstitions about domestic violets. Unfortunately, these judgments do not always carry joy, happiness, grace. Violets are said to have a negative effect on the privacy of the owners of the apartment. Even though the flower looks very cute and beautiful, the Old Believers say that such a beautiful plant should not be grown in the house. To what extent this is correct is up to you to judge.

Is it true that violets are the flowers of loneliness, husbands and destroy personal life?

If we judge women who are fond of breeding these pretty indoor flowers, then personal life does not depend on the presence or absence of this plant in the house. The hostesses themselves claim that the violet can only give warmth and joy in the apartment, especially when it blooms.

What is interesting is that many women who have such plants are married and have children. Therefore, the myth that flowers affect personal relationships and are husbands is most likely an invention. Much depends on the mental attitude. If a girl is set up for loneliness, then she herself models the future for herself.

Violet home - signs

Is it possible to keep violets at home - is it good or bad: folk signs, superstitions

According to superstition, violets provoke negative reactions, more details:

  • They have a bad effect on the emotional mood, in particular, flowers provoke a bad mood, quarrels, conflicts in the family.
  • They carry a strong female energy, as a result of which the ladies living in the house feel useless, and the men become depressed and spineless.
  • For some reason, such flowers are also considered to be grave flowers; earlier they were planted in a cemetery to calm the souls of the dead. Therefore, carrying these plants into the house is a bad omen.

Despite all of the above, there are still signs from the past and the opposite of the negative ones, in particular:

  • According to Eastern signs, the presence of violets in the house contributes to the reign of peace, harmony in family hearth. The flowers of the plant pacify others, smooth out conflict situations.
  • If there is an acute shortage of money in the family, then the flower attracts flows of monetary energy. This is the statement of the Eastern sages.
  • White flowers - drive away suffering, save home owners from bad thoughts.
  • To attract money and pacify your appetite, "acquire" violets with red flowers.
  • blue violets positively influence people with creative potential, inspire them to create new works of art.
  • Among other things, to kick out of the house uninvited guests- ants, put a violet on the windowsill. You will never see these annoying insects again.

Violet bloomed: a sign

If the flower in the house is fragrant and blooms almost all year round, then you are taking proper care of it. Provide timely watering, fertilize the soil correctly and the plant receives exactly as many rays of the luminary as it needs. Blooming violets are able to improve the mood of the household and the state of health by their appearance. Especially active people- they normalize the balance of energy.

In addition, if you have multi-colored violets in your house, then they say:

  • if it blooms White color OK, then the girl is waiting for a date with a young man
  • if pink violet blooms, then you will succeed among friends, you will be adored
  • red blooms - to romantic love, passion
  • lilac portends a very important meeting for you
  • purple- warns of a series of events that will turn your life upside down.

IMPORTANT: Violets are not picky plants, it is not at all difficult to achieve their flowering. The main thing is to choose the right place for their location,.

Violet was presented: a sign

What girl doesn't love being given flowers. It is especially good if these plants are in a pot, then they will delight the hostess with their flowering and beauty for a long time.

  • If a beauty is presented with a white flower, then she will meet her beloved in the near future. The girl on giving should talk to the flower every day. To find out the guy will become her husband or not, you should ask the plant. In the case when the violet throws out new flowers, then yes, if it starts to fade, then no.
  • If a woman is presented with a plant, and a new flower of a different shade appears in the pot, then the beauty will soon become a mother.
  • If a guy gives a pink violet to his girlfriend, then this flower will feel how their relationship develops. The plant will get sick if the lovers quarrel or part.

Violets: benefits for the home

First of all, the presence of violets in the room changes the atmosphere. After all, these flowers are very beautiful, you can admire them. Even animals have a positive attitude towards these plants and choose their favorite flower. Yes, and the violets themselves become attached to one of those living in the house. They say that if a person is sick, then his plant begins to wither.

The benefits of home flowers

How violets affect health: signs

Flowers do not affect health in any way, as mentioned above, they simply feel the pain of a person. Also, if the energy in the room is positive, then the violets feel great, they grow well, the leaves become healthy, beautiful. In this room you can make a nursery. Your child will grow up healthy and strong.

Violets - impact on health

What violets are better to keep at home?

In another way, flowers are called - Saintpaulias. You can keep any plants of this name in the house:

  • white- give strength to a woman to maintain order in the hearth
  • red- get rid of excessive squandering, gives lazy people the strength to work
  • blue- get rid of boredom, depression
  • purple- activate the process of wisdom, harmony in the family.

Best gift. violets

Can violets be grown at home?

Based on all of the above, violets are not only possible, but also necessary to grow at home. Of course, this process will be useful only to those flower growers who love and want to deal with plants. If you do not have time to care for them, then it is better not to grow flowers, they will simply wither over time without attention.

How to place violets if there are a lot of them?

In order for the plants to be comfortable, they grew well, they should be properly positioned. But it happens that there are so many violets that there is not enough space on the windowsill. In this case, you should make racks or buy shelves. In addition, each flower needs appropriate lighting. For this experienced growers install fluorescent lamps on these racks.

Homemade violets - superstitions

So, if you decide to get yourself such a flower, then act, you should not listen to superstition. The flower does not affect personal life, and even more so, it cannot be a husband. If there are quarrels, strife in the family, then you need to look for the source of the cause in another. Perhaps it would not hurt you to reconsider your views on life, change in better side. Then all adversity will bypass your house.

Video: Violet on the windowsill: a sign

Violet enjoys special love and popularity among flower growers. And if you consider that the small and pretty violet has about 500 species, then lovers indoor plants create entire home collections of these flowers, which do not require complex care and are an adornment of any interior.

Charming violet was born in hot Africa, and feels good wherever reigns temperate climate. A bright and unknown flower was discovered by Baron Saint-Paul, who lived in the nineteenth century.

The baron sent a blue flower with a yellow core to his collector father rare plants, and later the botanist Wendland recorded the violet in a separate genus, naming it in honor of Baron Saintpaulia. Therefore, in Russia, a miniature violet began to be called Saintpaulia. There are many legends and myths about it, many signs and superstitions are associated with this flower.

Violet brings harmony, prosperity and stability to the house. This small flower copes with big tasks, namely, it absorbs all the negativity that can reign in a homely atmosphere.

Optimistic flower growers love and respect violet, which cannot be said about young and suspicious young ladies who decided to decorate and ennoble their home with the help of indoor plants. Due to bad superstitions regarding personal life, girls are simply afraid to bring Saintpaulia into their home.

People who want to get family happiness, one of the signs strictly prohibits the cultivation of violets of any kind. In the people, this flower is called "husband". That is, the saintpaulia will not allow the young mistress to arrange her personal life and will drive away any man who crosses the threshold of the house of a marriageable girl.

Hearing about this stupid superstition, many women who grow violets on their windowsills assure that the violet will only strengthen the marriage or romantic relationship. This flower is able to create an atmosphere of comfort and love in the house.

It all depends on the mood of the girl, who may simply be afraid to build love relationship and subconsciously set to lead a life of loneliness. In this case, even a violet thrown out of the house will not help the pessimist.

Therefore, psychologists advise girls to fall in love with this flower, as creature, then Saintpaulia will repay you with the same coin, and pleasant changes will occur in life.

Signs and superstitions about violets

From negative signs, it is known that violet quarrels people and couples. Considering that saintpaulia has the strongest female energy, then the men living in the house with Saintpaulia become too soft, and the girls begin to think that they are not capable of anything.

They are considered among the people as cemetery flowers, they were carried to the grave of relatives so that their souls would calm down, so keeping a violet at home is a bad omen.

They say that violet just works wonders! She is able to charge the home with positive energy.

A blooming flower brings happiness to the family, and Saintpaulia with small sprouts will improve financial affairs. If the Saintpaulia is placed near the crib where the newborn sleeps, then this will strengthen the health of the newly born baby.

If you get up on Monday before the sun has risen, find a saintpaulia and pick it, then a person will soon find a soul mate. It is very good if a married woman gives a violet to a single girl. This means that a single person will soon get married.

If a woman notices that the Saintpaulia flowers in her flock pot are different in color, you can buy a pregnancy test. According to the sign, this suggests that the owner of the flower is expecting a child.

If the work team often quarrel and try to survive each other, then the violet in the office will reconcile the workers.

Benefits and harms in the house

Like any other plant, violets have both positive and negative qualities.

  1. If there is Saintpaulia on the windowsill, then there will never be ants and cockroaches in the house.
  2. The plant has a very good effect on the psyche of young children. They become balanced and obedient.
  3. Violet charges the house with positive energy, charging with which people are able to move mountains!
  4. Fortunately, there are a lot of types of Saintpaulia in various shades in stores. By choosing the right one, you can decorate your interior with natural beauty.
  5. There is a violet, consisting of three flowers. People call her pansies. An amazingly beautiful plant! This flower is used in cooking, as well as for the treatment of diseases of the skin and lungs.

Is it possible to keep a violet at home and where to put it according to Feng Shui

For those who believe in good omens associated with violets, this flower is a must! But before buying, you need to decide what exactly you want from life.

For example, a white flower is able to calm and relax the whole family from nervous strain, beneficial effect white saintpaulia has on children. In general, white violet will bring peace to your home.

Pink or red violet will not let the owner overeat. Red saintpaulia will make you active in life.

Purple or blue violet helps teachers, writers and people of other creative professions cope with stagnation at work, such a flower will not only give inspiration and wisdom, but also save the whole family from conflicts.

The ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui approves the appearance of Saintpaulia in the house. She symbolizes only the best things, having the ability to renew love.

Therefore, violet can live in any room, even in the bedroom it will not cause any harm, but will only improve relations between spouses, and give lonely people happiness in love. It is especially good to put a flower in the children's bedroom, which will protect the baby from health problems.

Signs on the state of the flower

If a violet died in the house, this indicates both a very tense psychological atmosphere in the house and the fact that they stopped caring for it.

If the violet began to fade, it means that it takes away the illness of one of the household members. It may be time for someone in the family to seek medical attention.

If the Saintpaulia has bloomed - it's just wonderful! Firstly, you take good care of her, and secondly, she gladly gives you positive energy. If bloomed white flower Saintpaulias, then the girl can count on a date.

If pink saintpaulia blooms, expect adoration from others. If blue or lilac Saintpaulia blooms, expect an important meeting. Blooming purple saintpaulia promises to turn your whole life around!

flower care

Fragile violets love warmth and lots of soft light, but they hate direct sunlight, so protect your pet with a loose curtain. She will be most comfortable in your kitchen, where it is always quite humid.

The pot should be chosen not too large, its diameter should be three times smaller than the Saintpaulia rosette.

Remember that none bad omens crumble, meeting with your sincere faith in all that is good. If you decide to bring a violet into your home, then ensure it is properly cared for and treat the flower with love. Then your violet will not forget to thank you.

Violets on the windowsill look cute, creating comfort even in the most strict room. However, there is an opinion among the people that these flowers are harmful to the human body. You should not, having heard terrible predictions, immediately get rid of your saintpaulias (the scientific name of the uzambar violets, common as houseplants).

In this thread:

It is better to figure out in detail whether it is possible to keep violets at home, signs answer this question in different ways.

Notes about vampires

Superstitions speak of violets as vampires. The owners of these colors make observations that partly confirm this position. If you regularly sleep in the room where the saintpaulias live, headaches begin to bother you in the morning, after waking up you feel weakness, a feeling of weakness.

There is a scientific explanation for the negative effect of violets on the atmosphere of a room. During the day, plants release oxygen in the process of photosynthesis, and at night, in the dark, plants only absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide into the surrounding atmosphere. A large number of flowers around bed causes a high concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. As a result, a person can simply get poisoned carbon dioxide. Almost all flowers have this effect, so this is a feature of plants, and not vampirism.

To normalize the situation at home, you can simply keep violets in the living room or in the kitchen. Then its unfavorable nighttime activity will not have any negative impact on the body.

The best ways to purchase violets

In order for the flower not to cause harm, it is necessary not only to place it correctly in the house, but to follow the requirements for its acquisition. Signs about violets forbid taking sprouts from strangers, in this case, along with the flower, you can bring a negative (evil eye or even damage) into the house.

Buy mature plant or a small sprout is possible only for women who are complacent towards you.

Saintpaulia - husband

There is an opinion that these plants expel men. Therefore, a violet in the house is bad, signs forbid these flowers to be planted by girls who want to get married, start a serious relationship. But even if you believe in such folk omens, it should be remembered that a pair of planters will not affect the energy in the house.

But all the window sills and shelves in violets will make a man think about the adequacy of a new passion. So here it’s more likely not a matter of plants, but of a woman’s sanity, her ability to observe the measure in everything.

Other signs

In the world of flower growers, there are many beliefs about violets. How violets still affect a person’s life, the signs and superstitions below will tell:

  • You should not watch how someone cares for these plants, watering them. Popular superstitions in this case, they portend longing, sadness.
  • If the beloved bush does not bloom, its leaves look bad, nothing helps to cure it, it means that it took upon itself the energy blow intended for the hostess.
  • The plant blooms magnificently, with large inflorescences - there will be harmony in the family, small flowers - to family prosperity in the house.
  • About violets, which are put on the day to the cradle of a newborn baby, they say the right way strengthening the baby's immunity.
  • A violet flower plucked on Monday is spoken of as an indicator of the second half. To find a betrothed in this way, you need to pick a flower before dawn.
  • If you can’t get married, you need to ask a married relative or friend to donate this plant.
  • You can use violets in the house even better: folk signs believe that one flower, among others, differs in color when the hostess is destined to conceive.
  • Pots with such flowers are placed at the workplace so that the relations in the team become more harmonious, and the work goes more productively. We can say that this plant is becoming an integral part of the interior of offices, where colleagues can not stand each other. Perhaps it is these modest flowers that will smooth the situation.
  • There is also a more prosaic use of saintpaulias. They expel harmful insects from the premises, including bedbugs and cockroaches.

Color Meaning

According to popular beliefs, for the favorable use of violets in a living space, it is necessary to take into account what color it will bloom.

  • White. Since white traditionally symbolizes purity, it is perfect for families with children. The white color also has a beneficial effect on the hostess, women, under the influence of light shades, begin to pay more attention to the housekeeping, the cleanliness of the rooms. Dark thoughts also go away, as a result, relations between family members become warmer, more tolerant. From white flowers comes peace and tranquility. Therefore, they are simply necessary in a house where conflicts and misunderstandings reign.
  • Pink, red. All shades of red help to cope with the excessive needs of the body. Therefore, they are, first of all, turned on by those who seek to get rid of extra pounds, but can not limit himself in food. Moderation appears in all bodily pleasures, including laziness and the desire to sit back. Neighborhood with bright colors helps to activate your strength, become more cheerful, easily take on the most complex colors.
  • Purple. This shade is considered an absorber of negative energy. It neutralizes everything dark and aggressive that is in the house. This has a beneficial effect on interpersonal relationships and on the level physical condition household members. This color allows you to take a fresh look at the situation, to comprehend everything from a philosophical point of view.
  • Blue. This color is for creative personalities. Blue violets have a positive effect on the microclimate of the room, stimulating creative potential hosts. This option is perfect for rooms where children learn music, painting, and verbal creativity. Ability to improve emotional condition makes blue flowers the best option for lovers of family gatherings and confidential conversations.
  • Pansies. This street version of violet comes in 3 colors. To understand what the neighborhood with this plant will bring, you need to analyze color scheme just your variety.

There are many signs about the influence of violets on the fate of a person. One of them says that violets on the windowsill destroy personal life, and the other says that violets create positive energy in the house and neutralize negative emotions. The question of choosing home flowers for superstitious person always up-to-date, so let's consider what signs there are about domestic violets.

Analysis will accept

Why can't you grow violets at home? From a biological point of view, this question is meaningless. violets

  • do not provoke allergies;
  • do not emit toxic substances;
  • do not have serious thorns, which can be accidentally hurt.

They are absolutely safe.

A biased attitude towards unpretentious beauties is explained only by superstitions and unconfirmed results of energy analysis.

1. According to old omen, violets are catching up with melancholy.

Try to say this to lovers of fluffy miniatures. The diverse flowering of indoor plants causes only joy and pride, but not a dreary mood.

2. Another legend says that violets used to be planted near the graves. The flowers neutralized all the negativity and helped the souls of the dead to calm down. Therefore, bringing violets into the house is a bad form. It's like populating your home with grave fear.

Maybe someone once planted violets in the cemetery. That this was a tradition is nowhere confirmed. In this legend, one moment confuses - flowers neutralize negative energy. Then why is it not recommended to keep them in the house?! They will only help, they will normalize the energy background.

3. Violet is a feminine plant. A lot of violets - a lot of female energy. This is dangerous for both single women and single men. A man in the house of the violet plant will feel depressed, and a woman in the house of the violet plant will feel superfluous.

But how much happy families breeding violets! There can be only one danger here: the hostess was overly carried away by her indoor flowers and forgot about her husband.

What violets are better to keep at home?

In another way, flowers are called - Saintpaulias. You can keep any plants of this name in the house:

  • white- give strength to a woman to maintain order in the hearth;
  • red- get rid of excessive squandering, gives lazy people the strength to work;
  • blue- get rid of boredom, depression;
  • purple- activate the process of wisdom, harmony in the family.

Can violets be grown at home?

Based on all of the above, violets are not only possible, but also necessary to grow at home. Of course, this process will be useful only to those flower growers who love and want to deal with plants. If you do not have time to care for them, then it is better not to grow flowers, they will simply wither over time without your attention.

Video: signs and superstitions associated with violets

Outwardly, the violet resembles a princess from a children's fairy tale, in a magnificent ball gown with a high hairstyle decorated with flowers. White violet symbolizes purity and peace, blue - love, blue - creativity, red - optimism, purple - spirituality.

Violet uzambarskaya is otherwise called Saintpaulia. This is one of the most common plants in urban homes, which is endowed with a soft, soothing energy. It creates a feeling of comfort and holiday atmosphere in the house. Where violets bloom, as a rule, friendly families live.

The impact of violet on people

Violet produces the main effect on people with reduced tone, reduced activity, a tendency to pessimism and melancholy. Violet revives in people the desire for vigorous activity, makes people more sociable, cheerful and calm.

Violet has a great effect on the atmosphere of the house, from which it expels negative energies, harmonizes the energy of the house. It is a plant of comfort and hospitality. In a house where uzambar violets grow, joy and harmony reign, and household members are not inclined to indulge in gloomy thoughts and pessimistic fantasies. Violet is especially recommended for those who feel lost and lonely, as well as for everyone who feels "out of place" in the workplace.

If we look at the violet leaves, we will see that they are heart-shaped - this is what makes the violet, the talisman of lovers. Saintpaulias are setting up loving people on mutual understanding and trust, help to avoid disputes, conflicts and disagreements arising from misunderstanding.

The Eastern teaching of space organization, or Feng Shui, says that violets are also talismans. money luck that attract material wealth to a person. In addition, violets support human strength, helping not to waste them.

Violets are different

The color of its flowers has a significant impact on the quality of Saintpaulia energy.

So, violets with white flowers help cleanse the energy of the house from destructive negative emotions. These violets will help relieve tension, cope with stress and increased fatigue. Violets with white flowers are recommended for homes whose inhabitants tend to experience failures very hard in interpersonal relationships, in love and friendship.

If ants are infested in your kitchen, put white violets on the windowsill: their energy can drive out small household insects. White violets are the perfect flowers for children's rooms.

Violets are very common purple flowers. Purple carries the symbolism of spirituality, detachment from the world and vain everyday problems. Be sure to take this into account when purchasing purple violets, but at the same time make active career plans. Purple violets have a completely different function. Violets influence the atmosphere of the house in the most positive way, clearing the energy of the space and creating a harmonious, calm background.

Violet with purple flowers will help you develop intuition, unravel prophetic dream to anticipate future events. It is good to keep it in the house for those people who are engaged in meditation, spiritual or magical practices.

Blue flowers endow the violet with the properties of a talisman and patron, which preserves and supports creative people in their endeavors, aiming at creative activity, inspiring and harmonizing. Such violets are especially recommended for people who seek to fully reveal their talents. At the same time, these violets will not allow the owner to indulge in laziness, boredom and idleness. Blue violets are suitable for creative studios, for workplaces, as well as for rooms of schoolchildren and students.

There are also violets with red or pink flowers. These violets are faithful companions of those who follow their figure and are ready to diet for the sake of beauty, but are afraid to break loose. Violets will help to endure fasting, diet, give up excessive abundance and fastidiousness in food.

It is also worth mentioning that pink and red violets relieve feelings of discontent, relieve unfounded claims and help to see not only black, but also white sides in life.

Finally, such violets will help to organize time and calm the thoughts of people who are completely and completely absorbed in work and financial problems. Red and pink uzambar violets have a beneficial effect on health, especially on the condition of the throat and thyroid gland.

It is best if you have several violets next to each other in your house: these flowers feel much better in the company of relatives.

Growing violets at home

They are called the flowers of well-being. They are said to help find a life partner. And uzambar violets are one of the most tender and beautiful plants that bloom almost all year round. Don't believe? Try it yourself!

Having decided to breed violets at home, when buying, you should meticulously inspect the plants - pay attention to the color of the leaves, it should not be spotty.

When choosing a place where your acquisitions will live, proceed from the fact that direct sunlight should not fall on the violets, this is enough shade plant. Since violets are most often grown on windowsills, the best (if possible, of course) for them would be northern windows. To protect from the midday sun, use curtains that cover the plants. AT winter time violets are best moved to the south window and protected from direct sunlight in the same way.

Violets do not require special care. All they need is watering with settled water. There is a nuance: it is better to water the plants in a pan or along the edge of the pot, while trying not to get water on the flower outlet - otherwise it may rot. Violets are watered as the soil dries up, in winter - twice a week.

Remember that violets cannot be sprayed, but they need moisture. Therefore, the pot with the plant should always be on a pallet with wet pebbles. Maybe with peat.

By the way, saintpaulias are one of the few plants that do not require top dressing. If you want to fertilize the plant, use a solution half as strong as for other flowers.

Secret lush flowering uzambar violets - in correct composition soil. The basis is a universal soil for indoor plants with the addition of vermiculite and perlite. They loosen the soil, make it breathable and moisture-intensive.

You can also add a hydrogel to the pot - it will take away excess moisture during abundant watering and prevent root rot. And when overdrying, the plant will release moisture. Some people add sphagnum moss to the pot - it perfectly disinfects the soil.

Many complain that violets stop blooming. It turns out that the secret is correct selection pot. It must be tight. Its diameter can be three times smaller than the diameter of the plant itself and no more than 9 cm. Otherwise, the violets will develop daughter rosettes, and they will not bloom well.

Violets, like other plants, are afraid of drafts. An insulated loggia with a temperature of 15-17 degrees is ideal for them, but they grow well even with room temperature 20-25 degrees. In other words, if the owner is comfortable, the plants will also be comfortable.

Violets that grow on the windowsill have enough sunlight even in winter. If the pots are on racks or in a windowless room, they need additional lighting. For normal growth - 6-8 hours a day, for flowering - 10-12 hours.

If you want the saintpaulias to rage in winter, put them on the south window. If you want them to rage in the summer, on the contrary, to the north.

And one more tip: remove dying leaves and flowers in time.

It harmonizes marital relations, making them more tender, stronger and more trusting.