Factory instruction manual for a freight elevator. Typical instructions for the elevator operator for the maintenance of elevators and the operator of the control room

by order
State Committee
Russian Federation
by press
dated October 15, 1997 N 108

Russian committee
trade union of cultural workers
July 2, 1997 N 05-12/031


1. General requirements

1.1. All new entrants to work are allowed to perform their duties only after passing an introductory briefing on labor protection, briefing at the workplace, as well as a medical examination.
1.2. Primary briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, current is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work. An entry is made in the registration log about the briefing and knowledge testing with the obligatory signature of the instructed and the instructing person.
1.3. All workers, regardless of qualifications, education and length of service, are re-instructed once every three months.
1.4. When translated into new job, from temporary to permanent, from one operation to another, employees must undergo a new instruction on labor protection at the workplace with registration in the registration log.
1.5. The administration is obliged to provide workers with overalls, as well as protective equipment in accordance with the work they perform and in accordance with applicable standards.
1.6. Each employee needs: to know the location of the workshop first-aid kit, to be able to provide first aid for industrial injuries, to immediately contact the health center in case of injury, microtrauma and notify the administration about what happened.
1.7. When performing work, it is necessary to be attentive, not to be distracted by extraneous affairs and conversations, and not to distract others from work.
1.8. Each employee is obliged to comply with the requirements of the general and these Instructions, labor and production discipline, rules technical operation equipment, internal regulations, personal hygiene, electrical safety requirements and warn your comrades about the inadmissibility of violating these rules and Instructions.
1.9. It is only allowed to service the type of devices for which training and instruction have been carried out.
1.10. When working, elevator operators and elevator conductors are required to undergo a periodic medical examination once every two years.
1.11. Persons guilty of violating the requirements set forth in the general and this Instruction are held liable in accordance with applicable law.
1.12. Elevators are checked annually and the results are recorded on a special plate. The elevator must contain instructions for safe operation indicating the maximum load capacity (for passenger elevators indicating maximum number passengers).
1.13. Lifters must carry an appropriate certificate for the right to perform work. When switching to work from one type of elevator to another (and long breaks in work), an unscheduled briefing on labor safety is carried out.
1.14. Lifters and persons accompanying elevators should know:
V in general terms the device of the elevator served by them;
appointment of governing bodies and be able to use them;
purpose and location of safety devices, door locks, door and underfloor contacts, catchers, limit switch;
alarm assignment;
how to turn on the elevator and check the operation of the door locks, door and underfloor contacts.
1.15. The lifter and the conductor are prohibited from:
leave the elevator turned on unattended;
go down into the pit and climb out onto the roof of the cabin, as well as store any things on the roof of the cabin;
start the elevator from the floor platform through the open doors of the shaft and cabin;
fix the elevator yourself;
leave the engine room door unlocked.
1.16. The elevator operator and the conductor must report all malfunctions in the operation of the elevator to the electrician assigned by the administration to supervise the technical condition of the elevator, and in the cases provided for in this Instruction, stop the operation of the elevator to eliminate the malfunctions.
1.17. When inspecting the elevator or in the event of a malfunction, the elevator operator and the conductor must display posters with the inscription "The elevator is not working" on all the doors of the shaft, which can be opened from the landings of the floors by the passengers themselves.
1.18. After troubleshooting, the elevator operator or conductor can start the elevator only with the permission of the specialist who fixed the problems.

2. Before you start

2.1. Put on a bathrobe, fasten it with all buttons, put your hair under a headdress.
2.2. Check the log of the technical condition of the equipment. In case of any comments, do not start work until the troubleshooting and a note in the journal (adjuster, electrician) about the health of the equipment.
2.3. Check equipment and workplace.
2.4. Check the serviceability of the machine, turning on and off devices, the presence and strength of devices, interlocks, the presence of protective grounding, cleanliness and order at the workplace.
2.5. Immediately inform the supervisor of the noticed shortcomings and malfunctions at the workplace and do not start work until the troubleshooting and permission of the master.

3. During work

3.1. The lifter or conductor must turn on the main switch and lock the engine room door, and check:
the serviceability of the lighting of the shaft, the cabin and the platforms of all floors on which the cabin stops when the elevator is in operation;
the condition of the mine and cabin fencing;
serviceability of light and sound alarm;
availability of rules for using the elevator;
serviceability of automatic locks that lock the doors of the mine, door and underground contacts (if this check is not assigned to the electrician).
3.2. When checking the serviceability of the contacts of the doors of the mine and the car, make sure that when you press any button to start the elevator (from another point), the car will remain stationary.
This check for lifts with internal control is carried out from the cab. When checking the cab door contacts, the shaft doors must be closed. The serviceability of the contact of each leaf is controlled in turn. To do this, leave the leaf open, the contact of which is checked, and a test run of the elevator is carried out.
The contacts of each shaft door are checked in the same order, but the cabin doors must be closed.
3.3. When checking the door locks, make sure that when the car is above or below the level of the landing or is not on this floor, the shaft door is locked.
To establish a malfunction of the cabin locks, it should be installed so that the cabin floor is at least 200 mm lower or higher than the floor level of the landing.
To determine the serviceability of the automatic locks of the shaft doors at the passenger elevator, while in the cabin, try to open the door. To check the serviceability of non-automatic locks, it is necessary to try to unlock the lock from the outside of the shaft with a key or handle.
The actions of the locks for freight elevators with a conductor are checked from the cabin, and for freight elevators without a conductor and for small freight elevators - outside the shaft, unlocking the lock by turning the key or handle.
3.4. The action of underground contacts is checked by two elevator operators: one of them, being in the cabin, rises half a floor above the floor level, and the second tries to call the cabin by pressing the call button.
Underground contacts are in good condition when the cabin cannot be called with a passenger in it.
3.5. When checking the operation of the alarm in passenger elevators, make sure that the "Occupied" signal lamp is on when the shaft door is open, as well as when closed doors mine in the cabin is a passenger. For freight elevators without a conductor, the busy signal lamp should turn on when the shaft door is opened and remain on until this door is closed.
3.6. The passenger lift operator must:
constantly be at the elevator on the floor where passengers entering the building are boarded;
avoid overloading the elevator;
do not call the cabin, and also prevent passengers from pressing the call button when the "Busy" lamp is on;
close the doors of the mine, not closed by passengers;
if the cabin accidentally stops between floors, offer passengers to close the cabin doors more tightly and then press the button for the required floor again; if the car continues to be stationary, de-energize the elevator and call an electrician.
3.7. During the operation of the freight elevator, the following rules must be observed:
the elevator operator and the conductor must not allow the cabin to be overloaded in excess of the established maximum load; if they are not sure that the weight of the cargo does not exceed the maximum load, they are obliged to ask the permission of the administration for its transportation;
the elevator operator and the conductor must ensure that when calling the cabin from the floors, they do not pull the handles of the mine doors and do not knock on the doors; any violations must be immediately reported to the administration;
if there are lattice sliding doors in the cabin, the conductor must ensure that people in the cabin do not approach the doors and do not hold them with their hands;
during the carriage of cargo in the cabin, in addition to the conductor, only persons accompanying the cargo may be present; Simultaneous transportation of cargo and passengers is not allowed.
3.8. The operator and handler of a lever-operated elevator must:
stop the car in such a position that the difference between the level of the car floor and the platform floor does not exceed +5.0 cm, and for elevators whose cabin is loaded with trolleys - +15 mm;
while the cab is moving, do not move the lever from one position to another until the cab stops completely;
inform the electromechanic about the malfunction of the lever apparatus, if the handle does not automatically return to the zero position after removing the hand.
3.9. The lifter and conductor must promptly replace burnt-out lamps in the elevator cabin with new ones.
3.10. During the shift, the lifter and the guide should not leave their workplace, they can only leave during the established breaks. In this case, the elevator must be de-energized.

4. In emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a fire, immediately turn off the machine, turn off the power supply, with the exception of the lighting network. Inform about the fire and all those working in the room begin to extinguish the fire with the available fire extinguishing equipment.
4.2. With all the shortcomings found during the inspection, the elevator operator is obliged to de-energize the elevator, put up a poster "The elevator is not working" and inform the administration about it.
4.3. If the cabin accidentally stops between floors due to a malfunction of the elevator, the conductor must give an emergency signal and wait for the arrival of the electrician.
4.4. The lifter and the conductor are obliged to de-energize the elevator and inform the administration in case of the following malfunctions:
when the elevator is started, the car moves with the shaft doors open;
signal light burned out;
for elevators with a moving floor, the signal lamp goes out when there are passengers in the cabin, as well as when all passengers leave the cabin with the shaft door open;
the shaft door opens from the outside in the absence of a cabin on this floor;
cases of spontaneous movement of the cabin were noticed;
if the cabin, instead of going up, goes down or vice versa;
the cabin (with push-button control) does not automatically stop on the outermost floors;
bad condition electrical insulation elevator wiring or electrical equipment;
Faulty "Stop" button;
such elevator malfunctions were noticed as: unusual noise, knocking, creaking, jerks and shocks during the movement of the cabin, rope breakage, exit of the counterweight from the guides, inaccuracy of the cabin stop at the floor areas, as well as malfunctions of the shaft fencing or its lighting.
4.5. In case of an accident, it is necessary first of all to free the victim from the traumatic factor. When releasing the victim from the action of electric current, make sure that you yourself do not come into contact with the current-carrying part and are under voltage. Notify the administration about the incident.

5. After work

5.1. Stop the equipment, turn off the general input switch, clean and tidy the workplace, make an entry in the journal about the technical condition of the equipment.
5.2. Report any malfunctions in the equipment to the supervisor.
5.3. It is necessary to remove debris and lower the cabin to the level of the platform of the floor from which the elevator operator (conductor) enters the cabin at the beginning of work.
5.4. Make sure that the cab is empty (it is not allowed to leave the cab under load after work is completed).
5.5. Turn off the lights in the cab.
5.6. In cases where the non-automatic lock of the shaft door, against which the cabin is stopped, is unlocked by the handle, lock the shaft door with a lock.
5.7. Turn off the main switch or machine and the light in the engine room.
5.8. Remove overalls, put them in a wardrobe or in an individual closet.
5.9. Wash hands and face warm water with soap.

Typical instruction elevator operator and control room operator

RD 10-360-00

Date of entry into force from the moment of approval

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Standard Instruction establishes the requirements for elevator operators for servicing elevators (hereinafter referred to as elevator operators) and operators of control rooms (hereinafter referred to as operators) upon their appointment and admission to work, as well as their main duties for servicing elevators.

1.2. The owner of the elevator (elevators) or the enterprise in whose staff the elevator operator (operator) is listed, on the basis of this Standard Instruction, must develop a production instruction with the introduction of additional requirements into it, taking into account the specific operating conditions and the requirements of the operating instructions of the elevator manufacturers available to the owner , and put it into effect by the appropriate order for the enterprise.

1.3. Control over the implementation by lifters and operators of the production instructions is assigned to the administration of the enterprise in whose staff they are listed.

1.4. Lifters should be appointed by order of the enterprise with the assignment of elevators to them:

For a single or group of passenger elevators installed in one or more adjacent buildings;

For a freight elevator with external control, equipped with a control post on one loading platform;

For each hospital or freight elevator with internal control.

An elevator operator is appointed to conduct a shift inspection of a freight elevator with external control and a freight small elevator equipped with control posts at more than one loading area, as well as a freight elevator with mixed control.

1.5. Operators must be assigned by order of the enterprise to elevators connected to dispatcher console.

1.6. Persons not younger than 18 years old, trained and certified in accordance with the established procedure, having an appropriate certificate and a qualification group in electrical safety not lower than the second can be appointed as a lifter and operator. Recheck knowledge of the production instructions, the elevator operator and the operator must periodically pass the commission of the enterprise or educational institution at least 1 time in 12 months. with the registration of the results of the knowledge test in the appropriate protocol and an entry in the certificate and the knowledge test log of the production instruction.

An additional or extraordinary test of knowledge of the production instructions for lifters and operators should be carried out:

When moving from one enterprise to another;

When transferring to service an elevator of a different design (from electric to hydraulic, electric drive alternating current to permanent, etc.). The lifter must know the features of the device and maintenance of such elevators and have practical skills in performing work;

At the request of the inspector of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of elevators, and the person responsible for organizing the operation, in case of repeated violations or non-compliance with the requirements of the production instructions.

1.7. Admitted to independent work the lifter and operator must:

Have general information about the device of the serviced elevators and the remote control;

Know the rules for using elevators;

Know the purpose of the control devices located in the cockpit and on the landing sites, and be able to use them;

Be able to provide first aid to the victim;

Be able to use the available fire fighting equipment;

Be able to use light, sound signaling and two-way intercom;

Know the purpose and location of the safety devices of the elevator;

Be able to turn elevators on and off;

Be able to safely evacuate passengers from a stalled elevator.

1.8. The elevator operator is obliged to conduct a shift inspection of the elevator.

2. Every shift inspection of the elevator

2.1. An elevator operator serving a single passenger, freight or hospital elevator must inspect the elevator before the start of the shift, and the elevator operator servicing a group of passenger elevators must inspect the elevators during the shift.

2.2. During the inspection, the operator must:

2.2.1. Familiarize yourself with the entries in the journal of the previous shift when accepting a shift.

2.2.2. Check the serviceability of the locks and safety switches of the doors of the mine and the cab.

2.2.3. Selectively check the accuracy of stopping the cab when moving "up" and "down" at least on three landing (loading) platforms.

2.2.4. Check the serviceability of the moving floor, the electromechanical reverse of the door drive and the reverse of the doors from the photo sensor, if any.

2.2.5. Make sure that there is lighting in the elevator car and landing (loading) platforms, as well as in the machine and block rooms and approaches to them.

2.2.6. Check the operation of the "Stop", "Door" buttons, the "Busy" light signal on all landing sites, the light display, light and sound alarms, as well as the serviceability of the two-way intercom between the cabin and the location of the attendants.

2.2.7. Make sure that there are Rules for using the elevator, warning and descriptive labels.

2.2.8. Check the condition of the shaft and cabin fencing.

2.2.9. Check the presence and serviceability of the door lock of the machine and (or) block room.

2.3. The results of the inspection must be entered by the elevator operator in the log of the shift inspection of the elevator.

3. Responsibilities of the elevator operator and operator

3.1. Duties of an elevator operator

3.1.1. The lifter of a single passenger elevator must:

To be at the elevator on the main landing floor, to monitor the observance by passengers of the Rules for using the elevator and not to allow it to be overloaded:

Accompany children preschool age, as well as adults at their request;

Maintain cleanliness and order in the elevator cabin.

3.1.2. The lifter of a freight elevator with external control is obliged to:

To be at the elevator on the main loading platform, where the control post is installed;

Avoid overloading the elevator, as well as the transportation of people in the cabin;

Monitor the uniformity of loading and securing the load in the cab.

3.1.3. An elevator operator serving a group of passenger elevators is obliged to periodically bypass the elevators assigned to him along the developed route in order to check their serviceability and compliance by passengers with the Rules for using the elevator.

3.1.4. The lifter of a hospital and (or) freight elevator with internal control is obliged to:

To be constantly in the elevator cabin during the ascent and descent and direct the cabin to the place of the call or the place of loading (unloading);

When loading (unloading) the cabin, be on the landing (loading) site, monitor the uniformity of loading, securing the cargo and prevent overloading the elevator, as well as the simultaneous transportation of cargo and people, except for those accompanying the cargo;

On elevators, the cabin of which is equipped with lattice sliding doors, make sure that people in the cab do not lean against the doors and do not hold them with their hands;

Do not allow unauthorized persons to operate the elevator.

3.1.5. The lifter is prohibited from:

Leave the workplace, except in cases related to the maintenance of elevators;

Allow unauthorized persons into the shaft, machine and block rooms of the elevator and leave these rooms unlocked, as well as transfer the keys to these rooms to other persons (except for personnel servicing these elevators);

Store foreign objects in machine and block rooms:

Independently enter the cabin roof and descend into the elevator pit;

Start the elevator by direct action on the devices that supply voltage to the electric motor circuit, as well as from the landing (loading) platform through the open doors of the mine and cabin;

Touch open live parts of electrical equipment and moving (rotating) parts of equipment;

Violate the safety devices;

Independently repair the elevator and turn on the devices of the control station, as well as use the elevator for other purposes:

Use the elevator if there is a smell of smoke (burning) in the entrance (room).

3.2. Operator Responsibilities

3.2.1. Monitor the information coming from the elevators to the control panel and timely transmit the received information about malfunctions to the electricians on the elevators.

3.2.2. Keep a record of incoming requests for elevator malfunctions in a special journal.

3.2.3. When a signal is received from the elevator from the passenger, the operator must turn on the two-way intercom and give the necessary explanations to the passenger.

3.2.4. Monitor the serviceability of the dispatcher console and two-way intercom.

3.2.5. Call maintenance personnel in a timely manner in case of failure of the control panel equipment.

3.2.6. Keep records of the issuance of keys from machine and block rooms to service personnel.

3.2.7. Keep office areas clean.

3.2.8. The operator is prohibited from:

Leave the address keys on the remote control in the neutral position after decoding the signal;

Leave the workplace, except for the provided breaks. At the same time, the replacement of the operator during his absence should be provided;

Allow unauthorized persons into the operator's premises and leave these premises unlocked;

Keep foreign objects in the operator's room.

3.3. General duties of an elevator operator

3.3.1. If during the inspection and during the shift of the faults listed in Section 4, turn off the elevator and inform the electrician about them, hang out the poster "Elevator is not working" on the main landing floor, make the necessary entry in the log of shift inspections of elevators.

3.3.2. When the elevator cabin stops between floors and it is impossible for the passenger to start it from the cabin, warn the people in it so that they do not take any measures to independently exit the cabin, turn off the elevator input device and inform the electrician about the malfunction.

In this case, the elevator operator of hospital and freight elevators with internal control needs to call an electrician or emergency service and do not try to get out of the cab on your own.

Passengers from the elevator car must be released in accordance with the procedure set out in section 5.

3.3.3. In case of an accident or an accident, it is necessary to turn off the elevator, report the incident to the administration - the owner of the elevator, the electrician or the emergency service, and take measures to preserve the situation of the accident or accident, if this does not pose a danger to human life and health.

3.3.4. At the end of the work, the elevator operator, the operator is obliged to transfer the keys to the machine (block) and service premises to the next shift, make the necessary entries in the journal. If the shift is absent, notify the owner of the elevator and act on his instructions. When working in one shift, put the elevator car on the main landing (loading) platform, lock the swing door of the mine, turn off the elevator, make the necessary entries in the log.

4. Malfunctions in which the elevator must be stopped

4.1. The loaded cab starts moving with open door shafts or cabins or empty - with the shaft door open.

4.2. Cab doors with automatic drive open when driving or between floors.

4.3. When you press the call button, the loaded cabin starts moving, but the empty one does not.

4.4. The cabin moves on its own.

4.5. When pressing the buttons of orders, the doors with automatic drive do not close, or when the order is executed, they do not open.

4.6. The cabin instead of moving up moves down or vice versa.

4.7. The accuracy of the automatic cab stop exceeds the standard value (value).

4.8. The cabin does not stop at the landing (loading) site, to which it is called or directed by order.

4.9. The shaft door can be opened in the absence of a cabin on the landing (loading) site without the use of a special key (device).

4.10. When you press the "Stop" button, the cab does not stop.

4.11. Two-way intercom does not work on elevators connected to the dispatcher console or signals are not received from the elevator to the operator's console. The signaling from the cabin and the call of service personnel does not work (for freight and hospital elevators).

4.12. During the operation of the elevator, extraneous noise, sharp shocks appear, there is a smell of burning.

4.13. The cabin or platforms in front of the mine doors are not lit.

4.14. Cabin or shaft guard damaged.

4.15. The glass of the observation window in the doors of the shaft or cabin is broken.

4.16. The pushers of push-button elements of calling or command devices are missing or broken, and there is access to bare live parts of electrical equipment.

4.17. The metal structures of the mine or the body of the electric apparatus are energized.

5. Evacuation of passengers from the elevator car

Work on the evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin is carried out by two elevator operators. It is allowed to use an elevator electrician or a control center operator as a second person.

5.1. Before evacuating passengers, elevator operators must:

Make sure all shaft doors are closed and locked;

Post a warning poster "The elevator is not working" on the main landing floor (site);

Determine the location of the cabin in the mine, the number and composition of passengers, their well-being. Inform passengers what measures will be taken to evacuate them and that the lighting in the cabin will be reduced or temporarily turned off;

Warn passengers that they are forbidden to touch the control devices located in the cabin, open the cabin door leaves, take measures to independently exit the elevator cabin and stay near the doorway;

From the engine room, make sure that there is no slack in the traction ropes from the cab side. In the presence of slack in the traction ropes, the elevator operators must immediately notify the elevator electrician about this and do not proceed with the evacuation of passengers;

To evacuate passengers from the cabin with the elevator input device turned off, for which purpose turn off the input device in the engine room and post a poster "Do not turn on - people are working";

When placing several elevators in the machine room, protect the rotating parts of the elevator equipment with inventory shields or turn off all elevators until the end of the evacuation of passengers.

5.2. Evacuation of passengers from the cabin of a passenger elevator hinged doors.

Install the handwheel on the worm shaft of the gearbox, if it is removable;

Release the winch and rotate the steering wheel to move the cabin to the nearest landing site. Move the cab intermittently at a distance of 300 - 400 mm;

Set the cabin within the exact stop, while the mechanical shifting of the cabin should unlock the lock of the shaft door;

Close the door of the engine room to the lock and keep the key for yourself;

Open the doors of the shaft and the cabin, make sure that the safe evacuation of passengers from the cabin is possible, and carry it out.

Note. It is forbidden to evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level of which is higher than the floor level of the landing area;

When moving the cabin, it is FORBIDDEN to use instead of the steering wheel spanners, handles, emergency levers, etc.

5.3. Evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin with automatic doors.

When evacuating passengers, elevator operators must:

Install the handwheel on the worm shaft of the gearbox, if it is removable;

Release the winch and rotate the steering wheel to move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing site, which has a device for unlocking the automatic lock of the shaft door with a special key. Move the cab intermittently at a distance of 300 - 400 mm;

Install the elevator car below the level of the landing platform by 200 - 300 mm, while the shaft door lock roller should not enter the mechanical sliding of the car door;

Slow down the winch and remove the steering wheel, if it is removable;

Unlock the automatic lock of the shaft door with a special key, open the doors and fix them with a special rail (locking device) in the open position;

Manually open the cabin door leaves and fix them in open position;

Make sure that the safe evacuation of passengers from the cabin is possible and carry it out;

Close cabin and shaft doors.

Note. It is forbidden to open the cabin door leaves by manually rotating the door drive pulley or belt;

Forbidden to evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level of which is above the floor level of the landing area.

5.4. On passenger elevators with a carrying capacity of 500 kg or more, the evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin must be carried out by an electrician (electromechanics) using elevators. It is allowed to involve a certified elevator operator (operator) as a second person during the evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin.

6. Responsibility

The elevator maintenance operator and the operator of the control room, guilty of violating their production instructions, are liable for the violations committed in accordance with applicable law.

1.1. This manual is intended for elevator operators servicing freight elevators.

1.2. The instruction defines the basic provisions for the maintenance of elevators, regardless of the speed of the car.

1.3. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination may be allowed to work as an elevator operator servicing elevators.

1.4. The lifter must be trained according to the appropriate program and certified in an educational institution. Persons who have passed attestation must be issued an appropriate certificate.

1.5. The admission to the work of an elevator operator must be issued by order if there is a certificate of training and a production instruction on hand.

1.6. The lifter must periodically, at least once every 12 months, undergo a re-test of knowledge.

1.7. Additional or extraordinary testing of knowledge should be carried out:

  • 1.7.1. When moving from one company to another.
  • 1.7.2. At the request of the Gosgortekhnadzor inspector or the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of the elevator.
  • 1.7.3. When switching to maintenance of elevators of a different design.

1.8. Repeated, additional and extraordinary testing of knowledge should be carried out by the qualification commission of the enterprise appointed by order in the scope of the production instruction of the elevator operator, while the participation of the Gosgortekhnadzor inspector is not necessary.

1.9. The lifter admitted to independent work must:

  • 1.9.1. Have general idea on the arrangement of serviced elevators.
  • 1.9.2. Know the meaning of the control devices located in the elevator car and on the floor areas, and be able to use them.
  • 1.9.3. Know the purpose and location of the elevator safety devices, shaft door locks, shaft and cabin door contacts, underfloor contacts, limit switch, speed limiter and safety devices.
  • 1.9.4. Know the purpose and be able to use light and sound alarms and two-way intercom.
  • 1.9.5. To be able to inspect the elevator and check the serviceability of the shutter of the shaft doors, the contacts of the shaft doors and the cabin, the underground contact, the light and sound alarms and the two-way intercom.
  • 1.9.6. Know the rules for using elevators.
  • 1.9.7. Know how to turn the elevator on and off.
  • 1.9.8. Know how to evacuate passengers in a stalled cabin.
  • 1.9.9. Know how to provide first aid to an injured person.
  • 1.9.10. Know the requirements of fire safety and be able to use fire fighting equipment.

1.10. The lifter is prohibited from:

  • 1.10.1. Allow strangers to enter the engine room, block room, and also leave these rooms not locked.
  • 1.10.2. Store items not related to the maintenance of elevators in the machine and block rooms.
  • 1.10.3. Exit to the roof of the cab.
  • 1.10.4. To start the cab from any apparatus not installed on the control panel.
  • 1.10.5. Start the cabin from the floor platform through the open doors of the shaft and the cabin.
  • 1.10.6. Self-repair any malfunction for damage to the elevator.
  • 1.10.7. Leave the workplace, except in cases related to the maintenance of elevators.

2. Responsibilities of the elevator operator.

2.1. The lifter at the beginning of work must:

  • 2.1.1. Read the logbook entries made during the work of the previous shift.
  • 2.1.2. Turn on the elevator.
  • 2.1.3. Check the availability and sufficiency of lighting in the cabin, shaft and areas in front of the shaft doors.
  • 2.1.4. Check the condition of the shaft and cabin fencing; check the operation of the mine door locks.
  • 2.1.5. Check the operation of the contacts of the doors of the mine and the cab.
  • 2.1.6. Check the operation of the moving floor.
  • 2.1.7. Check the accuracy of the cabin stop on the floors.
  • 2.1.8. Check if the button works properly "STOP", light signal "BUSY", sound signaling, two-way intercom.
  • 2.1.9. Check Availability "Rules for using the elevator", warning and guidance labels.
  • 2.1.10. Make an entry in the watch log about the results of the check and sign for the shift.

2.2. If during the inspection of the elevator any malfunctions that could lead to an accident or an accident are detected, it is necessary to turn off the elevator and report the malfunction to the manager responsible for the good condition of the elevator. On the main, boot, floor, hang out a poster with the inscription "The elevator is not working."

2.3. The lifter during work must:

  • 2.3.1. Stay in the elevator car at all times and guide the car to the call point.
  • 2.3.2. Do not overload the lift.
  • 2.3.3. Do not allow simultaneous reloading of cargo and people, except for those accompanying the cargo.
  • 2.3.4. Do not allow strangers to control the elevator.
  • 2.3.5. On elevators, the cabin of which is equipped with sliding lattice doors, make sure that people in the cabin do not approach the doors and do not hold them with their hands.
  • 2.3.6. If the cabin accidentally stops between floors, turn off the elevator and inform the administration of the enterprise.
  • 2.3.7. If any malfunctions of the elevator are detected during the shift, turn off the elevator, hang a poster "Elevator not working" and report the malfunction to the administration of the enterprise.
  • 2.3.8. Keep the elevator car clean.

2.4. The lifter at the end of work must:

  • 2.4.1. If the operation of the elevator continues, make a record in the logbook of all comments on the operation of the elevator during the shift, sign the change and hand over the keys to the elevator to the next shift.
  • 2.4.2. If there is no next shift, put the cabin on the main landing floor, lock the shaft door with a special lock, turn off the elevator, make the necessary entries in the log, and deposit the keys.

2.5. The lifter in an emergency must:

  • 2.5.1. In the event of an emergency (accident, fire, natural disaster), you should immediately stop work and report the situation to higher operational personnel.

    In the event of an accident or an accident in the elevator, immediately turn off the elevator, report the incident to the manager and take measures to preserve the situation of the accident, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of others.

2.5.3. In the event of a fire:

  • notify all workers in the production room and take measures to extinguish the fire. Burning parts of electrical installations and electrical wiring under voltage should be extinguished with carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers;
  • take measures to call your immediate supervisor to the scene of the fire.

2.5.4. In case of an accident, remove the victim from the danger zone, provide him with first aid, and report this to the head of work or administration. summon ambulance by phone "03".

2.5.5. The setting in which the accident occurred should, as far as possible, be preserved for investigation by the commission.

2.5.6. When releasing the victim from the action of electric current, it is necessary to use dielectric gloves, galoshes, rugs or dry, non-conductive electricity objects, and it is also necessary to ensure that you yourself do not come into contact with a current-carrying part or under step voltage.

When separating the victim from current-carrying parts, act with one hand, keeping the other hand in your pocket or behind your back. When releasing a victim who is at a height, it is necessary to take measures to prevent him from falling. When separating the victim from current-carrying parts with a voltage above 1000V, it is necessary to put on dielectric gloves and boots and use a barbell or insulating tongs.

3. Instructions for the inspection of elevators by elevator operators.

3.1. Checking elevators with hinged shaft doors

  • 3.1.1. Checking the automatic locks of the shaft doors is carried out in order to make sure that the doors of the shaft do not open when the car is not on the floor. To do this, the cabin should be stopped so that its floor was at least 150 mm above or below the platform level, and try to unlock the non-automatic shutter and open the shaft door. If the shaft door does not open, the automatic lock is working. This check is carried out on each floor.
  • 3.1.2. Checking the operation of the shaft door contacts is carried out by a test run of the elevator with the shaft door open by 20 mm and the cabin door closed. If the cab does not move, the shaft door contacts are working properly.

    With multi-leaf shaft doors, such a check must be carried out for each leaf individually.

  • 3.1.3. Checking the operation of the cab door contacts is carried out by a trial run of the cab with the shaft doors closed and one of the cab door wings open. If the cab does not move, the contacts of the cab door leaves work properly. The second leaf of the cabin doors is checked in the same way.
  • 3.1.4. Check the operation of the floor mechanism and underfloor contacts with a load of 15 kg. The load is placed at a distance of 300 mm from the cabin door. In this case, the cabin should not move when the call buttons are pressed.
  • 3.1.5. Checking the accuracy of stopping the cabin on the floors is carried out by starting the cabin in turn on each floor. The difference in the levels of the cabin floor and the floor of the landing should be no more than 50 mm, and for elevators loaded by floor transport and trolleys - no more than 15 mm.
  • 3.1.6. When checking the push-button and call sets, make sure that the car comes to this floor, the button of which was pressed.
  • 3.1.7. When checking the lever apparatus, make sure that when you remove your hand from the lever apparatus handle, the handle returns to the neutral position. On the extreme upper and lower floors, the lever apparatus should turn off automatically.
  • 3.1.8. When checking the button "STOP" it is necessary to press the button while the cab is moving, the cab should stop.
  • 3.1.9. Checking signal lamps "BUSY" and the cabin lighting lamps are held by opening the shaft door. At the same time, signal lamps "BUSY" and the cab light should turn on.
  • 3.1.10. On elevators with a fixed floor, the cabin lighting is switched on by a switch installed in the machine room. On passenger elevators with a fixed floor and automatic doors The lighting should turn on when the doors are opened. If after 5-8 seconds after closing the doors the cabin does not move, the main lighting lamp should go out. The emergency light must be on constantly.
  • 3.1.11. Checking the serviceability of the fencing and lighting of the mine, as well as the lighting of the areas in front of the doors of the mine, is carried out by an external inspection.

4. Malfunctions in which the elevators must be stopped.

4.1. The main malfunctions in which the operation of the elevator must be stopped:

  • 4.1.1. The automatic shutter of the shaft doors is faulty - the shaft door opens when there is no cabin on the floor.
  • 4.1.2. The shaft door contact is faulty - the cabin starts moving with the shaft door open.
  • 4.1.3. The cab door contact is faulty - the cab starts moving with the door open, if there is a passenger in the cab.
  • 4.1.4. Faulty underfloor contact - when pressing the button "CALL" the cab starts moving when there is a load weighing 15 kg in the cab, as well as by pressing the button "CALL" the free cabin does not move.
  • 4.1.5. The car stops above or below the level of the landing more than 60 mm and more than 15 mm (for elevators loaded by floor transport and trolleys).
  • 4.1.6. The sound alarm does not work on elevators with a conductor - when you press the bell buttons on the floors, the signal call does not go to the conductor.
  • 4.1.7. The cabin or platform in front of the shaft doors is not lit.
  • 4.1.8. The glass in the observation windows of the doors of the shaft is broken or the fence of the shaft is damaged at a height accessible to passengers.
  • 4.1.9. The glass in the cab doors is broken or the cab railing is damaged.
  • 4.1.0. There are no covers on calling and push-button devices and there is access to bare current-carrying parts of electrical equipment.
  • 4.1.11. The metal structure of the mine or the apparatus in the mine and in the cabin are energized; when touched, an electric current is felt.
  • 4.1.12. During the operation of the elevator, an unusual noise, knocking or burning smell appeared.

5. Responsibility for violation of these instructions.

5.1. A person guilty of violating this instruction, including the elevator operator, is liable in accordance with applicable law.

5.2. Supervision over the implementation by the elevator operator of this instruction is assigned to the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of elevators and for organizing its operation.

5.3. The elevator operator reports on maintenance issues to the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of the elevator and the electrician responsible for the good condition of the elevator.

Documents in the field of activity
Federal Service for Ecological,
technological and nuclear supervision

Series 10
security documents,
supervisory and licensing activities
in the field of supervision of lifting structures

Issue 73




Release Responsible:
B.C. Kotelnikov, V.Ya. Komissarov, N.A. Shishkov

The book outlines the basic requirements of legal and regulatory documents on industrial safety, including the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Elevators (PB 10-558-03); The procedure for training and certification of specialists and personnel servicing elevators, and their admission to work; The procedure for organizing and exercising production control over elevators; The procedure for monitoring compliance with the system of preventive maintenance of elevators; The procedure for monitoring compliance by specialists and service personnel with job and production instructions. The causes of accidents that occurred during the operation of elevators are analyzed using examples.

The appendices contain: Operation manual for elevators; guidelines and forms of acts on the technical examination of elevators; Instruction (standard) on labor protection for electromechanics on elevators; Typical instruction for the elevator operator for the maintenance of elevators and the operator of the control room; rules for using passenger elevators; Regulations on the procedure for organizing the operation of elevators in the Russian Federation.

Appendix 8


resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor

Russia dated 22.05.00 No. 26


RD 10-360-00


1.1. This Standard Instruction establishes the requirements for elevator operators for servicing elevators (hereinafter referred to as elevator operators) and operators of control rooms (hereinafter referred to as operators), upon their appointment and admission to work, as well as their main duties for servicing elevators.

1.2. The owner of an elevator (elevators) or an enterprise that employs an elevator operator (operator), on the basis of this Standard Instruction, must develop a production instruction with additional requirements introduced into it, taking into account the specific operating conditions and requirements of the operating instructions of the elevator manufacturers available to the owner , and put it into effect by the appropriate order for the enterprise.

1.3. Control over the implementation by lifters and operators of the production instructions is assigned to the administration of the enterprise in whose staff they are listed.

1.4. Lifters should be appointed by order of the enterprise with the assignment of elevators to them:

for a single or group of passenger elevators installed in one or more adjacent buildings;

to a freight elevator with external control, equipped with a control post on one loading platform;

for each hospital or freight elevator with internal control.

An elevator operator is appointed to conduct a shift inspection of a freight elevator with external control and a freight small elevator equipped with control posts at more than one loading area, as well as a freight elevator with mixed control.

1.5. Operators must be assigned by order of the enterprise to elevators connected to the control panel.

1.6. Persons not younger than 18 years old, trained and certified in accordance with the established procedure, having an appropriate certificate and a qualification group in electrical safety not lower than the second can be appointed as a lifter and operator. The elevator operator and the operator must periodically re-test the knowledge of the production instructions in the commission of the enterprise or educational institution at least once every 12 months. with the registration of the results of the knowledge test in the appropriate protocol and an entry in the certificate and the knowledge test log of the production instruction.

An additional or extraordinary test of knowledge of the production instructions for lifters and operators should be carried out:

when moving from one enterprise to another;

when transferring to service an elevator of a different design (from electric to hydraulic, AC to DC electric drive, etc.). The lifter must know the features of the device and maintenance of such elevators and have practical skills in performing work;

at the request of the inspector of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, the person responsible for organizing the maintenance and repair of elevators, and the person responsible for organizing the operation, in case of repeated violations or non-compliance with the requirements of the production instructions.

1.7. The elevator operator and operator admitted to independent work must:

have general information on the arrangement of serviced elevators and control panel;

know the rules for using the elevator;

know the purpose of the control devices located in the cockpit and on the landing sites, and be able to use them;

know the purpose and location of safety devices, the elevator;

provide first aid to the victim;

use the available fire fighting equipment;

use light, sound signaling and two-way intercom;

turn elevators on and off;

safely evacuate passengers from the stalled elevator.

1.8. The elevator operator is obliged to conduct a shift inspection of the elevator.


2.1. An elevator operator serving a single passenger, freight or hospital elevator must inspect the elevator before the start of the shift, and the elevator operator servicing a group of passenger elevators must inspect the elevators during the shift.

2.2. During the inspection, the operator must:

2.2.1. Familiarize yourself with the entries in the journal of the previous shift when accepting a shift.

2.2.2. Check the serviceability of the locks and safety switches of the doors of the mine and the cab.

2.2.3. Selectively check the accuracy of stopping the cab when moving up and down at least three landing (loading) platforms.

2.2.4. Check the serviceability of the moving floor, the electromechanical reverse of the door drive and the reverse of the doors from the photo sensor, if any.

2.2.5. Make sure that there is lighting in the elevator car and landing (loading) platforms, as well as in the machine and block rooms and approaches to them.

2.2.6. Check the correct operation of the "Stop", "Door" buttons, the "Busy" light signal on all landing sites, the light display, light and sound alarms, as well as the serviceability of the two-way intercom between the cabin and the location of the attendants.

2.2.7. Make sure that there are Rules for using the elevator and warning and descriptive labels.

2.2.8. Check the condition of the shaft and cabin fencing.

2.2.9. Check the presence and serviceability of the door lock of the machine and (or) block room.

2.3. The results of the inspection must be entered by the elevator operator in the log of the shift inspection of the elevator.


3.1. Duties of an elevator operator

3.1.1. The lifter of a single passenger elevator must:

be at the elevator on the main landing floor, monitor the observance by passengers of the Rules for using the elevator and prevent its overload;

accompany children of preschool age, as well as adults at their request;

Maintain cleanliness and order in the elevator cabin.

3.1.2. The lifter of a freight elevator with external control is obliged to:

be at the elevator on the main loading platform, where the control post is installed;

prevent overloading the elevator, as well as the transportation of people in the cabin;

monitor the uniformity of loading and securing the load in the cab.

3.1.3. An elevator operator serving a group of passenger elevators is obliged to periodically bypass the elevators assigned to him along the developed route in order to check their serviceability and compliance by passengers with the Rules for Using the Elevator.

3.1.4. The lifter of hospital and (or) freight elevators with internal control is obliged to:

be constantly in the elevator cabin during ascent and descent and direct the cabin to the place of the call or the place of loading (unloading);

be on the landing (loading) site when loading (unloading) the cabin, monitor the uniformity of loading, securing the cargo and prevent overloading the elevator, as well as the simultaneous transportation of cargo and people, except for those accompanying the cargo;

make sure that people in the cabin equipped with lattice sliding doors do not lean against the doors and do not hold them with their hands;

do not allow unauthorized persons to control the elevator.

3.1.5. The lifter is prohibited from:

leave the workplace, except in cases related to the maintenance of elevators;

allow unauthorized persons to enter the shaft, machine and block rooms of the elevator and leave these rooms not locked, as well as transfer the keys to these rooms to other persons (except for personnel servicing these elevators);

store foreign objects in machine and block rooms;

independently enter the cabin roof and descend into the elevator pit;

start the elevator by direct action on the devices that supply voltage to the electric motor circuit, as well as from the landing (loading) platform through the open doors of the shaft and cabin;

touch open live parts of electrical equipment and moving (rotating) parts of equipment;

disrupt the operation of safety devices;

independently repair and turn on the devices of the control station, as well as use the elevator for other purposes;

use the elevator if there is a smell of smoke (burning) in the entrance (room).

3.2. Operator Responsibilities

3.2.1. Monitor the information coming from the elevators to the control panel and timely transmit the received information about malfunctions to the electricians on the elevators.

3.2.2. Keep a record of incoming requests for elevator malfunctions in a special journal.

3.2.3. Turn on two-way intercom and give the necessary explanations to the passenger when he receives a signal from the elevator.

3.2.4. Monitor the serviceability of the dispatcher console and two-way intercom.

3.2.5. Call maintenance personnel in a timely manner in case of failure of the control panel equipment.

3.2.6. Keep records of the issuance of keys from machine and block rooms to service personnel.

3.2.8. The operator is prohibited from:

leave the address keys on the remote control in the neutral position after decoding the signal;

leave the workplace, except for the provided breaks. At the same time, the replacement of the operator during his absence should be provided;

allow unauthorized persons to enter the operator's premises and leave these premises not locked;

store foreign objects in the operator's room.

3.3. General duties of an elevator operator

3.3.1. If during the inspection and during the shift of the faults listed in Section 4, turn off the elevator and inform the electrician about them, hang out the poster "Elevator is not working" on the main landing floor, make the necessary entry in the log of daily elevator inspections.

3.3.2. When the elevator cabin stops between floors and it is impossible for the passenger to start it from the cabin, warn the people in it so that they do not take any measures to independently exit the cabin, turn off the elevator input device and inform the electrician about the malfunction.

In this case, the lifter of hospital and freight elevators with internal control must call an electrician or emergency service and not try to get out of the cabin on their own. The release of passengers from the elevator car must be carried out in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 5.

3.3.3. In the event of an accident or an accident, it is necessary to turn off the elevator, report the incident to the administration - the owner of the elevator, the electrician or the emergency service, and take measures to preserve the situation of the accident or accident, if this does not pose a danger to human life and health.

3.3.4. At the end of the work, the elevator operator, the operator must:

hand over the keys to the machine (block) and service premises to the next shift, make the necessary entries in the journal. If the shift is absent, notify the owner of the elevator and act on his instructions; during single-shift operation, put the elevator car on the main landing (loading) platform, lock the swing door of the mine, make the necessary entries in the journal.


4.1. A laden cab starts moving with an open shaft or cabin door, or an empty one - with an open shaft door.

4.2. Cab doors with automatic drive open when driving or between floors.

4.3. When you press the call button, the loaded cabin starts moving, but the empty one does not.

4.4. The cabin moves on its own.

4.5. When pressing the buttons of orders, the doors with automatic drive do not close or do not open upon execution of the order.

4.6. The cabin instead of moving up moves down or vice versa.

4.7. The accuracy of the automatic cab stop exceeds the standard value (value).

4.8. The cabin does not stop at the landing (loading) site, to which it is called or directed by order.

4.9. The shaft door can be opened in the absence of a cabin on the landing (loading) site without the use of a special key (device).

4.10. Pressing the "Stop" button does not stop the cab.

4.11. Two-way intercom does not work on elevators connected to the dispatcher console or signals are not received from the elevator to the operator's console. The signaling from the cabin and the call of service personnel does not work (for freight and hospital elevators).

4.12. During the operation of the elevator, extraneous noise, sharp shocks appear, there is a smell of burning.

4.13. The cabin or platforms in front of the mine doors are not lit.

4.14. Cabin or shaft guard damaged.

4.15. The glass of the observation window in the doors of the shaft or cabin is broken.

4.16. The pushers of push-button elements of calling or command devices are missing or broken, and there is access to bare live parts of electrical equipment.

4.17. The metal structures of the mine or the body of the electric apparatus are energized.


The evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin is carried out by two elevator operators. It is allowed to use an elevator electrician or a control center operator as a second person.

5.1. Before evacuating passengers, elevator operators must:

make sure that all shaft doors are closed and locked;

post a warning poster "The elevator is not working" on the main landing floor (platform);

establish the location of the cabin in the mine, the number and composition of passengers, their well-being. Inform passengers what measures will be taken to evacuate them and that the lighting in the cabin will be reduced or temporarily turned off;

warn passengers that they are prohibited from touching the control devices located in the cabin, opening the cabin doors, taking measures to independently exit the elevator cabin and being near the doorway;

make sure from the engine room that there is no slack in the traction ropes from the cabin side. In the presence of slack in the traction ropes, the elevator operators must immediately notify the elevator electrician about this and do not proceed with the evacuation of passengers;

turn off the input device in the engine room and hang out the poster “Do not turn on - people are working”, protect the rotating parts of the elevator equipment with inventory boards when several elevators are placed in the engine room or turn off all elevators until the end of the evacuation of passengers.

5.2. Evacuation of passengers from the cabin of a passenger elevator with hinged doors.

release the winch and rotate the steering wheel to move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing site. Move the cab intermittently at a distance of 300 - 400 mm;

set the cabin within the exact stop, while the mechanical release should unlock the lock of the shaft door;

lock the engine room door and keep the key;

open the doors of the shaft and the cabin, make sure that it is possible to safely evacuate passengers from the cabin, and carry it out.


evacuate passengers from the cabin, the floor level of which is higher than the floor level of the landing area;

use wrenches, handles, non-standard levers, etc. when moving the cab.

5.3. Evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin with automatic doors.

When evacuating passengers, elevator operators must:

install the handwheel on the worm shaft of the gearbox, if it is removable;

release the winch and rotate the steering wheel to move the cabin to the level of the nearest landing site, which has a device for unlocking the automatic lock of the shaft door with a special key. Move the cab intermittently at a distance of 300 - 400 mm;

install the elevator car below the level of the landing area by 200 - 300 mm, while the shaft door roller should not enter the mechanical sliding of the car door;

brake the winch and remove the steering wheel, if it is removable;

unlock the automatic door lock with a special key

mines, open the doors and fix them with a special rail (fixing device) in the open position;

manually open the cabin door leaves and fix them in the open position;

make sure that it is possible to safely evacuate passengers from the cabin, and carry it out;

close the cabin and shaft doors.


open the cabin door leaves by manually rotating the pulley or door drive;

carry out the evacuation of passengers from the cabin, the floor level of which is higher than the floor level of the landing area.

5.4. On passenger elevators with a carrying capacity of 500 kg or more, the evacuation of passengers from the elevator cabin must be performed by an electrician with the involvement of a second person (electrician, elevator operator, operator).


The elevator maintenance operator and the operator of the control room, guilty of violating their production instructions, are liable for the violations committed in accordance with applicable law.

GOST R 54999-2012
(EN 13015:2001)

Group G22



lifts. General requirements for maintenance instruction

OKS 91.140.90
OKP 48 3600

Introduction date 2013-07-01



The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

About the standard

1 PREPARED by the non-profit partnership "Russian Elevator Association", the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 209 "Elevators, escalators, passenger conveyors and lifting platforms for the disabled" based on their own authentic translation into Russian of the European regional standard specified in paragraph 4

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 209 "Elevators, escalators, passenger conveyors and lifting platforms for the disabled"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of September 19, 2012 N 363-st

4 This standard is a modification of the European Regional Standard EN 13015:2001* Maintenance for lifts and escalators. Requirements for maintenance instructions (EN 13015:2001 Maintenance for lifts and escalators. Rules for maintenance instructions). At the same time, the changes made, taking into account the needs of the national economy of the Russian Federation and the peculiarities of Russian national standardization, are highlighted in the text in italics**.
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned in the text can be obtained by contacting the User Support Service.
** In the original, the designations and numbers of standards and normative documents in the "Foreword" section are given in regular type, the rest of the text of the document is in italics. - Database manufacturer's note.

A comparison of the structure of this standard with that of this European regional standard is given in supplementary annex DA.

The name of this standard has been changed relative to the name of the specified European regional standard to bring it into line with GOST R 1.5-2004 (clause 3.5).

5 This standard implements the norms of the technical regulation "On the safety of elevators"


Information about changes to this standard is published in an annually published information index " National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

This International Standard specifies General requirements to the instructions for maintenance of elevators, which is part of the operation manual.

The operating manual is developed by the manufacturer; it is included in the set of technical documentation supplied with the lift.

2 Normative references

GOST R 53387-2009 (ISO/TS 14798:2006) Elevators, escalators and walkways. Methodology for risk analysis and reduction. (ISO / TS 14798:2006 "Elevators (hoists) escalators and moving sidewalks for passengers. Methodology for risk analysis and its reduction", MOD)

GOST 2.610-2006 Unified system of design documentation. Rules for the implementation of operational documents

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly published information signs published in current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 elevator owner: The owner (owners) of the building (structure) or its part in which the elevator is located, the owners of the premises in apartment building on the right of common shared ownership, organization, economic management or operational management which the building (structure) is located [ ].

3.2 manufacturer: A legal entity, including a foreign one, that manufactures elevators and/or safety devices for delivery to the market.

3.3 qualified elevator maintenance personnel: Employees of the organization who have undergone professional training and have experience in the maintenance of elevators, provided necessary instructions maintenance of elevators.

3.4 installer: physical or entity who performs the installation of the elevator at the facility, assuming responsibility for the safety of the elevator installed at the facility before commissioning.

3.5 maintenance organization: A specialized elevator organization whose subject of activity is the implementation of maintenance work on elevators.

3.6 lift inspection: Periodic check of serviceability of the equipment and functioning of the elevator.

3.7 production instruction: A document regulating the activities of the personnel of an organization for the maintenance of elevators, developed by this organization on the basis of the manufacturer's maintenance instructions, taking into account the specifics of the operating conditions.

3.8 elevator maintenance: A set of operations to maintain the safety and performance of the elevator and its components after installation is completed at the site of use throughout the entire life cycle.

3.9 evacuation of people from the cabin: A type of maintenance that begins with receiving a signal from a passenger from a stuck elevator and ends with his release from the elevator car.

4.1 General

4.1.1 Maintenance includes:

- inspections, checks;

- lubrication, cleaning;

- work on adjustment, adjustment;

- repair or replacement of worn out or failed elevator elements that do not affect the main parameters and characteristics of the elevator;

- safe evacuation of people from the cab.

4.1.2 Works not included in the maintenance of elevators:

- cleaning of the outer parts of the shaft and the inner parts of the elevator cabin;

- replacement of the main components of the elevator: cabins, winches, control stations or elevator safety devices, even in cases where the characteristics of the new safety devices are similar to those being replaced;

- modernization of the elevator;

- replacement of elevator equipment.

4.1.3 Maintaining the operability and safety of elevators should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for the maintenance of elevators.

4.1.4 Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure the reliable and trouble-free operation of elevators.

4.1.5 Maintenance of safety devices should be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of safety devices.

4.1.6 Maintenance instructions for elevators should contain clear and understandable instructions to qualified and trained personnel.

4.1.7 The qualifications of personnel performing maintenance work on elevators should be maintained at an appropriate level through regular training and inspections.

When developing maintenance instructions, the following should be taken into account:

- the main characteristics of elevators and their purpose (who will use the elevator, what goods will be transported on the elevator, etc.);

- the environment in which the lift will be used (climatic conditions, the possibility of vandalism, etc.);

- any restrictions on the use of the lift;

- the results of the risk assessment carried out, if necessary, for the lift, working area;

- specific requirements for the maintenance of safety devices, provided for by the maintenance instructions of the manufacturer of safety devices;

- special requirements for the maintenance of other parts of the elevator, provided in the instructions for maintenance by the manufacturers of these parts of the elevator.

4.3.1 General

The maintenance manual must contain a list of activities to be carried out by the owner of the elevator and the organization for the maintenance of the elevator.

4.3.2 Information for the elevator owner

The elevator owner provides:

a) maintaining the elevator in a safe working condition. To accomplish this task, the owner may engage a specialized elevator maintenance organization for the elevator;

b) compliance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory documents in the field of maintenance of elevators;

c) regular maintenance of the elevator from the moment it is put into operation;

d) involvement in the maintenance of elevators at the facility, preferably one organization for the maintenance of elevators;

e) provision for 24 hours of two-way intercom communication between the cabin and the personnel room on elevators designed to transport people;

f) avoiding the use of the elevator after the expiration of the intended service life without carrying out a conformity assessment, modernization or replacement of the elevator;

g) termination of the use of the elevator for its intended purpose in the event of dangerous situations;

i) informing the elevator maintenance organization:

1) on the detection of violations of the normal operation of the elevator or dangerous changes in operating conditions,

2) on the termination of the use of the elevator for its intended purpose in the event of dangerous situations,

3) about carrying out the evacuation of people from the cabin by the trained personnel of the owner,

4) any planned change in the design of the elevator or operating conditions.

NOTE The owner of the lift must obtain a maintenance manual from the organization carrying out the modifications to the design of the lift.

5) about the planned third party inspection, survey or other work on the elevator, not related to maintenance,

6) about the planned decommissioning of the elevator for a long time,

7) about the planned commissioning of the elevator after a long period of its decommissioning,

8) about evacuation routes from the building in case of fire,

9) about the place where the keys to the premises in the building are stored,

10) about the personnel who, if necessary, must accompany the employees of the maintenance organization when accessing the elevator equipment,

11) about personal protective equipment ah, which, if necessary, should be used on the access routes to the elevator equipment and the place of storage of these funds;

k) taking into account the results of the risk assessment carried out by the maintenance organization (see d) 4.3.3 and 5.1);

k) ensuring that a maintenance risk assessment is carried out:

1) if there is a replacement of the maintenance organization,

2) if the conditions of use of the building and/or the elevator change,

3) when carrying out a significant modernization or replacement of an elevator or reconstruction of a building,

4) if an incident has occurred on the elevator;

1) the availability of premises intended for the placement of elevator equipment,

2) the awareness of personnel with access to the elevator premises of any possible dangers,

3) implementation of all activities arising from the results of the risk analysis performed by the owner;

m) availability for elevator users of information about the name, address, telephone number of the organization for the maintenance of the elevator by placing it in a conspicuous place;

o) availability at any time only for service personnel of the keys to the engine and block rooms, emergency doors;

p) safe access to the building and to the elevator for the personnel of the organization carrying out the evacuation of people from the elevator cabin;

c) safe and unobstructed access to workspaces and work areas of maintenance personnel, and informing the maintenance organization of any hazards or changes in workspaces or access routes to workspaces;

m) periodic checks of the functioning of the elevator, as well as the serviceability of the equipment (if these checks are not included in the list of works of the maintenance organization):

1) mine doors,

2) signaling devices,

3) call buttons on the floors,

4) buttons for orders in the cockpit,

5) doorway control devices,

6) two-way intercom,

7) cabin lighting equipment,

8) elevator door reverse devices,

9) information signs.

4.3.3 Information for the maintenance organization

The maintenance organization provides:

a) performance of maintenance work on elevators in accordance with the manufacturer's maintenance instructions and production instructions. A list of typical maintenance checks is given in Appendix A;

b) adjusting the manufacturer's original maintenance instructions when the operating conditions of the lift change from the conditions that existed when the lift was put into service.

NOTE Where an elevator is being upgraded, the owner of the elevator should provide the maintenance organization with maintenance instructions reflecting the changes in the design of the elevator;

c) risk assessment for all work areas and maintenance work carried out in accordance with the maintenance instructions;

d) informing the owner of the elevator about the results of the risk assessment, especially in terms of access to elevator equipment and / or the operating conditions of the elevator in the building;

e) performing preventive maintenance to reduce the time taken to take the elevator out of use for its intended purpose;

f) performance of work only by qualified, trained personnel who are provided essential tool and instructions;

g) systematic professional development of service personnel;

i) adjustment of the composition and frequency of maintenance work, taking into account:

1) the number of trips during the year,

2) machine operating time of the elevator,

3) the period of removal of the elevator from use,

4) service life of the elevator,

5) technical condition lift,

6) characteristics of passenger and cargo flows in the building,

7) Features environment(temperature, humidity),

8) manifestation of vandalism;

j) round-the-clock evacuation of people from the elevator cabin on call, including using dispatcher control systems for the elevator operation;

k) documenting the results of maintenance work related to the failure of elevator elements. These records must contain the reason for the failure and be available to the elevator owner upon request;

l) informing the owner about the decommissioning of the elevator in cases where the maintenance has established a danger to users;

m) timely replenishment of spare parts necessary for the performance of maintenance work;

n) the participation of the personnel of the maintenance organization in the conduct of third party conformity assessment work, as well as in the conduct of construction works in the premises for the placement of elevator equipment;

p) informing the owner of the elevator about the need to upgrade or replace the elevator;

c) organizing the evacuation of people from the elevator car, including the possible involvement of other organizations.

5 Risk assessment

5.1 General

The safety of personnel for the maintenance of elevators is achieved by complying with the requirements of production instructions for the performance of operations for the maintenance of elevators, safety precautions, matching the qualifications of personnel with the types of work performed, systematic training of personnel, taking into account risk assessment for GOST R 53387 .

Manufacturing Instructions should be used for all kinds of maintenance work on elevators, provided for in the maintenance instructions of the elevator manufacturer.

Production instructions should regulate the measures for the safe performance of work, determined for each work area, taking into account the list of predictable hazards and risk assessment, taking into account the following factors:

- work in the service area of ​​one or more people;

- the presence in the service area of ​​people who are not employees of a specialized elevator maintenance organization (for example, employees servicing buildings);

- the state of the elevator, which is in normal working condition or not in working condition due to the failure of the elevator equipment, external interference (vandalism), power failure.

The list of hazards that should be taken into account when performing a risk assessment in various service areas during work is given in Appendix B.

The safety of work on the maintenance of elevators, the detection of failures of elevator equipment is increased by using dispatcher control and diagnostic tools. The order of application of such systems, the interaction of personnel should be determined in the production instructions.

To ensure safety in the performance of maintenance work and the development of appropriate instructions, the types of maintenance work are identified, which include:

- the work necessary to ensure the normal and safe operation of the elevator during the designated service life and after completion of installation at the site of use;

- works that take into account the service life of individual components of the elevator and determine the criteria after which the use of certain components does not ensure the safe operation of the elevator as a whole.

Shutdown may occur during some maintenance work. electrical devices safety, subject to the conditions for the safe performance of work based on the identification of emerging hazards.

Maintenance personnel must be informed and warned about the presence of:

- residual risks that have not been eliminated or not completely eliminated constructive solutions and protective measures and means;

- the risks arising from the neutralization of protective equipment or measures during the performance of certain maintenance work.

Maintenance instructions should include preventive measures, work methods, specialized equipment (devices) that minimize such risks.

When organizing work on the evacuation of people from the elevator cabin, the owner of the elevator provides:

- training by the maintenance organization or a third independent party of persons authorized to evacuate people from the elevator car, taking into account the instructions of the elevator manufacturer;

- carrying out training of personnel authorized by the owner in relation to their specific functions at the facility;

- training of persons authorized to evacuate people from the cabin only through the doors of the mine without moving;

- the involvement of a maintenance organization in cases where the personnel authorized by the owner are not able to ensure the movement of the cabin manually or by the means provided;

- informing the personnel authorized by the owner about situations in which the evacuation of people from the elevator car can only be carried out by the personnel of the maintenance organization.

If, as a result of the risk analysis, it turns out that additional special warning signs are required, then these signs are placed directly on the elevator or its parts, or in their immediate vicinity.

Markings, signs, pictograms and warning signs must be easy to read and understand. Signs or warning labels containing only one word "danger" should not be used.

Information placed on the elevator or its parts must be durable. If over time such information becomes difficult to read, then it needs to be updated or replaced.

Drawing up a maintenance manual according to GOST 2.610 .

Font type and size should provide the best readability. Hazard information should be highlighted different colors and/or large print.

Instructions should be written on paper so that the text will survive frequent use.

It is allowed, in agreement with the customer, to draw up a maintenance manual in electronic form.

Annex A (informative). Examples of typical elevator maintenance checks

Annex A

Table A.1 - Electric lifts

Checked part of the lift


Cleanliness of all components.

Elimination of dust and corrosion

Balance rope tensioner

Free movement and operation.

Equality of rope tension.

Electrical switch (if equipped).


Oil level.

Electrical switch (if equipped)

winch motor

Bearing wear.



Clutch wear.


braking system.

Wear of brake parts.

Cabin stop accuracy

control station

No dust, clean cabinet

Speed ​​limiter and tensioner

Presence of wear and free movement of parts.

Electric switch

Rope pulley, blocks

Wear and condition of the grooves of the pulley, block.

The presence of increased noise and vibration in the bearings.

Protective fence.


Cabin guides (counterweight)

The presence of grease on the guides.

Mounting rails

Cabin guide shoes, counterweight

Presence of wear.


Lubrication (where needed)


Insulation status

elevator cabin

Emergency lighting, order buttons.

Mount frame, cabin ceiling


Free movement of catcher parts, wear.


Electric switch

Carrying ropes

Wear, elongation, tension.

Lubrication (where applicable)

Knots for fastening carrier ropes


mine doors

Locks work.

Free movement of the wings.

The condition of the guides.

Gaps in doors.

Cables, chains or straps (if any).

Emergency release device.


cabin doors

Free movement of sashes.

Sash guides.

Gaps in the door.

Cables, chains or belt (if any).

Door opening control device.


Floor area

Stop Accuracy

Limit switches


Motor run time limiter

Electrical safety devices

Electrical safety circuit.

Phase correctness

Emergency call device


Floor control and signaling device

mine lighting



* The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

In addition to Table A.1, regarding the maintenance of identical elements of electric and hydraulic lifts, additional checks are proposed for the maintenance of hydraulic lifts.

Table A.2 - Hydraulic lifts

Checked part of the lift


hydraulic cylinder

Seal density.

Presence of air in the hydraulic system

Hydraulic unit valve block

Valve seal tightness.

Checking and adjusting movement valves and safety valve

Hand pump

Pump performance and tightness of connections

Safety hydraulic unit

Trip and trip adjustment

Hydro unit

Oil level and condition


Density and sealing of pipelines.

Visual control of pipelines along the entire length of the route

Wiring diagram

Anti-slip system.

Motor power time.

Oil temperature protection unit

Appendix B (informative). List of hazards, hazardous situations taken into account when performing maintenance work

Annex B

Table B.1 Lifts


Working areas

Room for

block room

Zones outside the mine

cab roof

1 Improper access to work areas

2 Entry by unauthorized persons

3 Inadequate lighting (including access routes)

4 Unsafe floor surface (holes, protrusions)

5 Slippery floor

6 Floor strength

7 Lack of space to work

8 Cabin position identification

9 Indirect contact with electricity

10 Switches

11 Contact with moving parts (ropes, pulleys)

12 Unforeseen movements

13 Impact of the moving parts of the elevator (car, counterweight, other elevator)

14 Clearances between cab and shaft

15 More than one elevator in the working area

16 Top beams and pulleys

17 Safety spaces at the top and lower parts mines

18 Manual lifting

19 More than one person in the work area

20 Lack of communication between employees

21 Ventilation and temperature in work areas

22 Unforeseen appearance of water in the working area

23 Hazardous substances

24 Falling objects

25 Mine stuck

26 Means for evacuation

27 Fire

Note - The sign "-" means that the dangerous situation is not considered, the sign "x" - the dangerous situation is considered.

Appendix YES (reference). Comparison of the structure of this standard with the structure of the European regional standard EN 13015:2001 applied in it

Appendix YES

Table YES.1

Structure of this standard

Structure of the regional European standard EN 13015:2001

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

3 Terms and definitions

3 Definitions

4 Requirements for maintenance instructions for elevators

4 Development of maintenance instructions

4.1 General

4.1 General

4.2 Conditions taken into account when drawing up a maintenance instruction for elevators

4.2 Items to be taken into account in maintenance instructions

4.3 Information for the elevator owner and elevator maintenance organization

4.3 Information to be included in maintenance instructions b) for escalators and walkways

5 Risk assessment

5 Risk assessment

5.1 General

5.1 General

5.2 Information for the safety of personnel during maintenance

5.2 Information for elevator maintenance organizations

6 Information for the owner of the elevator when organizing work on the evacuation of people from the elevator cabin on their own

6 Information for the owner on the organization of the evacuation of people from the elevator car

7 Marking. Signs, pictograms and warning labels

7 Markings, signs, pictograms and warning notices

8 Preparation of maintenance instructions

Annex A (informative) Examples of typical lift inspections during maintenance

Annex A Examples of checks to be taken into account in maintenance instructions

Table A.1 Electric lifts

Table A.2 Hydraulic lifts

Table A.3 Escalators and walkways

Appendix B (informative) List of hazards, hazardous situations taken into account when performing maintenance work

Annex B (informative) Examples of items to be taken into account when performing maintenance work

Table B.1 Lifts

Table B.1 Lifts

Table B.2 Escalators and walkways


Technical regulation "On the safety of elevators"

Electronic text of the document

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official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2013