Bring back the shine to an acrylic bathtub. How to clean an acrylic bath at home? How to clean an old bath

Nowadays, enamel bathtubs have been replaced by fashionable acrylic - an excellent material that can retain heat for two hours. And everything would be fine, only many housewives continue to use the same detergents. Find out right now how to clean an acrylic bath at home in order to extend its service life and not spoil the surface.

Cleaning an acrylic bath - what should you avoid?

One of the disadvantages of acrylic is its fragility - with improper care and the choice of inappropriate detergents, the surface of the bathroom will fade and become covered with scratches. To prevent this from happening, you have to forget about a whole list of substances:

  • Washing powders and cleaners with abrasive particles will scratch acrylic;
  • Chlorine and chlorine-containing liquids - the surface becomes cloudy from them, and with frequent use, pores appear on it;
  • Acetone and other solvents - acrylic will lose its luster, and with prolonged contact, acetone will corrode it;
  • Ammonia - has the same effect as acetone, only to a lesser extent;
  • Formaldehydes - almost never used in everyday life, but you must be aware of its complete incompatibility with acrylic;
  • Products based on alcohol or strong acids - will spoil the surface of the bath.

Also, an acrylic bath should not be cleaned with a stiff brush with metal bristles. No less negatively affect the coating temperature difference and long-term soaking of laundry with the use of powder.

How to clean an acrylic bath?

Proper care of an acrylic bath includes several rules. Remember each of them!

  • Rule 1. Rinse the bathroom with warm or hot water after every shower. This will avoid very heavy soiling and preserve the shine of the acrylic.
  • Rule 2. Wipe the washed surface dry with a cloth that absorbs water well.
  • Rule 3. A more thorough cleaning of acrylic bathtubs is recommended to be carried out 1 time in 14 days. First, a detergent (for example, liquid soap or dish gel) is applied for 20 minutes, and then washed off thoroughly.
  • Rule 4. If a lot of dirt has already accumulated on the surface of the bath (lime deposits or rust spots), wash them off with a special agent. There are a lot of them on the market - Ravak Cleaner, Cif, Star-Acrylat, Cillit, Acrylan, Mister Chister, SunClean, Bass, Team Profi, and many others. Apply any acrylic bath cleaner to a small area, wait a few minutes and evaluate the result. If it satisfies you, feel free to wash the entire surface. Do not leave the mixture for longer than 10-15 minutes. After the bath, rub with a washcloth and wash off its remnants with plenty of water.
  • Rule 5. All rags or washcloths should be made of foam rubber or soft materials, because the abrasive surface is the main enemy of acrylic.

Folk remedies for cleaning acrylic bathtubs

How to wash an acrylic bath if there were no detergents from the store in the house? Check out the kitchen! You will definitely find everything you need for cleaning!

  • Dry mustard - disinfects the surface and removes rust. Apply the powder in a thick layer on the stain, rub it well and leave it overnight. Wash off with water in the morning;
  • Citric acid or table vinegar - bleach, clean, dissolve limescale, remove rust and kill germs by 95%. Fill the tub with water, add a few sachets of acid or 0.5 liters of vinegar and leave it on the taps. Then the water must be drained, and the bathroom rinsed and wiped with a clean cloth. You can simply soak a rag in vinegar and wash the surface thoroughly. If you decide to take citric acid, dissolve it completely, otherwise the crystal that has fallen on the sponge will scratch the surface;
  • Ammonia diluted with pure water. The mixture is applied to the surface for about 10 minutes, then washed off;
  • Lemon juice - grease the sides of the bath with it, soak for a quarter of an hour and rinse them with water.

Knowing how to clean an acrylic bath at home, you can keep it perfectly clean.

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Acrylic bathtubs are very popular among connoisseurs of comfortable conditions. The innovative piece of sanitary ware is heat-resistant and does not corrode. Acrylic requires proper care. Cleaning a bathtub is not difficult if you do it daily. The main thing is to choose the right funds. We will analyze the details in the article.

How and how to clean an acrylic bath without damaging the surface

Acrylic is a wear-resistant inert material. Widely used in the manufacturing industry. Acrylic plumbing looks chic, but there is a significant drawback. The material is not very durable - easily damaged.

Daily maintenance of plumbing will keep the bath in good condition. The delicate surface will not withstand caustic powder cleaners, abrasives, chlorine, alkali and acid. After such processing, scratches remain on the coating, and the bath irrevocably loses its original appearance.

Do not use metal-based brushes, so as not to spoil the coating. Do not place hard objects on the bottom of the bath: buckets, basins, stools. It is not recommended to bathe pets in an acrylic bath. Even a child can scratch the delicate coating, not to mention cats and dogs.

Care products for delicate sanitary ware should have a liquid consistency. In the absence of a professional tool, we will use, for example, shower gel.

We follow the sequence of actions:

  • distribute the liquid substance over the surface of the plumbing with a soft sponge;
  • wait five minutes until the surface gets wet;
  • rinse with warm water, helping with a soft material;
  • evaluate the result, if necessary, repeat the procedure;
  • dry the bath with dry napkins;
  • rub the surface of the plumbing with a soft cloth for shine.
Rules for the care of a delicate bath:
  • After each use, rinse the plumbing item with warm water and a soft sponge.
  • After cleaning the surface, wipe the bath dry.
  • Do not soak dirty laundry in the container.
  • Eliminate cleaning products containing unacceptable chemicals.
  • Once every ten days, we treat the surface of the bath with approved chemical solutions.
  • When bathing pets, lay a dense material on the bottom.
  • When buying a detergent, carefully read the composition.

Acrylic has a dirt-repellent property. Daily care will allow you to maintain the appearance of the bath for a long time.

How to properly wash an acrylic bath: video instruction

In a short video, a housewife shares the secrets of keeping an acrylic bathtub clean and tells you about the rules for caring for delicate sanitary ware. What detergent is best to use:

Acrylic bath cleaners. Is it possible to use Domestos

In specialized plumbing stores, you can get advice on professional products designed to clean capricious coatings:

A universal tool that allows you to tidy up the entire personal hygiene room. The composition does not contain abrasive elements. There are no difficulties in application. Spray the product evenly over the entire surface. Wait a few minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Team Pro

The tool is perfect for any acrylic surface. An environmentally friendly product will save plumbing from unpleasant odors and from persistent pollution. After processing Team Pro, a dirt-repellent layer is created on the coating, giving plumbing items shine and novelty.


Specialized foam that cleans acrylic sanitary ware from difficult formations and old stains. After processing, a protective film is formed on the surface of plumbing fixtures, protecting the delicate coating from the re-formation of water stone.


Inexpensive but good quality cleaner. The only downside is the pungent smell. Remember to use personal protective equipment when handling plumbing. Spray the product evenly. We wait no more than seven minutes and rinse thoroughly with running water. We wipe dry with napkins. Cinderella It is also used for cleaning other bathroom items.


A versatile tool will tidy up the entire bathroom. It is used for gentle cleaning of a delicate coating from stains, grease, lime and corrosive compounds. The presence of an acrylic polymer in the composition protects the surface of the bathtub from contamination for a long time, giving shine to objects.

Frosch "Green grapes"

An excellent tool will please the hostesses with a gentle solution and a pleasant smell. It is used as a cleaner for acrylic coating and enamelware. Frosch is bought by connoisseurs of environmental cleanliness. The composition of the product is safe for people and pets. There is a minus - it does not cope with persistent stubborn stains.

Hostesses are concerned about the possibility of using Domestos, which gained popularity due to its ability to cope with complex pollution and blockages (see also -).

You can use Domestos, but with caution. The composition contains acids that corrode even the glassy coating. Pour the product on the top of the acrylic wall. Using a soft sponge, distribute Domestos evenly over the walls of the container. Waiting time - no more than 10 minutes! We go over the sponge again and rinse thoroughly with running water.

If there is an opportunity to use another remedy, it is better to exclude Domestos!

How to get rid of yellowness and limescale

Yellowness on the delicate surface of sanitary ware is associated with the formation of lime or the so-called water stone. Complex deposits appear from the interaction of the coating with water of a specific structure.

You can get rid of yellow plaque using professional tools, for example, Acrylan or Team Pro. Simplifying the task, we will prepare a cleaning acid solution ourselves.

Pour one or two liters of low concentration acetic or citric acid into the bath. Spread over the surface and leave for twelve hours. We rinse the plumbing with running water under strong pressure. Dry the surface with a dry cloth.

The acid procedure will protect the acrylic bathtub from complex plaque for a whole year!

Folk remedies

We will prepare cleaning solutions with our own hands.

Weak pollution we clean toothpaste. Apply the product to the dirt, rub it with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Rinse off with water and dry.

Stains and stains are removed baking soda, mixed with liquid soap. Apply the mixture to the contaminated areas, wait twenty minutes. Rinse and dry.

In the fight against limescale and rust the solution will go ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions.

Get rid of light rust possible with the help baking soda. Prepare a mushy solution, apply to the coating. We wait twenty minutes. Wash off with water and dry.

old rust move away from saline solution. Apply table salt to the stain. We use the reverse side of the sponge, previously moistened with turpentine.

Complex pollution cleaned with 1-2 liters of weak concentration of acetic acid, poured into a full bath of hot water. We leave until the morning. Drain the vinegar solution and rinse the container.

As an alternative, we will use 200 grams of citric acid. The procedure is carried out in a similar way.

What can not be cleaned

During the cleaning process, you can not use:
  • powdered products;
  • solutions for surfaces from another material;
  • products based on formaldehydes, alkalis, formic and phosphoric acids;
  • chlorine-containing products.
Acrylic sanitary ware decorates the bathroom. Before you buy a luxurious bath, think about whether there is time to take care of it. Capricious material requires daily attention! Try not to experiment. Buy professional cleaners.

Acrylic bathtubs have recently become popular and have taken the place of the previously widely used cast-iron structures. Such a product captivates with its lightness, as well as its sophisticated forms. But at the same time, quite often the owners of such plumbing do not know how to clean an acrylic bathtub so as not to harm its appearance.

What is acrylic?

For the manufacture of acrylic bathtubs, plastic is used, which is characterized by significant hardness and wear resistance. The surface of such products has a dirt-repellent effect, which prevents the development of harmful microorganisms. This material has been widely used in the field of dentistry in the past. Thanks to new technologies, its price has dropped significantly. Therefore, the material began to be actively used in the production of sanitary ware.

Acrylic bathtubs are resistant to impact, but are subject to small and minor scratches. Their high-quality cleaning depends not only on which cleaning agent was chosen, but also on compliance with the basic recommendations for the care of acrylic. In order for the bath to serve for a long time and not lose its whiteness and integrity, you should not bathe pets in it, as well as arrange a warehouse of basins and buckets. Metal objects and other utensils can damage its surface, leaving visible scratches.

Acrylic Bathtub Daily Care

Acrylic bathtub does not require special care. It is enough to rinse it after each use with clean running water, without using aggressive cleaning agents. For acrylic baths, you can purchase special "chemistry". Of course, they also effectively fight pollution, but they are not cheap. In addition, it is not recommended to constantly expose the acrylic surface to chemical cleaning.

Many do not know how to clean an acrylic bath. It turns out that to carry out such cleaning, it is enough to purchase a soft cloth or sponge. It is also necessary to use soap or a special detergent for acrylic products. For daily care, it is enough to clean the surface of the bathtub with a soapy sponge to remove possible contamination. You can even just rinse it with clean running water and completely remove moisture. With such care, no traces of rust or plaque will appear on the surface.

If such pollution nevertheless takes place, then how to clean the acrylic bath in this case? If the usual methods do not help, you need to choose special cleaning products.

What care products to use?

Before we tell you how to clean an acrylic bath at home, we note that you need to remember some important rules. It is important to observe accuracy and discretion in the process of processing the product. Avoid using cleaners that contain abrasive elements, as well as pastes and powders with the presence of ammonia compounds, chlorine, alkali and acid. You need to be aware that such substances can damage the outer coating of the acrylic tank, cause small cracks and scratches, and provoke discoloration. Therefore, before deciding how to clean an acrylic bath, you should carefully read the composition of the powder or paste. Avoid using metal brushes. Cleaning tools that are too hard cause scratches and damage the finish.

Overview of cleaning products

Every hostess thinks about how to clean an acrylic bath. Luckily, there are a lot of special tools out there. "Acrilan" - cleaning foam that easily removes various types of dirt (soap stains, limescale, rust). The tool can easily cope with all types of stains. The advantage of this product is the formation of a protective film on the acrylic surface, which prevents further accumulation of plaque. But never leave the foam to dry completely on the surface of acrylic products, and do not mix it with other products. Use gloves during cleaning. Keep away from children.

Cif is the optimal cleaning agent that is suitable for the care of all plumbing fixtures. The composition does not contain abrasive substances. Therefore, the acrylic surface is not threatened by the loss of gloss and integrity. The tool is available in several forms - cream, paste, spray.

Bass is a liquid for cleaning sanitary ware in the bathroom. Suitable for daily use.

Tim-Profi is a detergent designed for cleaning acrylic surfaces. Among the main advantages are environmental friendliness, the ability to destroy unpleasant odors, and the removal of significant contaminants. The agent gives the cleaned surface shine, and also forms a special protective layer.

"Cinderella" is an effective preparation for cleaning acrylic products. An ideal option for those who cannot decide how to clean an acrylic bath. Among the shortcomings is a pungent odor that appears directly upon spraying. In the process of processing, it is recommended to use not only gloves, but also a mask. The product must be sprayed onto the surface of the acrylic bath and left for 7 minutes. After the specified time, rinse the preparation with running water, wipe the bath with a soft cloth.

"Chister" - a cleaner for acrylic baths, which is also suitable for other plumbing items. Ideally removes limescale, rust, grease stains and soap stains, gently cleans the surface without causing mechanical damage. The composition of the drug includes an acrylic polymer, which acts as a barrier to further adhesion of dirt to the bath. The product protects against the appearance of fungi and bacteria. The bath will please the owners with cleanliness in a couple of minutes.

So, we discussed how to clean an acrylic bath. Let's talk about possible ways to use detergents. Familiarize yourself with the basic rules for using cleansers. Usually the manufacturer places recommendations directly on the package. The basic rules of application are as follows:

Folk remedies for the care of acrylic bathtubs

If there are no detergents, and you don’t know how to clean an acrylic bath at home, feel free to trust people’s advice. Such funds do not have negative properties and do not harm health:

What do the owners of this kind of plumbing say? How to clean an acrylic bath? Reviews on this subject are very different. However, regardless of whether you read a positive or negative comment, you should know that all products correspond to the qualities declared by the manufacturer. It is important to choose the optimal detergent that is suitable for your bath, taking into account the characteristics and characteristics of the water. The effectiveness of the tool depends on the frequency of use. For example, with heavy contamination, it may be necessary to use the product twice to achieve a perfectly clean surface. Taking into account all the above information, you can easily determine how to clean the acrylic bath so that the product lasts a long time.

Perfectly clean plumbing is the desire of every housewife. However, choosing at home, you should choose the right tactics. Otherwise, you can say goodbye not only to an unpleasant plaque, but also to the plumbing itself. Therefore, we will consider at home and what means are completely unacceptable for this coverage.

Care rules

For regular preventive washing, you should use a soft sponge and a specially designed product (about how, at home, will be discussed below).

The washing process is extremely simple. Initially, the surface must be moistened with water. After that, a cleaning agent is applied to a soft rag or sponge and the bath is wiped. The surface must be rinsed with water and wiped dry. To make it shine, you can use a wax polish.

The more often you resort to the usual washing of the surface, the less often you will begin to think about how to clean the acrylic bathtub from plaque at home. It is recommended to repeat this procedure once a week.

Prohibited funds

Acrylic bathtub has many advantages. However, she also has one significant drawback - this is low mechanical strength. Therefore, it is important to know how to wash an acrylic bath at home, in order not only to provide it with a perfect look, but also to protect the surface from damage.

  1. Brushes with a metallic or other hard coating.
  2. which contain substances: chlorine, ammonia, acetone, formaldehyde, abrasive components.
  3. Washing powders.

Products intended for cleaning acrylic bathtubs

For washing the surface it is allowed to use which do not contain aggressive components. This will allow you to quickly and easily clean the plumbing.

There are also specially designed products for these surfaces. So, how to clean an acrylic bath at home?

Consider the most popular means:

  1. "Acrilan". The substance acts very quickly on the surface and is quite effective. It removes mold, rust, soap residue, plaque. Does not leave behind microdamages, scratches. The bath after using this product is covered with a light protective film.
  2. "Ravak". These are products that are used to remove grease, stains, rust, scale. They perfectly disinfect the surface.
  3. Acrylic Polish. An effective product designed for acrylic surfaces. Differs in low cost.
  4. Team Pro. A modern product that does not contain abrasive ingredients. It allows you to achieve crystal clearness and at the same time does not leave scratches.
  5. "Mr Chister" A fairly cheap solution that can effectively eliminate rust and plaque. In addition, this tool has an antifungal and antibacterial effect.

Water stone removal

The main problem that arises for people who have installed an acrylic bath is plaque on the surface. However, removing it is quite easy. So, how to wash an acrylic bathtub from plaque at home?

To remove the water stone, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Take warm water in the bath. Its temperature should not exceed 30 C.
  2. Add vinegar to the water - 0.5 liters. Instead of this component, you can use citric acid. You will need 1 pack per bath.
  3. Stir the water with your hand. Leave the bath like this overnight.
  4. When you wake up in the morning, release the water. Be sure to rinse the surface. Then dry with a dry towel.

Such measures are quite enough to get rid of the raid. But what if there is too much water stone and it was not possible to completely eliminate it? How to wash an acrylic bath at home? The cleaners described above will perfectly get rid of plaque. For example, Akrilan fluids or RAVAK Turbocleane.

Getting rid of yellowness

For acrylic surfaces, such defects are completely uncharacteristic. Often, yellowness occurs in bathtubs made of inexpensive plastic with a protective layer.

Initially, it should be said that such spots appear from poor-quality water, a sharp change in the temperature of the liquid. It is to such situations that plastic reacts with the formation of spots. In addition, it is very important that the acrylic is always dry. It is absolutely unacceptable for water to stagnate in the bathroom. Be sure to check the faucets. They should not drip water onto the surface.

It should be reminded once again how to wash an acrylic bath. Cleaning products specially designed for such coatings will perfectly relieve yellowness at home. You can use the substance "Acrilan". An excellent liquid is Tim-Profi. Such a tool effectively cleans even very neglected surfaces. In addition, it perfectly disinfects the bath.

Citric acid will perfectly clear the yellowness. It is recommended to dissolve 1 sachet in 1 glass of water. Apply the resulting liquid to the acrylic surface. Then rinse it thoroughly. Your bath will be white again.

Tool check

If the necessary liquid was not at hand, you can use another one. However, how to choose the right one that cleans perfectly and does not harm the surface?

First, be sure to study the composition of the substance. The agent should not contain aggressive components.

Further, in order to determine how to wash an acrylic bath at home, it is recommended to resort to a little trick. Apply your chosen liquid to a small area. Choose an inconspicuous area. For example, on the side. And it is best to apply the product on the bottom of the bath. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse the area. Carefully examine how the bath has reacted to this cleaner.

If no defects were found, then the liquid is completely suitable and you can proceed to the washing procedure.

Bath disinfection

Acrylic surfaces are generally not conducive to the growth of mold and microorganisms. However, even they need regular disinfection measures. Therefore, when planning how to wash an acrylic bath at home, be sure to think about such a cleansing. This is especially true for families with children. Do I need to expose the crumbs to additional risk?

Bath disinfection is a fairly simple event that is recommended to be carried out once a year.

For the procedure it is necessary:

  1. Take warm water in the bath.
  2. Add some disinfectant to the liquid. You can use the above liquid "Tim-Profi". Stir the water.
  3. The bath should remain in this state for 10-15 minutes. Then release the liquid.
  4. Be sure to rinse the surface. All residual solution must be removed. Don't forget to wipe the tub dry.

Chlorine disinfection

There is another method to clean the surface. However, you should be extremely careful with it. Because high consistency may damage the surface.

To disinfect with chlorine, use the instructions:

  1. Get water in the bath.
  2. Add chlorine to it. The solution should be 7%. Watch the consistency carefully.
  3. Wait a few minutes. Then open the drain.
  4. Rinse the surface thoroughly and wipe dry.

It is strictly forbidden to wipe an acrylic bathtub with a pure solution of chlorine. It will not only damage the surface, but also leave behind yellow disgusting stains.

Caring for acrylic baths is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to carry out all procedures regularly and use only those means that will not damage the surface.

Acrylic bathtubs are popular due to their hygiene, ease of installation and lack of corrosion. Such baths require careful maintenance, since the material from which they are made has flaws. But the benefits too . Acrylic bath care is the science of cleanliness. Let's try to study. Acrylic tanks have a good "life span". They will serve even children, subject to proper care of their surface. In order for a new purchase to “take root” in your home, you need to know how to wash an acrylic bath

Features of the care of an acrylic bath

Note! Bathtubs made of this material require careful handling! They should not be washed more than twice a month with cleaning products. After each use, rinse the tank walls with cool water and wipe with a clean sponge. A couple of times a week, scrub with a sponge and soap, rinse the surface, then wipe with a completely dry cloth. Choose a fabric that is soft and clean.

The bath should be wiped dry so that not a drop of water remains in it overnight. And wiping the tank every day with a sponge is a guarantee that the purchase will not have a raid. This material repels dirt and does not corrode like cast iron.

But if a plaque appears, the tank is washed with cleaners, and not with soap and water. Because the bath is a hygienic place. If there is a coating on it, it is dirty.

How to choose a cleaner?

Since comfortable acrylic bathtubs are being installed in the apartments of our country, housewives have been asking themselves new problems. : How to clean an acrylic bathroom? Detergents that washed out old cast-iron tanks will not work in this case. Acrylic products are not suitable for detergents containing:

  • chlorine;
  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • formic acid (or other acids).

The acrylic tank cannot be washed with boiling water. It is forbidden to use anti-plaque products with formaldehyde, ammonia and other corrosive elements. This will cause damage and the bathtub will have to be dismantled or rebuilt, which is expensive.

Acrylic bath care involves the use of special detergent compositions. But which of them will be of better quality, and what do the manufacturers of these products offer buyers? Using "anything" is not safe for your new bathtub. So what do you prefer? Here is a list of detergents and cleaners, each of which is fully consistent with its purpose.

Convenient spray, delicate aroma of fresh grapes, easy cleaning - just what you need to quickly tidy up an acrylic bath

Detergents will help qualitatively. Choose from the rating that suits your price range and has a tolerable smell.

Effective acrylic bath cleaners

Application of cleaning agents

Cleaning agents are used only in accordance with the instructions for use. These are not abrasive means, with which the surface is washed “until victory”. These detergents and cleaning agents are used in a different way.

  1. This gel is applied to the surface of the tank (if it is a spray, it is sprayed along the surface).
  2. It takes 10 minutes for the remedy to work.
  3. Dirt is washed off gently with a sponge and a jet of warm water.
  4. Rinse again with clean water and dry.

Sometimes all attempts to clean the bath from the stone are in vain. It is impossible to clean the old bath. Try updating your plumbing. These reservoirs are restored thanks to the technology of applying a new layer of acrylic. It will cost less than buying new plumbing.

It will be difficult to clean the old bath, only restoration will save

Folk remedies for cleaning

If you want to save money, then “home cleaning technologies” are also suitable. Western products are more effective, but they aggressively affect acrylic. Folk cleaning methods are cheaper. Let's take a look at a few ways.

with what is in every home? Soap streaks are easier to deal with. It's not as depressing as limescale. You can wash acrylic with a few drops of wine vinegar diluted with water. Such a mixture is safe, but it works just as well as other expensive acrylic surface care products. Limescale is difficult to remove even with cleaning products. But it is possible to withdraw.

You will need to do the following:

  • fill a tank of warm (not hot) water to the top;
  • pour 1-1.5 liters of vinegar;
  • after 10 hours, drain the water and rinse the bathroom with a sponge.

Another nuisance that happens is rusty stains on the side of the tub from water flowing from the tap. It is easier to monitor the faucets and change them in time than to remove rust. Acrylic tubs will not rust. And there are no other reasons for the appearance of rust, except for current taps. But if this happened, how to deal with pollution? How to clean a bathtub from rust?

To remove rust, they use either special chemicals or folk methods that do just as well as their western cleaner competitors. Citric acid diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2 will help. The secret to making the mixture is simple:

  1. A glass of water with citric acid diluted in it is thrown into a bath of water.
  2. Literally after 10 minutes, the bath is washed out with water.
  3. Wipe off.

Over time, yellowness appears on the bathroom . How to clean the bath from yellowness? The yellow color appears on the surface due to rust and salts that the city's tap water carries with it. It is impossible to wash off this plaque with abrasive substances or acid mixtures. Wash off the yellowness with the same vinegar (9%), or dilute oxalic acid. It is advisable to heat the water in which you will dilute vinegar or acid, but not too much. Since cheap acrylic does not tolerate high temperatures.

The most commonly used folk remedies for cleaning acrylic bathtubs

Contamination prevention and disinfection

High standard acrylic is guaranteed to last 25-30 years and look like new. Only care is needed for an acrylic bath and careful operation. Let us mention once again the rules for their operation. In an acrylic bath, in no case should you:

  1. Soak and wash clothes.
  2. Allow acids or alkalis to come into contact with the surface. No abrasive detergents.
  3. Bathe pets. They scratch the surface of the bath with their claws. The disadvantage of the acrylic bath surface is softness and low strength.
  4. Put any basins in the tank, whether plastic or steel, and wash clothes in them. This is how you put the tank at risk. There will be scratches.

As long as you stick to a weekly bath wash schedule and don't let it get damaged, there's nothing to worry about.

Before installing a new bath, plumbers recommend a more thorough repair and change the water pipes to new ones. Then yellow plaque will not appear on the bath. The smooth surface is not subject to "attacks" of fungal diseases or corrosion. But it is desirable to carry out disinfection once a year.

Bathing pets in an acrylic bath is not recommended.

How is disinfection carried out?

How to wash an acrylic bath so that there is no doubt that it is disinfected and not dangerous for bathing small children? For disinfection, one more agent is needed - Ravak Desinfectant. Remedy from the Czech company Ravak. The company constantly checks its products for quality, and ensures that they are safe to use.

The order is:

  1. The tank is filled to the top.
  2. The agent is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 and poured out.
  3. Mix and leave for literally 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse afterwards with clean water and a sponge.

It is not used often, therefore, it is advantageous to purchase 1 bottle. It disinfects not only the tank, but also the entire bathroom. Ravak Desinfectant costs 600-800 rubles. for 500 ml. But remember, the product is highly diluted with water. After the disinfection procedure, you will be sure that the bathtub is clean and safe from bacteria on acrylic.

To wash the bath from rust and plaque, you will have to purchase a bunch of different products, and find the right one among them. After all, everything is known in practice. Folk methods for washing acrylic are also effective if there is no money for professional plumbing care products.

Each of the means listed in the rating has both advantages and disadvantages associated with the composition of the substance. There is no optimal detergent composition. If you can’t find these in the nearest store, another means for washing acrylic bathtubs is quite suitable. The main thing is to read the composition, and make sure that there are no chemicals in it: chlorine, ammonia or acids.