Hot water boilers. Types, technical characteristics of hot water boilers

16789 About the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Dependent on the ed. certificates 781789/29 Declared 05.7.19 Cl. 13 a, 19.1 PK G 226UDK 621.18 (088.8 priority published 05, approved by the Committee on Inventions and Discoveries of the CCSG, 1965, bulletin 3 and publication of the description 13.17.965 O GRAY N L Y TRANSPORTABEL LN L 1 LOMAKIN TYPE TYPE TG downcomer pipe 7, running from the upper collector of the left half of the covective heating surfaces to the lower collector of the right half of the convective surfaces. The upper collector of the right half of the convective part is connected to the lower collector by an unheated insulated pipe 8. the ceiling screen 10 consists of straight pipes.To the vertical front collectors are connected horizontally arranged pipes, shielding the vertical surfaces of the furnace and the reversing chamber, and the shielding of the lower part of the furnace to the height of the dividing wall between the firebox and the co-vective chamber (up to the reversing chamber) is made by pipes P, covering the perimeter then poks, and the shielding of the upper part of the furnace and the reversing chamber is made by pipes 12, covering the perimeter of the furnace and the reversing chamber (the perimeter of the entire boiler). Convective heating surfaces consist of bundles of tubes 13 connected to the risers of the convective part. There are known transportable hot water boilers with pipe screens, including a firebox, a reversing chamber and a convective part, as well as lining made, for example, of sheet refractory material, heat insulating materials and elastic; plaster, fixed to the boiler by bandages. The purpose of the invention is to reduce the weight of the collectors and thereby reduce the specific consumption of 10 metal. This is achieved by the fact that the pipes of the screens in the proposed boiler are arranged horizontally in height: in the lower part of the boiler, up to the turning chamber along the perimeter of the furnace, and above - along the perimeter of the entire boiler. In order to provide the required speed of movement, the boiler is made with a variable cross-section along the depth. The drawing shows the boiler, longitudinal section. 20 The lower collectors 1 of the boiler, connected to each other, are a support frame, The front vertical collectors 2 of the screens and the risers 3 of the convective part of the boiler are connected to the lower collectors, The front collector 4 of the ceiling screen is connected to the upper ends 25 of the collectors 2. The upper collectors of 5 convective surfaces are connected to the risers of the convective part, The rear collector b of the ceiling screen is connected to the vertices, which are divided by internal partitions into separate channels, which would form a screen. , is a solid spatial system and is designed to carry loads from screens, convective surfaces and lining. In the arrangement with the combustion products exhaust downwards to increase the heat transfer coefficient in the convective part of the boiler, it is made wider in front. The boiler lining 14 consists of a lining layer, for example, of heat-resistant asbestos cement, a heat-insulating layer, for example of slag wool, and elastic plaster on a mesh. so that the lining does not collapse from shock during transportation, it is pulled together with bandages attached to the lower frame of the boiler. To distribute the tightening forces under the bandages, laths are placed, which simultaneously fix the layers of heat-insulating materials and prevent them from settling, caking and loss of heat-insulating properties.In the lining of the boiler there are viewing windows 15 for observing the combustion process and removable insulated panels 1 b, removing which, You can inspect the convective heating surfaces. To inspect the screen surfaces during the stopping of the boiler, they penetrate into the furnace through the embrasures for the burners. Explosion valves 17 are installed in the upper part of the boiler. The specific consumption of metal and the weight of the boiler are the smallest in comparison with other known boilers of the same performance. Due to sufficiently high speeds and the absence of water sinking in the surface pipes, as well as good mixing of heated water in the collectors, water boiling in individual sections of the boiler and the associated hydraulic shocks and pipe burnouts, as well as internal pipe corrosion during water deaeration, no vent is observed. air removal from the boiler is installed on the upper collectors of the ceiling screen and the upper collectors of the convective part. The scheme of water circulation in the boiler, if necessary, can be changed by directing cold water from the return line of the heat supply system either first to the screens, and then to the convective surfaces, or vice versa. It is possible to turn on the convective part between the screens. The design of the boiler allows you to create a series of transportable hot water boilers for the preparation of hot or superheated water with a heating capacity of 1 to 15 Gcal (hour, Such boilers can be used in boiler rooms for heating buildings. Boilers with a heating capacity of up to 3 Gcal (hour can also be used as mobile. The boiler is fully drained and is suitable for enclosed and semi-open installations. All 20 boiler maintenance is carried out from the front. The fully assembled boiler is delivered in an embedded form to the installation site by rail or on a trailer. type TG with pipe screens, including a firebox, a reversing chamber and a convective part, as well as lining made, for example, of sheet refractory material, heat-insulating materials and 35 elastic plaster, fixed to the boiler by bandages, characterized in that, in order to reduce the weight of the collectors and the reduction in the specific consumption of metal, the pipes of the boiler screens are located horizontally along the height, in the lower part - up to the turning chamber along the perimeter of the furnace, and above - along the perimeter of the entire boiler. 2. The boiler according to claim 1, characterized in that, in order to create the required gas velocity, it is made with a cross-section variable along its depth. 367890) Kurilko Proofreader V. P, fomi Order 677/6 Circulation 475 Format boom, 60 (901 /, Volume 0.24 ed. Sheets Price 5 kopecks TsNIIPI State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR Moscow, Center, pr, Serov, d, 4 printing house, Sapunova ave., 2


TEKHE KAYA, V. V. Lomakin

IPC / Tags

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Water-heating boiler transportable lomakina type tg

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1. Hot water boilers
1.1. Steel hot water boilers
1.1.1. Steel water-heating boilers URAL type
1.1.2. Steel water-heating boiler, type "NIISTU-5"
1.1.3. Steel water-heating boilers, type "VK-3"
1.1.4. Steel hot-water fire-tube boilers, type EVZhK
1.1.5. Hot water fire-tube boilers KVZh type
1.1.6. Steel hot water fire-tube boilers KVA type
1.1.7. Steel water-heating boilers, type "Bezhitsa"
1.1.8. Steel hot water boilers KVa-EE type
1.1.9. Heating steel water-heating boilers, automated type KSVa and KSVaU
1.1.10. Heating water-heating boilers of the "BRATSK-M" type with a mechanical firebox
1.1.11. Steel water-heating boilers of the Desna type
1.1.12. Steel water-heating boilers SarZEM type (industrial)
1.1.13. Hot water boilers for solid fuel combustion
1.1.14. Hot water boilers for burning liquid and gaseous fuels
1.1.15. Steel water-heating boilers, type KV-G (KV-GM, KV-Zh)
1.1.16. Steel water-heating boiler, type KSVm-1,16K "VK-6"
1.1.17. AUTOMATED steel water-heating boilers type "VK-21", "VK-22", "VK-34", "VK-31"
1.1.18. Steel water-heating boilers type "SMOLENSK", "DNEPR", "DOROGOBUZH" and KV-R
1.1.19. Steel water-heating boilers ENERKO type
1.1.20. Steel water-heating boiler type TG-3-95 engineer. Lomakina
1.2. Pig-iron water-heating boilers
1.2.1. Pig-iron hot-water boiler with manual firebox, type KVs-0.43K
1.2.2. Pig-iron heating water-heating boilers over 100 kW
2. Steam boilers
2.1. Steam boilers for burning liquid and gaseous fuels
2.2. Steam boilers for solid fuel combustion
2.3. Steam boilers for burning unconventional fuels (husk, wood waste, milled peat)
2.4. Steam boilers (drawings)
2.5. Heating steel steam boilers KPa type
2.6. Steam boilers type D
2.7. Steam boilers type E
2.8. Steam boilers BEM type
2.9. Steam fire tube boilers KPZh type
2.10. Steam-water boiler type APV-3
3. Domestic boilers
3.1. Domestic cast iron boilers
3.1.1. Universal heating hot-water cast iron sectional boilers, type KChM-5-K "COMBI"
3.1.2. Gas heating hot-water cast iron sectional boilers, type KCHM-7 "GNOM"
3.1.3. Pig-iron heating water-heating boilers, type KCHM-2M "ZHAROK"
3.1.4. Sectional cast iron boilers
3.1.5. Automatic cast iron boiler KCHVa-0.25 "UNIVERSAL-5M"
3.2. Domestic steel boilers
3.2.1. Heating water-heating boilers, steel, type KS-TG and KS-TGV
3.2.2. Heating water-heating boilers, steel type "HOPER"
3.2.3. Heating boilers, domestic
3.2.4. Heating boilers, domestic type BEM
3.2.5. Heating boilers, domestic hot water type "MASTER"
3.2.6. Steel water-heating boilers SarZEM type (domestic)
3.2.7. Heating boilers for domestic needs
3.2.8. Heating steel hot water boiler, household type KOV-SG-43
3.2.9. Household heating devices, type KOGV, AKGV
3.2.10. Heating water-heating steel boilers, type KS-5
3.2.11. Steel heating boilers "GEFGEST" type
4. Transportable boiler rooms
4.1. Transportable hot water boilers type TOU
4.2. Transportable block water heating boilers type TBTVK-KSV, TBG (Zh) K
4.3. Installations boiler transportable automated type "Desnyanka"
4.4. Installations boiler transportable automated type UKTA "KASKAD"
4.5. Boiler block transportable automated type "HOPER"
4.6. Water-heating automated transportable boiler rooms of the KAT type
4.7. The price of water-heating automated transportable boiler rooms of the KAT type
4.8. Automated transportable gas and liquid fuel boiler houses of the KAT type and mechanized transportable solid fuel boiler houses of the KMT type
4.9. Mobile boiler plants, type "UKP"
4.10. Hot water boilers type BAK / based on boilers "DOROGOBUZH", "DNEPR", "SMOLENSK" and KV-R /
4.11. Mobile solid fuel boiler houses (KTM)
4.12. Block-modular hot water and transportable boiler plants of MKU-V type
4.13. Steam block-modular and transportable boiler plants type MKU-P
4.14. Block boiler houses of TKM type
4.15. Block-modular boiler rooms of BMK type
4.16. Block-modular boiler room 3-section
4.17. Block-modular boiler rooms of the "Vitok" type
4.18. Transportable steam generating plants of TPGU type
4.19. Mobile boiler rooms (emergency)
5. Addresses and phone numbers of manufacturers

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At present, the technology of domestic boiler building with a capacity of up to 20 MW at most enterprises in Russia still suffers from archaism left by the old system. The stake on the production of water-tube boilers did not justify itself. All types of fire tube boilers were discontinued. Therefore, many obsolete boilers TG-3/95, NR-18, ZIO-60, E-1 / 9G are currently in operation. But not everything long-standing that was abandoned was bad. It should be noted that in the old days there were experienced craftsmen. Steam locomotive boilers are highly reliable equipment, well-tested by time. They were fed with water without treatment, and the boilers served up to 40 years. During the period of stagnation, Western countries have gone far. They developed the designs of hermetic boilers with pressurized furnaces. These are two- and three-pass boilers with a hermetically sealed furnace. Modern burners have been developed, on which the burner part is combined with a blower fan, there are means for controlling combustion and protecting the boiler from emergency situations. Boilers reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere of nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide.

The Western concept of boilers with automated fan burners is simpler. There is no need to install smoke exhausters and regulate the vacuum in the boiler furnace. Western boilers come ready for use and protected by a layer of modern thermal insulation. Our boilers, when installed in a boiler room, were subject to brickwork or a protective coating with a layer of heat-resistant insulation.

Western technologies are entering our lives. Plants are switching to the production of modern equipment and mastering new production technologies. Modern boiler equipment corresponding to Western standards is produced by ZiOSab CJSC. A series of steel hot water smoke-fired boilers ZiOSab with a capacity of 125 to 5000 kW has been on the Russian market for a long time.

They operate on gaseous and light liquid fuels, have an efficiency of 92-95%, a relatively low cost, are equipped with burners of various companies, are in demand and have proven themselves well in operation. Having revised the technical documentation of Finrail (Finland) to comply with Russian norms and standards, the plant mastered the production of three-pass hot-water fire-tube boilers FR16 with a capacity of 0.5-4 MW and FR10 with a capacity of 5-15 MW.

These are modern fire tube boilers, manufactured taking into account strict quality and environmental standards. To replace the outdated models of hot water boilers ZiO-60 and NR-18, the design department of ZiOSab CJSC developed a hot water tube boiler ZiOSab600VTM. To simplify the procedure for replacing boilers, it was developed, together with the Department for Technological and Environmental Supervision of Rostekhnadzor, the Main Directorate of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Moscow Region, the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz, and CJSC ZiOSab, and approved by the Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Government of the Moscow Region, “Regulations on the replacement boilers KVa-0.6G (ZiO-60) for automated boilers KVa-0.6G / LV (ZiOSab600VTM) with a capacity equal to the design capacity of the boilers being replaced, without increasing the installed capacity and gas consumption of the boiler house. "

The REMEX Group of Companies (Chernogolovka, Moscow Region) has long been known on the market as a domestic manufacturer of high-quality steel hot-water fire-tube boilers of the Turboterm brand, which began its activity with the production of boilers with a reversible furnace. The technical characteristics of the boilers of this series allow the use of all types of gaseous and liquid fuels, incl. low-grade fuel oil.

New requirements and accumulated experience have led to the creation of two new series of three-pass boilers - "Turboterm-Standard" and "Turboterm-Garant", designed to operate on gas and light liquid fuel. At present, the production of steel hot-water fire-tube boilers of the Turboterm brand is carried out in the range of capacities from 110 to 7000 kW. JSC "Dorogobuzhkotlomash" (Smolensk region) since 1962 specializes in the production of hot water boilers with a capacity of 10 to 209 MW.

Based on the results of many years of operation of the traditional nomenclature, a package of proposals for modernization with the improvement of technical, economic and environmental indicators was formed. Among the novelties for the market of medium-sized boilers are tunnel boilers KVGM-7.56-150 (115) N and KV-GM-11.63-150 (115) N with compact dimensions, in lightweight insulation and sheathing with laminated sheet, adapted to burners foreign and domestic production.

For the last 10 years, Dorogobuzhkotlomash has been actively involved in the supply of equipment for small-scale heat power engineering. Today, the plant's nomenclature includes over 40 standard sizes of hot water boilers from 0.05 to 7.56 MW using various fuels:

  • series "Smolensk", three-way water-tube gas-tight boilers that have no imported analogues. Type series: KV-GM, 1.16; 2.32; 3.48 and 4.65 MW, efficiency - 93.8-95%;
  • series "Dorogobuzh", fire-tube boilers with a reversible furnace. Type series 0.05-2.32 MW, efficiency - 91-93%;
  • series "Dnepr", three-pass fire tube boilers for operation on diesel fuel, fuel oil, oil, represented by the boiler "Dnepr2000", in the development of "Dnepr-1200", efficiency - 92.4-92.7%;
  • Vacumatic series, new in 2005 - vacuum gas boilers with extended service life and no TOVP. Type series 0.63-2.0 MW, efficiency - 92%.

Boilers of these series are successfully used for the construction of modular boiler houses MK DKM, complete with modern imported burners, pumping equipment, automation. Other domestic factories have also switched to the production of modern boiler equipment. But not everywhere things go in a forward direction, the transition to new technologies is impossible due to lack of funds.

In order for us to enter the foreign market, we need to have our own modern boilers with indicators higher than similar imported ones, designed and manufactured on the basis of imported technologies. In the West, the technology for the production of modern boilers has been worked out for industrial assembly, perfected over time and requires a minimum of costs for their production. The highest and highest quality technology for assembling boilers is distinguished by LOOS and VIESSMANN.

The LOOS company offers UNIMAT hot water three-pass fire-tube boilers, type UT, which operate in the power range from 750 to 19,200 kW with a water heating temperature of up to 120 ° C with a pressure of 6 and 10 bar. Selection of the boiler type series covers any heat needs of the customer. The efficiency of boilers is up to 95% without the use of an exhaust gas heat exchanger. It has low radiation losses and works with burners of all systems, incl. with reduced nitrogen oxide emissions.

At a return temperature of 50 ° C and a low load limit, the boiler dew point is not reached. There are no minimum load restrictions. Unlike similar domestic and Western boilers, these boilers have minimal dimensions and are used to complete complete block boiler houses. Suitable for all types of heating systems. The boilers have no analogues: the difference lies in the design, when simple optimal reliable solutions have been developed, with the provision of admission for repair and maintenance.

The VIESSMANN company has released its series of hot water boilers. These are Vitoplex100 boilers with a capacity from 80 to 460 kW and from 575 to 1750 kW. Three-pass boilers with an oval-shaped body, which made it possible to reasonably place the combustion fire tube, gas outlet pipes of the second course and flame tubes of the third course. With this arrangement, the compactness of the entire structure is achieved at a low height, which is very important for the assembly of modular boiler houses.

Vitoplex-100 - high quality at an attractive price among medium power boilers. The nominal boiler efficiency is 94%. The boiler block flue gas scheme at low combustion chamber tension ensures the minimum emission of nitrogen oxides. Economical and reliable operation of the heating system is achieved by using a digital controller. Vitoplex-300 boilers with a capacity of 80-460 kW and 575-1750 kW.

The nominal boiler efficiency reaches 96%. The boilers are equipped with multi-layer contact heat exchange surfaces, which allows the boiler to operate without restrictions on the temperature of the water in the return line. The boiler is expensive and rarely purchased in practice. Restrictions on the return water temperature on Vitoplex-100 boilers are eliminated by installing a recirculation pump. The Vitomax-100 boiler with a reversible combustion chamber with a capacity of 375-1850 kW is not purchased from us.

Boilers of this type are installed mainly of domestic production, which have managed to prove themselves well in work. Three-pass hot water boiler Vitoplex200 with a capacity of 2,100 to 15,000 MW has good characteristics. The nominal boiler efficiency is 95%. The minimum amount of nitrogen oxide emissions is ensured. There are no restrictions on the minimum flow rate of the heating agent, the reliability of the heating system operation is ensured.

In practice, these boilers are rarely purchased in Russia. The boilers of the LOOS company of the UT series are purchased. The Italian company CARIONI NAVAL presents its hot-water fire-tube boiler with a reversible fire chamber NPR with a capacity of 60 to 4600 kW. Boiler efficiency - 90%. The boiler is made according to modern technologies, is reliable in operation, but our demand for these boilers is small.

The company produces three-way hot water boilers of coil type with forced circulation of horizontal and vertical design SMT / AC with a capacity from 116 to 10,000 kW. The boiler efficiency is 91%. With a decrease in the load, the efficiency increases to 95%. There are insignificant differences in the designs of boilers manufactured by firms in France and Sweden. The availability of modern highly reliable automated boilers and burners made it possible to actually switch to the construction of fully automated boiler houses operating without permanent maintenance personnel.

The personnel in them is needed only for the period of commissioning, scheduled inspections, equipment revision, taking readings from instruments, filling complexonate and filling chemical water tanks with salt, taking samples for analysis and cleaning. Usually the boiler room is closed and works in automatic mode. Information about malfunctions goes to the dispatcher. NPP Progress-1 has built built-in, stand-alone, complete-block and roof-top fully automated boiler houses.

A complete-block boiler house is when it is completely assembled at the enterprise and, in the form of separate finished blocks, is transported to the construction site. At the construction site, the boiler room is assembled from ready-made blocks and connected to utility networks (heating networks, water supply, sewerage, electrical networks, telephone, communications). The assembled boiler room is ready for operation. The enterprise has built a lot of similar boiler houses.

Now the construction of a 15.6 MW boiler house with LOOS UT-5200 boilers is under completion. There are many built boiler houses with VIESSMANN boilers of Vitoplex100 type and Podolsk boilers of ZiOSab type in operation. The technology of boiler houses under construction is different. It depends on the type of installed equipment (boilers), the customer's wishes and the degree of deterioration of heating networks, heating systems of buildings and industries.

Heat schemes for boiler houses under construction are accepted as one- and two-circuit. Single-circuit schemes with imported boilers are used at facilities where heat supply systems are made at a modern technical level and there are practically no water leaks in them. At the request of customers, boiler houses were built, where the heating network is supplied with a heat carrier of standard parameters (in winter 95 ° C, and in summer 80 ° C).

At the same time, heated buildings are equipped with individual heating points (ITP), where equipment and automation devices are installed for weather-dependent regulation of the water temperature in heating systems and for heating to the required water temperature in the DHW system. Supply ventilation systems are equipped with automatic equipment for regulating the heating temperature of the air supplied to the room or maintaining the set temperature in the room.

Such heat supply systems with ITP provide more comfortable conditions in heated rooms and save heat by lowering the temperature during non-working hours. For heating residential settlements, where the existing heating networks are worn out and have significant losses of network water, boiler houses with a double-circuit heating circuit have been built and are operating. In such boiler rooms, the boiler circuit is isolated from the heating network and has its own boiler circulation pumps.

The network water in the heating network for the heating system is heated by boiler water with a temperature of up to 110 ° C in plate heat exchangers. Water for the boiler circuit is processed by deferrization and Na-cationization to the required parameters. Water hardness is maintained at no more than 20 μg-eq / kg. Mains water in the heating system is processed by introducing a chelator. The double-circuit boiler room scheme excludes the possibility of violations of the water regime in the boiler circuit with large water leaks in heating networks.

Plate heat exchangers designed for heating network water are also reliably protected. Heat exchangers operate under conditions where scale formation on heat exchange surfaces does not occur. There is a problem with the production of gas-tight water-tube boilers by factories - who knows which of the boilers, water-tube or fire-tube, is better? So far, NPP Progress-1 has used only fire-tube boilers in the construction of automated boiler houses.

Information on the production of water-tube boilers with heating temperatures up to 115 ° C has not been received from foreign manufacturers. The efficiency of boilers, both water- and fire-tube boilers, depends on the design of the boiler and can reach 95%. For boilers of domestic production, a single-circuit boiler room scheme is usually adopted. The boilers operate on water coming from the heating network, and the network water does not always meet the requirements for their reliable operation. Time will tell which of the boilers, hot water or fire-tube boilers, will meet the real operating conditions.

Manufacturing reliable and highly economical competitive equipment is not an easy task. The West pays special attention to this problem. At the last meeting with representatives of VIESSMANN, they were shown a complete-block boiler house with a capacity of 15.6 MW with three boilers from LOOS. In a conversation, I was informed that VIESSMANN was going to produce similar boilers as those of LOOS. In the West, there is tough competition and the strongest wins.

For Russian boilers - despite their progress - the external market for boiler equipment is still inaccessible.

For centralized heating supply of large industrial enterprises, cities and individual regions, steel hot water boilers of high thermal power are used.

Hot water boilers are designed to obtain hot water of specified parameters, mainly for heating. They work according to a direct flow scheme with a constant water flow. The final heating temperature is determined by the conditions for maintaining a stable temperature in living and working rooms heated by heating devices, through which water is circulated, heated in a hot water boiler. Therefore, with a constant surface of heating devices, the temperature of the water supplied to them increases with a decrease in the ambient temperature. Typically, the heating network water in boilers is heated from 70-104 to 150-170 ° C. Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the temperature of water heating up to 180-200 ° C.

To avoid condensation of water vapor from flue gases and the associated external corrosion of heating surfaces, the temperature of the water entering the unit must be above the dew point for the flue gas. In this case, the temperature of the pipe walls at the water inlet will also not be lower than the dew point. Therefore, the inlet water temperature should not be lower than 60 ° C when the boiler is running on natural gas, 70 ° C when operating on low-sulfur fuel oil and 110 ° C when using high-sulfur fuel oil. Since water in the heating network can be cooled to a temperature below 60 ° C, a certain amount of (direct) water already heated in the boiler is added to it before entering the unit.

The most widespread are gas-oil boilers of the KVGM and PTVM types.

Boilers type KVGM (Fig. 6) with thermal power 4; 6.5; ten; and 30 Gcal / h (4.8-35 MW) have a horizontally located furnace and heating surfaces with direct-flow forced movement of water. Specifications are given in table. 5.

Boilers of the PTVM type with a heating capacity of 30-180 Gcal / h (35-0 MW) are made with a U-shaped (Fig. 7) and tower (Fig. 8) layout. Hot water boilers PTVM-50, PTVM-100 and PTVM-180, made only with a tower layout, have a shielded furnace and convective surfaces located above it. Specifications are given in table. 6.

Table 5. Technical characteristics of hot water boilers type KVGM


Heating capacity, kcal / h

Working pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Water temperature, ° С:

at the exit

Water consumption, t / h

Hydraulic resistance, kgf / cm 2


natural gas

sulfurous fuel oil

Exhaust gas temperature, ° С:

natural gas

sulfurous fuel oil

Fuel consumption:

on gas, m 3 / h

on fuel oil, kg / h

Rice. 6. Hot water boiler KVGM-20 ( a) and a diagram of its water path ( b) : 1, 3, 7 - sub-frontal, rear and side screens; - firebox; 4 - scallop; 5 - screens of the convective shaft; 6 - convective beams; I, II- streams of water

Table 6 . T Technical characteristics of hot water boilers PTVM type


KV-GM-30-150M (PTVM-30M)

Heating capacity, Gcal / h

Pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Water temperature, ° С:

in peak mode

in the main mode at the output

Water consumption, t / h:

in peak mode

main mode

Estimated boiler efficiency (gross),%,

at work:

on fuel oil

Boiler layout



Number of gas-oil burners, pcs.

The number of blowing fans and

smoke exhausters, pcs.

2 fans

and 1 smoke exhauster

12 fans

16 fans

Dimensions, mm:

The simplest configuration of the boiler and the low resistance of the convective packages made it possible to work with natural draft, which did not require the installation of smoke exhausters.

For the needs of heating and hot water supply of residential, industrial and office buildings, steel water-heating boilers KSV of ZAO Zapsibgazprom (manufactured by Sibmet) are used.

The steel hot water boiler (KSV) is a three-pass fire-tube-fired boiler operating with pressurization. Under the excess pressure provided by the fan, the air supplied for combustion, the combustion products are discharged from the flame tube through the reversing chamber into the fire tubes of the second course and then through the smoke pipes of the third course into the soot box located at the rear of the boiler, from where they enter the chimney ( fig. 9).

Gas or fuel oil can be used as fuel. The service life of the boiler is 15 years.

The main technical data of KSV boilers are given in table. 7 and 8. Hot-water fire-tube boilers of JSC Dorogobuzhkotlomash are also widely used in the boiler market in Russia.

Table 7. Technical characteristics of boilers type KSV


Rated heating capacity, MW

Efficiency factor,%, not less

Minimum water temperature, ° С:

at the exit

Hydraulic resistance, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Maximum working pressure of water, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Fuel consumption, (natural gas), m 3 / h

Water consumption, m 3 / h, not less

Boiler volume, m 3

Boiler heating surface, m 2

Temperature of the outer surface of the casing (thermal insulation), ° С, no more

Boiler version (on the service side)

Right / Left

Right / Left

Right / Left

Right / Left

Right / Left

Right / Left

Right / Left

Dimensions, m, no more

Boiler weight, kg, no more

Climatic performance

according to GOST 15150 - 69

Burner type

Rice. 7.: 1 - firebox; 3 - front and rear screens; 4 - scallop; 5 - screens of the convective shaft; 6 - steps of the curtain convective surface

Rice. eight. : 1, 4, 6 - rear, front and side screens; - convective surfaces; 3 - chimney; 5 - firebox; 7 - lower collector of the front screen; 8 - the lower collector of the rear screen

In fig. 10 shows the structural diagrams of water-heating gas-oil automated boilers, which are designed to generate hot water with a temperature of 150 ° C, used for heating, hot water supply and technological purposes.

In fig. 11 shows the structural diagrams of fire-tube and water-tube boilers of JSC "Dorogobuzhkotlomash", in table. 9 and 10 give the main parameters and technical characteristics of the above boilers.

Table 8. Technological and environmental characteristics of boilers KSV


Actual value

Normalized value according to GOST

Combustion products temperature at the boiler outlet, ° С

Clauses 1, 6 GOST 10617-83 not less than 160

GOST 10617-83 no more than 130

GOST 10617-83 no more than 130

Theoretical value 4.0

Theoretical value 11.8 (when running on gas)

Heat loss from chemical incompleteness of combustion at the outlet of the furnace,%

Clauses 1, 6, 4 GOST 204-97 no more than 0.4

Rice. nine. : 1 - front cover; - soot box; 3 - reversing camera; 4 - fire tube; 5 - burner cone with lining; 6 - smoke tubes; 7 - inspection hatch; 8 - inspection hatch; 9 - cleaning hatch; 10 - straight pipe; 11 - return pipe; 12 - chimney pipe; 13 - explosive valve; 14 - drainage; 15 - base; 16 - insulation

Similar hot-water fire-tube boilers for water heating systems of houses, cottages, industrial, retail and warehouse premises are produced by ZIOSAB CJSC, Podolsk.

The main characteristics and parameters are given in table. eleven.

Hot water boilers "Turboterm"

Currently, hot water boilers with an automated burner device and a set of safety and control automation (ABU-1) supplied to the consumer are becoming more and more widespread.

Boilers "Turboterm" are manufactured in the power range from 110 to 5000 kW. The boilers are designed for a long service life (over 15 years).

Table 9. The main characteristics of water-heating boilers of JSC "Dorogobuzhkotlomash" with thermal power from 0.05 to 7.56 MW

Type of fuel

Power, MW

Water temperature, ° С

Dimensions (LxWxH), mm

boiler, kg

Water consumption, t / h

at the exit


(Dorogobuzh-50) * 1

1302 * 6 x750x935 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-80) * 1

1412 * 6 x750x935 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-110) * 1

1552 * 6 x750x935 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-150) * 1

2132 * 6 x930x1242 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-150) * 1

2132 * 6 x930x1242 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-350) * 1

2634 * 6 x1040x1387 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-500) * 1

2634 * 6 x1040x1387 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-750) * 1

3120 * 6 x1250x1509 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-1000) * 1

3120 * 6 x1250x1509 * 2


(Dorogobuzh-2000) * 1

3560 * 6 x1684x2023 * 2


(Dnipro-2000) * 1

4870 * 6 x1960x2530 * 2

KV-G-0.4-95N * 1

1620 * 6 x1605 * 6 x2035

KV-G-1.0-95N * 1

1620 * 6 x1736 * 6 x2583

KV-G-0.63-95N * 1

KV-G-1.0-95N * 4


3071 * 6 x1650x2360


4198 * 6 x1650x2462


4198/3745 * 3 x3371 / 2100 * 3 x3670 / 2500 * 3


4571 * 6 x1728x2462


4114 * 6 x2320x3160


5578 * 6 x2320x3160

KV-GM-4.65-150 * 4

5000/4336 * 3 x3000 / 2200 * 3 x3800 / 3360 * 3

KV-GM-7.56-150 * 4

6 500/5 872 * 3 x3100 / 2 0 * 3 x3 800/3 360 * 3

KV-R-4.65-150 * 4

KV-R-7.56-150 * 4

* 1 Boilers are supplied in lining, casing, with shut-off valves within the boiler.

* 2 Height without shut-off valves.

* 3 Dimensions of the boiler piping system.

* 4 Standard delivery: piping system complete with shut-off valves.

* 5 Metal weight of the boiler with the grate (in brackets with the RPK-1 grate).

* 6 Parameters without burner.

Legend: g - gas; m - fuel oil; y - coal; etc. of t. - diesel fuel.

Rice. ten.

The boilers are certified in the GOST-R certification system, have a certificate of conformity No. РОСС.RU.АЯ46.В18600, meet the requirements of GOST-R and are serially produced at the Remex-Teplomash plant (Maloyaroslavets) according to TU 4931-001-32990435-96 ... Boilers "Turboterm" are designed for closed heating and ventilation systems, as well as for hot water supply systems, designed for operating pressure 0.6 MPa and water temperature up to 115 ° C. The boilers operate under pressurization and are designed to operate on both gaseous and liquid fuels (including fuel oil) and provide standardized efficiency values ​​in accordance with GOST 10617-85.

Steel hot water boilers "Turboterm" have a horizontal reversible combustion chamber with a concentric arrangement of smoke tubes. To optimize the heat load of the pressure in the combustion chamber and the temperature of the flue gases, the flue pipes are equipped with stainless steel turbulators (Fig. 12). Modern heat-insulating materials provide high thermal performance of the boiler.

The front cover of the boiler is hinged to easily open. Depending on the project, the hinges are attached to the right or left.

Table 10. Main characteristics of water-heating boilers of JSC "Dorogobuzhkotlomash" with thermal power from 11.63 to 9 MW

Type of fuel

Power, MW

Water temperature, ° С

Design water inlet pressure, MPa

Dimensions (LxWxH), mm

Boiler metal weight, kg

Water consumption, t / h

at the exit



7430 / 8560x5210 / 5465x10410 / 9675





10860 / 12730x5210 / 5465x10410 / 9675


16025 / 18630x5335 / 5335x12660 / 12660

KV-GM-35-150 (PTVM-30M)









KV-GM-69.8-150 (PTVM-60)




KV-GM-139.6-150 (PTVM-120)


KV-GM-209-150 (PTVM-180)


Air heater option.

Legend: g - gas; m - fuel oil; y - coal; d - wood waste

Table 11. Main technical characteristics of hot water boilers of ZIOSAB CJSC



Rated heating capacity,

kW (Gcal / h)

Working pressure, MPa

Minimum inlet water temperature, ° С

Maximum outlet water temperature, ° С

Water consumption, m 3 / h: nominal


Boiler water volume, m 3

Hydraulic resistance, kPa

Aerodynamic resistance, Pa

Heat loss from external cooling q5, %

Boiler weight, kg

Furnace volume, m 3

Boiler vacuum, Pa

Air consumption, m 3, for gas (liquid fuel) combustion

(liquid fuel, kg / h)

Exhaust gas temperature, not lower, ° С

Sound level at control points, no more, dB

Rice. eleven. a - fire-tube KV-GM-0.05 ÷ 2.32-115N: 1 - boiler body, - rotary chamber, 3 - gas duct with a gate, 4 - burner device, 5 - inlet branch pipe, 6 - outlet branch pipe, 7 - branch pipes safety valves, 8 - inspection hatch; b - water tube KV-G- 0.4 ÷ 1.0-95 N: 1 - boiler body, - cyclonic furnace, 3 - gas duct, 4 - cover, 5 - peephole, 6 - inlet pipe, 7 - outlet pipe, 8 - burner installation branch pipe; c - water tube KV-G-1.16 ÷ 3.48-95 N: 1 - boiler body, - gas duct, 3 - burner device, 4 - brick wall, 5 - convective gas duct, 6 - furnace; g - water tube KV-G-4.65 ÷ 7.56-95 N: 1 - boiler body, - firebox, 3 - brick wall, 4 - convective gas duct, 5 - gas duct, 6 - burner device

The firebox (combustion chamber) has a reversible design. The specially developed geometrical shape and the large volume of the furnace contribute to the complete combustion of the fuel and the formation of flue gases with a low residual content of harmful substances.

The convective part includes bundles of fire tubes of optimal diameter, fixed in tube sheets, which ensure low resistance to the flow of flue gases (from 50 to 600 Pa, depending on the boiler size).

The rear (chimney) part of the boiler has a hatch that allows easy cleaning of the flue.

Technical parameters of boilers "Turboterm" are given in table. 12.

Hot water boilers Ygnis of the ST series with a capacity of 430-9300 kW

This is a hot-water monoblock steel fire-tube boiler with a three-way movement of combustion products for operation on natural gas, diesel fuel or fuel oil with a capacity from 430 to 9300 kW (Fig. 13).

The torch of a pressurized burner is formed along the horizontal combustion chamber from the front of the boiler.

Rice. 12. : a - general form; b - furnace diagram: 1 - front cover, 2 - boiler firebox, 3 - smoke tubes, 4 - tube sheets, 5 - the fireplace part of the boiler, 6 - mantel hatch, 7 - burner device

Table 12. Basic characteristics and parameters of boilers "Turboterm"


R slave, MPa

T workmax,

Weight without water, kg

Dimensions (LxWxH), mm

(kcal / h). 10 3

Rice. 13.

The elongated horizontal non-reversible cylindrical firebox is suitable for installation of almost any blast burners, including rotary ones.

The first convective bundle of flame tubes returns the combustion products to the front of the boiler, and the third stroke is carried out by the second convective bundle of steel tubes that directs the combustion products to the gas collecting manifold at the rear of the boiler.

Working pressure - 0.4 MPa (pressure test 0.6 MPa).

Adjustable heating water temperature - 100 ° С, maximum - 110 ° С.

The minimum return water temperature is 55 ° C for natural gas, 50 ° C for diesel fuel.

Operates on gas, diesel fuel, fuel oil (it is possible to use fuel oil Ml00 on request).

The main technical characteristics and parameters of Ygnis ST series boilers with a capacity of 430-9300 kW are presented in table. 13 and 14.

Table 13. Main technical characteristics of Ygnis ST series boilers with a power of 430-1060 kW


Net power, kW

Working pressure, MPa

Maximum pressure, MPa

Maximum boiler water temperature, ° С

Exhaust gas temperature, ° С

Natural gas consumption, m 3 / h

Liquid fuel consumption, l / h

Boiler water volume (approximate), l

Boiler furnace diameter, mm

Boiler furnace length, mm

Hydraulic resistance, kPa:


the maximum

Aerodynamic resistance, kPa:


the maximum

Diameter of the embrasure for connecting the burner, mm

Weight without water, kg

Table 14. Main technical characteristics of Ygnis ST series boilers with a capacity of 1220-9300 kW


Net power, kW

Efficiency at rated power,%

Natural gas consumption, m 3 / h

Liquid fuel consumption, l / h

Boiler water volume, l

Boiler furnace diameter, mm

Boiler furnace length, mm

Hydraulic resistance, kPa: minimum

the maximum

Aerodynamic resistance, kPa: minimum

the maximum

Burner emission pipe length, mm, no more

Burner connection diameter, mm

Weight without water, kg