The language of flowers. Azalea flower

In the cool mountain forests of the northern hemisphere, azaleas form thickets; at home, in India, they grow a meter and a half - a kind of shrub, even a miniature tree. In Japanese culture, azalea is often used to form bonsai, because the plant is plastic and resistant to the vagaries of nature and climate change.

Azalea is sometimes called majestically - the flower of the sages, perhaps for large flowers that allow you to contemplate them for hours and gain wisdom from the perception of beauty. In our conditions, azaleas are only afraid severe frosts, therefore, when persistent frosts occur, the bushes must be covered nonwoven fabric, on top of which to sketch snow.

You can buy it blooming

In flower shops, along with azalea seedlings, you can also find her younger sister - a potted azalea culture, whose place is on the windowsill. There is a strong opinion that flowering azalea plants cannot be bought: supposedly accustomed to one condition, they will not withstand the transition to others, and as you know, the flowering time is the most dangerous and very tender period for the culture. As for the azalea, here the truth is intertwined with fiction. Indeed, a flowering plant is not worth buying, but only in winter, and only because of forced transportation. Five to ten minutes in the cold can kill any flowering plant. In the summer, plants sold in pots, that is, with a closed root system, are quite suitable for purchase and even transplanting to a new place during the flowering period. The main thing is in no case to destroy the earthen clod.

When choosing a plant in a nursery or flower shop, carefully inspect it. It must be healthy flower no spots on the leaves, no damaged or partially withered shoots.

Demanding only on the acidity of the soil

Azaleas, which is quite unexpected for their beauty, are completely undemanding to care for. They can grow in any soil. The main thing is that the pH level should be approximately equal to 4.2-5.9, and it is undesirable to change this threshold in either direction. It is simple and easy to grow azaleas as a pot crop, you can buy special soil for heather and do not worry about anything. But the garden soil will have to be studied, and then the acid-base balance should be equalized.

Azalea loves the sun ... with a light shadow

It is better to choose a sunny place for azalea - in the garden it is open area, protected, however, by a shadow from the scorching sun at noon. If there is no opportunity to cover it with a shadow, then the azalea will cope with the gusts of the “solar wind”. Especially if you water it every evening.

A flower pot at home should be placed on the south side, on wide and bright window sills. Light window sills, like light pots, do not heat up from the sun, so they will not harm the plant. It is necessary to water the home azalea, as well as the street azalea, daily, little by little, and during the periods of bud formation, during mass flowering and in preparation for winter, it is also advisable to spray the home azalea warm water. Any, even short-term, lack of moisture causes the azalea to drop flower stalks, the plant experiences prolonged stress, it may die.

How to feed the flower of wisdom

Accept with gratitude azaleas and top dressing. Doses for outdoor plants are much higher than for indoor plants. And is it worth feeding an azalea that grows in specially selected soil? Street, on the other hand, needs nutrition - this is peat, leaf humus. In combination with watering and mulching the soil, they will give an excellent result, which will be reflected primarily in the foliage: the leaves will become brighter, there will be more of them on the flowers, and they will bloom longer.

Who is the azalea in the garden friends with

Azaleas look nice as single flowers, great in group plantings, azaleas are great " construction material» for lawn borders and even low hedges.

In the garden, azaleas get along well with their related rhododendrons, with camellia, magnolia. Bulbous, as soon as they are planted next to an azalea, they will intertwine with their buds, creating fragrant natural bouquets. And how beautiful are the combinations of azaleas and the bright striped greenery of the hosta, the scarlet astilba waterfall, the most delicate velvet geranium or the bluish mystical foxglove!


From the Greek "azalea" is translated as "dry". Indeed, azalea bushes, before the buds appear on them, look dry, their small rough leaves only reinforce this impression.

Translated from Arabic, "azalea" means "infinity", and it was in the East that it was first called the flower of wisdom. In India and others Eastern countries there is a belief that a blooming azalea can prevent quarrels and conflicts in the house.

Nikolai Khromov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher, GNU VNIIS im. I. V. Michurina of the Russian Agricultural Academy, Scientific Secretary of the ANIRR, member of the All-Russian Society of Geneticists and Breeders, Michurinsk

Purple lilac in the language of flowers symbolizes the "first excitement of love"

The language of flowers(Floriography) - symbolism, meaning attached to various colors to express certain moods, feelings and ideas. In the Victorian era the language of flowers used to secretly express feelings, in cases where they could not be spoken openly.

The language of flowers can be implemented both through the use of multi-colored objects, coloring objects, and by creating flower arrangements from living plants - bouquets, wreaths, etc.


Although it is impossible to speak, although my gaze drooped,
The breath of flowers has a clear language:
If the night took away many dreams, many tears,
Then I will surround myself with the bitter sweetness of roses!
If it is quiet with us and does not blow with a thunderstorm,
I will silently hint about that with mignonette;
If my mother caressed me tenderly,
In the morning I will already breathe violet;
If the father says "do not be sad - I'm ready" -
With incense I will enter orange flowers.

The language of flowers was born in the East, created by women. Deprived of communication, not often daring to open their faces, they transferred all the shades of their mood and feelings to the flowers. The associations that once arose gradually turned into persistent symbols, thanks to which it was possible to carry on a conversation.

In the Eastern tradition it is considered important:

  • when flowers are brought;
  • how the giver holds the bouquet:
    • inflorescences up or down;
    • in the left or right hand.
  • whether the bouquet is decorated with leaves and whether the thorns of the rose have been removed.

Here is a genuine story for you,
What gave birth to the Eastern Selam; -
From an ancient charter on purpose
I wrote it out for you.
How sweet are the flowers of the East
Unspeakable beauty!
But for the worshiper of the Prophet
Their silent language is more pleasant! ..
Our harems are unknown;
Our North is cold! For ladies
Selams will be useless:
They are so devoted to their husbands.
But you, whose eyes are blue
So timidly lowered down
For you young girls
Spring flowers sparkle in the fields!
From a strict mother furtively,
From the perspicacious nanny's eyes,
Weave selam, in sweet bliss:
Love will teach you easily.

Dmitry Oznobishin "Selam or the language of flowers"

Knowledge of the language of flowers came to Europe thanks to the notes of two people: Aubrey de la Mottreya (fr. Aubry de la Mottraye) and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.

Aubrey de la Mottre described his stay at the court of King Charles XII of Sweden in Turkey in the two-volume Journey ... through Europe, Asia and Africa in 1727.

The wife of the British ambassador in Istanbul in 1717, Mary Wortley Montagu, described the secret language of love correspondence "selam", also called "the language of objects and flowers", in her letters, published in 1763, shortly after her death, and made her famous.

“There is no paint, flowers, weeds, fruits, grass, stone, bird feathers that do not have a verse corresponding to them, and you can quarrel, scold, send letters of passion, friendship, courtesy, or exchange news without soiling your fingers."

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Flower dictionaries were published throughout the XVIII century, talking about the meaning of a particular plant. The language of flowers was very popular both in France and in England during the time of Queen Victoria.

In 1830, the book “Selam, or the Language of Flowers” ​​by the Russian poet D.P. Oznobishin was published in St. Petersburg, where about 400 meanings of plants were described. Basically, the symbols and meanings of colors displayed generally accepted associations, often far-fetched and fictional. The book was very popular among young people. Oznobishin also introduced the game of forfeits, known today and beginning with the words "I was born a gardener ...".


Board game with cards "Flirt of Flowers", Russia, 19th century. Kuzminka Museum

For many years, people have tried to unravel the mystery of the symbolism of flowers, studying the myths and legends that have developed about them. As a rule, flowers are associated with certain qualities of a person.


Primary colors expressing feelings, attitudes and ideas:

  • red - the color of life and love (hence the rose - a symbol of love, carnation - passion), as well as the color of blood, a symbol of anger and revenge (the color of war and revolution);
  • white - a symbol of purity and innocence (lily);
  • black - a symbol of sadness, mourning;
  • yellow - a symbol of disgust, hatred; except for golden - a symbol of the sun and joy;
  • green is a symbol of hope;
  • blue is the color of the gods;
  • blue - a symbol of fidelity (forget-me-nots, violets);
  • purple is a symbol of greatness.

The language of living flowers - plants

The symbolic meanings of living flowers of plants were widely used in the preparation of bouquets, when each of the elements of the composition was given an additional, emotional meaning.

Flower Meaning
Abecedarius talkativeness
Acacia secret love
Acanthus (Bear Paw) art
Azalea restraint
Aconite misanthropy
Ambrosia return of feelings
Burdock gratitude
Aloe bitterness; mourning
Almond Promise
Cornflower grace
Amaranth undying love
Anemone renunciation, sickness
Angrekum greatness
apple blossom preference
Arbor vitae eternal friendship
Melissa mutual understanding or sympathy
Balsam impatience
Laurel wreath triumph
Orchid zeal
Bell thinking of you
Irish bluebells luck
Lyadvenets revenge
boxwood loyalty
Broom modesty or humility
reeds obedience
Buttercup wealth
Cabbage utility
Japanese camellia modest superiority
Bell medium gratitude
Carnation pink female love, innocent love (first).
white contempt
purple waywardness; unpredictable inconsistency
red my heart longs for you, passion, obsession with love
yellow you disappoint me; refusal; neglect
striped rejection
Celandine joy
Sakura flower a good education
transience of life (in Japan)
female beauty (in China)
Chestnut judge me
Aster variety of love
Chrysanthemum red I like
white truth
yellow rejected love
Coreopsis cheerfulness and fun
Primrose overcoming grace
Clover Red zeal
White the oath
Coriander burning desire
Pale yellow daffodil meekness, humility, nobility, respect or unrequited love
Dahlia sophistication, self-esteem
Daisy innocence, chastity, modesty, fidelity, devoted love
red daisy beauty unknown owner
Dandelion coquetry
Rosehip flower heal wounds
Elder sympathy
Fennel impregnability, resistance
forget-me-not true love
Geranium nobility
gorse patient affection, love at any time of the year
Grass submission, obedience
Heliotrope devotion, passion
Hibiscus rare, graceful beauty
Hollyhock ambition
Honeysuckle bonds of love, loyalty to a loved one
rejuvenated economy, economy
Hydrangea coldness, indifference, heartlessness
Ivy dependency, trust
Narcissus renewal of feelings
Viburnum evergreen symbol, sign, distinction
Lavender piety, doubt
lemon flowers freedom, sanity
Salad "frozen heart"
Lichen loneliness
Flower Meaning
Lilac purple the first love
white innocence
Lily white purity, innocence
scarlet lofty intentions
yellow 1) fun and gratitude, 2) lies and frivolity.
orange hatred and disgust
Brindle abundance, prosperity, arrogance, pride
Lily of the valley reliability, credibility
lime flowers fornication, betrayal
Lobelia malice, unkindness
Lotus purity, chastity, eloquence
Amaranth hopelessness
Magnolia love for nature
Mallow "tormented by love"
Marigold despair
Epigea repens best wishes
minionette value
Mint suspicion
morning glow unrequited love
Mullein good nature
Nasturtium (Capuchin) patriotism
oak leaves power
oats musicality
Olive peace
Nivyanik (Daisy) patience
peach flowers longevity
pear flowers strong friendship
Resinous pine flowers philosophy
Poppy ordinary eternal sleep, oblivion, fantasy
Red pleasure
White consolation of dreams; modern version: world
yellow wealth, success
the Rose tea room beauty is always new
red true love
blue sacrament, achieving the impossible
white eternal love, silence or innocence, longing, virtue, purity, secrecy, reverence and humility
black death, hatred, farewell, separation by death
yellow friendship, happiness, joy.
pink courtesy, courtesy, courtesy
dark pink gratitude, appreciation
light pink desire, passion, joy of life, youth, energy
burgundy unexpected beauty
coral desire, passion
pale lilac love at first sight
white-red unity, common interest
red-yellow delight, happiness and excitement
without spikes love at first sight
callas The highest degree of admiration, respect, admiration; the donor bows the knee before you; You are gorgeous!
Rosemary memory (memories)
Ruta sorrow, remorse
Mimosa bashful sensitivity
Snowdrop comfort, hope
Arabian poultry farmer hope
Straw unity
Sunflower sublime, pure thoughts
Rosehip red-brown simplicity
Datura deception
Thistle nobility
Thyme (Thyme) economy
tulip tree glory
Tulip Red declaration of love
yellow admiration for the smile of a loved one / hopeless love
Violet blue loyalty, fidelity
white modesty
Weeping willow rejected love
Any plant seeds dispersed by the wind envoys
witch hazel conspiracy
Wheat wealth and prosperity
Hyssop cleansing, humility

Flirting flowers

Flirting flowers- a parlor card game popular in the 19th century.

The cards have a set of color names, and each name corresponds to a certain phrase. The names of the colors on all the cards are the same, but they have different phrases. The players say the name of the flower aloud and pass the card to the interlocutor. The interlocutor learns from this card and the sounded name what they wanted to say to him. Thus, only two people know the true content of the conversation, for the rest it is just the names of colors.

Azalea name meaning, character and destiny | What does the name Azalea mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Azalea (Aza), its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac of Azalea (Azy) - Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Azalea name color - olive, gray
  • Cherished plant - rue
  • The patron of the name Azalea is a mole
  • Azalea (Aza) talisman stone - chalcedony, obsidian

What does the name Azalea mean?: flowering shrub(name Azalea of ​​Muslim origin).

The name Azalea comes from the name of the flower of the same name, the peculiarity of which is that in itself it looks like a shrub, but during flowering it transforms and becomes incredibly beautiful. There is also another version, according to which the name Azalea has Arabic roots and means "comforting", "soothing"

Azalea Angel Day: the name Azalea does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.

Azalea zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius

The nature of the name Azalea: What does the name Azalea mean? It must be said that almost always Azalea's thoughts are occupied with questions of work and life, fulfilling the duty of a hostess and mother of her children. If Azalea is doing well professionally, she will be happy. By the way, specialties where personal responsibility is important are very suitable for her. This is due to the fact that Azalea is a born leader and cannot be in the role of a subordinate. But she is non-aggressive, forgiving and not vindictive.

As for studies, the name Azalea gravitates toward humanitarian subjects. Very often, girls with that name subsequently even choose the profession of a teacher. In general, knowing that she is in demand, Azalea will be inspired to do any work. In addition, she loves praise very much, but does not always dare to ask others for it because of her natural modesty.

In almost the same way, the name Azalea behaves at home, performing all the duties of the household and arranging family life. But she is not at all tyrannical and, moreover, is tolerant of the shortcomings of other people. Azalea often prefers to do some work on her own, without entrusting her to family members, because she does not like to order, let alone ask. In general, the family for Azalea is the norm of life, and she simply does not accept a lonely existence. Azalea selects her husband using a pragmatic approach. She is well versed in people and men, in particular, and therefore, she does not allow rude and boorish people to approach her, follows her principles, and reveals her own femininity only to a partner she trusts. For a girl named Azalea, it is paramount that a loved one understands and accepts her life principles, appreciates tolerance, a sense of duty and others. positive traits. The meaning of the name Azalea suggests that she does not accept quarrels and very often tries to consciously avoid conflicts, hushing up many problems.

If we talk about the shortcomings of Azalea, then, perhaps, this is excessive straightforwardness. She does not forgive betrayal and immediately prefers to end the relationship without understanding the situation. But in general, Azalea is very kind to people. She is honest with them, and therefore, easily reveals deceit. The meaning of the name Azalea can also tell about her character. So, you can always turn to Azalea with a problem - she will listen, reassure and suggest how to deal with difficulties.

Azalea's love and marriage: Azalea practically does not separate family and work from each other - she treats all these issues with equal responsibility and strives to achieve her goals. This allows Azalea to discover new opportunities in herself, learn to appreciate her personality and be inspired to new achievements.

Azalea has a very deep sensuality. She is well acquainted with love and hate, which often guide all her actions. Both resentment and gratitude in her soul will remain for a long time! Favorable alliance with Nazar, Nathan, Putislav, Ruslan. Complicated Relationships likely with Nil, Porfiy, Sadko, Solomon.

Health and talents named after Azalea: In terms of health, Azalea often has weak lungs and an overactive bladder. In the latter case, this can negatively affect the condition of the lumbar region, leading to pain. So, Azalea is recommended to use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes kidney fees and a decoction of lingonberry leaves. Walking will be useful, especially in forest areas.

The fate of the name Azalea in history:

  1. Azaliya Dolgova is a Russian and Soviet scientist, lawyer, Doctor of Law, Professor.
  2. Azalea Banks - aspiring rap artist, known for the composition "Bambi";
  3. Azalia Likhitchenko is a People's Artist of the RSFSR and a Soviet TV presenter.

The color of flowers is their language and color meaning.

There is no doubt that when presenting a bouquet, you want to be sure that you have made an unmistakable choice. And if you made a bouquet, taking into account the meaning of flowers, it will turn into a very valuable gift. Giving flowers, we must remember that a certain concept is associated with each of them. And if this is known to the person to whom you are giving a bouquet, then by hastily and casually approaching its compilation, you can put yourself in an awkward position. But one cannot speak of the language of flowers as a kind of Esperanto. There are a huge number of interpretations, each of which presents its own versions of the transcripts, often contradicting other sources. This difference in interpretation appears for spatial and temporal reasons. The same can be said about the languages ​​we speak (French in France, Japanese in Japan, and Old Russian is strikingly different from modern Russian). Having got acquainted with all the variety of flower interpretations, I was convinced that it is simply not possible to combine and group all this together. Therefore, we decided to dwell on the most interesting and most reliable, in our opinion, interpretations.

Some sources claim that the language of flowers was born in the era of romanticism and for more than a hundred years has been an integral part of the sentimental games of lovers. Flowers helped lovers to conduct a silent dialogue, to express a complex range of experiences. Sometimes flowers were sent instead of letters. For example, the hyacinth, by the number of buds, "appointed" the day of the meeting, and the bell, by the number of flowers, "specified" even the hour of the meeting.
The British give to their beloved women pansies. And even if feelings were hidden until this day, they can only be expressed with the help of these wonderful flowers. To this day, white acacia is considered to be a flower that personifies pure and bright love among many European peoples. And in ancient Germany, the guarantee of love and happiness in family life lilies of the valley were considered. Hydrangeas in Japan express grief, while in other countries they are endowed with the ability to ward off illness and misfortune.
Hyacinths, carnations, chrysanthemums are given to a married woman to emphasize respect for her. To remind you of a purely personal bouquet, they intersperse yellow flowers. If a girl is presented with dahlias, this is a sign of sad, unrequited love. Daisies are the flowers of the young, unmarried girls. White flowers predominate in the bride's bouquet, and a bouquet of white callas is a wish for a successful marriage (in any other cases, a color accent is preferable). There is a belief that gerberas in a bouquet (a large scarlet flower with two white ones) bring happiness. Before a long journey or separation, it is customary to present a bouquet with a predominance of red. Red gladioli should be given at the birth of a son, and multi-colored if a daughter was born (according to other sources, congratulating on the birth of a girl, it is customary to give pink or red flowers, personifying the dawn of life, and a boy - blue or purple).
What can you say about color? "The black rose is the emblem of sadness, the red rose is the emblem of love" - ​​this is what everyone is talking about. And white or pink? During the time of Catherine II, a “Register of Flowers” ​​was even developed, where red meant love, green meant hope, blue meant fidelity, black meant sadness, yellow meant treason. And in the culture of Japan, for example, yellow is a symbol of light and sun, and yellow flowers are given to people who wish light and good. Orange color symbolizes strength, power, pride. And blue flowers "speak" of longing, fidelity, and it is customary to give them to those leaving for the army. Solemn purple is a sign of friendship, and green is a sign of calm and peace. Neutral white is a symbol of purity, tenderness, sadness and mourning, just like in some other countries. In the culture of the Ancient East, each season had its own color: black for winter, white for autumn, blue for spring and red for summer. There are customs and prejudices regarding the color of the petals. A special relationship, of course, to the yellow color, the color of betrayal and infidelity. In one of the Eastern legends, it is said that red roses exposed the unfaithful wife of a certain sultan, turning yellow right in her hands. As for giving flowers, the "ban" on yellow has long been lifted, and you can give these flowers in any situation.

But still, if you are afraid to make a mistake with the color, choose the universal color of the petals - white. It goes well with any other shades and is suitable for all occasions. Pink is usually associated with youth and modesty. Red is the color of love and passion among all peoples. In a bouquet, it goes well with white, yellow, and is not recommended with pink and purple. blue coloration at garden plants quite rare, although blue wildflowers are plentiful. Intense blue color combined with bright yellow or dazzling white will captivate the eye of any person. Light orange ("salmon") harmonizes wonderfully with blue, purple, purple, white.
It is believed that the number of flowers in a bouquet has a certain meaning: one flower is a sign of attention, three - respect, five - recognition, seven - love ... Perhaps in the modern extravagant world there is no place for such trifles, but psychologists assure that it is precisely such trifles that create a mood, even at a subconscious level. But the most important thing to be guided by when choosing flowers is, of course, the tastes of the person to whom you select a bouquet. How to recognize them? Give flowers more often, and sooner or later, you will definitely "hit the spot".
Here are some color interpretations:

Azalea - flower of passion, Temperance, Take care of yourself for Me, Acacia (blooming flower) - Hidden Love
Pansies - a flower of fun, entertainment
Astra - Symbol of Love, Grace
Acacia - Secret love
Amaranth - Immortality
Amaryllis - Pride
Anemone (anemone) - Vain expectations, hopelessness
Pansies - Remembrance
Astra - Farewell
Basil - Best Wishes
Immortelle - Eternal memory
Begonia - Beware
Bouquet of Dried Flowers - Rejected Love
Hawthorn Branch - Hope
Oak branch - Forgiveness, eternity
Almond Branch - Sweet Hopes
Branch blossoming apple tree- Preference
Evergreens - Eternal Life

Bindweed - a flower of beauty
Gardenia - Femininity, Secret Love, You are Beautiful
Carnation (common) - First love, Charm, Woman love
Carnation pink - Love

Geranium - Stupidity, Recklessness
Hyacinth (common) - Pretty, constancy, Achievement, Games and Sports
Gladiolus - Give Me a Break, I'm Really Sincere, Gladiator Flower, Carnal Love
Gloxinia - Love at First Sight
Hydrangea - Coldness, Indifference, Callousness, HeartlessnessHibiscus - Fragile beauty
Oregano - Significance
Angelica - Inspiration
Delphinium (pink) - Impermanence
Sweet Pea - Goodbye. Check out, Thanks for the Great Time
Acorn - Scandinavian Symbol of Life and Immortality
Jonklia - Return of Attachment, Love Me, Desire, Sympathy
White Jasmine - Courtesy
Jasmine yellow - Elegance, vitality
Honeysuckle - Rivalry
Strawberry tree - I love
Goldenrod - Success
Iris - Flower - Emblem of France, Your Friendship means a lot to Me, Trust, Wisdom, Hope
Cactus - Tenacity
Camellia - Admiration, Perfection, Successful Gift for a Man
Irish Bells - Luck
Bell - Humility, Submission
White bell - Appreciation
Bell blue - Constancy

Kmin - fidelity
Coriander - Secret Admiration
Lavender - Virtue, constancy
Laurel - Triumph, eternity, glory
Lily of the Valley - Reciprocity
Levkoy - Unfading beauty
Lily (white) - purity, purity, virginity, majesty, It's divine to be next to you!!!
Lily (calla) - BeautyLily (yellow) - Pretense, fun
Onions (inflorescences) - Benefits
Lunaria - Wealth
Buttercup - Childhood
Lavender - Admiration, Loneliness
Laminaria - Sadness
Linen - Family Symbol
Palm Leaves - Victory and Success
Magnolia - Nobility, Pride, Misfortune
Poppy (normal) - Eternal sleep. Oblivion, Imagination, Consolation
Daisy - Purity, Innocence, Integrity, True Love, I'll Never Tell
Myrtle - Love, Jewish Wedding Emblem
Moss - Maternal Love, Mercy
Melissa - Sympathy

Mint - Freshness
Narcissus - Formality, Stay as beautiful as you are
Narcissus yellow - "I thirst for reciprocity"
Pale yellow narcissus - Deceived hopes
Nasturtium - Patriotism
Forget-me-not - Loyalty, sincere love, Memories, True Love
Marigolds, marigolds - Sadness, Jealousy, Cruelty
Nasturtium - Conquest, Victory in the Fight
Dandelion - Happiness, Loyalty, Devotion
Oleander - Attention
Mistletoe - Kiss Me, Affection, Overcoming Difficulties, Love,
Sacred plant of India, Magic Flower of the Druids
Orange Flowers - Innocence, Eternal Love, Wedding
Nut - Stupidity
Orchid - Love, Refinement, Beauty, Chinese Symbol of Childhood
Holly - Family Happiness, Protection
Olive Branch - Reconciliation
Holly holly - Hope, deity
Parsley - Fun
Tansy - Hostility
Peony - Shyness
Ivy - Eternal devotion, Harmonious Love, Fidelity, Friendship, Affection
Snowdrop - Hope, consolation
Sunflower - Arrogance, unrighteous wealth
Wormwood - Draw
Poinsettia - Fertility, eternity
Fern - Charm, Magic, Grace, Trust and Patronage
Nightshade bittersweet - Truth
Petunia - Irritation / Anger, Your Gift calms Me
Pion - Happy wedding, Fun Life, Compassion
Fir - Time
Sunflower - Pride
Primula - I Can't Live Without You
Rose (bud) - Innocence, beauty
Rose (yellow) - Jealousy
Rose (red) - Love
Rose (wedding) - Happy Love
Rose (Christmas) - Anxiety, Calm Me
Rose (scarlet) - Persian Herald of Love
Rose (dark red) - Mourning
Rose (hibiscus) - Fragile, Beauty
Rose (leaf) - You Can Hope
Rose (pink) Supreme Happiness, Trust Me
Rose (red) LOVE, I Love You, Passion
Rose (thorny) Love at First Sight
Rose (white) - Purity and Innocence, I am Worthy of You, You are an Angel, Mystery
Rose (tea) - I remember. Is always
Rose (red and white together) - Unity, Flower - Emblem of England
Rose (white, dried) - Better Death than infamy
Rose (white, sluggish) - A fleeting impression, you did not impress
Rose (yellow) - Jealousy, Trying to keep Feelings
Rose (musk bush) - Charm, Charm
Rose (single bloom) - I still love you
Rose (wreath) - Take care of Honor, Reward for Merit, Symbol of the Highest Dignity
Rose (bud) - Innocent Heart
Rosemary - Memory
Lilac (white) - Childish innocence
Lilac (purple) - First crush, Beauty
Pine - Hope, Pity
Grass - Submission, Submission
Tulip (common) - Excellent Lover, Glory, Flower - Emblem of Holland
Tulip (red) - Declaration of Love, Believe Me, Declaration of Love
Tulip (variegated) - Lovely Eyes
Tulip (yellow) - Unrequited love
Thyme - Courage, strength
Fennel - Flattery
Violet - Humility, Dignity, Modesty
Violet (blue) - Beware, Loyalty, I'm Always Right
Violet (white) - Let's Try to be Happy!!!
Orange Blossom (orange blossom) - Purity, charm
Phlox - Gallantry
Chrysanthemum (common) - You are a Great Friend, Fun and Rest
Chrysanthemum (red) - I Love
Cyclamen - Resignation, Goodbye
Zinnia (red) - Lasting Affection, "Thinking of those who are not with us"
Peach Blossom Branch - Longevity
Sage (red) - "Thinking of you"
Sage - Wisdom, immortality
Sorrel - Attachment
Tarragon - Inexhaustible interest. Blueberry - Trust
Garlic - Courage, Strength, Courage

The meaning of their color

White is a responsible and solemn color, but also a symbol of purity and tenderness.

White wildflowers are flowers of youth, purity and freshness, given to young girls.

Yellow is a symbol of light and sun, and yellow flowers are given to people who wish light and good. This color is considered a symbol of the family hearth and marriage, prosperity and wealth.

Green - means calm and peace.

Greenish-yellow, sulphurous - hatred, envy, infidelity, willfulness. You should not give a greenish-yellow orchid to your beloved woman, so as not to arouse suspicion!

Red - means love, life, freedom, triumph and at the same time fire, blood. It is necessary to give red flowers very carefully, only to your loved ones and, of course, not to the bride, if you are not the groom. Bouquet Red roses will be more likely to be regarded as an expression of passion than a declaration of love

Purple - expresses humility

Orange symbolizes strength, power, pride, as well as harvest, happiness and celebration.

Motley - this color, like pink, is universal. Flowers of this color can be safely given for a wedding.

Pink is the most versatile color. Pink flowers can be given to people of any age and gender, for any occasion.

Light blue is the color of faith and hope.

Blue flowers "talk" about longing, fidelity, and it is customary to give them to those leaving for the army.

Blue and lilac are the colors of gentle and touchy people. Flowers of such colors are not considered festive and therefore are not given for a wedding. Purple is a solemn color, a sign of friendship, greatness, dignity and luxury. Black is the color of sadness and mourning. If you go down the aisle against your will, then you can safely buy a bouquet of black flowers.

Flowers ennoble our lives, caress the eyes, give people joy, soften morals, bring peace and pleasure. And to give flowers means to express feelings of love, respect, location or respect. And here are the advice of the Bulgarian culturologist M. Todorova. The language of flowers in the East made up a whole science of "villages", where azalea denoted sadness caused by loneliness. A white carnation spoke of trust, and a red carnation spoke of hot feelings. The yellow rose "doubted" the sincerity of love, the red rose secretly "confessed" to passionate feelings. Lily meant purity, aster - sadness, and modest marigolds whispered about the secret, at the same time reminding the owner of the bouquet of her eternal charm. Children are given small and delicate flowers of bright, joyful tones, arranged in small bouquets. For older women, avoid giving dark and fast-fading flowers. It is not customary to give bright red flowers to a young girl. It is customary for men to give long flowers, because. a small bouquet of lilies of the valley will look in male hand at least strange. A bouquet intended for a man is vertically elongated, it must definitely feel the tension of shapes and lines. Women's bouquets, on the contrary, have a more rounded shape, including medium-sized flowers. pastel colors. Men do not give each other violets. It is not customary for a woman to give flowers to a man, except in those cases when the man is much older than her and is a birthday or hero of the day. Flower pots are given only if it is known that the recipient loves them very much and does not mind receiving them as a gift.


Series of messages "COLOR": About color and its influence on a personPart 1 - The color of flowers, their language and the meaning of color.
Part 3 - "Color Choices" by Luscher
Part 47 - About kind, instructive, flower... Photographer Christine Ellger.
Part 48 - Meditation with Rainbow Colors
Part 49 - The color of luck.


Quote from ELENA_STOPKO Read the WholeTo your quote pad or community!

Azalea open arms
They call to themselves with their beauty.
Oh, how exquisite their dresses are -
Lilac with gold trim.
And we look, unable to see enough ...

Everyone who has ever seen garlands of airy snow-white, pale pink, golden yellow, red, purple flowers will not remain indifferent to them. Now wavy, now terry, like elegant tutus of ballerinas, now open, like bowls, flowers delight the eye and amuse the heart.
In Greek, the word "azalea" literally means "dry". Indeed, before the flowers bloom, the azalea is a dryish shrub with small, rough leaves. Its buds stand half-closed for a long time, as if hiding their incomparable beauty from people. But suddenly there comes a moment when the buds burst into bright colors: up to five hundred flowers can bloom simultaneously on one bush, and each of them does not go out for eighteen days, and the whole plant is in bloom for up to two and a half months.
Once, fleeing from a fire, a family of elves was forced to leave their homes. Tired, almost exhausted, the elves took refuge in a small forest that grew at the foot of the mountains. They began to look for a place to sleep, but the trees were already occupied by forest dwellers. And the beautiful flowers refused to accommodate strangers, explaining their refusal by the fear of damaging their lush petals.
And only one, seemingly inconspicuous shrub hospitably allowed the refugees to take refuge among its foliage.
After spending the night under its shadow, the elves decided to reward the bush for kindness. And so, when the sun rose, hundreds of beautiful bright flowers blossomed on its branches. Ashamedly silent were those plants that refused the elves shelter - the hospitable shrub overshadowed the most magnificent flowers with its charm!
azaleas bloom,
and winter outside...
And it's still snowing...
And inspires the blizzard...
But fragile flowers...
Magic Sign of Love...
They shout: "Spring has come! ...
Open your heart to a friend...

To protect the rhododendron (that was the name of the very ancestor of our beloved azalea), the elves awarded him another unusual property. It was this mysterious feature of the rhododendron (azalea) that caused the events described by Xenophon, an ancient Greek scientist.
For the second week, the Greek warriors stubbornly walked along the mountain roads of Colchis in search of the golden fleece. Warlike local tribes attacked the cohorts of the conquerors, but quickly dispersed before the armored ranks of warriors.
The Greeks rejoiced, but suddenly a disaster struck in the main Athenian army: the soldiers found a large apiary in the mountains, quickly divided the honeycombs filled with heavy honey, tasted it, and soon after that everyone fell unconscious.
The commander Xenophon, describing this event, noted: "... in general, there was nothing here that could arouse suspicion, but there were many hives, and all those soldiers who ate honeycombs instantly lost consciousness. There were a lot of sick people, but on the next day no one died, they began to regain consciousness. On the third and fourth days they got up exhausted, as if after medicine.
The soldiers wanted to improve their strength, but they did not know that honey from this plant has an intoxicating effect. So the progenitor of the modern azalea intoxicated the whole army. A long stay in the thickets of flowering rhododendrons can cause poor health - the smell bestowed by the elves is very strong.
A message is written on the petals of flowers
Such a delicate exquisite ligature.
I read the text, and the words are fragrance
My heart is wrapped in light calico.
The letter was sent by the flower goddess,
It was delivered by a soft-winged elf.
She is beautiful in a star tippet,
And so airy dresses her train.
Today is a holiday in the city of flowers,
And I'm invited to it too.
I will dedicate to the goddess of a wonderful line -
May she be happy and joyful.

An Indian legend tells about the origin of the name of the plant "Azalea".
Once a nomadic gypsy camp stopped on the territory of the possessions of the great maharaja. And in the camp there were two beautiful sisters: Aza and Leah. Aza was a skilled dancer. Her incendiary dances, extraordinary energy and cheerful smile made even the gloomiest spectators and the most inept dancers start dancing. Leah was a fortune teller. She, unlike her sister, was a very thoughtful girl, and the seal of sadness and detachment did not disappear from her face. She could predict the fate of any person, but she was not given to see her own fate. One day, the Maharajah invited gypsies to his feast to entertain the guests. For the sake of interest, he extended his hand to Leah and asked her to predict his fate. Leah told him a misfortune: the Ganges would overflow and flood the lands of the ruler, during bad weather no one would survive, except for the youngest son of the Maharaja. Then the Maharajah got angry and ordered to kill the Gypsies, but the sisters Aza and Leah managed to escape. During the escape, the sisters, whose path lay along dangerous mountain paths, stumbled and fell from a mountain cliff. When people found the sisters under the mountain, only one of them was alive. They tried to find out her name from the girl, but, dying, she only managed to say: "Aza ... Leah."
The peasants buried the sisters, who were inseparable during their lifetime, under the mountain, and a beautiful bush grew on the site of their grave, which people called "azalea".

Due to their decorative effect, beautifully blooming azaleas are a wonderful decoration for city apartments, greenhouses and winter gardens. In Europe, there is a tradition to decorate the interior with small azaleas trees on holidays. Azaleas are most widely used in ornamental gardening in their historical homeland - in China and Japan, where they are often grown using the bonsai technique.
If you come home tired, you feel that the stress of the day does not leave you, sit alone with an azalea for a quarter of an hour, admire the bizarre petals, peer into the shape of the whole flower. And you will feel how your thoughts become calmer and clearer, nervousness goes away and takes away the vain anxieties of the day.
Azalea is removed even a hangover.
In addition, the luxurious beauty perfectly heals tired eyes, removes their inflammation, regardless of whether this inflammation is caused by a long painstaking work or, for example, insomnia.
Experts believe that after 30 minutes of visual contact even improves vision. And azalea petals treat barley. They need to be applied to inside wrists, secured with a bandage, for 5-6 hours.
This amazing flower is also good because, while most indoor plants they usually bloom in spring, early summer and autumn, azalea blooms its miracle - buds in winter, against the background of windows painted with frost, while creating a special aura in the house.
The dark red azalea provides its owners with an additional service. She “expels” moths, tree beetles, small domestic ants and other pests from the apartment.

Azalea is identified with dazzling beauty, intoxicating charm and at the same time poisonous deceit of the beautiful half of humanity.
She maintains the energy of cheerfulness in the house. This ability is explained by its connection with the Sun, enclosed in magnificent flowers and shiny leaves, as well as with Saturn, which manifests itself in its lignified shoots.
Mercury is also very strong in the leaves of the azalea, but the leaves of the azalea are small, therefore the ruler of speech and the thought process contained in them, Mercury, gave the azalea the ability to cleanse the atmosphere of the energies of gossip and petty thoughts. So, if gossip swirls in your house, even in the form of phone calls, or you tend to attach great importance to trifles, you cannot do without an azalea.

Garlands of flowers of all kinds, the shades of which leave no one indifferent and make the heart tremble. Some varieties, such as Indian azalea, bloom exclusively in winter period, which are of particular value and bring incomparable joy with the opportunity to contemplate the beauty of flowering.
Flowers and angels are heavenly creatures...
Flowers are like winged angels
And angels are like white flowers
Worthy of admiration, adoration,
They do not expect retribution and retribution
Heaven, they are divinely pure.
Flowers and angels are heavenly creatures...
We are delighted with their beauty,
Their habitat is gardens
In the great house of the universe,
Above them the light shines golden
A distant star unknown to us.

The material is taken from the Internet.

The meaning of the name Azalea

Svetlana Ivanova

The meaning of the name AZALIA
(Latin) From the name of the flower.
The meaning of the name Azalea: Her plans are connected with life and work, her place in the world is the fulfillment of her duty. If she has a favorite job and her area of ​​responsibility, then Azalea is a leader, then Azalea is happy. Even at home, Azalea cannot forget about her debt in order to just relax. Her leadership is realized in the responsibility that Azalea is ready to take on.

Strong, strong-willed character; be as tolerant as possible towards others. It is easier for her to do everything herself than to ask or order. She hates quarrels, conflicts, always avoids them, even at the cost of loss. Family is the norm for her. She likes things to be stable. He is well versed in men, does not allow rudeness, rudeness, as he has his own principles and spiritual requirements. She tends to underestimate her goals and self-esteem, as she does not like competition. Does not hold grudges, is not envious and unvindictive. She is inclined towards science and pedagogy. Humanities and teaching at the university are more suitable. Being a person of mood, Azalea easily orders herself to fulfill her duty and duties, as she has a very developed sense of responsibility, which allows her to do almost any job where Azalea will be in demand. Good mother and wife. Likes praise, but never asks for it out of modesty.

Family and work for her are a single whole, since these concepts form the basis of her stability and responsibility. She needs high goals, maximum spirituality and great responsibility, which allows her to appreciate herself in due measure. Her femininity can only be revealed in a family, with a constant partner who accepts her life principles, appreciating her sense of duty and tolerance, and does not forget to say a kind word.

Weak lungs can bring on melancholy and sadness, taking away vitality. To improve the lungs, you should eat oatmeal in the morning; walks and rest are recommended fresh air, better in a pine forest. Pay attention to an overactive bladder, as this can be reflected in lower back pain. You can use a decoction of lingonberry leaves and kidney fees.

In the East, this flower is considered a symbol of female beauty. In Japan, the azalea is called the "passion-intoxicating flower." Azalea flowers delight with their tenderness and variety of colors: white, scarlet, lingonberry, coral, dark purple.

Azalea is a symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion; but at the same time - passions and sorrows. It is customary to give it before an unwanted separation.

Presenting an azalea, you say: “I hope You wait for me”, “Take care of yourself for me”, “I believe you!”

When a man gives this flower, he admits that you are the only one for him.

In China, the azalea is a symbol of the fair sex, as well as great abilities.

In the East, rhododendron (another name for azalea) symbolizes female attractiveness. In Japan, it is called the flower of carnal pleasures for its bright sensual aroma.

Azalea is identified with dazzling beauty, intoxicating charm and at the same time poisonous deceit of the beautiful half of humanity.


Azalea's zodiac sign is Aries. Both Indian and Japanese azaleas keep the energy of cheerfulness in the house. This property of them is associated with a strong Sun, enclosed in gorgeous flowers and in shining leaves, and with Saturn manifested in the form of tree-like stems.

Very strong in Azalea and Mercury leaves, but these leaves are small. Therefore, the ruler of speech and the thought process, Mercury, enclosed in them, gave the azaleas the ability to cleanse the atmosphere of the energies of gossip and petty thoughts. If gossip is woven in lace in your house, even telephone, or someone attaches great importance to trifles, then you can’t do without an azalea. Her bright Sun will turn the energy of gossip, petty thoughts and conversations into a warm and pleasant one.

Azalea Aries is very bright, loves to be in sight, speaks loudly about himself, in a word, he is an egoist and an egocentrist. Azalea will save you from such personalities in your environment, and it will help to change the worst sides of your own "I". Selfish energies prevent other people from focusing on their own affairs, but the azalea neutralizes the distracting effect of selfishness.

At the mention of the azalea, only superlatives usually arise: dazzling, enchanting, delightful, fantastic. This is due to the fact that the Sun is too strong in this plant - that's the whole azalea and glows with rainbow light.

The Sun - the planet of creativity - manifests itself in Aries most clearly and harmoniously, but occupies the second position in this sign, the first, controlling place belongs to Mars - the planet of speed, stimulating creative, solar movement. And that makes the azalea useful topics who is afraid to take on a big job and tries to delay the start of the process. This often happens with creative people. For them, the most painful process is the embodiment of an already felt image into matter. With its subtle influence, azalea forbids a person to take time off from work and contributes to brilliant works to see the light faster.

Azalea sun awakens a person from sleep. This plant is useful for those who walk around like a sleepy fly all day and wake up only in the evening, who find it difficult to get up early in the morning.

Magic and dream book. Azalea has a beneficial effect on marital love, so it is customary to give it to newlyweds.

It creates positive energy in the house.

If there is no peace in the family, petty skirmishes constantly occur over trifles, the azalea will help restore an atmosphere of love and understanding.

It will help to find the strength to solve rather complex issues.

Blooming azalea dreams of well-being, recovery. In other cases - to the agonizing expectation of some important events.

Feng Shui. Azalea is necessary for those who are afraid to take on a responsible business. Subconsciously influencing a person, the plant will strengthen his sense of confidence.

Mythology. Translated from Greek, the word "azalea" means "dry", and indeed, before the flowers bloom, the plant is a shrub with dry shoots and small rough leaves.

It is with this plant that one of the legends is associated, which has been passed from mouth to mouth since 401 BC. It says that the Greek troops moved along the mountain roads of Colchis for two weeks in search of the golden fleece.

The Greeks rejoiced in their victories. But suddenly in the main Athenian army, trouble happened. The soldiers found a large apiary in the mountains and tasted the honey. And soon they all fell unconscious.

Commander Xenophon, describing this event, noted: “... there were many beehives, and all those soldiers who tasted honey instantly lost consciousness. The next day, no one died, everyone began to recover, and on the third and fourth, the soldiers got up, but as after taking a strong medicine.

It turned out that the Greek warriors ate honey from the flowers of the wild yellow rhododendron.

Azalea care at home

Azalea is a very capricious plant. Most flower growers saw her flowering once - when they bought a plant in a store. After that, the flower continued to grow, but refused to bloom. To earn (just deserve!) the right to admire blooming azalea, you need to remember a few simple rules for caring for her.

Temperature regime. V summer period Azaleas are best kept on a balcony or veranda until the first frost, avoiding direct sunlight.

In the fall, you should bring the plant into the house, but provide it with the maximum low temperature 5-10 degrees. At this time, the ripening of the buds begins. In December, you can bring into the room. In January-February, the first flowers bloom. After that, the azalea is again placed in cool place- the window sill of the north or west side, where it will continue to bloom. The lower the temperature there, the longer the flowering will last.

Regular watering and moisturizing. The soil must always be moist. In the summer, watering should be done twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. It is better to do this with rain or melt water. During the day, spray the leaves with warm boiled water.

After flowering, dried inflorescences and leaves should be removed. A mandatory procedure in the care of an azalea is pinching. Young shoots must be pinched in spring, June and August before dormancy.

Transplant only after flowering. Young plants are transplanted every year, adults - after 2-3 years.

Propagated by cuttings, take root very poorly.

Azaleas are best grown in low pots and bowls in heather soil or an acidic soil mix.

The secret of the long and repeated flowering of the azalea is in compliance with the increased requirements for cool content, high humidity soil and air, bright lighting.

Problems of growing azalea

shriveled leaves. The most likely cause of shriveling and falling leaves is insufficient watering. You can immerse the pot several times a week in a container of water until completely saturated. Other possible reasons could be low air humidity (place the pot in damp peat moss), too high a temperature, or too much sun.

Short flowering period. Usually the culprit is warm, dry air. Place the pot as far away from the batteries as possible central heating and spray the leaves daily. The reason for the premature end of flowering can also be too bright sunlight and insufficient watering.

Yellowing of leaves. Excessive dampness or hard water.

Poor growth, leaf browning, poor budding, or no flowering can be attributed to planting azaleas in unsuitable soil.

Pests and diseases: scale insects and false shields, spider mite, mealybugs, greenhouse aphid, azalea moth, septoria.

Control measures. Wipe the plant with a soapy sponge and wash under a warm shower. Spray regularly. Often only these procedures are enough for the pests to disappear. If the azaleas are very badly affected by the mite and regular moistening does not help, they are sprayed with a 0.15% solution of actellik (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Flowers fill our lives with joy, colors, tenderness, ennoble and give comfort to the room. Gentle colors lovingly collected bouquets caress the eyes and pacify. Collecting a composition of buds and inflorescences, the giver wants to express his feelings, benevolent attitude and gratitude.

Of course, you are counting on the fact that flowers will help convey your emotions and feelings to the addressee, so when assembling a bouquet, the language of flowers is of particular importance. Given the secret meaning of each plant, you can make not just a beautiful and colorful bouquet, but a real message, veiled in secret symbols known only to you and your loved one.

The history of the language of flowers

The emergence of beauty and the mysterious language of plants we are indebted to the mysterious Turkey, where a specific system of “villages” was developed and was popular, unknown in the West. The basis of this system was rhymes, which allowed entire lines of poetry to be captured in one word or image.

It was this complex, multi-stage and romantic system that drew the attention of the French writer Aubrey de la Mottre and the English writer Mary Wortley Montagu, traveling in the east and, in particular, in Turkey at the beginning of the 18th century.

Returning to the homeland both travelers wrote and published their own books, in which they shared their emotions from the trip with readers and talked about the way of life of a mysterious and alluring eastern state. In her book “Letters from the Turkish Embassy”, Lady Mary paid a lot of attention to the oriental art of the “villages”, which literally permeated the personal correspondence of the Turks, filling it with a deep inner meaning.

Lady Mary remarked that all possible colors, paints, fruits, herbs and even bird feathers have verses corresponding to them in Eastern folklore, as a result of which any quarrel, letter, exchange of pleasantries and even news is possible between people, but not a single line will be written.

Becoming a big fan of this art, Lady Mary once sent a package with an encrypted message, consisting of 17 items, which the sender laid out in a certain order.

It should be noted that the package consisted of more than one color, in addition to daffodil and roses, the shipment contained a pear and grapes, as well as spices (cinnamon and cloves) and several items: a straw, coal and a lock of hair. Also in the parcel was a note with a decoding: opposite each item, the corresponding lines of poetry were written. After correlating verses with objects, the following message could be added: “The most beautiful of the young! You are slender, like this carnation; You are an unbloomed rose. I have loved you for a long time, but you do not suspect it. Have pity on me…”

Of course, such a secret made the right impression on sentimental and receptive Europeans. The language of flowers became very popular, became fashionable due to the fact that everyone wanted to compose their own secret, encrypted message. Books with illustrations describing the language of colors and symbols began to be published in huge quantities.

Having received strong development in Europe, the fashion for symbolism and cryptography with the help of flower designations broke into Russia. And in 1830, the poet Dmitry Petrovich Oznobishin published the book "Selam, or the language of flowers." With the help of this manual, romantic young ladies compiled the most popular home albums of that time, filling their compositions from dried field plants and flowers with new meaning. The symbolism is firmly entrenched among young girls.

But change of values ​​and surge of interest to the new prose, which supplanted romanticism and sensitivity, also put an end to romance, so, by the middle of the 19th century, interest in the language of flowers had noticeably faded. And at the beginning of the 20th century, when history took on a new and sharp turn, the language of flowers finally died out, turning into archaism and a relic of the past. And only at the beginning of the 21st century in Russia, interest in symbolism, cryptography and the language of flowers was awakened again.

Features of making bouquets

When composing a bouquet, consider all the nuances, paying Special attention on the personality of the recipient and on the solemnity of the situation.

Sending a child back to school on September 1st, it is not necessary to load it with huge gladioli or plain asters. Make a light, cheerful bouquet, based on colorful multi-colored fluffy asters, and add miniature spray roses, daisies and lilies to them. A bright and cheerful unwieldy bouquet will be much more pleasant for the teacher than armfuls of asters donated for formality.

Making a bouquet for different ages

When composing a flower arrangement, consider the age and preferences of the recipient.

Bouquet for a child should express a riot of colors, be composed of bright, cheerful inflorescences of medium-sized plants without thorns and thorns.

Flowers for a young girl should not be bright and defiant. For a tender age, soft and airy bouquets are made with a base of light pastel flowers.

For the beloved girl and woman, of course, first of all roses come to mind and the stronger the feelings between you, the darker and deeper the shade of the buds can be allowed. Of course, a rose is a classic symbol of love, and therefore the color and shade of plants can be from pale white to maroon. If the donor wants to impress the girl and wants to make a bouquet of original colors, it is important to consider the nature of the beloved.

  • Sunny joyful gerberas symbolize a great mood and can serve as the basis for a bouquet for a cheerful and cheerful person.
  • Carnations, contrary to all stereotypes, serve as an excellent material for a bouquet for a modern girl. These graceful flowers exude a bright aroma and are capable of for a long time stand in a vase. That is why they will remind their beloved for a long time about the moment when they were presented.
  • Sunflowers are the very embodiment of the sun. summer mood and are able to improve well-being on any, even the most cloudy day.
  • Lilies embody tenderness, purity and femininity and are suitable for the most romantic and graceful, affectionate natures.
  • Orchids are traditionally considered expensive flowers, embodying passion, devotion and love, and therefore are suitable for the most expensive girls and wives.

By creating bouquet for mom, you can not limit yourself to formal bouquets, because it is important to convey without words, with the help of flowers alone, all love and tenderness. Therefore, the basis of the bouquet should be her favorite flowers or flowers that will symbolize bright moments from your common past, understandable only to you two.

Composing bouquet for older ladies, avoid adding very dark shades and fast-fading flowers. The outline of such a bouquet can be made up of bright carnations or pink peonies, the strong and delicate aroma of these flowers will make a woman feel younger and more energetic.

Bouquet for a man and for a formal event

Contrary to popular belief, men are still given flowers, but it is necessary to approach the composition of the bouquet with caution. The male composition should be simple and concise both in form and content. A medium-sized bouquet for men should mainly be monochrome, that is, composed of flowers of the same variety and one color. For such bouquets, flowers of a strict saturated color are selected: red, purple, maroon, blue, white.

For minor dates and small events instead of a bouquet, you can give one large flower on a long stem with a bright, spectacular inflorescence, for example, calla lilies, large roses, orchids. Traditionally, plants with long stems are considered male flowers. large head- chrysanthemums or gladioli, flowers reminiscent of chivalry.

When choosing a color, it should be borne in mind that it is not customary to give bright compositions to older men, and a more original, eccentric bouquet is just right for young guys.

When compiling bouquets for a formal event, for example, to present gifts to colleagues or the boss in the office, you should remember a number of rules.

The meaning of flowers in a bouquet

Consider the most popular types of flowers and their meaning in a bouquet.

Azalea meaning

Colors and their meanings

There is a symbolism of color, according to which each color of plants carries an additional deep meaning.

The meaning of white flowers

White color- it color of honor, truth, innocence, romance, freshness, chastity. It is a symbol of daylight, truth and strength. White color indicates spirituality and majesty. With the help of white flowers, the joyful and festive atmosphere in the room only intensifies, the solemnity of any event is emphasized, and the colors adjacent to them can sparkle with new colors. White flowers harmoniously and sublimely emphasize the grandeur and splendor of any event and holiday, but are also able to emphasize modesty and meekness.

Red color - it is the bright color of love, life, passion. Red roses are the classic love flower. Due to the fact that the red color itself is very effective and aggressive, bouquets with its use should be diluted with yellow and white flowers, but do it carefully, because the red color can overwhelm other shades.

The meaning of yellow flowers

The language of flowers characterizes yellow as the color of a bright, sunny, good mood. Yellow flowers evoke feelings of fun, lightness, warmth, celebration, also symbolizing wealth and prosperity.

Many girls get upset receiving yellow flowers as a gift, because before they meant separation and misfortune. However, those days are long gone and modern world yellow flowers denote the regret of happiness, optimism, vitality.

Blue flowers are full of energy. Cold and calm blue color gives a feeling of fidelity and trust, refreshes with its coolness, creates a feeling of space and freedom. Blue flowers always look spectacular in monochrome bouquets, and as an additional bright color in calmer arrangements.

Green is always associated with calm and peace, bouquets using green create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

Azalea is an ancient flower. It has been known since the time of Ancient Greece, because it was the Greeks who gave it such a name, which means “dry” in translation. It bears this name because it looks like a dried-up shrub, but this is only until it begins to bloom. And before that, it looks like a dried-up bush with dry, rough leaves.

In general, this flower - azalea - is very mysterious. He does not open his buds for a long time, as if he is hiding some secret inside. But the day comes when they open and all the riot of color appears before the admiring viewer, this is due to the fact that about five hundred inflorescences can bloom on one bush at once, they open like lanterns, filling the air with a captivating aroma. These lanterns burn for about three weeks, and the total flowering period of the plant is approximately 2.5 months.

How did this beautiful flower come about? There is a legend that says that once upon a time elves lived on Earth, somehow they were overtaken by a fire and they were forced to flee. They wandered into the forest and, tired and exhausted, began to look for lodging for the night. Beautiful forest flowers did not want to receive strangers, fearing to damage their delicate petals. Only one flower, seemingly completely invisible, let the refugees in. In the morning, in order to somehow thank the bush for their hospitality, they rewarded it with incomparable beauty. When the sun rose, the neighboring bushes, which refused the elves a lodging for the night, were simply numb with surprise and delight - the azalea blossomed in front of them and its beauty simply had no equal! But the kindness of the elves did not end there: they awarded the azalea with a magnificent property.

Rhododendron is the ancestor of the Azalea. There is a whole legend about him, telling how once the ancient Greek warriors tried honey from rhododendron flowers and ... got drunk. Rhododendron contains alkaloids, which can lead to a deterioration in well-being if you stay close to this fragrant plant for a long time. The ancient Greek scholar Xenophon wrote about this.

There is also an Indian legend about the origin of the azalea. Once a camp of gypsies made a stop on the lands of the Maharaja. Two sisters, Aza and Leah, lived in the camp. Aza is a dancer, Leah is a fortune teller. Aza is cheerful and energetic, Leah is thoughtful and mysterious. Aza always laughed, and there was no one around whom her incendiary smile and dance did not please. Leah was quiet and sad, often predicting people's fate, she could not predict her own. One day the Maharaja invited the Gypsies for entertainment at a festival. After the feast, he asked Leah to tell him fortune. She predicted misfortune - a flood, as a result of which only the youngest son of the Maharaja would survive. Maharaja, of course, became angry and ordered the gypsies to be killed. But the sisters managed to escape, however, at the foot of the mountain a stone fell on them. When the peasants found the bodies of the girls, one barely breathed, but barely managed to whisper: “Aza ... Leah ...”, she died. At this place at the foot of the mountain - their common grave, a bush of incomparable beauty grew, which was called Azalea.