The best quotes about death. Quotes about death


I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there.
Woody Allen


Yes, man is mortal, but that would be half the trouble. The bad news is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal.
Michael Bulgakov


At the funeral, everyone is most disturbed by the deceased, but it is difficult to do without him.
Arkady Davidovich


To die today is scary, but someday it's nothing.
Vladimir Dal


When leaving for the next world, do not forget to turn off this one.
Viktor Koval


Only the dead can speak of death competently.
Leszek Kumor


For this reason, death is placed at the end of life, so that it is more convenient to prepare for it.
Kozma Prutkov


The death of one person is death; the death of two million is just statistics.
Erich Maria Remarque


Death, of course, is a great misfortune, but still not the greatest if you choose between it and immortality.
Tom Stoppard


After all, what is death? Death, dear comrades, is the most interesting adventure we will experience in life.
Arkady Strugatsky
(It's funny, but a very similar statement was found
and in Rowling's Harry Potter book. - Approx. ed.)


Lucky person who manages to leave this world alive.
William Claude Fields


A person dies when he stops changing, and the funeral is just a formality.
Henry Ford


A person can only die once. And if he dies before, it means that he will be dead a little longer, that's all.
Mariusz Schigel


Death is simply the result of a wrong upbringing.
Umberto Eco


Preparing to die is a good form.

Valeria Novodvorskaya


I learned to look at death as an old debt that sooner or later will have to be paid.
Albert Einstein


Death turns life into destiny.

André Maurois


I would not want to die suddenly. It's like leaving a restaurant without paying.
Innokenty Annensky


Rumors about my death are somewhat exaggerated.
You know perfectly well who said it without any prompts.


If you don't go to other people's funerals, they won't come to yours.
Clarence Day


Millions of people dream of immortality - the very ones who painfully think about what to do on a rainy Sunday evening.
Susan Ertz


According to sociologists, the greatest horror for people is the fear of public speaking. Number two is death. It follows that when you are at the funeral, it is better to lie in a coffin than to push a speech near him!
Jerry Seinfield


Nobody knows when a person was supposed to die. Then why does everyone say "he suffered an untimely death"?
George Carlin


My uncle was a rare quarrel. He even wrote on his tombstone: "What are you staring at?"
Margaret Smith


Disciple of Death: "My grandmother says that dying is like falling asleep."
Death: I can't say anything about this. I have not tried either one or the other. "
Terry Pratchett

Let's drink to die with a smile. And let our enemies cry!

Because hope never dies. Never dies.

If a citizen has the right to life, he also has the right to choose and not live.

The dead cannot offend you. They do not hurt - except for the fact that you see your own death on their faces.

Do not imagine that death is ready to provide you with all the answers. I suspect that she is terrible in itself. You simply cease to exist, and there is no more life, there is no way to find out anything at all.

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Death is close enough that you can not be afraid of life. (F. Nietzsche)

The most important thing in life is that you are not dead. (R. Serna)

Trying to live forever. So far, it turns out.

When someone dies, you feel guilty for being alive. (V. Savchenko)

Nobody dies too early, everyone dies on time.

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We first understand death only when it takes the person we love. (Germaine de Stael)

The evil created by man does not disappear with his death. (Stephen King)

Instead of fearing imminent death, we need to fear that we will not be ready for its coming.

They say that the day of death is the same as everyone else, only shorter. (Dolan's Cadillac)

We will all die one day. Some lucky ones will do it quickly and painlessly, but for most, this process is as long and painful as talking to you. ("Clinic")

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Death is a magical miracle.

Death doesn't really exist, Tyler says. - We will enter the legend. We will stay young forever.

We are not really going to die.

Now this Tyler gives me a job as a waiter, then he shoves a barrel in my mouth and declares that in order to gain eternal life, you must first die.

Crying is easy when you know that everyone you love will one day either leave you or die. The long-term probability of survival for each of us is zero.

(All quotes are from the book "Fight Club")

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Death is rough and dirty. She comes with a whole bag of disgusting tools.

We will die! We are going to die now! Wait a minute though ... listen ... no, we're definitely going to die. (From the movie "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy")

While I thought I was learning to live, I was learning to die. (Leonard Louis Levinson)

My mom always said that death is just part of life. ("Forrest Gump")

Death is not at the opposite pole from life, but is hidden within life itself. (Haruki Murakami)

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The only one quite safe life Is death. (Krotov Y.)

The fear of death is only the consciousness of the unresolved contradiction of life. (Lev Tolstoy)

There are no dead to God. (Anna Akhmatova)

The smartest thing in life is still death, for only it corrects all the mistakes and stupidity of life. (Klyuchevsky V.O.)

What love sows, death will reap - and this is our life. (Senkevich G.)

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One must love life more than the meaning of life. (Dostoevsky F.M.)

The love of life is inseparable from the fear of death.

The essence of human nature is movement. Complete rest means death. (Pascal B.)

A person comes from nothingness and goes into nothingness, without understanding anything. (Chanyshev A.N.)

Only she is death, i.e. the thought of her, brings to such an area of ​​thought, where absolute freedom and joy (Tolstoy L.N.)

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The bravest and most reasonable people are those who, under any plausible pretexts, try not to think about death. (La Rochefoucauld)

How much is needed to preserve the memory of a person? The Marble's Hour (Alphonse Carr)

Neither the sun nor death can be looked at point-blank. (La Rochefoucauld)

Death is the only thing larger than the word for it. (Edmont Rostand)

When leaving for the next world, do not forget to turn off this one. (Viktor Koval)

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The thought of death is more cruel than death itself. (M. Boethius)

Inaction is premature death (Pierre Boiste)

Dying is the last thing (Yuri Rybnikov)

Things seem monstrously durable when people die (Joyce Kilmer)

For this reason, death was put at the end of life, so that it is more convenient to prepare for it. (Kozma Prutkov)

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Quotes about death. Sayings, aphorisms about death famous philosophers and thinkers.

How a well-lived day gives restful sleep, so a life lived profitably gives a calm death.

Better death than weariness.

Whether you are afraid of death or not, it is always difficult to come to terms with it.

Life is a song, and its chorus is death.

Death is the best doctor on earth who has never had any bad cases.
author: Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach

Death is the most convenient moment to take tax from the rich.
author: David Lloyd George

In this world, only death and taxes are inevitable.

If you don't want to be forgotten right after you die, write things worth reading or do things worth writing about.
author: Benjamin Franklin

Life is eternity, death is just a moment.

I'm not afraid of death. Oh no!
I'm afraid to disappear completely.

Death is an old thing, but new to everyone.
author: Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

There is no death in the literary world, and the dead also interfere in our affairs and act with us as if they were alive.
author: Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

Even the dead do not know what death is.
author: Ramon Gomez de la Serna

Statements, aphorisms and quotes about the death of famous people in English with translation.

The report of my death was an exaggeration.
Rumors about my death are greatly exaggerated.

One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation.
Nowadays, you can survive everything except death, and make amends for everything except a good reputation.

Statements, aphorisms and quotes about the death of famous people in Latin with translation.

Quis furor est atram arcessere mortem?
What madness is it to defy grim death?

Mors laborum ac miseriarum quies est.
Death is a rest from suffering and misery.

Homini necesse est mori.
Death is inevitable for a person.

Moriendum est omnibus.
Everyone should die.

A malis mors abducit, non a bonis.
Death removes (unhappy) from evils, and not from blessings.

Mortem effugere nemo potest.
No one can escape death. No one can escape death.

Omni aetati mors est communis.
Death is common to all ages.

Malam mortem non facit, nisi quod sequitur mortem.
Death is evil only because of what follows. Lit .: death makes evil only what follows after death.

Curatio funeris, conditio sepulturae, pompa exsequiarum magis sunt vivorum solatia, quam subsidia mortuorum.
The care of the burial, the arrangement of the tomb, the splendor of the funeral - all this is more a consolation for the living than a help to the dead.

Ipse jubet mortis te meminisse deus.
God himself commands you to remember death.

Honesta mors turpi vita potior.
An honest death is better than a shameful life.

Mors immortalis.
Immortal death.

Nil igitur mors est ad nos neque pertinet hilum, quandoquidem natur (a) animi mortalis habetur.
This means that death for us is nothing and does not matter at all, if nature must necessarily be mortal.

Non longe esse quaerentibus mortem.
You don't have to go far for death.

Quum sciamus nos morituros esse, quare non vivamus?
If we know that we are doomed to die, why shouldn't we now live for our pleasure?

Cum moriar, medium solvar et inter opus.
I want death to overtake me in the midst of labor.

Morsque minus poena quam mora mortis habet.
Death itself is less painful than its expectation.

Occurrunt animo pereundi mille figurae, morsque minus poena quam mora mortis habet.
In a thousand images, death hovers before my eyes; The death is not as hard as the expectation of it.

Ossa quieta precor, tuta requiescit (a) in urn a, et sit humus cineri non onerosa tuo.
May your bones rest peacefully in the urn that keeps them, and may the earth be light on your ashes (for the death of Tibullus).

Mors dolorum omnium et solutio est et finis, ultra quam mala nostra non exeant.
Death is the resolution and end of all sorrows, the limit beyond which our sorrows do not transcend.

Nemo ad id sero venit, unde nunquam, cum semel venit, potuit reverti.
No one is late to come where he can never return, if he has already got there. Wed: It's never too late to die.

Post mortem nihil est.
After death, there is nothing.

In luctu atque miseriis mortem aerumnarum requiem, non cruciatum esse.
In sorrow and in misfortune, death is not torment, but repose from hardships.

Calcanda semel via leti.
Only one time you have to make the mortal path.

Certa finis vitae mortalibus astat.
The inevitable end lies with mortals.

Eheu fugaces, postume, postume, labuntur anni nec pi etas moram rugis et instanti senectae adferet indomitaeque morti.
O Postumus! Postumus! Years are pouring, sliding! With what prayer will we distance the arrival of wrinkles and old age from the impending and persistent death of mortals?

Mors aequo pulsat pede.
Death knocks on everyone (lit .: foot) equally.

Mors et fugacem persequitur virum.
Death will overtake the one who runs from it. Wed: You can't go around death on horseback.

Mors spuria.
Imaginary death.

Mors vitae prodest.
The death of life is on hand.

Nil sine magno vita labore dedit mortalibus.
Life gave mortals nothing without great difficulty.

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.
Keep in mind that any day may be your last.

Omnes eodem cogimur.
We all come (are going) to the same place (to the same place), that is, we die.

Non omnis moriar.
All I will not die.

Pallida mors aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas regumque torres.
Pale death is breaking with one and the same foot, into the shacks of the poor and into the kings of the palace.

Pulvis еt umbra sumus.
We are (only) dust and shadow.

Sed omnes una manet nox, et calcanda semel via leti.
The same night awaits everyone, everyone will have to step on the path of death someday.

Nec mortem effugere quisquam nec amorem potest.
No one will hide from death and love.

Mors sola fatetur, quantula sint hominum corpuscula.
Death alone shows how insignificant the human body is.

Null (a) unquam de mort (e) hominis cunctatio longa (e) st.
No slowness is too great when it comes about the death of a person. There is no rush when it comes to the death of a person.

Proinde, dum suppetit vita, enitamur ut mors quam paucissima quae abolere possit inveniat.
Let us try, while life is given to us, so that death gets as little as possible of what it can destroy.

Nam utcumque in illis quo morbo finiuntur magnum ex ipsa necessitate solacium est.
The invariable and great consolation in the death of people who have died of illness is its inevitability.

Qui vero posteros cogitant et memoriam sui operibus extendunt, his nulla mors non repentina est, ut quae semper inchoatum aliquid abrumpat.
Those who think about future generations and want to live in their works always die prematurely, because death always interrupts something that has been started from them.

A free man thinks of nothing so little as death, and his wisdom consists in thinking about life, not about death.

Benedict Spinoza

One should not fear death, but an empty life.

Berthold Brecht

Art is always, without ceasing, occupied with two things. It contemplates death relentlessly and creates life relentlessly.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak

It is amazing how beauty and death, joy and decay are necessary for each other and condition each other.

Hermann Hesse

For a highly organized mind, death is only an adventure.

Joanne Rowling

The fear of death is worse than death itself. After all, everyone who is afraid of suffering suffers from fear.

Giordano Bruno

Against the dark background that death creates gentle colors lives sparkle in all their purity.

George Santayana

Everyone is given the opportunity to walk from peak to peak and cooperate with nature to achieve the obvious goal of life. The spiritual "I" of a person moves in eternity like a pendulum swinging between the periods of life and death. This "I" is an actor, and his many incarnations are the roles he plays.

To live without benefit is an untimely death.

Anyone who does not believe in a future life is dead for this one too.

The fear of death has great value in our inner experience: it haunts us like nothing else, constantly reminding us of itself with a kind of "underground rumble", like a dormant volcano. It is a dark, disturbing presence lurking at the edge of consciousness.

Irwin Yalam

Without knowing what life is, is it possible to know death?


The essence of all faith is that it gives life a meaning that is not destroyed by death.

Do not indulge in sin and do not be mad: why would you die at the wrong time?

Leonardo da Vinci

I prefer death to weariness. I never get tired of serving others.

Leonardo da Vinci

Where I am, there is no death; where there is death, there is no me. Therefore, death is nothing to me.


The gods have arranged so that everyone can take our life, but no one is able to save us from death.

It is foolish to die for fear of death.

True courage lies not in calling for death, but in fighting adversity.

Has death come to you? She would be scary if she could stay with you, she will either not appear, or will soon be behind.

Death lies before everything: it is a law, not a punishment.

Only he is capable of a great deed who lives as if he were immortal.

Luc de Clapier de Vovenargue

A hero is one who creates life despite death, who conquers death.

Maksim Gorky

Already at birth, we are in the process of dying, and there is an end in the beginning.

Mark Manilius

Why should I be afraid if after death I either will not be unhappy or will be happy?

Mark Tullius Cicero

How can the idea of ​​immortality arise if all people are mortal? Immortality is not an idea, but the feeling of life.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

The feeling of immortality is an innate feeling, otherwise how would we live carelessly to the point of impossibility and insanely cruel, or would sometimes give our short life completely for nothing to another.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

The fear of death is simply the fear of the unknown into which it plunges us.

Maurice Maeterlink

Like a reflection of the moon in water, mortal life is fragile; knowing this, do good incessantly.

The wisdom of ancient India

Birth is that portion of immortality and eternity that is released to a mortal being. This means that love is a striving for immortality.
People are sleeping; when they die, they wake up.

One of the features of youth is the conviction that you are immortal, and not in some unreal, abstract sense, but literally never die!

Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die. And yet death is the destination for all of us. No one has ever been able to escape her. It should be so, because Death is probably the best invention of Life. - Steve Jobs

None of us has yet been born immortal, and if this happened to someone, he would not be happy, as it seems to many
- Plato

One should not fear death, but an empty life.
- Berthold Brecht

"Before there was no death, all organisms multiplied by division, death appeared as a result of sexual reproduction!"

The fear of natural death will be destroyed from deep knowledge of nature.
- K. E. Tsiolkovsky

Death is a way to renew the body and correct the evolution of the soul by changing circumstances.

If you were a hard worker, then do not grieve about the approach of this good resettlement, because he who returns home with wealth does not grieve.
- Venerable Ephraim Sirin

What the Personality prefers in its short life (the Will of the Spiritual nature or the Animal, good or bad thoughts) is already its right. But from the priorities chosen by a person in each day, his post-death fate is also formed.
- AllatRa

Death is not terrible for me now. I know that this is a door to another world.
- Vladimir Efremov

Often before dying, the following thing happens to a person: everything that was so important to him suddenly becomes nonsense. A person finds himself face to face with this nonsense and does not understand how it all happened. Fortunately, most of us see this nonsense a little earlier than the moment we die.
- Ram Dass, It's Only Dance (1970), ch. "Karma and Reincarnation".

When you fall asleep, you die into That which you are. Let the thing that can die, because it never was, and you will find yourself in the place that is your nature, with which nothing happens. Never. Everyone knows this very well. There is nothing new here, I tell you. Every night you go to the One who is your nature.
- Karl Renz "... or the merciless Grace"

At the end of the path is freedom. Until then, patience.
- Buddha Gautama

Death is not the enemy of life, and it does not mean its end, it only brings life to a beautiful peak. Life continues after death. It was there before birth, it will continue after death. Life is not a short episode between your birth and death; on the contrary, birth and death are only a small period in your eternity.
- Rajneesh Osho"Death is the greatest deception"

Death is birth

« Death- a great sacrament. She is the birth of a person from earthly temporary life into eternity... When performing the mortal ordinance, we we lay down a gross shell from ourselves - a body and a spiritual being, subtle, ethereal, we pass into another world, to the abode of beings homogeneous to the soul. This world is inaccessible to the gross organs of the body .. "- St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)" Word of Death "

When a person leaves the body, frees himself from everything earthly, he will clearly see the size of the sin that he committed... Only nothing can be corrected, and responsibility cannot be avoided. And in all his life he can accumulate so much that a person will not be able to rise from the quagmire he himself created.

If a person has done good deeds during his life, then his energy is positive, it raises the clot of a person's energy upwards, and they say: he went to heaven.

Death is transformation. A little more serious than adolescence, but nothing to get upset about. Death is not sad at all. The sad thing is that many people don't live at all.
- Dan Millman, "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior"

Death is only one step in our continuous development... Our birth was the same step, with the only difference that birth is death for one form of being, and death is birth into another form of being.
- Theodore Parker

Impossible to imagine so that such a natural, necessary and universal phenomenon as death, was conceived by Heaven as a punishment for humanity.
- Jonathan Swift

Because some don't know that we are destined to die here... Those who know this, quarrels stop immediately.
- Buddha

"Death is the final destination for all of us... No one has ever been able to escape her. It should be so, because Death is probably the best invention of Life. She is the cause of change. She cleans the old to open the way for the new. ....... Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't fall into the trap of dogma that tells you to live with other people's thoughts. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. Most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know who you really want to become. "
- Steve Jobs

Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die... And all the same death is the destination for all of us... No one has ever been able to escape her. It should be so, because Death is probably the best invention of Life.
- Steve Jobs

Life on Earth is like the garden of Infancy. This life is just a prelude to life after death.
- Franz Liszt

Death is only one step in our continuous development. Our birth was the same step, with the only difference that birth is death for one form of being, and death is birth into another form of being. Death is happiness for a dying person. When you die, you cease to be mortal.
- Parker T.

- Stanislav Lem

- Plato

An immortal soul needs the same immortal work as itself. And this work, the endless improvement of oneself and the world, is given to her.
- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Life is a disease, and death begins at birth. There is a bit of dying in every breath, in every heartbeat - all these are the tremors that bring us closer to the end.
- Remarque

Death is humanity's greatest illusion. When we live, she is not yet, when we died, she is no longer there.
- Socrates

“The fourth protective meditation for your psychological benefit is contemplation of impending death. Buddhist teachings emphasize that life is unreliable, and death is inevitable, that life is accidental, and death is inevitable. Life is about death... There is birth, sickness, suffering, old age, and ultimately death. These are all aspects of the process of being. "
- Mahasi Sayadaw

Man is immortal thanks to knowledge. Cognition, thinking is the root of his life, his immortality.
- G.V.F. Hegel

Human strength is unlimited, and death exists only because we intend to die from the moment we are born.

The intention to die can be stopped by changing the position of the assemblage point.
- K. Castaneda "The Wheel of Time"

Love destroys death and turns her into an empty ghost; it turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misery.
- Tolstoy L. N.

"The memory that I will soon die is the most important tool which helps me to take difficult decisions in my life. Because everything else - someone else's opinion, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. The memory of death - The best way avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You no longer have a reason not to go to your heart. Pride, fears, resentments and failures - they all fall away in the face of death, leaving only the truly important. "
- Steve Jobs

The realization that I can die at any moment is the main tool that helps me to perform an important life choice... Because almost everything in the world: passive expectation, pride, fears, resentments and failures - they all fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
- Steve Jobs

Only two things will we regret on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.
- Mark Twain

One should not fear death, but an empty life.
- Berthold Brecht

People don't want to live forever. People just don't want to die.
- Stanislav Lem

None of us have yet been born immortal, and if this happened to someone, he would not be happy, as many people think.
- Plato

Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die... And yet death is the destination for all of us. No one has ever been able to escape her. It should be so, because Death is probably the best invention of Life.
- Steve Jobs

Here is a test to see if your mission on Earth is complete. If you are alive, then no.

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the teacher will call a butterfly.
- Richard Bach, "Illusions"

This dream that you call the world is not a problem; your problem is that you like something in this dream, something you don’t. When you see that a dream is just a dream, then your task will be completed.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj

Death is bliss for the saints, joy for the righteous, sorrow for sinners, despair for the wicked.
- Venerable Ephraim the Syrian

Walk easy on this planet. You are here just for a little while.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"Love is the face and body of the Universe. It is the connecting fabric of the Universe, the material from which we are created. Love is the experience of integrity and connection with the Universal Divinity. Death is a transition to another level of being." - Barbara Ann Brennan - Hands of Light. Exercises for seeing the human aura.

When we comprehend our role on Earth, even the most modest and inconspicuous, then only we will be happy. Then only we will be able to live and die peacefully, for that which gives meaning to life, gives meaning to death.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery; 06/29/1900 - 07/31/1944 - French writer and professional pilot. Participated in the Second World War. Killed during a combat mission.

"Who are we? Why are we here on Earth? Where are we going? Why was I born, why was this life given to me, where will I go after death and what do I need to do in this life?"
Each of us, somewhere deep in our souls, feels that we were born for something very important. Only, not all of us manage to live life in such a way as to understand and fulfill our true mission in this life. The realization that we truly belong to something higher reassures us and brings us peace, providing not only refuge from conflict, but also unity with the universal mind. One day our long journey will come to an end and we will reach the final stage of enlightenment, where everything is possible. "
- Michael Newton - Ph.D., hypnotherapist, Travels of the Soul, 1994

With the evolution of man, as an object of the noosphere, conditions become quite real when the "internal plan" of a person as a result of evolution and, due to the "irreversibility of the polar vector of development", must pass into a qualitatively different, higher, from the point of view of the form of life, state, free from slavish dependence associated with nutrition, and hence the destruction of living in nature. Here is what V.I. Vernadsky writes about this: "... did there have any predecessors the idea of ​​the autotrophy of humanity and the desire for this, as a geological phenomenon (i.e., by the time a person passes from the state of heterotrophic substance - creatures, into an autotrophic state and will use the energy of the sun for life, bypassing living organisms.) We must fight for this, since it is important for Russian culture to take such a position ... "" ... the synthesis of food from its elements ... "
How modern these words are at the present time!
VI Vernadsky's prediction about the possibility of transition from a heterotrophic state to an autotrophic state. .... "death is a temporary evolutionary factor that accelerates the improvement of the organism. However, already in the near future, a person as a result qualitative changes in his body, can significantly postpone old age and death "- VI Vernadsky" Autotrophy of mankind. "

We are born on the physical plane according to the Law of Limitation, and “die” according to the Law of Liberation.

In fact, there is no death. There is a transition from the earthly world to the heavenly... The true homeland of the soul is precisely the heavenly world. Being on Earth is just a small part of your entire existence. Death is nothing but homecoming, homecoming... If you understand this, then you will cease to be afraid of death. Life, death are only milestones on the long path of the soul's existence. The changing seasons show us that everything repeats itself, everything revives again and again. Winter is not the end of nature's existence. Then spring will come, and nature will be reborn. Likewise, death is not the end of your existence. This is just one of his milestones.

Often for the soul, death is liberation, relief... This is grief for relatives and friends, this is a professional failure for doctors. And for the soul, it's just a return home.

Long life in decrepitude, illness and weakness - such torture that death is preferable.
To give an opportunity for realization to your soul means to prolong your youth and active life. Unfinished business on Earth can also prolong life.

Death is painful If a person did not pray, meditate, and lead a spiritual life it is really painful to separate from this life, because he does not want to surrender to the will of God.

When the body wears out, we die, we pass from one form of life to another, and then a person exists in other dimensions, in a subtle form.

Death is not the end. Death can never be the end. Death is expensive. Life is a soul-guided journey. When the wanderer is tired and his life is exhausted, the leader instructs him to take a break or a long rest, and then the journey begins again.

Unfortunately, most of us have misconceptions about death. We think death is something unusual, something destructive. But we need to know right now: death is something natural, normal and, to some extent, inevitable.

Death is a way to renew the body and correct the evolution of the soul by changing circumstances... At the human level of development, the soul is not yet capable of independent full-fledged existence outside the body. Therefore, up to a certain level of evolutionary development, the soul exists in symbiosis with the physical body.

Thought has endless possibilities, but it is still material. Therefore, be very careful about your thoughts, because the subtlest vibrations remain even after the death of the body.

Our life and our death are one and the same. When we understand this, we will have no more fear of death, no more difficulties in life as such.
- Shunryu Suzuki

Everything in the world grows, blooms and returns to its root. Returning to your root means tranquility; in accordance with nature means eternal; therefore, the destruction of the body does not involve any danger.
- Lao Tzu

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