Forms for concrete pots. How to make cement flower pots yourself? How to: step-by-step master class

Each owner of a personal plot strives to improve it, and if there is no opportunity and space for arranging a pond, an alpine slide, then there will certainly be a place for flower pots. Concrete containers will play the role of small architectural forms, their use in the landscape will create aesthetic visual accents and "dilute" the monotony of green spaces.

Flowerpots are the most durable, wear-resistant products, they are not afraid of frost, precipitation, or sunlight. In terms of durability, they are not inferior to metal options: if they are able to corrode, heat up, crumple from falling and impact, then this is not typical of concrete bowls.

What types are there?

The pots can be used in the interior of the room, both miniature (for low flowers) and large (for palms, indoor trees).

Pots are classified into those that:

  • suitable for outdoor decor;
  • decorate and function in rooms.

By size, they are distinguished:

  • small;
  • medium;
  • large and very large.

Depending on the shape, concrete pots are:

  • simple: rectangular, square, round, triangular, oval, like a traditional vase;
  • complex: curly (for example, in the form of a cup, cup, boot, bird, person, animal), multifaceted (in the form of a pyramid, prism, octahedron, star).

By the method of placement, they are divided into:

  • suspended - reinforced with a chain or rope and in a hanging position;
  • floor / ground - located on a horizontal surface, this includes pots that are placed on the windowsill, table;
  • wall-mounted - implying fixation to vertical structures both inside the building and on the facade.

As for the decor, here, as in the case of the shape of the vessel, there are no boundaries of imagination. The pots with the texture of stone and concrete look restrained, but tasteful. Vases decorated with fragments of broken plates, anthracite, shells, river / sea pebbles look no less attractive. Products painted in one or several colors will attract more attention to themselves, and if there are intricate patterns and drawings on them, you will not take your eyes off at all.

The next moment that plays a significant role is the production of pots. Factory flowerpots are good because they are completely ready for use. They do not need to be done, waste time and effort. The disadvantages are: the price (large, curly pots are especially expensive) and not always the presence of what the consumer has intended and wants to buy (despite the wide range, manufacturers are mainly guided by those product variations that are in the highest demand).

Homemade pots made of concrete mix are characterized by a laborious process, but otherwise they outperform industrial ones. For example, you can make almost any kind of vessel yourself, decorate it the way you want. For the price, a hand-made creation will be cheaper.

How to make an elegant pot on your own?

If you do not want or are afraid to mix the cement with the components incorrectly, as an alternative, you can use ready-made artistic concrete. The surface of a product made of such material will turn out to be smoother, more interesting, of different texture. This is achievable due to the fact that the decorative composition, in addition to cement and sand, contains small fragments of minerals, polymer additives. Some varieties contain dyes. But even if they are not there, it is allowed to independently introduce organic or aniline ones.

When making pots, not from a purchased, but made at home, concrete mixture, it is recommended to carefully study all the nuances. For clarity, it is better to watch the video on YouTube.

It is worth purchasing ingredients in advance: cement, crushed stone or gravel, sand. The ratio of the components should be 2: 3: 3. The aggregate fractions do not exceed 3-4 mm in size. Initially, Portland cement and sand are mixed, then crushed stone / gravel is connected to them. Having achieved homogeneity after combining the ingredients, a slide is assembled from the mass, in the middle of which a hole is made. Water will have to be poured into it, and in limited portions, in order to control the breeding process. At the end, the cement mixture should not turn out to be liquid: it is brought to the state of wet clay.

Now, for the manufacture of pots, you need to find 2 containers of equal height, but different in volume. What it will be - pots, buckets, cans or boxes, depends on the shape you are striving for. By inserting one vessel into another, a free space should form between them. It will be the thickness of an indoor or outdoor flowerpot.

After making sure that everything suits the planter in the future, you will need to solve the problem of smoothly removing the concrete base from the workpiece. To this end, before pouring the solution into the gap between the containers, they must be greased with vegetable oil or a non-stick agent, with the larger vessel from the inside and the smaller one from the outside. If you plan to make the flowerpot large, or just want to increase the strength, you will additionally need to use steel wire / metal mesh to reinforce the surface.

Manufacturing progress:

  • a vessel of larger volume is poured with concrete up to half;
  • a small vessel is installed in its center;
  • it should be pressed so that it enters the mass, but at the same time a few centimeters remain to the bottom;
  • something heavy (brick, sand, stone) is placed inside a smaller container in order to ensure its constant position;
  • the solution is reported to the top of the larger product;
  • if the pots involve planting living plants, then at the stage when the cement has not finally set, you need to drill several holes for moisture removal;
  • to create optimal conditions for solidification and prevent dust, household waste, insects from entering the mixture, the pot is covered with a film;
  • for 2-4 days, the solution remains hardened;
  • after this time, the inner vessel is removed, and the flowerpot continues to dry in the sun for several more days.

Concrete is a fairly easy material to work with. You can create any shapes and shapes. And even if you have never worked with concrete, the ideas presented in our article can be tried by a beginner. We are talking about a variety of cement crops. We have prepared several master classes for you: how to make a fountain of concrete, an unusual flower pot, benches made of cement, a bird bath, a garden path, and to help - not only photo instructions, but also a video!

Round concrete fountain

If you do not like the monotony of gray concrete, the finished product can be painted in any color. In general, all the ideas presented here can be changed at your discretion, it all depends on what form you choose to create your product.

Do-it-yourself unusual flower pot made of concrete - photo instructions

At first glance, it doesn't seem at all that this flower pot is so easy to make. The idea is especially suitable for those who have never dealt with concrete and would like to start with something simple. One has only to remember that when working with cement, it is imperative to wear gloves to avoid cement poisoning.

Necessary materials

You will need:

  • cement
  • a wooden stick or other object for stirring the cement
  • two buckets (the size depends on the desired size of the future flower pot)
  • old towel
  • dense polyethylene sheet as a backing

Step 1 - stir the concrete

A 19 liter bucket was used to create a flower pot like the one in the picture. The bucket is half filled with cement, then water is added in the required amount. To make a pot, the consistency should be more watery than usually used for making concrete, but still not too runny. The mixture should, on the one hand, saturate the towel well enough, and on the other hand, it should remain on the towel and not drain down.

Step 2 - prepare the canvas

Now the main stage. Take the second bucket, turn it over. Throw an old towel on top, check if it is long enough for the bucket. Excess fabric can be simply cut off. Preparing the towel is an important step in creating a flower pot because the placement of the fabric will determine the beauty of the final product. Remove the towel from the bucket, saturate it completely with concrete. Place the towel back on the bucket and shape it to your liking.

Step 3 - form the flower pot

If you suddenly notice areas that are not covered with concrete while the cement is still wet, you have the opportunity to fix it. Before putting the product to dry, check again the quality of the coating and how aesthetically the resulting shape of the future looks. Then let the garment dry for a day or two. When the cement is dry, take out the bucket, fill the pot with soil, and plant any flowers. Ready!

DIY concrete bird bath

Do you like birdsong? Attract little guests to your garden with a refreshing bath! The product is made quite simply and quickly.

Necessary materials

You will need:

  • 2 bags of cement
  • stirring bowl
  • beaker
  • cement trowel
  • pouring molds (old bowls and bucket)
  • mold lubricant
  • a piece of linen

Step 1 - prepare the cement

Recommendation: do not mix two bags of cement at once. It is much more convenient to prepare only half a bag at a time. So, pour half a bag of dry cement into a bowl (large enough so that the mixture does not overflow while stirring), stir with water. Use a measuring cup to know how much water was needed for the first batch of concrete: the rest of the batches should be the same consistency. When stirring, try to avoid the appearance of air bubbles.

Step 2 - making the base

You will need a bag of cement to make a birdbath base. A bucket that is wider at the top than at the bottom works well as a base mold. Thus, the structure will be more stable. Fill a bucket with the prepared cement mixture and allow time to dry.

Step 3 - making a bath

Take two different sized bowls. Pour the cement mixture into a large bowl and form a cavity in it with your hands (don’t forget about gloves!). Press a smaller bowl into the cavity, remove excess mixture. Weight the small bowl with stones, otherwise the cement may "slide" down and push the bowl out as it dries.

Step 4 - decorating and drying the cement

While the cement is still wet, you can decorate it. For example, adding glass or pebbles around the edges. The small bowl can be taken out a few hours after it begins to dry, but the entire bowl will take at least a day to dry well. Cover the tray with a damp linen cloth to prevent cracking. When the tub is dry, place it on the base, fill it with water and enjoy the view of the birds bathing.

DIY concrete bench

You can make molds for the manufacture of any concrete products yourself. For example, for such a bench, you can build a box, the dimensions of which you determine yourself. Such a nice bench will become a place to relax on a hot summer day.

How to write and draw on concrete

When the cement dries up a little, it becomes easy to write on it or even whole drawings. So, a welcome sign will delight your guests, and the flowers painted on the bench will perfectly complement the vegetation in the garden. Drawings and the whole product, again, can be painted after drying.

DIY flower box

The principle of making such a box is probably already clear: two forms of different sizes are taken, the gap is filled with cement. A flower box like this will perfectly complement the garden or separate a certain area in the garden. Plant different flowers and plants in the box to add texture and color to the concrete surface.

Concrete garden path

A garden path can become a work of art, for this you only need an appropriate shape for making concrete circles. However, the shape of concrete elements can be any. Gravel scattered around them will bring the landscape to life.

Do-it-yourself fountain in the country

Such a fountain looks rather complicated, but it is quite possible to make it with your own hands. Follow the directions in the video. Despite the fact that the explanations in the video are in English, it is not necessary to be a polyglot: everything is clear there and without words.

The design of the garden plot is an important step that allows you to turn inconspicuous flowers and plants into a whole work of art. It is not difficult to make a pots out of cement with your own hands - a master class will allow you to master the technique of making various options. These are a kind of flowerpots for growing flowers. They make the vegetation brighter and more unusual, add sophistication and style to the overall design.

Cement garden planter

If you want to make a cement planter with your own hands for the garden, then you should first consider the important rules and features of the process of making it. It is quite simple, but still there are some principles that must be followed.

To make a large planter or flowerpot, you will need to prepare the following components:

  • form from a plastic base, the size of the diameter should be 53 cm, and the height - 23 cm;
  • the solution will require white cement, perlite (agroperlite), high peat;
  • oilcloth or cellophane, you need to take a bag or cut that will cover the entire surface of the plastic container;
  • metal wire frame or reinforcing structure;
  • cleaning brush.

To make a pot of cement with your own hands, it is worth considering a master class, which is held in several stages:

  1. First you need to make a solution. It will require 2 parts of white cement, one part of perlite (agroperlite) and two parts of high-moor peat. For measurements, it is better to use a bucket with a volume of one and a half liters.
  2. Next, dry components are poured with water and stirred until a homogeneous consistency with a dense structure is formed.
  3. We cover the bottom and walls of a plastic flower pot with cellophane or film. It should completely cover the container to the very top.
  4. When spreading the cellophane, it is important to straighten it, it must be even, otherwise incomprehensible folds and bumps will remain on the finished product.
  5. First of all, we spread the solution on the bottom of the pot, level it well. The thickness of the layer should be 4 cm, you can control it with a match or a toothpick.
  6. In order for the structure to be durable, it is required to install a metal wire frame or reinforcing structure.
  7. Since the product should turn out to be large, the solution will need to be kneaded fractionally, in parts. In general, it will take about 4-5 batches.
  8. It is imperative to think over the drainage hole. To do it, you need to put a cork on the bottom, which is pre-wrapped in a film.
  9. After the entire surface of the container is lined with cement, everything is covered with foil and left to stand for about 10 days. During this period, the cement mixture will harden and gain strength.
  10. If the surface dries out, then it needs to be slightly moistened.
  11. After about 8 days, it will be necessary to check the readiness. To do this, the surface of the cement needs to be tapped a little, if the sound is not muffled, then the pots are removed from the container along with the film;
  12. Further, the surface of the product is cleaned with a metal brush.

If you want to make a colored pots, then you will need to purchase special dyes for this. To do this, each part of the cement is painted in a specific color and laid out in parts.

How to make a planter out of cement and fabric

To decorate the site, you can use a variety of elements - pots, flowerpots, flower pots. They can be done by hand, the more home-made products turn out to be bright and original. For this reason, you definitely need to know how to make a planter out of cement and fabric. This will allow you to make a real work of art from scrap materials.

To make a flower pot out of fabric and cement with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. The basis for the preparation of the solution. It is better to use a budget option - Portland cement of the M400 brand.
  2. Blank. Tulle, terry towel, burlap can be used as it. It is advisable to use embossed fabric, it will allow you to make a brighter and more unusual pots.
  3. Any paint for concrete surfaces. As it can be used acrylic, water-epoxy, polymer, vinyl, acrylic-silicone or lime paint mixture.
  4. Painting brushes.
  5. Fine-structured polyethylene packaging film. A simple stretch film can be used as this component.
  6. The form in which the pots will be made from rags and cement with their own hands. A conical bucket or any other container that has a conical and pyramidal shape is perfect for this.
  7. The container in which the cement will be mixed.
  8. To stir the solution, you can use an electric drill with a mixer attachment.

The process of making pots from cement with your own hands does not have any particular difficulties, a detailed master class will help with this. It consists of several stages:

  1. Pre-form for pots, it is recommended to completely cover with foil. This is required for the convenience and ability to remove the finished cement product.
  2. A solution of cement is made in a container. First of all, water is poured, cement is poured into it. Using a drill with a mixer attachment, the solution is mixed.
  3. The finished solution should not turn out too thick, in consistency it should resemble something between milk and sour cream.
  4. The fabric is dipped into the solution, it should be completely immersed in the cement base.
  5. It is better to leave the fabric in the cement for a while so that it is well saturated.
  6. Next, the workpiece is removed from the solution and thrown onto the bucket. The edges should be straightened, you can create folds to make the pots brighter and more original.
  7. After about 3 days, the pots can be removed from the container.
  8. The surface of the product can be painted with any paint that is intended for concrete.

Flower pots in the form of a shoe

Its useful to note! On the site, a pots in the form of a shoe will look beautiful and unusual. It will add sophistication and grace to the vegetation, and the garden will be transformed beyond recognition. Of course, making it takes time and effort, but the result is worth it.

To make a pots in the form of a shoe, it is worth preparing the required elements and materials:

  • plastic cans;
  • threads with a thick structure;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • wide sticky tape or tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • several packs of newspapers;
  • the basis for the solution is cement and sand;
  • water;
  • egg trays.

If you do not know how to make a shoe of a planter out of cement, then the master class will be able to provide a quick and easy mastering of the manufacturing technique. Moreover, on the Internet you can find a detailed video describing the process.

So, all work consists of several stages:

  • for work, you will need two cans of 10 liters and one for 1 liter;
  • cut off along the lines that are drawn on the canister, and leave one intact;
  • we install the other on the side of one canister and fix it with self-tapping screws, and then wrap it with tape;
  • further from the bottom of the structure, it is required to make several holes, this is necessary to ensure drainage;
  • using small pieces of newspapers, PVA glue and papier-mâché technique, we give the product the shape of a shoe;
  • then a solution is made, it is made from 1 part of the mixture, 3 parts of sand and water, stir well;
  • after the newspaper mold is ready, we screw in self-tapping screws on its entire lower surface on both sides and tighten it with threads, this will ensure the best stability of the cement mortar on the mold surface;
  • the form can be pre-treated with a primer;
  • then we apply cement on all surfaces and level it well, leave the product until it dries completely;
  • after the shoe is dry and strong, it needs to be sanded;
  • at the end we paint it with a special paint for concrete.

The finished pots in the form of a shoe can be used as a decoration for a garden plot. He will give it brightness and positive notes. The vegetation in it will look stylish and elegant.

Making planters out of cement and rags is a fun activity that will entice many. This product can be made by everyone, even those who have never made structures of this type before. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions and basic manufacturing rules.

Step-by-step production of pots from fabric and cement

In this tutorial I will describe how to make a stylish / trendy / youthful concrete flower pot. The background is very simple, I moved to a new apartment, I had more free space and I decided to use it somehow. I have long wanted to make something out of concrete, and I realized that this is the perfect chance!

Step 1: Materials

The concrete itself doesn't look bad anymore, but I still like it better when it has texture / color. So I went to the nearest beach where I got pebbles and shells, and then to the zoo store, where I bought some aquarium soil.

Step 2: making the shape

If you have not yet decided on the shape of the pot, then now is the time to do it. We will need to make the shape into which the concrete will be poured. To determine the dimensions of the mold, I took an old plastic pot and traced its outlines onto a piece of MDF. Then I googled "how to draw a hexagon correctly." The first photo shows the finished diagram. I made the sides of the form from MDF (5mm).

Step 3: glue the shape

The mold must be waterproof, so all joints must be covered with, for example, a sealant.

From the inside of the mold, I applied PVA to the joints. The last photo shows the finished shape, ready to be filled.

Step 4: preparing the shape for filling

I had no experience with concrete before, but I heard that concrete structures are usually reinforced with reinforcement. I'm not sure if something as small as a flower pot needs it, but who knows? For the reinforcement I used large nails, these will be placed in the concrete as it is poured into the mold.

I put an old plastic pot inside the mold, leaving almost no free space for pouring - this will soon become a problem.

Then I mixed the aquarium soil, pebbles and shells with a concrete mixture (photo 4-5), while without water.

Step 5: pouring concrete

Pouring concrete turned into a SILENT HORROR, unfortunately it was not possible to capture it, because my hands were in cement, and I did not want to touch the camera.

First, I mixed all the "ingredients" (pebbles, shells) with concrete, as it seemed to me in more than necessary quantities. Then he added water (in the instructions for the concrete mixture it was written "add as much as you need" which confused me a little and made me think about the meaning of being) and began to interfere with the whole thing in a bucket with a wooden spoon ... Obviously, the spoon was not the best tool , but for the next 10 minutes I still panickedly tried to mix everything as it should be. While I was doing this, my hand accidentally caught and cut itself on a sharp stone in the mixture. And yet what had been started was completed. When it seemed to me that the consistency was what I needed, I tried to pour it into the mold, and immediately realized that the allotted gaps between the edges of the mold and the plastic pot were no good, they were too narrow, and the concrete was too thick. I had to put / push it into the mold with my bare hands.

About halfway through, I ran out of solution. Not to say that it was a big trouble, I still had the mixture itself, but there were no more colored stones and shells. There was only pebble left, I mixed concrete with it, this time adding much more water.

The nails were also added while filling the mold with concrete, and there were no problems with them. Once everything was done, I shook the mold a little to get rid of air bubbles, and spent the next 10 minutes in the bathroom trying to wash my hands of the cement.

Here are a few things I learned from my first experience with concrete:
- trying to stir concrete with a wooden spoon is a bad idea.
- it is best to mix concrete outdoors, because dry concrete mix very easily scatters through the air
- cement is very bad for the skin
- no need to spare water

Step 6: disassemble the form

Considering that not everything went smoothly at the last stage, I was almost sure that the structure would begin to crumble in pieces during parsing. Fortunately, this did not happen.

On the contrary, when I disassembled the form and saw what happened in the end, I thought that everything was not so bad. You can tell the guests that I deliberately planned to make the body of the pot in two layers.

Step 7: putty

To smooth out the gaps and potholes in the bottom half of the pot, I decided to cover them up. The putty was made from the same dry mixture. Then he treated the case with a lot of water, and wrapped it in film to allow the concrete to harden. As it turned out, this process can take up to a week (although the instructions on the package did not say anything about this), but I left the pot sealed overnight, and then unpacked it for further processing.

Step 8: sanding

I started off by filing the entire body with a large file. So I managed to smooth out all the corners and edges. Then I sanded the sides down a bit to smooth them out a bit too.

As it turned out, I didn't do the putty very well, and there were still large pits on the walls, so I had to repeat the process by applying another layer and drying it. The 6th photo shows the final result.

Homemade flower pots made of concrete can be made with your own hands. Such products look quite home-like, although the name of the material sounds a little ponderous. For the manufacture of such pots, you do not need any special knowledge and skills, all within the framework of ordinary common sense.

For a summer residence or a suburban area, concrete containers can be quite voluminous. But such people are unlikely to find a place in the house. Concrete flowerpots can be made small for growing succulents on the windowsill. Close to the topic.

Round plastic containers, which are used for packaging products, are suitable as a shape. Each form consists of two containers, one should be smaller and go inside a large one so that there are gaps of about 15-20 mm between the walls. ...

The cement is used moisture-resistant, fast-hardening. For mixing, you need a bath, a narrow spatula and measuring plastic cups for pouring.
To obtain a perfectly smooth surface, the cement is mixed with water in a ratio of 4/1 or 5/1. Such solutions without sand are sometimes made to plug the cracks from which water oozes.
A conventional cement mortar is prepared from sand and cement, in a ratio of 2/1 or 3/1, diluted with water until a sour cream consistency is obtained. But the standard mixture is destroyed faster by moisture and has a less smooth surface.

The mixture of cement and water must be quickly mixed and poured to half the height of a large plastic container. Then lower a smaller container into the center and press down into the solution. Then, if necessary, add a solution between the walls of the container.
To prevent the inner packaging from popping up, it must be loaded with something. Immediately, you need to align the edges of the pot with the edge of the plastic container.

When the solution is completely seized, and this will take at least a day, we remove the plastic containers, and lightly clean the sharp edges with an emery cloth.

In another variant of making the pots, a more stylish trapezoidal shape is chosen. Here, as a volume for pouring, a plastic or metal rectangular container with inwardly beveled walls is used.

To obtain the internal volume, a small plastic jar is installed at the bottom of the container. Please note that the inner packaging must necessarily be lower in height than the large form. Otherwise, you will not be able to make the bottom of the pot.

Turn the plastic container upside down and place it in the center of the large container. There is one subtlety here, the inner shape must be glued to the bottom of a large container. This can be done using plasticine or polymer clay (TAC). Other options are also possible, for example, to press the inner container from above pointwise, with some kind of sharp object. And when the solution grabs, remove the load.

Since the walls of the pot are thick enough, you can use ordinary cement mortar for mixing, or even a ready-made contact plaster mixture. To make it easier to get the finished casting, it is better to grease the walls of the container with petroleum jelly.

Place the solution in the mold so that it covers the bottom of the inner cup by 10 mm. ... After pouring, lightly tap the walls to release air bubbles. Only very carefully so that the inner form does not come off and float.

Wait until the solution has completely set, this is 3 days, and then carefully remove the planter from a large container. The inner packaging can be pulled out without too much ceremony with plastic, but so as not to damage the edges of the flower pot.
Sharp edges must be passed with fine emery cloth so that they are slightly rounded.