Honey as a stimulant of root formation. Effective root formation stimulators and methods of their use

When spring comes every person who has household plot or cottage, wants to plant a large number of new plants. Flower growers who grow flowers also strive to get beautiful buds and fruits. Biological stimulants help to root small cuttings. They can be bought in specialized stores or made at home.

Features of the use of phytohormones

Phytohormones are substances produced by plants themselves. Their different groups are responsible for separate stages. For example, auxins help form root system, as well as evenly transfer useful and nutritious elements. There are also gibberellins that are responsible for the health of buds and fruits. To ensure intensive shoot growth, the use of cytokinins is necessary.

Many people dreamed of taking part in the leadership of these processes, but they did not have all the necessary skills and knowledge. But scientists have developed special phytohormones. Therefore, special stimulants can now be used.

After a thorough study of the structure, as well as all the features, scientists managed to develop substitutes based on synthetic substances. They are similarly divided into several groups according to the principles of impact on plant organisms. These are the best stimulants for the development of plant roots, which will help speed up the process of flowering and fruiting.

What are synthetic stimulants for?

Fertilizers such as heteroauxin and phytohormone are becoming increasingly popular today. These drugs have been developed for a very long time, so now they are considered the best. After sowing seeds, they must be carefully processed so that for the maximum a short time plants have come up.

Seedlings perfectly tolerate the procedure of transplanting into the ground open type. If you additionally use heteroauxin, then the cuttings will take root well in the ground. Plant fertilizers such as Kornevin and Etamon are in high demand. They are applied under the root part and help to grow faster.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Stimulants: scheme of application

Specialists have developed a separate scheme for the use of biological agents to accelerate plant growth during seedling cultivation. It is worth highlighting the following main stages:

  • The first step is to soak the seeds in a solution to get a quick and friendly shoot.
  • It is recommended to regularly spray with Epion.
  • After landing in the ground, it is necessary to shed a solution of heteroauxin to ensure rapid growth rhizomes.
  • "Etamon" is the best sprayer for plants, which accelerates rapid and abundant flowering.
  • Just before flowering, the plants are additionally processed with Bud.

How to quickly grow seedlings of indoor flowers?

Growth stimulants have maximum biological activity, so they are usually used in small concentrations. In this case, flower growers should take into account the attached instructions. To process the cuttings, it is important to use only separate dishes. The best option- This is a glass, porcelain or enameled bowl. Processing is carried out in dark rooms with temperature regime no more than 25 degrees of heat. If you do not adhere to this rule, then you can poison the cuttings.

Biological plant growth stimulants help to get healthy seedlings in the shortest possible time, but you need to consider a few simple rules:

  • Cut first required amount cuttings for planting.
  • The processing procedure should take about ten hours in the prepared heteroauxin solution.
  • Planting in a greenhouse.
  • Several times a week it is necessary to spray with Zircon or Etamon solutions.

The presented preparations help to speed up the process of formation of an already formed plant several times as much as possible.

How to prepare a root growth booster at home?

Preparing preparations for growth at home is quite easy and simple. To do this, you need to use bee honey and combine it with aloe juice.

Honey is a natural component that has a beneficial effect on the growth and strengthening of the roots of the plant. To prepare a healthy fertilizer, you need to take half a teaspoon of honey and dilute it with two glasses of water. After complete dissolution, you can start using.

For efficient processing cuttings must be soaked for five hours. After that, the bulbs are ready for planting. Aloe-based preparations are also highly nutritious and very beneficial. Before cooking, you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves. A tablespoon of juice is thoroughly mixed with a glass of water. After that, it must be removed in a cool dark place and tightly closed with a lid.

A week later, the solution is diluted with boiled water to obtain a preparation with a capacity of about five liters. After that, flower growers will be able to start processing plants and, in particular, cuttings. The duration of soaking is no more than six hours. After washing, you can start planting them in open ground.

Features of the use of fertilizers that are sold in stores

On the modern market, you can find a huge number of drugs that promise to speed up and strengthen the cuttings. Dry fertilizer called "Agricola" is becoming increasingly popular today. It retains its beneficial features thanks to the form. Before use, it must be diluted in water according to the attached instructions.

  1. Before use, the soil is thoroughly watered.
  2. Do not feed plants that have recently been transplanted from one place to another.
  3. It is not recommended to fertilize flowers that are in a state of complete rest.
  4. With intensive plant growth, fertilizer is used less.
  5. Experts advise to apply a small amount of fertilizer so as not to face an overdose.
  6. Also, you do not often need to change manufacturers and varieties of fertilizers.

Root formation of the cuttings will increase during the processing of the lower parts before the planting procedure itself. Ready mix goes well with vitamins C or B1. They help to accelerate the growth of new shoots from cuttings. Flower growers will be able to see positive results in a short period of time.

Before preparing an aqueous or alcoholic solution for growth, it is imperative to add vitamins. Many people have already been able to appreciate all the benefits of such biological fertilizers, which help people quickly get healthy fruits.

How to speed up the process of growing plants: succinic acid

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints ...

reproduction fruit trees and shrub cuttings are not always easy. If currant cuttings take root quickly and independently, then getting a seedling from a gooseberry or shadberry cutting is a real feat. In particularly difficult cases, gardeners use root stimulants. These biologically active substances, harmless to the ecology of the garden, stimulate the formation and growth of roots in cuttings, improve the survival rate of seedlings and grafts. Which of the types of root formers is more rational, we will consider below.

Root formation stimulators are various substances and compounds of natural (phytohormones) or artificial origin, which contribute to the accelerated formation and formation of the plant's root system. They are intended mainly for plants propagated by cuttings, and for species such as shadberry, gooseberry, hawthorn, they are almost indispensable.

Not all gardeners are supporters of the introduction into the soil and plants of industrial chemical substances. On the one hand, such a policy is consistent with environmental understandings - it is not necessary to introduce "alien" objects into the soil. Moreover, there are many folk recipes plant growth stimulants.

Folk remedies may not be as strong and effective as those of artificial (industrial) origin, but they absolutely do not harm the environment when correct use. They can be used for rooting cuttings, stimulating root growth in plants that have lost part of the root system during transplantation. Also folk remedies can be used for seed soaking, i.e. serve as growth promoters.

willow water

Willow water in its effectiveness can compete with the most powerful root stimulants of industrial production. The fact is that willow branches, as well as branches of pyramidal poplar, willow and wild rosemary, contain in their composition a large amount of auxin phytohormones, which have a positive effect on the growth of the plant as a whole.

To prepare willow water, a large number of freshly cut willow branches (usually about a hundred) are taken and placed in a bucket of water. Add water as needed. As soon as the branches take root, they are taken out, and the cuttings are placed in the same water. The same water can also be used to water transplanted plants.

The second option for preparing willow water is to fill in chopped twigs with a large amount boiled water. Willow branches are cut into lengths of 7-8 cm, placed in a large container and all this is poured with boiling water. Then the container is removed in a dark place for 12 hours. After that, water is used for rooting cuttings, watering transplanted plants, activating seed growth (seeds are placed in a cloth moistened with a solution of willow water and do not allow drying).


Regular baker's yeast is a good natural root former, reducing root stimulation time by almost two weeks. To prepare a root-forming solution, 100 g of yeast is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water until a liquid with a homogeneous mass is obtained.

It is important to observe the ratio of 100 g per 1 liter of water.

Then the cuttings are completely soaked in the solution for a day, after which they are immediately planted in a greenhouse or washed and put in a regular clean water. When planting plants in a greenhouse, watering with the same yeast water once a week is allowed.

Aloe juice

Aloe juice is a natural root growth stimulator, which additionally strengthens the "immunity" of seedlings and their resistance to various fungal infections. In addition, aloe juice has a detrimental effect on a large number of microorganisms, therefore, when cutting and processing with such a root former, you can not be afraid of damage to the cut by bacteria or fungi.

To prepare the solution, 3 tablespoons of aloe juice are taken per 500 ml of water. The solution should be allowed to stand in a warm room in the dark for about a week. After that, the concentrate is dissolved in 10 liters of water, and cuttings and seedlings are placed in the resulting solution.


Natural flower honey is a storehouse of useful vitamins, micro and macro elements. In particular, it contains phytohormones that have a positive effect on the growth and development of the root system. In a solution of flower honey, cuttings and grape seedlings take root well.

Honey is bred in soft warm water- it is desirable that it be thawed or rainwater. For 10 liters of water, dilute 3 tablespoons of honey and mix well until completely dissolved. The whole grapes are immersed in the resulting solution for 2 days. Other seedlings are lowered into the solution, usually for 12-15 hours.


Potato tubers are often used for cuttings of such capricious flowers as a rose, but such a root former is suitable for almost any type of cuttings. Potato tubers acquire their property due to the accumulation of a large amount nutrients, including starch, as well as sugars and phytohormones.

All eyes are completely removed from the tuber, a cross-shaped deep incision is made, into which the stalk is inserted. The resulting system is placed in a pre-prepared pit with a depth of at least 15 cm. The pit is filled first with sand and then with soil. The stalk is covered with a glass jar on top to create a greenhouse effect. Roots begin to form within 2 weeks.

Rooting stimulants from the store shelf

Stimulants for industrial production can be either completely natural and contain phytohormones of biological origin, for example, indolyl-3-acetic and naphthylacetic acids, or contain their synthetic counterparts. In addition, some preparations may contain vitamins, useful minerals, which generally have a positive effect on the health of cuttings and seedlings.

Industrial root formers differ in their mechanism of action on rooting stimulants and adaptogen preparations. The former contain auxins, carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances that stimulate growth and root formation. The latter increase the ability of cuttings to take root by increasing resistance to stress. Such preparations are more useful when transplanting a plant than when rooting cuttings directly.

Proven high efficiency the use of such drugs. At the same time, it is not worth abusing these funds, they are not a panacea and cannot restore an almost completely dead plant. When using them, it should be remembered that, in addition to stimulating the root system of useful plants, the penetration of root formers into the soil can promote the growth of weeds.

Important! No matter how good the root former and growth stimulator are, it is important to correctly treat the planting site, soil, and watering regimen for the plant.

Unlike most natural stimulants, industrial ones are suitable for use in solutions for no more than a day, and are prepared immediately the day before planting. The cuttings treated with such substances should be immediately planted in greenhouse soil.

Subject to the concentrations of working solutions, safety precautions and the rules for the use of drugs, they do not affect environment, have a good effect on the yield and taste of fruits, improve vegetation and flowering in ornamental crops.


The active substance is 4-(indol-3-yl) butyric acid, which is a structural synthetic analogue of natural auxin. It enhances the survival rate when soaking seedlings and cuttings, enhances growth processes when watering plants under the root.

It is used for rooting and cuttings of apple trees, pears, plums, gooseberries, currants, raspberries, lemons, grapes, jasmine, roses and others. ornamental shrubs and trees. Used for irrigation bulbous plants(garlic, onion, tulips, gladioli) and vegetable crops.

In the plant and soil, Kornevin gradually turns into heteroauxin, which ensures the duration of the drug's action. More stable in its dilutions, not dangerous if the dosages are observed.

Important! The drug belongs to the 3B hazard class, you should be careful when working with it!


The active substance is α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid. It is used to treat seeds in order to increase their germination, soak cuttings for rooting, increase the resistance of plants to rot and fungal infections. Its application is more organic as not a growth stimulant, but foliar top dressing, in addition to natural fertilizers.

It acts in all directions of plant growth (root system, flowers, leaves, stem system). It manifests itself more as a biomodulator than a root former. In order to form the root system, it is more expedient to use other drugs that are more effective in this direction.

Important! The drug does not pollute the environment, is not dangerous to humans and animals.


The drug acts as an adaptogen, improving the absorption of minerals by the plant. Available in the form of solutions of various concentrations. Maximum effect from the drug is achieved with foliar top dressing, and, like zircon, is more effective as a biomodulator than directly as a root former.

Heteroauxin (Kornerost)

The basis of the drug is β-indolylacetic acid, derived from the cultures of some mold fungi. A very unstable drug that is easily prone to overdose. It is used for rooting cuttings, seedlings and bulbous plants.

The solution is used directly for watering the soil after planting seedlings and bulbs, as well as for soaking cuttings. various kinds roses, decorative and berry crops. They are treated with scion and stock to speed up the survival rate of the vaccine.

Important! When using the drug, it is important to observe dosages and precautions, since Kornerost belongs to the 3rd hazard class.


Basically, the drug is aimed at stimulating plant growth in general, improving its transpiration and nutrition intensity. As such, it is not a root former, it is used as foliar top dressing.


Refers to regulators of plant growth and development, is not directly a growth stimulator of the root system. Accelerates the germination of seeds, reduces the level of stress in plants during picking, grafting, exposure to adverse conditions, increases resistance to infectious lesions. Used as foliar top dressing and seed activator.

For better rooting of the cuttings, they are soaked in a solution at a concentration of 1 ml of the drug per 2 liters of water.

root super

Direct stimulator of the formation and growth of the root system in fruit and berry and ornamental crops. Accelerates the formation of roots in cuttings and seedlings, has a beneficial effect on plants during their transplantation, increases survival rate when scion and rootstock are treated with the preparation.

Precautions when working with a root stimulator

When working with growth and root stimulants, especially industrial products, it is important to follow safety precautions and breeding rules. Overestimation or underestimation of the concentration of the working solution can lead to plant burns or a lack of the drug and the lack of effect.

It is important to use drugs as directed. If the instructions do not indicate the possibility of soaking cuttings and seedlings in the working solution, you should not experiment. Any application active substances industrial production for other purposes can be detrimental to both plants and the person himself.

Ribav Extra is suitable for both open ground, and for greenhouses

When working with low-hazard substances (the hazard class is indicated on the packaging along with the rules for working with the substance), do not neglect the protection of the skin of the hands, mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, and upper respiratory tract.

Keep all drugs away from children and animals in order to avoid accidental ingestion or inhalation of powders or capsules. Ready solutions do not store root formers for more than a day; in case of overdose, follow the instructions for use.

The use of natural or industrial root formers is always at the discretion of the gardener. Not all plants root easily, some need additional application of activators and stimulants. They are used not only for rooting plants, but also to accelerate and increase productivity. The effectiveness of drugs has been proven empirically, as well as the effectiveness of folk remedies. It is important to correlate the direction of activity of drugs and understand what exactly needs to be achieved.

Many shrubs, herbaceous perennials and some trees reproduce. In order for roots to form on them sooner, special stimulants-root formers are used.

. Most of them contain phytohormones that speed up the metabolism near the cut. As a result of their activities, a large amount of nutrients is sent there.

Rooting phytohormones help the phytohormones found in every plant to form callus and roots faster. This is especially pronounced on cuttings. coniferous plants, fruit trees.

It is advisable to use root formers for cuttings in such cases:

  1. For better rooting of perennial crops (herbaceous and trees).
  2. To eliminate the impact of stressful situations.
  3. To save dying plants. This method is used in exceptional cases.

It is impossible to systematically use root formers. After all, it is a very powerful tool.

The most popular drugs

Among industrial root formers for cuttings, the most popular are:

  • "Heteroauxin" - powder white color, which contains phytohormones of the auxin group (beta-indoleacetic acid). Sold as potassium salt in powder or tablet form. To reduce the likelihood of counterfeiting, it is better to buy pills. They, like powder, are quite difficult to dissolve completely. To do this, place the tablet in a bag of gauze, a filter from a dropper and lower it into soft water. Dissolve the tablet in 0.5 liters of water. This amount is enough to process 50 cuttings. You can not pollinate plants with this drug. You can dip the cuttings for a couple of seconds in the powder or soak in the solution. The drug works better in the dark. Therefore, cuttings herbaceous plants soaked overnight up to 16 hours, lignified - up to 20 hours. The dosage for each of the plants should be viewed in the instructions. But the amount of the drug, the expiration date of which has exceeded 2.5 years, is doubled. The prepared solution can be stored for 2 days.
  • "Heteroauxin" belongs to the 3rd hazard class. A tablet of "Heteroauxin" or "Kornerost" is dissolved in 5 liters of soft water. Cuttings are cut, if possible, immediately before processing. Green ones are soaked for 10 ... 16 hours, lignified ones - from 16 hours to a day. Immediately after processing, the cuttings are planted in the ground. The root former not only stimulates the rooting of cuttings. After treatment with the drug, flowers and seedlings take root better.
  • "Kornevin" has another active ingredient, indolylbutyric acid. It's a powder beige colour. The ends of the cuttings are dipped into it immediately before planting. You should not collect more of the drug, you need to shake it off the handle. Excess "Kornevin" can lead to the death of the plant. To protect the cuttings from too strong a biostimulant, you can mix it in equal proportions with crushed activated charcoal. Indolylbutyric acid irritates superficial tissues and promotes callus formation. Once in the soil, it is converted into heteroauxin. If ascorbic acid or vitamin B1 is added to the preparation, then the shoots that are then formed will also grow faster. For soaking the bulbs use the Kornevin solution. You can also immerse the tips of the cuttings there. But more often, powder is used for this. "Kornevin" refers to drugs of the 3rd hazard class. You need to work with it with gloves, do not use food utensils. If the drug enters the body, take activated charcoal and drink plenty of water. You can drink a weak solution of manganese and induce vomiting. Store "Kornevin" in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid. When buying a product, carefully look at the date of manufacture and expiration date. After all, it is usually used infrequently, so there should be a margin of time for storage.
  • "Epin" is used for the rapid rooting of cuttings, protection from frost, drought, disease and other stresses. Dissolve 0.5 ml of the drug in a liter of water. The cuttings are soaked in the solution before planting.
  • "Zircon" refers to multifunctional complex preparations. It accelerates the process of root formation, enhances flowering, helps to cope with fungal and viral diseases, adapt to natural conditions. Prepare a remedy from Echinacea purpurea. Dissolve 1 ampoule in a liter of water. Used for soaking for 14 hours. The drug is compatible with "Heteroauxin".
  • "" is based on ginseng. The effectiveness of the drug reaches 100%. 1 ml of the drug is enough to prepare 10 liters aqueous solution. Promotes rapid acclimatization of transplanted plants and wound healing.

Not always at hand there is a root former of industrial production. But it can be successfully replaced using substances that are in the house:

  1. Aloe juice stimulates the immune system of the plant and promotes the rapid formation and growth of roots. Use 30 ml of juice per 1 liter of water.
  2. Honey is an excellent immune stimulant. A teaspoon of honey is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water. The cutting, immersed in a third of the length, is kept for 12 hours.
  3. (100 g) is dissolved in 1 liter of water, the cuttings are immersed for a day. Rinse before planting and place in a jar with clean water for .
  4. Willow, willow, sprouting in a jar of water, creates conditions for the rapid formation of roots. After the sprouted branches of the willow are taken out of the water, cuttings of other plants are placed in it. Keep them until the roots form.
  5. Rooting cuttings in a potato tuber is becoming increasingly popular. This is very convenient way, which can also be used to root cuttings of other plants. You just need to cut out all the eyes of the potato so that it does not germinate, dig it in the ground, cover it with a jar and water it periodically.

Despite the fact that each of the drugs has its own characteristics of use, there are general rules:

  • The root-forming solution is prepared immediately before use.
  • Cuttings are processed immediately after cutting. It's better to take them from young tree, giving preference to the lower ones located at the beginning of the branch.
  • The temperature in the room or on the street where the procedure is carried out should be in the range of 20-23 ° C.
  • For soaking the cuttings, glass, enamel or porcelain dishes are used. Do not use metal.
  • The amount of water in the dishes should be small so that all of it is saturated with oxygen. Do not forget that the roots are formed on the verge between water and air. Therefore, you can not pour a lot of water.
  • Water during germination is not changed. If there is very little left, add fresh. If you pour out the old water and pour in new, the formation of roots may stop, and the plant may die.
  • Green cuttings are immersed by a third, lignified - by half or two-thirds.

More information can be found in the video:

When it comes time to propagate plants, you can do this by dividing the roots or seeds, then everything happens quite simply. But with cuttings, problems can arise. Especially often they occur with the process of root formation. Of course, you can always resort to purchased drugs, such as zircon, root, sodium humate and others. It's fast, convenient and reliable. And what did amateur gardeners do in such cases in the old days. Let's look at a few of their recipes.

Recipe 1

A solution of succinic acid (1 tablet / 1 liter of water). In such a solution, the cuttings are soaked for 30 minutes, after which they are rearranged in a container with plain water. They can also be used to irrigate crops after transplanting or to spray plants.

Recipe 2

Aspirin. It also has a positive effect on the process of root formation in cuttings. It is enough to place an aspirin tablet in a container with cuttings and the process of root formation will intensify (1 tablet / 20 ml of water).

Water should not be changed - just constantly add it to the desired level.

Recipe 3

Honey solution (1 tsp / 1.5 l of water). Placing the cuttings 1/3 in this liquid, leave for 24 hours. Then they are transferred to a container with clean water, after washing the ends of the solution. Roots appear especially quickly on the cuttings when using flower honey, because it is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. It contains more than 35 mineral elements, vitamins, enzymes, acids, that is, everything that petioles need for better root formation.

Recipe 4

Aloe juice. This is very useful plant for a person will help your cuttings to strengthen the root formation process.

Moreover, it is the simplest and easy way: you just need to drop 6-7 drops of juice squeezed out of aloe into a container with cuttings, and the process of root formation will accelerate.

Recipe 5

Branches of willow, willow, wild rosemary or poplar. They are placed in water, waiting for the roots to appear. After that, the branches are taken out, and cuttings are placed in their place. The water in the container does not need to be changed: just top up as needed.

Recipe 6

Yeast water solution (100g / 1 l). Cuttings are placed in this solution for 24 hours.

After this time, they are removed, and after washing under running water placed in a container half-filled with clean water.

Recipe 7

We use common potato. This method is very simple, but its effectiveness is beyond doubt. You will need a large potato, from which you need to remove all the eyes. Make an incision on it and insert the cutting into it. With constant watering, it will quickly begin to produce roots. Potatoes contain all the nutrients needed for root formation.

All these recipes are quite simple, but all gardeners have used and still use them, because their effectiveness has already been tested by more than one generation.

Modern industry produces many forms of root formation stimulants, the most commonly used are root and heteroauxin. In practice, folk remedies that are used to stimulate rooting are often more effective than synthesized ones.
The necessary conditions for the formation of roots are a moist, breathable environment.
Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in 1.5 liters of water. The cuttings are dipped in a honey solution to one third of the height, soaked in the solution for up to 12 hours.

To root the cuttings, they take a large potato, from which all eyes are carefully removed, a gap is made in it, a cutting is inserted into it .. With regular watering, the cuttings quickly give roots and young plants develop well. In this way, even poorly cutting plants can be rooted. This is explained by the fact that instead of water, the cuttings immediately receive a large amount of nutrients.
Try rooting the cuttings by placing a container with them on a good magnet (not a souvenir from the refrigerator), I use a strip - a knife holder. After conducting a comparative experiment, I was convinced that the callus appears faster on the magnet; Plants that typically take more than 2 weeks to root develop roots in 5-7 days.
3-7 drops of aloe juice (fresh) added to water will speed up the emergence of roots and stimulate the immune system of the cutting
1 option:
we cut off 1 or several willow branches (cuttings taken at any time from branches up to 5 "- 6" thick and placed in water take root in a few weeks without any use of hormones, almost all give roots), put in water.
we are waiting for the appearance of roots on willow twigs.
when they appeared, the wicker can be removed, or you can leave it.
we put cuttings in this water, and we do not change it, but only add it.
6. 20 ml aspirin tablet. water
You can also use poplar, willow and wild rosemary
Option 2:
Cut a few 1-2 year old twigs. The main thing is that they are alive. Cut them into pieces of 3-5 cm so that they fit in the pan. Although the smaller the pieces, the more you can extract useful substances. Put the pieces in a saucepan and fill with water, covering the cuttings with water by about 3-4 cm. More can be done, since a significant part of the water will evaporate. It is necessary to boil the twigs for half an hour. After boiling, do not remove the twigs, let the mixture still infuse for eight hours. Then filter it through a four-layer gauze. Stimulator is ready. In the refrigerator (at positive temperature) it can be stored for about a month. The resulting solution is used undiluted for soaking the lower parts of the cuttings for a day; for soaking seeds for 2-3 hours before sowing; for watering transplanted plants and planted seedlings in order to mitigate stress and accelerate root formation.
7. water in which other cuttings have previously successfully rooted
8. stick a cutting into an old aloe leaf
9. Succinic acid. To prepare the solution, use 1 tablet per liter of water. The resulting solution can be watered transplanted plants, sprayed or soaked cuttings, plant. Soak for 20-30 minutes.
10. Prepare a 100 mg/l yeast solution. After a day, remove the cuttings from the yeast solution, wash with water and transfer to a vessel half-filled with water. To prevent water from stagnating, place a few pieces of charcoal in vessels with cuttings.
11. 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of yeast are dissolved in a glass of water and the stalk is immersed in the solution overnight. Then washed and put in plain water.