Re-boiled water. Boiled water: benefit or harm?

Probably everyone already knows that water is essential substance for the functioning of all organs and systems of our body. All doctors strongly recommend that both children and adults drink a sufficient amount of ordinary pure water... And no juices, compotes and other drinks can become a worthy substitute for it. But the opinion of doctors and ordinary people about which water is better to drink does not always coincide. So many people wonder why you can't boil water twice: scientific fact or is it a misconception about it?

Many doctors advise their patients to drink water that has only been boiled once. In other words, before adding new liquid to the kettle, pour the remainder into the sink. But there are people who are sure that prolonged boiling is guaranteed from various harmful impurities. Who is right after all?

V Everyday life we usually use tap water... And it, as everyone knows, has in its composition a lot of various substances, including those that are not very beneficial to health. It contains not only chlorine, which is necessary for disinfection, but also various heavy compounds. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to take such water without boiling.

During the boiling of water, the formation of organochlorine compounds occurs in it. And the longer the boiling process lasts, the large quantity such connections are formed. They are represented by dioxins and carcinogens and are capable of depressing the cells, tissues and organs of our body. But the negative effect will not be noticeable right away, because aggressive substances accumulate in the body for a long time, and then lead to the development of serious, including chronic health problems.

Probably everyone noticed that boiled water has a completely different taste than "fresh". A similar feature also due to the presence of dioxins in its composition. An increase in their number softens the water.

It should be noted that chlorine from unboiled water harms the body much more. Therefore, you should not drink water just from the tap. Pediatricians are even advised to bathe newborns in boiled water. Excess chlorine can lead to flaky skin, itching and other unpleasant consequences, especially on delicate baby skin.

What is the risk of prolonged boiling?

The answer to this question is hidden in the information above. Since the boiling process is accompanied by the formation of dioxins, the amount of these compounds increases with prolonged boiling. However, it should be noted that in order to obtain their critical level in water, it will have to be boiled more than once.

Do not forget that the taste of water changes noticeably when boiled. Thus, the liquid, boiled twice, will already be far from ideal and can somewhat change the taste of the brewed tea or coffee. Quite often, water is re-boiled in different offices, when employees are simply too lazy to run for a new portion.

Is repeated boiling dangerous?

No specialist will give an unambiguous answer to this question. With each boil, the amount of organochlorine compounds in the water increases, but their level still does not rise to such an extent as to cause serious poisoning, or death... So, the most important obvious disadvantage reboil consists in changing the taste of water, which spoils the drinks prepared on its basis, making it difficult to enjoy the fullness of their taste.

At the same time, scientists emphasize that the number of aggressive particles (microbes) in boiled water decreases after the first boil. And turning on the kettle again does not affect their viability in any way. After all, what could not survive when the temperature reached a hundred degrees has already died, and the particles that can survive will survive even with repeated boiling.

Boiling allows you to purify water from hardness salts, because they have a lower boiling point. Such particles settle on the walls of the kettle like scale, which is visible to the naked eye.

Which can be said for a long time, it is still more useful for the body than tap water. And the decision to boil it again or not, a person must make independently, focusing on the information provided above. Once again, I would like to emphasize that organochlorine compounds are still released during repeated boiling, albeit in small quantities, and no one knows what this may be fraught with for the body. Therefore, it is better not to risk your health and not be lazy to change the water in the kettle to fresh.

In order for boiled water to bring only benefits to the body, you need to adhere to several recommendations:

For boiling it is worth using only fresh water each time;
- do not boil the liquid again and add fresh to its remains;
- before boiling water, leave it for a few hours so that it stands - so some of the corrosive substances and chlorine will disappear from it;
-Pouring boiling water into a thermos, do not plug it with a cork immediately, it is better to wait a couple of minutes.

Folk recipes

So, it is clear to every person how important it is. But the consumption of insufficient quality water can lead to the development of various pathological conditions. So, if there are too many calcium salts in the drinking fluid, kidney stones can begin. Means will help to cope with such a problem traditional medicine.

So for kidney stones, you can use the bird's knotweed. Brew three tablespoons of fresh and chopped grass with half a liter of boiling water. Insist the medicine for four hours, wrapping it well, then strain it. Take half a glass on an empty stomach in the morning. Feasibility of treatment folk remedies should definitely be discussed with your doctor.


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You've probably heard that every time you need to pour new water into the kettle? And yet, you don't always follow this rule. But really, what such a terrible thing can happen if you boil water several times?
To understand the problem, let's go a little deeper into history and Chemical properties water.

The human body cannot exist without water. Eighty percent of our body is liquid. Fresh water necessary for normal metabolism, elimination of toxins and toxins from the body.

But with water in modern world there are certain problems. Not every resident of a metropolis can get required amount liquids from a well or from natural source... In addition, we must not forget about the natural pollution of the modern world. Life-giving moisture enters our homes through kilometers of pipes. Naturally, disinfectants are added to it. For example, bleach. If we talk about purification systems, then their quality leaves much to be desired. In some cities, they have not changed for decades.

To use this water for cooking and drinking, people came up with boiling water. There is only one reason - to destroy, if possible, all bacteria and microbes that are in raw water... There is an anecdote on this topic:

The girl asks her mother:

Why are you boiling water?
So that all germs die.
Is it that I will drink tea with the corpses of germs?

Indeed, most bacteria and microbes die when exposed to high temperatures... But what else happens to the composition of H2O when the temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius?

1) Boiling evaporates oxygen and water molecules.

2) Any water contains certain impurities. At high temperatures, they do not go anywhere. Can sea water be drunk if it is boiled? At 100 ° C oxygen and water atoms will be removed, but all salts will remain. But the most interesting thing is that their concentration will increase, since the water itself has become less. Therefore, seawater after boiling is not drinkable.

3) Hydrogen isotopes are present in water molecules. It's heavy chemical elements which are resistant to temperature rises up to 100 ° C. They settle to the bottom, making the liquid heavier.

Is repeated boiling dangerous?

And why do this? The bacteria died during the first boil. There is no need for repeated heat treatment. Too lazy to change the contents of the teapot? Well, let's figure it out, can you boil it again?

1. Boiled water is completely tasteless. If you boil it several times, it becomes very, very tasteless. Some might argue that raw water also has no taste. Not at all. Do a little experiment.

At regular intervals, drink tap water, filtered water, boiled once and boiled many times. All of these liquids will taste DIFFERENT. When you drink the last option (boiled many times), there will even be an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth, a kind of metallic aftertaste.

2. Boiling "kills" the water. The more often the heat treatment occurs, the more useless the liquid is in the long run. Oxygen evaporates, in fact, the usual formula of H2O from the point of view of chemistry is violated. For this reason, the name of such a drink arose - "dead water".

3. As mentioned above, after boiling, all impurities and salts remain. What happens with every reheat? Oxygen goes away, so does water. Consequently, the concentration of salts increases. Of course, the body does not immediately feel this.

The toxicity of such a drink is negligible. But in "heavy" water, all reactions are slower. Deuterium (a substance that is released from hydrogen during boiling) tends to accumulate. And this is already harmful.

4. We boil, as a rule, chlorinated water. When heated to 100 ° C, chlorine reacts with organic matter... As a result, carcinogens are formed. Frequent boiling increases their concentration. And these substances are extremely undesirable for humans, as they provoke cancer.

Boiled water is of little use. Reprocessing makes it harmful. Therefore, follow these simple rules:

  • pour fresh water each time to boil;
  • do not boil the liquid again and do not add fresh to its remains;
  • before boiling water, let it stand for several hours;
  • pouring boiling water into a thermos (for preparing a medicinal collection, for example), close it with a stopper after a few minutes, not immediately.

Every sane person tries to monitor his body and maintain good health. Drinking is an essential and vital function. If a person can do without food for about five or seven days, then the lack of water will begin to negatively affect health after 24 hours. This article will tell you about the dangers and benefits of boiled water. You will be able to find out which liquid is best to consume and in what quantity. You will also draw conclusions about useful and harmful properties boiled water. It is worthwhile to study in detail each factor affecting the state of the drinking fluid.

Repeated boiling of water is most often done in the same container as before. The plaque formed on the walls of a teapot or saucepan heats up again and reacts with the disintegrating liquid molecules. All this is not only not beneficial, but can also be very dangerous for a person.

How to protect yourself when drinking boiled water?

If you still prefer to drink thermally processed liquid, then you need to do it right. Observe the following conditions:

  • drink water immediately after it boils, do not wait until it has completely cooled down;
  • after processing, pour the contents of the teapot into a separate container (preferably glass);
  • never store water in the container in which you boiled it;
  • regularly wash the kettle from scale and plaque;
  • do not drink liquid after 2-3 hours after boiling, but rather prepare a new portion;
  • periodically consume raw clarified liquid.

Summing up and conclusion

So, you now know what boiled water is (the benefits and harms of the product are described above). Having made a conclusion, we can say that the raw liquid is less hazardous than the thermally processed one. So what kind of water should you drink? Processed or not?

It all depends on the region in which you live and the state of the tap liquid. Find out what kind of boiled water you have. The benefits and harms of this product can be tested in a special laboratory. V recent times cleaning filters have become very popular. They rid the liquid of harmful compounds and fill useful properties... Drink only good water and always be healthy!

Water is one of the most unique substances in nature. It is necessary for a person every day. An important factor in its use is purity and the absence of harmful impurities. Poor water quality can be extremely dangerous to the body. Therefore, it is usually filtered, frozen or boiled before use.

What happens to water when boiled?

Each of us boils water. Some people use it as a drink, additionally cooling it down. Most people make tea. You can often hear that water cannot be boiled twice. There is an opinion that such a liquid becomes dangerous to humans. This is explained by the fact that already with prolonged first heating, beneficial trace elements disintegrate. The second boiling in water supposedly leaves nothing useful at all.

Boiling is necessary in most cases. Harmful bacteria can live in tap water. They die after 2-3 minutes of heat treatment. But it should be noted that some dangerous microorganisms are not afraid of high temperatures. In this case, boiling is powerless to cope with the problem. Also, in this way, salts of heavy metals cannot be removed from water.

It is believed that water cannot be boiled twice due to the fact that it can become "heavy". From the point of view of chemistry, this is a myth. Heavy water is almost impossible to create at home. This is a complex process. This result is influenced only by long boiling for many years.

In addition, heavy water is not fatal to humans. It is eliminated from the body relatively quickly.

The quality of the boiled water may depend on the type of kettle. Many people do not boil water twice in plastic electric kettles. They think they are reacting with the plastic. In fact, if a polymer is allowed to be used as a material in which water is heated, then it is safe.

Highly chlorinated water can be harmful to health. It reacts with plastic already at the first heating. Various hazardous substances begin to be released into the liquid. They can be preserved even with repeated boiling. Therefore, the problem is not in secondary boiling, but in the composition of the water. Before heating in electric kettle made of plastic, it must be defended in a glass container.

The possibility of harm from secondary boiling can be even if the kettle is made of substandard material, to which plasticizers are added. These substances make the plastic less brittle. They start to stand out during heating. It turns out that we drink water or tea with a dose of plasticizers. Therefore, it is not worth buying cheap Chinese appliances. Cost is a direct indicator of the quality of the plastic. The service life of teapots from safe material- 3 years. After that, it is better to replace it with a new one.

Read also: 7 ways to purify tap water at home Living water preparation

Boiling water: myths and facts

  1. Some explain the harm of boiling by the fact that the structure of the liquid is disrupted. In order to deal with this, let us recall such a concept as the memory of water. It means that the liquid remembers the molecular composition of the substance originally dissolved in it. When heated, this memory is supposedly destroyed, and the water becomes dead. Official science does not recognize this fact. Scientific name dead water- distilled. In fact, it is a liquid devoid of all impurities. It is obtained using a complex technological process... Like hard water, it is almost impossible to get distilled water at home.
  2. Another reason people are afraid of re-boiling is the loss of oxygen in the liquid upon re-heating. It becomes less in the composition of the liquid already at the first heating.
  3. Thus, the quality of the water is important when boiling. Chlorinated water is dangerous both on the first and second heating. When repeated heat treatment the liquid does not get harder. It is softer than normal tap.
  4. Boiled water will not harm your health under the following conditions:
  5. Settling or filtration of liquid. Chlorine evaporates from the water and when heated, the formation of carcinogens will not occur
  6. The right pot for boiling. You shouldn't choose teapots made of cheap plastic. When water is heated in it, a plasticizer is released
  7. Descaling the kettle. This allows the water to get rid of impurities that accumulate on the walls of the dishes.

Why can't you boil water a second time? - Unfortunately, many do not know the answer to this question, and every day they make the mistake of not draining the old water from the kettle. But this prohibition has been known for a long time, but most simply turn a blind eye to it in order to save water and pay for utilities... In this article, you will find comprehensive information on why it is harmful to boil water several times.

Why boil water?

As you know, no water can live without Living being, whether it be a plant, animal, microorganism, or human. Our body is 80% liquid (in babies - 90%). Fresh water is simply necessary for us for normal metabolism and elimination of toxins and toxins from the body.

Sorry, the problem is clean delicious water in the modern world is more than relevant:

  • in villages where you could find clean springs before, now they are no longer entirely clean due to soil pollution;
  • in the city water, in order to reach the apartment, it is necessary to pass kilometers of pipes of dubious purity.

Important! Naturally, in the latter case, the liquid is disinfected with special substances, for example, using bleach, but this spoils the taste and smell of the water, and it does not help much. Regarding purification systems, their effectiveness is very controversial, because in some cities they have not changed for several decades.

Quality inference drinking water deplorable. In order to somehow rectify the situation, people began to boil the liquid. The purpose of this process is one - to kill all bacteria and microbes that are in raw water, that is, literally sterilize it.

Indeed, most microorganisms die when exposed to high temperatures. Then why can't the water be boiled many times, because doctors recommend using only the liquid that was boiled once for making tea or coffee, be sure to pour out the old leftovers. To understand this recommendation, consider the physical and chemical properties of ordinary water.

What happens to water during boiling?

Let us consider in detail what changes occur when the temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius with the composition of H2O:

  • During boiling, oxygen and water molecules evaporate.
  • Since any water contains a large amount of impurities, you should know that after boiling, they do not disappear anywhere. Moreover, their concentration increases, since the liquid itself becomes smaller due to the evaporation of water molecules. Dirt and salt particles settle on the bottom of the kettle, forming a white scale.

Important! That is why sea water is not drinkable even after boiling.

  • All pathogenic bacteria, viruses and microbes are destroyed.

Important! It is a mistake to think that each subsequent boil kills more and more harmful microbes, viruses and bacteria. All harmful microorganisms die at the first heat treatment at 100 degrees Celsius.

  • Water molecules contain heavy chemical elements - hydrogen isotopes. They are resistant to temperature rises up to 100 degrees and settle to the bottom during boiling. Thus, the liquid becomes "heavier".

Can I boil water several times?

A large number of people do not drain the old, previously boiled liquid, and boil it again to make tea for themselves. Is it harmful to boil water a second time? - Let's figure this out.

Boiled water is completely tasteless

If a fresh transparent liquid does not already have a special taste, then boiled one loses even its remnants. And if you boil water several times, then it turns into a very tasteless one. To understand the difference, you can experiment:

Boiling makes the water "dead"

The more often and more water undergoes processing, the more useless the resulting liquid is. When boiling, the chemical formula of H2O is violated, since oxygen leaves the liquid. The water becomes "dead".

The amount of impurities increases

With each subsequent boiling of the same liquid, the concentration of salts increases. Naturally, the human body does not immediately feel such changes, and the toxicity of such a liquid is a negligible percentage. But all reactions in "heavy" water are slower, and deuterium - an element that is released during boiling from hydrogen, tends to accumulate, which brings undoubted harm to the body.

Important! "Heavy" water looks the same as regular water, and chemical formula has the same - Н2О, but instead of atoms of light hydrogen (protium) it contains atoms of heavy hydrogen (deuterium).

Dogs, rats, mice and other mammals die after about a week of regular consumption of such water due to replacement of more than 25% of light hydrogen with heavy hydrogen in tissues. A person without harm to health can theoretically drink two glasses of "heavy water". In this case, after a few days, the deuterium will be completely eliminated from the body.

Carcinogens are formed

As a rule, the water that we boil for our food needs is treated with bleach. In the process of heating up to 100 degrees Celsius, chlorine enters into chemical reaction with organic substances, resulting in the formation of carcinogens. This is one more of the essential reasons why the water cannot be boiled again. With each subsequent heat treatment, the concentration of carcinogens increases, and these substances, as you know, provoke the development of cancer in the human body.

How to boil water properly?

Boiled liquid is no longer useful, but repeated processing makes it harmful. Therefore, before the next procedure for heating water for tea, follow these simple rules:

  1. Use fresh water to boil each time.
  2. Can I boil water a second time? - It is possible, but definitely not necessary! It is not worth boiling again, as well as adding fresh liquid to the processed residues.
  3. It is advisable to let the water stand for several hours before boiling.
  4. When using a thermos, do not close it with a stopper immediately after pouring boiling water into it. Do this in a few minutes.
  5. Watch the container in which you boil water. Descale the kettle immediately - you can use citric acid or vinegar.
  6. You don't have to think long about how much you need to boil the water. Wait until the water turns white from saturation with air bubbles and turn it off. Don't wait until it starts bubbling and splashing. Remember that the longer the water boils, the less it becomes and the higher the concentration of carcinogens. That is why you cannot boil water for a long time.

Important! Boiling for more than 20 minutes completely changes the structure of the water.

As you can see, arguments as to why it is impossible to boil water several times quite and serious. Food and water should only benefit your body. Boil the same water several times or not - it's up to you. But if in this way you can even save a small percentage of your body from accumulation harmful substances then why not give it a try? Moreover, special efforts it is not required for this.