Why you can't leave empty bottles. Why empty bottles should not be left on the table.

Signs and beliefs have haunted a person since ancient times, and most people believe in them and follow their "advice". Today we will talk about, perhaps, the most famous sign, and try to find out why you can’t put it on the table empty bottles.

Why are empty bottles not put on the table?

Almost everyone knows that an empty bottle on the table is bad, which promises poverty, hunger and other everyday problems. In ancient times, it was also believed that an empty vessel standing on a table would draw into itself all the energy of a person, his health, strength and good luck. By the way, according to another legend, empty bottles should not be left, especially if there is a woman who has not given birth nearby, because. this may threaten her with very difficult childbirth in the future, or it may even deprive a woman of the joys of motherhood.

Also short distance radio is no longer available. We spend sleepless nights in the waves, and I'm especially in a bad mood. It annoys me that we just left the weather forecasts from the Internet and did not open our eyes! Painted or not painted clouds in the sky and a real wind that just wasn't in the country understood.

The next morning we decided to head back to Pinheira, where we had just arrived, with a light wind finally picking up. Bluebella is glad we're back! Two days is not enough to leave. In fact, we should be in Uruguay in a few days. There is no further expansion. Tommy has been driving since early morning to stamp our passports and unsubscribe from Brazil. This must be done before the visas expire.

According to another version, they live in an empty bottle evil spirits, which can break out and cause a lot of disasters, so an empty vessel must not only be removed from the table, but also must be closed. Deterioration of the financial situation, serious illness, discord in the family, quarrel with loved ones, all this can happen to a person, if you believe this sign.

The next southeastern front is the next day. Then Florianopolis gets uncomfortable. Here, the wind between the island and the mainland is greatly enhanced by the nozzle effect. But the bay turned into a cauldron. Anker Moussa has not been preserved! But until the brain cells can classify the information, especially if it was still heavily marked two hours before, Robusta is already several centimeters across. We'll break as soon as it gets too light. We can't make dinghi on deck.

Exciting dinghis are wrapped in waves. Luckily, it turns back into the desired position. But by the next wave, it is filled with a formidable amount of water! Otherwise we will lose our boat! Set sail, drive through, because now we are already drifting against a shallow one.

But still, this custom has a very real explanation, which is completely unrelated to beliefs and examples. The fact is that during the First World War, in taverns, as a rule, they had to pay according to the amount of alcohol drunk, namely, according to the number of empty bottles, so soldiers visiting entertainment establishments often hid empty bottles under the table in order to give less money for dinner.

With the boot on, Tomy manages to push the fork out of the back of the boat. Now the water can flow again. After all, there are no fishermen on the storm. Your networks are marked with a small black flag. The direction in which they are stretched is difficult to identify. They are suspended from a thin white pearl chain and reach the surface of the water! Usually network owners are nearby. When danger threatens, fishermen hesitate madly. Follow them, they will show you the way.

To the north of Ilha Santa Catarina, a duck pond dominates. Mousse is fixed in absolutely still water. We are suffering from the shock of civilizational culture. Bus - millimeter by millimeter through the six-lane steel ravines of the coastal road along the powerful, thin-looking modern facades. Unfortunately, we recall the original genuine Brazil. We miss silence, nature, simplicity and lush greenery! In the south, everything seems completely different.

It was from those times that she went, not to put empty bottles on the table. So it’s up to you personally to decide whether to treat this custom as a warning to the ancestors or simply as a historical fact.

When the feast is in full swing and various drinks are pouring like water, sooner or later the bottles containing them become empty. What do they usually do with empty bottles? They are treated differently, someone immediately removes them, and someone, pouring the contents into glasses or glasses, returns the empty bottle to the place from which he took it - to the table. And at the same moment, as a rule, among those sitting at the table there will definitely be at least one guest who will point out the infidelity of such a step, arguing that an empty bottle on the table is a bad omen. Indeed, almost everyone has heard that there is such a belief, but not everyone knows where it came from. So after all, why can't you put an empty bottle on the table? This sign has several explanations. Let's try to figure out what versions of this belief exist and whether it is worth sticking to them.

The work is carried out in the inner city, in the evening the hustle and bustle of the day turn into a deserted ghost town. Where are the bars where they dance? The meeting with Ugur and Maral of the “Blue Bella” is celebrated joyfully, damply and openly. We will also meet Lucy and Kevin. It took us a long time until we finally met again. They also had a difficult time; In the middle of the Atlantic, the mast broke, the mast broke in the upper part. Then also engine damage because they can no longer swim. When they finally got their spare parts three months later, the theater started with Robusta and now we couldn't sail anymore.

Why can't you put an empty bottle on the table, where did it come from? Historical version

There is a legend that the tradition of putting empty bottles under the table was born thanks to the Russian Cossacks. They brought it from France, where in 1812-1814. made a military campaign. In those distant times, alcohol was not paid for in the same way as it is now. The calculation of the amount for which alcohol was purchased was carried out at the end of the feast. And it was defined as follows: Parisian waiters counted the number of empty containers left on the tables. And then one day, one savvy Cossack came up with the idea of ​​​​how you can save money and pay less. During the feast, a number of empty bottles were removed under the table, as a result of which the Cossacks did not have to pay for them. Thus, the answer to the question of why an empty bottle should not be placed on the table can be explained by a long tradition. Which seems to have worked out well.

We met again! Oh, how nice it would be in a sauna! The next weather window will open! After sunset we start. Weather report misinterpreted again? The whole night should be the same. Swinging, again and again, a resounding sound emerges from a box or faucet that keeps us on our feet. This time with Migros. Perhaps they wouldn't be so badly suited to supporting cymbals and the like. Joyful mood.

In the next few hours, Robusta races faster and faster. Lovely lime salad with homemade kefir ends up on the floor. Now the pantry looks like a battlefield. The red juice also finds its way between the boots directly in an emergency.

Why can't you put an empty bottle on the table? Sign what does it mean?

Superstitious people explain their desire to quickly remove empty containers from the table by no means of tradition. They believe that the emptiness formed in the bottle is a bad sign, so to speak, not good.

When asked why you can’t put an empty bottle on the table, they will tell you several versions. According to one of them, emptiness attracts evil spirit. To leave an empty bottle on the table means to give the table under the power of the unclean. Another sign from the category of superstitions is the belief that if you leave bottles on the table, then the house will be empty and there will be no money. There are even folk saying on this account.

But looking at the wind indicator leads me to the neck. Eleven knots of wind - nine knots on the ground? At the same time, we have long past the carefully calculated waypoint for the next round, which will lead to the next 15 hours of wind blow. We were driving too fast, so we couldn't use the south wind to get back to shore. We always plan a route 20-30 miles from the coast. Secondly, if we meet a strong South East Carpintairo, there will be enough time and space to slow down.

From the hearing mill of hearing, we hear that a familiar wind is blowing at 70 knots at night shortly after us, and the sails are now in the hospital! All the best and we're glad you all arrived safely on land! Does anyone know how "hull speed" is calculated? No pictures, cable not included.

Church opinion

The church has a negative attitude towards superstitions. According to the clergy, belief in all sorts of signs is a manifestation of distrust in God, the substitution of true faith for a more accessible one that does not require any spiritual costs and work on oneself. Why can't you put an empty bottle on the table? What if black cat suddenly cross your path? These and many other questions should not arise from a true Christian. The need to believe in something is inherent in any human soul. Those who do not believe in God or believe in him insufficiently satisfy their need by paying attention to all sorts of signs and superstitions. It would seem that with the development of progress and general enlightenment, superstition should be relegated to the background, but this does not happen. We are witnessing the following picture: human society is mired in superstitions. And this is sad, because it testifies that there are very few truly believing people who trust God, and not some signs.

From sixty miles a hundred! Crossing is a disaster. A slight wind with a whipped sea. We hardly sleep accordingly after we arrive after sunset in Ilhabela. We drop anchor and pump up the dinghy. Hungry like wolves, tired like sheep, we row on the footbridge. There, the super-strong Tachenlamp from Nahhwakhter hit him in the face. Friendliness is explained to us by the fact that the object is intended only for members. Even if they have nothing to do with sailing or a motorboat.

Iat Club Ilyabela was there. Tired and hungry, and now also irritated, we find it difficult to ride in a straight line. Between the pressed yachts under wooden roof seems to be a pub. Right in front of the tables we find ourselves as dumb as can be with dinghi and both end up with boots in the water. Let's show the map first. The service takes us from the table we chose in the waiting room. Without delay, the daurs stop a little. Now we sit with dripping wet shoes and trousers with sailor dresses still wearing tadpoles, between chicken-dressed and puffed-up people.

The practical side of the issue

Considering that we are not Russian Cossacks and no one will issue us an invoice, counting the number of empty bottles on the table, it is probably stupid to remove the container for these reasons. If you are not in the class superstitious people because of your faith in God or simply disbelief in all sorts of nonsense - you, too, will not rush to clean the container under the table for fear of calling trouble. But still, why can't you put an empty bottle on the table?

Everything is very simple. There is also practical side question. Empty containers on the table clutter up the space, it may look like a transparent hint to the guests that it is time for them to leave, and in general, a table with empty bottles, salad bowls, gravy bowls and other cutlery looks sloppy.

After half of the beer it's time. We order Asian chicken for two people. It's only 25 francs. The next morning surprise: Where are we here? On the side of the mountain slopes you will find tasteful villas. Robusta we parked in the dark right in front of the harbor entrance. Restaurant, swimming pool, children's room with different beds, conference room, TV room, bar and hot showers, and who would have thought even a sauna! When registering, we find out that we can use four days for free and use everything.

But a small war with papers and stamps has already begun. Marinero is skeptical about the forms we filled out. The other four Mariners in the office, all holding smartphones, chuckled in disbelief. But do you have to live somewhere? No, we live on Robusta. To keep them satisfied, we give our old address.

Why can't you put an empty bottle on the table? Choose for yourself the version that suits you best.