Vangelia spells for money. Wangi conspiracy for money

Baba Wanga. Her real name is Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, but everyone in Bulgaria knew her as "Baba Vanga" or simply Vanga. At first she lived in Strumica, but at the end of her life she moved to the Bulgarian town of Petrich. There are many questions in her life story, but the biggest mystery is related to her blindness. According to one version, in her youth, she was kidnapped by a sudden hurricane, he lifted her into the air and threw her to the ground. Her eyes were covered with sand, and her vision never returned to her.

Vanga, thanks to her great gift of prediction, is world famous, and even after her death, the clairvoyant does not lose popularity

A little about her

His father in Vangi was Bulgarian, his mother was Macedonian. She was born on October 3, 1911 in the Macedonian city of Strumitsa. Orphaned at the age of three when her mother died. After she became blind, her father sent her to a school for the blind in the city of Zemun. When she was seventeen years old, her stepmother died and she returned home to take care of her brothers and sisters. She spent most of her life in the village of Rupite. This was her place from where she drew strength, nourished herself with energy and where she offered prayers to God. The place where her gift of clairvoyance received recognition and fame. On August 11, 1996, she died in a hospital in Sofia, and her clairvoyance ability gained immense popularity not only in Bulgaria, but throughout the world. Whole legends tell about the action of strong conspiracies and the prayer uttered by Wanga.

IN recent times her prophecies began to be analyzed and examined by Western media.

Although it has been two decades since she left this world, the controversy around her gift does not stop. Her extraordinary abilities were used in their work by the KGB, and since 1967 she was in the service of the Bulgarian intelligence, as a clerk with a salary of 200 leva a month.

As strange as it sounds, even the American military was afraid of her. Particularly depressing was the fact that a blind clairvoyant could "see any document on the desk of every executive in the United States." The threats from this grandmother were taken seriously, they even planned an operation to kidnap her.

Baba Vanga predicted

It is interesting that Wanga could predict upcoming events. The list of her predictions pertaining to the modern world is impressive. Researchers claim that all of her prophecies are 85% true.

  1. Hitler's rise to power.
  2. The beginning of the Second World War.
  3. The collapse of the Soviet Union.
  4. Choosing a black president in the United States.
  5. The sinking of the submarine Kursk.
  6. The attack on the World Trade Center in New York.

The Bulgarian also had many prophecies for the future. In the early nineties, she spoke of "a major Muslim war in Europe." This warning is especially relevant in our time. The threat of the warriors of Allah who infiltrated Europe as refugees is visible to every sane person human being, and their scope is still growing.

Currently, many are skeptical of Wanga's predictions, others are finding more and more confirmation of the veracity of her words.

Prophecy for the future

The next prophecy is the seizure of Europe by Muslims and the introduction of the caliphate in 2043. In her opinion, weapons of mass destruction will be used against the Europeans. Soon after, Europe will be completely empty.

  1. Search alternative sources energy on Venus (2028).
  2. Creation of an artificial sun.
  3. Immortality of Humanity.
  4. Human life in space.
  5. Communication with representatives of other planets.
  6. Life in complete harmony and a state of direct communication with God.

Immortality is a very tempting prospect, but the predictions seem implausible, since her previous predictions about the future of the earth are greatly exaggerated. We must also remember that Baba Vanga is 15% wrong. In 2010, she predicted the third world war, which will last four years. Vanga's prayers and conspiracies, her advice are effective and do not help people to overcome depression, improve their health, find a job.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant, a prophetess who is valued and respected all over the world, strove to live in harmony with the surrounding world and nature, to respect its laws. Vanga said that the path to happiness and health lies through the restoration of spiritual harmony. Vanga's practical advice in the modern world is popular and relevant, because it has repeatedly proven its credibility, reliability and effectiveness. The prophetess says that her advice is effective and helps people with a pure soul and bright thoughts.

Enjoy every day

Vanga helped all the people who came to her for advice: she helped to achieve success, to get a job. Her prayers attracted happiness and good fortune, helped to earn money and achieve success. Her simple advice helped to change life for the better.

For men and women:

  • In order to protect your home from various negative influences and uninvited guests, you need to hang a cross on the door, and a branch of elderberry above it. You can put a horseshoe in front of the threshold, this will attract good luck, money and prosperity. Any keys placed nearby will increase her power.
  • In order for you to be lucky and successful on this day, in the morning you need to get out of bed and put your right foot on the floor first, and then your left. It is also important, before putting on the slippers, put them together, side by side.
  • So that you always have money and there are no problems with their lack, carry a piece of green or turquoise quartz in your wallet. Do not leave a knife in the bread, as this will lead to loss of money and poverty.
  • If you want to change your life for the better, find a new job, attract success, health, money, prosperity, you need to rearrange furniture in the house for the young moon.
  • When a period of failure comes, you need to take salt and draw horizontal stripes on each windowsill. Salt absorbs negative energy and takes away all problems. When negative phenomena in life and problems at work persist, it is necessary to collect salt on a newsletter and throw it out the window into the yard.
  • Whoever is interested in maintaining a figure or wants to lose weight, he needs to eat boiled wheat grains once a week, washed down with them boiled water... This will help cleanse the body of toxins.
  • When preparing food, do not swear, do not shout or even think about bad things. The healer said that food absorbs all negative energy and, apart from harm, will not bring anything to the body, but only diseases and problems.
  • Many people are interested in Wanga's health advice, as she has the ability to cure various diseases. Vanga appreciated the summer season most of all. At this time, you can walk barefoot and receive energy from the earth, which helps to maintain a healthy mind in the body.
  • People should not take drugs, as they block and block the access of positive energy and the "entry" of nutrients into the body.
  • If in the room where the patient was or dead man, a mirror was hanging, it is necessary to wipe it with holy water, since its surface absorbs all the negative, which will adversely affect other family members and guests.
  • Pieces of uneaten bread should not be left on the table, as with them a person loses strength and health. Crumbled bread should not be thrown into the trash can; it will be correct to give it to birds and animals.
  • For a pacified atmosphere, calmness and silence in the house, one should not forget to feed the brownie - the invisible and unofficial master of the hearth. Each brownie should have its own bowl in which to pour some warm fresh honey and put it near the stove or in the corner near the radiator. In the morning, pour the honey away and never eat.

If you follow these simple but powerful advice, you will see in a short time how your life has changed in better side.

Wealth conspiracy

The ritual ensures the attraction of money when the moon is young. One has only to perform the spell and perform a ceremony that will attract money to the house.

Not to find a person in the world who would not like to become rich, have a lot of money and be independent

  1. On midday ( best time for a conspiracy to attract money) put two light green candles on the table and light them.
  2. Put on a small bowl and a teaspoon, and also take three small small denomination coins.
  3. Pour a teaspoon into a bowl nutmeg and the same amount of cinnamon.
  4. Mix the ingredients and constantly think about the amount of money you would like to have. But do not be too greedy, because you can get the notorious fig, like in the tale of the fisherman and the fish.
  5. Think about the amount of money incessantly. Pick up three coins and flip until one heads and two tails come up. After that, put the coins along with the spices, put them in the old wallet and say the spell:

    “The powder that helps me raise money, so be it. Send me as much happiness as I need. "

  6. Place the wallet with the contents in the place where you keep financial documents, invoices, bank statements. Don't throw your wallet away.

After a while at work, you will be promoted and increased wages, things will improve, you will expect success and prosperity.

Raspberry conspiracy

He's for a new job. Consider a career and use the gifts of summer to perform a special raspberry ritual. This will help you get a promotion or find a new job.

In village magic, it is believed that red raspberries in the garden protect the house from evil eye

  1. Regardless of whether you are unemployed, an employee, a worker, or want to change employers, this spell is effective for everyone.
  2. Find a piece of bark in a park or forest (no need to take from a growing tree, just find one that fell off by itself) and bring it home. Remember the place where you found it.
  3. Collect raspberries in a bowl. Some ripe berries Rub raspberries into the smooth part of the bark so that the wood turns red.
  4. Take a black ink pen and write the name of the company and job you dream of. Write your name next to it.
  5. Bury a piece of bark under the tree next to which you found it.
  6. Eat the rest of the raspberries, thinking about new job and repeating the words:

    "Let my career ripen like raspberries."

  7. Pronounce the conspiracy on Wednesday, because this day is under the auspices of Mercury, which is supportive of professional problems and helps to achieve success.

Savings conspiracy

Water symbolizes the magic of cash flow. Therefore, make sure all taps are closed and water is not wasted.

  1. Buy a red tape and tie it to the pipe drains. Tie eight knots. This symbolically stops the outflow of money from the house, and red attracts success and wealth.
  2. Write down all your expenses in a notebook with a red cover.
  3. Plant basil and a money tree at home. The pots should be red. Place them in the left corner of the farthest door of your house.
  4. Place and light four light blue candles on the table as a sign of stability. Take a gold or yellow ribbon and tie it crosswise (like a gift box) on money, credit cards, and other securities you want to keep.
  5. Cast the spell:

    "Let my money multiply, cling to me and multiply."

  6. Do not remove the bow from the money. When you take out a banknote or credit card under the influence of the moment, the bow will remind you of the ritual performed.

Conspiracy to raise money

Vanga's spells work if a person believes in their power. Therefore, the mental attitude is important. Think about your desire, cherish it, and it will come true. You should also know that the money that comes to you after the ritual should be spent only on good deeds, which will help your family members and other people.

You don't have to deliberately kill yourself to achieve any kind of financial independence - just use a good conspiracy.

  1. Consecrate some water in the temple.
  2. Perform the ritual the next day at sunrise.
  3. Do not eat or drink before carrying out (must be observed).
  4. Place a glass of holy water and a plate with a slice of black bread on the table in front of you. Say the words:

    “If the Lord was able to feed all the hungry with bread, then he will help my family too. I wish you not need anything, and that there is always food in the house, and prosperity reigns. Show me the path to wealth and I promise that I will spend my money wisely. "

  5. Repeat the prayer three times without interruption.
  6. Drink the water from the jar and hand out the bread to all family members.
  7. Do not tell anyone (even the most relatives) why and why you need to eat this piece of bread or drink water, so that the plot does not turn in the other direction.

Good luck conspiracy

Vanga's conspiracies on the front door are considered the most effective and effective. After all, it is through her that various people enter the house, and together with them not only positive and positive energy, but also negatively charged, negative, provoking discord, failures, quarrels. Over the doorways, people broadcast amulets that protect the home, cast spells. The conspiracy from the prophetess Vanga is strong, it will protect housing from evil spirits and an evil spirit, and you not only from failures, but also give strength, confidence in your abilities, make you a real lucky one, but on condition that you believe in the ritual, its power and do it right.

In everyone's life there are many difficult situations... Sometimes there is not enough elementary luck to emerge victorious from them.

  1. The ritual must be carried out in the waning moon phase.
  2. Place a glass of holy water on the shelf in the hallway.
  3. Become in doorway and quietly, so that no one living with you would hear, say the words three times:

    “How many people will enter my door, there will be so many luck in my life. Let be bad person will not be able to enter, only health and wealth will visit my house and will remain in it forever. Amen".

  4. Soak your fingers in holy water and cross the front door three times. Sprinkle holy water on the doorstep.

After a properly performed ritual, only positive can penetrate through the front door of your house, and misfortunes and disappointments will bypass your doorstep.

Prayer for money and good luck

Vanga had a strong energy, many of her conspiracies and prayers served and still serve people, helping them to find health and happiness, as well as material wealth. Vanga's prayer suits everyone, and it doesn't matter what religion he professes, what saint he worships. Before reading it, you need to tune in to your desire, to what you want so that your soul asks for it, every cell wants it to be fulfilled. And if you read the prayer with such a spiritual mood, luck will be on your side, you will get everything you want.

Reading a prayer from a piece of paper will have a completely different effect, so memorize it and, while reading, turn your face to the East. It is necessary to get up early in the morning in order to meet the sunrise together with the dawn.

  1. Take a glass of water.
  2. Keep it in front of you.
  3. Read the prayer "Bright Angel" three times.
  4. Relax, bow on all four sides.
  5. Take water treatments.

“Bright Angel looking at us from heaven. I bow before your purity and appeal to you with a request. Help me make money and succeed, not for the sake of malicious intent, but so that my life flowed calmly and measuredly, was secured and quiet. Bright Angel, your help is important to me as well as the sun is for a clear day, my fate depends on your help. For heaven's sake, send me luck, put it on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

When pronouncing a prayer, think only about the good and the good, about those good deeds that you can do after receiving wealth and money. Let good and warm words fill your soul, and prayer comes from a pure heart.

Do not forget about prayer and perform the ritual every morning by going out to the balcony or into the garden if you live in a private house. It doesn't matter from which side and from where money and prosperity come to you, but they will certainly be, not in a day, not in two, but maybe in a few weeks or months. Don't worry, Vanga's prayer is strong and programmed for positive results and success.

Prayer for good luck

So that luck does not leave you or make you happy with your presence, you need to:

  1. Wait for the full moon.
  2. Wake up at dawn along with the sunrise.
  3. Wash with running water and say the following words on a vessel with water:

    “Water, water, my sister. You flowed mountains, underground paths, dark forests, wide margins where lowlands and meadows, steep banks, pebbles and sands, mother earth and clear skies. You met the dawns, saw off the nights, washed yourself with zoryushki, wiped yourself with the sun, cleansed yourself with white light. Cleanse me too, water, wash away the dirt and filth, wash my soul, fill it with purity. So that my deeds are pure, shine with light, be filled with good, add up, argue, be filled with luck. Amen".

  4. Drop water on your head.
  5. Wash with water from a container and wait until it dries on your face.
  6. Keep the ceremony that you performed a secret from everyone, so that luck does not turn away from you in the opposite direction.
  7. Repeat every full moon.

Prayer for Failure

So that evil and dark forces cannot offend you and do no harm, you need to enlist the support of your Guardian Angel, to whom prayers and prayers will protect and save you from misfortune and any misfortune. If your life path is smooth and even, there will be no bumps on it, there will be health and a strong family, there will be prosperity, peace and quiet, wealth and prosperity.

Vanga did not hide from anyone and shared prayers and conspiracies with all people, her soul was bright and pure, and so that everyone could be protected from evil, she advised:

  1. Take in the evening glass jar and fill it with water.
  2. Put on the windowsill overnight.
  3. At dawn, take the jar in your hands and go out to the balcony or outside.
  4. Cross yourself, cross the water in the jar.
  5. Hold the jar in your hands, look at the sky and quietly read Our Father.
  6. Now read the prayer to your Angel for failure three times:

    “My holy angel, guardian of body and soul! I cross myself with the cross, I turn to you in pure prayer. I pray you repentance: forgive my sins, committed in ignorance and delusion. Bright angel, do not leave me either in a good moment or in a dashing moment, be always with me on all my paths and paths. Guide me on a righteous path, pleasing to God, drive away evil from me, and attract good luck. Protect me from troubles and give me happiness, so that I glorify the name of the Most High God in my deeds, help my neighbors with a pure soul. Confirm the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life. Amen."

  7. Take a few sips from the can. Sprinkle the remaining water on the house, starting at the front door, using a sprig of a Christmas tree, parsley, or a clean drawing brush.
  8. Go outside the threshold of the house, pour some of the water in front of your feet, and throw out the rest in front of you so that the prayed water will sanctify your path.

Prayer to your Angel will protect you from the "evil eye", attract good luck to you, will protect you from malicious intent and will protect your health.

Prayers reflect all human needs, aspirations and aspirations for the salvation of the soul

Prayer for the help of the saints

Prayer is strong and if you follow the ritual correctly, it will contribute to good luck in work, luck in life, help to attract money, health, luck, and your entire life will be filled with joy and love of loved ones. Before starting prayer, you must:

  1. Fast three days (give up meat and dairy products). The diet should only contain fruits, vegetables and consecrated water or thawed ice.
  2. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee. Cleanse your thoughts from filth, direct them to good deeds and thoughts. Read any prayers to the Lord.
  3. Go to church. Standing on the threshold, before leaving the apartment, read the prayer:

    “God's saints, patron saints! I humbly ask you for protection and help. Bring your holy prayers to Jesus Christ about me, the sinful slave Ivan (or your name). Beg him for repentance for my sins, for a share of good and earthly happiness. Through your prayers, I will receive the lot of my share, protection from sorrows and diseases. Let my heart be filled with heavenly love, and my soul with joy. My feet will walk the path of the righteous, and will lead to the heavenly abode of my heavenly father. Do not reject my humble request in the name of our Lord and Savior. Amen"

  4. Do not enter into conversations on the way to the temple, it is better to be silent. Read the prayer again before entering the church.
  5. Buy seven candles and add to any icons.
  6. Read any prayers you know or just turn to God and ask him for mercy and protection, love and prosperity for yourself, your family and friends, for friends.
  7. Upon returning home, read the prayer for the help of the saints again and continue fasting until the end of the day.

Vanga's advice constantly helped not only her neighbors and loved ones, but also many other people from all over the world. Most of them have real scientific justification and relate, first of all, to the banal worldly wisdom that our ancestors possessed. However, some of her recommendations are not at all obvious and can be an interesting addition that can fundamentally change your life and satisfaction with it.

In the article:

One of Vanga's tips for every day is to learn to follow the routine, to rest properly. She warned people against going to bed late and waking up. According to the Bulgarian prophetess, a person should go to bed no later than 22:00, and get up at dawn. Wakefulness at night should be avoided, because day was created for work and night for rest.

Think before you say anything. All words are material, never express what you would not want. With the help of words, you can call trouble, but you can also attract happiness if you know how to do it.

Another useful advice from Vanga is to teach children to work. People who don't work set a bad example for their descendants. It is necessary from an early age to accustom them to work, to develop a craving for work. Children who do not live on everything ready never leave their parents in old age.

Move more, engage in mental and physical labor. If there is only rest in a person's life, this leads to diseases that destroy the soul and body. Instead of calling a repairman, try doing it yourself. Prepare a delicious dinner instead of going to a restaurant. Make a gift with your own hands instead of buying - there are a lot of options.

In any situation, remain human and do not dishonor your kind. You cannot lie, steal and kill. Do not consider yourself superior to someone, only God knows who is who and how much higher is. Learn to listen to other people, respect them and show attention to the interlocutor. Do not rush to judge a person until you understand his situation entirely and decide how you would act in his place.

The day should be started with a smile, only then will it bring joy. Resentment, fear and anger lead to illness, avoid them, and you can maintain good health until old age. Do a good deed every day, at least one, one for which you would have enough time. In old age, you will remember these deeds and understand that life was not lived in vain. Vanga said a lot about the inadmissibility of revenge and life in evil, even the last words of the fortuneteller were dedicated to this.

Don't waste your time. If you want to have time for fun, learn to manage your time, and only then you will have it. If you have fun instead of doing business, this will not add to your time.

Another piece of advice from Vanga for luck and money is keeping the body clean. Dirt is the cause of disease, as well as a shame for a person. God's creation is always pure and beautiful, and filth is abhorrent to him. The shower washes away all experiences, bad moods and negative energy. It is best to do this before bed. If you do not have the opportunity to take a shower in the evening, wash your feet at least to get rid of fatigue and everything that has accumulated during the day. But you don't need to wash yourself too hot water, the water for washing should be at a natural temperature for a person.

If you have been given great abilities and opportunities, God will ask you more than from those who got less of it. Only perseverance and productivity can live up to the expectations of the Almighty, which he places on you. Develop and achieve your goals, directing maximum efforts to this.

In order to prevent enemies, evil eye and damage, as well as other troubles, you can make a simple amulet. For this over front door with inside at home you need to hang a cross made of elderberry branches.

Do not swear while cooking and be in a bad mood. Negative energy will be absorbed into food and lead to illness, failure and other bad consequences.

If there is a mirror in a room in which someone has been ill or died for a long time, they first hang it up for the duration of the funeral, and then wipe it with holy water. Mirrors have a memory, and those that were near unpleasant events can negatively affect the lives of people who will use them.

Vanga's main advice for every woman who happened to come to the seer for help was to follow the main purpose for a woman. Vanga believed that the main thing is the birth of children and their upbringing. This is what a woman should devote her life to. According to the famous soothsayer, there can be no love without the desire to have children.

Wanga was famous for her harsh attitude towards people whom she was supposed to help, but she could not boast of having sympathy. The seer never refused help, but she could shout at a person who, in her opinion, was doing the wrong thing. The adopted daughter of Vanga remembered a woman who was going to go to her lover, and then fell ill. The soothsayer yelled at her and told her to return to her family, her husband and children.

True, whether to follow Vanga's advice regarding childbearing, family and love is another question. It is known that her husband died of alcoholism, and the children in the clairvoyant family were adopted. In addition, now is not the Middle Ages, and you can find many interesting activities, besides solving everyday difficulties and raising children.

Among all that remains of the great fortuneteller, Vanga's advice for getting married is relevant. For women who could not find or attract a lover, she advised keeping rounded stones and shells at home. Precious stones and minerals also become helpers in finding family happiness if they are smooth to the touch. It is best to bring stones and shells from vacation. You can accept them as a gift only from loved ones in whom you are confident.

Stones and shells store in themselves the power of the Earth, which is needed for procreation, and this becomes impossible without relationships and marriage. Therefore, such objects attract love, bestow happiness in marriage and promise the birth of healthy children. In order for this to work, objects need to be admired more often. It is even better to allocate a shelf specifically for stones and shells. If you can store them on the windowsill, let the moonlight hit them more often.

A woman's attractiveness depends on her feminine strength. A comb of natural material- horn, bone, stone or wood. A woman who uses such a comb will not be left alone. You need to store the comb above the bed, hanging it on a linen thread. Every night before going to bed, they need to comb. The comb will help you from feeling unwell on critical days, and to get married.

Every woman should have a veil or scarf. He is not given into the hands of a man, especially if it is a husband - to quarrels in the family and treason. It must be made independently from a cut of blue or red fabric - these are the colors of the Virgin, with the cover of which Vanga identified a veil or a woman's scarf. It can have a drawing - flowers or birds. But there should not be a single black thread on the cover. The edges are brightly hemmed, you can decorate the scarf with fringe, braid and other decorative elements.

Wrap the icon in a scarf Virgin and store among your personal belongings, but not where your underwear is. Icons and candles are placed on the scarf, prayers are read in front of them about family life, prayers to the Mother of God, communicate with the veil in their own words. The prayerful veil shares the feminine power with its owner.

The consecrated church Cahors will help with family quarrels, if you drink a little with your spouse... It is poured little by little to all the people with whom relations deteriorate. You can serve such wine to enemies, if you have to sit with them at the same table, then they will not be able to harm you.

Wanga's advice, according to rumors, is popular among the wealthy people of our country. Perhaps this is true, because some of the advice really makes practical sense. Vanga was not only a soothsayer, but also a wise woman.

Money, in her opinion, should be spent, not saved. The clairvoyant often said during her lifetime that you cannot put wealth in a coffin. Money is not an end, but a means to an end. Avoid storing money pointlessly, spend it on new experiences and things you need. The one who accumulates money will not use it, will give it to others.

Relevant - do not postpone things until tomorrow and do not be lazy. Life severely punishes inactivity and encourages all movement. Hurry up on your way to your goal, but do it wisely.

Don't tell anyone your salary. Do not answer questions about how much you earn, much less start talking about the amount of income. If you cannot get rid of obsessive questions, it is better to say a lower amount. It's not just the possibility of the evil eye or human envy. Even simple curiosity can block cash flow, and this problem will have to be solved later.

In order to have money in your wallet for a whole year, you need to count the money on New Year's Eve. In this case, the amount must be large and belong to you personally. This should be done every year.

In order to get money in the house, store some moss or algae under the carpet in any room. This is one of the most simple tips Vangi to attract money, because nowadays there is algae in almost every refrigerator.

Many things cannot be gifted at all. If you are going to donate a wallet, put a bill or at least a coin in it. This is how you generate income to a loved one, but you, too, will start to have money. Empty bags and suitcases cannot be donated either, for the same reason. Put something in them, even a free newspaper. The same is done with dishes and any containers, for example, vases. The latter can be given along with flowers, dishes - with treats, etc. This should be done when returning borrowed items.

The most powerful money conspiracies are made with gold and gems... In order to attract money, you can carry a small piece of turquoise or quartz in your wallet.

You can't leave the knife in the bread, it takes money away from the one who did it.

Herbal teas are a source of strength that will help you tidy up your appearance and improve your health. Study the literature on herbal medicine, replace tea and coffee with healthy herbal teas. Teas made from forest herbs and plants that grow in your climate are especially good. Bulgaria, according to the healer, is a blessed country in which many useful herbs grow. Bulgarian herbal picks can be useful for people who do not want to pick plants.

If possible, replace all medications with herbs. Medicines close the path of positive energy that enters the body along with medicinal plants... There are diseases in which you cannot do without medication, but the common cold is very easy to cure with herbal preparations. Herbs aren't just good for tea. You can stuff the pillow with hops and natural hay to make it easier to fall asleep.

The main and most relevant of Wanga's advice on how to gradually reduce fat in the diet. You can not overeat, too abundant nutrition harms the body, overloading the digestive organs. In addition, Wanga knew that in the future, foods would contain a lot of chemistry, and this is another reason for dietary restrictions.

Only sick and weak people need meat. If you are healthy, you should gradually give up meat dishes. The same goes for dairy products and eggs. The basis of the diet of a healthy person should be vegetables, fruits, cereals, mushrooms, nuts and vegetable fats. This contributes not only good health but also the expansion of consciousness.

At least once a week, you need to eat boiled rye or wheat to protect yourself from diseases and not have problems with excess weight. Rye bread is healthy too. Vanga once said that if she were asked about what to sow in the field, she would recommend rye. She considered this culture one of the most beneficial.

Morning dew has special properties. You can bathe restless children in it, washing with dew will make a girl more attractive without any beauty conspiracies. Vanga believed that in the early morning, plants secrete many useful substances, and therefore dew has healing properties... The seer advised to moisten a blanket or towel with dew and wrap in it.

If it's summer outside, you shouldn't forbid children to play where they want it. The advice of the great Vanga - let the children get dirty, earn scratches and bruises. In winter, it will protect them from illnesses. An active childhood boosts human immunity. If you have children, it is better to relax in the forest than at the sea, it brings more health benefits. Swimming in river water has a good effect on the treatment of insomnia in a child.

Vanga advised using homemade soap and other cosmetics. If you reduce the amount of factory household chemicals and cosmetics, you can take good care of your health. But this was not the only reason that worried the seer. She knew that in the future, the planet would be heavily polluted, and nature would suffocate due to the large amount of chemicals and fertilizers. Once a month, you can wash in a decoction of the Theotokos herb - thyme, this increases immunity.

The tree maintains health. If you are sick, wear wood jewelry. The house should have as much wooden furniture and household items as possible. Wooden rosary will be a good amulet for health. It is useful to walk barefoot on a wooden floor or lie on planks.

One of Vanga's tips for good luck is to walk barefoot on bare ground more often. Thus, a person restores connection with the earth, which gives him good luck, fame, health and wealth. It's easy to do in summer, at least on the beach or in the country. If you live on the ground floor, it is better to forget about slippers and go barefoot around the house.

We need to wait for the new moon and start rearranging the furniture.

To keep luck from leaving your home, do not leave uneaten food. This is especially true for bread. If they do appear, do not throw them away. Give the remains to animals or birds, you can leave in a place where they often go.

If luck has turned away from you, you can accelerate change for the better with the help of salt. Place a few handfuls on all windowsills in your home. Only when the setbacks are gone can the salt be removed and thrown away without touching it with your hands. It is better to bury the bag of salt so that the negative soaked into it does not get to someone else.

In order not to jinx and scare off luck, talking about something good, knock on wood three times and spit.

Horseshoe is a symbol of good luck and happiness. Every home should have a horseshoe. It is nailed to or above the front door. Finding a horseshoe is fortunate and fortunate. Horseshoe amulets and talismans also bring happiness, they are simply a personal talisman, and not a talisman at home. In the latter role, the horseshoe drives away evil and does not let enemies into the house, brings wealth. Hanging a horseshoe, according to Vanga, should be in the form of a bowl, horns up.

Do not eat or drink from cracked, chipped dishes. If you find chipped or cracked dishes, discard them. As the dishes cracked, so can life crack. From the lives of those who use spoiled things, luck, health and happiness go away. Even if the defect is not too noticeable, it is better to get rid of the container without regret.

For a successful day, put your shoes on your right foot first and then on your left. In order not to push luck away, you cannot walk with one shoe on in search of a second. Find both boots first, and then put on your shoes.

In general, some of the advice of the old Bulgarian clairvoyant may seem more than strange, while others simply do not fit in with modern way life, however, in general, Wanga advises many useful and well-known things, from which people sometimes shirk and ignore. At the same time, most of the recommendations concern little things, so hardly anything can prevent you from making such small changes in your life in order to independently verify the unique gift of the seer.

In contact with

Consider in detail a conspiracy for luck and money to read from Vanga for sugar - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Sugar is the most readily available product in everyday life. Since ancient times, many mystical properties have been attributed to him. Many legends and signs are associated with him. Sugar conspiracies and ceremonies are quite simple. They have a strong positive effect and cannot harm the health or life of the performer. The maximum that can be obtained from an incorrectly performed ceremony or attitude to it is no effect from the action.

The famous seer Wanga constantly used sugar in her work. Consisting of crystals, it transfers the energetic value of the spoken words to the object much more efficiently.

That is why love spells for salt or sugar are considered the most effective. During the ceremony, the smallest crystals absorb all the emotions, feelings, thoughts of the performer, like water. Very quickly, energy is transferred to the object of desire, beginning to imperceptibly influence it from the inside. Conspiracy sugar cubes help in trade, in relationships with colleagues at work, in well-being.

How to restore health by reading the sugar conspiracy

A conspiracy for sugar or salt is done when it is necessary to return or restore health that has been shaken after a long illness.

Before the ceremony, take warm bath... After it, they go around all the rooms in the house or apartment, open the windows, ventilate the premises. They sit down at the table, light three church candles. On a small saucer they put as many lumps of sugar as they want to get rid of. Hands are extended forward, palms are directed down. Sitting in this position, they read the following conspiracy.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord, bless, Lord, help. How the Lord God created the earth, and the sky, and the water, and the stars, how he affirmed everything by his will, yes, he fixed everything with his strength, yes, like on His earth, but in His heaven there are no diseases and any ailments, no pinching, no bloody wounds, no swelling, no aches, so I, the servant of God (name), will not have diseases. As the earth and the stars, so the Lord God created me, and strengthened me by will, and strengthened me by power. There will be no disease on my body, by the will of God, there will be no zeal in my heart, on my white bones, on my red blood. I will have no swelling, no aches, no pinches, no wounds. The key of the archangels is one, one and unbreakable. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to return a husband to a family?

A simple ritual will help to return the husband to the family and separate him from his rival. He needs a cup, from which the husband constantly drank tea or coffee. Lumps of sugar are put in it and the text is spoken.

“As a stream and a stream run together, as trees grow together in a forest, as rocks turn into mountains, as one color merges with another, and the grass grows in the fields, so we, the servants of God (names), will converge and be together. I will go out into a wide field, pick a bright color from the grass, and go out with it into the valley. In that valley I will find a wide path, from which I will take an earthling for myself. I will go through the forest, but go out into a green meadow, look there on all four sides, see if a servant of God (name) is coming to me. And then I will throw in the field pure strawberries, but the color from the grass is green. Like a stream and a stream run together, like trees grow together in a forest, like rocks turn into mountains, like one color merges with another, and the grass grows in the fields, so we, the servants of God (names), will converge and be together. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Love conspiracy

For a sugar love spell you need:

  • church candles in the amount of five pieces;
  • a red tablecloth (if there is none, it is allowed to use a piece of cloth or a scarf);
  • lump sugar;
  • the ritual should be performed only during the waxing moon.

The rites with salt and sugar are the most effective in magic. After a love spell, sweet pieces must necessarily be in the drink of the object of desire, so a large amount will not be needed.

  • On the first night of the waxing moon, spread a tablecloth or cloth on the table.
  • Arrange the candles so that they resemble a heart-shaped figurine.
  • Sugar pieces are placed on a golden saucer. It is placed in the center of the candles.
  • Light the candles. Concentrate fully and eliminate nervousness and anxiety. Look at the candle flame until you feel peaceful.
  • The text of the conspiracy is pronounced looking at the sugar. Therefore, the words will have to be learned in advance.

“In the name of the Father and the Son, I talk about sugar, I condemn love. Let the Servant of God (name), feeling the sweetness on his lips, turn over, swear in love to the Servant of God (name) forever! Just as tea without sugar is not sweet, so the life of the Servant of God (name) without the Servant of God (name) is fresh and bitter! Only longing will remain for him if he turns away from me! Let sweetness fly through the blood, bring joy to both of us! Amen".

  • You read the conspiracy three times in a row. Then sit and look at the sweet pieces until the candles are completely burned out.
  • At this time, fantasize, dream of love, imagine all the wildest desires. Think how good it will be for you with the desired object, concentrate on it.
  • When the flame goes out, immediately go to sleep.

The next day of the beloved young man invite to visit and treat tea or coffee with sugar conjured up for love. It would be ideal if he put them in his own cup. For a strong and quick result, you can put a vase with fresh flowers next to the candles. The energy of nature will help enhance the effect and evoke love. Before starting the ritual, ask them for help and luck.

A conspiracy to attract profits and good trade

Sugar lumps also help in trade, attracting buyers. To do this, they are placed in the blower of the most ordinary stove and they begin to melt it with aspen wood. When the fire is kindled, the flame will become strong and bright whisper:

“Fire-fire, do not touch my sugar, But touch people, move, They went for their goods. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Only take sugar out of the blower right hand, it cannot be cleaned of adhered ash. Pieces are taken with them to work. The ritual for successful trading takes place at night, well before sunrise. The conspiracy can also be used for successful business. It will not only help to provide good trade, but will also contribute to attracting new clients to the firm.

A ritual for a good relationship with your boss

Very rarely, subordinates have a good relationship with their boss. Because of this, whole dramas are sometimes played out at work. In such an environment, one should not expect prospects and a new highly paid position from the boss. But you can quickly and radically change the attitude of the leadership towards yourself with the help of a simple conspiracy and sugar.

Exactly at midnight, they take a tablespoon, pour granulated sugar into it and read the following:

“Bake, dry on my sugar, servant of God (the name of the boss). As a fly sticks to sweet syrup with all organs, so you, the servant of God (name), turn to me, God's servant (name), with love and humility. Advice, in the absence of grief, value and cherish, as they value and cherish the most precious thing. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In the morning, the charmed sand is scattered in front of the chief's door.

Rite of passage for good relationships with colleagues

Your boss isn't the only person who creates an often unbearable work environment. Envious coworkers can hinder your career advancement and also turn your boss against you. In this case, the ritual of envy will help.

The ceremony is carried out only on a rainy Friday. Some sugar lumps are placed in a glass container with a lid. They put her out in the rain. Before going to bed, they take the dishes in their left hand, knock on the glass three times and say:

"Just as water cannot harm sugar, so the Servant of God (the name of the envious) cannot harm the Servant of God (your name)."

Then it remains only to add the spellbound product to tea or coffee to the envious person.

An important point: if you see that the sugar is soaked, do not under any circumstances perform the ritual. Throw it in the street over your left shoulder. Repeat the rite of passage for good luck another day. Protection against envy depends on the intensity of the rain. How more water hits the glass, the stronger your protection will be. By changing the attitude of colleagues and your boss, removing envy, you will attract success and luck to workdays.

A ritual for good luck in everything

The rite of passage for attracting good luck can be done even when things are going well to keep fortune by your side, especially in trade. The text is slandered like an ordinary pin, which is worn everywhere as a talisman. You can not carry out the ceremony only during the waning moon.

For a conspiracy you need:

Three tablespoons of salt are poured onto a plate in the late evening, then the same amount of sugar and rice. An unbuttoned pin is stuck into the hill and they say:

"Good luck with a pin, and with a pin - come to me!"

Everything is left unchanged for the whole night. In the morning, the pin is fastened to the seamy side of the garment. It should be hidden from prying eyes. A small item will surely attract good luck and luck and keep them for a long time. After all, the action of the conspiracy is enhanced by elements such as salt and sugar.

How to strengthen the effect of conspiracies

The strength of the conspiracy for good luck, love, healing, money depends on thought. How alive it will be and affects the effectiveness of the ritual and its speed.

The texts for the ceremonies are canonical, so each word should sound exactly as it is written.

Meditation helps to concentrate. To do this, it is enough to sit for a few minutes in silence, looking at the flame of a burning candle.

Everything else is the strength of your faith in yourself.

Wangi conspiracy for money. Read Vanga's conspiracies for money and good luck at home

Conspiracies and prayers for money and good luck from Vanga have already helped many to establish prosperity in money matters and return good luck in life. In the reviews, those who happened to read Vanga's conspiracies to quickly attract money all claim that these are the strongest and fastest conspiracies for money that get rid of lack of money and after which success comes in all affairs and endeavors. Anyone can independently read a conspiracy from Vanga for money and you don't need to go anywhere to read them, Vanga's money conspiracies need to be read at home, right where you live. Tempting? Do not waste your time and the consequences of a conspiracy on money "will bring down the financial flow, endless luck and self-sufficiency on you."

Vanga said, take a lump of sugar and say the words of a prayer to it - conspiracy for money and luck :

How sweet is sugar, and how it attracts bees to itself,

As everyone loves him, so let me live sweetly,

Let money flock to my wallet like bees for my sugar,

They respond with success in all matters.

The conspiracy for money and good luck should be read from Vanga strictly on Thursday, after which put sugar in your wallet at night, and in the morning on an empty stomach dissolve the conspiracy sugar in your mouth, savoring every sip after it is completely dissolved, drink it with a glass of water.

A souvenir spoon for money on which a conspiracy to attract money has been read will make its owner a wealthy and influential person. Today we will tell you how to make a spoon for money on your own and what kind of conspiracy for it you need to read, teaching you the monetary rite to attract good luck and money. At all times and in all religions of the world, a spoon is considered a symbol of abundance and a rich table, if you read the money conspiracy on a spoon yourself, they will get it money talisman attracting money and wealth to the house. It was these rags-spoons that the Old Believers spoke to to attract material wealth and attract the energy of money. Old

At the time of financial need in Russia, they read this strong conspiracy for money providing a powerful magic blow to lack of money. As a result of this money conspiracy, which needs to be read independently at home, money and prosperity came to the family. Before you are going to read the plot, put copper coins on a white saucer without a pattern, sprinkle wheat grains on top of the coins on top of the saucer and cover them with a green scarf on top. At home, every three days, water the saucer abundantly with holy water without lifting a handkerchief (do not even touch it!). Every time you water wheat sprouts, you should read the conspiracy on

Money magic and a very strong conspiracy to attract money told by Wanga will help to attract money into your life. If need has come into your life and money goes through your fingers like sand, read this strong conspiracy to attract money and your life will change for the better very quickly with the arrival of big money. To read the conspiracy, prepare two glasses of wheat, a glass of holy water and a yellow church candle. On the growing moon, as soon as vespers in the church ends, go to the window holding a glass of holy water in your left hand and a lighted candle in your right and say the words of the conspiracy to attract

A home conspiracy for money must be read on a new moon on a coin that will perform a magical attraction of money and good luck. The money conspiracy told by Wanga to be read for money is a very strong and ancient ritual of money magic performed on the new moon, Wanga called this conspiracy a money magnet of luck and wealth. The moon is the largest natural magnet that attracts water (ebb and flow), governing the consciousness and subconsciousness of people (sleepwalking). Conspiracies and rituals for money that need to be read to the moon are so strong and loved by all practicing magicians, and the fact that you can read a conspiracy for money at home makes it still

Full moon rituals and ceremonies for money have always contributed to the multiplication of money and wealth through a conspiracy for big money. The fastest way to become richer with the help of magic is to read a full moon money conspiracy on your own. Those who, on the night of the full moon, happened to read a money conspiracy to attract money for a green candle, could very quickly get rid of lack of money and pay off all their debts to heal in wealth and prosperity without knowing the need. Do you want to conduct a ritual to attract and increase money and in heaven just full moon, then there is an opportunity to find out what the magic of money on a full moon is capable of in practice and read an old conspiracy for money which is real

If you read the conspiracy for money on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you can get rich very quickly and get big money out of life in a very short time. The magic of the Assumption is the most powerful and conspiracies for money read in front of the icon of the Virgin act instantly enriching a person and making him more successful in all matters. If we recall the traditions and customs of ancestors on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary that relate to money, then on this day, many knowledgeable people entering the church read a special old conspiracy - a prayer for money so that immediately after the holiday they become richer both spiritually and financially. In the church, before the start of the service, you need to put 3 candles if you do not have a family or

What they do for the Presentation of the Lord so that there is money, of course, a monetary ceremony and a conspiracy - a prayer for financial well-being that attracts money to its owner. If you are having problems with money, having read the conspiracy for money on the day of the Meeting of the Lord, you can improve financial affairs and attract big money into your life using white magic. An independently conducted monetary ritual and a conspiracy read - a prayer for money and good luck is a truly magical means with which you can quickly get rich and become richer in an instant. After you can get rich by meeting with the help of a money conspiracy, do not forget to express gratitude to the Almighty

All money conspiracies, prayers and rituals that can be read on the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos are aimed at attracting money and strongly attract wealth and luck to a person in all his affairs. The most powerful conspiracy - the prayer for the Intercession is read for money, or rather, for any one coin that you need to carry with you when you put it in your wallet. To independently and correctly perform magic rite to raise money you need to choose unusual coin... A commemorative or special edition coin of silver or gold purchased from any bank is best suited for this purpose. Such a coin is a talisman, certainly not to be confused and not spent by mistake. Read the conspiracy attracting money

At Christmas fast, magicians perform rituals that attract money and luxury with the help of a strong monetary conspiracy of wealth. A fairly simple Christmas money conspiracy will instantly make a poor person rich and powerful, giving him good luck in every business he starts. With the help of a conspiracy read on any day of the post before Christmas, a person's life changed radically. Businessmen and salespeople expanded their business, office workers received a promotion, someone had a fate that turned out to be successful in getting married in a short time and instantly become a rich wife of a successful businessman, and of course the conspiracy for money read for Christmas helped in this

The fact that with the help of magic you can get rich quickly and get a lot of money in a short time, you will not surprise anyone today. But what kind of conspiracy for money you need to read on the days of fasting in order to improve your financial situation, business, or just get rich, not many people know. There is one good and proven money conspiracy for quick money that is read on any day of the Assumption Lent, and if you perform a simple magic rite correctly, your wallet will begin to attract money, and you will quickly get rich if you catch your luck. Wealth conspiracies are a very old and time-tested magical way of how you can become a financially independent person without any effort. In our

There is a belief that if on any day when the Dormition Fast is held, a special ceremony is carried out for money according to the tradition of ancestors and a special prayer is read in the church that attracts wealth, then a person will live in prosperity all year without knowing the need. This is quite simple to do and does not require much time from you, much less money. As mentioned earlier, you need to wait for the onset of fasting, having previously memorized the prayer that you need to read in the church at St. Peter's fast and go to the nearest church to perform a monetary ritual that will help you get rich. Before the ceremony, you need to fast for a day, and when you come to church, put a candle in front of the icon of the Virgin and 150 times

A rite of passage for money any day on Peter's post is a white magic of money that helps to get rich very quickly attracting money and good luck to a person. Previously, only a few knew how to perform a magic ritual for wealth, now this method of getting rich quick with the help of money magic is available to everyone. The ritual that attracts money for the Peter Lent is very simple for independent execution and consists in the following. On any day when Petrov Fast begins, you need to do the next monetary rite and read the conspiracy on

If you read this conspiracy for money in Petrov Post, you can instantly become rich. Many who, on the days of fasting, performed a monetary ritual and read a conspiracy that attracted money and good luck, it turned out very quickly to become a rich and influential person and get a lot of money in a short time. Peter's fast begins a week after Trinity and lasts several days, so it's time to independently conduct a monetary ceremony and get rich with you

On the eve of the Annunciation, every woman can conduct rituals and read a conspiracy for money and wealth, and the Most Holy Theotokos will help you fulfill your desire and give you what you ask for. Annunciation money conspiracies, as well as prayers for obtaining wealth, really work and help people to attract a cash flow into their lives after the arrival of which a person's money will multiply and always be found. What is this magical prayer for the multiplication of wealth to the Most Holy Theotokos, after reading which at the Annunciation, you can instantly get rich? It turns out that everything is very simple and available for independent conduct by any person. To read this white conspiracy - prayer

The ceremony performed on honey spas will attract a lot of money to your home. Read a special conspiracy for money in honey on a jar of bee honey and a coin on the day of the rescue of honey and you will not know the monetary need for the whole year. For the ceremony, you need to use only natural bee honey and any coin you received for change from another person. Pour the honey into a small jar or medicine bottle, but large enough to hold a coin. Without closing the vessel with honey and a coin, read the conspiracy for large

Conspiracy for luck and sugar money

Sugar has long been used in magic, like salt. Usually, sugar in rituals and conspiracies is used when you need to "sweeten" something - life, work, relationships, a certain person. We invite you to find out about the conspiracy to attract good luck and money for sugar.

Good luck conspiracy

For a conspiracy, you need loose sugar. Fill the sugar bowl to the brim with sugar, take a spoon, stick it in the center of the sugar bowl and start driving it clockwise, saying the words of the good luck conspiracy:

"White, sweet sugar,

Help me, friend.

Make my life sweet

This conspiracy will set sugar in a good mood. As you know, salt and sugar absorb energy and any information very well. So if you say over the sugar bowl kind words or a conspiracy for good luck, then this product will really give strength and attract good luck. Conspiracy sugar can be safely added to tea and drunk every day!

Money conspiracy

You can also attract money luck with sugar. To do this, you need to form your desires regarding money on paper. It is better to write everything in more detail - what and how much you want. Then seal a piece of paper in a white envelope, put some sugar in it and put any bill. The envelope should be written “Sweet Life”. After that, a conspiracy for money is pronounced: “My life, sweet, my life is smooth, I live in abundance, and all troubles are outside the fence. White sugar - pure, free life in abundance! Let it be so!".

The envelope can be stored at home, you can carry it with you in your bag. Do not open until results are achieved. When something comes true from the list, the piece of paper needs to be burned, and the sugar should be sent down the wind. After the ritual can be repeated with new desires.

Live sweet and don't forget to press the buttons and

Vanga's conspiracies and prayers for money: secret rituals of a Bulgarian healer

The desire to improve their financial situation is inherent in every person. Few people know, but the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, in addition to treatment and predictions, was able to attract finances and other material benefits to a person. Vanga's conspiracies for money were hidden from outsiders for a long time, because it was her desire. Over time, the information nevertheless became publicly available.

About the clairvoyant gospel

Having found her gift after an accident, the blind girl Vanga at first frightened her family and friends with her ability to foresee the future. Then the soothsayer realized that her vocation was to help others. She never charged for her work, so she lived in very modest conditions. However, to those who needed funds, she easily gave them through her gift.

Periodically, for those who need to significantly improve their financial condition, the clairvoyant made strong conspiracies for well-being. Vanga's prayers for money were known even in government circles, because she sent her funds (those that she received in gratitude for her gift) to state funds. The seer wanted the money she earned could benefit the whole country.

How to read wealth conspiracies?

Conspiracies and prayers for money only work in certain situations. The blind soothsayer indicated them in diaries, which she kept with the help of assistants:

  1. a week a person pronouncing strong texts should fast before reading them;
  2. the wealth that a person is trying to attract should not be turned against someone else, it can only be spent for good purposes;
  3. you need to pronounce the conspiracy after sunset;
  4. it is advisable to carry out the ritual in a closed room, check that the front door is tightly closed;
  5. on the new moon, you can ask for financial and general well-being too;
  6. women should cover their heads and wear clothes that cover their knees;
  7. a man should not have anything with knots: jewelry, belts, etc.
  8. All texts should be read quietly. Go to bed immediately after the ritual.
  9. The rituals performed on Maundy Thursday and on the full moon are most powerful.

Wanga's conspiracies for money, carried out at home

Most of the advice of a clairvoyant is usually done at home. After all, it is easier to protect sacred texts from the evil eye in such conditions. Among the conspiracies for money from Vanga, the most popular are:

You can ask for funds for the business. Wealth conspiracies will work if the entrepreneur is not going to deceive clients or partners. Otherwise, strong energy spells will work against the person and his business.

To quickly get back on existing debts, you can use the following ritual.

Sugar conspiracy

  • take a cube of sugar;
  • whisper over him:

“I ask heaven to make my life sweeter than sugar, brighter than the sun, so that all unclean things would be illuminated and covered with white sugar. Amen";

  • repeat the words three times;
  • leave a piece covered with a cotton cloth until morning;
  • with dawn on an empty stomach, dissolve sugar.
  • The Gospel Money Slander on Bread

    The bread ritual is suitable if the finances are very bad in the house. In this case, you need to whisper to a piece of black bread:

    “I give a piece of bread, I get more in return, I don’t chew bread myself, I make money with bread”.

    The bread should turn into a rusk, after which it is stored in a canvas bag in any secret place.

    Wanga's conspiracy for money on the new moon and full moon

    If you need funds to appear quickly, then you may need special words that are pronounced on the new moon or full moon:

    "I wish, I command, I guess at the moon, I teach money, float to me like a clear moon in the sky."

    It is better to pronounce the text of the conspiracy in front of the candle, on which the moonlight falls.

    Ritual for banknotes

    As you know, money goes to money. Therefore, the Vanga spell on banknotes is recognized as effective. This requires:

    • take any large bill and smooth it out so that it becomes neat;
    • wrap the upper right corner when looking at the denomination;
    • to pronounce

    "Red money, gold money, rolling across the rolling field, return to my house."

    Repeat three times;

  • after the ritual, place the bill in a new wallet and store it.
  • Mother's ritual for the welfare of children

    If parents want well-being in the children's family, they turn to such a Vanga conspiracy for money, which is done by the mother:

    “Ducking from the duck, strong wings, flew away from home. Take some money for yourself, so that you can spend days and nights at night. "

    You can attract money through water. A conspiracy for wealth should be carried out on holy or spring water. Take a light basin (preferably white) and, blowing on the water, say:

    "Sea-ocean, in the ocean of wealth, I collect from the bottom, so that life is full."

    Take a few sips from the pelvis.

    So that from Vanga's conspiracies for money, they return to the house with good, you need not donate large amount... You can even beggars on the porch.

    Vanga's prayers for money and well-being

    If you just need to return well-being to the house, then it is better to use the following prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

    “Almighty Nicholas, son of Christ, great miracle worker! Mine you, do not leave me and my family! You help everyone in the seas and oceans, on earth and in the sky. The crying ones ask you, the sick ones receive from you. Please give me a peaceful life and prosperity. We praise you together with the one Trinity forever and ever. Amen".

    Prayer for children allows you to return money to their home and their lives.

    "Holy Mother of God. Instruct my children to create, do not leave them in the dark, with your face, let honest deeds pay off in gold and silver. Together with the Trinity, we ask for help. Amen".

    Conspiracies to quickly attract the right amount of money

    Sometimes money disappears unexpectedly, and the necessary expenses appear right there. In this case, the conspiracies of the Bulgarian healer are done over coals. Above them, before reading the text, a cross is held in the air three times. Then they take one coal, roll it in their palms and say.

    Vanga's practical advice for attracting money money will be found every day

    Vanga gave to people practical advice for every day for good luck money and prosperity so that life is filled with joy, luck and prosperity. Today, conspiracies will not tell one very good conspiracy told by Wanga to attract money into your life that takes the poor and poverty away from your home. Following the advice of the Bulgarian clairvoyant, money in your wallet will always be in abundance and you will not feel any need for anything.

    • To start in your life white stripe, wait for the new moon and rearrange the furniture in your home. Good luck will come to your home very quickly.
    • After eating, pieces of bread and crumbs should not be thrown into the trash, otherwise wealth will leave the house. Better feed to birds or animals.
    • Vanga said: If you want you to have money all year round, count three times all the money in the house on New Year's Eve.
    • If money luck has turned away from you, put some moss or algae on the floor under the carpet in your house. Very quickly poverty will end and money will begin to come to your home.
    • Wang's advice for money that should not be neglected - you can count, borrow and lend money only in the morning (before noon). If you make money in debt in the evening, you can scare off wealth and money from your wallet.
    • After sunset, it is also forbidden to transfer money from hand to hand - you can become poor. To prevent this from happening, put your money on the table.
    • Vanga's practical advice for attracting money sounds like this, “To make money flow, wait until after the new moon a young month appears in the sky, in a secluded place on the street, show your money to the month, open your wallet.
    • Vanga said - If you want to get out of poverty, carry a pebble of green quartz or turquoise in your wallet.
    • If you do not want to know poverty, want and hunger, never leave a knife stuck in bread.
    • Never give the beggars the money that you were given for change after buying bread or salt - otherwise you yourself risk falling into poverty. Also, do not give the last little thing left in your wallet.
    • On the day you bought a new wallet, put a gold piece of jewelry in it for a day and leave it open overnight on the windowsill so that the moonlight hits it. Big money will be found and wealth will come.

    Observing these simple tips for every day given by Wangoy you can live in prosperity all your life and there will always be a lot of money in your house and luck will never leave you.

    Wangi conspiracies for money

    The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer Vanga will help you solve the problem of how to attract money... To perform the ritual, pour water into a glass dish and speak out loud a conspiracy for money into the water:

    As many assistants will enter my door.

    But enemies, enemies do not have to go to my door.

    How many times the door will open so much good will come to the house.

    And evil, bad weather, evil spirits, grief and misfortune have no way here.

    Then spray your doorstep with this water and very soon you will receive a large amount of money.

    Vanga's conspiracy to find money

    Giving tips for attracting money, Wang recommended reading this money-attracting conspiracy in the morning on an empty stomach, on a piece rye bread... A conspiracy helps to start a new streak in your life - when money begins to come easily and in the right quantities. Try this advice from the Bulgarian healer Vanga for attracting money and your life will quickly change for the better. The money conspiracy must be read aloud or in a whisper, turning your eyes to bread :

    So feed me and my family, make my life abundant, well fed,

    Turn luck to me, grief - turn evil away from me.

    Let the road of satiety and joy open to my house,

    Let the money come to me, and I promise to spend it wisely,

    For the good of everyone, but it is wise to increase wealth,

    Our Lord for the glory.

    To my words a key and a lock.

    After the conspiracy, the spoken piece of bread must be eaten.

    If your beloved man, husband or lover regrets money for you, a special conspiracy will help fix this. Read the conspiracy so that the man gives all the money and is not stingy, cook meat on the bone, you can use chicken and say the following words for a treat to remove greed and stinginess from a person. Feed a greedy man a charmed piece of meat and as soon as he tastes the food his greed for you will subside and he will become more talkative and loyal to your spending, giving more money for

    How to make the debtor quickly and fully repay the borrowed money. Magic will help to repay the debt with the help of a ritual for the debtor and reading a conspiracy - a prayer for repayment of a debt, about how to do it with the help of magic, conspiracies for, today they will tell you in detail. If the debtor does not want to repay the borrowed money, this strong conspiracy to return debts and return the borrowed money will help to make him pay the debts. Conspiracy - a prayer for repayment of debts is read on a box of matches and a church candle of any color on any day of the week and in the evening time convenient for you at home. After waiting for the evening, read the prayer Our Father and wrap it with black thread previously bought in the church

    In white magic, a conspiracy for good luck and money so that they grow up, it is customary to read on the growing moon and now conspiracies will not tell about one very strong money conspiracy - a magnet that will attract money and good luck to you in all matters, at home and at work. What conspiracies are read on the growing moon to make a love spell of money in the house, not many know, but in vain. If you read a conspiracy for money at home, you need to read on the growing moon, then the ritual to raise money will work very quickly. After you have read the lunar conspiracy for money, you can quickly get rich attracting luck and wealth with the help of money magic, you only need to read the conspiracy on

    To attract constant luck in any business, they read a good luck conspiracy that will help you become more successful. The oldest ritual that brings good luck is done on a thing. You can talk about any new things or objects, most often it is customary to read a conspiracy on jewelry that you will wear daily, this jewelry becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. It is customary for magicians to speak a ring for good luck and wealth and wear it on the left hand without removing it. A thing charmed for good luck becomes the best talisman that makes its owner lucky about which many say: "he was born in a shirt and that is why he is always lucky in everything." But the secret of constant

    Easter money plots have always been popular and the poor and rich have all read plots to attract money and wealth on Easter Sunday in order to ward off poverty and live a year in prosperity and wealth. In the villages, to this day, Easter conspiracies for money are known and every year with the arrival of Easter they perform this easy rite to attract money and wealth to their home. Do you want to live richly and have money in your wallet? For Easter week "bright week" read this conspiracy for money in your wallet and all year you and your family will not know the needs, and wealth and prosperity will always be in your home. Early in the morning for Easter there is no one talking to anyone

    All conspiracies that need to be read for Easter really work and quickly give the expected result, provided they are accurately performed and believe in the power of Easter white magic. Luck has always been not superfluous, and in order for it to accompany you all year on the day of Easter, you need to read the Easter conspiracy for good luck. Like all conspiracies read in Easter, luck is attracted to a painted egg. Immediately after carrying out the ceremony to attract good luck, a person becomes completely lucky, luck will literally accompany him in any business at home and at work. A person charmed for good luck will be able to receive such benefits that he could not even dream of. Easter is coming and it means it's good time

    If you read this conspiracy for Easter, then wealth and money in your home will be found all year round. In ancient times, thanks to the Easter conspiracy and an easy ritual for money to attract wealth, people who know signs and customs got rid of poverty and lack of money in one day of Holy Easter! Nowadays, anyone knows how important this day is in the Orthodox world. White magic with rituals and reading Easter conspiracies for wealth really contribute to quick enrichment, so what is this mysterious conspiracy that attracts wealth and big money to life an orthodox person and what is needed to independently carry out a magical rite for Easter and

    If you are looking for a real way how to quickly become a rich person using magic and quickly get a lot of money, perform this magic ritual with reading a strong conspiracy to call big money and wealth into your life. To carry out a ceremony to attract money, you need a bowl of natural clay, which should be placed on the floor near the door to your bedroom. From the moment the bowl has been placed for six days, every day at five o'clock in the evening, put in a bowl a yellow coin of the same value, while saying a conspiracy

    The conspiracy for money must be read on the growing moon, it is allowed to read the money conspiracy on the full moon. Before reading the plot, you need to find a tree that you can easily hug completely and there should be leaves on the tree. Waiting for a suitable ritual to attract money and wealth lunar day, prepare a linen bag in which you put ten white coins, ten yellow coins and one any paper bill... Sew the edges of the linen bag with money yourself with red thread so that evil spirits do not flatter your money and do not jinx your monetary wealth. Come close to the tree noted earlier and closing your eyes and hugging the tree in the floor of the voice three

    This strong conspiracy for wealth, read on the egg from the "ryaba chicken" - brown egg with white spots. You can find this on the market, but you have to walk around, although the most fortunate ones find such eggs very quickly and after reading the conspiracy they quickly become rich and self-sufficient people living their whole lives in wealth and luxury. Having found such an egg on the market, without bargaining, buy the whole ten from the seller and leave the entire change, if any, to the seller. At home, choose an egg that is unevenly colored or has some inclusions on its shell and boil it hard-boiled for 5 minutes. While the egg is hot

    Poverty conspiracy allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money in a very short time. In difficult times, when there is not enough money even for the most necessary things in the old days, they read this good white conspiracy against poverty, which very quickly restored monetary wealth by attracting and luring money from various sources (extra change in the store, finding money on the street, and so on) ... The conspiracy from lack of money must be read on a green scarf and wheat grains (one glass). Calcine the wheat in a frying pan while reciting Our Father nine times during calcination. Remove the skillet from the heat and cool the roasted wheat on it. At midnight on a full moon or on a new moon

    The Vanga conspiracy, which will be discussed, will help to attract good luck in all matters - at home and at work and luck for life. A strong conspiracy that can quickly become the luckiest person for the next 3 years, after three years the conspiracy for luck from Vanga needs to be repeated. You need to carry out the ceremony in a quiet, deserted place sitting on the ground near stagnant water, a pond or lake. It is very important that the water that is readable magic conspiracy the lucky ones were not running. If you already know where there is such a place, early in the morning at sunrise, sit next to the water and read the words of the conspiracy seven times on

    On the night of baptism, you need to read a strong money conspiracy for wealth, so that there is always money in your wallet and never ends. The ritual of white magic of money performed on the night of January 19 at the Baptism of the Lord will very quickly relieve the needy from poverty and make those people who live in prosperity even richer. In the old days, on the night of baptism, this conspiracy was read by all the people who knew it - it has been in effect for exactly a year and therefore requires its constant repetition at each Baptism. With the help of this conspiracy, even the merchants' trade went better and brought more profit, and the peasants had a richer and richer harvest with each new year increasing the wealth and well-being of the conspirator.

    There are special conspiracies for money that must be read before Easter - on any day before Easter week. After reading these money conspiracies, a person who has performed a magic rite to attract money will live richly all year without knowing the need for anything. This is a very simple money conspiracy to be read on a bright Easter week, best read on Saturday night just before Easter. At 7 o'clock in the evening, take the very coin with the number 5 in your wallet and twist it on the table say this Easter money conspiracy that attracts wealth. The rite of passage for Easter with a coin to attract money, good luck and wealth is considered completed after you sew the spell

    Strong conspiracies and prayers from Vanga: for wealth and good luck

    - It is recommended to start with the choice of a suitable rite. The result will come if the strongest prayers, conspiracies for good luck inspire hope, and their words evoke a response in the heart. And, most importantly, you need to believe in spells, otherwise they will not come true.

    White magic: conspiracies and prayers strong for good luck from Vanga

    On the fourth day, in the morning they go to the temple. At the exit from the apartment, at the threshold, they pray, whisper the text of the conspiracy by heart. They go to church alone, silently, they do not stop on the way, they do not enter into idle conversations and dialogues. Questions are answered in a short, monosyllabic way. They cross themselves at the entrance to the temple, read the prayer again. In the church shop, they buy seven candles, which they put in front of various icons, including those in front of the face of the Virgin. They pray to her, as usual, say traditional prayers. They remember about the cherished conspiracy at home so that the magic works for good luck, they say it again until the evening, or better until the next morning, they adhere to the lean menu.

    It would seem that it is sinful to ask God for material goods. Why, then, a deeply believing seer, who at her own expense built a majestic temple in Bulgaria, left us a legacy of conspiracies and strong prayers for money? Bad thoughts did not come from Vanga, she taught people good. It's just that a witch grew up in a poor peasant family, where a penny was earned by labor and then. She had to experience both hunger and need.

    This ceremony, a conspiracy to raise money, is performed periodically, once a month, on the same date. At sunrise, fill a glass with cold water, you can be a saint, dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of salt in it. And slowly, in a singsong voice, they begin to speak of some water: “The red dawn is engaged, the clear sun rises, the earth is sanctified by the divine light. And my water is charged with money, honestly earned, for prosperity. "

    By the way, Vanga treated bread with care, did not allow spoilage and never threw it away, otherwise you will be mired in poverty and poverty. The remains were fed to birds or pets.

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    Strong conspiracies and prayers for money and good luck from the clairvoyant Vanga

    Can you manage your luck and the flow of money that comes to your home? Fate has a capricious character and it often happens that the black streak that has come in a person's life does not end in any way. In this case, the advice of the famous clairvoyant Vanga will help.

    Already many people who followed them have regained health, money and luck for themselves and their loved ones.

    The girl, who was named Vangelia at birth, was born into a poor family in 1911. Then no one could have imagined what an amazing gift she would have throughout her life and how many people she would help.

    The family of her parents often had to starve, there was not enough money. At the age of twelve, the girl was hit by a hurricane. She was found a day later, a hundred meters from the place where she was before the wind blew. The eyes were covered with sand.

    Doctors insisted on surgery to save the child's eyesight. But her parents had no money for this. Vanga soon became completely blind, but the amazing gift of clairvoyance, which she discovered after an accident, compensated for this deficiency.

    The fortuneteller became famous at the age of 30. During the war, Wanga easily indicated the location of the missing people. Then people began to come to her in crowds from all around the district, whom Vanga helped to cope with their misfortune.

    Vanga left this world in 1996. She left many predictions and parting words to people after herself, wishing to protect us from the dangers that threaten peace and tranquility on our planet.

    Conspiracies and prayers for attracting money and good luck at work

    To keep the wealth constant and stable

    It is necessary to read the text of the conspiracy and perform the appropriate ritual before noon. Learn the conspiracy by heart. Stock up on holy water from the church. Walking around the house clockwise from the very threshold, sprinkle all corners, walls, windows and doors with holy water crosswise. At the same time, pronounce the conspiracy out loud.

    Holy water, full of the Holy Spirit, send me, the servant of God (name), and all my household, and all my house, all my walls, floor, ceiling, doors and windows and every corner of grace, plenty, and all prosperity. Amen.

    So that the necessary amount appears to fulfill the desire

    When the money appears, you need to spend it strictly on the desire that you made. Otherwise, all the money will be lost and the desire will not come true.

    You will need to get up early in the morning, preferably before dawn, go outside and face the east. You can stand by the window facing the east side. When dawn begins, say the spell in a whisper aloud three times, without looking at the text.

    I got up, a servant of God (name), in the morning to meet the sun, to fulfill my cherished ideas. There, on the east side, three wise men live, one knows what is due for me, the second knows where to find the right, the third knows how to get the right. I will reveal a secret to those wise men: I want (name your desire). Give, wise men, your wisdom, help what I want to receive. Let the will of God be for everything. Amen.

    A conspiracy to attract a continuous flow of money into the house from Vanga's book

    Prepare in advance harvested seeds plantain, dried or fresh. A handful of these seeds must be taken into a fist and a conspiracy whispered to them. Previously, the conspiracy must be memorized.

    The road grass knows all the paths - so tell the money the way - the path to my house. That path will never overgrow, not trample, but will widen and grow, money, goods and prosperity will lead to my house. Money - into the house, money - into the house, money - into the house.

    Then hide the seeds under your doorstep.

    To attract wealth to the house

    When reading this spell, it is permissible to pry into the text.

    You will need a small piece of skin, fur, or some sheep's wool. Aloud the text is spoken at him.

    Sheep-lamb, walked around the world, wore a fur coat. That fur coat is warm and rich, it came to my house itself, brought warmth and wealth to me. So fill up, my house, with gold and silver and all kinds of good! Be my home, rich and abundant, for the good of everyone, for everyone. Be, my words, strong and molding.

    Hide this wool in a secret place in the house so that none of the household can find it. She must lie there for a year. After that, take a new wool and perform the ritual again.

    How to get your luck back?

    To make life prosperous

    The action of this conspiracy will manifest itself in the fact that your life will stabilize, prosperity and tranquility will reign in it, the necessary wealth will appear, troubles and misfortunes will leave for a long time.

    You need to go outside at noon or open a window. You must be illuminated by the sun. Turn your hands palms up to the sun and say the words of the conspiracy three times.

    Sun-sun, you warmly and affectionately walk across the sky, illuminate everyone, help everyone, give everyone the best. So give me, sun, your warmth, light and all the good. Let it be so.

    After that, press your palms to your chest and stand there for a minute, closing your eyes. Repeat this ritual for seven days at noon sharp, even on a cloudy day. The sun hidden behind the clouds will help you anyway.

    Every morning prayer to your guardian angel for protection from failures in business and trade

    In a glass dish, pick up fresh in the evening clean water... She has to stand at the window all night. At dawn, getting up in the morning, go out into the street or onto the balcony. You need to take water with you in the bowl into which you poured it in the evening. You must have access to the open sky, so even in case of bad weather, stand by an open window or window. Hold the water in a glass vessel in front of you so that there is also an open sky above it.

    Cross yourself three times, and then cross the water three times. Read the text of the prayer into the water in a whisper. You can look at the text, you do not need to memorize it.

    My holy angel, the angel of Christ, the guardian of my body and my soul! I overshadow myself with the sign of the Cross, I fall to you in my heartfelt prayer. You know everything about me, you know everything about my ways. Forgive my sins, I did not commit them by evil will, but only because of my weakness and lack of understanding. I repent of my sins now and pray for repentance.

    I ask you, angel of light, do not leave me either in a good hour or in a moment of failure, be with me always, wherever I go. Guide me on the right, righteous path, send me a happy chance and good luck, drive me away from failures, so that they bypass me, protect me from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes, large and small, so that I live happily, and glorify the name of our God Jesus Christ in my prayers And he did good for my neighbors, and all my good works would succeed me. May the will of the Lord be done in everything! For this I pray you, benefactor, and so be it. Amen.

    Cross yourself three times again and create the same number of times sign of the cross above the water. Then you need to take a few sips from a container of water. Then spray the corners of the house with this water. After leaving the threshold of the house, pour half of the water under your feet. Spill the remaining liquid forward in the direction where you go when leaving the house.

    The meaning of this ritual is that you sanctify the paths and roads that you have to walk. You enlist angelic patronage on these roads. From now on, you will be accompanied by success in all matters. After completing the ceremony, go about your usual business.

    How to read a conspiracy?

    When reading prayers and conspiracies, many points matter. The spoken words have their own hidden meaning. There is a special order in the combination of sounds. It is necessary to underline key and significant words with your voice. Before you start reading, you need to mentally tune in a certain way. The main thing is to pronounce the conspiracy with faith in the result, without this nothing will work. If you do not believe in conspiracies or in your ability to succeed in this field, it is better not to try to perform magical actions.

    Some people attract material well-being, while others, on the contrary, live in poverty and their lives do not change for a long time. Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga paid Special attention conspiracies that bring financial stability.

    Why Wang helped people

    Sage Vanga approved of a person's desire to live in prosperity. Throughout her life, Vanga collected and developed methods of conducting rituals to raise money. However, each person is different. Whether the conspiracy will work depends on what goals the person pursues. When reading a conspiracy, only positive emotions should prevail in a person.

    The clairvoyant Vanga advises immoral people to be wary of reading conspiracies and resorting to the help of otherworldly forces. Before performing the ritual, it is necessary to learn a few mandatory rules. A person must believe with all his being magic power conspiracy. It is best to know the texts by heart, then you will not get confused and distracted while reading.

    Magic rituals to raise money from Vanga

    It is important to strictly follow the recommendations given in the description of the ritual. Do not try to add something of your own and strictly follow the instructions. If need be well water, then be sure to find a well and collect water there. You should not replace church candles with those bought in an ordinary hardware store: they have no energy force.

    Some people don’t receive money at all, while others don’t transfer banknotes. To attract good luck, use a simple and effective conspiracy... In the morning, take a large ruddy apple, cut into two halves and read the spell: “I call on the spirit of money, I plant it in the apple. I eat an apple - I overshadow myself with the spirit of money. Love me money, come to me money. Where there is a money spirit, money goes there. Amen".

    There is a strong conspiracy from Vanga for money so that wealth does not leave the family all year. Find a piece of sheep fur and read the conspiracy on it: “Sheep-lamb walked around the world, wore a fur coat. That fur coat is warm and rich, it came to my house itself, brought warmth and wealth to me. So fill up, my house, with gold and silver and all kinds of good! May my house be rich and abundant, for the good of everyone, for everyone. Be, my words, strong and molding! " The old conspiracy is valid for a year, then it must be repeated.

    • To protect against evil and envious people, Vanga recommends hanging elderberry branches crosswise over the front door. So you will protect yourself from external negative influences of strangers.
    • If you want to let well-being into the house, in the morning, after waking up and getting out of bed, shoe first your right leg and only then your left. This will program yourself for positive things.
    • If you have desire to attract good luck, keep silver coins brought from other countries in the house.
    • To bring pleasant changes into the house, wait for the new moon and rearrange the furniture.
    • Never leave half-eaten slices of bread on the table overnight, as this will take away your luck. Also, you should not throw away bread, because this can negatively affect your material well-being.
    • If well-being has ceased to visit the house often and conflicts have become more frequent, pour salt on the windowsills in the house. After a while, carefully collect the salt in a bag, take it outside the threshold and bury it in the ground.
    • If a mirror is accidentally broken in the house, then it is imperative to get rid of the fragments. Rinse them with water and then bury them in the ground.
    • Never leave a knife stuck in bread if you do not want to live in need.

    Clairvoyant Vanga has always been attentive to money conspiracies. She believed that good luck would surely smile at a kind person and turn away from an evil one. What matters is the intentions with which you decide to seek help from the conspiracy. Try to pay attention to the little things and not quarrel once again. Like attracts like. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    08.07.2015 09:49

    Since August 18, an unusual series has been released on the TV-3 channel, where the plot is tied to real events, and the main character plays herself ...