Improvements for a hand drill with your own hands. Drill stand: creating a do-it-yourself drilling machine

For small jobs, in particular, the manufacture of electrical microcircuits, a drill is needed. An ordinary electric drill will not work. It is known that a mass of necessary and useful tooling for a home workshop can simply be created with your own hands. One of these curious homemade products is a mini drill.

Digging through old supplies, it is quite easy to find motors from all kinds of household electrical appliances or toys. All other elements necessary for the activity can also be found among the old items.

Scope of application

The mini drill is widely used for various tasks.

  • Creating holes in plastic, circuit boards and other items. Of course, the device will not be able to drill thick iron, but to make a hole in a sheet up to one millimeter thick, there is enough strength.
  • Screwing and unscrewing screws with a small hat and thread. Such fasteners come across mainly on machines (switches), electrical wiring panels, in office equipment, as well as in small-sized low-power electric motors.
  • Equipped with special nozzles, it can be used as an engraver or grinder, for this, spherical nozzles with a rough working plane are placed in its cartridge. During rotation, the nozzle processes the part or applies the desired pattern.

To improve the result and not overheat the surface, it is desirable to use an oil emulsion that minimizes friction.

These are the main areas where a mini-drill is practiced, but, in addition to them, it has found extensive use in everyday life, for example, for processing (cleaning) two glued objects made of plastic or glass. When preparing the joints, both products are cleaned, after which the surfaces are adjusted so that the pieces are closely adjacent to each other.

What to make?

There may be several options for a mini-drill made by one's own hands. The impulse of your imagination is limited only by the presence of the necessary components. A portable drill is considered optimal, made by hand from an engine from electrical appliances. You can use engines from a variety of devices.

Let's list some of them.

  • hair dryer. This option would be the best, since the motor resource from the hair dryer is quite enough for the drill to be able to carry out all its basic tasks. The maximum number of revolutions per minute of this motor is 1500-1800.

  • audio recorder. Due to the fact that the power of the motor of the audio recorder is extremely small, the only thing that can come out of this idea is a drill for the boards. The power supply of the motor comes from 6 volts, which means that you will need to find a suitable charger or battery.

  • Fishing rod reels. A small drill can be made from a simple oud reel. Its design will be used as an engine, and by manual rotation, the chuck with a drill will be put into operation. The advantage of this method is the ease of creation and the absence of the need for battery or mains power.

  • RC toys. Engine power depends on the manufacturer. Chinese consumer goods are mainly equipped with weak motors. Models of famous brands such as WLToys, Maverick or General Silicone are equipped with high quality, durable and, most importantly, strong motors.

The mini-drill assembled on this basis will simply “fly”.

  • From a blender, covered with dust somewhere in the bins, you can also make such a useful device as a mini-drill or engraver.

Since we do not have to “reinvent the wheel”, since the blender already has its own body and electric motor, we have made a separate description of how to make a drill from this device at home.

So, we will need:

  • casing and electric motor from a blender;
  • collet chuck for a drill (should be bought at a building materials store);
  • switch or button.

The scheme for creating our homemade product is as follows:

  • disassemble the blender body;
  • we insert the switch into the housing, then we connect it to the electric motor;
  • now we need a collet chuck, we put it on the motor axis;
  • in the casing we make a hole for the size of the clamping device;
  • we assemble the casing, and our homemade mini-drill is ready for use;
  • in the clamping device we install a drill or a nozzle for the engraver and use it.

It should be noted that the blender's electric motor is not designed for long-term operation, and therefore it must be turned off from time to time so that it does not overheat.

However, such a device is quite enough to carry out simple work, for example, drilling holes in boards or engraving parts.

clamping mechanism

The next important component of the device is the chuck used to hold the drill. To make a clamping fixture, you need to purchase a collet chuck in advance. It is a clamping device capable of holding cylindrical objects firmly. Having fixed the drill in the collet chuck and firmly holding it on the motor axis, you just need to connect a power device or batteries to the motor.

A similar simplified version of a mini-drill is already capable of drilling holes.

However, holding the “naked” motor in your hands is uncomfortable, and the mini-drill looks unattractive. To bring what you started to the finish line, you will need a shell and separate control components.

Shell options

If, in order to make a clamping device, it will be necessary to go to Aliexpress or another similar portal in search of a collet chuck, everything is much easier with a casing. To create it, rubbish, which is usually thrown away, will do.

Let's look at a few variations.

  • Bottle of antiperspirant deodorant. Separate plastic containers perfectly fit the dimensions of the motor from an audio recorder or CD player. In a situation where the engine is slightly larger in size, it should be inserted with a slight stretch. In the lid of the antiperspirant bottle, you need to cut a hole to remove the collet cartridge. For greater practicality, at the very bottom, you can put a socket for connecting a power source, and on the side, an on / off button. This makes it possible to keep the drill away from the block.

  • Cartridge for connecting incandescent lamps. The option, of course, is of little use - it will not work to make a hole in such strong plastic, therefore, the power button will need to be fixed to the shell with glue.

The back cover can be made from a container of soap bubbles.

A drill is usually used to create holes in the wall. But at the same time there is no guarantee that it will turn out even. Therefore, to eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to use additional devices in the form of a guide for a drill. Using it, you can do this work with less physical effort. However, difficulties arise when drilling a hole at an angle of 90 degrees, and during the execution of certain works, the angle of the created hole often must be 45 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to carry out appropriate preparation of the working tool in order to fulfill this requirement.

A rather difficult task is to create a hole in structures made of too hard materials. This leads to slippage during the operation of the drill, which creates a danger to the worker and people around him, who may be injured. You can avoid such unpleasant consequences and at the same time simplify such a process with the help of such a device as guides for a drill. If necessary they can be made by yourself, and the presence of a large number of options allows you to choose the most preferable among them.

The simplest guide nozzle for a do-it-yourself drill

Considering this version of the nozzle, one should take into account the fact that it will not be necessary to spend any money on the implementation of the idea. But at the same time there will be no special difficulties in manufacturing drill guide. But at the same time, the created device can serve for a short time.

It is important to note that it should not be considered as a complete complement to the tool. In the event that you have to create a hole at a considerable distance from the workshop and there are no other alternative devices, then it is with the help of such a nozzle that you can most effectively solve the problem. In addition, it will bring significant benefits to those home craftsmen who do not work with a drill so often.


For the manufacture of the guide, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • plastic bottle;
  • plastic cover;
  • drill;
  • stationery knife;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • universal glue;
  • annular drill;
  • sandpaper;
  • drill.

Manufacturing process

First you need to perform certain manipulations with the drilling tool. To do this, twist the nut and the fixing drill from the drill. Then you need to note its diameter on a plastic bottle as close to the neck as possible. Then transfer the circle corresponding to this diameter using a felt-tip pen. The end result should be a complete circle.

This template, which must be cut out later, should also be marked on the bottle cap, and care should be taken that its width is sufficient for this.

The next step is to cut the bottle or jar. The choice of the trimmed design should be approached very carefully, since this will further affect the depth of the holes created using a guide.

Particular attention should be paid to work safety. To do this, it is recommended to sand the edges of the jar to make them even and smooth.

The holes that were previously applied to the bottle and its cap should be cut exactly along the intended line using a clerical knife. Processing should be carried out with the edges of the cuts, which must be thoroughly sanded. Then take the lid and place it face down in the jar, acting on it with physical force to ensure the tightest possible fit. It is in this area that it is glued.

The strongest connection can be achieved if, after applying the adhesive, a strong compression is provided, which must be maintained until the adhesive dries. Given that doing this work manually is fraught with certain difficulties, it will be useful to fasten a few thin elastic bands on top, thanks to which you can maintain the required pressure.

After waiting for the glue to dry, the drill attachment can be used for its intended purpose. A drill is inserted into it, after which, using a plastic nut, it is fixed on the tool and drilling of the hole begins. Although it does not have the ability to select the depth, this the problem can be solved by making several similar nozzles and use as needed the most appropriate.

In a situation where you have to drill a hole with a fairly massive drill, there are certain difficulties associated with the need to provide the hole with an angle of 90 degrees and eliminate its oval shape. If the master’s arsenal does not have devices and tools with which to make a guide, this problem can be solved by using improvised materials.

Even before creating a hole, you need to take care of the availability of the necessary materials: for this you can take a square bar made of wood or other material.

The bar must be positioned against the wall in such a way that it closely adjoins the hole that needs to be processed. Moreover, the edge of the drill should touch it, so that the drilling process will go smoothly.

To improve the convenience and accuracy of drilling, two different bars can be placed at right angles, while the drill is inserted into the inner corner between them. It's a good idea to place the bars so that they form a "T" together. Thanks to this, it will be possible to give it the necessary position and the owner will be able to protect his hands from injury.

A drill, used in combination with a guide, is able to play the role of a small, simple drilling machine, with which you can perform various operations that require precise dimensions.

Important nuances

Having decided to create such a device with your own hands, you need to take into account such important points:

  • moving parts must be tightened as tightly as possible. For effective work, a do-it-yourself nozzle for a drill should have the ability to select a suitable reach and stroke. Moreover, if the guide post has a rather significant weight, then this only simplifies the process of creating holes.
  • In some cases rack can be used in combination with a vise, thanks to which it is possible to fix the workpiece. In this case, such a design easily turns into a full-fledged drilling machine. Moreover, it is not necessary to purchase such a vice in order to expand the functionality of the equipment. If you have enough experience, you can also make them yourself.


Drilling work is one of the most frequently performed during the manufacture of various structures. Moreover, the home master most often solves this problem with the help of a household drill. However, for the most part, the hole created does not differ in exact dimensions. And this can create certain difficulties when using it for its intended purpose.

You can get out of this difficult situation with the help of guides for a drill, which you can make yourself. Such an idea seems quite attractive for the reason that any owner can make such a nozzle, given that any means at hand can be used for this. However, having realized all the attractiveness of the guide, it must be remembered that it will not be able to become a full-fledged fixture for a drilling tool, therefore, resort to the help of this nozzle should only be in emergency situations. Otherwise, the drill guide will fail pretty soon.

Everyone knows that a drill in the household is a very useful and versatile tool. If you have a drill at home, you can hang a picture on the wall, fix furniture, fix a number of necessary items. But what if there is no drill at home, and constantly asking neighbors is already somehow inconvenient?

You can buy it in the store, but the device is very expensive. And you can assemble a mini-drill with your own hands based on improvised materials that are in almost every home. How to do this, we will tell in this material, presenting to your attention several simple ways to assemble a mini-drill with your own hands at home.

Mini drill from electric chuck

The first version of assembling this device with your own hands is based on using an electric chuck, which can be purchased separately, or taken from the light bulb. If you buy it, then it is very inexpensive, but this cost will be justified.

Also, to assemble a mini-drill with your own hands from a cartridge, you will need the following things:

  • motor;
  • a jar of soap bubbles;
  • construction knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • hot glue;
  • soldering lamp;
  • household switch.

Body and core of mini drill

Work must begin with the preparation of the body of the mini-drill, which will serve soap bubble jar. This is done like this:

  • Get the lid off the jar. For this purpose, we heat the soldering iron and use it to make a small hole in the lid of the jar.
  • The diameter of this hole should be slightly larger than the diameter of the drill base.
  • The bottom of the jar must be completely cut out.

Let's start working with the core:

  1. We connect the cartridge with the motor. Most often, motors are taken from already used different tools.
  2. Before the bonding process, the motor must be completely degreased with acetone.
  3. The cartridge can also be degreased, but it is not necessary to water it like a motor with acetone. A normal wipe will suffice.

The bonding method is by cold welding. If this method does not suit you, you can also use hot glue. Remember that the more complex your future mini-drill is, the more seriously you will need materials to assemble it yourself.

During landing for welding or glue, you need to work very carefully so that everything turns out as smooth as possible. Redoing the work later will not work, keep this in mind.

You also need to consider the following:

  • at the attachment point on the cartridge there is a hole that must be covered before connecting the parts;
  • putty is carried out using simple plasticine;
  • only holes need to be filled with plasticine; it should not remain on top of the cartridge.

Manufacturing process

When you have prepared the body and core, you can proceed directly to assembling the drill with your own hands:

A ready-made mini-drill is good in that it can work both on batteries and on electric power. We considered the assembly option universal model.

Naturally, without having the skills to work with electricity, it will be extremely difficult to assemble such a drill with your own hands. Below we suggest that you consider assembly options for simpler drills for small household needs.

How to assemble a drill based on the handle body with your own hands

One of the options for the simplest drill is a home-made device based on an ordinary ballpoint pen.

To make it, you will need the following materials: automatic ballpoint pen; drill with the required diameter; hot glue; a strong stick with handles on the end, with which it can be rotated.

Pay special attention to the choice of a handle for the manufacture of a future drill, and specifically, its body, since during operation the main load will fall on the body.

The requirements for the body of the pen are as follows:

  • it must be as strong as possible to withstand the load;
  • the best option is a case based on high-quality metals;
  • if you don't have a pen with a metal body, choose a pen based on thick plastic.

The build process looks like this:

  • Dismantle the handle until only one body remains of it.
  • The lower part of the case, where the writing rod usually sticks out, needs to be unscrewed.
  • Instead of this part, insert the drill into the body in such a way that its working part sticks out from under the bottom part, and the second part is inserted into the hole that is in the stick.
  • The stick is inserted into the body at the same time as the drill.
  • In order for the drill to be integral, it is fixed to the body wall with hot glue.
  • When you turn the mechanism for special handles, the drill will rotate, providing the desired work by pressing the handle body.

Making a drill based on a toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes are very convenient to use, but impractical in the sense that the bristles cannot be changed after use, this expensive device, like a simple brush, has to be thrown away.

But you can not do this by using electric brush body for making a drill with your own hands.

We take an old electric brush and cut everything on it to the body. Next, you need to connect the motor shaft to the drill using a collet clamp, which must be purchased separately.

When buying a collet clamp (or chuck), be sure to find out in advance what shaft the motor has in the brush in diameter. Motors differ from each other in the diameter of the mounted shaft.

The collet clamp is inexpensive and can be purchased at the radio market or in a specialized online store. It includes chuck and replaceable drill bits nozzles with different diameters that are inserted into the cartridge.

The most difficult thing in this case is to put a collet clamp on the brush engine. The cartridge is designed for a shaft of 2 mm, and the motor here has less. To do this, each screw for fasteners must first be turned before giving it cone-shaped so that you can adjust the minimum diameter of the chuck mount to the diameter of the motor shaft.

Of course, a mini-drill with your own hands can be assembled not only based on brushes or old pens, but also other devices, folk craftsmen come up with new ways of their home-made assembly every day. However, the options discussed above are suitable even for those who have never encountered this and are assembling such devices for the first time in their lives.

If you make accessories for a drill with your own hands, you can significantly expand the scope of this tool and make it easier to do many jobs. The capabilities of the electric drill can be expanded with the help of various nozzles, attachments.

Drill attachments

Using a conventional drill, you can not only drill holes of various diameters, but also saw, mill, pump liquids or make a lathe, drilling machine out of it. For this, various devices are used. Let's consider what they are. Do not think that the use of such attachments can make an electric drill a universal tool. It is clear that it will work worse than a special tool. But if you need to perform one-time work, then installing various nozzles on this tool allows you to effectively use this device for various purposes.

One of the most common devices that can be installed on this power tool are various kinds of stops.

This makes it faster and easier to work with this tool, and you will be able to make holes of the same depth. This is very convenient when working with thin parts or when you need to make a non-through hole.

You can make a parallel stop, with it you can control not only the depth of drilling, but also the vertical position of the tool. It is very convenient when a drill can be turned into a lathe. To do this, you need to make a device, the basis of which can be a metal channel. Two sleds are put on it so that they can move and be fixed. On the one hand, they make a mount for a drill, and on the other, a clamp for the workpiece, it is also necessary to place an emphasis on the cutter.

The workpiece is fixed and the tool is turned on, it rotates, and you can perform simple turning work.

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Building a Simple Drilling Machine

Very often, using a hand drill, it is not possible to make a hole exactly in the right place. This is especially felt when working with small workpieces. The way out of this situation can be the use of a bed for an electric drill, that is, turning a drill into a drilling machine.

Such a device has a simple design and does not require the expenditure of a large amount of funds. It is enough to make a strong vertical stand, on which to fix the guides, the block on the bar will move along them. Equipment is attached to the indicated block. The simplest drilling machine is ready.

For the manufacture of the bed you will need:

  • stand, for this you can take chipboard with a thickness of at least 20 mm;
  • wooden beam with a section of 90x55 cm and plywood 10 mm thick;
  • a sheet of steel measuring 2x250x40 mm;
  • fasteners;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • measuring tools.

First, the main frame, which will be the base of the machine, is processed, sharp edges are removed. Racks are attached to it, which are made of plywood, for a reliable connection, you can additionally use corners.

Rails are made of metal, along which a slider with an electric drill attached to it will move in the future. For the manufacture of such a slider, a wooden beam is used.

The equipment must be firmly attached, for which it is necessary to make a reliable clamp. To facilitate the work, a spring can be attached to the slider, which will pull it up along with the electric drill and drill.

After you assemble the entire structure, you will need to check it and eliminate the shortcomings if any are found. In this way, you can create an elementary machine and, despite its simple design, it will be able to perform the same work as professional equipment.

The stand for a drill allows you to significantly expand the functionality of a hand tool, which is not difficult to make with your own hands. Placing a drill on such a stand (it can also be made swivel) allows you to turn an ordinary hand tool into an effective one that can be successfully used to perform various technological operations.

Advantages and disadvantages of a homemade rack

A homemade stand for a drill has a number of advantages, the most significant of which include the following:

  • the manufacture of such a drilling machine is much cheaper than the purchase of a serial model of such a device;
  • you can make such a tripod for a drill from improvised means, using components from old and unused equipment, which you can always find in any garage or home workshop;
  • drawings of such devices of various designs and even video instructions for their manufacture are in the public domain, it will not be difficult to find them;
  • if you wish, you can always create your own design, which in terms of its characteristics and ease of use will surpass all available models.

The simplest Chinese-made factory rack can be bought very inexpensively (from 1200 rubles), but its functionality and quality will not satisfy all craftsmen - too often there are complaints about a significant backlash in budget models

But, of course, the independent manufacture of a device for fixing a drill has its drawbacks, which include the following:

  • in order to manufacture some parts of such racks, the use of lathes, welding and other equipment is required, which naturally increases their cost;
  • due to the fact that the structural elements of such drilling devices are not fitted very well, play often occurs in them, and this negatively affects the accuracy and quality of the processing performed with their help;
  • a homemade stand for a drill is quite limited in its functionality, with its help, for example, it is impossible to make holes located at an angle.

Wooden drill stand: option number 1

A variant of the rack with a rather detailed assembly instruction in the format of a photo collection illustrating the manufacturing steps. To create this model, you will need boards at least 20 mm thick, a small box with furniture rails and a threaded rod for the movable part of the rack, a couple of dozen short and three dozen long screws, wood glue plus a standard tool in such cases, such as a saw, a clamp , screwdriver, drill and sandpaper for finishing.

A self-made drill stand is an easy-to-install device, and equipping it with additional nodes allows you to turn such a drill holder into a universal equipment with which you can perform various technological operations. Before you start making a similar holder for a drill with your own hands, you need to understand its design features.

Device frame

The bed for a drilling device from a drill is made of metal (thickness 10 mm) or wood (thickness more than 20 mm) sheet. The massiveness of the bed, which you will use as a base, directly depends on the power of the drill used. The dimensions of the frame for the machine from the drill depend on the specifics of the work performed on such equipment. You can use the following recommendations for choosing the dimensions of the beds:

  • machines for vertical drilling - 500x500 mm;
  • equipment for performing various technological operations - 1000x500 mm.

The bed, made of a metal or wooden sheet, is a very simple structure. A rack is placed vertically on it, the stable position of which is provided by a special support. It is possible to fix such structural elements among themselves with the help of screw connections.

equipment rack

The stand where the guides for the drill will be located can also be made from a metal or wooden plate. In addition to guides for moving the drill in a vertical plane, a clamp is mounted on the stand, with which the tool is fixed on it. You can watch the rack assembly procedure on the training video, while you must adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • a support is fixed on the stand-frame;
  • on the base, with the help of screw connections, the machine stand is fixed, which is then connected to the support;
  • rails are fixed on the rack, which can be used as telescopic furniture devices;
  • a carriage is mounted on the movable part of the guides, where a mount is placed to fix the drill.

When choosing guides for your homemade machine, you should pay attention to the fact that there is no lateral play in them.

The length of the carriage, also made of metal or wood, depends on the size of the drill that you will use to equip your machine. This structural unit, which is equipped with a mobile drilling stand, can be made in the following two versions.

With fixing the drill with clamps. The clamps used in this design scheme are threaded into holes pre-drilled in the carriage. The clamp of the drill and its reliable fixation on the carriage is ensured by tightening the clamps.

Below in the video you can see the details of the manufacture of this version of the stand for the drill. The author talks in detail about the process of creating his homemade drilling equipment.

A special block is used to fasten the drill. Such a block is a bracket where the drill is fixed. A bracket is made of a wooden plate, which is attached to the carriage at an angle of 90 degrees, for which metal corners are used. To fix the drill in the block, a hole is drilled, the diameter of which is 0.5 mm less than the diameter of the tool itself, and a slot is made to allow the tool to be inserted into the mounting hole.

The hole in the block on the machine, intended for installing a drill, is made according to the following algorithm:

  • a circle is drawn on the surface of the pad, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the drill being installed;
  • in the inner part of the circle, trying to adhere to the line that limits it, drill a series of holes of small diameter;
  • partitions that have formed between the drilled holes are cut with a hacksaw or any other tool;
  • using a file or needle file with a semicircular shape of the working surface, the edges of the resulting hole for the drill are processed, making them even.

The mechanism for moving the drill in the vertical direction

A self-made drilling machine must be equipped with a mechanism that will ensure the movement of the drill in the vertical direction. The structural elements of such a node are:

  • a handle with which the carriage with a drill attached to it is brought to the surface of the workpiece;
  • the spring needed to return the carriage with the drill to its original position.

You can make such a mechanism using two design schemes:

  • the spring is connected directly to the handle of the machine;
  • springs are located at the bottom of the carriage - in special grooves.

According to the first option, the design is performed according to the following scheme:

  • two metal plates are fixed on the machine stand with screws, between which an axis is installed, where the installation handle will be placed;
  • plates and an axis are also installed on the other side of the rack, on which one end of the spring is fixed, and its second end is connected to the handle;
  • the pin, through which the handle is connected to the installation carriage, is placed in a longitudinal groove made in it.

If the springs are located at the bottom of the return mechanism, then the handle of the device is also fixed with two plates and an axis that ensures its movement. Springs with such a design scheme are located in the lower part of the grooves of the guides, which are finalized with the help of metal corners that limit their movement.

The principle of operation of the drilling machine, in which the springs are located at the bottom of the carriage, is quite simple: going down during the drilling process, the carriage with the drill attached to it presses on the springs, compressing them; after the mechanical action on the springs stops, they are unclenched, raising the carriage and drill to their original position.

Additional equipment for a homemade machine

Equipping the machine from a drill with additional attachments will allow it to be used for drilling holes at an angle, as well as for performing simple turning and milling technological operations.

To perform milling work on such equipment, it is necessary to ensure the movement of the workpiece in the horizontal direction. For this purpose, the design of the machine uses a movable horizontal table, equipped with a vise for fixing the workpiece. The best option for driving such a table is a screw gear driven by a handle.

Using a homemade drilling machine, which uses a hand drill as a working head, you can drill holes at an angle if you equip it with a rotary plate with holes arranged in an arc. On such a plate, which can rotate on an axis fixed on the machine stand, the machine carriage and the drill itself are located. The holes on the turntable, which help to fix the position of the working head, are made at the most common angles: 30, 45 and 60 degrees. The order of manufacture of such a mechanism is as follows:

  • in the machine stand and the rotary plate, on which the carriage will be mounted and the drill is fixed, a central hole for the axis is drilled;
  • then, using a protractor, on the rotary plate, mark the axes of the holes located at the most common angles, and drill them;
  • using the axial holes on the rack and the turntable, combine these two elements and fix them with a bolted connection;
  • three holes are drilled on the machine stand, which will be used to fix the turntable in the desired position with pins.

The algorithm for working on a home-made machine equipped with such a rotary plate is quite simple: it is simply rotated to the required angle along with a drill fixed to it and fixed with three pins connecting the rotary and fixed part of the rack.

Conveniently, machines with a rotary plate can also be used to perform simple turning work. To carry out such technological operations, the drill is placed horizontally using a rotary plate.