Strongchair for home and their meaning in our lives. Watching this bird, our ancestors believed that she

Slavic house - entirely the original work of the people, the original phenomenon.

Slavic house is a symbol of cosmic relationship with the universe; Symbol of the Motherland; symbol of heat and kindness; Symbol of worldview; The symbol of man as spiritual and physical started the universe.

Housing is a certain microcosm, in which the closed space of which passes relatively life, as well as storage of wisdom, traditions.

The housing image is identified with different levels. human soul and body, for example, facade of the house Indicates the appearance of a person, his personality, or its essence. Value floors Determined by vertical and spatial symbols. Roof and upper floors They answer the head and the mind, the level of self-control of man. BUT all House Associates with the structure of the human body and its natural (physiological and mental) functions.

IMAGE IMPLEMENTS House performs its natural purpose generic lights Where are born, the best family traditions are being protected, which then go to the inheritance to children: love for parents, nature, song, to work. Home and whole closed cycle of economic buildings - "Clone, Shed, Mill, Windmill, Forge, Barn, Well" - There is not only a place of settlement, but also a carrier of meaningful symbolic signs that are performed as aesthetic and symbolic function. They are a carrier of information about social position, prosperity, taste of the owner, ideological positions, information about the composition of the family. The number "three" traditionally became part of Symbolic content of the house: Vertical accommodation is divided into three parts: the plot, walls, roof, in the residential room, as a rule, there were three windows, on facade wall - Three holes (door and two windows), housing most often was three-chamber (Seni, home, barn), the window was done for three window glass, and wall paintings were placed in three horizontal stripes: the average was determined by the height of the windows, and the other two - the distance from the windows to the roof and Zavaling.

Three yarus of residential spaces were played an important symbolic role in the relationship of obsolete space from the Universe.

  • The lower tier is an union with the Mother-Earth, the lower light of the creation (Naviii Peace); The top tier of housing is a connection with the sky, high sphere mineososa (world of rule);
  • the average is a human environment, which to experience changes, mastering both neighboring (explicit world). The lower tier is the walls with the sun, the lava - the border of the world of ground and underground.
  • The top tier and the ceiling of the house is supposedly the sky, and the bastard serves as a security guard, the line on which it holds and which they do not dare to cross evil spirits. Elements of the middle tier - walls, door, windows, simple - this is the gap between the idealized heavenly sphere and underground world. The windows and the door performed as ropes of human communication with the world around, endowed magical properties Charming housing. The hostesses were painted at home from the oil paints in the form of fristening around the windows and doors made of red roses flowers - Flowers of the Lada, so that the house rules the order, and the green branches, in particular Barwin, listeners, oak, maple leaves, hops, grapes, and more. So that happiness, love, good were eternal. Drew "Flowers" on the entrance door - peculiar information about the composition of the family: a branch with foliage Barwinka symbolized women in the family, and the branch with the stars - a man. A child was born - the branch was drawn, and when a member of the family was dying - the cross was painted.

The walls in the house were almost always desirable, like the oven, so there were many free areas in the house for decorating with a leaning examples or drawn multicolored ornaments. Mistresses or other family members - Women painted walls with ornaments different colors. They painted them with vegetable and animal ornaments, less often - geometric, in particular, the image of sovie-related wisdom, roosters - labor lights, scokes, branches with flowers, bouquets, "Tree of life" or "paradise-tree", etc. In the house, above the windows, there were paintings in the form of embroidery with the image of the vine, grapes, oak leaves with acorns, viburnum. Squeeze at home for a feature, brushes, rogosa, goals. Flowers and sheets most often draw a finger. The interior painting of the house prevalted in that part of it, where the woman spent the main time - near the furnace. The furnace in the Ukrainian house was the center and functional, and the faithful, and aesthetic expression. It was precisely alternatively, they were painted - painted with flowers or birds, which was exactly the idea of \u200b\u200bthe taste of the hostess, her aesthetic tastes and symbolic signs: if, say, the furnace was decorated - the so-called hand drawn oven - it was a sign that in the house there are Girl "On Issue." On the presence of a guy or girl on an issue in the house, other signs were pronounced: red flowers or birds on a gate, gate or over the windows.

In addition to the wall painting, the interior of the house was decorated with embroidered towers, paths, carpets and cats. And the embroidery of the towers, which were decorated with images, paintings, windows and the door, was different because there was a different warranty symbolism, they were depicted Alatyri, Bereginni, solar welds, and others ... The greatest danger, as they thought was from the door, so logically, It was the entrance to housing that was especially thoroughly disappeared by magical signs. They were kept in the appropriate embroidery of the towers, which were decorated with the door, and in Alakchechiki induced with chalk around the door and windows, and in the awesome door of homemade amules (horseshoe, garlic, different potions). A special miraculous force, according to the ideological ideas of Slavs, was endowed with Mac, first of all Viyuk - Field Mac - the main guard from the villainance of witches, the Gays and Besnowian Rogan. He, as, by the way, and any element of the framing, combined two qualities in himself: as charm and as a decoration. After all, Mac was considered a symbol of beauty. In the Ukrainian songs, the masses color equates to the fleet of human life and to the head of the kind - mother. Comparison of Mac with Mother is especially symbolic, as it organically fits into the pradavniy cult of female mother - the keeper of a homely hearth.

Slavic house - a complete work of art, built according to the laws of beauty and perfection. The inner area of \u200b\u200bthe house was divided into working, ritual and household. Working area is a furnace, a shelf for dishes, a spoon; ritual - table on poking; Household is the floor or bed, chest, cradle, benches, lava. Walls, windows, door, cornice oven, threshold were ornaments using red, blue and yellow flowerswhich contained magical and symbolic information.

The inner corner of the house occupied the furnace, diagonally from it - a red angle, or it is also called the atheck, in which the idols are located, decorated with the pushers, which were depicted Alatyri, solar crosses, Svarga, Rai-Tree, etc. , colors and potions; Over the side wall of the furnace arranged wood flooring ("Paul"), near him - the chest, then - the cradle; Along the prominent and the delictic walls, lava were installed, decorated with orders, kits or carpets, near the door and over them - shelves for dishes for dishes, and above the windows of the visible wall - the bread shelf. The table was put on the table, i.e. Lava on wooden legs. From the furnace to the dealer wall on the rods retained household fabrics and everyday wear. The table has always stood in the corner, opposite the oven. Holy place in the house - Pokhorta.

The house was considered housing only from the time when the fire broke out in the furnace. The furnace is a fire, a genital fire. The fire was a symbol of the inviolability of the family, his team point and shrine. In the oven lived cricket - the spirit of the ancestors. During the Watching, the oven served as a ritual symbol: the girl was picking the oven, begging protection from the relative guard, after the funeral was kept behind the oven so as not to be afraid of the dead man. The rapids believed that the furnace would love the house, it has its place in it. In the house it was impossible to squander. Folk proverb I convince: "I would say, yes the furnace in the house." Fire from the furnace was considered sacred. People worshiped him, exalted him. Traditionally, the Slavic House had three windows: POOLES, PREFERNING AND OHITELY OPTING. Many had a small window above the oven. Windows - "Eyes" houses that illuminated housing, "connecting a closed inner space with the influence of the outside world." Communicative communication function at home with the surrounding world, threshold and walls were carried out. From Seine should be entrances to the house, to the barn, in the attic. Here is preserved grain, things, baskets, jorny. In the Seine there were shelves for dishes. Here they kept flour, potatoes, milk, other products. Ambaru people have long been attributed to miraculous power.

The outdoor guard of the house was the dump. It was drowned by red clay, stuck with housecloths. The dump truck was performed not only economic functions (the house was insulated, was the place where the poppy was dried, the garlic, onions), and had a peculiar role of the uniting start, where the family was going together. In addition, the plot had a symbolic circle that closed the space of the house, defended her from encroaching evil forces. The Slavic House, as a rule, went to the street with the characteristic walls, so the frontones were decoratively decorated, where often the roof was completed with figure loop in the form of a horsepower, she was led by the faucet from evil forces. In some areas, a carvous image of a snake, the image of which symbolized eternity, wisdom and life was encountered on the ridge on both sides. Sometimes the roof frontton was decorated with large rosets - the symbol of the sun, there were also a picture of birds, colors.

the felt component of the housing was not only a house, but also the courtyard. As a rule, the yard was fenced. Behind the long beliefs, the hedge protects people from the unclean strength, this magic circle, where evil spirits do not come across. They performed a symbolic and emotional role: often on the panels of high gates made decorative slits in the form of lines, rosets that symbolized life, flourishing and the fruitful power of the Earth.

The ages have developed in such a way that the Slavic House did not think separately from the Cherry Garden, the pond, the well above the way, Kalina's bush near her, Malv and Petushkov on Sack, and the velvets, and the Metiol in the flower bed. Together with the embroidered towers, housecloth and drawn compets, which have long been decorated with the house and defended him from enemy forces, Slavic accommodation represented a holistic system and served as a kind of business card of Slavs as nations in the world. At the place where the house should stand, the owners carry out a number of ritual actions that will play a major role in determining the place of the future estate. The hostess is preparing lunch, and when the time comes, spreads the tablecloth on the site of the future atmosphere and puts special dishes (borsch, porridge, necessarily hot, so that the ancestors come and sanctified the place). They caught the circle behind the sun. Completed construction in a hurry to the event of the sun, at the end, the branch was put on the eastern side wall. Fresh green branch - new housing symbol.

Souvenir (Fr. Souvenir - Memory, Memory) is an item intended to remind something, for example, a visit to the pilgrimage site of tourists, a museum and so on. Accordingly, souvenirs carry the places of the place in which they were produced and purchased. This can be the emblem of the city, the image of a memorable place, an object of culture. Souvenirs are often sold in specialized stores and tents. There are both extremely low-quality souvenirs that do not possess artistic value and high-quality samples, art objects. Some kinds of "souvenirs" are forbidden to export from the country. Many of us often give small gifts and souvenirs, but do not have ideas that they mean and personify. We give the value of some of them.

As a gift, shark can be given a very purposeful and persistent person. Shark with her formidable view and natural cruelty will scare enemies from harm, and the birthday girl, or the jubilee will bring success and greatness.

If you want to emphasize the power and greatness of the birthday or jubilee, his incredible ability to give him a souvenir bull. From a long time, the bull was a symbol of power, power, male fertility, as well as, divinity, royality, natural forces of nature. Such an elite gift will not only emphasize all the listed qualities, but also marks the royal origin.

Symbol of the soul, immortality, revival and resurrection, ability to transform, to transformation. In China, it is incredible beautiful creation Indicates immortality, leisurely in abundance, joy and summer. The butterfly depicted with a flower or flower tree symbolizes longevity and beauty, - with chrysanthemum - beauty in old age, with a feather - longevity. Therefore, if you want to emphasize the beauty and wish a long life to the perpetrator of the celebration, souvenir - the butterfly will be a wonderful gift for such a holiday.

Symbol of good luck and success.

Such a souvenir indicates the wishes of strong perseverance and perseverance when reaching the goal. Predated Baran symbolizes the courage, generating force, creative energy. Baran is a wonderful birthday present.

Badger can be given to a person with an evil character who takes care only. Badger symbolizes selfishness, separate life and image of a cunning clock.

If you decide to give a birthday, anniversary or wedding anniversary, be careful, because your gift choices may not be misunderstood. This little cute little animal in Japan symbolizes beauty and abundance. In Europe, this fluffy and beautiful beast is a symbol of destructive, greedy animals.

From ancient times, the beaver was characterized as a big workman and was a symbol of hard work. Therefore, the beaver can be given to a large "workaholic", in order to once again emphasize his hardworking, or not a very active person with a secretive wish to work more and think about the well-being of the family.

Such a gift is usually given very strong man. Predated buffalo and bison symbolize huge courage, supernatural power.

A gift of a souvenir or a statuette of a crow will like strong and powerful people. In China, the Raven is one of the animals "twelve terrestrial branches", which symbolizes the greatness, power and power.

Such a gift can be given not to everyone, because in the people camel symbolizes moderation, dignity, royal blood.

The collection includes articles dedicated to different grades of symbolism: ideas about the role of a symbol in antiquity and modernity, mythology, symbolism of architecture, folklore, various traditions of the world, including Russian, starry sky symbolism. A significant part of the book is assigned to the disclosure of the meaning of individual characters in world culture.

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If you have chosen for a birthday party, wedding, or wedding anniversary souvenir pigeon - this means the wish of vital energy and a quiet life. At the same time, if you give to the wedding, the anniversary of the wedding or anniversary a couple of pigeons, then such a gift you wish sincere love and harmony in family relationships.

Pair of pigeons
A pair of pigeons for many years is considered a symbolic image of sexual harmony, a symbol of the power of a married love, the bonds of which are combined together stronger than the bonds of simple Lu6vi and friendship. A pair of pigeons can be an elegant romantic gift with a married couple.

Pair swans
Symbolize love and loyalty, strong partnerships or marital relations.

Pair of birds
Symbolize love and loyalty, strong partnerships or marital relations. Such souvenirs as a gift are given with the wishes of the activation of romantic relations, harmony in family life, long-term partnerships. Very good gift for the day of lovers, wedding, anniversary or wedding anniversary.

Symbol of breathing, wind ("Bird of sigh"), vigilance, love; Sunny symbol, especially in Egypt. Sign of freedom, enlightenment and, thanks to seasonal flights, autumn and spring symbol. The figure of the goose, presented to the woman, will emphasize her business and home contact.

Such a souvenir can be given to a friend in a sign of strong friendship. The symbolism of the dolphin occurs directly from natural friendliness, playfulness and the intelligence of this marine mammal. Dolphin symbolizes the purity and strength of the Spirit, marine power, safety and speed. The image of Dolphin brings love to a family, especially where there are successive sons of family traditions.
A couple of dolphins as a gift will be a wish to find a life satellite sooner.

Symbol of vertical, life, strength, well-being.

The Dragon
This is a treasure keeper, secrets, he often personifies extraordinary strength and power. The dragon has magical abilities, fascinates. It was believed that the dragon image would give a true invulnerability to a person, that is, immortality.

Symbol of the solar beam, purity, chastity, turning to unity, to the center. In addition, the unicorn is a symbol of freedom and knowledge, he indicates the path to those who are looking for the truth.

If on the question of what to give, you want to choose a very original gift to a woman - give her a snake. From time immemorial, the snake symbolizes beauty, wisdom, mystery, intuitiveness and unpredictability, as it suddenly appears and disappears. Therefore, such a gift you can emphasize in a woman's best features - beauty, wisdom and unpredictability. But still, if you decide to give such a gift to a woman, do not forget about the interpretation of your gift and wishes to it.

Hare rabbit)
Most best giftwhich can be done at the wedding, or the anniversary of the wedding newlyweds who want to rather give birth to a child. It is with the wish to quickly acquire the offspring to make them such a present to a new life. The rabbit symbolizes the greatest fertility, the speed, the enormous desire to remove the offspring, the rebirth and the magical power of the concomitant in this. The rabbit figure can have a beneficial effect on family relationships.

Such a souvenir can be given a very hospitable person, as the boar symbolizes hospitality. And also such a gift will like a man born in the year of Kaban, or military. As a boar symbol helps in war, protects the warrior.

Refers to one of the most romantic and mystical signs. The cat is a mysterious and incomprehensible being. He is inherent in imagination, subconscious, intuition, magic. Cat symbolizes homemade, Heat of family relationships, psychological and emotional comfort. In addition, if you believe Chinese teachings, it is able to cast out evil spirits from your home, to protect against the evil.

Bells - bells widely used in Feng Shui. Their action is multifaceted, which is why these talismans are very popular. They are an activator of positive energy in the house, with their help you can adjust the unfavorable Feng Shui they attract a lot of positive energy into the house. If you need help, call such a bell, help will surely come. To determine correctly, for which sector it is better to use which talisman - you need to focus on the characters that are present in it.

The crocodile can be given a very strong spirit and a fearless person who easily overcomes all the obstacles on its way. In order to emphasize in a person such unusual quality can make him such an unusual and original gift - to give him a crocodile.
Crocodile symbolizes movement against the flow, overcoming obstacles, exemption from the restrictions of the world.

Rat (mouse)
Such a souvenir will love a man born in the year of rat, as well as by calculating and powerful people. In symbolism, such a gift will be a wishes of victory over obstacle and prudence and foresight in the decisions made.

The image of the frog is most common in Eastern culture - India, Japan, China. In Indian legend, the whole world stands on a great frog. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the frog was the emblem of the Goddess of Love - Aphrodites. The frog personifies fertility, fertility, eroticism. This is a change symbol for the better, overcoming any obstacles and vital difficulties. In addition, according to the symbolism "Feng Shui" a frog is a symbol of wealth, it brings to the house prosperity and contributes to the involvement of money energy.

Depending on the color - the frog will be an excellent talisman of good luck in a particular field:

Green frog (truth happiness) is a symbol of happiness. She will give its owner happy life, happy love, happy road in life.
Golden frog (good condition) is a dream symbol. The Golden Frog will fulfill all your dreams, will help in achieving the goals, because it is a symbol of well-being, prosperity and good luck in affairs.
Blue frog (pure harmony) is a symbol of harmony - harmony in its pure form: in love, at home, in the work, the harmonious state of your soul, the unity of the inner and external world.
White frog (with love) - symbol of heart, love. She will tell everything for you, just give her to his closest person ....
Black frog (soft guardian) - symbol of security and protection. This is your patron, guardian angel on the chosen path in life, your condition of heart, peace and security.
Platinum Frog (precious moments) is a symbol of the most precious moments in the life that remain in memory forever. Verify these moments in love, in work, at home, in life! Non-destructive dreams and memory ...

A fox
Very exquisite and original gift - souvenir with the image of Fox. This in nature is a beautiful animal possesses unsurpassed beauty and cunning. Therefore, such a gift is better to make a woman in order to emphasize the main quality in it - the beauty and female logic. In China, the Lisa image symbolizes longevity, and women foxes are considered dangerous seductors and cause erotic associations.

Symbol of life, optimism, diversity of feelings and eternal movement. The horse carries the wind of changes, the forces that renew the nature, eliminating the cold, stagnation and bringing positive changes in a person's life. In the east, the horse considers a friend of man and a defender from evil spirits. It is also considered a manifestation of spiritual principle and patronically gifted people - artists, poets, musicians. The horse helps to reach the vertices of the spirit and immortality. The horse is the speed of thoughts, the brightness of fantasy, gifts and creativity.
When the horse is depicted with loaded jewels like gold bars, pearls, stones, gold coins, etc., this embodies the desire for comfortable life and to achieving high titles, which brings recognition and carefree life, full of luxury. A wonderful gift for the head, director, chief.

Symbolizes tenderness, constancy and loyalty in love.

a lion
The king of animals, one of the most common symbols of courage, speed, durability, strength and greatness for thousands of years, symbolizes beauty and perfection.

Ensures rapidness in achieving goals.

Due to the pallor of her light, the moon is associated with imagination and fantasy as an intermediate stage between spiritual life and intuition.

Symbol of power, protection, leadership, courage and justice

The symbol of the merchant. He personifies good luck and success in trading.

The lord of the air is one of the most unambiguous and universal symbols that embody the power, speed and other signs of the world of animals in all their greatness. The symbol of inspiration, victory, power and power, the proud eagle will always help be at the height of the situation. It was believed that the eagle is able to fly to the Sun and, without blinking, look at him and connect with him. In this regard, the eagle personified the spiritual beginning in a person who was able to be filled with heaven. The Greeks means the sun, spiritual force, royality, victory and good luck; It is known as a symbol of limitless power and defense capability, therefore, first of all, it is used as a heraldic symbol in many coat of arms and state emblems.

A symbol of hard work - "Sweet life I will arrange yourself."

Such a gift symbolizes the first ray of light and hope for the best, more successful life.

Ensures greatness, this is a symbol of power, fearlessness, courage, power and nobility. Aggressive Panther is ready for protection and attack, it is believed that it helps from the evil eye.

This is a good catcher with power.

Beautiful business mascot. He symbolizes the arriving success.

In the ancient Greek mythology Pegasus - the winged horse of Zeus. Pegasus is also the winged horse of the music that appeared from the neck of the jellyfish when Perseus cut off her head. A wonderful source, which gives inspiration with creative parts from the impact of a pegasus hoof. Symbolizes inspiration, contemplation of beautiful and eloquence. In European Heraldry Pegas was used in the coat of arms of thinkers and creators. Pegasus is just like a unicorn can only catch the golden bridle.

Horseshoe, if the bend is directed up, is an ancient talisman against bad eye. The idea that Horseshoe brings happiness, came from Ancient Egypt. According to the legend of horses for the chariots of Pharaoh, was attracted by golden horseshoe, and the crowd rushed behind the rush chariots in the hope that Horseshoe from Gold would get lucky.

The opening shell will show openness of feelings, goodwill in intentions, willingness to cooperate.

This is a symbol not only abundance, prosperity and good luck, but also of Divine generosity. The ancient associations between the horn and abundance easily formed an ancient history, according to which Zeus infant (in the Roman Mythology of Jupiter) focused by his milk goat Amaltyia. Randomly broken goat goat Zeus made a cornucope horn.

A fish
Symbolizes abundance, wealth, harmony. This is a symbol associated with happiness and sexual harmony. Carp was a symbol of courage, perseverance and will - the qualities necessary for internal perfection, as well as for career growth.

The image of this animal symbolizes insights and longevity, and will also save from negative emotions and goat flaws. In Europe, elephant is a symbol of love and devotion, moderation, compassion, eternity, spiritual knowledge and stability. The elephant symbolizes not only the quality necessary for a good leader - dignity, intelligence, prudence, but also peaceful, abundant yields, fruitable shower, that is, everything is kind and positive, which is in life. The huge mass and badness of the elephant became metaphorical, but in the east there is a wonderful legend that the elephants once flew, but lost this gift after they were cursed by hermit, whose dwelling, arranged in the baroon, they accidentally destroyed When landing. The symbolism "Fen-Shui" elephant is an excellent talisman for the sector of children and marriage. The elephant brings good luck to the hosts at home and their children, stimulates their creative potential, helps in studies and creative self-expression. An elephant is usually put on the windowsill, a trunk towards a good star, so he attracts good luck to the house. If the elephant looks inside the apartment, it will be a symbol of what luck is already in the house.

Symbol of wisdom, intuition and clairvoyance. It is capable of seeing in the dark, feel thin, understand and predict events. Owl personifies spiritual wisdom, clarity and calm, symbolize intelligence, wisdom, knowledge and erudition. Excellent gift On the occasion of the holiday, the director, chief, boss or head.

The sun
Symbol of higher space power. All-seeing deity and its power, theophrenia, a fixed creature, the heart of space, the center of being and intuitive knowledge, the mind of the world (macrobius), enlightenment, eye of the world and eye of the day, uncompressed, glory, greatness, justice, royality.

A symbol of courage, courage, unattended and justice. The dog has always been a faithful friend, assistant and defender of man. And, in addition, dogs have super-sensitive perception.

Falcon (Hawk)
Like an eagle, a sunny victory symbol. Symbolizes superiority, strong desire, spirit, light, freedom and victory, climbing through all levels. Indicates also freedom, and therefore hope for those in the shakes, moral or spiritual. In Egypt, Falcon was a symbol of the royal power, since "his gaze paralyzes the birds as well as the face of Pharaoh - his enemies." Because of his high flight, this predator was an allegoric manner of God Mountain, the Great God of the sky. The mountains were depicted in the form of a falcon or a man with a falcon head. A special operenim in the poultry poultry even more enhances its eyes produced by her eyes and insight.

Power, ferocity, cruelty, anger, beauty and speed. The animal and divine symbol of both aggression and protection, especially in the cultures of Asia and India, where the tiger often replaces the lion as the main emblem of magnitude and wildness.

A symbol of perseverance, desire for the goal, overcoming himself and obstacles, the ability to rush and do not turn off the road - no matter how difficult and unthinkable for a long time.

It is the emblem of good luck. Ducks fly in pairs, so the bird is considered a marriage symbol. In Feng Shui, in general, any steam sign is particularly favorable for family relationships, and these birds, as the Chinese believe, choose a partner once for life and die if they have to die. Therefore, ducks are also a symbol of marital loyalty. The claropes are best placed in the love sector and relationships - in the south-west. You can put an image of a pair of ducks in the bedroom. More efficiently, this talisman will "work" not far from the aquarium or room plants. Talisman in the form of a duck will bring your family well-being, prosperity and good luck, contributes to the normalization or improvement of married relations.

Phoenix symbol of immortality, eternal updates and rebirth. Phoenixes are painted in red and gold color, which symbolizes the rising sun. He lives in the Arab deserts five hundred years. According to ancient legend, the presentation of death approach, Phoenix breeds a burial bonfire from cinnamon to die in it and reborn again from the asp by the third day, and live another five hundred years. Phoenix is \u200b\u200boften depicted by a raising flame. He is a symbol of the revival of man or plan and recreation after destruction.

Fortune in the ancient Greek mythology goddess good luck. The goddess tied the eyes because she can always find you, wherever you are, and squeeze with gifts from the horns of abundance.

Symbol of wealth, wisdom and longevity. In the East, it is believed that all in the universe is inextricably linked: "Strike to wisdom! And your home will come wealth and longevity. " She brings money and support useful people. Very good if there will be three turtles in the house different size Or standing on each other - this is a symbol of family unity, in which everyone supports and take care of each other. The biggest turtle is the head of the family on which the whole house holds. Brings peace and calm in the family.

On the emblem level, the globe and ball are the signs of fishing, providence, eternity, as well as the power and power of crowned persons. Means stability of earthly happiness. Earth In the hands - a symbol of the creation of the world, his fate. As a gift, such features will emphasize in man as independence, the desire to comprehend the unexplored, to know the whole world.

An apple is the fruit of a life tree, a symbol of life and a symbol of hope. An apple is also a symbol of accuracy: the legendary arrows from the bow - the heroes of legends and legends - differed in their accuracy in shooting on such tiny targets, which apples performed. The apple is also associated with one of the symbols of the royal power - power, thereby emphasizes that the ruler holds in his hands - figuratively expressing, states - the symbol of the Earth.

Symbol of reliability, good luck and hope.

Collector and keeper Treasure, family hearth. Attached to the costume, it should crawl up.

People always intuitively felt that cats have some connection with outstanding the world. That is why the tradition of keeping these animals at home as pets to protect themselves and their family from various mystical events. Those people who do not have the opportunity to start a cat, buy figurines and various souvenirs with the image of these graceful creatures. The meaning of such interior decorations will be described below.

Turning cats

The history of these little predators originates in Egypt, where cats have long worshiped. These animals were considered sacred, since the legend had happened from the goddess Baste. In the Greek tradition, the cats were identified with the goddess of Hunt Artemida for their speed and agility.

In the days of the Middle Ages, the name of Artemis became the synonymous words "Witch", "Glugging", therefore the cats began to be associated with some dark forces capable of negatively affecting a person. At the same time, a tradition appeared to decorate their house figures of these animals. It was believed that the statues of the cat protects his owners from the victims of fate and brings joy and well-being to the house.

Norwegian folklore talks about Freary, on the chariot of which the image of the cat was concerned. That is why in this country a statuette-cat is a symbol of the appearance of the whole new, especially new life. It is an amulet for newborns.

Signs associated with cats

Special place in Russian folklore is held by sayings about as a symbol of misfortunes and troubles. The well-known sign says that if such an animal ran the road, then a series of failures awaits you.

However, not all statements about these graceful and mysterious beings are so gloomy. There are many raising cats related to cats. Since these animals have a special bowl to change in environmentPeople have long observed them to predict the metamorphosis in weather conditions. For example, if the cat during sleep is burned with a nose into its own wool, it will soon come by cooling.

It is also considered that a set of amazing properties has a statuette cat. The black figure, for example, will help scare away from the house of thieves and bring well-being to the house.

As mentioned above, these animals have a special relationship with the other world. The statuette-cat, located in the apartment, will not allow to stitch the houses, as well as different entities to penetrate the dwelling.

The value of the figures

Depending on its appearance, these figures symbolize various phenomena. So, the cat with a raised up tail personifies optimism and joy, a cat with kittens - a symbol of happy and long-awaited maternity. A composition of several animals personifies friendship, support, mutual assistance or love. Of course, there is no clear system of interpretation of what symbolizes the statuette cat. The value of each figure can be expanded only approximately.

A special role is played by such figurines in attraction of good luck. Their owners are often lucky, thanks to which the most cherished dreams are embodied. Another meaning of such figures in the house - they help the development of intuition and supernatural abilities from their owners.

Special aesthetics of black cats

With these creatures, a large number will accept. It is believed that a black cat is an indispensable witch attribute, which is present as a conductor in all mystical and witch rituals.

IN english traditionBy the way, without any fear belong to these animals, and if the black cat moves the road, then it will make a person even more successful and happy. In Japan, adhere to the same opinion. In China, these creatures refer to special caustic and consider their forelocks of poverty and hunger. In most European countries, as in Russia, black cats are with fear and trepidation.

Surprisingly, all nations unanimously agree that the statuette-cat of black color brings good luck to the house and protects its owners from the attack.

Like interior decoration

Many people who do not believe in any otherworldly power and mysticism, perceive cat figures as stylish and actual decoration interior. The statuette of the Egyptian cat is a special souvenir that not only recalls the journey to this amazing country, but also gives a special survey of the surrounding environment.

There are cases when people were engaged in collecting such features throughout their lives. So, French franget F. Groff stores at home more than 2 thousand 100 copies of figurines from different countries of the world, as well as more than 9 thousand other things on which the image of the cat is applied. At the same time, she holds the houses of four living cats. The woman is rightfully considered the owner of one of the greatest collections in the world associated with these amazing graceful and mysterious creatures.

The house is the place of our holiday, life, the place where the most beloved, honorable and wonderful are going. The house is our sacred place where we live. Let him bring us joy, light, calm, love and real benefit.

Each of you in the call of intuition, hearts, on the tip of the guardian angel will choose its character for each room. After all, the house reflects the worldview. It is impossible to underestimate the language of characters.

They matter and carry the program on which your home lives. Using symbols, always choose items that have a special meaning for you. Do not include Chinese items in the situation - they belong to someone else's culture and are unnatural to us.

When you use objects or images, place them in the zone of the house or room you want to activate. For example, put a vase with flowers in the north-western corner to strengthen the marital relationship. Below is a list of characters that can be used in the house, and their traditional values.

Stork.In the Christian iconography, storks symbolize purity, well-being and resurrection. In the East, they symbolize longevity, in Taoism - immortality. In the people there are beliefs that storks bring babies. Tip: Have a stork figure in the bedroom or a picture with his image. This is especially true of those who want to have a child.

Acacia.Is a symbol of immortality in the Jewish and christian traditions. It is known that the acacia of solid rocks was used in the construction of frames and darahers in the temples. There is an opinion that it was from the acacia that the prickly crown of Jesus Christ was woven. Tip: A small sprig of acacia hold next to entrance door As the protection of the dwellings from all bad and evil.

Amethyst.Products from ametist must be in every home. This stone symbolizes peace, humility and piety. Tip: Women must have decorations from amethyst (it is desirable to have this stone in the bracelet).

Orange.Flowers orange tree - an ancient symbol of abundance. He was necessarily woven in wreaths of brides. This tradition existed in Christian countries, but meant chastity. In art, the baby Christ is sometimes depicted with oranges as a symbol of atonement of sins. Tip: aromatic oil Fur in the kitchen and dining room on Sundays. Sunday - Sun Day, and this fragrance will stimulate the energy of abundance.

Watermelon.Due to the large number of seeds inside, is a symbol of fertility. Tip: Young families have pictures with the image of this big berry. If you can't conceive children, put the seeds of the watermelon under the mattress.

Butterfly.Symbol of immortality. Her life cycle: Bright caterpillar (which symbolizes life), doll (which symbolizes death and free flight), butterfly (symbolizes the immortal flight of the soul). Tip: For those who decided to change their lives, have this symbol of the house.

Barium horn.Is a sign of protection. Tip: If you need security, hang horn bars in the prominent place.

Birch.Healing protective tree, a symbol of spiritual ascent of a person in life, as well as cosmic energy. Sit down near houses to drive off evil spirits. Tip: Site near the house Birch, it will stimulate spiritual and protective energy.

Ladybug.Symbol of good luck. She gives rise to wealth, contributes to success in affairs and is especially favorable to those who are born under the signs of Taurus and Lion.

Bagels.Symbolize wealth, abundance, hospitality. Tip: Keep in the kitchen in a prominent place to attract the energy of wealth.

Bulldog.Symbol of exposure, strength and resistance. Such a talisman is very popular among athletes.

Grapes.The most ancient symbol of fertility. Also is a symbol of spiritual life and revival. In Christianity, wine is worshiped as the blood of Christ. Vine - The emblem of hospitality, youth, generosity. Tip: Have a picture of grapes in the living room. Or yourself dry leaves and pieces of vines and make Iquiban, you can make it a wall picture.

Water.An ancient symbol of purity, fertility and source of life itself. This is a cleansing element, especially in religious traditions. Tip: Have a small fountain or aquarium with alive fish.

Nail.Protection symbol. Tip: Drive alongside the front door.

Pigeons.Symbol of romantic love. Tip: Any paintings, figurines, postcards depicting the pigeons to hold in the bedroom.

Pear.Symbol of love and motherhood. Tip: In the kitchen, constantly having pears in a fruit vase to maintain the strong energy of love and attracting motherhood energy into the house.

Dolphin.Symbol of salvation and love. As the emblem of the sacrifice of Christ, Dolphin was often depicted by a wounded trident or with a secret symbol of the cross - anchor. Tip: Have with you as a talisman.

Wood.Symbol of development and unity. Next to the house should always grow trees. Each person in his life must set a tree. Tip: If in the family discord, quarrels, have a picture of a tree or little tree in a pot.

Pearl.Symbol of light and femininity. It is believed that the jewel in the sink is a figurative unity of fire and water. Tip: every woman to have a decoration from pearls and periodically carry it.

Star.Symbolizes superiority, leadership, protection, vigilance, aspiration. Tip: Image Star Having next to the workplace.

Corn.Fertility, revival, divine gift of life, abundance, prosperity. Tip: Wheat spikelets put in a vase in the living room.

Iris.Clean symbol. Protects the house from evil spirits. Tip: Shed next to the house, the roads as an overlap. At home you can put an artificial iris.

Clover.The three-lines form clover symbolizes the Christian Trinity, spiritual growth. Tip: Dry and keep in the bedroom, in the pillow. The image can be absolutely in any room.

Key.Power, knowledge, also a symbol of liberation, consistently promotion from one stage of life to another (the expression "keys to the door"). Tip: Wear with yourself, you can in the wallet a small key as a symbol.

Bell, bell.Symbolizes the voice of truth. Release as a talisman who distinguishes evil spirits. Tip: to periodically call the bell and listen to his ringing.

Ring.Symbol of eternity, unity, wholeness. This is the emblem of completion, strength and protection. Tip: Periodically clean the ring in holy water and wet to wear on the finger.

Lavr.Peace, victory, protection, divinity. Laurry is also known as a Christian symbol of eternal life. Tip: A few leaves hold in a prominent place. You can make a composition with them.

Horse.Symbol vitality, speed and beauty. Tip: in the house have a statuette or picture with this graceful animals.

Broom.With antiquity, the broom endowed magical properties. It is considered a protective symbol, if it is in the corner of the tie up. Tip: Keep not far from the entrance to the house.

The fire.Symbolizes cleansing, transformation, revival, spiritual impulse. In the Christian art fire - the test of virtue and faith. Burning heart - emblem of some saints. Symbolizes the preservation of a homely hearth. Tip: Periodically lit for icons church candles And allow them to exorp to the end.

Eagle.The symbol of grandeur, victory, courage, spiritual lifting. Eagle is depicted not only on the bumps, but also in church departments - as the emblem of the Holy Apostle and the evangelist John the Bologovo, carrier word Christ Tip: Have a statuette in the office on the table.

Rose flower.Symbol of heart, romantic and sensual love. White rose - emblem chastity, purity and virginity. Red rose - passion and desire, sensual beauty. For Christians, a red rose and its spikes are a symbol of the passions of Christ. Tip: Have a picture where there is a rose in the plot. Sometimes there should be a bouquet in the living room with these flowers.

A fish.The symbol of fertility, known as the early Christian symbol of Christ. Fish is an ancient symbol of the confession of the Christian faith. A composed of the initial letters of the Greek words, Jesus Christ, the Son of God Savior, acrosth (translated from Greek - "Fish") was a secret password with Christians. In gospel plots, the symbols of fish and fishermen have a definite value. Fish sign is a symbol of the Eucharist, what reminds of the gospel plot about the saturation of the people in the desert with several breads and fish. Apostles are like fishermen. As a fisherman catches fish and the apostles are designed to catch the souls of mortals for the life of blissful. The early christian writer Terertullian is named convertible fish. Tip: Have an image of fish in any room.

Chest.Symbol of accumulation and wealth. Tip: Having in the house as a casket or as an image to attract energy.

Duck.Symbolizes the marriage union, happiness, dedication, homely hearth. Tip: Have both an image and a statuette. Where they will be, does not matter.

Flower.Symbol of communication with the forces of nature. Tip: Have flowering flowers in pots in every corner.

Clock.Restraint, calm. Tip: Follow so that they do not hurry and have not lagged behind.

Garlic.Emblem of protective force. There is a custom hanging garlic bundles in the house as a protective symbol coming from antiquity. Tip: Have a knitting garlic in the kitchen.

Anchor.Hope, salvation, strength, dedication. Anchor is a symbol of hope for salvation. Tip: Have an image with this item in the office.

Many people attach great importance to different talismans and oversets, put them in the house, committing various rituals. It is especially popular in the form of owls.

This is due to the fact that this bird has long been considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Many nations are idle and feared.

The proposed article discusses what importance is attached to this symbol, how to use it for its own purposes, folk signs associated with the owl.

In different countries, this mysterious bird attached great importance. It was not always estimated unequivocally. This is due to the fact that Owls were associated with mysticism and night.

In physiology, they lead a nightlife: hunting at night and well-focusing in dark conditions.

Watching this bird, our ancestors believed that she:

  • It accommodates all earthly knowledge and wisdom.
  • He is a conductor in the kingdom of shadows.
  • Demonic creation serving the king of darkness.

The table discusses how to this mysterious being treated in different cultures and peoples:

Nationality Which means and what is associated with
Indians Omnipresent, wise, sees the future
Antique Greeks Wisdom and knowledge personified the goddess Athena. Symbolized sleep and eternal night
Celty. Considered a servant of the underground kingdom, arriving behind the dead, witch
Chinese Compared with naughty children, poorly related to parents, the embodiment of evil, death, criminal activity, nightmare. Proximity to her predicted wealth
Jews Blindness, grief, longing, loneliness, bad news, the embodiment of the devil
Egyptians Night and gravestone, death
Roman Wisdom and knowledge; Symbol of God Darkness and Healing
Hindus The personification of the god dead
Japanese Bad sign, leaving life
Mexicans Eternal night and care for non-existence
Scythians Prudence, nobility, silence, wisdom
Aztec and Maya. Night demon, all-consuming evil, explorer shower in the kingdom of the dead
Slavs Unclean bird, harbing trouble, deaths, fires. Keeper of caches, treasures, cherished herbs

Now the image of this bird is more often depicted on books, medallions dedicated to extensive knowledge in the scientific or military sphere, at various occult subjects.

She personifies the enlightenment, military valor, wisdom.

Owl in christian culture

Ambiguously treated her in Christianity:

  • In the first Christians, she was associated with Christ Enlightenment and theology.
  • It was endowed with sensitivity, the ability to reflections and philosophizing, the ability to keep secrets, knowledge of medicine.
  • After the second century, our era was attributed to completely different values; She was considered a symbol.

  1. Satans, lubricating people in the network.
  2. Loneliness and fineness.
  3. Ignorance and disbelief.
  4. Prophecies, omniscience and foresight.
  5. Night, death and darkness.
  6. Witches bringing trouble.
  7. Sadness, despondency and misfortune.
  8. Witchcraft and sorcery.

A different attitude towards the bird is associated with her nightly life, a completely silent flight, the ability to turn the head around its axis.

By burning large yellow eyes, completely still and silent daily existence.

How is the symbolism of owls?

The mysterious owl bird covers a huge versatile spectrum of values, starting with positive, finishing with gloomy and sinister.

If in ancient times it was applied to her, now there are all-round figures and charms with its image.

It decorates residential premises and offices, laying medallions, make tattoos, etc.

Such a symbolism has acquired a special popularity in the Chinese philosophical flow of Feng Shui, according to which the placed figure is properly placed, will make it possible to achieve the following result.

Such as:

  • Attraction cash streams: Figurine is set near the storage places. You can purchase a monetary tree with a bird sitting on it.

    This symbol will not only attract funds into the family, but also will help them to rationally spend, strengthen the family idyll and well-being.

  • Ensuring stability and well-being in the family: The monetary toad is located next to the statue of owls.
  • Putting the skills of economical and rational cash spending: the figure is put in the children's bedroom.
  • Evil protection: in the room, the windows of which are looking to the northeast, put three such overag.
  • Improving the performance of schoolchildren and students - a figure or picture of the birds placed on a desk or in the room where the child teaches lessons. The little figurine talisman takes on the exam.

The color of owls is very important:

  • White polar - family keeper. Its statuette put in the living rooms, halls, family bedrooms.

    Talisman absorbs someone else's negative energy And converts it to positive. But if in the family quarrels and conflicts, Owl picks up the negative, then returning back.

  • White, with stretched wings - contributes to the advancement of the career ladder, eliminates production conflicts, etc.
  • Ordinary gray - assistant in solving financial and production problems.

    If you put in the office on the desktop, and with love to care for her - will increase the salary, relationships with colleagues will improve, etc.

Please note: near the figures can not be scanned, splashing out negative energy, behave incorrectly.

It absorbs the negative, and in time returns back. Fill it with positive energy.

Folk signs

There is no people who did not comply with the legend about the owl, attributing to her magic power. With this way, a huge amount will take and believes.

All over the world, Owl is a charm for women: the image of this bird can be found on female jewelry, caskets, etc.

Various peoples have existed different beliefs:

  • Slavs believed that the statuette of owls at home put witches, old Virgin, widow or women of easy behavior.
  • To hear the cry of owls - an omnory of the fast conception or birth of a long-awaited child. If this hear unmarried - get pregnant.
  • French women believe that if during pregnancy hear the cry of owls - a girl will be born.
  • Saxons believed that if Owl shouts near the house - the girl will lose innocence.
  • The Scots were afraid to see a flying bird in the world's light, considering it a bad omen.
  • The British thought that best tool Cockup treatment in children - broth from her meat.
  • Romanians believed: if someone looked into the nest of this bird, all his life will be peen, unimportant and silent.
  • Ukrainians believed - to hear or see the owl, to the wedding.

Today, the owls, wearing a woman who is wearable, indicates her sexuality, trick, energy. Therefore, if you do not know what to give a woman, present it to the charm in the form of this bird.

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