How does your church candle burn? Why is the candle burning.

Why is the candle burning?

Today, on Orthodox Christmas, churches are lit with candle fire - and on other memorable dates, people have long put candles in tribute to the ritual, or in order to create a romantic setting, or something else. The candle burns slowly, gradually and evenly (evenly enough to be used like a watch, which was often done before). But why does it burn like that? Burning a candle is an interesting physical and chemical process. Let's disassemble the candle piece by piece:

Take a candle wick - this is a cord woven (most often asymmetrically, and I will explain this later) from several threads, which is non-combustible or combustible (most often). If you set fire to a bare wick, it will burn out almost instantly.

We take a solid candle mass without a wick and try to set it on fire - to no avail: this requires more heat than a match can put. At the same time, the candle lights up from one match and burns out entirely, slowly melting. Why? What does it consist of?

Paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons from C18 to C35, which is obtained after crystallization of the product remaining after the separation of volatile fractions from oil, and is a fat-like solid white in pure form and light brown in unrefined, which melts at 45-60 ° C.

Stearin is a mixture of stearic acid triglyceride with saturated and unsaturated fatty acids: palmitic, oleic and others, which is a solid translucent mass with a melting point of 50–65 ° C.

Beeswax is produced by honeybees to build honeycombs - a light yellow solid that is a mixture esters and free fatty acids and having a melting point of 60–70 ° С.

Take a solid candle and light its wick. Let's wait for the fire to go down to the candle and make it melt, forming a puddle of the liquid phase. Let us knock over the candle and see that the liquid extinguishes the wick, which means that the composition of the candle mass itself does not burn. But the candle is melting! And something fuels the wick, getting into the combustion zone above the liquid - obviously from a candle.

The wick, which is two or three threads twisted into a cord, plays the role of a capillary: as a result of wetting this threadlike structure, the liquid rises up into the combustion zone, where it heats up enough to evaporate and burn. The same happens in alcohol burner, where alcohol rises along a thick cord from a set of tightly twisted threads and burns only in the combustion zone, preventing the entire burner from exploding - that is why, before igniting the burner, you need to soak the cord, otherwise it will ignite and sink into the container, which will lead to an explosion.

The flame has its own complex and beautiful structure: the part of its blue-violet color adjacent to the wick - heavy vapors of the candle mass burn here with the release of carbon, the colloidal suspension of which burns and rises higher, providing a yellow-orange fire. If the wick lifts combustible materials upward too effectively, or if there is not enough oxygen, too much carbon is generated that does not burn and forms black soot.

The flame is drawn into a drop as cold air heats up and rises up, clasping the tongue of the flame and allowing it to rise high, at the same time taking heat from the surface of the candle, preventing the liquid from pouring out of the formed cup - when the wind blows, the balance is disturbed, the liquid flows down the candle and forms rushes and build-ups on it. As the cold air rises and draws heat away from the fire, its upper part, which is yellow, has a temperature below orange.

The wick also burns in the flame, but it burns out slowly and unproductively, remaining the upper part in the low-temperature zone of the flame. In order to get rid of carbon deposits, there used to be candle tongs (removals) for trimming the wick - now the wick is twisted asymmetrically from threads of different lengths, as I mentioned earlier, as a result of which it bends, and its upper part is in the hottest zone of the flame and burns out.

We put out the candle - a train of white or pale yellow color will stretch from the wick. We bring a match to it - the train will flash, and the candle will light up again. This is because this white "smoke" consists of unburned paraffin vapor, which is highly flammable, which carries the heat back to the wick. And the candle burns and melts.

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IN recent times you have received many questions on the diagnosis of negative impact.

  1. How to diagnose by candles?
  2. What does it mean when candles crack?
  3. Candles go out - what to do?
  4. How can you diagnose damage?
  5. Why are candles smoked? etc. etc.

Well, let's try to understand everything in as much detail as possible. It just so happened that a person for him happy life the gods gave everything and more. Every average person has a head, willpower, desires and aspirations, but alas, not everyone has knowledge. Today, not everyone can boast of how, for example, you need to properly interact with the Primary Elements: Earth, Fire, Air, Water. People do not know how to read a prayer or a conspiracy correctly, all the more they have no idea how to make a conspiracy. Questions related to negative influence are even worse here. Some craftsmen, the only thing they are capable of is to induce clumsy damage, which can return to them at any moment. Craftswomen from the "Crazy Head" circle, having read some love spell or damage to death on the Internet, which is done in the cemetery, immediately run to the churchyard and sculpt a thread there, completely without worrying about the consequences.

Diagnostic issues are also White list in the head. someone somewhere heard something, but knows nothing for sure and cannot repeat it. The information posted on the network is diverse and often contradictory. And then there are those who don't believe in anything at all. As if the final result will depend on their faith. Like, I don’t believe in spoilage, so nothing bad will ever happen to me. Yes, of course, keep up the good work.

Our material is not for them, but for those who want to understand how the behavior of a candle can be used to determine the presence of a negative impact. So, we want you to clearly understand for yourself that by the flame of a candle (in this case, there is an interaction with the element of Fire), you can determine the presence of damage.

Diagnostics by candles

In fact, there are quite a few ways to determine the presence of a negative impact. The candle is just one of them. For diagnosis, it is best to use a wax taper, such as the one sold in churches. It is not at all necessary that it should be specifically ecclesiastical. You can buy regular wax candles in the market or bazaar for those who deal with honey.

True, in some situations, a large and thick candle may be needed for diagnosis, which usually burns for eight hours. Why and why? The thing is that the negative can also be diagnosed by the candle burning time. If the candle burned for six hours or even less instead of the eight required hours, this is clearly bad sign.

It is also worth remembering that in the absence of negative programs, a lighted candle burns quietly and evenly, its flame has yellow tint(it is also called lunar), there is neither cod nor soot, and the burning time always - we repeat - corresponds to the declared one.

When the negative takes place, all kinds of miracles begin. We will now consider them.

15 signs of spoilage

The first sign... The candle burning time is much shorter than it should be. (For example, instead of three hours, a candle burns out in an hour and a half or even an hour). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

The second symptom... While burning a candle, you feel strangers unpleasant odors... (In a word, you feel a stench, as if wool is burning or nails are burning, or some other organic matter). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign the third... The candle spreads unnaturally quickly and strangely. This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

The fourth sign... The candle melts quickly and unnaturally (For example, some strange influxes appear on it, especially you should pay attention to large influxes and those influxes that have changed their color - darkened). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

If suddenly you see that the largest influx has formed in the upper part of the candle, this may indicate that someone has tried or is trying to reprogram your destiny. If the influxes were formed exclusively on one side, this is a sure sign that someone is not very sickly sucking the energy out of you.

The fifth sign... During the burning, the candle fell. (Yes, oddly enough, but such an event is possible. It seems that you installed it properly, but it suddenly did not resist, while you see that the candlestick's leg looks as if someone was trying to set it on fire from below, it is melted ). This state of affairs always indicates that rituals were performed aimed at destroying the life and health of a person, it can also indicate the habitation of entities.

Sign six... Black carbon deposits have formed on the wick of the candle. (The candle in such a case becomes like a fungus). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign seventh... During burning, the wick went down (In this case, the candle can go out, which most often happens. If a person is next to the candle and watches it, then, of course, he can not let it go out, but at the same time, he can, as it were, brush off what the wick itself shows directly). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign eighth... The candles go out, and then not the first time it is possible to light them (For example, instead of three hours, a candle burns out in an hour and a half or even an hour). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

  1. damage to death,
  2. magic, black magic,
  3. settling in lower religious forms,
  4. energy channels are broken,
  5. there is active pressure on the will of a person,
  6. sharing of high-energy forms (demons),
  7. obsession.

Sign ninth... During the combustion, the wick was twisted or it was torn, or it split in two. (Note that nothing like this has ever happened before. In such a situation, a person is very much surprised by what happened, naively believing that perhaps this is just a defect in the candle. It also happens when the wick blows out and one end of it continues to burn, and the second one goes out - this is also all a bad sign). such signs always indicate that rituals were performed on you black magic.

Sign ten... The candle bursts. (By the way, it is this symptom that is most often found in people in practice). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign eleventh... While burning, the candle makes a sound. (No, she does not crack, she seems to be buzzing or whistling.). This sound cannot be overlooked, it is truly unnatural. If this is your case, then one hundred percent that a ritual of black magic was carried out to enslave your will, perhaps a strong love spell.

Sign twelve... The candle smokes or even separate pieces of soot fly from it. (This anomaly is also very common - we are talking about smoking. Many have seen similar phenomena, but not everyone knows what this may mean. Soot is not always formed, but sometimes it happens). Meanwhile, everything is simple, this may indicate the presence of the following negative:

  1. the strongest love spell,
  2. exposure by photography,
  3. pumping out energy through channels,
  4. the use of runes to induce damage,
  5. damage through the house and things,
  6. energy vampirism,
  7. a crown of celibacy,
  8. damage related to health.

Sign thirteenth... During combustion, the height of the flame and its luminous intensity change. (This anomaly also occurs quite often. Even being a person by nature inattentive, one can notice that such exercises had to be observed more than once. -that will go out). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign fourteenth... During burning, the candle breaks. (It is not common, but it still has a place to be. Sometimes the candle can really break, and sometimes it can crack. It's hard to believe in such things, but when you see them in real diagnostics, the hair on the body can stand on end. You always need to look carefully so that incomprehensible defects do not form on the candle itself. If they appear, this is a bad sign). Such phenomena may indicate the presence of the following negative:

  1. black magic,
  2. settling in lower religious forms,
  3. sharing of demonic entities,
  4. settling demons,
  5. cemetery love spell,
  6. love spell on monthly blood,
  7. damage to the programming of fate,
  8. damage to death

Sign fifteenth... During burning, the candle suddenly bends and does not stand, as if it were made of plasticine. (Such a "miracle", fortunately, is not so common, but sometimes it happens. perhaps the strongest love spell was made.It is worth thinking about where your thoughts are directed and about whom your heart suffers.More rarely, it may indicate the habitation of low entities.

That is actually such a painting "in oil" we have come out with you. If you, while conducting diagnostics, suddenly found more than three signs described by us, it's time to do something that will allow you to get rid of the negativity as quickly as possible. There are many ways, here, as they say, you have the cards in your hands. Try everything to remove the negative. And you can start, for example, with elementary Annealing, we talked about it quite recently.

3. If a line of influx runs through the candle just placed from top to bottom, this means: a curse has fallen on the person. If there are two lines, two curses. Large quantity, according to the academician, he has not met.

4. If the lines of influx run obliquely and intersect, this means that the person is in danger of death from a serious illness, and it may be he himself or the one who “made” him such a fate to blame.

5. If you drive a burning candle clockwise in front of a person's body from the head and it starts to smoke black smoke in some place, it means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by a disease and they must be treated until (with repeated diagnosis) the candle stops smoking ...

6. Keep in mind, the candle should always be held with one side to the patient. If influxes are formed on his part, he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If with the opposite, it means that he was "made" ill.

7. If a "tear" rolls down the candle to the left or right, this is a sign that there is an energetic struggle between the patient and someone else. If the “tear” is black, it means that the person is in a state of negative energy. If the traces on the candle are of the same color as itself, then the end of the swelling is close.

8. When candles are placed in a church, the picture remains about the same as at home, but in a temple the candles are sometimes bent. This means: the person is obsessed. evil spirit... The sags sometimes resemble the profiles of the devil or the person who cast the curse.

9. If the candle goes out, the case smells of death and you need to urgently take action: repent, ask forgiveness from those whom you have offended, and forgive those who have offended you.

10. You can place a stearin candle near your feet by heating the lower end and sticking it to a large saucer. If, starting to "cry", the candle forms at its base evenly around the circumference of the cakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm, adjacent to it, this is a serious indication of possible oncological diseases.

“The candle is an essential attribute of my work. A man comes, we sit down at the table, and the first thing I do is light a candle. If the fire is even, calm, it connects our words and thoughts, helps to understand the fate of a person. If during a conversation wax, like tears, slowly flows into the candlestick, this is the first sign that the human soul is crying, that it hurts. Sometimes the conversation doesn't go well. You look, and the candle bursts, smokes, almost all darkened. And it is immediately clear: in the one sitting next to him there is a lot of darkness and anger, insidious thoughts.

The candle feels this and therefore smokes. And if the newcomer lies, he starts to burn out from one side. No witchcraft is needed, the candle will tell you who is who. If you want, check it yourself: a person will come to you, put a candle between you and him, you will find out who has come to you. "

And here are some more simple secrets of the Moscow witch. If you are greatly offended, insulted in the best feelings and late at night, sleep does not come to you, go to the kitchen or into the room - where no one will bother you - and light a candle. Place her on the windowsill, sit next to her, and slowly whisper to her about what happened. Tears will appear, do not hesitate, cry. Let the resentment and pain come out in tears. The candle fire will tremble, flicker, listen to you and calm you down. And as the wax melts, your grievances part, they will not seem as significant as at first.

Another secret: if there was a scandal at home and a lot of rude, cruel words were said, wait patiently for the night when everyone falls asleep and silence reigns. Light a candle and walk around all the household with it in hand. Standing at the head of each bed, mentally say goodnight to them. Don't think bad.

Remember how many happy, joyful days you have lived together. Wish them to repeat themselves many, many times. The candle will burn in your hands, and words of kindness, tenderness and love will descend like smoke on the faces of the sleeping people. All the good that is in your heart will be imprinted on the faces of your loved ones through the fire of a candle.

And finally, the last secret. If you yourself have sinned, acted dirty, inflicted pain on someone, it is never too late to admit and obey. First - to yourself. Light a candle in front of the mirror. Looking at your reflection through her fire, tell it how it was. Don't lie, otherwise it won't work. Speak - fire will destroy vile deeds and deeds. When you purify yourself in the flame of a candle, you will feel that even the worst in yourself can always be corrected for the better. And the soul will become much lighter and brighter.


If you are a living, breathing person, you probably received at least one candle as a gift this holiday season, and therefore we are here to tell you how to take care of her and not burn your treasure without any joy.

If suddenly no one gave you a candle, buy it yourself: because there is nothing better for home comfort than a living candle flame!

1. Cut the wick to 3 mm each time.

Why? This will give your candle a brighter, more clean way burning. A long wick with carbon residues results in a dimmer light; this candle smokes rather than burns. This smoke can also stain your candle jar. A good rule of thumb is to trim the wick after every four hours of burning to a length of about 3mm. When it comes to trimming, always extinguish the flame, let the candle cool to room temperature, and then trim the wick with small scissors or nail clippers. By the way, for this even special tool there is.

2. To prevent pits from appearing in the candle, the first ignition is important.

For every 2.5 cm of diameter, one hour is needed, at least. If you have a candle with a diameter of 5 cm, light the candle for two hours for the first time, then extinguish it.

Fun fact: your candle has a memory.... The wax will melt as much as it did the first time you lit the candle. If you don't melt the whole upper layer wax in the first ignition, then the candle will try to make pits all its life. To prevent this, candles should burn for one hour for every inch in diameter... For example, if a candle is three inches across, it must be lit for three hours to melt the top layer evenly, and should not be extinguished before.

The first burn is the most important, but you should aim for an even burn each time to avoid tunneling.

3. Use aluminum foil to remedy the tunnel and pits in the candle.

You can get rid of this unsightly tunnel by folding a piece of aluminum foil in half, wrapping it around a candle, and then covering it over a flame like a tent (leave a hole for oxygen). Keep the foil on the candle for about 30 minutes: all that fused wax on the sides should be melted.

4. Buy yourself a candle with multiple wicks if you want to burn it with less hassle.

If you don't have three hours to devote to evenly burning a candle, what are you doing with your life anyway?

Okay, then just buy a multi-wick candle. It will melt the entire top layer of wax much faster.

Single filament plugs that are larger than three or four inches in diameter - rubbish... They will never produce enough heat to melt all the wax. Avoid them.

5. Do not place the candle in a draft.

Do not keep your candle near open windows, fans, ventilation holes computers: the wind disturbs the flame, this creates black smoke spots and contributes to the build-up of soot.

6. Do not use a candle in a jar when about 1.5 cm of wax remains at the bottom.

If you continue to burn the candle past this mark, the flame will be too close to the base of the can and could cause thermal damage to the surface of the candle and the can itself.

7. Freeze the jar, remove the remaining wax and reuse it.

And the jar can be reused too.

8. Do not burn a candle for more than four hours at a time.

Long burning times allow the candle to collect carbon on the wick, which can almost explode. The wick becomes unstable and produces dangerously large flames. Not to mention your candle will start smoke... So extinguish the candle to the four o'clock mark and let it cool for two hours before lighting it again.

One woman in Texas was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance with first- and second-degree burns after her candle burned with a nearly 20-cm flame; she tried to extinguish the flames, but it consumed her face in fire and hot wax. Terrible... Remember that the candle should not burn for more than 4 hours at a time!

9. Never extinguish a wax candle with water.

If your flame grows and gets too big, never use water to extinguish it. Water can cause hot wax to splatter, it can get on your skin and burn you. Instead, cover the candle with any lid, as the fire is fueled by oxygen, or sprinkle baking soda on the candle.

Stay safe and cozy next to your candle!


V. Tropinin. Girl with a candle.

For the manufacture of gel candles, in addition to gel and wicks, you will need different elements decor, and as candlesticks - wine glasses, glasses, glasses. You can put some small gift or jewelry on the bottom of the vessel.

This composition uses decorative stones from multi-colored glass, thuja twigs and rowan berries.

To make a layered composition, fill the gel in portions - in layers no more than 1 cm thick. Let each layer harden first, and then decorate with metallized sequins, multi-colored glass beads.

The gel does not have to melt. Chop it with a knife and place it in a glass on top of decorative stones made of different-colored glass. The gel will look like pieces of ice. The composition is effectively complemented by rowan berries.

When creating a floral ornament, flowers (more precisely, petal-shaped sepals) of hydrangea, leaves and antennae were used climbing vines girlish grapes.

This candle is adorned with bougainvillea flowers (bracts), thin feathery maidenhair leaves ("hair venus") and creeping stems of Veronica.

This candle required hydrangea flowers (sepals), jasmine flower petals, leaves indoor flower maidenhair ("hair Venus").

Candles that replaced the torch and torch successfully withstood the competition with oil and kerosene lamps. This is understandable: if for oil lamp a vessel was required special form, then the candle itself was a "vessel" in which the fuel melts, forming a puddle surrounded by solid walls. It was convenient to store the candles and take them with you on the road.

This is how he describes a candle encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: “The candle represents a cylinder of solid combustible material, along the axis of which there is a bundle of threads that serve to bring the melted material of the candle to the flame. Under the influence of heat, the substance of the candle melts and collects at the bottom of the depression near the lamp, from here, due to hairiness, it rises up the lamp and reaches the area of ​​the flame. "

A bundle of threads - a lamp, or wick - is an extremely important part of a candle. The purpose of the wick is to serve as a "conduit" through which the molten fuel rises, so it is made of a highly absorbent material. How the candle will burn depends on the structure and thickness of the wick. Too thin a wick gives a weak flame, too thick gives excess fuel, it does not have time to completely burn, and the candle begins to smoke.

At first, wax was used as the material for the candles. But wax candles were quite expensive and were used mainly in religious ceremonies. In the Middle Ages wide use got cheap tallow candles. They were often made at home by dipping a wick into melted bacon. To make the candle thicker, it was dipped in bacon several times.

Greasy candles gave off a dull flame and a foul smell. But it became possible to abandon them only when, thanks to the development of chemistry and chemical technologies, new combustible materials appeared - stearin and paraffin.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the French chemist Michel-Eugene Chevreul learned to break down fats into separate components - fatty acids. Among the fatty acids he secreted was stearic acid, which is solid at room temperature... In 1825, Chevreul, together with another famous chemist Joseph Gay-Lussac, filed a patent for the manufacture of candles from stearin, a fat-processing product containing stearic acid mixed with other components.

In 1830, the German chemist Baron Karl von Reichenbach, investigating the distillation products of various organic matter, isolated a wax-like substance from wood tar, which he called paraffin. It turned out that paraffin is a mixture of solid hydrocarbons. After the technology for the extraction of paraffin from oil and its purification was developed, it became the main material for the manufacture of candles.

Now, in the age of electricity, candles have not disappeared. But now they have a different function - not just to illuminate, but to create a festive mood. Decorative candles are now made not only from paraffin and wax. For the manufacture of transparent candles, a gel based on mineral oil and special polymer additives is used.

When decorating your home with candles, do not forget that open fire is dangerous! Never leave a burning candle unattended, extinguish it, even if you leave the room for a minute. Candles, including gel candles, are best placed not directly on the tablecloth, but on a tray or dish made of refractory material.

World of hobbies


L. MISHINA. Photo by V. Pirozhkov.

Decorated gel candles in beautiful glass vessels appeared on sale relatively recently. And for those who like to do everything with their own hands, there are even special sets for making candles at home.

Candle gel can be colorless and colored (blue, yellow, green, orange, raspberry). In order not to limit your imagination, buy different packages of gel (information on where to buy can be found on the Internet). Reinforced wicks, as a rule, are included in sets, and as candlesticks use elegant glasses, glasses, glasses and other vessels made of transparent thin glass. The decor inside the candle can be objects that do not burn or melt. For example, decorative stones made of colored glass, glass beads, beads from natural stones, metal, ceramic or glass figurines, sea shells, coral sprigs, quartz sand, metallized sequins. If you intend to use wooden or plastic decorations, it is recommended to install the wick, which has been pre-pressed from below with a piece of tin, above their level.

How to work with gel? Transfer it to a metal bowl and heat over low heat, stirring constantly with a spoon. Do not bring the temperature of the gel above 85 ° C (otherwise it will become cloudy and appear bad smell) and avoid getting water into the gel.

While the gel is heating up, place the decor items on the bottom of a clean container. If you like the composition, fill it with melted hot gel. Immediately pierce large bubbles that rise to the surface with a knitting needle. When the gel hardens slightly, stick the wick to the desired depth. The candle is ready.


Try on New Year surprise everyone with unusual decorative candles... To do this, buy the simplest candles in the store. And at home, glue dried flowers, petals, stems, leaves to them with PVA glue. Let the ornament dry slightly and immerse the decorated candle in paraffin, melted in a dish suitable size, or even better - in tin can... Remove the candle by holding the wick.

I talked about how to properly dry plants and create compositions from them on the pages of "Science and Life" No. 3, 2005 and No.).

Information Bureau


At first glance, the obvious answer - molten paraffin - is wrong. In fact, paraffin vapors are burning. When we strike a match to light a candle, the candle substance melts, rises up the wick, and partially evaporates. Vapors, mixing with atmospheric oxygen, flare up. A chemical reaction begins: paraffin (stearin, wax) molecules, consisting of carbon and hydrogen, are oxidized by oxygen. Reaction products - carbon dioxide and water vapor. And the energy of this chemical reaction, called combustion, is released in the form of light and heat.

How to make candles with different-colored flame, and about the distribution of temperature zones in the flame of a candle, see Science and Life No.

Figures and facts

The candle went down in the history of physics: in the 19th century, a candle made of spermacet (a wax-like substance located in a special cavity in the head of a sperm whale) weighing 1/6 pound, burning at a speed of 120 grains per hour (about 7.5 g / h), was used in as a light standard.

For the manufacture of candles, not only beeswax is suitable, but also plant wax. There are several types of palm trees whose leaves are covered with wax. In North America, the Pennsylvanian shrub grows, the fruits of which are covered with a wax coating.