The main ways to use the runes. Runic becoming "close the portal" with other worlds


When something goes wrong in our life, and it seems as if all the paths are closed, we fall into melancholy, worry that we cannot achieve what we want. This has happened to anyone. In such situations, ancient magic symbols - runes - can help. So, for example, becoming a rune on the opening of all roads can easily and quickly enough bring you out of the crisis, stagnation in business. Let's talk about it in more detail.

In what situations are stakes used to open all roads?

In fact, similar formulas can be used for completely different areas of life. Imagine that a person long time He cannot meet his other half in any way: the relationship does not work out, new acquaintances turn out to be unsuccessful, and the feeling of loneliness almost leads to suicide. He urgently needs to open the road to love, and this can be done with the help of runes.

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Let's take another example: a person discovered own business, invested a lot of money, but the income still does not go. A person is on the verge of despair: you cannot give up business, but for some reason it is not possible to develop it either. In such a case, runic becoming on the opening of all roads will also come in handy.

There are other cases: I quit my job and cannot find a new one; wanted to buy a house, the search has been going on for several months, and suitable options everyone does not come across or at the last moment they leave right from under the nose; a person works, works hard, and money is constantly floating away in an unknown direction. Any such situation, when we feel some kind of stagnation, crisis, lack of movement, can be suitable for applying the magic formula to open the path.

How do road opening staves work?

Despite the fact that there are many options for such stavov, they operate on a similar principle. First, those obstacles that are on the person's life path that interfere with the fulfillment of the plan are destroyed, and then the start of movement towards the goal is activated by the power of the runes. In a word, we can say that the runes seem to "shift" the situation from a dead center, and a person begins to move in exactly the direction that he needs.

So, for a situation of loneliness and love failures around a person, after the application of the stav, circumstances favorable for meeting with their other half begin to take shape, for business - a flow of clients is attracted, for job search - the right people, connections, events that help a person find the right way... If the client is worried about material problems, the blockage is removed from the money channel so that the financial flow can “flow” to him. Rune staves, in order to urgently get out of the off-road, should always be in your "piggy bank", because you never know in advance when they can come in handy.

The reservation and activation of such formulas usually occurs according to the standard, unless otherwise stipulated by the rules for working with a particular stav.

Runic becoming "Opening of all roads"

This formula She has proven herself well in career matters and situations when a person, for some reason, fails to realize himself in what he loves. Whether it's the intrigues of competitors, envy and intrigues on the part of colleagues, or some other reasons that prevent a person from "opening up", the formula will help him make a confident leap forward. The following runes work as part of it:

  • Evaz is a symbol of development, continuous movement forward
  • Two Turisaz - destroy any existing obstacles, destroy the circumstances slowing down the development
  • Two Raidos - speed up movement in different directions
  • Two Tyr runes - give a person the strength to make a leap, one might say, push him towards the goal

Becoming "Way out of the impasse"

Among the many rune staves, in order to urgently open the road, this one is distinguished by its simplicity, but at the same time by its powerful, quick impact. It should be used when you feel that you are in an impasse and do not see a way out of it. It is not so important in which particular area such a "dead end" was formed - the formula will allow you to easily and quickly see the exit, as well as understand how to move towards it. The stav contains only three runes and one hidden one:

  • Kenaz lights the exit, lights it up for you, makes you notice
  • Raido symbolizes the movement to break the impasse
  • Dagaz pushes a person in the right direction, gives him strength, makes him go wherever is required
  • The hidden Uruz itself symbolizes the correct and quick way out of a problem situation.

Runic formula "Open roads"

This simple runic becoming to open all roads works especially well if the person's paths were magically blocked. In this case, the return flow will "arrive" to the one who did this, and the "victim" himself will be protected at the same time. This formula consists of the following runes:

  • A bunch of two Uruz and Teyvaz will destroy all obstacles blocking the way for a person
  • Two Turisaz will destroy any obstacle as soon as it appears
  • Nautiz in combination with other symbols symbolizes a positive outcome of the situation.
  • gives help Higher Forces
  • means cyclical: i.e. as soon as they again try to close the road to a person, the rune again activates the action of the stave, and he will again begin to work in full force

Galdrastav "Warm fire"

Among the rune staves, in order to urgently get out of the off-road, this one can be called special. He not only opens closed paths for a person, but also heals him. With the help of the runes included in the magic ligature, the inner and outer world of a person is cleared, all the negative consequences of the dead-end situation in which he found himself are eliminated. Runes working in the formula:

  • The Northumbrian Kweort rune is the main one. She "cleans" a person's life
  • Turisaz is here as a "magic janitor" who clears the roads on which a person will have to go
  • A pair of Raido-Inguz symbolizes those paths that are blocked, and which need to be opened with the help of a stave
  • - a bright sign of what we get after the formula takes effect
  • will warm the soul of a person with his fire, heal him from a series of failures, misfortunes, allow him to finally breathe calmly
  • will attract good luck to him, as well as put in order all the chaos that was created in a person's life during the dead end period
  • heals the soul
  • The Yera-Inguz pair symbolizes the end of the crisis
  • Hyera is responsible for the cyclical nature, makes the work of becoming constant

Runic becoming "Opening the roads to prosperity"

This runic becoming on the opening of all roads should be used by those who are in a difficult financial situation. The formula opens blocked money channels, opens an inflow of finances, and also protects a person and gives him prosperity and joy. It is best to activate by becoming the power of fire. Active runes:

  • Mannaz in the very center personifies the very person who is in a difficult situation
  • The odd rays depict: Turisaz, destroying barriers, Evaz, responsible for the rapid achievement of a result, Raido, symbolizing open paths, roads, and Fehu - material wealth, well-being, to which a person will come along these roads
  • On even rays, we see a trio of: Algiz, protecting a person, Vunyo, giving him a feeling of joy and happiness, as well as Soulou, strengthening the action of the

You can use any rune to open all the roads that you like best. The main thing is to sincerely believe in its strength, then everything will definitely turn out the way you want it.

Do you want to learn how to safely use Runes to achieve your goals?

The energy of the Runes can be used to accelerate the realization of the desired in all areas of life: Health, Relationships, Career and Finance... But in order for the interaction with runic energy to pass safely and you get the intended result, you first need to master the necessary basic knowledge of correct work with Runes and understand the principle of operation of runic energy.

You can get this knowledge at free mini-course "Secrets Hidden in the Runes".

Details Category: Cleaning and protection from Insolate

Runic becoming "Close the portal".

Runic becoming "Close portal" was created to address the relevant situation as a matter of urgency.

Once I was dofeyed with colleagues before the opening of the portal. There was little romantic drive, and not at all as interesting as they show in pretty horror films. The ceremonies stopped working, and the forces began to go away. I will omit the rest of the details. not the essence, in other cases there may be other manifestations.

To close the portal as expected, to the cemetery, in my conditions was not possible, because the cemetery is an emergency with a bunch of constantly scurrying workers. After talking with her Patrons, I decided to close the portal at home.

I did a rite of passage with an appeal, then in my own words I said what I had done and that I ask the Gods to close the portal. Becoming she drew on paper, on becoming - a candle in a transparent candlestick. When the candle was almost burned out, she burned it.

Runic becoming "Close portal" ruunno:

  • Evaz is a personification of entities from other levels of being, astral forces out of control. At the same time, Evaz is the rune of a change in events, moreover, it is fast and in a positive direction.
  • Eyvaz is a connection between the worlds, ours and the other world. Transformation. The linked rune, consisting of Evaz and Eyvaz, is used to "hunt for souls", therefore the combination of these runes helps us to appeal to Odin in his incarnation as the leader of the Wild Hunt and helps to expel the escaped chthonic forces from our world to their habitat.
  • Tours - symbolizes God Thor - the ability to curb chthonic forces and keep them under control. Turisaz denotes active energy, aimed at curbing the out-of-control entities, and passive energy, directing forces inward and holding them there.
  • Dagaz v.p. - serves to designate the space "between the worlds", symbolizes the closing of the portal (end of the last cycle) and the beginning of a new cycle. This rune is also a catalyst that causes change. Dagaz - associated with a lemniscate, which seals something from unnecessary visits (in this case, we close the transition between worlds).

On different languages the word "rune" means a secret, a secret, information that was communicated in a whisper. Scientists are still arguing whether the ancient Slavs used runic writing, but in magic, runes are still widely used. The power of the runes can be revealed by applying their image to a certain object, a wall in the house, to a personal thing or a wardrobe item. Words written in runes are capable of spell power.

Each rune contains power. Only those who make runes part of their daily practice are able to open it, pass them through their own hearts. Then the runes will become not just a predictive tool, but will save you from misfortune, speed up the healing process in case of illness and fill your words with special power. What you have in mind will manifest itself in reality. But it is your responsibility to use this power. In the hands of the master - ancient signs - good.

Where did the runes come from?

One of the versions of the origin of the runes is described by an ancient text, the so-called "Royal Code". It was discovered in Iceland back in 1643. The history of the origin of the runes is closely related to the god Odin. His name sounds like Od - an omnipresent spirit. In some legends, one appears as a gray-haired old man, who is invariably accompanied by a wolf and two black crows. In the hands of the wise old man is a staff covered with runic letters.

In another legend it comes about how Odin got the secret knowledge about the runes. One was chained to a huge ash trunk, the world tree Yggdrasil, and hung there upside down for nine days. During the test, he lost one eye, but the knowledge of the runes became fully available to him.

Exists whole line scientific theories of the origin of runes, sometimes quite contradictory. Another mystery was thrown up by a runestone located in the Crimea, whose age, according to various estimates, is believed to be from the 6th century AD. So far, this is the only monument outside Scandinavia.

Uruz. Uruz. Rune vital energy, helps to quickly recuperate, gives vigor, fills with strength, inspires and encourages new achievements. The rune symbolizes the initial creative energy.

Thurisaz. Turisaz. The rune of physical power, promotes transformation, destroys negative, transforms into positive. The rune is dedicated to the god Thor.

Ansuz. Ansuz. This rune connects the earthly world and the heavenly one, the manifested and the unmanifest. The rune focuses on spiritual progress. The rune is able to prevent deception, helps in learning.

Raidho. Raido. Rune of travel, it is associated with the flying chariot of Thor. The rune will give protection and success while traveling, and will help you clearly see your goals and follow them.

Kenaz. Kenaz. The rune of the manifestation of ideas of the subtle world symbolizes the birth of ideas and new life. The rune will provide protection from negative influences from the outside, and can enhance personal charm.

Gebo. Gebo. Rune of mutual exchange. Helps to cleanse from, cuts off all magical attachments, clears the mind, frees the will. The rune helps in achieving the goal by transformation, old energies give way to new ones.

Wunjo. Vunyo. A rune of well-deserved success. You are reaping the fruits of your hard work. If there was enough effort on your part, then the result will exceed all your expectations.

Hagalaz. Hagalaz. The rune of light that cuts through the darkness will give stability in all spheres of life, help to overcome all difficulties with dignity.

Nauthiz. Nautiz. The rune turns disadvantages into advantages, helps to find and use opportunities even where, it seems, they do not exist at all. Provides powerful protection against any kind of danger.

Isa. Isa. The rune is associated with ice for its ability to reduce movement, for its desire for peace. But the shackles of ice are temporary and always depends on your choice - to use the delay in action to build up strength and make a new leap forward or to retreat back.

Jera. Hyera. The rune teaches patience, helps to develop resilience in oneself and promises that a well-deserved reward awaits you at the end of the chosen path. Ripe fruits will be most beneficial.

Eihwaz. Eyvaz... The rune is one of the most effective for protection against magical influence... Her power will surround you a safe wall and any attempts to harm you will be useless. This rune is also associated with the Ygdrasil tree, where God Odin learned the foundations of the creation of the world.

Perthro. Perthro. This rune is of the feminine principle, the wife of the god Odin, the goddess Frigg. The rune of reliability, stamina, well-being. The goals will be achieved, the truth is on your side.

Algiz. Algiz. Another powerful rune of protection. Always and everywhere, under any circumstances, the rune will fill you with sufficient strength to cope with any difficulty and protect you from negative influences both in the manifested and not manifested world. Rune of protection.

Sowilo. Sovilo. The rune represents the energy of the Sun, illuminating, filling, but not scorching or scorching. The rune will give success in business, ensure family well-being, and help in making wise decisions.

Tiwaz. Teyvaz. The warriors applied this rune to their weapons. The rune is a symbol of purposefulness, it helps to achieve goals and not turn away from the chosen path. Her strength is able to overcome any obstacles on the way.

Berkano. Berkano. The rune of spiritual and material growth. Also symbolizes feminine and is associated with the goddess Frigga. Harmonizes personal life, especially intimate part relationships. Able to protect the family from negative outsiders.

Ehwaz. Evaz. This rune symbol magical power, worthy is able to reveal secret knowledge. Rune is associated with Sleipnir, the horse of the god Odin, on which he traveled to other dimensions.

Mannaz. Mannaz. Rune of magical initiation, inner work.

Laguz. Laguz. The rune of water uses the energy of this element. May assist in water rituals.

Indwaz. Ingvaz. The rune is associated with the god of fertility Freyrem, or as he is also called Yngwie. Symbolizes masculine strength... This rune is also used in healing rituals.

Othala. Otala. Rune of family, clan and heritage. The rune will help preserve the family hearth, strengthen relations between family members, and help the family continue.

Dagaz. Dagaz. The rune of success, prosperity in all areas, good health, will and courage. The power of this rune is used to protect against black magic.

Fehu. Fehu. The rune of wealth, multiplication, action. The rune of accumulation of wisdom and experience, strength, capable of giving rise to new stages of development.

How to unlock the power of the runes

Runes can serve as a fairly effective divination tool. Today they can be purchased in already finished form... The most common variant is runes carved on wooden "stones". However, craftsmen use runes made by themselves. If you buy runes, do it during the waxing moon in the morning. For the runes, you will need a linen bag, where they will be stored permanently. The fabric is of your choice, but preferably made from natural fibers.

As in any other fortune-telling, it is better to use runes after a simple ritual that will symbolize the disclosure of their power. Light up at dawn. Prepare two small containers. Fill one with running water, the other with earth (you need an incomplete handful). You will need a sprig of a fruit tree and a coin. Place the five elements in a circle in the following sequence: a tree branch, a burning candle, a container with earth, a coin, and then a container with water.

Take out the runes and alternately carry each of them in a circle, starting with a twig with the words (linger for a few seconds over each element): “Wood gives rise to fire, fire gives birth to earth, earth gives birth to metal, metal gives birth to water, water gives birth to wood. The circle is closed, the rune (its name) reveal your power. " So it needs to be repeated for each rune. After that, put the runes in a bag. Leave the candle to burn completely. After that, remove all other attributes. Pour water well under fruit tree, leave a twig in the same place and scatter the earth, and bury a coin in the same place.

The peculiarity of fortune telling on the runes is to keep the mind clear and the heart free from emotions. Before you start fortune-telling, sit for a couple of minutes in silence to calm your mind, then wash your face and hands. Light an ordinary candle, for example, a thin wax candle, which will have time to burn out by the end of the fortune-telling session. Cover the table with a light-colored tablecloth or a special piece of cloth intended only for fortune telling.

Take the runes out of the bag, rub your palms well, and as soon as you feel the influx of heat, you can start guessing. Ask a question, mix the runes with each other and get one without looking. At first, this will be enough for one question.

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An important principle of working with runes

In the previous section, we give a very short description runes. But if you intend to get down to work with runes seriously, you will also need a diary, where you will write down not only the results, but already your own developments, special meanings of the runes, having previously studied the meaning of each.

Meditation before starting work with runes

From the beginning of the practice, the duration of the meditation sessions should not exceed five minutes. Spread the runes in front of you, light an ordinary candle through it, look at each of the twenty-four runes. Try to remember the image of each rune and mentally pronounce their keywords.

For example, Berkano is the protection of the family, Dagaz is success and good health, Fehu - the accumulation of wealth. Such sessions will help you quickly get used to the meanings of the runes and establish a real energetic connection with them.

Not everyone is familiar with runic magic, so I decided to write this introduction, in which I will try to convey the main ways of using the runes in a concise and accessible form.

The runes themselves are not just pieces of wood with badges, or amulets. There is also an Archetype behind their physical form. And this is very, very important in rune magic. I'll explain why.

All Runic Magic (not an epic, but a runic system) is built on the fact that with the help of runic signs, you can connect, establish an energy connection with the desired energy flow, or energy center... These streams and centers can be divided into levels. Universal, Galactic, Planetary, Terrestrial, and the simplest is the level of the human body. With the help of runes, you can tune in to the desired center or flow, activate it in yourself, or attract the flow of energy from the surrounding space through the used rune.

This, perhaps, is the meaning of runic magic, to be able to activate the Archetype of the rune with your willpower, the power of thought, open an energy flow in it and direct this energy to the action you need. Everything else is already additions, subtleties.

So, the runes are distinguished into animated and inanimate. Animated runes are those that have already been activated, and their physical carrier (a rune on a piece of wood, a pebble, a piece of clay, on an amulet) is already saturated with the energy of this rune. Inanimate runes are runes that were bought in a store, or made by someone, but have not yet been activated. If you have extrasensory perception, then you will be able to distinguish one from the other. If you do not have extrasensory perception, then you need to do it purposefully. If you want to fully learn how to use the runes, then this cannot be achieved without energy sensitivity.

Each rune represents a certain type of energy, a certain quality and state. When the rune affects a person's Consciousness, certain images may emerge - for example, the Raido rune - the Rune of the Path, Movement. Working with it, you can see the images in the form of a road, the transmitted qualities of this rune - aspiration, activation, desire to act. Or, for example, the Isa rune, can in your consciousness take the image of ice, or a stopped, frozen moment. At the same time, the qualities that can be transferred are cold, hardness, calmness. Etc. Each of the runes has its own images, its own qualities. And they can be used.

Can also be used by at different levels... The simplest is information. You can talk with runes, you can consult with them. They can provide a hint. Guessing on the runes, you come into contact with information field planets and decipher with the help of runes, each of which has an image. There are runes that give positive signs, there are runes that give information that there may be obstacles or difficulties of a certain kind in your life. You can also determine the reasons for these difficulties, the reasons for the current problem. Thus, you can extract information about yourself, others, events, etc. This is the simplest level.

The use of the energy power of the runes is considered more complex and energy-intensive. That is, the activation of certain energy flows to influence people and objects. You can also influence events. Speed ​​up, slow down. Change. Stop. Runes can be used both in healing, in healing, restoring energy damage, and to protect against negative influences. Objects, amulets, can be charged big amount energy that can be used by you in difficult times.

The next level is combat magic. Here, a stronger will, a more developed consciousness and mastery of mental strength are already required in order to use and direct more powerful energy flows. The energy of the runes can be concentrated, it can penetrate, it can block, it can destroy and restore, it can connect and disconnect, it can awaken and lead to a state of oblivion. All success depends on the level of development of the person who uses the energy of the runes. Someone can work with energy of sufficient strength to influence on the astral level, someone can work on the mental level. Someone owns only a few runes, which he is able to reveal and enhance. And someone owns all the runes.

The most important thing here is awareness, understanding of what changes we make with our actions in the surrounding space. We can act for good, and we can act destructively. Our impact does not disappear without a trace, we are always responsible for it. And if what we have done brings harm, more powerful forces are activated, the task of which is to balance the energy state of space. To enter into a conflict with such forces means to suffer losses. Violation of karmic laws can turn into health problems, problems in personal life or at work, problems can come out in the form of some random events.

The most difficult level is metaphysical work with runes. This is already work at the impact level on the consciousness of people, society, egregors. There are people who either themselves or by teaming up with someone to strengthen their energy impact can influence major public events. Metaphysical work also includes energy transformation that can be done in your body. By activating a combination of runes according to a certain scheme, a person can make very unusual changes, change the parameters of his energy system, psyche, and the energy intensity of his soul, consciousness, body. I would not go into details, let's call it transformation, when changes can affect not only energy level but also biological. With the help of certain combinations of runes, you can also influence time and space. The result of the impact, of course, depends on the power of the energy investment.

As you can see, there are actually many uses for runes. For those who want to truly master the runes, it will take years of study and practice. The only advice I can give you is to remember THREE RULES:
Study the runes, the longer the better, and do not stop at two, three books. Read different authors who lived at different times, study the Scandinavian, Germanic, Aryan runes. Don't be limited to one concept. SYNTHESIS KNOWLEDGE. The better you know the runes, the easier it is for you to work with them, the more less mistakes you commit to using them.
Remember your responsibility. Only Pure Consciousness can keep runes under control. Do not let passion, emotions, ego push you to use the runes, do not let them control your behavior, otherwise you can become a slave to your desires. Runes can affect astral body, desires and passions can intensify, and only Pure Consciousness will stand. Responsibility is Mindfulness's best friend. Remember the Laws of the Universe. Remember Karma. Any violation and abuse of energy can lead to punishment.
Make sure that your Consciousness does not fall out of reality. Energy work with runes, and just fortune-telling, leads away from reality. Do not lose the thread of reality, do not give up life in society, from communicating with people, from life's difficulties. Otherwise, having lost the threads of reality, you will be lost yourself. It will be difficult to find the way back, not everyone finds it.

I tried to convey in a concise form what I consider to be of paramount importance when working with runes. In the future, I will add more detailed articles to this section on various aspects of working with runes. If someone has any questions about what was written, ask, I will answer with what I know, and I will help with what I can.

Astrostar employs professional consultants with unique and varied techniques. Our VIP-consultant Kira Litvinova is a practicing parapsychologist, psychic and best specialist by runes. With the help of layouts on the Runes, she helps people understand the events that are taking place: what they will be embodied, if nothing is done, and how life will change if you follow the advice of the Runes. The runes in her hands not only speak of what was, is and will be, they also work quite powerfully as talismans and amulets.

- What are runes? Where did the rune ink come from?

The word RUNA itself means “secret”, going back to the oldest Indo-Germanic root meaning “to hide, to hide”. Runes are magic and alphabetic characters used by the peoples of Europe from the Black Sea coast to distant Greenland. Runes were carved on stones or carved on wood, they were used to decorate weapons, dishes, various objects, they were written above the entrance to the house and on the prows of ships.

- Since when have runes become a magical tool?

The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century BC, but many signs have more ancient origins... Every moment of our life, we meet Runes, which can carry valuable information, but we do not attach importance to this. What is amazing is that the person himself at the cellular level consists of Runes, so is it any wonder that the signs are equally effective for people of any faith and nationality! Runes are such a Power that can truly unite and rally people without infringing on their rights.

On this wave, it is nice to notice the more and more growing interest in Runes - mysterious signs found in almost all parts of the world, which speaks of the former commonality of all people. Only now people really begin to realize what a precious gift was left to us by our ancestors who lived with the Runes, but which was rejected by many for no reason. It is believed that Runes are divine signs bestowed on humanity for the transformation of consciousness, healing, for a more harmonious interaction with the outside world.

- How many runic interpretations are there? Why are there different interpretations?

The main sources of interpretation were and remain the Runic Poems, Edda and personal experience... Since understanding and experience may differ, so too are interpretations. However, this may turn out to be "a bad retelling of a bad translation." If runologists write about something in books, then these interpretations are purely personal, as a result of personal developments.

The Elder Futhark contains 24 Runes, the Younger (Danish) - 16, and the Anglo-Saxon Futhark contains 33 Runes. There is also Armanen, or Armanic Futhark, which was created at the beginning of the 20th century by Guido von List and Ralph Bloom's system, into which he introduced the empty Rune and changed the order of the formation.

- 25th, or what is the "empty" Rune and where did it come from?

The 25th Rune was invented by R. Bloom, the ancients never had it. In my practice, I work only with Scandinavian runes, not tying other esoteric practices and techniques to them, as other specialists do, but this is purely my personal vision of my work with Runes.

- What questions can you ask the Runes, and which ones are better not to ask?

You can ask any questions to the Runes, and they will definitely answer your question. Divination by Runes or (throwing runes) is a very ancient method of solving our problems. Runes, like the kind and wise friend, will support in difficult moment will help you look inside yourself. The runes do not say what should happen - they indicate the direction in which it is worth acting, and at the same time possible consequences... Throwing and watching Runes is a way to get a unique opportunity to influence the course of events with your decisions and actions. Runes do not like vague and abstract questions, also a question regarding color, hair and eyes, and Runes cannot be asked numerical questions: how much, at what time?

- How are runic fortune-telling?

- Runic divination is a whole ritual: a board is spread on the table, a candle is lit as a token of gratitude to the Gods. Incense is smoked, salt (element of the earth) is put in a bowl, and water is in a glass. Personally, as a sign of respect and reverence for the Gods, I also put honey and apples. The runes in the bag are placed in the center of the board. After everything is prepared, Vis is read - an appeal to the Gods of the Northern Pantheon.

Everything is ready, the energy portal is open, now you can ask questions to the Runes. The favor of the runes also depends on the mood of both the predictor and the questioner. It is advisable to tune in, disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle - we entered the world of ancient magic of the North.

- What runic divinations are most popular with your clients? And what is their essence?

I think that it is not a secret for many that fortune-telling for love is the most popular, and in my practice, the undisputed leader of questions is the layouts for relationships with a loved one. More than twice the love theme is ahead of other divination themes. In second place in terms of the frequency of asking questions is the topic of finance, work and career, study, travel. The essence of fortune-telling is to reveal to the questioners the true essence of the situation and set the vector of the right direction in any area of ​​life. Which is what the Runes do. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that the Runes are a secret, told in a whisper. Runes always give an accurate and correct answer, it's another matter whether we like this answer or not.

- What situations can be corrected using runes?

Since ancient times, runes were used mainly for magical purposes; runes were rarely used in mantics. Reading Scandinavian mythology, there you can find information that runes were used very often in healing, as well as to protect housing, livestock. They treated magical love spells and damages very strictly, the one who was convicted of witchcraft, they simply got rid of those with the help of the same Runes. Runes were used only by shamans who were initiated and literate in the art of runic art. In our time, the passion for Runes has become very active, mainly among young people. Be careful - contact the specialists better if you suddenly want to purchase or make yourself a rune amulet, talisman, or get a tattoo, which I am very careful about! After all, runes are a magical tool, and any magical work must be done by a professional!

- What topic do you specialize in?

There are various runic systems. Personally, I work according to the Scandinavian system. This is the so-called Futhark - a system of twenty-four runes - named after the first letters of the first six runes (Fehu, Uruz, Ters, Ansus, Raido and Kano).

- Where did you learn to work with runes?

Before starting to work with runes, information came to me in the form of pictures or iconic clues: in the sky, in dreams, through objects. Runes are, after all, semantic graphic structural signs. They just burst into my life! First, I read Ralph Bloom's book on my own, then, through meditation and analysis, I studied each Rune, there were a lot of questions, including those related to my physical condition. There was no such person who would have suggested to me, and appeals to specialists in the field of esotericism gave practically nothing, I did not find answers to the questions that stood in front of me. Until I got hold of the book by Sergei Batyushkov "Runic amulet practice" after reading it, I was eager to meet with the author and such a meeting took place. Sergey is a very competent and positive person, he explained everything to me briefly and clearly almost on his fingers, and after communicating with him many things became clearer and easier. He gave the go-ahead for my practice in the field of runology, and then - by trial and error, having experienced everything first on myself, finding out what works and what does not, I myself became a good specialist... Until now, I am discovering more and more new possibilities of these magical signs!

- Is it possible to teach any person to work with runes or does this require a special gift?

Not everyone can be taught to work with runes, runes, like any other magical instrument, should literally burst into your life, and for the sake of idle curiosity you shouldn't deal with them, especially for profit. Runes don't like that. We can say - this is one of the harsh magical tools that the Gods of the North gave us. The main thing is desire, faith in yourself and your strength, and, of course, work!

- With what problems do people usually come to you?

Runes, as a magical tool, are good because they help solve life and everyday problems. Since ancient times, the Vikings have used runes to attract love, material wealth and, of course, for health, protection from magical influences from outside. Therefore, those people who come to me for consultation come with such questions as: love, relationships between partners, the birth of children, well-being in the house, success in legal matters, where to go to study, when it is possible to buy or sell a property or a car at a better price, what direction to build your career. They are also interested in what events can happen during the year and many other questions. Runes will answer all questions, the main thing is the exact formulation of the question!

How is a personal meeting with you going? What does it consist of? How should a person prepare for runic fortune-telling?

I cannot say that there is a certain algorithm in the runic session, first of all I look at the person, at what attitude he came with. If he has never heard of the Runes, I briefly explain to him what it is. A session can begin with the simplest, at first glance, alignment, when a question is asked and one Rune is pulled out of the bag - this alignment is called the "Lot" or "Odin's Rune". After such a "warm-up" I already do the type of layout that can most fully and accurately answer the question that interests the client. It can be a three-row, four, five, seven-row, the largest one I use is a nine-row one - this is the Karmic alignment, it is done when the situation is completely confused, or the questioner cannot accurately formulate the question. In my sessions, I try to convey information to the client in a more accessible way so that the reasons for the event become clear to him and, most importantly, how and what needs to be done so that life changes in a positive direction. I also give the sign of the Runes or make up runic formulas that can be used as protection, purification, attracting good luck, money, love, as well as Runes for healing.

- How long have you been cooperating with Coliseo (structureAstrostar)? And how can you characterize it, present it to our potential clients?

I have been working with Coliseo for over a year. To begin with, I was accepted into this company after successfully passing the professionalism test. In the Coliseo, as I have made sure, competent and result-oriented specialists work, each does his own thing on high level... This is important for me, since my principle and approach to working with clients is not quantity, but quality. Coliseo is an honest company, I have a wealth of professional experience and I have something to compare with. A policy of retention of a client by any means in order to earn more is not welcome here. Each consultant is committed to getting results. People who turn to the Coliseo are worried about questions to which they cannot find an answer on their own, and our task is to help understand, remove barriers and obstacles that prevent a person from living a full and happy life... The energy of positive and harmonious development reigns in the company, there are no techniques to intimidate customers. The Coliseo employs only those specialists who are constantly in a creative search, ascend, regularly improve their skills and abilities! Experts are happy to share their knowledge, fill them with positive energy and charge people who turn to them with optimistic energy!