Presentation, report Basic principles of health formation. Integrative Approach to Health Management.G.L

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Sources of Valeology Synology (S.M. Pavlenko, S.F. Oleinik, 60s. XX century) - The doctrine of countering the body of the disease, which is based on "Santogenesis" - a dynamic complex of protective and adaptive mechanisms (physiological or pathological character) arising from the effects of an emergency stimulus and developing throughout the painful process - from the state of presets to recovery. Extreme state physiology (R.M. Baevsky, G.L. Apanesenko et al., 70s.) - The concept of "Donosological Diagnostics" Normology (A.A. Korolkov, V.I. Petlenko, 70 - 80 E GG.) - "normal" people do not exist at all, as each person in one or another represents "deviation from the norm", that is, each of us "in a certain sense is abnormal." In real reality there is no norm, it is a fiction created by the mind for practical convenience by agreement between physicians. The norm is the zone of optimal functioning of the system. Under the optimal functioning means the operation of the system with the highest possible coherence, reliability, efficiency, efficiency. The optimal mode of operation of the body and is its normal mode. The definition of the norm as a functional optimum allows you to outline new ways of searches in medical theory and practice, reveal the connection of norms and health. Valeology (1. Brechman Israel Izkovich (Vladivostok), Pharmacoog, studied the role of adaptogenov and formed a scientific direction - Farmakosania, 1987 "Introduction to Valeology - Science and Health". Valeo - Health. 2. Aganasenko Gennady Leonidovich ( Kiev), sports medicine, 1985). The first allowance for medical valelaology appeared in the Altai GMI in 1989 at the Department of Normal Physiology (V.P. Kulikov). The educational subject "Valeology" appeared in the Pedic Institutes. Valeology limits its circle of interest to individual health problem. "Health Promotion" and "Health Education" - analogs of valeology abroad.

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Valeology as science has historically developed in such a way that the object of the application efforts of medicine has always been a sick person and an environment in which the vital activity of the individual passes. A healthy person did not fall into the field of view of the doctor. This led to the fact that the entire process of reducing the level of health, the formation of pretabolism and initial (non-English) forms of the disease passed without control of the doctor, and most importantly - without active events that could prevent the negative development of events. That is why the main object of valeology is a healthy person and a person who is in the Third State. The possibility using valeological technologies to identify persons with a low level of health and, using methods of recovery, to derive them beyond the "third state", can be characterized as an ideal option for primary prevention. Methodological bases of valeology: 1. Valeology considers human health as an independent socio-medical category, the essence of which can be quantitatively and efficiently characterized by direct indicators and which can be controlled (form, maintain, strengthen). 2. Between health and illness exist transitional states. At the same time, health is seen as more general category Compared to pre-cheese and illness. Presell ("third state") and illness - a private case of health, when its level is reduced or there is its defects. 3. The approach to person and his health used in valeology is integrative (system), holistic (from Holos - holistic). Methods of exposure - predominantly non-drug, natural. 4. The development of the theoretical principles of the sorenology is responsible for the task of forming a general theory of medicine connecting the philosophical understanding of the essence of health, disease and transition states.

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Man and his health from the standpoint of a systemic approach "For a long time, a person seeks to surround himself with beautiful things. Already the items of the eldest of antiquity inhabitants, which seemed to have pursued a purely utilitarian goal - to serve the warehouse of water, weapons on the hunt, etc., demonstrate the desire A person to beauty. At a certain stage of its development, a person began to wonder: why is one thing that is beautiful and what is the basis of the beautiful? Already in ancient Greece, the study of the essence of beauty, beautiful, formed into an independent branch of science - aesthetics, which has antique philosophers was Inseparable from cosmology. Then the idea was born that the basis of the beautiful is harmony. Beauty and harmony became the most important categories of knowledge, even its goal, for ultimately the artist is looking for the truth in beauty, and the scientist is beauty in truth. Beauty Sculptures, beauty of the temple, beauty paintings, symphonies, poems ... What about them in common? P AZVA can we compare the beauty of the temple with the beauty of the nocturne? It turns out that if uniform criteria are excellent, if general beauty formulas are open, uniting the concept of excellent various objects - from the daisy flower to the beauty of the naked human body? ..... "." Beauty formulas "is already known to a lot. In their creations, people prefer the right geometric forms - Square, circle, equally triangle, pyramid, etc. In the proportions of facilities, preference is given to integer ratios. Of many proportions, a person has long served in creating harmonic works, there is one, the only and unique, possessing unique properties. This proportion was called differently - "golden", "divine", "golden section", "golden number", "golden middle".

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Basic principles of health formation Caring for human health begins with a dohambrional period and is expressed in the prevention of gametopaths and the overall recovery of future parents. Only full-fledged genetic information in mother and father's gates allows you to give a positive health outlook for the health of the future child. It is obvious that the maximum efforts to form health should have to go to the early stages of life, for the period of active somatic formation and mental formation. However, since a person is constantly changing, this aspect is subject to control throughout life, especially in critical periods (sexual maturation, climetheus, etc.), when there is a change in ontogenetic programs, a change in hormonal status and the body as a system is in an unstable state. The effectiveness of its further functioning depends on the competent medical "setting" of the organism in these periods.

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Basic principles of health formation. Management of health formation process in the intrauterine phase of development The basic principles of the formation of the physical health of a person on the intrauterine stage of development: - Prevention of gametopaths (hereditary defects, pathogenic influences of the environment, overheating hamets (with a decrease in pipes), chromosomal anomalies, etc.); - Improvement of the future mother (to the "safe" level of health), allowing it to fully adapt to pregnancy and create an optimal medium for the development of the fetus (prevention of placental insufficiency - prevention of the genital pathology of the mother, abortion; desynchronization of the ovarian and uterine cycle, etc.); - Protection of mother from pathogenic effects of the environment, especially into critical periods of intrauterine development periods: a) the first week of the intrauterine period ending with the implantation; b) laying of organs, including placenta - the so-called period of placentating and large organogenesis (3- 12 weeks); c) the birth, which is the strongest stress in the life of a person (the so-called stress of birth). Most of the malformations are formed during a period of large organogenesis. Later, vices may occur in those organs and systems in which the formation process (CNS, sexual, cardiovascular system) continues. ; - the absence of stress that allows you to preserve the "dominant of pregnancy"; - the lifestyle of the future mother, satisfying all the needs of the fetus and providing weak training effects on its body; - Permanent monitoring of the health of the mother and prevention of possible disorders.

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The basic principles of the formation of mental health - prevention of stress of birth. The formation of mental health begins in the intrauterine period. The fruit is in mental resonance with a mother, feeling her mental tension, attitude towards himself. In the psychohygenic of a pregnant woman, such positive moments are introduced as mental calm, joyful mood, love for the future child, communication with nature, occupation by the arts and others. Mother and Father conflicts during pregnancy laid in the fetal subconscious as a negative material may further complicate Relationship with father and generally with male representatives. The latter may be a serious problem in the future family life of girls. - Healthy psychoecology in the family, school, the society of peers. Ensuring sufficient sensory contact with the mother (touch, stroking, explanation) after birth and at a later age (especially up to 6 years) eliminates the child from fears and subsequent neuroses, puts him the ability to love. According to statistics, children who have grown in the houses of Baby and experiencing the lack of maternal heat and affection, in the future suffer from psychological problems in organizing their own family. Children who do not have the feeling of physical security under the age of 1.5-2 years become aggressive, try to protect themselves. - the presence of an educational environment and specific mentors; - Special attention to the mental health of the child in critical periods of development. - timely prevention of psycho-emotional stress, psychocompleks, neurosis. The mental constitution is formed approximately under the age of 12 years. Adequate behavior of parents and teachers, the relevant organization of the living environment, constant developing effects at this age contribute to the optimal disclosure of the child's mental potential. Failure to comply with these requirements leads to the emergence of fears and psychocompleks. The psychocomplex is accompanied by a person all his life, deforming his character and creating many problems (the complexes "adult ™ parents", "underestimation of teachers," "Links and Neumens"). Is it possible to form a person without complexes? Not. For any education is the adaptation of a person to social life associated with the imposition of certain prohibitions (and according to the suppression of some of their own desires), with the subordination of "I" with public interest. Each social formation requires its set of necessary prohibitions. However, the excess of the "critical value" at the same time leads to negative results, and it is this aspect that, along with the correction of the consequences of psycho-traumatic situations, is the object of attention of valeologists.

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Integrative Approach to Health Management Health Management is to control the mechanisms of valeogenesis, i.e. Mechanisms of self-organization of a living system providing its dynamic stability. At the same time, aspects of formation, preservation and health promotion are allocated. Formation of health - considered above. Conservation of health includes compliance with the principles healthy image Life (medical aspects) and return of lost health (recovery) if the level of it has gained a tendency to reduce. Under the enhancement of health, they understand the increase in it by training influences. Since with age, the level of health naturally decreases, maintaining it in the previous range requires additional activity. The most versatile training impacts are physical and hypoxic training, hardening. An integrative approach is methodological basis Practices to preserve and promote health. The impacts used at the same time are predominantly natural, non-drug (cleansing the body, wellness nutrition, hardening, motor and hypoxic workouts, psycho-loads, manual effects, etc.). No human activity will be quite effective until it is realized and not supported by information. Therefore, the most important component in the practice of recovery is the educational work and the formation of an active position in relation to their health, motivation to maintain its level in the "safe zone". At the same time, a person should be armed with knowledge, how to organize a healthy lifestyle, taking into account individual biological and mental features.

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Integrative health management approach. Optimization of human living space Macroecological aspect relating to the region of residence. Ionizing radiation, chemical agents, pesticides, etc. Nonspecific damage mechanisms: activation of peroxidant oxidation and influence on the cell gene. Microecological (dwelling, workplace, clothing, food). Energy and psychological foundations of housing ecology are reflected in the Chinese Feng Shui system, which represents the house as a model of the world. The best form of the dwelling is the natural, natural form, i.e. without sharp corners (ideal - the shape of the cell, octagon). Therefore B. modern houses With the placement of furniture, it is advisable to cut the corners, enter more circles in the interior, ovals, curls. The best roof for the building is pointed (bulk, tent, etc.). The ceiling height must be commensurate with human growth (up to 3.5 m). So that energy flows do not provide an annoying, doors and windows in rooms should not be located on one straight line. Avfilada Rooms is an uncomfortable form of construction. Predominance natural materials In the structure of the house and household items is important for good well-being. Synthetic adversely affects the electrical parameters of the body. It is adversely reflected on the well-being of the work of vibration instruments, television. It is desirable to have positive objects of nature (plants, stones) and works of art in the house. Special attention Deserves the effect of noise and loud music with destructive rhythms. There are no destructive rhythms in nature, noise is alarm signal. Therefore, in a noisy environment, a person, regardless of whether it is aware or not, is in a state of tension. Human health has a direct connection with the presence in the dwelling or at the workplace of biopathogenic zones: natural (associated soil faults, underground waters or cross-mounted magnetic grids of the Earth) and artificial, man-made origin. In the magnetic frame of the Earth, there are several grids (grid Hartman, Curie, etc.). In the mesh node, an enhanced movement of energies is observed, and a person, being in it, first "washed" with energy, and then begins to lose it. This leads to a decrease in the level of health and disease. If dwelling or work premises It is entirely in the biopathogenic zone, it should be left. If the Hartman mesh node (or other) is located in the field of a sleeping or workplace, you need to make a permutation or neutralize the pathogenic effect with the help of various devices (metal rings, pyramids, etc.). While in the biopathogenic zone, the patient never recovers, and the child will hurt and develop badly.

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Integrative health management approach. Optimization of human living space Psychoecological aspect. A person, as is known, has basic needs, among which the first place occupies the desire of biological and personal security. In mental activity, this is manifested by the need for respect, authority, security of certain rights. Therefore, the main rule of communication should be the recognition of the right after another on an independent opinion, the choice, lifestyle, i.e., on the self-expression of itself as a person. The desire for violently (aggression, criticism, in part - dispute) to manage the behavior of another destroys relations. A person also has a higher level mental needs. These include the desire for sympathy and understanding. And it is always taken into account by the masters of communications. The need for sympathy, love is indestructible, just as the search for like-minded people, its mental environment, teachers and students. True communication is the communication of equal, open, respectful, understanding and sympathetic to each other, constructively decisive common problems of people. Training Culture Communication is the surest way to prevent psycho-emotional stress and health conservation. Bioenergoecological aspect. Bioenergoecology is engaged in the preservation and restoration of integrity, high quantitative indicators and qualities biological field Human, when exposed to objects of living and inanimate nature. In order for a person to be healthy, its living space should have certain energy-information characteristics. The main factors forming and changing biopolis include the following: genetic and constitutional (they are the main), cosmic, climatic, territorial (biopathogenic zones), lifestyle, the surrounding social environment (people) and material objects; Stresses, alcohol, disease. Biopathogenic zones - see above. Bioenergo information influences. Bio field influences are an essential component of communication, especially long, and determine comfort and discomfort. Since when communicating in groups, a single biofield is created, it is inevitably weaker at the same time "fueled", heated. However, this natural mechanism can sometimes play a negative role. For example, permanent contact (sleep in one room) of very old and energy-effective people with young children, also requiring large amounts of energy for their growth and the development of large quantities, often ends with children's diseases. The same applies to two children: energetically weaker even more weakens and ill. For the same reason, the bed must be individual (with the exception of the married). Periodic favor in the bed of parents (mother) is allowed for children only preschool age, because Mother at this age is a natural energy donor for a child. The concept of the so-called personal territory surrounding the physical body is associated with a biopole structure of a person. This space (according to A.Pizu, 1995) can be divided into four zones: intimate (15-46cm), which is protected as property; Personal (up to 1.2 m), in which business and friendly meetings can be held, social (up to 3.6 m) and public (more than 3.6 m). The need to comply with the borders of the personal territory and in the presence of a physical territory, where a person can retire is instinctive, has a physical, bioenergetic and psychological aspects. Therefore, the narrowing of personal territory, the stress, aggression, neurosis (so-called overcrowding stress) causes the dwelling. With the same instinctive need of a person in the "personal" is connected with the desire to have personal items (bed, chair, cup, etc.), clothing. Things acquire the information and energy imprints of their owner, which creates a state of comfort when using these things. Similarly, the "traces" of their creators remain on things, the arts of art, culinary products, which then provide their effect on consumers. To maintain their own energy Structure And the psyche in good condition a person must surround himself with material objects complementary to him for information and energy parameters.

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Integrative health management approach. Biorhythms and health rhythms are a temporary organization of life. The formation of biorhythms has an endogenous source, but is modulated by environmental influence. Violation of the biorhythmic structure is an indicator of deterioration of health quality and reduce its level. For the valeologist, the most interesting in the biorhythmology of chronodiagnosis and chronopharmacology with chronotherapy. Chronodiagnosis is the definition of human chronotype and chronolability. Under the first, the definition of the nature of the daily rhythm of wakefulness and sleep ("Lark", "Filin", "Pigeons"), under the second - stability, strength of the biorhythmic structure. About three hundred physiological functions synchronized with daily rhythm. The restoration of the daily rhythm after its disorder can occur in different modes: some people - quickly, others - slowly and often not fully. The latter they say that they have high chronolability, and this indicates the weakness of the mechanisms of work "biological clock". In such people, there are more often disorders of the regulation of functions, diseases arise easier. When considering the biorhythmic aspects of the recovery, two points are distinguished: 1) the effect of recovery on the organism's own rhythms; 2) The influence of the phases of its own biorhythms on sensitivity to improving effects. A person is subject to the influence of cosmichek rhythms (lunar, solar cycle, motion cycles of the planets). Overlooking each other, they form critical points, moments when the stability of a person as the system is reduced, it becomes more sensitive to transformational influences. The level of health is often reduced. We are talking about critical periods in a person's life, some of which we will call. This is the age of 7, 14 years, 21 years, 29-30 years, 36, 42, 59-60, 63, 84 years. From the valeological positions among these critical periods of life, two periods of purely biological genesis should also be called - puberty and maccteries. For competent organization Labor and rest is important to know the gaps of high and low performance in short life cycles. So, in women during the ovarian menstrual cycle, often synchronized with the lunar, the highest mental and physical tone is celebrated in the 3rd week. Human performance during the week has a dugorby character (Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday). A similar efficiency curve is characteristic of daily rhythm: the first peak is 10-12h, the second - 15-18h. When prescribing recreation impacts, it is advisable to take into account the season, the phase of the lunar cycle and the time of day. During the day, the function of the organs (consequently, the activity of the respective energy meridians) is changing, and this is reflected in the Chinese Sin system. Using these knowledge, you can significantly increase the efficiency of rehabilitation. The mismatch of individual biorhythms with the rhythms of nature was the name of asynchronos, or desinchro-noses. Asynchronz is a frequent manifestation of the "third state" and concerns mainly violation of the rhythm of wakefulness and sleep. The causes of asynchronos are as follows: a frequent change of light belt, replaceable work, excessive intellectual activity before bedtime, hypodynamine, monotony. The prevention of asynchronosis depends on his species and is to comply with the rhythmic coherence of his life with the life of nature (especially it is important for chronolabile individuals), proper preparation (with relaxation) to sleep, physical exertion of sufficient intensity, water and thermal procedures, demonotonic measures (music, pauses in the work after 1.5 tok, frequent eating, etc.).

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Integrative health management approach. The preservation and strengthening of the human biopole structure maintaining the intake, the magnitude and harmony of the bio-field structure is a significant moment in managing human health. Maintaining and restoring field comfort can be carried out through bioactive points. The nature of the influences can be any - with hands, needles, electricity, magnets, laser radiation, minerals, metals, etc. Of particular interest is the microwave bioresonance correction. It is to build up the natural energy information characteristics of the person due to resonant systems. In this case, feedback is taken into account. The most efficient approach to biofield optimization is an independent work of a person. For this, there are many techniques, such as qigong, Hatha Yoga, "Fire Flower", respiratory techniquesNumerous techniques for working with thought and imagination, comprehensive wellness systems.

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Integrative health management approach. Cleansing the body Periodic cleansing of the body is very ancient, but actively and with great efficiency reborn at present by the method aimed at maintaining health. This process begins with the purification of the digestive channel. The digestive channel is first formed in ontogenesis and is structural basis biological lives, providing the body with energy and plastic material. Along with these intestinal hormones, especially the colon, have a powerful stimulating effect on both the body and psyche, support the body's energy balance. No wonder the navel area in eastern medicine They call the furnace ("Hara furnace"), and the colon belong to the "Fire" element. In the same time digestive system It is the main source of endogenous toxins in the body. Detoxification is in the center of attention of many modern wellness systems. Purification of the intestine (all sorts of washing, including herbal chasters, receiving a large amount of fiber, enterosorbents, enzyme cleaners, food unloading, etc.), weakening intoxication and activating the endocrine function of the apode-system, returns good well-being. Often this technique is mainly in the initiation of the process of recovery. After cleansing the intestine, which can take from several days to several weeks (depending on the system), it is necessary to purify the liver. The main reception is the blind sensing of biliary tract. It is then cleaned by the selection system (activation of the excretory function of the kidneys) and joints. This sequence of cleansing procedures, since it comes from the "secret wisdom of the human body", adopted in all popular currently wellness systems (P. Bragg, N.A. Semenova, I.P. Neumyvakin and L.S. Neumyvakina, Yu. A.andreyev, G.P. Malakhov, etc.).

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Integrative health management approach. As can be seen from the stated material, the main provisions in the health management tactics are the following. 1. The direction of activity is the return of a person in a safe health zone and holding it in this zone by activating the mechanisms of valeogenesis; 2. Used at the same time - integrative (system, holistic); 3. Methods used are mainly non-drug. The health management process has its internal logic, its dynamics. After collecting information and its comprehension (diagnosis and forecasting of health), a valeologist starts improving the patient if there is a need. When, by internal harmonization and restoration of harmonious relations with the environment, the person will be returned to the "safe" health area, further work Conservation and health promotion is assigned mainly on the person himself, but when advice to the doctor. The doctor creates a motivation to a healthy lifestyle and makes recommendations on its organization, taking into account the constitutional characteristics of the patient. At the same time, recommendations on health promotion and the implementation of its condition are given.

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Conscious Health Management Dmitry Chamenkov

What is "informed health management"? Brief certificate

What is "informed health management"?

Brief certificate

The majority of diseases are the violation of the Communication process between our, mind, body, and what we call the environment. Any imbalance in these relations leads to the formation of the so-called symptoms - from weak ailments to severe, threatening life of diseases, problems in business and personal relationships.

Any therapy method, directed only to eliminate symptoms, does not allow to solve the problem. Because of this, we see the distribution of various chronic diseases, such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes, overweight, arterial hypertension, vascular dystonia, chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression, sex disorders, immunity problems, allergies, irritable sinders, chronic headaches, oncological diseases.

None of the treatments existing on today does not guarantee 100% cure and preventing the repetition of the problem in the future. Moreover, when eliminating the symptoms of some one disease, the symptoms of many others often begin to manifest themselves about the deeper causes of diseases than those that we see.

For more than 10 years, Dmitry Chamenkov led the various research and clinical centers who studied one problem - restoring a healthy body with the help of any new technologies and their combinations. In the course of its scientific work Dmitry with colleagues found that the body of any person has truly limitless, fantastic self-renewal resources. It turned out that the only cause of health problems is the violation of the organization's activities at the level of functional systems or genetic code.

Indeed, our body is managed by the most complicated self-balancing regulatory system, which combines components of nervous, immune and endocrine systems. If a person teach to manage his regulatory system, you can help him get rid of the reasons for the root of most diseases, and, therefore, any interference with the elimination of symptoms, which does not violate the balance of regulation systems, will be extremely effective and will most likely lead to the complete elimination of chronic Problems.

Conscious health management is a simple technology that allows you to train any person key principles for managing your own health.

The main effect of learning is to eliminate fear relative to its body and the development of well-sensitivity and awareness (proprioception) - which, in turn, leads to the development of real opportunities to overcome and prevent various problems. The use of respiratory and physical practice has repeatedly strengthens the effects of awareness and displays the body to a fundamentally new, higher level of operation. It is objectively expressed in reducing the intensity of most symptoms, and for those cases when the symptoms are caused by a serious deficit of the function, a decrease in the pain of their experiences. According to foreign authors (closest in the meaning is the technology of decline in stress developed at the Memorial Medical Hospital of Massachusetts University (USA) of Professor John Cabatt-Zina) When conducting long-term research of technology in patients open to obtaining positive results, the frequency of vascular disasters is reduced by about 30-40% in various age groups. The technology of Professor Cabatt-Zina at the moment is supported by the US National Institutes of US health, the US Department of Health and since 2009 is introduced everywhere in US health facilities. The potential socio-economic effect of the introduction of technology in the United States is estimated as unprecedented - in addition to the potential reduction in mortality in the most socially active groups (a decrease in about 500,000 deaths per year), a decrease in incidence of risk groups in all major chronic diseases is available, socio-economic is stimulated. and innovative development of society.

Conscious Health Management is an innovative technology, the fundamental study of which is still it just started - for this purpose, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences created working group chaired by the Academician-Secretary of the Department of Medical Biological Sciences RAMS, Academician Ramn Gracheva S.V.

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Management of health resources for corporate clients.

Nealth Management (personnel health management)- This is a system of measures aimed at maintaining the health of your company's employees. In modern economic conditions, the quality and efficiency of personnel work becomes great importance. In the coming decades, the ability to attract, develop, hold and most fully use the potential of employees will be the determining factor for the success of any organization. Managing human resources, each manager understands that the effectiveness of personnel work depends not only on the correctly built motivation system, but also on the physical possibilities of the employee, in particular, its level of health.It is not necessary to think every day with fear that half of the team will get sick, you must be afraid that one valuable employee will be sick.

We note that health we do not define exclusively by the presence in the workplace. Those employees who can boast a good job and solid salary, often go to work, even if there are all signs of the disease, as they are afraid to not lose a premium, salaries or to lose profitable work at all. Meanwhile, research has shown that the loss of firms due to employees who came to the unhealthy service are 3 times higher than from their absence in the workplace on illness. Health and health management and management of personnel are completely specific mechanisms that give a completely specific economic effect, and in a not very remote future. If you "cross" health management with assessment of personnel and motivational programs, the effect will be many times stronger.

Today, for many employees is principled, whether the company makes something to maintain their health and good physical form or not. The employer is also interested in care for employees: according to statistics, properly organized by Health Management (Persian Health Management) is a minimum of 10% of the profits that the company receives or misses.

Practice shows that properly organized Health Management reduces the incidence in a collective by 40 - 50%, reduces the period of disability by 20%, increases the detectability of chronic diseases by 10 - 15% and, as a result, reduces the average time-increasing time capacity by 30%. These are our numbers based on our experience and in the practice of interaction with customers.

Invisible benefits

Very often, companies are limited to the purchase of a subscription to the gym or private medical center. But is it enough enough? Practice shows that much more profitable to train employees themselves cares about personal health and do it right!

1. The most important result of trainings is improving the efficiency of the company and, therefore, its competitive advantages in the market and its income. According to statistics, properly organized by Health Management is a minimum of 10% of the profits that the company receives or misses.

2. Trainings are rafting the team and make a significant contribution to Team Building.

3. A positive effect on the company's image and its attractiveness for employees and future workers as a company that takes care of the health of the family of the team.

4. Trainings and seminars are targeted and allow you to solve the most pressing issues for the company (the problem of stress and fatigue, the problem of ARZ, diseases associated with long work at the computer and others). We can also conduct preliminary research and find out the most relevant threats.

5. Employee health is the sphere that is equally interested in both leadership and ordinary employees, so the summation of effort gives a pronounced effect.

6. Trainings and health management seminars repeatedly pay off within a relatively short period of time. So, 1 dollar invested in health management brings companies at least 10-25 dollars arrived during the year.

7. Health management is much more efficient than traditional events - such as compensation for visiting fitness centers, swimming pools or expanded health insurance.

8. The health management feature is that all the survey and knowledge gained can be applied by employees independently and do not require large additional costs. At the same time, they significantly affect the vital tone and health of workers.

Henry Ford somehow noticed: "When I need a pair of workers hands, for some reason I get in addition to all workers." However, "incursions" are surprisingly fragile: as the British insurance company Strongupa found out, up to 30% of workers are stressful, suffer from poor diet, lack of sleep and hypodynamia. According to her calculations, healthy people work on average by 20% more efficiently than possessing weak health.

Health cannot be bought - this phrase can be safely sent to the dump of history. In times of high technologies and developed health infrastructure, health is bought.

The only question is for what you pay. For health or disease. If every day does not invest some money and forces in health, one day - and, as a rule, very soon - they have to invest in treatment - and already in disproportionately large quantities.

And if we are talking About the health of your employees, the second question is who pays. They or you.

If the company owner believes that the rescue of drowning - the work of the immerses themselves and employees with their health will understand somehow themselves, this is self-deception. You have to pay anyway. The money unfinished in the recovery of the staff is still going - when the staff misses the disease working days or hours (spending them at the doctor's reception), or when an employee makes a job for several hours, to which half an hour should leave - because he has a headache, The attention is reduced or it suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome. Moreover, the money that could be invested in prevention, do not leave anyone - for the company they will lend a lot of their friends with them: investing in health is always less costly than investing them in the treatment of the disease.

It would be possible to hope that the employees themselves will take care of themselves without the intervention of the head, if it were not for Russia. It is in Japan or in China to take care of yourself and live up to 100 years without illness, and in Russia the norm is rather death from cancer, infarction or a stroke of 50, and the men are baptized only when thunder thunder. We have no health culture by default, it must be created.

Only 5-7% of the CIS population, as well as abroad, are practically healthy people, and 70% has 1-2 diseases in the state of remission. At the same time, up to 85% of the population is in a state of chronic fatigue, fatigue and overwork, in a state of reduced mental performance.

By virtue of its reduced psychophysical opportunities, a low socio-psychological competence, a person is not always capable of an active position in relation to its health, high performance, preserving a favorable microclimate in its surroundings.

Pointed conclusions partly confirm scientific research. As reported "around the world", it was established that stresses at work increase the risk of heart disease by almost 70%. And work in the night shift increases the risk to get cancer. For recreation and struggle with stress, most of office workers uses walks on the Internet. Six out of ten people surveyed by the International Online Employment Agency admitted that they spend at least one and a half hours a day.

Experts argue that because of diseases, the Russian economy loses about 1.4% of GDP, or $ 23-24 billion. If, say, in the Italian oil and gas company ENI, the cumulative labor is 5.5 days per year, the American Wal-Mart network has 2.8 days, at russian manufacturer Aluminum UC RUSAL by the end of 2007 - 8.5 days. Therefore, the organization of competent management of personnel health management is a living money.

Personnel disease is expensive to cost enterprises. In the UK, according to the Certification Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), annual losses from service skip are estimated at about 659 pounds sterling (about $ 1320) per employee. A year ago, the indicator was below - 598 pounds.

One of the most effective ways to improve employees' health is to conduct training courses. Do not buy fish, teach them to fish themselves!

The doctor diagnosed with osteoporosis and reassured, they might live with it and that he himself is osteoporosis. How not to remember the famous "doctor, healed".. Diagnosis of the right leg is shown in Fig.1. It shows the strongest distortion of the foot field e0. The lower half of the leg is actually de-energized.

Figure 2 shows the aspect of the causal body of the city associated with this problem. Distortion of the causal body is formed by the power factor in the image of the dragon A (inverted). A program that creates strength A is the cause of A0. It is drawn in the image of the turtle. B0 - Program of the root cause, to which it was possible to get in this measurement cycle.

Figure 3 shows the content of the program A0. This is "dagger", which can be interpreted as aggression towards anyone. The diagnosis of the object of aggression is drawn as the image of the "deer".

After this stage of diagnostics, I descended in the subway on the stairs and thought about the causal symbolism of the case under study. To meet a woman who carried a big baby carriage in his hands. Suddenly she fell (from the hands) a big dagger, probably plastic, and fell right in front of me.

The next day I talked with G. with a view to bring it to the life situation, during which it was created by a spiritual reason, symbolized by the dagger. And she remembered the conflict that was sitting in it as a zanoz and periodically emerged in her mind, reminding himself. G. remembered that when she was a very young mother (here he, a stroller symbol) and she had problems on health associated with breastfeeding, her husband did not give her money for examination and treatment. This was a very strong resentment and with each convenient case of G. reminded him of this. If we take into account that they and daughter jokingly teased him sometimes "deer" (in many families all sorts of teasers and humorous nicknames were adopted), then everything generally becomes in its place and all elements of mosaic are mutually consistent, although I do not inclined to attpair the coincidence nicknames and images, because This archetype is quite universal and has repeatedly met in the diagnosis of other people.

Fig. 5 shows the content of the program root cause. It is a "sickle", which can also be interpreted as aggression, and more specifically as readiness to be offended.

Fortunately, the process did not go far. First, a very little time has passed since the beginning of the disease, about a month. Secondly, this is confirmed by the diagnosis of the knee joint. The full version of the diagnosis is provided on the site in the section "Osteoporosis".

Correction was carried out for two sessions. When correction was very good strong sensations in the body. G. commented on the process of correction with the words of this kind "The feeling that the edema of the legs slept. Feeling that the blood began to move in the leg. I feel tingling in my leg, etc.. The correction results are shown in Fig.6 and 7.

Three days after the correction, the foot practically came to normal. Only light pain in the depths of the knee felt, which in a couple of days also passed. So a person was saved against disability. And this is not the most dramatic case.

It is possible to bring much more serious and tragic situations with people who are sitting on hemodialysis or wrapped cancer tumors, and they germinated again or gave metastases, which eventually ended with death. At the same time, the diagnosis made by the thoroughly shows the presence of a spiritual reason that distorts the field of that body portion where the tumor has grown. And for hemodialysis - a large displacement or strong distortion of the kidney information matrix. I mean specific cases that I diagnosed. Naturally, for the case of a cancer tumor, the question of the correction of a spiritual reason before the malignant tumor has become a cancer or at least that only the operation in this case cannot do. In any case, a spiritual cause correction is required. Similarly, for the hemodialysis variant, it is logical to restore the kidney information matrix by correcting spiritual cause. Maybe hemodialysis then does not need, unless of course, the kidneys can still be restored.

An example of access to the material cause and its rationing.

The hill heat stood at that summer in the early 2000s in Moscow. At that time, I have not led the observation diary, so I'm afraid to make a mistake with the exact datigation. There was a strong stuff and creliece. Every couple of hours I got up from the workplace and made a walking 10-minute walk through the surrounding alley and streets. My route ran past Lukoil's buildings on clean ponds. And that's what I noticed, walking once again. Approaching the LUKOIL building, I felt stitching pain in the liver area. "As strange," I thought then, "it seems not to quickly go." What is nonsense? " Pains stopped when I got a building Lukoil and turned into a lane.

After two hours, again went for a walk. And again, approaching the LUKOIL building, I felt the same tingling in the liver area. I was seriously interested, "about how! Here is what, enchanted place? ". Pains again stopped when I turned in the alley.

I was already looking forward to waiting for another walk. But made adjustments to the experiment. I went to the same route, but not clockwise, and counterclockwise. And again, passing by the LUKOIL building, I felt tingling in the liver area.

The same happened the next day. And the heat and moulder were still. I decided not to postpone the case in a long box, while there is a steady result to deal with this phenomenon. For a start, I tuned to symptoms, i.e. On pain in the liver and requested information "Please reflect on the image of a person the reason for these pain in the liver area." And that's what I painted.

In Figure 1, a man is drawn in the heart of the heart. Consequently, the problems of the heart were the cause of stitching pain in the field of liver. Stick pain in the liver area are usually associated with a lack of oxygen. This knows everyone on his own experience of passing the standard on the run in physical education lessons. It is known that the heart has the highest priority for oxygen consumption. That is why runners have pain in the field of liver or spleen. When the heart lacks oxygen, it gives the command to overlap the peripheral blood flow. So you need to explore the heart. Why does the heart lack oxygen?

First, because at the intersection, where tingling in the field of the liver began the specific composition of the air due to constant traffic in all directions, and, apparently, there was an excess of carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide), which blocks the hemoglobin function to absorb oxygen, Transferring it to carboxygemoglobin when connecting to it.

Secondly, the heart clearly has no reserve, hence the problem. Healthy and strong heart of it would not have noticed. So you need to explore the nutrition of the heart itself with oxygen.

A natural step was the diagnosis of blood vessels feeding with oxygen itself.

The line "F" is the function of blood vessels. The dotted line shows the norm function. It can be seen that there is a strong dysfunction of these vessels. Horb on the back of the "horse" signals the structural disorders of the vessels, for example, there may be plaques and impaired epithelium in the walls of the vessels.

The line "F" is the function of the contour of the nervous system, controlling the coronary vessels. The dotted line shows the norm function. It can be seen that there is a strong dysfunction of the control circuit of the vessels. There are organic violations in the control circuit. There are strong distortions in the field of legs and heads "Konya". Short and thorough legs are related to movement and it can be interpreted as insufficient nervous conductivity or spasms and find further the cause in this direction. Problems of nervous conductivity logically look for in violation of the balance of trace elements, which I did. For this, a request for the balance of each specific trace element I displaced the "Sphere" model. In fig. 4 It can be seen that a fragment of the picture with a balance of magnesium is sharply different from the rest. There is a violation of the sphere, the so-called "collapse".

But what I found about the role of magnesium on the Internet:
Of particular importance is magnesium in the functioning of the nervous tissue and the conductive heart system. The body's need for magnesium is significantly increasing physical Loads, athletes in the process of long and intense training, during responsible competitions, as well as under stressful situations. Loss of magnesium by the body in such situations is adequate to the degree of physical or emotional load. In 90% of patients who have undergone myocardial infarction, magnesium deficiency is revealed, which is enhanced in the acute period of the disease. Magnesium deficiency in the body can contribute to the use of alcohol, hyperthermia, receiving diuretic drugs. Source of information - When a decrease in the concentration of magnesium in the blood, the symptoms of the nervous system of the nervous system are observed. Information source -

Interestingly, I had myocarditis myocarditis in my adolescence. It is possible that he was an important factor in the development of magnesium deficit.

Five minutes later I was already in the pharmacy. Bought Magne-B6. The first thing I did was read the instructions for the drug and saw that it was used in the phenomena of hyperventilation of the lungs, which means it is directly related to problems with the absorption of oxygen. Those. I got a confirmation that really went on right way. The reception of this drug in a short time led to the restoration of the control circuit function of the coronary vessels, which was verified by diagnostics and objectively passed tingling in the liver area, which was repeatedly verified at the same intersection.

Later, I took first quick walks, and then a light run in the aerobic zone with a pulsale meter to strengthen the heart and increase its backup capabilities. And it gave your result.

Clarification of words.

What is the spirit and soul.

In order to unambiguously understand the next material, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the spirit of the Spirit and the soul. These words are usually either not understood at all, or often understood in directly opposing values. And this is unacceptable, for it becomes impossible to adequately transfer knowledge or understanding the processes in society using these words. Not all the values \u200b\u200bof these words are clarifying, but only those with which confusion arises.


Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:

- Philosophical concept, meaning an innumerable beginning, in contrast to the material, natural principle.

Explanatory dictionary of Dalya:

- disembodied creature: the inhabitant is not real; and the substantial world; An affordable resident of the spiritual world inaccessible to us. Taking the word this to a person, of course, they see him, others see in the shower only what the life of the flesh gives, and in the spirit of the highest spark of the Divine, the mind and will, or the striving for heavenly.
- ... in the highest value of the spark of the Divine, spirit above soul And distinguishes man from the animal.


Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegova:

- Internal, mental world man, it consciousness.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:

- In the New Eurchate Philosophy, the term "soul" began to be mainly used to designate the inner world of man. Explanatory dictionary of Dalya:

- The vital being of a person imagined separately, from the body and from the Spirit, and in this sense it is said that the animals have a soul.
- Soul is also spiritual and spiritual qualities of a person, conscience, inner feeling, etc. The soul is the impregnated body of the Spirit: in this meaning spirit above the soul.

The Spirit, therefore, is 1. a disembodied spiritual creature, which is a person's personality. This is what a person calls "I" - that is, the person in itself, possessing a mind and will 2. The primary category, meaning the dual matter of a natural natural essential beginning. The generalized image of the spirit is a bird. The image of the Holy Spirit - White dove. The expression "Spirit flies where wants" illustrates the image of the spirit like birds.

The soul is an affordable body of the Spirit, which is a person's consciousness, his inner mental world. In modern terminology it is also the energy information body of a person. Image of the soul - Krasno Girl, house, dress, shirt or fish depending on the context. Fisher's ring, the Pope Pope's power symbol is very well consistent with the soul, like fish, illustrating power over the souls of "human shower catcher".

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says: "Passing near the sea of \u200b\u200bGalilean, he saw two brothers: Simon, called Peter, and Andrei, his brother, throwing the nets in the sea, for they were fishermen, and tells them: go for me and I I will make you by the catches of people "(ch. 4, Art. 18-19).

Theoretical foundations of the method of sensometry.

The overall structure of a person.

The concept of the trinity of "matter-information-measure" finds its expression in a person's device, as a structure of the type "physical body-energy-informational body-spiritual body". If everything is more or less clear with the physical body, at least everyone understands it is approximately the same, then in two other other bodies require some explanations. Further, I consciously simplify the structure of a person's structure, reducing it only to the concepts important for the method.

The spiritual body or the causal body of the Spirit is an individual measure matrix. It recorded the law "What physical body to be and what events with a person will happen." Individual measure of man or body causes, as it is also called, there is a multidimensional matrix of records on the result of the interaction of his thoughts, words and actions with the matrix of God's fishery. This is karma if you use oriental terminology. It can be said that the causal body of the Spirit is a static aspect of the soul.

The energy information body (structure, soul in its dynamic aspect) is a combination of several subtle bodies, among which can be distinguished as such as

  • Mental Body - Information
  • Astral body - energy, strength or information in action,
  • Essential Body - Information Matrix physical body.

With this energy informational body is the most confusion. Different schools and authors invest different meaning in this concept. But we will agree here that we will understand the combination of all subtle bodies of a person below the spirit level and above the level of the physical body. This arrangement is enough to describe and understand technology.

Control schemes.

Automated human behavior, its stereotypical reactions to this or that factor is implemented by the "control software scheme". Each program is an idea of \u200b\u200bsome causal relationship and is represented by statically in the cause of the spirit of the Spirit in the form of some hologram. The generalized measure of the idea is the archetype of the snake. A set of such programs is the content of its consciousness. To illustrate the validity of the image of the snake as the measures of the idea program in the consciousness turn to the statement of the Swiss psychoanalyst Ernst Eppe, p.98:

"In the incomprehensible corner of nature lives ... the image of special, primitive forces. It represents a large symbol of mental energy, which is consistent with all the experience of psychology. Who in a dream meets the snake, he will meet the deep forces of the soul, alienated from "I", as ancient, as can be said, and this animal of primitive time. "

The geometrically tail of the snake corresponds to the reason, and the head is a consequence. This is explained at least that logic that the past is behind the back, and the future is ahead.

The generalized measure of the program, an insulating person from reality, is an archetype turtle. Turtle - an ancient archetype, symbolizing the program created by the Spirit. A person, passing through situations, creates postulates, [allegedly] promoting survival. These postulates then influence all its further life, although they were created for a specific situation. Turtle shell is a symbol of asylum in which a person who creates the postulate, "promoting survival" and at the same time the symbol of cosup, inflexibility.

The postulate (from Lat. Postulatum - requirement) - the proposal (condition, assumption, rule), by virtue of any considerations "accepted" without proof, but, as a rule, with justification, and exactly this justification and is usually the argument in favor of " Adoption "Postulate. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia).

The postulate structures the reality of humans in a certain way, narrowing all the diversity of choice to a certain amount of possibilities or in other words, it reduces or simplifies reality.

The studies of psychologists studying the dreams appear archetype skull. This same turtle, i.e. The program (postulate) is just a little different looks. As the poet Savely Greenberg, "in human skulls, there is something from the turtles." And poets comprehend the world through intuition.

This is what Yu.V.Domansky has in the work "Archetypical motives in the Russian prose of the XIX century. Experience construction typology ":

"Archetypacy, as a rule, is internally difficult, ambiguous and includes several ses. So; Reconstructed by mythological material Archetype Turtle includes semen foundation of the Earth, the progenitor of the world, fertility, longevity and durability, deities of the sea. In general, all these seeds are included in the archetypal meaning of the turtle as the foundations of the world. " Cams - Components lexical values words.

Illustration of the validity of the image of the turtle, as the postulate for me is primarily my own spiritual experience. And this experience is fully consistent with the above statement Yu.V. Domansky, because The famous biblical saying "Let there be light!" And there is the first postulate of creation, i.e. The foundation of the world.

As a person develops, his spiritual growth is growing the possibilities of his perception. It becomes more capable of observing the details of the external environment, in which the stereotype of the "Software Management Scheme" is implemented. This ability to aware of the parts of the medium is closed part of the information flow of the control circuit through the perception of the external environment or the situation. A person who is well aware of the medium is more adequate to the situation, more tactical and its algorithm for this situation corresponds to a "program-adaptive management scheme".

As the person's further lift to the spirit, he begins to notice its own automatons and their inadequacy of the requirements of the current moment. He appears motivation to get rid of fixed programs restrictions. This motivation leads to the fact that it begins to watch the manifestations in the action of these programs. The sphere of his awareness begins to spread to the phenomena of its inner world. Part of the information flows of the control circuit closes on the perception chain of its own software, which also includes programs implemented consciously or unconsciously by other people. Awareness of the availability and content of programs of own software allows you to predict our own behavior and reject the obviously non-optimal options at the stage of manifestation of the cause in the energy-informational body in the form of force prior to the realization of the investigation as a material action. A person also begins to realize that some programs negatively affect its physiology. This type of management corresponds to the "control scheme of a predictor-corrector (corrector-correction)". As the costs at the level of force countering negative programs are very large and far from always successful, then motivation appears to identify and change the content of such programs or their erasure. This is possible with appropriate management qualifications.

Power level of program manifestation.

Dynamically, each program manifests itself in an energy information body (EIT) in the form of a hologram of a more dense material or so-called force, such as emotions. Negative power often often manifests itself through an intuitive channel of perception of a Russian person in the image of a dragon or a snake of Gorynych. Spatially strength, depending on the specific content of its creating program, can, as being in a more or less stable position in the structure of the EIT, and recreate or tighten from the periphery to the physical body at the time of its activation.

Development of psychosomatic diseases
According to the scheme of spirit \u003d\u003e Soul \u003d\u003e body

Consider diseases that are based on a spiritual reason. The material body disease according to this scheme develops in 3 stages. In the first stage there is a distortion of the causal body of the spirit. Figure 1 shows how it happens. At the beginning of the causal chain of a person with his act, thought, word or attitude, i.e. "Cause of 0" creates some tolephone that interacts with the measure of the measure (God's fishery). At the exit of this interaction or a court of a court, some recording "reason1" is created about the result or measure of the act, thoughts, etc. It is easy to imagine that all such records for this person are grouped into some subcometant substance, because They have affinity, namely, they all concern this person. This substance is an individual matrix of human measures or the causal body of his spirit. It is quite natural that the causal body of the Spirit during a person's life is tied to its material body and other thin bodies. It would be strange if the caused body of a person was located on another continent or planet or was tied to another person.

This individual measure of the act or the causal entry can be vigorously a man at the manifestation level in his shower, as some visual image or a verbal image. So, in the 1st example, with a violation of the balance of streaming, the causal recording of the promise of payment for the service was in one case "dachshund", in another "Taxi". The meaning of both images does not contradict each other, the images complement each other.

1 - Level of spirit or cause \u003d\u003e Measure.

And finally, in the third stage, the information matrix of investigation1 / reasons2 interacts with the information matrix of the organ. If the distortion is the cause of the reason 2 go beyond the range of the corridor, then in the body or system, the functional disorders in the material "Corolla2 or the reason3" are developing, and after some time, structural organic disorders of tissues and cells in the matter "Corolla3".

3 - body level or manifestation \u003d\u003e matter.

Fig. 3.

The range of causal relationships in the material body "Cause3 - Corollary3" refers to the field of medicine, which can with one degree of success, to conduct compensatory treatment to minimize the consequences of the disease, for example, to conduct a series of operations for resection of the gastrointestinal tract to compensate for disorders caused by psychological stress. The correct correction (the term "treatment" is not deliberately, because it belongs to medicine) would correctly work out the cause of 0 for complete recovery or at least a cause2 for smoothing stress and reduce the acuteness of the disease. Such correction could be called healing. Restoration wholeness Human, for the emotional charge behaves like an independent essence, dictating his rules to the soul and the body of a person, distorting the cells of the cells and blocking the free course of energy flow and blood, so the erase of such a charge really makes the soul and the body more solid.

View of medicine.

Plato is my friend but the truth is dearer.

In cases where a medical treatment is required for healing the correction of a spiritual reason. This may be, for example, in advanced cases, when structural changes in the body have become an independent secondary material cause of the disease. To understand the rules for interaction with medicine and receive responsible decisions themselves as managers, it is necessary to learn more about medicine.

Studying the issue on sources that can be found on the Internet made it possible to formulate the main features and dangers when contacting the possibilities of modern medicine:

  1. The use of medical procedures where no intervention is required. If consider side effects From many procedures and medicines, it becomes clear that in this case the result will only harm.
  2. The use of extremal medicine methods where you can do with small interference, taking into account the natural laws of the organism itself and nature.
  3. Excessiveness of intervention - shooting in squares instead of accurate hit. Example - Chemotherapy of a cancer tumor, which has the most serious negative consequences for the entire body compared with the treatment of cancerous tumor poisons, where negative consequences are significantly less with no lesser performance.
  4. Perhaps the presence of a doctor of other motives besides the healing of your body, for example, carrying out unnecessary research to you, which he needs for the dissertation.
  5. Incorrect diagnosis. As a result, incorrect treatment, then a neglected case and operational intervention to correct the situation.
  6. The commercial interests of the doctor who is interested in selling certain services and medicines that you personally need or even harmful.
  7. Compensation treatment instead of elimination of the cause. The result is a chronic course of illness with exacerbations and remissions.
  8. Objective impossibility for a doctor to pay a patient too much time.
  9. Numerous harmful side effects from modern drugs.
  10. Medical error at the stage of treatment

Harmful consequences of drug use may occur after decades. For example, in early 1992, a chemical bomb was rushed in my body after receiving two tablets, having dreamed there for many years and laid back in childhood when I was picked up sulfadimezin and sulfadimetoxy. After half an hour after receiving the tablets, in some places of the body began a heavy itching and the skin came to the eyes of large flaps. As it turned out after allergic samples, this is a reaction to sulfanimamides, which meets more and more often, what I told the attending physician. The result is almost two months at home on the hospital, wherever without the skin.

According to medical errors, I will bring a quote from the article where data from the study of the independent organization Commonwealth Fund:

According to statistics in 2005, in the US hospitals for 34% of patients, irregular treatment was either appointed, or an incorrect diagnosis was made, or a medical error was allowed during treatment. The second place is 30% in Canada, the third place in Australia is 27%, the fourth in Germany - 23% and the fifth of the UK - only 22%.

According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1999), in the structure of the causes of death, medical errors occupy the fifth place, ahead of such common diseases, like diabetes, pneumonia, Alzheimer's disease and renal failure.

I strongly recommend reading the book of American pediatrician "Confession of Heretics from Medicine". How to know, perhaps in serious situations it will help you to keep your health, and maybe life. You can download, for example, at the resource

About personal responsibility.

Pacefresses to the reader.

We hope for God, and not bad.
(Folk wisdom)

The people say "Want to do well, do it yourself." From this should not, of course, that we must go to the natural economy, after all the age of specialization. However, making decisions should still be done, and not shift these decisions on those who are ready to manage. Be a managerial, do not give your causality. You are the cause of your life and your health, and not a consequence of someone else's decision.

Therefore, learn your problem, read the entire spectrum of knowledge and opinions on your problem. In the age of the Internet, this is surprisingly difficult. Highlight the main directions. Rate the time factor. If there is a reserve of time, then make safe and inexpensive trial steps towards each version. Receive consultations from different specialists, including do not have physicians, but from specialists in the "causal" (karmic) diseases. It is possible that the cause of your illness is purely spiritual or in other words psychological. If so, then you do not solve her scalpel, chemistry, radiation, hormones or antibiotics, or this solution will be temporary and non-optimal.

Try weigh the cost and irreversibility of your solutions. Do not like those who will better cut the kidney than trying to save it or easily agree on the surgery of coronary shunting, instead of elementary to strengthen its heart with dosage aerobic loads and clean their vessels, at least to bring order in its nutrition.

There is such a concept "Triangle Management-knowledge-responsibility". Its essence is that the vertices of the triangle form the trinity, i.e. are interrelated and interdependent.

For example, if you started from control (self-medication), i.e. Steel themselves to treat themselves relying on someone else's experience and books, then gradually you will have to accumulate your own experience, i.e. Knowledge and stinging your own bumps and realizing your responsibility for the deed, you will not filter knowledge from different sources, building them into your knowledge system. You are lucky if you do not put firewood at the same time. Personally, I started from this. And, of course, some firewood broke.

If you started with responsibility and consciously became the reason for your responsibility, then you or find the knowledge you need or, if you do not find, create them yourself, as I did and your capabilities as an managerial. I personally had the second stage, after I did not have enough of someone else's experience and I was disappointed in it.

If you have gained knowledge, your management capabilities increase and your responsibility is increasing for the quality of this management and the use of knowledge. I use this approach permanently using the sensing method developed by me or using the Internet as a superpower.

This world is extremely fair. If you feel like a piece of meat with brains and persist in your misconception, then you deserve the same relationship from others. In other words, all other features for you will be closed. For you are looking for, then you find.

If you refuse personal responsibility and hoping for a miracle, then only a miracle can help you. And Chu-to this "Alien Dao". For a savage, such as a TV, a miracle, as a thing for him is completely alien and lying outside the area of \u200b\u200bhis ideas and understanding. Telemaster also counts on his mind and knowledge. And the consumer on the telemaster. Engineering approach is applicable to solving the problems of the human car, despite its incredible complexity. There is such a statement by V.O. Welchevsky: "The pattern of historical phenomenon is inversely proportional to its spirituality." This statement is true for managing their health. The higher your level, as an managerial or, in other words, than a large extent, you are the reason for yourself, the smaller the probabilistic predetermination of negative scenarios in your personal history, including in your history of your health.

Learn to distinguish. About the distinction of specialists in the field of medicine can be found, for example, by Mendelssohn. About the distinction of specialists in the field of spiritual (karmic) diagnosis and correction will venture to give recommendations, because I am aware of my own responsibility for the knowledge I have. Therefore, I have a moral right and is obliged to manage in accordance with my knowledge in this area. My recommendations and there is such management.

Do not pay attention to numerous regalia and titles. In the century of the market, it is all or you can buy, or it stands a little in itself. Avoid any "hereditary" healers. It is from the same area. This is all marketing, with rare exceptions.

Specialists practicing black magic and love spells, avoid anyway. They are not in order with ethics. Before good it will not bring it. I was able to diagnose such cases.

Maggers combining their practice with church rites, regardless of their performance in the head of the worldview cocktail. Here, as in the anecdote about the bath "Abram, you either pants to dress, either a cross of the sick."

When choosing a diagnostic specialist, see what is being focused - on the knowledge that it produces for you from the unknown and which you yourself are able to estimate with it or for faith, the signs of which may be the fog, all sorts of wisdom words and suppression by credibility. Even the most difficult concepts can be consistently explained, even if these concepts or images are brought unusual, bizarre and strange. The more engineering and rational is a diagnostic approach to your problem, the greater the likelihood that he understands something in it and can really. And vice versa, the more he ships you mystics, cosmic and divine, the more capable of rational understanding of your situation, i.e. Does not own the subject of properly. From this, it should not, of course, that I urge the reader to ignore the divine and cosmic control levels, but everything should be in moderation and everything should be to the place. To judge this will help you only your own sense of measure.

When choosing a specialist, estimate at what level a healer works, at the level of energy information, siren strength, or at the measure level, it is the reason or program. Energotherapist or Cosmoenergette may discharge strength and for some cases this may be sufficient, for example, for the discharge of accumulated emotional stress. In other cases, the force will be recovered from the control matrix of the cause, because Strength and is created by the Cause Program. Similarly, the water in the well-drawn to the bottom of the Well after some time it will be checked again from underground sources. The notorious cutting of "karmic tails", ridiculous by M. Zadornov and there is such a purely energy approach.

Finally, make up self-education in the spirit of spirit and measures, as well as the acquisition of access skills through intuition to the cause and skills of causal correction. Pull up a hundredfold. As part of the project, appropriate training seminars can be developed if they are in demand.


Information sources.

WP USSR, "Dead Water", Part 1, editorial office of 1998.
Hans Beydermann, "Encyclopedia of Symbols", Publishing House "Republic", Moscow, 1996.
Literary text. Problems and methods of research. IV Collection of Scientific Labor, Tver, 1998,

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Health -
The highest value and area of \u200b\u200bthe greatest light


If you, dear reader, are looking for exotic tools and rehabilitation procedures, then you make no sense to read this article. There are no unknown tools and procedures. If you are overcome too lazy, frivolity, braverass and casual chaos in a relationship with your health, then you have met what can facilitate your fate.
I am deeply convinced that in the ninety-nine cases from one hundred "normal" people die before the term precisely because of the frivolity and inorganization of their lives. This absurdity with the help of a systematic approach to its health can be weakened, and with proper devious, and eliminate. Even small as my article, the movement in this side will not be superfluous. Because I write.

Formulation of the problem

In work on the article, I most resisted the proof that the doctor should not play on the main violin of his own health, and not even the Minister of Health, but the person himself. I got a bunch of e-paper and time to justify this truth.
But at some point he had an insight - they would not understand me, they would not understand me, do not obey, they will certainly do not read, and patients do not need patients in particular evidence. It was at that instant that I realized that all the rationale was concluded and could be reduced to one phrase: "An adult man manage his own health himself because to do this job any more"! This concerns maintaining and promoting health. It is necessary to treat the diseases with the help of doctors.

The minimum necessary "theory"

The system is the unity of interacting elements.
Any system implements any process and has the appropriate result of the functioning. The belonging of the element to the system is determined not by its physical nature, but it is involvement in the result of the functioning. The effect of the element on the result may not only be positive, but also negative. The elements themselves and their effect on the result should actually exist, and not only in the imagination of man.
All conceivable systems are divided into two types: natural and artificial. Naturally created by nature and exist according to the laws of nature. Artificial are created by a person for certain purposes. The system-forming factor in natural systems is the result of functioning, and in artificial - the target set in front of the system.
Any artificial system consists of two parts: an object and control system. The control system implements the management process, the meaning of which is reduced to the setting, planning, accounting, regulation and organization of work on achieving the goal. Objectives are transformed into managerial solutions that are transmitted to an object for execution and are subject to regular control and adjustment.

Own health management system in action

In accordance with the "theory proposed above, it is necessary to highlight: the results of the functioning of the" invented "system, its purpose implemented by it the process involved in the process of elements and the technology of their interaction. Follow this order.

The results of the functioning of the system. There are two Merila Health Management Appraiser: duration and quality of life. I, low doctors, overcame three myocardial infarction (at 59th, at the 60th and 70s of life). But after infarction cannonade I already live for 12 years with a noticeable reduction in contacts with doctors. Now I am coming to the 82nd year, I am writing this article instead of lying on the graveyard. But the sorrowful outcome in my biography was more logical.
This achievement explain not very characteristic of me in the pre-instruction period to be award and purposeful in self-treatment. It is a diligence, purposefulness and technological "tricks" (they will be discussed below), built into a single system, the way of life changed unrecognizable. With full responsibility, I testify that I got rid of numerous harmful and managed to acquire many useful habits for health. But it is the habit that makes the essence of lifestyle.

The purpose of the system. The goal is the first, extremely important and, must be said, the capital characteristic of the system. The absence or improper placement of the goal is equivalent to the absence of both the system itself. Intuitive the goal is obvious: it is necessary to strive to ensure that our well-being at least deteriorated. This formulation is understandable, but it is useless to organize practical actions. It had to be converted into health indicators and in everyday habits. It is formulated like this: getting rid of harmful and acquisition of beneficial habits.
Indicators assess the health status and the dynamics of its change. Regular inventory of habits accurately determines how successfully the actual lifestyle is approaching a healthy lifestyle. This technique allows me to be constantly in the "course" that I do in the interests of health, and how my well-being changed from these cases.

The process implemented by the system. The essence of the management process is that the presidents that the Head of DEZ has that the head of the gang is that I have my own health management system, the same is the development, organization of incarnation in reality, monitoring and adjusting management decisions. But everywhere, understandable, different goals, scale, resources, responsibility and similar characteristics.
The special uniqueness of the management process in my case is that the "boss", and the "subordinate", and the "consumer" of the results are connected in one person. It can not be assigned to other people's merits, to shove out on another guilt for the blunders, to stop, and not be a genuine professional. The whole process, in all details "controlled by" quality and life expectancy. Or or!

Elements of the system. Theoretically forming system elements should cover everything that affects health: heredity, ecology, physical and mental activity, the achievements of medical sciences, state health care, etc. etc. All as do not try, and do not list. It is good that everything is listed and not necessary.
From this abundance of reasons and consequences, I accepted as elements of my personal system only those that are available and "subject to" me personally and absolutely necessary for the organization of the case. There are only five of them:

1) will, as determined to overcome yourself in the interests of health;
2) faith in the success of self-treatment;
3) knowledge of wellness and procedures;
4) accessible doctors and medical institutions;
5) Technology of interaction of system elements.

This is the minimum set of elements. The absence of any of them means the absence of the entire system. Two reasons stopped me from the extensive "performance" for each of the listed elements: instead of the article, then it would have to write a book, and I already had no time for the book and, I feel strength. But the fifth point in this list still deserves special attention.

Technology interaction of system elements.
The starting version of the self-health management system (unconditional reflexes and organs) of a person gives nature in the process of intrauterine development. And then, after birth and until the death of death - from whom it will work out. With varying degree of frivolity, we have a whole life by modifying the original version of your system. It is a pity, but in the end, the control system is not very rarely developing, which is otherwise like a system of bullying over their own health, and it is impossible to be called.
I say this with a complete basis, since my "favorite" mockery I "Feed" up to 70 years, until the already mentioned three heart attacks. I had to act. There was no other exit. But immediately discovered "insurmountable" obstacles. And the fault of this is the contradiction between the logic of intentions and the logic of circumstances. So I was and, I think it will be so for everyone who wants to repeat my "feat." This is the main problem of all health practices. All other difficulties - its consequence. This multi-headed "Hydra" is always unexpectedly, the empty, hiding deep in the psyche of man. Therefore, it is especially dangerous!
I will explain on two examples. I assume myself, let's say, go out to the street and climb not in the elevator, but on foot. This is the logic of intentions. But every time, with the intention to pass by the elevator, you lie temptations. The package in the hands is heavy, then the neighbor invites you to ride, the legs do not go (after all, 82 years), then just laziness. This is the logic of circumstances.
Or an example that daily "passes" almost every one. In the interests of health, you need to get up immediately after waking up. But there is a thousand reasons to choose another "droplet", which turns around, happens by hours.
Similar circumstances - peculiar fluffs on our way, always ready to block the next of your "rabbit" from among noble intentions.
Similar to the West lasted me in all intentions and actions. They are still known to pain. You have repeatedly throwing drinking and smoking. Refused OT. fried meat and excess sugar. They decided from Monday not to go over the measure. For midnight, go to bed and get up to dinner. Worry on trifles. Solish already salted food. Stay in idle. Again and re-postpone the visit of the doctor. And so indefinitely.
I often fell into despair. It sometimes seemed that there were no paths. But from the impasse "rescued" the memory. Rather, inherent in old age, its fall. I was forced to record and intent, and their execution. At first - on the pieces of paper, then - on special cards, on the recorder, and now in the dressed table "daily observations".
It is difficult to believe, but records, and especially the table, beheaded the boys, revived faith in health capabilities and, affecting the psyche, many times stepped up my actions.
The form of the table is so simple that it is easier to explain to words. It has 32 columns and arbitrary (as needed) the number of rows. The left (wide) column is my intentions turned into a real recovery plan. On the right of the planned column are 31 (maximum number of days per month) report columns. They take into account how plans are fulfilled.
The table "takes out" for two hours at the end of the month (to update the plan for the next month) and ten minutes every day before bedtime (for the report for the expired day). Total for the month: 2 hours + 10 min. x 30 days \u003d 7 hours.
Everything is simple and, by time, each is available. But this simplicity and accessibility brought amazing strength and power to my actions, reiterated, deliberately repeat, psyche. Every day, before bedtime, in just ten minutes, my eye, sliding on the table, time to highlight all my sins and achievements, and the brain, as an impartial judge, makes a "verdict" and conscience, and will, and frivolism. Not only for an expired day, not only a growing outcome from the beginning of the month. And if you need, since the beginning of the year and even for several years. Some unfortunate force already tomorrow, after waking, now does not allow me to shy away from the duties and forces the verdict.
So the table almost became almost the main part of all recreational work. It is she who provides the joint work of the elements of the entire system. We list them again: the will, as determined to overcome yourself in the interests of health; faith in the success of self-treatment; knowledge of wellness and procedures; doctors and medical institutions; Work and technology of self-treatment. Previously, I could not imagine how cunning could be the "weaknesses" of a person and how inventive maybe, and therefore should be a person in the fight against cunning. The need and training lay everything in its place.
Semantic filling of the table, that is, specific indicators and actions, each person will be their own. I have "written" under dictation of cardio-vascular system and thyroid. You have a head, stomach, joints or other organs and illness in this role. But you can offer the overall structure. My table contains the following sections-headings: health condition, difficult cases, measures in difficult cases, prevention, loads and procedures, therapeutic food, food is normal, weather.

Conclusion. I will be back to the beginning of the article and repeat: there are no new funds and recovery procedures. Novelty - in the behavior method: systematic, and not on occasion to occasion, actions benefit to their health. Daily surveillance over themselves became a disciplining member. As a result, I managed not in theory, but in practice it is organized, to build all the well-known means and procedures for a healthy lifestyle. Mobilizing the will and reason, it can do any independently of wealth, position in society and established in the country of production.
My system is created and works at the amateur level. And if you put the problem on the scientific basis !? Yes, to introduce to this process media, family, school, clinic, hospital, ministry, the highest administration?!
There is a reason to think!
For insight about his health, I needed to "spend" without a small seventy years of life. What a pity that no one has enlightened me before! Previously, so fifty years! Everyone who reads this article is a chance to protect ourselves from repetition of my mistake.
Hello, people, today, tomorrow, long!

<22.08.14 - 09.07.15>


This "section" was not in the original version. The addition was required as a draft response to the wishes of the very first readers (not with the name). The essence of the supplement is a list of funds and procedures that have become part of my lifestyle and are in constant development.
1. Daily assessment of health indicators: well-being and appetite in points, blood pressure, as the day live. "Difficult cases": angina pain, disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness, weakness. Measures in difficult cases: nitrosphrey, clinic, emergency challenge, injections. Explanations in health diary.
2. Complete lack of idleness. Physical and mental activity. Hard (fat plywood under a thin mattress) bed. Daily charging with "mounted" in it with exercises for the eyes, heart, spine, joints, abdomen, vessels (contrast shower). Permanent employment inevitable, useful and good deeds; "Forced" education of feelings of joy and satisfying from fulfillment is not quite pleasant. Examples of cases: mastering and use of the computer and the Internet, this article, a book-report before relatives-descendants for your life "The spiritual heritage of our kind. Confession of ancestors ", homemade, cooking.
3. Compliance with the prescriptions of the doctor. Constantly heart and endocrinological medicines (contrary to the common condemnation of tablets).
4. Medical food. Almost every day I. round year. Berries: Blueberry, Kalina, Currant, Cranberry, Lingonberry, Feichoa (in the rolling with sugar). Porridge (especially oat and buckwheat). Drink-infusion in the thermos (Ivan-tea, rosehip, hawthorn, juice and zest lemon, honey). Dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, whole milk). Others: Kuraga, Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Bread (with Bran and Grain), Garlic, Onions, Greens.
5. Ordinary food. Vegetables, more often raw, steady and boiled. Fruits. Meat, usually boiled; less often stew. Fully excluded sausages, smoked and animal fat. Minimum on the verge full failure, salt and sugar.