Adjusting the nora closer spring. How to install and adjust a door closer to close it automatically

Today, in many houses, entrance and interior doors are equipped with a closer for ease of use, but in order for this device to serve properly for more than one year, it must be periodically inspected and repaired. In this article we will look in detail at how to adjust the door closer; sooner or later this knowledge will definitely come in handy.

Today door closers are very popular and are used almost everywhere.

Types of door closers

The closer is a special device that helps control the movement process door leaf. With its help, you can make the closing smoother and quieter, or sharper, with a strong slam. He is also able to hold her in open position if necessary.

To better understand the principle of operation of the mechanism, it is necessary to consider its main types, this will make it easier to understand how to configure the door closer.

Mainly two types of mechanisms are used:

  • cam slide – ensures smooth sliding, used for doors of light weight;
  • gear lever - the most commonly used type of mechanism, the movement of the spring is carried out using gears, it can be used even for heavy doors with a combination lock.

Design diagram of a door closer with a gear lever mechanism

Based on the installation method, closers can be divided into the following types:

  • invoices,
  • floor,
  • hidden.


Overhead structures are the easiest to use; their operation can be adjusted using several valves or screws located on the box panel. The number of permissible revolutions is regulated by the manufacturer.

The overhead model is most often used for residential premises


Floor-mounted ones are also quite easy to adjust; their difference is that they are not attached at the top, like the previous type, but at the bottom. IN residential buildings They are not used too often; these models are mainly intended for arranging entrances in public institutions and offices.

Floor-standing models are often used for glass doors


Hidden structures are quite difficult to adjust on your own, since they are hidden inside the door leaf or in the floor, which makes access to them difficult.

The design of hidden models involves the integration of a closer into the door leaf

When adjustment is required

Adjusting the door closer is a fairly simple matter; you can easily do it yourself. Let's look at in which cases it may be necessary to adjust the parameters of this device.

First of all, it should be remembered that the duration of proper operation of any device depends on its high-quality maintenance throughout its entire service life. Therefore, once or twice a year it is necessary to inspect the closer and correct minor problems. This is especially true when the seasons change.

In winter and summer, the climatic conditions are strikingly different. Most door closers are oil-filled, and as you know, any liquid changes its state depending on temperature external environment. So, in winter the oil becomes more viscous and the door movement slows down, in summer everything happens exactly the opposite, so it is advisable to tighten the door closer to the required level.

When changing seasons, it is necessary to adjust the closer

Adjustment of devices is also necessary if you notice any problems or you are simply not satisfied with the settings of its operation. If the closer starts to slow down or the door closes too quickly and abruptly, jerkily, and doesn’t close for a long time, you can try to fix all this.

The closer is subject to mandatory adjustment in case of malfunctions

Things are a little more complicated if door closer out of order. Then simple adjustment may be ineffective and additional repair measures will be required.

In addition, knowledge about the possibility of setting the functions of the closer will be useful during initial installation, when it needs to be adjusted in accordance with the conditions of use. Less commonly, temporary adjustments to the effort and function of the product may be necessary while it is being used.

Door speed selection

The closer can have several functions. Almost every action can be adjusted in a simple way. First important point– adjusting the speed of the front door closer. In other words, it depends on how quickly the door opens and closes. Standard overhead models have two screws on their body; the first screw is responsible for adjusting the speed, but it can be turned a limited number of times.

The speed of the closer is adjusted using two adjusting screws: 1 - speed of movement of the blade, 2 - speed of closing

By adjusting the spring tension level, you can either weaken or stiffen the door closer. Depending on the direction of scrolling, you can tighten it or loosen it, which will ensure freer movement of the blade.

Please note that one turn of the screw is sufficient for adjustment; you cannot turn the screw twice, otherwise the device may depressurize and oil will leak out.

Installation of aftershock

Now let's look at how to adjust the door closer to install the door closer. This mode allows the doors to close smoothly, leaving a small gap before closing completely. It also performs a function that ensures a tighter fit of the canvas to the frame.

In order to set the shutter, it is necessary to change the position of the second screw located on the closer body. When approximately 10-15 degrees remain until complete closing, the deceleration will work, and then the blade will be pulled to the end. The screw controls the speed of this movement.

The clap speed is adjusted using the adjusting screw number 2

Open position

In some cases, it may be necessary to hold the door open for quite a long time. Let's look at how to adjust the door closer so that the doors do not slam, but remain open.

Many door closer models have a special “hold open” function for this purpose. To set it to this mode, you need to open the door about 90 degrees and then tighten the special lock. After such simple manipulations, you will be able to leave the door open when swinging it open to the set degree. A special lock will work in the closer, which will hold it in this position for as long as necessary. When it is necessary to close the door, simply pull it towards you and the lock will be released. If the door is not fully opened, it will move as usual, without delay.

Additional functions of the closer are adjusted with screws specially designed for them.

What not to do

In order to correctly adjust the door closer, you also need to be aware of possible limitations, so that a simple adjustment of functions does not become fatal for the device.

  1. Turning the screw from the zero point should not be more than two turns, otherwise oil leakage may occur, which will negatively affect the operation of the device;
  2. Distortions in the design of the closer are not allowed, otherwise it can quickly fail;
  3. When closing the door, do not put strong pressure on it;
  4. It is not recommended to prop the door in a half-open position; there is a special function for this;
  5. Do not hang heavy objects on the door, as this may skew the set diagonal.

To prevent doors from remaining open, they used to use a banal spring, but today they install a door closer. Its design is also based on a spring, but it is more powerful, hidden in a metal case and filled with oil - for “braking” when closing. Installing a door closer is not a difficult task. Self-installation will take 20-30 minutes. Hardly any more. So we take a drill and install it ourselves.


According to global standards EN 1154, door closers are classified according to the closing force they can generate. They are divided into 7 classes, which are designated EN1-EN7. When choosing a class, pay attention to the inertia of the door, that is, the width of its leaf and weight at the same time. If different parameters the doors correspond to different classes and install a device of a higher class.

Door closer classDoor leaf width, mmDoor leaf weight, kg
EN1up to 750 mmup to 20 kg
up to 850 mmup to 40 kg
EN3up to 950 mmup to 60 kg
EN4up to 1100 mmup to 80 kg
EN5up to 1250 mmup to 100 kg
EN6up to 1400 mmup to 120 kg
EN7up to 1600 mmup to 160 kg

For example, the width of the door corresponds to class EN2, and the weight is EN4. They put it in 4th class, since a weaker force will not cope with the load.

There are door closers that belong to the same class. The characteristics then indicate a class with one digit - EN5. They have a small range of force adjustment - within one class. There are devices whose closing force is regulated within several groups. In this case, the range is marked with a hyphen - EN2-3, for example. The latter are more convenient to use - you can adjust the closing speed depending on the weather. But the cost of such models is higher.

Structures and traction device

The main design element of a door closer is a spring that pushes the lever. There are two types of devices based on the method of transmitting force from a spring to a lever:

Both of these types consist of two parts: a housing in which the spring is hidden and a force-transmitting mechanism and lever. They are mounted at the top of the door: one part on the leaf, the second on the frame. Which one goes where depends on the direction of opening. If the doors open “pull”, a housing with a mechanism is installed on the door leaf; when opening “pull,” a lever is attached. The photo shows a lever type closer, but similar installation rules apply to models with a sliding channel.

As you understand, they are not suitable for all types of doors - it is problematic to install them on glass ones. There is another design for them - floor-mounted. The housing with the mechanism is mounted on the floor, only the holder plate protrudes from above. A similar holder is installed at the top, but the mechanism is not always there, only for heavy door leaves.

By the way, there are floor models for wooden and metal doors. They also have a linkage or sliding channel transmission. They are less conspicuous, but with this arrangement they are more often damaged.

Where to put

Basically, closers are installed on external or entrance doors; they can be installed on gates or gates. In the case of doors, they are positioned so that the body is in the room. Although there are frost-resistant models designed for cold use, it is better that the case is protected from the effects of weather conditions. This arrangement also guarantees greater safety.

Installing a door closer: instructions with photos

To install the closer on the door, you only need a drill, a ruler, a pencil and a screwdriver. A drill is usually required “3” (three), but you need to look at the diameter of the fastener, which usually comes with the kit.

Most manufacturers, to facilitate self-installation door closer, completes the product with installation templates. These templates schematically depict the parts of the closer in full size. They also have mounting holes for each element. In models that can create opening forces of different classes, the holes are drawn different colors, in addition they are signed - the door closer class is placed next to it.

The template is printed on both sides of the sheet. On one side - for opening the doors "towards you" - from the side of the hinges (pictured above), on the other - "from you".

The template has two perpendicular red stripes. We align the horizontal one with the top edge of the door leaf, the vertical one with the axis line of the hinges.

Everything is clear with the upper edge of the door leaf, but to avoid mistakes during installation, you need to draw the axis line of the hinges. If the door closer is installed from the hinge side, there are no problems - use a long ruler and pencil to move the line of the middle of the hinges upward. If installation will be carried out on the other side, measure the distance from the edge of the canvas to the middle of the loop. Mark this distance on the other side and draw a line.

Holes for door closer

On the template we find marks for holes according to the selected class. Using a drill or awl, we transfer them to the door leaf and frame.

Typically, the kit includes two types of fasteners: for metal (metal-plastic) and wood. Choosing a drill suitable size and use a drill to drill holes in the marked places.

Door closers are equipped with two types of fasteners - for metal and wooden doors

Next, the actual installation of the door closer begins. Please note that for installation it is necessary that the housing and arms are disconnected. If they are assembled, they are separated (the washer is unscrewed, the screw connecting the levers and the body is removed).


We attach the parts to the holes made and install the fasteners. In the diagram we find the class of opening force that we need (in this case EN2) and install the parts as shown in the figure.

To open “towards you,” we place the body on the door leaf and install a rod on the frame.

Now you need to connect the traction lever to the body. There is a special protrusion at the bottom of the case. We put a lever on it and tighten it with a screw.

Now all that remains is to connect the lever to the rod. There are two options.

Connect the lever to the rod

The connection of the lever with the rod itself is very simple: the two parts are combined and slightly pressed with your fingers. They lock into place with a slight click. The trick is how to position them relative to the door. The rate of movement of the door leaf at the final stage of closing depends on this. The position can change due to the fact that the rod consists of two parts and can be adjusted in length - one of the parts of the rod is a long threaded pin. Rotate the pin to shorten or lengthen it.

If you just need a smooth finishing, the rod is placed so that it is perpendicular to the door leaf. To do this, reduce its size slightly (pictured on the left).

If the door has a latch, a significant force is required to overcome its resistance. For this option, a shoulder is placed perpendicular to the door (the rod is untwisted, making it longer).

Having arranged the parts accordingly, they are combined and connected. That's all, the installation of the door closer is complete. And you can handle it with your own hands, and without much difficulty. Remained final stage— setting the closing speed. To do this, you need to understand the adjustments of door closers.

How to put on a gate

Frost-resistant models that can be used outside are suitable for installation on a gate. But not all gates have a top crossbar. But everyone has side racks. In this case, the rod is attached to the side post by unfolding the mounting plate along the post.

But hydraulic devices (discussed in this article) do not do well in the cold. The oil that is poured into the body and serves to “brake” the door leaf becomes more viscous, and the gate closes more slowly. From this point of view, it is better to choose a pneumatic model for the gate (about selection and installation).

How to install on a metal door

Installation of the closer on metal doors differs only in the type of fasteners used and the size of the drill. Since the canvas is usually heavier, powerful models of at least class 5 are selected (check the table). Accordingly, on the installation template you will need markings for another class.

You may also need more powerful drill, but these are all details. Otherwise, you need to install a closer on metal doors in the same way as wooden or metal-plastic ones.

Adjusting the door closer

Closers that are installed on doors have different designs and the adjusting screws are located in different places. Everything is exactly indicated in the passport or installation instructions. But, in general, the technique is the same:

  • turning the screw clockwise increases the speed/force;
  • turning counterclockwise, we slow down/reduce the force.

When adjusting the closer, do not turn the screws several turns at once. Often just a quarter turn is enough, maybe a little more. Having upset the balance by tightening or unscrewing the screws too much, it is very difficult to adjust everything again. You can even break the device or cause oil to leak from inside.

Adjustments for the speed of door opening and slamming are located on the body. Most often they are either on the front part under the protective cover or on its side surface.

In round or multi-faceted housings, adjustments are located on the side of the housing

Closer – small device, designed to smoothly close the door. It not only minimizes the risk of injury to people, but also protects the door structure - hinges, fittings - from rapid wear. How to adjust the door closer yourself?

Types and design of door closers

The working element of the closer is a spring enclosed in a container with oil. The devices differ in installation method:

Top overhead;

Built into the frame;

Built into the floor.

The drive of the closer can be crank (lever) or cam (leverless). Simple models mechanical, more complex ones operate from the mains.

Operating loads are indicated in the passport and directly depend on the dimensions and weight of the web.

In addition, each model has a range permissible temperatures. Working environment closer - oil, its consistency depends on outside temperature: the colder it is, the higher the viscosity.

The operating parameters are controlled by a valve system - a thermal shutter. Its purpose is to compensate for temperature changes by reducing or increasing viscosity.

At the turn of the seasons, adjusting the closer becomes necessary. Otherwise, one fine winter day you will find that your door is “frozen.”

If the blade closes at the wrong speed (too fast or too slow), adjustment is also necessary.

Important: the device will work properly only when correct installation. During installation, you need to ensure that a right angle is maintained between the lever and the door.

Adjustment instructions

Instructions on how to adjust the door closer are included in the kit. If it is not there, then look below. Let's consider the most common design - the overhead overhead door closer.

Video “How to adjust a door closer”:

There are two screws at the end of the device. The first screw regulates movement in the angle range from 15 degrees to 180. The second controls the closing speed: by tightening it, you reduce the speed, by loosening it, you increase it. By manipulating both in turn, you achieve required work. Some recommendations:

To increase the finishing speed, you need to turn the second adjusting screw clockwise, for the opposite effect - counterclockwise.

The spring tension is changed by turning the adjusting nut. With its help, the door closer is adjusted according to the swing angle.

Video “How to adjust a door closer with your own hands”:

You can pause the movement of a door that is open at a right angle (hold-open function). To do this, move the blade 90 degrees and tighten the lock. This option is useful when open door you need to carry some cargo.

If the door is open 90 degrees or more, it will stop completely. To set it in motion, you need to pull the handle. If the angle is less than 90, the door will close smoothly as usual.

You can turn the adjusting screws from the zero mark no more than two turns. If you adjust the door closer yourself, you should remember that It is unacceptable to unscrew the screw completely.

When the valves are displaced, oil leakage inevitably occurs and the device becomes inoperable.

Video “How to adjust a door closer”:

To prevent the closers from being subjected to unnecessary loads, you should not put additional force on the closing door or support it with anything.

Features of Dorma and Geze

The German Dorma door closer is designed to operate in the temperature range from -30 to +40. The Dorma door closer is adjusted by two valves.

The force must comply with the European standard EN. The setting depends on the type and dimensions of the door. The force is adjusted by moving the body relative to the hinges or turning the lever.

The Geze closer is adjusted using the hold-open function, which operates in the range from 70 to 150 degrees. In addition to the usual models of this brand, there are devices with smoke protection: in the case there is a switch with an electronic unit that is triggered by smoke.

This is a simple way to adjust the door yourself. The main thing is not to overdo it and service it on time.

The oldest door mechanism, completing the slamming of the door, was a cobblestone tied to the doorframe with a string. Then humanity, not wanting to bother themselves, replaced the cobblestone with a spring, the ends of which were attached to the box and to the canvas. The spring, imparting impulse not only to the door, but also to the not-so-nimble backs, still serves as the main element in most modifications of door closers. Only its operation has become smooth and controlled due to the implementation special devices. Because home handyman you need to know how to install an improved mechanism, and how to adjust the door closer, if you decide to equip your property with automation for lazy users yourself.

Video instructions for home craftsmen

Types of closers and installation methods

Installing a mechanical device that smoothly closes the door reduces the load on the fittings and protects the hinges and the structure itself from premature wear. You can equip it with both the entrance and interior door, and a door between the house and the bathhouse extension or garage.

Differences in the installation method determined the classification of closers, which are divided into:

  • overhead mechanisms installed on a box beam or on a canvas, or in door hinges instead of a rod;
  • floor structures, the laying of which is carried out during the construction period flooring and is usually designed in advance;
  • hidden devices located either in the box if its power is sufficient, or in the canvas. To equip this type of mechanism, cavities must be milled, which should not be undertaken without experience.

The simplest and most accessible for an inexperienced performer would be the overhead installation of a door closer, the process of which in most cases is described in detail by the manufacturer. Caring manufacturers now add to their products not only detailed description, but also a template that exactly follows the contour of the mechanism with clear markings of points for fastening. Almost all actions are carried out according to the standard algorithm, but there are nuances that should not be forgotten.

Attention. Before equipping the door with the device, it must be repaired and the fittings adjusted. The canvas should not “shuffle” along the floor or hang crookedly on its hinges. The movement of the loops should not be heavy.

Construction installation options

Mechanisms with levers or sliding channels can be mounted both from the inside and outside of the interior door design. Just on outer side entrance doors It is undesirable to install the device due to the negative influence of characteristic changes in atmospheric temperature.

The fact is that the smooth movement of the spring controlling the lever ensures the variable flow of machine oil from one cavity to another. And in cold weather it becomes more viscous and thick, and in hot weather it becomes more liquid. Therefore, due to temperature fluctuations, the operation of the device will have to be adjusted more often than specified by the manufacturer, which ultimately reduces the operating life of the system.

You can choose one of three common installation schemes:

  • The standard installation predetermines the fixation of the main working body on the canvas. With this arrangement, the lever is attached to the lintel of the door frame.
  • The upper diagram dictates the fastening of the mechanism to the ceiling - the upper box beam, and the lever shoe is screwed to the door leaf.
  • The parallel arrangement is similar to the standard version, but the lever is not attached perpendicularly, but in parallel using a mounting bracket.

The installation diagram of the door closer depends on the location of the hinges. That is, from the direction of movement of the canvas when opening/closing. If the door is opened “pull”, then the device is mounted as standard on the door leaf, and the lever is attached to the box beam. The “on your own” option obviously involves top mounting of the device to the lintel with fixation of the lever on the canvas.

There are also non-standard cases, such as, for example, insufficient door clearance. But cunning developers found a way out constructively difficult situations, offering mounting angles and plates to home and professional craftsmen.

The installation of a door closer in such cases is carried out in a parallel scheme in two ways:

  • the lever is secured in parallel, placing its shoe on the mounting angle fixed on the box;
  • The main body of the closer is attached to the box beam using a mounting plate.

Briefly about door closers with sliding rod

Sliding rod devices are attractive due to their optimized design, which practically does not interfere with the interior decor. Among the advantages is the ability to upgrade the device with an electromagnetic clamp or fire alarm. Such closers operate with great force, and there is no way to control their operation, but equipping them with an elastic limiter insert will allow you to set the required opening angle of the sash. Most modifications are installed according to schemes similar to the perpendicular option described above. But universal models with a sliding channel rod can be mounted on both sides.

Attention. Installation of duct (slider) closers from the side, back side location door hinges, dictates that the device be equipped with a door opening angle limiter. It can be replaced by a specialized stopper built into the slider.

Door closer installation algorithm

After carefully choosing the right location and defining the layout, further actions are performed in an almost identical sequence:

  • We apply the included template and glue it with tape to the installation site;
  • through the “core” points designated by the manufacturer for the locations of future holes for fasteners, there should be 2 for the lever and 4 for the device;
  • It is advisable to drill the mounting holes in advance;
  • First we attach the lever, followed by the body;
  • After fixing the device and the lever, install the second half of the rod on the axis of the closer and make adjustments to the length. The lever must be strictly perpendicular to the closed door leaf.

Attention. The adjusting screws should be directed towards the hinge beam of the box.

Fasteners in complete set supplied by the manufacturer, there is no need to buy or exchange it for other hardware. It is important not to deviate one iota from the instructions, and success is guaranteed.

Adjusting the operation of the structure

After connecting the rod and the main working body into a single mechanism, it remains to find out how to adjust the door closer. This procedure is usually accomplished by adjusting two adjusting screws. Two screws are needed to set the speed of the web in two modes:

  • by positioning the first screw we will set the closing speed in the range of 180-15º;
  • with the second screw we “program” the speed in the range of 15-0º.

The required speed is set by turning the screws along and against the thread. You probably won't have to make more than one turn.

Attention. Don't adjust the speed of the blade too hard. Two turns will lead to a violation of the seal, the screw falling out and leaking oil.

If the door is equipped with closers with additional functions, such as:

  • BC (abbreviation BackCheck) - a damper that resists too sudden forces in the range of 70-110º;
  • FOP (from Hold-Open) – retains the blade in the open position;
  • DC (abbreviated Delayed Closing) – prolonged moment of movement in the zone of 110-70º,

Having made sure that the speed characteristics correspond to the desires, and the movement ends with the required “after clap” or “booster”, we close the axis of the closer with a decorative cap.

Now the work can be considered complete and you can start using the automatically closing door. The closing mechanism will function properly if children do not swing on the doors, if normal operation the closer will not be disturbed by supporting devices and unreasonable hands, always trying to slam or slow down. If you follow the operating instructions, the device will last a long time.

A door closer is one of those devices that requires careful and regular care, since constant loads and daily cycles of opening and closing doors lead to imbalance of the mechanisms of this device. Such troubles are corrected by a rather simple adjustment process. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article, in which, together with the website, we will talk about how to adjust the door closer with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment photo

Adjusting the door closer with your own hands: what is adjustable and what is not

Almost all modern ones have two or three points that can be adjusted at your discretion - with their help you can not only adjust the operation of this mechanism, but do it in such a way that it is convenient for you to use the doors. That is why the question of how to adjust the door closer is solved not only during operation, but also immediately after installing the device on the door. So what can be adjusted in this device? As a rule, this is the speed of closing the doors, the so-called closing (pressing the door leaf against the frame) and in some expensive models the door speed ranges from 80°-90° to closing. Let's talk about the purpose of such a division in a little more detail.

In principle, this is all that can be adjusted in a device such as a door closer. Agree, you don’t need more, because the most important thing is comfortable closing of doors without human intervention.

How to adjust a door closer: features of setting up the device

Let's start right away by deciding what absolutely cannot be done. There are few such contraindications, or rather, prohibitions - only one, but violating it will lead to complete breakdown of the closer.

Do not completely unscrew the adjusting screws!
Hydraulics usually manage the entire adjustment process - after unscrewing the adjusting screw more than two turns, oil pumped there under pressure flows out of the hole. You won't be able to refill everything at home.

To better understand the essence of the issue, you can watch a video about adjusting door closers.

We've sorted out the prohibitions, watched the video, now let's get down to theoretical adjustments, but let's additionally clarify one more point related to some extent to the above prohibitions. During the process of adjusting the mechanism, the adjusting screws need to be turned little by little - half a turn of the screw leads to a serious change in the speed of the door movement. And one more thing - by turning the screw counterclockwise, we achieve an increase in the speed of closing the doors, and by turning the screw counterclockwise, we slow it down accordingly. Now that the basic rules are clear, let's begin to directly address the question of how to adjust the closer? We will solve it point by point, although by and large, all the most basic things have already been described above.

And in conclusion, a small reminder about correct use door closer - these are four golden rules that allow you to adjust the door closer with your own hands as rarely as possible. First, don't turn the screw more than two turns; secondly, do not force the door by trying to close it with your hands; thirdly, do not prop the doors to keep them open and, fourthly, do not ignore the instructions for use. Only if these rules are followed can a door closer serve for a long time.