One of the brightest and most beautiful types of ficus Benjamin is “De Gantel. Ficus: species names with photos, home care Ficus with red veins

Ficus is a member of the mulberry family, which are evergreen plants that have a tree or shrub appearance. It can also grow in the form of vines. In the genus to which the plant belongs, there are over 900 species of ficus, some of which are grown at home.

General information

Ficus can be found not only in houses or apartments, it has long been an integral part of the interiors of offices and large companies. In addition to its decorative appearance, it helps to purify the air and enrich it with oxygen.

Its demand as a pot culture is associated with unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation. If you follow all the rules for caring for a plant, then the flower will delight its owner with beauty and elegance for many years, bringing a special flavor to the interior.

Ficus varieties with photos and names

It is a popular indoor variety of ficus, which has oblong leaves with different colors and a length of up to 12 centimeters. The plant has a voluminous crown covered with gray bark with horizontal brown stripes.

Ficus of this species does not like waterlogged soil, direct sunlight and shade, as this dims and burns its leaf plates.

This variety of ficus has massive leathery leaves of a dark green hue. When growing it in a room, it does not branch well. However, with proper care, this flower will have a luxurious crown, reaching a height of up to two meters. The sap of this plant is used to make rubber.

It is a tree-like plant, which in natural conditions reaches 25 meters in height and has a dense crown. It has long, shiny, elliptical, dark green leaves.

Ficus initially develops as an epiphyte, eventually crushing the trunk of the plant on which it grows. When grown in a pot, the plant resembles an exotic, miniature bonsai with unusual roots and a beautiful, lush crown.

In nature, it grows up to 10 meters in height. When kept at home, it is very miniature and has a height of 40 to 50 centimeters. This variety was brought from Ceylon.

The flower has a flexible, branching trunk of medium thickness with a dense crown, making the ficus easy to form. Leaf plates are up to 3 centimeters in size. They have a glossy surface with a tip bent down. The color can be either light or dark green. This ficus is used to create miniature bonsai.

The plant got its name due to the appearance of leaf plates that look like a musical instrument lyre. They are quite large, slightly compressed, reaching a length of 50 centimeters, with pronounced veins.

When growing a flower at home, you should create a microclimate similar to the one in which it grows in the wild, only in this way it will be possible to grow a beautiful and healthy plant.

The variety of this plant is distinguished by large, dark green leathery leaf plates. Ficus has a weak branching, but at the same time it has a dense crown, reaching a height of up to 2 meters. The milky juice of the flower is used in the manufacture of various rubber products.

It is a rather unpretentious plant with thick leaf plates that have a characteristic color for the species. The flower can reach up to 2 meters in length, thanks to which it has excellent decorative properties, and also acts as a natural indoor air filter.

The plant has branching shoots that eventually form an aerial root system. It has leathery dark green leaf plates arranged alternately. Young foliage has a red-brown tint, which is not typical for ficuses. When growing ficus, the soil should not be allowed to dry out, as this will negatively affect its growth.

In nature, it begins to develop on large trees. It has an aerial root system, which eventually descends to the soil, and when rooted, they become the trunk of the plant. It has oval leaves of dark green color with light veins, a trunk of medium thickness and a luxurious, lush crown.

From all other varieties of ficuses, this variety is distinguished by its miniature size and variegated, light green leaf plates with a beige edge.

This variety of ficus is considered sacred by Buddhists. In nature, it grows on the trunks of large trees, and after a while, when its root system reaches the ground, the ficus becomes an independent deciduous plant.

At home, it is grown as a bonsai with an unusual shape. The plant has heart-shaped leaf plates of a dark green hue. It loves heat very much, therefore, when growing it, one should not allow the temperature to drop below 12 degrees.

It grows naturally in the Philippines, China and Japan. Ficus is also grown as a houseplant. It looks like a tall, compact shrub with dense bright green leaf plates. The plant has decorative qualities, so it can often be found in a modern interior.

The plant of this variety can reach a height of up to 1 meter, but at the same time it grows extremely slowly. Its peculiarity lies in lanceolate, variegated, elongated leaf plates with a pointed end. The edges of the leaves are slightly wavy. Ficus is easy to shape, so you can grow bonsai from it.

Thanks to its bizarre trunk, it is grown as a bonsai indoors. This variety of ficus branches well, which allows you to form a dense crown. It has shiny, green, egg-shaped leaves. Unpretentious to the conditions of detention.

It grows naturally in China, Australia and Thailand. It is very similar to a tree with small leaf plates. At the tip of each leaf plate there is a groove for moisture to drain, so the plant adapts to frequent rains in natural conditions. Growing it is quite simple, so even beginners can handle this ficus.

This variety of ficus is distinguished by the variegation of leaf plates, which was obtained by crossing different species to make original greenhouse compositions.

From other varieties of ficus, this plant is distinguished by the presence of purple and pinkish hues on the leaf plates. The leaves of this flower are large, elongated and pointed at the ends. In height, the ficus can reach up to 1 meter.

The plant has medium-sized, long leaf plates, having a boat-shaped shape with a slightly bent end and wavy edges. They have a bright green tint and a white border around the edge. The plant can reach up to 1 meter in height. This variety grows very quickly and is unpretentious in care.

The plant is native to India, Indonesia and Nepal. It mainly grows in tropical forests, growing to a height of up to 40 meters. Home ficuses can reach the very ceiling, and if they are not allowed to grow upwards, they begin to branch.

They have glossy, large, dark green leaf plates with a burgundy tint, in the center of which there is a red vein. The plant is very photophilous, but it does not tolerate direct sunlight.

This variety differs from other types of ficuses in the color of leaf plates. They have a milky white tint with small green streaks. The homeland of the plant is the tropics, where it reaches a height of up to 10 meters. At home, it branches well and has a luxurious lush crown and extraordinary decorative effect.

In nature, it grows in Indonesia on the island of Java, growing in length up to 20 meters. Leaf plates have an elongated shape with wavy edges. They are shiny, drooping and curved along the main vein. When grown at home, the plant can grow up to 2 meters and, with proper care, has lush foliage. However, this variety does not flower when grown in pots.

Very beautiful, but very demanding variety of ficuses. The plant can reach a height of up to two meters, but it grows very slowly. Ficus branches well and has a lush and dense crown with white and white-green small leaf plates. With a lack of light, it loses its decorative effect and its foliage acquires a standard dark green hue.

The plant has long, wide leaf plates of medium size. They have a light green hue with dark green, yellow, light green and gray stripes. In height, the plant can reach up to 2 meters. It grows by 5-7 centimeters per year.

Ficus home care

Only competent care of the plant will help ensure its healthy appearance and decorative qualities. This exotic representative of indoor plants is quite photophilous, so it should provide a large amount of light, which should not be direct, but diffused.

If the grower cannot place the plant on the windowsill on the south or east side, then he should put it in partial shade so that the direct rays of the sun do not harm the flower. It should also be noted that ficuses do not like drafts and strong temperature changes. During the growing season, the plant needs to provide a temperature of 20 to 24 degrees. In winter, it should not be below 15 degrees.

The fat woman or money tree belongs to the Crassula family. It is grown when caring at home without much hassle, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering ficus

For irrigation, use filtered or settled water. In summer, the plant should be watered once a week. Spraying should be carried out several times a month. With the onset of winter, watering should be carried out only when the top soil layer is dry.

Experienced growers to improve the color and shine of the leaves are advised to wipe them with a solution of water and mayonnaise. To prepare it, you should take a glass of filtered water and 3 teaspoons of mayonnaise. Wiping the sheet plates with this composition should be done every two months. It is suitable only for varieties with rich green leaf plates.

soil for ficus

In order for the ficus to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to prepare a slightly acidic or neutral soil for it, which includes hardwood and sod land, sand and humus. All ingredients must be used in equal proportions. You can add some compost flour to the soil.

If it is not possible to prepare the soil yourself, then it can be purchased at a flower shop by ordering a special primer for ficuses from the seller.

ficus pot

For ficus, you should choose a pot made of ceramics, clay or plastic. Large wooden pots are ideal for adult plants. Bonsai should be grown in small, flat clay pots.

The container for growing the plant should be changed as it grows. The most important condition in choosing a pot is the presence of drainage holes in it, which will not allow water to stagnate in the soil.

Ficus transplant at home

An adult ficus must be replanted every three years to avoid compaction and acidification of the earth mixture. Young growth requires an annual transplant, because during active growth, young trees greatly deplete the soil and build up the root system, which needs additional space. The pot for transplanting is selected depending on the size of the plant. The larger the ficus, the larger the pot should be chosen.

When transplanting a ficus, you need to pay attention to the drainage layer, which will prevent water from stagnating at the bottom of the pot. For its formation, expanded clay or small broken shards are used.

Ficus fertilizer

In summer, it is necessary to feed the plant three times a month, that is, once every ten days with mineral or organic fertilizers designed specifically for ficuses. These top dressings should be applied alternately.

In the winter season, the plant should not be fed at all, or a light fertilizer should be used as tea leaves. For this purpose, it is necessary to make a hole in a pot with a plant, put a few leaves of black tea in it, after which they need to be sprinkled with earth. Such top dressing is enough for good nutrition for the wintering period of the ficus.

Ficus flowering

Some varieties of ficuses also bloom at home, but you should immediately warn that luxurious inflorescences, such as on their wild counterparts, will not be seen. The flowers of the plant are called syconia, resembling small peas of lemon, green or orange hue. There is a hole on top of the inflorescence, and a void inside the bud.

In nature, this hole is necessary for pollination by special insects, but since we do not have such insects, the inflorescences do not change either shape or color, gradually fading and crumbling.

However, it should be noted that syconias have a negative effect on the ficus, as they take away a lot of vitality from it, therefore, if they suddenly appear, they should be cut off so that the plant does not die over time.

pruning ficus

Ficus pruning is carried out only when the plant is in the vegetative period. Pruning can be done to:

  • Sanitation - it is performed to remove diseased and damaged shoots.
  • formations - carried out to form a crown.
  • Rejuvenation - performed for rejuvenation after a stressful situation transferred by the plant such as overdrying or hypothermia.
  • tweezers - based on pinching the crowns, for the growth of branches of the second order.

Sanation it is mainly carried out if the plant is sick and needs to remove diseased branches in order to protect the ficus from the spread of infection to healthy branches. Can be done at any time. It is also necessary to remove old leaves that have lost their appearance, as they greatly spoil the decorative effect of the plant.

Anti-aging pruning - it is considered to be cardinal. It is used for frostbite or overdrying of the ficus by cutting the plant at the root, leaving only a small stump.

Thanks to such a haircut, you can awaken dormant buds that will give new shoots. You can grow an updated plant with one trunk, or leave all the grown branches to create a lush bush.

tweezing - carried out only with young plants for the development of side branches. To get a fork, flower growers develop side branches. To this end, they cut off the top of the selected branch, after examining the stem.

This is necessary in order not to miss the growth of new branches under the cut, which is why it is important to track how the buds are located.

Ficus crown formation

Crown shaping is carried out using formative pruning, which is performed during the growing season, that is, until mid-summer. The branches are cut with a disinfected pruner. You can remove no more than ¼ branches at a time. However, this rule does not apply to anti-aging pruning.

The cuts are made horizontally above the kidney so that the resulting high stump does not spoil the decorative qualities. From the cut point, the milky juice is carefully washed off and treated with ground coal to avoid infections.

In addition to pruning, flower growers also change the location of the branches using spacers. Spacers are inserted between the trunk and side shoots or between two branches. The ends of the spacers are wrapped with a cloth to prevent damage to the bark. When the branch takes the desired position, the spacer should be removed.

An alternative to a spacer is a thin wire with a rigid structure. She braids the necessary branches and bends them in the desired direction. When the branch takes the desired position, the wire should be removed so that it does not grow.

Ficuses with flexible branches lend themselves well to weaving trunks. This procedure is necessary to give the plant a decorative look. To intertwine the stems, you should plant several young ficuses in one pot close to each other and carefully intertwine them. As they grow, they will form bizarre patterns that look just extraordinary.

Ficus care in winter

In winter, the plant begins a dormant period, so more careful care will be needed for it. Since the plant may not have enough sun in the cold season, additional lighting can be created using a phytolamp.

Watering should be reduced by about half, watering the ficus only when the topsoil dries. It is not necessary to fertilize the ficus, but if the grower has such a desire, tea leaves can be used instead of fertilizers, which were described above.

Spraying can be replaced by rubbing the leaves, which should be done twice a month. The temperature should also be reduced to 15 degrees, but care must be taken to ensure that it does not fall below this indicator.

Ficus propagation by cuttings

The plant is propagated by cuttings, layering and seeds. Most often, propagation by cuttings and seeds is used, therefore, these two methods will be discussed below.

The most common propagation method is cuttings. It is carried out as follows. In the spring, young branches with leaves are taken and cut off under the lower node with an oblique cut. The lower leaf plates will be removed.

From the cut point, it is necessary to wash off the juice and place the cuttings in water or wet sand. Then the cuttings should be sprayed and covered with plastic bottle caps. After that, the planting material is moved to a shaded, warm place for rooting. From time to time, the caps need to be removed and the plants aired.

Once the ficuses begin to grow, they can be transplanted into pots with ficus soil for further growth, caring for them like normal plants.

The stalk can be obtained not only from branches, but also from leaf plates, cutting them off together with the “heel”. To root the leaves, they should be rolled up and buried in wet sand, placing sticks next to them for support.

Then they are sprayed and put on caps from plastic bottles. From time to time they should be removed for watering, airing and spraying. Once the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted into pots for further growth as young plants.

Ficus from seeds at home

Seed propagation is carried out differently. To obtain young plants, the seeds should be laid out in flat bowls and covered with a mixture of sand and deciduous turf. Then the crops need to be watered and covered with glass so that they constantly arrive in a humid environment. Seedlings are aired twice a day for thirty minutes.

When the first leaves appear, the young are swooped down and transplanted into pots with the same soil mixture, and when they grow up enough, they are transferred to permanent pots, planted in the ground for ficuses.

Ficus diseases

The plant is prone to fungal diseases, and some pests can also attack it. Ailments that affect ficus are represented by:

  • leaf fungus - affects leaf plates and leads to the appearance of dark spots on them and death.
  • gray rot - looks like a gray mold that appears on the trunk and leaves. If you shake the plant, a gray cloud will rise into the air. The disease occurs with excessive watering and an excess of heat. To get rid of it, you should remove the affected leaves and branches, and also reduce watering to a minimum.
  • Sooty fungus - this disease is characterized by the appearance of a gray coating on the leaf plates. To remove it, you need to wipe them with a soapy sponge or, in case of severe damage, simply remove the leaves.
  • Root rot - with this disease, the ficus becomes gray and fades. In this case, the plant will not be able to help and will simply have to be thrown away.

Ficus pests

thrips Thrips infestation causes brown spots on the leaves. To eliminate these pests, the ficus should be sprayed with the Actellik insecticide.

Shchitovka - when a ficus is damaged by a scab, brown spots appear on the leaf plates. Also they become sticky. Wiping with soapy water and treatment with Aktara insecticide will help get rid of the pest.

Mealybug - leaf plates, when affected by a mealybug, are covered with small pseudo cocoons, similar to cotton balls, it is in them that pests live. Spraying "Aktara" will help to destroy them.

spider mite - this pest feeds on the sap of the plant, leading to the appearance of gray spots on the leaf plates. To destroy it, the ficus should be sprayed with a garlic solution.

Improper care and ficus problems

In addition to diseases and pests, the plant may suffer from improper care.

If a the ficus began to curl up, dry and fall off the leaves , then this suggests that it lacks moisture, which means that the plant needs to be watered more abundantly.

The appearance of brown spots on the ficus can talk about hypothermia, if its signs appear, then the plant needs to be moved to a warmer place and provide it with thorough restorative care.

Ficus withers , this can occur from a lack of moisture, fertilizers, and also as a result of rotting of the root system. In the first two cases, the plant can be helped by changing the rules for caring for it, and in the latter, most often not, since the affected root system of ficuses is very difficult to treat.

If a ficus not growing , then most likely, the florist is not properly caring for him. By changing the watering, temperature regime, choosing the right soil and pot, you can return the plant to its former beauty and power.

Ficus omens and superstitions

Many flower growers believe in the magical properties of the plant. However, ficus can not only positively affect the life of its owner, but, according to some, harm him under certain circumstances.

The benefits of ficus in the apartment

Abroad, ficus is considered a flower that strengthens family well-being, protects against divorce and creates harmony in the family. In Thailand, it is in almost every home, as there it is considered a sacred flower that brings good luck. The Chinese believe that ficus gives comfort and tranquility, solves financial problems and fulfills desires.

In offices, it is planted in order to improve the microclimate in the team and the efficiency of the company's staff. In addition, the plant is a natural filter that cleans the air well from compounds harmful to health.

Ficus growing in the kitchen allows you to reduce appetite and lose weight. A flowerpot with ficus in the bedroom helps childless couples conceive offspring faster. It is useful to grow ficus for people prone to depression and stress, as the plant is able to absorb negativity, turning it into creative energy that gives peace of mind, good health and a positive attitude.

Ficus harm to humans

The only disadvantage of this plant is that it allegedly does not allow single women and men to create a family, and also attracts envy and gossip to its owner. In practice, the effect is the opposite.

It does not affect the finding of the second half, and even more so does not attract negativity to life. Therefore, you can safely replenish your flower kingdom with another exotic representative of the flora, the beauty and decorativeness of which is impossible to resist.

Ficus in a dream

Why is the ficus dreaming? This question is asked by those people who had to see this magnificent plant in a dream. In general, it promises peace and prosperity.

  • Ficus in a dream growing in a pot portends a change in life for the better.
  • Get a plant as a gift for a quick home renovation.
  • If you dream that the plant is losing leaves , this is an omen of mental anxieties and the approach of a black streak in life.
  • And plant ficus in the ground , on the contrary, portends a change in life for the better, an improvement in the financial situation and perhaps even a new love.

Despite the signs and superstitions, dreams and magical properties of the plant, you should definitely start it in your apartment, not only because it brings good luck and cleans the air from harmful radicals, but also because it has a decorative effect, beauty and ease of care. , which many home cultures do not have. Therefore, if you want to acquire an unusual plant that does not require much time to care for, ficus is ideal for you.

Probably, a florist is such a profession in which people stop being surprised at all the diversity of flora. Take at least a narrow specialization - breeding ficuses, which only f Icus De Gantel (Ficus De Gantel) . This is one of the varieties of Benjamin, which has a predominant white color in the color of the foliage. If you look closely at the leaves of this plant, you get the impression that the artist applied sloppy green strokes on a white canvas to make this ficus different from the rest. In addition to being one of the most beautiful and most exotic of its kind, however, it remains very unpretentious in care.

Ficus Benjamin, variety - De Gantel

Ficus care De Dumbbell at home

Nature is rich in beauty and diversity of species and varieties of plants, but it will also prudently take care that all similar to each other they live in the same climatic zone, and in the case of home cultivation they also have a similar care . So and f Icus Benjamin De Gantelwe have many features of caring for it similar to other varieties.

  • Lighting:we have already mentioned several times that variegated plant species love bright diffused light, this rule also applies to Ficus De Dumbbell. Also, do not forget that it is necessary to shade the plant from direct sunlight if you decide to take it out for a breath of fresh air.
  • Temperature:this ficus variety is very thermophilic, so the optimum temperature for it in summer will be +18 ° С - +23 ° С, and in winter not lower than +16 ° С.
  • Watering:in summer, Ficus De Dumbbell loves regular watering twice a week. However, care must be taken not to flood the plant before each subsequent watering. Earth should dry out a bit. In the winter season, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week, or even 10 days.
  • Air humidity:ficus loves frequent spraying, which would help him feel comfortable and as close to his natural environment as possible. In winter, due to the drying of the air during the heating season, foliar spraying is especially important.

Attention! It is very important to move the ficus away from the radiator in winter so that the dry air does not contribute to the dropping of leaves or the formation of pests.

  • Transfer:young ficuses are transplanted in early spring - in March, and sometimes in February every year. At this time, you need to increase the diameter of the pot by 4 cm - 5 cm. For an adult plant, it is enough to change the top layer soil.
  • Top dressing:you can start feeding your green pet in the spring and end in the fall. It is advisable to do this every two weeks, liquid fertilizers . It is also recommended to alternate mineral and organic substrates.
  • Reproduction:Ficus De Dumbbell propagates with the help of top cuttings, which have 4 healthy leaves. Clean the cut from the juice and the bottom pair of leaves. You can root in both water and soil, but be sure to then cover with plastic wrap. Also, after transplanting into a pot, the plant must be held under the film for some time. In addition, it can propagate by seeds.

Diseases and pests

In order for your ficus to be healthy and strong for a long time, you need to regularly check its leaves for pests. So if you find small red spiders on the back of a leaf, then a spider mite has settled there. But if you find brown insects, and the leaves of your plant have lost color, then this is a scale insect. It is necessary to take measures immediately and clean the leaves with cotton wool soaked in methyl alcohol or spray with soapy water. Systemic insecticides are also suitable.

So we, friends, met another amazing variety of Benjamin Ficus De Gantel. In addition to its external sophistication, it is also attractive and easy to care for. Such a plant is perfect for your home collection of flowers, as it will certainly delight you and your guests.

Ficuses are the most common plant to grow and care for at home. In this regard, a large number of people who decide to have ficuses have many questions related to the cultivation and cultivation of these flowers.

If you take into account all aspects of ficus care at home, this flower will become a beautiful and elegant decoration for your interior. Remember that this plant loves care and attention. Without them, it will lose its leaves and lose its attractive appearance.

In this article, we have collected answers to a wide range of questions related to caring for ficus at home. Also here are tips on how to choose the right ficus, choose a flowerpot for it, how to transplant, propagate and treat for diseases.

What rules for caring for ficuses at home should be followed so that these plants have a healthy appearance? How ficuses are watered, propagated? Where is the best place to place them?


Ficuses should be placed in well-lit places. An abundance of light is the most important condition for the well-being of ficuses. Species with dark green leaves tolerate more shading than variegated ones and do not like direct sun. Variegated species can also be placed in the open sun, shading on especially hot summer days.

In winter, during a short day, ficuses need additional lighting. The lack of light in winter is the main reason that ficus leaves fall. It is advisable to purchase a special lamp and illuminate the ficuses so that the plants receive light for at least 12 hours a day.

To form a beautiful crown during the period of active growth, it is necessary from time to time to turn the plants in different directions to the light source.

Air humidity

This plant loves high humidity.

  • Although this condition is not so obligatory for him, it is advisable to regularly spray the ficus or give him a shower.
  • Varieties of ficuses with large leaves collect a lot of dust, which prevents plants from eating properly, and it looks ugly.

The leaves of these species need to be wiped from time to time with a damp sponge.


Ficus is a thermophilic plant. Comfortable temperature for it: in summer - 25-30 degrees C, in winter - 16-20 degrees C. The minimum temperature is 10-15 degrees C (lower temperatures are acceptable for green-leaved species than for variegated ones).

Drafts and hypothermia of the soil are undesirable for ficus. No need to put it on a cold window sill or floor.


Proper watering is another important condition for the maintenance of ficuses. In summer they need abundant watering, in winter - moderate. The soil between waterings should dry out, but not dry out, ficus is a moisture-loving plant. However, in cool conditions for ficuses, waterlogging of the soil can be dangerous. At the same time, their roots and, sometimes, the base of the stem begin to rot.

Ampelous species require more abundant watering than ordinary ones.

top dressing

Ficuses are fertilized during the period of active growth, i.e. from March to September. Top dressing is applied 1 time in two weeks. Fertilizers should be used with a predominance of the nitrogen component, which stimulates the growth of green mass.


They are easily propagated by cuttings. For rooting, a small twig is cut off, although even a small cutting with one leaf is enough. The cutting is placed in water or soil mixture.

  • You can use soil heating, cover the cuttings with a glass jar or a plastic bag, so rooting will happen faster.
  • But even without this, the cuttings take root easily.
  • Many types of ficuses in the process of growth need to form a crown by pruning and pinching.


Ficuses grow very fast, so they need an annual transplant. Large tub specimens are not transplanted, they are replaced with the upper part of the soil. Ficuses require a nutritious earth mixture. There is a special primer for sale, you can also use a universal primer.

Ficuses are transplanted in March, the pot for transplanting should not be taken too large, because. they do not like excess land, the growth of ficus in this case slows down. A drainage layer should be placed in the pot.

Diseases and pests

Ficuses are rarely affected by diseases and pests, but it happens that they are attacked by scale insects, thrips or spider mites.


In my opinion, the first rule in Ficus care at home- do not disturb once again and do not overdo it. What I mean. When I received a Ficus cutting from a flower lover like myself, I immediately determined a permanent pot and a permanent place for it.

And so, after the stalk took root, I rooted it in a fairly spacious (but still not huge) flowerpot. And immediately put this container in the place where it will grow constantly. After all, the main feature of Ficuses is that they do not like a sharp change in location and frequent transplants. The result of your insecurity may be crumbling leaves.

Proper watering

The second very important rule in caring for Ficus is the correct watering regimen. Also, water should be used only a little warm and settled. If this flower is not watered enough, the soil will dry out, and the leaves will also wrinkle and begin to fall off.

You need to water according to this principle - if the land mixture has dried up by 1-2 phalanxes of your finger - it's time. For large specimens, the drying of the earth is permissible and to a depth of 6 - 7 cm.

Wet air

Ficuses come from the tropics, so moist air is vital for them. Especially the ampelous varieties of this plant. Caring for ficus at home involves mandatory spraying. Make sure that the water is warm and soft (settled). When spraying leaves traces of water on the leaves? What to do? - From time to time wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth. This will save the plant from dust and give the leaves a beautiful look.

Temperature regime

For successful breeding of Ficus at home, the correct temperature regime is important. As they say, no matter how cold or hot. In winter, the flower must be provided with a temperature not lower than 16 ° C. The critical minimum is 12°С. In summer, conditions of 25-30 ° C should be provided.

Light mode

Most Ficuses easily tolerate light partial shade. They are even more harmful to direct sunlight. But variegated forms - for example, Ficus Benjamin prefer to grow in the light. Another thing is that this light should be diffused. Otherwise, the leaves may get burned.

In winter, any type of Ficus requires additional illumination using fluorescent, mercury or sodium lamps. Otherwise, they shed their leaves.

top dressing

For active growth, especially during the growing season, Ficus needs top dressing. In spring and summer, I apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers. This helps to build up more green mass to make the flower lush and beautiful. By the way, if your homemade Ficus has shed its leaves, then good feeding will help in its rehabilitation.

You can use "home fertilizer": an infusion of wood ash, mullein or nettle. And you can use ready-made mineral complex fertilizers: Humisol (I use it), Ideal, Palma, Ficus and others.

Frequency of fertilization: 1 time in 10-14 days. It is not necessary to fertilize in winter. An exception is if you provided Ficus with the same conditions as in summer (additional lighting, moisture, warm air). But even then you need to feed once every 1-2 months, and even then half the dose indicated on the bottle.


Domestic Ficuses are prone to various diseases. Most often they are affected by spider mites. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to spray. And sometimes I give Ficus a warm shower.

The conclusion is: caring for Ficus at home requires certain knowledge and most importantly, following the rules. And then there will be no problems at all. In the end, Ficuses grow even in public institutions, and in your home they will certainly grow and delight with their appearance.

Ficus care at home

  • Most ficuses are unpretentious plants, except for ampelous forms.
  • They do well in slightly shaded conditions.
  • The most suitable temperature for them in winter is 20 degrees, in summer it can be a little higher.
  • Do not allow the temperature to drop below 12 degrees.

How often to water

During the period of intensive growth, ficuses will need a lot of water. From spring to autumn, the plants must be watered regularly, but the water in the pan should not be constantly present, otherwise the roots will rot. In early September, watering is gradually reduced, and in winter it is enough to water once every ten days.

top dressing

Top dressing of ficuses is done from spring to early autumn - once every two weeks. To do this, it is better to use natural fertilizers such as mullein, wood ash and nettle infusion.

How to transplant ficus

Ficuses are transplanted once every 2 years. This is best done in the spring. As a substrate for transplantation, a mixture of earth, sand and peat is used in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. When transplanting, ficuses are first well watered, and then determined by the method of transshipment in larger containers.

Do not use too large containers. It is better to transplant into tight pots. This will limit the growth of the plant, which is more acceptable for home conditions.

Self-propagation, or how to propagate ficus correctly

Ficuses propagate using seeds, cuttings and layering.

Seeds are sown in spring in pre-prepared bowls. Landing is done shallowly and then the bowls are covered with glass. Contain crops in a humid environment. Glass is removed twice a day for 30 minutes to ventilate the crops.

  • As soon as the first leaves appear, the plants dive. The composition of the soil should include leafy soil and some river sand. The grown ficuses are seated in separate pots with a diameter of 7 centimeters.
  • Top cuttings are propagated in late spring or summer. A freshly cut stalk 5-7 cm sits in a pre-prepared soil. In this case, phytohormones are used.
  • Ficuses are propagated by air layering from May to September. Just below the sheet from the bottom up, an incision of 5 mm is made.
  • A wet match is dipped into a special hormonal cutting powder and inserted into the incision. This is done so that the incision does not close.

The prepared place is wrapped with wet moss and tied with braid. From above everything is covered with a film. After a few months, roots will break through the moss. In the lower part of the roots, the petiole is cut off and thus material is obtained for planting a new plant.

Ficus diseases

If you take care of the plant incorrectly, it can be affected by pests: mealybugs, scale insects and spider mites.

The scale insect feeds on the sap of the plant. When affected, the leaves lose their color and fall off. It is necessary, upon detection, to wipe the leaves with a cotton swab, which is pre-moistened in soapy water or use actellik. It will be enough 20 drops per 1 liter of water. When using Actellic, be sure to follow the precautions, it is toxic.

When affected by a spider mite, a white web can be seen under the leaves and between them. In this case, it is necessary to wash the plant with warm water. If the infection is strong enough, use the same actellik. It is also recommended to increase the humidity in the room.

  • If the air is too dry, the plant can infect the mealybug. It appears more often on older plants.
  • If the accumulations are small, they can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. In case of severe damage, use a solution of karbofos - 40 drops of emulsion per 1 liter of water.
  • In the fight against spider mites and mealybugs, a soap-oil emulsion, which is easy to prepare yourself, can be a very effective remedy.
  • It is necessary to dilute 5 tablespoons of washing powder and 5 tablespoons of diesel fuel in one liter of water. Pour this solution into a bucket of cool water and wash the leaves and stems of the ficus.

To destroy the scale insects, a solution with chopped garlic and soap is quite useful. A day after treatment, the plant must be thoroughly washed to remove the remnants of the mixture. It is necessary to process 3-4 times with a five-day interval.

Why do ficus leaves fall?

Sometimes ficus leaves can fall off. The reason for this may be excessive watering or a change in location. In the first case, due to excessive moisture, the roots rot, and the leaves become drooping, lifeless and fall off.

As for the second case, it has long been known that ficus does not perceive a change of place well. At the same time, he experiences a shock, which leads to the dropping of leaves. Be sure to monitor the lighting in the room where your plant is located. With a lack of light, plant growth slows down. Leaves can also fall due to low temperatures and drafts.

What you need to pay attention to

Do not buy plants in autumn or winter. Adaptation during this period is much more difficult. Do not buy too large specimens. Older plants are more difficult to adapt to new conditions.

  1. Look through the drainage hole for ficus roots.
  2. If they are black or dark brown, then this plant is not worth taking.
  3. When buying ficus, lightly shake the plant or run your hand gently against the leaves.
  4. If at least two or three leaves fall off, then it is better to purchase another plant.

Good luck with your choice.

After watching the video below, you can learn how to care for ficus in winter.

Ficus varieties

In room conditions, a large number of different types of ficuses are grown, sometimes very dissimilar in appearance. Most often in homes and offices you can find the following types of ficus: rubbery, Benjamin, lyre-shaped and dwarf. Outwardly very different, they are grown almost the same way. In general, they are easy to care for.

The most common types

Usually ficuses are evergreens, but deciduous ones are also found among them. The variety of different species and subspecies is surprising, there are more than 800 of them, and each is beautiful and unusual in its own way. Let's look at the most popular homemade ficus species: their appearance, features and subspecies.

What is Ficus Benjamin

This is one of the most common types of this plant. He came to us from Asia and Northern Australia. In addition, this type of ficus is a symbol of Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

Varieties of ficus Benjamin:

  • Large-leaved: Anastasia, Boucle, Bushy King, Golden King, Golden Monique, Daniel, Midnight, Lady, Samantha, Irene, Exotica;
  • With medium size leaves: Curly, Kinky, Naomi, Naomi Gold, Starlight, Fantasy, Esther;
  • Small-leaved (dwarf): Barok, Viandi, Natasha, Nicole, Nina, Nina, Safari.

Leaves can differ not only in size, but also in color and shape.

Small-leaved compact tree with a dense crown. The branches of Ficus Benjamin in old plants, 8-10 years old, droop, and give the tree a special attraction. At home, it grows up to 1.5-2 m in height.

Ficus benjamin care


Moderate, optimal within 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep at lower temperatures of about 16-18°C, with limited watering, limit 10°C with dry content.


Ficus benjamina loves light, especially variegated varieties, but with protection from direct sunlight in the afternoon. In spring and summer, an east window is suitable, where the sun is in the morning or evening. But in central Russia for the period from September to January, the southern or southwestern window is ideal for him. With a lack of light in winter, the ficus can leaf fall.


Ficus benjamin has moisture-retaining thickenings on the roots, therefore it does not tolerate waterlogging, it must be well dried before the next watering.

If the roots of a ficus dry for a very long time after watering, rotting may begin: the plant simultaneously throws off a large number of leaves, some lose their color, turn yellow, others fly around still green.

Amazing and original Bonsai

Bonsai is a plant growing technique that originated in Japan a very long time ago. Literally translated as "plant on a tray." By definition, it is a miniature ornamental tree. There is a whole technique for its creation.

Ficus Bonsai does not belong to varieties; it is formed in a special way from Benjamin's ficus. This is a very difficult and very laborious process! During growth, it is periodically necessary to cut the roots and pinch the tops. Receiving a balance between the crown and the rhizome, the tree is given the necessary shape. Ficus Natasha, Nicole, Nina, Viandi, Barok are best suited for such purposes.

Excellent rubbery ficus

Its second name is ficus elastica. This plant is very popular and is found in many homes. Such universal love is caused by its extraordinary beauty. In addition, he is unpretentious in care.

Rubber-bearing ficuses are dark green in color, but sometimes they are decorated with a yellow border.

The most popular types:

  • dark green leaves Abidjan, Melanie, Robusta, Shriveriana;
  • leaves with a yellow border: Belize, Teaneck, Tricolor.

It has several varieties that differ in the shape and color of the leaves. Particularly spectacular varieties with yellow spots and stripes on the leaves. Some cultivars branch well and are quite compact, while others are reluctant to form side shoots and tend to grow upwards.

At home, rubber ficus is undemanding to air humidity and tolerant of lack of light.

We advise you to pay special attention to proper watering and care for growing shoots, which can reach several meters and bend intricately. It is necessary to form a crown in a timely manner, tying up the stems or periodically cutting them off and rooting.

Ficus rubber care

Ficus elastica is not demanding in care, it is important to choose the right place, especially for large specimens - so that it is light and does not fry from batteries; do not water excessively and periodically wipe the leaves from dust.


Preferably moderate, not below 18°C. They like to "keep their feet warm" - do not put a ficus pot on a cold windowsill, marble or tile floor, etc. In an above-moderate temperature room, the leaves begin to hang down.


All varieties of ficus elastica prefer a bright place, protected from direct sunlight during the midday hours. Variegated forms need a lighter and warmer place than dark-leaved forms.


Ficus rubber-bearing watering loves moderate, does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Water at room temperature, better settled. Top dressing with fertilizers from March to August in two weeks.

Ficus Ali (binnendika) Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’

Ali is the most popular variety of ficus binnendik Ficus binnendijkii, which is also found under the name "willowleaf ficus". The leaves of this ficus do indeed resemble willow in shape, but this is a folk name, not a botanical one.

With good care, ficus Ali at home reaches 1.5 m in height and about 70-80 cm in diameter. You should not put this ficus on the floor: firstly, it is dark, the lower part of the trunk will begin to become bare, and secondly, it is always colder on the floor, the earth in the pot dries longer and the roots can rot if watered too plentifully.

Ficus Ali Care


Moderate, optimal in the range of 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep at lower temperatures of about 16-18°C, with limited watering, the limit is 13°C with a dry content. With sudden changes in temperature, it can drop leaves.


Bright diffused light, light partial shade. With an acute lack of light, the shoots stretch out, the leaves thin out. From direct sunlight in the hot afternoon can get burns. Ficus Ali with green leaves is more shade tolerant than many other types of ficus. But variegated varieties like ‘Amstel Gold’ need more intense light, with some morning or evening sunlight.


In summer, the ficus is watered moderately, the topsoil should dry well to a depth of about 1/2 the height of the pot. In winter, when light and temperature decrease, watering is limited, allowing the earth to dry out almost completely.

Ficus lyre-shaped Ficus lirata

Lyre-shaped ficus Ficus lirata is distinguished by its large leaves, similar in shape to an inverted violin. Its leaves reach a length of 50-60 cm. He loves loneliness, you should not put him close to other plants.

This ficus is not often seen in flower shops, but it is wonderful - the leaves are leathery, directed upwards, have an interesting shape. The ficus itself grows slowly, with good care it does not become bare from below. A real decoration of a spacious office or hall. Ficus lyre-shaped at home does not branch well, often grows in one trunk, at the age of 4-5 years it can produce side shoots.

Ficus lyre care


In summer, ordinary indoor, does not like extreme heat, in winter it is optimally 18-20 ° C, limit 12 ° C. Does not like soil cooling after watering!


A bright place, protected from direct sunlight in spring and summer from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Moderate, the soil should have time to dry out before the next watering. Water at room temperature, well settled. Top dressing with fertilizers from April to August in two weeks.

Ficus dwarf Ficus pumila

Fast-growing, small-leaved ficus, completely unlike all other types of ficus. You can grow it as an ampelous plant, you can tie it to a support so that it stretches up.

The main care for the ficus is to tie up the support, timely transplant and water, fertilize with fertilizers. The flower responds well to a hot shower, as a prevention against ticks.


Moderate, optimal in the range of 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep at lower temperatures of about 12-14°C, with limited watering, the limit is 8°C with a dry content. Although under natural conditions, the tiny ficus can withstand lower temperatures, and even slight frosts, when grown at home, it’s not worth the risk - protect the plants from drafts.


Ficus pumila grows well in bright diffused light with some sunlight. An east and west window is suitable, shading is required only at noon. Grows well in artificial light. The variegated ficus is more photophilous. If the ficus lacks light, it can grow new shoots without leaves.


Quite plentiful in summer, this is a rare ficus that does not tolerate complete drying of the earth, it should always be slightly damp, but have time to dry from above for the next watering by about a quarter of the height of the pot. In winter, the ficus is watered less often, with the drying of the earth at half the height of the pot.

How to take care of ficus

With proper care, this houseplant grows quickly and reaches 2-3 meters in height. The growth rate is about 20 centimeters per year.

The plant needs about 3 months to adapt and take root in new conditions. After that, caring for Benjamin's ficus, as well as for rubber, as a rule, does not require much effort.

The key to successful adaptation

Before you decide to bring a ficus home, you should carefully choose a place of permanent residence for it in advance. Try to comply with several important conditions:

  1. direct rays of the sun should not harm the tree;
  2. no need to put it next to the batteries;
  3. humidity in the room should be medium, but in no case low;
  4. draft is contraindicated.

From the first day, start spraying your flower. Always check the soil moisture in the pot.
Read more about how to care for ficus, read on.


Consider the main components of the proper care of this indoor plant:

  • The soil. The soil should be breathable, slightly acidic, fertile, moist. Natural fertilizers can be added to the soil. It is necessary to ensure good drainage: it is better to make the lower layer of expanded clay, and the upper layer of sand;
  • Lighting. These plants are very photophilous, so a bright place in your apartment is ideal for them. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, especially at lunchtime. It is best to put a pot of ficus on a window that does not face south or east. It is feasible for a ficus to survive a temporary lack of light, but its leaves will noticeably fade. In winter, it is necessary to highlight the plant, because in low light, Benjamin's ficus drops its leaves. Also, you can not often rearrange the plant in order to avoid one-sided dropping of leaves;
  • Room temperature. The optimum temperature in summer should be within 18-25 degrees, in winter - no colder than 16-18 degrees. When keeping ficus in a cool room, it is necessary to reduce its watering. When dry, the plant can withstand temperatures up to 10 degrees above zero;
  • Watering. It is advisable to water the ficus regularly in moderation. During the summer months, do this 2-3 times a week. In early September, watering should be gradually reduced so that by winter the watering schedule is 1 time per week. The ficus flower does not like both excessive soil moisture and its drying out. However, before the next watering, the soil still needs to be slightly dried. In addition, periodically the soil must be loosened so that it dries out better. From excessive moisture, the ficus can rot the roots, then it will throw off a lot of leaves. Water your tree only with settled and soft water at a temperature not colder than room temperature. Do not forget to occasionally spray the leaves with a spray bottle;
  • top dressing. Top dressing should be carried out in spring and summer 2 times a month. For her, it is preferable to use natural fertilizers (for example, wood ash, nettle infusion). Before feeding, the plant should be watered so as not to burn its roots. You can also spray the leaves with a fertilizer solution. In winter, ficus can also be fed, but with the obligatory condition of additional lighting and no more than 1 time per month.

Learning to transplant ficuses correctly

Young ficuses are transplanted annually in the spring to a new land. Plants that have reached the age of 4 can be transplanted every 2 years, and every year it is enough just to add fresh soil to the pot.

The soil for transplanting ficus at home should be nutritious and loose.

If the soil in the pot dries out quickly, then the roots have little space and nutrients, therefore, it is time to transplant the plant. After transplanting, it may shed its leaves or its growth will slow down somewhat. This is in the order of things, because with increasing space, the roots grow more slowly. Over time, new leaves will appear, and growth will accelerate.

How to transplant ficus:

Reproduction methods and their features

Many indoor plant lovers are wondering how to propagate ficus correctly. There are 2 ways in total:

Cuttings are stem and leaf-bud. They must be planted in a container with water, and after 2 weeks the cuttings will have roots. After that, they can be planted in a pot.

Air layers. The second way is the propagation of ficus by air layering:

  1. Choose the shoot you like, remove a few leaves from it;
  2. Make a circular incision;
  3. Insert a piece of wood into the incision, then apply wet moss and wrap with cling film;
  4. When the roots sprout, separate this part and transplant into another container.

What if the plant sheds leaves

Leaves can fall off for various reasons. Ficus Benjamin, for example, does this much more often than its counterparts. Why does this happen and what to do if the ficus sheds leaves:

Do not be afraid if the leaves of the ficus Benjamin fall. It is necessary, first of all, to identify the cause of this and immediately eliminate it. But the rubber-bearing ficus, unlike Benjamin, is more adapted to home life and falls leaves much less often.

Diseases of this houseplant

Thus, the following causes of the development of ficus diseases can be distinguished:

  1. Insufficient lighting, especially in winter. Growth slows down, leaves fall off and turn yellow. Remarkably, ficuses with dark green leaves are less demanding on light than those with light ones;
  2. Unsuitable temperature or sudden changes in temperature. This affects the decorative appearance of the plant. It begins to lose leaves and wither;
  3. drafts. Ficus does not tolerate drafts. So his leaves may begin to fall and the stems dry;
  4. over watering. If the top layer does not dry out for a long time, the tops of the shoots die off, an unpleasant smell of rot appears from the soil, the leaves fade and fall off;
  5. Insufficient watering. With insufficient water, the leaves dry out, curl up and the ficus leaves fall. The branches become dry and brittle, and the earth is disconnected from the pot;
  6. Excess fertilizer. Do not abuse fertilizers and violate their dosage. Root scorch can occur if the plant is fertilized in dry soil.

Make sure that there are no deformations, damages, spots and pests on the leaves. Any change is not good. Always remember that it is better to identify the causes of the disease in advance in order to be able to take action in time.

It is important to periodically inspect the flower and clean it from dried leaves.. In difficult situations, it is better to completely replace the earth, cut off old rotten roots, transplant into a smaller pot.

Most often, the causes of the disease are caused by a lack of attention to the ficus from the owners. If you take care of your pet and take proper care of the ficus at home, he will delight you with his well-groomed appearance for a long time.

Ficus: types, photos and names

Beautiful evergreen plant ficus belongs to the mulberry family. Plants growing naturally in New Guinea, Southeast Asia and the Solomon Islands can be both trees and shrubs. Depending on the type, ficuses can have green or bicolor leaves up to 70 cm in size. Small flowers of the plant are located on simplified perianths.

In nature, ficuses can grow up to 40 meters in length, and their trunk diameter can reach 5 meters. There are climbing and creeping plant species. In total, there are more than 1000 varieties of ficuses. However, much less is grown at home. Ficuses known in amateur floriculture, we will consider today in our article.

Popular types of ficuses

Rubber ficus is one of the most popular and unpretentious species of this genus of mulberry plants. He characterized by a weakly branched trunk, which at home can reach two meters. The leathery and glossy elliptical leaves are slightly pointed at the tip. The grayish-green crown of the tree is rough and dotted with horizontal grooves.

In damp rooms, the tree gives aerial roots. This type of ficus has different varieties, which mainly differ in the color of the leaves:

  1. Variety "Black Prince" is a plant with black leaves.
  2. Variety "Doechery" is distinguished by the presence of pink spots and a red vein in the middle of the sheet.
  3. Variety "Variegata" has beautiful green leaves, along the edges of which there is a cream edging.
  4. The Robusta variety is a plant with large, glossy deep green leaves.

Let's follow right!

Indoor plants are unpretentious, therefore they are very popular and loved by flower growers. Ficus care at home is good lighting, regular and proper watering and a suitable temperature. However, there are still some nuances of growing, especially some types of plants.


The best option for placing ficuses is a well-lit place. without direct sunlight. A small plant can be placed on a western or eastern window sill, and a tall bush or tree can be placed on the floor or stand near the window. Pushing the plant deep into the room is not recommended. In the shade, the bush will slow down growth and shed its leaves.

In the warm period of time, ficuses can be taken out to the loggia or balcony, arranging them so that direct sunlight does not fall on the plant. In winter, light-loving plants suffer due to a short daylight hours, so it is recommended to additionally highlight them for several hours a day.

Temperature and humidity

In summer, the optimal temperature for growing ficus maybe in the range of 25-30C. In winter, the plant is recommended to be kept at an air temperature of 16-20C.

Ficuses feel good at room temperature. The only thing they don't like is the dry air coming from the heating radiators. Therefore, it is recommended to spray the plant two to three times a day with water at room temperature. Otherwise, dry air can cause damage to the tree by pests or diseases.

Watering and water procedures

When caring for a ficus, regular watering is required, which depends on the humidity of the air and the temperature regime in the room. The plant is watered only after the top layer of the earth mixture dries well. Too frequent watering can lead to root rot. It is also necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pan.

In the dry season, twice a month, ficuses are recommended to be bathed in the shower, having previously covered the soil with a waterproof film. In the absence of a shower, the leaves of the plant can be periodically wiped first with a dry and then with a wet cloth.

To make the leaves of the tree a rich green color, experienced flower growers wipe them with a special solution:

Ficus feeding

When caring for ficus at home, top dressing is done only in the summer. It is recommended to use mineral and organic fertilizers alternately for this. Plants are fed every ten days.

In winter, when there is little light and heat , fertilizers are not applied. But for good health, plants can be fed with tea leaves, burying a small amount of them in the ground.

Transplant and soil for ficuses

Young, actively growing plants need to be transplanted every year. Old trees and bushes are transplanted once every few years. This should be done in order to renew the sour and settled soil.

For transplanting, a neutral or slightly acidic special soil for ficuses sold in flower shops is suitable. Young plants need a specific soil mixture that can be cook from equal parts:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • leaf land.

Mature trees are transplanted into denser soil, so humus and soddy land are added to the mixture.

About a day before planting, the plants are watered. For young bushes, new pots should be about 2 cm larger than the previous ones. At the bottom of the tank, drainage is first poured, and only then a small layer of soil. A plant pulled out of an old pot along with an earthy clod installed in a new container and covered with soil.

Growing Ficus Benjamin

A small tree with small leaves requires more attention and some care. Otherwise, leaves begin to fall from it, and the plant becomes completely bald.

Ficus Benjamin in nature lives in conditions of high humidity, so it does not tolerate too bright lighting and dry air. Therefore, it is recommended to grow it away from direct sunlight, and spray it several times a day. A very good option to increase humidity would be to use a special humidifier.

If, nevertheless, ficus Benjamin leaves started to fall, the reason could be:

  1. Acclimatization of the plant to new growing conditions.
  2. Irrigation with cold water.
  3. Lack of light.
  4. Uncomfortable temperature for the plant (above 23C or below 17C).
  5. Drafts and sudden changes in temperature.
  6. Dry air.
  7. Excessive or insufficient soil moisture.

All these reasons should be eliminated when caring for Benjamin's ficus. The plant is placed in a bright place away from sunlight and drafts, regularly watered, sprayed and fed. Also, do not forget to periodically loosen the soil in a pot and replant a young plant annually.
Reproduction of ficuses at home

The simplest and most common way to propagate ficuses is cuttings.

To obtain cuttings in the spring, shoots are cut off from the bush under the lower node, on which there should be at least 2-3 leaves. The bottom leaf is removed, the cut is washed, and the cutting is placed in wet sand or water. A segment of the plant is abundantly sprayed and covered with a transparent plastic bottle or other cap. In this form, the cuttings are placed in a warm, shaded place, and ventilated daily. As soon as the plant gives roots and begins to grow, it can be safely planted in a pot filled with earthen mixture.

As a cutting, you can also take a large leaf of ficus, cutting it off along with the heel. A leaf rolled into a tube is rooted in wet peat or sand. A support is installed next to it for stability. The leaf is sprayed and covered with a flask.

During rooting, it is necessary to ventilate the cutting and moisten the peat. After the appearance of the roots of the leaf planted in a small pot. As the plants grow, they are transplanted into large pots.

True ficus lovers consider caring for a pet at home to be quite easy. By fulfilling just a few conditions, you can admire the beautiful greenery of a small bush or a magnificent and spectacular mature tree all year round.

All types of ficuses love bright places, but too bright rays of the sun can damage their leaves. The corner should be slightly shaded so that the plant does not languish under the scorching sun. Variegated species are more resistant to the sun, solid greens prefer partial shade. Choose a permanent place, without turning and rearranging, all types of ficuses do not like this.

Temperature: The plant prefers natural conditions. The optimum temperature in summer is 22-26 degrees, in winter 16-20 degrees, but not lower than 13-15 degrees. For ficuses, drafts are extremely dangerous.

  • Watering: Any species requires regular watering - this is a prerequisite for their maintenance. Broad-leaved species are watered less frequently.
  • Small-leaved plants have small surface roots that absorb moisture only from the surface layer of the soil, and, as you know, it dries quickly.
  • In summer, watering is slightly increased, in winter, especially with a decrease in temperature, it is reduced.
  • The exception is ampelous species that require constant abundant watering.

Watering a ficus is a delicate and responsible job. A dry earthen ball leads to yellowing and falling of leaves, too waterlogged substrate - contributes to rotting of the root collar and the appearance of pests. The end result is that the ficus will shed its leaves and be more likely to die.
Water is used settled for several hours, or soft, rainy.

A prerequisite is the presence of expanded clay drainage in the pot and several holes for excess moisture to escape.

The soil

Soil: If you buy soil, choose a slightly acidic or neutral soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5.
For self-preparation, you need: peat, sand and leafy earth taken in the same proportions. For large specimens add turf (2 hours). In order to avoid rotting of the roots, a layer of expanded clay, or household shards, is laid on the bottom as drainage, and pieces of charcoal are brought into the soil.

  • Ficuses with thick trunks prefer a dry climate and rocky soils. It is necessary to add small pebbles, or broken bricks to the ready soil.
  • Transplantation: For young plants, transplantation is required annually in the spring, adult ficuses are extremely sensitive and transplanted as needed if the pot is too small and the roots crawl to the surface.
  • Often they do transshipment, or every year they update the top layer of soil with more nutritious. During the transplantation of young plants, you can add a little rotted manure.
  • Lack of good drainage leads to root rot.
  • Reproduction: Ficus is propagated in several ways: cuttings, seeds and air taps. The first is the simplest and most popular.

Seeds: In early spring, seeds are sown in bowls in soil from leafy earth and sand in equal proportions. Top covered with a glass jar, or placed in a mini greenhouse. Constantly keep high humidity with regular airing.

After some time, the first sprouts will appear, upon reaching 2-3 leaves, I dive into separate containers. As soon as the young sprouts get stronger, they are re-potted using the substrate for adult plants.


From spring to autumn, slightly below the leaf, make a small vertical incision of 5 mm.

Using a match, previously moistened with a growth stimulator, they are inserted into the incision so that it does not close. Top wrapped with moss and covered with foil. Moss is constantly kept moist. After a few months, roots will appear. The petiole with the resulting root is cut off a little lower and planted in a small container with soil.

cuttings. One or two summer shoots are suitable. They are cut in early spring before bud break, 10-15 cm long and planted in light soil from leafy soil and river sand. Previously, the stalk is placed in water until the release of white juice stops. Some types of ficuses (Benjamin, rubbery) take root well in water. From above, the container is covered with a glass jar, regularly airing. Constantly keep a humid climate. The ambient temperature is 25 degrees. The stalk will quickly start roots, after about 1-1.5 months, then it is planted in a pot.

When using thick shoots, for better rooting, an incision is made at the bottom (split). When watering, water should not fall on the leaf plates.

You can root the cutting in peat tablets, where the time for the appearance of roots is significantly reduced.


Wintering: Often, ficuses shed their leaves through insufficient lighting and lower temperatures. Some species need to deliberately reduce the temperature of the content during the dormant period. Starting from October-November, ficus significantly slows down its growth and resumes it only in spring. Bottle species are watered very rarely and in small amounts of water.

Pests: ficus can infect scale insects, mealybugs, thrips, spider mites. Often associated with a violation of the irrigation regime, or temperature.

Difficulties in growing

  • Leaf yellowing, growth retardation, new leaves small - insufficient nutrients in the soil, fertilize, or transplant into a new substrate.
  • Leaves turn yellow and fall off - lack of moisture, too dry earthen lump.
  • Leaves fall off - insufficient or excess watering, water is too cold, climate change, or situation (moving ficus from one place to another negatively affects growth), not enough light, a sharp drop in temperature, the presence of a draft.
  • Falling of the lower layer of leaves. Often ficuses really shed the bottom layer, but if there are new, young, or if the leaves are really old. In other cases, it is: a lack of nutrients, an untimely transplant, or the pot is too small for the root system.
  • The leaf plate is twisted and wrinkled - dry humidity in the room, or lack of moisture in the soil. Especially for ampelous species.

Caring for a ficus de dumbbell does not require special skill, but rather accuracy.

Important! At the ficus growth stage, it is necessary to dilute liquid-type fertilizers in water, following the instructions on the package and watering, while feeding with the resulting mixture once every 14 days.

If simple spraying poorly relieves ficus de dumbbell leaves from pollution, then cleaning agents can be used, but they cannot be abused, it is recommended to use them rarely, about once every two months, or even less often.

Soddy soil serves as the basis for the soil of the plant, and if you add an admixture of horn shavings, this will increase the useful properties of the soil even more. for 3-4 years.

Attention! If your ficus has grown very much, you need to cut it in the spring, as soon as active growth begins, and most importantly, do not forget to sprinkle the places of cuts with charcoal, this is worth doing in order to stop the secretion and loss of juices.

Adult ficuses tend to give aerial rhizomes, like philodendrons, so they cannot be pruned.

In the summer season from 18-23°C, and in winter not lower than +15°C. Variegated species are more demanding on heat.

Like all ficuses, this one also loves moisture very much.

It must be sprayed daily with lukewarm water, especially in winter, as the air becomes drier.

After turning on the heating, the plant should be removed approximately by 2 meters, and even further.

Batteries dry the air, and this is the most common cause of leaf fall in winter.

The place should be chosen bright. In bright light, the color of the variegated forms look more expressive, but still, exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided, it would be best, when possible, to place it 1 meter from the window facing south.

In winter, the plant may need an additional source of light, since if it is lacking, the probability of losing leaves is high.

Attention! Do not turn and move the plant too often, as these actions will also lead to the fall of the leaves on one side of the plant.

Watering mode

In summer, it is necessary to regularly water with soft warm water. (preferably settled or passed through a filter) once every three to four days, before the next watering, the earth should dry slightly.

If the plant is poured, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, you still need to carefully monitor that the roots never become waterlogged and water does not cover them. However, even with a lack of water, the ficus can also “go bald”.

In the winter season, water once a week, one and a half.

Important! This type of ficus does not require too much watering, in which case its foliage turns yellow, and it drops it.


Transplantation is carried out once a year, usually done in the spring. When caring for adult ficuses, during the spring period, experienced flower growers recommend replacing the surface part of the soil in a pot or other substrate.

Young ficuses grow rapidly, and for development at this time, they need a large amount of minerals and vitamin supplements.

To do this, in order to avoid starvation of the plant, every April it must be transplanted into a new soil, which is a mixture of deciduous,

fertile and soddy soils with sand. If you have a planter, then a layer of drainage material is poured to the bottom.


Ficuses are quite simple can take root when cuttings in the spring.

The process of propagation of ficus in greenhouse conditions begins in early March. Each cutting should have only one leaf, the main thing is not to damage the peephole, and half of the lower node without the peephole. With the help of one branch, you can get several cuttings, depending on how many leaves are on it.

In order for rooting to occur as best as possible, bottom of the cutting is recommended to make an incision or a cruciform split, several if the wood is hard, and if it is soft, one will be enough.

Rooting of cuttings occurs in a greenhouse in moistened sand; you can also prepare a mixture of soddy soil, in the proportion of 1 part humus, 1 part leaf, 1 part sand.

After the rooting process has been successful, they can be safely transplanted into pots.

The juice secreted by them must be washed off with water, and then they are transplanted into a reconnaissance box or on a rack, and in it, for their maintenance, it is necessary to maintain a fairly high temperature mode 25-30°.

After successful rooting of the cuttings, they are transplanted into 9 cm pots.

At this crucial moment, special care should be taken when watering and spraying young shoots, and in especially dry times, a litter box will help.

Reference. The tint will protect plants from the harmful effects of sunlight.

In the same way, you can protect the plant from the heat in greenhouses and greenhouses, and also prevent excessive loss of moisture from the leaves of the cuttings, and just transplanted plants.

As the clod of earth is braided with roots, transshipment is needed, this is just the movement of the plant.

Around mid-late July, young ficuses gradually adapt to sunlight, for which it is rearranged closer to the light source.

With this approach to business, the plants will develop quite well and get stronger by the beginning of autumn.

If you are engaged in ficuses in an apartment, then it is usually customary to propagate them with apical cuttings, they are easily strengthened in a container of water, an ordinary bottle will do, which must be placed in a place lit by the sun.

If you want to propagate your ficus seeds, you need a fairly high temperature regime 25-30 °.

Seeds are sown in leafy soil with the addition of sand.

As soon as the first leaf appears, the seedlings need to dive, and after a short time they can be planted in 7 cm substrates.

crown formation

There is some trouble when caring for this ficus, it is to correctly make a crown. One of the important tasks of proper ficus care at home is to form a crown on time and in accordance with all the rules, because it is by mastering this science that your de dumbbell will have the desired appearance that will delight you and surprise your guests.

Important! Its vertically growing shoots are quite weak and almost immediately turn into a horizontal position.

At home, this notability can cause uneven growth and, as a result, a poorly developed crown.

In order to keep the bush in the correct position, more than one seedling is often planted in a pot, while weaving young shoots as they grow.

At the same time, in the place of their contact, the trunks grow together. A vertical peg will help here, for which a young shoot should be tied up to help it grow straight.

After the shoot reaches the required height and thickness, the support will not be needed and can be removed.

Ficus de dumbbell seems to be made for cutting and, thanks to its small leaves, you can even try to create a green sculpture from it.

A photo

In the photo ficus "De Gantel":

Diseases and pests

Is your ficus losing its leaves? This is a very common occurrence and it happens due to a lack of sun or strong drafts. They are actually destructive for all ficuses!

To improve the ficus, move your pet to a more lit place, where drafts will not interfere with it.

Reference. Ficus Benjamin (de dumbbell) throws off foliage if it is waterlogged, especially in autumn and winter.

Let the soil dry until the plant recovers, and then change the watering regime, watering less.

Unfortunately, even in a city apartment, it is virtually impossible to protect your ficus from the invasion of harmful organisms.

Most types of ficus Benjamin have leaves of different shapes, it all depends on the variety, this fact can make it very difficult to detect a spider mite at the time, its appearance causes a gradual change in the shape of the leaves, as, for example, in adenium.

If the leaves have lost their color, become dull, small brown insects have appeared on the inside of the leaves, with a strong lesion on all parts of the plant, then this is a sign of a scale insect.

Many varieties are very sensitive to this type of pest.

They can be removed with a piece of cotton wool soaked in methyl alcohol, or sprayed with a systemic insecticide, a soapy solution can also help.

Important! If the leaves of Benjamin's ficus turn yellow, and there are cobwebs below, then this is a red spider mite.

Spraying with acarin or any suitable insecticide will also help here, and increasing the humidity of the environment will also help. If the affected area is not very large, then it is worth starting to apply biological control methods.

With proper care, the ficus de dumbbell will delight you for a long time with its beauty, which you yourself will create, for pride in yourself and even for the envy of guests, for white envy.

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Ficus Benjamin is distinguished by grace, decorativeness, great variety and ease of care - this explains its popularity among flower growers. Of all its varieties, the most original is the white ficus De Gantel, which, due to its exotic colors, always looks favorably against the background of other indoor plants.

As a rule, all representatives of this family have the shape of a bush, but are easily formed into a standard tree. They have profusely growing drooping branches with dark gray bark, on which brown horizontal strokes are often found. In their natural environment in their homeland, they can grow up to 25 meters tall, but in our houses they hardly grow up to one and a half meters in 10 years, do not bloom, but with proper care remain invariably attractive.

The main decoration of ficuses are their numerous leaves - glossy-shiny, oval, of varying degrees of elongation, with a sharp or smoothed tip, even or even wavy edges, green or green-white in color of varying intensity.

Among all the Benjamins, De Gantelle stands out sharply: its almost completely white leaves are elliptical in shape, green spots are rarely found on their shiny leathery surface, like a sparse brushstroke of paint. Ficus Twilight (or ficus Twilight, as it is also called) has a lot of white on the leaves - it is as colorful as Eldorado, but much more compact, with smaller leaves, the color of which is greatly influenced by light. And only De Gantel surprises with almost completely white leaves: breeders specifically sought this decorative effect.

Features of care for the variety

This variety does not have great care features; it needs to create conditions similar to those for other ficuses. The first few years will be the most problematic, but if the plant takes root, then caring for it will not be difficult.

Since it comes from Southeast Asia, the level of humidity, temperature, light intensity and daylight hours are of great importance. In order for the ficus to feel good, he needs to determine a place on the windowsill from the southeast or southwest side. From the south window, it is better to set it aside by 1 meter to prevent direct sunlight from falling on its delicate leaves. The most comfortable temperature during the warm season is in the range from +18 to +25 degrees, in winter it is desirable to lower it to +16–18 degrees.

The plant does not like drafts, sudden changes in air temperature, changes in the angle of incidence of light - these factors can cause leaf fall. It must be rotated relative to the sun evenly and very slowly. For the summer, it can be taken out to the balcony or garden, you just have to organize a light shade for the hottest time of the day.

Watering should be uniform, clean settled water is usually watered 2-3 times a week when the top layer of the earth dries out. It is not necessary to allow the entire earthen coma to dry out, as well as to remain the roots in the water - all this can lead to dropping leaves, this is how the plant reacts to stress. De Dumbbell likes warm showers or frequent sprays with soft, clean water at room temperature (so that the water is no colder than the air). Such spraying is done in the summer every day or every other day.

Young plants are transplanted annually, increasing the pot by a few centimeters.

The best time for this is the end of February or the beginning of March. Adults need regular replacement of the top layer of the earth, and a complete replacement of the soil can be done after a few years. The soil should be fertile, fairly light, neutral or slightly acidic. Compiling on your own, you can take equal parts of leaf and sod land, add sand, wood ash, humus or compost.

It is very important to build a good drainage layer: for this, a layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the pot with holes, then it is covered with coarse clean sand, only then the prepared soil is laid. Before use, it is advisable to thermally treat the soil to eliminate the possibility of infection by pests or.

Even annual transplants will not provide the ficus with the right amount of nutrients in a small pot, so it needs to be fed regularly. It is usually advised to use liquid mineral and organic fertilizers in turn, combining them with watering every two weeks.

An evergreen perennial plant does not require complete rest for the winter, but it needs to organize at least relative peace. To do this, they begin to reduce watering in the fall, spraying is done much less frequently, and top dressing is completely stopped in order to resume intensive care by the end of February. In winter, you need to monitor the duration of daylight hours, most often you have to illuminate the plants. Another very important point - the pot with the plant must be moved away from the heating battery by two meters.

Ficus is easily propagated by apical cuttings and seeds. For cuttings, you can take twigs with 2-4 pairs of leaves in the spring after forming pruning, root them in water or soil, covering with polyethylene.

Scale insects or spider mites can encroach on ficus. A soapy-ash solution will help get rid of them, and proper care can completely avoid them.

Video "Ficus transplant"

From this video you will learn how to properly transplant ficus.