How to strengthen the bank of the stream. How to decorate the edges of the pond with stone

If you plan to create a compact body of water in a suburban area or the site has access to a river or a natural pond, then sooner or later you will face the task of preserving the banks, which is explained by the tendency to shed them. This process is natural and contributes to the loss of the shape of the reservoir and its siltation. In the end picturesque corner can turn into a swamp.


In order to tame the water element, care must be taken to ensure that the banks are fortified. If you neglect these rules, then this will provoke subsidence of the soil and its partial collapse. These processes can become dangerous for humans and their housing, as well as plants and some elements of the landscape. For this reason, experts recommend timely implementation of preventive measures aimed at strengthening the coastline.

Materials used

Strengthening of the coast can be carried out by different methods and materials. If the pond has, then for work you can use:

  • geogrid;
  • coconut mats;
  • Reno mattresses.

The first version of the material is one of the most effective. A geogrid is a three-dimensional structure made of polymer tapes, which are fastened into cells and arranged in a checkerboard pattern. During operation, the grating is stretched along the slope and fixed with anchors. The cells should be filled with crushed stone or soil, and then sown with plants, their roots will provide additional reinforcement.

Coastal reinforcement is often carried out with coconut mats. This technology is applicable to the banks of the pond, the bottom of which is made of film. The material has a characteristic dark color and is able to hide the film base when the water level drops. Among other things, the polymer structure is favorable for the germination of moisture-loving flora, which acts as a soil reinforcement and decorative design. The technology of laying mats is quite simple.

Alternative Solutions

Strengthening of the banks can be carried out with the help of special mattresses, they are made of a metal mesh, which is twisted 2 times and coated with zinc or polymer. In order for the structure to be sufficiently rigid, it is divided into sections by internal diaphragms. Sections are filling natural stones, which allows to achieve the strength of a monolithic structure. Over time, the characteristics of the type of permeability and strength only increase, which is explained by the germination of vegetation through the cells.

The structure of the mattresses is slatted, air and water pass through it, which makes the construction resistant to decay. Thanks to this, the service life exceeds 25 years. Coastal strengthening using this technology is usually carried out on impressive areas. The material is able to protect the shore from erosive processes and acts as the basis for retaining walls. Mattresses are flexible, so they can be shaped into the desired shape during the laying process.

Materials for strengthening steep slopes

If the shore of the pond on the territory of your site is characterized by a steep slope, then the following materials can be used to strengthen:

  • retaining walls;
  • wooden piles;
  • gabions.

The reservoir on the site will be securely strengthened in the shore area if retaining walls are used. Their construction is usually carried out from:

  • finished blocks;
  • stone;
  • wood;
  • bricks.

This option is able to completely change the perception of the pond and significantly expand its space. The walls are strong, they resist the subsidence of the soil and its erosion. These technologies are relevant if the need arises. vertical layout coastline areas. Quite often, the installation of retaining walls is carried out on foundations, which are piles or Reno lattice structures. When the soil is excessively mobile and loose, the height should not be less than one meter.

The reservoir on the site, as mentioned above, can be strengthened in the shore area wooden piles. In practice, they are used, despite the fact that reinforced concrete products have the greatest strength. For the manufacture of wooden piles, the most durable types of wood such as larch and oak are used. The service life of such structures reaches 50 years.

If a steep bank is decorated with such trunks, then it will look very effective. When using reinforced concrete piles, you can achieve high strength of the fence, but such a system will look dull and gray. Before you strengthen the coast, you need to choose a technology. One of them is the method of use. These are massive blocks that are filled with stone materials like cobblestones or pebbles. Gabions have a mesh structure, so they are resistant to impact. groundwater and soil mobility. The service life of gabions can reach 80 years, and their strength only increases over the years.

Strengthening river banks with plants

The river bank can also be strengthened using plants for this. They must have a sufficiently powerful branched root system that will be resistant to flooding. This method is acceptable only in cases where the speed of the river flow is not more than 1 m per second, while the waves do not exceed 0.3 m. The river bank can be strengthened with plants by herbaceous species of flora and shrubs, among them:

  • amorphous;
  • swamp iris;
  • manna;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;

Aquatic vegetation is planted in the underwater zone, in this case, aquatic iris can be used. As soon as the landing has been carried out, sodding should be carried out.

Shore strengthening technology using a geogrid

To carry out the work, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • non-woven geotextile;
  • crushed stone;
  • shovel;
  • pneumatic stapler;
  • geogrid;
  • frost-resistant concrete;
  • scraper;
  • anchors.

The geogrid for reinforcement is one of the most effective. Work should begin with surface preparation. First you need to remove the surface soil, and then level the base and lay a non-woven geotextile, which will serve as a drainage layer. A geogrid is laid on the surface, which is stretched and fixed with staggered anchors.

The geogrid should take the shape of a rectangle. The modules are fastened together with a pneumatic stapler and anchors. The cells should be filled with soil material such as frost-resistant concrete, crushed stone or soil. If you want to make the design non-standard or please your eye, then you should fill the cells with multi-colored materials.

Technology of reinforcement with coconut mats

You can strengthen the banks of the pond with the help of mats. The material is laid from the coastline. It doesn't need to be stretched. Bottom part is placed down 0.5 m. The upper part is fixed on land with reinforcement. The mat must be fixed to the film with a water-repellent mounting adhesive. In order to fasten the joints of the surface, an overlap of 20 cm should be used. The overlap should be on the side that is not accessible for viewing.

The upper mat is covered with a plant substrate, and the one that is immersed in water should be covered with fine-grained gravel or sand. The strengthening of the coastline should be accompanied by the laying of artificial or natural stone. If this is not possible, then vegetation should be used. Flora will play the role decorative element bordering the shore.

The use of biological methods

Biological methods allow you to get a delayed result, but are among the most durable and reliable. It is possible to prevent overgrowing and silting of the pond by planting Siberian larch. Its trunks, being in water for a long time, do not show a tendency to rot, they are resistant to frost. There is no point in mentioning their strength and durability. The trunks are environmentally friendly, their presence in the water does not violate the ecosystem of the reservoir. If bank protection is carried out in this way, then additional care for larch will not be required.


Many landowners, arranging a pond on a suburban area, are wondering when it is necessary to carry out bank protection work. Experts believe that these manipulations should be carried out at the stage of arranging the pit. If you own a natural reservoir, then preventive strengthening measures should be carried out in a short time, when there is a threat of destruction of the banks. If measures are taken in a timely manner, this will prevent destruction and save on repair measures.

Typical projects of bank protection for a pond, lake, river, stream or ditch

Ponds, lakes and streams expand over time, change shape and shape. Do you want to keep a neat coastline? Protect buildings, safely approach the water? It's time strengthen the banks of the reservoir in the country. There are two methods for creating a solid border:

  1. Strengthen the coast with your hands using improvised means (free of charge or at minimal cost);
  2. Buy building materials and contact a specialized company.

Peculiarities bank protection with tires

The material is free, therefore it is used in most independent attempts to fix the boundary of the reservoir. The hosts start strengthening the river bank in the country from preparation: they accumulate tires on the site for several months, then lay them out in lines and fix them in the channel with stakes. Tires are installed in a checkerboard pattern, interconnected, filled with soil or gravel. On the strengthening the shore of the pond in the country tires take from five days to a month - depending on the size and depth of the reservoir.

Usually rubber is masked with plants, planted with a lawn, flowers and shrubs. Such strengthening the coast in the country reminiscent of courtyard flower beds of the Soviet period. "Floated" tires annually have to be returned to their place, but due to minimal cost bank protection with tires occurs to this day.

The border of the reservoir of slate (attention, dangerous!)

The remains of the old roof can also be strengthen the banks of the pond in the country, although the material is more suitable for ditches and streams: wide sheets overlap large area, hold the layers of soil. The slate is fixed with reinforcement (hammered into the ground) and tied with wire to each other. Installation takes 2-3 days. In 8 hours, with a certain skill, the owner and assistant can install up to 10-15 running meters bank protection at the cottage.

The use of asbestos-based slate is hazardous to health. The fibers of the substance in the form of dust settle in the lungs and cause diseases, including cancerous tumors. Asbestos is released when the material is cut or split, as well as from crumbling dry ends. Some owners use old slate and spend strengthening the coast with your own hands, separate the beds, and sprinkle paths with fragments, but we advise using other materials that are less dangerous.

Bank protection device larch logs

This is an ancient proven way of working with reservoirs. Do-it-yourself strengthening of the coast with wooden piles used long before the construction of the first houses in Venice. The material will have to be bought, and it costs more than common types of wood, but the advantages of larch cover the costs: a properly installed log lasts a very long time.

The wood is heavy, according to the technology it will have to be “drowned” in the ground by 0.5-2.5 meters (depending on the installation method, type of soil and depth of the reservoir). To do this, on large-scale projects, they use hydraulic reclamation (wash out clay and sand with water), drilling holes for driving, machine vibration immersion. Repeat this strengthening the banks of the pond with your own hands without special tool almost impossible.

Technology manual installation logs are different. Masters have time to change the position of the log, perfectly fit it, build it in a row. All logs are fixed, forming a strong wall. The work does without heavy equipment and damage to the landscape. Site owners are usually hesitant to work with heavy wood themselves, strengthening the shores with your own hands with larch logs takes a lot of time and effort. The owner and assistants spend more than a month on a medium-sized pond, and it’s not a fact that they won’t have to be redone. Specialists will arrange a country pond in 5-7 days.

How to make a bank of oak and pine piles

Work is similar to strengthening the river bank with larch: technology the same, but the result is less durable. tree even after additional processing spoiled from high humidity, pests. Larch in this sense has no analogues and becomes best material for contact with water.

Bank protection project shield structures

The development of our engineers helps to save 25% - shields made of larch to strengthen the shore. The boards are knocked into a single structure and mounted on piles. In the work, one cannot do without accurate calculations of soil pressure, taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir. On one's own strengthen the shore shields is possible only with strict observance of the technology, otherwise the structure will warp, the ground will squeeze out the boards and everything will have to be redone.

Geomats, biological grids, geogrids and other special products for strengthening gentle slopes

Light materials of synthetic and natural (coconut fibers) origin are laid on a slope, covered with soil and sown with plants. When you need soft strengthening the river bank, technology The use of plants fits perfectly. In a year, the roots will penetrate through the cells and form a natural, durable coating.

Large geogrid honeycombs are made of polymer. The cellular fabric is laid and fixed on the slope, the honeycombs are filled with stones, gravel, even patterns are laid out with colored pebbles. It turns out a stable design of bank protection in the form of an open embankment.

Mats, gratings and nets please with an affordable price and high installation speed. To start strengthening the river bank with your own hands, unroll the roll, fix the material, fill the cells or fill the surface with soil.

Gabions: a clear and durable border of a reservoir made of grids with stones

Shore strengthening technology consists in the installation of metal mesh products, which are fixed at the border of the reservoir and filled with stones. Coastlines, long stretches of rivers and lakes are formed from such parallelepipeds. Heavy metal "bags" are used for mounting standing or lying down ("mattresses"), securely hold the shore.

Self-installation is possible (at a rate of 5-7 average gabions per day), but the large weight of the structures causes difficulties: if the next element is not properly placed and fixed, it will slide into the water and can warp the rest.

Strengthening of reservoirs concrete piles and slabs

Standard protection of shipping channels and urban water bodies is carried out only with the use of heavy lifting equipment. An option for centuries, but this bank protection on suburban area is expensive.

How to make a fence and not spoil the landscape

Agree strengthening the banks with tires and pieces of old slate will not decorate your site. In some cases, a gentle slope looks good, then the design of the embankment with nets and gratings, the creation of stone or grassy slopes are suitable.

To get a clear border, use gabions (large “steps” are made from them). Larch logs and shields are the only option strengthen the shore sheer. On the ground, you can approach the water in clean shoes.

Professional bank protection measures guarantee long-term preservation of the line. Would you like to try burying logs or laying nets yourself? Unskilled labor (this includes the services of teams of all trades) turns into trouble: you have to repair the fence after the first winter. For clarity, ask an example of an estimate for strengthening the coast with Reno mattresses, larch logs or geogrids in a specialized organization and compare with the costs of installation and annual restoration after inexperienced builders.

So what and how to strengthen the coast as a result?

If you wish, you can do everything with your own hands. Select and buy material. Most likely it will be larch in the form of shields or logs - in the country there is rarely a place for gentle banks, and not everyone likes stones in gabion nets. Set aside a few days for practice attempts, then get to work.

A professional approach begins with an analysis of the terrain. Our engineer determines the size of the logs and the required depth according to the type of soil and parameters of the reservoir. carefully prepared bank protection program makes it more durable, and a pond, stream or ditch becomes a decoration of the site, even if it was planned only to protect the soil from erosion.

How to strengthen the shore of a pond or other body of water with your own hands? This question worries everyone whose dwellings or cottages are located in close proximity to the water. Water gradually destroys the coast, posing a threat not only to houses, but also to people's lives. Life in a house or in a country house on the shore of a lake, pond or river is beautiful and picturesque, but if you underestimate the water element and do not take precautions in time, this can lead to a disastrous result. The gradual washing away of the soil with water leads to the collapse of steep banks, on which trees can grow and houses can stand. To avoid tragedy, you need to prepare in advance to fight the destructive power of water. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the coast.

Scheme of the design of the reinforcement of flooded slopes.

Ways to strengthen the banks of the pond

Exists various ways bank protection:

  1. Shore reinforcement with anti-erosion mesh, which has high flexibility and strength and low weight. Particles of plant soil fill the anti-erosion geomat, and root systems anchor it to the ground. This strengthens the vegetation layer and turns it into a reinforced field.
  2. The use of a coconut mat, consisting of woven cords of a fibrous structure of uneven density. It is located on the edge of the pond.
  3. The use of reinforcing mesh and tumbled or rubble stone to strengthen the shore of the pond.
  4. Geogrid application. With this method, you can make a comfortable, non-slip descent to the water. The lattice cells can be filled with marble chips, sea or river pebbles, as well as other colored materials.
  5. Strengthening with the help of gabions, having the form of box-shaped retaining walls. This method is used when other methods are ineffective or not suitable. It is indispensable for strengthening sliding banks and blends well with the surrounding landscape.
  6. The most capricious and troublesome way of shore protection is strengthening with the help of biological objects plant origin. When applying this method, a good knowledge of the necessary plants is required, which are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the soil. Plants must be resistant to flooding, and they must have a strong branched root system.
  7. One of the most popular and most ancient methods is to strengthen the steep banks and slopes of the pond with the help of oak and larch. This method is the most environmentally friendly and does not require additional care during the entire service life.
  8. Steep banks are reinforced with plastic, metal or concrete piles.

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Geogrid application

Scheme of strengthening the ditch in the suburban area.

Among all these methods, the most optimal for each specific case is always chosen. The most popular, reliable and in an inexpensive way is reinforced with a geogrid. To strengthen the coast in this way, it is not necessary to resort to the help of firms specializing in this. All work can be done by hand. How does it happen?

First, let's prepare the tools and materials that you will need to strengthen the shore:

  • shovel;
  • crushed stone;
  • geogrid;
  • pneumatic stapler;
  • scraper;
  • l-shaped anchors;
  • frost-resistant concrete;
  • nonwoven geotextile.

Scheme of fastening the slope of the reservoir with a bush.

Bank protection work begins with the removal of surface soil. Then the surface is leveled, and a non-woven geotextile is spread on it, which acts as a draining layer. After leveling, a geogrid is laid on the surface, which must be stretched and secured with anchors. Anchors should be staggered, and the expanded geogrid should take the shape of a rectangle. Neighboring geogrid modules are connected using a pneumatic stapler and reinforced with common anchors. The lattice cells are filled with any soil material: frost-resistant concrete, soil, crushed stone, pebbles, etc. You can use multi-colored materials, which will allow you to make a mosaic that only you will have. Such a finish will stand out against the general background and give the shore a beautiful view.

If you have long dreamed of creating a picturesque compact reservoir in your summer cottage or your site has access to a river or a small natural pond, sooner or later you will face the problem of preserving its banks, due to a steady tendency to shed the banks of the pond. This process quite natural and contributes not only to the loss of the shape of the reservoir, but also to its silting and turning into a swamp. Activation construction works and, as a result, various man-made factors within coastal zones also contribute to the natural destruction of the coastline and, in the worst case, flooding of residential buildings. In order to tame the obstinate water element and prolong the joy of communicating with it, it is necessary to take care of the timely implementation of bank protection measures, the neglect of which will provoke not only subsidence of the soil, but also its partial collapse. These processes are dangerous not only for humans and their housing, but also for plants, as well as other elements of the landscape, and therefore, it is necessary to take timely preventive measures to strengthen the banks of the pond. What is the essence of these events? Let's take a look at this article.

Strengthening the banks of the pond: important nuances

Before answering the question: “How to strengthen the banks of the pond with your own hands?”, It is necessary to consider a number of points that every landowner should evaluate before directly carrying out work to strengthen the banks. What are the features of bank protection and what to pay attention to in each individual case? Let's consider further.

  • First, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the soil;
  • Secondly, it is important to take into account the features of the shore of the pond, for example, its height, the steepness of its slope;
  • Thirdly, it is important to take into account how the shedding of the earth occurs, only from the surface of the coast or in its underwater part;
  • In addition, it is important to take into account when the arrangement of the reservoir was made and how long ago the shedding of its banks began;
  • It is necessary to take into account the location of the pond, since the choice of the preferred method of strengthening the banks of the reservoir depends on this, because in the process of work it is important not to disturb the general landscape of the site;
  • It is important to consider the purpose of the coastal territory, whether a residential house is located nearby, or is it a deserted corner;
  • And, finally, we must not forget about the peculiarities of the climate in each individual area, for example, the sharpness of temperature changes and the average annual rainfall.

The main ways to strengthen the coastline

In order to achieve long-term success of bank protection measures, it is necessary to comprehensively approach the solution of this problem. Before you start looking for an answer to the question: “How to strengthen the shore of the pond?” Let's consider the main ways to strengthen the shores of the pond in the country, which can be divided into the following types:

Technical involving the use of specialized technical structures, such as geogrids, special mattresses or gabion structures;

Biological, providing for the planting of plants that contribute to the weakening of erosion processes, for example, larch, reed or other herbaceous species. However, the disadvantages of this method is the effect delayed in time, as a result of which experts recommend giving preference to technical methods.

If we consider in more detail the technical methods for strengthening the coastline, among them are the following techniques that are most often used in the practice of landowners:

  • Bank protection measures using anti-erosion mesh, characterized by low weight, but at the same time high strength and flexibility. At the heart of its shore-protecting ability is the filling of the geomat with particles of plant soil, after which the root systems of plants fasten it to the underlying soil layer, turning it into a strong reinforced field;
  • Using a geogrid is a method almost similar to the previous one. By filling the lattice cells with non-slip materials, such as river or sea pebbles, as well as marble chips, it can be used to equip a convenient descent to the water;
  • You can strengthen the banks of the pond with the help of a coconut mat, consisting of many intertwined cords with a fibrous structure and uneven density. It is located along the edge surface of the pond;
  • Installing gabions is another popular technical way fortification of the reservoir. They are box-shaped retaining walls and are used when other methods do not give effective results. In this case, they become an indispensable element for strengthening the sinking shores, and at the same time harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.

Shore of the pond photo

The need for urgent action: we study the situation

Before making a decision regarding the strengthening of the banks of the pond, it is necessary to carry out engineering training area, which, first of all, involves the study of the environment:

  • First, areas characterized by steep slopes are determined;
  • Further, a thorough examination of the entire coastal strip is carried out;
  • Produce the definition of data on the water level and other hydrological parameters.
  • An indicator of the reliability of the coastline is its stability even in an unfortified state, if this is not the case, one way or another, it becomes necessary to change the steepness of the slopes, which will require complex mathematical calculations.

Technical base for carrying out bank protection measures:

In most cases, bank protection measures are carried out using heavy equipment, such as bulldozers, tractors, dredgers, which will be required in order to fill the geogrids and geomats with bottom sediments. If you need to strengthen the banks of the pond small size, you can do it well, using only manual dredgers, the use of which will achieve effective results. Since they are compact and light in weight, you can move them manually around the site.

Strengthening of gently sloping banks: the main methods and their characteristics

If your pond is characterized by the presence of a gently sloping shore, you can use the following methods to strengthen it:

  • Use of geogrids;
  • Use of coconut mats;
  • Strengthening the banks with the help of Reno mattresses.
  • Let's consider each method in more detail.

Strengthening the coast with a geogrid

This method is considered one of the most effective bank protection measures. The geogrid is a three-dimensional structure consisting of polymer strips fastened into separate cells, which are located mainly in a checkerboard pattern. During operation, the geogrid is stretched along the slope and fixed with anchors. Next, the cells are filled with soil or gravel and sown with plants, the roots of which are additional reinforcement of the coastal slope. So, let's consider the order of work in more detail.

To get started, prepare necessary materials and tools:

  • Non-woven geotextile;
  • Geogrid;
  • crushed stone;
  • Frost-resistant concrete;
  • Shovel;
  • Scraper;
  • Pneumatic stapler;
  • L-shaped anchors.

Sequence of work:

Work must begin with preparation working surface, which consists in the removal of surface soil. Then the treated surface is leveled and covered with non-woven geotextile, which acts as a draining layer. Next, a geogrid is laid out on the surface, which is pre-tensioned and fixed with anchors, which are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, the expanded geogrid takes the form of a rectangle. The geogrid modules are fastened together using a pneumatic stapler and common anchors. Next, the cells of the geogrid must be filled with soil material, for example, soil, crushed stone, frost-resistant concrete. If you want to surprise your guests with a non-standard design or just please your eyes, you can fill the cells of the geogrid with colorful materials.

Strengthening the coast with coconut mats

This material finds the greatest application for strengthening the banks of the pond with a film base. This is due to the fact that it has a characteristic dark color and can successfully hide an unsightly film base in the event of a decrease in water level. Moreover, the polymer structure of the material is favorable for the growth of moisture-loving flora through it, which also acts as an additional strengthening of the soil and decorative design of the coastline. The technology of laying coconut mats is not complicated. Let's consider it in more detail:

  • Laying material begins from the coastline. In the process of work, the material does not need tension;
  • The lower part of the material by 0.5 meters is placed down near the edge of the reservoir;
  • The upper part is fixed on land with reinforcement;
  • The coconut mat is fixed to the PVC film with a mounting water-repellent adhesive;
  • To fasten the junction of surfaces, an overlap technology of 15-20 cm is used. It is important to take into account that the overlap is carried out from the side that is inaccessible for viewing;
  • The mat, which is on top, is covered with a plant substrate;
  • A mat immersed in water must be covered with sand or fine gravel.
  • Having carried out bank protection measures, it is necessary to strengthen the coastline with natural or artificial stone, and if you do not have such an opportunity, you need to resort to the help of vegetation. Flora, which acts as a decorative element, effectively borders the pond and looks as natural and elegant as possible.

Advantages of coconut mats

  • High resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Increased resistance and resistance to substances formed as a result of the decomposition of substances of organic origin;
  • The highest environmental friendliness;
  • fibrous structure, distinctive feature which is the ability of plants to germinate through it;
  • Availability of material and ease of installation.

Strengthening the banks of the pond with Reno mattresses

Despite the fact that Reno mattresses have much in common with traditional gabions, they are distinguished from the latter by a significant width and small height (no more than 17-30 cm). Reno mattresses are flat-type gabion structures, which are made of metal mesh, characterized by double torsion with a polymer or zinc coating. In order for the structure to be characterized by sufficient rigidity, the structure is divided into sections using internal diaphragms.

Strengthening the banks of the pond, sections of Reno mattresses are filled with natural stones, while creating a durable monolithic structure. The distinctive characteristics of Reno mattresses, such as strength, permeability and structural stability, only increase over the years, due to the gradual growth of vegetation through the cells of the mattresses. Thanks to the lattice structure of the mattresses, water and air freely pass through them, which makes the construction resistant to decay. Thanks to these advantages, the operational life of the structure exceeds 25 years.

Reno mattresses are mainly used to cover large areas. They not only protect the shore from erosive processes, but also serve as the basis for original retaining walls, represented by box-shaped gabions. Due to the flexibility of the mattresses, you can shape them into any desired shape during the laying process.

Strengthening steep slopes: which options to prefer?

To strengthen the banks of the pond, characterized by the presence of steep slopes, the following options are suitable:

  • Strengthening with retaining walls;
  • Strengthening the banks of the pond with wooden piles;
  • And finally, the use, gabions.

Let's consider each separately.

Strengthening the banks of the pond with retaining walls

If you are dealing with difficult terrain, ideal option bank protection will be the use of retaining walls, the construction of which can be carried out from brick, wood, stone or ready-made blocks. Using this option, you can completely change the visual perception of the pond, as well as significantly expand its space. Retaining walls, characterized by high strength, are successfully able to resist subsidence of coastal soil, as well as its erosion. The use of retaining walls remains relevant even if there is a need for vertical planning of the coastal zone and coastline. In most cases, the installation of retaining walls is carried out on foundations, which are Reno lattice structures or piles. With high mobility and excessively loose soil, the height of the retaining wall should not be less than 1 meter.

Strengthening the banks of the pond with wooden piles

Despite the fact that reinforced concrete piles have the greatest strength, in the practice of strengthening the banks of the pond, wooden piles have found the greatest use.

Using for their manufacture such species as oak, larch and other species characterized by high strength, you can equip robust design, the operational life of which will be at least 50 years. Specialists in this field give the greatest preference to East Siberian larch, special properties which allow it to retain its original properties for many years. In addition, the sheer shore, framed by processed trunks, selected according to the diameter, looks very impressive. As for reinforced concrete piles, despite their great strength, they look gray and dull. However, the quality of the bank protection structure may deteriorate if the wood darkens.

Strengthening the banks of the pond with gabion structures

The constant desire of a person to live in harmony with nature and himself, and the simultaneous development of innovative technologies, has led to a gradual increase in demand for strengthening the banks of the pond using gabion structures that can reduce the degree of water impact on the shore and prevent its erosion. In terms of construction, gabions are massive blocks filled with stone material such as pebbles or cobblestones.

Due to their mesh structure, gabions are resistant to ground water and some soil mobility. Masters claim that the service life of gabions is at least 80 years, while their strength only increases over the years, due to the vegetation that has grown through them. The use of gabion blocks contributes to the creation of an ideal continuous coastline, which not only acquires a noble appearance. But it also blends in perfectly with the surrounding landscape. The use of gabions does not prevent the growth of coastal vegetation and shrubs and can be successfully combined with other methods of strengthening the coast, for example, with larch or geogrid.

Biological methods - strengthening the shores with larch

Biological methods of strengthening the coastline, despite the delayed result, are considered one of the most reliable and durable. One of the most environmentally friendly and reliable ways to prevent silting and overgrowing of the pond with reeds, as well as to strengthen its banks, is the planting of Siberian larch, which is superior in its characteristics to other types of wood. Despite being in water for a long time, larch trunks are not prone to rotting and are resistant even to the most severe frosts. It also makes no sense to mention its strength and durability further. Larch trunks are very environmentally friendly and their presence in the water does not disturb the ecosystem of the reservoir. Bank protection with the help of larch does not need additional care during its very long (more than 50 years) service life.

When to carry out shore protection activities?

Many landowners who decided to equip a pond on their suburban area must have wondered: “When is it necessary to start implementing bank protection measures?” Experts believe that it is necessary to do this at the stage of arranging the pit. If we are talking about a natural reservoir, preventive measures to strengthen its shores are carried out in a short time when there is a threat of destruction of its shores. Timely measures taken will prevent the destruction of the shoreline of the pond and significantly save on possible repair measures.