We open our own private school: secrets and recommendations. How to open your own school

All parents want to give their children a quality education. However, it is very difficult to realize this dream these days. State system education is in a deep crisis, and one should not expect major improvements in the near future. Classes tend to be overcrowded, so educators cannot pay enough attention to all students. The level of teaching is also often not up to par. This state of affairs suggests that paid educational services will be in high demand, that parents will gladly send their child to a private school. Seems like opening private school is a very promising idea. Is it really?

Before wondering how to open a private school, you should find out if parents are really ready to take advantage of paid services... As practice shows, not all parents are ready to take such a step. Even in large cities where people do not experience serious problems with employment and receive a stable wages who want to give their child to frequent educational institution very few. As a rule, there are no more than twenty percent of the total population of the city.

Opening a private educational institution is a very difficult process, so you need to start with serious marketing research.

At the first stage, it is necessary to interview as many parents as possible and find out whether they are really ready to pay for the education of their children. If there are enough applicants, then it is very important to find out exactly what requirements parents have on the quality of education.

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What do parents want?

It is no secret that the state educational system today is engaged not so much in teaching as in testing its students. Public school simply "requires" every student to know how much is twice two. How he knows it is not important. If a child does not understand something at school, it becomes a headache for parents, not teachers. In fact, a public school, providing educational services, does not guarantee that the student will actually receive the necessary knowledge.

Parents who want to see their children educated are forced to study with them themselves or hire a tutor. This requires a lot of time or money, so they will be ready to send their child to a private school only if you provide a guarantee of quality education. Until recently, studying at a private school was considered prestigious. Today people are less and less inclined to pay for "prestige" and more and more demanding about quality and guarantees. You should not think that "since I opened a private school, then I can take an authoritarian position towards my parents."

This is a matter of principle. And you need to pay close attention to it. It should be noted that today on the market there are a sufficient number of offers from tutors, educators, tutors and nannies. They use their services, because in this case, the parent, hiring a teacher, has the right to control his activities, evaluate it, and if he is not satisfied with the quality of the service, then refuse it. The services of a private school will be used only if this factor remains unchanged. Before opening a private school, it is necessary to think over how the parents will evaluate and control the teacher's activities.

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Why a non-profit organization?

Well, with this question everything is more or less clear. Parental rights to control educators and to influence the learning process become critical factors in your unique selling proposition. Now we will focus directly on the procedure that must be followed to open a private school. And it is quite complicated. First of all, you should know that neither open nor closed limited liability companies, nor other commercial establishments educational activities they cannot study. That is, any commercial enterprise can organize paid seminars, invite people to paid trainings, advise people for money or give lectures. However, they have no right to issue any documents certifying that a person has been trained and is a certified specialist.

Only non-profit organizations are eligible to provide educational services. If you open a private school, registering it as LLC, CJSC or JSC, it will be illegal. A non-profit organization in this case can take any form. It is not at all necessary to register a private school as an "educational institution". This form of registration is possible, but it can also be a public association, consumer cooperative, an association, autonomous non-profit organization, foundation, or non-profit partnership.

Basically, if you want to open a private school, you can register any form non-profit organization from those listed above. you can choose exactly the one that you think is convenient for yourself. The main thing is that you must understand that activities in the field of education are subject to compulsory licensing. And getting a license confirming your right to carry out such activities is quite difficult. A license can be obtained only after state registration, and you should not provide educational services before you receive a license, otherwise you may have many unnecessary problems. Under no circumstances should you be in a hurry with this, but wait for a response from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

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How do I get a license?

In order to obtain a license, you need to prepare a package of documents. This package includes a statement from legal entity, the founder of a non-profit organization, a copy of the registration certificate of a non-profit organization, a copy of the charter of a non-profit organization. All these copies must be certified by a notary. If the copies are not certified by a notary, then you will have to provide the originals of these documents, which may be more difficult for you. You also need to provide the taxpayer identification number and submit a certificate of registration with the tax authority.

You must calculate in advance how many students you are ready to accept into the walls of your educational institution and how many teachers you will need to hire, because this information will also be required to obtain a license. It is very important to purchase or rent the building in which you will host the school in advance. It must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. In addition to the premises in which classes are planned, there should be premises for feeding schoolchildren and a medical center. It is important to have a room for physical education and at least a small stadium.

It does not matter if these objects are in your ownership or you rent them, you must document your right to dispose of these objects for the organization. educational process... In addition, all regulatory authorities such as the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, the State Fire Service, the State Security Inspectorate road traffic must give you their opinion that this building is suitable for housing a school. You will also need to obtain a license from the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia. This license must certify that the equipment you are using is serviceable and that you are authorized to use it.

You need to create a program that you will use in your teaching activities... It should consistently indicate all the disciplines that you plan to teach in your educational institution. This program must be accurately calculated, and it must indicate the load on the student that does not exceed allowable norms... In addition, you should purchase the necessary tutorials, teaching aids, make sure that the technical equipment of the school is at a sufficiently high level. Such information will also need to be provided to obtain a license.

You will also need to notify the regulatory authorities about how staffed your school is, on what conditions teachers will work at the school, what their professional level is. In the end, you will have to attach full list all submitted documents for obtaining a license. Once you receive the required license, you can open a school and start teaching.

Educational activity always remains the most demanded and necessary industry in our life. But the level of educational institutions does not always suit parents, and then they start an alternative for their children - private schools. On this moment such educational institutions are becoming more and more popular, therefore, according to demand, the number of proposals is also growing. Despite the fact that opening a private school is a fun and interesting activity, this type of business involves many nuances and difficulties.

Experts note that in order to open a private educational institution, three conditions must be met:

  1. For such a project, independent and sufficiently powerful sources of funding are needed. Since parents can only pay 80% of the costs, the rest must be provided by the investors.
  2. A detached building with sufficient territory is required.
  3. It is highly desirable to have your own methodology in the education and upbringing system. Original idea- the so-called ‘trick’ - will greatly help the development of the school.

The process of opening a private school is quite complicated. In short, it looks like this: the first step is to obtain a teaching permit. Details about this procedure can be found in the district department of public education. Next, you should find and rent a suitable room, make a major overhaul in it, create all the necessary comfortable conditions and purchase everything you need for the educational process.

  • Those who are counting on quick profits should also not start such a project: the only legal way to earn money in a private school is to charge tuition fees (about $ 500 per student).
  • The school cannot be turned into a CJSC and open a savings account for profit or sell shares. All funds received educational institution should spend on yourself.
  • You also need to remember that a private school will not receive state accreditation immediately, so the first students will take exams twice - at the school itself and at the state educational institution.

Private schools also have advantages:

  • In accordance with the wishes of students and their parents, the curriculum and the number of hours may change
  • Teaching methods in such institutions are aimed at developing children's communication skills, leadership qualities and business activity.
  • The list of subjects studied may include atypical for ordinary ones, vocals, Italian, etc.
  • In addition to one or two foreign compulsory languages, two more optional languages ​​are taught in private schools.
  • Successful private schools are guided by prestigious universities, so students are trained according to a special program designed to prepare them for admission to a particular institution of higher education.

The basics

First you need to analyze the market educational services in your region, develop a charter for a future private school, draw up a business plan. The second step should be the opening of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with an indication of the type of activity of educational services. You also need to open a bank account and register a seal. The main point is obtaining a license. She is issued government bodies for example the department of education. Documents for obtaining a license are listed on the sites government organization... Obtaining a license is a difficult and lengthy process, because it is issued only to those who already have a trouser schedule and a team of teachers, and have permission from all authorities.


The best premises for a private school may be the premises of the former kindergarten - these are free-standing buildings in a separate area. Such buildings are most often found in residential areas. But it is worth remembering that a private school also needs a parking lot, since most of the students in private schools are brought by car. It is important to arrange the premises in accordance with all the requirements of the fire and sanitary services.

Training programs and equipment

You can develop training programs yourself or use existing ones. They must be drawn up by specialists and approved by the Ministry of Education. You also need to purchase necessary equipment and furniture, educational and scientific materials, textbooks, manuals, manuals, etc. To form a library, you can conclude contracts with one or more.


Teachers must be recruited through a competition, because a private school assumes the highest level of qualifications. Private school teachers need to do more than just possess high level knowledge and learning experience, but also be able and love to work with children. In addition to the main teachers, you may also need teachers for additional activities, such as choreographers or musicians. You will also need a medical staff, an accountant, an administrator, cleaners, and security. If the educational institution has planned meals for students, then a cook and staff for the kitchen will be needed.


At first, a private educational institution will need advertising more than ever. One of the ways to attract students is a website where you can study in detail the concept of teaching at school, its advantages and prospects. You can also post an announcement about the opening new school to local media and print publications. Since reputation is an important factor in choosing a school, you should not rely on a large number of students right away. Over time, when the institution becomes ‘heard’, the recruitment of students will not be a problem.

To attract as much as possible more students of a private school should develop their own copyright programs, while not forgetting about the standard curriculum of general education schools.


The main items of expenses when opening a private school are:

  1. Registration of a legal entity
  2. Rent and repair suitable premises
  3. Creation comfortable conditions(purchase of equipment, furniture and inventory)
  4. Employee salary
  5. Advertising and creation (promotion) of the site
  6. Running costs
  7. Development of new curricula and procurement of training material

Private school income can consist of:

  • Monthly Tuition Fee (70%)
  • Grants (15-20%)
  • Registration fees (3-7%)
  • Paid extra classes (2-5%)

On average, the profit of a private school is 3-7 thousand USD, but most of it has to be spent on developing new programs, organizing studies, and covering unforeseen expenses.

The concept of "private school" is often associated with an elite institution where the strictest discipline reigns, the curriculum is complicated to the limit, and the pupils cannot find an hour of free time to take a break from the lessons. In fact, a non-state educational institution (non-state educational institution) is not necessarily an obstacle course, overcoming which students can easily enter at least Oxford.

80% of private schools are represented by schools of the middle segment, another 5% - by national and religious institutions and only 15% - by elite centers. But, of course, the parents of every student studying in a non-governmental institution are willing to pay big money, which is why many entrepreneurs want to learn how to open a private school.

What are the features of the case

It is worth making a reservation right away: the maintenance of your own educational institution is not so much a business as an opportunity to experiment with educational systems (the methods of Montessori, Amonashvili, Nilla, etc.), work for the benefit of children and make the world a better place. Most of the money raised goes straight to teaching salaries, curriculum development and running costs. It is impossible to register a private school as a CJSC and open a savings account for profit or trade shares.

How much will you have to invest

As you might guess, opening a private school requires huge investments: only the initial costs will amount to about 26 million rubles. This amount includes:

  • purchase and improvement of the building;
  • work in the adjacent territory;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase and installation of furniture;
  • paperwork.

At least 7,500,000 rubles in the first year should be pledged for current needs, such as:

  • teachers' salaries;
  • payment for the work of other employees (cleaner, security guard and others);
  • building maintenance;
  • Unexpected expenses.

With the successful operation of a general education institution, the undertaking will pay off in five years. However, this will only happen if you enlist the support of sponsors, including the state: the income of a private school is 80% of parental contributions, and 20% is the help of investors. If 10-15 years ago private schools did not inspire confidence in the officials at all, now they can count on grants.

The success of the school with parents and sponsors largely depends on the curriculum and image of the NOU: you can choose one of the many non-traditional educational systems, open non-standard sections - a club for young circus performers, a circle of future clothing designers, a photography or animation studio - or focus on additional features and design. For example, install a mini-planetarium in your school!

An alternative source of income can be paid preparatory courses at NOU, for example, classes for preschoolers.

So, you are not afraid of the scale of the undertaking and you are eager to learn how to open a private school in Russia? Let's figure out what needs to be taken care of first.


If you are planning to open a school, decide right away whether you will buy out the building or just rent it. In the latter case, many pitfalls await you, since renting premises for a school is:

  • expensive: in 2006, the preferential rate was canceled, due to which the prices for educating children in non-governmental educational institutions increased by 30–40%;
  • unreliable: if any influential person needs a building, your school can be quickly kicked out onto the street, and finding a new landlord in a matter of days is almost impossible;
  • unstable: few people agree to conclude a lease with you for a period of more than 10 years.

When choosing a building, pay attention to the premises that previously belonged to kindergartens: there are many such options in the sleeping areas of large cities, and their revision will take a minimum of time and money. But do not forget that the school must have its own green area, as well as parking: wealthy parents will probably drive their children to school in cars.

The total area of ​​the new school will be approximately 1.5–2.5 thousand square meters, and it is advisable to select the building so that there are many houses nearby, and it would be convenient to drive up to the NOU. Perfect option- a school near an elite residential complex.

However, no matter how successful your choice is, before opening a school, the premises must be presented for inspection to the employees of the sanitary and fire service.

School profile

Private educational institutions can get one of the generally accepted profiles (schools with advanced study foreign language- Italian, English), or they can bet on additional services and educational modules. For example, legal and artistic non-governmental educational institutions are successfully operating in Moscow.

Another interesting option is health schools: such institutions are located outside the Moscow Ring Road on the territory of boarding houses. For their services, parents are ready to pay 25-80,000 rubles a month instead of the usual 15,000. Opening a health school in a small town and do not want to move to the bosom of nature? Decorate modern gym, build a pool or court, provide the healthiest and healthiest food for your students.


Before opening a school, you will need not only to obtain permits from the sanitary and fire services, but also to go through three critical milestones- licensing, accreditation and certification.


organizations will be concerned about what kind of education you give children - quality or not quite. In the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, as well as in regional offices, you can get all the necessary information. Trained people will check if your educational program whether equipped future school with all the necessary equipment, can you provide all the schoolchildren with food. By the way: a separate license is required for a medical office, only if it is not associated with any clinic.


This procedure, if completed successfully, will allow you to issue certificates to graduates. In principle, passing accreditation is optional: you can work efficiently, and at the end of the year send schoolchildren to take exams to other educational institutions. But how many parents would want to send their child to such a school? Therefore, it is better to take care that every six years your institution is accredited.


Authorized staff will visit your educational institution every five years to check if your teachers are qualified. The procedure will not affect those who have been working in their place for less than two years, and employees on parental leave. But this does not mean that they will not have to pass certification later - there should be order in everything!


If you feel the strength and determination to open a private school - go for it! Despite the fact that every year the number of such establishments is growing (there are already about 220 in Moscow), this type of activity is in demand and promising. Bring goodness and knowledge to the world - and you will never regret your choice.

Private School: Videos

MS Word Volume: 33 pages

Business plan

Feedback (108)

The school's carefully structured business plan will help you understand how to properly organize your business. Services additional education are in demand, many parents want to send their child to a school where they can develop additional Creative skills... Therefore, an art school or modeling courses are needed, especially parents are happy when these creative workshops are close to home. Therefore, joining this business means giving children versatile development, parents - the opportunity to give their child additional education, and bring you profit and prosperity.

You have the opportunity to study the finished document now. A convenient and understandable document will slightly open the curtain and help open a music school or studio, where a child will be given a high-quality music education, knowledge of musical literacy, an understanding and a sense of style. Piano and violin, guitar and folk instruments, music criticism and other wisdom can be taught in your school. Do not forget about a marketing plan with which you can communicate about your endeavor as much as possible. more potential clients.

In the sample business plan for organizing a school of continuing education, you will also find economic calculations that will allow you to determine the cost of an undertaking, whether it is a model school or a musical association, an art school of arts or aimed at the earlier development of children's business skills. You need to think about paying for the work of teachers, about organizing a high-quality material base and buying teaching materials, equipment, tools. The beginning is not easy, but it will definitely bring profit, which will only grow from the development of your creative business.

Every year hundreds of thousands of parents face the problem of choosing an educational institution for their child. State schools For a long time, many dads and mothers have not won the trust, in connection with which they involuntarily think about the possibility of giving their child to a private institution. But at the same time, doubts that a decent education will be provided there still remain.

According to statistics, the market for private educational business in our country is developing slowly, few entrepreneurs decide to open a private school. And the problem is not even that a business such as educational services requires a license. An educational license will cost several thousand rubles, and it is really difficult to get one. But the main difficulty is finding a suitable room. It must meet the numerous requirements of Pozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as licensing conditions.

At this stage, as a rule, the ardor of a businessman becomes minimal and the desire to open a private children's school remains with a few. They will have to overcome all the thorns of the educational business, which in huge numbers lie in wait for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

As the experience of creating private schools shows, it is very difficult for such institutions to do without state support. Thanks to her, the rent of the premises is slightly cheaper than the existing market rates. Until recently, such schools also had tax breaks, but now the only relief is exemption from VAT. Those businessmen who have acquired the property of the school building are in a more advantageous position. This allows them to feel some stability.

The main income of any private school is tuition fees. In private schools, the rates are set by the management, while it should be remembered that the higher the salary of the teachers, the more expensive it is for the parents of the students. Moms and dads are ready to pay substantial tuition fees for their children, but only on condition that the quality of education is at a high level.

To open a private school, you will need a license, which will be issued only if the rented premises meet the most stringent requirements. If you decide to open not just your own school for the development of children, but to equip half board or even a boarding house where the child can stay for the whole week, the building should provide rooms for sleeping and playrooms. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the contingent of a private school - these are mainly children from wealthy families, accustomed to a certain level of comfort.

The organization of a private development school for preschoolers makes even more serious requirements, which can only be taken into account by a businessman who uses in his work a professional example of a business plan for opening a private school with ready-made calculations. Guided by it, a businessman will not get bogged down in a quagmire of insoluble issues and will easily understand, for example, the specifics and procedure for opening new classrooms. Educational services, as a field of business, require strict planning, and it is the business plan that is the document that gives the businessman the necessary support.

The market for paid educational services is going through difficult times. On the one hand, the decline in the quality of education in public educational institutions is a powerful incentive to pay attention to private schools. On the other hand, not every family is able to afford the costs of paid education. The businessmen themselves, who decided to open their own private school, find themselves in a far from simple situation.

Starting an educational business from scratch, entrepreneurs are forced to search for their niche, creating a reputation and a big name for themselves. the main problem- to be able to prove to parents that it is their school that will provide the child with the opportunity to receive the highest quality education. But, in order to interest potential clients, you need to know what criteria dads and moms are guided by when choosing a private school.

The demand for paid educational services is still quite low - about 15-20% of parents living in large cities are ready to think about sending their children to a private educational institution. And it is necessary to try very hard so that this willingness grows into a serious intention to use the services of such schools.

The experience of implementing the project of creating private schools clearly demonstrates all the problems typical for this market segment. When opening a private school, a businessman needs to clearly understand why parents send their children to a paid educational institution. As a rule, the main incentive factor is the desire to provide your child with the opportunity to receive a quality education, individual development of his abilities.

What are the criteria that parents are guided by when choosing a private school? As statistics show, first of all - on the reputation of the institution. That is, reviews of educational services provided can play both a positive and a sharply negative role. In addition, moms and dads pay the closest attention to the qualifications of teachers who work at the school. Of course, any vacancy in a private school, for example, a teacher for the creative development of children, is attractive for many teachers. But you need to choose the best so that there are no problems later.

From all this, it is clear that businessmen who plan to open a school need to take care of becoming visible. But how to open a private school and immediately be able to declare yourself? After all, in order for parents to be able to assess the prospects, it takes time. In solving this problem, any entrepreneur needs to be guided by a competent example of a business plan for a center for educational services for children. Whether you decide to start an early childhood development school or a private art school, the professional advice provided in this document will be of invaluable support. And despite the fact that the ROI of the educational business can hardly be called high, you will be on your feet.